To continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital continues the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, focusing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of children and their families. Through valued professionals, staff, community partners and friends, we seek to enhance the lives of our community’s children by delivering on the promise of a healthier future today.
Senior Vice President and Administrator
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
BARBARA ROBINSONFoundation Board Chair
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
May we never stop growing toward a happier and healthier tomorrow.
For more than 28 years, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital has been committed to a whole child healing environment focused on patient safety, quality and clinical innovation. 2021 was a year of incredible growth, with our new Children’s Hospital tower opening on the Dennis and Carol Troesh Medical Campus featuring all private patient rooms, new CATH labs, a pediatric dedicated emergency department and the San Manuel Maternity Pavilion.
As we continue to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 variants, our steadfast commitment to patient safety and quality remains at the forefront. In December 2021, we received our fourth recognition by The Leapfrog Group as a nationally ranked Top Children’s Hospital. This designation highlights our commitment to consistently provide a safe environment and deliver the highest quality care to mothers and children. We feel honored to be one of only eight children’s hospitals out of more than 220 across the country to receive this designation. In addition to this award, we have also been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Children’s Hospital” in cardiology and heart surgery care and named a “Best Hospital for Maternity.”
These achievements result from the support of our community and the dedication of our frontline healthcare workers. Thank you for your generosity and for growing with us as we support each child’s journey at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.
This year’s report focuses on a season of renewal as we celebrate new beginnings in our Children’s Hospital and, most importantly, the love we share for our community. We continue to explore the greatest opportunities for the children and families of the Inland Empire region and beyond, constantly growing and evolving. Our next generation deserves nothing less.
May we never stop growing toward a happier and healthier tomorrow.
Senior Vice President and Administrator
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
Barbara Robinson
Foundation Board Chair
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
Our commitment to quality and safety in all aspects of care regularly earns regional and national recognition. The Leapfrog Group, which ranks hospitals nationwide, named our hospital a Top Children’s Hospital in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021.
Loma Linda University Children’s Health opened the new and innovative Children’s Hospital tower in August 2021. The tower, with its striking presence and colorful panes of dichroic glass, is now a fixture of the Loma Linda skyline.
The opening of the new Children’s tower has expanded healthcare access for the community’s smallest and most vulnerable residents. Personalized care for patients has been made the priority with 84 fully private inpatient rooms. Recognizing that excellent care, The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization recognized as the toughest standard-setters for healthcare safety and quality, named Children’s Hospital a “Top Children’s Hospital” in 2021 for the fourth time.
For emergent needs, the Children’s Emergency Room provides 24/7 care with 26 bays and quick access to both CT scan services and operating rooms. The space has equipped the Children’s emergency teams to care for the most severe types of injuries as the only pediatric-dedicated Level I Trauma Center in the region.
The San Manuel Maternity Pavilion provides a beautiful and spacious area for
families to welcome their precious babies into the world. The space’s 44 licensed OB beds, 11 labor and delivery rooms, three C-section rooms, and nine triage rooms have empowered Children’s Hospital to remain a leader in high-risk birth care. This effort was recognized by U.S. News & World Report’s 2021-22 “Best Hospitals for Maternity” list, highlighting low rates of newborn complications, early deliveries and C-section rates. Additionally, the hospital made the “2021 Maternity Honor Roll” of California Health and Human Services and Cal Hospital Compares by meeting the statewide target of reduced births via C-section in first-time mothers and low-risk pregnancies.
To top off its many accolades, U.S. News & World Report ranked the hospital as a 2021-22 “Best Children’s Hospital for Cardiology & Heart Surgery.”
Loma Linda University Children’s Health awaits the future with humility and eager anticipation of the opportunity to continue serving the community. We look forward to many more moments of celebration and award-winning care as we strive to keep children healing, healthy and happy.
Levi and Bryan received organs from same donor
Levi Saldivar and Bryan Tinajero Cervantes have many things in common. They were born in Pomona, their birthdays are just over a month apart, they both needed dialysis and a kidney transplant from a young age, their kidneys came from the same donor, and they’re now best friends.
Levi was born in Pomona with advanced renal failure. He was transferred to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital for care three weeks after birth. Immediately after his birth, Levi was started on dialysis for the foreseeable future.
Bryan was born with both heart and kidney issues. He was transferred to Children’s Hospital soon after. In January 2021, Bryan was getting weaker, dialysis wasn’t helping, and he was in pain. He was even struggling to walk.
When they got the call that there were kidneys for their sons, both Bryan’s mom Maria Tinajero and Levi’s mom Lidia Saldivar were in shock and overjoyed. Both families rushed to get their sons ready and go to the hospital. Both boys wore their favorite pajamas — which happened to be matching “Paw Patrol” pajamas.
Maria says the boys met in the waiting room, and their friendship was spontaneous. Lidia says they seem like they’ve been friends forever.
“They say their kidneys found each other, brought them to each other,” Maria says.
Bryan and Levi received their kidney transplants in February 2021, a few months before their sixth birthdays.
Maria says she loves Children’s Hospital because they treated her and her son with respect. “Everyone is understanding,” she says. “I don’t know much English, but they still included me and respected me in conversations.”
Lidia is grateful and excited for her son’s future. “We’re so grateful for that person who donated their kidneys, and we’re so grateful to LLU Children’s Hospital,” she says. “All the nephrologists, dietitians, social workers, nurses, surgeons, the whole team at LLU Children’s Hospital. He wouldn’t be here without them — they helped him live so long.”
Rita Sheth, MD, a pediatric nephrologist at Children’s Hospital, says Bryan and Levi’s story is amazing.
“We call them medical twins because they got kidneys from the same deceased donor at the same time, while both in our unit at nearly the same age,” Sheth says.
