Vocabulary unit 3

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Unit 3: Water A trip to a river

The water cycle

Source: Nacimiento To begin: Empezar / Comenzar Underground: Subsuelo Spring: Manantial River basin: Cuenca del río Tributary: Afluente

Rise: Levantarse To cool: Enfriar Water droplets: Gotas de agua Within: Dentro de To bump: Golpear To skip: Saltarse Sublimation: Sublimación To carry: Transportar

Bodies of water Groundwater No wonder: No es de extrañar Stream: Arroyo To blend: Mezclar Enclosed: Encerrada Riverbed: Cauce Meander: Meandro Drainage basin: Cuenca de drenaje Stages: Etapas Upper course: Curso alto Middle course: Curso medio Lower course: Curso bajo Steep slope: Cuesta abajo Gentle slope: Pendiente suave

To realise: Darse cuenta To sink down: Hundirse Aquifer: Acuífero Well: Pozo To trap: Atrapar Upwards: Hacia arriba To dig: Cavar Water pump: Bomba de agua Useful expressions A lake is a large enclosed body of fresh water

Rivers in Spain

Most of the water in the planet is salt water

Dry up: Secarse Irrigating fruits: Frutas de regadío Dam and reservoir: Presa y embalse Mountain range: Cordillera

A tributary is a river that flows into another river There are approximately 70 rivers in the world In the middle course the river flows more slowly

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