It was an emotional day for the Jones family at Dark Hour Ink.
Dalonna Jones celebrated her 40th birthday in the ICU at the University of Alberta Hospital after suffering a medical episode in her home on Christmas Day of 2024. She was approved for organ donation on Jan. 3 after efforts to bring her back from a coma were unsuccessful.
“I’m getting a rose, in honour of my sister. So my niece and I are actually getting the same roses.
It didn’t take long for the Lloydminster community to rally together in an effort to help the grieving family.
Desiree Cornet-Wile, co-owner of Dark Hour Ink, was ready to do what she could.
“All tattoo’s done today, the price point is between $100 and $200. All the proceeds are going to Dalonna’s family,” explained Cornet-Wile on Jan. 26, the day of the flash tattoo sale.
Dalonna’s sister, Jackie Jones, was on hand getting a tattoo to honour Dalonna.
“I’m getting a rose, in honour of my sister. So my niece and I are actually getting the same roses,” said Jackie.
She says she’s been taking it day by day but has seen the family come together through these difficult times.
The tattoos were designed in honour of the late Dalonna.
Lyle Jones, Dalonna’s dad, was also showing off some ink he had recently received for his family.
The Jones family, like dozens of others, were
there getting tattoos in honour of Dalonna.
“Pretty special, a lot of us have never had one before. She liked tattoos, so we just figured we would do a tattoo in honour of her,” said Lyle.
He says the outpouring of support from the community has been amazing.
“Super, phenomenal, I didn’t realize how much the community would come together for something like this,” Lyle said.
Dark Hour Ink took it a step further with their support.
“We also have a silent auction, all those proceeds from the silent auction will go to Dalonna’s family as well,” explained Cornet-Wile.
She explained they too have been through difficult times and are happy to give back.
In total $4,880.07 was raised as part of the fundraiser at Dark Hour Ink.
The Lloydminster Public Library is continuing its efforts in becoming a municipal library.
The City of Lloydminster has approved the transition of the Lloydminster Public Library into a municipal library under the Saskatchewan Public Libraries Act.
The move follows the Government of Saskatchewan’s approval of a Minister’s Order which officially removes the City’s Saskatchewan-side boundary from the Lakeland Library Region. Now on Jan. 20 at a regular council meeting, council approved actions to advance the transition which included amendments to the Lloydminster Charter.
More information on specifics was also made available at the council meeting.
Coun. Justin Vance asked how this change would affect the other municipalities in the region.
“Ultimately, it’ll probably have limited effect on their day-to-day operations of their libraries, what it’ll change is the priorities of Lakeland Library Region and how they support the libraries still within that region. There would be a financial change to the region while our levy is no longer going into the region they’re no longer spending resources on Lloydminster. I’m not really sure how that would affect them long term,” said executive manager of community development services Tracy Simpson.
Some things changed when the library became part of the municipality including some technology changes.
“Before the end of last year, we removed all of the computers that were owned by Lakeland Library Region,” said Simpson. “They also had some Wi-Fi equipment in the space.”
With the support of the City of Lloydminster’s IT department, Wi-Fi has been provided and computers from the city.The ability to borrow has not been affected as the Lloydminster Library is now a part of SILS, the Saskatchewan Information Library Service Consortium.
“The major portion I forgot to mention was the books, any books that were purchased over the last couple of years that were owned by the Lakeland Library are required to be returned to them as per the mandate of the minister. So there will be some cost incurred to start replacing and backfilling that,” said Simpson.
Not every book will be replaced. Staff will make that decision based on use.
Replacing the books will come at a lower cost according to Simpson.
“It will come at a lower cost because we aren’t buying brand new books at a brand new cost it’s three-year-old books at a reduced cost,” she said.
Administration will now prepare a bylaw to establish a municipal library under the Saskatchewan Public Libraries Act.
With the announcement of Peavey Mart closing stores across the county, concerns for Murphy and Bella have been expressed in Lloydminster.
An individual connected to the company said they have received multiple inquiries about Murphy and Bella. They indicated to the Meridian Source the feline duo will be well taken care of when the Peavey Mart doors finally close.
“We’ve got that covered, they will be fine,” said the individual.
Peavey Industries LP, Canada’s largest farm and ranch retail chain, has filed for creditor protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
The Alberta-based company says it will begin closing its 90 Peavey Mart stores and six MainStreet Hardware locations across Canada. This follows the recent closure of 22 stores in Ontario and Nova Scotia.
The store in Lloydminster now has 10-30 per cent sale signs throughout the facility. It also notifies customers that all sales are final. Nearly two dozen staff members will also lose their jobs when the store closes.
Peavey stated that, after consulting legal and financial advisors, the company has decided to seek creditor protection and cease operations. The company cited low consumer confidence, inflation, rising costs, supply chain disruptions, and regulatory challenges as factors behind its struggle
“This was a profoundly difficult decision,” said Doug Anderson, president and CEO. “For nearly six decades, our customers’ loyalty and our employees’ dedication have been the foundation of our business.”
A social media post on Jan. 28 thanked customers and added to the original closure notice.
“We have seen your comments, your posts, your stories and have felt all of them at our very core. We acknowledge how difficult this has been for our staff, our customers and our communities,” stated the post. “Your unwavering support has been the backbone of our organization’s history.”
