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Thursday, October 18, 2018




New Canadians embraced in Lloyd GEOFF LEE


.................................. I am a Canadian. That’s what 129 people from Lloydminster and area can say following a special citizenship ceremony held at the Centennial Civic Centre on Friday. One of those is Vermilion resident Cyre Java, who proudly waved a Canadian flag with his citizenship certificate in hand along with his friend Evangeline Espera. “Oh I am really happy; I am really excited because I have been waiting for at least two years already,” said Java. “I would like to embrace all Canadians—Canadians are so nice. I want to be part of that citizenship.” Java immigrated to Canada from the Philippines a few years ago by himself then brought his family over two years ago. He now works at the Vermilion Health Centre and says he loves it here. “That’s why I chose to be a Canadian cit-

Geoff Lee Meridian Source

Proud new Canadians, Dr. Agiela Abdullah, his son Jamal Khamis, daughter Yageen Khamis and his wife Samera Mosbah, became Canadian citizens Friday at the Centennial Civic Centre in a special citizenship ceremony involving 129 new comers. The family’s other daughter Lujine Khamis didn’t make it into the photo.

izen; I’ve seen a lot of nice characteristics in people, nice and respectful and stuff, so I want to be part of it and share also with my family that this life is really good,” said Java. The Lloydminster ceremony was held in celebration of National Citizenship Week Oct. 4-14 in partnership with Catholic Social Services and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

It included new Canadians living in Saskatchewan and Alberta. “We have the privilege and the great honour to welcome new Canadians here in Lloydminster,” said citizenship judge Claude Villeneuve who drove from Edmonton. “Its also Women’s History month as well so this is a great event to be here in Lloydminster.” Villeneuve noted Lloydminster was

selected to host the ceremony for practical reasons as well. He said winter is coming and it’s easier to move some officers and himself to Lloydminster than to have everyone go to Edmonton or Saskatoon for a ceremony. “It is always a great day for me, a great privilege to be here for the people,” he said, noting the best moment for him is the smiling faces on those

receiving a certificate. “I always tell them welcome home because this is their home now. That certificate is the key to their house and no one can take that key away from them,” said Villeneuve. Dr. Agiela Abdullah and his family got a photo taken with Villeneuve holding their citizenship certificates that means the world to him. “It’s a great feeling. Finally we feel like we

are settled now and we are really home,” he said. Abdullah came to Canada from Libya in 2002 and married his wife Samera Mosbah in 2006 and are raising a son and two daughters born in Canada. “We started our journey in Ottawa then Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg, then Lloydminster,” he said noting he is a lung specialist at the Lloydminster Hospital. “I got my training here and I started working here and got treated like I’m at home,” he said. Villeneuve noted prior to becoming a judge, he served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 38 years in the Royal Canadian Medical Service branch. He said he got to project Canadian values as a member of the Armed Forces and now he is welcoming people who are embracing Canadian values. “I am so happy to be here with all of those people to share that great moment,” he said.



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Border City preps for cannabis retail sales TAYLOR WEAVER



With cannabis legal in Canada as of Wednesd a y , city c oun c i l l o rs approved the Cannabis Fee Policy during Monday’s meeting of city council. Council was last presented with a draft of the policy on Sept. 17, which read all funds collected through the sale of business licences for the retail of cannabis would be allocated to “offset the cost of policing and public safety associated with cannabis, capital equipment purchases related to cannabis, and any remaining funds can be allocated to community groups.” The policy is comple-

mentary to the Tobacco Reduction Grant Policy approved by council in February. “I think the Cannabis Fee Policy sends a clear indication that it’s not a tax grab by the city, it’s going into general revenue and I want people to understand that money is going to be used for the protection and safety of the community first,” said Mayor Gerald Aalbers. “Option B is to move it to helping promote anti-cannabis use. I’ve heard very clearly from residents and I think council has as well in our travels, there was a great discussion about ‘do we want cannabis or not,’ it’s a federal legislation, but there’s a lot

of people in the community that do not support it, and we’ll certainly want to encourage the least (amount of) use as possible ... it is an individual choice but I think at the end of the day education is very important.” The Alberta Government announced Monday it will provide $11.2 million to municipalities as part of a Municipal Cannabis Transition Program and funds are to be distributed based on applications submitted to the province. This is something Counc. Aaron Buckingham voiced concern over with respect to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association’s (AUMA) announce-

ment that over 215 urban municipalities in Alberta will be responsible for covering legalization costs, where as 52 towns, cities and urban service areas will receive minimal funding. “We are extremely disappointed with this announcement,” stated AUMA president Barry Morishita in a press release. “Hundreds of Alberta communities are being forced to choose between hiking property taxes or putting public safety at risk and that is unacceptable. This ongoing lack of meaningful consultation from the provincial government has resulted in the province not fully comprehend-

File Photo ing the impact cannabis legalization will have across Alberta.” Coun. Buckingham noted with the legalization of cannabis being all-new territory for everyone the AUMA has been advocating for each municipality to track all costs associated with legalization so each municipality could properly advocate for funding to help off-

set start-up costs. “The AUMA’s position was to wait until we could see a bit of what it looked it. Each municipality was asked to take a quick look at their costs and keep running those as they went by we could advocate properly,” he said. For more information on legal cannabis in Alberta visit https://



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Church Directory

Summit gets kudos from keynote speaker

Geoff Lee Meridian Source GEOFF LEE



Call our sales team if you would like to advertise your church in our directory

Saturdays 6:30PM Sundays 10:30AM


Lloydminster’s Economic Partnership Summit is on the leading edge when it comes to developing industry and Indigenous business partnerships and workplace inclusion. That’s the belief of Kelly Lendsay, the keynote speaker at the fifth annual summit, held Thursday at the Wild Rose Pavilion, with about 250 delegates in attendance. “You are making inclusion work here. You are listening to the s o c ial p o l it ic al , e c o nomic and employment opportunities,” he said. “If you look at the knowledge level of people here it’s much higher now.” Lendsay is president and CEO of Indigenous Works in Saskatoon and spoke on the path of social, political, educational and economic inclusion. He was introduced as social entrepreneur and one of Canada’s foremost innovators of corporate Indigenous partnership building and workplace inclusion strategies. Lendsay spoke highly of the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce

that hosts the event, perceiving them as being in the top two per cent of all chambers in Canada for engaging Indigenous businesses. “It’s sort of an anecdotal forecast I’ve made,” he said. He noted many chambers haven’t even thought about Indigenous engagement while others don’t know how to go about it, but not Lloydminster. “Whereas here five years ago this chamber started bringing some partners together,” he said. “They have brought First Nations and Metis together, towns and villages from around the region and the city. It’s a cluster of many different interests and parties and they’ve evolved this.” Lendsay says you could model the Lloyd summit with 100, then a 1,000 and then 10,000 chambers across Canada, you would start to generate more business and social investments. “This is at the leading edge,” he said. Dabir Naqvi president of Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce says it’s extremely important to promote

economic partnerships with Indigenous people. “We want to make sure that everyone shares in the prosperity of our city and our province—I strongly believe that Indigenous people are prospering in our society—it’s good for everyone,” said Naqvi. The Summit brings together leaders and businesses of all First Nations in Treaty 6 territory to consider ways to partner develop and create those opportunities in our region. “We believe by building strong relationships we can have economic prosperity for all,” said Joelle Collins, the entertainment and marketing coordinator for Gold Horse Casino. Collins co-emceed the event with Philip Chief, director of operations Onion Lake Cree Nation. Chief noted the band’s economic development entity has nine 100 per cent owned and operated businesses, but they are looking at creating some joint ventures in the environmental sector. He said they are in the MOU stage with Golder Associates. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Keeping students safe in the Border City TAYLOR WEAVER



The Lloydminster Fire Department (LFD) was making the rounds in area schools last week to wrap up Fire Prevention Week and ensure students know what to do in the case of an emergency.

So today we are out at Mother Theresa School where we have the whole school going through fire safety presentations, and we mix a little bit of education with the children and a little bit of fun.

This year’s National Fire Prevention Week theme was “Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere.” and along side visits to area schools to give presentations, the LFD also conducted door-to-door smoke alarm inspections throughout the Border City. “This week being Fire Prevention Week, the Lloydminster Fire Department makes an

extra effort to get into all of our schools to give fire safety presentations. It’s important that children at a young age learn the basics of fire safety so in the rare event there is a fire they’ll know what to do and we can keep our community safe,” said fire Chief Jordan Newton last Thursday morning after giving a safety presentation to a class of Kindergarten students. “So today we are out at Mother Theresa School where we have the whole school going through fire safety presentations, and we mix a little bit of education with the children and a little bit of fun when they get to see the fire truck and sit in the back. It’s a good mix and it’s a good way for us to spread the fire prevention message.” These school visits are marked annually on Newton’s calendar and giving these presentations is something he is truly passionate about, as he knows how important they are to young minds. “When emergencies happen they are scary events, especially for children, so what children tend to do is go to a comfort spot, typically a bedroom, so they’ll hide in their beds,

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source

Deputy Chief Calvin Nickless was all smiles with students from Mother Theresa Early Childhood Education Centre as he and fire Chief Jordan Newton spent last Thursday giving fire safety presentations and letting students tour one of their fire trucks.

under their beds, or in closets, and what we try to do is teach kids not to hide in the case of an emergency and let the first responders come and help them,” he said. Tina Anderson, vice principal at Mother Theresa, echoed Newton in regards to the importance of school visits from the Fire Department to ensure

students know men and women in uniform are there to help and should not be feared. “We want to make sure these kids know those people are here to help them and to not be afraid of them if something ever happened, and a fire fighter came along, they would know they were there to help them,” said Anderson.





Thursday, October 18, 2018

Consensus project floated at summit GEOFF LEE


.................................. The Thunderbird Consensus is a new Indigenous-led project introduced at the Economic Partnership Summit in Lloydminster. It was presented to the 250 delegates

in attendance at the Wild Rose Pavilion on Thursday as a way to engage industry oil and gas partners to explore and produce oil and gas on reserve land. “It’s really a concept right now —it’s really a

movement as opposed to a business model,” said Leah Bortolin, an Indigenous spokesperson from Calgary. “Thunderbird Consensus is essentially an effort to try and equalize the playing field and make sure

the oil and gas development on Indigenous lands is comparable to oil and gas development in surrounding areas.” She thinks the main difference is Indigenous people haven’t had the resources

or the technological advantages that nonIndigenous large companies have. “The other part of it is non-Indigenous people are hesitant in some ways to explore that relationship to develop on

reserve lands because it’s more complicated because the government is involved,” said Bortolin. The Consensus is exploring the use of technologies and software focused on removing contract disputes in First Nations’ royalty payments.

