The Zapata Times

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Proposed weir provokes outcry By PAUL S. MARTINEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES

The proposal to build a lowlevel dam, known as a weir, in Laredo has galvanized Zapata County leaders. Some are already organizing support against the project, which is just in the concept stage.

Laredo leaders, some of whom have roots in Zapata, say there misinformation abounds, and that Laredo has no intention of doing anything to hurt their neighbor. Zapatans’ main concern is the weir could slow the Rio Grande’s current, leaving the sewage and heavy metals from Nuevo Laredo in Falcon Lake, said Zapata Coun-

ty Water District President Hildegardo Flores. “If you slow down the flow of a river, the pollutants below that river will become more concentrated,” Flores said. “Nuevo Laredo is spewing out raw sewage including fecal matter, detergents and


industrial chemicals. “Falcon Lake will become an open sewer,” Flores added. Earlier this week, state Rep. Ryan Guillen, who represents Zapata County in the Texas House, had a meeting with county officials and

residents to talk about the project. Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, said residents at the meeting also expressed concern about how the proposed dam would affect the level of Falcon Lake. The state representative said he spoke with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, and asked him to commission a study

at the federal level to address these two concerns. Guillen also is commissioning a study by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to address these concerns. “The people of Zapata have the right to be concerned about their




BIG 1-5-0 Courtesy photo

Daniel Muñoz of Zapata took first place in the Best Zapata County Buck categorywith this buck that scored 171 5/8 in the 2007 Cola Blanca Big Buck Contest. For more information see the 2008 Cola Blanca Big Buck Contest tabloid inside today’s Zapata Times.


The Zapata County Chamber of Commerce board of directors recently interviewed two potential candidates for the position of executive director. A decision on whether to hire one of the interviewees or to continue looking should be made sometime next week. Board President Hildegardo Flores said he hopes the executive director continues to steer the chamber in the right direction. The chamber had financial problems earlier this year, but it is now current on all its debts, Flores said. In April, the chamber had to close down temporarily because

of outstanding bills. The chamber owed almost $100,000 to more than 50 vendors and four chamber employees. “I came in June and what we found was just utter neglect on the part of the (previous) board,” Flores said. “They were not attending meetings, not taking action and not following up on actions.” The previous board tried to place some of the blame on the chamber’s executive director at that time Peggy Umphres Moffett, Flores said. “Yet (the previous board) never bothered to evaluate her or to write her up if she wasn’t performing,” Flores said.

Photos by Cuate Santos | The Zapata Times

Zapata County Sesquicentennial Celebration committee members met Friday to cover matters relating to the Sesquicentennial Park dedication on Nov. 7. TOP: Fina Villarreal, left, Nellie R. Treviño and chairman Roberto Montes meet at the courthouse Friday. ABOVE: Villarreal, Montes and Treviño meet with County Commissioner 3 Joe Rathmell at the park site, 9th Avenue and U.S. 83.

Downtown park part of the sesquicentennial celebration By PAUL S. MARTINEZ LAREDO MORNING TIMES

lans for Zapata County sesquicentennial celebration are coming together, as work progresses on the downtown park that will commemorate the celebration. The celebration is scheduled for Nov. 7,


8 and 9. Construction is continuing on the park. “We wanted to leave something physical behind after the celebration,” said Roberto Montes, one of 33 committee members working on the celebration. The park, which is being built with $30,000 from the hotel and motel tax, will

be located next to the old community center, across from the post office. While the celebration officially starts on Nov. 7, a pep rally in conjunction with Zapata High School will be held the night before to get the community in the mode for the celebration.

