The Experience 11.18.11

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Remember this in November n Nov. 18 Last day to withdraw from full term classes with a “W” appearing on fall transcript n Nov. 21 Begin priority registration for EOPS, DSPS, & qualified students. n Nov. 24/25 Thanksgiving holiday, college closed. n Nov. 26/27 College closed, no Saturday/Sunday classes. n Nov. 28 Registration for continuing students begins by appointment. Check Web Advisor for your registration date. n Nov. 30 Deadline for CSU/UC applications. For more information call the Transfer Center at 439-2181 ext. 3124.

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Appeal grades cautiously Formal and informal options available


Upon mention of the grade appeals process, a shadow crosses the face of Janet Pineda, a student at Los Medanos College who is a two-time veteran of the procedure. Her memories of the long and involved process are far from sweet. “It took a lot of work,” said Pineda. The grade appeals process helps ensure that all students are graded fairly and accurately. If students receive a final grade they feel is incorrect, they have the right to have the grade reviewed and potentially

changed. As Pineda found, grades have real consequences. Poor grades can lead to academic suspension and revoking of financial aid, so resources like the grade appeals process that ensure accurate grading are valuable to students. There are two levels of the grade appeals process, the shorter informal level and the longer formal level. All grade appeals begin on the informal level, between the student and the teacher. The first step is always asking the instructor to clarify why a grade was given. If the instructor agrees

there is a problem with the grade, they will work with administration to fix it, and the process stops there. For Pineda, it did not end there. She had to move on to the formal level, which she found to be deeply involved and detailed. In a case where the instructor does not think the grade was given in error, the student then contacts the department chair, who in turn contacts the instructor and tries to reach a solution. When no agreeable solution is possible, the student must fill out a grade appeal form and a hearing with the Grade Appeal Committee See GRADE, page 6

Love, marriage and murder

Umoja Scholars spring cohort The Umoja Scholars Program is commited to enriching and nurturing the educational experience of all students, especially African American and first generation college students, ultimately preparing them for success beyond LMC. Umoja is now accepting applications for a new spring cohort. You must enroll in Math 12 and either English 70, 90, 100, or 221 in spring 2012. For more information contact A’kilah Moore at 439-2181 ext. 3243.

Talk to UC/CSU representative Representatives from fouryear colleges and universities visit the LMC Transfer Center often throughout the semester. To make appointments, call 439-2181 ext. 3124. CSU East Bay n Dec 1, 3-6 p.m. by appointment. Dec 1, Brentwood Center, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. by appointment. UC Davis n Nov. 29, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. by appointment. Brandman University n Dec 1, 11:30 a.m. -1p.m. info table near cafeteria. St. Mary’s College n Nov. 21, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. by appointment. San Francisco State n Nov. 29, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. by appointment. San Francisco Art Institute n Dec 13, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. info table near cafeteria. Academy of Art University n Dec 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. info table near cafeteria.

Photo by Mark Martinez

“Blood Wedding,” a play by Spanish poet and dramatist Federico Garcia Lorca, runs through Nov. 21 in LMC’s Little Theatre.

Local author visits LMC

ICC supply drive lacks donations


Members of the Umoja Scholars program and other students gathered in the Library Room L109 to see author Monique Morris last Wednesday. Morris was on campus to talk about her debut novel, “Too Beautiful for Words.” When Morris arrived to the room where the discussion was being held, she was introduced to the crowd and applause filled the room as Morris took a seat. Morris has written several articles, book chapters and other publications on social justice issues. “Too Beautiful for Words” is a book that English 90 students are currently reading. For students who haven’t read the book, See MORRIS, page 6


Photo by Nick Campbell

Monique Morris signs copies of her debut novel last Wednesday.

New student government gets settled in Brannon to plan events

Students welcome to join discussions



Staff Writer

The Experience is now online Go to LMC’s website and click on the areas of study and journalism links to see the Experience in color.

Staff Writer

Interested in participating in more student activities? Do you have an idea for something new on campus? If so, this semester’s new commissioner for campus events, Elizabeth Brannon, is your go-to girl. Brannon, 20, is from Los Angeles and moved to the Bay Area with her grandmother . She is the middle child out of three, and has a big family. Her grandmother took her in as a baby and she has been like a mother to her ever since. “She taught me how to be See PLAN, page 6

Photo by Larena Hernandez

“I am creative... I like seeing things differently than other people.”

— Elizabeth Brannon

As two tape recorders lay on the large conference table inside a small, cramped room in the LMC library, Associated Student President Heriberto Diaz called Monday’s weekly student government meeting to order. The conversation started off light, with personal and private discussions being held around the table. As senators began to wrestle out papers and flyers, the meeting took on a more serious tone as student and campus topics were discussed. What is commonly unknown is that students are welcome to participate in senate meetings, and to offer their opinions and ideas. Marqauvis Brown, a criminal justice student and Luvy Tores, a political science major, both observed the meeting and quickly became a part of the conversation. See LMCAS, page 6

The Inter-Club Council spent most of its Monday, Nov. 14 meeting discussing the lack of participation in the supply drive it is sponsoring, and brainstorming ideas to increase participation and donations. Since it’s the holiday season the ICC wants to show their Christmas spirit and help children in need. “It’s the season of giving. I feel like we should all live up to life’s standard of human excellence and give back,” said ICC Chair Kevin Ingram. The council figured that with the budget cuts schools are facing, they might be in need of help. “We contacted six elementary schools and asked if they needed school supplies and they said they did,” said Ingram. The ICC has been heavily promoting its supply drive to support needy children, said ICC Adviser Ashley Adams. They are asking for donations of new school supplies, small toys and healthy, nonperishable snacks. “If they don’t want to donate supplies or toys, they can give a cash donation to me or any of the club reps,” said Ingram. Marked bins were placed around campus Monday, Nov. 7 — by Umoja on the first floor of the Math building, near MESA on the second floor of the Science building, in the Honors Center, in the Library and the Student Life office. But nothing had been put in them prior to Monday’s meeting. The ICC plans to purchase 150 Christmas stockings, fill them with supplies and toys and give them See ICC, page 6







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“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

