LMC makes an argument Art shines at show
Stangs score a tie
Debate team went south to compete against the big dogs and is getting ready to do it again — page 3
The LMC soccer team’s defense shines in double shutout against Mendocino College — page 5
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F.Y.I. Important Dates October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Nov. 9
Veteran’s Day — college closed.
Nov. 20
Last day to drop classes with a “W” appearing on your transcript.
Hug a pet for lower stress
Artist Bonnie Neumann celebrates her new gallery exhibition “Water, light and Time” — page 4
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L M C E X P E R I E N C E . C O M
LMC preps for worst College gets educated
At 10:38 a.m. Oct. 1, a 26-year-old student at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., walked into his English composition class armed with five handguns and a semi-automatic rifle and began shooting his classmates. By 10:48 a.m., nine students were dead and nine more were wounded, and the shooter had committed suicide after a two-minute shootout with police. Less than two weeks earlier, Los Medanos College had held a staff meeting addressing the possibility of an active shooter on campus, in response to the shooting Sept. 3 at Sacramento City College.
“It’s one of those meetings you really wish you didn’t have to have,” said Los Medanos College President Bob Kratochvil. Attendees were shown “Shots Fired: When Lightning Strikes,” a video produced by the Center for Personal Protection that details survival strategies to be used in school shootings. “With the proper mindset and the necessary tools,” said video co-host Randy Spivey, “You’ll be better equipped to react with purpose and maximize your chance of survival.” The video preached preparedness, and instructed the viewer they have three choices when a shooting begins: get out, hide out, or
take out, referring to a violent neutralization of the shooter, a last resort. After the video, LMC police Lt. Ryan Huddleston spoke and responded to questions from concerned faculty. Huddleston highlighted the countywide response agreement held by the region’s law enforcement organizations. “We have the ability to communicate with ever y agency throughout the county,” said Huddleston in a later interview. “Our officers carry radios that have direct communication with the Pittsburg Police Department, the [Contra Costa] Sheriff’s Department, some 13 organizations all on their handheld radios.”
Experience • Cathie Lawrence
“Nobody wants to think about these heinous things that happen, but the fact we’re having a conversation is a start.”
— Lt. Ryan Huddleston
See PREP, page 6
New map to UC a go
The Los Medanos College Library and MESA are putting on an event Monday, Oct. 12 to help students de-stress during midterms. From 12 to 1 p.m., students are being welcomed to come hug a pet in Science Room 202 where dogs from the Pet Hug Pack Team will be available. For more information got to losmedanos.edu/library.
Volunteers now needed The Los Medanos College MESA program is looking for volunteers to help with the Antioch High School science students’ visit to LMC Thursday, Oct. 15. LMC students are needed to be on a panel from 9 to 9:45 a.m. to discuss being a science major and life on campus as well as give tours of the science building from 9:40 to 10:15 a.m. For more information or to volunteer contact Nicole Trager at ntrager@losmedanos. edu.
Transfer Day approaches Los Medanos College will be hosting two transfer events Oct. 27. — Transfer Day will be held in the outdoor quad from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and College Night in the gym from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Representatives from the CSU and UC campuses, along with out-of-state and private universities will be present to answer students’ questions about the transfer process. For more information, or a list of the colleges that will be present, go to losmedanos.edu/transferday.
Daily updates
For up-to-date information on class cancellations, campus events and other LMC related news, visit our online edition at lmcexperience.com.
Experience • Cathie Lawrence
Los Medanos College Associated Student Body Vice President Sable Horton, Debate President Taylor Gonzalez and LMCAS President Darren Meeks during a recent LMCAS meeting Sept. 14.
Gov’t gets a makeover Associated Students under new leadership By KIMBERLY STELLY
In last semester’s elections, the Los Medanos College Associated Students were given new positions and earlier this semester. Three new senators were accepted. Darren Meeks was voted as president of LMCAS earlier this year. He was surprised he got the job. “I feel [kind of] shocked. I never thought I’d be president of something growing up,” said Meeks. “It’s a great feeling.” Senator Sable Horton, formerly the commissioner of campus events is the newly appointed vice president of LMCAS. She
Salaries and morale to increase
said she knew she “wasn’t ready to be president just yet” but that she’s happy “with everything the president has done.” Though she wasn’t ready to be president of LMCAS, she wanted to be an important part of the board. “I’m happy to help lead the meetings,” said Horton. She says her new position will help her get to know her constituents. Contra Costa Community College District Student Trustee Gary Walker-Roberts, formerly Student Body President, is now Parliamentarian for LMCAS and is settling into his job. “I love my new position and am
grooving the saddle at this point. We are four months into my term and already about to be at the half way marker. Time flies, especially when you’re busy,” said Walker-Roberts. Senator Yetunde Ogunleye was given the role of Publicity and Outreach Officer. Though her goal was always to help student government, she thinks this new position will give LMC students more insight into what LMCAS is about. “A lot of people don’t know that we have student government on campus,” she said. “They don’t know they can come to us for funding,” said Ogunleye.
See LMCAS, page 6
New sign for the times
Following several months of what United Faculty Executive Director Jeffrey Michels described as “intense and sometimes difficult bargaining,” members of the Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board ratified the agreement negotiated with the United Faculty to increase the salary schedule for both full and part-time faculty during its meeting Wednesday, Oct. 7.
See RAISE, page 6
Experience • Cathie Lawrence
Los Medanos College replaced its sign near the entrance of the college on Monday, Sept. 28. The new sign, which can be seen from Leland Road, is among one of many new upgrades at LMC.
Community College students are now able to transfer easier and faster to the University of California through a new academic pathway. The University of California “introduced a new academic roadmap for California Community College students who plan to apply to transfer to UC campuses,” according to a University of California press release on July 7. The UC faculty, who created the pathway, sought to make it simpler for students to transfer to a UC by having the same pre-requisites required for each of the majors at every UC. This would make it easier for students to transfer to any of the nine UC campuses, which gives them more options of schools to go to. “The universities noticed a decline in UC transfer enrollment,” said Transfer Services Coordinator Rachel Anicetti. “A task force determined that one of the reasons enrollment decreased was because it was difficult for many students.” The universities applied the changes to the 10 most popular majors at the UCs, which include: anthropology, biochemistr y, biology, cell biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, physics and sociology. Colleges are focusing first on the most popular majors, while gradually adding more majors to the list. “The university plans to create pathways for another 11 majors later this year. Once pathways are complete for all 21 majors, they will cover two-thirds of all admissions applications UC receives from transfer students,” said the University of California press release. The transfer pathways will help students who do not know which campus they would like to go to yet, but know which major they are interested in. “Overall, this is a good reSee MAP, page 6
“Time and distance have a way of playing tricks with your best intentions.”