The company’s focus now is to generate funds through store closures.
while working with partners to explore ways to preserve the Peavey brand.
Peavey Industries says it will provide updates as the situation unfolds.
and their purchase.
A recent $20K donation by the Rotary Club of Lloydminster to the Lloydminster Region Health Foundation will help purchase a new ultrasound machine for the Lloydminster Hospital.
Past president, Mike Sidoryk, chose the foundation for their impact on the community.
“I’ve always been very supportive of our healthcare system in Lloydminster. I also recognize the great work the Lloydminster Region Health Foundation is doing to meet our community’s healthcare needs,” said Sidoryk. “When I learned about the need for a new ultrasound machine, I felt it was a beneficial project to support.”
That support came in the form of a monetary donation. It will go a long way to supporting the foundation
“The $20,000 is going to be going towards the projected new ultrasound machine for the Lloydminster Hospital. We do have to confirm some other funding for that piece of equipment,” said health foundation CEO, Stephanie Munro.
“It is quite a large price tag, and we want to ensure we are also having those enhanced hours for patients to utilize it, whether that’s weekends or evenings. So, working with Saskatchewan Health Authority on what that looks like moving forward.”
Sidoryk, believes supporting initiatives like this is a way to secure tools for the community.
“If we don’t help fund projects like this within our community, sometimes the equipment doesn’t arrive in a timely fashion,” said Sidoryk. “This new ultrasound is much needed so that people in Lloydminster don’t have to travel elsewhere for these services.”
Munro added they are always grateful for support, including from the club.
“So we are, as a foundation and as a community, extremely grateful for the generosity of the Rotary Club of Lloydminster for giving us the President’s Award. We have extreme gratitude to our donors to be able to put money towards the equipment and greatest needs that we need for our community,” she said. Donations can be made to the foundation through their website.
Eight-year-old Jack McVey is showing strength while fighting for his life again. It’s been this way for various portions of his short life.
Since the day he and his twin sister were born prematurely at 25 weeks, he’s been fighting on and off for his right to live. Complications of being premature and long-term intubation led to a prolonged early life stay in the hospital. To help this time, his aunt has set up a GoFundMe while he is in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Edmonton.
“It’s my hope that this GoFundMe can help ease some of the financial strain of time off from work, trips back and forth from Edmonton to Lloydminster, and all the additional expenses that add up when you’re away from home,” said Lauren Morrison on the page.
Jack spent the first four and a half months in a level 3 NICU at the Royal Alexandria Hospital. Additionally, it was followed by four more at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. As was born with tracheal issues, he received a tracheostomy so he could have a stable airway to come home safely. He came home after spending his first 9 months in hospital. He’s now facing an uncertain future as a second reconstruction is in the works.
“He had to spend those months there because he needed to be watched 24/7/365, something which wasn’t possible at home,” said his father Adam McVey. “His sister has a clean bill of health, but Jack has been in and out of care his entire life.”
Morrison and McVey explained that doctors admitted Jack to the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton for a routine bronchoscopy to address severe sleep apnea. They planned to remove his tonsils and adenoids, but when anesthesiologists relaxed his muscles, a weak area in his airway collapsed. Doctors performed an emergency intubation and placed Jack in a medically induced coma to secure his airway.
He has turned a corner recently.
“He’s off his ventilator, and we need to get him back to the condition he was in when he came in to give his surgery the best chance of success,” said McVey. “Getting him back to his baseline is what we are focused on right now.”
McVey explained that the first reconstructive surgery occurred during COVID-19; surgeons at SickKids in Toronto, Ont. performed the procedure to give Jack the best chance of success.
“It was hard, with COVID restrictions in place, it was a difficult time for us; we spent over a month in Toronto with our son at that time,” he recounted.
It involved taking some of his rib cartilage and carving it into the airway. That way the body wouldn’t reject any of the tissue.
That first procedure was called Laryngotracheal Reconstruction. It traces its roots to airway surgeries performed hundreds of years ago. It was refined in the 19th century. Grafting of Cartledge material has been done since the early 1950s and 60s. However, it is still relatively rare due to various complications.
His second surgery, to be performed at the Stollery, does not involve as extensive a recovery time as the first.
“They are going to cut the weakened section out of his airway and reconnect the two other ends
back together,” said McVey after speaking with the surgeon.
Despite everything, the McVey’s have nothing but great things to say about Jack’s caregivers.
“It’s always tough to see your kid in the ICU; it’s hard on everyone,” said McVey. “We have nothing but the biggest praises for the medical community. We see so much negativity about the healthcare system, but we haven’t experienced any of that.”
McVey and his wife, Alana, are both teachers in the community—McVey works for Lloydminster Comprehensive High School and Alana is a substitute teacher for Lloydminster Public School Division. McVey says the support from their employer has made a huge difference to dealing with Jack’s medical complications.
“They have been nothing but understanding,” said McVey. “Taking a leave isn’t easy, especially with exams and exam review coming up, but we have found a way to work through it.”
Although facing some challenges most kids don’t have, like a deeper voice and some vocal chord paralysis, Jack is an amazing student. He’s also passionate about bowling and has a banner hanging at Lloyd Lanes Bowling Alley on 56 St.
“He’s a fun-loving, very happy kid who gets along with everyone,” said Jody McDonald, coowner of the alley. “He’s in Bantom now; he was excited he gets to bowl three games a week on Tuesday since moving up a division.”