Thunderbird Consensus is essentially an effort to try and equalize the playing field and make sure the oil and gas development on Indigenous lands is comparable to oil and gas development in surrounding areas.

Complex accounting and auditing procedures on reserve land routinely leave governments and corporations struggling to honour their commitments. Current processes also leave Indigenous organizations struggling to pay their staff and keep their operations solvent. The Consensus involves a group including scientists, programmers and business people researching technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence to encode and ensure Indigenous rights. “We are looking for groups to pilot with to help us create this process, so that if other bands are interested in doing the same it can be more of a systematic approach that we can take,” said Bortolin. The hope is the project will act as a resource for First Nation communities t o t ak e a mo r e i nd e pendent role in managing oil and gas opportunities.

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Lloyd Facilities Corporation to be dissolved TAYLOR WEAVER

these recommendations and we ended up going with one I believe will achieve a



After a presentation on Monday from Joel Turcotte, director of recreation and cultural services, City of Lloydminster, council approved the dissolution of the Lloydminster Facilities Corporation (LFC) as of Dec. 31. The LFC is an internal board made up of City of Lloydminster staff members that looks after facilities such as the Lloydminster Golf and Curling Centre (LGCC), a facility which has run a deficit for a number of years and totals $1,012,526.23 since 2010. The dissolution will see food and beverage services, curling ice maintenance and golf pro shop services contracted out as well as bringing in golf course management from within the city’s operations. Health Systems Group of Calgary was brought in to conduct a full operational review earlier this year and their findings, along with a financial audit, has led the LFC to the decision to dissolve

and contract services at the LGCC.

The facilities corporation review provided these recommendations and we ended up going with one I believe will achieve a standard that residents expect and it still provides the services we want to be able to provide as a municipality, but it does it at a cost that’s a little more reasonable to tax payers.

“There were a few reviews and audits that occurred within this facility, one would

have been a financial audit that looked under the hood and found that maybe some things on the financial side weren’t ideal, but then we also had an operation review done that really said ‘what is this organization, what service does it provide, and what are the different models it could look like to have more success,” said Coun. Jonathan Torresan. The LFC presented council with three possible options as to how the dissolution could work with three different outcomes, and city council voted in favour of option one, which will see the LGCC deficit sit at $220,000 for the 2019 budget. “The facilities corporation review provided

standard that residents expect, and it still provides the services we want to be able to pro-

vide as a municipality, but it does it at a cost that’s a little more reasonable to tax payers.”



Thursday, October 18, 2018

LFD approved for interim staffing model TAYLOR WEAVER



City council has ordered an operational review of the Lloydminster Fire Department (LFD) as part of an interim staffing strat-

egy proposal approved at Monday’s meeting of council. “Yesterday council approved the interim staffing strategy for the Lloydminster Fire Department

that includes increasing staff to 11 full-time positions and 40 paidon-call,” said fire Chief Jordan Newton on Tuesday afternoon during a press conference. Benefits to additional 18103MS0

firefighter include 24/7 continued staffing out of Fire Station 1 which will greatly cut down on emergencies and response times. The forecasted financial impact on the city for 2019 is an increase of $1,021,821 to a total of $2,166,966, but the interim staffing model and the $50,000 operational review have both been budgeted for and will be allocated to the 2018 Fire Services operating budget. “All of our operations were brought from what people know as a volunteer system, that makes us one of the largest communities in Canada that is fully supported by that system,” he said. “Over the years the community has grown in leaps and bounds and it has outstripped the ability for the current operating model to continue, and that is why council has chosen to invest in a new fire

protection model in the city.” Out of the 11 full-time positions, two of those positions will be managerial, one of which will be a training/safety officer, and all other will be put into operations to ensure a safe and efficient response for the community. To ensure the department provides that 24/7 emergency response the new model will see a fourcrew rotation for continuous staffing. “This will be a tremendous improvement to our response times,” he said. Although this will greatly benefit the city, council was a little apprehensive when it came to adding the over $1 million to the 2019 budget, but with city growth comes a greater need for emergency services. “I think it was a matter of time (before) it would get to us. This

is a Band-aid solution until we have our operational review done that says what level of staffing we need (and) as we understand there is a standard that we’re not quite achieving under our current model and I think it would be very challenging for you to go out and find another municipality of our size that still had a volunteer model the way that ours way,” said Coun. Jonathan Torresan. Coun. Aaron Buckingham echoed Chief Newton’s notes during council on revenue streams once more staffing in place could consist of “inspections and load capacities with new businesses, bars lounges, that that of thing, and what the city’s not doing now is tapping into all of the other things like the house insurance and things like that, that could potentially bring in more revenue.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


“So we will be moving ahead with possibly those types of engagements,” he said adding Onion Lake also has a pending cannabis retail applic a ti o n w i t h p a r t ne r s outside of the reserve. As for the Summit itself, he says he thinks ultimately it’s something that should have been done years ago. “It’s very important to have all stakeholders— whether it’s First Nation or non First Nation—these types of events bring the best out of every commu-

nity.” he said. Katlin Ducherer, Lloydminster’s economic development officer, says the partnerships formed at the summit are fundamental to the economic interests of the city and Indigenous groups. “It’s a safe place to meet and discuss and it’s our fifth year and I think it’s something that will continue to be successful and to be that safe spot to develop successful partnerships,” she said. Ducherer says a perfect example of a Indigenous partnership in

Lloyd is the casino to be operated by the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA). “It’s really great to see SIGA and Gold Horse here to have a huge impact on the economy not just with jobs and revenue, but another option for entertainment within the community,” she said. “It just becomes another draw for potential visitors to

the community.” The casino is expected to open in mid December following its latest two-day job fair that wrapped up the day of the summit. The summit included an afternoon Business Connections segment that provided networking opportunities for Indigenous and non Indigenous businesses so they can learn about each other.


“There are short 15 minute meetings where you can meet, learn about each other’s business, and hopefully build a business connection,” explained Collins. There was a Youth Conference at the Stockade Convention Centre coordinated by Cynthia Young. She’s an Aboriginal program coordinator for the Lloydminster Catholic School Division.


“We bring out older students from our high school and we start getting them partnered up with different agencies that might spark their interest in their career paths,” she explained. Cynthia was assisted by her husband Mike, an elder cultural advisor for the school division “I am here to support students who are at the conference today,” he said.

PAGE 10 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


5921-50 Avenue, Lloydminster, SK S9V 2A4 Phone: 306-825-5111 Toll Free: 1-800-327-3899 Fax: 306-825-5147 Mail: Box 2454, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1W5 Hours: 8AM to 5PM Monday to Friday The MERIDIAN SOURCE is published once a week, on Thursday. All material printed in the Meridian Source is copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. The Meridian Source reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial material at its discretion. Columns and letters are the expressed view of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Meridian Source.

Editor Taylor Weaver Sports Editor Jamie Harkins Staff Writer Geoff Lee

Marketing Manager Deanna Wandler Marketing Consultant Catherine Kruining

Marketing Consultant Susan Cross Marketing Consultant Carmen Kimball Publisher Reid Keebaugh Production Manager Amanda Richard Classified advertising Newspaper delivery If you’ve missed a paper, to start or stop delivery, or for carrier applications, please call 306-825-5111 for information.


Leave it to Weaver Should all commercial drivers be equally qualified? EDITOR Taylor Weaver

More driver training is good for everybody on the highways. CBC’s Marketplace recently took a cross-Canada tour to investigate the varying differences in truck driver training and how regulations differ from province to province. Going undercover, the trainee, Heath, started off with a course in Saskatoon and 10 minutes into the training he was already behind the wheel of a big rig, something that came as a shock to him since he had only read the truck’s manual. Truck driver training is optional in Saskatchewan, and the course Heath took was only 16 hours long. The driver then took a road test in Saskatchewan and passed, making him eligible to drive semis

in North America. He then went to Ontario to take the province’s road test, and things didn’t go as smoothly as he had hoped. Ontario is the only province in Canada that requires 100 hours of rigorous training to operate a transport truck. The argument here is truck drivers travel all across the country for work, so why is driver training not as rigorous and mandatory in provinces other than Ontario. One of the big reasons why truck safety is more talked about lately is of course the Humboldt Broncos tragedy in early April, and since that fatal crash there have been a spur of calls for mandatory semi-driver training across Canada. Growing up in Ontario and living in a city with seven interchanges for Hwy. 401, one of Canada’s most travelled highway, teaches a young driver the importance of paying attention on the road, especially when it comes to

transport trucks, considering in the last five years there have been over 1,500 deaths across Canada involving semi trucks. Parents of the Humboldt victims were told by RCMP that this was the first time the driver of the semi involved in the crash had been on the road without an instructor. Marketplace then went to Parliament and talked to the federal Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau, who expressed his plans to get provinces other than Ontario on board with mandatory training, but as far as enforcing it, he said “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.” Say what you want, but wouldn’t it make sense for training and safety laws to be the same across the entire country instead of varying throughout different provinces? Shouldn’t all drivers be as equally qualified to operate tractor trailers to ensure the safety of fellow motor as well as themselves?

Letters to the Editor We welcome letters to the editor. Letters should be 500 words or less. A name and daytime phone number is required for verification. Priority will be given to letters exclusively written for the Meridian Source. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, spelling, grammar, punctuation and libel. Unsigned letters will not be published. Use of pseudonyms will only be allowed in special circumstances, at the discretion of the editor and the publisher, and only if the author’s identity is known to the editor. Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Meridian Source. Send to

PAGE 11 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


Leeway from Lloyd: A new Leaf in sheets STAFF WRITER GEOFF LEE

Please excuse me for being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan. Just a few games into the season and I am ready to purchase a ticket to the Stanley Cup parade down Yonge Street. My enthusiasm is due to the Leafs’ off-season signing of super star John Tavares who was

born and grew up in the Greater Toronto Area. Minutes after signing a long-term contract he tweeted out a photo of himself as a kid sleeping on Leafs bed sheets. Shortly afterwards I started wearing my Leafs jersey —parade wear—while playing shinny hockey. The last time the Leafs won the cup on May 2, 1967 against the Montreal Canadiens, I was just about to grad-

uate from Grade 13 in the Toronto area. Back then Dave Keon and Johnny Bower were among my favourite Leafs along with wacky Eddie Shack and Frank Mahovlich, the Big M. That final year was the last season of the original six team NHL before expansion and the end of a hockey era that I and many seniors grew up with. In the 50s and 60s,

you were either a Leafs fans or a Canadiens fan in Canada. I did like Bobby Hull, the Golden Jet from the Chicago Blackhawks and the Howe, Lindsay and Delvecchio line with Detroit Redwings back in the day too. The 1967 cup final was televised on black and white TV with the reception adjusted by rabbit ears or outside antennas—a reminder of how much time has past

since the Leafs won. Good grief, that was Canada’s centennial year and the Beatles released their Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Hearts Club Band album in June that year. Fast forward to October 2018 and I am wearing my Leafs jersey well, optimistic another parade is just around the corner. I know it’s coming because I am starting to remember everything

during their four Stanley Cups in the 60s. Geez, I even remember those iconic and now corny Murray Westgate Esso commercials during Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts. Then again, maybe these flashback come with getting old and sentimental. Is that why I am ordering Leafs sheets and pillow cases online?