— Anthony Kiedis
Joseph Delano
Jamari Snipes
How many kids need to die?
Misophonia is a real problem
The debate over gun control needs a new direction. While society is constantly languishing on whether guns are made too available to consumers, it fails to delve into any other problems regarding gun safety and management, violence prevention and mental illness awareness. Students in high school learn about drugs and alcohol; how not to abuse them and what adverse effects they can have on your life and the lives of those around you, but when was the last time a gun safety class was taught in class as a curriculum standard? It would seem that with the reported consistency of school shootings by students, more emphasis would be placed on informing the youth of, not only, gun safety, but awareness as well. But even if classes, presentations or campfire discussions occur, a deeper issue remains; mental illness takes many forms and stems from even more origin points. In an Alfred University study, more than 85 percent of people agreed, when asked why shootings occur, that bullying and revenge were leading causes. Why then, aren’t there more faculties in place to help intercept at-risk children before they snap, wreaking carnage and havoc on innocents? Since 1999, there have been 262 school shootings, according to a Westword.com article detailing school shootings since the Columbine High School massacre. While that number should be shocking enough, consider this: in a report from Quartz.com on a study conducted by the Academy for Critical Incident Analysis at Jay College on school shootings in 37 countries spanning 250 years, it was found the US has virtually the same number of shootings on its own, as the other 36 countries in the study, combined. And as much as it may seem satirical, a recent post from theonion.com stated over 50 percent of the nation’s granite was engraved with the names of victims of murderous acts. The post makes sense. What kind of world am I living in where access to a hospital, therapist, out-reach program or just plain kind words ate limited to those with means, but purchasing a gun at Wal-Mart is commonplace? What results from the fissure of what makes sense and what has become acceptable is that people in desperate need of medical intervention do not receive it. Not only do those needing help not receive it, but proper screening, mandated psychological thresholds and educational venues on firearms are so lax that it seems easier to lash out as your only recourse. Hasn’t that been what our society has fostered; a habitat of violence and a lack of compassion or courage to confront and combat an issue that shouldn’t exist? I want to be clear; I am not supporting any shooter in any capacity. If anything, I pity them. There are some people who are legitimately insane, and some who intentionally inflict grievous harm to others. The latter is just as helpless as the former, as our pro-gun society has failed both somewhere along the line. I blame the infrastructure in place for not helping before horrific actions are realized. The real reason for the lack of interest in preventative care is the cost. The government, private and public companies, including heath insurers, are seemingly not willing to absorb the cost of mental heath insurance. If it means a bearer of firearms would need to purchase supplemental mental health insurance prior to purchase, then so be it. The benefits to society would outweigh the cost, especially if the ones paying for it are the end users. They are, after all, our future.
Do you know someone who gets really annoyed by certain sounds? Are you one of those people? Well, that condition has a name and it’s called misophonia. When you break it down, it translates into “the hatred of sound.” It is a condition many people may not be aware of. People who have misophonia typically hate certain sounds. The sounds could include: slurping, swallowing, singing, mumbling, gum chewing, sniffing, snoring, breathing, laughing, etc. It can include repetitive noises. The hatred of the sounds could range from slight to chronic. People who have chronic misophonia may suddenly burst out with anger and they might feel like something is crawling under their skin. For me, it developed when I was in middle school. I began to become bothered slightly by people when they ate loudly, but I usually ignored it. It wasn’t until I got to high school that I developed chronic misophonia. In most situations, I cannot eat with my family without getting annoyed by their loud chewing sounds. The sounds would make me cringe and want to throw something at them. That usually does not end well. Not only does my family annoy me when they eat, they also get annoyed when I consistently complain about it. They want me to let them eat in peace and I don’t want to be selfish, so I leave the room and eat by myself. People who have this may feel like it detaches them from social situations and can ruin their relationships. For the longest time, it felt like I was the only one with this condition because the loud slurping annoyed no one else. People give me weird looks when I tell them about my hatred of certain sounds, so I decided to search up what these characteristics meant. It was shocking to see that doctors do not know what triggers misophonia, but it is a relatively new researched condition. I was relieved to know that I wasn’t crazy and that there are others that are annoyed too. Although researchers are still trying to understand why misophonia develops, they have come up with some ideas about why it affects people. According to misophonia-provider.com, According to webmd.com, it usually appears between nine and 13 years old and happens mostly with girls. It’s weird I happen to fall into that category when I developed it. Doctors believe it’s partly mental and physical. Misophonia is not anxiety or an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) which people often mistake it for. I thought it was OCD too, but now I know that it’s not the same thing though the two seem to have similarities. It’s known as a sound sensitivity disorder according to disable-world.com. Researchers say that there is no cure, but it can be managed through temporary solutions. They recommend drowning out the noise or focusing on something else that is more important. I manage it by drowning out the sound with more noise in the background. For example, turning on a fan or putting on headphones can help. If there are no other options, finding a quiet area works as well. Hopefully this condition will go away so people suffering with this disorder can eat with others in peace and not be labeled as a weirdo. According to misophonia.com, you can also try out the Dozier Misophonia Trigger Tamer available on iTunes for $39.99. It’s supposed to let the user “repattern” their brains to reduce their aversion to certain sounds. Dealing with this every day can cause a lot of stress, so finding ways to temporarily cope with the side effects helps. If you have misophonia, you are not alone.
