The Zapata Times 12/4/2010

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TO 4,000 HOMES





Pollution TCEQ investigates sewage complaint at Falcon Lake By LORRAINE L. RODRIGUEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES

Photos by Cuate Santos | The Zapata Times

Daniel Rodriguez, left, and Ramon Garza, of Rodriguez Iron Works, paint the finishing touches on a metal sign that was designed and commissioned by TxDOT to welcome visitors to Zapata.




TxDOT seeks resolution for two rest areas

New signage represents Zapatans By LORRAINE L. RODRIGUEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES

Zapata County welcomes passers-by with a new modern looking “Welcome to Zapata” sign with a little touch of South Texas in it. “This new sign comprises all things that make up Zapata,” said Zapata County Judge Rosalva Guerra. “It involves the water, the sun, and the ranchers that have been here since the beginning of Zapata.” The new sign was drafted by Texas Department of Transportation engineer Steve Walker with Guerra’s input, she said. “They gave us an idea and we duplicated the idea in metal,” said Ramiro Rodriguez, owner

An investigation by the Texas Department of Environmental Quality has been brewing in Zapata County after the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was notified about raw sewage discharges possibly contaminating Falcon Lake. “Anytime raw sewage goes into Falcon Lake it is detrimental to the native species in the water,” said Texas Parks and Wildlife Game Warden Sam Padgett. Lake patrons also run the risk of getting introduced to bacteria and other pollutants, making the lake unsafe for swimming, he said. TCEQ is currently investigating several cases, according to spokesperson Andrea Morrow.

News of the pollution came after a local resident notified the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department about changes to the water in a creek located on his property, Padgett said. The land owner informed Padgett that he had notified local officials about the pollution a year ago and nothing had been done, he added. “I went out to look at it and it looked contaminated by possible sewage,” Padgett said. Apparently raw sewage had been spilling from a Zapata County wastewater lift station located on private property, Padgett said. Evidence collected by Padgett confirmed the pollution was coming from the Zapata County Water Works lift station 13, located near


This "Welcome to Zapata" sign, which has greeted visitors for years, will soon be replaced with a bigger and more colorful one that has been designed and commissioned by TxDOT. of Rodriguez Iron Works. An old “Welcome to Zapata” sign still stands behind the new mural. “I believe there is no comparison, but the old one remains there as a historical sight for people to see,” Guerra said.

“The goal is of course to welcome all visitors but mainly to make the citizens of Zapata proud.” “We are very pleased with the outcome and it gives Zapata an


The Texas Department of Transportation planned to have a meeting with the Zapata County Commissioners Court early this month regarding a solution for the rest areas located in Precinct 2, but with the holidays approaching the meeting seems impossible. “Local officials will probably not be there because of the holidays,” said Marisa Ramirez, TxDOT project manager. TxDOT has closed more than

15 rest stops in Zapata, Starr, Jim Hogg and surrounding counties since last summer and has given the Zapata County Commissioners Court an ultimatum as far as the remaining two rest areas in Precinct 2. At the last Commissioners Court meeting, TxDOT project manager and the Commissioners Court discussed the possibility of maintaining the rest areas and decreasing the trash left at the sites.




The Flores family will soon have a new home, thanks to the Buckner Colonias Program, an arm of the Buckner Foundation. The program is known for building new homes for needy families and also helps underprivileged children by providing clothing, shoes, and school suppli-

es. In the last Zapata County Commissioners Court meeting, Buckner Foundation project coordinator Gabriel Flores asked for help with the demolition of the unlivable structure in which Atilano and Rosa Flores lived in. The Flores family is no relation to Gabriel Flores. The county agreed to help if the house was deemed unlivable

by the Zapata County Fire Department. “The house they were living in was old, the electricity wasn’t too good and it also lacked a septic tank,” said Jesus Vega, Buckner Foundation project coordinator. “The old house was in pretty bad shape and falling apart.” “It wasn’t taken care of and it


Courtesy photo

Volunteers work to construct a new home for Atilano and Rosa Flores. The Buckner Foundation supplied a grant for the supplies.


Zin brief CALENDAR




SATURDAY, DEC. 4 There will be a book sale from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. today in the Widener Room, First United Methodist Church, 1220 McClelland Ave. The public is invited, and there is no admission fee. PETCO will be celebrating the season by having their annual “Photos for Santa with Pets” photo session at the PETCO store at 5410 San Bernardo Ave. between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.. All pets are welcome. For more information, call (956) 796-0510. Border Region MHMR will have a toy drive benefiting children ages 3-17 participating in the Child, Adolescent & Parent Services (CAPS) Program. The toy drive will take place at the Walmart at 5610 San Bernardo Ave. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations of unwrapped toys will be most appreciated. Guerra Communications will be broadcasting the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Seitel by email at The 6th annual Holiday Bowl will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UISD Student Activity Complex, 5208 Santa Claudia. The charity flag football game pits City of Laredo officials against members of the media. Entrance fee is $5 or one unwrapped toy per person. Activities and entertainment for the whole family include a strongest arm competition for a chance to win a Dell computer, a field goal kick-off for a $500 gas card, a touchdown dance contest to win an XBox 360 Kinect and a chance to meet Dallas Cowboys legend Drew Pearson. For more information, call (956) 791-7461. The Texas A&M International University Lamar Bruni Vergara Planetarium is showing "Seven Wonders" at 5 p.m., "Holiday Music Magic" at 6 p.m., and "Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon" at 7 p.m. Admission prices are $4 for children and $5 for adults. Premium shows are $1 more. For show times, call 956-326-DOME.

SUNDAY, DEC. 5 Memorial Bells of the First United Methodist Church, under the direction of Linda Mott, will present a Christmas concert entitled "Ring, Sing Noel" at 4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary at 1220 McClelland. The program will feature both sacred and secular selections and conclude with a ring-sing-along of favorite carols. This event is free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted to help defray concert-related expenses. For more information, call the church office at (956) 722-1674 or email at Today, Joe Brand will be hosting a fashion show featuring Laredo band Black Market Baby to benefit the South Texas Food Bank Christmas basket campaign to help feed the needy. Tickets are $20 per person and are available at the food bank (call 956726-3120 for information) and at Joe Brand in Mall Del Norte. Raffle tickets are also available. The event is from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Food and refreshments served.

TUESDAY, DEC. 7 The Alzheimer’s support group will meet at 7 p.m. in meeting room 2, building B of the Laredo Medical Center. The support group is for family members and caregivers taking care of someone who has Alzheimer’s. For more information, contact Mellissa Guerra at (956) 663-9991.

Photo by Tony Gutierrez | AP

Actor Chuck Norris, left, laughs as Gov. Rick Perry, right, jokes about Norris’ mystical powers during a news conference where Norris was designated a honorary Texas Ranger on Thursday in Garland. Ranger’s Ronald Pettigrew, left rear, and Lt. William Bennie, right, rear, look on during the exchange.

Norris a Texas Ranger ASSOCIATED PRESS

GARLAND — There’s only one man tough enough to take down "Walker, Texas Ranger." And that’s Chuck Norris, Texas Ranger. The actor and martial-arts expert was named an honorary member of the elite Texas law enforcement force Thursday by Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a nod to the television character that enshrined Norris as the ultimate tough guy. Perry bestowed the rare honor on the 70year-old action hero and executive director of "Walker, Texas Ranger" in a room packed with family, friends and real Texas Rangers at a state Department of Public Safety office in Garland, a Dallas suburb. "People may whisper about his super powers, but the greatest power of Chuck Norris is his integrity," the governor said.

Texas will see dramatic gain in U.S. House seats

Court: Texas worker birth dates not public record

Health commissioner urges Medicaid ‘reinvention’

AUSTIN — Fast-growing Texas is poised to be the biggest winner of all when it comes to picking up influence in Congress in the next few years, and Republicans are salivating at the prospect of fattening the largest GOP delegation in Washington. Texas will gain at least three and possibly four seats in Congress, as population trends continue to push people out of the rust and snow belts and into the sunbelt, demographers have said. With strong GOP majorities in the Texas capitol and all statewide offices in their fold, Republicans are sure to use their new clout to cement their hold on power through the redistricting process and possibly increase their majority in the House. Republican state Rep. Tommy Merritt, an outgoing member of the Legislature who sits on the House redistricting committee, predicted the Republicans would “go for the gusto.”

AUSTIN — The birth dates of about 145,000 state workers are not public record and should be protected to help them avoid identity theft, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday. The ruling overturned previous decisions by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office and trial and appeals courts. The case stems from a 2005 dispute between the Dallas Morning News and the state comptroller’s office when the newspaper requested an updated state employee payroll database. The state released most of it with full name, race, sex, salary, agency, job description, work address, pay scale, employment date and work hours, but thenComptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn withheld birth dates. The newspaper and freedom of information advocates argued that birth dates should be public record because they help distinguish between workers.

AUSTIN — Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Seuhs says talk of Texas opting out of Medicaid has been misconstrued. Seuhs said Friday that the discussion has overshadowed some of the funding problems states like Texas face in paying for the massive state-federal health care program for the poor. Seuhs said “what’s getting lost is the need to reinvent Medicaid, not getting out of Medicaid.” Some conservative Republicans have suggested that Texas be the first state to opt out of Medicaid. Seuhs made the comments as the agency released a report on how Medicaid impacts the health care system in Texas and the potential impact of opting out. The report shows that Medicaid pays for more than half of all births and assists two-thirds of Texans in nursing homes. — Compiled from AP reports

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 The South Texas Food Bank board of directors meets today at noon at Commerce Bank, San Dario and Mann Road, on the second floor. For information call (956) 726-3120. First United Methodist Church’s health fair is taking place at 1220 McClelland St. in Laredo, Texas from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free blood pressure screening, eardrum assessment, glaucoma & visual acuity checks, and diabetic assessments. There will also be blood chemistry profiles (lab work) provided by Gateway Clinic for a fee of $15. Please come FASTING for the lab work/diabetic assessments. The church will accept donations of canned foods for the needy at the door.

FRIDAY, DEC. 17 The Texas A&M International University Lamar Bruni Vergara Planetarium is showing "Season of Light" at 6 p.m. and "Holiday Music Magic" at 7 p.m. Admission prices are $4 for children and $5 for adults. Premium shows are $1 more. For show times call (956) 326-DOME.

The television show, in which Norris played Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, ran for nearly a decade on CBS in the 1990s. But odes to his indestructible toughness live on thanks to one-liners — "Chuck Norris doesn’t do pushups. He pushes the earth down" — splashed across the Internet. He even made a cameo during the 2008 presidential election, joining a stern-faced Republican candidate Mike Huckabee in espousing such strength in an online campaign video. His plan for border security? "Two words," Huckabee said. "Chuck. Norris." Perry said he and his wife, Anita, consider Norris and his wife, Gena, personal friends, as he thanked him for bringing renewed attention to Texas Rangers with his portrayal of "an iconic Ranger, a character who was observant, meticulous and honorable.

AROUND THE NATION 1 in 3 Americans already got a flu shot this year


NEW YORK — As the flu season gets under way, about 1 in 3 Americans have already been vaccinated, health officials reported Friday. That’s about the same rate or even a little ahead of seasonal flu vaccinations at this time last year, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Immigrant students give blood in protest BOSTON — As Congress gets closer to a possible vote on a bill that would give illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship by going to college or serving in the military, called the DREAM Act, college-aged illegal immigrants, called "DREAMers," shed blood for the cause Friday.

