It’s tIme to regIster for fall classes!
September 5 – December 18, 2013
fitchburg State univerSity in these challenging economic times, it is wise to take stock of your personal and professional goals to ensure that you are on the right track. fitchburg State university’s graduate and continuing education program stands ready to assist you in that effort. With a focus on new and innovative offerings, advanced technology, customer service and affordability, we stand second to none in providing you with what you need to advance your career or simply explore areas of interest. We are able to do this because of our dedicated faculty and librarians. they are first-rate, both in terms of their in-depth knowledge and their commitment to mentoring and advising. Please consider joining our learning community. the thrill of growth and discovery lies ahead. Dr. robert V. antonucci President
fitchburg state administration
Dr. robert V. antonucci President
Dr. robin e. Bowen Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jay Bry
Vice President of Finance and Administration
christopher Hendry
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
catherine r. canney Dean, Graduate and Continuing Education
contact Us
graduate and continuing education — 978.665.3182 Email: Web site: admissions — 978.665.3144 Email: Web site: financial aid — 978.665.3156 Email: Web site:
office of the registrar — 978.665.4196 Email: Web site: student accounts — 978.665.4126 Email: Web site: student-services/student-accounts/ | 978.665.3182
graDUate anD contInUIng eDUcatIon
InformatIon sessIon
august 13, 2013
thompson hall fitchburg State university
5-6:30 p.m.
fitchburg State university’s Office of graduate and continuing education offers more than 45 graduate and undergraduate degree and certificate programs in the evening or online. take advantage of our information Session to visit the campus and take the first step to attaining your educational goals.
Special information sessions will be held at 5 p.m. for the LPn to bS in nursing bridge program, Online Mba, and graduate Special education, education (early childhood, elementary, Middle School) and counseling programs. Drop in anytime between 5 and 6:30 p.m. to meet with our Director of Distance education to learn more about our online programs. (This information session is not intended for students interested in attending the traditional day program.)
applIcatIon fee WaIVer!
Prospective graduate and undergraduate evening students who attend the august 13th gce information Session, have not yet applied for admission, and are not currently enrolled in any courses, will be eligible for a waiver of the $25 application for admission fee. the fee waiver is for a fall 2013 or Spring 2014 application. your application must be received by September 6, 2013 to be eligible for the waiver.
We look forward to receiving your application for admission!
fitchburg State univerSity
www.ďŹ | 978.665.3182
UnDergraDUate cHemIstrY chemistry in a fall classes
changing World
topics: Digital Photography Management
art appreciation Online introduction to Studio art
nineteenth century art
fall classes
september 5 – December 18, 2013
for a complete course listing including schedules and course descriptions, visit courses
Life Science i Online nutrition Online
BUsIness aDmInIstratIon
business fluctuations & forecasting Online business Law i Online consolidations & Mergers
Introduction to financial reporting
Online Enroll in this core course for the Online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Management Concentration.
commUnIcatIons compUter scIence
computer applications Online computer Science basics Online
internet communications Online
crImInal JUstIce
health & fitness
earth Systems Science Hybrid
earth, Sea & air
culture & Society of india Online
topics: rOtc Military history Online
united States history ii
introduction to Legal Process
InterDIscIplInarY stUDIes
crime & Delinquency Prevention Online
Principles of economicsMicroeconomics Online
american Literature ii: civil War to Present
human resources Management
Short Story Online
Organizational behavior & theory Online
exercise, nutrition & heart Disease Online
financial reporting theory & Practice i
eXercIse & sports scIence
Literature for young adults Online Writing i Online
World civilizations ii
culture & Society of india Online
global issues Online
applied statistics
Take Applied Statistics to prepare for Nursing Research and other research courses.
basic Mathematics ii business Statistics
calculus for business Precalculus
commonwealth of the arts Online
Recipient of the prestigious Exemplary Course Award from Blackboard, Inc.
commonwealth of the arts
from Woodstock to the iPOD Online
community health nursing Online
Leadership & Management concepts for nursing Practice Online nursing research Online Pathopharmacology i
occUpatIonal eDUcatIon
addressing the needs of Students with Disabilities in vocational technical education Online Managing Student behavior in a healthy & Safe environment Online
polItIcal scIence
united States government Online
educational Psychology Online
Human growth & Development Online
Prerequisite course for MS in Counseling and requirement for Nursing majors.