— Albert Pink

Callib Carver

Irvin Trigueros

make me care

mindful hUman

Stop the internet from censorship

Appreciating the fight for a cause

Let’s censor the radio. Now that the radio is censored, let’s turn our sights on the TV. What else is there to censor? Oh yes, I almost forgot, the Internet. That is what the Protect-IP act & Stop Online Piracy act (SOPA) plan to do. But I’m not going to just rant about how I’m against these acts of congress. Let’s break them down. Protect-IP is short for Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011. A mouth full, I know. Senator Patrick Leahy and 11 initial co-sponsors introduced this from both the republican and democratic parties. This act would give the U.S government and copyright holders additional tools to curb access to, what they consider “rogue” websites, that allow users to download illegally and or provides counterfeit goods. First off, this bill is estimated to cost roughly $47 million through the year 2016. That would cover the cost of hiring and training 22 new special agents and support staffs. Now maybe it is just me, but that’s quite a bit of money for 22 new staff members. While this is aimed at these “rogue” websites that provide pirated material of any kind, it will allow the government and copyright holders to censor the Internet in such a way to block even the simplest material. For example, did you know the “Happy Birthday” song is copyrighted? In 1935, The Summy Company registered for copyright, crediting authors Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R.R. Forman. Then in 1990 Warner Chappel purchased the company, and the copyright. While today, the copyright on this traditional song, is in question. The point is, should some mystery copyright holder be allowed to order YouTube to pull the video of you singing happy birthday to your little cousin? This, along with SOPA, will allow them to censor even more material 7 websites, than they do now and than they claim these acts are for. Now let’s say hello to the second contender, in the blue corner SOPA. Introduced by Lamar Smith and a bipartisan group of 12 co-sponsors. This bill would help copyright holders & law enforcers fight online piracy. This like ProtectIP is aimed at “foreign infringing sites” that engage in trademark counterfeiting, copyright infringement, or theft of trademark secrets If the site is domestic, they are subject to seizure. Here is the problem, that not only I but also other see. I post on my blog about some company. Let’s say Google. In this post, I talk about how I don’t like their newest product, let’s choose Google+. I don’t break any laws, or anything. But I do use the official Google+ & Google logo. With Protect-IP & SOPA in place, Google can move to remove my post, because I didn’t ask direct permission to use their logo. Thus it can be viewed as copyright infringement. They could even go as far as to shut down my entire blog. In no way shape or form is that ok or right. If Google doesn’t want me using their logos, I can understand. Simply contact me and ask me to remove the images and I can and probably would. Assuming they weren’t rude about it, or demanding. But they shouldn’t be able to simply claim marshal law, as it appears they are attempting to take. It’s as if they are trying to censor the world’s largest free speech forum. If they want to censor the Internet, then they should have done it from the start, instead of jumping in on the censorship wagon mid-journey. I feel like the only reason they are trying so hard to pass these and similar acts, bills, legislations, etc. is because of the uprisings, and global community joining arms to become one entity and finally stand up and speak our minds. Be it via a blog, podcast, video, forum, or what ever. The governments are running scared now. They realize finally the people hold the power and the Internet can cause them to lose it. So they fight it with censorship.

When people fight or are against something for a cause, it’s because they feel that what they fight for is right for them and everybody, that it is for the best. In the field of sociology, this is called a group action, a situation in which a large number of persons take action simultaneously in order to achieve a common goal. There are the naysayers who say that “fighting back” is futile, stupid and a waste of time. I’m for people that look for solutions. I don’t like to sit down on problems that can have potentially good resolutions. If a good answer to a problem exists, there is still hope. I suppose that’s the optimistic idealist in me, because in this world I live in, some people don’t even want to bother with hope. When I see those Occupy movement protests in the six o’clock news, I see oppression but also spirit in these people. They started the movement to voice their opinions and opposition to corporations that, they claim, are influencing the American government by creating economic inequality in U.S society. I commend those who want to seek solutions. What I don’t condone are those that present them an overly obnoxious, ill-natured manner. For example, there were protesters who flocked the streets and blocked traffic, picketing their signs screaming out how they’re the 99% or how we need to stand up and fight back or whatever. Sometimes, this is rallying. Why would you need to create such inconveniences to the rest of the us, just so you can get your message across? These kinds of approaches turn me off, because this tells me that you are going to go out of your way to disturb the peace of others to fuel you or your group’s agenda. I’m not criticizing any particular movement or campaign for these actions. I’m only pointing the scenario of a protest that does not exercise a high level of self-control. Going to what I said earlier about the naysayers, some of them choose to do nothing. If you choose not to get involved because the chances of success are slim-to-none, fine. But if you condemn us because we want to make a good difference and show how we care for something, it shows us that you are likely incompetent to voice opinion. At least we did something. The concept of activism does not exist just in politics and it doesn’t have to be either, in fact. There is an online fan campaign called Get Me Off The Moon, whose goal is to bring a canceled video game called Mega Man Legends 3 back into development. The story goes that a game company had announced the game last September after the video game series previously had a 10 year hiatus. Shortly after, the company Capcom announced that fans could directly contribute the game’s development by providing ideas, art designs, and other input. The company later canceled the title, despite strong support, involvement, and contributions by the fans. The fans, devastated, have since gathered to start up a campaign to obtain one hundred thousand likes on Facebook to show that the game is worthy of production and success. So far they’ve met half that goal. Participating in groups that seek to fairly achieve a fair goal is fun. The unity established in the group creates a sense of optimism, unanimity and for some people and depending on the circumstances, even friendship. A positive sense of “Yeah, we can do it!” and “Yeah, lets have fun doing it!” It can bring out the best of people, especially when the group has fun and the bond is high in morale and spirit. What I’m looking to say is that the concept grouping together to being about a positive outcome is what I’m totally for. So if you want to protest, go ahead. This is supposed to be a free country. I wish you luck in your cause, just don’t get in anyone’s way or mine. I won’t be in yours.

Cartoon by Chuck Buck


De-stress during the holidays


he holiday season is approaching us. Pretty soon cheer will fill the air, the smell of turkey and holiday food will tingle the senses and festive Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations will be hung. Along with all the holiday festivities upon us the semester is coming to a close. Finals week is coming up and soon after that winter break. This may be stressful for students with most of their time being put to studying and making sure classes are passed. Times may be tough but don’t forget to take a break and enjoy everything around you. For many students, this may be their last semester here at LMC or just another step closer to being able to transfer and move on. Spend time with your friends and family and count the blessings in your life. While it’s important to take a break every now and then, we should also be thinking about others during this holiday season. Some of the less fortunate may not have some of the same luxuries as you and don’t get to enjoy a home cooked meal. There are many opportunities to help those in need such as volunteering at a local soup kitchen or donating things such as clothing, food and other various items. The smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference in someone’s life.

Letter to the Editor

Add more parking spots for motorcycles

Dear Editor: Handicap and bicycle parking is available in just about every parking lot, but motorcycle parking is not. At the Brentwood and Pittsburg campuses, there is no designated parking for motorcycle riders. This is a problem for the students who ride a motorcycle since it is not safe to leave them between cars. I, as a rider try to ride as often as possible not just because it feels great to be on a two-wheeled machine, but also because riding a motorcycle is more economical than driving a car. On average, a motorcycle can get around fifty miles to the gallon or more! Also, the parking permits for a motorcycle at the LMC campus are only $10, that’s a half of what cars have to pay. As a student who pays enough for class fees, books, and other school supplies, I try to save money wherever I can. Outside of campus when I ride to certain stores, I find that they have designated parking for motorcycles and I wonder why isn’t there any at LMC? Not only is motorcycle parking convenient, I believe it is also safer. “I feel like they should have it [motorcycle spots] everywhere,” said Jaime Armenta, a fellow motorcycle enthusiast. An average size bike can weigh around four hundred pounds and the only thing holding that weight up is a simple kick-stand. Parking in between two cars can be a hazard sometimes because a carelessly opened car door


could easily cause that bike to tip over and may cause severe damage to a walking pedestrian, the car on the other side, or the bike itself. Another reason why a designated parking space would be safer is because they tend to be close to public entrances and as motorcycle owners know, it doesn’t take much more than a pickup truck and two people that can lift 400 pounds to easily steal a bike that is parked somewhere that is out of sight. A standard parking spot for a car can easily fit two motorcycles and since there are not a lot of motorcycles on campus on any given time, I believe there are one or two parking spots that can be spared to accommodate the few riders out there. Maybe if these parking spaces become available, other people that hold off from riding to school may change their mind. Unless there is some sort of legal issue for not having this, I don’t see any reason why this would not be an idea to be considered. — Neri Miranda

Reader Opinion Policy The Experience welcomes Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns. If you are interested bring submissions to Room CC3-601 and put them in the Perspectives Editor’s mailbox. Letters and columns must be typed, signed and include both a day and evening phone number for verification.