Letter to the editor: Concerned producers for a great ABP


hen you vote in the Alberta Beef Producers Plebiscite between Oct. 19 and Nov. 13, there’s one principle of accountability we want you to keep in mind: Whoever pays the piper calls the tune. There are a lot of aspects to the referendum and we will talk about them in subsequent letters. For now we just want to make one really important point clear. The plebiscite isn’t a vote on how good a job the ABP is doing, on what it should be doing or whether it’s run by good people. It is a debate about the right way to fund an organization so it works for and is accountable to the beef producers. The

answer to that question is simple: whoever signs their pay checks is the one they will be accountable to. It should be you, not the government. Some might say refundable check off or not the money still comes from us. True, but without the refundable part it doesn’t come thanks to us. That matters. If you can’t take your money back it’s not you making ABP paydays possible. It’s the state. It’s MLAs, cabinet members, the premier and bureaucrats. In that case ABP will not be representing you to the government. They will be representing the government to you. Great organizations and

businesses are such because they have great service and products that create loyal supporters and customers not because they have a monopoly, forced associations or mandatory check off. There’s no reason to think they would do better things if your funding was mandatory and they did not have to satisfy you and one important reason to think otherwise; that is “incentives matter”. To us “The boss signs the checks”. Advocates of a “Yes” vote are making a big deal about the $1.4 million per year Alberta Beef Industry Development Fund (ABIDF) they could create if you had to pay for it whether you wanted to or not. But that

fund is a red heifer. There is nothing to stop the ABP from creating the ABIDF now, if the fund is as splendid as they say, creating it would convince people to leave their money with ABP. Every argument that our services are so great you should not have any choice abo u t bu y i ng them destroys itself. The Alberta Cattle Feeders Association (ACFA) has been granted privilege in this program for their endorsement. They receive a fixed amount of the check off plus an extra say on industry issues including the new development fund. This is undemocratic. ABP producers do not have a vote in ACFA.

Choice and competition is what will bring out the best from the ABP. They must compete for your funding support. At the end of the day, why don’t they want to answer to you? “They believe they know how to spend your money better than you do” It doesn’t matter what day you vote, or whether you vote in person or by mail. But it matters that you vote. It matters that you vote to keep the ABP ”working for you”. Please vote no. You are the boss and you want a great ABP. - Danny Hozack past chairman Alberta Beef Producers



Thursday, October 18, 2018

CALENDAR OF EVENTS The Meridian Source Calendar of Events is a free service provided for non-profit organizations located within our coverage area. All events are in chronological order, as space permits and at the editor’s discretion.

EVERY TUESDAY — VOLLEYBALL Drop in volleyball from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Takes place at the Servus Sports Centre and everyone is welcome, non-competitive and no experience is necessary. Come for fun and exercise and meet some great people. EVERY TUESDAY — ADAPTED YOGA From 10 – 11 a.m. at the Community Service Centre. For more information please contact Ann-Dee at 780-8710513. EVERY TUESDAY — DIABETES 102 The new schedule for PNRHA Diabetes Education Classes is ready! Everyone starts with Diabetes 101 and then follows up with Diabetes 102 (people on diabetes pills) or Diabetes 103 (people on insulin). All classes are scheduled on a Tuesday morning from 8:15 a.m. to noon. Please contact Nancy Johnston at 306-820-6096 or Helen Rogers at 306-820-6291 to preregister.

ewan Health Authority. Everyone starts with Diabetes 101 and follows up with Diabetes 102 and 103. All classes are scheduled on a Tuesday morning from 8:15 a.m. until noon. To register call Janis at 306-820-4887. EVERY TUESDAY — BABY BUNCH Tuesday afternoons in July and August join Midwest Family Connections at Bud Miller All Seasons Park to chat, stroll and enjoy the fresh air. It will give parents the opportunity to meet new parents and share ideas, as well as explore a variety of strategies to help support baby’s development. From 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Bud Miller Park, in the event of bad weather, call Midwest Family Connections to confirm location at 306825-5911. EVERY WEDNESDAY — CRAFTERNOON Join Midwest Family Connections at the lower level of Prairie North Plaza and bring your budding artist to explore and create with materials in the craft centre.

EVERY TUESDAY — SENIORS MEET The Lloydminster Concerned Citizens for Seniors Care Society meets at the Legacy Centre from noon - 1:30 p.m. Lunch is available for $8. Please reserve before Tuesday morning at 780-875-4584. Everyone welcome.

EVERY TUESDAY & SATURDAY — FARMER’S MARKET Downtown Farmer’s Market at the Fred North Community Centre (5002 - 51 Avenue, Lloydminster) from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Tues) 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Sat) We’re on Facebook.

EVERY TUESDAY – DIABETES CLINICS The new schedule is out for Diabetes Education Classes with Saskatch-

ATTENTION EMPLOYERS The Lloydminster Learning Council Association is looking for

Passport to YLL To place an event, email or fax 306-825-5147 employees/perspective employees who are Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) that are Saskatchewan residents, to attend our English Language classes, commencing Fall 2018. Employees will learn soft skills, vocabulary, idioms, workplace English, conversation and pronunciation. Everyone welcome! (not just TFW). No Charge. Call 780875-5763. EVERY THURSDAY — CHASE THE ACE The jackpot is growing! Take your chance at winning $6,500 and this amount grows by 30 per cent weekly. Draw is made every Thursday at the Legion at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $5 each and available at the Legion from 3-7 p.m. weekly and 1-6 p.m. on weekends. For more info, call Rick at 780-8081159. Sponsored by the Legion, Kiwanis Club and the Health Foundation. OCT. 20 – TEXAS HOLD’EM TOURNAMENT The Maidstone Legion Clubroom, 102-108-1st Ave. West, is hosting a Texas Hold’em Tournament on Oct. 20. Tickets are $50 each, registration is at 6 p.m. and play starts at 7 p.m. Only 40 entries available so call the Legion Clubroom at 306-893-4048 to register. OCT. 21 – CRIB TOURNAMENT A Crib Tournament will be held at the Frenchmann Butte Legion Hall Oct. 21 at 12 p.m. with $350 prize

money up for grabs and a $10 entry fee, lunch is available and everyone is welcome. OCT. 21 – MARWAYNE FALL SUPPER The Marwayne Fall Supper is being held on Oct. 21 from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Marwayne Community Hall. Cost is $15 for adults and children 6-12 are $5. Come and enjoy turkey with all the trimmings plus dessert. OCT. 21 – BLACKFOOT FALL SUPPER The Blackfoot Fall Supper will be held on Oct. 21 from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Blackfoot Hall. Adults-$15, Child 6-12$7, 5 and under-free, Family-$50. OCT. 21 – MARSDEN NEILBURG UNITED CHURCH FALL SUPPER Marsden Neilburg United Church Fall Supper is being held on Sunday, Oct. 21, from 5-7 p.m. at the Neilburg Community Hall. Cost is Adults $15 and 6-11 yrs $5 for a delicious turkey supper with all the trimmings. OCT. 21 – MOOSE BREAKFAST The Moose breakfast is starting up again. Come on out and have breakfast with friends at the Moose Lodge, 5213 - 57 Street, on Oct. 21 from 8:30-11 a.m. for $8 per plate. OCT. 26 –HARVEST SUPPER SHOW Legacy Centre hosting a “Harvest Supper Show” starring Jerry

Huck - a singer/impersonator. Cocktails at 5 p.m., supper served at 6 p.m.,with the show to follow. Cost is $30/ members and $35/nonmembers. Advance tickets only to be purchased before Thursday noon on Oct. 25. Call Legacy office for more info 780875-4584. OCT. 26 OKTOBERTFEST Lloydminster German Heritage Society presents OKTOBERTFEST - Friday Oct. 26 at the Stockade Convention Centre - 5521 - 49 Ave. Dance to the The Emeralds from Edmonton, and be entertained by the Concordia Alpenrose Dancers from Saskatoon. Doors open at 7 p.m., supper from 7-8:30 p.m., Dance and Late Lunch from 9 p.m.- 1 a.m.. Tickets $40 per person, $350 per corporate table of 8. Tickets avaiable at Lloydminster Animal Hospital - 4917 - 50 Ave, Cliff Rose or Clothes - 4917 50 Ave, Southside Vet Clinic - 1716 - 50 Ave, Lloyd Wine Outfiitters - 4833 - 49 St and Society Members Martin/Rose-Anne at 306825-9848 or 306-8216666 , Mo/Marlene at 780-875-9848, Chris/ Monte at 780-871-8455 or 780-875-0265, Betty at 780-870-5568,Rosemarie at 306-8253177 or 780-872-2266. Hurry and get your tickets. Only 400 available. OCT. 31 - ROTARY 4th ANNUAL FAMILY FUN NIGHT Servus Sports Centre (5202 - 12 Street) from 5-9pm. Obstacle course, bounce houses, games, crafts and more! Admission is free.

