Meridian Source - August 25, 2022

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Taylor Weaver Meridian Source Photos

“The Lloydmin ster Fire Department’s newly built Station No. 1 is an important addi tion to the commu nity and will be inte gral to the safety of our residents, guests and regional neighbours,” said Fire Chief Leigh Sawicki. “Our new location will enhance response times to our community and provide greater onsite

It’slikeandwithLFD,15-yearindustrytoallowingreythroughgratedopportunitiesopportunities.trainingTheseareinteintothestationthefour-stotrainingstructure,ustocontinuemeetandexceedbestpractices.”KeithRushton,amemberofthewasoverthemoonthenewfacilitystateditfeltmoreahome.“Ilovethenewspace.bigger,moreacces sible for training, and we have more opportu nity for training. That tower, we can do more technical rescues with rope or with the aer ial, and it’s easier to use,” he said, noting his favourite part of the new station is the com mon areas where mem bers can sit down and relax when they have theFortime.Rushton, some thing as simple as hav ing photos from past fires hung on the walls in the new station as a reminder of the work they’ve done adds a homey feeling to the space.“The couches and fur niture are also great, it feels like home.”

All-in-one Fire Station No. 1 opens

VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 9Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIANSOURCE.CA

Work to turn Fire Station No. 1 into a reality began in 2018 and firefighters moved into the new station on MayThe20.$10M enhanced fire station was funded by the Government of Canada, the Govern ment of Alberta, and the City of Lloydmin ster dating back to early 2021.The ft.two-storey,state-of-the-art16,522sq.buildinghasareas specifically designed for bunker gear storage, a room for cleaning and drying equipment and gear, allowing firefight ers to ensure no cross contamination occurs in the rest of the build ing. The facility is also equipped with a fourstory training tower with three deck levels, including interior stairs, sprinkler props, stand pipe props to simulate high-rise buildings, and technical rope rescue. The building’s exte rior includes a balcony for practising aerial lad der rescue, which mem bers of the LFD were using for demonstra tions on Tuesday.

Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright MLA Garth Rowswell joins Mayor Gerald Aalbers, Lloydminster Fire Chief Leigh Sawicki, assistant Fire Chief Bill Heesing, and Lloydminster City manager Dion Pollard during an official hose uncoupling ceremony on Tuesday afternoon during the grand opening of the City’s new Fire Station. No. 1.

Whether they’re rac ing to a roaring fire, a multi-vehicle colli sion, or making sure their skills stay sharp with in-house training, members of the Lloy dminster Fire Depart ment (LFD) are well equipped in their new home.On Tuesday after noon, the City of minsterLloyd welcomed members of the media and the pub lic to the official grand opening of Fire Station No. 1, located at 3752 47 St., for a hose uncou pling ceremony and tours of the new facility.

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Photo courtesy of the City of Lloydminster Mayor Gerald Aalbers unveils the new sign at Ken Baker Park, located at 4713 57 Ave., with members of the late councillor and former mayor’s family on Tuesday morning.

Border City park named after late Ken Baker

A popular green space in the west Lloy dminster neighbour hood has been named in honour of long-serv ing Mayor and City Councillor, Ken Baker. Formerly known as Kin-Kinette Park, the area surrounding the outdoor pool (4713 57 Ave.) has been renamed for the former mayor, who served Lloydmin ster as a municipal official for nearly 20 years. The decision to rename the well-visited green space was recom mended by Lloydmin ster City Council and comes with the support of the local Kinsmen and Kinettes Club. “S ince Ken’s pass ing in November 2020, our City Coun cil and administra tion have been search ing our hearts for a way to honour his decades of public service and the important role he played in the formation of modern-day Lloyd minster,” said Mayor Gerald Aalbers. “For many years, Ken and wife, Jean, raised their family in the west Lloydminster neigh bourhood near the for mer Martin Browne School site. As a polit ical leader, he was deeply passionate about creating opportuni ties for recreation and community gathering. When the idea arose to name the largest park in this area for Ken, council recognized it as a tremendously fitting way to memorialize our friend and colleague.” The re naming of the park was made official during a small dedica tion ceremony on Tues day, Aug. 23, where members of the Baker family, along with city councillors, city staff, gathered to remember Baker and witness the unveiling of the new park thatenhancementsuedanddoorstructionpartourKinettestoparticularlysaidweingusthemanyKinsmencatedminstergenerationsognizedwaylegacypleasedclub&LloydminsterspokespersonDarcsignage.yWildemen,fortheKinsmenKinettesClubs,saidmembersweretoseeBaker’shonouredinathatwouldberecamongfutureofLloydresidents.“KenwasadedimemberoftheClubforyears,sowhencityapproachedaboutthere-namofthisparkspace,embracedtheidea,”Wildeman.“ThisparkspaceisspecialourKinsmenandmembers,asclubplayedamajorinfundingconoftheOutPoolinthe1950swehavecontintoinvestinparksincetime.”

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 3

The sun was shining bright all weekend for those trying to knock baseballs out of the park for a good cause. But, it doesn’t mat ter how many homers you hit because the real winners here are mem bers of the community.

Lori Memorial celebrates 21 years

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source Brandon Cote reacts as his beloved locks are shaved off during the 21 annual Lori Craven Memorial Tournament, held at Driven Energy Legion Ball Park on Sunday. Cote’s buzz cut was auctioned off $2,000.


The 21st annual Lori Craven Memorial Tournament took over Driven Energy Legion Ball Park last weekend, and to no one’s sur prise, the sold-out tour ney that can accommo date 32 teams raised a whopping $115,000 for local families in need. “I think this was a record-breaking year for us, and we have the weather to thank for that,” said one of the organizers Gerry Maier. “All of the teams stayed around all week end. We ran out of food, we ran out of alcohol, and we kept having to go back to get more supplies because people were so supportive. “This weekend is all about community com ing together for the past 21 years to help families with illnesses, to take away their financial bur den so they can put all of their efforts and positive thoughts into recovery for their loved one.”

With $115,000 tallied as of Tuesday morning, Maier said she expects that number to grow to at least $120,000 by the time the finals totals are done“Wordsup. can’t express how this all makes me feel; it’s just amazing,” she said, adding the fact she’s been reading inspirational posts on Facebook from people stating how much fun they have in the tourna ment every year. “I don’t have a word for it … I’m just over whelmed with pride for the community, the vol unteers, and everyone that participates in one way or Onceanother.”thetally is com plete, funds raised will be doled out to commu nity members and fami lies in “Weneed.have about 14 people who have reached out about receiving funding,” she said. “We have a lot of requests for scooters from people with mobil ity issues, and we also have some people we helped out last year that we’re able to help out again this anddearrynSpirityear’sisofkeepinghasteamplayerisnament,passed“Char”inJezowskinamentaspectAnotheryear.”emotionalofthetouristheCharSpiritAward,memoryofCharleneJezowskiwhoawayin2017.Throughoutthetoureachteamaskedtovoteforaonanopposingwhotheybelievebeenhavingfunandwiththespiritwhatthetournamentallabout.ThewinnerofthisCharJezowskiAwardwasKamReschny.“Kamyisnearandtoallourheartsshe’sbeenthere since she was a baby. It’s great to see these young kids turn into amazing adults and keep the tournament going.”


“We’ve had considerable growth,” said Brown, with current revenue around the $80M mark.


At approximately 4:30 p.m., Onion Lake RCMP received a report of a residential breakin. Investigation deter mined that between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. that day, four fire arms were stolen from theLaterresidence.onAug. 19, offi cers arrested a 16-yearold male youth from the area and charged him with one count, break, enter and steal a firearm, Section 98(1) (b), Criminal Code.

“You see the impact of inflation on top-line rev enue, but you also see it in your operating expenses and costs throughout the organization. We are con tinuing to deal with that,” he“Ofsaid.course, employees are looking for more too.” The company also faces challenges to keep up with the fast pace of technology. Despite the challenges, Brown sees a lot of oppor tunities to grow with agri culture, bulk fuels, new ven tures and the diversification of Hecommodities.alsosees endless opportunities to keep edu cating the public on the values of a Co-op and how important it is to communi ties like Lloydminster. He says Lloydminster is one of the top 20 Co-ops by size in the FCL network.


“It’s been awesome; we have a great dedicated team. The board is on point with where this Co-op’s trying to grow,” said Brown. At Rotary, he focused on some of the big-picture changes going on within FCL that will eventually alter the face of the Co-op market in Lloydminster. For instance, he reported that FCL is working towards zero-based emissions in regards to their refin ery in Regina and recently acquired an ethanol plant to meet the renewable fuel demands of the future.