L os M edanos C ollege


What are your favorite foods to eat during the holidays?


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Member California Newspaper Publishers Association

“Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” — Thomas Jefferson

Editor in Chief ........... SAMUEL A. GONZALEZ Perspectives Editor ........... MARK MARTINEZ . Campus Editor ..................... NICK CAMPBELL and MARK FRANCIS

“Hot totties. It’s the only time of the year you can have them around the fire and good memories come back to you.” — Mandy Benning

“Sweet potatoes. I’m allergic to dairy products and I don’t eat meat, so it’s kind of a process of elimination.” — Kelsey Robinson

Features Editor .......... ANGELICA GONZALEZ. and SKYE SALA

“I love mashed potatoes because there’s tons of it and plenty for me to eat.” — Nick Dodson

“I love pumpkin pie. Not with whipped cream, just the pie. During the season, I have to have my own pie.” — Nicholas Kraber

“Pie with green tea. It’s delicious and because tea is good for you.” — Amina Rahimi

“Salvadorian style turkey. When I eat it, it makes me feel like I’m back home.” — Claudia Vasquez

Sports Editor .................... LAURA CRABTREE Photo Editor .............................. LISA CASSIDY Assistant Photo Editor.............. JESUS CHICO The LMC Experience is published Fridays by the journalism program. The newspaper serves as a laboratory for journalism classes and as a First Amendment forum for campus communication. Opinions expressed in the Experience are solely those of the students and do not represent the views of the college.




Campus Newswatch

Nursing seminar this weekend

On Saturday, Nov. 19, LMC will hold a Nursing Career Seminar between 9 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. in College Complex 4, Room 473. The Nursing Career Seminar is for students interested in the nursing profession. All are welcome. In this seminar, students develop an awareness of the professional standards of practice of the registered nurse and the licensed vocational nurse, introducing current trends related to the profession of nursing. Students there will be provided with an overview of the course requirements needed to qualify for LMC’s nursing programs. Before attending, please bring your current copy of the Nursing Applicant Handbooks to class. No other prerequisites are needed. Registration is limited, so sign up ASAP via InSite Portal at pages/default.aspx



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“The great end of life is not knowledge but action.”

— Thomas Henry Huxley

Food for thought

Muslim unity group on campus

The Muslim Student Association is here to unite Muslims and non-Muslims together in harmony. Meetings are held every Monday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Music Room 710. For more info email

UMOJA accepting applications

Interested in achieving your academic dreams while being part of a supportive learning environment? Become an UMOJA Scholar. The scholars are currently accepting applications for their new spring cohort. UMOJA is a program that addresses student needs through academic support services and a curriculum that focuses on African-American literature and history. You must enroll in Math 12 and either English 70, 90, 100, or 221 in Spring 2012. If you want more information or need to print out an application, visit UMOJA online at umoja/ or contact A’kilah Moore at 439-2181 ext. 3243.

Check out the Inter-Club Council

Inter-Club Council meetings are held on Mondays from 3 p.m – 4 p.m. in the Library, Room L-106 (Conference Room 2). Each club can be represented in the ICC, which promotes engagement in community college activities. If your club is a member of ICC, it is imperative that your ICC representative attends the meetings on a regular basis.

Come to heal and connect

The Healing Circle provides a unique opportunity for both students and staff to share their stories; helping others while they help themselves. Through information, discussion, and support, they provide a comfortable and safe place for sharing feelings related to the stress of balancing college and personal life. Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 12 p.m in Room 473 (upstairs from Admission). If you need more information, contact Phil Gottlieb at ext. 3382, or Francis Moy at ext. 3136.

Visit Cuba for New Year’s Eve

Celebrate a joyous New Year’s Eve in Cuba with the sizzling rhythms and passion of music and dance – the soul of the Cuban people. The trip will be led by Professor of Anthropology Lenore Gallin, who has directed five previous trips to Cuba. The trip will last from Dec. 27 to Jan. 11. For further information, contact Professor Gallin at 925685-1230, ext. 2772.

East Bay Career Advancement

Become qualified for employment as an assistant teacher in just one semester – with no cost to you! This program, presented to you by the East Bay Career Advancement Academy, fulfills the State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Child Development Assistant Teacher Permit requirements.

Spring 2012 semester: n Jan. 23 – May 24. Monday – Thursday, 9:30-2:30 p.m. No cost to qualifying students for books and materials, student fees and parking. Early Childhood Education required courses: n Child Development 1- Introduction to early childhood studies - 3 units n Child Development 10- Child growth and development - 3 units n English 90- Integrated Reading/Writing/Critical Thinking - 5 units n Human Services 110- Academy for College Excellence (ACE) Foundation – 1.5 units n HMSRV-111-ACE Team Self Management - .5 unit There is a max of 30 students, so enroll early.

Career Center is willing to help

Are you undecided about your major or career goals? Overwhelmed by all of your options? The Career Center offers a variety of assessments in the areas of interests, personality, skills and values to help students attain their goals. Career Center staff will work with you to explore potential goals and refer you to campus counselors to develop an education plan. Don’t spend another semester feeling undecided; contact the Career Center at 439-2181, ext. 3252 to schedule an appointment today.

Apply for a scholarship for 2012

Vanguard Minority Scholarship Program gives out meritbased scholarships, up to $10,000, to students who are entering either their junior or senior year of college during the upcoming 2012 Fall and Spring semesters. For an application or more information, please visit the Vanguard website at

LMC Alumni Raider ticket sale

The LMC Alumni association has teamed up with the Oakland Raiders once again this season to offer you tickets at a discount rate. When you purchase these specially priced tickets, LMC receives $20 of each ticket sold and proceeds go to support the LMC Bookstore’s textbook rental program. Contact Claudia Acevedo at 439-2181, ext. 3130, by email, or by fax at 432-3261 for more information. — Compiled from press releases and staff reports

Photo by Brandon Ribergaard

Hispanic high school students from around the county had lunch in the LMC cafeteria after the 10th annual Education Conference in cooperation with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Contra Costa County (H5C).

‘Narrowing the Gap’ with H5C By BRANDON RIBERGAARD Staff Writer

You may remember that the cafeteria was closed a couple of weeks ago. “Why?” you ask. In cooperation with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Contra Costa County (H5C), Los Medanos College hosted an education conference on Nov. 4 called “Narrowing the Gap” for Hispanic high school students. The introduction took place in the music recital hall, nine workshops were held in classrooms spread out all over campus and lunch was in the café. The workshops were given by successful professionals from all over Northern California and presented from their respective occupations to approximately 230 students from sixteen Bay Area public high schools. The first workshop was lead by Choy Roxas with UC Merced in the Nursing Department. “You are fortunate enough to be sitting here to prepare for your education,” said Roxas. The objective for this event was to get high school students to think about what they want to do with their futures and also have them consider attending and graduate from a community college or university. “We are trying to give options to students in high school. Motivation is key,” said LMC’s Student Outreach Manager Jorge Cea. H5C’s mission for this conference is to encourage Latino students to stay in school, learn about college and meet business professionals. “In my experience, the key to attending college is making the decision to attend under any personal obstacles or difficult circumstances. I attended college with help of grants and financing options. The key to success is pursuing a higher education or a skilled trade, networking along the way and having a passion in what you do,” said Eric Maldonado, H5C President.