Today is Saturday, Dec. 4, the 338th day of 2010. There are 27 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Dec. 4, 1783, Gen. George Washington bade farewell to his Continental Army officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York, telling them, “With a heart full of love and gratitude I now take leave of you.” On this date: In 1816, James Monroe of Virginia was elected the fifth president of the United States. In 1875, William Marcy Tweed, the “Boss” of New York City’s Tammany Hall political organization, escaped from jail and fled the country. In 1942, U.S. bombers struck the Italian mainland for the first time in World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the dismantling of the Works Progress Administration, created to provide jobs during the Depression. In 1978, San Francisco got its first female mayor as City Supervisor Dianne Feinstein (FYN’-styn) was named to replace the assassinated George Moscone (mahs-KOH’-nee). In 1984, a five-day hijack drama began as four men seized a Kuwaiti airliner en route to Pakistan and forced it to land in Tehran, where the hijackers killed American passenger Charles Hegna. In 1996, the Mars Pathfinder lifted off from Cape Canaveral and began speeding toward Mars on a 310 millionmile odyssey. (It arrived on Mars in July 1997.) Ten years ago: In a pair of legal setbacks for Al Gore, a Florida state judge refused to overturn George W. Bush’s certified victory in Florida and the U.S. Supreme Court set aside a ruling that had allowed manual recounts. PepsiCo agreed to pay $13.4 billion to acquire Quaker Oats. Five years ago: Members of the former September 11th commission said the U.S. was at great risk for more terrorist attacks because Congress and the White House had failed to enact several strong security measures. Today’s Birthdays: Actress-singer Deanna Durbin is 89. Game show host Wink Martindale is 77. Pop singer Freddy Cannon is 74. Actorproducer Max Baer Jr. is 73. Actress Gemma Jones is 68. Rock musician Bob Mosley (Moby Grape) is 68. Singermusician Chris Hillman is 66. Musician Terry Woods (The Pogues) is 63. Rock singer Southside Johnny Lyon is 62. Actor Jeff Bridges is 61. Rock musician Gary Rossington (Lynyrd Skynyrd; the Rossington Collins Band) is 59. Actress Patricia Wettig is 59. Actor Tony Todd is 56. Jazz singer Cassandra Wilson is 55. Country musician Brian Prout (Diamond Rio) is 55. Rock musician Bob Griffin (The BoDeans) is 51. Rock singer Vinnie Dombroski (Sponge) is 48. Actress Marisa Tomei is 46. Actress Chelsea Noble is 46. Actor-comedian Fred Armisen is 44. Rapper Jay-Z is 41. Actor Kevin Sussman is 40. Actress-model Tyra Banks is 37. Country singer Lila McCann is 29. Actress Lindsay Felton is 26. Actor Orlando Brown is 23. Thought for Today: “There’s much to be said for challenging fate instead of ducking behind it.” — Diana Trilling, American author and literary critic (1905-1996).

Publisher, William B. Green........................728-2501 Business Manager, Dora Martinez ...... (956) 324-1226 Chief Accountant, Thelma Aguero .............. 728-2553 General Manager, Adriana Devally ...............728-2510 Retail Adv. Manager, Raul Cruz................... 728-2511 Classified Manager, Sandra Valderrama....... 728-2525 Adv. Billing Inquiries ................................. 728-2531 Circulation Director ................................. 728-2559 MIS Director, Michael Castillo.................... 728-2505 Editor, Diana Fuentes ................................728-2581 City Editor, Mary Nell Sanchez .................. 728-2543 Sports Editor, Dennis Silva II......................728-2579 Business Journal Editor, Joe Rutland .......... 728-2529 Entertainment Editor, Emilio Rábago III ....... 728-2564 Online Editor, Julie Daffern ....................... 728-2565 Photo by Pablo Martinez Monsivais | AP

President Barack Obama greets members of the military at a rally during an unannounced visit at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, Friday, Dec. 3.

Obama: Afghanistan will not be a terrorist haven BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — President Barack Obama says the United States will never let Afghanistan be a safe

haven for terrorists to attack America. To emphasize his point, Obama repeated, “That will never happen.” Obama on Friday addressed several thousand U.S. troops inside a hangar in Afghanistan. — Compiled from AP reports

SUBSCRIPTIONS/DELIVERY (956) 728-2555 The Zapata Times is distributed on Saturdays to 4,000 households in Zapata County. For subscribers of the Laredo Morning Times and for those who buy the Laredo Morning Times at newsstands, the Zapata Times is inserted. The Zapata Times is free. The Zapata Times is published by the Laredo Morning Times, a division of The Hearst Corporation, P.O. Box 2129, Laredo, Texas 78044. Phone (956) 728-2500. The Zapata office is at 1309 N. U.S. Hwy. 83 at 14th Avenue, Suite 2, Zapata, TX 78076. Call (956) 765-5113 or e-mail





ZHS band in nationwide competition By LORRAINE L. RODRIGUEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES

Courtesy photo

Several members of the Zapata High School Class of 1960 were on hand as Zapata County Judge Rosalva Guerra signed a proclamation declaring Dec. 5, as "Zapata High School Senior Class of 1960 Day." Those present to witness the signing were, standing, from left, Esperanza Navarro, Dr. Hildegardo Flores, Olga Flores; and, seated, from left, Dr. Cruz Torres, County Judge Rosalva Guerra and Roberto Montes. The Class of 1960 will be celebrating their 50th high school reunion Sunday.

Annual fundraising tour Sunday By LORRAINE L. RODRIGUEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES

A.L. Benavides Elementary School in collaboration with the San Ygnacio Ladies’ Club is scheduled to host the annual Historic House Tours ending with a tree lighting ceremony at the Blas Maria Uribe Plaza. “It’s a tradition for San Ygnacio and people look forward to seeing the different sites,” said Marlen Guerra, librarian at Benavides. “It’s been going on for many years, maybe about 20 years or so.” The annual event

serves as a fundraiser for the students at Benavides, Guerra said. “The funds are used for rewards or incentives for the kids,” Guerra said.

Offering more For the first time this year, the fundraising event is also incorporating a parade and the lighting of the plaza, on Sunday, Dec. 5. beginning with the Zapata High School Mariachi Band at 1 p.m. The Historic House Tours will take place from

2 until 5 p.m. Participants will tour several historic homes and landmarks, including the 1800s Moustache Coffee Cup. “This year we’re showcasing seven sites, two homes, two museums, the fort, the school, and the church,” Guerra said. Sites change yearly depending on availability, Guerra said. “Through the years we’ve added homes, deleted homes,” Guerra said. “Two of the homes are currently under restoration and were not able to be showcased.” Immediately following

the tour is a parade around the Blas Maria Uribe Plaza at 5:30 p.m. before the lighting of the tree at 6 p.m. The event will include food, a hay ride, moon jump, Christmas carols, a cake walk, hot chocolate, and other refreshments, according to the release. Admission is $6 and all proceeds will benefit A. L. Benavides Elementary School. For more information call the school (956)7655611. (Lorraine L. Rodriguez may be reached at (956)7282557.)

Today, Zapata High School Mariachi Band contestants will go headto-head with 17 other schools from around the nation for a chance to receive first place in the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza contest. The award-winning ZHS Mariachi Band made its way to San Antonio on Friday for the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza contest hosted by the Muñoz Public Relations Company. “This is probably one of the biggest contests held in the state right now and we’ve been fortunate enough to win it three times in high school and twice with the middle school,” said Adrian Padilla, ZHS Marichi band director. “This group was chosen in May of last year and was geared for this type of contest.” The two-day event included musical clinics and contests, Padilla said.

During the musical clinics, Mariachi Vargas members taught contestants music and gave them tips, Padilla added. ZHS Mariachi Band contestants played “Popurri Petenera,” music by Chuy Guzman, Padilla said. The bands were only allowed seven minutes on stage, Padilla added. Also at the contest, soloists who made the cut will be competing today for the best in the United States, Padilla added. “I think they’re pretty well off right now,” Padilla said. “They stand a chance.” On the way back from the contest, ZHS Mariachi Band members will play for the San Ygnacio Historic House Tours, the annual fundraiser to benefit A. L. Benavides Elementary School. “We should return to our own back yard in Zapata by 2 p.m. on Sunday,” Padilla said. (Lorraine L. Rodriguez may be reached at (956) 728-2557.)







Advances on AIDS issues NEW YORK TIMES


romising scientific developments to prevent AIDS, not just treat its victims, have sparked hope among health officials, researchers and advocacy groups struggling to control the epidemic. Unfortunately, the global recession and soaring deficits in advanced nations have made it unlikely that sufficient money will be available to fully seize the new opportunities. Some agonizing choices will have to be made. The most encouraging breakthrough was proof last week that a pill containing two standard drugs used to treat AIDS could prevent the disease if given to gay men not infected with HIV. In a trial conducted in the United States and five other countries, healthy gay men who took the pill daily were 44 percent less likely to get infected than those given a placebo. Even better, those who adhered most closely to the daily regimen achieved a far greater reduction in the risk of contracting HIV. These results come a few months after a separate study found that a vaginal gel could cut a woman’s risk of infection with HIV by 39 percent overall and by 54 percent among those who used it most regularly. Two other developments last week also buoyed hopes for faster progress. Pope Benedict XVI

expressed the view that condoms could be used to prevent disease transmission. That could make it easier for ecclesiastical workers and AIDS prevention programs to promote their use. Meanwhile, the U.N. AIDS program announced that at least 56 countries have managed to stabilize or slow the rate of HIV infections. Fewer people are becoming infected with HIV and fewer people are dying of AIDS than at the peak of the epidemic. The problem is that people are still becoming infected twice as fast as they can be put into treatment programs. Five years ago, fewer than 500,000 people were receiving AIDS drugs; now 5 million are. But another 10 million should be receiving treatment and aren’t getting it because donor nations and the afflicted countries feel too strapped to pay the bill. Now that the same drugs used for treatment look like a valuable tool to prevent infections, the financial shortfall will only grow worse. Further studies are under way to confirm that the pill and gel work as well as initial studies suggest, to evaluate long-term safety, and to assess what groups might benefit most. The next big challenge will be to determine how best to allocate scarce resources between these promising prevention tools and life-saving treatments for people already infected.


China, enabler of North Korea NEW YORK TIMES


hat is China thinking? Its client and neighbor North Korea is becoming more belligerent weekly, and Beijing is playing its usual diplomacy games. To quickly recap: Last week, the North Korean military shelled a South Korean island — killing two South Korean marines and two civilians. Two weeks before that, the North flaunted a new nuclear fuel plant that could significantly increase its arsenal. Earlier this year, the North torpedoed a South Korean warship, killing 46 sailors. The South has shown remarkable forbearance, but the risk of a wider confrontation grows with each incident. China is the North’s main supplier of food and fuel, but it is refusing to rein in Pyongyang. Beijing said nothing after the North unveiled its uranium plant. After the shelling, it refused to condemn the North. Only after the Pentagon sent warships to join South Korea in military exercises did China bestir itself, calling for a meeting of the six-party players — the two Koreas, China, Russia, Japan and the U.S. — and exchanging diplomatic visits with Pyongyang. Any warnings China might be sending privately (and there is no guarantee of even that) were immediately undercut by more public enabling. It saved its toughest words for the U.S., warning against military activities that might infringe on waters around China. Then China blocked the U.N. Security Council

from condemning the North’s dangerous behavior. And its foreign minister vowed his country intended to remain neutral. On Thursday, a senior Chinese official declared the China-North Korea friendship has long “withstood the tests of international tempests.” Washington, Seoul and Tokyo were correct to spurn China’s call for a six-party meeting. Negotiations backed by sanctions are the best hope of a peaceful resolution, and they will have to re-engage with the North. But there is no evidence Pyongyang or Beijing are ready to deal seriously with the North’s aggression or nuclear ambitions. The Obama administration’s decision to send an aircraft carrier group into the Yellow Sea reinforced support for Seoul and got China’s attention. It was also important that the carrier moved on to Japan after four days — ready to return if needed. We are not sure the administration has much of a strategy beyond that. When American, South Korean and Japanese officials meet on Monday in Washington, they need to have a serious discussion about what it will take to get North Korea to calm down and into serious negotiations. We suspect that, for now, China is the only one with leverage. It could block deliveries of luxury goods to North Korea’s elite or suspend fuel shipments. That means Monday’s talks in Washington need to be as much about China and how to convince it that enabling North Korea is a very dangerous game.




alk about your highhanded political behavior. On Wednesday, Senate Republicans said they will block any action in what remains of the legislative session until Democrats agree to extend the Bush tax cuts for upper earners. That isn’t quite the way Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his troops worded their threat, mind you. In their letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, they warned that they wouldn’t agree to go forward ”with any legislative item until … we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers.” That might sound like concern for all taxpayers. But President Obama and the Democrats are already willing — no, make that eager — to extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000. So if Republicans agreed, that deal could be cut in a nanosecond. But Republican senators want the tax cuts for those earning more than $250,000 extended as well. And so they have declared they will hold everything else hostage until that happens. You couldn’t offer a

starker declaration of priorities. Or, for that matter, of attitude. McConnell’s letter, after all, came just a day after a White House meeting between the president and congressional Republicans led to the establishment of a negotiating group to fashion a compromise on the tax cuts.

Messages The GOP’s new demand is framed as a way to help the economy. The letter starts by bemoaning the nation’s high unemployment rate and declaring the need for more privatesector jobs. (As an aside, that same lack of jobs would also seem to be a strong argument for extending unemployment benefits, but conservative economic dogma holds that it’s uncertainty over future tax rates, and not lack of demand, that is restraining job creation.) The missive then stresses the need to prevent ”a jobkilling tax hike,” citing an array of misleading talking points to obscure the fact that only about 3 percent of small businesses would be affected if breaks for the well-to-do expire. Now, the emerging sense in Washington is that Democrats will ultimately

agree to extend tax cuts for at least some higher earners. If so, they need to make the extension a short one, with the understanding that the fight over those tax cuts is one they’ll need to wage in the near future.