NOV. 4 – KITSCOTY FALL SUPPER Kitscoty Community United Church Fall Supper will be held on Nov. 4 at the Kitscoty Community Hall from 4:30-7 p.m. Come and enjoy turkey supper with all the fixings! Homemade desserts, silent auction items. Adults $15, 6-12 yrs $7, under 6 free. NOV. 4 – REMEMBRANCE DAY ACTIVITIES Remembrance Day Banquet and Activities will be held Nov. 4 at 6 p.m. (5 p.m. Lloydminster time) at the Frenchman Butte Legion Hall. $15 per person and church service will be in the Legion Hall on Nov. 11 at 10:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome at both functions. NOV. 4 – MARSDEN FALL SUPPER The annual Fall Supper is turkey and all the fixin’s on Nov. 4 from 5-7 p.m. at the Marsden Community Hall. Adults are $12 and children 6-12 are $6. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Canadian Blood Services require a volunteer organization to sponsor their visits to Lloydminster when they come to collect blood. Contact or call 780-871-2220. Correction Notice The Meridian Source would like to apologize for an error in last week’s edition inside the Fire Prevention Week section by naming the Legacy Regional Protective Services as the Wilton Fire Department.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Lloyd Fire opens doors to public

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source The Lloydminster Fire Department hosted their annual open house last Thursday at Fire Station 2 to wrap up National Fire Prevention Week, which helped the public to get a glimpse into the life of a fire fighter and test out some of their equipment. In the case of four-year-old Kaius from Lloydminster, it was a dream come true as he dawned his halloween costume from last year.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

RM of Wilton donates $150,000

Geoff Lee Meridian Source

Glen Dow reeve of the RM of Wilton, left, presented a cheque for $150,000 to Lloydminster Region Health Foundation CEO Malcolm Radke and Darrel Howell LRHF board chair on Tuesday to support the helipad and Project Sunrise, a community mental health project with a $1 million funding goal that will surpass the $650,000 mark with this Friday’s LRHF gala. GEOFF LEE


.................................. Regional medical emergencies and mental health projects under the scope of the Lloydminster Region Health Foundation got a boost from a $150,000 donation from the RM of Wilton. Glen Dow, reeve of the RM, presented a cheque to Darrel How-

ell, board chair of LRHF, at the Lloydminster office on Tuesday. The funds donated are designated one-third to the Lloydminster helipad and two-thirds to Project Sunrise, a community mental health initiative with a $1 million fundraising goal. “If we don’t need the full $50,000 for the helipad then it will

probably be reallocated to Project Sunrise,” said Howell with the OK from the RM. The RM donated from their Community Development Fund which is sponsored through strategic partnerships with businesses operating in the rural municipality. Dow says the helipad will help save the lives of residents in the

RM especially those in high risk oil and gas and agricultural industries. The helipad will allow STARS air ambulance to rush injured workers in the RM either to the Lloydminster Hospital or to Edmonton and Saskatoon. “It’s really important to have quick access in major industries to a facility like Saskatoon or Edmonton,” said Dow. The LRHF is in the process of completing the helipad for the Lloydminster Hospital on the adjacent Husky-owned land and will serve 72,000 regional residents. Howell also says the helipad will save lives in the region. “You can get there at least an hour faster which can be crucial to saving people—that’s for people who have to go to either Edmonton or Saskatoon,” he said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18

Thursday, October 18, 2018


What to know about legal cannabis in Saskatchewan MERIDIAN SOURCE STAFF


With the legalization of cannabis occurring across Canada today, the Government of Saskatchewan is ensuring everyone is clear on what the new rules are. Under provincial cannabis legislation, the following rules apply: - The minimum age for non-medicinal cannabis consumption is 19. - Consuming all forms of non-medicinal cannabis in public spaces is prohibited. The rules also apply to schools and daycares. Individuals can only carry up to 30 grams of dried or equivalent cannabis in public. - Customers at retailers must be 19 years of age to enter the establishment and/or purchase cannabis. Proof of age must be shown to make a purchase. - There is zero tolerance for all drugimpaired driving in Sas-

katchewan. It remains illegal to drive while impaired in Saskatchewan whether by alcohol or any drug, including cannabis. Penalties for driving under the influence of cannabis may include immediate license suspension, vehicle seizure for up to 60 days, and licence suspension for up to five years upon conviction of drugimpaired driving. These laws apply to everyone, including medicinal users of cannabis. - The sale of edible cannabis products remains illegal, pending additional federal legislation; however, homemade edibles produced from legally purchased or grown cannabis will be allowed for personal consumption. - Possession of any amount of non-medicinal cannabis by a minor is prohibited. - There are a variety

of fines in place for provincial cannabis offences that range from $200 to $2,250. In more serious instances, individuals or corporations could be charged with a provincial offence and face fines ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 and imprisonment of up to six months. - Home production in Saskatchewan is limited to four plants per household for personal use only. - Renters and condo owners who wish to use or grow cannabis in their homes should make sure they understand the specifics of their rental agreements and condominium bylaws. - Possessing, consuming or distributing cannabis in a vehicle could

result in a $300 fine. Cannabis cannot be used in a vehicle and can only be transported from one lawful place (store, home) to another lawful place (home, another’s home). This is consistent with the rules already in place for alcohol and vehicles. Cannabis is allowed on campsites, except when the minister responsible issues an order prohibiting it. This is similar to prohibitions on alcohol in campgrounds during the May long weekend. You may only have cannabis within the individual campsite. Government will be monitoring the long-term effects of the legalization of cannabis and the effectiveness of the provincial cannabis legislation.




Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Air Cadet property tax cancellation denied TAYLOR WEAVER



It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but council members voted in f a v o u r o f d e nyi ng a property tax cancellation request by the Lloydminster Air Cadet 186 Squadron Inc. As a non-profit organization, the Lloydminster Air Cadet 186 Squadron submitted an application for property tax exemption in 2016 which never made it to council for approval, however the organization received continued exemption approval by council on a previous application. Followup letters were sent to the squadron along with other nonprofits pertaining to the deadline for property tax exemption applications for 2018. Despite follow up phone calls a new

application was never submitted, otherwise the organization would have been exempt. One of the big issues on the floor in council chambers on Monday afternoon was the fact that an exemption for one organization could set a precedence for the future and carry negative repercussions. “When considering the exemption for the Air Cadets what was really important for myself is ensuring we’re applying an equivalent standard to any not-for-profit that has asked for exemptions,” said Coun. Jonathan Torresan. “We have run into scenarios where other groups have asked for exemptions when not necessarily following the policy to the letter of the law, and we couldn’t do that for

those groups including the SPCA, the Native Friendship Centre, and I didn’t believe it would be appropriate to treat the Air Cadets differently than we treated those other groups.” If passed, the exemption would have resulted in a cancellation of $2,179.59 in municipal levies and penalties. “It obviously sucks and it never feels good to hurt a non-forprofit that’s trying to do good in the community and that’s not our goal, what we’re trying to do is ensure there’s a standard way of applying the rules and ensure that continues to happen.” Administration at the city has since worked with the organization to ensure this type of thing doesn’t happen again.





Thursday, October 18, 2018

Signs of the times

REQUEST FOR BID The R.M. of Frenchman Butte No. 501 invites bids to plow snow at Perch Lake, located a few kilometers North East of Paradise Hill, SK. Call the RM office at 306-344-2034 or email to receive a copy of the bid information. Bids close on Monday, October 22, 2018.


Signs are everywhere. Quietly they hang around, advising the public of information it may or may not be interested in. Recently however, I saw two great ones that gave me a chuckle.

The first was while visiting Germany this summer where I repeatedly noticed large placards on every street and motorway boldly proclaiming the word Ausfahrt; meaning exit. What a great word!

Immediately I hastened to use it myself; seeing the multitude of applications for it in our own language (changing the meaning of course). Consider substituting it in for other, infinitely more common and ignoble words people use every day. You’ll understand what I mean in a moment. CONTINUED ON PAGE 23

RM donates to Health Foundation FROM PAGE 14

Dow says it was a no brainer to donate $100,000 to Project Sunrise with mental health issues surfacing in the region from the ups and downs of the economy. “Pretty well all of us have some family or know a neighbour that is challenged with mental health and we want to support that,” he said. The RM’s donation along with the LRHF’s

gala on Friday should push the fundraising total of Project Sunrise to about $650,000. “It’s an easy thing to raise money for because so many people either are affected by mental health problems or have someone in their family or friends that are,” said Howell. “It is so widespread.” Project Sunrise follows an extensive Mental Health Needs

Assessment for the region conducted by the LRHF and the City of Lloydminster. The assessment painted a picture of a community hit hard by the economic downturn with residents struggling to succeed against a variety of different frustrations. Project Sunrise will create an endowment fund for a variety of mental health programs.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Public fruit grows for the picking

Geoff Lee Meridian Source

Lloydminster Mayor Gerald Aalbers gets ready to cut a ribbon in celebration of a new community fruit garden on 47 Street across from the Gospel Fellowship on Monday. Aalbers is flanked on his left by Martin Flint, deputy community advisor for Tree Canada, and on his right by Jana Lett, assistant director of The Olive Tree. About 50 fruits are growing at the park thanks to a Tree Canada grant. GEOFF LEE


.................................. Call it a walk-through fruit and berry picking park for the public. The City of Lloydminster in partnership with Tree Canada and The Olive Tree cut a ribbon on Monday to celebrate the opening of the Lloydminster Community Garden.

The project involved the planting of about 50 apple, cherry and pear trees and Saskatoon, raspberry shrubs earlier this year in a city park on 47 Street across from the Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship. Lloydminster Mayor Gerald Aalbers says the edible trees will allow residents to add

some extra food to their tables with some of the fruit intended to be harvested by The Olive Tree for their food distribution programs. “It will be public fruit, but certainly we don’t want to see it go to waste so The Olive Tree will step up to ensure it’s processed when it’s ready,” said Aalbers.

The happiest person on site was Martin Flint, deputy community advisor with Tree Canada in Alberta that provided the community-based grant. Flint says as an arborist he has a passion for community fruit and vegetable gardens. “I believe that anything that grows at the end of the season, don’t just throw it out and put it in the compost, pull it out and eat it,” he said. He says edible plant gardens like Lloydminster’s are right up his alley. “You can grow a mountain ash tree and the berries are beautiful, but why not grow a pear tree or an apple tree or a cherry, and presto, you can harvest the fruit and eat it,” he said. Tree Canada aims to provide a free and healthy food resource to local families.

“We don’t need more parking lots, we need more community gardens,” said Flint. “It’s amazing to me just how many organizations and munici-


palities are taking this onboard; they are getting way more interested in community gardening.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 21



Thursday, October 18, 2018


Mock accident demonstrates dangers of impaired driving

Joan Hill & Evita Kay

Meridian Source


CALL 306-825-5111

Taylor Weaver Meridian Source

Students from Holy Rosary High School bused over to the Lloydminster Hospital on Tuesday morning to witness a mock accident put on by the Lloydminster Rescue Squad, Lloydminster RCMP, and WPD Ambulance. The exercise simulated a young impaired driver who crashed a vehicle killing one passenger and seriously injuring the other. The driver was arrested and taken to the RCMP detachment. The intent of the exercise was to show students the dangers and implications of impaired driving.



