Laurel Mountain Post, July 2014

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ISSN 2330-6629



now featuring the



Homes of Westmoreland County

Ruthie Richardson’s

Endless Summer Yoga Dog A Bird in the Hand Cycle of Life & Love Doggie Diversity Dogs, Cats and Critters, Oh My! Marine Mom

July 2014

LAUREL MOUNTAIN POST, September 2013 - 1

and they called it



The Laurel Mountain Post is an independent, monthly publication produced at Fairview Farm in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. All material printed herein is subject to copyright and permission to reproduce in any format must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This publication is registered with the US Library of Congress, ISSN 2330-6629. Cathi Gerhard, Editor & Publisher Megan Fuller, Managing Editor Gregory Susa, Co-Publisher & Circulation Manager Elizabeth Srsic, Art & Layout Editor Michelle White, Business Manager Carol Gerhard, Copy Editor Rachel Hannah Jones, Intern Sales & Circulation: Jason Ament, Mary Carlson, Allison Carmichael, Nancy Clark, Gretchen Fuller, Scott King, Laurie McGinnis, Victoria Mull, Doug Richardson, Elizabeth Srsic, Alice Susa, Gregory Susa, Robert Williams. Columnists: please use contact information provided at the end of each article or on our website. Publisher cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the matter represented in the advertisements herein published. Please contact the advertiser to verify details. Laurel Mountain Post-style stories, links and photos EVERY DAY!

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Laurel Mountain Post 189 Fairview Lane Derry, PA 15627

Phone: 724-537-6845 • Fax: 724-558-9548 Every Story Begins At Home.

Puppy Love Mike is the first dog I can remember, but the photo below is a bit blurry and faded. We have always had dogs on the family farm, and I cannot imagine my life without them. There have been working dogs (shepherds, collies, Siberian husky, Australian cattle), hunters (Brittany spaniel, beagle), big dogs (great Dane, Irish setter), guard dogs (rottweiler), and a cavalcade of lovable mutts. Most all of them were buried in a “family plot” at the back of the farm over the years – our very own “Pet Cemetery.” Our dogs were beloved members of the family, even though my mother never allowed pets in the house. They lived in the barn with the other animals, but spent their days with us as we worked and played. The dogs were my protectors, my nannies, my playmates and my first friends. Early on in life, I was blessed to know the special love and loyalty only a dog can give. Today I love to read My sister, Michelle, our dog, Mike, and me in 1973. books and stories about dogs, and have really enjoyed putting together this issue full of precious pups. As always, there are lots more tales out there, but I only had room for a few this month. If you know of a special local dog or charming story, please let me know! — Cathi Gerhard, Editor "Puppy Love" is a popular song written by Paul Anka in 1960 for Annette Funicello, whom he was dating at the time. Anka's version reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #33 on the UK Singles Chart. Mr. Anka turns 73 onJuly 30. (wikipedia)

Steelers Training Camp July 25 – August 14 • There will be 15 practices open to the public during the Steelers' 2014 training camp • The Steelers will open their 2014 training camp at Saint Vincent College on Friday, July 25, with the first day’s schedule including the annual conditioning run and then a team meeting. Campus then will open to fans on Saturday, July 26, and the first of the 15 practices to be open to the public is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. • The “Friday Night Lights” practice is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on Aug. 1 at Latrobe Stadium. The practice will be preceded by an autograph session. • The Buffalo Bills will be on campus for back-to-back joint practice sessions with the Steelers in the middle of what will be the team’s final week at Saint Vin-cent College. The Tuesday, Aug. 13 practice is scheduled to start at 3 p.m., with the Wednesday, Aug. 14 session set to start at 5:30 p.m. That Aug. 14 session also will be the final one open to the public this summer. •

July 2014 - 3

Table of Contents 5



Endless Summer ... Wouldn’t It Be Nice? by Ruthie Richardson


“Mark Twain”


The Cycle of Life & Love: A Dog’s Story


Eye of the Needle Book Review by Gretchen Fuller


Dogs, Cats, and Critters ... Oh My!


Yoga Dog by Jennifer Goebel Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club


Doggie Diversity

22 25


Summer Balance: How NOT to Let Summer Wreck Your Weight Loss


End Notes: Marine Mom by Denise Raible Martin

by Rachel Hannah Jones

by Brian Mishler by Megan Fuller

by Rev. Marjorie Rivera

July-August Community Calendar

by Mark Rullo, MS, CSCS, MES


Penn State Extension Develops New Water Quality App


Black Seed


Take Fido for a Walk


A Bird in the Hand by Joe Walko

by Granny Earth by Michael Vernon

Psychic Medium Rev. Marjorie Rivera Pittsburgh’s Premiere Psychic & Party Reader 412-884-7788 • My mission is to prove the continuity of life past the transition we call death.

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4 - July 2014


MEMORY LANE by Ruthie Richardson

Endless Summer ... Wouldn’t It Be Nice? I’ve heard it said many times that music is the soundtrack of our lives. And I know from personal experience that hearing a certain song can transport me back in time to an exact moment from my past. I can still remember slugging the jukebox at Murray’s Restaurant, ‘down street’ in Derry and pushing those well worn buttons so my girlfriends and I could cha cha to “Sherry,” by the Four Seasons. When I hear Garnet Mimms’ soulful voice singing “Cry Baby” to me on my favorite oldies station, I close my eyes and, once again, I am running up the five flights of stairs to Harry’s Danceland – The Rink. I remember identifying with those old songs as if they had been written specifically for me and me alone. And I remember singing along with those sad, poetic lyrics as they perfectly described my exact teenage heartaches. I would marvel that the famous Little Anthony knew exactly how much, “Like needles and pins, it hurt, hurt so bad ...” As this year’s brutal winter finally came to an end, I was once again reminded of the songs that have always been a part of the soundtrack of my summers. For me, the music of the 1960’s was like a lovely gift – a warm, musical summer breeze that filtered out of my radio. Way back in the ‘60’s, there was one group, one quintessential band, that could magically condense all of my youthful, summertime emotions into a three-minute sonata. I hung on every word and sang along as they serenaded me about life, love, and that ever-beckoning ‘Warmth of The Sun.’ I’m referring, of course, to The Beach Boys. Brian, Carl, Mike, Dennis, and Al. Those handsome, talented boys sang to us about their dreams of summer, the same dreams that were shared by kids all across the country. Although Every Story Begins At Home.

they were California born and bred, their songs rang true for kids from the land-locked Dakotas to the Gulf of Mexico. Their brilliant lyrics enchanted most every teenager from coast to coast. We were all singing along, from the beaches of the Atlantic all the way to the shores of their beloved Pacific.

Long ago ... Atlantic surf with my own Beach Boy and hubby, Doug!

They were not only singing to us, they were singing about us and our lives, in a way that let us know that they understood. Through their music we realized that we were not alone. Those simple yet profound verses confirmed that others were experiencing the aching insecurity of a first love. They assured us that we were not the first person to be emotionally crushed by the heartache of rejection. They also told us that out there, somewhere, other couples were experiencing the joy – the unequaled elation – that

came from a first kiss; while others were drowning in deep despair as they remembered a kiss that had only meant good-bye. They sang of love – true, infinite, forever love in “God Only Knows” what I’d be without you. Even Paul McCartney has said this was his favorite song of all time. The Beach Boys music started out as the Southern California surfer sound, but to imagine that their songs could be constrained to one small geographic area of the country was to misinterpret the weight of the lyrics that spoke to and FOR an entire generation of teenagers. Those innocent lyrics encouraged us to dance, to have fun, and to not be afraid to fall in love. There were other lessons to be learned through their music, too. They taught us about school spirit and loyalty when they sang “Be true to your school.” And they told us to trust our intuition about people, and judge them by their “Good Vibrations.” They urged us to expand our little worlds, to meet new people, to get out and “Round, round, get around, I get around.” Like all of us, they wondered about the future and how theirs would turn out; and they put it into words with “When I Grow Up (To Be a Man).” I loved the fact that the Beach Boys felt the same way as I did about fast cars. For as long as I can remember, I have had a love affair with the automobile. Well, at least SOME automobiles. My favorite car has always been the long, sleek Jaguar XKE – and from the early ‘60’s, it has been my dream car. The British invasion brought us more than a musical revolution, it also introduced an entire generation to all those beloved 1960’s British sports cars: the Austin Healys and continued on page 6

July 2014 - 5

continued from page 5

the Sunbeam Tigers, the MGs and the Triumphs – not to mention the famous Aston Martin DB5 made famous by Bond, James Bond. They were all so appealing to me, and so was the American standard bearer, the Corvette. As much as the aesthetics of the automobile call to me, nothing can beat the sound of a big block, American-made muscle car just rumbling at the gate, waiting to send white smoke pouring from it’s tires as the ‘Christmas tree’ lights flash down from red to green on that quarter mile. The Beach Boys immortalized my love affair in the first few bars of their song, “She’s real fine, my 409." My brother had one. It was a ‘63’ burgundy convertible four-speed, ‘dual quad, positraction 409,’ and I can attest to the fact that she was, indeed, so fine … and sooo fast. Their songs encouraged weekend trips to our local drag strip, Keystone Raceway Park, when they sang, “I get pushed out of shape and she’s hard to steer, but I get rubber in all four gears. She’s my Little Deuce Coupe.” And in case that didn’t scare off the challengers, the engine specs they sang about just might! ‘She had a flathead mill, she’s ported and relieved, and she’s stroked and bored, she’ll do a hundred and forty in the

top end floored.’ So beware! You had been warned, so you might as well “Turn it off, turn it off, buddy gonna’ shut you down.” Sometimes those boys even sang about losing the car: not their cars, you know, just the ‘girlfriends’ car. Guess they thought they would have more “Fun, fun, fun, now that daddy took her T-Bird away.” That same girl must have loved the racing part as much as I did since she told her boyfriend, Brian, to go for it and “Don’t worry, baby, everything will turn out alright!’ Wonder if she yelled “Let’s hear it!” right before he popped the clutch? I always did! I loved all the cars, all the car songs, and I loved those boys, too. They encouraged my unnatural affection for the internal combustion engine, one that was surrounded by a whole lot of chrome, and finished off with a ragtop. I had a poster of my dream XKE on my bedroom wall. I also hung photos of Troy Donohue and James Darren (aka Moondoggie, from the movie Gidget) along with pictures of Sandra Dee and Connie Stevens. I wanted to BE Sandra Dee. In my young and sheltered world, I was sure she had the perfect life. Of course I only knew her by the made-up characters she played. The mirror on my dresser was adorned with plastic leis won at Idlewild school picnics along with ticket stub mementos. Scattered