See GAP, page 6

Photo by Brandon Ribergaard

Camme Benzler’s Zesty Minestrone Soup gets a tasty honorable mention at the second annual soup cook off.

Second annual soup cook-off By BRANDON RIBERGAARD Staff Writer

The second annual Soup Cook-off was held on Nov. 8 in the quad near the cafeteria. Ten cooks participated in the fundraiser and Linda Maniscalco, with the business office, was happy with the amount of money raised. Maniscalco was the director of this charity event. “The Soup Cook-off was another success, we earned $559.00 to put towards student scholarships,” said Maniscalco. Maniscalco sends out a congratulations to all winners as well as honorable mentions and a special thanks goes to all who See SOUP, page 6

Sometimes waiting pays off Campus assistant wins state award

fordable education is more difficult.” Stephanie is very dedicated to the students she serves and works very hard in support of the Admissions & Records at Los Medanos College and the district. She has high level of personal and professional integrity. She is a very humble perMADELINE HENDERSON son with a spirit that sends Staff Writer out warmth and love for her job, the students, and her There is a saying in life: co-workers. Susie Purdy, good things come to those who has worked with her who wait. Sometimes you for the past 20 years, calls may have to wait a long time her “a wonderful person to for it to happen. Stephanie work with and to know as a Alves found this to be true, co-worker. It has been a long the 58-year-old LMC’s Lead time coming for her, but I feel Photo by Brandon Ribergaard Admissions and Records she definitely deserves it.” Assistant won the statewide Stephanie Alves presents the award she won from the Rikki Hall concurs, having award at the California Com- California Community College’s Board of Governors. worked with Stephanie for munity College’s Board of Governors award ceremony in Sacramento. LMC and really enjoyed coming to college. two years. “I am happy that she won the She received a Microcomputer Systems award because she is a wonderful person She was being honored as one of six classified staf f members at California Specialist certificate and when the position to work with,” said Hall. Stephanie said her mother “was a believer community colleges who demonstrate was open here at LMC as administrative exemplary commitment to professionalism specialist, she applied for it. She spent 50% in education. She instilled the importance and community colleges. She has been at of her time working in LMC president’s of education in her life.” Because of what LMC for the past 20 years and has worked office and the other 50% of her time work- her mother did for her, she is dedicating in her current position for 17 years. The ing in Admissions and Records where she the award money given to her to start a reason she is so good at her job is because gained the experience that lead to her scholarship here at LMC in honor of her mother. This is to help students who are position today. she enjoys working with the students. She said that it gives her “great honor not able to attend college to be able to go. She grew up in the town of Antioch, and Stephanie is a person with a heart for graduated from Antioch High. She started to receive this award and to know that my her professional career at US Steel and work is being recognized by the community. people and helps make this world a better With today’s economic challenges, af- place to live. Dow Chemical. She took some classes at







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“A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crises.”

— Andre Maurois

Another bloody play

Gaming Halo remake making strides By JARED THOMSON Staff Writer

With the commercial failure of the Atari Jaguar in 1996, American-made game consoles had been a thing of the past, leaving Microsoft facing a bit of skepticism from GameCube and PlayStation 2 console owners when they introduced the original Xbox in 2001. Microsoft hired developer Bungie, Inc. to prepare for the console’s launch day as they would have to go up against corporate giants, Nintendo and Sony, in the wake of former contender Sega’s defeat in the console wars During 2001’s holiday season, there was one game that set itself apart from the rest, placing the Xbox in high demand, setting a record at the time for one of the most successful game console launches in America. “Halo: Combat Evolved” was the killer app from Bungie that spawned one of the most successful franchises of all time with over 40 million copies sold in the game series thus far. And ten years later, we are able to celebrate the birth of Halo in 343 Industries’ enhanced remake, “Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary”, for the Xbox 360. Earlier this year, Bungie retired from the franchise, leaving it in the hands of Microsoft’s new development team 343 Industries (343i), comprised of former Bungie employees and other former game developers. After developing the “Halo Waypoint” hub application and a map pack for “Halo Reach,” 343i announced the long awaited “Halo 4” along with a remastered remake of the original Halo, to introduce the series to gamers that may have missed out on it before. If you have never played “Halo: Combat Evolved,” the story picks up right where “Halo: Reach” ends. 343i did something unique with this remake, although you may have seen this technique in other game remakes such as “The Secret of Monkey Island”, the ability to switch from remastered HD graphics to the classic graphics from ten years ago with the push of a button during play. Fans of the original will be able to see how the classic they remember has changed for the better and new gamers will be able take a look back to a time in history where American-made games made a huge comeback, forever changing console shooters and placing Microsoft in the position of dominance over Sony and Nintendo. It’s abundantly clear that this is the exact same game from ten years ago with a facelift not just in the graphics department, but also featuring a remastered soundtrack. Controls are the same; in fact it’s the exact same game engine, since 343i did not want to tarnish Bungie’s original work. This was a wise decision on their part, because a facelift was all that was needed. Having played every Halo game in the main series, I can see that the gameplay still holds up well, even today. However, Reach players may be disappointed to see that the main character, Master Chief, is lacking special abilities that characters had in Reach, such as the jetpack or sprinting. Don’t let that stop you from enjoying one of the best shooters of its time. This game is fantastic and it’s only the beginning in an amazing trilogy that ends with “Halo 3”, but 343i has added new surprises throughout the main campaign that offer hints toward the continuing story in the upcom-



Photo by Lisa Cassidy

Cesar Reyes plays cheating husband Leonardo and Alexis Moreno plays his wife in “Blood Wedding.”

‘Wedding’ brings an array of emotions By CALLIB CARVER Staff Writer

Love is a basic human emotion, which controls and consumes us all. The one emotion above any other emotion that we cannot and may never control or understand. The world created by Federico Garcia Lorca is no exception to this. Nick Garcia directs the most recent production by the Los Medanos Drama department and he has kept true to the simple set design we have seen with this semesters productions. Something that has helped draw the attention of audience members away from the surroundings of the characters, and push the focus onto the story, into the emotions flowing through the veins of a heart broken and spiteful mother. The love of a bride that wants to be with another man, as much as she wants him gone from her life. As the moon, played by Karen Hernandez, shines down upon a forest grove the audience is drawn in


Photo by Lisa Cassidy

Melodie Ketchum plays Leonardo’s mother in law.


even more as the plot thickens. As Leonardo, played by Cesar Reyes, and the newly wedded bride, played by Sonia Azizi, run off into the night. Only to be met by death portrayed as a beggar, played by Marcel Saunders. Even the comical stumbling of the Woodcutters Ensemble, played by Michael Simpson, Tyrell Burkes, and Edward Pitcher, cannot ease the pain thrust upon you as Leonardo and the Groom, played by David Sanchez, fight to the death. But this is not a fight of pure anger. It is a fight that burns from the hearts of two men in love with the same women. A fight to exact revenge for the fallen brother, and father of the groom, lives that were taken by no other than Leonardo’s own family some years ago. But fighting never ends on a good note. In the end we find only pain, heartbreak, and even some confusion as with all death. Why did it have to end like this? After seeing this production twice, I give this production a three and a