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Thursday, October 18, 2018


Grant program supports health and safety on farms



A new farm and ranch safety grant came into effect on Oct. 15 to help eligible agriculture employers comply with new occupational health

and safety requirements. The grant will help offset some of the costs employers may incur in complying with the new regulations. Up to $6 million is available through the program during the

next three years. “Together with industry, we can continue to promote and deliver programs that support sustainable growth in the sector and foster a culture of safety on the

farm,” said Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Oneil Carlier. “The Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant Program is just one way our government continues to support pro-

ducers and ensure safe and healthy workplaces across the province.” On Dec. 1, the Occupational Health and Safety Code (OHS Code) will apply to farms and ranche s that e mploy


waged, non-family workers. This means Alberta farm and ranch workers will have similar health and safety protections as workers in other industries and other parts of Canada.

Community Garden celebrates kickoff of first season of growth FROM PAGE 19

The city currently provides community garden plot rental spaces to residents each spring at Bud Miller All Seasons Park to grow vegetables, fruits and flowers. “Hopefully there will be more plantings to come; that’ll be a combination to see how well it takes off,” said Aalbers. “We’ll look to our sponsors Tree Canada.” Flint expects some fruit will be ready for residents to harvest next year from the ne w community g arden trees, but he’s not not concerned about

the yield. “It doesn’t really matter how much fruit comes off them the next couple of years— it’s the idea that we’ve sown rather than the trees,” he said that is the important point. The garden aims to increase public awareness of the benefits edible trees and shrubs provide with support from The Olive Tree. Jana Lett, assistant director of The Olive Tree says when the city asked if her organization wanted to accept some of the fruit they jumped at the chance. “We’d like to be more involved in community

gardens,” said Lett. “I think it’s all about sharing in the community, so if it needs to be picked we can come and get it and distribute it that way.” She says if people are walking in the park and they want to grab a piece of fruit she thinks that is an amazing opportunity for them as well and believes everybody should be able benefit from it. The Olive Tree launched a planter box project at the Fred North Community Centre this summer and is hoping to build more planters next year in its partnership

FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER NORTH OF LLOYDMINSTER, AB COUNTY OF VERMILION RIVER The following land is offered for sale by Tender, subject to present non financial encumbrances and restrictions on the existing Certificates of Title: 1. NW 10-53-1 W4 - 158.97 Acres More or Less Features: +/- 103 Acres Cultivated +/- 30 Acres Cultivated Grass $2,350.00 CNRL Revenue

2. SW 15-53-1 W4 - 144.95 Acres More or Less Features: +/- 33 Cultivated Acres +/- 11 Acres Cultivated Grass $3,000.00 County Lease Revenue +/- 30,000.00 Cubic Yards of Gravel in Ground

3. NE 10-53-1 W4 - 160 Acres More or Less Features: 145 Acres Cultivated

4. SE 15-53-1 W4 - 80.03 Acres More or Less Features: 77 Acres Cultivated Grass

This land is located in the County of Vermilion River approximately 16 Miles North of Lloydminster on Highway 17, 3 Miles West West on Highway 45 and 4 Miles North on Range Road 13. Clients wish to sell as a Unit but will consider separate tenders on individual parcels. All tenders must specify price per quarter and whether or not they would purchase additional quarters. Taxes will be paid to December 31, 2018. All revenue received from 2018 lease and rental payments will be retained by the Vendor. For further information contact: James Swan @ 780-205-0449 or Chris Swan @ 780-853-5472. The purchase price submitted shall be subject to GST, if applicable, and the balance of the purchase price is to be paid within 30 days after acceptance of the tender. If the successful tenderer does not complete the purchase after acceptance of his/her tender, the deposit will be forfeited. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Deposits of unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded to them. Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and are to be marked “TENDERS - File 33727 RHW”, and be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft payable to “Vermilion River Law in Trust” for 5% of the total amount of the tender price. Tenders will close at 12:00 o’clock noon on October 29, 2018, and will be received by: Vermilion River Law, Barristers & Solicitors, 11, 5125-50 Avenue, Vermilion, AB T9X 1A8 Phone: 780-853-5339

with Home Depot. “Then we are planning on planting some vegetables so people

can walk by and pick some tomatoes or vegetables and whatever we have left we can use in

our programming and distribute to our other partnerships,” said Lett.



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Signs of the times continued FROM PAGE 18

Upon observing a pack of unruly children pillaging your raspberry bushes you could easily lean out the back door and yell, “Hey! You little ausfahrts get outta my garden.” Doesn’t that seem kinder somehow? And no less effective. Or how about a wife slowly turning before her husband with a soft pleading in her eyes to ask, “Honey, do these jeans make my ausfahrt look big?” Sounds a little more refined, don’t you think? Less crass. Let’s take a final example. When the government pushes through legislation you don’t agree with, perhaps – oh I don’t know – let’s say the legalization of an illicit drug – you can gather together

with like-minded neighbours over coffee and say with concern, “Those ausfahrts in Parliament have no bloody idea…” See how well it works? The next sign was taped to the wall at eye level as I took my seat at the dentists. “Please refrain from cellphone use during dental procedures.” I lifted questioning eyebrows to the man as he advanced upon me with a gleaming syringe. Shrugging expressively, he explained, “People take selfies.” This raises several disturbing questions, not to mention images. Let’s try to picture how it might play out. A young woman slides into the dentist’s chair with trepidation, firmly clutch-


ing her best friend – the phone. She is instructed to lie back and open wide as the gowned and masked figures of the dentist and an assistant bend over her head, adjusting a 10,000 watt spotlight on her gaping mouth. The dentist raises his tiny, yet powerful drill and lowers it into the rotting cavity with the sound of a thousand droning bees, as the assistant busily sucks flying chunks of decayed matter and saliva from around the woman’s tongue and cheeks. At that precise moment, she wedges her arm up between the two professionals to a point above her face, and shoots a rapid succession of photos. Later, these pictures are viewed with enjoyment (?) by family and

friends on Facebook, beneath the caption, “Only two cavities.” First of all, who the heck cares? Secondly, who in their right mind wants to memorialize this event? Why in the name of all that is holy, would you take a picture of yourself, flat on your back with your mouth stretched to full, unpleasant capacity, while a power drill grinds into your blackened, decomposing teeth and your bubbling spittle is vacuumed down a plastic tube? It’s beyond me, but I guess if this situation refers to you, you may well think I’m a complete ausfahrt for making fun of it. Sorry, I call ‘em how I see ‘em.

CARING for our COMMUNITY The Olive Tree Community Centre is a charitable organization located in Lloydminster. We aim to reconnect isolated people and families to communities of support by providing services in the areas of homelessness, hunger relief and education. We offer food-focused services and are able to serve anyone in the community that is in need of support. We are passionate about making a difference in the lives of children, single parents and seniors. Our Free Community Meals program runs from 5-6pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. Free transportation is available and can be booked on the same day by calling (780) 205-1666 before 3pm. For up to date information on our programs, volunteer forms or donation information be sure to visit our website

Proud Members of Food Banks Canada and Food Banks Alberta (780) 870-1060 5002-51 Avenue, Lloydminster AB T9V 0Y3



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Red carpet night for small businesses GEOFF LEE



Geoff Lee Meridian Source

Dabir Naqvi, president of the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce, kicked off Small Business Week celebrations at the Rotary Club of Lloydminster luncheon on Monday. The week culminates tonight with the 2018 Business Awards of Excellence at Centennial Civic Civic auditorium.

The proverbial red carpet will be rolled out Thursday night for the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce Business Awards of Excellence. The event will cap off Small Business Week celebrations in the city with the presentation of key awards for business of the year, non profit of the year and a lifetime achievement recipient. “So I think it’s going to be a fun night,” said Chamber president Dabir Naqvi at the kick-off lunch at the Rotary Club of Lloydminster on Monday.

Business owners embody an unparalleled spirit of innovation, hard work, resourcefulness and determination. The biggest highlight of the year is our advocacy focused on methane emissions regulations.

“We’re going to recognize excellence in our businesses because this city relies heavily on successful and thriving businesses.” Business awards will also be presented for various categories including diversity, integrity, entrepreneurs h i p and c o mmu ni t y spirit at the Centennial Civic Centre. “Lloydminster has

many truly exceptional business who are very important to our economy,” said Naqvi. He noted small business is the backbone of Canada’s economy with 98.2 per cent of all business in Canada having less than 100 employees with Lloydminster businesses at 97.6 per cent. CONTINUED ON PAGE 25

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Small Business Week in the Border City FROM PAGE 24

“Business owners embody an unparalleled spirit of innovation, hard work, resourcefulness and determination,” said Naqvi. He said Small Business Week from Oct. 15-19 is a celebration for small businesses in Lloyd and all across Canada. “This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate and recognize all the hard work, their risk taking, and looking after the best interests of their employees,” he said. Naqvi says the highlight of the awards evening and his role as president this year is he gets to select the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement award. “We’ll let everyone know on Thursday evening, and I hope everyone comes to the business awards night,” he said. The Lloydminster

Meridian Source File Photo

File Photo Chamber can also take a bow as the winner of the Chamber of the Year award at the Alberta Chamber of Commerce AGM in Grande Prairie earlier this year. The award is in recognition of the significant contributions the Lloyd Chamber has made on multiple fronts including 2018. “The biggest highlight of the year is our advocacy focused on methane emissions regulations,” said Naqvi. “Initially the proposed regulations were overly burdensome and had the potential to overshoot the 45 per cent reduc-

tion target.” He said this would have caused significant impact in the form of fewer investment opportunities and fewer jobs in conventional cold heavy oil production. “Our economy is intertwined and we know all too well in Lloydminster when investment in heavy oil decreases all businesses in Lloydminster are affected,” said Naqvi. “With strong advocacy from Lloydminster chamber, Alberta chamber and CAPP we were able to see the regulations revised to a level more acceptable to industry.”