Some of my precious mementos, lovingly saved from ‘my room’. 6 - July 2014

across that dresser were bits and pieces of my favorite things: an old stuffed animal, a bottle of Ambush, my charm bracelet, a love letter. Mom had allowed me to paint my bedroom walls my favorite shade of lavender. My pink princess phone sat on my nightstand, and my diary was safely locked in the drawer below. This important little corner of the world was my safe place. My respite. My room. Such a universal feeling for a teenager: slamming the door to your room, hiding out in your room, being alone with all of those youthful, confusing thoughts and sorting them out – in your room. Brian Wilson coalesced all of these feelings into a song. He wrote a song about his bedroom. Imagine that. But it was a song that rang so true, was so beloved by teenagers that it was on the charts for 11 weeks. When I hear that song, those melancholy lyrics still get to me, all these years later. They transport me back to my little house in West Derry, and up the stairs to MY room. Brian was so right when he sang, “There’s a world, where I can go and tell my secrets to …” They sang about their girlfriends, too. Sometimes she remained nameless, and I could insert myself into the scenario. For instance, I could have been your surfer girl, Brian, and we could have ‘rode surf together, while our love would grow. In your Woody, you could take me everywhere you go.’ And as for all that Surfing USA stuff, I could have gone on that safari with you, Mike, and had a ‘bushy, bushy blonde hairdo.’ Lord knows I have the hair that would frizz right up! Then there were the girls with names, like ‘Wendy, I wouldn’t hurt you like that, I thought we had our love down pat, guess I was wrong.’ I guess Wendy didn’t care, that little heartbreaker! So the boys needed some help in healing that old broken heart, or at least a little distraction, and they knew just the girl to help with that! ‘Rhonda! Help me get her out of my heart. Help me, Rhonda, help, help me Rhonda.’ You know the rest, go ahead and sing it loud! I remember the summers of my youth being filled with warm sunny days, and balmy summer nights. During high school we went to parties, LAUREL MOUNTAIN POST

went to the HI Way Drive-In, cruised Eat ‘N Park, went dancing at the Rink and the Rooster, and had the same fun the Beach Boys serenaded us about. Well, we didn’t do all the ocean and surfing stuff, our only beach was Nick Gallo’s in Ligonier, and those waves were pretty puny. But all the other fun that they sang about in their songs we were having too, all across the country. They sang about our collective uniform of summer: ‘T-shirts, cutoffs and a pair of thongs.” And we approved the lyrics that they, as well as we, were having ‘Fun all summer long.’ They sang to us about playing miniature golf, like we did at Statler’s, and riding Hondas in the hills that could just as easily been the Chestnut Ridge and the Laurel Mountains. They loved to “Dance dance dance, now the beat’s really hot, dance dance dance, right there on the spot!” And so did we, from the Twist and Splashes at the Latrobe Elks, and Nick Gallo’s, to the Hootenannys at Skatell’s parking lot in Latrobe! The photos and album covers of those handsome boys were striking as they allowed us a glimpse into their charmed lives. I read articles in teen magazines about the inspirations for their song lyrics, and all about their exciting and carefree adventures while jetting around the world. I would play their music on my hi-fi and gaze at the album covers. There they were, always at the beach, sitting in that old, yellow pickup with the thatched roof holding a surfboard on the Surfin’ Safari album, while I was stuck in snowy Western Pennsylvania doing homework and helping my mom with the ironing. They smiled devilishly at me, while wearing those matching striped shirts and singing their hits on Ed Sullivan and Bandstand. There was always a crush of screaming girls around, dancing with them and singing along. And there I was, stuck in crummy little Derry where the big event of the day was riding my bike to the Derry Pool and being back home in time to help mom get supper ready and then do the dishes. I just knew their real lives played out exactly as the lyrics of their songs. They were big stars, went to the beach every day, were surrounded by gorgeous girls, drove to parties every Every Story Begins At Home.

night in shiny new cars, slept late, sang songs, and were beloved and pampered by everyone they met. I longed for the carefree life they had: no worries, no problems, just fun, fun, fun, all day, every day. Funny how perception sometimes clashes with reality. I don’t put much stock in the accuracy of ‘made for TV’ biopics unless the person the movie is about is the one who made it. But if even 1/10th of the movie, ‘The Beachboys, An American Family” is true, I had it all wrong. I guess there are no charmed lives, no perfectly happy and trouble-free existences. Everyone,

everywhere has their ‘stuff.’ Maybe the little, nondescript life I had in little old Derry was what others had been searching for all along. It sure seems that way when I read the true story of the life of Sandra Dee. My family didn’t have lots of money, or fame, or trips around the world being greeted by throngs of adoring, anonymous fans, but I did have the unquestioning love and support of my parents. I had a roof over my head, my mom’s wonderful, plain old cooking every day, and my warm, safe little bedroom. Just like the continued on page 17

I wanted to be that famous Surfer Girl, and it could just as easily been “Help me, Ruthie, Help, Help, me Ruthie!” July 2014 - 7

The Cycle of Life and Love: A Dog’s Story by Rachel Hannah Jones The companionship of a dog can’t be like Tammy really enjoy when the new “The center was my husband’s dying measured in human terms and neither can owners see their puppies for the first time. wish,” she said. “After he passed away, I his love. From the moment we hold them “It’s really rewarding when the ownmade that dream a reality.” in our arms as puppies, to their last breaths ers come to pick up their puppies,” she said. She also recently opened Dexter’s Deck on earth, a dog’s life is forever entangled in “Some cry and give you a hug. It makes restaurant located in B&D. our own. the long nights and lack of sleep worth it.” “I was very unsure about doing this,” Some puppies begin life as a specially However, not every dog is created she said. “I had never worked in the restdesigned product of a qualified breed. Others equal. Like humans, they each have an aurant industry, and I didn’t know anybegin in a home or a shelter, while some individual task to complete. Some are thing about it.” are born into the wild with no celebration content staying out of the public’s eye and However, with the help of friends’ enbut that of its mother’s welcoming licks. taking care of their family while others couragement and Craigslist merchandise, This story is for all of she has made a successful them, whether brought into business for herself. But she this world through humble isn’t stopping there. She has big beginnings or planned births. plans in store for B&D. Every dog has a past and a Both women also encourfuture. If we are lucky, they age their dogs to compete. In may share their adventures fact, that is ultimately why and lives with us. Tammy breeds and Darlene This is the cycle of life and trains. Both have a passion for love. seeing the dogs that they As we explore the differhandle competing for a shot at ent aspects of a dog’s life, you victory. will see the sometimes glanced But sometimes competiover parts, the forgotten parts tions aren’t for everyone. Some and the parts we wish to forget. dogs choose to dedicate their To begin, let’s take a trip lives to service, by helping to a breeder that ensures healpeople with special needs, jointhy puppies. Bred puppies are ing the military or other public qualified for certain attributes safety groups. Tammy Tomlinson of Ligonier with one of her Hillock Golden Retrievers. specific to their breed. If you One such organization purchase Hillock Golden Rethat dedicates its time to traintriever puppies from Tammy ing dogs for a broad range of Tomlinson, a Ligonier resident, you can be compete for great titles. Some follow the services is the Canine Partners for Life certain that the pups will live up to the calling of service and dedicate their entire located in Cochranville, Pa. This organistandards that she breeds them by. lives helping someone that needs an extra zation was founded by Darlene Sullivan in “It’s important that the golden retriemeasure of attention, love and protection. 1989 and has always been a dream of hers. vers are bred to do what they were born to Each has a challenging job, and yet, they “Founding CPL was a dream of mine do,” Tammy said. never complain. They recognize the need from the time that I was in elementary This specific breed naturally retrieves to provide what they can to others. Oh, the school,” Darlene said. “I was fascinated by and loves to play ball. But, what breed lessons we can learn from our dogs! working dogs and guide dogs back then, doesn’t, right? Every puppy needs obedience training and knew that I wanted to help people. I Tammy also trains her dogs and comregardless of what their future holds. Basic decided to start a service dog organization petes with them. These dogs are observed classes, among many, are available at the because the need for such an organization from the very beginning as to whether or B&D Creekside Activity Center in Latrobe. was immense.” not they are star material. “We offer classes in agility, work with The training process takes two years “What I look for in the puppies is structhe bigger equipment and problem solving to complete before the dog can be partnered ture, movement, overall posture, confirto name a few,” said Darlene Schmucker, with the person and differs depending on mation and whether or not they have the trainer and originator. the special need. Yellow and black Labrador ‘it’ factor,” she said. But what makes this center more retrievers, standard poodles, golden retrieBut puppy choosing can be a difficult unique than the others? The fact that B&D vers and mixes of those breeds are those thing. Not everyone is sure what breed, has a state-of-the-art football field turf and most often used for training. gender or size dog they want to have. Some is big enough for multiple classes to parOne of the most recent forms of trainchoose between a breeder and a shelter ticipate at the same time is enough to make ing that CPL is using is that of diabetes while others open their hearts and homes any dog wag his tail. awareness. to strays wandering the streets. Breeders The center was originally the idea of continued on page 24 Darlene’s late husband. 8 - July 2014


Every Story Begins At Home.

July 2014 - 9

Indiana Office: 724-349-8500 957 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701

New Alexandria Office: 724-668-5080 412 W. Main St. New Alexandia, PA 15670

Blairsville Office: 724-459-9200 213 E. Market St. Blairsville, PA 15717

New Florence Office: 724-235-3062 213 Ligonier St. New Florence, PA 15944


#974000 – Beautifully maintained with amenities galore.Fully equipped oak kitchen w/granite countertops,black appliances,oak wainscotting in DR, oak doors and trim throughout, plenty of storage. Offered at $369,900

Chestnut Ridge

#1008720 – Beautiful custom built cedar log home. Enjoy the rustic charm of its open floor plan. Located near state game lands it is a hunters paradise. The oversized 2 car garage featured radiant floor heat, as well as the basement which awaits your finishing touches. Enjoy the scenic view from the trex flooring deck or the covered patio below. Offered at $269,000


#1006466 – Take in the view of the town through the floor-to-ceiling energy efficient windows, or enjoy the warmth of the fireplace in the living room of this brick ranch. This 3Br, 1.5ba home is situated on a nice lot with a cedar backyard fence, deck and mature flower gardens. Offered at $184,000

Black Lick

#978955 – Beautiful 4 Bedroom Home, Newly remodeled Kitchen w/Stainless Steel Appliances and Quartz counter tops. Open Floor Plan to Dining area leads to covered back porch. Sunken-in living rm w/wood burning F.P built in bookcase and newer carpeting. Bedrooms have Lg closets and Hardwood flooring. Newly remodeled upstairs Bathroom .Newer double insulated garage door, Loft Storage, Newer Vinyl siding Large level lot. Offered at $139,000


#994532 – 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath brick home located in Brookwood Estates. Home features, living room, dining room, family room, sun room and a finished basement. Main floor laundry, large mud room. Enjoy the warmth of the 2 fireplaces, sit on the deck or relax on the back porch. Offered at $299,900


#988146 – House built around 1840. This home features large rooms with a non working fireplace in almost every room. Kitchen features the old built in stove for cooking (nonworking). BONUS: two bedroom garage apartment. Located on 1.17+/-. Swimming pool and hot tub are included in the sale. Offered at $230,000


#1004806 – Beautiful all brick ranch. Move in ready.First floor laundry and sunny family room. Lovely landscaped yard with privacy fence. Huge oversized 2 bay garage with attic storage above. Offered at $164,900


#988643 – Well maintained brick split entry home located within walking distance to shopping & grocery stores. Featuring 3 bedrooms, 1 full & 2 1/2 baths. Original hardwood floors throughout the house, spacious rooms, open concept kitchen & dining room & plenty of natural sunlight in the living room. 1/2 finished basement, brick wood burning fireplace. Extra room in the basement. Two car integral garage, central air & nice size lot. Offered at $129,500


#997159 – Breathtaking Customized Home your family can grow into. A new floor plan & newly remodeled with real Oak Hardwood floors, crown molding, fresh paint newer carpeting,3 Fireplaces formal dining rm and Theater RM/Game rm reassessed lighting. Granite counter tops. Deck 16x38 and Pool. Offered at $279,000

Fairfield Township

#1003746 – Brick farmhouse on 18 acres, with barn. Excellent views, detached pole building for garage or horses.# bedrooms on Main floor, nice location in country. Pasture is sloping and gas rights not included in the sale. Offered at $199,000.