His team has been together for a couple of years now and recently won the Saskatchewan Youth Bowling Banton YBC Trio North Provincial Championship.
“He was super excited to win with his team,” expressed McDonald. “We only hope the best for him and his family during this time.”
The McVey’s are thankful for all the contributions to GoFundMe. However, they are more grateful for the understanding and supportive messages the community has provided.
“It’s amazing to see all the love and support for us and Jack,” said McVey. “Knowing the community of Lloyd is behind us, from employers to family, friends and strangers, means the world.”
They have obtained a space in Ronald McDonald’s house so the family can be together now. Jack received a surgery date of mid-February, with a hopeful recovery time of just a couple of weeks.
One of the great benefits of a polytechnic education is applied learning— a method where students take what they learn in the classroom, shop or lab and apply it in a real-world seDng. Instructors at Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s School of Business and Entrepreneurship embrace the concept and are expanding opportunities for students to connect their program learning with partner organizations, business and industry before they graduate.
Knowing they were working with an actual client made it exciting for the students as they knew they had to deliver.
Academic chair Kirsten Downey has been tracking applied learning initiatives in the school and is pleased to see such variety across a wide range of courses. “All of our students should have the chance to take the concepts they learn from their instructors and apply them to see actual results,” she says.
Ashley Hatley, who teaches marketing, guided her class on a market research project initiated by the City of Moose Jaw. “Students presented their findings to City of Moose Jaw representatives in early December,” reports Hatley. “The project gave students an in-depth look at economic development opportunities and then allowed them to practice presenting what they learned in front of an actual client.”
Human resources instructor Genelle Payant connected her class with Thunder Creek Rehabilitation Association. Without dedicated human resources expertise, Thunder Creek’s job descriptions were out of date. Students created new job descriptions and used them to write job postings. Executive director Chad Topp was pleased with the work, saying, “The ideas and draZs we received helped us to make attractive and enticing postings. We had been using job descriptions as postings, and this project helped us
understand how the two are different and what makes for a great job posting.”
Payant notes she has done similar exercises in the past but this was the first time working with a real organization. “Knowing they were working with an actual client made it exciting for the students as they knew they had to deliver,” she explains.
Instructor Megan Moulding’s business insurance students had an opportunity to work with Saskatchewan Insurance Professionals. Students took turns staging a social media takeover, where they created videos about an insurance-related topic or about themselves and why they chose insurance, then posted them to the organization’s social pages. “The students really enjoyed the assignment and used a lot of creativity,” shares Moulding.
The results were impressive, with one takeover post generating more than 1,000 impressions and the daily average for all student posts close to 550. “For a small organization, that’s real reach,” says Moulding.
Practicing what you have learned by doing it before entering the workforce is key to making connections, notes Downey. Some opportunities are part of instructors’ curriculum and others are add-on opportunities that require students to apply.
Two students specializing in Sport Management were selected to travel to the 2024 Grey Cup Festival in Vancouver, where they assisted with the Sask Polytech and Canadian Football League’s Player Association (CFLPA) partnership activation. Robyn Dutertre and Joshua Grant helped with a kickoff party STO24-110 Applied learning in business story where they had the chance to connect with CFL alumni and other attendees.
Instructor Chelsea Jones says it was a great opportunity to work with a sports organization of that calibre. Dutertre agrees, “Our trip to work with the CFLPA deepened our understanding of the sports industry and provided practical insights that will benefit our future.”
For more information visit saskpolytech.ca/business.
Taylor Hicke chose Medicine Hat College (MHC) for its small size, welcoming community and proximity to his hometown of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, but the connections he made and the opportunities he had led to his decision to stay.
“The biggest highlight of my experience was the relationships I was able to build through my two years at MHC,” says the Sport & Event Marketing and Management graduate from the School of Business.
“Some of my instructors became mentors and that was a big part of my success within the program.”
MHC’s School of Business is deeply connected to Southeast Alberta, providing real world learning experiences for students across all of its programs.
In addition to specialty pro -
grams like Sport & Event Marketing and Management and Service Dog and Canine Management Studies, the school offers a robust Business Administration diploma program with majors in accounting, financial services, management and marketing, plus pathways to further education like degrees and professional designations. A diploma in Administrative Office Management and certificate options for Administrative Office Professional, Advanced Accounting, Intermediate Accounting and Marketing (new for Fall 2025) are also available.
As Hicke discovered, students in MHC’s School of Business don’t just study. They engage in immersive experiences, learn directly from seasoned industry professionals, delve into real company case stud -
ies, and, in select programs, participate in transformative workplace integrated learning.
For Hicke, that meant handson group work to create marketing campaigns for local businesses, provide support for sporting events, and fundraise for community causes.
Now Hicke is putting his education to work as a member of the marketing team at South Country Coop’s Business Support Centre.
“My studies at MHC really prepared me for my career and everything I am doing on a daily basis like marketing plans, sponsorship and graphic design,” says Hicke.
He also continues in his role as basketball game night lead for Rattlers Athletics, utilizing his event management skills and keeping him connected to MHC.
“We’re here to help students discover their passions,” adds Dr. Morgan Blair, dean of the School of Business and Continuing Studies. ”Through rigorous coursework, networking opportunities, and enriching extracurricular activities, students cultivate the professional they aspire to become.