The Lloydminster and District Co-op is on track to generate record revenue of about $180 million this year.That’s one of many insid ers highlights the company’s CEO, Peter Brown, shared with the Rotary Club of Lloydminster during a Mon day lunch presentation.

On Aug. 20 at approximately 9:15 p.m., Onion Lake RCMP received a report of an unwanted indi vidual at a residence. Investigation deter mined the individual was in possession of a firearm and fled the residence.Withthe assistance of Lloydminster RCMP Police Dog Services, the individual was located and arrested in a nearby forested area. Officers seized the firearm, which was one of the firearms reported as stolen the previous day. As a result, a male youth from the area is charged with: two counts, fail to comply with release order, Sec tion 145(5)(a), Crimi nal Code; one count, breach of a youth order, Section 137, Youth Criminal Jus tice Act; one count, possession of property obtained by crime, Sec tion 354(1)(a), Criminal Code; one count, pos session of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, Section 88, Criminal Code; one count, unli censed possession of a firearm, Section 92(1), Criminal Code; one count, possession of a firearm obtained by the commission of an offence, Section 96(a), Criminal Code; and one count, fail to comply with release order, Sec tion 117.01(1), Criminal Code.The youths cannot be identified as per the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Onion Lake RCMP continue to investigate.

Onion Lake RCMP arrest youth for firearm theft

FCL has also embarked on a $360 million joint ven ture project with AGT Food and Ingredients to build a canola-crush plant that will supply about half of the oil FCL will need to make 15,000 barrels of diesel per day.The plant will open in 2027 with FCL having 51 per cent“That’sownership.going to pro vide all the feedstock that we need to meet future demands for renewable die sel products,” said Brown. He says it will also close a loop with their farming part ners whereby their feedstock can help provide that fuel. Brown says FCL is trending to become more renewable when it comes to energy. “We know there’s a path out there where gas and sales will start to decline,” he said, noting that’s not over concerns that electric vehicles will take over West ern“TheCanada.reality is, vehicles just consume less gas than they used to and technology improves.”Healso said there is no end in sight for diesel.

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4 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022

Co-ops engage in reboot strategy

Geoff Lee Meridian Source Peter Brown, CEO of the Lloydminster and District Co-op, speaks during the Rotary Club of Lloydminster’s Monday lunch.

“Heavy horsepower fuels are going to be needed for a long term,” he predicted. Brown says Co-ops are also seeing more quick ser vice restaurants, liquor store expansions, along with new brewery businesses, car wash expansions, residen tial and commercial rentals and even RTMs. He says the company is also making heavy invest ments in food stores and agriculture.Thecanola crush plant is part of a $2 billion invest ment FCL is making in the construction of an Inte grated Agriculture Complex in InRegina.themeantime, Brown says Co-ops are seeing huge challenges with the recruit ment of front-line employ ees, especially in a highly competitive market.

“We have a lot of proj ects that we have in mind as we’re thinking about the future. I can’t really get into them in depth right now, but definitely, we’re not sit tingBrownflatfooted.”wasable, however, to talk more freely about overall corporate growth and trends with the Lloyd Co-op, one of 162 members of Federated Cooperatives Ltd.He(FCL).lastworked at FCL as a business advisor in Sas katoon before accepting the CEO role in Lloydminster in March, bringing his wife and two kids with him.




“We were left with the one barrel and I was pretty pleased with that, definitely needed that to help me beat these guys,” said Bap tiste. “The race was very tight and we really had to drive.”

Even though this wasn’t Baptiste’s first CPCA title, it still felt just as sweet as the first. “I’m pretty excited. It doesn’t feel real yet, but we’ll let the feeling set in over the next couple of days, but definitely, it’s a real good feeling, winning another title,” he said. “The competition’s been very, very compet itive this year, as we’ve seen tonight, and for the last four nights with the three guys I was with, really shows the competitiveness here.”

“The horses are a part of our family, but the unsung heroes are not only myself but my barn crew that are there each day, from morning to night, tak ing care of these ani mals. That’s number one, and that’s where it starts, in the barn, and you get to show your experience and your horse care out on the track.”

It couplebutfeeldoesn’trealyet,we’llletthefeelingsetinoverthenextofdays.

If Sunday’s big win wasn’t enough, Bap tiste’s excitement went through the roof when he found out he beat the track record with a time of 1:12:97. “I didn’t even know that happened, and that’s really special, too, you couldn’t ask for anymore,” he said. “The horses really were good. I made a change last minute last night and was going to run my right lead ers, and I went back to my old faithful. I said ‘I think he’s going to do it tonight,’ sure enough, he did his job and we’re really pleased with how he ran.”

When the dust settled at Halstead Downs, it was Todd Baptiste who found himself driving home in a brand-new Nissan Pathfinder.

After another long racing season on the road, Baptiste is looking forward to enjoying his win and reflecting on the season that was. “It’s been a roller coast this year for us. We’ve been bat tling sicknesses, inju ries, having to mix teams up and putting horses in new posi tions, so there’s been lots of ups and downs. We had some good runs and won the Frog Lake dash, (and set a new) track record there, too,” he said. “We’re very fortu nate our horses were able to sustain the whole entire summer, are still here, and are able to go home with us, that’s the biggest thing for us as driv ers. We care for these animals so much each and every day for six months of the year.

Baptiste wins second CPCA buckle

The New Lloydmin ster Nissan (CPCA)wagonProfessionalCanadianChuckAssociationFinalswrapped up five days of racing on Sunday afternoon with a dash for cash, the keys to a new SUV, and brag ging rights for a year. After maintaining a position in the topfour drivers all sea son, Baptiste, a fourthyear CPCA driver from Cando, Sask., found himself in the final dash against the likes of 2022 High Point Cham pion Jamie Laboucane, 2021 NACC Champion Logan Gorst, and 2021 Meadow Lake show champ Preston Faithful. This is Baptiste’s sec ond CPCA buckle after winning the 2019 title. Despite the fact Laboucane was the high points champ going into Sunday’s dash, a bit of luck at the barrel draw gave Baptiste a bit of a confidence boost.

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 5

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source CPCA driver Todd Baptiste comes flying out of the infield during Heat 8 on the final night of the New Lloydminster Nissan CPCA Finals at Halstead Downs.


GEOFF LEE WRITER What’s kind of unusual about this system is just how long this heat system has been around for. “

“For us, that means a cooler than normal winter and more than normal snow,” said Hoffman.While it may seem unbearably hot lately, Environment Canada says in general, this summer is warmer than normal but it doesn’t compare to last summer.

More local heat waves expected

6 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022

“It’s important for everyone to check in on everyone in their life who is vulnerable and living alone. It’s hard to recognize the symptoms of heat illness in your self,” said Hoffman. “Heat affects every one.”

Prolonged hot spells and heat adasaidaoccur,intensemorechanges,duebecomedminstersummerexperiencedwarningsagainthisintheLloyareacouldthenewnormaltoclimatechange.“Astheclimatewecanexpectprolongedandheatwavestoandwehaveseenfewthissummer,”EnvironmentCanmeteorologistSara Hoffman in Edmonton. “Last year, we’ll never forget what the press called the ‘heat dome’ event in 2021 in early July.”Hoffman thinks we certainly are seeing these heat waves happen more frequently, and they’re more intense. She says the heat dome in 2021 was so severe because we had a cooler than normal June leading into a stretch of unprecedented hot test temperatures ever recorded in some places on the “ThatPrairies.swing can have really intense physi cal reactions in people,” she said, noting people can acclimatize a bit bet ter during a prolonged hot spell, like the one in effect this month. Cooler temperatures are expected this week, but the prevailing heat spell is creating chatter at Environment Canada. “What’s kind of unusual about this sys tem is just how long this heat system has been around for,” said Hoff man on Friday during another heat warning in effect for Lloydminster. She says we are look ing at temperatures in our area this summer that are quite warm for much longer than we’re used to, but not neces sarily getthingsthatwhereaslongreallyisadaytimewarningtothedaytimedaysThererecord-breaking.havebeenfivesinceAug.11withahighofgreater27Candtwoclose29C,withtheheat-criteriabeingahighof29Cforleasttwodaysinarow.“Whatwe’reseeingalotoftemperaturesclosetothatforperiodsoftime,we’reusedtovariabilitywherewillcooloffandtothelow20s,”said Hoffman. “We haven’t really seen that this time.”

