LLU Commencement Program 2022

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Criteria for Institutional Awards Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) Loma Linda University (LLU)

Lifetime Service Award (LLUH) Awarded in recognition of an individual or organization that uniquely advances and/or transforms the strategic direction of LLUH or its entities in education, research, services, and/or philanthropy—locally and/ or globally. The recipient has noteworthy institutional service of ten or more years and be recognized both within and external to the organization. Honorary Doctorate (LLU) Presented in recognition of extraordinary achievement in such fields as science and technology, the arts and humanities, business and public service; or in recognition of outstanding contributions to the welfare and/ or enrichment of the University, the state, the nation, or the world. Further, this honorary degree is awarded to bring recognition to the individual(s), to expose students and faculty to distinguished citizens and leaders, and to make an institutional statement as to Loma Linda University’s values. Two honorary doctorate degrees may be awarded—a Doctor of Humane Letters (LHD) for excellence in scholarship and creative arts and a Doctor of Humanitarian Service (DHS) for distinguished contribution to society. University Alumnus (na) of the Year (LLU) Presented to an alumnus/na whose accomplishments exemplify the aims and aspirations of Loma Linda University. The honoree has been distinguished in humanitarian service or in academic pursuits, including peer-reviewed research and/or education; and must have maintained spiritual commitment. Meritorious Service Award (LLUH) Presented to one who has had no official connection with the LLUH entities. Awarded to someone whose public attainments and commitment to excellence have contributed to the endeavors of the Church and/or have contributed to mankind in a manner which is congruent with the mission of Loma Linda University Health. Distinguished Academic Award (LLUH) Presented to a faculty member, administrator, clinician or staff member selected for having made outstanding contributions to Loma Linda University Health’s academic mission. A person so honored, is generally well known and recognized on campus and has served with distinction for a minimum of ten years. Distinguished Service Award (LLUH) Presented to a faculty member, administrator, staff member or member of the Board of Trustees, selected for having made outstanding contributions to LLUH in service areas. A person so honored is generally well known and recognized on campus and has served the institution with distinction for a minimum of ten years. Distinguished Humanitarian Award (LLUH) Presented to those who have made outstanding contributions to Loma Linda University Health and its various institutions and programs.


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