Connected. Confident. Capable. When you enroll with us, you’re not just starting a course or program –you’re launching your career.”
“I found this to be such a great opportunity to attend the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and have access to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program right in my community of La Ronge,” said USask College of Nursing BSN student Leandra McLeod.
“We listened to the people of Saskatchewan, and over the last two years, announced our expansion to four additional locations in the province where students previously did not have access to the BSN program.
McLeod is completing her third year of the BSN program at the USask College of Nursing distributed nursing site in La Ronge.
Since 2012, USask College of Nursing has been offering the undergraduate BSN program at a number of locations throughout Saskatchewan.
Currently, students can complete their entire BSN degree in Saskatoon, Prince Albert, La Ronge, Îleà-la-Crosse, Yorkton, Lloydminster, North Battleford, and Muenster.
Beginning September 2025, students from Swift Current and Weyburn will also have the opportunity to complete their entire nursing degree in their community.
“We listened to the people of Saskatchewan, and over the last two years, announced our expansion to four additional locations in the province where students previously did not have access to the BSN program,” said USask College of Nursing Dean Dr. Solina Richter (DCur).
“It is important our program offering is inclusive of rural and remote areas of Saskatchewan.
When the students at the distributed nursing sites complete their nursing degrees, they will help to fill unmet registered nursing workforce needs in rural Saskatchewan. We are decreasing the likelihood of these communities experiencing a registered nursing shortage, as the students will likely practice in the community once becoming licensed.”
“Becoming a nurse was something I knew I always wanted to do, but as a single mother, moving away from Prince Albert to complete my nursing degree was not realistic,” said USask College of Nursing student Desiré Hoare, who is finishing her fourth year in the BSN program at the USask Prince Albert Campus.
Both McLeod and Hoare say the opportunity to learn where they live has been a wonderful experience.
“The small class sizes in La Ronge and the additional help you get from instructors when needed means there is a lot of one-on-one time,” said McLeod. “I would recommend the BSN program to anyone who has an interest in healthcare.”
It took McLeod six years to take the leap, but watching a number of peers go through the BSN program in La Ronge ultimately motivated her to apply.
The College of Nursing Learn Where You Live model has proven successful at distributed sites like La Ronge and Île-à-la-Crosse. Since the first students entered the BSN program in La Ronge and Île-à-laCrosse, 68 nursing students have completed their degree in northern Saskatchewan.
“I am so grateful for the opportunity to study nursing in Prince Albert,” adds Hoare.
For more information on the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, please visit https:// admissions.usask.ca/nursing.php.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
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This will be brief, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about the U18 AAA PWM Steelers’ recent win at Roger’s Place. If you haven’t read the story online yet, feel free to flip to Page 15.
In brief, the team was invited to play a regularseason game at Roger’s Place, which turned out to be an experience they won’t soon forget.
They got the full red carpet experience and lived a day in the life of the pros.
Interviewing players about the experi -
Halloween is the time for spooks, scares, and maybe even a little mischief.
Back in 1979, Lloydminster got a little more mischief than it bargained for.
Shortly after local TV stations signed off for the night they would find their time off the air longer than usual. The over 500-foot tall transmission tower north of the city had fallen on top of the nearby building.
The cost, according to the TV station, was over $500,000 at the time, no small amount for 1979. The station would be off the air for 13 days before they were able to secure a lower power replacement to restore television service to the area.
Now, I remember being quite young and coming home every day to watch TV. I’m not sure I’d make it 13 days without anything to watch. I’d have to what, go outside? Ain’t happenin’.
I was born to be inside, but a lot of people weren’t. When there was nothing to watch they went out into the community, places all around town saw an influx in traffic as people looked elsewhere to fill their time.
The mystery of it all was who perpetrated the vandalism. RCMP at the time were suspicious enough to put six people on the case. No one was ever caught, and no one knows how exactly the tower fell.
ence before an early-morning skate on Jan. 27 reminded me of a similar experience my brother and I had as kids. His house league hockey team had the opportunity to play at the home of the Ottawa Senators for a similar experience.
The whole fam ily headed to Kanata, Ont., for the day to watch Keenan’s team play in the afternoon before an NHL game that night. Now, I wasn’t even a member of the team, but the experience and memories I have of that day remain with me today. I hope the entire team and all family members who attended came back with memories like my family did. I don’t think Keenan would have made it to the NHL, but he got to live like a legend for a day.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Louis L’amour once stated, “Knowledge is like money: to be of value it must circulate, and in circulating it can increase in quantity and, hopefully, in value.”
The term “Knowledge Keeper” is originally a saying acknowledging special individuals in the Indigenous community. They were taught by an Elder or a senior Knowledge Keeper within their community. This person holds traditional knowledge and teachings, they have been taught how to care for these teachings and when it is and is not appropriate to share this knowledge with others.
So why write about this topic this week?
Last week I discussed my involvement in the community and the role I have taken on as a volunteer. That role was becoming a volunteer firefighter with Blackfoot Fire and Rescue in the
It’s a true mystery in Lloydminster. I’m not here to solve the mystery, nor do I really have any idea what happened. For a tower that large, it seems unlikely kids did it unless they
County of Vermilion River.
One of the first things in my journey to acquiring an NFPA 1001 standard, something I’ll touch on in a later article, is a county orientation course.