Psychology of Learning Online
Medical Sociology Online Social Problems Online
Spanish for beginners i
introduction to Speech communication
lIfe long learnIng (non-creDIt)
beginning italian i
community Orchestra
(No Charge)
Philosophy of human nature
intermediate italian
Logic Online
topics: Medical ethics
World religions Online
concert band (No Charge) italian conversation & cuisine
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
Learn More,
call 978.665.3182, email or attend our August 13th Information Session. Register online at gce/infosession
Whether you’re interested in professional development, becoming a teacher or a school administrator, Fitchburg State can help you achieve your goals!
Degree and certificate options include: • • • • •
graDUate fall classes
certificate of advanced graduate Study (cagS) Master of arts in teaching (Mat) Master of education (Med) graduate Level certificates Post-baccalaureate certificates
fitchburg State is one of only seven institutions in Massachusetts to obtain national council for accreditation of teacher education (ncate) certification. this award signifies that all of our teacher preparation programs have undergone careful review by the national association for the education of young children (naeyc), the association of childhood education international (acei), the national Middle School association (nMSa), the council for exceptional children (cec), and evaluation by a national team of professionals from ncate.
learn more about our education programs at
neW! post Baccalaureate certificate In technology/ engineering education (Initial licensure, 5-12)
Do you have a bachelor’s degree? seeking a career change? fitchburg state provides a pathway for you to teach technology/engineering education! the new post-baccalaureate certificate in technology/engineering education provides courses for college graduates who hold a bachelor’s degree, regardless of major, to obtain initial licensure in that field. comprised of technical and professional courses, the program is offered at the graduate or undergraduate level, and courses are offered at times convenient for teachers. the number of courses required to complete the program is contingent upon each student’s previous industrial experience and formal degree work.
Learn more about this program at
fall classes
september 5 – December 18, 2013
for a complete course listing including schedules and course descriptions, visit courses
applIeD commUnIcatIon
applied rhetoric
gender communication topics: Political communication
advanced graduate Studio
the Mask & the Maker
curriculum Design & Development
topics: forensic chemistry
compUter scIence
advanced Mathematics for computer Scientists computer engineering Database Design
Design & analysis of algorithms Object Oriented Programming
advanced child Development
advanced concepts & Methods of elementary & Middle School Math advanced research in education Online
advanced Seminar in reflective Practice & action research
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
Learn More,
Special education at fitchburg State university — creating teachers for aLL Students.
call 978.665.3182, email or attend our August 13th Information Session. Register online at gce/infosession
Our programs work for yOu!
eDUcatIon programs
fitchburg State university offers the following Special education programs for people seeking licensure status, or who want to enhance their skills for working with individuals with disabilities:
master of education in special education Degrees
• guided Studies (non-Licensure/Professional Licensure in Moderate or Severe Disabilities) • reading Specialist (initial Licensure and non-Licensure)
• teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (initial Licensure) • teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (initial Licensure)
graduate certificate programs • behavior analyst
• reading Specialist (initial Licensure)
earn a certificate as a board certified behavioral analyst while seeking a master’s degree in special education. three of the five required courses for the certificate may be completed with any of our masters in special education programs.
Learn more about this program at
“This program has given me the knowledge and confidence to manage many different situations that may arise in a special education classroom. This degree along with my experience has helped me obtain the job of my dreams. I found the professors to be experts in the field and a wealth of information. The staff involved in the program are able to offer experience based knowledge and guidance at each and every step along the way.” –brian Whalen M.ed. in Special education – Moderate Disabilities
graDUate fall classes
eDUcatIon (continued)
collaborating with & involving Parents in early childhood Settings
Dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid educational issues in child Development family involvement in early childhood Settings Language arts & Literacy at the Middle School
Middle School instructional Strategies & Practices
Qualitative reading assessment & analysis reading & Writing in the content areas research in education Online
reflective Seminar & action research
Strategies for creating an effective Learning environment
eDUcatIonal leaDersHIp & management
cases & concepts in education Online community relations Hybrid
curriculum Leadership & evaluation Hybrid Dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid
Law for the educator
the Principal: Organization & administration of the elementary, Middle, & Secondary School Online topics: issues in School evaluations Hybrid
advanced Special Methods in english
curriculum Design & Development graduate Study & research in english
american historical fiction: Practice & theory topics: Women in World cinema
fitchburg State univerSity
graDUate fall classes
Management theory & Process Online
HIstorY (continued)
Marketing communications
advanced Special Methods in teaching history
curriculum Design & Development historiography
topics: food, culture & history
InterDIscIplInarY stUDIes
critical inquiry in interdisciplinary Studies Online
accounting information Systems Online MBA accounting Practices for Managers Online MBA advanced financial accounting issues corporate finance
the human resource function & the Manager Legal issues in human resources Management Online
Management information Systems
Managing the non-Profit Organization
marketing management Online
Core requirement for the Online MBA.