Experience • Jamari Snipes and Lissette Urbina
Prioritize campus safety
he tragedy at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon has inspired talks of safety and reform around the nation. The tragedy took place Thursday, Oct. 1. A 26-year-old student shot and killed nine people — eight students and a professor — and injured nine others. The youngest victim was just 18 years old. The gunman died later on in a battle between the responding police officers by gunshot.Los Medanos College is just one of many institutions solidifying their safety measures to ensure something so horrid won’t take place on our campus. In a dark instance of coincidence, there was a campus safety meeting a few weeks prior to the incident at Umpqua. The meeting included faculty and students with the Police services staff including Lt. Huddleston as the lead in the discussion. He brought up a past instance that took place here at LMC that is truly frightening. A man had come to our school with the intention of shooting at the Childcare Center here on campus. Luckily someone reported the suspicious man’s behavior to the on campus police and he was detained. The fact of the matter is overall campus safety needs to be taken more seriously here on campus. There are many measures and procedures that are in place to protect those at LMC at all times, but it’s important to take individual responsibility and know what to do just in case your safety is put in danger. The first line of action to take if you suspect a mass shooting were to take place around you, is to be aware of your surroundings and get as far away from the vicinity as possible — run as fast and as far away as possible. If running isn’t an option, then the next thing to do is find a place to hide and lay low, out of the line of sight of the shooter. If that’s not possible, play dead. This strategy actually worked for one of the victims from the recent Oregon shooting; because of playing dead, she survived. The last option if you know absolutely that there is no way out is to attack the shooter. The main goal when attacking the shooter shouldn’t be to injure him or her, but to disarm them, then tackle them and wait for the police to arrive. Of course, we don’t even want to think about the possibility of this kind of shooting happening on campus, but overall,campus security is and always will be the main priority of police services at this campus.Crimes that can occur on college campus are most commonly theft, which includes items like phones, wallets and even cars. Unfortunately crimes also include assault and/or battery and sexual assault. Remember to be smart and be safe.
Rock music lack definite sound Each decade in rock music history had a defined sound: The 1980s were full of leather-clad, hard rock and heavy metal bands, the 90s were full of angsty grunge bands and the 2000s were full of commercial alternative rock but what about now? What has rock music become since 2010? Though everyone seems to hate the poppunk era, at least there was a collective sound. Now it seems bands are out of creative ideas and are now making their music sound as if it comes from another time. The way rock music now is almost clique-like. You have your psychedelic bands like MGMT; your bluesy bands like The Black Keys or any band Jack White is associated with; your veteran bands like the Rolling Stones or even Green Day; and your Nu Metal bands Like Bring Me the Horizon. These newer bands are just carbon copies of an older sound. They work hard and might make decent music, but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s nothing unique about them. The veteran bands that are still around make good music, but it’s the same alternative rock sound that has failed to wow audiences under the age of 30. An example of this would be the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Their last album, “I’m With You” was Grammy-nominated and received generally positive reviews but some critics made the point that they’re just too tame compared to their mid-nineties sound. Maybe it’s the lack of drugs or lack of inspiration. Either way, this is a problem with bands that have been around for decades and we can’t keep relying on them to save rock and roll.
Another problem with today’s rock music is that the more processed, computer-oriented sound is taking over every genre. Bands that fell under the rock music category have switched over to a more pop-oriented sound. Groups like Linkin Park and Paramore have fallen prey to the all-encompassing music beast that is pop. This is evident in their recent albums. The music isn’t bad but it’s so far from their roots that it can be off-putting. Just like R & B, rock seems to be falling in popularity. If there were one kind of sound that defined this decade, it would give future rock fans something to remember us for. It’s cool to hear so many musicians paying homage to classic musicians and it’s nice to hear so many different genres under the rock music umbrella but it would be even nicer to be able to describe this generation’s sound. I don’t want the 2010’s to just be known for EDM and “rump-shaking.” There are so many media platforms out there though that it’s going to be difficult. I’d hate to see a future where kids are head banging to 5 Seconds of Summer or worse, Taylor Swift because our generation can’t figure out how to be inventive with their rock music.
What would you do if you were present during a campus shooting? C
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L M C e x p e r i e n c e . c o m o h n s o n
Member California Newspaper Publishers Association
“Stay as calm as possible, not try to get up or run away.” — Mark BakerSanchez
“I would probably be hiding in a closet or a cabinet if there is one in the classroom.” — Sara Sullivan
“I would try and help people get out of the vicinity.” — Tyrell Odom
“I would probably start panicking and start asking around, you know, if anybody knows who the shooter is.” — Yamilette Gradiz
“If there was a shooting, I would go hide in a secluded location.” — Giancarlos Margasso
“I would pretend to be dead. If someone died in front of me, I would put their dead body on top of me.” — Hazel Recinos
“Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” — Thomas Jefferson
Editors-in-Chief ...............DAMIAN LEWIN and CASSIE DICKMAN Perspectives Editor .....YETUNDE OGUNLEYE Managing Editor...................JOSEPH DELANO Campus Editor....................LISSETTE URBINA Features Editor............BEATRIZ HERNANDEZ Sports Editor.......................BRENDAN CROSS Photo Editor......................CATHIE LAWRENCE New Media Editor .................. JAMARI SNIPES Special Projects Editor..........LUKE JOHNSON Copy Chief ........................ KIMBERLY STELLY The LMC Experience is published Fridays by students in the Journalism Program. The newspaper serves both as a laboratory for journalism classes and as a First Amendment forum for campus communication. Opinions expressed in the Experience are solely those of the students and do not represent the views of the college.
Campus Newswatch
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain
Team spars in tourney
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual health campaign to increase the awareness of the disease. It was founded in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of AstraZeneca to promote mammograms as the most effective method to fight against breast cancer. The goal of the campaign is raise funds for research for the cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of the disease. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer for women behind lung cancer with about 1 in 8 women in the US having the disease. About 40,000 women and 400 are expected to die from breast cancer each year. There are a variety of events to raise awareness and fund for the disease like walks, runs and even the pink illumination of landmark buildings. For more information about early detection and other info, visit www.nationalbreastcancer.org.
CSU workshops set for fall
Transfer Services are offering fall workshops for students interested in transferring. The next workshop will learning to complete a CSUMentor application to schools like CSU East Bay, San Francisco State, CSU Long Beach and more on Oct. 13 from 3 to 5 p.m. and Oct. 19 from noon to 2 p.m. in Student Services Building Room 412. The workshops will be hosted by transfer counselor David Reyes along with CSU representatives. There will be more workshops later in the month and in November.