The individual who chose to give up his time to teach 15 eager-minded students over the weekend has over 25 years in the fire service.
Why were they there? To quote Lyle, one of those instructors. “Someone was here for me when I was in your shoes 28 years ago.”
For the next 20 hours, he and his motley crew of firefighters did exactly that. They took individuals like myself with nearly zero knowledge of firefighting and gave us the basics.
The knowledge they’ve acquired through reallife experience is astounding. This led me to thinking.
Almost all of us are extremely knowledgeable in something. You don’t have to be a teacher to share it, and you don’t have to be very old, either. Maybe it’s making quilts or playing music. It’s a hobby or side-gig or interest you’ve gone down way to many rabbit holes on and now know way to much about.
were as strong as the Incredible Hulk. Maybe somebody hit it with something, but then there would be debris in the area. It’s possible a support on the structure gave out and the tower tumbled.
You’ve probably brought it up with others, and, depending on the topic and group, people may look at you like you’re crazy. Most of us have been there. However, don’t let it discourage you from sharing your knowledge. Find that group of likeminded individuals or someone who wants to learn and share it with them.
Someone out there will appreciate everything you are trying to share. With social media, it’s easier to find that someone.
If my firefighter teachers had gone into a group of cardiac surgeons or a high-level Dungeons & Dragons game, spouting stats about water supply, they would have been looked at as crazy.
Your knowledge is power, you are an asset to a community, you just have to find the right community. I promise you will save people a lot of time and frustration if you teach them what you know.
On a personal note, on behalf of the over dozen new firefighters from the recent course, I want to thank those who taught us the basics. It’s a jumping-off point to learn so much more about what we’ve chosen to do.
Either way, a good mystery is always exciting. Moreover, it’s exciting to reminisce about events like this.
I came from northwestern B.C. prior to Lloydminster, internet, TV, and phones, went out constantly due
to poorly planned infrastructure. Events where everything was offline was pretty normal for me.
But Lloydminster’s possibly greatest unsolved mystery, now that’s exciting.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
The Meridian Source Calendar of Events is a free service provided for non-profit organizations located within our coverage area. All events are in chronological order, as space permits and at the editor’s discretion.
To place an event, email taylor@meridiansource.ca or fax 306-825-5147
Intro to Square Dancing
Modern square dancing lessons are being offered every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 5115 - 49 Ave. Walk to the beat of music by following simple instructions from the caller. Come alone or bring a friend. Wear whatever is comfortable. First evening is FREE. For more info, contact 780-872-2493 or visit SquareDanceLloydArea.com
Bingo at the Moose Lodge
Bingo will be held every Monday and Wednesday, except holidays, at Moose Lodge 5213 57 St., Lloydminster. Doors open at 5 p.m. with games starting at 7 p.m. Must be at least 18 to play.
Diabetes Exercise Classes
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hosting diabetes education classes every Monday and Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. Classes are held in Suite 109
The County of Vermilion River is seeking highly motivated individuals to join our safety-oriented team for a variety of seasonal positions in Public Works approximately May 5 to October 31, 2025 (weather dependent). CVR is an equal opportunity employer and while experience is preferred, we are willing to train the right people
Experience operating a variety of equipment
Knowledgeable about machinery and equipment
Able to work independently as well as part of a team
Equipment Operators for:
Finish Dozer
Truck Drivers : Class 3A Minimum, Class 1 Preferred
General Labourers:
Mower Operators
Road Crew
General Public Works
of the Prairie North Plaza. Please call 306-820-2597 to register. This class is free of charge.
Just Jammin with Greg Lingley
The Dewberry Community Hall is featuring “Just Jammin’”with Greg Lingley on Feb 1. Doors open at 4 p.m. with music at 4:30 p.m. Supper to follow at 5 p.m. and then music continuing after supper. Cost is $20/person with children under 10 free.
Finding Nemo at the Vic Juba
Centre Stage Productions brings Finding Nemo to the Vic Juba Community Theatre from Jan. 31 to Feb. 1. Tickets are $25 and are available online or at the Vic Juba box office. Call 780-872-7400 for details.
The Snowed In Comedy Tour returns to the Vic Juba Community Theatre on Feb. 27 for a 7:30 p.m. show. This year’s tour features Dan Quinn, Erica Sigurdson, Paul Myrehaug, Pete Zedlacher Tickets are $56.70 for adults, $25.70 for students and $46.20 for seniors.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Kaiser tournament on Thursday, Feb. 6 starting at 10 a.m. Cost is $10 to play and $10 for lunch. Everyone welcome! Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Valentine’s supper and dance on Feb. 14. Doors open and dancin’ at 5 p.m. Supper served at 6 p.m. then dance the night away on Valentine’s Day. Cost is $25/person (advanced tickets only) and there’s two great prizes to be won. All members and guests welcome. Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
Use the QR code to visit our Careers page!
Summer Students (Gravel Checkers) Note: Must be enrolled in Post -Secondary Studies.