See PLAY, page 6

Local band impresses

LMC, DVC students HELPING YOU thrive rock out

Ready to Quit Smoking? By Martin Mazar, MD


very cigarette you smoke shortens your life by 11 minutes, meaning a whole pack cuts your lifespan by more than 3.5 hours. Smoking increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and many other serious health problems and is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. After just one year of being smoke-free, your risk of dying from heart disease is cut in half. If you are ready to quit, here are some ideas to help you succeed: • Know your reason: Your reason for quitting is important. Do you want to protect your heart, improve your health, live longer or save money? Having a reason that comes from you – not a friend or family member – helps you take ownership, making it easier to quit for good. • Make a plan: Set a quit date. Plan ahead for any problems or barriers. Plan healthy things to do for those times when you would usually have a cigarette. Think about ways to reward yourself for reaching specific milestones. You can find “personal action plan” forms on the Kaiser Permanente Web site listed below. • Medication can help: Using nicotine replacement products and/or other quitsmoking medications doubles your chances of quitting. Nicotine is addictive, so when you quit smoking your body craves nicotine. Medication eases the cravings and symptoms you might feel as you body withdraws from nicotine. • Get support: Friends and family can provide support and encouragement for you to stay smoke-free. They can also help distract you when you want to smoke, and they will understand when you’re a bit grouchy. You can also get support online, and/or over the phone by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or browsing these Web sites: and For more information on quitting smoking, visit the Kaiser Permanente Web site at This article is proudly sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. Martin Mazar, MD, is Assistant Chief of Staff for AMC Medicine & DSA Chief Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine.

By DRAYTON JOHN Staff Writer

Since the beginning of 2009, As Artifacts has been dominating the local hardcore music scene. Formerly known as Sink This Ship!, they changed their name to As Artifacts after being signed to InVogue Records in 2010. In February 2011, they released their first EP entitled Reclamation and started touring the West Coast in May of 2011. The 7-piece group consists of vocalist Travis Bar tosek, vocalist/guitarist Rudy Rosatti, guitarists Kevin Arquines and Matt Yankovich, bassist Stephen Mallor y, and drummer Matt Yankovich, all current or former students in the DVC/ LMC college system. Per forming the hardcore genre of music, As Artifacts gets its inspiration from bands ranging from The Devil Wears Prada to Of Mice & Men. As individuals, however, each musician listens to a wide variety of music, from Whitechapel and Suicide Silence to Lights and The Beatles, which gives the band a very unique sound. Travis Bartosek, lead vocalist, describes life in the band. “Being able to be with close friends, playing shows and doing what I love, which is playing music is great,” he explains. “I

As Artifacts were formerly known as Sink This Ship! love doing what I do, and letting people hear what we have to say every time we get on stage.” In regards to life on the road “it’s something else,” he laughed. “It’s fun, exciting, stressful, dirty, hilarious and scary. It’s the best.” As Artifacts is currently in the process of producing an unnamed full-length album, and is planning another tour in March of 2012. As Artifacts is most known for their song “Chugs Ahoy.” The band has even had a shirt designed exclusively named “Chugs Ahoy.” “The song is about ending a friendship in the most positive way possible,” Bartosek disclosed. “How things don’t always work out the way you want them to, but you just got to keep moving forward. Keep truckin’ on.” The band is also very popular because of their new cover of Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me.” Guitarist/vocalist

Rudy Rosatti calls himself one of Taylor Swift’s greatest fans, so the rest of the band agreed to cover one of her songs. “Two words. He’s obsessed,” Bartosek joked. “He has every Taylor Swift song that you can get. If it exists, he has it. It’s kinda weird.” As Artifacts encourages more people to come out and support the local music scene. Every musician has humble beginnings of some kind, and it’s only with the help and support from fans that they can become successful doing what they love. It doesn’t matter what style of music or instrument you might play. Bands, rappers, and individual artists, wouldn’t be anywhere without local support. So, if you haven’t already, look into the local music scene and find some artists that you would love to see make it big.







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Riveria gone mad Soccer gets dirty


Driven by the need to succeed, one of LMC’s four soccer captains, Victoria Riveria, is a force to be reckoned with, representing her team with a strong head on her shoulders and maintaining a reputation as the aggressive go-getter who gets the job done. “Sometimes when the game is frustrating, and you want to win so bad, emotions get out of control,” she said. “I was determined to get the ball any way possible, even push a girl out of the way.” She’s been on the team for two years, with ten years experience. She wears the 10 jersey, playing center mid-field while juggling classes and taking care of her year-and-a-halfold daughter. Riveria is studying nursing, and is planning on attending Holy Names University in Oakland. “I don’t have a scholarship yet, but I hope to get one,” she said. For anyone who has attended a women’s soccer game, the tension on the field is heavy. At times, the teams knock heads, which is due to frustration, according to Riveria. Both on and off field, Riveria expresses an aggressive personality. “I lose control. I know I do,” she said. She is hoping to receive a scholarship for nursing or soccer that allows her to continue her studies in nursing. She has, however, received the first team award in high school as well as first all league team last year.

Nonconference Bakersfield



San Joaquin Delta 1-8





Cosumnes River 0-7





Conference Mendocino






Napa Valley









Contra Costa









Napa Valley









Contra Costa



Photo by Daniel Gala

“I was determined to get the ball any

way possible, even if it meant pushing another girl out of the way.

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— Sam Snead

Sports Corner Storm beats Stangs JESSE GOMEZ Staff Writer

Staff Writers


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“I figure practice puts your brains in your muscles.”

— Victoria Riveria

The Mustangs walked onto the volleyball court Thursday night just like any other game, except it wasn’t like any other game. It was not only the team’s last home game of the season, but they also knew it would be their last of the season, because the final away game of the year had already been canceled earlier in the week. This game held extra excitement for three women on the LMC volleyball team, because they knew it would be their last time ever stepping on the court in a Mustang jersey. Each sophomore player was awarded with a goodies bag and a bouquet of flowers to express appreciation for them and how they will be missed next season. The Mustangs stumbled out of the gate against leagueleading Napa Valley Storm (13-0). The Storm jumped ahead in the first match leading the Mustangs 6-2 after a flurry of blocks and kills delivered by the storm’s front line. See STORM, page 6

Mustangs lose to Yuba By JUSTIN BRITTON Staff Writer

As the season comes down to the end with just two games left, the Mustang women’s soccer team, with a 1-13-2 record, looks for a season-ending spark heading into next year. Having to face the Yuba 49ers Nov. 8, coming into the game with an 8-7-2 record, the Mustangs stormed the field with confidence. Proud friends, family members and student supporters were chanting, “Let’s go Mustangs,” as the first half began. Both teams started off slowly as they seemed to get used to the chilly Tuesday weather, but they soon picked up the pace. Defense was the key for both teams, but for one player on the 49ers, Alyssa Nava (8), getting a goal was the only thing on her mind as she split through two colliding mustangs and received an assist from teammate Jessica Garcia (10) to get the first goal and cap off the half with the score board at 1-0. After that, it was one for the Mustangs as they closed up the half with perfect defense and two unfortunate goals attempts. See YUBA, page 6

