Llewellyn's New Worlds Catalog, March/April 2015

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March / April 2015

Find Magic in the Mundane in Just

5 Minutes a Day A New Take on the

Magical Circle Healing with

Angels, Crystals, and Your Intuition The First New

regardie book in Decades And much more!

Opening the door to spiritual evolution and magical living

ARE YOU A NEW AGER? I rather believe you are, or else you probably wouldn’t be reading Llewellyn’s New Worlds of Mind & Spirit right now and looking at the meaningful subject areas that Llewellyn publishes.


But, this phrase, “New Age,” means different things to different folk.

Nature-Based & Pagan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

For many booksellers it is a marketing alternative for the word “Metaphysical,” whereas for many authors, musicians, and artists it refers to a non-religious kind of Spirituality. And while commonly used by Esotericists for several hundred years to mean a radical alternative to “Witchcraft” and “the Occult,” it was the advent of 19th century Spiritualism, Theosophy, the founding of Aurum Solis and the Golden Dawn magical orders, interest in Eastern Thought, the expanding public awareness of Psychic Research societies, New Thought and Inner Power movements, and in more contemporary usage that brought a change in use to mean Innovative and Forward Thinking practices in healing, business, and even politics.

Tarot & Divination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

We can simply draw a distinction between New Age and Old Age by those adverbs alone: New is Forward Looking, and Old is backward looking. New replaces the Old with “New and Improved,” and Old clings to the Past not because it is proven but because it is familiar and “it’s hard for an old dog to learn new tricks.” We learn from the Past by not repeating its errors. Coincidentally but not necessarily fully identical, the New Age is associated in astrological meaning by our transition into the zodiacal Age of Aquarius, which replaces that of the old Piscean Age. The symbolism of each is extraordinarily meaningful: that of Aquarius is a Strong Human Figure pouring Nourishment upon the Earth, while that of Pisces is of two tiredlooking fish swimming in opposite directions (and hence going nowhere). While the term has become mostly familiar since the 1970s, the New Age Concept goes back hundreds of years. Its first political appearance may have been in the 1782 reference to “A New Order of the Ages” in the Great Seal of the United States. The spiritual ideas are found in the practices of early Gnosticism and European Paganism; and sources as diverse as the emergence of Alchemy and Kabbalah; and the futurist writings of Sir Francis Bacon in the 1600s, the mystic writings of Emanuel Swedenborg in the 1700s and William Blake in the 1800s; the symbolism of Free Masonry, and in Freedom from the rule of Monarchy, Landed Gentry, the alliance of Church and State, and with the Empowering of the Individual through the spread of Free Thinking, Free Education, Free Enterprise, and the Rule of Law in American Democracy. New Agers today turn to their own Inner Spirt, not some distant outer one administered by anointed clergy; we find our Divine Spark within, not in in an authoritarian father figure in a distant sky; we turn to the resources of Human History and Collective Knowledge in our Subconscious Mind and Universal Consciousness; we turn away from the Collective Welfare provisions of Big Government, Big Business, and Big Institutions to assume greater Personal Responsibility for our Lives; more and more we replace Instituted Group Leadership with Individual Action and Communal Democracy; New Technology Empowers the Individual to replace Old Mass Production and Dependency, just as the New Individual replaces the Old Collective Masses. We find Power and Wisdom in Knowledge, Rational Thought, and Love. Today, and Tonight, we turn to Books in all their new and diverse forms for Self-Instruction, Self-Guidance, Self-Healing, and Self-Responsibility without Selfishness. We seek to Know in order to Grow; we seek to Become More than we are to Be All that We Can Be. We know Life to be a Great Adventure and an even Greater Opportunity for we are Gods and Goddesses in the Making.

Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Annuals & Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Magick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Alternative Health & Self-Help . . . . . . 21 Paranormal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Astrological Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

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Lisa Novak

New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit and Llewellyn are registered trademarks of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Cover images: iStockphoto.com #000016082716 ©tedestudio

n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n Ostara Kerri Connor • 240 pp • 5 x 7 A well-rounded introduction to Ostara, this book features rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes hands-on information for modern celebrations, spells, crafts, invocations and prayers, and more. This guide to the history and modern celebration of Ostara shows you how to perform rituals and work magic to energize yourself and renew the passion to live and grow. 978-0-7387-4181-9


Llewellyn’s 2015 Sabbats Almanac Llewellyn • 312 pp • 5 x 8 Samhain 2014 to Mabon 2015

Packed with rituals, rites, recipes, and crafts, this essential guide offers fun and fresh ways to celebrate the eight sacred Wiccan holidays and enrich your spiritual life throughout the year. Get a unique perspective on each Sabbat from your favorite Wiccan and Pagan authors. 978-0-7387-2693-9

Save 20% $12.99 $10.39 Seasons of Witchery

Ellen Dugan • 336 pp • 71/2 x 71/2 Enjoy sabbat-themed spells, rituals, herbal magick, and holiday recipes from award-winning author Ellen Dugan. Written with humor, warmth, and practicality, Ellen offers an intimate look at her personal practices and magickal life throughout the wheel of the year. Her magickal lessons and stories about her own coven will inspire you. 978-0-7387-3078-3


Night of the Witches Linda Raedisch • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8 The roots of Walpurgis Night reach deep into the Pagan past. Discover the sacred rites of spring and the thirteen herbs that correspond with the Night of the Witches. This charming, impeccably researched book features a wealth of folklore and herb lore, plus original and traditional recipes, crafts, and activities. 978-0-7387-2058-6

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The Second Release in the New Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Series Beltane Melanie Marquis • 240 pp • 5 x 7

A Year of Ritual Sandra Kynes • 240 pp • 7 /2 x 9 /8 1


Bring bodies, minds, and spirits into alignment through ritual celebrations. For Witches and Pagans of all levels and ideal for groups or solitary participants, A Year of Ritual provides ready-made rituals for a full year of Sabbats and Esbats. Ideas, words, and directions for each ritual are included, along with background information, preparation requirements, and themes. 978-0-7387-0583-5

A well-rounded introduction to Beltane, this attractive book is the second release in the new Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essential series, which explores ways both old and new of celebrating the cornerstones of the witch’s year. In agricultural societies, Beltane marked the start of the summer season. We all have something we want to harvest by the end of the year—plans we are determined to realize. Beltane is the time to put our plans into action. The book features:


• Rituals

Seasons of the Sacred Earth

• Recipes

Cliff Seruntine • 336 pp • 6 x 9

• Lore

Join the Seruntine family on a magical journey of green living at their homestead hollow in the Nova Scotia highlands. Growing and hunting most of their food, they live in harmony with the land, while giving proper respect to nature’s spirits. In return, the land blesses them with overflowing gardens and the safety of their farm animals. 978-0-7387-3553-5

• And more!



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Beltane at www.Llewellyn.com

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Deborah Bobbie Hodges


The Witch’s Broom Deborah Blake • 304 pp • 5 x 7 Whether being used to sweep your home or help with your magickal endeavors, the broom is a more versatile and useful tool than you’ve ever imagined. With history; rituals and spells; brooms for special occasions; personal anecdotes from everyday Witches like Tess Whitehurst and Linda Raedisch; and art by Mickie Mueller, The Witch’s Broom is a perfect, indispensible guide. 978-0-7387-3802-4

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Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook Deborah Blake • 264 pp • 71/2 x 71/2 This is the perfect companion for today’s Witch, who deals with issues well beyond your average spellbook’s well-worn repertoire. The magnificently modern Witch will find nearly two hundred spells that are organized alphabetically and which include correspondences. It also includes tips on creating spells and Magic the Cat’s guide to working with a magickal familiar. 978-0-7387-1970-2


Everyday Witch Book of Rituals

Create a Spiritual Practice in Just a Few Minutes a Week Everyday Witchcraft

The Goddess Is in the Details

Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Written for the busy witch, Everyday Witchcraft is all about creating a spiritual practice in just a few minutes per week. This positive and practical guide to living the Craft shows that, no matter how busy or hectic life is, even small moments and simple acts can add meaning and depth to your life. Discover an array of creative ideas and fun, easy ways to connect with the rhythms of nature everyday—not just on sabbats or full moons.

• Five-minute rituals

• “Hibernation vacations”

• Mini daily divinations

• And more!




Deborah Blake • 360 pp • 71/2 x 71/2 Amplify your wishes and manifest positive changes in your life with Deborah Blake’s inspiring collection of simple rituals. Whether practicing alone or with a group, these empowering ceremonies will help you find love, build courage, boost creativity, achieve balance, and deepen your faith. Fill your year with meaningful magickal practice. 978-0-7387-3343-2


Your witchy ways are woven into everything you do, from washing dishes to performing a ritual. Deborah Blake takes you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch all day, every day. All essential aspects of a Witch’s life are covered, including sacred space at home, raising Pagan children, green living, and more. 978-0-7387-1486-8

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Witchcraft on a Shoestring Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8 Practicing Witchcraft doesn’t have to cost an arm, a leg, and a broomstick! From homemade tools to frugal feasts to thrifty home decoration, Deborah Blake offers economical tips for stretching your dollar while enriching your practice. Also featured are more than forty recipes and over fifty ways to practice the Craft with little or no money. 978-0-7387-2136-1


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n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n Star Magic

To Walk a Pagan Path

Sandra Kynes • 336 pp • 71/2 x 9

Alaric Albertsson • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Take a fresh look at the constellations and tap into their energy for divination, ritual, magic, astral travel, and psychic work. Exploring the stars through the Wheel of the Year, Star Magic shows the myths and magic of more than fifty constellations and asterisms and provides a new approach to Pagan and Wiccan ritual and magic. 978-0-7387-4169-7

Live fully as a Pagan every day of the year, not only at full moons and holidays. With practical tips for incorporating Pagan spirituality into every aspect of life, this book teaches you how to do quick and easy rituals, make a customizable sacred calendar, connect with the earth, express Pagan spirituality through craft projects, and more. 978-0-7387-3724-9

Witch Crystals

Spells for Tough Times



Barbara Moore & Lo Scarabeo • Boxed kit includes five ritual stones, organza bag, eight divination cards, a Wheel of the Year board, and a 128-page book

Kerri Connor • 456 pp • 71/2 x 9 Spells for Tough Times is a unique toolkit for coping with and overcoming just about any difficulty. Refreshingly positive and practical, this book features over 150 easy-to-perform spells and rituals that address common problems such as layoffs, legal disputes, inappropriate crushes, child bullying, identity theft, poor health, and more. 978-0-7387-2728-8

With five ritual stones, eight divination cards, a colorful Wheel of the Year board, and a 128-page book, The Witch Crystals kit provides everything you need to start an empowering journey of divination. 978-0-7387-4535-0



