10 Church Street Wareham BH20 4NE
Price: £235,000 Semi detached cottage
Situated in the heart of Wareham
Grade II listed
3 bedrooms
Character features
Fully enclosed private garden
264 Sandbanks Road, Lilliput, Poole BH14 8HA t. 01202 708044 e. enquiries@lloydspropertygroup.com 36 Haven Road, Canford Cliffs, Poole BH13 7LP t. 01202 701800 e. info@lloydspropertygroup.com w. www.lloydspropertygroup.com
10 Church Street, Wareham BH20 4NE The Lloyds Property Group are offering this lovely character cottage with a wealth of character features which include an internal leaded and stained glass window, quarry tiled flooring, feature beams and sash windows whilst also enjoying modern conveniences. The cottage is situated within the old Saxon walls of the town and is within walking distance of Wareham town centre which is steeped in history and charm dating back over 2000 years. Wareham itself has an abundance of shops, restaurants and pubs and the quay which attracts tourists from all over the world and is a short distance from the coastal areas such as Studland, Swanage, Corfe Castle, Poole and Bournemouth having beautiful views of Dorset. The cottage must be viewed internally to be fully appreciated and accommodation comprises:Entrance Hall Door to the front, window to the front, staircase leading up to the first floor with understairs storage cupboard, quarry tiled flooring, door leading to:Living Room 17' 9" (5.41m) x 7' 10" (2.39m) max measurements Window to the front aspect, wall lighting, feature beams, 2 radiators, power points and TV point, feature leaded and stained glass windows with deep sill to the rear aspect. Kitchen/Breakfast Room 14' 0" (4.27m) x 11' 8" (3.56m) max measurements Fitted kitchen with a range of wall and base units in a light oak style with worktops, single stainless steel sink unit and drainer with mixer taps, two windows to the rear aspect, radiator, boiler for central heating and hot water, integrated gas hob and oven, plumbing and space for washing machine, power points, halogen spotlights, door leading to the rear garden. First Floor Landing Loft access, radiator, recessed shelving. Bedroom One 10' 7" (3.23m) x 9' 10" (3m) With window to the front aspect, radiator, telephone point and power points. Bedroom Two 11' 2" (3.4m) x 7' 11" (2.41m) max measurements With window to the rear aspect, radiator, power points. Bedroom Three 10' 5" (3.18m) x 8' 1" (2.46m) max measurements With window to the front aspect, radiator, power points and storage cupboard.
Bathroom Window to the rear aspect, shaver point with light, white suite comprising panelled bath with mixer taps and shower attachment, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, partial tiling and halogen spotlights.
Outside The cottage enjoys a lovely sunny garden, which is private and fully enclosed. A paved patio/seating area then has steps and raised sleepers leading up to the lawn. There are mature trees and shrubs, outside lighting and water tap. Parking Whilst the property does not have any allocated parking there is a car park near the property which can be utilised. Directions From Poole take the A35 Upton Road continuing along taking the A351 Wareham Road and continue along through Sandford and proceed into Wareham town centre, proceed up to the traffic lights and turn left and then right into Church Street where the property can be found on the right hand side.
The Old Granary
Wareham Town Museum
Wareham Bridge
Sunset over River Frome
Viewing: Strictly by prior appointment through Lloyds. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. Ref: 2218 Important Notice Lloyds, their clients and any joint agents give notice that: 1. They have no authority to make or give any representation or warranties in relation to the property. These particulars do not form part of an offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. 2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Lloyds have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.
264 Sandbanks Road, Lilliput, Poole BH14 8HA t. 01202 708044 e. enquiries@lloydspropertygroup.com 36 Haven Road, Canford Cliffs, Poole BH13 7LP t. 01202 701800 e. info@lloydspropertygroup.com w. www.lloydspropertygroup.com