GCE 2013 Winter Spring Course Bulletin

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January 8, 2013, 5–6:30 p.m. (Snow date: January 9)

Learn about graduate and undergraduate evening and online educational opportunities

for more information, call 978.665.3182 or e-mail kmccoybl@fitchburgstate.edu

register at: www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/infosession


Where: Hammond Hall Fitchburg State University


More than 45 graduate and undergraduate degree and certificate programs

information session

Winter 2013: december 27, 2012 – January 13, 2013 Spring 2013: January 15, 2013 – May 15, 2013

it’s time to register for winter and spring classes!

Graduate and ContinuinG eduCation


information session

gradUate and continUing edUcation

when: time: where:

register online:

January 8, 2013 (Snow date: January 9) 5-6:30 p.m. Hammond Hall Fitchburg State university www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/ infosession

Fitchburg State university’s office of Graduate and Continuing education offers more than 45 graduate and undergraduate degree and certificate programs in the evening. take advantage of our information Session to visit the campus and take the initial steps to attaining your educational goals.

UndergradUate winter classes

winter classes

december 27, 2012 – January 13, 2013 For a complete course listing including schedules and course descriptions, visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/ gce/reg

All Winter Classes Online art

art appreciation early 20th Century art


introduction to Life Science i nutrition

BUsiness administration

Business Policy & Strategy Consumer Behavior Human resources Management Principles of Management

commUnications media

Human Communication

Special information sessions will be held at 5 p.m. for the new LPn to BS in nursing Bridge program, the onLine MBa, and graduate Special education, education (early Childhood, elementary, Middle School) and Counseling programs.

drop in anytime between 5 and 6:30 p.m. to meet with our director of distance education to learn more about our online programs. (This information session is not intended for students interested in attending the traditional day program.)

application fee waiver!

Prospective graduate and undergraduate evening students who attend the January 8th GCe information Session, have not yet applied for admission, and are not currently enrolled in any courses, will be eligible for a waiver of the $25 application for admission fee. the fee waiver is for a Summer or Fall 2013 application. Your application must be received by February 8th, 2013 to be eligible for the waiver.

We look forward to receiving your application for admission! interdisciplinarY stUdies

Writing for advertising Writing for Business & technology

Global issues

Correctional Law data analysis

romanticism to rock History of Jazz

Children’s Literature the Short Story

introduction to Western Philosophy Philosophy of Human nature topics: Bioethics

criminal JUstice englisH

eXercise & sports science

exercise, nutrition & Heart disease Health & Fitness


united States History ii World Civilizations ii



political science

united States Government


Psychology of Learning


Juvenile delinquency Social Problems

topics: Culture through Film

gradUate winter classes

All Winter Classes Online

edUcational tecHnologY

Project in educational technology


applied commUnication

Management information Systems Strategic Management

compUter science

topics: Literacy for all

edUcational leadersHip & management

Language development, differences & disorders

topics: risk Communication topics: Cloud Computing

cases & concepts in educational administration

Core requirement for M.Ed. Educational Leadership and Management Supervisor/Director or School Principal programs.

reading specialist special edUcation

we offer a wide variety of education programs: master of arts in teaching degrees: biology, english, and history

To Learn More,

master of education degrees: arts education, curriculum and teaching, early childhood, educational leadership and management, elementary, middle school, occupational, science, secondary, special and technology education

call 978.665.3182, email gceadvisor@fitchburgstate.edu or attend our January 8th Information Session. Register online at www.fitchburgstate.edu/ gce/infosession



UndergradUate spring classes art

Whether you’re interested in professional development, or becoming a teacher or a school administrator, Fitchburg State can help you to fulfill your goals!

