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Leeway from Lloyd: Happy New Year in September
Once again, September is shaping up to be another January, just as orange is the new black. It’s the beginning of fall, leaves are turning colour, students are set to return to school and it’s the kickoff to a new round of fashions as well.
The overall theme of September is change, but the sad part is the cooler temperatures that come with it, signal the end of summer fun and vacations.
The City of Lloydminster jumped the gun with the release of its fall recreation guide weeks ago, but new programs can fill up quickly.

This means Septem - ber is one of the biggest months of the year for the start of new sports seasons like hockey and volleyball in Lloyd, and the resumption of swimming following an annual break for maintenance.
The guidebook itself is also chock full of new seasonal cultural and indoor recreational programs including the game of pickleball that a lot older people like.
September is also one of the biggest months for enrolling in weight-loss programs, going to the gym and changing careers or getting a new job.
It’s also a good time for home renovations and winterizing everything.
A lot of people also change their hairstyle in September, but I am keeping my semi-bald look!
This month is also only second to October as the most popular month to get married.
It’s also a time to sit down and plan ahead for Thanksgiving and winter vacations with Christmas just a few months ahead.
Locally, a lot of hunters can’t wait for September to get outdoors and bag some game. September is one of the best months to be outdoors doing anything, with way fewer bugs to bother you.
September is also a great month to wind up outdoor competitions like runs, cycling events and triathlons.
Locally, a lot of runners are eager to take part in the Iron Horse Ultramarathon race in St. Paul, Alberta start - ing on Sept. 30. High school football also kicks off in September along with tons of other school leagues. Things also get interesting for pro football fans with a new NFL season and remaining CFL games in September. See you in October.

The Meridian Source Calendar of Events is a free service provided for non-profit organizations located within our coverage area. All events are in chronological order, as space permits and at the editor’s discretion.
Bingo at the Moose Lodge, located at 5213 57 Street, is back every Monday and Wednesday starting Sept. 6! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and play starts at 7 p.m. Must be 18 to play!
Southridge Playschool & Kindergym has opened up their registration for the fall 2023-2024 classes. They offer one-day a week for three-yearolds and one or two days a week for four/ five-year-olds. They have also qualified for the Affordability Grant! For more information please call Mrs. P. at 780-8729523.
To place an event, email taylor@meridiansource.ca or fax 306-825-5147

Kaiser Tourney
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Kaiser Tournament on Sept. 7. Play begins at 10 a.m., cost is $10/person. Lunch is also available for $12/ person. Everyone welcome! Call the Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
Cribbage Tourney
A Cribbage Tournament is being held on Sept. 10 at the Lloydminster Moose Lodge. Registration is from 9-9:45 a.m. and games start at 10 a.m. – 12 games gauranteed. Enter as a team or an individual. Entry fee is $25 per player, which includes a hot lunch.
Education Class
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hosting the Dia - betes Education Class

“An Introduction to the Basics,” on Sept. 11 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. The class will be held in the Prairie North Plaza’s Klinger Conference Room – Across the hall from Suite 115, 4910 50 Street. To register please call 306820-4887. There is no charge for the class.
COPD Class
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hosting a COPD Class on Sept. 14 from 12:301:30 p.m. in the Prairie North Plaza – Suite 109. To register please call 306-820-6243. There is no charge for the class.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a supper/dance on Sept. 15. Doors open and dancin’ at 5 p.m., supper is at 6 p.m. then dance the evening away to KRAZY KANUCKS (Lyle Baker band).

ONLY. Cost is $25/ person and attendees are asked to purchase before noon on Sept. 14. All members welcome. Contact the Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.

Spades Tourney