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Loma Linda University Health Strategic

Initiatives 2025-2029

Loma Linda University Health is committed to excellence in health professional education, research and the clinical care of patients, within a faith-based context. These foundational commitments will guide our development over the next five years as we pursue our motto “To Make Man Whole.”

Campus Culture

Campus Culture

The last decade has seen Loma Linda University Health increasingly integrate its multiple organizations, initiatives, management, and governance, following the One Loma Linda strategy. This culture of collaboration will be enhanced and further implemented in the following areas.

Spiritual Foundation

As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian organization, our faith-based heritage will guide all programming and activities on campus, including our commitment to our mission, “To continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.”

Spiritual Master Plan

Spiritual Plan 2021-2025

Organizational Synergy

One Loma Linda University Health Board of Trustees will continue to govern the organization, with integrated management structures that implement shared goals and strategies.

Educational/Clinic/Research Collaborations

Shared objectives for the educational, clinical, and research commitments of the organization will balance and guide strategic decisions across all entities.

Personal Wholeness

Encourage the lifelong, harmonious engagement in and development of the Physical, Relational, Intellectual, Spiritual, Mental and Cultural dimensions of life, unified through a loving relationship with God and expressed in generous service to others.

Environmental Stewardship

Committed, both organizationally and personally, to reducing our carbon footprint and adopting other strategies to protect our God-given natural environment.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy (See Appendix B.)

Culture of Innovation

Committed to innovative use of data to learn, grow, and enhance transparent decision making.

Culture of Gratitude

Foster a campus culture of joy, mutual respect, and shared purpose by embracing gratitude. This is achieved through daily acts of appreciation, intentional reflection and celebrating the gifts and contributions of our community.

Stronger Together Campaign

Educational Initiatives

Educational Initiatives

Our recognized and innovative academic programs will engage students in a deep learning process. Through a commitment to academic excellence and a reliance on shared core values, we help students see their vocation as a spiritual calling to serve humanity.

University Growth

Major online initiatives will be expanded to increase our educational impact around the world through webinars, continuing education, certificate programs, regional campuses and/or instructional sites, academic degree programs and micro-credentials.

Expanded Offerings

Community Engagement –

“Mission-Focused Learning”

Renewed commitment to our faith-based Christian principles of service which guides our educational culture for students, faculty and staff.

Innovative Learning Experiences

Develop faculty and staff to be leaders in instructional innovation. This empowers our students to experience deeper and more interactive engagement with the content, their faculty and fellow learners.

Culture of Discovery

Foster a culture of curiosity and discovery to prepare the next generation of researchers and professionals.

Student Success

Identify and recruit students who can flourish in our campus culture as they develop professional, ethical and spiritual values.

Quality Faculty and Staff

Inspire and retain faculty and staff leaders who are dedicated to both their students and their disciplines through their personal development and pursuit of new knowledge.

Inter-Professional Education and Practice

Engage in educational activities among disciplines that will lead to increased professional respect, improved team collaboration, and increased ability for all to practice at the highest level of their licensure.

Provide course work for aspiring students to begin as first-year full-time freshmen at Loma Linda University by fall quarter 2024. (Completed.)

School of Nursing Expansion

Obtain state approval, recruit faculty, and identify adequate space and resources to expand the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program to fall, winter, and spring classes of 100 students by spring quarter 2025. (In Process.)

School of Nursing Strategic Plan

Brochure (See Appendix C.)

School of Pharmacy Pharmacotherapy Services

Utilize School of Pharmacy faculty, residents, and students to provide pharmacotherapy services in select UHC/FMG clinics and the access center to enhance the safety and efficacy of medications, chronic disease management, and improve overall patient access to clinical services. (In Process.)

Academic Partners

Educational offerings will be developed through regional, national, global, and virtual affiliations that provide opportunities for our unique learning approach for select student groups worldwide. (In Process.)

Pre-Professional Options

Develop three-year bachelor’s degrees that can shorten time to professional degree completion and reduce student debt. (Fall 2025.)

School of Dentistry Expansion

Occupy the dental clinic at SAC Brier and obtain new clinical space for dental practices by July 2025, to enable remodeling of Prince Hall to start in 2028.

School of Allied Health Professions

Expand Physician Assistant program to 50 students annually and incorporate transfer students. Evaluate small program contribution margin for efficiency.

