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Payne family celebrates 120 years in Lloyd

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Close to 200 Barr Colonist descendants from the ‘Payne’ family gathered the weekend of July 21-23 at Greenwood Community Center to celebrate 120 years as one of the founding families of Lloydminster.

The Payne relatives feel it’s important to gather together to honour their Pioneering ancestorsRobert and Jessie.

The descendants in the photo are wearing nine different colours representing the nine children of the Barr Colonist pioneers, Robert and Jessie Payne.

This 120th-year reunion is one of many they have had over the years beginning in 1993 with the 90th year.

The Payne relatives feel it’s important to gather together to honour their Pioneering ancestors - Robert and Jessie.

It all began with Rob-

Muzzle loader/crossbow is from Oct. 1 to 31. Rifle hunting goes from Nov. 15 to Dec 2. There is no draw season for whitetail hunters in Saskatchewan.

There is a draw for Canadian hunters that want to hunt whitetail that runs from Nov. 20 to Dec 2.

Mule deer archery draw goes from Sept. 1 to Oct 31. Muzzle/crossbow is from Oct. 1 to 31. A rifle hunt runs from ert and Jessie and their two young sons setting sail from England in 1903 along with other pioneer families. With giant hopes and dreams of a better life in Canada, they were led by Reverend Issac Barr and Reverend Lloyd to the “Promised Land”.

They first landed by ship in St. John, N.B., and travelled to Saskatoon by train and finally arrived in 1903 by ox and cart. It was a journey of uncertainties and hardship. Their homestead was 4 miles north and 2 miles east of Lloydminster in the Greenwood District.

Their first winter was spent in a tent inside their unfinished log cabin due to the early onset of winter that year.

With a family of nine children, five boys and four girls, Robert Payne farmed and used his trade skills as a bricklayer to manufacture bricks and build some of the early brick buildings in downtown Lloydminster. Some of those buildings still exist to this day.

Descendants of the Payne family still live on the homestead as well as in the city of Lloydminster and communities across Canada.

Nov. 1 to 14.

There is a regular mule deer archery tag in some zones that goes from Sept. 1 to Oct 31.

Regular moose tags are available only in the forest zones. That is for bull only and that starts on on Oct. 15 to 19, then again from Nov. 20 to 24.

Draw moose in the farmland is an eithersex tag and goes from Oct. 1 to 14 and again from Nov. 1 to 14.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


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