“In the grand scheme of things I think it will go down as a hair above normal, but not necessarily anything to write home about in terms of the heat,” said Hoffman.Onthedownside, she said it also means some of the most vulnerable people in our communi ties like young children and people with preexisting health condi tions can really feel the effects. She says that’s espe cially the case if they can’t get away from the heat or they don’t have an air-conditioned place or a basement to go to.

As for the fall, Envi ronment Canada expects it to be warmer than“Wenormal.expect warmer than normal conditions to continue into Sep tember and the condi tions will move more into a seasonal—what we should expect for that time of the year,” Hoffman said. “Beyond that, we are looking at a La Nina winter again. That will be the third winter in a row. What we don’t know exactly is how strong the La Nina will be.”La Nina is a cooler sea surface temperature off the coast of South Amer ica that affects tempera tures across the world.

Wrap up summer with a ringer,

or two

Lloydminster and area residents will be going for ringers next weekend as the 27th annual Sandy Beach Horse Shoe Tourna ment takes over the regional park just north of Playtown.begins at noon on Sunday, Sept. 4, and prizes will be awarded to all event winners. The cost to play in the tournament is only $30, including supper, which will be served after the “A” side final. Supper includes burg ers, salads and a corn roast. Tickets for sup per only are available for $15. Extra supper tickets for kids ages 10 and under are $5. There is no mini mum or maximum age for competitors, every one is welcome. Sandy Beach Regional Park is also providing all equipment needed for play.Tickets are avail able at the Sandy Beach Regional Park front gate. For more infor mation, please call the Park’s office at 306825-2092.

TAYLOR WEAVER EDITOR Delta 9 Canna bis Inc., which owns a retail store in Lloy dminster continues to expand in Western Canada with the acqui sition of three Garden Variety retail cannabis stores in Manitoba. The $3.25 million all-stock transac tion is anticipated to add between $7 mil lion and $8 million to Delta 9 in annualized retail“Werevenues.arepleased to announce another stra tegic retail acquisition to grow our market share across the Canadian prairies,” said Delta’s CEO John Arbuthnot in a statement last week. “On closing of this transaction Delta 9 will operate 38 stores, posi tioning us as one of Can ada’s largest vertically integrated cannabis retailers.”Thecombination of the Garden Variety can nabis stores and Delta 9’s existing store net work will make Delta 9 a leading retailer of cannabis products in Manitoba.Thepurchase transac tion is expected to close on or around Aug 29.

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Nathan races his brother, Keegan, down a bouncy house on Saturday at Maria’s Days. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source

8 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022

If there’s one Border City family that knows how to pull out all the stops when it comes to throwing a party, it’s the Kokonas fam ily, but the party-plan ning crown has to go to Maria, who recently brought one of Greece’s largest national holi days to Lloydminster. In honour of the national holiday, Maria’s Days was hosted at Spiro’s Family Restaurant last Thurs day through Saturday. The three-day event included a night mar ket, a date night/movie night, a car show, kids’ bouncy houses, face painting, and live music.


“Aug. 15 is a Greek holiday, as well as my name day,” said Koko nas. “So, in Greece, all of the Marias will celebrate on Aug. 15, that’s our day. Of course, I love to celebrate all things me, whether it be my birth day in January or my name day in August, it’s a perfect beautiful half way point, and it’s time to Thursday’scelebrate.” night mar ket featured 42 local vendors with music from Tom Hall, and according to Kokonas, roughly 1,000 people made their way through the market that night. “The heat that night was nice, but my grand kids were running around handing out bottles of water to peo ple,” she said. “Every one was just having a greatFriday’stime.” date night featured a prime rib dinner and music by Daryl Amundrud on the patio before the movie Mamma Mia was shown drive-in style in the res taurant’s parking lot. Saturday featured a car show by members of the Just Kruzin’ Car Club and face painting and bouncy houses for the“Thiskids. is all about community involve ment,” she said. “Our community stood with us through COVID, and throughout all of the years we’ve been in business, our commu nity has been for us, so we always want to rec ognize it was our com munity that has made us who we are today, so we always want to give back to them. It’s too important.“Dad’sgoing to be 80 this January and he’s working still, mom helps, two of my grand kids are sitting right here with us; we’re a true family restaurant.”

Spiro’s pulls out all stops for Maria’s Days

Carreon, Kent

Petrie, Pilgrim-Rollheiser,Pierce,Pidruchney,BrooklynKristiXander

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 9 It takes a village to raise a child... THANK YOU for investing in ours... the Graduates of 2022! Badger Picker Service Ltd. Bandit Energy Services Brixton Shoes & CIBCAccessories City of CulliganLloydminsterWater Diane, Soleil, Sonnet & Shepherd Gow, (in Memory of J. William Gow ) Fort Pitt Developments Inc. GMACK Oil eld Services Ltd. HSI Group Joanne Gainsforth Thompson Jordan Pollard Ke Interiors & Design (Karla Furman) Kurt Price Les Leyen Lloyd Wine Out tters Lloydminster Agricultural Exhibition Association Meridian Source Maz RamMcConnellEntertainmentTransportLtd.NarraStudiosPennyHoldingsInc.Printing&PromotionsInc. Real Canadian Superstore - Lloydminster Rotary Club - Border City Rotary Club of SheepskinLloydminsterLoft The Tent Guys Vantek Consulting Services Ltd. Videre Images (Jason Whiting) Viro YaminiRentalsKodali Dwayne Marciniw and the LCHS Sta for getting our children across the nish line! Grand March and Prom Committee Kerri-Ann Adams, Kaleen Bell, Michelle Benning, Tressa Bui, Diane Gow, Lana Noble, Michelle Schmidt, Tracy Wenger A huge THANKS goes out to all the grads, parents and volunteers who participated in our celebration. We could not have accomplished this big task without the following individuals, groups & businesses. CAR RALLY GMACKBrixtonOil eld Lloyd Wine Out tters Blade WunderMcDonald’sAutomationLloydminsterCustomSheetMetalKairosVisuals-HaelEspiritu The Car Rally Parent Committee Tanya MindyErinCorryPlamondonBatesMacDuHawthorne SAFE GRAD Bandit Oil eld Bear Bum Septic Service General Fence Mike’s Oil MazDianeDominoseldGowEntertainmentCo-opMarketplace All the parents that volunteered to help make our safe grad a success! The Safe Grad Parent Committee Michelle Schmidt Rhonda Schwenk Lisa KimKatherineMandyVanceHladyKraussAtchison-Burkart

Tiah Pindani, Slusar,Shirtliffe,Sexsmith,Schwenk,Schonhofer,Schmidt,Schmidt,Schmidt,Schlosser,Schlekewy,Scansen,Sanders,Sandergaard,Sale,Rutley,Rowan,Roscoe,Rorke,Rogers,Rodwell,Robinson,Rizea,Reyes,Rekimowich,Redpath,Reddy,Rawluk,Rawlake,Randell,Rahman,Raddysh,Qureshi,Purdy,Prosser,Prokop,Priest,Porter,Plamondon,LeboJaydenWilliamGradyTaiyaChristopherJustinAsheelHunterAparajitaPaigeAidanBenUdayaCaelKaleJesthroZacharyAlexiaTaylorWyattBenKeannaConnorRachelJaxsonEllaAbigailMaggieAnnaKarsenPaigeKaidenNaomiTeneilleKamrynLinkinMichaelShaelynLindsey Slywchuk, Treyton Smith, Rachel Smith, JaydenZhang,Yasin,Wynnychuk,Wygle,Wright,Wood,Wollmann,Williamson,Willard,Wiesner,Wieler,Wiebe,Wicker,Whiting,Wenger,Wenger,Webb,Walker,Wald,Voss,Viswanathan,Vankosky,Vance,Umali,Tradewell,Topp,Thomsen,Thompson,Taylor,Taylor,Sykes,Stotski,Stephens,Steele,Sroka,Soriano,Smithson,TehyaGraceyZacharieJarrettRaineBrettNathanAlyssaHunterSydneyAllyKianaTobiAlyxKhairylleeTaylorMasonSurriyakumarRainJenniferEthanJoelAshtynLauraJaideSeanCyrusReeseMackJulieCameronKalebDylanMattyJaydenJennaSalemDebbieCornet(inmemory)