Soccer wins last game By MILO SANCHEZ Staff Writer

The Mustang soccer team beat conference rival Contra Costa College 5-0 in the final game of the season Nov. 10. Both teams started off with a strong defense, not letting anyone score for most of the first half. The Mustangs were confident they could beat Contra Costa College, because they had their first and only win against them last month. Team captain Shawnna Moyer said the Mustangs were especially motivated, “because a lot of sophomores were thinking this could be our last game ever, so they didn’t want to lose their last game.” The Comets, who hadn’t won a conference game all season and only won one game, wanted to get revenge. About 25 minutes into the first half, the Mustangs got the first goal by Lauren Munoz (9) that put them up 1-0. Minutes later, they scored with Laura Crabtree (11) on the assist to Jessica Huerta (18). Just before halftime, a fight broke out between Victoria Riveria (10) and a player from Contra Costa College, both

See WIN, page 6

Mustangs athletes violent or pacifist? By CALLIB CARVER Staff Writer

At the risk of being attacked by a number of people who support, and/ or are part of the Los Medanos football team, I’m just going to come out and say what I’ve been thinking. The Los Medanos College football team hasn’t won a game all season; they stand at eight losses. On the other-hand, the LMC soccer team has been on the verge of killing other opponent teams

on their field. LMC soccer players have even punched, kicked, and pulled the hair of their competitors. It has gone as far as LMC team members were carded for their actions on the field. While the women’s soccer team has make me care only won one game, tied twice, and lost 11 games. The sheer amount of contact women’s soccer team and let’s see what and rage I’ve seen on the field makes they can do on the football field. I feel me pro women’s football. like they could win without touching We should slap some pads on the

Callib Carver

the ball with their hands. Plus, I think they would do a fair amount of damage to the opposing team, if nothing else. I can imagine some of the women’s soccer team players such as: Laura Crabtree, Mila Loyola, Shawnna Moyer, and Victora Reiveria, in full pads in the LMC football team’s positions. The ball is hiked and the team’s main players are off, outrunning the other team. Then, the four previously mentioned girls are head to head with

a group of linemen, who just took a knee to the stomach. While they may not play nicely, these girls wouldn’t let some football jock push them around. It’s a good thing the players wear helmets, because I could picture that soccer head-butt, but replace it with the opposing team’s face. Let’s go support our lady Mustangs, as they prepare for their debut as our new football team… hopefully.

Dons dominate in LMC’s last home football game Mustangs plagued with losses for the 2011 season By OMAR HAMILTON Staff Writer

In their final home game of the 2011 football season, the LMC Mustangs looked like two different teams from the first half to the second with their 18-14 loss to the De Anza Dons on National College Football Day; in a game filled with penalties, turnovers and injuries for both teams. The Stangs began the game red hot by scoring a touchdown on their first offensive possession of the game on a 22-yard pass from Michael Behr to Terrence Polk. The Stangs had success both on the ground and in the air on their first drive. The Dons answered back on their next drive by taking advantage of the Mustang’s poor tackling and penalties to get them into scoring position. But the Stang defense made a strong red zone stand holding the Dons to just a field goal making the score 7-3. After a Mustang three and out, the Dons would take advantage of multiple penalties against the Mustangs by scoring a

touchdown midway through the second quarter giving the Dons a 10-7 lead. The Mustangs tried to answer back on their next drive, but missed a game-tying field goal in the second quarter. Both the Mustang crowd and players reacted negatively to a couple of calls against the Mustangs, including unnecessary roughness and a holding pass interference in the first half. As time ticked down in the second, the Dons seemed to be going on another scoring drive before being intercepted giving the Mustangs the ball with great field position with 3:25 left in the first half. Behr scrambled for a long run, putting the Mustangs into the red zone, which led to a touchdown pass to Tyrone Howard giving the Mustangs a 14-10 lead going into halftime. However, during Behr’s run he suffered a concussion sidelining him for the second half of play, leaving the Mustangs’ offense in a quandary. The LMC offense seemed unable to get anything going

in the second half without their starting quarterback; the offense became a one-sided, run only offense. But all was not lost, for the Mustang defense would play very well holding the Dons to only two field goals in the third quarter, keeping the Mustangs in the game going into the fourth quarter. However, the LMC offense continued to struggle in the fourth; the offense could not move the ball at all and threw two interceptions, giving the Dons multiple chances to put the game away, but the LMC defense stood strong, holding the Dons to a long, missed, field goal. After multiple turnovers, the LMC offense was given one last Photo by Lisa Cassidy drive with 1:20 left in the fourth Mustang quarterback Mike Behr (16) pumps up his offense after they lose the lead quarter, however, the drive would in the second quarter of the game. not end well. The Mustangs gave up a safety San Mateo 0-61 L with 36.9 seconds remaining in Merced 7-35 L the game, allowing the Dons the run out the clock on their West Hills 38-43 L Solano 8-15 L possession giving the Dons an Chabot 13-24 L American River 7-42 L 18-14 win. This loss dropped the MusDe Anza 14-18 L Contra Costa 7-16 L tangs to 0-9. Results of the Nov. Diablo Valley 0-38 L Hartnell 6-25 L 17 game against DVC were unavailable to the Experience.







Back Talk


PLAN From page 1

independent and how to be a leader, everybody is different but she always told be to be myself,” she said. Growing up, Brannon dreamt of being a fashion photographer. “I am creative, and I like seeing things differently from other people,” she said. In her senior year of high school her dream changed. She would read some of her older sister’s dental assistant books and become fascinated by the information. Her career path lies between a dentist and hygienist. Brannon has been creative since her early childhood, but never got to show her creativity in high school. “I just played sports, I didn’t really voice anything,” she said. Brannon ran track and played tennis. Brannon graduated from Antioch High School in 2009. She went to Western Career College right after high school then came to LMC, because it was close to home and she wanted to get an AS in hygiene. From there, her next goal was to become an oral surgeon. At the moment, Brannon is focused on finishing her prerequisite classes here at LMC and will transfer to DVC for their hygiene program. The hygiene program will take two years, but Brannon can start in her career before graduation. Brannon has joined many clubs around campus to help organize and get her voice out there. She is working with Face, Umoja and AGS, just to name a few. When asked if LMC can expect anything before the end of the semester, Brannon answered that. “Face just started planning a carnival on campus,” she said. Money issues have been negatively affecting clubs, so they are trying to work together. To help speed up the process, Brannon enjoys introducing people to one another to create a sense of closeness between the clubs. Brannon enjoys being productive with her time. That’s why she joined student government during her first semester at LMC. “I just figured that if I’m going to be here everyday, I have to have an input in something. This school doesn’t have that much excitement from the students,” she said. In the beginning, she didn’t know what to expect from the foreign faces of the club, and was a bit nervous, but everyone was really welcoming and were interested in hearing her input. Her term as commissioner for campus events will last during

YUBA From page 5

as the sun went down and it started getting chilly, both teams came out fired up and ready to go for the second half. More aggressive and physical play came from both teams as the players pushed each other around and knocked them to the ground. Mustang Victoria Rivera (10) nearly lost her cool against Yuba’s Alexandra Peiffer (12) as both players tussled on the field. Yuba looked to their offensive play calling to keep the Mustangs off balance, but the play calls were no match for the Mustangs’ aggressive defense of play. “We need a goal,” a group of fans shouted when the Mustangs charged down the field several times. As the second half was winding down, the Mustangs

