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Just don’t forget that underneath, they are waiting to pounce. Never give them a reason to. Their symbol is the scorpion, so if you cross a Scorpio, beware the sting in its tail. They always take revenge, even though they may bide their time in doing so. From a caustic word to outright revenge, it will come sooner or later, so be warned!
This intensity comes from being a fixed water sign. Water is emotion, but fix it in one place and it becomes a deep, black ocean of unfathomable depth. The deeper you dive in, the darker it appears; emotions are condensed and heightened. This is Scorpio.
To predict how they might act, remember that Scorpios are a fixed water sign and their symbol is the scorpion.
Sagittarius 9
Motivation and Element: Mutable fire Symbol: The archer Sun Sign Dates: November 22 to December 21 Positive Keywords: Searching, learning, philosophising, travel, foreign places Negative Keywords: Unreliable, restless, unpredictable, craves personal freedom
Sagittarius is a fire sign and its symbol is the archer, firing his arrows into the air one after another. Think of those arrows as ideas. This is how Sagittarians work, with many irons in the fire and numerous projects on the go. Hardly have they finished one before they are off on another adventure, following another idea, or studying something different. They can keep half a dozen things on the go at once and easily juggle them all; that’s how they like it, because then boredom will never set in. They move effortlessly from one thing to another. Sometimes they finish things, sometimes they don’t.
Usually, Sagittarians are so busy being busy—traveling, talking, seeking, learning, and exploring—they don’t stay around long enough to see what impact they have made on people’s lives, nor do they really care. For them, it is all about
experiences and adventures (lots of them!), all of which teach them something, all of which add to their personal philosophy.
It is very easy for a Sagittarius to lose track of themselves. They are fire signs, after all, and as such, they are active and impulsive. They never say no to invitations because they might miss something. Being mutable, they are also a fan of variety and movement. Sagittarians like to be free to wander, explore, meet new people, and see new things.
How do you spot one? It is the person who is warm, cheerful, and friendly who always has an open door. They have a huge group of friends from all walks of life, and they prefer to have a busy schedule. An empty day is anathema to them. Heaven is a place to be at any given hour, preferably all different.
Sagittarians are renowned for their honesty. In a world of fake praise, it’s refreshing to know someone speaks the truth. But honesty can hurt. Sometimes we don’t want the blunt truth that we are looking awful. So, rule number one: Do not ask a Sagittarius for their opinion unless you can take it straight and unvarnished. They are truthful to the point of rudeness and are renowned for speaking their minds and saying the most outrageous things!
Like all mutable signs, they are quite capable of starting out down one path and switching direction halfway through. And, also like all mutable signs, they resist being tied down. They might eventually settle for family life and a mortgage, but they will never feel really bound by it. A sensible partner will give a Sagittarius room to roam, but perhaps a large house and garden would do, a place with a spacious study and at least one wall full of travel books or enlightening subjects. If they can’t travel in reality, Sagittarians can happily travel in their minds. Give them the illusion of freedom and they might stay around forever—but don’t put any money on it.
Sagittarians love people. Consequently, be prepared to have a house full of friends on short notice and to host lavish parties—probably more lavish than they can really afford. They adore entertaining on a grand scale. If you are looking for stability, a sizeable bank account balance, and routine, this is not the sign to fall for. On the other hand, if you think a full, happy, and exciting life is your thing, hitch your star to the heart of a Sagittarius and hold on tight. It might be a bumpy ride, but it will be oh so much fun.
The negatives are obvious: unreliability, unpredictable behaviour, and the propensity to let people down because something more interesting turned