Republican reality After all, there will never be a time when conservative Republicans declare that the economy has recovered enough to let any income tax cuts expire. Rather, the GOP’s Mobius-strip mantra runs this way: When the country falls into a recession, tax cuts are needed to jump-start the economy; when the recession ends, you must keep the tax cuts or see the recovery stall; and when the private sector is once again hitting on all cylinders, you can’t raise taxes for fear of lurching back into the recessionary ditch. Further, McConnell is as partisan — and unyielding — a Senate minority leader as we’ve seen in recent memory. Lest anyone forget, he recently declared that his single most important priority was to render Obama a one-term president. (If a Democratic congressional leader had said

the same about George W. Bush, the Fox News studios would have erupted like Mount Vesuvius.) Although the relevant take-away from the midterm elections was that anxious voters want the two parties to work together to solve the nation’s problems, McConnell has reinterpreted the Republican Party’s gains as a call to keep the upper-income tax cuts. That despite polls before and after the election showing that more Americans want to see those cuts expire than to have them extended. Further, given our dismal fiscal situation, even when recovery comes, it won’t be possible to tame the federal budget deficit at our current levels of taxation and revenue. ”You can’t on the one hand profess to be terribly concerned about the deficit and on the other say you are going to permanently extend the tax cuts, particularly those for upper-income people,” says Bob Bixby, executive director of the Concord Coalition. ”There is a disconnect there.” Yes there is. And at some point, responsible political leaders will have to stop sidestepping that fight and start educating the public to that reality.

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COMING UP ‘Hallelujah’ gala at Civic Center on Friday

Courtesy photo

Black Market Baby is a three-man group led by drummer Carlos “Curly” Castillo, and also includes guitar player Carlos “The Kid” Canseco and bass player Jose Luis Rodriguez.

‘Rock Your Style for Hunger’ on Sunday SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

Music and fashion are getting together on Sunday to help the South Texas Food Bank’s mission of feeding the hungry. Black Market Baby, an up-and-coming Laredo band, and Joe Brand, a Laredo clothing institution, are joining forces to present the “Rock Your Style for Hunger Joe Brand Fashion Show.” The Mall Del Norte store entrance between Joe Brand and Forever 21 will be transformed into a runway and stage. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the fashion show starts at 7:45 p.m. Black Market Baby performs from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is $20 and a raffle for a $500 gift certificate to Joe Brand, an iPad and an Ezip electric scooter

will be available for $20 per ticket. There will be food and beverages with a cash bar. Proceeds will go to buy Christmas food baskets for families of children who eat at the South Texas Food Bank’s Kids Café. The program serves after school meals to 700 children. Black Market Baby is a three-man group that plays pop rock alternative. Led by drummer Carlos “Curly” Castillo, the band also includes singer and guitar player Carlos “The Kid” Canseco and bass player Jose Luis Rodriguez. Castillo, 30, is a Martin High graduate. His father, Carlos “Chale” Castillo, won a Grammy Award as a drummer with Little Joe and La Familia in the mid-1990s. Canseco, 21, is an Alexander grad. He lives in San

Antonio. Rodriguez, 26, is out of Nixon High and lives in McAllen. Terri Deutsch of Joe Brand, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary, has lined up more than 20 models to hit the runway. Strutting the runway on Sunday will be models Jessica Thomas, Kelly Sherwood, Alexis Salas, Miriam Guajardo, Daniela Cantu, Ariana Garza, Molly LaMantia, Nicole Werstak, Aira Greco, Alegra Volpe, Daniela Barrera, Paloma Cigarroa, Victoria Bauer, Carolina Alexander and Gaby Alexander. The male models are Sebastian Rosa, Jerome Averill, Arturo Ruiz, Chito Gonzalez, Felix Canales, Travis Allen, Weber Wallerstein, Ricky Bruni, Felix Canales and Isidro Alaniz. For more information, call 726-3120.


The Laredo International Fair and Exposition, which yearly awards more than $200,000 in scholarships to local students, is having a fundraiser featuring the sounds of La Tropa F and Tex-Mex Kadillaks. The event, set for Saturday at the newly-opened, modern LIFE Pavilion, will feature a variety of foods and is fundraiser for the upcoming LIFE fair. With a capacity for 3,000 people, the new indoor venue had its ribbon-cutting ceremony just two weeks ago. “It’s a real nice state-ofthe-art facility,” said Hector Esparza, a member of the board of directors and the event’s organizer. The concert and dance will be the first public event at the new venue, although several campaign fundraisers have been held

there, Esparza said. There will be an array of beverages and snacks, too. “It’s all about dancing and having fun with the family, the wife and friends,” Esparza said. “It’s for a good cause.” Proceeds of this event benefit the annual LIFE fair, which, in turn, raises money for scholarships. “Last year, we raised more than $260,000 for scholarships for students in both districts and from every high school,” Esparza said. Mission-based Tex-Mex Kadillaks, a country/Tejano band, will be opening up the night with some country music, playing from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Some of the Kadillaks’ songs include “No Te Apartes de Mi,” “Mi Credo” and “Hasta Dormido.” Closing the dance will be a group that our city is very familiar with: La Tropa F.

The group, composed of six Farias brothers, has been to Laredo numerous times and has recorded several albums with some hit singles. It’s a band known for its on-stage showmanship and music, which received major radio play across Texas, especially in the ’90s. Some of La Tropa F’s tracks include “Lagrimas,” “Modelo,” “Juan Sabor,” “Luna de Miel,” and the ever-popular “Arco Iris.” Tickets are $8 presale and are available at Kelly’s Western Wear, Mike’s Western Wear and Casa Raul. Tickets will be $10 at the door. LIFE grounds is located off U.S. 59. Doors open at 8 p.m. La Tropa F plays from 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. For more information, call Hector Esparza at 7715389 or 722-9948. (Emilio Rábago III may be reached at 728-2564 or

With its mission to invigorate the performing arts in the area, the Nudo Piedi Contemporary Dance Company is hosting a dance gala at the Laredo Civic Center Auditorium. Titled “Hallelujah,” the dance show will feature local students who have been training rigorously. Jessica Zamarripa, the founder and artistic director of the dance organization, said the company is committed to retaining local talent and attracting aspiring dancers from Laredo and surrounding areas. According to Zamarripa, the dance group’s goals include community outreach, such as taking dance to schools and affording underserved students an opportunity to participate in dance. Nudo Piedi has featured guest choreographers from cities such as Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and New York. This season, the company will have CERES, a dance company from Nuevo Laredo, for a guest performance. “Hallelujah” is 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Laredo Civic Center Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children.

Bazar de San Agustin is today in downtown Historic San Agustin Plaza in downtown Laredo will be the site for the first Bazar de San Agustin, an outdoor event that will feature arts, crafts and other gift items. Created as a monthly event, Bazar will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at San Agustin Plaza. Bazar will feature local artists and artisans who create exceptional artwork, elegant rustic South Texas themed jewelry, wooden benches, tables, scarves, shawls and other unique, hand-crafted items. Laredo Main Street, which is helping organize

Courtesy photo

CLOSING FOR WINTER: A.J. the skunk is closely supervised by lab technician Ariana Gonzalez at the Lamar Bruni Vergara Environmental Science Center at Laredo Community College. Say hi one last time to A.J. and his animal friends before the center closes for winter. The center will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday for the community to go on a self-guided exploration of its unique facilities. Also, volunteers are needed for the monthly nature trail work day from 8 a.m. until noon. the event, invites the community to experience the creativity of local artists. For more information, call Laredo Main Street at 523-8817 or Gayle Rodriguez at Gallery 201 at 7254278.

Costumbre to accompany Emilio The Return of Emilio Navaira concert will have some area openers recently added to the lineup. Grupo Costumbre, a Norteño/Tejano group, will play alongside Emilio and Los Palominos at the Laredo Energy Arena next Saturday. Local band Inalcansable, which performed at this year’s AutMus Fest, also has been added. Costumbre was formed by Zapata High School graduate Manuel Edgar Luján and Mexican native José Zamora Jr., debuting with the release of a self-titled album in October 1999. Costumbre returned in 2001 with “Déjame Ser,” featuring Billboard’s Hot Latin Track “Y Ya Después.” Inalcansable can normally be found playing at local nightclubs, such as Cheer’s Cocktails. The Return of Emilio Navaira show is set for Saturday, Dec. 11. Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster locations,

including the LEA box office.

Randy Rogers Band returns in January Country artist Randy Rogers and his band will be back in Laredo at the Casa Blanca Ballroom. The band is scheduled to perform Saturday, Jan. 22. The Randy Rogers Band has opened shows for the likes of Willie Nelson and The Eagles and has been featured on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” and “Late Show With David Letterman.” The band’s two previous albums debuted at No. 1 on the iTunes Country chart and in the Top 5 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart. Tickets are $15 presale.

Monster Jam coming back to arena Monster Jam, an “incredible family-friendly experience” that features the biggest performers on four wheels, monster trucks, will be back at the Laredo Energy Arena in March. Tickets will be $8 for children and $18 for adults, and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, including the LEA box office. — The Zapata Times



The County of Zapata will receive bids for Zapata County PAVING PROJECT PRECINCT #1 (Reconstruction Park Drive From Wild Olive Drive to the End of Park Drive) until 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) on Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 200 East 7th Avenue, Zapata, Texas 78076. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 200 East 7th Avenue, Zapata County Court House County Judge's Office, Zapata, Texas. Bid/Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications are on file at the offices of PREMIER Civil Engineering, LLC, 1505 Calle Del Norte, Suite 220, Laredo, Texas 78041, Telephone: (956) 717-1199 or Fax: (956) 717- 1196 for review. Copies of the Bid/Contract Documents may be obtained beginning Monday, November 29, 2010 by depositing $100.00 with PREMIER Civil Engineering, LLC for each set of documents obtained. Half of the deposit will be refunded if the documents and drawings are returned in good condition within ten (10) days following the bid opening. A bid bond in the amount of five (5%) percent of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to the County of Zapata or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as per value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond. The County of Zapata reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding process. Bids may be held by the County of Zapata for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder's qualifications prior to the contract award. The locality is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer; small, minority and female owned firms are encouraged to submit bid proposals for this project. Honorable Rosalva Guerra, County Judge Zapata County



No todos aprueban resultados

Agenda en Breve SÁBADO 4 DE DICIEMBRE LAREDO — Hoy es el encuentro Holiday Bowl en el SAC a partir de las 10 a.m. El partido de fútbol de bandera tiene costo de 5 dólares la entrada ó un juguete sin envolver. LAREDO — Pase la tarde en el Planetario Lamar Bruni Vergara de TAMIU y explore “Season of Light” a las 5 p.m., “Holiday Music Magic” a las 6 p.m., y ”Rock on Demand” a las 7 p.m. Entrada general es de 5 dólares. LAREDO — Hoy se presenta el Concierto Las Posadas del Ballet Folklórico de TAMIU a las 7 p.m. en el Center for the Fine and Performing Arts de la Universidad. La entrada general es de 5 dólares y gratis para niños de 10 años de edad y menores. LAREDO — Hoy se presenta la Pastorela cómica “Ya nos llevó la…. Diabla” con el Grupo Misiva de Guadalajara, a las 12 p.m en el Centro Comunitario Larga Vista (5401 Cisneros). NUEVO LAREDO — Hoy se presenta el cuento teatralizado de “Alicia en el País de las Maravillas” por el Grupo Juglares Sopifofos y dirigidos por Paola Sánchez a las 3:00 p.m. en Estación Palabra.

DOMINGO 5 DE DICIEMBRE LAREDO: Memorial Bells de la First United Methodist Church, bajo la dirección de Linda Mott, presentará un Concierto Navideño titulado “Ring, Sing Noel” de 4 p.m. a 5:15 p.m. el día de hoy en el santuario en el 1220 McClelland Ave. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público en general. Se aceptarán donaciones. LAREDO: Joe Brand presenta el Desfile de Modas “Rock Your Style for Hunger” a las 7 p.m. en el Mall del Norte (frente a Joe Brand). La cuota de entrada es de 20 dólares. Habrá una rifla de regalos. Las ganancias se destinarán al South Texas Food Bank. La música en vivo estará a cargo de BMB Band.

LUNES 6 DE DICIEMBRE LAREDO: Alumnos de escuelas primarias de Laredo cantarán villancicos tradicionales de Navidad en la Biblioteca Pública de Laredo (1120 E. Calton Road) a las 6 p.m. de hoy. Habrá chocolate caliente y galletas. Evento organizado por Las Damas De La Cultura De Oro.


Foto por Dario Lopez-Mills | Associated Press

El 19 de noviembre, un hombre quien solicitó el anonimato, viaja detrás de una camioneta con sus últimas pertenencias al abandonar Ciudad Mier, debido a la violencia. El gobierno federal anunció que las familias ya están regresando al pueblo fronterizo.