Babalawo, Santería’s High Priests

Practical Prosperity Magic

Frank Baba Eiyogbe • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Ellen Dugan • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Hidden within the mysterious Afro-Cuban religion of Santería, there is a deep body of secrets and rituals called Ifá, practiced by priests whose title, babalawo, means, “Father of the Secrets.” This book pulls away the veil of secrecy to reveal exactly what Ifá is, exploring its history, cosmology, Orichas, initiations, mythology, ways of power, offerings, and sacrifices. 978-0-7387-3961-8

Financial prosperity is within reach for everyone. Filled with Dugan’s usual humor and candid advice, this book features spells and rituals, the law of attraction, herbs and crystals, good-luck charms and talismans, and more. Using the four elements, this down-to-earth guide explores the seven Hermetic laws and planetary techniques to help you stay upbeat and draw money quickly. 978-0-7387-3696-9



Practical Protection Magick


Ellen Dugan • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Alaric Albertsson • 360 pp • 6 x 9

This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your home strong, secure, and protected. Ellen Dugan teaches how to pinpoint your psychic strengths, set boundaries, and diagnose a problem with divination. Learn to defend against many different forms of negativity threatening your home and your well-being. 978-0-7387-2168-2

Within these pages you’ll find everything you need to know to practice Saxon sorcery. Alaric Albertsson once again uncovers the practices and customs of the Anglo-Saxons hidden in early charms and English folk traditions. This handbook of Saxon sorcery and magic tells how to craft rune charms, brew potions, cast effective spells, and use magical techniques to find love and prosperity. 978-0-7387-2133-0

Planetary Spells & Rituals

The Witch’s Moon

Raven Digitalis • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Edain McCoy • 256 pp • 7 x 10

Attune your magick to planetary energies and infuse each spell with added power. Aligned according to astrological energies, these fifty-five profound spells and rituals span how to sharpen intuition, summon ancestors, honor Saturn returns, relieve depression, manifest abundance, purge impurities, help the dying cross over, and much more. 978-0-7387-1971-9

Harness the power of the moon during all its phases: the waxing and waning Moon, the Full and New Moons, and the moonrise and moonset. Complete with spells, rituals, recipes, and lore, this updated reprint of Lady of the Night provides more in-depth material on the Esbats and the Moon’s unique magickal potential than any other book. 978-0-7387-3383-8

Magickal Retreat

The Un-Spell Book

Susan Pesznecker • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Mya Om •192 pp • 5 x 7

This inspiring book helps you identify your intention and tailor a retreat to meet your needs. Packed with creative ideas, you (or your group) will want to use this book over and over again—anytime you feel the need to slow down, step out of the ordinary, and revive yourself in your own private, sacred, magickal space. 978-07387-3066-0

Is quick magic just as potent as long, complicated spells? Absolutely. This versatile and streamlined form of powerful magic can be practiced anytime and anywhere. Learn to choose powerful trigger words that act as magical shortcuts. Discover how to lend power to your spellwork by connecting with many forms of energy. 978-0-7387-2338-9




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n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n Hedge Witch


Silver RavenWolf • 336 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Carl F. Neal • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Working in harmony with the earth’s energy is the heart of the free-spirited, simple garden magick known as Hedge Witchery. This fourteen-lesson, hands-on guide from the immensely popular Silver RavenWolf has everything a new Hedge Witch needs to connect in a personal way with nature’s creative, life-affirming energy and use it in magick and spellwork. 978-0-7387-1423-3

Carl F. Neal’s classic, bestselling book on making incense with natural ingredients has now been expanded and updated. Craft your own healthy, sweet-smelling scents with this new edition, which includes twice as many ingredients, three times as many incense binders, twice as many recipes, expanded information about natural charcoal, new illustrations, and much more. 978-0-7387-4155-0

Henna Magic

Incense Magick

Philippa Faulks • 288 pp • 71/2 x 71/2

Carl F. Neal • 312 pp • 6 x 9

Much more than a beautiful form of art, henna has been used for centuries by cultures worldwide for magical protection, blessings, and celebrations. In this unique book, Philippa Faulks provides step-by-step guidance for creating magical, non-permanent henna art. Also included are spells for love, passion, friendship, prosperity, and more, with helpful correspondences for original spell crafting. 978-0-7387-1915-3

Create aromatic enchantments using pellets, seals, powders, and other incense varieties with this globe-spanning, meticulously-researched guide. Discover burning techniques and mystical uses of incense, both traditional and innovative. Included is an alphabetized list of incense ingredients, rituals specific to different types of incense, a correspondences list, and much more. 978-0-7387-1974-0

Magical Candle Crafting

Supermarket Magic

Ember Grant • 264 pp • 71/2 x 71/2

Michael Furie • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Filled with creative candle recipes and spells, Magical Candle Crafting is a hands-on guide to making votive candles using inexpensive, easy-to-find items. Ember Grant takes you through each step, from mixing the wax to charging your candle with energy. Craft candles for a variety of magical purposes. 978-0-7387-2135-4

The tools of magic don’t have to be expensive or difficult to find— they’re right in your supermarket aisles! This easy-to-use guide provides clear instructions for working simple and powerful spells using only common ingredients. Complete with suggested shopping lists, Supermarket Magic explains the basic of magic, including ethics, meditation, timing, and basic charging techniques. 978-0-7387-3655-6


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Wandlore Alferian Gwydion MacLir • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8 This enchanting, one-of-a-kind guidebook is for anyone who’s ever wanted to know how magic wands work or longed to have a real magic wand of his or her own. Written by the foremost authority on the topic, this book is the first devoted solely to the art of wandmaking and its mysteries. 978-0-7387-2002-9

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen Scott Cunningham • 400 pp • 6 x 9


Virtually any item in your pantry can be used for personal transformation, because food contains specific magical energies you can harness for positive results. This encyclopedia of food magic offers twenty-seven of Scott Cunningham’s favorite recipes. Magical menus for more than ten desired goals are also included. 978-0-7387-0226-1

Magic’s in the Bag

Celtic Folklore Cooking

Jude Bradley and Cheré Dastugue Coen • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Joanne Asala • 384 pp • 7 x 10

Hold the power to attract love, protection, good fortune, and anything you wish into your life when you make a magical gris gris bag. Learn about creating these spellbinding sachets and find more than seventy-five spells to empower them, including enchantments for beauty, fidelity, prosperity, and more. 978-0-7387-1903-0

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Celtic Folklore Cooking offers plenty of tempting choices for daily meals or special celebrations. More than two hundred tasty, traditional dishes are nestled among food-related proverbs, poems, tales, customs, and other nuggets of folk wisdom. Each recipe lists ancient and modern holidays associated with the dish so you can select the perfect seasonal fare. 978-1-56718-044-2

The Magical Household

Moon Magick

Scott Cunningham & David Harrington • 208 pp • 6 x 9

D. J. Conway • 320 pp • 7 x 10

Transform your living space into a place of security, life, and fun. The Magical Household offers plenty of ways to invite health, love, peace, wealth, and friends into your home, while shutting out disease, accidents, and intruders. Only common household items are required to perform these simple, quick, and effective spells. 978-0-87542-124-7

Undertake projects, socialize, and travel at the optimum times with the flow of lunar energy. Moon Magick presents seventy-nine modern rituals for tapping the Moon’s energy and celebrating its phases, plus two complete dictionaries of Moon deities and symbols to enrich your spellwork. Each chapter also contains practical information related to the thirteen lunar months. 978-1-56718-167-8






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n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n

The Path of Druidry

The Book of Celtic Magic

Through hands-on exercises, this book offers rich instruction in all aspects of practicing Druidry today. 978-0-7387-2346-4

Complete with exercises, spells, invocations, and more, this step-by-step guide is a definitive source of real Celtic magic. 978-0-7387-3705-8

Penny Billington • 360 pp • 71/2 x 9

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Celtic Tree Magic

Danu Forest • 312 pp • 6 x 9

Explore the powerful magic of the twenty-five trees in the ogham tradition through exercises, correspondences and healing attributes, and more. 978-0-7387-4101-7


Kristoffer Hughes • 360 pp • 6 x 9


Celtic Lore & Spellcraft of the Dark Goddess Stephanie Woodfield • 432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Invoke the Morrigan and be transformed by her fierce and magnificent energy with this comprehensive, hands-on guide to Celtic Witchcraft. 978-0-7387-2767-7

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Be Guided by the Sacred Trees The Wisdom of Birch, Oak, and Yew Penny Billington • 360 pp • 6 x 9 Tune in to the wisdom of three trees sacred to Druids—birch, oak, and yew—and use their powerful lessons and natural gifts to transform your life. Written by a Druid with more than twenty years of practical experience, The Wisdom of Birch, Oak, and Yew will guide you through a one-of-a-kind journey of magical discovery. Engage with the spirit of each tree, exploring its relationship to the stages of your life and the rhythm of your days. Experience within yourself each tree’s positive attributes, gain perspective by taking on each tree’s role as a “witness,” and find respite from the frenetic pace of modern life.

The Celtic Golden Dawn

The Healing Power of Trees Sharlyn Hidalgo • 288 pp • 6 x 9


Discover a complete magical system based on the Celtic Golden Dawn traditions, with divination, magical techniques, self-initiation, and more. 978-0-7387-3155-1

This book introduces all fifteen revered trees of the Celtic Tree Calendar and their unique gifts of healing, guidance, and more. 978-0-7387-1998-6


John Michael Greer • 384 pp • 71/2 x 91/8


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The Wisdom of Birch, Oak, and Yew at www.Llewellyn.com

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n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n Rituals of Celebration Jane Meredith 336 pp • 6 x 9



Each year, Jane Meredith plans meaningful rituals to celebration the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter festivals. In Rituals of Celebration, she shares her most memorable rituals and offers how-to instructions for creating your own. Discover how the changing seasons correspond with personal growth and how to incorporate these themes into your spiritual celebrations. Craft projects included. Calligraphic Ritual Set Lo Scarabeo Write to your heart’s desire and consecrate it with a pentagram/crescent moon wax seal. This Calligraphic Ritual Set is perfect for crafting special documents—spells, letters, invitations, cards, and more. The set includes a feather pen with five interchangeable nibs, ink, natural wax stick, and a seal. 978-0-7387-4185-7

Rituals Specifically for Your Geographic Location

$34.95 RitualCraft

Circle of Eight Jane Meredith • 312 pp • 6 x 9 Circle of Eight is an exciting new approach to magic that is based on your geography, your climate, and your experiences. Circle of Eight can be used to celebrate the Festivals of the Wheel of the Year; to create an on-going ritual group; and to explore and develop magical relationship with the land around you. Providing instructions on how to set up your own Circle of Eight and stories illustrating important magical principles, the Circle of Eight radically re-invents our relationship to traditional circle magic.