Fitchburg State is one of only seven institutions in Massachusetts to obtain national Council for accreditation of teacher education (nCate) certification. this award signifies that all of our teacher preparation programs have undergone careful review by the national association for the education of Young Children (naeYC), the association of Childhood education international (aCei), the national Middle School association (nMSa), the Council for exceptional Children (CeC), and evaluation by a national team of professionals from nCate.

learn more about our education programs at www.fitchburgstate.edu/gdprograms.

new! post Baccalaureate certificate in technology/ engineering education (initial licensure, 5-12)

do you have a bachelor’s degree? seeking a career change? fitchburg state provides a pathway for you to teach technology/engineering education!

the new post-baccalaureate certificate in technology/engineering education provides initial licensure courses for college graduates who already possess a bachelor’s degree, regardless of major, to obtain initial licensure in that field. Comprised of technical and professional courses, the program is offered at the graduate or undergraduate level, and courses are offered at times that accommodate those candidates who are currently teaching. the number of courses required to complete the program is contingent upon each student’s previous industrial experience and formal degree work.

Learn more about this program at www.fitchburgstate.edu/techcertificate

art appreciation Online drawing early 20th Century art Online

spring classes

January 15, 2013 – may 15, 2013

For a complete course listing including schedules and course descriptions, visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/ gce/reg


anatomy & Physiology ii introduction to Life Science i Online nutrition Online topics: Brain Cognition & Music

BUsiness administration

advertising Business Policy & Strategy Business Law i Online Cost accounting Financial reporting theory & Practice iii Online Fundamentals of Marketing Online introduction to Computer information Systems for Business Online

introduction to Managerial accounting Online Social & Political environment of Business Online


Chemistry for Health Sciences

criminal JUstice

Crime in the Media Online introduction to Legal Process Juvenile Justice

commUnications media

topics: introduction to digital Photography

compUter science

advanced web design with scripting Online

Register for this course as part of the Online Web Development Certificate.

algorithms & data Structures


Principles of economics: Microeconomics

center for professional stUdies

For more information on programs offered through the Center for Professional Studies, visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/cps or email cps@fitchburgstate.edu.

UndergradUate spring classes (continued)

introduction to Mountain Hiking (1 cr.) orienteering (1 cr.)

topics: introduction to Fine arts in early Childhood Curriculum

earth System Science Geology oceanography Hybrid



Creative non-fiction Writing Literature for Young adults Online Women & Literature Online World Literature ii Writing ii Online

eXercise & sports science

exercise, nutrition & Heart disease Online Health & Fitness (Accelerated)



united States History i Online World Civilizations iii Online

interdisciplinarY stUdies

Global issues Online


applied Statistics Basic Math ii Business Calculus Online Business Statistics introduction to Functions Precalculus


Commonwealth of the arts Commonwealth of the arts Online From Woodstock to the iPod Online opera Women, Music & Society Online


Concepts of nursing i Online Concepts of nursing ii Online Leadership & Management Concepts for nursing Practice Online Portfolio Preparation Online

occUpational edUcation

addressing the needs of Students with disabilities in Vocational technical education Online

the Center for Professional Studies (CPS) at Fitchburg State university offers professional development for working professionals collaborating with school districts, businesses and other professional organizations to design and deliver accredited courses and/or programs to meet the needs of the area workforce. the CPS can work with your organization to deliver on-site professional development or create a program on campus at the university to meet your needs. Courses and programs can be offered for academic credit or non-credit. the CPS is also an approved official state provider of programs for professional development points (PdPs), for our local educators.

in addition to designing individual courses, the CPS offers several annual programs that have earned a reputation for quality and excellence.

annual summer programs:

• • • • •

Summer advanced Placement teacher training Program Fine arts director Summer Certificate Program Public Safety Summit for Police Professionals aVid Media Composer teaching and Learning Music institute

developing & implementing a Standards-Based Curriculum in Vocational technical education Online

teaching Methods for Vocational technical education – educating & assessing the Vocational technical education Learner Online teaching Methods for Vocational technical education instructional Strategies Online


Contemporary ethical Problems Online ethical issues in Business Online Logic Online Philosophy of Human nature

political science

united States Government Online


adolescent Psychology Cognitive development Online


introduction to Sociology Online Social Stratification Online


Spanish for Beginners i


introduction to Speech Communication Online


introduction to theater

life long learning (non-credit)

Beginning italian i Beginning italian ii Community orchestra Concert Band

advising & admissions

graduate and continuing education advising Phone: 978.665.3182 Email: gceadvisor@fitchburgstate.edu Kathleen mccoy – gce assistant director of admissions Phone: 978.665.3136

Email: kmccoy2@fitchburgstate.edu

additional evening advisors Contact the registrar’s office to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 978.665.4196

Veterans: For veteran benefits, please visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/ veterans.

