Message from Dr. Richard Hart
I still remember the Loma Linda University Health board meeting when the suggestion to call our new philanthropy campaign, “Vision 2020,” was put forward. Donor surveys had been done, and a possible “stretch” goal of $350 million was initially suggested for the campaign. Both “Vision” and “2020” seemed so appropriate for a health science center with our miraculous past, built on the visions of remarkable leaders throughout our first century!
our idea. We had decided an ask of $75 million was as much as we could hope for. After the usual pleasantries, we carefully laid out our case and made our appeal. There was a long pause, and then Dennis said quietly, “We were actually thinking of $100 million.” It is hard to maintain composure at such a time! It was only after they left the room that we could marvel at what God had done. And the campaign was off and running.
There was a pause in the board room, a collective inhalation, as such an auspicious attempt was considered. The needs were great, including building a new hospital, but was such a goal even attainable? It would certainly take more than alumni, more than our friends, more than any network of supporters we could then imagine to accomplish such an audacious goal.
Over the following seven years, many stories of sacrificial giving would be told, as contacts were made and commitments confirmed. As I reflect on this campaign, it is overwhelming to feel the level of support that Loma Linda University Health has had from so many. History will document the records that were broken and the joy in giving that many shared. But the real story of this campaign will play out over the next 50 years as patients are cared for, students are educated, and Loma Linda University Health’s impact grows throughout the world.
As I recall, there was a somber discussion and a call for special prayer. We are not used to failure at Loma Linda University Health, and was this simply a bridge too far? We had agreed to share all potential donor contacts as part of One Loma Linda - alumni, faculty, patients and community – but this was so much more than we had ever attempted. It felt presumptuous to think this was attainable. God had walked us through many crises and challenges throughout our history, but was it realistic to hope for this amount? Plans were carefully made to go ahead as we recognized the need for a major gift to launch the campaign. After considerable prayer and planning, Dennis and Carol Troesh were identified as possible major donors. With some trepidation, Rachelle Bussell and I outlined an approach and invited them to my office to present
Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH President Loma Linda University Health