Black Lick

#1008231 – Inviting and cozy this updated ranch features new windows,plastered walls, George Bush kitchen with Corian counters, updated bathroom,knotty pine paneled family room w/wood burning fireplace, large basement, new electric panel. Fenced garden and large shed all on double lot. Offered at $139,500


#988361 – Well maintained one story home. Front porch 7x23 and side porch 7x12, stove as is -oven not working, laundry area in kitchen, new double pane windows, 8 yr old roof, storage shed included. United School District. Offered at $37,000 10 - July 2014


HOME STUDY by Brian Mishler

Dogs, Cats, and Critters ... Oh My! At no point in my life have I been without a pet; my childhood was visited by a parade of cats, hamsters, mice, a rat, birds, turtles and much to the thrill of my mom, all the other nifty critters a boy can find in the woods. All the while, our family had “Snooper”, an ever faithful curl-tailed brown terrier, with the heart of a lion and the body of a chicken, and his companion, “Clinker” a big ‘ol soft hearted coal black lab / poodle mix; back when we called that a mutt, not a “designer dog”. In my teens, after Clinker passed we got “Penny” a white beagle mix with a big brown spot on her back, and a heart of gold. “Buzzer” a snow-white cat with one blue and one green eye, was my constant companion from ages 5 to 22. Zeke, the black lab who accompanied me through my 30’s would run the Latrobe nature trail with me daily, happily chasing birds, swimming in the Loyalhanna or chasing anything launched from my hand. 15 years later, I miss him still. Today, “Twister” and “Frazier” our 17 and 6 year old cats respectively, begrudgingly share their humans and home with our 5 year old Boston Terrier, “Gizmo”, aka “Spaz”. Spaz is a great dog; (just don’t tell her I told you so.) smart, always by our side, and ready for an adventure. Small of stature, big on loyalty to the point of being co-dependent; she can’t let my girlfriend out of her sight for a minute. As any pet owner will tell you, the little buggers will have accidents, and it seems they always manage to do it at the most inconvenient times; in seconds, I can hear a cat retching, wake up from a sound sleep, and launch out of bed! And that same cat will find the most expensive piece of cloth in the house, be it a rug, tablecloth or palmsized doily to throw up on, even if they’ve never been in that location before. I swear, they can get it out of the closet, and unfold it just to yak on it! Pets are often a part of what makes up our “home”; they give it a part of our lives and companionship that are sorely missed when they’re no longer with us. Beyond the emotional comfort our pets bring us, researchers have discovered that kids raised with pets tend to have fewer allergies. However, it wasn’t until becoming Every Story Begins At Home.

a home inspector 20 years ago that I began to realize the impact animals can have on our houses. While training for my career, I learned that dogs urinating and cats spraying on the outside air conditioner coil will deteriorate the aluminum fins, and eventually destroy the coil. Seems aluminum isn’t so fond of uric acid. But as time progressed, and experience broadened, my work found me in homes with reptiles, wild animals, such as raccoons, etc. in cages. The appeal of keeping such animals has never registered with me, but caged animals can have an unrecognized negative impact on our living conditions; even if the cage is kept impeccably clean. First of all, the area surrounding the cage must be cleaned regularly; for some reason the animals don’t recognize the boundary of the bars, and will fling material from the cage onto the adjoining furniture, flooring etc. Less noticeable is the finer “stuff” that becomes airborne and gets transmitted through the house. More on that later. Some folks give their smaller animals a place in the house to relieve themselves; i.e. cats in a litter pan, or small dogs going on an absorbent mat or pad. Trust me, it doesn’t stay there. Then there are some rather unusual circumstances; during one inspection I discovered that the owners had built an outdoor dog pen that happened to surround the drinking water well. For those of you unfamiliar, a water well is supposed to have an 8" diameter capped casing that protrudes up from the ground about a foot. Seems the dogs couldn’t discern between it and a fire hydrant. Suffice it to say after years of such abuse, the water quality test didn’t turn out so great! In another instance a homeowner became unable to properly care for her large dog, who took to using a dining room table leg to relieve himself. Over a period of time the hardwood flooring and its sub-floor was damaged to where it had to be ripped out and replaced.

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What most folks fail to consider is how our animals (And us for that matter) aerosolize or make airborne, our excretions; from sweat to urine to feces, the occupants of our homes are constantly shedding matter into the air. Countless times I’ve been in homes where the cats litter pan is right next to the furnace. Not only does this make for a rather unpleasant HVAC inspection, unless the ductwork is perfectly sealed, (which it never is) the dust, dander, hair and overspray is being drawn into the air circulation system and blown throughout the house. Those absorbent mats get walked on either by people or the pets using them, and again pushed into the air or tracked elsewhere in the house, to get pushed airborne later. Some folks allow their animals to go directly onto the concrete floor in the basement. The downside here is that concrete is also absorbent, and will trap the odors and as the contaminant dries, it can become airborne as well. This can get bad enough that professionals have to come and seal the concrete to trap the odors in the floor; it’s beyond cleaning. Another consideration for pet owners as well as parents is the additional moisture that gets put in the air for every occupant. Sweat, (panting) open water bowls, bathing, fish / reptile tanks, etc. all put additional moisture in the air that will either escape the house through cracks, crevices and ventilation, or get trapped; potentially causing indoor air quality issues. Putting your pets’ food, water and litter boxes in rooms with exhaust fans is a good idea, and make sure the fan vents to the exterior, not the attic. Never would I suggest getting rid of your pets; (eh, maybe the kids. J) they’re part of our home and family, in my opinion their benefits far outweigh the costs. But be aware of what and how your pets shed, and take appropriate measures to contain what it is they expel. As far as the house is concerned, don’t let your animals “go” in the same location; letting the continued on page 16

July 2014 - 11


Doggie Diversity If you have ever read any of my articles in the past you’ll know that my family is diverse, that includes our dogs too. We have a pack of three; Rosie, Taco, and Sparkle. My husband is the Alpha Male of the pack. Rosie is his right hand. She is a beautiful Chow Chow: fluffy, smart, and ferocious to strangers unless Big Daddy Alpha tells her they are okay. Taco and Sparkle are Chihuahuas; their high pitched yips can pierce your eardrums, and they’re so ugly they’re cute—kind of like Dobby from Harry Potter. It is believed that Chow Chows are an ancient breed from China. According to, historians have found references to Chows in China since the 11th century BC—often referring to the dogs’ blue

or black tongue. Legend has it that when the gods were putting the stars in the sky, little bits of the blue/black were falling to the earth and the Chow Chows were allowed to lick up these pieces. That is why the Chows’ tongues are blue. Originally, Chows worked as hunting and guard dogs as well as beasts of burden pulling sleds and tending flocks or herds. Rosie definitely has abilities to do all the aforementioned jobs. She loves to run from the front door all through the house out the kitchen door, speeding across the backyard to the alley gate, her long fur flapping, as she tends to her flock (the family). She informs the mailman daily that he does not have her permission to enter this territory, and it absolutely makes her crazy


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12 - July 2014

that he dares to continue to return. Rosie will always place herself between any family member and a stranger even if Big Daddy Alpha tells her the stranger is a friend. I love the fact that I can count on Rosie to scare the crap out of unwanted visitors. Taco and Sparkle are more like babies than working dogs. My daughters pick them up, cradle them, shower them with kisses, and carry them around—sure they are occasionally tortured by being dressed up in doll clothes, but hey, small price to pay for constant love. The smaller one, Sparkle, is the boss of her brother, even though Taco probably has 10 lbs on her. She always eats before him (after Rosie of course) and will bully him into moving or whatever.

Neon Swing Experience – July 12 @ 7 pm, FREE Civil War Living History Weekend – July 19-20 1382 Route 30, Laughlintown 3 miles east of Ligonier


Events sponsored by Ligonier Valley Historical Society

This advertisement sponsored by Antiques On the Diamond in Ligonier.


Chihuahuas are named after the state in Mexico where they were first encountered by Europeans, but archaeological evidence shows them in Mexico dating back to at least 100 AD. Often bones of the small dogs are found buried with high status individuals in Toltec or Aztec tombs. Additionally, artwork depicting Chihuahuas have been found at many different ruins throughout Mesoamerica. Looking at the history of the breeds, it seems that both Chow Chows and Chihuahuas have been used as food. I can’t really see that the Chihuahuas would make much of a meal—maybe a stew of some sort. Chows would certainly last a bit longer, and we could make some nice boots out of Rosie’s fur (she just gave me a dirty look). In the HBO series, Rome, from back in 2005 and 2007, the character Titus Pullo says that dogs taste like pork if you prepare them right. I’ll just take his word for it.

***** Megan Fuller is an applied cognitive anthropologist with postmodern tendencies who grew up in the exciting Pittsburgh suburb of Pleasant Hills and had the distinct pleasure of earning a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from IUP. In 1993, Megan moved out West to get a Master’s Degree. She also picked up a husband and hasn’t quite convinced him to move back to Western PA. To maintain her authentic Pittsburgh accent she regularly watches Pittsburgh Dad and engages anyone wearing black and gold sports gear in conversation.

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Every Story Begins At Home.

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July 2014 - 13


Summer Balance

How NOT to Let Summer Wreck Your Weight Loss I am not a celebrity (unless you count my daughter declaring me “World’s Greatest Dad”). As a result, you probably will not be seeing my quotes re-printed or posted on social media. I do, however, have a few mottos which I share with our clients and which I feel are appropriate with the summer season approaching. These two quotes stress the importance of understanding the bigger picture and importance of planning. The fist motto, “There is no finish line on the road to a healthy lifestyle”, basically says it all. We all must accept that being healthy is not an event or period of time with an end-point. Rather it is an on-going process of making better decisions about a variety of behaviors that impact one’s health. There are numerous behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle which also play a significant role in weight management. In addition to healthy eating patterns, they include aerobic activity, concern for muscle, recovery and recuperation – the four ingredients we stress at My Fitness Kitchen. Although we may, from time to time, establish short term goals (e.g., lose 25 lbs before the 20th class reunion), equally important is the plan for after the goal is met. After the reunion will you go back to the activities and eating patterns that caused the weight gain in the first place? Where will you be before your 21st or 30th reunion? No one can be perfect each day. Sometimes the hot wings are too good to resist and sometimes the couch is calling you more loudly than the treadmill. The objective of a healthy lifestyle and weight management should be winning the majority. With 7 days in a week, if you focus on exercise and good nutrition 4 of the 7 days, you will win that week. If you can have 3 good weeks in a month you will win that month and if you can have 7 or more good months in a year you can win that year in the battle of a healthy lifestyle and overall weight management. The second motto, “You can’t run uphill, full speed all year long,” emphasizes that we need breaks in our routine. For the average person, general fitness can be performed year-round. However, when you 14 - July 2014

are on a program to reach a specific goal and the intensity, volume of exercise and commitment will be near max, it is essential that rest be incorporated into the program design. This will help avoid overtraining and, ultimately, diminished returns. Just remember that taking the break is easy. The challenge is getting back into the regular routine after time off. Professional athletes have scheduled off-seasons to recover. They also have a great incentive (multi-million contracts) to return. I use these quotes to give my clients some perspective. Unless you have a specific time frame in which you need to hit your weight loss goal, there is no need to stress during times when you may not have as much time to devote as you would like. With that said, it isn’t an excuse to ignore what you need to be doing minimally to either continue with your weight loss goals or manage your weight. The two most important elements involved in weight loss/management are caloric management and concern for muscle. They are the top two items in the hierarchy of fat loss science and, ironically, the two behaviors that are ignored the most. I’d like to focus on the Concern for Muscle and its importance in your planning. Concern for muscle is the combination of resistance training, proper fueling and recovery. At this time of year, it is not uncommon for clients to come in and say they are going to spend less time in the gym and more time outside. While I think it is great that they are getting outside more and getting as much aerobic activity as possible, it concerns me that they are neglecting the number one activity (resistance training) that combats both aging and a slowing metabolism. This is especially frustrating because resistance training requires the least amount of time (minimally 10-20 minutes) and frequency (at least one time per week) to be effective. I advise my clients rather than going out to walk, jog, bike, etc. every day for 30, 60, 90 minutes, take a bit of time to get into the gym to resistance train. Do not be misled, we encourage as much aerobic activity as possible but only AFTER you have concern for muscle.