Amber K & Azrael Arynn K • 624 pp • 7 x 10 Change yourself and your world with effective, focused rituals. Whether you’re planning a simple coven initiation or an elaborate outdoor event for hundreds, the authors share their vast knowledge of ritual planning, explore ritual from many cultures, and share their own experiences. This all-inclusive guidebook includes all aspects of ritual. 978-1-56718-009-1


Practical Candleburning Rituals Ray Buckland • 224 pp • 53/16 x 8

$17.99 Circle of Eight at www.Llewellyn.com

Raymond Buckland’s trusted guidebook has introduced candle magick to more than 300,000 readers. Newly updated and re-organized, this edition includes thirty-seven rituals adapted for Christians and Pagans. From winning love to conquering fear, obtaining money to improving relationships, these simple candle rites can be performed at home with readily available materials. 978-0-87542-048-6

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n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n Living Earth Devotional

Garden Witchery

Clea Danaan • 464 pp • 5 x 7

Ellen Dugan • 304 pp • 71/2 x 71/2

Care for the sacred earth and grow spiritually each and every day. These 365 earth-friendly activities—meditations, crafts, and more— span both green spirituality and ecological action. Organized by the Wheel of the Year, this day-by-day guide will help you tune in to seasonal energies and build a deep appreciation for the earth’s beauty, power, and wisdom. 978-0-7387-3658-7

How does your magickal garden grow? Whether you live in a wooded cottage, a suburban house, or a city apartment, a powerful and enchanted realm awaits you. Discover the secret language and magickal properties of trees and flowers, herbs and plants, and learn how to create your own witch’s garden. 978-0-7387-0318-3

Natural Witchery

Llewellyn’s 2015 Herbal Almanac

Ellen Dugan • 288 pp • 71/2 x 71/2

Llewellyn • 312 pp • 5 x 8

Use your appreciation of nature and an awareness of the magickal energies present in all things to enhance your natural witchery. Empower your witchery and add richness and depth to your everyday life by developing your intuition and psychic skills. Natural Witchery features straightforward how-tos, spells, rituals, and more to help you live a more magickal life. 978-0-7387-0922-2

Discover how to design you own terrariums, enhance your culinary creations, and save your seeds for a plant-share party. Learn about permaculture for herbalists, critter-friendly gardening, and herbal pantry staples. From mint to fennel, this practical almanac is your gateway to the herbal kingdom. 978-0-7387-2689-2

Garden Witch’s Herbal

The Wild & Weedy Apothecary

Ellen Dugan • 336 pp • 71/2 x 71/2

Doreen Shababy • 384 pp • 6 x 9

Deepen your connection to the earth and watch your magickal skills blossom. Designed to enhance any Craft tradition, this handy herbal reference provides the physical description, folklore, magickal qualities, and spellwork correspondences for a wealth of flowers, trees, and herbs, and features forty-seven botanical drawings. 978-0-7387-1429-5

Herbalist Doreen Shababy shares her deep, abiding love for the earth and its gifts in this collection of herbal wisdom that represents a lifetime of work in the forest, field, and kitchen. This guidebook is jam-packed with dozens of tasty recipes and natural remedies, including Glorious Garlic and Artichoke Dip, Candied Catnip Leaves, Lavender Lemonade, Garlic Tonic, Parsnip Hair Conditioner, and Dream Charms made with Mugwort. 978-0-7387-1907-8





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Mother Nature’s Herbal

Connecting to the Power of Nature

Dr. Judith Griffin • 432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Joe H. Slate, PhD • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8

This comprehensive book offers herbal folklore, tips for growing and harvesting herbs, and over two hundred medicinal and culinary recipes. Learn about the traditions and healing practices of cultures past and present, including Native and South American, Mediterranean, East Asian, and others to recreate exotic entrees, make perfumes, mix elixirs to treat ailments, and more. 978-0-7387-1256-7

This inspiring book offers a wonderful plan to explore and reconnect with nature and empower your life. From star gazing to meditating with animals, Joe Slate offers many joyful, step-by-step meditations and exercises to release stress, cope with grief, get insight into problems, achieve goals, and more, all by slowing down and mindfully connecting with nature. 978-0-7387-1566-7

Flower and Tree Magic

Magical Gardens

Richard Webster • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Patricia Monaghan • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

In this comprehensive guide, bestselling author Richard Webster presents the mythological history and modern-day practical uses of over one hundred plants, trees, herbs, and flowers encountered in everyday life. From home protection and herbal healing, enhance your physical, spiritual, and emotional health as you deepen your personal connection with nature. 978-0-7387-1349-6

Bursting with ideas, fascinating myth, and gardening advice for every climate and season, this guidebook also offers meditations, rituals, prayers, and ceremonies. By following simple and clear designs, gardeners can re-create more than a dozen themed perennial gardens. 978-0-7387-3192-6

Plant Spirit Journey

Plant and Fungus Totems

Laura Silvana • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Lupa • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8

Born with the ability to see and hear spirits, intuitive Laura Silvana’s mediumship abilities extend into the world of nature. This guide reveals the spiritual and emotional healing properties of thirty versatile plants and gives simple instructions for making plant spirit remedies at home. Both the plants and the ailments they treat are cross-referenced so you can easily find the information you seek. 978-0-7387-1863-7

Open up a new realm of spiritual practice by tapping into the profound power of plants and fungi. Exploring three different models of totemism, Lupa invites the reader to discover the nature of these often overlooked archetypal totems. Also included are hands-on exercises for wildcrafting and cooking, and tips for working with herbs, flowers, and more. 978-0-7387-4039-3



Save 30% $16.95 $11.87

Save 30% $14.95 $10.47


Save 30% $16.99 $11.89

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e

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ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n

Tarot’s True Story Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8 Uncover the secrets of one of the world’s most popular tarot systems: the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Written by two well-known tarot scholars, and featuring over 180 illustrations, Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot explores never-before-seen material from Waite’s own hand, and more. Drawing on Waite’s own words, examples, unpublished materials, and more, this groundbreaking book:

• Explores the environments that shaped both Waite and Smith

• Unlocks the symbols and intentions of the cards

• Investigates comparisons between the Court cards and the stage characters that influenced Smith • Illustrates the Tree of Life knowledge reflected in the Minor Arcana

• And more!

This exciting guide will introduce you to a new understanding of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck.



Around the Tarot in 78 Days

Tarot Face to Face

Learning Lenormand

Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin 456 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin 240 pp • 6 x 9

Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Journey into the exciting world of tarot with this comprehensive, 78-day course. With a one-card-per-day format, this workbook provides a solid foundation in tarot—and offers new ways to enrich your life using the wisdom of the cards. Katz and Goodwin teach you how to interpret spreads by experiencing them as meditations, activities, affirmations, and oracles. 978-0-7387-3044-8

Based on over thirty years of tarot reading experience and an extensive survey of readers, this extensive guidebook provides numerous tarot spreads, exercises, and interpretation strategies for any occasion. Whether you’re an aspiring learner or a master of the craft, you’ll find everything you need to become a confident and accurate reader. 978-0-7387-3310-4

This is the first comprehensive English workbook about the Lenormand deck, a traditional French fortunetelling deck dating back to about 1850. Explore its history, how to choose a deck, and how to use it for both fortunetelling and personal insight. The book features the authors’ signature teaching methods. 978-0-7387-3647-1



Save 30% $16.99 $11.89


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Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot

Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 264-page book

Drawing inspiration and classic symbolism from the world’s most popular tarot deck, Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot is firmly rooted in the foundation of modern tarot. Whether you’re a new or seasoned reader, this easy-to-use deck is your perfect guide. Discover Eugene Smith’s gorgeously rendered and evocative artwork based on the traditional Rider-WaiteSmith system but with a fresh and relatable perspective. 978-0-7387-3608-2



ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n Mystic Fairie Tarot Deck

Linda Ravenscroft and Barbara Moore • Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and an 80-page booklet

The best-selling Mystic Faerie Tarot is now available as a standalone deck! Each suit tells a “faerie tale;” these stories offer lessons and fresh insights in all matters of life, while remaining true to tarot archetypes. 978-0-7387-4434-6


Chaldean Numerology for Beginners Heather Alicia Lagan • 360 pp • 53/16 x 8 Chaldean numerology paints a clear picture of you and your personal “blueprint”—your essence, talents, desires, lessons, and ideal directions for this lifetime. This introductory guide presents simple yet highly effective techniques for decoding the energetic vibrations and information held in names, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, and much more. 978-0-7387-2624-3

Save 30% $15.95 $11.17 365 Tarot Spreads

Tarot Beyond the Basics

Sasha Graham • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Anthony Louis • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Navigate important life choices with a tarot spread for every day of the year! 365 Tarot Spreads features a spread-a-day format that reveals answers to your questions about love, money, career, and life path. Each day also includes a fascinating historical fact, an important holiday or celebration, and a mini tarot lesson. 978-0-7387-4038-6


Discover decades of insights and information that can help you become an advanced practitioner. Anthony Louis provides real world examples of how to use your intuition to improve your readings; how to understand tarot reversals; and how to include the meanings of numbers, the elements, and the tarot’s court cards. Also featured is the common background of astrology and tarot. 978-0-7387-3944-1

Cartomancy with the Lenormand and the Tarot

Tarot Plain and Simple

Patrick Dunn • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Anthony Louis • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Combining the simplicity of the traditional but little-known Lenormand deck with the familiarity of the tarot, Dunn creates a unique format blending these two powerful systems. Sharing his vast knowledge of symbolism, he introduces the Lenormand cards and even shows you how to make your own deck, before comparing this with the tarot and teaching numerous spreads. 978-0-7387-3600-6

The tarot is an excellent method for turning experience into wisdom. Here is a reliable and user-friendly self-study program for those who want to do tarot readings. Written by a psychiatrist who brings a profound understanding of human nature and psychological conflict to the study of the tarot, you will transport to a new level of personal transformation using Anthony Louis’ Jungian approach to the cards. 978-1-56718-400-6




Tarot Prediction & Divination

Tarot for Writers

Susyn Blair-Hunt • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Corrine Kenner • 384 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Awaken your psychic abilities and uncover the cards’ predictive, therapeutic, and spiritual messages. Compatible with any deck, this innovative system helps you take your interpretations to the next level. Includes fifteen original layouts, forty-five sample readings, and helpful correspondence charts. 978-0-7387-2172-9


Now all writers can boost their imagination and creativity using the tarot. Filled with tarot-based writing prompts, fun activities, and illustrations, this unique book helps you enliven your writing at every stage, from conception to publication. Tarot users of all levels will discover practical methods and fresh inspiration for all forms of writing. 978-0-7387-1457-8