See BIG 150 | PAGE 13A



Santander census finally counts all Indian tribes antander census finally counts all Indian tribes. When the Spanish Crown’s auditing inspector, Jose Tienda de Cuervo, set out to check things in the 23 settlements of Nuevo Santander, he and his aides recognized the Indian problem the settlers were facing. Tienda de Cuervo already had heard accounts from higher authorities in the grievances reported by the Spanish military and the clergy. The downriver situation was a contrast to what the inspectors would find at one of their last stops on the Rio Grande frontier, the Villa de San Agustin de Lare-


do. He had some advance information attributed to the township’s founder, Tomas Sanchez. The visiting ARAMBULA inspector, dispatched to the task by the Viceroy Marques de las Amarillas, arrived at the Villa with his escribano aide armed with an entry tablet and writing tool. The archived material in the Archivo de la Nacion suggested the auditor wanted to clarify the early reports with answers to a series of questions.

First, Tienda de Cuervo found hundreds of natives at the other villas in Nuevo Santander, particularly in the downriver locations of Revilla (Guerrero Viejo) on the Mexican side of modern day Zapata. Tienda de Cuervo came to Villa de San Agustin de Laredo on July 22, 1757. Among others things, the inspector wanted to know what had become of the Indians. The inspector suspected that the only explanation for the jacales (huts) in the village was that the original settlers had to have some help to build the shacks from mud, grass and brush. Tiendas de Cuervo had learned something about dealing

with the natives from the successes of his boss, Colonel Jose de Escandon, in the interior lands of Sierra Gorda (Guanajuato). Escandon and his Spanish military had fought and won several skirmishes with the natives in the regions of the Sierra Gorda (the mining areas of Guanajuato), taking hundreds of Indians as prisoners. His success with the Indian problems in Sierra Gorda earned him promotion after promotion until he had full command of the region and its frontier. Tienda de Cuervo learned soon enough that help to the settlers would have been provided by the native Indians. It was a

sharp contrast to a report of the Marques de Altamira in which the Spanish record described the Indians of the Tamaulipas sierra as a bunch who were “barbarous and unconverted, and capable of all kinds of inhuman atrocities.” Tienda de Cuervo discovered that the Indians along the Rio Grande were a different breed — they built huts, they hunted and fished for food, and raised crops (corn). These natives were Coahuiltecan and they were not aggressive. They were nothing like the nomadic Karankawas and the warlike Lipan Apaches and Comanches who made life miserable for the settlers on both sides

of the Rio Grande frontier. The presence of Indians (Carrizo Indians) in Villa de San Agustin de Laredo confirmed for Tienda de Cuervo what he had learned from other sources prior to starting his audit inspections of the villages of Nuevo Santander. Data in the archives indicated that the Carrizo Indians were found in areas of the mouth of the modern-day Zacate Creek with the Rio Grande. The region was described as overly vegetated with bamboo plants (Carrizo) which the Indians used to build


Zin brief




U.S.,Russia reach deal on new U.N.Iran resolution

The Zapata Soil and Water Conservation District is having a free Range and Wildlife Management Field Day today at the Holiday Inn Express, 167 U.S. 83, in Zapata starting at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served. To reserve a place, call (956) 765-4344 ext. 3 by Sept. 30.

THURSDAY, OCT. 9 The South Texans’ Property Rights Association is having a Fever Tick Stakeholders Meeting from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Zapata County Community Center, 607 U.S. 83. For more information, call (361) 537-4573.

THURSDAY, OCT. 13 The Zapata Chamber of Commerce will have its annual meeting today at 11 a.m. at the Zapata Community Center, 607 U.S. 83

OCT. 27-30

THURSDAY, NOV. 6 A Drug Free Pep Rally will be held today at 6 p.m. at the Zapata County Courthouse. County Judge Rosalva Guerra will give the welcome; County Attorney Said A. Figueroa and Eddie Torres will be speakers.

FRIDAY, NOV. 7 Zapata’s three-day sesquicentennial celebration begins at 9 a.m. today with a flag ceremony, park dedication, a tribute to veterans and a brief history of Zapata County in addition to several performances. A carnival and other events open in the event at the Zapata County Fair grounds. For more information, call 765-9920.

SATURDAY, NOV. 8 A parade kicks off the day’s sesquicentennial events. The carnival and festival, including food booths, team roping and a cook-off, open at noon at the Zapata County Fair grounds. A fireworks display is scheduled for the evening, with a concert by Los Intocables.