Organizational behavior & Development Organizational behavior & Development Online MBA Quality Management theory
topics: real estate in the 21st century Online MBA
intermediate choral conducting Musical arranging
continuation of the research Project Online
forensic nursing: caring for victims Online forensic Science & technology Online
nursing with Diverse Populations Online
research Project Online | 978.665.3182
occUpatIonal eDUcatIon
addressing the needs of Students with Disabilities in vocational technical education Online
rn to Bsn
Take your nursing career to the next level with an online RN to BSN from Fitchburg State
Managing Student behavior in a healthy & Safe environment Online
childhood trauma & its impact on School based Services
counseling theories
Phase 1 course for the Master of Science in Counseling
family & Systems: Models & interventions
group Dynamics
Phase 1 course for the Master of Science in Counseling
Occupational information & career counseling
Principles of guidance & counseling Professional Practice, Standards, & ethics: Mental health & family counseling
Psychology of Learning: theory & applications
Whether you seek to advance in your current position, prepare for a new role in your organization, or continue your education in graduate school, the fitchburg State online rn to bSn program can help you achieve your goals. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible education and preparing you for the demands of professional nursing. • Designed for both associate degree and diploma rns
• Learn online without compromising quality for convenience
• Limited enrollment provides individual attention, and enhanced peer and faculty interaction
• Prepare to become a clinical nursing instructor, nurse Manager, or Staff nurse
• clinical placements are arranged in collaboration with students to match their interests and location • 24/7 support and online help desk
this program is accredited by the commission on collegiate nursing education and may be completed on a part-time or full-time basis.
To learn more call 978.665.3182 or visit
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
Learn More at
you’re already an outstanding nurse in your field, but are you ready for more?
For questions about the program attend our August 13th Information Session or contact:
transition to the role of a registered nurse at fitchburg State!
lpn to BacHelor of scIence In nUrsIng
BrIDge program
enroll in our new LPn to bS in nursing bridge Program today. the program is designed to prepare the Licensed Practical nurse (LPn) to be a professional registered nurse with a bachelor of Science in nursing degree to meet societal health care needs in a variety of settings. Legal, ethical and professional standards guide the student in the art and science of nursing. the graduate is prepared to respect diversity and social responsibility, and the program encourages a commitment to excellence in the practice of holistic nursing. through course work and clinical experiences, you’ll be prepared to: • Synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts, sciences and nursing as a foundation for safe client-centered care. • incorporate basic organizational and systems leadership to provide quality care and patient safety. • integrate evidence-based nursing practice including current research and critical thinking in the management of client care. • analyze information using information technology to improve patient outcomes. • examine the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments on nursing practice. • integrate principles of effective communication in professional practice. • Synthesize knowledge of health promotion and disease/ injury prevention in designing population focused care. • integrate professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct into nursing practice.
