November Kid Life 2013

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November 2013

November 2013 | Vol. 7, No. 3 Publisher: Bill Patterson The contents of this free publication are copyrighted by Denton Publishing Company, 2008, a subsidiary of A.H. Belo Corp. (, NYSE symbol: AHC) with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Kid Life is published monthly by Denton Publishing Company, 314 E. Hickory St., Denton, TX 76201. E-mail:

On the cover: Fifth graders Maci Pitner and Taylor McMillan look on as classmate Jaden Frank delivers the "Joke of the Day" segment of the WOLF Morning News during a recent newscast at E.P. Rayzor Elementary.


We offer kudos to the fifth grade class at E.P. Rayzor Elementary School for creating a daily newscast for their classmates. The WOLF Morning News Team delivers a daily newscast to each classroom and gives everyone an opportunity to find out what’s going on around campus. Keep up the good work! Sincerely,

Library events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Denton ISD Update . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Top of the List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Teacher profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Principal profile . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Kid Scoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Dawn Cobb 940-566-6879 P.O. Box 369 Denton, TX 76201

Dawn Cobb

Shawn Reneau

Editor 940-566-6879

Advertising Manager 940-566-6843

Courtesy photo/ Denton ISD

November library events offered Read to Rover Does your child struggle with reading and need low-stress, nonjudgmental reading practice? Give your child an opportunity to read one-on-one with a trained, certified therapy dog. Sign up for our Read to Rover program made possible by a partnership with the Therapy Pals of Golden Triangle. Parents or guardians will need to register their children in person and sign a permission slip. Space is limited and registration is required. Call 349-8752 to find out more. For children reading on their own; ages 6-11. Wednesday 11/06 Emily Fowler Library 4:30 p.m. Saturday 11/16 North Branch Library 10 a.m. Twilight Toddler Time Bring your toddler (ages 12-24 months) for this evening Toddler Time that promotes literacy, social interaction, and caregiver bonding. Tuesday 11/12 Emily Fowler Library 6:30 p.m.

It’s a Girl Thing! A book club for moms and daughters! Join us for refreshments and book discussion. Best for girls ages 9 - 12. 11/20 Pendragon: Merchant of Death by D.J. McHale Wednesday South Branch Library 4 pm B.O.Y.S. - Boys Only Yucky Stories Calling all boys ages 7 to 10 years old! Join the yuckiest book club ever! We’ll read and talk about funny, yucky and gross stories. You won’t have to sit still while we talk because you will be too busy with funny, gross or interesting projects. Each month a new book and exciting activity. 11/21 Sweet Farts by Raymond Bean Thursday Emily Fowler Library 6:30 pm LEGO Builders Club Drop in and get creative by building with the library’s LEGOs.

A different theme is picked for each month and kids can build on that theme or build a creation of their own. Ages 6 and up. Friday 11/15 Emily Fowler Library 4 p.m.

Read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and stay to create artwork inspired by the book. PreKindergarten, ages 2-5. Wednesday 11/13 South Branch Library 10 a.m.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Release Party DWOK #8 is out in November! Come and celebrate with Wimpy Kid trivia, games and activities. Best for ages 8-12. Wednesday 11/06 North Branch Library 4 p.m.

Thanksgiving Story Time We will talk turkey and give thanks at this StoryTime filled with turkey books, songs and rhymes. Our puppet friends will join in the fun, too. For ages 1-5. Wednesday 11/20 North Branch Library 7 p.m. Wednesday 11/27 South Branch Library 10 a.m. Wednesday 11/27 Emily Fowler Library 11 a.m.

Art Explosion Afternoon Adventure Club Join us for a special Afternoon Adventure Club, as we read about and create our own art. Artwork will be featured in the South Branch Art Display throughout the month of November. Best for ages 6-9. Thursday 11/07 South Branch Library 3:30 p.m. Art and Me: Peter H. Reynolds

Story Explorers: Harold and the Purple Crayon Get your crayons ready! We will read this classic picture book, explore science and create art that ties into the story. For ages 4-7. Saturday 11/23 North Branch Library 10 a.m.