AGS to fundraise for veterans
Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS), a California Community College Honors Society, is holding a taco fundraiser on Wed. Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m in the Indoor Quad on College Complex Level 3. The funds will go toward the Wounded Warrior Project, a program devoted to helping thousands of hardships they endure. For information on AGS and how to join, visit www. losmedanosags.com For more information on the project, visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org
‘Fixed’ to rethink disability
In honor of Disability Awareness Month, a screening of “Fixed: the Science Fiction of Human Enhancement” will take place Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Recital Hall. The documentary explores what effects human augmentation has on society. The event, sponsored by LMC DPSP and the Drama and Counseling departments, will also include a discussion after the film with film director, Regan Pretlow Brashear. While the event is free, space is limited. RSVP online at losmedanos.edu/access. For more information, contact Student Life at 473-7554. Information on the film can be found at www. fixedthemovie.com
Experience • Joseph Delano
Sarah Zamjahn debates at the Oct. 7 practice session. The team scrimmaged on the topic of whether or not a post-gender society is preferrable over the current status quo to practice for upcoming debates.
Debaters go against big name colleges By GARRETT BELME
Los Medanos College’s debate team was in San Diego to compete in the San Diego State University Aztec Invitational Tournament from Oct. 2 to Oct. 4. The Mustangs went up against a host of big name colleges. LMC’s debate coach Marie Arcidiacono, listed them out. “Our LMC debaters competed and held their own against teams from the United States Air Force Academy, the University of Southern California, Cal Poly, Claremont College, Point
Loma Nazarene University, Regis University, Pepperdine University and the University of La Verne,” said Arcidiacono. LMC sent four veteran debaters: Grace Babayan, Taylor Gonzalez, Yetunde Ogunleye and Sarah Zamjahn, who, according to Arcidiacono, “competed hard each and every round. While LMC did not break into the elimination finals,” she said. “Our debaters came out of every round with a smile on their face, positive feedback from other coaches/ judges and a new found bag of knowledge to pull from,” she added.
Experience • Joseph Delano
Richard Stenfield and Kristine Villa debate at the Oct. 7 practice session in preparation for the competition at the USU National Championships. “Our debaters debated a variety of topics, with 15 minutes of preparation time and no access to the internet on topics that included the
Pope, military action to deter Russia, elimination of animal subsidies, and regretting the 2nd Amendment to name a See TOURN, page 3
Academy helps with business Program designed to help students into the real world By LAURENAE LEAKS lleaks@lmcexperience.com
Photo from www.boora.com
The UCSC McHenry Library is one of the smallest general libraries in the UC system and the largest research library between Stanford and Santa Barbara.
Free campus tours available
Unsure of where to transfer? Sign-up for the Transfer Center’s upcoming university campus tours online: n UC Santa Cruz-STEM Day: Oct. 23. Registration is now open. n St. Mary’s College: Dec. 4. Registration opens Nov. 4. The Transfer Center will provide transportation. For additional information, registration, future tours and tour suggestions contact the Transfer Center at 473-7444 or check out its website losmedanos.edu/transfer/default. asp. The Transfer Center is currently located in Student Services, SS4-435.
Sharpen your business skills
LMC is offering a unique, focused Business Career Academy during this semester. The “Fundamental Business Skills” Academy will prepare students for entry-level positions by providing instruction in the Microsoft Office Suite and in business math and English skills, skills valued by employers. LMC business certificates provide skills needed for immediate employment, while preparing students for advancement to positions that require more in-depth knowledge of organization and business principles. For more information and an application, see the East Bay Career Academy on the LMC website, or contact Melina Rodriguez at mrodriguez@losmedanos.edu or call 473-7416.
Counselors ready to assist
Looking to make an educational plan or review your current one? Do you need career advice or a personal counselor? LMC offers general counseling at both campuses. Drop-in hours are offered throughout the week and change on a weekly basis. Students must have a student ID number and a photo ID to meet with a counselor. Appointments on the Pittsburg campus can be made at the Counseling Department in the Student Services Building, Level 4, calling in at 473-7449, or by visiting www.losmedanos.edu/counseling and clicking on the Make an Appointment link. Appointments at the Brentwood Center can be made in person, or by calling 513-1625. — compiled from press releases and staff reports
Many students might not know the fourth floor of LMCs core building exists, but for students interested in obtaining a career in business, it is home. The Business Academy, which has been around for the past seven years, is set up to help students achieve a certificate to get a jump-start into the real world. It’s also called the Career Advancement Academy and has worked with various fields for vocational training including wielding and child development. This past summer, they also joined with the Emergency Medical Services program to help them progress. This fall semester, they are focusing
on business students once again. The program is geared towards helping dedicated low-income students who are ready to get back into the field and earn a certificate in a semester. After the semester, students can chose to seek employment or continue with their education. “It’s a cohort of students that build a relationship with one another, this helps them all stay on track and succeed,” said Administrative Assistant Melina Rodriquez. The program takes a limited number of students each semester and partners with teachers and counselors on campus to ensure the successful completion of all those enrolled. “I take them all to the student services
building, make sure that their financial aid is in place, their registration is fine and I make sure that they don’t have any issues, because it’s hard, especially as a student,” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez, who is also a business major, has always been excited that she could help students out so that they can be successful. “They have so many obstacles placed ahead of them in their everyday lives, we want to be sure that they have a smooth transition for school,” Rodriguez said. Students who are interested in the career academy can go to the fourth floor of the College Core in Room 401 and talk to Melina Rodriquez or Dave Wahl for more information.
Features Marquee Movies just released
“Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.”
— Molly Ivins
Show shines a ‘light’
n “Hotel Transylvania 2” Rated PG Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy n “The Intern” Rated PG-13 Genre: Comedy n “99 Homes” Rated R Genre: Thriller n “Legend” Rated R Genre: Biography, Drama n “The Martian” Rated PG-13 Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi n “Pan” Rated PG Genre: Thriller, Fantasy n “Steve Jobs” Rated R Genre: Drama, Biography
Photo courtesy of pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com
Screenshot of a new show “Moon over Buffalo.”
El Campanil events The El Campanil Theatre is located at 602 W Second St., Antioch. For ticket sales and additional information visit elcampaniltheatre.com or call 757-9500. n Musician James Garner will be performing a tribute show for “The Man in Black” Johnny Cash Oct. 24 with 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. showings. Ticket prices are $27 for adults, $25 for seniors and free for youth 18 and under with a paid adult. n The International Film Showcase will be screening a showing of social comedy 1960s French film “The Woman on the 6th floor,” Oct. 25 at 2 p.m. Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $7 for seniors and students.