Familias empiezan regreso a Mier POR IVAN MORENO ASSOCIATED PRESS

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO — Residentes de Ciudad Mier, el pueblo colonial cerca de la frontera de EU que estaba casi vacía por el enfrentamiento entre carteles de la droga hace un mes, están regresando poco a poco y tentativamente poniendo su fe en los nuevos militares patrullando, dijo un oficial en la ciudad el miércoles. Líderes militares y líderes de la ciudad están contando el número de personas quienes han regresado para determinar el nivel de patrullaje necesario y están yendo puerta-por-puerta para cotejar el daño a propiedades incendiadas y casas baleadas, dijo una oficial de gobierno a la Associated Press por teléfono. La oficial pidió que su nombre no fuera publicado por miedo a su seguridad. Aunque todas las escuelas han reabierto, solamente cerca de la mitad de los estudiantes han regresado a clases. El oficial dijo que la mayoría de los residentes están eligiendo permanecer en sus casas. “Ellos se sienten cómodos en sus casas, esperando que se les otorgue seguridad”, dijo ella, agregando que algunos siguen preocupados. “Fueron demasiados

NUEVO LAREDO — “Esta Noche es Romance” se presenta hoy a las 7 p.m. en el Espacio Cultural Antigua Aduana. NUEVO LAREDO — La Compañía Teatral Amigos presenta “Sorpresas”, una comedia musical de Dan Goggin y dirigida por Guadalupe D. la Paz, a las 7:30 p.m. en el teatro principal del Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo. Entrada general de 100 pesos.

MIÉRCOLES 8 DE DICIEMBRE NUEVO LAREDO — La Compañía Teatral Amigos presenta “Sorpresas”, una comedia musical de Dan Goggin y dirigida por Guadalupe D. la Paz, a las 7:30 p.m. en el teatro principal del Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo. Entrada general de 100 pesos.

SÁBADO 11 DE DICIEMBRE NUEVO LAREDO — Hoy es el 2do Maratón de Pastorelas a las 6 p.m. en el Teatro Lucio Blanco de la Casa de la Cultura.

meses de violencia”. Un batalla de nueve meses entre el Cartel del Golfo y sus ex aliados, Los Zetas, finalmente forzaron a muchos de los 6,000 residentes del pueblo a abandonarlo el mes pasado, con algunos huyendo a lo que se convirtió en el primer albergue para refugiados por la guerra del narcotráfico. El gobierno federal la semana pasada anunció mayores ofensivas en Tamaulipas, el cual había sido tomado por la violencia de las drogas desde inicios de este año. El Gobierno no dio detalles acerca de la ofensiva. El vocero de seguridad federal Alejandro Poiré dijo a reporteros en una conferencia de prensa el martes que como resultado de la ofensiva, escuelas, negocios y autoridades locales están “realizando sus actividades normalmente”. Poiré también sostuvo que la estabilidad había regresado al área hacía dos semanas y que los residentes estaban regresando. Pero la AP encontró un pueblo fantasma con edificios baleados y vehículos incendiados y aproximadamente 500 residentes que se resistieron, en tanto que personas traumatizadas en un albergue de Miguel Alemán dicen que probablemente

Habrá recursos para productores ESPECIAL PARA TIEMPO DE ZAPATA



CD. VICTORIA, México — En atención a los requerimientos de las cadenas productivas de sorgo, hortalizas, agave y cítricos, el Gobierno de Tamaulipas distribuirá entre productores recursos ascendentes a los 105.2 millones de pesos. A través del Comité Técnico del Fideicomiso Fondo de Fomento Agropecuario del Estado FOFAET, el gobierno estatal suscribió seis convenios con empresas y organizaciones participantes para el ejercicio de los recursos que fueron autorizados por el Gobierno Federal a través del proyecto estratégico integral de atención a las Ramas Productivas 2010. “El dinero ya ha sido radicado y será distribuido en los próximos días”, dijo Víctor de León Orti, Secretario de Desarrollo Rural del Gobierno del Estado. De León explicó que los recursos destinados al SistemaProducto Sorgo se canalizarán desde Tamaulipas a todo el país a través del proyecto estratégico de renovación de unidades de maquinaria para la producción de este grano en cobertura nacional. A fin de cumplir con el proyecto, serán integrados en Tamaulipas centrales de maquinaria agrícola que brindarán servicio de maquila a

precios accesibles a más de 2,000 productores del Estado. De León explicó que en el ramo de las hortalizas se dotará de un valor agregado a la producción de chile mediante la selección y empaque del producto en sus diversas variedades que se cultivan en los municipios de Llera y Gómez Farías. Igualmente para aprovechar las casi 15 mil hectáreas de agave tequilana Weber azul registradas en el Estado, los recursos destinados fortalecerán la producción de los 5 millones de litros anuales de tequila que genera Tamaulipas, así como la producción de insulina y miel en los municipios de Llera y Gómez Farías. Para el Sistema-Producto Cítricos los estímulos económicos se destinarán recursos al proyecto estratégico nacional de detección, delimitación y tratamiento cuarentenario del Huanglongbing (HLB) y al Psílido Asiático de los cítricos. “Se establecerán invernaderos para la producción de material vegetativo, centros de reproducción de insectos benéficos y se adquirirá maquinaria y equipo especializado”, dijo De León. “Con este proyecto se protege de esta peligrosa enfermedad a más de 40,000 hectáreas establecidas con cítricos en Tamaulipas”.

ellos no regresarán en varios años. Roberto Hernández Mejorado, un coordinador de protección civil en Miguel Alemán, dijo que donde se encuentra el albergue, hay solamente unas 60 personas de las 500 que llegaron a estar ahí. “Fue una situación bastante drástica”, dijo él. Un hombre de 24 años de edad quien está a cargo de una gasolinera en Ciudad Mier dijo por teléfono el miércoles que él se encuentra tan temeroso, que cerró el negocio por unos cuantos días a inicios de noviembre. El hombre también declinó a dar su nombre por miedo a su seguridad. Un hombre de 29 años de edad quien tampoco quiso ser citado por nombre, dijo que él ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en Ciudad Mier pero se fue al albergue el 4 de noviembre debido a las “constantes balaceras que atestiguamos”. Él y sus padres regresaron a casa la semana pasada. Algunas de las tiendas en la ciudad estaban abiertas pero no tantas como antes, dijo él, agregando que él y su familia siguen temiendo más violencia. “Preferimos quedarnos adentro, porque no sabemos cuándo volverá a empezar de nuevo”, dijo él.

NUEVO LAREDO — Calificándolo de “anuncio apresurado”, líderes empresariales locales desaprobaron lo dicho por el vocero de Seguridad Nacional Alejandro Poiré, quien aseguró la violencia y homicidios han disminuido considerablemente en Tamaulipas. El reporte de Poiré asegura que, gracias al Operativo Noreste del Gobierno Federal, se ha controlado el 48% de la actividad criminal en Nuevo Laredo, Nueva Ciudad Guerrero, Ciudad Mier, Miguel Alemán, Camargo, Díaz Ordaz, Río Bravo, Valle Hermoso, Reynosa y Matamoros. “El promedio semanal de crímenes atribuidos al crimen organizado se han reducido en un 38%, al pasar de 55 a la semana durante julio y agosto a 34 desde septiembre”, dijo Poiré el martes en la noche en conferencia de prensa. Poiré también aseguró que el gobierno ha mermado “considerablemente” las estructuras de los carteles del Golfo y Los Zetas.

Lado empresarial Dos empresarios, quienes solicitaron el anonimato, dijeron por separado que han sido testigos de actividades delictivas. Uno dijo que diariamente ocurren entrenamientos entre soldados y civiles armados en las colonias Infonavit y Colinas del Sur. “¿Qué valor tienen para mentir tan abiertamente e ignorar la realidad que se vive en Tamaulipas?”, dijo el empresario. Otro sostuvo que ahora también participan con la delincuencia mujeres jóvenes. “Ellas son halcones o mariposas, no sé cómo les dicen. Pero son muy comunicativas”, dijo el negociante. “Así que no podemos estar confiados cuan-

do nos sentimos vigilados y acorralados”.

Apoyo al gobierno El Jefe de Gobierno Ramón Garza Barrios consideró que todos los esfuerzos en el renglón de seguridad son positivos, citando inclusive la llegada de más agentes federales y personal militar la semana pasada. “Estoy seguro que con la conjunción de esfuerzo del gobierno federal, del estado y los gobiernos municipales se alcanzarán buenos resultados”, dijo Garza Barrios. “La sociedad exige medidas más agresivas que les permitan vivir en paz”. En tanto, el Gobernador de Tamaulipas Eugenio Hernández Flores ha dicho reiteradamente que apoya al gobierno federal y sus acciones para restaurar la paz en el norte del estado. “Es una etapa tan difícil y complicada, porque es necesario tener presente que los culpables de la violencia en Tamaulipas son precisamente la gente que hay que combatir, que son los delincuentes organizados”, dijo Hernández. El miércoles al llegar a su cuarto año de mandato, el presidente Felipe Calderón dijo que “pudimos haber, también, caído o avanzado en la tentación de arreglarnos con los criminales, y que no nos molestaran a nosotros, y dejando a la gente inerme y a su suerte, como se ha hecho en México muchas veces. Pero no... Nosotros optamos por cumplir nuestro deber”. Finalmente, el Secretario de Gobernación Francisco Blake Mora informó esta semana que en el 2010 han sido arrestados 1,300 líderes, sicarios y operadores de organizaciones criminales, se han confiscado más de 250 toneladas de marihuana, 2 toneladas de cocaína, 4,000 vehículos y más de 6,400 armas. (Con información de la Associated Press)


NUEVO LAREDO — Ante quejas por las largas filas de paisanos en las plataformas de los Puentes Internacionales I y II, la Aduana decidió asignar más inspectores para darle agilidad de visitantes que desean declarar y pagar sus impuestos. El Sub-Administrador de Operación Aduanera, César David Montoya reconoció que cuentan con un solo carril de ingreso pero MONTOYA aseguró que con mayor personal están evitando la saturación de unidades en el puente. Montoya se dijo preocupado también porque han encontrado a personas cometiendo diversos delitos al momento de ingresar a México. Detalló que a un supuesto paisano se le confiscaron cuatro toneladas de ropa usada. También se han decomisado vehículos, mercancía diversa, armas y cartuchos hábiles. Inclusive el fin de semana dos paisanos fueron detenidos cuando buscaban internarse al sur del país con su vehículo amparado con un do-

En el 2009 documentamos 153,000 ingresos. Esperamos que en el presente año podremos alcanzar esa cifra”. SUB-ADMINISTRADOR DE OPERACIÓN ADUANERA, CÉSAR DAVID MONTOYA

cumento falso. “Fueron detectados cuando pretendían abandonar la zona fronteriza en la Garita del Kilómetro 26”, dijo Montoya. El auto, los documentos y paisanos fueron arrestados y puestos a disposición del Ministerio Público federal.

Importación temporal Por otra parte, Montoya dijo que más de 11,000 paisanos han documentado su ingreso con permiso de importación temporal de vehículo en las tres últimas semanas de noviembre. Según reporte de la Aduana en once meses del 2010 se han otorgado aproximadamente 89,000 permisos a paisanos que registran su ingreso a México por este puerto. “En el 2009 documentamos 153,000 ingresos. Esperamos que en el presen-

te año podremos alcanzar esa cifra”, dijo Montoya. Según Montoya, después del descanso de Acción de Gracias, el éxodo de paisanos empezó a manifestarse más frecuente. Ramiro Díaz García, residente en Oklahoma, dijo que ahora con la facilidad de tramitar documentos desde su lugar de residencia para nacionalizar unidades, le permitió evitar problemas de documentación falsificada. Ahora, él realizó sus trámites informándose en el Consulado de México, donde le otorgaron herramientas necesarias. Díaz tiene como destino San Luis Potosí. Recordó que una vez estuvo a punto de ser estafado por algunos hombres. “Mi esposa lo evitó y con ello me salve de ir a la cárcel”, dijo Díaz. (Localice a Miguel Timoshenkov en el 728 2583 ó en el



Residents return to cartel-ravaged town By IVAN MORENO ASSOCIATED PRESS

MEXICO CITY — Residents of Ciudad Mier, the colonial town near the U.S. border that was nearly emptied by warring drug cartels a month ago, are slowly returning and tentatively putting their faith in new military patrols, a town official said Wednesday. Military and town leaders are counting the number of people who have returned to determine the level of patrol needed and are going door-to-door to survey damage to burned properties and bulletsprayed homes, a government official told The Associated Press by telephone. The official asked that her name not be published out of fear for her safety. Although all the schools have reopened, only about half the students are back in class. The official said most of the residents are choosing to stay in their homes. “They’re comfortable in their houses, hoping they will be provided with security,” she said, adding that some are still uneasy. “There were very many months of violence.” A nine-month struggle

Photo by Dario Lopez-Mills | AP

A bullet-riddled street sign stands at the entrance to Ciudad Mier, Mexico, on the border with Texas, Friday, Nov. 19. The residents of Ciudad Mier have been under siege for months as powerful drug cartels battle for control of a prime drug smuggling corridor. between the Gulf Cartel and its former allies, the Zetas, finally forced many of the town’s 6,000 residents to leave last month, with some fleeing to what became Mexico’s first shelter for drug war refugees. The federal government


MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s 4-year-old assault on drug cartels lacks a clear strategy and a modernized military, and suffers from infighting among security agencies, according to U.S. State Department cables leaked to WikiLeaks. U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Carlos Pascual sought to control the damage, explaining in an editorial published Friday that the cables “do not represent U.S. policy.” “They are often impressionistic snapshots of a moment in time. But like some snapshots, they can be out of focus or unflattering,” Pascual wrote in the editorial, published in El Universal newspaper. The classified and secret memos posted on several news media websites Thursday stand in stark contrast to the public declarations by Mexico and the U.S. about the success of the war on organized crime. The cables call into question many of the efforts publicly touted by the two countries, from the use of the Mexican army, which is described as outdated, slow and risk-averse; to the United States’ $1.4 billion Merida Initiative, which is seen as ill-conceived and doing little so far to fight drug traffickers.