Your resume should clearly state your qualifications and the position you are applying for. Resumes clearly marked “ CONFIDENTIAL — PW SEASONAL” can be submitted to:
Human Resources Administrator, County of Vermilion River Box 69 Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 Email: hr@county24.com
We appreciate the interest of all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Spades tournament on Feb. 20 starting at 10 a.m. Cost is $10 to play and $10 for lunch. Everyone welcome! Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a pancake breakfast from 9-11 a.m. on Feb. 23. Cost is $12/person or $6/child 12 years and under. Everyone welcome! Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Cribbage doubles tournament on Feb. 27. Play begins at 10 a.m.. The cost is $10/person to play and $12/person for lunch. Everyone welcome! Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
The Legacy Centre is hosting TeleMiracle FunDay on Feb. 28. Registration is at 8:45 a.m. and play begins at 9 a.m. Cost is $20/person for the day! There will be Crib and Floor Curling in the morning, then lunch, then a Court Whist Tournament in the afternoon. Sign up sheet will be posted on Feb. 10. Come have a fun day and help raise money for Telemiracle 49! Call Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
- Have something you’d like to see in our community calendar? Email the details to taylor@meridiansource.ca
Each month, the Source highlights one member of the community as a fun way to bring us all closer together!
This month, we featured Shaun Newman of the Shaun Newman Podcast !
From retired hockey players and TV personalities to politicians, Newman has turned his dream of full-time podcasting into a reality in Lloydminster.
If you didn’t do what you do for a living, what would you be doing?
I’m very fortunate to be doing a job I love. I started podcasting in 2019 as a hobby with the goal of one day being full time, since 2022 that has been a reality and I hope to do this for many years to come.
It’s Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast?
Bacon and eggs.
If you could see one concert, what would it be?
Oliver Anthony.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Time travel. I’d go see some things for myself.
What was your childhood celebrity crush?
Halle Berry.
What is your favourite TV show?
Game of Thrones.
What’s your dream car?
1969 Ford Mustang.
What’s your fast-food
guilty pleasure?
Ice cream … specifically cookie dough ... just the best.
Last book you couldn’t put down?
This Present Darkness – Frank Peretti.
Which person, alive or dead, would you like to have dinner with?
Jordan Peterson.
What’s the one thing you haven’t done that you’d love to do?
See the Colosseum.
What’s the best thing about Lloydminster? The people.
If we’re buying you’re having.... Steak.
What’s your favourite vacation destination?
No favourite. I enjoy road trips with the kids to new places. Always up for an adventure.
What’s your weirdest habit?
When I’m nervous I talk to myself.
What’s currently playing in your car or on your smartphone right now?
Cringe – Matt Maeson.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Kids not turning lights off. What are your words to live by?
Surround yourself with Good people who listen to your words and want the best for you and your family.
Who’s your hero?
My father. Calmest, kindest man I know.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Nothing jumps to mind.
The Government of Saskatchewan now requires all its school divisions to create a change room policy.
In a release, the government says school divisions must develop, implement and make publicly available a policy on changeroom usage that upholds the privacy, dignity and comfort of all students.
“We want to ensure privacy, dignity and comfort of all students,” said education minister Everett Hindley.
“It is also important for parents/ guardians to be aware of the steps being taken to ensure the comfort and safety of all students.
Hindley says they’ve consulted with school divisions on this topic.
“Through our consultations, many school divisions informed us
that they are in the best position to make these decisions at a local level,” he said.
School divisions will be expected to develop and implement the administrative procedures in consultation with parents, guardians and students.
School divisions must have their policy publicly available on their website and clearly communicated by June 30.
The Saskatchewan Government is launching a new service to test and treat strep throat and ear infections.
The new service is being offered in multiple communities across the province allowing pharmacists to provide one-stop testing for strep throat and ear infections. They will be able to prescribe and dispense medication to treat those conditions as well.
Eleven pharmacies have been selected to conduct testing for strep throat and assessment for ear infections. Locations include Kindersley and Meadow Lake among others.
Another 37 sites have been chosen to offer ear infection assessments only. Centres offering these assessments include, Estevan, Loon Lake and Meadow Lake.
“We are pleased to launch this project, one of the first in Canada, which allows pharmacists the ability to offer patients greater access to health care services by providing testing and treatment in one visit,” said Lori Carr, rural and remote health minister. “With this expanded scope of practice, pharmacists can make greater use of their skills and education, directly benefiting Saskatchewan residents.”
In September 2024, the province announced an investment of over $700,000 to expand the ability of pharmacists to offer more care for patients. The
training allows them to assess and test for strep throat and ear infections. With this new training, pharmacists can perform rapid testing for strep throat where samples are collected and tested onsite, with results available in 10 minutes.
“Providing pharmacists the ability to test and prescribe for strep throat and ear infections ensures patients have timely and appropriate access to care,” said Chad Miskiman, Rexall Drugstore in Moose Jaw pharmacy manager.
The provincial government says it will be expanding to additional pharmacies in the future. For a full list of pharmacies offering the services you can visit the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.
Border City Connects is getting some more funds from the city after a council motion.
Lloydminster Council voted to amend their funding agreement from Oct. 2020 for an additional $15,000 this year.
“In 2020, Council authorized a funding allocation of $63,000 dollars for Border City Connects to be paid out in annual payments of $12,600 over a five-year period this is to support the safe storage of paratransit vehicles,” said Patrick Lancaster, manager of social programs and services at the City of Lloydminster.
Before 2021, the City of Lloydminster supported the storage of para -
transit vans through rental through the provision of space at a subsidized rate.
Lancaster says this is mostly a housekeeping item as the funds were already approve as part of the 2025 budget.
Coun. Justin Vance asked about the future of the contract with Border City Connects.