‘Macbeth’ at Drama Factory The Drama Factory presents the classic Shakespearean play, “Macbeth,” which will be performed at the Nick Rodriguez Community Theatre at 213 F St., Antioch. Performances will begin Oct. 30 with a 7:30 p.m. showing and will continue to run Oct. 31, Nov. 1, Nov. 6, and Nov. 7 with 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. showings. Ticket prices are $10 for general admission and $8 for seniors.
Shows at the theater
Photos by Cathie Lawrence • Experience
Artist Bonnie Neumann explains, during a Oct. 1 reception for her exhibit “Water, Light and Time,” how she conceptualizes her artwork. The show features visual representations of the reflections from bodies of water.
Artist meets with gallery gawkers By YETUNDE OGUNLEYE
The Los Medanos College Art Gallery opened a new art exhibit by Bonnie Neumann titled, “Water, Light and Time” Tuesday, Sept. 29. The ar t galler y also brought the experience of the artwork full circle by inviting Neumann to mingle with attendees and give a speech about her work at a reception Thursday, Oct. 1. The reception lasted from 4 to 6 p.m.
Those who attended the reception were offered free snacks and drinks. Bonnie Neumann also provided minnie catalogs featuring pictures of pieces from her collections “Sea Clouds” and “Water, Light and Time” with their written explanations. Neumann’s art pieces were interpretations of how bodies of water behave and some of the beautiful qualities which often get overlooked and unstudied. She uses mostly blue, silver, green, white and black in the majority of her art pieces.
Sketch aims to educate By BEATRIZ HERNANDEZ
Experience • Jazmine Gordon
Kenny Purizaga plays Cheech Marinjuana in the production of “Olé,” opening Oct. 15.
The Los Medanos College Drama Department is bringing the show “Olé for Hollywood” to the campus community; it will be performed at the Little Theater beginning Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Outreach Director Tyrone Davis from the American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) in San Francisco will direct the show. The show will explore the
‘Martian’ underwhelms By GARRETT BELME
Ridley Scott’s science fiction thriller “The Martian” impresses visually, but falls victim to an extremely predictable plot as the movie repetitively solves complex problems with relatively simple answers along with constant comedic misfires. The movie is centered on botanist Mark Watney, played by ‘Damon-sel’ in distress Matt Damon, who is presumed dead, left behind on Mars after a massive sandstorm threatens him and the rest of his crew. With the next mission to Mars scheduled four years out, Watney must find a way to make his food rations last him until then. Being the botanist that he is, Watney predictably figures out how to grow potatoes in his makeshift green house. Later on, when NASA realizes Watney is still alive, they begin a mad scramble to send him supplies to last him until a rescue team can reach Mars. Does The Martian really expect anyone to believe Watney is in any real danger when all his problems are solved with relative ease? Limited food supply? In only a few days, Watney figures out how to grow plants on Mars. Only has a tedious communication system with NASA?
See ART, page 6
‘Olé’ on stage
The California Theatre is located in Pittsburg at 351 Railroad Ave. For ticket sales and additional information call 427-1611. n The comedic play “Moon Over Buffalo” will have showings at the California Theatre Oct. 9 at 8 p.m., Oct. 10 at 2 and 8 p.m. and Oct. 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets prices are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $8 for youth 17 and under. n Award-winning comedian Marc Yaffee, known for his original topics and sarcasm, will be performing a comedy show Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. Ticket prices are $18 in advance and $21 at the door. n The classic interactive performance of “Rocky Horror Picture Show” will be put on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 10 p.m. It is a comedic spoof of Hollywood horror movies. There will be a pre-show beginning at 9:30 p.m. and live shadow casting by The Bawdy Caste. Ticket prices range from $12 to $15. — compiled from press releases and staff reports
The daily pressures of life have a way of making one forget about the beauty that can be captured, when, for example crossing the golden gate bridge. The concepts of water, light and time are interwoven together expertly, and are captured most often in the form of light from the sun reflecting and dancing on the surface of the water. This concept has always fascinated Bonnie. She explained that during her presentation.
stereotypes of Latino culture in the entertainment industry and pop culture. “It explores everything from immigration to body image,” said Davis. “I hope this play can bridge a gap between people.” “Olé for Hollywood” is a sketch comedy, set at an award show called the “Olé Awards” where every actor in the show will be portraying multiple characters such as Donald See OLÉ, page 6
Put Some Power on Your Plate
By William Lide, MD ot all foods are created equal. While some offer relatively little nutrition, others are packed with beneficial nutrients that research shows can help prevent disease and maintain health. And they taste great, too! Here are a few examples of “wonder foods” that deserve a place on your table:
Photo courtesy of IMDB.com
Matt Damon portrays astronaut Mark Watney in new film “The Martian.” NASA instructs Watney on how to hack his rover to somehow allow texting like communication over laptops. Supply rocket is blown up, ensuring he will star ve to death long before anyone will reach him? The Chinese offer up their secret superior rocket to get him supplies. Through the creative use of video logs as a means to stuff exposition down the viewer’s throat, we are treated to the use of uncreative jokes littered throughout the video log scenes. Whether it’s Damon attempt to “science the shit”
out whatever situation he’s in, or it’s the cringe worthy space pirate joke shoehorned in during the movie’s third act, the comedy in The Martian rarely delivers. The Martin is a feel good science-fiction movie that the casual moviegoer will surely feel they got their moneys worth when it’s over. If you’re going in expecting to be as in awe as you no doubt were while watching Ridley Scott’s other sci-fi movies like Alien and Blade Runner, then maybe you’re better off not taking this trip to Mars.
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Avocados: Rich in fiber and oleic acid, which helps lower overall cholesterol levels while raising “good” HDL cholesterol. Quinoa: A deliciously nutty South American grain that delivers an abundance of complete protein, plus manganese, magnesium, and iron. Low-fat yogurt: A great source of muscle-building protein and bonebuilding calcium, plus beneficial bacteria that help boost the immune system. Onions: Full of quercetin, a powerful flavonoid that protects against cancer; research indicates eating onions may also reduce heart disease risk. Chili peppers: Their heating element, capsaisin, appears to inhibit inflammation, clear congestion, and reduce the risk of dangerous blood clots. Parsley: More than a garnish, packed with Vitamin C, heart-healthy betacarotene, and cancer-fighting folic acid. For more tips on eating well, check out Kaiser Permanente’s Web site at www.kp.org/nutrition. This article is proudly sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. William Lide, MD, is Physician Site Leader for the Pleasanton Medical Offices.