Adams, Carey,Canfield,Campbell,Caldwell,Bygrove,Burt,Burkart,Bull,Brown,Brown,Brouwer,Braun,Braun,Brassard,Brady,Bowman,Bosch,Bonsan,Bolt,Bohnen,Bohlken,Bloch-Hansen,Billard,Bert,Benoit,Belsheim,Belmoro,Bell,Bell,Bandura,Baldwin,Baker,Bailey,Austin,Aubichon,Artiga,Apo,Ang,Anderson,Allen,Ahsan,Adamson,EthanSkylerMuhammadNevaehHunterFaithJholanJapethAshlynKeiraJordanLeahGrantJupiterCorbinRayelleFeonaVeniceAydenAmberNathanKalanBrooklynRylanKoleHannahGeorgeZenRyanJaydaBreeAlexisDestinyCarsonDakotaJaxsonCarissa-MayBrookeIsabellaErinLandonVictoriaDrewLynden Carter, Chomanog,Chibri,Cherniak,Cavanagh,BelleHaileyJoshuaTorrieKhalem Joy Chomanog, Luckwin Joshua Chua, Gaudry-Sinclair,Garton,Garcia,Garcia,Gamble,Gallagher,Fricke,Fraser,Forsberg,Forbes,Fitzpatrick,Fitzpatrick,Fisher,Edwards,Dunk,Duffee,Dudding,Dow,Dorval,Dobranski,Divito,Diehl,Deschamps,Dennett,Delima,DelaDelaDavies,Danielson,Curtis,Connors,Connolly,Connolly,Collins,Collins,IsaacAnnaJenniferBrooklynJackOwenWyattCayennaWilliamCruz,JemCruz,MarielleKrezhannaKadeJadeEricaAnnikaAmyEthanKaidenKadynMacKenzieAndrewBraydanAydenErikaSaylarBrooklinHayleyKadenBrandonSeamusRykerHannahMicahMayTorriJill Gauvin, Justin Gerich, Jordan,Jenkins,Irwin,Hutchins,Hunter,Hunter,Huerto,Howrie,Hotel,Horse,Holman,Hollett,Hodgson,Hodgson,Hepburn,Hegseth,Hebert,Heath,Hawthorne,Hawryluk,Hauberg,Hasein,Harper,Harder,Hansen,Hamilton,Halliday,Hall,Haile,Hager,Guinto,Grindle,Green,Gratton,Grams,Graf,Gow,Giles,Gibb,Germscheid,Germscheid,WalkerJoshLucasLexRhiannonShepherdCodyTranceRydenMadisonBlaiseAshleyYeshaiaSuzanHunterOwenBrendanRidleighToriJadaDylanEllaCarlyEthanRileyNatashaAvenDalynDrakeRebeccaKaitlynAshleyTadenDraydenDaxAraGraceJayJoeLeahCarsonSydnieShawn Kaplar, McCormack,McCloud,Maroto,Mariano,Mann,Maharaj,MacPherson,MacMullin,MacDuff,MacDonald,MacDonald,MacArthur,Lyon,LuxLundquist,Lozowchuk,Lorenzana,Lorenz,Logan,Lockhart,Lim,Lilly,Leyen,Leclair,Leard,Leach,Lacosse,Kykkanen,Kuziak,Kump,Kuehn,Krueckl,Krauss,Korn,Konlan,Koch,Kluk,King,King,Khan,Kenyon,Keebaugh,DevinTrinityLowenZainMeghanReganSierraKaylynLymanhHaydenHarperEllaSynaiaBenDanyaJariAdaraGraceAshlynDameianEthanAmandaAiaKeeleyNoahRileyKeanaParisKaylaHein,DerekJacobKayeylnHelainaJosephCalebAutumnBriannaGiaGeorgeIverdeeYllanaJaxonSarah McEwen, Peters,Perkins,Penny,Penill,Pederson,Payne,Park,Panisan,Ostrowski,Osman,Orbeck,Opalla,Opalla,Oliver,Ogden,Nordell,Norbury,Nolasco,Noel,Noble,Nippi,Nickerson,Nelson,Neil,Naveed,Nario,Naik,Naidoo,Myers,Moukaskas,Moughnein,Morris,Moorhead,Minish,Miller,Miller,Meier,McNeil,McMartin,McLeod,McLaren,McFadyen,JaxonLarissaCadenceAdaliaElizabethMerekAlecBrodeeLiviaMaryittaSeanNatalyaMohamadMayaKassidyDashaDhoopanMicahAndreaMishalNaomiRylinShalynMcKennaAddysenCassidyJoshuaKylaJaxDelaneyKieraMaeRoseAustinMadelineStephenJezreelFayeKeaghanTallynKyrenMicahRylendJuliannaKara

In 2012 she advocated that E coli contami nated meat could be fed to the poor. One can only speculate what she would do to AISH, the homeless and other vul nerable, marginalized groups if she became premier. Unfortunately, not unlike Donald Trump just a few years ago, she is speaking to a broad base of support ers in this province and gaining momentum. Her thoughts, views and beliefs are dangerous and should be fright ening to all Albertans. I think we can, and we must, do better than this Alberta.

Through the reader’s lens

On matters of edu cation, such an impor tant pillar of our soci ety, Smith advocates for user fees and has stated openly, “if parents aren’t willing to pay out of pocket to support the education of their own children, why should I?’’


Thank you, Natalie, for send ing in this great photo you took in Moraine Lake, B.C.

If you would like to see your photos in the Meridian Source, please email them to

THE MERIDIAN SOURCE is published once a week, on Thursday. All material printed in the Meridian Source is copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. The Meridian Source reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial material at its discretion. Columns and letters are the expressed view of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Meridian Source. NEWSPAPER DELIVERY If you’ve missed a paper, to start or stop delivery, or for carrier applications, please call 306-825-5111 for information. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING We welcome letters to the editor. Letters should be 500 words or less. A name and daytime phone number is required for verification. Priority will be given to letters exclusively written for the Meridian Source. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, spelling, grammar, punctuation and libel. Unsigned letters will not be published. Use of pseudonyms will only be allowed in special circumstances, at the discretion of the editor and the publisher, and only if the author’s identity is known to the editor. Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Meridian Source. Send toPublisher:LETTERStaylor@meridiansource.caTOTHEEDITOR Reid Keebaugh Production Manager: Amanda Richard Editor Taylor taylor@meridiansource.caWeaver Staff Writer Geoff geoff@meridiansource.caLee Marketing Manager Deanna deanna@meridiansource.caWandler 5921-50 Avenue, Lloydminster, SK S9V 2A4 Phone: 306-825-5111 Toll Free: 1-800-327-3899 Fax: 306-825-5147 Mail: Box 2454, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1W5 Hours: 8AM to 5PM Monday to Friday 2017 ViewpointPAGE 10 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE Marketing Consultant Ashley ashley@meridiansource.caMiazga PAYING HIGHEST PRICES To arrange a free, discreet in-home visit call Kellie at 1-778-257-9019 WANTEDDEADORALIVE Bonded since 1967 Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Silver & Gold Coins, Royal Can. Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry We purchase rolls, bags or boxes of silver coins are once again touring the area! Canadian Prairie Pickers $$ $ $$ $ T here are few among us who haven’t been touched by cancer. Many of us have had it ourselves, many of us have stood by while family or friends fought it, and sadly, many of us have lost loved ones to theYet,disease.Danielle Smith, the leading UCP candi date, has stated publicly that “Cancer is within your control until Stage 4.” Does she really believe this about young children who have been diagnosed with or are fighting cancer? Ms. Smith is also advocating for the privatization of health care, stating that user fees and implement ing co-payment sys tems will help to reduce the financial burden on the province. Any one who is in inten sive care or on dialysis would soon be broke. She has cited and pro moted the health ben efits of smoking ciga rettes, as well as iver mectin and hydroxy chloroquine (both of which were proven inef fective) for the treat ment of COVID. With a clear lack of regard for sci ence, facts and the medical establish ment, Smith’s views and perspectives are troubling, to say the least.

- Jan Scott Letter to the editor ...