’Tough year’ In one cable, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asks about how the stress is affecting President Felipe Calderon’s “personality and management style,” while a cable by Pascual notes that Calderon has admitted to having a tough year and has appeared “down” in meetings. “Calderon has aggressively attacked Mexico’s drug-trafficking organizations but has struggled with an unwieldy and uncoordinated interagency and spiraling rates of violence that have made him vulnerable to criticism that his anti-crime strategy has failed,” reads a Jan. 29 memo called “Scenesetter for Opening of the Defense Bilateral Working Group” that also criticizes competition among Mexican security agencies, corruption and Mexico’s abysmally low prosecution rate. In an interview with Radio Formula hours before the cables were revealed,

Calderon was already criticizing “the spying of the Americans, who have always been very interfering in this sense.” Later, one of the cables revealed that Calderon told a U.S. official last year that Washington should step up its political involvement in Latin America to counter Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s growing influence. In a memo dated Oct. 5, 2009, Mexico’s then-Undersecretary for the Interior, Geronimo Gutierrez Fernandez, who oversaw domestic security, “expressed a real concern with ‘losing’ certain regions” of Mexico to drug traffickers. “It is damaging Mexico’s international reputation, hurting foreign investment, and leading to a sense of government impotence, Gutierrez said,” according to the memo. “If we do not produce a tangible success that is recognizable to the Mexican people, it will be difficult to sustain the confrontation into the next administration,” the memo quotes him as saying.

Positive signs Calderon has insisted that the spike in violence that has killed more than 28,000 people since 2006 is a sign that the drug cartels are on the ropes and that the government controls all areas of the country.

last week announced major offensives in Tamaulipas, the Mexican state bordering Texas where Ciudad Mier is located, and neighboring Nuevo Leon, which have been overtaken by drug violence since the year began. The govern-

ment provided no details of the offensives. Federal security spokesman Alejandro Poire told reporters at a news conference Tuesday that as a result of the offensive, schools, businesses and local authorities are “con-

ducting their activities normally.” Poire also claimed stability had returned to the area two weeks ago and that residents were returning. But the AP found a ghost town of shot-up buildings and burned vehi-

cles and about 500 holdouts, while traumatized people in the Miguel Alemán shelter said they probably wouldn’t return for several years. Roberto Hernandez Mejorado, a civil protection coordinator in Miguel Alemán, where the shelter is, said only about 60 people remained from a peak of 500. “It was a pretty drastic situation,” he said. A 24-year-old man who runs a gas station in Ciudad Mier said by telephone Wednesday that he was so terrified, he closed the business for a few days in early November. The man declined to give his name for fear of his safety. A 29-year-old man who also didn’t want to be quoted by name said he has lived most of his life in Ciudad Mier but went to the shelter Nov. 4 because of the “constant shootouts we witnessed.” He and his parents returned last week. Some of the stores in town are open, but not as many as before, he said, adding that he and his family still feared more violence. “We prefer to stay inside, because we don’t know when it will begin again,” he said.

Mexican army detains teen By OSWALD ALONSO ASSOCIATED PRESS

CUERNAVACA, Mexico — The Mexican army has detained a 14-year-old U.S. citizen suspected of acting as a killer for a drug cartel. The boy said he had been working for the cartel since he was 11. The much-rumored alleged young assassin nicknamed “El Ponchis” was captured late Thursday at the airport near Cuernavaca with his 16-year-old sister as they tried to catch a flight to Tijuana and flee the country, said an army official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case. The sister told reporters that they planned to cross the border to San Diego, California, to go to their stepmother’s house. She said their mother had sent money for the tickets, but she did not specify where the mother lives.

Born in San Diego Morelos state Gov. Marco Adame Castillo said at a news conference that the boy was born in San Diego and that Mexican officials are researching whether he is a citizen of Mexico as well. Although state courts usually handle crimes by juveniles in Mexico, state authorities have asked the federal government to take over the case because of the gravity of the crimes. The teen told reporters early Friday he has worked

Photo by Antonio Sierra | AP

Mexican army soldiers escort a 14-year-old suspected of working as a killer for a drug cartel in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico, on Friday. The much-rumored alleged young assassin nicknamed "El Ponchis’’ was captured late Thursday at the airport in Cuernavaca with his 16-year-old sister as they were trying to catch a flight to Tijuana and flee the country to San Diego. for a drug cartel since he was 11 and that he participated in at least four decapitations. The source said his sister was accused of getting rid of the bodies by dumping them on streets and freeways. “I participated in four executions, but I did it drugged and under threat that if I didn’t, they would kill me,” said the boy, who appeared calm and showed no remorse. Another teenage sister accompanied the two, but officials said she was not suspected of being involved in the cartels. “El Ponchis” wore blue jeans and a T-shirt and the detained sister jeans and a sweater when they were apprehended. Their airline tickets were already pur-

chased. The army did not specify where they were detained in the airport or whether they had already passed through security checks.

Custody The attorney general for Morelos state said the two would be turned over to state authorities, who handle crimes committed by minors in Mexico. The two were suspected of helping the South Pacific Cartel headed by Hector Beltran Leyva, brother of Arturo Beltran Leyva, a top drug lord who was killed by Mexican marines in Cuernavaca a year ago. The boy said Friday he had been employed by the

cartel since he was ll years old. Rumors that have circulated for weeks of a killer named “El Ponchis” as young as 12 years old. Neighbors said the mother has worked in the San Diego area for some time, but none had information about the teenagers’ father.



MARIA AMPARO NIÑO-ALVAREZ ZAPATA, TEXAS — Maria Amparo Niño-Alvarez, 27, passed away Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010, in Rio Grande City, Texas. Maria Amparo is survived by her husband, Hector S. Alvarez; children, Oscar E. Garza, Mauricio Garza, Eduardo Garcia, Isabela Garza, Jimena Alvarez and Aide Maria Alvarez; parents, Francisco (Maria Dolores) Niño; brothers, Jesus Niño (Maria Victoria Velasquez, Francisco D. (Noemi) Niño, Israel Niño, Simon Niño and Jose F. Niño; sisters, Maribel Niño (Jesus Jaramillo), Maria De Rosario Niño and Casandra Niño; and by numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends. Visitation hours were held Monday, Nov. 22, 2010, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a rosary at 2 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. The funeral procession

departed Monday, Nov. 22, 2010, at 3:30 p.m. for a 4 p.m. funeral Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Committal services followed at Zapata County Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home Daniel A. Gonzalez, Funeral Director, 2102 HWY 83 Zapata, Texas.

NORA ARACELI CHAVEZ ZAPATA, TEXAS — Nora Araceli Chavez, 27, passed away Nov. 19, 2010, at her residence in Zapata, Texas. Nora is preceded in death by her son, Nicolas Jaramillo III. Nora is survived by her parents, Humberto (Martina) Medina; brothers, Leonel (Angelica) Chavez, Humberto Medino Jr. and Elias Medina; sister, Wendy Medina; nephews, Leonel Chavez Jr. and Ruben Angel Chavez; and by numerous relatives and friends. Visitation hours were held Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a wake at 7 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. A chapel service was held Monday, Nov. 22, 2010, at 10 a.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. Committal

services followed at the Zapata County Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home Daniel A. Gonzalez, Funeral Director, 2102 HWY 83 Zapata, Texas.

SILVESTRE GARCIA JR. ZAPATA, TEXAS — Silvestre Garcia Jr., beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, went to be with his Heavenly home on Nov. 21, 2010. He was born Nov. 15, 1935, in Soledad Ranch in Zapata County. He was a veteran, a retired inspector for the Texas Alcoholic & Beverage Commission and a rancher. Mr. Garcia is preceded in death by his father, Silvestre Garcia; mother, Josefina B. Garcia; son, Sergio Silvestre Garcia; grandson, Ricardo Pena III; brother, Salvador Garcia; and sister, Estela Saenz.

Herbert Glen Steeby was born August 19, 1920, in Neodesha, Kansas. He graduated Eureka High School and Business School in Wichita, Kansas. Glen married Luscille Speights on February 7, 1942, in Altamont, Kansas. They lived in Goddard, Kansas, for 56 years, raising three sons, Dale, David and Steve. Glen worked for Cardwell Mfg. Co. for 30 years and then retired from Chance Mfg. of Wichita, Kansas. Glen and Lucille retired to Zapata, Texas in 1990, then moved in July 2010 to live in Peachtree Retirement Community in Ros-

well, New Mexico. Glen was preceded in death by his parents, John and Gertrude Steeby; and two brothers, Raymond and Carl. He is survived by his wife, Lucille; three sons, Dale, David and Steve; two daughters-in-law, Maxie and Yvonne; five grandchildren, Michelle Darden, Daniel Steeby, Daren Steeby, Katie Sparks and Morgan Steeby; six great-grandchildren, Lucus, Malena, Megan, Kyle, Jordan and Hudson; one brother, John; and two sisters, Thelma Patterson and Carole Patterson; and many extended family members and friends.

Zapata, Texas. On Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010, viewing was from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. following a mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Burial services followed at the Zapata County Cemetery, including full military honors by the American Legion Post 486 Color Guard. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home Daniel A. Gonzalez, Funeral Director, 2102 HWY 83 Zapata, Texas.


DETROIT — All major automakers but Toyota reported strong U.S. sales increases in November as the auto industry’s slowmotion recovery continued to gain traction. Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, Nissan, Hyundai and Honda all reported double-digit increases. Only Toyota, which has been hurt by a string of safety recalls, had a sales drop. Industry analysts say the solid sales numbers, combined with a strong October, show that consumers who have kept their jobs through the economic downturn are now feeling confident enough to spend money and replace older vehicles. Yingzi Su, GM’s senior economist, said the stable and increasing auto sales mean that consumers with jobs are starting to spend again, and that’s a good sign for the broader economic recovery.

Consumer spending HERBERT GLEN STEEBY

Mr. Garcia is survived by his wife of 51 years, Carmen L. Garcia; children, Alma (Ricardo) Peña Jr., Carlos (Melba) Garcia, Leticia Garcia, Gracie (Enrique)

Zavala, Sandra (Derly) Rodriguez and Felix (Ignacia) Garcia; 15 grandchildren; and siblings, Oscar Garcia, Leonel Garcia, Armando Garcia, Asela Benavides, Carolina Guevarra and Mary Garcia. He has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith. His life has not ended, only changed. We take comfort in knowing that his last breath on Earth was his first breath in heaven. Visitation hours were held Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a rosary at 7 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home in

Once businesses see increased consumer spending, they will be more willing to hire workers, a factor that has held back the economic recovery for months. Of the major automakers, Hyundai Motor Co. had the biggest increase, up 45 percent from the same month last year. Nissan Motor Co. sales were up 27 percent, followed by Honda Motor Co. at 21 and Ford Motor Co. with 20 percent. Chrysler had a 17 percent increase, while General Motors reported sales up 11 percent from November of last year, a month marked by consumer paralysis due to high unemployment. Toyota sales dipped 3 percent. GM reported increased

Photo by Paul Sakuma | AP

In this Oct. 25 photo, 2011 Ford Fiestas are shown at a Ford dealership in San Jose, Calif. Ford Motor Co.’s U.S. sales rose 20 percent in November, as demand for its pickup trucks and vans continued to grow. showroom traffic toward the end of the month, after its initial public stock offering on Nov. 18. The U.S. government, which spent $49.5 billion bailing GM out of its financial troubles last year, cut its stake in the company from 61 percent to about 33 percent by selling stock in the IPO. GM has maintained that government ownership has hurt its image with consumers and its sales. GM shares rose 2 percent to $34.83 in afternoon trading.