All of the 2017 winners of the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards posed for a group shot at the end of the event held Oct. 19 at the Centennial Civic Centre during small business week in Canada. Back row: Blaine Stephan with Guardian Plumbing & Heating (Employer of the Year), Georgina Altman with Lakeland College (Diversity Award), Jared Olson with Skinny’s on 48th (Customer Service Award), Don Stephenson with Lloydminster & District Co-op (Integrity Award and Business of the Year), Travis Stieb with Spectrum Restoration DKI (Community Spirit Award), Robert Lundquist with Diamond 7 Meats (Small Business of the Year), Greg Stieb with Spectrum Restoration DKI (Community Spirit Award) Front Row: Jill Morrison with Red Bicycle Communications (Entrepreneur of the Year Award), Angela Rooks-Trotzuk with Lloydminster Interval Home (Non-Profit of the Year), Kalla Gerling and Tasha Beauchesne with Olive & Birch (Downtown Business of the Year), Merle Tenney husband of late Pat Tenney (Lifetime Achievement Award).



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018





Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018


















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PAGE 30 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


Barons send their frozen fans home happy JAMIE HARKINS WRITER


The Lloydminster Comprehensive High School (LCHS) Barons sent its weatherbeaten fans home early with a quick win against the Cold Lake High School Royals. The Barons built a 33-0 advantage over the Royals by the halfway point of the second quarter leading to straight-time play during the remaining 28 minutes of the team’s final Wheatland Football League regular season contest at Armstrong Field this past Friday. The boys increased the score to 40-12 by the final whistle, which heralded a quick trip inside and away from the biting cold wind and falling snow. Aaron Harper, head coach of the Barons, said they wanted to get this win in the books early. He said the goal heading in was simply to stay healthy and get ready for the start of playoff action. The running attack of Barons athletes Tyler Merilees, Matthew Morin and Nathan Zacharias helped move the chains 69 yards to inches away from the Royals goal line on the home side’s first possession of the game before Zacharias finally punched the ball in at the 4:26 mark. Barons quarterback Anton Amundrud connected with

The unseen carried weight BELLA MCKEE SUBMITTED


Barons quarterback Anton Amundrud scrambles while under pressure.

Merilees for a 49-yard catchand-run touchdown less than two minutes later. Morin brought the score to 20-0, coupled with a twopoint conversion catch by Isaac Thorpe, on a fouryard run with just over three minutes left in the opening quarter. Zacharias added another major early in the second with Morin moving the lead to 33-0 on a 23-yard passand-run touchdown. Royals running back Jared Svoboda got his team on the board thanks to an 85-yard sprint around the

end and down the sideline with no time left in the first half. Zacharias provided a reply late in the third quarter, which was matched by the Royals’ Ethan Sawatzky in the dying minutes of the fourth. “We have a lot of stuff to work on,” said Harper. “We’ve had an easy road the last few weeks. We had a bit of a wakeup call against Bonnyville, but we definitely need to be sharper heading into next week.” The Barons used a secondhalf surge to beat the Bonnyville Centralized High School

Jamie Harkins Meridian Source

Voyageurs 42-20 at Armstrong Field on Oct. 4. The two teams will meet again on Friday at LCHS in the opening game of the Wheatland Football League playoffs. Harper said they need to recharge, refocus and get back to fundamentals in practice this week in order to get ready for the start of the postseason. He said it will be a long day if the boys play lazy and selfish football against the Voyageurs, so they’ll need to do the right things every play, line up correctly and complete their assignments.

In the Alberta Female Hockey League, and even the Bantam Elite league, all road games are bused to. There is no need to drive yourself to a game or find a ride. You show up and jump on the bus. You do not need to worry about addresses or being on time, how far the hotel is from the rink or what the quickest route is. You do not worry about the road conditions or weather. All of these worries are taken away from us and put on our lone bus driver. In Lloydminster, our weight bearer is Milt Columbine, owner of Columbine Coachlines. He, along with his wife and a few drivers, run five buses. Milt does most maintenance himself unless it is a safety issue, when he then sends it to a shop to ensure the best for his passengers. As a passenger, and someone who tends to worry about things, there is not a more trusted bus company than Milt and his crew. Long days, early mornings, weekends and holidays, the drivers are always there for us. CONTINUED ON PAGE 33

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Sabres cross country E.S. Laird Middle School Sabres athletes, from left, Abby Kirsch, Robin McAdam, Will Davies, Tag Bryson, George Mann and Rachel Smith, with coach Morgan Mann, competed at the Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association cross country championships in Delisle on Saturday. Kirsch placed fourth in the midget girls division, while Smith came in 39th. Bryson finished 76th, Davies placed 90th, Mann came in right behind him at 91st and McAdam finished 99th.


Driver about to make CPCA history SUBMITTED

.................................. Amber L’Heureux is ready to make history. When the horn sounds to start the 2019 Canadian Professional Chuckwagon Association (CPCA) season, L’Heureux will be the first female in the circuit’s 60-year history to navigate the barrels. She will purchase an official membership to the CPCA at the organization’s annual general meeting on Oct. 20 to make it official. “It’s been a long road to reach this point in my career and I couldn’t be more excited,” said L’Heureux, who hails from Glaslyn, Sask. “I started racing when I was 14 in a small chariot with two ponies. Hard work,

determination and a love for this sport brought me to where I am today. I want every little girl to know there is no limit to what they can do.” The 25-year-old passed the CPCA sanctioning tests in July and has already begun training in preparation for the 2019 racing season. North Battleford will host her debut from May 31 to June 2. L’Heureux said her aspirations for the rookie season are to run clean and consistently, to finish in the top 10 and win Rookie of the Year honours. Her parents and grandfather, who also stepped onto the track with chariots and wagons, could not be more excited for L’Heureux to take this next step for their family legacy.


Glaslyn’s Amber L’Heureux will become the first female Canadian Professional Chuckwagon Association driver in the organization’s history next spring.





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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Colts enjoy the comforts of Rod Kirby Field



A return to the friendly confines of Rod Kirby Field paid dividends for the Lloydminster peewee Colts football team. The Colts (5-0) earned a 48-0 win against the Bonnyville Renegades in their first

true home game of the season on Sunday. The boys knocked off the cross-town rival Steelers in their actual home opener at the neutral Raider Bowl on Rod Kirby Football Day two weeks ago after playing their first three games on the road. “When you’re on the

road and you’re on the bus the whole time, you don’t move your legs,” said Colts offensive and defensive lineman Koen Chocan. “So, it feels like when you do get off the bus you have to move your legs a lot. When we’re here you don’t have to sit down the whole time. You can

move around and get ready for the game.” The Colts proved ready for the Renegades evidenced by running back Ethan Grannum breaking through a line of tacklers on a 49-yard battle to the end zone 2:22 into the contest. Grannum found a hole in the Renegades line and an open left side for his second t ou c hd ow n w it h no time left in the first quarter. “The early lead,” said Grannum, “it pumps us up for the rest of the game to try to score more touchdowns.” Colts running back Malakai Zwiers scored his team’s third major halfway through the second quarter on a four-yard rumble. Kade Pilkey made the score 26-0 by powering through the defensive line with just over two minutes remaining in the half. The Renegades pressed the play at

Jamie Harkins Meridian Source

Colts defender Maverick Holmen brings down Renegades ball carrier Zayden Ward.

points in the first two quarters, including a long drive to the Colts 18-yard line early, thanks to the duel treats of quarterback Sarah Fagnan’s powerful arm and the running attack of J’den Frizan, Tannar Massick and Gabriel Bowering. Their defence also played strong resulting in a few long thirddown gambles by the Colts during the game. With the momen-

tum on their side, the Colts rolled through the third and fourth quarters with Pilkey, Ryan Oborowsky and Thomas Bogucky finding the end zone. Pilkey also connected on three two-point converts. The Colts will play their final game of the regular season this Sunday at Rod Kirby Field against the Cold Lake Royals with the p l ay o f f s starti ng th e following weekend.

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Giving thanks to the drivers who keep us safe on the road


Without them we would not be able to make all the trips we do, yet the drivers often go unrecognized. In my five years with the Steelers, going on six, I have never had an issue with our drivers or their driving. Of course there are a few stories of bus issues, but nothing serious and we always made it to our games with time to spare. From Jasper to Portage La Prairie to Vauxhall to Grande Prairie we were always met with a smiling driver and safe travels. And let’s be honest, a team full of teenage girls can’t be that easy to handle. We yell and we cry and we always blare the music too loud. We climb over seats, we sit in the aisle and we have even crawled in an overhead compartment. No matter what we are doing, how we are playing, or what we say we are always highly respected and taken

care of. All the drivers are dedicated to every single player, parent, or fan that rides the bus. On April 6 tragedy struck the hockey world. The Humboldt Broncos left an impact on everyone and will never be forgotten. But it wasn’t until chatting with Milt about the situation that I fully understood how deeply it hit everyone. I had sent Milt the following email: To Milt and his staff, As another year has come to an end I have taken some time to reflect. Also, with the Humboldt tragedy in mind, I heartfully send this email. After five seasons and hopefully soon to be a sixth in Lloydminster, I have made it safely to and from every single game, tournament and showcase. This is a huge detail that we always disregard. Us players arrive, pack our bags onto the bus and find our seats. We are often oblivi-

ous to road conditions, towns we pass and possible bus issues. Our drivers have always been helpful and polite, meeting us with a smile every time. One of the assets that set Columbine CoachLines apart from the rest is their willingness to be personal and go above and beyond for every passenger. From Tim Horton´s stops to later parent pickups for our early games, the drivers were always so considerate. Full of laughs, homework, and the odd nap, bus rides are where many memories are made, but in the end we must be thankful for how lucky we truly are with the drivers and buses we have. Regardless of the Swift Current accident and the Humboldt tragedy, I have and will always feel safe and place all my trust in Columbine Coachlines without a worry. Thank you for years of safety

and awesome bus rides. We have no idea how fortunate we are. Many, many thanks, Bella McKee, PWM Midget AAA Steelers This past weekend I finally got to see Milt and we sat on the bus and had a chat alone. The man I hope to see every time I step on a hockey bus or around the rink was sitting in front of me and tearing up as he mentioned Humboldt. His biggest fear as a driver had happened and it was a tough thing to handle. He told me of his fear, but he also quickly told me of his determination to put the fear away. He said that if he is scared everyone else on the bus will be scared as well, and he is not ok with that. Milt’s courage, strength and resilience is honourable. As a hockey community I feel we need to do a better job acknowledging our bus drivers. They become part of our family and do every-

thing to protect us and keep us safe. Milt, Ev and the drivers of Columbine Coachlines, we thank you for your service with the teams around Lloydminster and the events such as the Twinkle Tour. To all the bus drivers, your courage is recognized,

with Humboldt in your thoughts, we thank you for always keeping us safe. Thank you for being the barriers of the unseen weight our travel puts on your shoulders. This story originally appeared in on Oct. 10, 2018.