What I want you to take away from this article is that when it comes to exercise and weight management, regardless of limited availability or a specific time of year, the last form of exercise your should neglect is progressive resistance training; preferably resistance exercises that are performed on your feet where your biggest ASSet (muscle mass) is in the exercise and not on the bench! ***** For more information, please feel free to consult with any of the fitness professionals at My Fitness Kitchen®. Additionally, as an on-going thank you to Laurel Mountain Post and its readers, mention this article for a FREE, no obligation, personalized, metabolic nutritional formula and fitness program that will leverage the “Hierarchy of Fat Loss.” If you are serious about achieving a body transformation goal, then you need a program; as any goal without a plan is really only a wish! As an added incentive for people new to My Fitness Kitchen®, by mentioning this Laurel Mountain Post article, you will receive $50 “Kitchen Cash” to be used toward our no-risk, no obligation, 100% money guarantee 30-Day Weight Loss JUMPSTART program at My Fitness Kitchen®, as a courtesy of the Laurel Mountain Post. 724-879-8523 My Fitness Kitchen® is where weight loss is made simple. My Fitness Kitchen® is located in Latrobe 30 plaza, Latrobe PA. My Fitness Kitchen® is a weight loss and body transformation center that also happens to have a fitness center connected to it. From the moment you enter My Fitness Kitchen® regardless of your age, fitness level or experience, it’s all about “You.” The supportive staff, welcoming atmosphere, and friendly members combine to create the most unique and comfortable environment for your weight management and fitness success. Whether it is Nutrition, Fitness or both, you can be confident My Fitness Kitchen® is the solution to a healthier and thinner you. About the Author: Mark Rullo, MS, CSCS, MES is an Exercise Physiologist, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Certified Golf Fitness Instructor and owner of My Fitness Kitchen® 724-8798523. Mark and his team at My Fitness Kitchen® specialize in weight loss and body transformation helping thousands meet and exceed their goals through evidence-based scientific programming.


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15% off any service for new clients! This advertisement sponsored by Dan McCue, Financial & Group Services, Inc.

Penn State Extension Develops New Water Quality App Penn State Extension is offering an innovative new mobile device application — or app — called “H2OSolutions,” to help private water system owners and professionals evaluate wells, springs and cisterns. The objective of the app is to help users diagnose the causes of observed waterquality problems and guide water-testing decisions. “We know that people are increasingly using smartphones and other mobile devices to access their information,” said Bryan Swistock, water resources extension specialist and a member of the team that helped to develop the app. “This app will allow private water system owners to diagnose problems while they are actually looking at their water supply.” The app includes four categories: • “Identify Problems with my Water.” This section describes the causes of common water symptoms (stains, tastes, odors, etc.) and provides links to the water test parameters that may cause those symptoms. Once a water test parameter is selected, the county-based water test data can be accessed (as described below); Every Story Begins At Home.

• “Water Test Results by County.” Users can select a Pennsylvania county and see a summary of water quality for private water supplies tested from that county between 2007 and the present by the Penn State Agricultural Analytical Laboratory. Once a county is selected, a page is displayed with the drinking water standards and the percentage of samples that failed the standard for 25 inorganic and microbiological parameters. By selecting an individual test parameter, users can also view detailed statistics including the number of samples, median, minimum, and maximum concentrations for that county; • “Find Local Penn State Extension Contacts.” The app uses the location of the phone to provide a list (organized from closest to farthest) of Penn State Extension educators and water specialists who specialize in private water system management. Information for the Penn State water testing laboratory is also provided. By selecting a person on the contact list, information, including their phone number and email address, is displayed;

• “About this App.” This icon provides information about Penn State Extension and the funding sources used to develop the application. “We anticipate that the app will be most useful to home inspectors, real estate agents, and other home professionals who need to diagnose private water system problems in the field,” said Swistock. “But any homeowner who has a private water supply can learn about local groundwater problems and diagnose issues with their water supply using this app.” The Apple version of the app (for use on iPhones and iPads) is available in the App Store for free download at https://itunes. 8421?mt=8. An Android version of the app is currently under development and should be available this summer. This project was funded by Pennsylvania Sea Grant, a partnership of Penn State Behrend, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For other releases from Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, visit the Web at http://

July 2014 - 15


Healing with Mother Nature’s Weeds by Granny Earth, ND

Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Health conditions that may benefit from use of this herb include: Analgesic (PainKilling), Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Ulcer, Anti-Cholinergic, AntiFungal, Antioxidant, Antiviral. These actions are only a few beneficial properties intrinsic to Black Seed. Nigella Sativa Black Seed Is Good For Almost Everything that Ails You The numerous powerful healing attributes of Nigella Sativa (black seed) have been well-known throughout history. It’s known by different names around the world including black cumin, black seed and onion seed. It’s only recently that Western medicine has begun paying attention to this humble spice and a number of clinical trials are being conducted to verify its efficacy at treating diseases such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, hypertension, insomnia and epilepsy. The seeds of Nigella Sativa are often pressed and made into oil for medicinal use. It’s widely used in Islamic medicine and


Newly-Renovated Home on the Lake in Derry Boro MLS#: 987116. Welcome to this 3BR, 2BA brick ranch: totally updated, new roof, windows, kitchen, appliances, bath/laundry room in basement, interior doors, and outside doors, freshly painted, new lighting fixtures, new gutters/downspouts, front porch railings, sidewalk, back deck railings, new ceramic floors, original hardwood refinished, all w/plenty of storage; workshop area in basement. Pull-down steps in hallway to attic which could be bonus room. $134,900. Listing Agent, Elaine Cermak-Harris (412-554-4147)

Call 724-539-9100 16 - July 2014

one of the most famous quotes regarding the herb comes from the prophet Muhammad who stated: “The seeds have the ability to cure everything, except death.” Black seeds are anti-fungal, antibacterial as well as being anti-inflammatory, making them one of nature’s best weapons for fighting a wide range of common health conditions. They’re used through out Asia and the Middle East to treat digestive complaints, headaches, bronchitis, gum disease and intestinal worms. These Black Seeds have even been used for help with improving memory.

continued from page 11

dogs out is the best course, but you need to be aware of where it is you get your drinking water from. It’s very unlikely that an animal can contaminate your well, but a pack of dogs going on the well head over time can. If they must go inside, remember, there is no such thing as a urine proof floor; -it’s not water - grout, concrete, other materials and sealant will give way and allow absorption of the liquid and / or the odor. Put plastic down between the floor and their pad or litter box. If something gets under the plastic, move the whole assembly away, replace the plastic, clean the area thoroughly, and give it time to “breath”. If you have a home inspection coming up, please pick up the yard as well as the house; we walk through the yard looking at the exterior of the house, and it’s difficult to avoid the landmines your pup leaves behind. Also, take your pup with you or find him / her a place to be for a few hours, I’m

Clinical trials have found them to be rich in antioxidants, provide protection and support to the liver and kidneys, provide relief from pain and can even help to heal the body after it’s been exposed to chemical weapons. Many studies have been performed regarding use of black seed as an alternative treatment for cancer. It performed well on both laboratory rats and human cancer cells as well. Be on the watch for more news about this remarkable, natural cure! This humble, but immensely powerful seed, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas. And yet, few even know it exists: Phone: 724-542-9713 Granny’s monthly Natural Health Newsletter- ‘CONNECTIONS’ is available via- Snail-Mail. 12 pages- All good stuff! $35.00 a year (12 issues).

a dog lover, but sometimes they don’t realize they don’t need to protect your home from me. And please let the inspector know if a cat or other creature reside in your home; we’ll be extra careful that they don’t get out. (and probably give ‘em a pet or two.) ***** Brian Mishler is the owner of HomeStudy Inc., and a 20 year veteran home inspector. He began performing home inspection after 15 years in the construction industry convinced him that his body wasn’t made for hard labor. Brian is the former president of the Pittsburgh Regional Organization of the American Society of Home Inspectors (PROASHI), and currently sits on the board of Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, a non-profit that rehabilitates homes for disadvantaged seniors and veterans, assisting them with pre-renovation inspection and selection. Brian also teaches a variety of real estate related classes, and has mentored other seeking to become home inspectors. He currently resides in Latrobe, with his better half Carol, their Boston terrier Gizmo, three cats, and three transient college students. When spare time is to be had, Brian can be found on a motorcycle, in a kayak, or hiking in the area. He can be reached at


Every Wednesday through August 27, 5 – 8 pm

What’s for dinner? On Wednesdays, families will have a wide choice of options from 8 select restaurants who will be set up under the trees at the Lincoln Highway SupperMarket, 3435 Route 30 E, near Kingston Dam, midway between Ligonier and Latrobe.

continued from page 7

one that the world famous Brian Wilson had written about. Some of that genius is no longer with us. It seems the Heavenly choir is adding new members faster every day. So when I look back on those years and the innocence of those songs from the perspective of my advanced age, they become even more precious. Brian and Mike, Dennis, Carl and Al, you may not have had it all figured out, but the songs you gave to us certainly did. I like to think of each and every one as a love song, paying tribute to that magical era. Remember when you wrote your signature song, your love letter to all the girls across the country, and told us you wished we all could be California girls? Well, you got your wish. We all became California girls, in our hearts, just to be close to you. So thank you for the enduring soundtrack that accompanied so many of my summers. Thank you for giving voice to my teenage joy, as well as my teenage angst. You gave me the words I sometimes couldn’t find. When I listen to your music today, that old warmth of your sun still shines in my heart, and makes me smile. My love for your music, like the warmth of the sun, will never die …

***** Ruthie grew up in an idyllic and magical place – a 1950's childhood, and she loves to share these memories with you. Stay in touch: email her at:, and look for her on Facebook.


Vernon Realty Services 305 West Main Street Ligonier, Pa. 15658 (724) 238-0443 - Office (724) 331-6858 - Cell Phone

Take Fido for a Walk! Even though a large number of Americans consider themselves to be dog lovers, your furry friend may cause some undue anguish with a prospective buyer. Most dogs have a bark that is worse than their bite, but even so the mere presence of a barking animal could be enough to shatter the psyche of a customer. The easiest way to remedy the situation is to take Fido for a walk. Buying a home is an emotional experience and you need to make sure the prospective

Every Story Begins At Home.

buyer is in a peaceful state of mind. By you leaving the home they will feel more comfortable with the whole process. Give the client some emotional space in your home. By vacating the property they will feel more comfortable when discussing any shortcomings or reservations they may have about your castle. I am always available to discuss matters such as this and please do not hesitate to contact me in my office if you wish to discuss any issues in greater detail.