“Are we planning on entering a similar contract? This year is the last year of the contract entered in 2020, correct?” Asked Vance.
Lancaster clarified council would have to approve a new agreement.
Border City Connects provides transportation to residents in the city with mobility restrictions. Beginning operations in 1980, they provide approximately 15,000 trips per year.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
The Lloydminster U18 AAA PWM Steelers shared an experience of a lifetime as they took the ice at Edmonton’s Roger’s Place.
The Steelers (14-7) beat the Alberta Female Hockey League’s top-seeded Edmonton Jr. Oilers White (21-0-01) on Jan. 26. What made it so special for the Steelers? Aside from besting an undefeated team, the game was played on the same ice as the pros at Roger’s Place, a first-time experience for the entire roster.
Edmonton’s Parker Small struck first with a goal at 15:48 in the first period. Lloydminster’s Taryn Leighton, however, tied it up on the pow -
erplay at 19:26 in the second. A scoreless third sent the game into overtime where Steelers’ Skylar Heinrichs got the game winner with assists from Leighton and goaltender Harlee Houle.
“It was so surreal. An unbelievable once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Heinrichs of the experience, noting it was “Pretty crazy to get the win.”
“It was also crazy to be sitting on the same bench as the NHL players. It was awesome.”
The team’s two goaltenders, Harlee Houle and Grace Deveau, played roughly 30 minutes each and described the experience as one they won’t forget.
“It was really cool. Standing on the bench and looking out at the stands was sick,” said Deveau, who played the first half of the game. “It’s a huge rink but the ice didn’t look that big. The stands were huge and all the people there was really sick.”
“The stands go all the way up, the ceiling is huge, the jumbotron is ginormous, it was really cool, and the ice was really nice,” she said.
Houle played the game’s secondhalf and had the nerve-wracking task of defending the net during overtime.
“It was awesome, so cool, I was speechless. It was an experience of a lifetime,” said Houle, noting overtime was stressful.
“I had a feeling we were going to win it.”
When asked how it felt to best the league’s only undefeated team, both goaltenders echoed “Amazing. Awesome, it was such a good feeling. It felt like we won a national championship after that one.”
Head coach, Dan Auchenberg, said the overall experience was fantastic.
“It was exciting to see their eyes light up on the bench and on the ice when Skylar scored the game winner in overtime. It was pretty exciting for us as coaches, too.”
Auchenberg explained the Steelers were approached with the possibility of playing at Roger’s Place at the beginning of the year.
“It was especially fitting as we’re hosting the Esso Cup this year,” said Auchenberg, noting the Esso Cup
final could feature the Steelers and Oilers White.
“The perception could be these are the two teams.”
A major takeaway for Auchenberg was the confidence the win gave the team going forward.
“The team came out of the gate really hard at the start of the year, very positive,” said Auchenberg.
“We’ve had our ups and downs, but you find a way to rebound, which is really good.”
“When push comes to shove, they show up, and they showed up on Sunday. This was a hurdle they were nervous about, but they were also excited. They stuck with it, believed, and kept pushing.”
The PWM Steelers are back at the Servus Sports Centre Rusway Arena on Feb. 15 to host Red Deer.
The Esso Cup takes over the Centennial Civic Centre from April 20-26 when the Steelers welcome five regional champions to compete for Canada’s Women’s U18 National Club Championship.
The Lloydminster Bobcats bounced back with a pair of wins over the Bonnyville Pontiacs.
The ‘Cats returned to the Centennial Civic Centre on Jan. 24 ahead of a seven-game road.
The Bobcats made the most of their time in front of a packed Civic Centre audience. An early goal by the hometown team gave them a 1-0 advantage before the Pontiacs scored two unanswered goals for the lead into the second period.
The visiting Pontiacs wouldn’t hold
the lead for long as Bobcats shooters poured it on, scoring the next six unanswered goals to close the game at 7-2.
Onto the bus the Lloydminster team went as they were headed to Bonnyville to finish the weekend series.
Much like the first game, Bobcats’ sticks were hot and found the back of the net twice in the first, four times in the second, and once in the third for another seven-goal game, besting the Pontiacs 7-4.
The Bobcats will be in Olds to take on the Grizzlys on Jan. 31. Their next game will be on Feb. 1 in Drayton Valley to take on the Thunder.
The Lakeland College Rustlers women’s volleyball held strong in a pair of home games.
Jan. 24 and 25 Lakeland welcomed the Keyano College Huskies for a pair of weekend games. The Rustlers were looking to hold their undefeated record against the strong Keyano team.
The Rustlers took their first game 3-0 winning sets 25-11, 25-19 and 25-8.
The following day the Rustlers packed the gym again ready to play.
The game was a lot closer as Keyano took Lakeland to the final point in the first set. The Rustlers took it by a narrow margin of 28-26. It was after this first set where Lakeland came alive again and dominated two sets 25-16 and 25-16.
The Rustlers improved to 13-0 on the season while Keyano slid to 10-5.
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SW 10-45-13 W3 Ext 0
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The Lakeland College Rustlers men’s volleyball team dropped a pair of games to the visiting Keyano College Huskies.
The men were ready to play the Huskies, who up to that point, were 15-3 on the season, on Jan. 24 and 25. The 13-5 Rustlers were looking to make a statement but couldn’t manage to find their footing.