OpinionPAGE 11 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE

STAFF WRITER GEOFF LEE File Photo CITYLLOYDCHURCH 5115 49 Lloydminster,StreetAB780-808-4244 SERVICE TIME 11:00AM SUNDAYS (lunch to follow) Pastor Lyle & Laura Berg ALL WELCOME

Leeway from Lloyd: Roughing it with trail mix

Church Directory

Lately, I have seen a fresh set of television ads for the Trans Can shows a for ested mountain area that looks like the Banff area, but it never shows any trailhead or what you can do and see on it, which I find odd.Their website shows the Canada Trail weav ing through every province and territory, stretching just over 27,000 km. It also notes that 80 per cent of Canadians live within 30 minutes of a Trail section. The Trans Canada Trail charity, which advocates for dona tions to help build and maintain the trails, might be better off campaigning on small regional levels to get people there to use those sections. I had no idea the Iron Horse Trail was a part of the national network until I checked on a map where the trail is in ourThearea.Iron Horse route follows an abandoned CN line for 177 kilome tres, from Heinsburg Alberta all the way to Waskatenau.Thismulti-use trail passes along the North Saskatchewan River in the east, and through boreal forests, pine forests, wetlands, farmland and prairie. Several local athletes are gearing up to take part in the annual Iron Horse Ultra 100-kilo metre or 100-mile runs on Oct. 1. The race route for individuals and teams creates a challeng ing adventure along county roads, gravel trail beds, single-track trails, and through wide open fields.

The message of the Trans Canada Trail as uniting communities in Canada is kind of lost on me as it would take more than two years for someone to cover the distance by foot. The trail is really just a neat outdoor venue for hiking, cycling and paddling and other recreation activities that runs through a mix of urban, wild land and water. It does, however, kind of appeal to our connection with the outdoors and even the wilderness.Afterhaving to spend a fearful night all alone in the deep woods many years ago up a trail, miles from Jasper, I prefer to read about similar gripping tales of isolation from my hotel room while roughing it with trail mix.

The Moose Lodge, located at 5213-57 Street, Lloydminster, hosts bingo nights every Monday and Wednesday. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and play starts at 7 p.m. The Moose also hosts crib tournaments every second Sunday of the month. Start time is 10 a.m. The cost to play is $10 and lunch is $12. Bring Your Own Vinyl Nights Have some old records lying around?

Bingo at the Moose

12 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022 Passport

Pre-registrationPlayschool Southridge Playschool & Kindergym has opened up their regis tration for the fall 20222023 classes. They offer one day a week for three-year-olds and one or two days a week for four and five-year-olds. They have also quali fied for the Affordability Grant! For more infor mation please call Mrs. P at 780-872-9523.

The Lloydminster Motor Club is host ing its summer send off charity car show on Sept. 18 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Lloyd Ex Grounds. Not only will there be a ton of cool cars to look at, but funds will be raised through a silent auc tion and funds will help support the Lloydmin ster Community Youth Centre and the GOAT’s Christmas Wish.

The 4th Meridian Brewing Com pany, located at Unit 6 2626 50 Ave., is hosting Bring Your Own Vinyl nights every Tuesday during regular business hours, 4-9 p.m. CribbageTourneyDoubles

The Legacy Centre is hosting a cribbage dou bles tournament on Aug. 25. Play begins at 10 a.m. and the cost is $10 per person. Lunch is available for $12 per person. Bring a part ner for a fun-filled day of cards. Everyone wel come! Call the Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more information.

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source Photos

Summer Send Off Charity Car Show

Legacy Concert Trip

This year’s annual Marwayne Fall Supper is being held on Oct. 23 and will include a ham and turkey sup per. More details to follow.

The Meridian Source Calendar of Events is a free service provided for non-profit organizations located within our coverage area. All events are in chronological order, as space permits and at the editor’s discretion. To place an event, email or fax 306-825-5147 to YLL

The Fort Pitt Fall Sup per is being held on Sunday, Sept. 25 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. More details to follow closer to the event.

The Hillmond Hall is pleased to announce they have selected a date for their annual Turkey Supper. The supper will be held on Oct. 2. Details to follow closer to the event.

Hillmond Hall Turkey Supper

Fort Pitt Fall Supper



The Legacy Centre is hosting a one-night bus trip to Regina for the Daniel O’Donnell Concert on Sept. 18 with everyone return ing home on Sept. 19. A $100 deposit is needed to hold your spot. Call the Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more information.

“ watch the same animals for roughly 18 years through the boarding facility, you can really start to see what the food they eat does to them over the years,” she said. “I got more into the aspect of learn ing the products very well. We’re still learn ing because you learn every day, but we have a little niche there.” Family has always been a big part of the business for Hippe, so much so that she now has one of her daugh ters and two of her granddaughters on the payroll.“Myone granddaugh ter Jayden has a lot of estinterin PetCanadianentrecipiawasPetcation.”diversifilotssoofeveryeachtiseansheitshe’llonemaybeknows,andbusiness,thewhodaytakeover?”said.“There’sexperwithandonethem,there’sofThePadalsorecentoftheCom munity Awards Inde pendent Retailer Award for all of Western Can ada, something Hippe is beaming over. “I’m still pinching myself, is that for real? We were up against some pretty big stores and I was just thrilled to receive that award. After 32 that says a lot about the staff, the store itself, as well as our“Itcustomers.”wasahuge win for us,” she said. “There was a lot of gratifi cation winning that award, and I’m still pinching my cheek.” Not everyone has the drive and motivation to start their own busi ness, but for Hippe, there are no regrets. “The biggest thing I learned was to always follow your dreams,” she said. “The custom ers have been great in the Lloydminster and surrounding areas, and they are the reason we continue to grow the wayTheare.”Pet Pad is located at #2 4010 50 Ave., Lloydminster, Alta.

Roughly 32 years ago, Nancy Hippe saw a need for a new canine boarding facility in the Border City, fast for ward to the present date and that board ing facility has grown into the Lloydminster Pet Pad Inc., an awardwinning business Hippe never imagined possible.“Asachild, I always dreamt of owning a pet store, I just never thought I actually would,” said Hippe. “I worked for the Battle River School Division with admin istration and I drove a school bus, and I wanted to do some thing for myself. “I’ve always been passionate about pets, so this seemed like a perfectHippefit.”started the Pet Pad as a grooming and boarding facility in December 1990, and it didn’t take long for her to also get into the retail side of pets. “I set up a little retail space in town and we still did the grooming and boarding out of town,” she said. “We also had our shuttle service going, which was great.” Being a familyowned and operated business for 32 years, Hippe couldn’t help but reflect on the commu nity that’s supported her over the years. “The community has been awesome; very supportive,” she said. “I’m doing more administration work and less hands-on work with the customers now, and I really miss more of the hands-on work, it’s therapy for me.”Hippe also men tioned the fact it hasn’t just been the business that’s changed over the years, the knowledge the staff carries has also

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source Nancy Hippe, right, has been the proud owner of The Lloydminster Pet Pad Inc. for 32 years and now runs the business with members of her family, including one of her granddaughters, Jayden, left.

Pick of the Litter Contest Winner! Milton the crazy cat!!

Pet Pad retailer pursues purrfection

TAYLOR WEAVER EDITOR As a child, I always dreamt of owning a pet store, I just never thought I actually would. “

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 13

It’s been a surpris ingly hectic summer, workwise, with little opportunity for time off.I personally carry, on average, about 75 MLS listings across about 6,000 square miles. This is only possible with the incredible sup port of my two partners in the team.

14 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022

This year, the res idential market has been active in Lloyd minster, but “steady as she goes” out in the smaller communities andSellers,acreages.of course, are happier when their property is getting shown. At least, there may be a chance of an offer.Those who aren’t get ting action on their home are naturally anxious; after all, once they have made the decision to move, it wears on them to wait for the right buyer to showOftenup. price and patience are the only two weapons they have. If it is not attracting attention, the Realtor who represents them can become an easy target.It’slike blaming the waitress for the quality of food coming out of a restaurant kitchen. So, it was great to get away for a couple of days into the moun tains even if the tem perature topped 35C. The time spent driv ing also gave me time to Ithink.have a planner/ strategist type of per sonality so I admit it can be a struggle for me to “live in the moment”. Over supper one eve ning on the road, I asked my wife where she would like to go if we were to take a win ter holiday, after all, it had been several years since the last one. She told me it was like asking what would be served at lunch while eating breakfast. So, no help there. In a way, it is the same problem I face looking ahead in my real estate practice. Do I start to shift away from residential to agricultural proper ties? It would be hard to do as you build trust and strong relation ships over 20 years of service in the region. However, I really enjoy the challenge farmland valuation and marketing presents as no two parcels are the same.The Progressive Ten der service our team designed has really caught on, and not just for crop and pas ture lands but commer cial property as well. It respects the needs of both buyers and sell ers in a way that alter native sales systems don’t.There is also a lot of estate planning going on in farm country, with mature landown ers needing an inde pendent perspective on value to support the discussions with their accountant and law yer, never mind family members as future ben eficiaries.Andbeing the age I am, it would proba bly be prudent to focus my activity on less stressful, more satisfy ing aspects of the real estate industry. Or as a former men tor put it, “happiness is finding the blessings amid the chaos!” Vern McClelland is an associate broker with RE/MAX of Lloy dminster and an active partner in his family’s livestock operation. Comments on this arti cle are welcome either by emailing callingclelland@remax.netvernmcor306-821-0611.