July 2014 - 17


“In the end, we conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we experience.” – Baba Dioum, Senegalese Ecologist

by Joe Walko

A Bird in the Hand The smiles are genuine, the spine tingles are electric, the wide-eyed wonder reflects a kinship at the base layer of life, at the soul level. This connection is real too. It is felt when you hold a tiny, almost weightless, feathered creature in your hand. I see it when the sky blue eyes of my youngest son meet the jet black eyes of a diminutive chickadee, and the shared fire in their eyes, the spark of life itself, is the tether between them. Life is the same, between boy and bird – it is magic. There is something personal about being up close with these amazing creatures, creatures that we usually only see flying away, creatures that we rarely pay much attention. But feel the delicacy of their minuteness, the softness of their feathers, contrasted with the strength in the grip of their toes as they wrap around your fingers. Feel the will to live in the peck of their beak, and feel their heart beating a thousand miles an hour. Feel your own heart beating in wonder, too, and right there, you know it’s the same heart. A bird in the hand is magic, pure magic. Bob Mulvihill is making this magic happen this morning. Bob works as an Ornithologist at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, and is heading up the Pittsburgh

Neighborhood Nestwatch initiative. Neighborhood Nestwatch is a study that focuses on eight common backyard birds (American Robin, Gray Catbird, Northern Mockingbird, Carolina Wren, House Wren, Blackcapped/Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal and Song Sparrow) found throughout the eastern U.S. and in a variety of landscapes from urban to rural. These and other birds are caught and uniquely color-banded by researchers during an annual morninglong visit to the home of every Neighborhood Nestwatch participant. Participants and their families are encouraged to be present for the banding activities and are welcome to invite their friends and neighbors, too. They will even be given the chance to hold and release birds after banding, which is an extraordinary experience for children and adults alike. My boys and friends and neighbors all know this now, too, firsthand. Bob arrives at dawn, and three mist nets are quickly set up around my yard. The nets are nearly invisible to the birds, who don’t notice until they hit the nets and fall harmlessly into the billow created by the loose nets. Bob gathers the birds from the nets, and takes them back to our temporary banding station set up in my driveway. Here they are assigned a unique num-

Trevor Walko and a Carolina chickadee. (Photo by Linda Syzmanski) 18 - July 2014

bered metal band and a color band or two, are weighed and measured, aged (by studying the molt patterns of primary and secondary wing feathers) and sexed (amidst the chuckles of pre-pubescent boys about the length of “cloacal protuberances”), and any other pertinent information recorded on the banding sheet. This is the science part, and Bob patiently answers questions about why we band birds (to study their movement, especially during migration, population trends, and to do comparisons of populations amongst different habitats), and how he uses statistics to parse the large volumes of data collected in this program, bringing those dry statistics classes to life. Science comes to life for all of us, too. The audience is as diverse as the birds this morning. Grandparents and grandkids stare wide-eyed as cardinals, with their thick, heavy, seed cracking beaks, take nasty bites out of Bob’s finger, squawking raucously all the while. Carolina chickadees seem to be swallowed up in such large human hands, even the kids. They display their tininess and trusting once caught, not resisting like the cardinals, and quickly become the crowd favorite, especially with the youngsters. A momma song sparrow, about to lay eggs, is caught, and everyone gathers around to see a “pregnant” bird, who is processed quickly and efficiently by Bob to minimize her distress and get her back to her nest ASAP. A gray catbird is silent for the first time all day when caught in the nets, while a tufted titmouse spreads his wings and poses for pictures in hand. Everyone gets to take a turn releasing a bird, the kids a couple of turns. It is a thrill to hold the tiny creatures, and we make bets as to which direction the bird will fly (hoping no more will fly into the garage, like the male Carolina wren did! He was later flushed from the garage.) And of course everyone tries to capture the perfect action shot of a bird just released from a hand. The one thing that is a constant in every picture, though, is a big smile, whether young or old. Bob has been making this magic happen for over thirty years, starting when he was part of the bird banding operation at Powdermill Nature Reserve, the environmental research center of Carnegie MuLAUREL MOUNTAIN POST

Claire Brunson, Trevor Walko, Shawn Syzmanski, Bob Mulvihil (holding a Carolina chickadee).

seum of Natural History located at the foot of Laurel Mountain in Rector, PA. Powdermill has been banding birds for over 50 years, surpassing over 500,000 banded in 2001. But most important, Powdermill (and Bob) have been letting the public in on the fascinating world of birds, up close and personal, for almost as long. And that is the genius of the Neighborhood Nestwatch program and Powdermill – it makes birds personal. These are “your” birds, they live in your yard, in your neighborhood, you see them every day but just have not been properly introduced. After Bob leaves your yard, you’ve met your birds intimately, and have become friends with your feathered neighbors. Some even have unique colored bands on their legs now, so you know them indi-vidually, and can track their movements, see them at your feeders and nestboxes. As I write this a male house wren, with a red band on his left leg and an orange band on his right, brings beakful after beakful of insects to his hungry brood. RO (red-orange) is now a part of the family, and has his own personality, which I appreciate after watching how hard he works for his children, how tirelessly he sings, defending his mate (she bearing a yellow-pink band combo) against a wouldbe interloper (another male house wren, this one bearing a green-blue band combo). I look forward to his morning song and his cock-eyed, wary view into my window before entering his nestbox. It’s that connection again, eye to eye, and now, friend to friend. I look forward to watching his family fledge, seeing his offspring grow, and I will mourn their departure for migration in the fall, and will eagerly await the arrival of R-O again in the spring, a reunion of friends. I am hooked. Every Story Begins At Home.

It is through this connection, this personal connection, that this conservation effort will be successful. This is true of every conservation effort – it needs to be made personal to succeed. And this is the glory of Bob’s work – it is tough to get more personal than this! Bob has worked tirelessly to spread the gospel of conservation, to promote the beauty of birds and all living things, one bird in the hand at a time. He shares the liturgy of interconnectedness and mutual salvation through respect and recognition of that mutual spark in our eyes. After 30 years, his enthusiasm hasn’t dulled. I wonder what is more fulfilling, holding these tiny, ornate creatures in his hand every day, or seeing the smiles and sparks of life and connections made in the human participants as they are let in on this little secret that Bob has known all his life? Neighborhood Nestwatch Program Powdermill Nature Reserve

Aidan Doyle holding a catbird.

Off Trail is a monthly column devoted to exploring our diverse and beautiful natural heritage, especially the the hidden gems and special places off the beaten path, like the birds in your own backyard! Joe Walko is a full time widowed parent to two beautiful but challenging boys, now unemployed by choice after a 25-year career in corporate finance. He is a writer and blogger searching for his voice, a seeker of his truth, a nature and adventure junkie discovering whole new worlds and beauty in the glorious struggle, in the ordinary, in his own backyard, and mostly, in his heart. Contact him at

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July 2014 - 19

That’s What They Say

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Thought-Provoking Insights on Common Quotations by Rev. Majorie Rivera “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

When I first heard this one, I thought “Wow, that can’t be right.” My initial response was the most important days of our lives are when we have a child, or get married. When I first heard this quote, it came from John Mackey. Mr. Mackey is the Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Whole Foods. Whole Foods is a premium natural and organic supermarket. We have two locations in the Pittsburgh area, and when I have walked in either location, my thoughts normally go to “I should work here.” Mackey has been quoted as saying “a customer knows when a company is authentic. When we feel that somebody genuinely cares about us, we trust them,” he says. “And if we trust them, we want to trade with them.” I feel the same way about people, when someone is authentic, I know it. If I feel I can trust them, I want to trade

everything with them! My time, my energy, my love. When people find out what they were put on this earth to do, my musings have perceived a correlation between that and living authentically. So, which comes first? The chicken or the egg? The authenticity or the purpose? I don’t think it really matters. I propose the thought here today that if you are setting the intention to live authentically, you will eventually find your purpose. Also, that if you start a quest to unearth your purpose, you will align to your authenticity. They go hand in hand. Dovetailed as it were. We have physical birthdays and Spiritual birthdays. The most important day for me was May 29th 2003, the day I became ordained, and made a vow to lift vibrations, to educate and to ponder. Ponder with me …

Recommended Reading: “The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection, and Courage” by Brene Brown PhD LMSW. Or watch her on TED talks.

Equine Chic For Horse, Home & You!

Mention this ad and Enjoy $10 off every $50 you spend Located on the Diamond at 100 East Main Street in Ligonier, PA 724-238-7003

Eye of the Needle Ken Follett is an amazing story teller. I happened upon this story because I was looking for something to load to my iPad. I always enjoy reading a Follett book so I downloaded this one. It just so happened that the story is placed early in the 1940’s in the UK at the time before the invasion of Normandy and I was reading it the week of the 70th anniversary of D Day. Mr. Follett presents a cast of well-developed characters. There is Henry Faber, the German spy, that has been uncatchable. He is handsome and personable, but also cold and cunning. He is known as “Die Nadel” (the Needle). There is Professor Percival Godliman, a scholar of the Middle Ages, having published a history that became a popular best seller. He is recruited into Military Intelligence by his uncle Colonel Terry. Terry introduces him to Frederick Bloggs, formerly of Scotland Yard, who is now working with MI5. They are on the hunt for Die Nadel. At the same time these detectives with MI5 are picking up leads to the wherea-bouts of Faber, a young couple from “the backbone of England type families” marries. The husband, David Rose, is about to become a pilot in the RAF, but he is in an automobile accident and loses his legs. He becomes very depressed about not being able to serve his country, so his father gives him and his new wife, Lucy, an island known as Storm Island. They are the only inhabitants of the island except for a shepherd named Old Tom. David immerses himself in raising sheep there. They have a son named Jo; Lucy spends her days doing the mundane chores around the house and caring for little Jo. It is hard to imagine what the one storyline has to do with the other, but Ken Follett brings them together masterfully. There is pathos, sex, bloodshed, bravery, and heroism. It is an interesting read that will keep you saying, “just one more page.” Besides, you might learn something about the invasion of Normandy. — Book Review by Gretchen Fuller (Eye of the Needle, by Ken Follett, 1978, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.)

20 - July 2014


Yoga Dog

Meet Bailey the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Bailey is a special dog with a special job. He helps teach Chair Yoga with his owner, Jennifer Goebel the owner of JG Yoga & Wellness Center in Latrobe. He accompanies her at a lot of Senior Centers, Assisted Livings and Nursing Homes in the Westmoreland County during the day. The residents and seniors light up to see him, and they always ask where he is if he is not available. This smart little dog attracts a crowd and always greets everyone; but when it’s time for exercise, he knows his place next to Jennifer and rests until class is over. As soon as he hears the Yoga Term, “Namaste” he perks up and knows that class is over, saying good bye to everyone. Bailey says Namaste in his own way, then is ready to go to his next stop. While he is not at one of these centers making people feel good, he is one of the Yoga Mascots at the Center. This smart, fun-loving spirit has his own “Dog” Yoga Mat. Again, he greets all the Yogis and then knows when it is time for class to go to his mat and relax. When class is over he says “Namaste” with his tail wagging and a warm glow in his eyes. He then approaches all the students with a lot of love and happiness, walks them out until the next class starts, and then it’s back to his job. The students look for him now, and he knows most of them by their names. Bailey is a smart and amazing little dog who just makes people feel good in general. He knows he has a job and does it well. If you would like to take a class with Bailey’s supervision (or just meet him) stop by the Wellness Center Monday-Sunday. – Jennifer Goebel

JG Yoga & Wellness Center 314 Loyalhanna School Rd. Suite 700 Latrobe, PA 15650 (855) JDG-YOGA

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July 2014 - 21

Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club Memorial Day Hunter/Jumper Schooling Show Walk/Trot: Champion – Madison Brackney; Reserve - Tory Floyd Susie Todd Short Stirrup: Champion - Ashley Amsler; Reserve - Amelia Johnston Long Stirrup: Champion – Amanda Wilson; Reserve - Anna Viazanko Stitler Vipond Hunter Classic: Champion – Larry Richard; Reserve - Autumn Kanouff TB Hunter: Champion – David Adcock; Reserve - Gracie Henderson Dr Richard Raizman Jumper Classic: Champion Anna Viazanko; Reserve - Allie Sacksen

Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club is one of the original 13 clubs that joined as a founding member when the United States Pony Clubs, Inc., inked their founding charter in the spring of 1954. “The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.” (USPC Mission Statement) Over 50 years later, RRHPC continues this mission along with certain key values such as horsemanship, organized teamwork, respect, service and education through mounted horseback riding lessons, riding camps, team rallies and unmounted education ses22 - July 2014

sions held at the RRHPC grounds. Rolling Rock Hunt Pony ClubYouth learn about all aspects of horsemanship including equine health care, nutrition, stable management and the handling and riding of a mount safely and correctly with confidence. Club rallies foster a supportive yet competitive environment that stresses cooperation, communication, responsibility, leadership and mentoring. Respect for horses, others and land is developed through service, teamwork and land conservation education. We provide an opportunity for members, parents and others to support our program through volunteerism. Education is individuLAUREL MOUNTAIN POST

ally paced to help achieve personal goals and expand knowledge taught by experienced professionals and all also through member-to-member teaching. Lessons taught in Pony Club spill over from the barn into a member’s whole life. That’s what makes Pony Club and RRHPC so special. Event Notes: • Susie Todd was the founder of the Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club. • Stitler Vipond was a steeplechase rider and donor to RRHPC for cross country improvements and maintenance on the old steeplechase course. • Thoroughbred event is open only to registered thoroughbreds and celebrates the successful transition from racing to new careers • Dr. Ricahrd Raizman was a Rolling Rock Hunt member who was instrumental in continuing the tradition of polo matches in the valley. The Pony Club Pledge: “As a member of the United States Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship. I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavor to maintain the best tradition of the ancient and noble skill of horsemanship, always treating my horse with consideration due a partner.” Upcoming: • Northeast Ohio Mini Trial Association, August 10 St. Clair Fairgrounds, Rolling Rock Hunter Trail Rd, Laughlintown, PA (Pre-registration required July 9 – July 30) Eventing Competition/Schooling Dressage Introduction to Training Levels Spectators are welcome! For more information about the Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club, please visit or contact: • Lynne Donnelly - DC, 724-757-5122 • Tammy Colt - Joint DC, 724-875-8950 • Jessica Shawley - Treasurer, 724-689-5600

This advertisement sponsored by The Medicine Shoppe.

Network With Us in Latrobe! The Laurel Leaders group invites all local business leaders to attend a weekly meeting of BNI (Business Networking International) held each Wednesday at the SpringHill Suites in Latrobe, from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. Visitors are welcome (no reservations), free of charge, and encouraged to come learn more about a variety of weekly local business topics.

123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Largest Farmers Market in Western PA 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Every Saturday (rain or shine) 8 am - noon 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 May 17 - October 4th, 2014 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Located at the intersection of West Main Street and Route 30 in Ligonier 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Visit us at 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Fresh Picked Produce, Meats, Eggs, Perennials & Annuals, 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Hot Cooked Foods, and Handmade Crafts 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 Every Story Begins At Home.

July 2014 - 23

continued from page 9

This advertisement sponsored by The Toy Box of Ligonier and Twisted Vine Ecelectic Market.

“We are starting to train Diabetes Alert Dogs who, using scent training, will alert their partner when their Type 1 Diabetes sugar level hits 70,” she said. As our dogs get older, their jobs begin to dwindle, as does their health. Some retire and some keep going until they just can’t anymore. Regardless, our older dogs that we still perceive as puppies, need an extra measure of our love, especially as their spirits begin to flicker. One of the hardest things in life is letting go. No one ever wants to. As puppies we see them staying around forever, and the thoughts of death push themselves to the back of our minds. As they get older, the thought becomes ever more present. The pain of natural death is very real, but the pain of being the one to choose to end their suffering is even more so. For Sherri Keys, of Latrobe, the latter was her only option. Two of her dogs were diagnosed with cancer and while the option to put them down was extremely difficult, she knew that she couldn’t watch them suffer. “It was worse the first time,” Sherri said. “I really, really struggled with the decision because I felt like I was playing God.” Her dogs, Scout and Boo, named after characters in her favorite book “To Kill a Mockingbird,” will forever live on in her family’s memories. The wounds are still very tender, but she finds that every day helps to ease the pain, little by little. “My advice to others struggling with the death of a pet is to think about the life and love that you gave your animal,” she said, “For me, it was Jesus, period. I know that they are lying in Jesus’ lap, and that He can take better care of them than me.” We are on this beautiful journey with our pets, and we have the honor of spending what time we do have with them. Sometimes they join us on the path of life and other times, they walk down a different path without us. The most important thing is to never forget the memories, love and true friendship that we shared with our beloved animals, and that they shared with us. “Be a voice, not an echo” –Anonymous Rachel Jones is a senior journalism student at IUP. She enjoys writing, art of all kinds, yoga, iced coffee and thrifting. Rachel loves people and animals and always tries to share the love of Jesus to both as much as she can. When she isn’t writing, she’s dreaming of the Outer Banks in North Carolina where she hopes to live someday.

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24 - July 2014


JULY-AUGUST COMMUNITY CALENDAR “I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.” – Gilda Radner

through 7/13/2014 2014 National Road Festival Juried Art Exhibition Frank L Melega Art Museum 71 Market Street, Brownsville, PA 15417 724.785.9331 Artists from Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. through 10/4/2014 Ligonier Country Market Ligonier Corner of W. Main St. & Springer Rd. 724.858.7894 Every Saturday from through October 4. through 9/20/2014 Springs Farmers’ Market Springs Folk Festival Grounds 1711 Springs Rd., Springs, PA 15562 240.310.2086 Produce, Baked Goods, Antiques, Flea Market, Collectibles, Artwork & More! thrugh 10/4/2014 Springs Museum Springs Folk Festival Grounds 1711 Springs Rd., Springs, PA 15562 814.634.1489 Depicting life of the settlers of the Casselman Valley. Large two-story museum with antique equipment annex. through 8/31/2014 Sunday Evening Summer Band Concerts Ligonier 120 E. Main Street, Ligonier, PA through 11/15/2014 Somerset County Farmer’s Market 800 Georgian Place Drive, Somerset, PA 15501 814.279.5620 Somerset County Farmers’ Market is a producer-only tailgate market at Georgian Place in Somerset PA. The market opens the end of May and is on Saturdays and Wednesdays throughout the summer until the end of October. through 9/28/2014 Farmers’ Market Keystone State Park 1150 Keystone Park Road, Derry, PA 15627 Every Sunday in the beach parking lot, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Venders are welcome and the cost to set up is $10 per table. through 10/21/2014 Latrobe Farmers’ Market Latrobe Community Revitalization Program 816 Ligonier Street, Suite 307, Latrobe, PA 724.805.0112 The Latrobe Community Revitalization Program (LCRP) is a community-driven, comprehensive effort to encourage and strengthen economic development, prevent downtown deterioration and promote a sense of community within the historic preservation of our downtown business district while advocating a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment and rebuilding based on our unique assets for the benefit of the greater Latrobe area. through 8/27/2014 Lincoln Highway SupperMarket Latrobe Community Revitalization Program 3435 Route 30 East, Latrobe, PA 15650

Every Story Begins At Home.

This summer, there’s a terrific supper alternative to “drive-thru fast food.” The Lincoln Highway SupperMarket. It offers great food from a variety of select regional restaurants; something to satisfy everyone.

& fireworks. Bluegrass musical performances include The Felice Brothers, Barbara Blue, and the Weedrags. History comes to life when you join the Rebellion! Located in Historical Downtown, Main Street, Washington, PA.

through 7/30/2014 Weeknight Walkabout Laurel Hill State Park 1454 Laurel Hill Park Road, Somerset, PA 15501 Each session will be a 3 to 5 mile hike. From 6 to 8 pm, recurring every 2 weeks on Wednesday.

7/11/2014 to 7/12/2014 Arts on the Riverwalk Riverplex 11 S. Mill St., New Castle, PA Begun in 2009, Arts on the Riverwalk (formerly the New Castle Arts Fest) has joined with the New Castle Fireworks Festival. Arts on the Riverwalk will feature an Artists Market, Regional Arts Compe-tition, live performances, art displays.

through 9/11/2014 Thank Goodness It’s Summer The Palace Theatre 21 W. Otterman Street, Greensburg, PA 15601 Every Thursday. Local entertainment, free admission, food available, rain or shine through 8/29/2014 SummerSounds St. Clair Park 135 North Maple Avenue, Greensburg, PA 15601 Every Friday. Great FREE concerts featuring national acts. 7/2/2014 to 7/27/2014 Pop-Up Exhibition: Steel City LUG & Jeff Brunner Westmoreland Museum of American Art 4764 State Route 30, Greensburg, PA 15601 724.837.1500 Westmoreland @rt 30, the temporary location for the Westmoreland Museum of American Art, showcases pieces of the WMAA permanent collection of American works concentrating on the beauty and history of Southwestern PA. Pop-up exhibitions by regional artists change monthly; featuring classes, salons and events. Visit the American Marketplace for unique gifts by American artists and craftspeople. Open WednesdayFriday 12pm-7pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Free admission. 7/3/2014 to 7/6/2014 Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival Twin Lakes Park Enjoy art, music, food and family fun. 7/4/2014 4th of July Celebration Legion Keener Park Latrobe, PA 15650 Enjoy the parade starting at 10:30am with floats, antique cars and more! Fireworks by Keystone Fireworks Co. at 10pm! 7/4/2014 to 10/29/2014 Bikes, Bites, & Beats Morguen Toole Company 130 Center Street, Meyersdale, PA 15552 814.634.9900 Every Wednesday from 5 to 9 pm. 7/10/2014 to 7/12/2014 Whiskey Rebellion Festival Washington, PA Main Street, Washington, PA 412.281.1442 4th annual event sponsored by the David Bradford House Association. The Whiskey Rebellion includes street theater, reenactments and demonstrations, music, food, parade

7/12/2014 Free Concert: Neon Swing X-Perience Compass Inn Museum 1382 Route 30 East, Laughlintown, PA 15655 724.238.6818 Join us for a night of swing! “Neon Swing XPerience,” will return to the Museum for a performance. Get ready “to jump, jive, and rock.” 7/12/2014 ORTC Gear & Cheer Music Bradys Run Park Lodge Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724.770.2060 Festival activities include a 5K run/walk, mountain bike race, kayak race, road cycling, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, canoeing, hiking, rock climbing wall, auctions, raffles, arts & crafts, live music, food, drink, wine and craft beer tasting! 7/12/2014 Art Brew Sweetwater Center for the Arts 200 Broad St., Sewickley, PA 15143 412.741.4405 Sewickley will be overrun by food trucks, craft beer and art during Sweetwater’s Art Brew. Several of Pittsburgh’s local craft breweries will be on location. And joining the soon-to-be-announced breweries are local favorites Franktuary, Nakama and Steer and Wheel. These food trucks will be pairing their unique dishes with different brews for an evening of mouth-watering perfection. Live music and zany art activi-ties will provide the night with additional enjoyment. 7/12/2014 to 7/12/2014 ORTC Gear & Cheer Music Bradys Run Park Lodge Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724.770.2060. Festival activities include a 5K run/walk, mountain bike race, kayak race, road cycling, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, canoeing, hiking, rock climbing wall, auctions, raffles, arts & crafts, live music, food, drink, wine and craft beer tasting! 7/13/2014 Hoodlebug Summerfest Downtown Homer City; noon Annual Festival - Ethnic Food - Craft & Game Booths and Entertainment. 5K run/walk at 6 pm. Fast and flat 5K on streets of Homer City with part of the last mile on the Hoodlebug Trail. Part of the Homer City Business Association Festival. Race contact: Cory Fulmer, 724-541-0013. Cost: $15.00 up to June 27, $17.00 after

July 2014 - 25

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GRACIOUS/HISTORIC COLONIAL $549,000 #1010514. On almost 4 acres w/fabulous views & English gardens. Williamsburg interior w/2 staircases & 2-story screened-in sleeping porches. Walk to town & schools, yet country living in Ligonier Twp. TRACEY/JEAN LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663 ING LIST W E N