Of the10 active starting quarterbacks drafted first overall, how many have a Super Bowl ring? A: 2 (The Mannings)
Defensive battle ends 0-0
Experience • Cathie Lawrence
LMC forward Paola Perez attempts to block the kick from Mendocino defending midfielder Brittni Morgan. The Mustangs are now 1-5-2 overall, 1-2-2 in conference play, good for seventh place in the Bay Valley. Their next home game is against sixth place Marin Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 4 p.m.
Offense had limited chances, goalkeepers strong By JARED AMBUEHL
The Lady Mustangs tied their league competition, the Mendocino College Eagles, 0-0 Tuesday, Oct. 6, taking their overall record to 1-5-2. It’s difficult to say if the team has turned it around a since the start of league, as they have recorded one win, two ties and two losses in the Bay Valley Conference. Tuesday’s game at home saw LMC’s women start off strong, controlling the game relatively well and creating a few chances to score. Mendocino held their backline strong, so there weren’t many chances for LMC’s offense to get anything going, other than a few passes
finding their wingers. Both teams had their chances in the first half, but goalkeeper Randi Strain for Los Medanos College had a solid half, recording a few saves and having a strong outing in the goal kick and drop kick department. Strain has been consistent in goal, anchoring a defense that head coach Mark Bryant hopes to one day develop into something that looked like his when he was at Chico State. Strain said it’s all about the team’s chemistry on the field. “Our chemistry is getting better,” said Strain. “We didn’t really have any in the beginning, but we have come a very long way since then.” LMC’s best chance of scoring is getting
Vball on streak
the ball to number 13, striker Autumn Kish. Even when she is on the field, the team struggles to score goals, one can only imagine how much they struggle when she’s not on the field. “Autumn is one of our best players, and is our best scoring option on offense,” said Bryant. “When she’s not on the field, it really hurts our team and we struggle to get anything going on offense.” Janessa Vreonis, one of LMC’s more consistent players this season and last, went down with an injury in the second half. The wing player appeared to go up and try to win the ball in the air, but when she came down to the turf, she landed awkwardly, as
Stangs suffer sizable defeat
she stayed down. She had to be helped off of the field and could not return to the game. Vreonis was another player who was succeeding in making things happen, beating Mendocino defenders on a number of occasions and getting a cross in. But when she went down, it didn’t look good. Trainer Brian Powelson had to wrap Vreonis’ knee with ice and Bryant thinks his player just might be out for the season. The women’s soccer team’s next home game is Tuesday, Oct. 13 against the College of Marin Mariners. They will look to collect their second win of the season at home against Mendocino Friday, Oct. 9 at Napa Valley College.
41-point loss season worst By XAVIER VALLE and BRENDAN CROSS
Experience • Cathie Lawrence
LMC’s Taylor Green and Savannah Sanchez spike the ball as Solano College’s Mia Satterfield-Pa’U and Hope Driscoll defend. The Mustangs won 3-2 and are 5-0 in conference play, second in the Bay Valley.
ALUMS OF THE WEEK n Sterling Moore (NFL): totaled two tackles in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ loss to the Carolina Panthers. n Taylor Scriven (NCAA volleyball): had a gamehigh 11 kills along with one block in Alcorn State’s 3-0 victory over Grambling Courtesy of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers State. n Terrance Polk (NCAA Sterling Moore, LMC defensive back football): had five catches during 2007-08. for 94 yards and two receiving touchdowns in Ottawa’s 41-25 win against Bethel College.
Experience • Xavier Valle The Los Medanos College Mustangs surrendered 41 unanswered LMC running back Billy Wells dives into the end zone for the points from the second quarter on to Mustangs only touchdown of the game. their undefeated rival Contra Costa College Comets in a 48-7 road loss quarter that gave them a lead, and this time to wideout Jaelen Collins, they would not look back. his only catch of the game. Saturday, October 3. On two back-to-back drives in the Burston threw his third and final Scoring began quickly as CCC’s first drive of the game ended with second quarter, the Mustangs drove touchdown pass on the opening a 43-yard pass from quarterback the ball down field into Comet terri- play of the fourth quarter to wide Cameron Burston (191 yards, 3 touch- tory, but could not make anything of receiver Sterling Taylor (4 catches, downs) to wide receiver Malcolm them as they ended on a failed fourth 56 yards, touchdown) that made down attempt, the score 35-7. Burston’s backup, Hale (6 catches, and a punt. Louis Michael, was brought into the 69 yards, touchFootball Schedule The Comets blowout for the rest of the contest. down). received the ball Michael only tossed four passes, Later in the *denotes conference game to begin the sec- but one of them went to wideout Date Time quar ter, LMC Opponent ond half, as they Maverick Bradford for a 65-yard tied the game @ Hartnell* 10/17 6 p.m. orchestrated an score. Less than a minute later, an with a 1-yard 10/24 1 p.m. economic drive LMC fumble near their own goal line gallop into the Yuba* that gained pos- was recovered by CCC and taken to end zone from @ Redwoods* 10/31 1 p.m. itive yards on the house, resulting in their final r unning back 11/7 3 p.m. each of its eight points in the onslaught. Billy Wells (19 Shasta* plays, including Before the game, LMC head rushes, 74 yards, @ Mendocino* 11/14 1 p.m. a 15-yard rush- coach Chris Shipe acknowledged touchdown), who ing touchdown it would be a tough game, and said has now scored in two consecutive games. However, by Burston extending the lead to 14. he expected “a very hard battle.” LMC’s initial second half drive lost After the loss, he was determined this would be the only touchdown the Mustangs scored, as the Comets 16 yards, aided by a holding penalty, a to look ahead. “Keeping our heads up and focus piled on the rest of the points in false start, and a sack on quarterback Gabe Taylor. The ensuing punt was is all we need for Hartnell,” he said. the game. The Mustangs have a much needed CCC running back Harris Ross returned 30 yards by Hale, and gave averaged nearly 9 yards per carry the Comets great field position on bye week as they have more time to on the evening, running for 142 total their next drive, which they took prepare for their away game against yards, highlighted by his 35-yard advantage of. Burston threw his the also undefeated Hartnell College touchdown scamper in the second second touchdown pass of the day, Panthers Saturday, Oct. 17.
