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What This Book Covers
assistance available to us. This will lead us to healing and a renewed zest for living. It can also save us from the potential pitfalls that lie ahead.
For example, we could slip into bitterness and disillusionment— not a very pleasant place to be. We could also go on just living on the surface, by allowing the ever-changing conditions in our everyday life to shape us. Or we could get stuck in patterns that limit our spiritual growth again.
It all sounds scary, but the solution is simple: by connecting with our inner guidance, we will have a light to guide us to a more fulfilling life, one in which we can make significant spiritual advancement and find joy.
What This Book Covers In chapter 1, I tell you the story of my great loss. The death of my precious daughter was unexpected and could not have come at a worse time. I was hospitalized for knee surgery when it happened and had never been both so physically and emotionally miserable in my life. My belief in our identity as Souls and my knowledge of the afterlife were central to my understanding of and healing from this loss. I share with you my road to healing and what really helped me find peace and renewed energy for living.
In chapter 2, life on earth is described from the Soul’s perspective. What we have learned from the work of Dr. Michael Newton, whose extensive research informs us about our lives as Souls both on earth and in our true home in the spirit world, is discussed. Dr. Newton is the developer of the Life between Lives technique and the author of several books, including Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. New information that has emerged from the over 65,000 Life between Lives sessions that have been performed by Michael Newton Institute members worldwide is also included. Why we choose to come to earth and how we carefully plan each lifetime is discussed. The system of spiritual guidance that is available to us while living on earth is also explained.
In chapter 3, great loss is defined and differentiated from other losses that we may have experienced in our lives. Great loss takes from us what has been the center of our lives and what gives us a sense of security, purpose, and/or belongingness. The loss comes at a time when we either have become stuck in patterns that keep us from moving forward on our Soul’s journey or are too complacent or distracted with the busyness of our lives to be aware of our inner guidance. This sets the stage for chapter 4, which defines loss from the Soul’s perspective.
There is no loss in the spirit world, a place of peace, love, and harmony. Loss is an experience that the Soul seeks during an earth incarnation for the spiritual growth that it can produce. There are multiple reasons why we might plan a significant loss, such as experiencing the pain of loss so that we can help others with grieving in the future or seeking karmic balance in our life experiences. We may have made a contract with another Soul to participate in a life that includes a painful separation or betrayal that will provide learning for both of us.
A great loss is a rude awakening that provides us with an opportunity to evaluate how we are using our current lifetime. The loss is also a spiritual gift that gives us a unique chance to change direction and get back to our own life plans. Chapter 4 describes great loss as an event that we include in our life planning to rescue us should we lose track of our life purpose in a life in which we intend to gain significant spiritual growth. In my case, and maybe yours too, the primary Soul lesson for this lifetime was contained within the pattern in which I had become stuck. I will explain that fully in chapter 11.
There comes a time, after our loss and the emotional roller coaster that we have been on, when something begins stirring within us that urges us to get back to a more normal existence. This is a time when we have a choice to make, although it is largely unconscious. This is a defining moment, a point at which we make a decision that will dramatically affect the rest of our lives.
This is the point at which we can choose to accept the invitation from our Soul-self to align with who we truly are and learn the lessons we
came to master during this lifetime. Defining moments are discussed in chapter 5. We may not know when our defining moments are coming, but we can prepare for them. Information is provided on how to prepare for defining moments. Cases are presented that show us that we generally have more than one opportunity to revisit this choice, if we have not made it in our own best interest.
An important part of healing from great loss is addressing the effects of our loss on our physical self. Loss can precipitate long-term difficulties in sleeping, eating, and feeling at ease in our lives. Fatigue can be prolonged. The incidence of serious illness or injury is increased in the two to six years following a loss. Chapter 6 discusses the long-term physical effects of loss and offers strategies for coping with them.
Chapter 7 discusses the long-term psychological effects of great loss. A loss of confidence, energy, and/or motivation and a temporary difficulty in relating to others are often present. The world no longer seems as safe or manageable as it once did. Anxiety is often an issue. The effort to cling to our old life following a loss is understandable, but that option is no longer there.
Attempts to rearrange things to recreate life as it was before the loss as closely as possible are generally unsatisfying. There is a danger that we may slip into a distraction such as food, alcohol, or work, or we may overdo computer time, TV watching, reading, exercising, or socializing. Sooner or later, we come to the realization that the distraction is not working and that a new direction is needed. Managing the psychological aftereffects of great loss is discussed in chapter 7.
The spiritual gift of great loss is discussed in chapter 8. Our loss knocks us out of our comfort zone and gives us a chance to reflect on where our life is going. This provides us with an opportunity to change direction and reflect on what we hope to accomplish in our lives. It also gives us the time and the opportunity to connect with our Higher Self and the spiritual guidance that is available to us.
Chapter 9 discusses how we can heal the wounds that are both created and revealed by our loss. To move successfully into the future, we
must heal the wounds that have been exposed by our loss. While great loss leads us to a doorway to a happier, more fulfilling life, it also opens us up to old wounds that have not been healed. This can result in some deep emotional suffering if we do not address them. This pain does not go away with the passage of time. Thus, we must face our pain and grief. This is a time to engage in maximum self-care as we heal.
We need to go back and heal the old wounds that are revealed by our current loss. Action is necessary to resolve this sorrow and regain a sense of well-being. We may need to forgive others, offer apologies as needed, and perhaps forgive ourselves. If we have lost a loved one, part of our healing may involve noticing the signs that they are still with us. We may also wish to reestablish communication with our departed loved one. Instructions for doing so are presented in chapter 9.
Chapter 10 discusses how we can learn life-changing lessons from our loss. Assessing our lives before our loss and looking for meaning in our lives can assist us in finding our life lessons. Included are Life between Lives cases that illustrate the profound learning that can follow a great loss. Successfully healing from a great loss by aligning our conscious self with our Higher Self leads to a life that is more joyful, authentic, and fulfilling. We become fully alive and open to all that life on earth has to offer on our Soul journey.
In chapter 11, I discuss the powerful lesson I learned through the painful experience of great loss. I have included the Life between Lives session that enabled me to put this learning together and integrate it into my life. I present this as an example. Your lessons will be different. I offer you suggestions to follow in finding and learning yours.
Lastly, I want to leave you with some inspiration. Not only is it possible for you to survive your great loss, but you can make your life better than ever. In chapter 12, I share the case of one of my patients who successfully healed after a difficult divorce. While great loss is very painful, it frees us from patterns that were limiting our spiritual growth. After such a significant loss, we can set off in a new direction and go