Sonata leads Hyundai’s big sales increase was led by the popular Sonata midsize sedan, which has sold well since its recent redesign. Sales were up 72 percent. The Korean automaker’s sales have been rising all year. At Honda, the increase was led by the Crosstour, a

crossover vehicle that’s like a sport utility but is more efficient because it’s built on car underpinnings. Nissan was led by the Rogue small crossover, which saw a 67 percent sales increase.

Trucks boost sales Ford’s numbers were fueled by truck sales that went up 34 percent. The year-ago result includes figures for Volvo, which Ford sold earlier this year. Sales of the Fusion midsize sedan were up 28 percent, and Ford said it already has set a full-year sales record for the car. Chrysler Group LLC reported its eighth-straight month of year-over-year sales increases, driven largely by the Jeep and Ram brands. The newly redesigned Jeep Grand Cherokee continued to sell

well, more than tripling from November of last year. GM’s growth was driven by crossover vehicles such as the Chevrolet Equinox and Cadillac SRX. Equinox sales were up more than 60 percent, while SRX sales rose nearly 36 percent. GM also saw more modest increases in passenger car and pickup truck sales. The Chevrolet Silverado pickup, traditionally GM’s top-seller, saw an increase of 16 percent. Toyota has been fighting a string of embarrassing safety problems. The automaker has recalled more than 10 million vehicles worldwide mostly for problems with sticky gas pedals or floor mats that can trap the accelerator pedal. The company’s Toyota Division saw a sales drop of almost 4 percent, while Lexus luxury brand sales fell almost 6 percent.



HOME Continued from Page 1A

TCEQ Continued from Page 1A a man-hole inside a creek near the residence, Padgett said. One night the lift station had a clog and spilled raw sewage into the creek, Padgett added. Padgett was the lead investigator on that case and after collecting evidence released the case to TCEQ investigators in April to allow for administrative penalties against the county, he said. “I submitted evidence, the date; GPS coordinates and allowed TCEQ to take over the investigation,” Padgett said. “I can write tickets to the county for several violations, but I would rather have TCEQ handle it administratively, because a ticket doesn’t fix the problem.” “That case has been completed,” Padgett said. A second investigation is being conducted by TCEQ in Zapata County that began two weeks ago, Padgett said. TCEQ did not release any information on the second investigation. “Our goal is not to fine the county, the goal is to find out why the lift stations are losing power and spilling into the creek,” Padgett said. “Whatever the problem is it needs to be fixed because it is happening on a regular basis.” Padgett was called out on three separate occasions in the last month regarding pollution, he said. Part of the problem seems to be coming from residents not disposing of their trash properly, Padgett added. “Residents of the county are dumping large amounts of household trash, manure, and bedding material,” Pad-

We’re going to find out because TCEQ is investigating and they’re going to tell the county what the problem is,” ZAPATA COUNTY PRECINCT 2 COMMISSIONER JOSE E. VELA

gett said. TCEQ reported previous overflows in the region, Morrow said. If pollution violations are found in the current investigation by TCEQ investigators, Zapata County or other responsible parties will be referred to the enforcement division for assessment, Morrow said. “We think it’s a problem that has been caused by mechanical issues,” Morrow said. “They need to fix their mechanical issues.” Zapata County will now have to go through a lengthy assessment process by TCEQ, Morrow added. “An investigation is conducted and if a violation is confirmed the responsible party will be informed on what type of action to take and other possible penalties,” Morrow said. “Penalties are assessed in front of three commissioners and they determine the final decision.” Zapata County Precinct 2 Commissioner Jose E. Vela has also been notified about the issue. “The leak is in my precinct in a private tract of land east of Carla Street,” Vela said. The land owner that notified Texas Parks and Wild-

life leases a small tract of land to the county for the lift station, Vela said. Zapata County controls 22 lift stations throughout the county that cost the county approximately $12,000 to maintain, Vela added. The initial problem arose when the waterworks lift station system was constructed, Vela said. “The lift stations were supposed to be automatic and automatically notify about a problem, but apparently none are in that system,” Vela said. Vela spoke with water plant manager Carlos Treviño about the spill, he said. “I said this is bad. I didn’t even know we had this problem,” Vela said. In that conversation Treviño was confident everything was under control, Vela said. “We’re going to find out because TCEQ is investigating and they’re going to tell the county what the problem is,” Vela said. The lift station in question is also located near a school, Vela added. “We need to find out exactly what caused the problem and whatever comes out of that we will have to take some action,” Vela said. “That land owner did

us a favor because this effects the whole population here and the lake is our only water source. If we don’t address this problem it can create bigger problems.” Vela will add the issue to the agenda of the next Commissioners Court meeting this month, but investigation reports are still pending from TCEQ, he said. “We are aware and already taking care of it and whoever are responsible we’re going through the full extent of the law and whatever else TCEQ recommends,” Vela said. Falcon Lake is known for its “highly prized” bass, catfish, and tilapia, Padgett said. Residents need to do their part in keeping the county clean, especially the “highly prized” Falcon Lake and they need to dispose of their trash in the county landfill, Padgett said. Pollution will not disappear until the community decides to petition waterworks and other county officials, Padgett said. “I want this problem corrected just as much as the next person, but I can only do my part as a civil servant, it’s the community that needs to help,” Padgett said. To report any spills or leaks people should contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department immediately, Padgett said. Padgett can be contacted at (956)500-2205 or via e-mail at The proper procedure to take when people encounter pollution is to take pictures for evidence, get GPS coordinates, and avoid direct contact, Padgett added.

WELCOME Continued from Page 1A identity of who we are,” she added. Rodriguez Iron Works employees Ramiro Rodriguez, Daniel Rodriguez and Ramon Garza worked on the project for approximately 15 days and completed it in the last week of November, Rodriguez said. The mural is 61 feet in length and 9 feet in height, but includes a man on a horse that is 10 feet in height, and a large bright yellow-orange sun that is 9

The goal is of course to welcome all visitors but mainly to make the citizens of Zapata proud.” ZAPATA COUNTY JUDGE ROSALVA GUERRA

feet in height, Rodriguez said. “It’s a big piece,” Rodriguez said. “It took a lot of

effort.” The draft of the mural also included trees in back of the sign and accent light-

ing to make the sign more visible at night time, Rodriguez said. Landscaping and lighting are still pending around the mural, Guerra said. “We hope to finish it by December 31,” she said. The county will have to remove trees, signs, and move other items blocking the full view of the much larger sign, Rodriguez said. (Lorraine L. Rodriguez may be reached at (956)7282557.)

THE BLOTTER ASSAULT Leobardo Emilio Rodriguez was arrested and charged with assault causing family violence at 7:45 p.m. Nov. 24 in the 800 block of Carla Street. The man was taken to Zapata Regional Jail. Deputies arrested William John Cisneros around 1 p.m. Nov. 25 in the 3300 block of South U.S. 83. He was charged with assault causing family violence and taken to Zapata Regional Jail. Fidencio Adrian Mendoza was arrested at 11:45 p.m. Nov. 25 in the 2200 block of Brazos Street. An incident report states Mendoza was being aggressive toward family members. Deputies charged him with assault causing family violence and took him to Zapata Regional Jail. Deputies responded to an assault call at 9:10 a.m. Monday in the intersection of Seventh Street and Hidalgo Boulevard. The complainant told deputies that a person she knows dragged her by the hair and broke a window’s of her mother’s car.

BURGLARY Deputies responded to a burglary call at 12:40 a.m. Nov. 25 in the 400 block of Mier Avenue. The complainant told deputies that someone broke into the residence and stole a box of jewelry from the attic. Juan Jose Lozano was arrested and charged with burglary of a building at approximately 3 a.m. Tuesday in the 1800 Lincoln Street. The man was taken to Zapata Regional Jail.

CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Deputies responded to a criminal mischief call at 12:08 a.m. Nov. 27 in the 200 block of Bluff Drive. The complainant told police

that a person he knows kicked his vehicle’s fender.

DWI Deputies arrested Gilberto Esquivel Mancilla and charged him with driving while intoxicated at 5:45 a.m. Nov. 25 on North U.S. 83 by Ramireno. The man was taken Zapata Regional Jail.

PUBLIC INTOXICATION Nelson A. Urbina-Ponce was arrested and charged with public intoxication around 10 p.m. Nov. 28 in the 1500 block of Hidalgo Boulevard. The man was taken to Zapata Regional Jail.

THEFT Deputies responded to a theft call at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the 5300 block of McAllen Lane. The

victim told police that a saw cutting machine was stolen from a storage building in the back of his property. Deputies responded to a theft call at 11:12 a.m. Thursday in the 1900 block of Hidalgo Boulevard. The complainant told deputies that someone stole a red lawnmower from the porch.

wasn’t safe,” he added. On Nov. 21 Buckner Foundation supervisor Ricardo Bambila, Vega and 29 volunteers from the Athens Baptist Church cleared out the property with a tractor and began working on the foundation, siding, and roofing of a new, three-bedroom home, Gabriel Flores said. “The church from Athens had 10 skilled guys that volunteered their time and a lot of the Athens people do construction for a living,” Vega said. “They helped build what they could in three days.” The home is unfinished, but volunteers have started with the electrical wiring, sheet rock, insulation, and plumbing, Vega said. “We hope to finish the home in January so the family can move in,” Vega said. The Flores family is currently living with relatives near their new home, Vega added. The Floreses have a son enrolled in Zapata County Independent School District and ZCISD Compensatory Education Department leader Mercedes Gonzales was the first to recognize the Flores family and their dire need for a new home. She informed the Buckner Foundation about the condition of the old home and was able to attain a grant for the construction of a new home, Vega said. Atilano Flores experienced a stroke in 1997 and was handicapped, Vega said. His home is not handicap accessible, Vega added. Rosa Flores and other relatives joined in the effort, Vega said. “Sunday afternoon the (Rosa’s) sister and hus-

band barbecued for everyone,” Vega said. “It was real nice of them to go out of their way and cook for us.” Other volunteers included First Baptist Church, Buckner Children and Family Services, Zapata JROTC, and New Wine Church from Harlingen. Most materials were purchased from the Dr. Ike’s in Zapata and Matt’s Cash and Carry sent out a truck filled with supplies, Vega said. During the construction, the New Wine Church praise team coordinated a block party for volunteers and the Lopeño community, Vega said. “We had a nice party for the Lopeño community on Sunday with a fish fry, moon jump, games, and snow cones,” Vega said. The block party continued on Monday with burgers for the whole community, Vega added. “Overall we had a lot of fun doing it,” Vega said. The Flores family and the Lopeño community were very appreciative, Vega said. “The whole family was excited that we were doing this for them and even the whole community of Lopeño kept driving by,” Vega said. Lopeño community children were very curious and asked if it would be possible for Buckner Foundation to build a park for them, Vega said. “They said, ‘if we can get a park it would be great,’” Vega said. “They want a park with swings because they only have a basketball court at the local Catholic church.” Vega is hoping to help the Lopeño community children with a park, he said.

TXDOT Continued from Page 1A They suggested the sheriff’s office patrol the areas regularly and that a clean up program be implemented for troubled juveniles. Also at the last meeting, commissioners said they wouldn’t be able to put funds or labor into any effort to save the rest stops. “I do not have the man power right now,” said Vil-

larreal, the Precinct 2 Commissioner.. TxDOT is planning to speak with local officials and Justice of the Peace Juana Maria Gutierrez at the pre-construction meeting scheduled for next Thursday regarding the next two road upgrade projects on US 83, Ramirez said.



Sports&Outdoors TEXANS

Disappointment again Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick (7) slips past the grasp of Houston Texans’ Mario Williams (90) in the second half on Thursday in Philadelphia. Philadelphia won 34-24.