Back Talk
PREP From page 1
But even with a rapid, interagency response to a shooting, law enforcement agencies stress that people should be prepared. In a 2014 repor t on active-shooter situations, the FBI found that 69 percent of shootings ended in less than five minutes, and half of those ended in less than two minutes. LMC Police Services has been reaching out around campus to create contingency plans for such a situation. “People are thinking about it, not that anybody wants to think that this will ever happen,” said Huddleston. “But the fact that they’re thinking about if it does happen, I’m going to do A, B, and C, and if I do A, B, and C, I’m putting myself in a position to be as safe as I can when this horrible event is taking place.” Thanks to a tip, a possibly violent situation at LMC was thwarted a few years ago. “Six or seven years ago, we actually got a tip from a citizen outside, that there was an individual that was thinking about coming to the college to hurt people,” recounted Huddleston. “Our officer met with Pittsburg PD, and when he was coming back to the college, as soon as he pulled into the far west entrance, the individual had just entered the college property, and that’s when he was taken down at gunpoint, and we did find loaded weapons.” Police Services has been facilitating this preparedness by giving localized briefings to departments campus-wide, from the Math Building to Childcare Services. “Depar tments now are understanding that we’re a resource,” said Huddleston. “We’re asked to come out and talk, we talk for 15-20 minutes, we answer a few questions, and they go about their day — that 20 minutes is invaluable. Nobody wants to think about these heinous things that happen, but the fact we’re having a conversation is a start.” Interim Library Director Kim Wentworth recognizes the unique challenges the LMC library would present in an active-shooter situation. “I reached out and asked them to give a talk specially for the librarians and library staff,” Wentworth said. “We went to the Monday training, and then, because the library is a lot different from a classroom, I wanted them to do some specific training for our staff.” Wentworth said that while the training was useful, it didn’t necessarily put her at ease. “I really appreciate the police coming,” Wentworth said, “But the one thing you want to hear them say, they can’t — that it won’t happen here.” Technical Services Librarian Christine Kromer said “hide
out” doesn’t work very well when you’re in one large room. “The first floor of the library, where I spend most of my time — there’s nowhere to hide,” said Kromer. “If I’m lucky and I’m in my office, my office happens to have a lock, but if you’re out at the reference desk... same with all the students that are out there, and the study rooms don’t have locks on the doors, and they have all those windows. This building was not designed with that in mind.” Contra Costa Community College District Chancellor Helen Benjamin addressed the security dilemma that American colleges, designed for education not terrorism, face. “We are committed to suppor ting on-campus safety and security measures at our colleges, with a priority emphasis on prevention whenever possible,” Benjamin said in an email. “While campus safety is of the utmost priority, due to the open nature of our colleges, we are all susceptible to these types of events.” Huddleston said the talks are fairly straightforward, but cover essential questions, like where you should go should a shooting begin on campus, and what sort of odd behaviors you should look for in a potential shooter. “I think if we have an understanding of where exits are, who’s around us... not that we’re going to stare at people all day, but just to say: this is odd,” he said. “This activity, the way that they’re talking, it’s grabbed my attention. Maybe I need to alert the authorities.” Huddleston emphasized the danger of the bystander effect and pointed to the thwarted shooting plot at Summerville High School in Sonora Sept. 30, which was prevented by a student who overheard the boys discussing their plan and reported it to administrators. “Talking to us [is important], getting on the phone and saying “Listen, I overheard something or saw something on social media,” he said. “You might be the one person who heard it. You might be the one person who read it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” According to the FBI report, which studied 160 active shooter situations from 2000 to 2013, schools were the second most common location for such shootings, which were often perpetrated by a student or employee of the institution. Over the 14 years covered by the study, it was found there was an average of 11.4 incidents per year. The shootings are on an upward trend, however, with an average of 16.4 incidents per year from 2007 to 2013. A moment of silence was held on campus Thursday in remembrance of the victims of last week’s Umpqua shooting.
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Chump or Antonio Bun-deras, whom Drama student Claudia Vasquez will be portraying. “Each character that comes out is presenting an award,” said LMC student Tiffanie Moore, “It’s like Saturday Night Live meets the Emmys.” LMC student Lenard Jackson, who plays variety of characters such as Chris Shock and Kevin Hurt, brought up the issue of representation on television. Minorities are often portrayed in a stereotypical way and it can be hard for someone to identify with them. “It’s a sketch comedy basically based around stereotypes and generalizations,” said LMC student Stephanie Lutz who is working on light and design for the show, “There’s some serious issues raised by the comedy itself.“ Written by actor and playwright, Cris Franco, the show has won an Honorable Mention for Best Ensemble at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in 2006. Franco has been brought to rehearsals to update the script with more current events and to write original material for the actors so that each person would have the opportunity to
play major roles. “If you are offended, it’s going to help you realize things that you need to change about yourself and things that you feel need to change about society,” said Drama student Robert Dunn. A large majority of the show is based on stereotypes and current events involving race and are meant to be a reflection of the negative ways that the entertainment industr y portrays minorities. “We’re por traying truth as our society sees it,” said Dunn. “Expect to come and be offended, but it’ll be a good offended.” “Olé for Hollywood” opens on Oct. 15 and runs Oct. 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. with an 11 a.m. matinee showing on Oct. 21. Tickets will be $7 for students and those with military ID, $10 for the general public and $5 for middle school and high school students with an ID. “When people leave here, they’re going to leave with knowledge,” said Kenny Purizaga, who will be playing award show host Cheech Marinjuana. “It’s education through comedy.”