DPL Teen Advisory Board Help plan & run library programs. Discuss books, movies and music. Write reviews, make book trailers, work on service related projects, earn community service hours for school and more! This program is for teens ages 11 - 18. For more information call Juli Gonzalez at 940-349-8741. 11/12/13 Tuesday North Branch Library 6:30 - 8 pm LEGOMania for Teens Relive your childhood and create something spectacular out of LEGOs! All LEGOs provided by the library (please don’t bring your own). Ages 12 and up. Tuesday 11/19 Emily Fowler Library 7 p.m. SuperFlyWhoLock Fandom Fest 2013 A totally geektastic event filled with food and friends. Sat. 11/09 North Branch 2:30 – 5 pm


November 2013



November 2013

Denton ISD Update Daily television newscast a hit at E.P. Rayzor Missing recess to write a story and skipping lunch with friends to meet about an upcoming project are common occurrences for fifthgrade students at E.P. Rayzor Elementary. Almost 60 percent of the fifthgrade class will do it this school year. The kicker… The students, themselves, signed up for the chance to do it. These E.P. Razyor students are learning the sacrifices hard-working journalists make every day as part of the school’s WOLF Morning News Team. The WOLF team delivers a daily television newscast to each classroom in the school, providing every student and teacher with the opportunity to learn what is happening at E.P. Rayzor. “It’s something we know we have to do because we have to practice and know our stories, so when we do the news on TV everyone in the school knows what’s going on today or what event is coming up,” said Taylor McMillan. “It’s important to keep everyone informed.” Making sure that everyone at the school is informed falls on the shoulders of the students. While teachers and administrators help, the entire newscast is put together by the students, Principal Mary Dunleavy said. That means that sometimes sacrificing recess to talk to a teacher about a school-wide project. Skipping pizza day in the cafeteria to have a planning meeting with the rest of the WOLF news team has to happen once in a while, too. “They’re all in different classes, so it’s hard to get together to plan and write their stories and then determine who is saying what during the news,” said Linda Bozeman, assistant principal. There are few complaints because each team only gets a twoweek window to do the newscast because joining the WOLF news team has become so popular. More than 70 fifth-graders auditioned and were selected for various roles on the newscast, making WOLF

E.P. Rayzor fifth grader Kevin Martinez keeps a steady hand on the camera while Meghan Miller, the school’s music teacher, prepares for her on-air segment and news anchors (from left to right) Maci Pitner, Taylor McMillan, Jaden Frank and Garrett Fox deliver the day’s news as part of the Wolf Morning News.

Photo courtesy of the Denton school district

News one of the most popular groups/clubs for students to join. The draw of being on TV is something that appeals to the majority of the students who sign up, but they quickly learn the value of what they’re doing. Fifth-grader Maci Pitner said she learned a lot more about what was going on at the school by talking to teachers and writing stories for the newscast. Jaden Frank said

he saw how important it was to put in the work to do a good job because so many people are watching. “It was weird because I noticed that when we just did announcements the first few weeks of school, before we started doing the news on TV, a lot of people weren’t paying attention to what was being said. But when WOLF Morning News came on, everyone’s eyes

went straight to the TV and they paid attention,” Jaden said. Students picking up on their classmates’ tendencies, learning the importance of teamwork, building their self-confidence by talking to others and learning the basics of broadcasting technology are all aspects that students that participate on the WOLF news team tend to learn and develop, Mrs. Dunleavy said.

“We don’t want it to be an adultled process and the students don’t let us take it over. I have not had to tell them once to go ask a teacher about what event is coming up or why we’re doing things a certain way – they do it all on their own,” Mrs. Dunleavy said. “And what makes it great is the kindergartners grow up seeing it on TV every morning and when they get to fifth grade, they want to do it too.”

STAR STUDENT CHAUNDICE MARIAH MEDCALF What’s in my CD player/iPod right now: Justin Timberlake

Name: Chaundice Mariah Medcalf Community/school activities: choir

When I finish school I plan to: be a police officer

School/grade: Evers Park Elementary/5th Grade

The best book I ever read was: Junie B. Jones

Birthdate/place: June 6/ Denton

The best movie I’ve ever seen is: The Avengers

Family: 1 brother and 1 sister My hobbies are: drawing, singing and volleyball My favorite school subject is: math

I wish I knew how to: surf Two people I’d most like to meet are: my great, great uncle and Justin Timberlake