Texans continue to miss chances to shine By CHRIS DUNCAN ASSOCIATED PRESS

HOUSTON — The Houston Texans are following the same old script toward another disappointing season. Houston is 5-7 for the fourth straight year after Thursday’s 3424 loss to Philadelphia. The Texans have dropped five of six and their recent losses have stuck to a familiar pattern, too — they fall behind early, rally in the second half, then falter at the end. On Thursday, for the fourth time in five games, the Texans were tied or held a lead in the fourth quarter, only to give up a late score and lose. The Texans next play Baltimore (8-3) on Dec. 13, giving coach Gary Kubiak more than a

week to solve the team’s lategame issues. The trouble is that Kubiak doesn’t seem to know what else he can do that he hasn’t already tried. “We’ve just got to keep going,” Kubiak said Friday. “We’ve got to find a way to continue to get better somehow, some way, with the people we’ve got.” In Philadelphia, the Texans trailed 17-3 in the first half, just as they did in Jacksonville three weeks ago. Houston dominated time of possession in the third quarter against the Eagles, and took a 24-20 lead. Clay Harbor then returned Neil Rackers’ short kickoff to the Eagles 40, and Michael Vick finished a six-play drive with a short touchdown run early in the fourth period to put Philadelphia

back in front. The Eagles forced a punt, then converted a third-and-19 to the Houston 24. Two plays later, Vick threw a short touchdown pass to Owen Schmitt to put it away. “We couldn’t finish the deal,” Kubiak said. “We went into a tough place to play against what I think is a hell of a football team and, like I said, we had control of the game going into the fourth quarter and then let it get away from us. “That’s part of this league. You get into those games, you’ve got to find a way to close and we found a way not to close in all three phases. Not just one.” Houston has been outscored 68-36 in the first quarter, and outPhoto by Miles Kennedy | AP




SWEET EMOTION Photo by Sue Ogrocki | AP

Oklahoma wide receiver Ryan Broyles carries the ball against Colorado in Norman, Okla, on Oct. 30.

OU, Nebraska meet in Big 12’s final title game By JEFF LATZKE ASSOCIATED PRESS

NORMAN, Okla. — It’s time for Nebraska to take its final bow in the Big 12. After decades of rivalries with teams across the Midwest, the Huskers will join the Big Ten next summer — but not before one last revival of their storied series against Oklahoma. The question to be decided Saturday night at the new Cow-

boys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, is whether Nebraska will take the championship and run or leave after a second straight sour disappointment in the Big 12 title game. The 13th-ranked Cornhuskers (10-2, 6-2 Big 12) have won the North in back-to-back seasons but lost the championship game to Texas last season on a field goal after one second was put

See BIG 12 PAGE 2B


Rangers want Lee for Christmas By STEPHEN HAWKINS ASSOCIATED PRESS

ARLINGTON — Texas Rangers general manager Jon Daniels is preparing for the winter meetings knowing free agent left-hander Cliff Lee will be a big focus for the AL champions. What Daniels doesn’t know is whether Lee, the ace coveted by other teams, will make decision next week about where he will be playing next season. Daniels said Friday that Lee is in “a pretty unique spot right

JON DANIELS : Rangers GM is pursuing Cliff Lee as he goes into the winter meetings. now” and has a “tremendous decision to make.” Daniels says he knows Lee has a “number of very quality options.” The GM says he doesn’t know how many teams are in the running for Lee, but believes the Rangers are “certainly right there near or at the top of the list.” The Rangers acquired Lee in July.

Photo by Brandon Wade | AP

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin (19) celebrates his touchdown with teammate Dez Bryant (88) in the second quarter on Nov. 25, in Arlington.

Bryant guided by passion on the field By JAIME ARON ASSOCIATED PRESS

IRVING — Cowboys rookie receiver Dez Bryant wants everyone to know the hollering and pointing he did on the sideline during the Thanksgiving game had nothing to do with him getting shut out for the first time. The fourth-quarter tirade caught by television cameras, he insists, was because of miscommunication on a single play. “That’s all it was,” he said. He’s not sorry about it, either. To Bryant, it’s just another example of the passion he brings to every game.

“I’m emotional about everything,” he said. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong. It was the game bringing that out of me.” Bryant’s antics in a game that Dallas lost and featured all zeros on his stat sheet worried many Cowboys fans. They instantly thought of Terrell Owens and his divisive, emotional outbursts during his tenure here. Interim coach Jason Garrett wasn’t among the worriers. To him, seeing passion bubbling over from No. 88 reminded him of his own playing days in Dallas and his teammate who wore that number, Michael Irvin.





Not happy about Newton ASSOCIATED PRESS

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — ACC Commissioner John Swofford calls the NCAA’s decision to keep Auburn quarterback Cam Newton eligible “surprising” and claims it puts college athletics on a “slippery slope.” Swofford said Friday

he’ll express his concerns with NCAA officials and hopes the governing body takes a hard look at the issue. The NCAA ruled Wednesday that Newton was unaware his father had concocted a pay-forplay scheme during his recruiting and allowed

Newton to play for No. 2 Auburn against South Carolina on Saturday in the Southeastern Conference championship game. Swofford is concerned about the precedent that could set in future eligibility cases and expects the NCAA to take up the issue soon.


Photo by Sharon Ellman | AP

Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh (90) grabs the face mask of Dallas Cowboys running back Marion Barber (24) in the second half of a football game Sunday in Arlington. The Cowboys won 35-19.

Injuries hurt Cowboys’ chances ASSOCIATED PRESS

IRVING — Dallas Cowboys running back Marion Barber has been ruled out of Sunday’s game at Indianapolis with a calf injury, and linebacker Keith Brooking is questionable with a foot prob-

lem. Brooking and linebacker Bradie James were held out of practice Friday. James is listed as probable with a knee injury. Barber injured his calf in the loss to New Orleans on Thanksgiving. Thirdstring back Tashard

Choice is expected to see his most significant playing time of the season behind Felix Jones. Receiver Dez Bryant (back) and cornerback Bryan McCann (ankle) were limited in practice Friday but are listed as probable.

LONDON — The warnings were there in black and white. The operational risk of staging the World Cup in Russia: medium. The operational risk of holding the tournament in Qatar: high. All the other bids were listed as low risk. Yet, FIFA overlooked those findings in its own technical report and picked Russia (2018) and Qatar (2022) to host football’s showcase championship. Surprise? Not really. Potential risks — based on the amount of work the successful bidders would have to undertake to prepare for the competition — were never the key factor in this race, just as they weren’t in recent Olympic host-city votes. This was a decision based on politics, voting alliances, commercial interests, backroom lobbying and the trend among international sports bodies to take their events to new territories. “If you don’t take risks,

BIG 12 Continued from Page 1B back on the clock. No. 10 Oklahoma (10-2, 6-2) is going after its seventh Big 12 title since 2000. “OU and Nebraska have a rich tradition of playing each other for big games,” Sooners safety Quinton Carter said, “and I’m pretty sure this will go down in history as another big game.” It was almost an annual rite for Oklahoma and Nebraska to be playing for the conference title on Thanksgiving weekend during the days of the Big Eight, when both were national powerhouses under Barry Switzer and Tom Osborne. Those days seem like a distant memory now, with the rivalry diminished by less frequent meetings of lesser importance. The longtime rivals have played only once in the Big 12 title game, in 2006, although there was an epic game during the Sooners’ run to the 2000 national title, an echo of 1971’s “Game of the Century.” “The tradition and history of this rivalry is second to none,” Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops said. “When you look at the number of years it spans and when you look at the number of

There is a great tradition between the schools and it’ll be fitting we’ll play them in a game such as this,” NEBRASKA COACH BO PELINI

times we have met from the Big Eight Conference to Big 12 Conference, where we’ve met and there’s been championship implications on this game. ... it’s one of the more special rivalries in all of football, and it’s really fitting then that here it is the last time we’re in conference together to have one more go at it.” The Sooners got into the title game for the second time in three years, advancing past Oklahoma State and Texas A&M with the help of a BCS standings tiebreaker. Oklahoma has gotten there with a drag-race offense that’s run a Bowl Subdivision-best 1,052 plays this season and ranks fourth in the nation in passing offense behind quarterback Landry Jones and Biletnikoff Award finalist Ryan Broyles and his FBS-best 115 catches.

Nebraska boasts the nation’s No. 5 defense and is ranked second against the pass, allowing less than 145 yards per game. The Cornhuskers won the North in a tiebreaker against Missouri, having won the head-tohead meeting. “There’s still more out there for this football team that we’ve got to keep getting better,” Nebraska coach Bo Pelini said. “Saturday night gives us that opportunity.” In what was always a friendly rivalry between the odd couple of Switzer and Osborne, Stoops and Pelini take it to another level. They’ve been friends since childhood, when both grew up in Youngstown, Ohio, and went to the same high school where Stoops’ father coached football. Now, they’ll see the end of a rivalry that likely

The operational risk of holding the tournament in Qatar: high. you don’t drink champagne,” Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said, quoting a Russian saying. Just as the IOC is taking the Winter Olympics to Sochi, Russia, in 2014 and the Summer Games to Rio de Janeiro in 2016, FIFA is breaking new ground by sending the World Cup to Eastern Europe and the Middle East for the first time. South Africa held the first World Cup in Africa this year. “There’s not much doubt that the world is moving east,” British IOC executive board member Craig Reedie said Friday. There were technical risks and concerns, too, about Sochi, Rio and South Africa. But South Africa turned out to be a big success, and the International Olympic Committee is confident that all the necessary construction work will be completed for the 2014 and 2016 Games.

“Most of these decisions are not made by the deciders on a technical basis,” senior Canadian IOC member Dick Pound said. “A lot of it is geopolitical. The last two Olympic decisions have been done the same way.” Russia was chosen by FIFA on Thursday over bids from England, Spain-Portugal and Belgium-Netherlands. Qatar beat out the United States, South Korea, Japan and Australia. While Russia and Qatar will need to spend billions on new stadiums and infrastructure, both countries enjoy huge oil and gas wealth and have vast resources to prepare for tournaments that are eight and 12 years away. But even though FIFA’s technical report flagged up concerns about Russia and Qatar, it didn’t matter in the long run because the countries were already deemed perfectly capable of staging the World Cup.

TEXANS Continued from Page 1B won’t be played again for a decade, unless the teams meet in a bowl game. “There is a great tradition between the schools and it’ll be fitting we’ll play them in a game such as this,” Pelini said. After this year, the Big 12 championship will go away. The league will have only 10 members left — two less than are required to hold a title game — and the conference crown will be decided in a full round-robin in the regular season. Stoops, who has won it twice as many times as any other coach, has mixed feelings about how much the game will be missed. “If you’re not in there in the top 1-2-3 in the national championship picture ... and other teams that are going to be in it with you aren’t playing — they’re sitting at home and relaxing while you’ve got this huge game in front of you — you don’t like it,” said Stoops, who is 6-1 in the title game. “You think, ‘Why in the world are we doing this?’ “These kind of years, it’s exciting as heck. It’s what you want, you really look forward to it and it’s a special environment to play in.”

scored its opponents 82-51 in the third. Kubiak hasn’t pinpointed why the Texans have gotten off to such slow starts during their recent slide following their 4-2 start. He blamed the shaky defense for the bad beginning against the Eagles. Vick completed four passes covering at least 12 yards on the Eagles’ first series, and another pass for 21 yards on their second on the way to a 14-3 lead. “We played poorly on defense in the first quarter,” he said. “We had the wind at our back in a tough place to play, and were never able to take advantage of it. So we dug ourselves a big hole and we fought our way out of it.” Houston got the middle part of the game right again, outgaining the Eagles 329-111 in the second and third quarters. The Texans lead the league in fourth-quarter points (99), but rank second worst in points allowed in the final quarter (97) — and the Eagles outscored them 14-0 in the last quarter Thursday. “I’ve always tried to

teach them since I’ve been here that it doesn’t matter if you’re up 10 or 14 in the first quarter or down 10 or 14 in the first quarter, you’ve got to play four quarters,” he said. “That’s what this league is all about. The good teams find a way to do that week in and week out.” Last year, Houston won its last four games to finish 9-7, its first winning record. The Texans are still within striking distance of first-place Jacksonville and Indianapolis in the AFC South and have two divisional games left to gain ground. Right now, Kubiak is only worried about the next game, and trying to get his team to play consistently from start to finish. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in the division,” he said. “We’re all playing each other here over the course of the next four weeks and still five weeks for a few teams. It’ll work itself out. “We’ve got to concentrate on trying to win our sixth game,” he said, “and we’ve got another great team coming in here next week, and so we need to stay focused on that.”