Tarot Spells

Mystical Cats Tarot

Save 30% $19.95 $13.97

Janina Renée • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8 Tarot cards can be used for readings and as focal points in meditation. A well-kept secret, however, is that they can also be used to perform powerful spells! Want to lose weight? Looking for your dream lover? You can change your life by casting tarot spells! This book features spells for easing stress, healing, finding a job or home, making friends, business success, and more! 978-0-87542-670-9


Open the door to a magical world of feline enchantment that offers eternal and ancient wisdom with the Mystical Cats Tarot. Discover amazing artwork of various domestic breeds that face many trials and triumphs as they reveal answers to life’s most important questions. Organized by elemental suits and cat-based court cards, this deck presents the cat goddess’s descendants in all their furry glory. 978-0-7387-3388-3


Tarot Spreads Barbara Moore • 264 pp • 6 x 9 Bring power, precision, and depth to your tarot readings with this helpful and easy-to-use guide. Barbara Moore offers nearly seventy different themed spreads and clear instruction; develop a reading style that is all your own as you learn to select spreads and create your own, modify a classic spread, and perform a 78-card reading. 978-0-7387-2784-4


Lunaea Weatherstone & Mickie Mueller • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 216-page book

Tarot of the Hidden Realm

Julia Jeffrey & Barbara Moore • Boxed kit includes 78 cards and a 240-page book

Evoke the powerful wisdom of the fae with the Tarot of the Hidden Realm. Instead of relying on esoteric symbols, this powerful deck follows the Rider-Waite style, but uses the raw elements—water, air, fire, and earth—to speak directly to your emotions. The companion guidebook reveals techniques and card meanings for beginners and more experienced readers alike. 978-0-7387-3042-4

$28.99 F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e

(see order form for details)


Lo Scarabeo

Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories

Witch Crystals

Barbara Moore & Lo Scarabeo • Boxed kit includes five ritual stones, organza bag, eight divination cards, a Wheel of the Year board, and a 128-page book

Divine the answers to your most important questions and tune in to the natural harmony of the world around you. With five ritual stones, eight divination cards, a colorful Wheel of the Year board, and a 128-page book, The Witch Crystals provides everything you need to start an empowering journey of divination. 978-0-7387-4535-0


The Night Sun Tarot

Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

Enter into artist Fabio Listrani’s rendering of the dance between the dark and the light, and begin a compelling journey into the realm of estoeric wisdom. Regardless of your level of occult knowledge, this deck will touch your soul and provide enlightening perspectives on the restless waters of the inner self. Filled with bold energy, rich art, and the passion of history’s spiritual seekers, The Night Sun Tarot reflects the teachings of Aleister Crowley and the great occult masters. 978-0-7387-4532-9


Romantic Tarot

Mucha Tarot

Golden Tarot of Klimt Mini Tarot

Royo Dark Mini Tarot

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards, instruction booklet, and box with removable cover

Boxed deck includes 78-card deck with gold foil and instruction booklet

Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

The Victorian era scenes in the Romantic Tarot are charged with the powerful energy of passion. Use the cards in this deck to seek answers to all your questions—about love, life, relationships, and families. The power of love is so deep, you can even use it to gain unique perspectives on careers and personal finance. Set in Vienna, Paris, Venice, and Rome, these stunning images of ardor appeal to the amorous yearnings within us all. 978-0-7387-4510-7

An extraordinary tribute to art nouveau pioneer Alphonse Mucha, this deck embraces the fresh beauty of the dawning of the twentieth century along with the eternal wisdom and understanding of the tarot. This special edition contains full-bleed images and a booklet that reveals every secret hidden in the cards. The hard cardboard box has a removable cover. 978-0-7387-4558-9

Now available as a gold-foil mini deck, the Golden Tarot of Klimt explores love, death, sensuality, and regeneration. Celebrating the art of one of the twentieth century’s greatest masters, this deck provides insight and knowledge that can only come from the unique energy of a true genius. In twentieth century Vienna, the art of Gustav Klimt held a primary position. Inspired by this modern master, the Golden Tarot of Klimt is teeming with images—complete with golden highlights—that recount love, death, sensuality, and regeneration. 978-0-7387-4534-3

Luis Royo, one of the most popular fantasy artists of our time, invites us into a vivid world of haunting beauty, where justice is swift and transformation is inevitable, in this new mini version of the Royo Dark Tarot. Deadly female warriors, noble armored knights, and luminescent nature creatures both wild and wise dominate shimmering nightscapes. Loosely based on the RiderWaite-Smith tradition, Royo’s sensual and empowering tarot deck urges you to confront your darkest fears, embrace your primal passions, and unleash the beast within. 978-0-7387-4533-6





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Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories

Lo Scarabeo

Ghost Tarot Lo Scarabeo Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and 64-page booklet

Between the visible and the invisible, between memory and the supernatural, there is the world of ghosts. The Ghost Tarot takes you to a romantic and eternal world, where wisdom abides among the restless spirits searching for lost mortality. 978-0-7387-4353-0

$22.95 Ceccoli Tarot Lo Scarabeo Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and instruction booklet

Celebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment. Her tarot deck moves between harmony and madness, capturing a wholly unique element of eerie innocence. These cards provide insight into complex questions, where the dark mingles with the light and reveals the shades of gray that illuminate our most profound truths. 978-0-7387-4443-8


XIII Tarot

Tarot of the Nymphs

Tarot of Sacred Feminine

Marseille Cat Tarot

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Lo Scarabeo

Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and a 64-page booklet

Hardbox includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

Hardbox includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet

Experience the darkly beautiful art of renowned gothic illustrator Nekro. With dramatic black-and-white esthetics and vibrant splashes of color, the XIII Tarot represents the shadow side of fantasy. Revel in the Baroque ornamentation and elegant details of this unique and expressive deck. Darkness has never been so moving. 978-0-7387-4588-6

With the ancient purity of water flowing through its profoundly elegant artwork, Tarot of the Nymphs is as ephemeral and delicate as it is eternal. The seductive beauty of the nymphs welcomes and protects the human spirit, inviting the essence of truth to every reading. 978-0-7387-4352-3

Blending elegant images of the divine feminine with the symbols of Sumerian mythology, the Tarot of Sacred Feminine provides divinatory power and emotional resonance unlike any other deck. With breathtaking artwork by Italian artist Franco Rivoli, this deck tells the story of the sacred woman as maiden and mother, lover and warrior, carrying your spirit to a tranquil place of peace and insight. 978-0-7387-4116-1

Some decks whisper. Some decks shout. This deck meows. The Marseille deck—one of the original Tarot decks of the world—is now updated for the twenty-first century with adorable cats! Retaining all the details of the original, the fabulous feline motifs of this deck give new energy to the cards of the Marseille, adding a unique touch to any tarot collection. 978-0-7387-4115-4




F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e


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ORACLE cards • books • relaxation & guided meditation cds & DVDs • journals • accessories

Sacred Rebels Oracle

Alana Fairchild, with Art by Autumn Skye Morrison Boxed kit includes a 44-card deck and guidebook

Live your own unique, inspired life and share your light with the world as a sacred offering. This oracle deck is filled with striking imagery and beautiful heartfelt guidance to support you in awakening your sacred, rebellious heart. Celebrate and nurture your individuality. Become fully alive and express your authentic truths. Use these cards to gain trust in your own uniqueness and honor your creative power! 978-0-7387-4577-0


Myths & Mermaids

Amber Logan and Kachina Mickeletto, with Art by Jasmine Becket-Griffith Boxed kit includes a 42-card deck and a 120-page guidebook

The mystical element of water is both bringer of life and bearer of death, the herald of hope and the harbinger of destruction. Who better, then, to ask for guidance and inspiration than the spirits of water themselves, the Water Fae. Myths & Mermaids contains forty-two enchanting cards with the artwork of world-renowned artist Jasmine Becket-Griffith, paired with a guidebook channeling the wisdom, advice, and card spreads ranging from concise yes/no readings to more complex divinations. 978-0-7387-4579-4

The Flower of Life

Denise Jarvie Boxed deck includes 52 guidance cards and instruction booklet

The Flower of Life contains all possibilities, the essence of all desire. The flower is a powerful creative symbol that holds infinite divine potential. These cards are a portal to the potential that exists deep within you. Take a journey with the divine Astar, a loving consciousness whose energy permeates this deck. Through The Flower of Life cards, the love and truth that exists inside us all streams to the surface and blossoms in the world. 978-0-7387-4578-7



Earth Power Oracle

Ask An Angel

Everyone has felt a place of incredible power—be it a natural sanctuary, a breathtaking landscape, an ancient temple, or even simply a sacred space in the home. At the very heart of this stirring is the remembrance of an ancient time when humankind was intricately connected and in tune with the power of the Earth. This awe-inspiring deck reconnects us with that reality, transmitting the energy of forty-one of the most deeply moving sacred places on the globe. 978-0-7387-4458-2

Quickly and easily receive answers to your questions and gain deeper insights into your current state of being. This kit will allow you to give in-depth readings for yourself and others, allowing the loving guidance and support of the angelic realm to be a constant and powerful healing presence in your life. 978-0-7387-4243-4

Stacey Demarco, with illustrations by Jimmy Manton Boxed kit includes a 41-card deck and a 128-page book

Toni Carmine Salerno & Carisa Mellado Boxed kit includes a 42-card deck and a 124-page book

Cat Wisdom Oracle

Tanya Graham • Boxed kit includes 45-card deck and 124-page book

A collection of photographs and kitten-inspired words of wisdom, this deck is designed to celebrate the love that cats bring to our lives. Featuring forty-five cards and a guidebook, this fun and inspiring card set will encourage you to reflect on your life from a new perspective. 978-0-7387-4247-2




See a full selection of Blue Angel Oracle decks, books, and more at www.Llewellyn.com


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ORACLE cards • books • relaxation & guided meditation cds & DVDs • journals • accessories


Aqua CD

Reiki Music: Volume I CD

Butterfly CD

Elvina Munir • 4 Tracks • Running Time 64 mins

Martine Salerno & Neil Barry • 1 Track • Running Time 60 mins

Jeffree Clarkson • 4 Tracks • Running Time 59 mins

A dreamscape of ambient harp and flute accompanied by gentle soothing humpback whale song, Aqua is a musical journey to the exquisite stillness of Being—a state of joyful peace and pure bliss. This music is inspired by the beloved whales and dolphins who bring joy, love, and healing into our lives through their presence. 978-0-7387-4368-4