Special education at Fitchburg State university — Creating teachers for all Students

Learn More

our programs work for You!


edUcation programs

Fitchburg State university offers the following Special education programs for people seeking licensure status, or who want to enhance their skills for working with individuals with disabilities:

master of education in special education degrees • • • •

Guided Studies (non-Licensure/Professional Licensure in Moderate or Severe disabilities) reading Specialist (initial Licensure and non-Licensure) teacher of Students with Moderate disabilities (initial Licensure) teacher of Students with Severe disabilities (initial Licensure)

graduate certificate programs

• Behavior analyst • reading Specialist (initial Licensure)

earn a certificate as a Board Certified Behavioral analyst while seeking a master’s degree in special education. three of the five required courses for the certificate may be completed with any of our masters in special education programs.

To learn more about our programs, attend an Information Session on January 8, or contact us today at 978.665.3182 — or gceadvisor@fitchburgstate.edu. To register for the Information Session, go to www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/infosession.

“This program has given me the knowledge and confidence to manage many different situations that may arise in a special education classroom. This degree along with my experience has helped me obtain the job of my dreams. I found the professors to be experts in the field and a wealth of information. The staff involved in the program are able to offer experience based knowledge and guidance at each and every step along the way.”

–Brian Whalen M.ed. in Special education – Moderate disabilities

about our Special Education programs at www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/sped.

gradUate spring classes art

advanced Graduate Studio

applied commUnication

Communication research Methods

foundations of communication studies Foundation course for the Master of Science in Applied Communication

Legal & ethical issues in Communication Online


advanced Methods of teaching introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic discipline Hybrid Model Systems & techniques in embryology

topics: Brain, Cognition & Music topics: research in the Secondary education Classroom Hybrid

creative arts

Celebrating diversity through the arts Creative teaching drama in education

compUter science

advanced Mathematics for Computer Scientists artificial intelligence data Communications & networking design & analysis of algorithms object oriented analysis & design operating Systems & networking

theory of computation Earn an M.S. in Computer Science — start here!

the Practice of Computer Programming

eartH science

oceanography Online


advanced assessment, design & evaluation of the Middle School Curriculum advanced Methods of integrating Science, Math & Social Studies in early Childhood Settings i advanced research in education advanced Seminar in reflective Practice & action research advanced Seminar in Child-Centered issues Online advanced Social Studies in education advanced Strategies & approaches for teaching Critical thinking in the Content areas Hybrid

online BacHelor of science in

BUsiness administration For more information, visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/ gce/onlinebsad

gradUate spring classes (continued)

developmental assessment in early Childhood education dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid

education foundations: theory & practice

Foundation course for the Master of Education in Early Childhood, Elementary or Middle School Education (Initial Licensure)

educational issues in Child development Language arts & Literacy in early Childhood education Language arts & Literacy in elementary education Literacy in early Childhood education Literacy in elementary education

Middle School Structures & Curriculum reflective Seminar & action research research in education Seminar in early adolescent issues Strategies for Creating an effective Learning environment teaching Science in the elementary & Middle School

edUcational leadersHip & management

dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid Human resources & Personnel administration Hybrid

public school finance Hybrid Core course for the C.A.G.S. and M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Management

Seminar: research in educational Leadership Hybrid

the Principal: organization & administration of the elementary, Middle & Secondary School Online

topics: issues in school evaluations Online Hot Topic!