School of Behavioral Health

The School of Behavioral Health, in conjunction with the Behavioral Health Institute, will intentionally focus on increasing the number and availability of practicum placements for students within the Loma Linda University Health system by academic year 2025-2026. Attention will be given to supporting the clinical supervision of students through externally funded training grants.

School of Behavioral Health Strategic Plan 2022-2025 (See Appendix E.)

School of Medicine

Regional campus expansion continues to be developed.

School of Medicine Strategic Plan and School of Medicine LLUH Strategic Plan (See Appendix C.)

School of Religion

School of Religion Strategic Plan (See Appendix F.)

School of Public Health

School of Public Health Blueprint Strategic Plan November 2023 (See Appendix G)

Regional, National, and Global Impact

Regional, National, and Global Impact

Our reputation for excellent patient care linked with quality educational programs will be enhanced through local, national and global initiatives. Our recognized faith-based approach to health and healing will continue to distinguish our campuses and services.

Preferred Health System

Specialized tertiary and quaternary clinical services will continue to make Loma Linda University Health the recognized referral choice for the Inland Empire and beyond, with the goal of maintaining market share.

Regional Clinical Network

Clinical services, including behavioral and dental health, will be available through an expanded and affiliated network of primary, specialty, and federally qualified health centers and clinics via the shared Electronic Health Record (EHR) Connect Program throughout the Inland Empire, including face-to-face and virtual care initiatives.

Integration of LLUH Organizations for Strategic Alignment

Move toward more effective integration for greater strategic alignment and collective decision-making based on system-wide objectives.


Continued focus on top-quartile quality performance measures, including access and patient experience.

Population Health Initiatives

Utilize our Community Needs Assessment and the analytical tools in our Electronic Health Record to enhance our commitment to the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in our communities, including access to affordable care, housing, transportation, nutrition and recreation.

Community Health Report

Government Relations

Continue to pursue positive relations with local, state, and federal elected officials to facilitate desired initiatives.

Global Footprint

Our international involvement will strengthen through our clinical and educational affiliations managed through the Global Health Institute, Students for International Mission Service, academic offerings, consultation services and clinical linkages.

Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons

Continue support of faculty and residents in African mission hospitals through accreditation, global faculty appointments, and resident research support.

Adventist Mission Hospitals

Continued partnership with Adventist Health International to provide governance, management, and logistical support for Adventist hospitals in developing countries.

Distance/Online Education

Acquire, develop, and implement methodologies for transformational learning to minimize the impact of differences in time, distance, culture, language, learning styles and economics.

Research Collaborations

Develop research partnerships with R1 research institutions, affiliated health professional schools, educational institutions, hospitals, and communities to collaborate in impactful research.

Discovery and Information

Discovery and Innovation

The spirit of discovery is an essential element of the learning process. We will nurture this through a variety of faculty, staff, and student initiatives, and will continue our plans to become a National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Translational Research Leading to Clinical Innovation

Clinical trials will increase annually through pursuit of impactful early phase trials by fostering external clinical collaborations, recruiting research faculty, providing protected research time, and developing central research infrastructure.

Grant Funding

External grant support will increase to $80 million annually from private, county, state, and federal sources, including $25 million from National Institutes of Health sources.

Research Faculty Development

Institutional resources and donor support will be focused on developing a cadre of competitive research faculty in each school, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary grant-funded research.

Research Building

Plans for a new research space, featuring personalized cancer research and treatment, including cell therapy, theranostics, and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), are being developed when appropriate funding mechanisms are identified and secured.

Artificial Intelligence

Utilize artificial intelligence to enhance educational methodologies, clinical services and operational initiatives.

Data Science

Develop and expand capabilities to empower research, clinical innovation, and operational excellence, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and leveraging big data for impactful discoveries.

Enterprise Data Strategy

Implement a platform to consolidate and clean enterprise data ensuring it is accessible for use in reporting, analytics and Gen AI capacities.

Concept rendering

Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development

Both clinical and educational services are being greatly influenced by technological advances and architectural designs. We will seek to benefit our students and patients through these innovations while preserving the compassion and personal touch we are known for.

Repurpose Hinshaw Towers

Work with HCAI to develop clinical services in the Hinshaw Towers, including cardiac care (International Heart Institute), inpatient adolescent psychiatry, sub-acute long term child care, and adult and pediatric psychiatric observation units (EmPATH).


Finalize plans and begin construction on 15-bed inpatient expansion.

Finalize and implement plan to develop an Advanced Urgent Care.