SUNDAY, NOV. 9 The Lopeño Festival gets underway at 8 a.m. in Lopeño with an almuerzo regional (regional breakfast) and historical reminiscing. At 9 a.m., it’s the Falcón Festival at Falcón with a visual historical presentation, exhibits, a continental breakfast, dedication of the Falcón Community Park (showcasing the antique bridge), followed by a Mass at Santa Ana Mission and lunch with musical entertainment. At 1 p.m., the San Ygnacio Festival gets underway in San Ygnacio.There will be a Mass at Nuestra Señora del Refugio Mission. At 2 p.m., there will be a flag and country ceremony, a historical view of San Ygnacio, a Pillars of the Community presentation honoring citizens making a difference, a tribute to local veterans and a tribute to all veterans.

NOV. 20-22 The 2008 Wal-Mart FLW Series Fish-Off is set for Falcon Lake. The lake will play host to top-ranked National Guard Western Division and BP Eastern Division pros from the 2008 season. For more information, visit

To submit an item for the daily calendar, send the name of the event, the date, time, location and a contact phone number to

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The Zapata Times

Photo by Stephen Brashear | AP

Washington Mutual customer Kyle Davidson talks on his cell phone as he withdraws some money from the ATM at a Washington Mutual branch at the WaMu Center in Seattle on Thursday.JPMorgan Chase & Co.Inc.came to the rescue of ailing Washington Mutual Inc. on Thursday, buying the ailing thrift’s banking assets after WaMu was seized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

WaMu becomes biggest bank to fail in U.S. history ASSOCIATED PRESS

NEW YORK — As the debate over a $700 billion bank bailout rages on in Washington, one of the nation’s largest banks — Washington Mutual Inc. — has collapsed under the weight of its enormous bad bets on the mortgage market. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. seized WaMu on Thursday, and then sold the thrift’s banking assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion. Seattle-based WaMu, which was founded in 1889, is by far the largest bank to fail in the country’s history. Its $307 billion in assets eclipse those of Continental Illinois National Bank, which failed in 1984 with $40 billion in assets; adjusted for 2008 dollars, its assets totaled $67.7 billion. IndyMac, seized in July, had $32 billion in assets. One positive is that the sale of WaMu’s

assets to JPMorgan Chase prevents the thrift’s collapse from depleting the FDIC’s insurance fund. But that detail is likely to give only marginal solace to Americans facing tighter lending and watching their stock portfolios plunge in the wake of the nation’s most momentous financial crisis since the Great Depression. Because of WaMu’s souring mortgages and other risky debt, JPMorgan plans to write down WaMu’s loan portfolio by about $31 billion — a figure that could change if the government goes through with its bailout plan and JPMorgan decides to take advantage of it. “We’re in favor of what the government is doing, but we’re not relying on what the government is doing. We would’ve done it anyway,” JPMorgan’s Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said in a conference call Thursday night, referring to the acquisition.

Evangelist agrees to return to Arkansas

Stocks mixed on bailout clash; tech slides who left 9 kids says he was overwhelmed

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Evangelist and convicted tax evader Tony Alamo has waived his right to fight extradition to Arkansas after his arrest on charges that he took minors across state lines for sexual purposes. The one-time rock promoter and street preacher was arrested by the FBI while leaving a Flagstaff hotel Thursday on charges of violating the Mann Act, usually used in interstate prostitution cases. Federal prosecutors sought Alamo’s arrest after interviewing six girls taken into state custody during a raid of his southwestern Arkansas compound Saturday.

NEW YORK — Financial markets remained tense Friday after the Bush administration’s proposal for a $700 billion banking bailout ran into opposition from Republican lawmakers. Stocks ended mixed, with big financial companies lifting the Dow Jones industrials more than 120 points, but worries about smaller banks and parts of the technology sector taking much of the market lower. Demand for safe-haven buying in government debt remained high as investors uneasily watched events in Washington, where the Bush administration tried to overcome Republican objections to its rescue package.