GAp From page 3

Cea stressed the fact that you can “Create Your Own Legacy,” the motto of event. This is the third time LMC has hosted and Cea is proud to have the opportunity to help run this conference. Staphanie Sanchez, a sophomore at Ygnacio Valley High School, is an aspiring journalist. “I like to know and understand information and then write about it,” said Sanchez. Also in attendance was Blake Peterson, ITT Technical Institute’s Community Relations Specialist. “I am here at LMC to generate awareness and interest about ITT Tech. Our most popular courses are Information Technologies

one academic year and she is very excited to fill the position. “When I see people, they look bored, and just come here to go to class. I just want to give them something to be excited about,” she said. Brannon thinks that giving away free stuff can get students involved and giving students information about all of the clubs on campus, not to mention playing games, performances, and having more club days. A lot of the students aren’t aware of what’s happening on campus, so these are some of Brannon’s ideas on how to get students to participate more. Unfortunately, many students do not know what is available here at LMC, which is why Brannon talks about clubs and events in class to bring awareness by word-of-mouth. Brannon is very easy to talk to and get along with. Brannon has friends all over and they would describe her as, “talkative, outgoing, positive and energetic.” When Brannon is not on campus or focusing on her studies, she enjoys creative writing. “I write poetry, and stories. One of my poems was published when I was in high school, but I never was really serious about writing,” she said. Brannon enjoys writing whatever she is feeling at that very moment. She also enjoys playing UNO and other games and sports with her family. She would like to play volleyball but hasn’t decided if she really wants to yet. “It would be a good way for networking and spreading awareness about the clubs,” Brannon said laughing. Although student government is not struggling with the amount of members, there were not many students eligible to run for elections this month, due to the fact that you must be a senator for a certain amount of time before you can do so. “Student government is always recruiting new members,” Brannon said. As the Holidays approach, Brannon is planning different ways to donate, whether it is a food drive, or school supplies. “We know a school in Concord that one of the teachers here usually helps,” Brannon added, when asked about which school to help. Brannon comes from a very caring family and looks for ways to help people who need it. Brannon is always interested in hearing students’ input and wants your voice to be heard. She may be found in student life in the cafeteria, or email “If you want to see something happen, come to me,” she said.

looked for the tying score, but luck was not on their side this night, as they could not buy a goal. As two minutes remained on the clock, the 49ers seemed to know they were walking away with a victory and kept the ball away from the Mustangs letting time run down. “I guess we might have a chance against CCC,” said student Alex Rachal as the clock hit zero and he watched the 49ers celebrate a 1-0 victory. Running their losing lap, Mustangs took defeat but did not look defeated. Hopefully, the team won’t let this loss get the best of them as they take on Contra Costa College in their final home game of the 2011 season on Nov. 10 at 3 p.m.

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the four main characters are Jesus, Jason, Chinaka and Angie, who changes her name to Peaches. Each character has a different outlook on life. Peaches was a normal high school student who had dreams set and wanted to be a beautician, but it all changed when she meets Jesus who’s a bad influence on her. Peaches wants out after she becomes a mom, but by the time she’s ready to leave it’s too late. Jesus beats her to death in front of their eight-year-old son Jason. When this happens, Jason doesn’t want to turn out to be like his father. The stor y takes place in Oakland and readers get to read about the tough lifestyle that these characters lived in and that surrounded their lives too. “Too Beautiful for Words” is written in the first-person. The book starts out with Jason writing a letter to Jesus telling him that he doesn’t live in a group home anymore. The next character view is Peaches. As Morris spoke about the process of the writing Too Beautiful for Words, she mentioned that a lot of conversations she had were put into the story.

Morris also said that Boots Riley was an inspiration. In the book’s acknowledgements page she writes, “I acknowledge The Coup, especially Boots Riley, for supporting my vision for this work,” Morris wrote. After Morris was finished talking to the crowd, she let the students ask questions and each student asked questions, “what did you want readers to get from reading the book and another was asking about the relationships of each character?” Morris answered each question honest and was happy to answer them. All the students who attended were alert and into the discussion as well. When Morris was done talking, one of the members of Umoja club thanked her for coming in and talking about the book. Morris was given a red coffee mug and afterwards club members took a group picture with her. Before the students left, Monique Morris autographed books of Too Beautiful for Words that students had on them. To learn more about Monique Morris, visit her website, which has her bio and list of books and publications she has written, at blog/about/



to needy children for the holiday. But they are concerned that they are running out of time because the bins are scheduled to be picked up on Nov. 28. The ICC voted that if no progress has been made by the week of the 28th they will consider extending the deadline. The ICC originally set a goal of Nov. 28 to avoid working on their project during finals when students are going to be thinking more about studying than donating toys and school supplies. ICC members brainstormed strategies to try to get donations. One idea is to have the ICC members advertise the drive to their own clubs so they can help collect donations as well. If more clubs advertise the supply drive, they are more likely to get more donations. Another idea is to get donations from the public. Members could stand outside stores like Wal-Mart or Target and get donations form people in the community. If all else fails, Adams suggested students from the ICC each take $20 of their ICC money and use that to buy supplies if not enough are donated. If anyone is interested in helping out with donations you can contact Ingram by e-mail at, or by phone at (925) 852-4445.

were handed red cards and ejected from the game. During the second half, the Mustangs went crazy on both sides of the ball. Coming in leading 2-0, the Mustangs scored right away as Kirsten Trice (5) was tripped up and awarded a penalty kick. No more than two minutes later Crabtree (11) scored to put her team up 4-0. Keeper Katelyn Hooey wasn’t going to give up a goal as she stopped everything that came her way. The Mustangs then scored the fifth and final goal of the game as they ended their season with 2 wins, 13 losses, and 2 ties. It was a disappointing overall performance following last season when the team won 12 games and went to playoffs. The team hopes that next season they can be a contender and get back to the playoffs. Even though the season wasn’t as successful as the team wanted it to be, player Jessica Urbina (21) is still up beat. “We had fun at practice and we loved to play the game,” she said. “We just wish we had more wins. I came late, but I wish I had been there from the beginning. We are looking forward to next season and getting better as a team so we can get back to the playoffs and hopefully go all the way.”