She says the need for organ donors is growing. “Pediatric patients are waiting longer and longer to get kidneys due to our long waitlist,” she says. “There just aren’t enough donors. Clearly, organ donors make a big impact on people’s lives — these children will thrive compared to what they would have been on dialysis. The impact is a gift of life for the child and their family.”
While both Levi and Bryan are doing well with their new kidneys, Sheth says there is a limited lifespan for both kidneys from deceased donors and living-related donors. As a result, both boys may need another transplant in approximately 10 to 15 years.
Cayson spent the first seven months of his life in the hospital surrounded by wires, beeping machines, and the medical staff who performed his multiple life-saving heart surgeries.
Jenny Schvaneveldt, Cayson’s mother, says although she was brought into motherhood in a harrowing way, the support she received at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital was invaluable.
“The nurses, chaplain, staff, and doctors at the hospital were kind of like my confidence,” she says. “They were my support and my saviors in many ways because they were there with me and saw and experienced every struggle Cayson went through.”
At 20 weeks pregnant, Jenny’s anatomy scan showed that Cayson had a heart condition. At only 33 weeks old, Cayson was delivered via a crash c-section when doctors found him in distress — he was itty-bitty at only three pounds, eight ounces.
Cayson needed multiple surgeries to survive, including surgeries to address his congenital cardiac issue and his esophagus, which hadn’t fully formed, says Andrei Radulescu, MD, a pediatric surgeon at
Children’s Hospital who provided care for Cayson.
The team caring for Cayson decided to proceed with his heart surgery first. They placed a shunt in Cayson’s heart to temporarily address the congenital issue until he was at least six months old.
Although the surgery went well, doctors decided to do an echocardiogram to view images of Cayson’s heart and confirm the shunt was working properly.
“On examination of the echo, the doctors realized his shunt had clotted off,” Jenny says. “Cayson ended up back in surgery to have his full heart repair four days after his initial surgery. He was only three months old — much smaller than doctors would have liked him to be for this procedure.”
Cayson pulled through his heart repair and began to heal. But six weeks later, it was time for his esophagus surgery. Although he made it through, his lung collapsed, and his heart stopped that night. At 3 a.m., Jenny received a call from the hospital saying to get there as fast as possible because it didn’t look like Cayson would survive.
Miraculously, with the quick action of Cayson’s care team, he stabilized. Jenny says his shunt clotting off causing the full heart repair ended up being a blessing in disguise.
“As crazy as it was to have two heart surgeries in one week, the doctors told me that if he hadn’t had his full heart repair, he wouldn’t have made it that night,” she says.
Cayson’s lung collapse led to several other issues, including a leak in his new esophagus, which led to the need for a chest tube. He also had to have a g-tube inserted for feeding, developed aspiration pneumonia, and went septic. But seven and a half months later, in April 2021, after facing numerous setbacks and disappointments, Jenny was told she could take Cayson home.
Since then, Cayson has thrived at home.
“We are so incredibly blessed to be where we are today,” Jenny says. “It’s been a crazy journey but well worth it. Everyone at the hospital has been incredible, from the NICU team to the surgeons. We’ve been really blessed. I have lifelong friends because of that place. The support system there is amazing.”
“They were my confidence,” mom says
Diagnosed with medulloblastoma, four-year-old underwent craniotomy, chemo and stem cell transplant
From the moment four-year-old Cameron Bryant was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a tumor located in his brain, mom Alyssia Parks-Bryant learned an important lesson. The best ways Parks-Bryant and her family would cope with having a child fighting cancer would be to lean on faith and take things one minute at a time.
Four-year-old Cameron Bryant’s health became a concern when he began vomiting without cause in February 2020. His pediatrician wasn’t able to identify the issue. Cameron became dehydrated and could not focus his eyes, says his mom Alyssia. They took Cameron to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital one evening in June 2020; a CT scan showed a mass.
“I didn’t hear anything after that,” Alyssia says. “I was in shock. When neurology came to take him to the pediatric intensive care unit, I was terrified they were taking him somewhere to die. I kept saying ‘no, he’s not dying, he fine.’”
Alyssia says all the doctors and nurses she came into contact with that night took time to answer her questions and explain things to her over and over if she needed.
Cameron underwent a craniotomy to remove the tumor, performed by Aaron Robison, MD, a Children’s Hospital pediatric neurosurgeon. Removing tumors in the posterior fossa of the brain can damage attached healthy brain tissue, causing posterior fossa syndrome in 25% of children. This syndrome impacts the ability and processes of speech, emotions, movement and other behaviors.
“Cameron had none of that,” Alyssia says. “With Dr. Robison’s skilled hands, the Lord provided a perfect surgery, and the entire tumor was removed.”
Pathology reports on Cameron’s tumor classified it as high risk, leading to his transfer to the oncology unit 4800, where his battle would continue for the next six months. Cameron was enrolled in a clinical trial and began rounds of chemotherapy.
Because Cameron’s body didn’t react well to chemo, he remained in the hospital throughout his treatment. After his rounds of chemo, an MRI scan showed no substantial growth of the cancer. He then underwent an autologous stem cell transplant procedure, where healthy stem cells previously collected from his body and stored before his chemo were put back into his body to replace the diseased and damaged stem cells.
In December 2020, Cameron rang the bell in the oncology unit, signifying the end of his cancer treatment.
Alyssia and her family are thankful. “We love Loma Linda,” she says. “Unit 4800 literally became our home away from home. Every time we go in for scans, we get ‘lost’ so Cameron can find that unit along the way. He sees his friends, from Child Life to the nurses. They were our angels.”