My worst habit is: rolling my eyes

Notas sobre su zona escolar

Noticias de TV de EP Rayzor Perderse el recreo y no tomar almuerzo con los amigos para escribir una historia de un próximo proyecto son ocurrencias comunes para los estudiantes de quinto grado de la Primaria E.P. Rayzor en estos días. Es tan común que casi el 60 por ciento de la clase de todo el quinto grado lo hará en un momento u otro, este año escolar. ¿El secreto? Que ellos, los estudiantes, se inscribieron para la posibilidad de hacerlo. Estos estudiantes de E. P. Rayzor están aprendiendo los sacrificios que hacen los periodistas que trabajan duro cada día como parte del Equipo de Noticias WOLF de la Mañana de la escuela. El equipo WOLF ofrece un programa de noticias diario por televisión en cada aula de la escuela, proporcionando a cada maestro y alumno la oportunidad de aprender lo que está sucediendo en la E. P. Rayzor. “Es algo que sabemos debemos hacer porque tenemos que practicar y conocer nuestras historias, para que cuando hagamos las noticias por televisión todos en la escuela sepan lo que está pasando hoy o el evento que viene,” dijo Taylor McMillan. “Es importante para mantener a todos informados.” Y la responsabilidad de asegurarse de que todos en la escuela están informados cae exclusivamente sobre los estudiantes. Mientras que los maestros y administradores ayudan a conseguir la producción cada mañana, todo el noticiero es elaborado por los estudiantes, dijo la directora Mary Dunleavy. Eso significa que a veces sacrificar el receso para hablar con un maestro de cuando es necesario un proyecto de la escuela. Faltar al día de la pizza en la cafetería para tener una reunión de planificación con el resto del equipo de noticias WOLF tiene que suceder de vez en cuando también.

Photo courtesy of the Denton school district

“Todos están en diferentes clases, por lo que es difícil de conseguir juntarlos para planear y escribir sus historias y luego determinar quién dice qué en las noticias”, dijo Linda Bozeman, subdirectora de la escuela. “A veces tienen que decidir no tomar su almuerzo o el recreo, pero nunca se quejan de ello.” Hay pocas quejas, ya que cada equipo sólo tiene un período de dos semanas para hacer el noticiero porque formar parte del equipo de noticias WOLF se ha vuelto muy popular. Más de 70 alumnos de quinto grado audicionaron y fueron seleccionados para varias funciones en

el noticiero, hacer las noticias WOLF es uno de los grupos/clubes más populares para los estudiantes desde que se abrió la escuela y comenzó la producción del noticiero. El ser parte de la televisión es algo que atrae a la mayoría de los alumnos que firman, pero aprenden rápidamente el valor de lo que están haciendo. Maci Pitner dice que aprendió mucho más de lo que estaba pasando en la escuela, al hablar con los maestros y escribir historias para el noticiero, mientras que Jaden Frank dijo que él vio lo importante que fue poner en el trabajo para hacer, un buen trabajo porque mucha gente está viendo.

“Fue un poco raro porque me di cuenta de que cuando sólo hacíamos anuncios las primeras semanas de la escuela, antes de que comenzaran a hacer las noticias en televisión, mucha gente no estaban prestando atención a lo que se decía. Pero cuando llegaron las noticias WOLF de la mañana, todas las miradas fueron directamente al televisor y prestaron atención”, dijo Jaden. Los estudiantes cogiendo las tendencias de sus compañeros, aprendiendo la importancia del trabajo en equipo, aumentar la confianza en sí mismos al hablar con otros y aprendiendo los conceptos básicos de tecnología de

transmisión de noticias son todos los aspectos que los estudiantes que participan en el lequipo de noticias WOLF tienden a aprender y desarrollar, dijo la señora Dunleavy. “No queremos que sea un proceso dirigido por adultos, y los estudiantes no nos permiten hacerlo. No he tenido que decirles ni una vez que le pregunten a un maestro acerca de cual evento está por venir o por qué hacemos cosas de ciertas maneras, ellos lo hacen todo por sí mismos,” dijo la Sra. Dunleavy. “Y lo que lo hace mejor es que el kindergarten crece viéndolo en la televisión todos los días por la mañana y cuando llegan a quinto grado, también quieren hacerlo.”


November 2013

Kid Clubhouse

Artistic Endeavors

Students in Janet Jaramillo’s art classes at Wilson Elementary showed their appreciation for music in their artwork. (Clockwise from upper left) Second grader Tony Johnson used tempera paint and markers, while fifth graders Audrey Burnett, Carrie Gosnell and Caity Ephraim collaborated to use tempera paint and markers. The partnerships between fourth graders Tamara Manuel and Ryan Trevino as well as Yesenia FloresRosas and Isabela Guima showed a vivid recreation of rhythm in music through lines.