Featuring bell sounds every three minutes, this sixty-minute soundtrack is ideal background music for Reiki treatments, meditation, or relaxation. Inspiring, heartfelt, and soothing, this CD is ideal for Reiki students and practitioners. Composed and performed by Neil Barry and featuring subliminal mantras by Reiki Master Teacher Martine Salerno, Reiki Music: Volume 1 is infused with love, light, and healing vibrations that nurture mind, body and spirit. 978-0-7387-4276-2

Butterfly is an extremely soft and gentle composition with a purpose to relax and heal. The tempo is slow moving, featuring a blend of structured and free-form motion. The finished music is complimented by the natural sounds of birds and water that work to create a visual experience within and a profound level of deep relaxation. 978-0-7387-4299-1



Heart & Soul Journal

Passion Journal

Angelic Inspirations

Toni Carmine Salerno •160 pp • 61/4 x 81/2 Hardcover

Toni Carmine Salerno •160 pp • 61/4 x 81/2 Hardcover

Toni Carmine Salerno • 100 pp • 9 x 10

Featuring the gorgeous artwork of Toni Carmine Salerno, this perfect-bound journal is ideal for creative writing, recording thoughts and dreams, and writing down thoughts in response to meditation or spiritual work. The journal includes 160 faint-lined pages with inspirational quotes on every second page and a double-sided full-color insert. 978-0-7387-4316-5

Featuring the gorgeous artwork of Toni Carmine Salerno, this perfect-bound journal is ideal for creative writing, recording thoughts and dreams, and writing down thoughts in response to meditation or spiritual work. The journal includes 160 faint-lined pages with inspirational quotes on every second page and a double-sided full-color insert. 978-0-7387-4317-2



Angelic Inspirations is a book that’s also an oracle, guiding you with positive and uplifting messages from the Angelic Realm. Filled with inspirational sayings, quotes, and affirmations, this beautifully presented, full-color book features over forty brand-new artworks by best-selling artist and author Toni Carmine Salerno. 978-0-7387-4238-0


See a full selection of Blue Angel Oracle decks, books, and more at www.Llewellyn.com F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e

(see order form for details)


Astrology Venus Signs

Astrology for Beginners

Jessica Shepherd • 240 pp • 5 x 8

Joann Hampar • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Explore your Venus sign—a powerful astrological tool—and reacquaint yourself with your innermost desires and erotic strengths. Discover the must-have qualities of your soul mate, how to keep a long-term relationship going, how to align with your own feminine energy, and how to attract your heart’s desire. Venus power will help you create, laugh, and love! 978-0-7387-4194-9

This step-by-step guide takes you through the language of astrological symbols. As each chapter unfolds, a new realm of your horoscope is revealed, including chart patterns, zodiac signs, houses, planets, and aspects. By the last lesson, you’ll be able to read and interpret your chart, and gain valuable insight into yourself and others. 978-0-7387-1106-5

All Around the Zodiac

Astrology for Writers

Bil Tierney • 480 pp • 6 x 9

Corrine Kenner • 336 pp • 6 x 9

All Around the Zodiac is ideal for all who want to get new insight into the dynamic qualities of each sign. This book begins by defining each of the signs, and then analyzes the meanings of all sixty-six pairs of signs and concludes by revealing the meanings of the planets and houses in the signs. 978-0-7387-0111-0


Build your storytelling from the cosmic drama of the stars! Discover inspiration for your creative writing in this unique guide filled with exercises for character creation, techniques for constructing plotlines and setting, and much more. Featuring an introduction to astrology, you’ll learn how to develop characters, descriptions, and dialogue based on mythic archetypes and more. 978-0-7387-3333-3


Astrology of the Moon

Kevin Burk • 368 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Amy Herring • 312 pp • 6 x 9

Develop an integrated, synthesized approach to understanding the birth chart. More than techniques, Astrology stresses the principles that make those techniques valid. Besides enriching your understanding of the planets, signs, and houses, you’ll explore the lunar nodes, eclipses, angles, retrograde planets, and aspect patterns as well as gain a holistic understanding of the horoscope. 978-1-56718-088-6

Your moon sign represents your emotional nature and lights the way toward profound spiritual growth; this information-packed guide explains the moon’s powerful energetic potential in relation to the signs, houses, planets, and aspects. Look up your moon sign with the easy-to-use “cookbook” format, and discover your emotional needs so you can create happiness at every life stage. 978-0-7387-1896-5


Save 30% $21.99 $15.39

Save 30% $14.95 $10.47

Save 30% $17.99 $12.59


Astrology on the Cusp

Horary Astrology Plain & Simple

Sally Cragin • 240 pp • 5 x 8

Anthony Louis • 288 pp • 7 x 10

Gain a deeper understanding of your personality and motivations— and those of your partner, friends, and family—with this first-ever guide to cusp astrology. Designed for people whose birthdays fall between two signs, this book lets you quickly look up your date of birth to discover your strengths, career opportunities, gifts, and challenges. 978-0-7387-3154-4

Horary astrology is the best method for answering questions of pressing personal concern: Will I ever have children? Should I buy that property? What happened to my keys? Here is the best how-to guide for the intermediate astrologer on the art of astrological divination. When used wisely, horary acts like a trusted advisor. 978-1-56718-401-3

Chiron Barbara Hand Clow • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Llewellyn’s New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Interpreter

Chiron is the bridge to the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Here you’ll learn the meaning of Chiron in each house, in aspect to each planet, through each sign, and in transit. Learn how the mythological meaning of Chiron relates to its meaning in astrology and how this can be incorporated into your readings and your life. 978-0-87542-094-3

Includes all information needed to advance from beginning to expert astrologer. This new edition adds information on Chiron, transneptunians, horary and mundane astrology, health considerations, as well as a study guide and a complete astrological dictionary. 978-0-7387-0322-0




Llewellyn George • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8



Lunar Nodes

Celeste Teal • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Celeste Teal • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Solar and lunar eclipses can have a transformative effect in your life and relationships; learn their impact and their astrological difference. Eclipses includes a master eclipse and planetary transits chart, complete to 2015, making it easy for you to add the influences of eclipses to readings—learn the impact of prenatal eclipses on the natal chart. 978-0-7387-0771-6

By examining your lunar nodes, the points where the moon’s orbit crosses the sun’s path, you can interpret the north and south nodes in relation to the natal chart’s houses, ruling planets, aspects, signs, and more. Ideal for beginning to intermediate astrologers, this book shows you how to predict future events, helps you discover your karmic life path, and more. 978-0-7387-1337-3




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Astrology Noel Tyl’s Guide to Astrological Consultation


Noel Tyl • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Rod Suskin • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Once you understand the astrological chart, it’s time to bring order and clarity to your consultations with clients. Emphasizing the horoscope as a reflection of an individual, Noel Tyl demonstrates how to transform astrological data into a vivid personality portrait. He also provides a cohesive, effective format for meeting with clients. 978-0-7387-1049-5

Provide invaluable insight into a couple’s future life together with this comprehensive guide to relationship analysis. Learn how to recognize behavioral patterns, identify potential challenges, predict relationship longevity, interpret composite and marriage charts, and give practical advice for making the relationship work. 978-0-7387-1255-0

Predicting Events with Astrology

Solar Arcs

Celeste Teal • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Noel Tyl • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

This expanded and revised edition offers brand-new material and additional forecasting tips for life’s anticipated adventures and choosing ideal times for planned events. This book covers all essential applications of predictive astrology, including transits, planetary aspects, progressions, the vertex, solar and lunar returns, eclipses, and lunar nodes. 978-0-7387-1553-7

Having used the solar arcs system for nearly thirty years, Noel Tyl now shares his deep insight into this predictive system with astrologers around the world. The book is also filled with bonus material: tertiary progressions, rectification, ephemeredes, and Tyl’s analytical synthesis of every one of the 1,130 possible solar arc and solar arc midpoint pictures. 978-0-7387-0054-0

Predicting Weather Events with Astrology


Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Bernie Ashman • 504 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Discover how to predict large weather events, from hurricanes and tornadoes to droughts and floods, with astrology as your guide. Using past examples and sample calculations for the future, Llewellyn’s bestselling astrology author explains how you can chart weather events. Ideal for intermediate astrologers and weather enthusiasts, this book is a valuable guide to astrometeorology. 978-0-7387-4158-1

Many of us play the relationship game, regardless of how our Sun signs are supposed to get along. No matter your sign or your partner’s, this book will pinpoint the potential pitfalls and how to deal with them. Build a stronger relationship by working through the strategies suggested for your sign combination. 978-1-56718-046-6

Save 30% $21.95 $15.37



Save 30% $29.95 $20.97



Sun Signs & Past Lives


Bernie Ashman • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Gwyneth Bryan • 192 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Reach your full potential with an instant past-life reading based on your Sun sign. Bernie Ashman provides a simple, foolproof way to pinpoint behaviors that may be keeping you from peace and fulfillment. Discover your innate strengths, find out the spiritual lessons you need to learn, and use these insights to transform your life. 978-0-7387-2107-1

Blending astrology, psychology, and metaphor, this astrological guide helps readers grasp the dynamics of each of the twelve astrological houses. Houses discusses different house systems, the meanings of each house, and how to interpret each planet in every house. This book features modern terminology and gives new life and modernity to your understanding of the houses. 978-0-7387-0868-3

Aspect Patterns

Saturn Cycles

Stephanie Clement, PhD • 216 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Wendell C. Perry • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Patterns are everywhere, from beehives to DNA strands to the stars in the sky, and aspect patterns indicate how personality traits can be seen in character development and decisions in relationships, career, etc. Illustrated with numerous charts and examples of famous personalities, this book finally makes understanding and interpreting the many different patterns clear. 978-0-7387-0782-2

See how Saturn signals important changes in all areas of your life—self, home life, career, and relationships—as it makes aspects to the Ascendant, Imum Coeli, Midheaven, and Descendant. This astrological guide also features fascinating case studies of celebrities such as Britney Spears, Oprah Winfrey, and the Dalai Lama. 978-0-7387-1493-6


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Planetary aspects are an essential part of chart interpretation. It is the relationships between the stars and planets that let us grasp the destiny of the individual. Aspects describe the complex configurations that influence what will happen to us over time. Topics include oppositions, squares, conjunctions, trines, sextiles, and many more. 978-0-7387-0928-4

This cosmic cocktail of marriage insight is based on the Sun sign of your wedding day. See how your career, health, children, friends, spiritual beliefs, and more can be influenced by the stars. This entertaining guide also includes ideas for celebrating the special day with flowers, colors, and other symbols. 978-0-7387-1169-0



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Spellcasters of all levels can enhance their daily life with easy bewitchments, recipes, rituals, and meditations. Also included: advice for beginners, astrological data, and daily color and incense recommendations to enhance each day’s magic. 978-0-7387-2692-2

Today’s busy Witches can stay on top of it all with this indispensable, on-the-go tool. You’ll find fun, fresh ways to enhance your practice—inspiring Sabbat musings (Deborah Blake), tasty Sabbat recipes (Diana Rajchel), and flowers (Tess Whitehurst). 978-0-7387-2691-5

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When Israel Regardie wrote A Garden of Pomegranates, he designed it to be a simple yet comprehensive guidebook outlining the complex system of the Qabalah and providing a key to its symbolism. Since then it has achieved the status of a classic. It has been updated with full annotations, critical commentary, and explanatory notes.