11-year-old’s injury leaves more than 90% of patients unable to regain consciousness
11-year-old Jazzmine Samaniego was an active and athletic kid, loving soccer, hiking, horse-riding and ATV-riding. Nothing could have prepared Jazzmine and her parents for the accident that took her from being so full of life to suffering from severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Jazzmine was in a terrible ATV accident in November 2021. Despite wearing proper protective gear and being an experienced ATV rider, Jazzmine’s ATV flipped down an eight-foot-drop, rolling on her, and crushing her head.
Her dad Branden Samaniego will never forget holding his daughter in his arms, adrenaline pumping, screaming, tears pouring down his face. “It was horrific when I got to her,” Samaniego says. “Jazz was unconscious. There was blood gushing from everywhere on her head, out her ears.”
Jazzmine was flown by helicopter first to another hospital, where they initially told her family she may have broken her spine, detached her eye, and may never remember who they were.
She was then taken to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital where upon arrival, she was comatose.
Jazzmine had sustained a severe TBI, the leading cause of death and disability in kids. She had multiple facial and skull base fractures along with bleeding and air inside her brain.
“Her condition was very serious,” says Tanya Minasian, DO, a pediatric neurosurgeon at LLU Children’s Hospital. “We knew she would survive, but we were not sure of her neurologic outcome, given the severity of brain injury.”
Jazzmine remained in the ICU, being closely monitored for the need for a craniotomy or bolt insertion into her brain. While she came close to needing brain surgery, Minasian says Jazzmine ended up not requiring it and instead improved slowly. She was released from the hospital in December 2021.
Minasian says Jazzmine has made a rapid and impressive neurologic recovery. “90% of patients with this type of
severe injury are unable to ever become conscious,” Minasian says. “While she will require continued therapy for neurologic improvement, she is very lucky.”
Branden says Jazzmine is herself again. “Jazz is a walking miracle — she’s literally just the same kid she was before the accident,” he says. “We want to express how forever grateful we are for the loving and kind staff at LLU Children’s Hospital, starting with her neurosurgeon Dr. Minasian, her ophthalmologist, and all her ICU nurses for saving her life and being there emotionally for her mom and I. There’s no doubt we were at the best children’s hospital in the world and recommend any parents and children going through difficulties as well to stay strong and have faith in God, Dr. Minasian, and the entire staff.”
Over 1,000 community philanthropists and hospital supporters gathered virtually to participate.
Gala was viewed across the nation.
Over $1 million was raised for our community’s children.
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital and our Champions for Children partner together to provide special care for the children of our community. To us, providing hope and healing is not just something we believe, it is something we live. Our Champions giving program consists of corporations and support organizations that have committed to an annual gift benefiting our patients. Thank you to our Champions for ensuring world-class care for the children of our community.
Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic
Corky’s Homestyle Kitchen & Bakery
Farmer Boys Restaurants
Hope Reigns Foundation and Ontario Reign
K-FROG 95.1 FM and 92.9 FM
Kannan Invitational and US Tournament Golf
Moss Bros. Auto Group
Quaid Harley-Davidson
Spirit of Children
Stater Bros. Charities and Stater Bros. Markets
Walter’s Automotive Group
Adventist Health Glendale
AEG Presents LLC
AFP - Desert Communities Chapter INC
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
Anthem Blue Cross
Azure Hills SDA Church
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
BofA Securities
Bob’s Discount Furniture LLC
British Motorcars Ventura Inc.
Cain Brothers
Carroll Shelby Foundation
CIG Financial LLC
Circa Management Inc.
City of Indio
Cutler Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Desert European Luxury Auto Division
Eastvale Urgent Care Inc.
Emerson Fine Jewelry
Expresslink Inc.
Farmer Boys Food, Inc.
GDH Ministries
Global Health Institute
Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden
H. N. Frances C. Berger Foundation
Hadley Date Gardens Inc.
HUB International
I.U.O.E Local Charitable Golf Committee Inc.
Inland Empire Autism Center of Excellence
In-N-Out Burger Foundation
Jtec Healthcare Construction Management Inc.
Kellwood Foundation
Kendra Scott LLC
La Cadena Management, LLC
La Loma Federal Credit Union
Law Office of Randal P. Hannah
Les Schwab Tire Center
Lili Realty, Inc.
Loma Linda University
Children’s Hospital
Division of Neonatology
Children’s Hospitial Division of Pediatric Surgery
Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Critical Care
Department of Neurosurgery
Eye Institute
Faculty Medical Group
School of Allied Health Professions
School of Medicine School of Nursing
Loma Linda University and Foundation Lucas Oil Products Inc.
McCarthy Building Companies Inc.
Mechanics Bank
Mitsubishi Cement Corporation
National Community Renaissance
National Giving Foundation
Pacific Premier Bank
For more information on how your company can get involved, please contact:
Tiffany Hoekstra 909-558-5367 | thoekstra@llu.edu
PENTA Building Group
Redlands Community Hospital
Redlands Optimists Club
Riptide Systems
Riverside University Health System
SAC Health
Sam & Ash LLP
Satnam Corporation
Shell Oil Company HERO Program
Sierra Aluminum
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Soren McAdam LLP
Spirit of Children
Stater Bros. Charities Sterling BMW Suncrest Country Club
T.E.L. Foundation
Temecula Lions Club
The Annette M. Williams
Charitable Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Biker Book for Charity
The Blackbaud Giving Fund at YourCause
The Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation
The David & Alan Greene Family Foundation
The Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation
The Historic Mission Inn Hotel & Spa
The Huntington National Bank
The Stern Family Foundation
Toyota Motor North America Inc.