Rehabilitation Hospital

Continue work with Loma Linda University Health/Lifepoint Health joint venture to build a new 80-bed rehabilitation hospital on the property just north of Loma Linda University Surgical Hospital.

James M. Slater, MD Proton

Treatment & Research Center

Develop strategy for upgrading proton services with enhanced clinical programs and decreased maintenances.

Loma Linda University Children’s Health Specialty Clinics

Implement plans to use Proposition 4 funds to develop a major new pediatric outpatient complex on campus, consolidating pediatric surgical, and sub-specialty services in proximity to the Children’s Hospital.

(Begin Construction in 2025.)

Concept rendering

International Heart Institute

Facilitate continued growth of the International Heart Institute, focused on comprehensive cardiac care including conversion to a unified care delivery model and strategic expansion.

Ambulatory Infusion Center

Begin construction on Ambulatory Infusion Center (AIC) expansion at the former Kidney Dialysis Center.

University Village

Implement phase 1 of the University Village with an organizational housing complex that includes retail services to enhance student, staff and visitor housing, and services on campus.

(Begin Construction in 2025.)

East Campus Hospital

Repurpose Zapara Pavilion and associated facilities for expansion of medical and surgical beds.

Develop and implement plans to comply with 2030 California seismic requirements.

Berger Building

Finalize plans with the Berger Foundation and the Resiliency Institute for Childhood Adversity, and selected clinical services to occupy this building by July 1, 2026.

Comprehensive Cancer Center

Expand integrated clinical cancer services that include cell therapy, theranostics, and BNCT, providing more dedicated space and funding toward the goal of a faith-based NCI designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Academic Learning Transitions

Expand the academic and clinical capacity of each school to maximize professor/student interactions, expand online learning capacity, and develop quality clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals and clinics.

SAC Health

Assist in identifying funding mechanisms and design strategies for remodeling the former Wells Fargo building in San Bernardino to occupy by July 1, 2025, with expanded clinical services, including behavioral health and dentistry. (In Process.)

School of Nursing

Finalize design and funding strategies to build a new School of Nursing facility to allow for growth of student body.

(Begin Construction in 2025.)

Monetizing Assets

Explore monetizing non-mission-critical assets, e.g. parking structures and central utilities plant.

Concept rendering

Financial Strength

Financial Strength

Our growth and expansion in response to seismic mandates has led to substantial debt leverage for the Loma Linda University Health hospitals, while decreased enrollment has negatively impacted University finances. Debt management, stronger balance sheets, optimized revenue, and expense management in a more integrated system will enable business opportunities to be effectively captured for growth and stability.

Operational Efficiencies

Cost effective operations in both clinical and educational programs will be achieved across campus through process improvement and to generate positive cash-flow from unrestricted activities.

Offshore/Out-of-State Staffing

Establish LLUH corporation in Texas for employment of faculty and staff living outside of California. Consider offshore contracting for selected services.

Balance Sheet Strengthening

The Medical Center will improve its Cash-to-Debt ratio to 50% or more and achieve a Debt Service Coverage Ratio of at least 2.0 and Days Cash on Hand (DCOH) of 140 by 2028. DCOH, net of LOC draws, will be improved to at least 200 days for the University, and 60 or above for the Faculty Medical Group.

Improved Bond Ratings

Bond ratings will be maintained at BB+ stable for the Medical Center and A stable for the University, with the Medical Center working toward investment grade rating by 2028.

Investment Flexibility

Strengthened financial position will provide investments sufficient to satisfy liquidity needs, capital preservation targets, and capital investments at the rating agencies’ median levels for academic health systems, including the infrastructure development and innovation plans of Loma Linda University Health.

Tuition Stabilization

Academic related expenses/salaries will be managed carefully, including utilization of operational endowments, scholarship funds, faculty/departmental support funds, and the inclusion of hybrid learning.

Philanthropy Strategy

The Stronger Together campaign for 2023-2029 will solicit $300 million for the philanthropic portion of the following designated projects:

Operational Support

Effectively use funds from established endowments to support operational expenses, including selected faculty salaries and benefits.

Advancing Cancer Care and Research/NCI Journey (includes $10 million from Children’s Hospital Foundation) $50 million

Inpatient Bed Expansion

Health Specialty Clinics

Center Clinical Priorities

University Faculty and Student Initiatives (determined by school)

million University Village – Student/Academic Space $15 million School of Nursing Expanded Facilities $15 million School of Dentistry Enhanced Facilities $20 million

Initiatives and Planned Gifts

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