advanced Methods of teaching at the Secondary Level american art & Literature 1800-1860 introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic discipline Hybrid

literary theory: practical applications for today’s readers

Core course for the Master of Arts in English

Shakespeare’s Major Plays

earn an undergraduate degree completely online, at your convenience through Fitchburg State’s online bachelor of science in business administration. While you can complete your program completely online, you have the ability to include face-to-face and hybrid classes, too. online programs at Fitchburg State offer a high degree of interactivity in courses. and since Fitchburg State also offers an online MBa, you can make a smooth transition to completing a graduate degree. With our online degree you won’t compromise quality for convenience and you’ll spend less money to earn your degree—a wise business decision! Fitchburg State university has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the international assembly for Collegiate Business education (iaCBe), which has been recognized by the Council of Higher education accreditation (CHea).

“Fitchburg State University's Online Certificate in Business program allows flexibility with disciplined commitment and time management. The skills I have gained can be put into practice immediately, whether at the office, at home or in the community. I strongly recommend it as a way of gaining new skills or solidifying current ones.” –Anna Farnsworth

topics: research in the Secondary education Classroom Hybrid


advanced Methods of teaching at the Secondary Level introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic discipline Hybrid topics: european Pop Culture topics: research in the Secondary education Classroom Hybrid Vietnam War: international Perspective

interdisciplinarY stUdies

advanced research Methods Online

save tHe dates!

avid media composer User certification workshop — July 8-12, 2013

this summer Fitchburg State presents an intensive, oneweek institute for producers, editors, assistant editors, and multimedia producers. this program includes two courses, Media Composer editing essentials and Media Composer effects essentials, and prepares students to take the Media Composer user Certification exam (exam, books and materials included in tuition). on-campus housing is available. Seating is limited; registration begins april 8, 2013.

Learn more at www.fitchburgstate.edu/avid

Sponsored by the Center for Professional Studies and Fitchburg State University, an Avid Learning Partner.

You’re already an outstanding nurse in your field, but are you ready for more?

Learn More at

are you ready to transition to the role of a registered nurse? Fitchburg State is ready for you!

lpn to BacHelor of science in nUrsing

Bridge program

enroll in our new LPn to BS in nursing Bridge program today. the program is designed to prepare the Licensed Practical nurse (LPn) to be a professional registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree to meet the societal health care needs in a variety of settings. Legal, ethical and professional standards guide the student in the art and science of nursing. the graduate is prepared to respect diversity and social responsibility as well as to possess a commitment to excellence in the practice of holistic nursing. through course work and clinical experiences, you’ll be prepared to: • Synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts, sciences and nursing as a foundation for safe client-centered care. • incorporate basic organizational and systems leadership to provide quality care and patient safety. • integrate evidence-based nursing practice including current research and critical thinking in the management of client care. • analyze information using information technology to improve patient outcomes. • examine the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments on nursing practice. • integrate principles of effective communication in professional practice. • Synthesize knowledge of health promotion and disease/ injury prevention in designing population focused care. • integrate professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct into nursing practice.


For questions about the program contact:

Carol S. Kronopolus, MS, RN LPN to BS in Nursing Coordinator Fitchburg State University Office: 978.665.3108 Cell: 978.340.1265

gradUate spring classes (continued)


accounting Practices for Managers accounting theory Business & Society Corporate Finance Corporate Finance Online MBA

management information systems Online MBA

Register for this course and begin your accelerated online MBA

Management theory & Process Online MBA Marketing Management Marketing Management Online MBA

organizational Behavior & development Online Program Planning & evaluation of the not-for-Profit organization