US Tournament Golf LLC
Varner & Brandt LLP
W.D. Fascination Ranch
Walker Evans Enterprises Construction and Investments
Walmart Foundation Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic
Lucas Oil Products Inc. has provided steadfast support to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital since 2010. They continue to be a prominent name across the community and beyond as the Lucas family personally invests in making a difference in the lives of children.
Over their years of support, Lucas Oil has donated more than $20,000 to Children’s Hospital. Some of the events they’ve supported with their donations include Children’s Hospital Foundation Gala, Desert Guild Santa Stroll, Desert Guild Bunny Hop, Stater Bros. Charities K-Froggers for Kids Radiothon and Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic.
Additionally, they have leveraged their gifts and contacts to help raise nearly $100,000 for the hospital through various events like the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series #Hoods2Help Campaign, race events like “Racing for the Cause,” and the annual Giving Tuesday fundraiser.
In 2019, Lucas Oil’s Corona team hosted a backpack drive, using the activity as a team-building event during their team recognition party. The team donated more than 300 backpacks filled with school supplies for Children’s Hospital patients.
Tiffany Hoekstra, senior development officer for Children’s Hospital Foundation, applauds Lucas Oil’s team-oriented, philanthropic spirit. “The company tries to involve their employees in giving back, not just through monetary donations but through time,” she says. “They allow their employees to volunteer during their work hours and encourage them to make a difference in their communities.”
Thank you, Lucas Oil, for your team’s dedication to keeping kids in the Inland Empire healing, healthy and happy.
Endowments ensure that the healing care offered by Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital will be available to future generations of children. In addition, named endowments provide a lasting tribute to an individual or a family’s legacy of philanthropy.
Carrying out Mr. Anderson’s legacy to meet community needs, the A. Gary Anderson Family Foundation has generously funded the A. Gary Anderson Playroom at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. This playroom allows young patients to interact with others and enjoy diversionary play under the caring supervision of child life specialists.
The Pettis Family Endowment provides funds for pediatric hematology and oncology research and clinical care at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. In recognition of their generous contribution, the pediatric hematology/oncology and stem cell transplant wing of Children’s Hospital was named in their honor in 2005.
The Ramirez family is dedicated to the eradication of childhood diabetes. Ken Ramirez founded this endowment, which is supported by members of the extended Ramirez family. Annual proceeds support treatment and education provided to Inland Empire children by the Pediatric Diabetes Center at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.
A longtime resident of the Inland Empire, James W. Totman established a trust that provides an endowment for ongoing pediatric cancer research at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.
The Big Hearts for Little Hearts Desert Guild launched the Woolley-Pettis Endowed Chair to support pediatric research and teaching at LLU Children’s Health in honor of E. Jane Woolley, MD, and The Honorable Shirley N. Pettis-Thompson: two visionary women who established the Desert Guild through their passion and desire to help children.
In remembrance of his wife, a longstanding member of the pediatric critical care nursing team at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, Richard Tegley established this fund to provide greater knowledge to other critical care nurses through educational conference opportunities.
Inspired by their youngest daughter Shawnee, Tommy and Maria Ramos established a resource at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital to help families of children born with a cleft palate or cleft lip.
The Chacon family believes in the future of our children. Family members have chosen to honor this belief through an endowment that provides life-saving and compassionate care at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital for the children of this community.
James and Rowena Ramos were inspired to provide for community children through an endowment at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. Their inspiration grew from the care provided by the hospital for young members of their family, including granddaughters Summer Fawn and Shawnee Ramos, grandsons Tom Strongwind Ramos and Hawk Brown Ramos, and great-grandson Bryce Ekel. They were also guided by the examples provided by Rowena’s son, Ken Ramirez, and her parents, Raoul and Martha Chacon.
For more information about establishing a named endowment, please call:
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation 909-558-5010
The Heritage Society honors those who have generously provided for the work of Loma Linda University, Loma Linda University Medical Center, or Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital through a legacy gift commitment. Anyone who makes estate or deferred gifts of any size through their will, trust, gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, life insurance policy or retirement plan is recognized in Heritage Society for their dedication to our mission.
Anonymous (163)
A.K. Brown* and Nancy Anderson Melodie Aschy-Norman
Mihran Ask Ron and Jeanine Ask Arthur* and Barbara Barkan Dave* and Lyn Behrens Basaraba Donald* and Dorothy Behling Richard Bennett Charles and Bonnie Bensonhaver Nancy I. Bergstrom Elizabeth Bossert
L. Patience Boudreaux Carl* and Charlotte Bowman Pamela Bradford Norman and Nadine* Britton Michael and Evva* Brown