November 2013 Monday







Birth flower: Chrysanthemum

End of the Second Six Weeks

Visit for more information on Denton Independent School District events and holidays. Moon phases taken from Learn more about the historical events and information on this calendar by visiting the Encyclopedia Britannica at


2 France’s MarieAntoinette born (1755)

Antigua and Barbuda achieve independence from UK (1981)

3 New Moon Daylight Saving Time Ends Stephen F. Austin born (1793)






Beginning of the Third Six Weeks

Election Day

Benjamin Harrison becomes 23rd U.S. president (1888)

Tacoma Narrows Bridge breaks (1940)

JFK becomes 35th U.S. president (1960)

Hostage crisis in Iran begins (1979)

Honduras declares independence (1838)









First Quarter

Veterans’ Day

First flying trapeze act performed (1859)

Christopher Columbus discovers the island of St. Martin (1493)

Harper & Brothers publishes Moby Dick (1851))

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe born (1887)

China’s membership in World Trade Organization approved (2001)

Writer Robert Louis Stevenson born (1850)

Second Roman emperor Tiberius born (42)








Full Moon

Opera singer Amelita Galli-Curci born (1882)

Abraham Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address (1863)

Quadruple Alliance renewed (1815)

Mayflower Compact signed (1620)

Juan Carlos becomes king of Spain (1975)







Last Quarter Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break


Thanksgiving Break

Nakasone Yasuhiro elected prime minister of Japan (1982)

Treaty of Neuilly signed (1919)

Wilhelm Reiss becomes first climber to reach top of Cotopaxi (1872)

Writer Louisa May Alcott born (1832)

U.S. and Japan sign Root-Takahira Agreement (1908)

Suez Canal opens (1869)


Suriname gains independence from The Netherlands (1975)




November 2013 {BOOKS}


The Program by Suzanne Young, 2013 When suicide becomes a worldwide epidemic, the only known cure is The Program, a treatment in which painful memories are erased, a fate worse than death to seventeen-year-old Sloane who knows that The Program will steal memories of her dead brother and boyfriend. 405 pages, ages 14 and up Teeth by Hannah Moskowitz, 2013 Rudy’s life is flipped upside-down when his family moves to a remote, magical island in a last attempt to save his sick younger brother, Dylan. While Dylan recovers, Rudy sinks deeper and deeper into his loneliness 246 pages, ages 14 and up Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman, 2013 When a father runs out to buy milk for his children’s breakfast cereal, the last thing he expects is to be abducted by aliens, and he soon finds himself transported through time and space on an extraordinary adventure, where the fate of the universe depends on him and the milk—but will his children believe his wild story? 101 pages, ages 8-12 Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses by James Dean, 2013 Pete the Cat wakes up feeling grumpy—nothing seems to be going his way. But with the help of some magic sunglasses, Pete learns that a good mood has been inside him all along. Unpaged, ages 3-7 Flora and Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures by Kate DiCamillo, 2013 Rescuing a squirrel after an accident involving a vacuum cleaner, comic-reading cynic Flora Belle Buckman is astonished when the squirrel, Ulysses, demonstrates astonishing powers of strength and flight after being revived. 231 pages, ages 10 and up

{MOVIES} Teen Beach Movie (2013) Centers around two teen surfers, Brady and Mackenzie, who are magically transported into a 1960s beach movie where they must try to blend in until they can find their way out. They soon discover that there is an intense rivalry between the local surfers and bikers. Things don’t go according to plan when our modern-day duo accidentally change the plot of the movie, and the two lead characters fall for them instead of each other! Rated G Shrek the Musical (2013) The greatest fairy tale never told comes to life as never before in Shrek The Musical, the highly acclaimed Broadway production based on the smash-hit movie. Featuring a fantastic score of seventeen all-new songs, along with unforgettable characters and outrageous humor, it’s ogre-sized fun for the whole family. Not Rated Epic (2013) The story of an ongoing battle deep in the forest between the forces of good and the forces of evil. When a teen age girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and whimsical characters in order to save their world, and also ours. Rated PG From Up On Poppy Hill (2012) In the year 1963 in Yokohama, an innocent romance blossoms between two high school students, Umi and Shun. As Japan recovers from World War II and prepares to host the 1964 Olympics, the mood contains both optimism and conflict as the younger generation struggles to escape the shackles of the past. While trying to save a dilapidated Meiji-era club house from demolition, the relationship flourishes. But a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a shadow on the future and pull them apart. Rated PG - Andrew Hilburn is a library assistant at the North Branch Library