O C T.
change will “supply financial relief” to those who have gone so long without a rise in their salaries. With the exception of a small 2 percent increase in 2013, Huff said there has not been a pay increase since 2008 when the economy took a turn for the worst. “It’s been a substantial amount of time since the last salary increase,” said Huff. “The district is very happy to be able provide that kind of increase for our employees.” This increase will help not only those currently employed by the district, but the many new full time employees that are expected to be hired in the future. “It makes us a more attrac-
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The three new senators accepted include Makayla Scott-Jefferson, Richard Stanfield and Joseph Cariaso. At the Aug. 31 meeting, Stanfield stressed the importance of LMCAS having a presence on campus and although he has other responsibilities; he’s making being a senator a priority. Cariaso said he wanted to focus on groups on campus that were perhaps more marginalized than others. Walker-Roberts says his goal is to “provide a solid student voice” this semester. “Representing the students in our district is a job I don’t take lightly. The district students have entrusted me to represent them,” he said. He also wants there to be working relationship between the AS presidents of each college in the district. “I strive to keep them aware of the agenda items being discussed on a monthly basis and solicit their input on topics, as they represent their student bodies on a local level,” said Walker-Roberts. Ogunleye wants to make sure students see LMCAS represented in the right way. She wants there to be an image of LMCAS that “reflects what we actually do.” “I’m way more invested in it. Now I’m more into organization and order,” said Ogunleye. She then explained having more responsibility might mean “having to be strict even when you don’t want to.” Meeks says he is “excited” to see what the semester brings. Sen. Rose Johnson, Sen. Stanfield, Sen. Cariaso, Sen. Scott-Jefferson, Commissioner of Campus Events Diona Shelbourne and Treasurer Teniesha Little couldn’t be reached for comment.
“This is a good raise this year, and we appreciate it,” said Michels to members of the Board following their decision. “Investing in employees is good for students.” According to the Sept. 24 edition of the UF Newsletter “Table Talk,” in accordance with the agreement, retroactive to July 1, 2015, salaries will increase 5 percent overall, although there may be some variations based on full-time and part-time employment. “We’re all glad the agreement has been reached,” said LMC President Bob Kratochvil, adding that not only the monies being available by the district “warranted” the salary increases, but was also “good From page 4 for morale.” “My earliest memor y of In addition to a morale boost, Executive Vice Chan- water was playing with a hose cellor Gene Huf f said the in the front yard as a little kid back in the mid west,” said Neumann. “I would be making these drawings, these figures and the droplets are coming From page 1 down mid drawing, in the source for students to follow sun light and it was such a as a general reference guide strong impression on me I showing major-related courses remembered it many, many, they should follow towards many years later.” Second year LMC student transferring to the UC,” said Eric Cruz, said he experiences David Reyes. Transfer Pathways are not the synchronization of water a guaranteed admission to a and light the Neumann atUC school, but will help make tempts to capture on silkscreen it easier to transfer. Students when he crouches down and in will still need to meet other re- front of the piece titled “Broad quirements such as having the Daylight (sky mirror).” He catches glimpses of the minimum GPA requirement. Reyes urges students to metallic gold, silver, yellow still visit with a Counselor to and white oil paint off the sea go over their educational plan, foam green, gray, light blue while also referring to assist. and forest green silkscreen org to see the entire list of background. “Water and light with metal major preparation courses for has the characteristic of how each UC campus. For more information on light reflects you know— it the UC Transfer Pathways, captures that.” Cruz urges visit the Transfer Services in the audience to “look at pieces the Student Services Center differently— from different on the second floor or go to angles” in reference to the the UC Transfer Pathways broad daylight piece. Although this is Eric’s secwebsite at http://admission. universityofcalifornia.edu/ ond time visiting the LMC art gallery, this experience has transfer/preparation-paths.
Follow the LMC Experience online at lmcexperience.com
tive employer,” said Huf f, who added that the district plans to hire 50 new full-time employees by the Fall 2016. “Faculty are working harder than ever these days,” said Michels. “But a good raise and new hires are a boost to morale. And good teachers become great teachers when they feel supported.” While details on when the increase will first appear on faculty paychecks are still uncertain, Michels said in an email to UF members that “the retroactive portion of the salar y increase will likely come in the October 31 paycheck for full-time faculty and the November paycheck for part-time faculty.”
made him want to come back. One piece also inspired graphic design student, Ariana Benitez. She expressed the wish to be able to afford her favorite of Neumann’s artwork, “Sea Clouds,” a variance of grey, black and silver pieces with one cobalt blue piece in the middle. “As an adult, I have memory’s of feeling like my body was a beam of light. So these things have been with me for a long time,” said Neumann, explaining her inspiration for her artwork. She then encourages everyone their to take that experience with them when looking at her pieces. Though she tends to use a similar color palette for most of her pieces, not all of Neumann’s pieces feature the same color scheme. One of them features vibrant red, gold, royal purple and soft pink. Neumann explains she doesn’t always depict water in the traditional method because she focuses on the movement of the water mostly meaning the space between the currents, the negative space, and the water at different times of the day. She explains, “There’s a simultaneity about a wave: It’s really hard to take it all in at once.”
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few,” said Arcidiocono. LMC debate team member, Yetunde Ogunleye, explained why LMC debated against universities instead of other community colleges. “There aren’t enough other community colleges in British Parliamentary debate to form a league, so we compete with universities from around the country, like UCLA, Pepperdine, San Diego State, Cal Poly, United States Air Force academy, Claremont, Point Loma, university of Vermont, and others,” said Ogunleye. Another member of the team, Sarah Zamjahn, described what it was like to go against the tougher teams. “It’s a pretty stressful situation prepping for a round but once I get into the round I just get really excited to debate,” said Zamjahn. “It’s challenging going against higher level schools but once we realize that we’re usually the only community college, we think ‘Wow I guess we’re good enough to go against them.’” “It being our first tournament of the season, I think we were a little rusty but as the rounds went on we all definitely saw improvement in our LMC teams,” said Zamjahn. One highlight of the trip came at the back end. “On our way home from San Diego we ran into the 27th California Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson. The debaters and Tom were able to chat before the flight home and discuss current events. Tom and his wife, Mae Cendana Torlakson even took time to take a picture with our debaters.” Zamjahn added, “Meeting Tom Torlakson was awesome. He was really nice and seemed really interested in what the debate team does. It happened because Taylor from our team recognized him and went up to him and sparked a conversation and introduced us all.” The LMC debate team is gearing back up to head back out to southern California for the USU National Championships held at Claremont McKenna College. Their first public debate this semester will be Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at Pittsburg City Hall.
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