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Now that you know the basics, let’s discuss each astrological sign.
The sun is the most important planet in a birth chart. The astrological sign it is in at your birth describes your most obvious characteristics, the traits you must outwardly express to be true to yourself. It is how you display your identity and individuality.
The earth takes one year to make its entire rotation of the sun. Because of this guaranteed accuracy, the sun is the only planet that can be assigned concrete dates as to where it will be throughout the year. This is why it is the facet of a birth chart that most people are familiar with. But although sun signs have pretty specific dates, sometimes even they change by a day or two. This is because the sky is a circle of 360 degrees, but there are 365 days in a year. That’s why we have an extra day in our calendar every four years and why sun sign dates are slightly fluid—and why your time of birth is the only accurate guide to which sun sign you are. The other planets move more irregularly and erratically. Some planets move fast, like the moon, which passes through each astrological sign every two and a half days. Others, like Pluto, move slowly. Pluto, which is the planet in a birth chart that is farthest away from Earth, takes 248 years to circle the sun.
Aries 1
Motivation and Element: Cardinal fire Symbol: The ram Sun Sign Dates: March 21 to April 19 Positive Keywords: Impulsive, friendly, chatty, active, outgoing, confident, independent, sporty, trusting, optimistic, enthusiastic, energetic Negative Keywords: Bossy, argumentative, challenging, freedom-seeking, naive, unable to compromise
Aries is a fire sign, so they are fast off the mark in everything they do. Their energy levels are doubled up because Aries is also a proactive cardinal sign. “Action without thought” is a good phrase to remember because it explains
how Aries expresses that double dose of energy. Their enthusiasm is quickly fired up and as soon as an idea occurs to them, they act on it. Of course, they do think a little bit first, but not for long. That’s because their confident optimism assures them everything will work out fine. Aries don’t consider the possible pitfalls and failings of a project; they expect things to work out. If it doesn’t, no one is more surprised or saddened than our bright, cheerful, and chatty Aries friends.
Aries has unbounded energy and enthusiasm and is filled to the brim with happiness. They have a childlike mindset: “Yesterday didn’t exist, tomorrow is too far away, so let’s have fun today, right now!” And like children, it is all about the Aries. Things are immediate and personal. Listen to Aries speak and it will be all about their own plans and thoughts. This is how they are meant to be.
The symbol of Aries is the ram. The ram attacks obstacles head-on, and this is how Aries works. Tirelessly optimistic and cheerful, they either ignore obstacles or barge through them, convinced their confidence alone will get them through. Because of this determined optimism they make many mistakes, and it takes Aries a little longer than the other signs to learn from their mistakes.
Because of their straightforward attitude, they are honest, open, and trusting. People often think Aries is naive. And yes, they are. Being so direct and having no artifices or ulterior motives, they do not comprehend underhanded behaviour. What you see is what you get with Aries. They are too busy being busy out in the big, wide world to be interested in manipulating or controlling others—but this also means they are easily misled by unscrupulous people.
What they don’t like is people who have a negative attitude, people telling them their ideas won’t work, or people who wallow in self-pity and are overly emotional. Aries believe an active body and a busy mind is the panacea to all ailments. They expect others to do as they do; when life knocks them down, they get up and try again. They don’t cry, moan, or complain that life isn’t fair. They start something new. Consequently, Aries are unsympathetic to others who are less positive, and they’re not good at compromising. If you push them too far, expect them to be anything other than they are, or try to control them or curtail their freedom, their worst traits might surface.