The Middle Pillar Israel Regardie, Edited and Annotated by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 312 pp • 6 x 9

The First New Regardie Book in Decades Gold: Israel Regardie’s Lost Book of Alchemy Israel Regardie, Edited and Annotated by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero 264 pp • 6 x 9 In this newly rediscovered text, famed occultist Israel Regardie sheds light on the psychological and spiritual meaning behind the symbols and metaphors of alchemy. Fully edited and annotated by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, Gold is the first new book by Regardie published in decades. Analyzing The True Book of Synesius—an important seventeenth century alchemical treatise—Regardie uses the language of Jungian psychology, magnetism, and hypnosis while citing his own unique experiences as a therapist and healer. Touching upon alchemical theory, Taoist philosophy, yoga, hypnotism, Zen Buddhism, and experiments with the human aura, Gold is a definitive work by a true master.



Break the barrier between the conscious and unconscious through the Middle Pillar exercise—a bridge into magic, chakra work, and psychology. The Ciceros, who knew Israel Regardie personally, have made his work more accessible by adding extensive notes and explanatory chapters. 978-1-56718-140-1


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The Philosopher’s Stone Israel Regardie; Edited & Annotated by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 552 pp • 6 x 9 In this seminal magical text, the renowned Israel Regardie analyzes three important alchemical treatises from the 1600s. This new edition is fully annotated with critical commentary and explanatory notes from the famed occultists Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. 978-0-7387-3686-0



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Frater U...D... • 168 pp • 53/16 x 8 Empower and advance your magical practice with sigil magic, one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. Practical Sigil Magic is widely regarded as the definitive guide to the topic. Unavailable for a number of years and long sought-after by ceremonial magicians, mages, and hermetic practitioners, this classic work is available once again. 978-0-7387-3153-7


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• Rituals for summoning spirits & fairies (including Oberion)

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• One of the oldest known copies of The Enchiridion

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magick Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic


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Stephen Skinner • 388 pp • 71/2 x 10 • Hardcover Egypt was once at the heart of magical practice, and the GraecoEgyptian papyri are the clearest and most extensive documentation of some of these earliest methods. Using academic tools, Stephen Skinner has translated and presented the information contained in the papyri so that the magic will transcend theory and become a real practice. 978-0-7387-4632-6


The Veritable Key of Solomon Edited by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine 488 pp • 71/2 x 10 • Hardcover This is perhaps the most comprehensive version of the Key of Solomon ever published, presenting all aspects of this revered magical system in one impressive source. Based on the original Key of Solomon manuscript, this brand new text features never-before-published material, and more than 160 illustrations. 978-0-7387-1453-0


Sepher Raziel Don Karr • 296 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with Dust Jacket Sepher Raziel (or Liber Salomonis) is a full grimoire in the Solomonic tradition from a sixteenth century manuscript. It includes seven books, including sections on astrology, stones, herbs, animals, perfumes and incenses, magickal timing, preparations for invocation, the heavens and their angels, magical directions, working with orisons (prayers), and much more. 978-0-7387-2353-2


Practical Angel Magic of Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Tables Stephen Skinner & David Rankine • 296 pp • 7 x 10 Hardcover with Dust Jacket

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Here is the suppressed Enochian material that the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley didn’t know. Derived from two previously unpublished manuscripts, this book reveals exactly how Dee and Kelly performed their angel evocations. 978-0-7387-2351-8


Magical Treatise of Solomon, or Hygromanteia Ioannis Marathakis • 348 pp • 71/2 x 101/4 Hardcover with Dust Jacket The Magical Treatise of Solomon, or Hygromanteia is the ultimate grimoire—the absolute foundation of ceremonial magic. The true source of the Key of Solomon, it is arguably the most significant magical text in the world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary work has been translated from the original Greek into English. 978-0-7387-3140-7


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Liber Lunae Stephen Skinner & Don Karr • 296 pp • 7 ½ x 10 ¼ Hardcover with Dust Jacket Liber Lunae has been transcribed from a sixteenth-century English manuscript, annotated, and supplemented with modernized English. The three major sections include: The Mansions of the Moon; The Hours of the Day and Night; and The Figures of the Planets. 978-0-7387-3139-1



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The Secret of Your Immortal Self

Everlasting Love

Guy Finley • 368 pp • 5 x 7

Patrick Mathews & Kathleen Mathews 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

Achieve a new level of self-understanding, gain a more meaningful relationship with the Divine, and let go of useless suffering. 978-0-7387-4407-0

Your dearest loved ones are always with you in spirit; learn how to continue your relationship with renewed romance and spiritual understanding. 978-0-7387-4157-4



How to Talk to Me After I’m Gone

Past Lives, Present Stories Judith Marshall • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Alexandra Chauran • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Explore your past lives with timeCommunicate with your loved ones tested exercises for past-life recall. even after you’ve passed over to the 978-0-7387-3668-6 other side by working with this book Save 30% $15.99 $11.19 and creating your own plans and documentation. 978-0-7387-3925-0


Heal Your Grief with Belief Evidence of Eternity Mark Anthony • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8 Mark Anthony, medium and psychic lawyer, relays messages from spirits to their loved ones in this remarkable exploration of life after death. Answering frequent questions about the afterlife—what is it like, what happens to murder victims and suicides, can my loved ones hear me—Evidence of Eternity is filled with inspiring true stories.

By Morning’s Light

The Evolving Soul

This remarkable true story shows us how we can move through grief and continue to have a relationship with those we love. 978-0-7387-3294-7

Discover how we create the pre-birth blueprints that infuse our lives with purpose, heal your relationships, and work through fear and loss. 978-0-7387-3932-8

Ginny Brock • 336 pp • 53/16 x 8

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Dr. Linda Backman • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Featuring comforting accounts of spirit communication, Evidence of Eternity also explains Mark’s ability to contact those on the other side. Accompanied by credible evidence and theories from Mark’s own research, these stories prove that your beloved family and friends do live on forever.



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The Pursuit of Happiness

Della Temple • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

David Pond • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

Tame the negative chatter of your inner critic and replace it with the voice of inner guidance. Explore the energy of your thoughts and feelings and learn to turn the negatives into positives. Discover how to use innate intuitive abilities to heal your inner self. With tools, meditations, and exercises, you’ll enhance your learning and delve deeper into self-awareness. 978-0-7387-4395-0

David Pond offers unique and easy-to-follow guidance for experiencing true happiness in your life. Pond describes all seven dimensions through which we experience life and gives practical methods for developing and integrating each of these aspects. When you’re fully engaged at each level, you gain a multidimensional awareness that serves as a powerful source of strength. 978-0-7387-1403-5

The Mindfulness Habit

Radical Awareness

Kate Sciandra • 216 pp • 5 x 7

Catherine Dowling • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Discover a demystified and easy approach to being present—anytime and anywhere—with this step-by-step guide to making your life more centered and mindful. Once you integrate mindfulness into your existing lifestyle, you’ll become illuminated by a sense of calm, focus, and contentment that brings joy not only to you but also to those whose lives you touch. 978-0-7387-4189-5

Radical Awareness translates the transformational power of these common but extraordinary experiences into a practical, workable system that can be applied to daily living. Through the practice of breathwork and other hands-on exercises, author Catherine Dowling offers simple and safe techniques for spiritual and psychological transformation. 978-0-7387-4014-0

Classical Feng Shui for Romance, Sex & Relationships

Karmic Choices

Master Denise Liotta Dennis • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Karmic Choices gives you the tools to get unstuck by designing an exciting, interesting, and productive life. Djuna Wojton’s law of karma brings a new perspective to working with the law of attraction to manifest the life you desire. With exercises, questionnaires, and the author’s three-step karmic formula, this book will help you open up to more satisfaction in your career, relationships, and more. 978-0-7387-3616-7



Attract romance, sex, and the ideal partner using the principles of classical Feng Shui. Cultivate positive relationship experiences through the arrangement of your home or office. Discover how Master Denise Liotta Dennis helps both genders overcome their relationship challenges with time-tested techniques. 978-0-7387-4188-8


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Djuna Wojton • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8


Forgive and Be Free

Daily Enlightenments

Ana Holub • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Nathalie W. Herrman • 408 pp • 5 x 7

Discover the ecstatic bliss of release, healing, and higher consciousness that forgiveness brings. This comprehensive guide will help make your life more creative, abundant, and compassionate with its easy, step-by-step approach to forgiveness, which is the spiritual foundation that is necessary for ultimate healing. 978-0-7387-3617-4

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Discover spiritual guidance for every day of the year with this easy-to-understand, practical handbook. Each entry is a simple reminder to improve the quality of your life, and each concludes with a brief “take away” affirmation about how to best apply the spiritual concept to your life. In only five minutes of reading, this practical tool grounds you in spiritual truth for each day. 978-0-7387-3712-6

Awake in the World

Don’t Give Up Until You Do

Debra Moffitt • 432 pp • 5 x 7

Fred H. Meyer, MD • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

This unique book contains 108 quick and simple exercises inspired by wisdom traditions around the globe. Compatible with any faith, the practical techniques—including meditations, blessings, rituals, mantras, and other spirit-enriching activities—can be performed anytime. Learn to stay calm in a crisis, focus on what is truly important, and recognize the divine in everyday life. 978-0-7387-2722-6

Walk the path of the Buddhist and reach the pinnacle of human achievement—the realization of Truth. Dr. Fred Meyer, a practicing Buddhist for over thirty-five years, shares his approach to attaining realization and offers guidance on central Buddhist concepts—from the spiritual power of humor to the dangers of possessive love to the challenge of releasing attachment. 978-0-7387-3284-8


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Richard Harvey • 288 pp • 6 x 9

You can have the life you want—and you can have it now. Reclaim your personal power with a simple four-step process that combines powerful law-of-attraction techniques, cutting-edge science, and the wisdom of some of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions. This is a real, hands-on approach—you don’t need to take great leaps of faith or radically change your beliefs to achieve a better life. 978-0-7387-2004-3

According to Richard Harvey, spiritual attainment is not an unreachable fantasy, but rather a logical extension of human development. Learn how to attain the three stages of human awakening on the inner journey to your true self. Included are personal stories, case studies from the author’s therapy practice, and exercises designed for your own journey toward self-realization. 978-0-7387-3470-5


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Understand and positively influence your optimum health and well being.