“The LPN to BSN program at Fitchburg State University will be opening doors for so many LPN’s in the future. As one of the first 15 students I am honored and excited to be continuing my journey in nursing and to see what opportunities lie ahead. It was designed to give each candidate the finest and most up-todate research-based instruction and to incorporate basic organizational and systems leadership to provide quality care and patient safety. It truly has opened doors for me.” –Sara Dunnebie, current Student, LPn to bSn program
Carol S. Kronopolus, MS, RN LPN to BS in Nursing Coordinator Office: 978.665.3108 Cell: 978.340.1265
Register for Information Session at
graDUate fall classes
assessment of Writing skills & Writing Disabilities Hybrid
psYcHologY (continued)
psychology of reading, reading Development & Disabilities Hybrid
research & Program evaluation
Understanding the structure of the english language Online
Psychological testing & assessment: theory & Practice topics: Mental health Outreach & Prevention
reaDIng specIalIst
content area reading & Writing: fostering Literacy in Middle School & high School
research in reading education Online
Required courses for M.Ed. in Special Education: Reading Specialist
scIence eDUcatIon
advanced methods in teaching science Required course for M.Ed. in Science Education (Professional Licensure)
Science, ethics, & technology
seconDarY eDUcatIon
curriculum Design & Development
introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic Discipline Hybrid
research in the Secondary education classroom Hybrid
specIal eDUcatIon
action research for Special education
advanced identification & remediation of reading/ Language based Learning Disabilities Hybrid assessment, curriculum, Strategies for Math (focus on PreK-8) Hybrid
fitchburg State univerSity
graDUate fall classes
specIal eDUcatIon
assessment, curriculum, Strategies for Math (focus on 5-12) Hybrid
assessment Strategies for Students with Disabilities
the assessment of Writing Skills & Writing Disabilities Hybrid
behavior analysis & Support for Students with Severe Disabilities
consultation & collaboration Strategies
curriculum Strategies in reading & Language arts Hybrid
Differentiating content instruction in inclusive classrooms Hybrid Dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid fundamentals in applied behavior analysis
language Development, Differences & Disorders
Online Foundation course for Special Education programs
Positive behavioral Supports for Students with Disabilities
Program Development across the Life Span
Psychology of reading, reading Development & Disabilities Online
reading & Writing: Methods for Secondary Students with Moderate Disabilities
research in Special education Online research application & Seminar Special education & the Law
Understanding Disabilities & Diversity
Online Foundation course for Master of Education in Special Education in Moderate and Severe Disabilities | 978.665.3182
onlIne learnIng
understanding the Structure of the english Language Online
fitchburg state University is a leader in online learning.
advanced methods of teaching at the secondary level Online
Take a course or complete an entire degree program online!
tecHnologY eDUcatIon
Graduate pedagogy course for M.Ed. in Technology Education
• easy to use technology with 24/7 technical support • full access to our Online Student resources center • access to your own virtual academic advisor • Online course demo at
Manufacturing in technology education
Methods of teaching technology/engineering education
for updates to our course listing, visit courses
online Degree and certificate programs
• Mba — human resources Management concentration • Mba — Management concentration • MS in forensic nursing • rn to bSn • bS in business administration — Management concentration • forensic nursing certificate • Web Development certificate • business certificate
“Fitchburg State University’s online program has given me the access to complete a master’s degree in business while continuing to work full time. The quality of courses and professors do not disappoint! The classes are challenging and the professors are always willing to help facilitate students’ understanding. To top it off, the option of completing the program at an accelerated rate allowed me to finish my MBA in only 17 months! ” –Kristine caveney, Mba, 2013
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
onlIne BacHelor of scIence In
BUsIness aDmInIstratIon
Quality, affordable graduate education – ONLINE
To learn more, call 978.665.3182 or visit or attend our August 13th Information Session. Register online at
earn a respected, affordable mBa online — In JUst 17 montHs!
• focused one-course-at-a-time format
• choose from specialized concentrations in human resources or management • Limited enrollment provides individual attention, and enhanced peer and faculty interaction • 24/7 tech support and online help desk
earn an accredited mBa with a schedule that suits your lifestyle — and a cost that fits your budget. the fitchburg State university Online Mba is a 10-course program with concentrations in management and human resources. Study with a cohort of your peers from around the area, around the country and around the globe. cohorts are kept small — 20-25 students per class—to provide maximum interaction with both peers and faculty. you’ll access course material at your convenience, wherever and whenever you have an internet connection. Our online course demo ( will give you confidence in your ability to use the blackboard system before your coursework begins. applicants are accepted on a rolling admissions basis.
Apply today and start your coursework this fall.