Selected topics in advanced Managerial accounting Strategic Management Online topics: automation & robotics in industry

topics: financial issues in Health care

1 credit weekend seminar, applicable to the Graduate Certificate in Not-for-Profit Management


number theory

introduction to forensic nursing Online Foundation course for the Online Master of Science in Nursing (Forensic)

nursing with diverse Populations Online

occUpational edUcation

addressing the needs of Students with disabilities in Vocational technical education Online


developing & implementing a Standards-Based Curriculum in Vocational technical education


teaching Methods for Vocational technical education instructional Strategies Online teaching Methods for Vocational technical education – educating & assessing the Vocational technical education Learner Online

intermediate Choral Conducting orchestration research in opera Contexts & roles for advanced Practice Online Forensic nursing: Caring for Perpetrators Online


adUlt learning in tHe fitcHBUrg area

ALFA is sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education at Fitchburg State University in collaboration with volunteer members of the community. courses meet 90 minutes per week for 5 weeks.

Learn More!

www.fitchburgstate.edu/alfa gradUate spring classes (continued)


enroll in counseling theories and/or group dynamics as the phase 1 courses for the master of science in counseling

Counseling theories Counseling techniques & Case analysis: Mental Health Counseling Counseling techniques & Case analysis: School Guidance Counseling Group dynamics Lifestyles & Career development Professional Practice,

Standards, & ethics: School Counseling Psychopathology i: diagnosis & assessment Psychological testing & assessment: theory & Practice research & Program evaluation Social & Cultural Foundations: issues in Counseling topics: Couples therapy

reading specialist

reading disabilities & the assessment of reading Specialized reading approaches the reading Specialist: Leadership roles Online

science edUcation

advanced Methods of teaching at the Secondary Level

aLFa (adult Learning in the Fitchburg area) is a lifelong learning institute that serves adult learners in Fitchburg and the surrounding communities, offering non-credit daytime classes and special events. Members are encouraged to volunteer and participate in program leadership and development as well as social and recreational activities.

sample courses

• • • • • • • •

art: Calligraphy; impressionism Workshop; Charcoal & Pastels mUsic: Jazz and american Popular Music; ukulele; Late Symphonies of Haydn & Mozart fitness: Zumba Fitness®; t’ai Chi Chi Kung; aqua aerobics; Gentle Yoga literatUre: dickens’ World; Mysteries Set in east asia; american Short Story HoBBies: improving your Bridge; Floral design; Cooking Mediterranean; Quilting HistorY: tudor england; ancient rome; american Lives; History of the Blues science: Kingdom of Seashells; Biology & Behavior; Glacial Geology natUre: audubon’s Late autumn; Birding; natural History Sampler

• • • •

Lexington & Concord tower Hill Botanic Garden MFa, Boston armchair travel

recent excursions and events

introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic discipline Hybrid

assessment/Strategies: Students with disabilities

advanced Methods of teaching at the Secondary Level introduction to Strategies for effective teaching in the academic discipline Hybrid research in the Secondary education Classroom Hybrid

Behavior analysis & intervention in applied Settings

secondarY edUcation

special edUcation

action research for Special education Hybrid advanced identification & remediation of reading/ Language Based Learning disabilities assessment, Curriculum, Strategies for Math (PreK-8)

augmentative & alternative Communication Hybrid Consultation & Collaboration Strategies

Curriculum Strategies in reading/Language arts differentiating Content instruction in inclusive Classroom Hybrid

dynamic Perspectives in education Hybrid

Foundations of education: theory & Practice Hybrid inclusion of Students with disabilities in regular education

• amherst & emily dickinson’s Birthplace • Portsmouth, new Hampshire • Quabbin reservoir

language development, differences & disorders Online

Foundation course for Special Education programs

Physical & Medical aspects of Working with Students with disabilities Positive Behavioral Supports for Students with disabilities reading disabilities and the assessment of reading reading & Writing: Methods for Secondary Students with Moderate disabilities research application & Seminar research application Seminar (1 cr.) research in Special education Online Specialized reading approaches

the reading Specialist: Leadership roles Online topics: advanced assessment Strategies for Special education

Understanding disabilities & diversity Online Foundation course for Master of Education in Special Education: Moderate or Severe Disabilities