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thunderbirds hopefuls show off their skills JAMIE HARKINS WRITER


Twenty-two young athletes from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta took a first step toward realizing their goal of becoming a post-secondary athlete earlier this month. University of British Columbia (UBC) Thunderbirds women’s rugby team head coach Dean Murten ran a day-long session at Lloydminster Comprehe nsive High School (LCHS) on Oct. 6. Murten, who previously lived and coached in the Border City, noted the purpose of the camp was to identify any potential athletes who could excel

in a university setting while also selling them on the UBC program. Eight LCHS Barons and one Holy Rosary High School Raider participated in the camp, which started with an early-morning presentation on the benefits of earning a university degree before the girls were put through basic fitness testing sessions that allow ed M urt en to look at their power, speed and endurance. An indoor video focused on UBC and its campus followed during the lunch hour, while the remainder of the afternoon was spent playing the game of rugby on Armstrong Field.

Jamie Harkins Meridian Source

Athletes from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta descended on Armstrong Field for a UBC Thunderbirds women’s rugby team ID camp on Thanksgiving weekend.

“I made some videos

so I can look at some

of the skills, but really that’s only a small part of it,” said Murten. “What I want is people who want to come to us and (who are) working hard and doing really well in school and who just have an attitude that tells me they’re going to fit in with our culture.” The UBC Thunderbirds women’s rugby team currently holds a 2-2 record in the U Sports Canada West conference with their final game of the regular season coming this Friday against the University of Alberta Pandas. Murten is in his first year as head coach of the Thunderbirds after serving as an assistant

during the team’s past four campaigns. The Lloydminster camp is the second Murten has held this fall with a third planned for Red Deer later in the year. He said athletes in this area are limited in the time they play the game compared to girls in B.C. who play all year round, but that doesn’t exclude them from consideration. “I’m looking at potential as well as what they look like now,” said Murten. “If you’ve got an athlete you can make them into a rugby player eventually. And, there are some really great girls here.”

Season’s end Lakeland College Rustlers defender Emma Lang chases Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Trojans midfielder M a d d i e L e e. Th e R u s tlers fell 2-0 to the Trojans in their final home game of the season at VLA Field on Sunday. The ladies beat the Olds College Broncos 2-1 at home on Saturday, which was matched by the men’s side shortly afterwards.

Jamie Harkins Meridian Source

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PAGE 35 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE

A look into the fields of Saskatchewan GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN


Many producers were able to return to the field last week. Seventy-eight per cent of the crop is now in the bin, up from 73 per cent last week but behind the five-year (2013-2017) average of 84 per cent for this time of year. Wet and cool weather continues to slow progress in much of the province. Harvest has essentially stalled in the northwest, due to a heavy snowfall earlier this week. Many areas reported snow last week, ranging from small amounts to several inches. More warm, dry and windy days are needed before producers can return to the field.

Harvest remains most advanced in the southwest, where 90 per cent of the crop is now combined, and in the southeast, where 89 per cent is combined, but these numbers are unchanged from last week. Producers in the westcentral region have 70 per cent of the crop combined and those in the northeast are 64 per cent complete. The east-central region has 63 per cent combined, while the northwestern region has 44 per cent combined. Eighty-five per cent of the durum, 81 per cent of the barley, 80 per cent of the mustard, 65 per cent of the spring wheat, 61 per cent of the canola, 36 per cent of the flax and 30 per cent of the soybeans have now been combined.

Many crops are coming off tough or damp and are being placed in dryers. Topsoil moisture conditions continue to improve with the recent rain and snow. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as four per cent surplus, 66 per cent adequate, 24 per cent short and six per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 60 per cent adequate, 29 per cent short and nine per cent very short. At this time, most livestock producers are indicating they have adequate supplies of hay, straw, greenfeed and feed grain heading into winter. However, producers in southern and central regions are report-

AGRICULTURAL LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER The following agricultural land in the County of Vermilion River is offered for sale by tender subject to the restrictions in the existing Certificate of Title: LEGAL DESCRIPTION

ARABLE ACRES (more or less) PASTURELAND ACRES (more or less)




This land is located in the County of Vermilion River, more specifically within ½ mile of the City of Lloydminster’s western border. The land is primarily level with very mild rolling slopes and the majority of soils are rated 2. The site is usable in its entirety and is pasture at the current time. The 2018 taxes for the property are in the sum of $127.41. Tenders must be in writing and in sealed envelopes addressed to the law office indicated below, clearly marked "AGRICULTURAL LAND TENDER". The amount and terms of each tender must be specified in writing and must be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order for ten (10%) percent of the tender price, payable to “REVERING LAW OFFICE, IN TRUST”. Tenders close at 12:00 noon, on November 15, 2018. Terms are cash with the balance payable within 30 days after acceptance of the successful tender. Tender deposits will be forfeited to the owner if the successful tenderor fails to pay the balance within the time specified. Tender deposits will be returned to unsuccessful tenderors. Neither the highest nor any tender will necessarily be accepted. For further information, contact: REVERING LAW OFFICE 5018 - 50 Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 0W7 Telephone: (780)875-9800 Fax: (780)875-8150 Lawyer in Charge of File: Donnon F. Revering File No. 19971 DFR

File Photo ing that some areas will have inadequate feed and that shortages are likely. The majority of crop damage this past week

was due to the recent snow and rain lodging crops. There are many reports of ge e se and other wildlife feed-

ing on swathed crops. Crop quality has been affected, and downgrading is expected at the elevator due to bleaching and sprouting.



Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sask proclaims Veterinary Technician Week MERIDIAN SOURCE STAFF


On Monday, Agriculture Minister David Marit proclaimed Oct. 14 to 20, as Veterinary Technician Week in Saskatchewan. The week coincides with National Veterinary Technician Week in both Canada and the United States. “Through their varied roles, veterinary technologists are key to ensuring the health and welfare of Saskatchewan’s livestock and other animals,” Marit said. “Everyone in the agriculture industry greatly appreciates the work of our veterinary technologists. Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week gives us a much-needed opportunity to recognize that work.” Approximately 400 registered veterinary technologists work in

File Photo Saskatchewan in a variety of settings, such as veterinary clinics, livestock operations, and veterinary pharmaceutical and supply companies. “Registered Veterinary Technologists are dedicated to promoting and ensuring animal health and welfare, as well as public health and food safety,” Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists Board President Lois Ridgway said. “They’re an important part of the veteri-

nary health care team, and the Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists is glad to see their work recognized and celebrated through Veterinary Technician Week each year.” The proclamation of Veterinary Technician Week in Saskatchewan is supported by the Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists, which has been representing veterinary technologists in the province since 1984.

Real Estate People or property? PAGE 37

Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


To progress in any business, you need to constantly be on the lookout for new ideas that may work for challenges in your situation. I had a four hour drive in front of me one day last week so decided to listen to a podcast from an American real estate agent who was championing a different way to describe property when listing. His premise was you need to tell the story. Don’t focus on the attributes of the house, but who had lived in it or the kind of home it could be. Sort of the real estate version of the car only driven by a little old lady to church on Sunday.

Now, I agree to a point because every time I am walking through a property I am not only looking at its physical characteristics, I am also starting to visualize the demographic profile of the potential buyer. But it got me thinking about the people who I have met over the last 15 years; it is a cast of characters who could keep a reality TV show running for several seasons. I’m pretty sure many would not want their story told or certainly the circumstances under which we met. There was the mature couple who asked me to list their former “herb drying farm” along the forest fringe so they could return back east to retire.

It was my first exposure to cannabis cultivation on a semi-commercial scale. If you met them, you w o u l d ne ve r s u s p e c t they had supplemented his off-farm road construction wages by supplying a select list of customers, most of whom worked alongside him. Or the young man, fresh out of rehab, standing nervously in the living room of his house while we both watched some rough looking dudes cruise by several times apparently waiting for me to leave so they could have a heart to heart talk with him about an overdue drug debt. But then, I think about the bachelor who decided one day to sell his home, shop, and oil hauling trucks to follow a long-

time dream of becoming a commercial pilot. Not only did he achieve that goal, he spends the summer in the Arctic and other half of the year in Antarctica, flying scientists and their supplies into some of the most remote camps on the planet. In his spare time, he takes National Geographic quality photos of places, people, and wildlife he encounters along the way. Or the young woman, who, with her four year old daughter, walked away from an abusive relationship to start a new life. We looked for months for the right house in her price range and I still remember the tears in her eyes when the day came for me to hand her the keys.

It wasn’t a mansion but was solidly built with lots of potential. I drive by the immaculately maintained yard from time to time just to remind myself why I am in this business. Then there are the people who are so focused on themselves and their wants, you wonder how they get through life. A man who isn’t satisfied with a deal unless he can declare himself the winner. The woman who looks at 40 or more houses over two years but just can’t decide. I don’t like bullies; never have. I have either fired or refused to work with clients who are too aggressive or simply greasy. Thankfully most people are balanced and

just need us to help them to make a transition at a particular point in life. So, I will continue to be somewhat old school, and go on describing properties technically, not graphically. Potential buyers can look at the photos and video virtual tours to determine their interest. My job, as I see it, is help people see the potential but realistically, at the end of the day, a property must sell itself. Vern McClelland is an associate broker with RE/MAX of Lloydminster. He can be reached at (780) 808-2700, through or by following the Midwest Group Lloydminster on Facebook.