Head of the Class


Eunice Ruiz is 2013 Jostens Hawk Teacher of the Year Eunice Ruiz is entering her 15th year of teaching, with the last 13 coming with Denton ISD. Mrs. Ruiz began her teaching career in 1997 as a language arts resource teacher in Raymondville ISD. She joined the district two years later in the same role at Ginnings Elementary, before joining the Hawk Elementary staff as an inclusion teacher in 2007 and later an intermediate life skills teacher in 2012. She is currently a first grade teacher at Cross Oaks Elementary. Mrs. Ruiz has participated in numerous inclusion teaching workshops and worked with elementary and middle school-aged children at her church homes. Mrs. Ruiz is a graduate of Texas

November 2013

A&M University – Kingsville, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies. Her teaching philosophy: Having high expectations of your students is very important because it sets the tone of how the rest of the school year will be.

Head of the Class Patricia Boosa is 2013 Jostens Houston Teacher of the Year


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of the Year for Borman Elementary. Mrs. Boosa is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Her teaching philosophy: Educators should love their students as if they were their own children. This reminds you that you’re not just teaching students reading, science or math each day, but to love, care and be kind to one another.

Gift certificates available for gymnastics and cheer classes, leotards, cheer and gymnastics gifts!


Patricia Boosa is entering her 20th year of teaching in Denton ISD, with her career spanning more than 30 years across three states. Mrs. Boosa began her career as a first grade teacher with Irving ISD in 1984. She taught fourth grade for a year in California, before landing as a summer school principal in Tulsa Oklahoma. She eventually taught four years in Oklahoma before joining Denton ISD as a fourth grade teacher at Borman Elemenary in 1994. She joined the staff at Houston Elementary five years later and has remained at the school. Mrs. Boosa is currently a first grade teacher. Mrs. Boosa is a member of the Association of Texas Professional Educators and Texas Parent Teacher Association as well as a host teacher to high school mentors, Ready Set Teach mentor and past student teacher mentor. She is a three-time recipient of grants from the Denton Public School Foundation and is a past Teacher

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Gymnastics — the foundation of all sports.

An important part of what we do is teaching proper technique and form...

The BEST part of what we do is teaching a child the power that lies within.


Lunchbox Bites

10 School held for Cross Oaks Elementary parents

November 2013

Parents often send their children to school and ask what they learned afterward, but parents of Cross Oaks Elementary students got the chance to see classrooms in action first hand on Sept. 20 for “Bring Your Parent to School Day.” During the event, parents were able to shadow their children from class to class, seeing what a normal school day is like. The school already offers several academic-related events allowing parent and guardian attendance, such as Math and Literacy Nights, though those are more hands-off. Principal Patty Jensen said the idea for the event came after hearing about similar schools letting parents attend alongside their children for a day. “The thought of opening the school to parents for an entire day sounded crazy to me,” she said, “but the principal who shared the idea noted how positive it was for her school and how much more engaged the parents were in their children’s education.” A major benefit of the event was the ability for parents to see how children learn in a modern teaching environment, better equipping them to handle homework their children receive. Dr. Jensen and school officials provided information at a special meeting early in the day about programs and initiatives provided by the school, such as CHAMPS, the school’s classroom management system based on voice levels. Cross Oaks administrators and staffimplemented several guidelines to prevent edu-

Parents crowd the cafeteria at Cross Oaks Elementary for the introduction to the school’s “Bring Your Parent to School Day.” cation interruptions during the event, including restricting the use of cellphones and requiring that parents who left the event not return before the end of the school day. Those guidelines, Dr. Jensen said, insured the event would be both fun and educational. More than 200 parents attended the firstyear event, surpassing the expectations of Cross Oaks administrators, who weren’t sure

what kind of responseto expect. Dr. Jensen described the reaction as “overwhelmingly positive.” “I think every day should be ‘Bring Your Parent to School Day,’” third-grader Lily Bedore said when asked what she thought of the event. All 88 parents who completed a voluntary survey indicated the event was beneficial, with one response calling it “an awesome

experience.” Almost all responses praised the use of technology in the classroom; several parents noted how different school technology is from when they were young. Parents may have even learned something themselves, Dr. Jensen said. “It was a huge risk, but there was a great reward,” she said. “Now we are hoping to see parents use the same strategies at home with their children that we are using at school.”

Meet Paloma Creek Elementary assistant principal Brenda Hill My favorite color is: Red My favorite subject in school was: Math My favorite teacher was: Mrs. Owens

My most memorable moment as a child was: When my drill team was invited to perform at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Traveling to our Nation’s capital and touring the historical places like George Washington’s home, the

Lincoln Memorial, and the White

House is a memory I still treasure.