Calm within a whirlwind MIDWEST MINUTE VERN McCLELLAND File Photo

Producers made the most of the hot dry weather by harvest ing as much as possible before recent thunder and rainstorms rolled through the province. Harvest progress is now sitting at five per cent, just behind the five-year average (20172021) of eight per cent. The southwest is lead ing harvest with 17 per cent of their crop now in the bin, followed by the west-central with eight per cent. Some producers in the southeast have begun harvesting ear lier seeded crops that matured and they now have two percent of their crop in the bin. The east-central region has one per cent of their crop har vested and the north ern regions have not yet started harvest opera tions on a large scale. Producers in the south west and west-central are reporting that they are seeing yields well belowThirty-sixaverage.per cent of the winter wheat, 22 per cent of the fall rye, 16 per cent of the field peas, 24 per cent of the lentils and two per cent of canola has been com bined. Many fields have been swathed and are close to being ready to beTherecombined.was precipita tion in every region this past week with multiple storms bringing rain, hail and wind. The most rain received this week was in the Humboldt area where one crop reporter recorded 83 mm. The Broadview area received 65 mm, the Vanguard area 30 mm, the Saltcoats area 49 mm and the Conquest and Dinsmore areas received between 1 mm to 6 mm. Many producers in Crop District 6B (the Saskatoon-Outlook region) have received less than 150 mm (six inches) of rain this growing season and their crops, pastures and hay land have been impacted similarly to lastThereyear. are water shortages across the southwest and westcentral resulting in many producers haul ing water and continu ally testing the water quality of dugouts used forRainlivestock.isnow too late for annual crops in the driest areas of the province, although it could benefit cattle by increasing the amount of available drinking water and allowing pas tures some relief from the hot dry threeprovincemoistureCroplandweather.topsoilacrosstheisratedaspercentsurplus, 60 per cent adequate, 24 per cent short and 13 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 58 per cent adequate, 24 per cent short and 16 per cent very short. Crop damage causes this week were attrib uted to insects such as aphids, diamond back moths and grass hoppers, strong winds, heavy rains and hail. There were sev eral reports across the province concern ing hail damage; some crops only received minor damage and are expected to recover while others were com pletely cut Grasshoppersdown. have caused significant crop damage all season, and producers who are now harvesting report they are dealing with plugged equipment from harvesting fields infested with this pest which creates delays and will require them to clean their seed. Farmers are busy get ting equipment and bins ready for harvest, swathing and desic cating crops, and com bining where crops are ready. Other produc ers are waiting for their crops to mature.


Last week in the field: Sask crop report

AgriculturePAGE 15 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE

With harvest under way in ersishighways.majorequipmentingexerciselicproducersSaskatchewan,andthepubareremindedtocautionregardmachineryandmovingonandsecondaryConcernaboutfiresveryhighandfarmshouldensurefire fighting equipment is properly maintained and close by to stop any combine or field fires from getting out of control.

“Elijah and I, we started three years ago and we have already attended Canada Games and I got some medals. The men’s side is a little bit tougher because there’s some really good men’s row ing teams in the other provinces,” she said. Elijah and Liam qual ified for the finals at the Games through the repechage.“Iwould hope our success would boost some other people to try rowing because it’s definitely fun,” said Lane.She says her Team Saskatchewan coach gave her team two weeks off to recover with some light train ing before getting back on the South Saskatch ewan River to continue building for the Can ada University Cham pionships at Henley in November.Atthe Summer Games, Lane’s quad boat placed first in their heat to automatically qualify for the finals- in tough against fast boats from Ontario and B.C. from the get-go.

The team also won bronze in the wom en’s singles final and a bronze in the men’s singles and doubles competition. The team’s medal haul ties a Games-best performance for the team to the delight of Lloydminster Rowing Club coach Michelle Lopez. She was at the Games to cheer on the gang and her son Elijah. Her other son Jonah who, rows with Brock University, had to with draw due to an injury. “We cheered so very loud and stood so very proud of all athletes on Team Saskatchewan,” she said. “I am so very proud, and yes, all results exceeded expectations. All of their hard work paidLaneoff.”hopes her suc cess, and that of Elijah and Liam, will inspire more youngsters to join the rowing club.


Lloydminster row ers, led by Shelby Lane on Team Saskatchewan, created a big wake on the water at the Can ada Summer Games in Niagara, Ont. Lane earned a sil ver medal in the wom en’s quad and a bronze in the eights at the Royal Canadian Henley Rowing Course on the weekend.TheUniversity of Saskatchewan student rower is only the sec ond Lloydminster ath lete to medal at the Games since 2005 and the first ever to win two medals.Hersuccess, and a fifth-place finish for Eli jah Lopez in the men’s eights and a sixth posi tion in the men’s fours along with a sixth for Liam Gilby in the men’s quad, helped Team Sas katchewan exceed all expectations.

Supplied Photo Lloydminster rowers did well at the Canada Summer Games on Team Saskatchewan in Niagara, Ont. Elijah Lopez, left, finished sixth in the men’s fours and fifth in the men’s eight while Shelby Lane earned a silver in the women’s quad and a bronze in the women’s eight. Liam Gilby (not pictured) fin ished sixth in the men’s quad on the Royal Canadian Henley Rowing Course.

Lloyd rowers propel Team Saskatchewan

SportsPAGE 16 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE

“Our goal going into the games was to win three medals total for Team Saskatchewan,” said a tired Lane on Tuesday in Saskatoon. “We were definitely excited when we got five, and I got two out of the five medals.”

“There was lots of screaming and cheer ing in the stands and pacing. We had the cow bellsLanagoing.”says they spent the entire week watch ing and cheering on Lloydminster rowers as well as Team Sas katchewan.“Liamand Elijah rowed extremely well. For all Saskatchewan boats made the finals that’s pretty impres sive,” she said.

Volleyballs keep bouncing the right way for Lloydminster coach Cory Gratton lately. He and University of Saskatchewan coach, Jordan Nowakowski, helped Team Saskatch ewan men’s U19 vol leyball win gold at the Canada Summer Games on Aug. 21 and are instructing local young sters on what it takes to win this week. The second annual Momentum Volleyball Camp gets underway Thursday at the Servus Sports Centre, and Grat ton hopes Team Sas katchewan’s overall suc cess will inspire players to reach for the top.


“We definitely thought Alberta had won, but it was close. We waited for the announcer to call who got bronze and it was us, so we were all pretty excited.”Thefinals took place over a hot humid week end but with little to no wind.Shelby’s mom Lana flew back to Lloyd a day earlier than team members and added her impressions to the mix starting with her daughter’s stellar per formance.“Iwas screaming pretty good. It’s very exciting as a parent to watch your child do what she loves to do and to be doing it suc cessfully,” she said.

“We lost to Ontario which was full of ath letes who just attended World’s in Italy so were very happy with the outcome,” said Lane. A sprint over the final 500 metres helped them secure silver over the boat from B.C. Lane says it was also comforting to have her parents cheering her on.“They’ve always been number one support ers. It was nice to hear them cheering while I was racing,” she said. The women’s eight final, however, was a nail-biter for Team Sas katchewan rowers and supporters alike that ended in a photo finish. “We won by .08 sec onds,” said Lane.

