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One: Basics

One: Basics

Hail and welcome, fellow seeker!

Witchcraft and magic are old and ancient, their histories entwined with our own, inextricably so; and yet, they remain strong, constant. Ancient and modern. Because witchcraft is so varied and brimming with the richness of diversity, this book isn’t one of instruction along a particular path or tradition; therefore, this book can be used by anyone. Look at me, a mixed-heritage woman practicing traditional British witchcraft, Obeah—and a Vodou initiate to boot!

My heritage is an important aspect in my own path. My father came to the UK from Jamaica as a child with his parents during the Windrush era, and Jamaican culture has always had an influence on my life. As a biracial woman with Caribbean and British ancestry, I always had a nagging feeling that whatever path I

was interested in, one or other aspect of my heritage was being ignored. Since incorporating all aspects of my heritage into a unique blend of traditional British witchcraft and Obeah, those nagging doubts have disappeared and I’ve felt more confident in myself and my witchcraft. The blend has also focused my craft and acted as a springboard into other areas of the occult. I guess what I am saying is that you have the power to choose your own magic, and this book allows for that individual style and indeed encourages it. After all, we are witches, capable of willing our desires into concrete existence.

It is also my hope that this book will help make witchcraft more accessible. I drew on my own experiences of trying to forge a deep and meaningful practice while also raising a family and going out to work. After coming to terms with what my craft would look like and what I would like to include, I still had all those daily life things to contend with! The truth is that finding the time to practice witchcraft in a way that is meaningful can be difficult. We all have constraints, those things that mean we only have limited time and space to get down to the nitty gritty of actually doing something. In writing this book, I hope to share some of the rituals, spells, and different ways of making magic that I have found useful in my own work.

This book is not witchcraft by numbers but rather one to inspire and renew your practice; a book that brings magic back into the realm of the everyday. It brings the focus back onto practical magic, of doing the work and putting in the effort. In doing so you will develop a practice that is strong and sound, based on your own lived experiences, all of which will ultimately make your own witchcraft meaningful and powerful.

Within these pages you will find spells, rituals, incantations, meditations, and more for each day of the year, all designed with

the aim of bringing magic into our daily lives. You may wish to read it cover to cover (and I must admit I am a devourer of books, especially those with a magical edge!) or you might instead wish to dip in and out as and when needed.

I often say when it comes to magic, take what works for you and adapt that which does not, for witchcraft has always been adaptable, ready to roll with the challenges and change accordingly. To evolve. As such, this book is for everyone no matter what crooked path you walk. The truth is that witchcraft is unique to the witch. There’ll be things you do that are similar to the way others practice, and there will be others that are totally your own; but having a good understanding of some key concepts and basic workings will help you decide what is right for you and what isn’t.

When I think back to my own first serious foray into nonWiccan witchcraft, I remember feeling lost. Where to start? The internet is full of conflicting information and advice, so it can be difficult to know what to believe. A good start is for the seeker to discern what is fact and what is opinion.

Learn to trust your instincts. If something sounds like a pack of lies, then it probably is. Do not be afraid to question everyone and everything. The more you do this, the keener your instincts will become. Your gut feeling is often never wrong—something I think everyone has learnt through experience at one time or another. How many times have I done something even though it just felt wrong? Countless!

Learning to trust your instincts is hard: We have been conditioned our whole lives to rely on logic and reason alone. So give yourself time and learn from your mistakes. As my boxing coach often says, a loss isn’t really a loss if you learn from it and come back better and stronger. He also says there’s no such thing as a champion who’s never lost, and these both apply to witchcraft

too! There’s no such thing as a witch who’s never had a working or ritual go wrong or not work, for whatever reason, or had a bout of lack of self-belief, but it’s all a learning curve!

Witchcraft is a lifelong path, and I truly believe that we never stop learning, that we never stop seeking. It is easy to feel lost, to find the way covered in the detritus of those who came before, but we are witches. We have the power to forge our own path, our own traditions.

It doesn’t matter whether you are just beginning on your journey and are perhaps looking for a little advice or direction, or whether you are a seasoned spell caster on the lookout for new ideas and inspiration—all are welcome here. So grab a brew or something stronger and let’s make our days overflow with magic!

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