Frederick Brown Mark and Christi Bulot Kenneth* and Theresa Burke Mark and Rachelle Bussell Helen Caporale James and Deborah Carritte Ernest and Gloria Chan Kenneth and Margareta Chastain Christine Choi Steve Cohan Kenneth and Penny Coley Robert* and Roberta Cossentine Arthur* and Helen Dalgleish Robert and Joann Darby Jerry* and Sylvia Davis Dennis and Yolanda De La Paz Walter and Gean* Deege
Fredrich Dengel and Polly Cinquemani Dengel Thomas and Patricia Dickinson Herbert and Carol Domke Paul and Yvonne Dysinger John and Anna Ebin Wiley and Sharon Elick Elizabeth Elterman Darrel Flanel and Laura Lobdell Russell* and Edith Fillner Garry and Cathleen FitzGerald Gary* and Annette Frykman Charles and Ruth Goodacre Robert and Loretta Gromo Harold and Elaine* Grundset Roger and Donna Hadley Richard* and Emily Hammond
Max and Cari Hammonds
George and Joan Harding
Loran and Loretta Hauck
Jess* and Anita Hayden Ron and Karen Hendricks
Raymond* and Marilyn Herber
Victor Hervig
Gilbert* and Matilda Hidalgo Georgia Hodgkin
David Hodgson
Franklin* and Bonnie House Richard and Hilary Howard Rolland and Florence* Howlett Alfred* and Carolina Issler Karin and John M. Joye Clarence* and Dorothy Keppler William Knoll
Floyd* and Patricia Koorenny Natalie Kopp
Judi Krogstad
Delores Kreutzer
Evert and Ruth* Kuester Daniel and Linda Kunihira James Lansing Frank and Kathy Lawler
Ralph Lee
Frank and Sirpa Lee Charles and Heather Lindsay
Doug* and Doris Loge-Wacker Kelvin and Betty Loh
H. Maynard and Jean* Lowry Oliver* and Dixie Lowry Lou and Jeanne Mace
Harriet and Martin Manahan Bob and Pauline Marckini
Patricia A. Markeson J. Lynn and Karen Martell Yolanda Massie
Wesley and Candy* Masterjohn Russell Mathias
Bruce and Kaye McCloskey Robert and Mrs. Elaine McIntyre Joyce McClintock Delia McCulloch Todd and Janya Mekelburg Norman and Patricia Meyer Nicetas* and Katherine Michals Hassan and Mahvash Milani
Robert and Gladys Mitchell
Violet Molnar
Homer Lamborn* and Janice Morrison Jay* and Nadine Munsey Jeanne and Milton* Murray Ronald and Gerry Myers
Don and Phyllis Naples Ron and Christine Neish
Daniel and Melodee Newbold
Doyce and Janice Nicola Quintes and Norene Nicola Norma and Richard Osborn
Robert and Julia Patterson Chester* and Ellen Pflugrad David and Linda Peters
Jim Pinder
Robert* and Vivian Raitz
Leonard and Sharon Ranasinghe Norton* and Lois Ritchie-Ritter June Rogers-Farmer
Clyde and Kirsten Roggenkamp Max and Patricia Rusher Dennis* and Angela Sanders
Austin* and Phyllis Sawvell Gary Schacht
Michael and Jeanne Schrader John and Anita* Schultz Ronald and Louise* Scott Robert Seale Olivia Seheult
Snoka Senseman
Frank* and Audrey Shaffer Frances Simpson
Robert and Cheryl Smith Eileen R. Snell John and Jane Snider
Ronald and Jonell Stephens
Ted and Geraldine Stephens
Echo Stevens
Charles* and Mary Stewart
Kendall and JoAnn Studebaker
George* and Joan Summers
J. Gregg and Doris Swanson
James and Sandra Szana
David and Maxine Taylor
Tina A. Thomsen
W. Alvin and Marilyn Thunquest
Sigve and Serena Tonstad
James and Helena Tsai
Julian and Elaine Tsai
Kenneth and Remedios Tyler Mary Umar-Lendeng
Ralph* and Alice Walker
Calvin and Joyce Wang
W. Ronald and Wanda Watson
Ralph and Patricia Watts
David L. and Linda G. White
Brad and Shawn White Christopher and Alice White Charles and Crystal Wical Scott and Anne Wilcox
Everet* and Joan Witzel
John* and Alice Wong
Morton* and Jane Woolley
Junko Yamamoto
Charles* and Naomi Yamashiro
“With membership in the Heritage Society through estate planning, I find comfort and peace knowing that my family’s efforts will continue to help equip future generations in the inspiring mission of Loma Linda University Health.”
Executive Director of Technical Services
Loma Linda University Health
To become a Heritage Society member or for more information, please contact:
Loma Linda University Health Office of Planned Giving
PO Box 2000, Loma Linda, CA 92354 909-558-4553
Giving to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital is a unique way to honor or remember someone close to you while also bringing hope to children in our care. Tribute donors can establish a Shining Star fund in the name of their loved ones. As well as paying special tribute, a shining star fund provides an everlasting way to honor or remember someone.
Anyone may contribute to a shining star fund at any time to acknowledge a loss, birthday, anniversary or other special life moments. Gifts to shining star funds further the mission of the Children’s Hospital and help ensure the availability of critical healthcare services for the children.
All shining star funds are listed in our Annual Report. When a shining star fund reaches $2,500, a celestial star is named for the honored individual. Shining star funds that have received $5,000 or more will be included on the shining star donor wall located in the Children’s Hospital.
Abigail Power
Al G. Vaughan
Alba De Benedet
Alberta Detsch
Andy Light
Art Workman
Barbara N. Crocker Beaune
Bobbie Friedman
Bonnie Jean Whitmer
Brandon W. McDonald
Carol Donahue Tavares Fund
Christopher Scarpelli
Cole Johnson Fund
Cynthia Ambrose Fund
Danny Flores
David Arend Spykstra
David Guldhammer
Dawn Siegal
Debbie M. Richey
Dominic Pasquale Leone and Gregory W. Leone
Elin Price Frank C. Arena Jr. Hamma Gibson
Honorable Dr. Shirley Pettis-Roberson
Howard “Pops” Peterson
Ivan Nicholas Bailey
Ivan Leon Reeve, MD
Jacob Pannel
Janine R. Hanna
Jason Hughes
Jean Marie Robb
Jeanne S. Holman
Jennifer Kingston Fund
Laiken K.P. Kenwood
Liz DeSutter
Louise B. Scott
Maria Ramirez
Marty Moates
Matthew Meza
Michael D. Seever
Michelle Spencer Pogue
Nicholas L. Anthony
Paul David Hennings Fund
Peyton Blythe
Randall I. Reeve
Randall Scott Smith
Reagan Lynn Clark
Rhea Singh Fund
Robert F. Chinnock
Robert J. Fredericks
Robert L. Green
Robert Matthew Carroll-Stamp
Ryan Castle
Sandra Berger
Sarah Woolery
Savannah Edwards
Shirley Pettis-Roberson
Simon Sanchez Fund
Terence D. Vine
Teresina Portolesi
Timmy Collins
For more information about establishing a Shining Star fund, please call:
Loma Linda University
Children’s Hospital Foundation 909-558-5010
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation is privileged to have an association of volunteer guilds whose events and activities raise funds and bring awareness to help meet healthcare needs of community children.