Friday’s game saw the men trade close sets back and fourth. Lakeland took the first set 26-24 but dropped the second 22-25. They narrowly lost
the third set 25-27 and were bested 17-25 in a fourth and final set. Saturday afternoon saw Lakeland and Keyano close in the first set with the Huskies taking it 26-24. Unfortunately, for the Rustlers, they weren’t able to find much momentum in the second. The set started off close before Keyano began to widen the gap, winning 25-22. A 25-18 final set for Keyano sealed the game as the Rustlers dropped in three straight sets.
With the games in the books, Keyano improved to 17-3 while the Rustlers fell to 13-7. The Rustlers play again Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.
The Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) has denied the Lakeland College Rustlers women’s basketball team’s manifest hardship application.
The news was made official in an ACAC press release on Jan. 27 after the conference held specials meetings on Jan. 17 and Jan. 23 to review the application.
As defined by the ACAC Operating Code, manifest hardship is invoked when an institution cannot meet its schedule commitments due to an act of God or other circumstances beyond its control.
“As a result, Lakeland College is considered to have forfeited participation in the 2024-25 ACAC Women’s Basketball season, effective Nov. 29-30, 2024,” read the release.
The release also stated, “The withdrawal follows significant changes within the Rustlers women’s basketball program, including the removal of the head coach of Dec. 5, 2024.”
The release was the first communication from the ACAC since the firing of long-time championship coach Chris King, whose players refused to play for anyone but King after Lake -
land College put him on administrative leave on Nov. 28, 2024.
The ACAC’s decision means the college must pay a $500 fine per game missed this year for a total of $6,000. It also means King’s players don’t get back the eligibility they lost through the ordeal.
The ACAC also stated, “To minimize the impact of this withdrawal on other programs, the ACAC has determined the following. Results from Lakeland College women’s basketball games will remain in league standings. Any forfeited games will be recorded as 2-0 losses against Lakeland College. Statistics recorded from completed Lakeland College games will remain in place. Adjustments to start times for Lakeland College men’s basketball games will be posted on the ACAC website.”
ACAC CEO, Mark Kosak, responded to the Meridian Source after multiple attempts to communicate.
When asked about the situation at Lakeland College, Kosak said “Everyone wants the ACAC to step in and expose a scandal at Lakeland. I don’t have the authority to step in and tell them to reverse the ruling. I know Chris (King) and think highly of him.”
When it comes to player eligibility,
The Lakeland College Rustlers women’s hockey took a pair of wins over the Red Deer Polytechnic Queens last weekend.
The Rustlers headed to Red Deer on a snowy Jan. 24 for a 5 p.m. puck drop. The girls have been hot throughout January, not dropping a game following the Christmas break.
Red Deer hit the ice quick scoring early and late in the first period to take a 2-1 lead heading into the second. The Rustlers found a goal just seconds into the second to tie it up. They buried three more to lead 5-3 heading into the final frame.
The third period saw a goal from
each team for a 6-4 final before the two teams got ready to head back to Lloydminster for Saturday’s (Jan. 25) game.
It didn’t take long for the Rustlers to find the back of the net when
Alyssa Shaw buried a shot in the top of the twine. Red Deer responded midway through the period bringing it to one-all.
The game didn’t slow down from there as both teams battled at both ends of the rink. The Rustlers put two more away in the second for a 3-2 lead. The final frame remained close as both teams scored, leaving the final at 4-3 for the Rustlers.
The Rustlers will be at home again Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 to take on the SAIT Trojans.
explained Lakeland College has options.
“Lakeland implied something would be coming down the road. They need to get their information together on that. We are waiting for someone to step forward and tell us they want to do something about it,” he said.
“The door is never closed on any -
thing, but there’s no obvious pathway in our rules to grant eligibility back in situations like this. It’s a highly unusual situation. We have not been presented for a request for eligibility to be reinstated.”
Rustlers men’s basketball home games will now be played at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
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Communication is key this week, Virgo. You’ll nd it easier to articulate your ideas, and conversations are likely to ow more smoothly. It’s an excellent time to have di cult discussions or negotiate terms.
SCORPIO You’re in the spotlight this week, Scorpio! Personal growth, self-expression, and con dence are all emphasized. It’s a great time to take charge of a project or make a bold move. This week brings a sense of empowerment—trust your instincts and go for what you want.
SAGITTARIUS This week, you’re likely to feel a pull toward introspection and rest. It’s a time to focus on inner healing and re ect on what you’ve learned in recent months. This week brings a quiet moment that helps you tap into your intuition, guiding your next steps.
CAPRICORN Your social life takes off this week, Capricorn! You may nd yourself attending events, networking, or collaborating with like-minded people. Relationships with friends and colleagues could bring exciting opportunities.
AQUARIUS Career matters are in focus this week. It’s a good time to evaluate your long-term goals and take practical steps toward achieving them. You may receive a professional opportunity or recognition for your hard work. Stay focused and keep working toward your vision.
PISCES Expansion is the theme for the week, Pisces. Whether it's through travel, learning, or exploring new perspectives, you’re ready to break free from routine. This brings an exciting chance to step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Trust your curiosity!
LIBRA Finances and material security are at the forefront this week. It's a great time to take a closer look at your budget, savings, and long-term nancial goals. This week brings clarity to your nancial situation, helping you make informed decisions moving forward.