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365 Ways to Develop Your Psychic Ability

Premonitions in Daily Life

Psychic Abilities for Beginners

Alexandra Chauran • 360 pp • 5 x 7

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Premonitions occur in a variety of ways and are more common than their dark reputation suggests. Demystifying assumptions and fears about premonitions, this in-depth, three-part guide shows you how to identify and interpret premonitions, explore their personal meanings, and respond with common sense without challenging your beliefs. 978-0-7387-3475-0

When you develop your psychic skills, you will increase your confidence, stimulate your potential, and expose the magnificence that is already inside you. Author Melanie Barnum provides hands-on exercises and techniques to find your intuitive strengths; true stories of psychic events; ways to enhance your relationships, career, and financial situation; and much more. 978-0-7387-4028-7

Achieve psychic mastery in one year with this daily guide. Learn meditation, trance techniques, and divination in an easy-to-use, page-a-day format. Beginning with simple observation skills and advancing to more demanding techniques such as reading for others, this book lets you absorb information and stretch your psychic muscles at your own pace. 978-0-7387-3930-4

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Angel Magic

With her signature sass and wit, Chantel Lysette offers a hands-on guide and workbook for recognizing the presence of angels and learning to connect with them. 978-0-7387-2123-1

Attract healing, protection, inspiration, and more with this uplifting guide that features a directory of 250 angels and the ways in which they assist us. 978-0-7387-2178-1

Angel Whispers

Angelic Pathways

This inspiring book is filled with uplifting stories and common-sense advice on finding your life’s purpose and mission. 978-0-7387-2783-7

Angel intuitive Chantel Lysette shows how to embrace the archangels for guidance and friendship, find peace in day-to-day living, and understand your life purpose. 978-0-7387-3496-5

Chantel Lysette • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8


Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Connect with Angels for Healing and Transformation


Cassandra Eason • 264 pp • 6 x 9

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Chantel Lysette • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

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True Tales of Angel Encounters

Carmel Reilly • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8

This fascinating collection of true angel stories highlights how spiritual beings have touched lives. 978-0-7387-1494-3



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Silver RavenWolf • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

No problem is too large or too small for angels—universal friends just waiting for you to call on them. 978-1-56718-724-3

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Access the mysteries of the unconscious mind through an innovative and simple three-step approach: identify universal symbols, consider the context, and pinpoint personal associations. Also includes an overview of major dream types, such as nightmares, recurring, and precognitive, plus in-depth, classic meanings for over three hundred dream symbols.

Dreams and What They Mean to You Migene González-Wippler • 240 pp • Mass Market Learn to recall your dreams so that you can use them to solve problems and gain personal understanding. This complete guide begins by exploring the nature of the human mind and consciousness; there is also an extensive dream dictionary, which lists the meanings for a wide variety of dream images. 978-0-87542-288-6

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Analyze your dreams through this how-to guide’s twelve-step program. Go beyond mere symbolism by exploring the themes presented in your dreams and their relationship to your waking life. Also included is a Theme Matrix that offers practical steps you can take to incorporate your personal dream wisdom into your everyday life. 978-0-7387-0818-8

Decode the wisdom of your dreams to improve your relationships, enrich your life, and achieve personal growth. Dream Interpretation for Beginners explores:

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Your Dreams

• Detailed instruction for dream interpretation

Ana Lora Garrard • 240 pp • 5 x 7

• Dreams for health and healing

Can dreams predict the future, provide healing, or open the door to a higher power? By showing you how to draw forth your innate wisdom, this refreshingly simple book allows you to fully comprehend the messages in your dreams. Use your dream wisdom to gain insight into your relationships, health, career, finances, and spiritual growth. 978-0-7387-2177-4

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Use dreams for spiritual unfolding as well as improved problem-solving, creative inspiration, and deeper insight into your life.



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a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p Vibrational Healing Jaya Jaya Myra • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8 Explore the dynamic relationship between energy and health, learn a variety of healing modalities, and determine which vibrational healing technique will work best for you. Discover your energy type, physical body type, temperament, and life purpose. This groundbreaking guide is perfect for skilled healers and beginners who simply want to live more balanced, vibrant, and healthy lives. 978-0-7387-4362-2


The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones Margaret Ann Lembo • 456 pp • 6 x 9 Packed with nearly 200 color photos, this go-to reference highlights 160 stones that can improve your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Each specimen includes corresponding chakras, planets, elements, zodiac signs, divinatory meaning, and affirmations. 978-0-7387-3252-7


Jewelry & Gems for Self-Discovery Shakti Carola Navran • 216 pp • 6 x 9 Transform your favorite ring or necklace into a spiritual tool cosmically tuned to your unique horoscope. This guide to precious stones and crystals will show you how to select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body, heart, mind, and soul through a combination of gemstones perfectly tailored to your needs. 978-0-7387-1443-1

Save 30% $16.95 $11.87 The Good Energy Book

Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Enhance the Power of Thirteen Crystals Crystal Resonance Kerry Nelson Selman • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Improve your well being with synergistic combinations of crystals, essential oils, and flower essences. These gifts of the Earth resonate at a higher frequency when used together, and they enhance your connection to the divine while also empowering you to live a life of purpose, grace, and vibrational wellness. Crystal Resonance explores thirteen crystals and their complementary oils and essences, providing detailed information about the main applications of each, as well as meditations to put it all into action. Embrace a life of wonder, purpose, joy, and wellness with the enhanced vibratory frequencies these combinations provide.



Become a fountain of good energy in every area of your life! Tess Whitehurst offers sparkling advice for creating, maintaining, and sharing positive energy. Using Tess’s holistic and easy-to-follow system, discover how to keep your energy positive and traverse any place, situation, or challenge with confidence, clarity, and grace. 978-0-7387-2772-1


Crystals for Beginners Corrine Kenner • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8 Crystals for Beginners explores the universal allure of crystals and demonstrates how to channel their dynamic energies. This practical guide introduces the history and myth surrounding these powerful minerals, along with advice for collecting, cleansing, and charging them. Readers also learn how to apply crystal energy to meditation, healing, psychic development, magic, and more. 978-0-7387-0755-6


Energy SourceBook Dr. Jill Henry, EdD • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8 Maximize the power of your personal energy simply by becoming aware of it! Energy SourceBook describes how energy manipulation is a terrific tool for self-healing and transformation. It addresses several energy theories in depth, spanning everything from meditation to Chakra work. 978-0-7387-0529-3

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a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p Reincarnation Marilou Trask-Curtin 240 pp • 53/16 x 8


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Death is not the end, but rather a glorious new beginning. After a period of rest between lives, we return to earth to experience love and right our past wrongs. Author Marilou Trask-Curtin has experienced reincarnation first hand. In this fascinating book, she describes how she lost touch with her past-life memories and then regained them.

Dreaming of the Dead Marilou Trask-Curtin • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Since the age of three, Marilou Trask-Curtin has communicated with spirits. In this book, she touchingly recounts her visitations with spirits who offer advice, reassurance, or to let her know they have died or are about to pass on—including beloved pets and ghostly visitations from Samuel L. Clemens and Harriet Beecher Stowe, among others. 978-0-7387-3191-9


We Walk Beside You Always Bridget Benson • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8 Your loved ones in spirit are only a thought away. With warmth and honesty, Irish medium Bridget Benson shares inspirational, uplifting true stories of the ways in which our family and friends in spirit are still very much involved in our lives. Included are the afterlife experiences of children, beloved pets, and the author’s own awe-inspiring near-death experience. 978-0-7387-3749-2


Living in Your Soul’s Light Richard Webster • 264 • 5 /16 x 8 3

In 2010, popular author Richard Webster had a brush with death that compelled him to write about the soul—the spiritual and immortal part of each of us. In his friendly and accessible manner, Webster explores beliefs and customs regarding the soul, past lives, and reincarnation in various cultures. 978-0-7387-3249-7


One Woman’s Three Amazing Near-Death Experiences Three Journeys to Heaven Marilou Trask-Curtin • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8 Having died and returned to life three times, author Marilou Trask-Curtin has learned life’s most profound lessons—lessons that are relevant for anyone who wants to be filled with love and purpose. In Three Journeys to Heaven, Trask-Curtin explores the nature of the neardeath experience, describing in detail her time spent in the spirit world, and reveals how her experiences changed her behavior, goals, and outlook. Her amazing story includes meeting guardian angels and soul mates, experiencing healing miracles, and discovering her life’s mission.



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True Police Stories of the Strange & Unexplained

Surrounded by Ghosts

Spirits Out of Time

Ingrid P. Dean • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Janet Larkin • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Annie Wilder • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Spooky, poignant, and humorous, these true family ghost stories are brought to life with vintage photographs. They include tales of a haunted hotel, a magical bookstore, and a faceless ghost girl who haunted Annie’s mother for decades. 978-0-7387-1440-0

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Janet Larkin has led a life full of ghostly encounters. From dying and coming back to life as a newborn to having a conversation with her grandmother who died before she was born, Janet has seen many spirits. In Surrounded by Ghosts, she recalls her creepiest stories and grapples to make sense of a life overflowing with unexplained phenomena. 978-0-7387-0-3598-6

True Tales of Ghostly Encounters

Stalked by Spirits

So You Want to Hunt Ghosts?

