3 minute read
The Pause Skill
CHAPTER 1 Pause Exercise 14 Visualization Exercise 1, Part 1 21 Visualization Exercise 1, Part 2 22 Visualization Exercise 2, Part 1 22 Visualization Exercise 2, Part 2 23 Joy Exercise 30 Gratitude Exercise 32
CHAPTER 2 Social Conditioning Exercise, Part 1 35 Social Conditioning Exercise, Part 2 36 Self-Tape Exercise 36 Pivoting Exercise 41 Trusting Yourself Exercise, Part 1 42 Trusting Yourself Exercise, Part 2 43 Spiritual Letting Go Exercise 46
CHAPTER 3 The Five Faculties Exercise 51 Intuition Exercise 1 54 Intuition Exercise 2 55 Synchronicity Exercise 58 Manifesting Exercise, Part 1 60 Manifesting Exercise, Part 2 61 Manifesting Exercise, Part 3 61 Manifesting Exercise, Part 4 61 Manifesting Exercise, Part 5 61 Spiritual Creation Exercise 62
CHAPTER 4 Stepping Aside Exercise, Part 1 76 Stepping Aside Exercise, Part 2 76 Stepping Aside Exercise, Part 3 77 Stepping Aside Exercise, Part 4 79 Stepping Aside Exercise, Part 5 79 Trance Exercise 92 Psychometry Exercises 95
CHAPTER 5 Clairvoyance Exercises 106 Distance-Spatial Clairvoyance Exercise, Part 1 109 Distance-Spatial Clairvoyance Exercise, Part 2 109 Time-Spatial Clairvoyance Exercise 109 Precognition Exercise 112 Telepathy Exercises 113 Invisibility Exercise 116
CHAPTER 6 Bibliomancy Exercise 120 Cartomancy Exercise 120 Kinetic Skills Exercise 125 Automatic Writing Exercise 127
CHAPTER 7 Working with a Spirit Exercise 133
CHAPTER 8 Dream Exercise 148 Hypnopompic State Exercise 153 Dreamwork Exercise 154
CHAPTER 9 Astral Travel Exercise 163
This book began with the life I led, and words cannot express the gratitude I have for my mother and grandmother. They taught me the family tradition of Psychism, Witchcraft, and Magic. Mom shared every book she ever read with me no matter how old I was. She taught me to love all people, to be open-minded, kind where possible, and brutal where needed. Their support and encouragement kept me going through a difficult life.
I would like to thank all the friends I had while growing up. Over the years, they tolerated my weirdness and came to recognize and respect my skills, which means the world to me.
Thank you to Aylah Hallel and all those in Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries. They educated me, helped me, gave me acceptance and friendship. Most of all, they helped me keep grounded after my mom died.
A special thank you to James Cooper, who connected my psychism to the cosmos and the great beyond in the most unique ways.
Thank you to Jess Loflin, Heidi Sapper, and Donna Barney for your love, support, loyalty, and belief in me; you have been my sounding boards and reality checks over many years.
To Katrina Rasbold, Phaedra Bonewits, Oberon Zell, and Rose Jacobs: I would never have gone to PantheaCon and pitched my book without you four encouraging me to do so. Thank you all so much for your part in that and for your continued support and friendship.
To Oberon Zell: I never thought I would get to know the Dumbledore of our time, and it is the greatest pleasure. Thank you for all your support, guidance, assistance, belief in me, your
wisdom, and most of all your love. I look forward to many more years of sharing with you.
A very special mention and thanks to Phaedra Bonewits who has been my English lit teacher, proofreader, copyeditor, and career guide both in writing and Paganism. You have been my guidance counselor, friend sister, and partner. Mere words cannot describe my gratitude and love for all you are in my life.
Finally, to my husband, Michael Keppers, without whom this book would not exist. Thank you for insisting I keep every note I ever wrote, and for believing I was writing a book long before I ever did. You kept me going through it all and have been my number one fan in all I have accomplished. You have walked every step of it with me and I could not have done any of it without your dedication and fortitude. My respect, love, and gratitude for you are beyond measure; thank you for all you have done, and for sharing your life with me.