In addition, Guild members help brighten the lives of hospitalized children through fun patient diversionary activities. Together, the Desert Guild, Loma Linda Guild and Riverside Guild include more than 40 board members and 345 members from across the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley.
During their 2021-2022 season, Big Hearts for Little Hearts Guilds hosted fundraising events, 15 patient diversionary events and collectively raised more than $640,000 to ensure critical medical care for the sick children at LLU Children’s Hospital.
Dirk Biermann
Secretary, Signature Fundraising Co-Chair
Mardell Brandt Founder
Fidge Brown Cares and Concern Chair
D. Joyce Engel eNewsletter Chair
Debra Granillo Historian
Roland Karim Treasurer Jeanne Mace Parliamentarian, Teddy Bear Chair
Angie Nelson Vice President, Birthday Club Chair
Dona Nixon Past President, Signature Fundraising Co-Chair
Dawn Rashid Membership Chair, LEGO Chair
Dale Rotner Advisor
President, Junior Guild Chair, Social Media Co-Chair
E. Jane Woolley, MD Founder
Mary Ann Xavier
Cooking Demos Chair, LLU Children’s Hospital Liaison
Leigh Anderson Fundraising Chair
Heather Burton Social Media Chair
Caryl Clover-Shelby Storytelling Chair, Family Fitness Fun Day Co-Chair
Julie Cutler Membership Chair
Cheryl Fallon Fundraising Chair
Evelyn Gusseck
Fall/Spring Read
Eloise Habekost Presidential Advisor
Sandi Herrmann Gingerbread Village
Valerie Lewis Education Liaison Co-Chair
Laurie Munson
Penny Moores Treasurer
Lynn Sleeth Education Liaison Co-Chair, Valentine’s Party Chair, Luke’s Birthday Bash Chair
Carol Troesh Advisor
Joyce Waner Family Fitness Fun Day Co-Chair
Dixie Watkins Presidential Advisor
Kara Watkins eNewsletter Chair
Michelle Arrigo Director
Suzy Clem Secretary
Margo Dutton Director
Meredith Maloney Treasurer
Barbara Moore Director
Bobbie Powell Education Chair
Barbara Robinson President Melissa Robinson Director
Barbara Shackelton Publicist
Clara Vanderpool Director
Katherine Andrews*
Loni Argovitz
Beverly Bailey
Doralee Bailey Wilson*
Marie Befeld
Karlyn Boppell
Mardell Brandt
Debra Carrington
Luz Cuestas, DDS
Svanhild Dolin Suzanne Etheridge Linda Ford, MD
Sheila Freeman
Jill Golden Jo Gudel
Amirah Halum Mona Halum
Mary Hansen-Faris
Susie Harvey
Bobbie Kouri
Lisa Leighton
Susan Linsk*
Jeanne Mace Monte Marts
Edeltraud McCarthy
Tamara Merrill
Bertha Nebenzahl* Dona Nixon
Nancy Polacheck
Bobbie Reiman
Linda Rider Wendy Roberts, MD Carol Rochford Andrea Rosenblatt Sheena Sivia, MD Lizette Vela Kathleen Venturi Dee Wambaugh
Rosella Weissman*
E. Jane Woolley, MD
Mary Ann Xavier
Leigh Anderson
Bev Ching
Julie and Tom Cutler Melissa Chun, DDS
Jacqueline Davis
Marcia and Richard Dunbar Cynthia Johnson Melissa and Pete Koss Debra Meadows, DDS Laurel Munson, MD Judy “Julia” Rogers Joyce and Neal Waner Ai-Mae and Barry Watkins, MDs
Phyllis Evans
Kevin Crooks
Janet Gless Donna Goldware Laura Moss-Frusher Barbara Robinson
Scott Bailey
Babek Bassirian
Dirk Biermann
Chuck Boppell
David Etheridge
Barry Golden Stephen Little Lou Mace John Nelson Jack Nixon Manny Rider Tim Rochford Omar Romero Morton Woolley, MD* Frank Xavier Josh Zahid
Judy Albright
Mary Allen
Helen Anderson
Leigh Anderson
Susan Aprahamian
Carrie Arata
Loni Argovitz
Rhona Bader
Beverly Bailey
Scott Bailey Sheila Bailin Helen Baker
Babek Bassirian Betty Battista
Patty Bauer
Gail Baum
Zerryl Becker Marie Befeld Lucia Bell
Dirk Biermann
Marcia Block
Chuck Boppell
Karlyn Boppell
Mardell Brandt
Juanell Brewer
Fidge Brown Carol Buck
Maureen Cantlin
Debra Carrington
David Carstensen
Elizabeth Chambers
Sherry Cherlin
Jo Anna Codington
Evie Compton
Claire Cosgrove
Luz Cuestas
Julie Cutler Tom Cutler Elaine Dachis
Jackie Davis
Jo Ann Davis Michelle Dean Marjorie Dodge Svanhild Dolin
Marilyn Eager David Etheridge
Suzanne Etheridge
Edith Familian Linda Fielder
Tess Fife
Carol Filler
Stephanie Finmark
Joann Firmage Linda Ford
Jo Anne Forrest
Sheila Freeman
Tama Freund