PAGE 38 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


Tourism ministers commit to building on momentum of fast-growing sector


anada’s tourism industry is having its best year ever. In the first half of 2018, tourism activities directly accounted for more than $18 billion of Canada’s GDP, an increase of more than 6

per cent over the first half of 2017. The sector is a vital part of the Canadian economy, supporting 1.8 million jobs from coast to coast to coast. On Tuesday the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Tourism,

Official Languages and La Francophonie, and the Honourable Ricardo Miranda, Alberta Minister of Culture and Tourism—co-chairs of this year’s Canadian Council of Tourism Ministers (CCTM)—concluded

a productive meeting of Canada’s tourism ministers in Calgary. At the meeting, the ministers discussed the economic importance of the tourism sector and the good jobs that it creates right across

the country. They committed to continue to work together to grow this vital economic sector and create more economic growth in our communities. In addition, the ministers heard from represen-

tatives of Tourism Industry Association of Canada and Destination Canada. T h e mi ni ste r s al so agreed to build on the momentum of the 2018 Canada-China Year of Tourism. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39


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Thursday, October 18, 2018


Tourism. China is the world’s fastest-growing source market for international tourists, and the Canada-China Year of Tourism is helping to promote Canada as a destination of choice for Chinese travellers. In the first half of 2018, Canada welcomed over 300,000 tourists from China, an increase of more than 9 per cent over the same period last year. The ministers also

met with national Indigenous leaders who offered perspectives on the unique challenges and economic development opportunities around tourism for Indigenous communities. According to the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, there are currently more than 33,000 jobs as a result of Indigenous tourism businesses in Canada, and it has a goal of increas-

ing that to more than 40,000 by 2021. Worldwide international tourist arrivals grew 7 per cent

in 2017, the highest increase since the 2009 global economic crisis and well above the UN World Tourism Organi-


zation’s long-term forecast of 3.8 per cent per year for the period 2010 to 2020. The CCTM is determined to make


sure that Canadians benefit from this incredible growth and that we find innovative ways to have our fair share.

PAGE 40 Thursday, October 18, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE 306-825-5111


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Feed & seed

HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252. CATTLE FEED - New Extruded Cattle feed now available. For product analysis, please contact Rick 306-531-9986 or Wayne 403-928-4280.

MODULAR HOME - Keephills, AB. Ritchie Bros. HEATED CANOLA Auctioneers Unreserved WANTED!! Auction, October 24 in Ed- GREEN CANOLA monton. 1416 +/- sq ft 2008 Winalta modular - SPRING THRASHED home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath- - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS room. Jerry Hodge: 780WANTED!! 706-6652; - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED MODULAR HOME - Millet, HEATED FLAX AB. Ritchie Bros. AuctionWANTED!! eers Unreserved Auction, HEATED PEAS October 24 in Edmonton. HEATED LENTILS 1216 +/- sq ft 2012 Forest "ON FARM PICKUP" River Housing Inc modular Westcan Feed home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath& Grain room. Jerry Hodge: 7801-877-250-5252 706-6652;

RV PARK & CAMPGROUND - Drayton Valley, AB. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, October 24 in Edmonton. 11.3 +/- title acres, 51 sites and 6 cabins, 2000 +/- sq ft shop, stocked fish pond. Jerry Hodge: Please call 780-706-6652; Brokerage: Ritchie Bros. Real Estate Services Ltd.;

STRIP MALL - Slave Lake, AB. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, October 24 in Edmonton. 0.36 +/- title acres, 8800 +/- sq ft (8) unit multi-tenant commercial strip mall. Jerry Hodge: Please call 780-706-6652; Brokerage: Ritchie Bros. Real Estate Services Ltd.;

mAnuFActured Homes

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lAnd For sAle

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HeAltH / Fitness

Thursday, October 18, 2018


To ensure efficient newspaper delivery, please make sure of the following: • Sidewalks are cleared and clean • Mailbox is visible • Mailbox is emptied on a regular basis • Pets are tied or in a fenced yard (306) 825-5111


Obituaries & Memoriams

NOYES: David Allan Noyes passed away at the Dr. Cooke Extended Care Center, Lloydminster, Alberta on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at the age of 89 years. Allan is survived by: his loving wife, Eileen Noyes. His son, Roger Noyes (Audrey Van Dijk) and their family, Eric Noyes (Natasha Gatty), Julianna; Cole Noyes (Jemma Davey) and Reid Noyes. His daughter Cynthia Harty (John Richardson) and her family, Wendy Orieux (Vince Orieux), Dillon, Jake; Tracey Harty (Ryan Crawford); Danita Harty

(Kurt Paulls), Lakey and Hardy; Tierra Clark, and her family, Kowan, Meegan, and Heaton. His son, Greg Noyes (Sherry Noyes) and their family, Kelsey Christie (Dawson Christie), Henry; Sydney Hargreaves (Jared Hargreaves), Mack and Lachlan and Drew Noyes (Hilary Versluis). His daughter Jeanette George (David George) and their family, Kevin George (Kim George), Maxx and Mason; Derek George (Jane George), Jovi; Chris George (Kyla George) and Anystyn. The Noyes family would like to thank all those that came to the prayer service and the mass of Christian burial that was held at St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church in Lloydminster. We would also like to thank Father Antony Michael for a beautiful celebration of Allan’s life, to the musicians, Linda Quilichini and Pat Hankey, for the

music at the services, to the CWL ladies for the preparation of the food and serving the luncheon. We truly express our thanks to all those that journeyed with Allan throughout his life. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, caregivers, and all staff members at the hospital and the Dr. Cooke Extended Care Center who cared for him and attended to his many needs with love and compassion. Thank you to those who sent cards, flowers and donations, for food brought to the house, and for the phone calls and visits. A special thanks to McCaw Funeral Service for your compassion and help with the funeral arrangements. Memorial donations in Allan’s memory may be made to the Comfort Fund at the Dr. Cooke Extended Care Center. The Noyes Family




Thursday, October 18, 2018

Obituaries & Memoriams

In loving memory of

a beloved husband, dad & papa

Rick Lavigne

Nov. 21, 1960 - Oct. 19, 2014 Love & miss you always Brenda, Terra, Craig, Eric Lindsey & Cory Sometimes we just sit quietly reflecting for a while imagining your voice, your face, your warm and loving smile For it’s so lovely to recall the happy times we had when you played such a role as both Husband and Dad And at this very special time we only wish you knew that we’d give all the world today for one more hour with you But we still have our memories and since we’ve been apart it comforts us so much to know that you’re right here in our hearts

Call to place your Memoriam or Obituary. 306-825-5111

Thursday, October 18, 2018





Thursday, October 18, 2018


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Thursday, October 18, 2018


PAPER CARRIERS of all ages




Share your jubilations, love and best wishes in the Meridian Source newspaper.

Call 306-825-5111 To celebrate the happenings in your life.




Thursday, October 18, 2018


December 22 – January 19 You’ll pull out all the stops to succeed in finding enough clients to reach one of your biggest goals. In the heat of the moment, you’ll be crowned with success


January 20 – February 18 If you’re searching for your ideal career, you’ll find the inspiration you need to define your path. You’ll channel your creativity and imagination to create a true masterpiece.


February 19 – March 20 If you aren’t in tune with your inner athlete, you can expect to start feeling the effects of a sedentary lifestyle creep up on you this week. To motivate yourself to get back in shape, you’ll ask friends to join you in a physical activity.


March 21– April 19 Whether you’re on the verge of retirement or about to start a new career, you’ll focus on more clearly defining your next steps. You’ll need a plan to help you navigate the circumstances ahead.

t a h W it?


April 20 – May 20 Professional training will bring your career to new heights. You’ll be inspired by a series of new challenges that require a good dose of patience on your part. Your pleasure-seeking spirit will entice you to make a big move.



May 21 – June 21 You’ll reflect deeply on your life and start making big changes. You’ll need to seriously review your priorities in order to build a future that lives up to your expectations.

Look in next Thursday’s

October 11 Answer: Wild Turkey

Meridian Source for the answer and a new photo!



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We Deliver! 306-825-3408

Meridian Source’s Birth Announcements If you wish to have your baby’s birth announcement published in our Thursday edition of the Meridian Source FREE OF CHARGE, please come in and fill out a form or email Deadline is Tuesday at noon for the Thursday edition.

SUDOKU October 11 Answers


June 22 – July 22 You’ll find yourself saying yes to everyone this week, and you’ll put a lot of pressure on yourself to stay true to your word in all circumstances. You’ll need more information before making an important decision.

LEO July 23 – August 22 You’ll work a few hours of overtime, which will temporarily improve your financial situation. Afterwards, you’ll feel more available to focus your efforts on your relationship, which is in great need of attention.


August 23 – September 22 You’ll find yourself in the right place at the right time in order to stand out and make a great first impression. You’ll be proud of yourself. At work, you’ll be rewarded and may even receive an ovation.


September 23 – October 22 Your loved ones will have trouble getting you out of the house. You’ll feel overly attached to old items that take up too much space at home. Getting rid of the clutter will free your mind.


October 23 – November 21 You won’t be afraid to say out loud what others have been thinking. You’ll need to display good leadership skills to help solve a complex situation.


November 22 – December 21 You may have to invest a considerable sum in your professional future. You’ll feel the urge to purchase a new car in order to give off an air of prestige. Don’t be impulsive in your spending.

Thursday, October 18, 2018





Thursday, October 18, 2018

Make Your Move! OPEN HOUSES


Saturday, Oct. 20 12:00 - 1:30 PM


#176 5308 - 57 STREET

5119 - 23 A STREET • Bright and welcoming charming 2

6816 - 41 Street $454,900 - MLS 62060 Hosted by: Louis de Kock

• Step into the market with this

storey home with 4 beds & 3

affordable 3 bed, 1 bath mobile.


Saturday, Oct. 20th 2:00 - 3:30 PM

• Lot fee includes, water, garbage,

• Includes central a/c, a gas

internet and cable.

fireplace and all appliances.





#2 4738 - 13 Street $207,900 - MLS 62711 Hosted by: Louis de Kock



MLS 62813



MLS 61433




MLS 62512




MLS 62488









MLS 62202




MLS 62596



AB $389,900 MLS 62728




MLS 62837



MLS 61413



MLS 62546


SK $379,900 MLS 62614


MLS 62385


MLS 62215









AB $379,000 MLS 61946

SK $369,900 MLS 60597

MLS 62423

AB $379,000 MLS 62193



MLS 61430

MLS 62248

AB $368,900 MLS 62709

SK $365,000 MLS 61464

SK $359,000 MLS 62587


AB $339,900 MLS 62248

AB $349,900 MLS 61736





MLS 62032



MLS 61456

AB $339,900 MLS 62207

SK $329,500 MLS 62676

AB $325,000 MLS 62177

SK $319,900 MLS 62503

AB $279,900 MLS 60478

AB $269,900 MLS 62608

CITY SIDE REALTY Brad Gilbert Broker/Owner

Jennifer Gilbert Jackie Gartner Associate Broker Associate Broker

Louis de Kock Pattie Todd Associate Broker Associate Broker

Sandy Hardy Realtor



3812 - 51 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3M7

Real Estate, Rentals & Property Management

Rick Schesnuk Realtor

Judy Bexson Realtor

Amanda Warner Realtor

Kirby Renton Realtor





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