SELF-STORAGE BUSINESS $700,000 #1011295. Five various-size storage units, land, & office bldg. on different-sized lots. All metal buildings. Office bldg. has electric, public water, heat, septic. Ligonier Twp. LORRAINE/JEAN LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663



ice ic Pr


HISTORIC COLONIAL $679,000 #1010453. On 28.9 acres w/barn & outbuildings. Newly renovated 3+bedroom home, tastefully decorated, picturesque views, pool. Ligonier Twp. Has been on Home Tours. Agent owned. TRACEY LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663 ING LIST NEW

LOTS OF POTENTIAL $20,000 #1012567. Three-bedroom cottage by creek w/extra treed lot. Needs TLC, has woodburning stove. Ligonier Twp. LORRAINE LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663


WONDERFUL RANCH $89,000 #983008. Solid 3-bedroom home w/garage on beautiful large corner lot in New Alexandria. Large finished basement. TRACEY LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663

VICTORIAN-ERA HOME $279,000 #1012525. Classic woodwork throughout, 3 bedrooms plus nursery, 2-1/2 baths, galley kitchen, dining room, pocket doors, lovely closed-in sun porch, & garage in Ligonier Boro. JEAN/LORRAINE LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663

WONDERFUL COUNTRY SETTING $335,000 #993333. Four-bedroom, 3 1/2-bath, 2-story in Derry Twp. Well-constructed home w/wraparound porch, 2 master suites, & grand entrance. Gorgeous views, beautiful landscaping! TRACEY LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663 LLER D SE E T TIVA MO

WELL-MAINTAINED $69,900 #987117. Darling 2-bedroom Cape Cod w/attached garage in Ligonier Twp. Fenced-in yard, eat-in kitchen, new roof in 2011. LORRAINE LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663

HISTORIC COLONIAL $235,000 #993199. Three-bedroom, 2-bath home on 4.72 acres in Ligonier Twp. Refinished wood floors, updated baths, fireplace, built-in bookcases, open staircase, patio, enclosed porch, new roof, & newer garage. Location, charm, & privacy! COLLEEN LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663


216-ACRE FARM $950,000 #1001676. Renovated 3-bedroom, 3-bath farmhouse w/gorgeous hardwood & beamed ceilings. Pond, barn, cottage, & greenhouse. COLLEEN LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663

26 - July 2014

#1007962.Great starter home in excellent condition. Most of the home has been remodeled. Central air & stone patio. JEAN LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663

LIGONIER BORO $145,000 #1005943. Three-bedroom, 1-1/2 bath home w/spacious living room, galley kitchen, dining room, large full basement, & huge garage. Front room at street level for home office. JEAN/LORRAINE LOYALHANNA REALTY 724-238-3663


7/13/2014 Antiques & Collectibles Market Historic Hanna’s Town 809 Forbes Trail Road, Greensburg, PA 15601 724.532.1935 Over 100 dealers. Morning show, 7:30 am - 1pm 7/15/2014 to 7/18/2014 Compass Inn Kids Summer Camp Compass Inn Museum 1382 Route 30 East, Laughlintown, PA 15655 724.238.6818 A fun and educational history camp. Kids learn about life in early 19th-century Pennsylvania. Activities include games, cooking, arts and crafts. Fee includes snacks, hat, and camp supplies. Children should bring a bag lunch and water each day. 7/17/2014 The Carnegie Comes to Mt. Pleasant Glass Museum 6pm. $10.00. Space is limited. Reservations required: 724 547 5929 Rachel Delphia, The Alan G. and Jane A. Lehman Curator of Decorative Arts and Design, will speak on the Carnegie Museum's collection of midwestern glass including a pair of cut and engraved water decanters by Bakewell, Page & Bakewell of Pittsburgh probably for President James Monroe (c. 1818), and the recent major gift of Western Pennsylvania glass from noted Americana dealer Peter Tillou in honor of Senator John Heinz. 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 East Brady Area Riverfest Graham Field Verner St, East Brady, PA 16028 724.526.5174 Friday starts with firemen’s parade, food and craft vendors, rides and games for kids, auction of new donated items, karaoke, dice run for motorcycles sponsored by Clarion County Chapter A.B.A.T.E., 3 point basket-ball shoot benefits Muscular Dystrophy, fireworks. corn hole tournament, pageant review of pageants that were held earlier, Interfaith Church Service, singing by area church choir, and more. 7/18/2014 - 7/19/2014 Summer in Ligonier Arts & Crafts 9 am - 5 pm, Downtown Ligonier Enjoy arts, crafts, merchant sidewalk sales, Sno cones, kids' activities, face painting, a balloon artist, and more! 7/18/2014 Loyalhanna Review Publication Party SAMA Museum in Ligonier. 7-9 pm The wine-and-cheese reception will feature readings from several of the writers published in the 2014 Loyalhanna Review and displays of some of the artists’ work. Guests will have a chance to talk with the authors and artists whose work is featured in the magazine. 7/17/2014 - 7/20/2014 103rd Anniversary Our Lady of Mount Carmel Festival & Crabtree Fireworks St. Bartholomew Parish - Crabtree, PA; (724) 834-0709 Fireworks on Sat, July 19 at 10:30 pm. 7/19/2014 27th Ligonier Valley Writers’ Conference 10:00 am - 5:00 pm; Westmoreland County Community College,145 Pavilion Lane Youngwood, PA Deadline for early registration is June 10. Four renowned faculty members will work with both emerging and experienced writers. As always, workshops will be offered in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. For only the second time, there will also be a workshop on songwriting.

Every Story Begins At Home.

7/19/2014 to 7/20/2014 Living History Weekend: Civil War Comes to Compass Inn Museum Compass Inn Museum 1382 Route 30 East, Laughlintown, PA. 724.238.4983 `Learn about the American Civil War. 7/19/2014 to 7/19/2014 I Made It! Market at the Waterfront The Waterfront Town Center W. Bridge St and W. Waterfront Dr., Homestead, PA 412.254.4464 Shop I Made It! Market’s 30+ local artisans offering all handmade wares, and stock up on baked goods, fresh produce, cheeses, sauces and more from the Farm to Table Pittsburgh vendors. 7/20/2014 4th Annual Classic Car Cruise Bushy Run Battlefield 1253 Bushy Run Rd., Jeannette, PA . 724.527.5488 Love sleek classic and custom auto-mobiles? Have a classic or custom vehicle to show off to the public? Now’s your chance! Bushy Run Battlefield is once again opening its parking lot to classic and custom cars, trucks, or modified vehicles. Enjoy classic cars, live music, food and drink, 50/50 raffle, and more! 7/20/2014 PPG Festival of Color Pittsburgh Zoo 7340 Butler St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Enjoy the Zoo in wild colors! Create a sand art or spin art masterpiece, watch animal painting demonstrations, create chalk art alongside our extremely talented chalk artist, and get your face painted. Stop by the PPG Aquarium to meet our mascots and don’t forget to bring a white t-shirt to tie dye with all of your favorite colors. 7/24/2014 to 8/2/2014 Fayette County Fair Fayette County Fairgrounds Dunbar, PA 7/25/2014 to 7/26/2014 Coleman Station Bluegrass Festival Coleman Station 1144 Coleman Station Rd., Friedens, PA 7/25/2014 Children’s Summer Arts Festival Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts 124 E. Leasure Ave., New Castle, PA 16101 724.652.2282 Free annual celebration of the arts and youth on the nearly 5 acres of Hoyt Center for the Arts. 7/26/2014 Ebensburg Homecoming Lake Rowena 814.472.8414 7/26/2014 Mammoth Park Field Day Mt. Pleasant Township - Route 981 and 982 from Latrobe and Greensburg A fun, free event for children ages 8-16 to learn more about the outdoors! Activities include trap shooting, archery, boating safety and more! This event is held at Mammoth Park, rain or shine, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Youth Field Day is sponsored by Westmoreland County Law Enforcement Officers and the PA Game Commission. 7/26/2014 54th PA Infantry Living History Event at Bushy Run Battlefield 10 am - 4 pm; Join the 54th PVI to explore the world of reenacting and the Civil War. Learn about

soldiering, weapons, tactics and so much more. All ages are welcome. Cost: Free. Admission fee required for the Visitor Center at Bushy Run. 7/31/2014 Stoystown Lions Antique Tractor Festival 359 North Club Rd., Stoystown, PA 15563 814.341.9593 8/2/2014 - 8/3/2014 St. John the Evangelist Parish Festival 306 St. John Dr in Latrobe. 724-537-8909 This year's Parish Festival will include bingo, kids activities and games, a Chinese auction, ethnic foods, a bake sale, flea market, musical entertainment and family fun for everyone. 8/3/2014 to 8/9/2014 Mountain Area Fair Farmington, PA PO Box 186, Farmington, PA 15437 724.329.5513 Off Route 40 in Farmington, PA. Fair is open at 6 pm nightly. 8/8/2014 The Stroll in Ligonier 724-238-4200. Participants will have the opportunity to visit Ligonier's quaint shops and restaurants and take advantage of merchants' sales while strolling the town. Activities include music, dancing and classic cars from 5 to 9 p.m. on the Diamond. A DJ will be spinning '50's music in front of Town Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Announcement of the pie contest winner at 6:30 p.m. - Swing City plays on the bandstand from 7 to 9 p.m., and a dance contest at 8 p.m. 8/10/2014 August Fun Fest at Cedar Creek Park Cedar Creek Park, Rostraver Township Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation (724) 830-3950. Along with great music and great shows, August Fun Fest has carnival rides, pony rides, kiddie train ride and a petting zoo. Ride all day long for $4.00. Also included is musical entertainment with The Vogues! 8/15/2014 to 8/23/2014 Westmoreland Fair Greensburg, PA 123 Blue Ribbon Lane, 724.423.5005 The Westmoreland Fair is celebrating its 60th Diamond Anniversary. 8/16/2014 to 8/17/2014 Laurel Highlands Garlic Festival Faranda Farm 1171 Penn Ave, Hollsopple, PA 8/16/2014 I Made It! Market at the Waterfront The Waterfront Town Center W. Bridge St and W. Waterfront Dr., Homestead, PA 412.254.4464. Shop I Made It! Market’s 30+ local artisans offering all handmade wares, and stock up on baked goods, fresh produce, cheeses, sauces and more from the Farm to Table Pittsburgh vendors. 8/22/2014 to 8/24/2014 Great American Banana Split Celebration Latrobe Community Revitalization Program 816 Ligonier Street, Suite 307, Latrobe, PA 724.805.0112. There will be a series of events through-out the weekend including a yellow tie gala, baking contest, car hop, family walk, street fair and sock hop. Keep an eye here for further information as we get closer to August, and make plans to join us!

July 2014 - 27

Greater Latrobe-Laurel Valley Community Chamber of Commerce

Ribbon Cutting Celebration Tuesday, July 15 at 4:30pm Join us for light refreshments!

8/23/2014 Antiques on the Diamond Ligonier.(724) 238-4200. This event will feature dealers from six states set up around the Diamond as well as East and West Main Streets. Among the items available for purchase will be country, period furniture, quilts, wicker, pottery, glassware, china, toys, etc. Heritage United Methodist Church will serve lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the church social room. A choice of chicken salad or pulled pork sandwiches will be available, along with pasta and homemade cakes and pies. 8/23/2014 Craft & Vendor Show Great American Banana Split Celebration Ligonier St, Latrobe. 10 am (724) 805-0112 The craft and vendor show at the Great American Banana Split Celebration will be held August 23rd. Cost is $25 per 12-by-12-foot space for the outdoor show. Only one vendor per company will be accepted and is determined by the first paid application received. Crafts not juried/open to all. 8/23/2014 Huntington’s Disease Fundraiser Legion-Keener Park (412) 555-8976 Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Noon - 6:00pm Open to the public: Chinese auction, food, games, venders, and a band. All money goes to research for huntington's disease society.

