Summer Fun 2013

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May 17, 2013

Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 02•S


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013•03

Summer Fun 2013 Choose from a wide selection of summer camps Editor’s Note: We’ve collected a listing of summer activities from the city, schools and several entities to help you plan your child’s summer activities. A full listing is available online at City of Denton Day Summer Camps (The following are camps provided by the City of Denton Parks and Recreation Department. For a full listing, visit Registration Registrations are accepted at the Denton Civic Center from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fees Each session costs $105 per child for residents and nonresidents pay an additional $5 per session. Session 4 (no camp on July 4), costs $85 for residents and $90 for nonresidents. Tshirts cost $8, a one-time required fee. Fees include all activities, field trips, and supplies. Regardless of being registered for the free lunch program, kids must bring two snacks and a drink each day. The free lunch program is available on non-field trip days, June 10-Aug. 16. The first session must be paid in full upon registration. The $10

Make new friends at summer camp. deposit (applied to fee) is required for all reserved sessions. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable; credits or refunds are not provided for days missed. For sessions paid in full, a oneweek notice must be give to receive credit toward another session. Time: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Little Campers Ages 3.5-6 (kids must be potty trained) Location:McMath Middle School

(Sessions 10 and 11 held at Denton Civic Center) Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Squiggles and Giggles Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Bouncing Bungalows Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: Fun in the Jungle Session 4: July 1-5 Theme: Loopy Luau Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Tumbling Tycoons Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Beach Bonzai Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: Giddy Up


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 06•S

Denton Youth Soccer Summer Soccer Camp & Fall Registration 2013

Every child plays in every game.

Boundaries of the Denton Soccer Association are the entire DISD School Area

July 15-19 - North Lakes Soccer Complex Ages 3-4 First Kicks 8:00-9:00am $78 Ages 3-4 First Kicks 6:00-7:00pm $78 Ages 4-5 Mini Soccer 1.5hr 8:00-9:30am $88 Ages 4-5 Mini Soccer 1.5hr 7:00-8:30pm $88 Ages 6-10 Half Day 8:00-11:00am $112 Ages 6-10 Half Day 6:00-9:00pm $112 FREE ONLINE CHALLENGER JERSEY OFFER DEADLINE 6/1/13

Para mas informacion llame a el tel 940-595-6412 entre Las 5y8 pm

Online Camp Registration Link is available on the DSA website For additional information contact the Camp Director Alex Andrews Phone 469713-2740 or email

DSA Programs are for Boys & Girls with birthdates from 8/1/94 thru 7/31/10

ALL Players In order to register for the DSA Fall ’13 Season, we must have a copy of your OFFICIAL Birth Certificate on file or he or she cannot be placed on a team. NO LATE REGISTRATION

REGISTRATION DSA will be offering online registration to all previous players and new players providing an official birth certificate starting sometime in June. Families needing additional paperwork will need to come in during open registration hours at DSA office July 15-20. Online and open registration information will be posted on the DSA website,, about June 1. See Our Website

Denton Soccer Association Serving Youth Soccer

The Denton Soccer Association is a Denton Parks and Recreation Dept. co-sponsored program which is non-profit and the only U.S.S.F. recognized Youth Soccer Program in the Denton Area.


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013•07

Session 8: July 29-Aug 2 Theme: Mad Hatters Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: Striking Starz Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Bouncing Buckaroos Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Commotion in the Ocean Camp Exploration Ages 5-11 Location: Denton Civic Center Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Camptropolis Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Whopping Waves Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: Limbo Luau Session 4: July 1-5 Theme: Movie Madness

Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Collosal Fun Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Flash and a Splash Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: Jammin n Jumpin Session 8: July 29-Aug 2 Theme: Spunky Sports Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: Water Wonderland Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Adventures Away Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Hollywood Highlights Super Kids Ages 6-12 Location: McMath Middle School Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Campamaniacs

Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Surfing Super Stars Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: Rock or Roll Session 4: July 1-5 Theme: Sciencetific Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Razzle Dazzle Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Cinemaphonics Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: Splashing Splendor Session 8: July 29-Aug 2 Theme: Game-a-thon Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: CSI Sleuths Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Music to the Max Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Summer Spectacular

Everyday will be action packed with fun and engaging activities, both indoors and outdoors. For an hour of swimming in our campus pool and 3 hours dedicated to the weekly theme. All students are welcome to attend summer a Selwyn programs; participants do not need to be enrolled at Selwyn to participate.

