feathered, and other friends deal with pain, anxiety, and other issues in an all-natural way. The things CBD does for humans, it does for other animals. While it does not replace trips to the vet, you may find its use makes those vet appoint‑ ments far easier for your beloved friend. Throughout this book, we will sprinkle in firsthand accounts from Cheryl and myself along with several of Cher‑ yl’s clients on how CBD has been beneficial for them. More and more, science is showing us what other cultures believed and trusted in for many of thousands of years. With this sci‑ entific proof, it is extremely difficult to try to deny how amaz‑ ing the cannabis/hemp family of plants really is. Cheryl and I have come to CBD from two different begin‑ nings and from different backgrounds, but we have both ben‑ efitted greatly from having CBD in our lives. Cheryl was tired of poor results and awful side effects from pharmaceuticals and began looking for alternatives. She initially found CBD to help with insomnia but continued an all‑natural wellness path, immersed herself in learning everything she could on natural healing, and was completely off all prescription medi‑ cations within two years. She loved the results so much, she wanted to help others. She took her MBA and over twenty years of business experience and opened CryBaby CBD. Cheryl spent over ten years teaching, and this comes through with the way she educates her clients. (Since you may won‑ der about the name “CryBaby,” let me point out, Cheryl is a Roller Derby queen, so don’t let the name fool you!)