Working with Children with autism Spectrum disorders in the inclusive Classroom Online

tecHnologY edUcation

advanced Methods of teaching at the Secondary Level Power/energy in technology education




rn to Bsn

Quality, affordable graduate education – ONLINE

Take your nursing career to the next level with an online RN to BSN from Fitchburg State

To learn more, call 978.665.3182 or visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/mba or attend our January 8th Information Session. Register online at www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/infosession earn a respected, affordable mBa online - in just 17 months! • • • •

Focused one-course-at-a-time format Choose from specialized tracks in either human resources or management Limited enrollment provides individual attention, peer and faculty interaction 24/7 tech support and online help desk

this online program allows you to earn an accredited mBa with a schedule that suits your lifestyle— and a cost that fits your budget. the Fitchburg State university online MBa is a 10-course program with specialized tracks in management and human resources. You will start the program with a cohort of your peers from around the area, around the country and around the globe. Cohorts are kept small—20-25 students per class—to provide maximum interaction with both peers and faculty. You’ll access course material at your convenience, wherever and whenever you have an internet connection. our online course demo will give you confidence in your ability to use the system before your coursework begins. applicants are accepted on a rolling admissions basis.

Apply today and start your coursework this spring.

we’re good to our friends

Like us on Facebook and find out for yourself:

www.facebook.com/ fitchburgstategce

Whether you are looking to advance in your current position, prepare for a new role in your organization, or continue your education in graduate school, the Fitchburg State online rn to BSn program can help you achieve your goals. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible education and preparing you for the demands of professional nursing. • • • • •

designed for both associate degree registered nurses and diploma registered nurses Learn online without compromising quality for convenience Limited enrollment provides individual attention, peer and faculty interaction Prepare to become a Clinical nursing instructor, nurse Manager, or Staff nurse Clinical placements are arranged in collaboration with students and can take place in student’s location • 24/7 support and online help desk this program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate nursing education and may be completed on a part-time or full-time basis.

To learn more call (978) 665-3182 or visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/rntobsn Get the latest information for Graduate and Continuing education (GCe) • new programs • Special events • information Sessions • Workshops

And there’s more!

Great rewards like: • Fitchburg State university Gear • tuition and fee waivers for classes offered through GCe

coming tHis sUmmer

don’t miss steven layne with his trademark combination of humor and heart, as he tackles one of the most significant issues in reading instruction today: how to engage reluctant readers.

certificate of advanced graduate study in interdisciplinary studies with concentration in the coordinated management of meaning (cmm)

7tH annUal distingUisHed

speaKer series

confessions of a reading arsonist/ igniting a passion for reading

march 13, 2013, 8:30am – 2 pm

a day long instructional strategies workshop presented by Steven L. Layne, ed.d.

learn — practical strategies to engage reluctant readers gain — an increased knowledge of literacy

discover — efficient real-world suggestions to dramatically impact school culture register earlY — registrations received by January 31, 2013 will be entered into a raffle to receive free admission.

For more information and to register: www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/speaker

Co-sponsored by Graduate and Continuing Education and the Center for Professional Studies

testimonials from past distinguished speaker series attendees

“I left Thursday after the seminar feeling like Fitchburg State does it right. Thank you for such a great day, the entire program from beginning to end was excellent.”

“That was a wonderful presentation and the organization of the event was the BEST I have ever seen!”

“Nice pace, good conversational time, excellent presentation and nice facilities.”

“The presenter was dynamic and clearly stated how his work can be put to practical use in our schools.”

Beginning in the summer of 2013, Fitchburg State university in association with the CMM institute, will offer a Certificate of advanced Graduate Study in interdisciplinary Studies: Coordinated Management of Meaning through a combination of distance learning and on-campus workshops and seminars designed for candidates seeking to enhance their professional knowledge and skills. Faculty selected for this program are among the leading researchers in the field of CMM research and application.