June 10 - August 9 Toddler-Grade 6 EQ

Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 08•S

Camp Voyage Ages 5-8 and 9-12 Location: Denia Rec Center Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Birds of Prey & Steel Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Kayak Attack Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: EnviroKids Session 4: July 1-5 Theme: Cam, Jam, & Belay Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Sandlot Kids Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Anglers & Archers Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: Nickelodeon Throwback Session 8: July 29-Aug 2 Theme: Friday Night Lights Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: Super Soaked Summer Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Game Time Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Best of the Best King Kids Kamp Ages 6-12 Location: MLK Jr. Recreation Center Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Wacky World of Sports Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Wild Kingdom Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: Ready, Set, GO! Session 4: July 1-5

Learn new things while having fun at summer camp. Theme: Brrr! It’s Cold in Here! Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Extreme Obstacles Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Splish, Splash, Splunk Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: JUMP into Fitness Session 8: July 29-Aug 2 Theme: Weird Science Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: Let’s Go Pro! Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Catch me if you Can! Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Field day FINALE Half-Day Camps Ages 3-5 (kids must be potty trained)

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Denton Civic Center June 24-28 Theme: Little Scientists July 8-12 Theme: Super Hero Adventures July 22-26 Theme: Fairy Tale Adventures Ultimate Campout at Turner Falls Park June 24-28 Grades 1-5 $150/camper Jr. Master Naturalist Camp June 10-14, 9 a.m.-noon Ages 6-11 $60/child


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 10•S

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Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013•11

Play-Well Teknologies Engineering Fundamentals Lego Camp at North Lakes Rec Center June 17-21, 1-4 p.m. Ages 8-12 $170/child Spanish Grammar in Action at North Lakes Rec Center June 8-12, 8:30 a.m.-noon Ages 14-17 $75/child French Grammar in Action at North Lakes Rec Center July 22-26, 8:30 a.m.-noon Ages 14-17 $75/child Computer Animation at MLK Jr. Rec Center June 10-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Ages 10-17 $165/child Video Game Design at MLK Jr. Rec Center June 10-13, 1-4 p.m. July 29-Aug 1, 9 a.m.-noon Ages 10-17 $175/child Web Design at MLK Jr. Rec Center July 29-Aug 1, 1-4 p.m. Ages 10-17 $165/child The Gaming Academy at MLK Jr. Rec Center Aug 5-8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ages 10-17 $325/child Flag Football, Hockey/Soccer,

Volleyball, Karate, Lacrosse Camp at Denton Civic Center June 17-21, 9 a.m.-noon Ages 3-4 $60/child Basketball, T-Ball, Tennis, Track and Field, Bowling, Golf Camp at Denton Civic Center Aug 5-9, 9 a.m.-noon Ages 3-4 $60/child Softball Camp at Denia Sports Complex June 10-13, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 5-8 $75/child Softball Camp at Denia Sports Complex June 17-20, 8:30-11:30 a.m.


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Tr “No y Our $5 Strin 0 gs” S .00 peci al!

We will enhance their public school music participation or can be an alternative to public school music programs.

Offering lessons on almost any instrument!


TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic

Summer Camps Available Preschool Language Curriculum Language and Feeding with Friends Preschool Articulation and Language Listening and Oral Language Play Group Literacy and Language Learning for Hard Hearing Phone: 940-898-2285 Fax: 940-898-2070 E-mail:


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013•13

Denton Boys Baseball, Inc. Denton’s Oldest and Largest Youth Baseball Association Celebrating over 60 years of service ARE YOU READY FOR SOME BASEBALL? DBBI OFFERS 5 DIVISIONS OF BASEBALL Spring & Fall Ranging in ages 5 through 15 6U division - Ages 5 and 6 8U division - Ages 7 and 8 10U division - Ages 9 and 10 12U division - Ages 11 and 12 15U division - Ages 13 thru 15 Age determined by the age your child will be as of May 1, 2014 Fall registration beginning July 15, 2013 Spring registration beginning January 1, 2014 For more information, please call 940-383-7669 OR Visit our website at us on Facebook! EQ

Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 14•S

Ages 9-12 $75/child Volleyball Camp at North Lakes Rec Center June 24-27, 1-4 p.m. Ages 7-9 $75/child Volleyball Camp at North Lakes Rec Center July 8-11, 1-4 p.m. Ages 10-12 $75/child Soccer Camp at Denia Rec Center July 15-18, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 5-8 $75/child Skateboard Camp at the Skate Park June 10-14, 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 8-12, 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 29-Aug 2, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 6 and older $75/child Mini Skateboard Camp at the Skate Park June 17-21, 9-11 a.m. July 15-19, 9-11 a.m. Ages 5-7 $50/child Intermediate Skateboard Camp at the Skate Park June 24-28, 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 22-26, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 6 and older $75/child DC Bronco Football Camp at MLK Jr. Rec Center

There are a variety of sports camps offered this summer. June 10-21, M/W/F 8-11 a.m. July 8-19, M/W/F 8-11 a.m. Ages 6-12 $50/child per session or $85 for both Golf Camp at Robson Ranch Golf Course June 10-13, 9-11 a.m. Aug 5-8, 9-11 a.m. Ages 7 and older $150/child The Olympics Ages 5-13 This fun two-week training program will allow kids to compete for the silver, bronze and gold in their age division in the following events: tug of war, long jump, 100-yard dash, jump rope and football toss. “Olympic

Game Day” will be Saturday, July 20, from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. at MLK Jr. Rec Center. Game day heats will be determined during qualifying events on Thursday, July 18. Each competitor will participate on game day and receive a participation ribbon. Ages 5-7, July 9-20, T/Th, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $10 Qualifying time: Thursday, July 18 at 11-11:30 a.m. Ages 8-10, July 9-20, M-Th, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $10 Qualifying time: Thursday, July 18 at 11:30 a.m.-noon Ages 11-13, July 9-20, M-Th, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $10 Qualifying time: Thursday, July 18 at 12:30-1 p.m.

Denton Ballet Academy Summer Intensive Featuring Guest Ballet Instructor Marina Bogdanova July 1 - 20, 2013 940-891-0830

Home of The Festival Ballet’s


Intermediate Students Level I (3-4 year olds) Group I (9-10 year olds) Level II (5-6 year olds) Group II (11-12 year olds) Level III (7-8 year olds) Advanced Students (13 and up)



Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 16•S

o d m eling? e R Turn your reusable cabinets, appliances, lighting & plumbing fixtures plus more into a

tax deductible donation! Donate your reusable items to

. . . . . . . .and we will pick up. . . . . . . . Or items may be dropped off @ 1805 Cornell Ln. (off W. Univeristy behind Wendy’s and Budget/Avis Rental Car)

Call for details @ 940-382-8487 or email us at

We are open to the public!


10 Off next purchase

(Not valid with any other offers) for Denton Location EQ

Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013•17

Teen Day Camp Ages 11-15 Cost: $115 per session: $95 for session 4 (no camp on July 4) Session 1: June 10-14 Theme: Gamesatropolis Session 2: June 17-21 Theme: Sports Frenzy Session 3: June 24-28 Theme: Jamming & Jumping Session 4: July 1-5 Theme: Hawaiian Hullabaloo Session 5: July 8-12 Theme: Racing Rampage Session 6: July 15-19 Theme: Amusement Mania Session 7: July 22-26 Theme: Paintball Party Session 8: July 29-Aug 2

Theme: Adventureland Session 9: Aug 5-9 Theme: Arcade Crazy Session 10: Aug 12-16 Theme: Tropical Paradise Session 11: Aug 19-23 Theme: Urban Adventures Teen Overnight Trips & Adventures Davis Mountain Observatory June 18-21 $195/teen Tubing on the Comal Aug 13-14 $100/teen Teen One-Day Adventures Horseback Riding June 25, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $45/teen

Kayaking July 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $20/teen Rock Climbing July 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $25/teen Intro to Mountain Biking July 23, 9 a.m.-noon $22/teen Archery July 30, 1-4 p.m. $10/teen Free Movies in the Park 8 p.m. activities, 9 p.m. movie Location: Quakertown Park Friday, May 17 - Brave Thursday, June 20 - Puss in Boots Thursday, June 27 - The Lorax

Giving kids the “keys” to succeed

Sign-up today for...