Carol Friedman
Annette Frykman
Alvera Gaeta
Nikki Gaitan
Christina Gantz
Sherri Geschwind
Susan Gillman
Mercedes Godfrey Barry Golden Jill Golden Rochelle Goldstein Melinda Goodman Anne Gookin Deborah Goore Jessica Greene
Jo Gudel
Eva Gunther-James Alice Gutowicz
Eloise Habekost
Amirah Halum
Dior Halum
Enzo Halum
Isabella Halum Jeannette Halum Mona Halum
Marilyn Hamilton
Mary Hansen-Faris
Norma Hare
Susie Harvey
Laurian Hasselwander
Meris Hatfield
Judy Heinrich
Carole Herrera
Sandi Herrmann
Roberta Hirsch
Nancy Hollinghead
Karen Hudis Phil Hudis Katherine Hunter
Marietta Hurst
Lynn Johnson
Margaret Keung
Margaret King
Bobbie Kouri
Patsy Kruse
Lisa Leighton
Robin Leland Suzanne Leland
Stephen Little Susan Lucas
Jeanne Mace
Lou Mace Barbara Malone
Brenda Marten
Edie McCarthy
Catherine McClaskey
Tamara Merrill
Carolyn Meyer
Kay Mills
Terri Munselle
Lynn Nash
Angie Nelson
John Nelson
Norma Nelson
Dona Nixon
Jack Nixon
Mary Ann Ohanesian
Triston Olson
Lorraine Pettitt
Sandi Phillips
Barbara Platt Nancy Polacheck
Kim Pontius
Julianna Powell Barbara Pregmon
D.R. Pultz
Dawn Rashid
Mary Reichley
Bobbie Reiman
Linda Rider
Manny Rider Wendy Roberts
Carol Rochford
Tim Rochford
Omar Romero
Monique Romero
Natasha Romero
Andrea Rosenblatt
Jane Ross
Dale Rotner
Diane Sagan
Myra Sanderman
Peggy Scott
Barbara Segal Barbara Shabashov
Frankie Shack
Peti Shipper Sheena Sivia
Pushpinder Sivia
Gwen Skoretz
Joyce Smith
Iris Smotrich
Myrna Solomon
Janice Spencer Mary Jane Stratman
Fran Suydam
Barbara Sylvor-Marks
Cathy Teal
Joyce TerHar Judy Torodor
Damian Trevor Summer Trevor Janice Umdenstock
Lyssa Vermillion
Lizette Vela
Kathleen Venturi
Arlene Volk
Patti Wallace
Dee Wambaugh
Joyce Waner
Neal Waner
Donna Warren
Dixie Watkins
Jutta Wayland
Lainie Weil
Joni Weiner Rosella Weissmann Florence Weizer
Diane Wendel
CJ Westrick-Bomar
Marilyn Williams
E. Jane Woolley
Morton Woolley
Frank Xavier
Mary Ann Xavier
Heidi York
Josh Zahid
Julie Zicovich
Dolores Aeberli
Leigh Anderson
Raquel Arizmendi
Shirley Arledge
Becky Barnes
Jane Barr
Betti Bauer-Kaste
Brenda Bean
Renee Bengtson
Anahid Benzatyan
Caroline Boyd
Claudia Brunick
Christe Bulot
Annette Busek
Rachalle Bussell
Robynn Capestany
Marian Chrispens
Gillian Christie
Jo Anna Codington
Janet Cohen
Julie Cutler
Marilyn Dale
Darlene Daniello
Cindy Davis
Sylvia Davis
Marie Delgado
Andrea Dill
Marcia Dunbar
Jeannie Durbin
Jim Durbin
Linda Edwards
Janell Ehrler
Barbara Elston-Hurdle
Sharyl Ewart
Jean Fankhanel
Pam Feldkamp
Bunny Finch
Don Finch
Darlene Fischers
Mary Fogleman
Ronalyn Fujii
Steve Fujii
Shary Fuller
Rona Gabriel
Judy Gates
Patti Geissinger
Susan Goe
Ruth Goodacre
Kayla Granillo
Martha Green
Eloise Habekost
Pearl Harp
Kathleen Harper
Cheryl Harrison
Jeanne Hartnell
Irene Haynes
Sandi Herrmann
June Hibbard
Pam Holcolme
Nancy Johnston Lashier
Roland Karim
Marilyn Kim
Maddie King
Tina Knight
Melissa Koss
Renate Krause
Beverly Krick
Stacy Kunkel
Val Lewis
Sandra Lourenco
Amanda Lower
Lani Lynch
Janice Mace
Katherine Maiberger
Laurie Mattson
Beanie Medlicott
Ann Meier
Carol Meulenkamp
Jessika Meyer
Carolyn Michaelis-Moe
Alecia Miller
Don Moores
Penny Moores
Gloria Moreland
Laurie Munson
Jean Murdoch
Sherry Nolfe
Johnie Nottingham
Carron Oberhauser
Kadijat Oladiran
Malanie Orr
Jennifer Osborne
Diane Palmer
Su Parti
Jillian Payne
Cheryl Pellow
Patricia Perkins Amanda Perry
Gail Perry
Angie Perryman
Scott Perryman
Bea Petti
Christa Plesinger
Jim Ponder
Juliana Powell
Candace Power-Quinn
Jessiciah Rabkin
Rose-Marie Raumin
Beverly Reeves
Lynn Reiter
Dottie Rice
Julia Rogers
Barbara Rozema
Chris Sandoval
Brooke Schneider
Louise Schneider
Joan Scott
Katherine Seheult
Cheryl Slaton
Liz Slaton
Lynn Sleeth
Angie Temple
Le An Teunissen
Michael Thompson
Pamela Timothy Carol Troesh
Elsa Troesh
Carole Trousas
Teresa Volk
Agatha Wallen
Jessica Wallen
Dixie Watkins
Kara Watkins
Shelli Watkins
Pat Watts
Ellen Weisser
Dawn Whittam
Kay Wick
Mary Ann Xavier
Josh Zahid
Melba Zimmermann