“CMM has a rich past and has become one of the most important social science theories. More than an interpretive theory, it serves as a practical theory with applicability in many arenas. Students of this program will develop the capacity to help individuals and organizations understand and enhance their communication and action in ways that allow people to form better relationships and ultimately offer solutions to a number of human issues.” – Dr. John Chetro-Szivos, Graduate Program Chair

Begin this summer with introduction to cmm.

To learn more, call 978.665.3182, email gceadvisor@fitchburgstate.edu, or visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/cmm.

Want to find out more about our Counseling programs?

Fitchburg State’s Master of Science in Counseling –

School Guidance Counseling program is designed to

prepare highly skilled professional school guidance

attend the information Session on January 8 and have all of your questions answered by the graduate program chair of our Counseling programs.

counselors to work with all students and the entire

school community including culturally diverse

populations and students with serious emotional,

cognitive, and behavioral disorders.

master of science in


school guidance counseling preK–8 and/ or 5–12 (initial licensure)

Are you interested in becoming a school guidance counselor?

our nCate accredited program prepares graduates with the credentials to apply for initial licensure as an elementary school (PreK-8) and/or secondary school (5-12) guidance counselor. Students also have the opportunity to seek dual licensure (PreK-12) with additional coursework.

our program offers a schedule convenient for you:

• Students may begin studies in spring, summer, or fall.

• Coursework is offered late afternoons, evenings and Saturdays.

• the program allows a maximum of 6 years to complete degree requirements.

school guidance counselor coursework trains students to:

• Create comprehensive and developmental school guidance counseling programs • Provide services that support all students with their academic, personal/social, and career development

• Learn diagnosis and consultation skills to prepare them to be integral members of school teams that promote academic achievement, strive to close achievement gaps, and help their students to graduate career and college ready

Learn more about this program and our Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling at www.fitchburgstate.edu/gdprograms

Register today at www.fitchburgstate.edu/ gce/infosession.

mental Health counseling

Become qualified for individual, family, child and group mental health counseling

Mental health counseling involves the application of the principles of psychotherapy, human development, learning theory, group dynamics, psychopathology, and intervention/treatment planning. this three-year master’s level program prepares professionals for counseling positions in a wide variety of settings such as community mental health centers and residential treatment facilities. the applications are relevant to individuals, couples, children, families and groups for the purposes of treating psychopathology and promoting optimal mental health. Students take required courses emphasizing core skills and two elective courses. the Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling degree is a rolling admissions program allowing students to begin studies in spring, summer, or fall. a minimum of 60 semester hours is required including 12 semester hours of internship. the program can be completed in as little as three years: • two complete years (including fall, spring, summer semesters) of academic studies

• one year to complete a 600 hour mandated internship. internship hours begin in the fall semester and end at the conclusion of the university’s spring semester in May (approximately 42 weeks)

Program graduates have the opportunity to apply for licensure in mental health counseling (LMHC).

“Fitchburg State University delivered a vigorous graduate counseling program. It included the theoretical and practical application of current curriculum practices, as well as future trends in the growing field of school guidance counseling. Dynamic professors ensured that every competency required for school counselor licensure was mastered. I am grateful to the University instructors, field site supervising practitioners and my peers for providing me with a solid foundation on which to build and sustain an effective school counselor practice, one rooted in ‘care, knowledge, ethics, skill and reflective leadership.’ ” –Joan Glasheen d’onofrio, 2012



winter 2013: december 27, 2012 through January 13, 2013 spring 2013: January 15, 2013 through may 15, 2013 october 30 – January 15

november 6

online registration for winter and spring courses using Web4 Student Self-Service website; winter online registration ends at noon on december 27

Mail-in/Phone-in/Walk-in registration for winter and spring courses begins.

december 27 First day of classes for 2013 Winter Session, online registration ends at noon January 4 January 8 January 8

Late registration for spring begins. $25.00 late charge will be added for students registering as of this date

online registration and Web4 drop for spring courses ends; students may call the registrar to drop after this date

Graduate and Continuing education information Session, Hammond Hall, Fitchburg State university, 5–6:30 p.m. Learn more and register at www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/infosession

