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Passport to YLL Church Directory
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Spades Tournament on Sept. 20. Play begins at 10 a.m., cost is $10/person. Lunch is also available for $12/person. Everyone welcome! Call the Legacy office at 780875-4584 for more info.
Managing High Blood Pressure
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hosting a “Strategies for managing high blood pressure” class on Sept. 26 from 9-11 a.m. in Suite 109 of the Prairie North Plaza. To register, please call 306820-6262. This class is free of charge.
Legacy Centre Day Trip
The Legacy Centre is taking a trip to the Mayfield Dinner Theatre on Sept. 27 for the performance of Musicians Gone Wild –Rock The Canyon. The bus leaves the Legacy parking lot at 7:15 a.m. aboard Charlie’s Charters Busline and will arrive at the theatre at 10 a.m. for brunch. The performance is at 2:30 p.m. then it’s back to the bus to head home. Tickets are $179 per person and must be paid before your name goes on the list. Call the Legacy office for more details.