For more information, visit gce/onlinebsad
earn an undergraduate certificate or degree in business completely online, at your convenience through fitchburg State. While you can complete your certificate or degree program in management completely online, you have the ability to include face-to-face and hybrid classes, too. Online programs at fitchburg State offer a high degree of interactivity in courses. and since fitchburg State also offers an online Mba, you can make a smooth transition to completing a graduate degree. With our online degree you won’t compromise quality for convenience and you’ll spend less money to earn your degree—a wise business decision! fitchburg State university has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the international assembly for collegiate business education (iacbe), which has been recognized by the council of higher education accreditation (chea). “Fitchburg State University’s Online Certificate in Business program allows flexibility with disciplined commitment and time management. The skills I have gained can be put into practice immediately, whether at the office, at home or in the community. I strongly recommend it as a way of gaining new skills or solidifying current ones.”
–anna farnsworth
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
We’re gooD to oUr frIenDs
saVe tHe Date — march 12, 2014 Join us for one of the most sought-after educational consultants in north america.
Like us on Facebook and find out for yourself:
8tH annUal DIstIngUIsHeD
speaker serIes
Transforming School Culture anthony s. muhammad, ph.D.
as a practitioner for nearly twenty years, Dr. Muhammad has served as a middle school teacher, assistant principal, middle school principal, and high school principal. Dr. Muhammad’s tenure has earned him several awards as both a teacher and a principal. his most notable accomplishment came as principal at Levey Middle School in Southfield, Michigan, a national School of excellence, reviews for where student proficiency on state assessments more Dr. anthony muhammad than doubled in five years and he was named the “I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Michigan Middle School Principal of the year in 2005. your presentation. Excellent insights UnDerstanD — how school cultures operate were gained on the power of a collaborative culture. Thanks again DesIgn — strategies for transforming toxic school for sharing your work!” cultures into healthy ones create — positive atmospheres so all students can learn maXImIZe — organizational effectiveness
learn — how to improve relationships and do more than “just make it through the day”
“Thank you for being an innovator in the field. Your words/wisdom has affected millions.”
“Thank you for motivating me each time I hear you speak. You are a true gift to education. Thank you.”
get the latest information for graduate and continuing education (gce)
• new programs • information Sessions
• Special events • Workshops
And there’s more!
Drawings with great rewards like: • fitchburg State university gear • tuition and fee waivers for classes offered through gce
fitchburg State univerSity | 978.665.3182
Want to find out more about our Counseling programs?
master of scIence In
attend the information Session on august 13th and have all of your questions answered by the graduate program chair of our counseling programs.
school guidance counseling prek–8 and/or 5–12 (Initial licensure)
Are you interested in becoming a school guidance counselor?
Register today at gce/infosession.
mental Health counseling
fitchburg State’s Master of Science in counseling – School guidance counseling program is designed to prepare highly skilled professional school guidance counselors to work with all students and the entire school community including culturally diverse populations and students with serious emotional, cognitive, and behavioral disorders.
Become qualified for individual, family, child and group mental health counseling
our program offers a schedule convenient for you:
the Master of Science in Mental health counseling degree offers rolling admissions, allowing students to begin studies in spring, summer, or fall. a minimum of 60 semester hours is required including 12 semester hours of internship. the program may be completed in as little as three years:
Our ncate accredited program prepares graduates with the credentials to apply for initial licensure as an elementary school (PreK-8) and/or secondary school (5-12) guidance counselor. Students also have the opportunity to seek dual licensure (PreK-12) with additional coursework. • Students may begin studies in spring, summer, or fall.
• coursework is offered late afternoons, evenings and Saturdays.
• the program allows up to 6 years to complete degree requirements.
school guidance counselor coursework prepares students to:
• create comprehensive and developmental school guidance counseling programs • Provide services that support all students with their academic, personal/social, and career development
• Provide diagnosis and consultation as integral members of school teams that promote academic achievement, strive to close achievement gaps, and help their students to graduate career and college ready
Learn more about this program and our Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling at
Mental health counseling involves the application of the principles of psychotherapy, human development, learning theory, group dynamics, psychopathology, and intervention/treatment planning. this three-year program prepares professionals for counseling positions in a wide variety of settings such as community mental health centers and residential treatment facilities. the applications are relevant to individuals, couples, children, families and groups for the purposes of treating psychopathology and promoting optimal mental health.