January 13

Final day of classes for 2013 Winter Session

January 22

registration deadline for all spring online courses

January 15

dates vary march 13 may 15

First day of classes for 2013 Spring Semester (Most online courses begin today, unless otherwise noted on schedule.) registration deadline for regularly scheduled courses - no later than the start of the second class meeting

7th annual distinguished Speaker Series — Steven L. Layne. Visit www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce/speaker to learn more and to register for the workshop. Final day of classes for 2013 Spring Semester


important contacts

graduate and ..........................978.665.3182 continuing education email......................gce@fitchburgstate.edu web site ........www.fitchburgstate.edu/gce

admissions ..............................978.665.3144 office of the registrar ..........978.665.4196 financial aid ............................978.665.3156 student accounts ..................978.665.4126

certificate of advanced gradUate stUdY (cags)

educational Leadership & Management non-Licensure School Principal (Initial Licensure) Supervisor/director (Initial Licensure) technology Leader (Non-Licensure) interdisciplinary Studies applied Communication Coordinated Management of Meaning Counseling/Psychology Concentration individualized Concentration reading Specialist (Initial Licensure)

master’s degrees

master of arts Biology english Gender Studies Concentration History

master of arts in teaching Biology (Initial/Professional Licensure) english (Non-Licensure/ Professional Licensure) History (Initial/Professional Licensure and Non-Licensure) master of Business administration accounting Human resource Management* Management*

master of education arts education (Non-Licensure) Curriculum and teaching (Non-Licensure) early Childhood education (Initial/Professional Licensure) educational Leadership and Management non-Licensure School Principal (Initial Licensure) Supervisor/director (Initial Licensure) technology Leader (Non-Licensure) elementary education (Initial/ Professional Licensure) Middle School education (Initial/ Professional Licensure) occupational education (Non-Licensure) Science education (Non-Teaching/ Professional Licensure) Secondary education (Non-Licensure)

Special education Guided Studies (Non-Licensure/ Professional Licensure in Moderate or Severe Disabilities) reading Specialist (Initial Licensure/ Non-Licensure) teacher of Students with Moderate disabilities (Initial Licensure) teacher of Students with Severe disabilities (Initial Licensure) technology education (Professional Licensure) master of science applied Communication applied Communication Studies Health Communication technical and Professional Writing Computer Science Counseling Mental Health Counseling School Guidance Counseling (Initial Licensure) nursing (Forensic)**

gradUate certificate programs

UndergradUate certificate programs

Business* office administration Plastics technology (offered at NYPRO, Inc. in Clinton)* Web development**

approval program

Vocational technical teacher approval

*Program is ALSO offered online **Program is ONLY offered online

online learning

online degree and certificate programs

Fitchburg State university is a leader in online learning.

applied Communication Studies Behavior analyst Civic engagement educational technology Fine arts director Forensic nursing** Health Care Management not-For-Profit Management reading Specialist (Initial Licensure)

•easy to use technology with 24/7 technical support •Full access to our online Student resources Center •access to your own Virtual academic advisor •online course demo at www.fitchburgstate.edu/demo

Biology (Initial Licensure, 8–12) english (Initial Licensure, 8–12) History (Initial Licensure, 8–12) Math (Initial Licensure, 8–12) technology/engineering education (Initial Licensure, 5–12)

Learn more about our online programs at www.fitchburgstate.edu/ distance

post-BaccalaUreate certificates

BacHelor’s degrees

Business administration accounting Finance Management* Marketing Criminal Justice interdisciplinary Studies LPn to BS in nursing Bridge Program occupational/Vocational education rn to BSn** undeclared/Premajor

Take a course or complete an entire degree program online!

“Unlike a full-time student, I have a full-time job and a family, which makes it difficult to attend classes on campus. But by taking online classes at Fitchburg State, I was able to cover the same material, interact with other students, and finish my degree without having to rearrange my life around school!” –Craig norris

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