Kerre Ziprick
Dunbar Avocado Ranch
Michelle Arrigo
Doreen Alewine
Lorraine Anderson
Beverly Bailey Judy Bailey
Carla Lidner Baum
Zee Beard Linda Boecker Maria Brandon Rachelle Bussell Carol Canale Suzy Clem
Alyson Cram
Jannette Curti Ann De Wolfe
Margo Dutton
Joni Evans
Phyllis Evans Virginia Field
Janet Gless Seema Gupta Vickie Hawley
Loretta Holstein
Gail Hood
Jody Isenberg
Sue Johnson
Roland Karim
Jeannene Kelly
Sari Kustner
Connie Librenjak
Jinger Liner
Meredith Maloney
Pauline McGuigan
Marcia McQuern Bernice Miceli
Patricia Miller
Barbara Moore Laura Moss Kristen Muller
Janet Orr
Jillian Payne
Angie Perryman Scott Perryman
Carma Pooley Dana Poppler
Joe Poppler
Bobbie Powell
Mary Ann Reyes
Gail Rice
Rosie Richardson Concha Rivera Barbara Robinson
Melissa Robinson
Sandra Schrader
Barbara Shackelton
Sue Simonin
Cookie Smith
Candace Spiel
Carol Troesh
Kelli Tyson
Clara Vanderpool
Billie Yeager
Josh Zahid Paige Zellerbach
Liz De Sutter
Kristi Robinson
Susan Wygant
For more information on the Guilds, please contact:
Arturo Cabrera 909-651-9849 | ACabrera@llu.edu
Des Abbas
Linda Abbey-Holly
Martha Alicia Aquino
Krystal Ann Lesley Applegate Zachary Badham Cinthia Barela Eileen Beckworth Lopez Diana Begg Dirk Biermann Neil Cahill-McGinty Angela Carrera Angel Chagolla
Regina Chavez Williams Hugo Chinchay Sr. Malissa Cornelius-Johnson
Jose Cruz Alvarado
Erika Del Carmen Yebra Douglas Deming Valerie Diamanti
The Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Birthday Club is an exciting and meaningful way to make a difference on your birthday. Instead of receiving gifts, ask your friends and family to make a donation in honor of your birthday. You can turn your special day into a celebration for everyone by helping us create healthy tomorrows for kids in our community.
Juanita Diaz
Angie Dissmeyer Nelson
Scott Eversole
Arnetha Fairley-Dennis
Heather Fischer
Amber Fox Rhoades
Heather Froglear Jessamie Garvin Jay Go Marlene Gonzales Carlos Guerrero Judith Hart Gina Henry Samantha Holmes
Alison Jones Agins
Mary Kelton Eileen Kennedy
Jena Lavender Ranae Lemcke Larsen Brenda Lopez Breanna Lotz
Victoria Marie Cortez
Isaul Marquez
Jessica Martinez Sheree Martino
Penny Moores Becca Mueller Austin Mulherin Donna Murphy-Brosmer Dona Nixon
Nicholas Nixon Rori Obeso Schopper Warren Parks
Korita Perez Traci Pesta
Kelly Phipps
Crystal Portugal Dee Proffitt
Jennifer Quach Dawn Rashid Nicole Renee Arana Bre Riffle
Catherine Rivera
Cynthia Robles
Irma Rodriguez
Joanna Rosee Julie Roth
Judy Shearer Heinrich
Shelly Sheppard
Brittany Sims JoAnn Smith
Holly Smith Sonia Tito Gabrielle Torres
Inamar Vargas Lizette Vela
Mary Ann Xavier Josh Zahid
For more information on how to share your special day, visit us at lluch.org/birthdayclub or email LomaLindaBirthdayClub@llu.edu.
Barbara Robinson, Chair
Peter Baker, President
Lucas Secor, Treasurer
Rachelle Bussell
Andy Carpiac
Francis Chan, MD
Robin Diamond-Ward
Trixie Fargo
Jill Golden Martha E. Green
Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Ashley Hutchinson
Ernie Hwang
Cathy Kienle
Steve Kienle
Melissa Koss
Jeanne Mace
Alaina Mathews
Glenn Moss
Dona Nixon
Ricardo Peverini, MD
Victoria PonTell
Maria Ramos
Kelly Roberts
Phil Savage IV
Lynn Sleeth
Candace Spiel Ken Stream
Dennis Troesh
Sean Varner
Lizette Vela
Roger Wadell
James E. Woolen
Trevor Wright
Mary Ann Xavier
Erin J. Anderson
Christi Bulot
Richard E. Chinnock, MD
H. Roger Hadley, MD
John W. Mace, MD*
J. David Moorhead, MD
Honorable Patrick J. Morris
Dave K. Stockton
George D. Voigt
Dixie Watkins
Joanna DeLeon 909-558-5366 jadeleon@llu.edu
Tiffany Hoekstra 909-558-5367 thoekstra@llu.edu
Josh N. Zahid 909-558-5384 jnzahid@llu.edu
Arturo Cabrera 909-651-9849 acabrera@llu.edu
Amber Haun 909-558-5368 ahaun@llu.edu
LLU Children’s Hospital Foundation
11175 Mountain View Avenue, Suite B
Loma Linda, CA 92354 909-558-5010
Fax 909-558-3562
LLU Children’s Hospital Foundation
P.O. Box 2000 Loma Linda, CA 92354