Private Music Lessons in a uniquely positive environment

My School’s mascot: Falcon Where you were born: Wiesbaden, Germany (my dad was in the Air Force) My favorite food is: Pizza

Piano Guitar Bass Guitar Voice Flute Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet Trombone Violin Drums

Doug Raney Private Guitar Instruction

All teachers have passed background checks and are Ministry Safe certified. • Child-safe and ministry-safe certified • Studios at the Academy/FUMC & the Selwyn School • Visit for tuition and contact info. J4

Contact Information (940) 382-5478 ext. 238

Space Is Limited. Enroll Now!


Lunchbox Bites

Pumpkin waffles with maple walnut apples 11 Makes 4 Servings Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 18 min Ingredients Waffles: 1 cup cake flour 1/4 cup wheat germ 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1 large egg 1 large egg white 1/2 teaspoon fine salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 3/4 cup milk 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 cup melted butter 1/4 cup melted shortening (transfat-free) Apple topping: 3 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 crisp apples, peeled and sliced thin 1/4 cup pure maple syrup 1/2 cup toasted walnuts Preheat waffle iron to medium heat. To prepare waffles, whisk flour, wheat germ, sugar, baking powder, spice and salt together in a large bowl. Beat together the milk, pumpkin, melted butter, and melted shortening, egg and egg

white, in a large measuring cup. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Whisk together to make a slightly lumpy batter To prepare the apple topping, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the apples and let cook until slightly browned, but still crisp, about 4 minutes. Add the maple syrup and walnuts and

toss to coat. Pour and spread about 1 cup batter into the waffle iron. Cover and cook until crisp and a rich golden brown, about 7 minutes. (Try to resist the temptation to open the waffle iron too soon. Steam will puff out of the iron while the waffles cook, when this stops the waffle is cooked.) Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve hot with the apple topping. - Recipe provided by Food Network Nutritional Facts Calories: 166 (per waffle) Total Fat: 10 g Saturated Fat: 5 g Cholesterol: 92 mg Sodium: 294 mg Calcium: 14% daily value Protein: 4 g Carbohydrates: 92 g


Tips to keep the flu way this fall, winter Fall is here and winter is right around the corner, so you can bet that the flu virus will be creeping up here and there. In fact, the change in temperature can lead to a cough here and a sniffle there possibly weakening your body and making it easier for the flu virus to sneak in. Being a virus, the flu is easy to catch and not easy to separate from the common cold, which is also a virus but not as severe. You can get it from your parents, who can catch the flu from someone at work, from a classmate at school or from a friend on at dance or basketball practice. Since flu season is basically here, I wanted to remind you of some actions you can take with your family (especially little children) to help prevent the flu in your household: Wash your hands FREQENTLY. Many germs and illnesses are transmitted by direct contact, whether by touching someone else’s hands or a surface they touched. Germs, especially flu germs, can live on surfaces for many hours, only to be picked up by the next person that touches that surface.

Wash your hands often, for a full 20 seconds with soap and water. You can usually say your ABCs by the time you should be done. If a sink isn’t available, use hand sanitizer. This is the number one way to

prevent the spread of germs! Cover your sneezes and coughs with your sleeve. Do this instead of using their hands. – Jonita Widmer, director of health services for Denton ISD

Reading Success for Children, Teens & Adults • Free Assessment • STAAR tutoring in reading & writing • Dramatic Reading Results • One to One Instruction • No Contract

Karen Weidner 940-595-3937


HEARING PROBLEMS? If your child has failed their hearing screening at school or is having difficulty listening to or hearing the teacher, Denton Hearing Health Care can be your first point of contact to conduct a diagnostic hearing test and central auditory processing screening. For children with chronic middle ear problems, swimmers ear, or P.E. tubes, we can make colorful custom made earplugs to prevent water from entering the ear canal. These are floatable and can be used when swimming or bathing and may also be used for sound protection as well.

Fall into Fitness! • Adult Fitness Classes (ages 15+) • Performance Training (ages 5-18) • TRX Suspension Training


Dr. Judith Caudle and Dr. Chris Caudle have served the children in Denton County and the surrounding areas for over 25 years.



940-387-0550 2686 Old Alton Road, Denton, TX

2540 Lillian Miller Ste 100 Denton, Texas J4

Located just minutes from Lantana, Highland Village, Argyle, Corinth and Lake Dallas


November 2013

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