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will be held within 30 days. The committee has 10 days to make a recommendation to the president, who has 10 days to make a final decision. The Grade Appeal Committee is made up of two faculty members, two students, and a dean. Hearings involve testimony from the teacher and student, the presentation of documents as evidence, and witnesses who can support either side. The committee did not rule in Pineda’s favor in either case. Her explanation of why her grade was wrong did not fall into one of the acceptable categories: mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. The first step of the appeals process is turning in a Student Grade Appeal Form to the Student Life office. Forms can be found in the office or on the LMC website. Any questions should be directed to David Belman, director of Student Life.

and Criminal Justice,” said Peterson. The faculty at LMC is hoping that this conference will make an impact on Contra Costa’s high school students and inspire them to dream big. “We plant the seed with conferences like this one, but it is a long process to have someone From page 4 graduate from college,” said Cea. “Halo 4.” If sales are well, and how could they not be with a retail price of $39.99, 343i may consider remakFrom page 4 ing the 2004 sequel, “Halo 2,” half, out of five. The reason being which was also on the original I picked up on a few lines that Xbox console. were dropped, given too late, 343i made an interesting decitoo early, or not at all. sion for multiplayer, adding six At times, some of the long remade maps from Halo 1 and 2 pauses broke the illusion of view- and a new Firefight map utilizing another world and turned it ing the Reach engine, allowing back into a play. Reach owners that plan on skip-



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According to Belman, between 12 and 15 students contact him every year about the grade appeals process. A few are able to resolve the dispute directly with the teacher, and a third or so move on to the formal process. “The best case scenario is when a student can informally resolve their appeal with their instructor,” said Belman. Professor Micheal Yeong went through the process over a decade ago, and recommends a preventative strategy to avoid the arduous process all together. Yeong said establishing a dynamic relationship between student and teacher is the ideal. He added that good communication and regular check-ins throughout the semester will greatly reduce the occurrence of inaccurate grades, so if the situation arises where a mistake must be brought to a teacher’s attention it will not be the first time that student goes to discuss grades with that teacher. ping this Anniversary remake to purchase the maps separate from the game in a $15 map pack in which they can play online with owners of Anniversar y. Also new to the game is the chance to play the campaign over Xbox Live co-operatively. Whether you’ve played Halo: CE in the past or you’re looking to try it out for the first time, this game comes highly recommended. It not only holds up well, but it’s got a fantastic campaign and multiplayer that only adds to its replay value.

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Read our latest issue online. Visit http:// journalism/

LMCAS From page 1

The student visitors offer great insight to what they want as LMC students and what they deem as most important for the campus. Their voices and opinions clarify for the senators what the public opinion is. Brown proposed a simple yet effective plan on how to raise additional funds and increase attendance to certain events. Brown’s idea proposed that instead of the senate spending money to increase attendance for drama productions, some teachers on campus could help by offering students who attend, extra credit or have the event be a part of the curriculum. The senators responded to Brown’s ideas with applause and praise. Students who want their opinions heard, or have thoughts and concerns they want the school to address the LMCAS senate meetings provide them a forum. “This is what the senate meetings are for,” said Debora Van Erckhardt, commissioner of Public Relations. “The senators speak for the students, but sometimes it is unknown what the students actually seek. By having students in conversations, we get direct student opinion on topics that greatly affect them. I really wish more students would come and participate.” Discounted bus passes, campus activities, scholarships and the allocation of money to fund these student activities are just some of the topics discussed. These services directly affect students and can have positive or negative influence. The senators’ ideas and opinions can be strong and sometimes they do not agree on certain topics. In one instance, two members of the senate disagree on the proposal to gain awareness and attendance to athletic events and the amount of money needed to fund the event. Opinions quickly rise, as the senators can’t compromise on a solution, resulting in the

topic failing to be concluded. As these sensitive issues are discussed, emotions can run high and the conversation can quickly get off track. Having student visitors present at the meetings, Diaz and adviser Demetria Lawrence promptly get the debate back on track by having them explain what or how these matters can be solved. Demetria also helped get the group’s focus back from the disagreements by explaining the proper procedures of the senate and for actual decisions to be made. At Monday’s meeting, for opinions differed about allocating money to purchase and distribute food at athletic events to raise the awareness of sports fans about student government at LMC. As time passed, the debate kept swirling until the senators had to move on to other items on the agenda, leaving the topic on the table to be discussed at the next meeting. “What are they doing? This is a waste of time,” said Brown, frustrated at the lack of progress during the meeting. Topics like scholarships and grants are too impor tant to students like Brown, who wish the senators would spend more time on these issues than debating student awareness. With students present and their voices able to be heard, the students can actually help push topics to be solved promptly and without distraction. “A lot of time and effort go into the senate and the decisions being made. With discussions about past and future plans for LMC and the students, It would be largely beneficial for more of our students to be present at our meetings and make their voices heard,” said Van Erckhardt. “If more students attended, it would help with solving some of the debates and to get actual student feedback.

STORM From page 5

Although the Mustangs were down in the match by a large deficit, they definitely didn’t give up. Number 17, sophomore outside hitter Jessica Ulloa, woke up the crowd with a monster spike that landed on the Storm’s end of the court with tremendous force. The second match held much more excitement for the teams and the fans. Although the Napa Valley Storm ran out to an early lead in the second match, the Mustangs made sure to let them know it wasn’t going to be as easy as they thought. The Mustangs roared back and tied it up 12-12. The score continued to go back in forth until the Storm eventually edged out the Mustangs 25-23 to take a two match to zero lead. The Mustangs were down to their last match of their season. If they were going to end their season on a positive note they would have to win three straight matches to take the victory. They came out in the third match firing on all cylinders opening up with an 8-3 lead, showing they had what it took to get back in to this game. The Mustangs had control the majority of the time in the third match; it wasn’t until the last couple points where they lost control. They were

eventually one point away from taking the third match from the Storm and forcing a fourth until Napa Valley buckled down and rallied to take the third and final match 28-26. With obvious disappointment in their eyes, they showed great sportsmanship and shook the hands of their opponents after a tough defeat. The Mustangs gathered together one last time and the coach expressed pride in the team for never giving up. They then closed out the season as they do every game by coming together as one, putting their hands in and yelling out one last Mustang pride. The Mustangs stat leader of the game was Jessica Ulloa who managed 10 kills and 5 digs. “I felt we played really hard together tonight, never giving up going point for point,” said Ulloa. “We need to shake off the bad plays quicker and focus on regrouping for the next play.” Like most fierce competitors when that final whistle blows to close out yet another season, they have their minds on the next. Ulloa will be attending a showcase where she hopes to get her talents recognized by a coach at the next level. She hopes to go to U.C Davis.

SOUp From page 3

donated any items to be raffled. Third place went to Camme Benzler with her “Loaded Baked Potato” soup. Linda Maniscalco got second place with her “Leftover Turkey” soup. And Kathy Griffin won first prize with her “Wham-Clam Thank You Ma’am New England Clam Chowder.” Other soups in the competition include Split Pea with Ham, Minestrone, Country 2 Country 9 Bean soup, Gabriel’s Yellow Noodle soup, Zesty Minestrone, Shrimp and Corn Chowder, and Grammy’s Chicken Tortilla soup. The judges were Sandy Smith, director of business services; Eric Sanchez, instr uctional assistant; and Kevin Ingram, student and sociology major. They were asked to critique each of the soups and collaboratively pick the best ones. “Oh my god, I haven’t been this full on little samples since I had Korean BBQ. I was shocked that the first soup we tasted set the bar for the rest of the competition, way to go New England,”

said Sanchez. “Take that Gordon Ramsey! New England clam chowder! We have some amazing cooks on our staff and I am grateful to have the opportunity to participate as a judge for the annual Soup Cook-off at LMC. We rock!” One of the biggest problems with events and fundraisers on campus is that not enough students get involved. “It is a good and worthy fundraiser, but this year I do not know where all the students were. We want more student involvement with campus fundraisers,” said Maniscalco. “Student life is an important part of the school’s community and getting involved in fundraisers, clubs and special events is the best way to help your fellow students. If you enjoyed any of the soups and would like to make them for yourself at home, please contact Grace Villegas with the Office of Instruction at For $2.00, you can buy the cd with all of the soup recipes.

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