BRYANT Continued from Page 1B “To me, he was excited, was passionate, was ready to go,” said Garrett, who also is the offensive coordinator. “I don’t see that as a negative. And obviously with any player you want to make sure they’re focused on the task at hand, but he’s such an enthusiastic, passionate guy. In no way was it to me — and I don’t think to the offensive guys or anybody on the team — a distraction. ’Hey Dez, let’s just go to the next play.’ And I think he understood that and he went about his job.” The New Orleans Saints seemed determined not to let Bryant beat them, devoting two defenders to him on most plays. The Cowboys tried getting him the ball anyway, and it didn’t work out so well. A screen to him was intercepted, then he fumbled on an end

around, losing six yards. Dallas already was down 17-0 by then. The Cowboys came back in part because they were able to take advantage of the defense’s focus on Bryant. Tight end Jason Witten and running back Felix Jones became bigger part of the passing game and Dallas eventually went ahead midway through the fourth quarter. Then the Cowboys fell behind again. Needing a big play, quarterback Jon Kitna threw to Bryant — who leads the team in touchdown catches — on three straight snaps. Incomplete, incomplete, incomplete. At least once, Kitna and Bryant were clearly thinking different things. The pass went outside and he was leaning inside. Kitna has repeatedly insisted all

Interim coach Jason Garrett wasn’t among the worriers. To him, seeing passion bubbling over from No. 88 reminded him of his own playing days in Dallas and his teammate who wore that number, Michael Irvin. mistakes were his; then again, as a 14-year veteran, he knows better than to even hint that the rookie might’ve been at fault. Bryant’s tirade came earlier in the quarter, after another misfire. The way Bryant described it, he wasn’t yelling at receivers coach Ray Sherman, he just venting to him. He also got things off his chest talking to running back Tashard Choice, his sideline confidant. “Me not touching the ball and us winning or los-

ing, especially if I’m double covered, there’s no need to fuss, no need to fight about it or get frustrated about it,” Bryant said. “It’s all a part of the game. You just got to try to play through it the best way you can. I feel like that’s what I’ve done. That’s all I can do.” Bryant said friends have warned to be careful about his emotions. He’s also spoke to Irvin. His advice: “Stay hungry.” Even with his oh-fer in a loss to the Saints, Bryant remains among the leading

rookies in all receiving statistics. He’s tied for first in TD catches (six), alone in second in yards receiving (547) and tied for third in catches (44). In other words, he’s lived up to Cowboys owner Jerry Jones’ expectations when he traded up to draft him and anointed him as a future star by giving him No. 88, hallowed in club history because of Irvin and Drew Pearson. But his introduction to the NFL has been rough. There’s been controversy

over the Miami general manager asking about his mom’s lifestyle, headlines made when he refused to carry a veteran’s shoulder pads (not realizing it was just a rookie ritual) and when payback came in the form of a $54,896 dinner tab. Next up is a Colts defense that ranks among the best in the NFL at stopping the pass, albeit mainly because teams to choose to run against them instead. Indianapolis is among the worst at stopping the run, plus teams want to leave Peyton Manning on the sideline as much as possible. If there are any plays to be made, look for No. 88 to try making them. “Of course,” he said. “When you’re number is called on, you’ve got to make the play.”



DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES — Here’s how to work it:


HINTS BY | HELOISE Dear Heloise: I am writing in reference to a previous hint about BEAUTIFYING AN AQUARIUM with a mirror on the back of the tank or bowl looking in on the fish. While this is a fine suggestion for most types of “friendly fish,” it’s not a great idea for solitary or aggressive fish, such as bettas. Those who have a male betta know that flashing him his reflection, even for a moment, causes him to go into “high alert.” Perceiving the presence of an “enemy” for an extended period of time will keep him in constant stress and greatly reduce the life span of the fish. Instead, I’ve found that an interesting glass vase, even a tall one with a nice, colorful plastic plant, provides a beautiful, low-maintenance display that makes your scaly friend a happy complement to your decor. — John Eric, Kings Mountain, N.C. Thanks so much for pointing this out. One of my assistants has a betta, and she put plain ivy (no dirt on roots) in the bowl with the fish. It looks great! Rinse off the roots every time you clean the bowl. — Heloise P.S.: Do try to give bettas space. A small vase or bowl may be adequate, but a larger “home” is probably better. And they do need fish food. The myth that they can survive with just plants in the water is wrong! NO CHEW Dear Heloise: We recently acquired a dog from the Humane Society. Her chew-







ing is RELENTLESS! We are trying to save our good sofa — putting blankets on it and spraying with bitter apple was working. But with the cost of bitter apple, I decided to try white vinegar. It works! It requires a number of applications daily, but the cost makes it very doable. She is a chewer, and no amount of chew toys, rawhides or anything else available was as appealing to her as the sofa. — Bonnie King in Colorado Springs, Colo. DOG-TAG RINGS Dear Heloise: I hate those rings that they give to you with dog tags — they are so flimsy. I get a cheap key chain with a heavier ring and use that instead. I just take off the cheap ring and slip the tags onto the heavier ring, and the problem is solved! -Frances in Arroyo Grande, Calif. This is an option, but please be aware that the dog tag may get caught or stuck on something, which can prove to be dangerous. A sturdy key ring may not break away. — Heloise



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LeBron takes heat in Cleveland By TIM REYNOLDS ASSOCIATED PRESS

MIAMI — That longawaited first trip to Cleveland with LeBron James in enemy colors now behind them, the Miami Heat might now start plotting their first trip to another new destination. Like first place, for example. The Heat haven’t woken up in first place on any day since this season began, and that largely stems from a simple trend that’s disturbing to James, coach Erik Spoelstra and just about everyone else in the Miami locker room. The Heat feast upon the NBA’s losing teams, and struggle with the league’s winning clubs. Miami is 8-2 against teams below .500, 4-6 when it faces teams that don’t have losing records at the time of those matchups. And a winning team — Atlanta, albeit without injured guard Joe Johnson, who may miss six weeks with an elbow issue — comes in for a visit on Saturday night. Entering Friday, the Heat are 1-6 against teams currently with winning records. “We know we haven’t played up to par against some of the best, the plus.500 teams,” James said after the Heat rolled past Cleveland 118-90 on Thursday night. “So we’ve got an Atlanta Hawk team that’s coming into our building on Saturday, which is a plus-.500 team, and we’re going to try to keep this momentum going.” There does seem to be some real momentum now for Miami. At 12-8, the Heat have matched a season-best by moving four games over .500, and have won three in a row after a loss in Dallas last Saturday night. It was after that defeat where Miami held a players-only team meeting for about 40 minutes, clearing the air and talking about what works best on the floor. All three of the wins since — over Washington, Detroit and the Cavaliers — came against sub-.500 clubs.

Photo by Rod Aydelotte | AP

Baylor’s LaceDarius Dunn pats his chest after hitting a three point shot against Lipscomb in the second half on Nov. 22, in Waco.

Photo by David Richard | AP

Miami Heat forward LeBron James (6) takes a deep breath before attempting a foul shot as the crowd chants "Akron Hates You!" in the second quarter against the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday in Cleveland. Cavaliers’ Mo Williams, left, looks on. So Atlanta might provide the first true test since that sitdown. Spoelstra has been pleading with the Heat to play at a faster tempo for the past couple weeks, and he’ll do the same on Saturday, thinking that’s the formula Miami needs to beat the better clubs around the league on a regular basis. “It became abundantly clear, we need those relief opportunities, particularly for our attackers to get to the rim,” Spoelstra said. “That paint is so packed in the half court that it really opens things up for us. It’s a symbiotic relationship: us defending, rebounding, then getting out in the open court. You can’t do one without the other.” In Cleveland, it all worked. The Heat left Cleveland hoping getting through the emotional rigors of James’ homecoming might provide a springboard for the second quarter of the season. James set a season-high for points with 38, matched a season-best by hitting 60

percent of his shots, plus put together the sort of dominant stretch in the third quarter that Cavaliers fans got used to in his seven years in Cleveland — and that Heat fans have waited to see. The NBA’s two-time reigning MVP hit his first seven shots of the third quarter, scoring 19 points in just under 61/2 minutes. He was 10 of 12 from the floor in the quarter, his only misses coming from 26 and 31 feet out, and gave a knowing look to the Cleveland bench when his 24point period was done. Meanwhile, the Heat bench was thrilled, with good reason. “Brothers in arms,” Spoelstra told the team in the locker room afterward. He’ll expect the same approach on Saturday, even without 20,000 hostile fans there to provide some sort of motivation to James and the rest of the Heat. “We’ve seen it at times,” Spoelstra said. “So we’ve been here before. Now we need to do it consistently.”

Hurt star dinged but not done ASSOCIATED PRESS

Photo by Tony Dejak | AP

Cleveland fans watch Miami Heat forward LeBron James (6) go through his pregame ritual before a game against the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday in Cleveland.

WACO — X-rays have confirmed that Baylor guard LaceDarius Dunn has only a bruised forearm. Dunn was injured when he fell hard to the floor while going for a rebound in the 11th-ranked Bears’ victory over Arizona State on Thursday night. He came out of the game only briefly despite being in obvious pain. After the game, Dunn said he was hurting and hoping nothing was broken or fractured. Dunn scored 24 points, making all of his six 3 pointers before getting hurt with 6:43 left. He returned about two minutes later and finished the game. Dunn was suspended the first three games for Baylor (6-0), but has averaged 22.7 points with 16 3pointers since coming back.


Photo by April L Brown | AP

Texas-El Paso running back Joseph Banyard, right, carries past Arkansas linebacker Jerry Franklin, left, as UTEP tight end Elijah Goldtrap (85) participates during the first half in Fayetteville, Ark., on Nov. 13.

UTEP to play BYU in New Mexico Bowl ASSOCIATED PRESS

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Texas-El Paso has accepted an invitation from the New Mexico Bowl and will face BYU on Dec. 18 in a matchup of former Western Athletic Conference rivals. UTEP (6-6), which is returning to the postseason for the first time since 2005, currently is a Conference USA member. The Miners will be the first team from outside the Mountain West

and Western Athletic Conference to appear in the Albuquerque bowl game, which started in 2006. BYU (6-6) leads the series against UTEP 27-7-1 but the schools haven’t met since 1998 when they played as WAC foes. Miners coach Mike Price says the New Mexico Bowl offers a great opportunity for UTEP fans to drive to see the game. Albuquerque is about a fourhour trip by car from El Paso.

ORLANDO, Fla. — Jamar Newsome was on Central Florida’s Conference USA title team in 2007. Not that he has a ring or anything else to show for it. He never even played that season. After staring at his teammates’ jewelry the last three years, the standout senior receiver is one of many who will have a chance to earn their own hardware when the Knights (9-3, 7-1 C-USA) host a revived SMU (7-5, 6-2) program in the league title game Saturday. “Seeing their rings always motivates me,” Newsome said. “I love rings, for one. My grandfather used to always have like 10 rings on and I like them, too. It’s motivation just seeing them. I want to be a part of something like this and get one for myself. I’d wear mine for like 10 years straight and never take it off.” That’s how much this one means. The game is about the biggest championship these programs will play for all year. Conference USA is not an automatic-qualifier to the BCS, and the only thing likely for the winner is a trip to the Liberty Bowl to take on a Southeastern Conference school. All year the league’s coaches call reaching this game their No. 1 goal. Now it’s here. “It’s the best thing you can do in the situation you are at,” UCF coach George O’Leary said. “The ultimate goal is to win your division initially and then the next game is the conference championship. That is as far as you can go in your

Photo by Justin Falls | AP

SMU’s quarterback, Kyle Padron, gets off a pass around the defense of East Carolona’s Lee Pegues during the second half at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on Nov. 26, in Greenville, N.C. conference. I think that is the ultimate goal as far as the conference is concerned. Our choice is to win the conference because that sort of dictates what happens with the rest of the bowls and everything else anyway.” These programs and coaches can certainly relate. They’ve both enjoyed rapid turnarounds after miserable starts — O’Leary went winless in 11 games in his first season with the Knights in 2004, and June Jones wasn’t much better in his first season at SMU, going 1-11 in 2008. This year punctuated their remarkable rises. UCF jumped into The Associated Press Top 25 poll for the first in school history, although their No. 25 ranking lasted only a week before losing to Southern Miss. And the Mustangs, after going to their first bowl game in al-

most a quarter century last season, emerged out of Conference USA’s West Division for the first time — and in impressive fashion. Not even their coach though it would be possible so soon. “I would be lying if I said that, just like I would be lying if I said that we would win a bowl game last year,” Jones said. “It is a goal that we had and set for ourselves after our bowl game at the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl last year. We said that we wanted to take the next step and we did — winning the West in the Conference. That was a positive step.” This could be another. The Mustangs will have to do it against dual-threat quarterback Jeff Godfrey, the nation’s highest rated true freshman with a 164.79 passer rating, 67.4 completion percentage, 529 yards rushing and 10 touchdowns rushing. He also has

thrown for 1,875 yards and 12 touchdowns. SMU counters with a strong offensive of their own. Sophomore Kyle Padron has 3,306 yards passing, and Zach Line is averaging 108 yards rushing per game. In what has historically been a high-scoring contest, this year’s league title game is certainly expected to hold that trend. “They’re a team that can relate to us,” Line said. “We’re a faster team, so we’ll see how that works out.” But make no mistake: this one is all about the hardware. And while most players on the field have never won a conference title, few even have a ring. Even the handful of UCF seniors who earned the jewelry in 2007 rarely, if ever, wear it because they weren’t major contributors as underclassmen.

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