Edited by Andrew Honigman • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8

Vivian Campbell • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Deonna Kelli Sayed • 264 pp • 6 x 9

There’s remarkable proof of life after death in these detailed accounts of messages, gifts, blessings, and assistance from the spirit world. FATE magazine has published thousands of ghost stories, true experiences of ordinary people who have had extraordinary encounters with the hereafter. 978-0-7387-0989-5


Shadowed by the supernatural since childhood, Vivian Campbell has encountered angry wraiths, terrorizing demons, and bizarre, unearthly beings. From violent phantom attacks to the return of a dearly loved pet, Vivian relives her chilling experiences, while taking you inside spirit-infested places she has lived in and explored. 978-0-7387-2731-8

Packed with insider knowledge, this new, comprehensive book covers everything about becoming a real paranormal investigator. Learn how to conduct historical research on your case, build a cohesive team, use the latest ghost hunter gadgets, and discover how popular media and TV shows have impacted the modern paranormal community. 978-0-7387-3125-4

In the Presence of Spirits

Haunted Asylums, Prisons, and Sanatoriums

Chasing Graveyard Ghosts

Barbara Parks • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8

Jamie Davis with Samuel Queen • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Melba Goodwyn • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8

While mourning the death of a friend, Barbara Parks receives a miraculous visit from him. After five years of vicious poltergeist attacks, this joyous encounter allows Barbara to gradually accept the clairvoyant gifts that allow her to see spirits. Her dramatic and heartwarming true tales are convincing reminders that our loved ones are never far away. 978-0-7387-3352-4

Explore frightening ghost stories and true paranormal encounters at ten well-known, haunted institutions across the United States. This unique collection is filled with terrifying photos, spooky highlights from on-site tours, and historical information about each location. 978-0-7387-3750-8


Paranormal investigator Melba Goodwyn explores the weird phenomena, ghostly legends, and freakish folklore associated with cemeteries: vengeful ghosts, graveyard statues that come to life, even phantom cemeteries.... Along with true stories of her own hair-raising experiences, she offers insights into graveyard ghosts and guardians, and spirited statues. 978-0-7387-2126-2

A Haunted Life

America’s Haunted Universities

The House Where Evil Lurks

Debra Robinson • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8

Matt Swayne • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Brandon Callahan • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

Debra Robinson faced haunted houses, terrifying psychic encounters, shattered dreams, and a battle with evil. But nothing prepared her for losing the two most important people in her life. The tragic deaths of her only child and her beloved father—and their visits from the other side—give her the courage and strength to accept her psychic gifts. 978-0-7387-3641-9

From haunted libraries to doomed dorms, journalist Matthew L. Swayne has scoured the country for the creepiest ghost encounters at our bastions of higher learning. This guide explores the strangest and most enduring stories, complete with first-hand accounts from ghost hunters. 978-0-7387-3080-6

When Brandon Callahan answered a homeowner’s plea for help with a demon-infested property, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. In this terrifying true story, innocent bystanders and paranormal investigators alike are plagued by physical attacks and bleed-through phenomena at a house where disembodied shrieks, growls, and more. 978-0-7387-4066-9

These true, first-hand accounts from law enforcement officials across the nation reveal how intuition, apparitions, UFOs, prophetic dreams, and other forces beyond our understanding have impacted them in the course of duty. 978-0-7387-2644-1


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Mastering Astral Projection

Donald Tyson • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer • 504 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Boldly challenging long-held notions about astral projection, Donald Tyson proposes that the astral plane is a dimension within our minds. This revolutionary book features a history of astral practice, exercises for achieving this state of consciousness, astral doorways into this incredible dimension, and the creatures you’re likely to meet there. 978-0-7387-1087-7

Explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about your spirituality with Mastering Astral Projection. Projecting out-of-body requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit; presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program provides daily exercises that progressively prepare and train readers for this incredible, life-changing experience. 978-0-7387-0467-8

Practical Guide to Astral Projection

Mastering Astral Projection CD Companion

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Denning & Phillips • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8

Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer •A six-CD set with 64-page booklet

Your consciousness can be projected out-of-the-body; it is easily and safely learned with progressive exercises that lead to adventures, new skills, and magical ability, even the experience of astral sex. Written by leading experts in the field, you’ll learn step-bystep the formulas necessary to successfully move with ease across the astral plane. 978-0-87542-181-0

This revolutionary, yet easy-to-follow, six-CD audio course teaches you how to consciously have an out-of-body experience (OBE) and remember your life-changing journey into the astral realm. These recordings are used to induce an altered state of consciousness; please do not listen to them while operating machinery or a motor vehicle. 978-0-7387-1079-2


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Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience

Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience

Graham Nicholls • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Luis Minero • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8

Experience the insights and joys of astral projection with this science-based guide from a top authority in the field. Drawing on more than twenty years of study, Graham Nicholls shares proven techniques for leaving the body. Learn a customized approach to projecting with self-hypnosis, breath work, virtual reality, quantum science, nutrition, and healing. 978-0-7387-2761-5

This is a groundbreaking guide for using OBEs to achieve personal growth. With over a dozen exit techniques, learn to meet spiritual guides, loved ones who have crossed over, or other out-of-body travelers. Included are communication techniques and memory aids to get the most out of each experience. 978-0-7387-3079-0



Astral Projection for Beginners

Astral Travel For Beginners

Edain McCoy • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

Richard Webster • 256 pp • 53/16 x 8

For beginners, this book provides step-by-step instructions for safe and proven astral projection techniques. In your astral body, you can travel to different times and eras, reunite with departed loved ones, receive direction from your spirit guides, and view your Akashic Records, the astral record of all past and future events for each soul. 978-1-56718-625-3

Astral projection, or out-of-body travel, is a completely natural experience. Explore new worlds, go back and forth through time, make new friends or even find a lover—all are possibilities on the astral planes. Learn how to leave your body at will, be fully conscious, and remember the experience after you return. 978-1-56718-796-0

Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment

Astral Voyages

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, PhD 528 pp • 7 x 10

Dr. Bruce Goldberg • 264 pp • 6 x 9

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Through controlled, self-induced astral projection, tap the depths of your power to create the life of your dreams and unleash your highest potential. Learn how to explore past lives, communicate with guides and entities, expand your psychic awareness, and unlock the unlimited possibilities within yourself. 978-0-7387-3029-5



Free yourself from the limitations of the earthly plane and the laws of space and time. This guide presents more than sixty-five exercises that train you to safely leave your physical body and return unharmed from explorations of the upper astral plane and the causal, mental, or etheric realms. 978-1-56718-308-5


Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment Meditation CD

Ancient Teachings for Beginners

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, PhD Audio CD in a DVD case with an 18-page booklet

Learn to fully develop your innate psychic and spiritual powers in a surprisingly short time. Here is a step-by-step lesson plan that will allow you to quickly activate your latent inner powers. Using the secret wisdom of the Egyptian and Atlantean temples, you can discover how to empower your chakras, read the human aura, contact spirit guides, project your astral body, and delve into past lives. 978-1-56718-214-9

Dr. Joe H. Slate offers clear directions—complemented by special “pulsing” music—to gently guide you toward astral projection. Dissolve barriers to personal growth, meet spirits and guides, overcome fears, increase creativity, and awaken dormant powers. 978-0-7387-3588-7


Douglas De Long • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8


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pa r a n o r m a l Wayward Spirits & Earthbound Souls

Psychic Vampires

Anson V. Gogh • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Joe H. Slate, PhD • 264 pp • 6 x 9

In this fascinating collection of true stories, psychic clairvoyant Anson V. Gogh shares her most interesting and unusual cases. Helping an escaped slave reunite with his family and even crossing over a group of souls at Wal-Mart—it’s all in a day’s work. This book includes advice readers can use to help lost spirits cross over. 978-0-7387-1935-1

Exploring environmental, developmental and past-life factors, this vital guide presents effective step-by-step empowerment procedures to safeguard your energy reserves. With methods to identify and counteract the effects of psychic attacks, along with a seven-day psychic protection plan, you’ll learn to protect yourself. 978-0-7387-0191-2


Paranormal Obsession

Konstantinos • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Deonna Kelli Sayed • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Explore four types of werewolves: involuntary, voluntary, otherdimensional beings, and astral. Find out which kinds might actually exist, learn about Native American shapeshifting beliefs, and discover lycanthropic legends from cultures worldwide. Also includes never-before-published stories of actual werewolf sightings. 978-0-7387-2160-6


Ghosts and ghouls, demons, poltergeists, phantoms, haunted houses, and shadow people—why is America so captivated by the creepy and unexplained? Paranormal investigator and researcher Deonna Kelli Sayed interviewed ghost hunters, religious figures, scientists, academics, and cast members of the popular TV shows Ghost Hunters and Paranormal State. 978-0-7387-2635-9

Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense

How to Uncover Your Past Lives

Denning & Phillips • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8

Ted Andrews • 192 pp • 53/16 x 75/8

You are constantly subjected to psychic stress and psychological bombardment. This book will teach you how to develop your aura into a powerful protective force shield that will boost your sense of well-being, strengthen your immune system, and even give you added protection against accidents, physical aggression, and psychic attack. Radiate a new confidence, vitality, and strength. 978-0-87542-190-2

Have you ever experienced a feeling of déjà vu? These experiences provide clues to past lives. Learn how to safely and easily explore past-life memories using self-hypnosis, meditation, dowsing, fragrance, and crystals. Discover how to use past-life awareness as a tool for spiritual growth, to recognize soul mates and their role in your life, and gain insight into your life’s purpose. 978-0-7387-0813-3

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How to Do Psychic Readings Through Touch


Ted Andrews • 240 pp • 53/16 x 75/8

Konstantinos • 208 pp • 6 x 9

Psychic knowledge gained through the sensitivity of touch is something anyone can develop. Learn how to tap into the expertise of your fingertips for keen insight into your own wisdom so you can begin to reach out and help others. An excellent tool for caregivers, massage therapists, healers, and anyone who wants to connect through touch. 978-0-7387-0814-0

Convincing evidence that vampires truly exist, this book divulges actual first-person encounters with vampires of all types. You’ll find many never-before-published case histories of recent contacts with vampires, and letters from modern vampires that tell of their hidden lives. You’ll learn purification rites, banning rituals, and a fail-safe way to protect yourself from psychic vampire attack. 978-1-56718-380-1

Beyond Reincarnation

Vampires in Their Own Words

Joe H. Slate, PhD • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Michelle Belanger • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Exploring past lives, communicating with the departed, meeting spirit guides—accessing the spirit realm is not only possible, it’s beneficial for our present lives and future spiritual evolution. Pastlife knowledge can offer direction and balance, explain fears and compulsions, build self-worth, and promote acceptance of others. 978-0-7387-0714-3


Nearly two dozen real-life vampires break the code of silence that has kept this fascinating community shrouded in secrecy. This diverse collection of voices speaks candidly about their beliefs and practices. These true stories reflect on feeding, working with donors, living with a social stigma, ethical principles, and other unique aspects of this underground culture. 978-0-7387-1220-8

Vampire Nation

Vampires Through the Ages

Arlene Russo • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Brian Righi • 240 pp • 5 x 8

Now available in the US after taking the UK by storm, this fascinating book takes you into the heart of vampire culture. True stories and interviews with actual vampires give you an insider’s look at their intriguing practices, where they live, how they feed on blood and psychic energy, and many more chilling facts. 978-0-7387-1456-1

Uncover the truth behind myths and beliefs throughout history. Discover the vampire’s evolution, from Dracula’s mysteriously empty grave and the enduring legend it spawned to terrifying documented cases of real-life blood drinkers. Also explored: various cultures’ folklore, the church’s fight against vampirism, and Hollywood’s depictions of vampires. 978-0-7387-2648-9

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