• two complete years (including fall, spring, summer semesters) of academic studies
• One year to complete a 600 hour mandated internship. internship hours begin in the fall semester and end at the conclusion of the university’s spring semester in May (approximately 42 weeks)
Program graduates have the opportunity to apply for licensure in mental health counseling (LMHC).
“Fitchburg State University delivered a vigorous graduate counseling program. It included the theoretical and practical application of current curriculum practices, as well as future trends in the growing field of school guidance counseling. Dynamic professors ensured that every competency required for school counselor licensure was mastered. I am grateful to the University instructors, field site supervising practitioners and my peers for providing me with a solid foundation on which to build and sustain an effective school counselor practice, one rooted in ‘care, knowledge, ethics, skill and reflective leadership.’ ”
–Joan glasheen D’Onofrio, 2012
fitchburg State univerSity
calenDar fall semester: september 5 – December 18, 2013
July 8
July 16
august 13 august 23 september 5
september 10 october 14
november 11
november 22
november 26
Online registration begins
Mail-in/Phone-in/Walk-in registration begins
graduate and continuing education information Session, thompson hall, fitchburg State university, 5–6:30 p.m. Learn more and register at Late registration begins. $25.00 late charge will be added for students registering as of this date. first day of classes
registration deadline for online courses columbus Day, no classes veteran’s Day , no classes
final day to withdraw from classes
thanksgiving recess begins at 4:30 p.m.; no evening classes
november 26-30 thanksgiving recess December 18
December 20
final day of classes
Winter commencement, 6:30 p.m. For information about how to register for courses, visit CALENDAR SUBJECT TO CHANGE
certIfIcate of aDVanceD graDUate stUDY (cags)
educational Leadership & Management non-Licensure School Principal (Initial Licensure) Supervisor/Director (Initial Licensure) technology Leader (Non-Licensure)
interdisciplinary Studies applied communication coordinated Management of Meaning counseling/Psychology concentration individualized concentration reading Specialist (Initial Licensure)
master’s Degrees
master of arts biology english gender Studies concentration history
master of arts in teaching biology (Initial/Professional Licensure) english (Non-Licensure/ Professional Licensure) history (Initial/Professional Licensure and Non-Licensure) master of Business administration accounting human resource Management* Management*
master of education arts education (Non-Licensure) curriculum and teaching (Non-Licensure) early childhood education (Initial/Professional Licensure) educational Leadership and Management non-Licensure School Principal (Initial Licensure) Supervisor/Director (Initial Licensure) technology Leader (Non-Licensure) elementary education (Initial/ Professional Licensure) Middle School education (Initial/ Professional Licensure) Occupational education (Non-Licensure) Science education (Non-Teaching/ Professional Licensure) Secondary education (Non-Licensure) | 978.665.3182 Special education guided Studies (Non-Licensure/ Professional Licensure in Moderate or Severe Disabilities) reading Specialist (Initial Licensure/ Non-Licensure) teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Initial Licensure) teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (Initial Licensure) technology education (Professional Licensure) master of science applied communication applied communication Studies health communication technical and Professional Writing computer Science counseling Mental health counseling School guidance counseling (Initial Licensure) nursing (forensic)**
graDUate certIfIcate programs
applied communication Studies behavior analyst civic engagement educational technology fine arts Director forensic nursing** health care Management not-for-Profit Management reading Specialist (Initial Licensure)
post-BaccalaUreate certIfIcates
biology (Initial Licensure, 8–12) english (Initial Licensure, 8–12) history (Initial Licensure, 8–12) Math (Initial Licensure, 8–12) technology/engineering education (Initial Licensure, 5–12)
BacHelor’s Degrees
business administration accounting finance Management* Marketing criminal Justice interdisciplinary Studies
BacHelor’s Degrees
(Continued) LPn to bS in nursing bridge Program Occupational/vocational education rn to bSn** undeclared/Premajor
UnDergraDUate certIfIcate programs
business* Plastics technology (offered at NYPRO, Inc. in Clinton)* Web Development**
approVal program
vocational technical teacher approval
*Program is ALSO offered online **Program is ONLY offered online
advising & admissions
marylyn gainan – coordinator of graduate & continuing education advising and support services Phone: 978.665.3660 Email: gceadvisor@ tara manzello – assistant Director of admissions Phone: 978.665.3020 Email: tmanzello@
Veterans: for veteran benefits, please visit veterans.