“I really want to see, in our community, more young athletes get involved in high perfor mance and go through the provincial team pro cess and play for Can ada Games teams or play post-secondary,” said Gratton, who is an assistant coach with Team teams.tryoutsber4-9byuntilkowskicamp,TheSaskatchewan.MomentumwithNowaonboard,runsAug.28followedprogramsforGradesstudentsinSeptemandOctoberthenforwinterclub

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 17

The high school Bar ons just held a threeday camp this week at College Park School and the Lakeland Rustlers are holding their camp Aug. 26-29 as the sport continues to grow in popularity.“There’s just tons of opportunities for young players to get better,” saidHeGratton.saysyears ago, when he started play ing and coaching, vol leyball was a two-month sport and you couldn’t get athletes to commit to anything out of those twoGrattonmonths.thinks it’s wonderful now that there’s opportuni ties for those kids who really enjoy the sport to be able to play or train year-round.“I’mjust excited about the numbers in general and the kids that are coming out just to participate and have fun, but it’s nice to get more involved in the high-performance end as well,” he added. Gratton says inecstaticSaskatchewanTeamwastowingoldathree-sets-to-one final over Alberta at the Games held in Niagara Ont.“There were about six very solid teams there competing for a gold medal at the Canada Games and it really could have gone to any one of them,” said Gratton. “We were fortunate to peak at the right time and we were able to keep our momen tum going through the defeatingnationalsafterwenttournament.”TeamSaskatchewanintotheGameswinningtheinJulybyalsoAlbertainthe finals in straight sets. “So going to Canada Summer Games really put a target on our back and teams got up to play us making it that much harder and that much sweeter at the end,” said Gratton.Theteam lost their first game to Alberta that was out for revenge.“They were abso lutely ready for us,” said Gratton. “They came out quite strong and we came out quite flat and they beat us in four sets.” “Then we regrouped after that and continued through the round robin undefeated.”Coachesdon’t receive a medal at the Games, but the team’s win redeems the missed chances Grat ton had to compete as a player years ago by being aged out during two Games cycles. The team’s gold medal performance is a feather in his cap as one of the four coaches. “I coached my first team in ‘97 or ‘98, so it’s been a long time. I know how hard it is to have success at that level and how long it can take. It made it that much sweeter for me,” said“I’veGratton.been a part of a lot of volleyball teams over the last 25 years or so and this group was pretty special, the way they supported one another.”


It’s volleyball heaven in Lloyd Supplied Photo Team Saskatchewan coaches (l-r) Cory Gratton (Lloydminster), Joel Dyck, Sean McKay and Jordan Nowakowski are all smiles after leading the team to a gold medal at the Canada Summer Games in Niagara this past Sunday.


a diverse range of industrial process equipment, repre senting industry-lead ing manufacturers of valves and instrumentationactuators,and controls, motors and drives, control build ings, boilers and water treatment solutions. Tundra buys Lloyd valve branch MERIDIAN SOURCE STAFF File Photo

CareersPAGE 18 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE


In June 2022, the value of Saskatchewan’s retail trade increased 3.7 per cent from May (seasonally adjusted), ranking first among the provinces. Compared to June 2021, retail trade increased by 10.1 per cent.

Tundra also utes

Tundra Process Solu tions Ltd. has acquired the valve business of Powell Canada Inc., including its facility in Lloydminster.PowellValve special izes in valve sales, ser vice and support and employs a team of 38 and also has operations in Edmonton and Fort McMurray.Tundra is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wajax“TheCorporation.addition of three new valve ser vicing and repair loca tions, plus a team of highly skilled techni cians, will help acceler ate the growth of Tun dra’s core business,” said Wajax president and CEO Iggy Doma galski in a statement. Wajax say the recent acquisition adds sub stantially to Tun dra’s valve bly and

“Economic growth is key to building a engageJeremyDevelopmentsaidingsignberstheseSaskatchewanstrongandretailtradenumareyetanotherthatwearemovfullsteamahead,”TradeandExportMinisterHarrison.“Wewillcontinuetowithourbusi ness community to ensure Saskatchewan is the best place to work and do business in InCanada.”June 2022, the total value of retail trade in Saskatchewan was nearly $2.1 billion. In recent months Sas katchewan has ranked highly among the prov inces in a number of key economic indicators. In June 2022, the value of wholesale trade grew by 64.8 per cent year-overyear, the highest growth among the provinces and by 14.9 per amongsecondmonth-to-month,centthehighestgrowththeprovinces.Investmentinbuild ing construction num bers for June 2022 saw Saskatchewan with increases of 17.6 per cent month-to-month and 63 per cent yearover-year, ranking sec ond and first among the provinces respectively.

Saskatchewan also ranked second in both urban housing starts and respectively.centincreaseswithexportsmerchandiseinJune2022,year-over-yearof35.6perand57.3percent

Retail trade numbers reflect strength in Sask economy



opportunities.”ourmapsectorourthisgoods,lionspendErinativeince,”plepositiveationsableeconomy.impactectmeanslion,thresholdthelion,ingtoday.likeectsmoreyear,lionincreasedableindustry.televisionkatchewan’sraiselegislativeprovincialfundingincludingProductionFeatureativesector.”katchewan’sersperformers,costumers,andwritwillstrengthenSascreativeChangesmadetoCreSaskatchewan’sFilmandTVProgram,additionalinthe2022-23budgetandupdates,willtheprofileofSasfilmandproductionThetotalfundsavailforthegrantfrom$2milto$10millionthishelpingtodrawandlargerprojtotheprovincetheoneannouncedThisprojectisreceivmorethan$8milwhichsurpassescurrentfundingof$5milbutisallowedifitsecuringaprojwithasignificantonthelocal“We’rethrilledtobetosupportproduclikethesethatcastwidenetintermsofeconomic-ripeffectstoourprovsaidCEOofCreSaskatchewan,Dean.“Withanestimatedofover$20milonlocallabour,andservices,boostofactivityinfilmandtelevisionputsusontheandstrengthensindustryforfuture MERIDIAN SOURCE STAFF File Photo

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 19

The TV series will be filmed at the John Hop kins Regina Sound stage and is based on an upcoming feature film of the same name to be released in 2023.

Large-scale TV production approved in Sask

Last week, toductionakatchewanGovernmentSaskatchewanCreativeandtheofSasannouncedmajortelevisionprowillbecomingtheprovince.

King of Killers: the series tells the story of a group of international assassins who are con tracted to take out the most dangerous killer in the“Saskatchewanworld. has the talent and skills that the world needs right now to meet the global demand for content, and this exciting news dem onstrates our ability to attract large-scale pro ductions,” said Parks, Culture and Sport Min ister Laura Ross. “The positive bene fits of projects this size are numerous and farreaching. Industries such as retail, hospital ity and the trades will get a boost, and job opportunities for local designers,

King of Killers: the series is set to begin filming this fall and will benefit from increased funding to the Creative Saskatchewan Feature Film and Television Pro duction Grant Program. This production is the first major proj ect to receive funding approval since the Gov ernment of Saskatch ewan increased invest ment in film and tele vision incentives in the 2022-23 budget.