1 MONTH OF FREE LESSONS! For more details:

Call: 940-765-4363 E-mail: Visit:


Achievers Gymnastics We Teach Kids to “Achieve”! Summer Camp Program 2013

De n



ecord-Chro ni nR to



Ages 3-5 ea

w de r s’ C h o ic e A


Celebrating 21 years of Excellence 1992-2013

For more information

Call Achievers at 940-484-4900 or visit

W E E K LY T H E M E S & T R I P S ! WK 1 June 10-14 WK 2 June 17-21 WK 3 June 24-28


Field Trip

Hawaiian Vacation Week Water Works - Denton Outer Space Week Cinemark Movie Fun With Water Week Water Works - Denton


July 8-12 July 15-19 July 22-26 July 29-Aug 2 Aug 5-9 Aug 12-16

All About Animals Week Frank Buck Zoo - Gainesville Heroes Week Water Works - Denton Just Rolling Week Lone Star Roller Park At The Beach Week Water Works - Denton Crazy Careers Week Beth Marie’s Ice Cream Tour Sports Week Water Works - Denton

Ages 6-17

MON. – FRI. • 9AM-4PM TUES. & THURS. • 9AM-NOON $205 Full Day All Week (Must be potty trained) $620 Full Day any 4 Weeks $65 - 2 days per Week (That’s only $155 a week) $220 for any 4 Weeks ($55.00 a week) $60 Full Day – 9-4 • $45 Half Day – 9-12 or 1-4 $40.00 - One Day Early drop off 8:00 to 9:00am – add $10.00 daily per family Late Pick Up from 4:00 to 5:00pm – add $10.00 daily per family For both add $18.00 daily per family

$25.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Due At Signup

Discounts: 20% for additional siblings **Team members 1/2 price** 10% discount off all fees if paid in full by May 25th

The field trips are optional and there will be an additional charge. Field trips are for school age campers only and you must do a full day of camp to go on a field trip. You must sign up for field trips by the Tuesday prior to the day of the trip in order for us to arrange transportation. After that we cannot guarantee your camper will be able to participate in the field trip. EQ

Summer Fun


Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 20•S

Free Concerts on the Square 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. May 22 - Joyce Spencer May 29 - Brian Houser June 5 - Island Boogie June 12 - Matt Tolentino June 19 - Baloney Moon June 26 - Texas Tribute Band Free Starrise 8:15 p.m. Location: Denton Civic Center June 7 - Funtime Dancers June 14 - Denton Community Band June 21 - The Blue Notes June 28 -An Evening of Belly Dance July 12 - Denton Juggling Association July 19 - Mariachi Kings

A crowd enjoys listening to a concert on the Square last year. Juneteenth Celebration Friday, June 14 Location: Fred Moore Park

5 p.m. - Vendor booths open 7 p.m. - Gospel Night begins Saturday, June 15

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Summer Fun•Friday, May 17, 2013 22•S

Wellspring Christian Academy

Summer Camp! Starts June 10th, Call Now to Register! Preschool 2-4 Yrs • • • • • • • • •

Creative Activities Splash Pool Praise and Worship Nutritious Lunches Arts and Crafts AM & PM Snacks Hands on Discovery Special Events Dramatic Play

CCS r do n e V

Pre-K Thru 5th Grade • • • • • • • • • •

Fun Filled Days Field Trips Extravagant Events Chapel Service TWU Swimming Pool Video Arcade Room AM & PM Snacks Science Projects Sports & Games Plus lots,lots more!

NO ENROLLMENT FEE! 2 Year Olds 3-4 Year Olds K-5TH Grade

$120 $115 $115

Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 6:30 pm 1919 N. Elm • Denton, TX 76201 (940) 591-9900


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