Huntington's disease is caused by an inherited defect in a single gene. It is an autosomal dominant disorder, which means that a person needs only one copy of the defective gene to develop the disorder.With the exception of genes on the sex chromosomes, a person inherits two copies of every gene — one copy from each parent. A parent with a defective Huntington gene could pass along the defective copy of the gene or the healthy copy. Each child in the family, has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene that causes the genetic disorder. 8/24/2014 to 9/28/2014 Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival West Newton, PA 112 Renaissance Lane, West Newton, PA 15089 724.872.1670 The Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival and Artisan’s Marketplace returns us to the age of wonder, adventure and song, where plea-sure reigns and merrymaking is the rule. Trumpets sound and the armored knights battle on horseback in the Tournament of Champions. Stroll our wooded paths for handmade crafts.

Military encampment! Over 500 costumed participants! Rated 19th Best Craft Show in America! Great family fun! 8/31/2014 - 9/1/2014 Labor Day Celebration Northmoreland Park, Allegheny Township Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation This is a two-day extravaganza including carnival amusement rides, Greenfield Farm pony rides and petting zoo, and Rainbow Express train rides! Ride all day for $3. Also features an Arts and Crafts festival, giant flea market and the Tom Thumb Circus. Other attractions will be Tom Breiding (Folk Music, Monday), Earl Schriver's Birds of Prey, Labor Day speakers program, delicious food & refreshments as well as live music both days!

8/29/2014 to 9/1/2014 21st Annual Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Colonial Festival Greensburg, PA 123 Blue Ribbon Lane, 724.863.4577. Shop over 220 booths! Enjoy fantastic food! Two string bands! Bagpipers! Flute Choir!

***** Please submit events for consideration to: or Laurel Mountain Post Events Calendar 189 Fairview Lane Derry, PA 15627

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28 - July 2014

Second Chapter Books New and Used Books • Children’s Gifts Jewelry • Greeting Cards • Neat Stuff 139 East Main Street Ligonier, PA 15658



by Denise Raible Martin

A current Ligonier resident and originally from North Hills of Pittsburgh, Denise has always had a passion for writing. Her career has included national sales, marketing, branding and freelance writing (most recently in the beverage industry), but her true passion remains storytelling. Being the mother of 21-year-old twin boys, she definitely has plenty of drama, stories and humor to write about! Denise is currently working on her first fictional romance/erotic novel (a trilogy!) and plans to e-Publish by year’s end.

Marine Mom on the burden and the pride of knowing Two and a half years ago, my whole life and pour over every single word a dozen our son will fight to the death for America’s changed. I became a Marine Mom. I retimes through teary eyes. I kept all his continued freedom. member the shock upon learning my son, letters in my nightstand and would hug The Fourth of July reminds me that Dillon, was joining the military. He’d kept them to my chest each night, praying he every single man and woman in every telling us he was going to, had talked and was safe and praying for more letters. branch of the military, every deployment, talked about it, and I vaguely wondered if every homecoming, and every he expected us to talk him out of military death has a greater meanit. But truthfully, I knew he had ing to me now. I put my hand the tenacity, guts and temperaacross my heart when I hear the ment to become a Marine. And at “Star Spangled Banner.” I stop to the wild rate he was running, I gaze at a waving American flag – figured he’d be safer in the military its red and white stripes and blue than he would be racing up and box of stars representing my Mardown town with an undesirable ine. I stop to shake the hand and group of hoodlums. But when the look into the eyes of a Veteran. My day finally came and the papers heart pounds like a battle drum were signed, my maternal brain when I hear “God Bless the USA” went into full-on, protective, “heliby Lee Greenwood, and I cry as copter mom” mode. If my son was only a Marine Mom could when I going through the free world’s listen to “If You’re Reading This” toughest boot camp, I was sure as by Tim McGraw. It’s not that I’m Family Day at Parris Island, the day before graduation: Dillon Dominytus, hell going through it with him. Denise, and Dillon’s twin brother, Dalton Dominytus. more patriotic than anyone else … I made it my mission during I just feel it differently now. I am his 13-week training on Parris Isproud of our military, I’m proud of my son, land in South Carolina to give him all the Dillon made it through boot camp, and and I’m proud to be an American. Stop for love and support a mom could throw across unless you’ve been there, I can’t explain the a moment this July 4th and feel the sacrifice the Atlantic waters to the famous island that panic, the pride, and the swell of your heart our military men and women make. You was transforming my son from a young on Marine graduation day. Sitting amongst don’t know what they’ve been through, or man into a Marine. I did what any sane, the family and friends of other graduating where they may have to go. Dillon has a loving, proud Marine Mom would do: I Marines, you feel an instant connection to brand new son, and my first grandchild, woke up every morning with the singular your fellow countrymen. We were all in this Carson Michael. Now he’s got one more goal of writing a heartfelt, funny, newstogether. Our sons and daughters were American to live for. worthy letter to my son and raced that standing on the Peatross Parade Deck, sucker out to the mailbox before the mailhaving marched through three months of Semper Fi, – Marine Mom lady arrived at 2 pm. I wrote 62 letters to blood, sweat, tears, vomit and hell to get Dillon, knowing he’d read them during his their Marine emblem; the eagle, globe and grueling stay and feel connected to his anchor. Those new recruits were beaten family, if only for a few minutes. I imagined down, built back up, tested, transformed him jumping up for mail call in the Squad and now worthy of the title, United States Bay, holding my perfectly addressed (so Marine. My son had stories from bootit wouldn’t get lost!) and inconspicuous camp that made me cry, made me sick and (another letter from your mama, boy?!) made me sob. But the most touching thing daily letter in his dirty, bruised hands, and he told me was that receiving a letter from diving with anticipation onto his rack to me every day got him through the worst of read it. I didn’t learn until later he’d actually it. That’s all this Marine Mom needed to read my letters in the Head (toilet) because hear – we made it through … together. I that’s the only spare time he had to sit down. will never know the true hell he endured, When a letter would arrive from Dilbut there is a look in his eye that wasn’t lon, the mail lady would smile indulgently there before boot camp; pride, honor, at me as I danced around the mailbox waresolve – a willingness to stand up with his ving a little military envelope with my son’s fellow Marines and march into battle if he’s scribbly handwriting, then I’d hoot with joy called. He understands he may have to give as I raced up the front steps to tear it open his life for our country. My family has taken E-3 Lance Corporal Dillon Dominytus, USMC Every Story Begins At Home.

July 2014 - 29

Any Property. Any place.

Ve r n o n Realty Services

Phone: (724) 238-0443 305 W. Main Street | Ligonier, PA 15658 Michael J. Vernon, Broker / Owner • Cell: (724) 331-6858


Greensburg – MLS 963695 This 3 Bedroom, 1 Full Bath and 1 Half Bath home is priced at $129,900 and with ZERO down payment and only $620 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Latrobe – MLS 1010084 This 2 bed room home is fully updated and has a great back yard. Priced at $99,800 and with ZERO down payment and only $480 a month. Plus taxes and insurances.

Ligonier Boro

Bolivar – MLS 964032 - This Commercial property is priced at $55,000 and with 25% down payment and only $197 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Ligonier Twp – MLS 1004197 This 5 Bedroom, 2 ½ Full Bath home is priced at $525,000 and with ZERO down payment and only $2,387 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Hempfield Twp – MLS # 988531 This Commercial property with two units is priced at $69,000 and with 25% down payment and only $247 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Price d e Reduc

– MLS 994370 This 3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath home is priced at $187,750 and with ZERO down payment and only $869 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Price d e e R duc

Hempfield Twp – MLS 985432 This 5 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath home is priced at $159,900 and with ZERO down payment and only $768 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Ligonier Boro – MLS 975560 This 5 Bedroom, 3 Full Bath and 2 Half Baths home is priced at $249,900 and with ZERO down payment and only $1,195 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Donegal – MLS 334001 This Commercial property with 8 buildings and a 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath home is priced at $499,000 and with 25% down payment and only $1,787 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

S3o11DlDad s 3 ayys in in

Ligonier Twp – MLS 1004208 This Commercial business is priced at 107,000 and with Jillian Michaels new circuit training program and Jenny Craig's nutritional weight loss program now with Curves it is a perfect time for someone who wants to help others and enjoy being physically fit and owning their own business.

Fallowfield TWP – MLS 1003981

This 3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath home is priced at $119,900 and with ZERO down payment and only $572 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Greensburg – MLS 1014349 This great 3 bed room home with 2 1/2 baths will be great for any family. Lots of new updates done thru out this home. Ask for Vernon Adams.

Terms based on 4% fixed interest rate with no points, no broker fees and no application fee with an apr of 4.278% for 30 years.

Any Property. Any place.

Ve r n o n Realty Services

Phone: (724) 238-0443 305 W. Main Street | Ligonier, PA 15658 Michael J. Vernon, Broker / Owner • Cell: (724) 331-6858

Ligonier Twp

– MLS 1009105 The 4 bed room with a great view is priced at $69,000.0 and with ZERO down payment and only $331 a month. Plus Taxes and Insurance.

Ligonier Boro – MLS xxxxxxxxxx

This new construction condo is in the heart of town and with an elevator you need have steps to climb. Priced at $265,000 and with ZERO down payent and only $1,263 a month. Plus taxes, condo fee and insurance.

Ligonier Twp – MLS 1014849 This great 5 bedroom home has a mother In-Law suite in the basement. The stands proudly in the center of 10 lush acres. Come and enjoy the country living at its finest. Priced at $325,000 and with ZERO down payment and only $1,550 a month Plus taxes and insurances.

So11 lDDdaayy n iin

Irwin – MLS 1002287 This great 3 Bed Room home is located in the heart of Irwin and newly updated and won’t last long priced at $59,900 and with as little as 3 ½% down payment and only $288 a month. Plus taxes and Insurances.

Derry – MLS 1014593 This extra-large 3 bed room brick

home has many updates. With the extra fenced lot will be great for pets or family picnics. Priced at $179,000 and with ZERO down payment and only $858 a month. Plus taxes and insurances.

S1o66DlDad s 1 ayys

S1o00DlDad s 1 ayys

in in

in in

Ligonier Boro – MLS # 981422

This home has three bedrooms and a master bedroom and bath on the main floor. This home will not last long at $109,900.

S2o77DlDad s 2 ayys

Ligonier Twp – MLS 971851

Sold in 16 day so call today for me to list and sell your home.

So11 lDDdaayy n iin

in in

Ligonier Twp – MLS 992043 The only thing missing from this

gorgeous Wendover abode is a new family! This home is totally move-in ready, with solid surfaces in both the kitchen and bathrooms, window treatments, a plethora of included appliances and plenty of room for living and growing. Come take a peek-you may not want to leave!

Ligonier Twp – MLS 967087

Sold in 1 day so call today for me to list and sell your home.

Latrobe – MLS 978722 You can enjoy the private oases in the fully landscaped rear yard with a built in the ground swimming pool with a water slide. This home has it own dog run and with many updates this home is in move in condition.

S3o44lDDadayyss 3 in in

Ligonier Twp – MLS 970976

This stunning all brick home boasts oversized room's on a great double lot. Located on a private street, in Ligonier East just 6 miles from the diamond. Great home for sitting around the outdoor fire pit or hanging out on the back porch. This home has been priced to sell.

So11 lDDdaayy n iin

Ligonier Twp – MLS 1009025 - This great new home with a fenced back yard and a stone fire place is priced at $265,000.

Terms based on 4% fixed interest rate with no points, no broker fees and no application fee with an apr of 4.278% for 30 years.

32 - July 2014


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