Classifieds PAGE 20 Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN admin@meridiansource.ca306-825-5111SOURCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF: JAMES ALBERT CONNORS, late of Lloydminster, Alberta, Deceased, who died on June 25, 2022. All claims against the estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 15th day of September, 2022. REVERING LAW OFFICE Barristers & Solicitors 5018 - 50 Attention:Lloydminster,AvenueAlbertaT9V0W7 Donnon F. Revering FEED AND SEED FEED AND SEED FOR RENT LAND FOR SALE HEALTH SERVICES SERVICES NOTICES NOTICES COMINGAUTOSEVENTSFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENTOPPORTUNITY HEAVY OPERATORSEQUIPMENTREQUIRED: motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, graders, rock trucks. Lots of work all season. Camp job; R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: I am currently PURCHASING single to large blocks of land. NO FEES COMMISSIONSOR Saskatchewan born and raised, I know land, farming and farmland and can help you every step of the way. Doug Rue, for further FARMLAND WANTED PINTAILWHEATWINTER ExtrEmEly hardy high yiElding awnlEss. ExcEllEnt variEty for foragE or fEEd productiongrain Low inputs HigH profits In SK call or 306-229-9517text In AB call 403-5562609 or mastinseeds.com403-994-2609text Sell land By Tender Want to buy land? Search all available liStingS by rm on mySaSkfarm com contact grant at 306-227-1167 or email to mySaSkhome@ gmail com CENTURY 21 Fusion MYSASKFARM.COMSELLYOURLAND,GETTOPDOLLAR is on social media! Follow us on Facebook to see award-winning content in communitySaskatchewannewspapers. SCAN HERE SWNA can take you to every community in the province. WE DAMAGEDBUYGRAIN HEATED... LIGHT BUGS... TOUGH MIXED GRAIN SPRINGCANOLA...PEAS...WHEAT...THRASHEDOATSBARLEYFLAX “ON FARM WESTCANPICKUP”FEED&GRAIN1-877-250-5252 GET YOUR MESSAGE SEEN ACROSS Alberta. The Blanket Classifieds or Value Ads reach over 600,000 Alberta readers weekly. Two options starting at $269 or $995 to get your message out! Business changes, hiring, items for sale, cancellations, tenders, etc. People are increasingly staying home and rely on their local newspapers for information. KEEP people in the loop with our 90 Weekly Community Newspapers. Call THIS NEWSPAPER now or email classifieds@awna. com for details. 1-800282-6903, 780-434-8746 X225. ROCKY ViewApprentices,Techs,HIRING:EQUIPMENTMOUNTAINisNOWAGEquipmentHeavyEquipmentTechs-Journeyman&PartsTechs.OpenRoles& FIREARMS WANTED FOR OCTOBER 2022 LIVE & ONLINE AUCTION: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Militaria. Auction or Purchase: Collections, Estates, Individual items. Contact Paul, Switzer’s Auction: Toll-Free 1-800-6942609, AGPRO SEEDS: BUYING HEATED, DAMAGED CANOLA. On farm pickup, prompt payment! TOP PRICES PAID IN SASK. Visit306-873-3006Phone:orAGPROwebsiteforbids:agproseeds.comNutraSunFoodsLtd,apremierflourmilllocatedinReginaSK,isnowbuyingOr-ganic& Private mortgage lender. All real estate types considered. No credit checks done. Deal direct with lender and get quick approval. Toll free 1-866-4051228 RECORD? Why suffer employment/ licensing loss? Travel/ business opportuni ties? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US entry waiver. Record purge. File destruc tion. Free HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT. Other medical conditions causing TROUBLE WALKING or DRESSING? The Disability Tax Credit allows for $3,000 yearly tax credit and $30,000 lump sum refund. Take advantage of this offer. Apply NOW; quickest refund Nationwide: Expert help. 1-844-453-5372. ALBERTA FEED GRAIN: Buying Oats, Barley, Wheat, Canola, Peas, Screenings, Mixed Grains. Dry, Wet, Heated, or Spring Thresh. Prompt Payment. In House Trucks, In House Excreta Cleaning. Vac 1-888-483-8789.Rental. BLANKET THE PROV INCE with a classified ad. Only $269 (based on 25 words or less). Reach almost 90 weekly newspapers. Call NOW for zersauction.comAuction:FIREARMS225;,Shotguns,Handguns,Militaria.AuctionorPurchase:Collections,Estates,Individualitems.ContactPaul,Switzer’sToll-Free1-800-694-2609,

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 21 Celebrations BusinessLocalDirectoryWANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BUYING skfarmland.ca306-570-7743FARMLAND?SELLINGOR WANTED: Old advertising dealership signs, gas pumps, globes, pop machines, light ups. White Rose, Red Indian, Buffalo, North Star, Case Eagles. etc. Collector paying TOP PRICES. COINNUMISMATIST306-221-5908.PURCHASINGCOLLECTIONS&ACCUMULATIONS!RoyalCanadianMint,Canada&WorldCollectionsWanted.Alsobuying9999bullion,oldmoney,jewelry,nuggets,sterling,gold,silver,coins,bars,monsterboxes+++ESTATESWELCOMED!Todd250-864-3521. FARMLAND AND PASTURE LAND RIVER.SASKATCHEWANBY160acres.BesthuntinginSaskatch-ewan.Excellentfishing.Thickpine&poplarbluffs,bywatercoulee.Oldyardsitewithpowerandwater.RevenuePotential.EastofPrinceAlbert,SK.$248,000.CallDoug306-716-2671. HEALTH

22 MERIDIAN SOURCE Thursday, August 25, 2022 laugh, he loved coming up with nicknames for everyone and spending time with family. His persistent and resilient nature allowed him to get through many tough times in his life and will be admired by those He is survived by his Mother: Charlene (Mike) Dery, Father: Rocky (Carolyn) Buksa, His siblings: Levi (Breanne) McLeod, Kayla Buksa, Brooke (Wylie) MacLean, Cole Buksa (Andrea), Kennedy Dery (Nathan), and Dawson Dery. His nieces and nephews Benson, Everly, Thurston, Greyer, and Thatcher. His grandparents: Rema (Gilbert) Boisvert, Carole McLeod, Omer Dery aka GPO, Murray and Beatrice McDon ald, as well as numerous Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. He was predeceased by Grandparents: Donald Buksa, Carl Fidler, Joyce Swerhun and Joie Dery, Wayne McLeod His family would like to thank everyone for the kind words and support in this difficult time. A Celebration of Life will be held on Aug 27th, 2022, at 1:00 pm. For location details please contact Cole Buksa at 250-328-9837.Inlieuofflowers, you can donate to the Food Kitchen or Men’s Shelter of your choosing.

Thursday, August 25, 2022 MERIDIAN SOURCE 23 3812 - 51 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3M7 780-875-3343 Each office is independently owned & operated. Brad Broker/OwnerGilbert Rick PropertyBrandonRealtor®SchesnukKingManager Caleb AssociateMcLeanBroker SandyRealtor®Hardy Judy AssociateJenniferRealtor®BexsonGilbertBroker HOME AWESOMENESS INGENUITY EXCELLENCE SK $454,900 MLS A1175224 AB $1,250,000 MLS A1213176 SK $575,000 MLS A1242971 SK $519,900 MLS A1157222 AB $325,000 MLS A1237869 SK $159,500 MLS A1080099 AB $224,400 MLS A1245543 AB $208,000 MLS A1250134 AB $115,000 MLS A1244005 AB $155,000 MLS A1131974 SK $128,000 MLS A1197890 SK $276,500 MLS A1152553 SK $210,000 MLS A1236107 SK $419,000 MLS A1213161 SK $399,900 MLS A1209124 SK $375,000 MLS A1143839 SK $62,000 MLS A1132580 SK $269,900 MLS A1242612 SK $164,900 MLS A1163592 SK $949,900 MLS A1233426 AB $749,000 MLS A1215623 AB $269,000 MLS A1171991 SK $154,500 MLS A1210422 5675 - 43 St. 2917 - 51 Ave. 2917 - 51 Ave. 2917 - 51 Ave. 7302 - 43 St. 2301 - 56 Ave. Cl. 4707 - 46 Ave. 4801 - 47 Ave. 4811 - 47 Ave. 4501 - 39 St. SASKATCHEWANALBERTA READY!READY!READY!READY!OCT.1SEPT.1SEPT.1READY!SEPT.1READY!1 Bed, 1 Bath 2 Bed, 1 Bath 2 Bed, 1 Bath 2 Bed, 1 Bath 5 Bed, 3 Bath 5 Bed, 3 Bath 2 Bed, 1 Bath 4 Bed, 3 Bath 4 Bed, 3 Bath 3 Bed, 2 Bath $2000$1950$900$850$800$700$700$1200$1350$1550 RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES APPLY ONLINE TODAY NEW FEATUREDLISTINGSLISTING NEW PRICES - TAKE ANOTHER LOOK! SOAK UP THE SUMMER AT THE LAKE! THE SOLITUDE OF COUNTRY LIVING MAKE YOUR HOME IN LLOYDMINSTER GUIDING YOU HOME - CONDOS 50371 RGE. RD. 3280 • Your opportunity to own a well established piece of land minutes to Lloydminster on pavement. • Gorgeous private site with multiple structures. 3.55 acres - electricity, well & septic onsite. $275,000 SK MLS A1252437 28 - 1 AVENUE EAST • A unique and well cared for 1650 sq. ft. home with many substantial updates. Has a separate access one bedroom suite. • Two nicely landscaped lots, double garage, perennial beds, alley access and only steps to the school. $192,900 SK MLS A1251336 5661 - 43 ST • Affordable end unit townhouse, great starter or revenue property. • Includes 3 beds, appliances, a nice sized deck and a fenced yard. Schools & shopping nearby! $129,900 AB MLS A1251658 MARSHALL LASHBURN 20004 TWP RD 502 323074 TWP RD 480 FOWLER LAKE 1/2MAPLESDUPLEXII MERIDIAN LA TIERRA MAKWA LAKE BRIGHTSAND LAKE TURTLE LAKE BRIGHTSAND LAKE LOT PT NE-01-54-20 W3RD PT SW-18-44-27 W3RD PT NW-16-46-25 W3RD 493084 RGE RD 25

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