The Zapata Times 2/12/2011

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TO 4,000 HOMES





Kickoff set for 2011 Fair

Gunfighting kill 10

The best little-town fair in Texas is coming

Soldiers battle gunmen across state, find marijuana THE ZAPATA TIMES

Ten men died in confrontations with soldiers from Nuevo Laredo to Matamoros earlier this week, including some along the frontera chica, according to a news release issued by the Mexican army.

Meanwhile, the national Department of Defense reported that soldiers discovered more than three tons of marijuana buried in a pit near the Santo Niño neighborhood in Díaz Ordaz last weekend. The weed was found in 513 bundles. No one was arrested, and no other

details about the find were made available. The official bulletin about the 10 deaths alleges that they were all members of organized crime. All of the reported incidents occurred on Tuesday. The men died in Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Mier, Miguel Alemán and

Matamoros. None of the names of the deceased were released. As a result of the three fatal confrontations, soldiers seized some cash in pesos and U.S. dollars, numerous grenades, about 5,200 clips, 186 loaders



Volunteers and staffers are busy putting the final touches on preparations for the 39th Zapata County Fair, and this week sees a preview of the beauty and fun to come. Wednesday, there will be a major kickoff event at the Zapata County Courthoue at 7 p.m. All past Zapata Fair Queens and their courts are invited to attend the celebration for the Zapata County Fair Queen and Court Reunion.

washington’s birthday

celebration association




Warm welcome Organizers invite residents and visitors alike to come shake hands with Zapata’s royalty and meet this year’s parade marshal. In 2009, the marshal was actually two people: Juanita and Osvaldo Ramirez, two of Zapata’s most beloved residents. The two retired educators are quiet philanthropists who support numerous student activities. The grand fair, organized by the Zapata County Fair Association, runs from Feb. 19 through March 12. One of the biggest weekends will be March 5 with the traditional trail ride, annual fajita cook-off and the ABKCsanctioned pitbull dog show. “We take great pride in the work we do on behalf of the residents of Zapata County and of our many volunteers and staff members who spend countless hours working on the many aspects of this annual event,” writes Rosendo “Lupe” Canales, Zapata County Fair president, in his welcome letter to fair-goers. “We sincerely thank everyone for their hard work.”

Something for all Canales notes this is going to be a great fair, with plenty of music and food for all ages. Headliners include La Mafia, David Lee Garza y Los Musicales and Ramon Ayala. There’s also the fundraising livestock auctions that benefit Zapata’s youth as well as entertaining and informative 4-H and FFA exhibitions. The fair is a three-weekend event that features pageants. “(We) hope that your visit is fun-filled and creates memories to last a lifetime,” Canales concludes in his letter. “And, be sure to let your friends and neighbors know what a great time you had at the biggest little-town fair in Texas!”

Courtesy photo by Bob Daemmrich

The Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association visited the state capitol last month to invite state leaders to the 114th celebration. Celebration ambassadors in costume include, left to right, Chief Fire Mountain-Keeper of the Sacred Stones Alex Jacob Cavazos; U.S. Abrazo children Katarina Garcia and Evan A. Valls; Mexico Abrazo children Paloma Chapa Mendoza and Ernesto Carlos Knosel Reina; Princess Pocahontas Rosemary Therese Santos; Betty Ann Moreno portraying Martha Washington; and Frank C. Averill Jr. portraying George Washington. Officials, right to left, are Sen. Judith Zaffirini; Rep. Ryan Guillen; Adrienne Treviño of BBVA Compass and a WBCA board member; James Notzon of BBVA Compass and a WBCA board member; Susan Foster, president of WBCA; San Juanita Torres, Princess Pocahontas Council president; Amelia E. Bravo of BBVA Compass, International Good Neighbor Council president and WBCA board member; Pati G. Guajardo, WBCA second vice president; Giampaolo Consigliere, city president of BBVA Compass; Texas House Speaker Joe Straus III (next to Pocahontas); Jose A. Palacios Jr., WBCA president-elect (behind Straus); Rep. Richard Ryamond; and Anna Gutierrez Volpe, president of the Society of Martha Washington. The celebration is in full swing. See story, 8A.


Food bank to distribute food Wednesday By SALO OTERO SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

A special food distribution day for families participating in the Adopt-A-Family program has been set by the South Texas Food Bank from 10 a.m. through 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Helping Hands agency on 8th Street and Del

Mar, off U.S. 83. Beginning at 10 a.m. families will pick up their monthly food bags. In cooperation with the South Texas Food Bank’s Ranchers for the Hungry, the bag will include either fresh venison or beef. Also, South Texas Food Bank staffers will be at the Helping

Hands site cooking burgers for the families and guests. “This event is to promote the Ranchers for the Hungry program and not just to give our clients the meat, but also to cook a sample,” said Cindy Liendo Espinoza, South Texas Food Bank chief development officer. Also expected to attend the

event is Zapata County Treasurer Romeo Salinas, who sserves on the South Texas Food Bank board. Norma Mendoza is director of Helping Hands. The adopt-a-family program has 45 clients in Zapata and serves more than 800 families


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