OMAHA, Neb. — An out-ofwork widower who abandoned nine of his children — five boys and four girls, ages 1 to 17 — at a hospital under Nebraska’s new safe haven law said he was overwhelmed without his wife and just “fell apart.” “I hope they know I love them,” Gary Staton told KETV. “I hope their future is better without me around them.” The unique law allows caregivers to abandon babies and teenagers alike at hospitals without fear of prosecution. Originally intended to protect infants, it was expanded in a legislative compromise to protect any “child.” Some have interpreted that to mean anyone under 19. —Compiled from AP reports


Today is Saturday, Sept. 27, the 271st day of 2008. There are 95 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Sept. 27, 1964, the government publicly released the report of the Warren Commission, which found that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in assassinating President Kennedy. On this date: In 1779, John Adams was named to negotiate the Revolutionary War’s peace terms with Britain. In 1825, the first locomotive to haul a passenger train was operated by George Stephenson in England. In 1854, the first great disaster involving an Atlantic Ocean liner occurred when the steamship Arctic sank with 300 people aboard. In 1928, the United States said it was recognizing the Nationalist Chinese government. In 1942, Glenn Miller and his Orchestra performed together for the last time, at the Central Theater in Passaic, N.J., prior to Miller’s entry into the Army. In 1954, “Tonight!” hosted by

Steve Allen, made its network debut on NBC-TV. In 1979, Congress gave final approval to forming the Department of Education, the 13th Cabinet agency in U.S. history. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush announced in a nationally broadcast address that he was eliminating all U.S. battlefield nuclear weapons, and called on the Soviet Union to match the gesture. T e n y e a r s a g o : Gerhard Schroeder and his Social Democrats won national elections in Germany, following 16 years of conservative rule under Chancellor Helmut Kohl. St. Louis Cardinal Mark McGwire’s record-breaking season ended with his 69th and 70th homers. F i v e y e a r s a g o : President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin urged Iran and North Korea to abandon suspected nuclear-weapons programs, but disagreed over how to deal with both countries; Putin also declined at the end of a two-day summit at Camp David to pledge any postwar help for Iraq. One year ago: Soldiers fired into crowds of anti-government demonstrators in Yangon, Myan-




It’s the Texas-Oklahoma Shootout fishing tournament at Falcon Lake. For more information, call 7654871.


UNITED NATIONS — Russia and the United States have agreed to seek a new U.N. resolution calling on Iran to comply with previous demands to suspend uranium enrichment but imposing no new sanctions, U.N. diplomats said Friday. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said the brief res olution will affirm the three previous ones, which imp os ed progressively tougher sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt its enrichment program and urged Tehran to comply. The new resolution has the agreement of ministers from the six key players in negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program — Russia, the U.S., Britain, France, China and Germany, Miliband said. It will be introduced at a Security Council meeting Friday and could be put to a vote as early as Saturday if the 10 nonpermanent council members

agree, Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said.

Pakistan warns U.S.troops after exchange of fire ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan warned U.S. troops not to intrude on its territory on Friday, a day after the two anti-terror allies traded fire along the volatile border with Afghanistan. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, in New York for the U.N. General Assembly, tempered the warning by praising U.S. support for his country as a “blessing.” He spoke standing beside Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after a meeting at the U.N. with foreign ministers of major powers. In Washington, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Pakistani military leaders reassured him last week that they have no intention of using force against U.S. troops along the PakistanAfghanistan border. —Compiled from AP reports


Photo by David J. Phillip | AP

Tables are lined up outside Alamo Elementary School in Galveston on Thursday as cleanup continues in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. More than half a million children have missed about two weeks of school since Sept. 13, when the storm brought life to a standstill here and a large swath of southeast Texas.

2 Iraqi researchers sue Texas A&M,alleging bias HOUSTON — Two former Texas A&M University researchers allege colleagues threw animal feces and urine on their prayer rug and routinely mocked and mistreated them because they are Muslims from Iraq, according to a federal lawsuit. Married doctors Mundhir Ridha and Saeeda Ali Muhsen sued the university, several A&M divisions and five former co-workers for discrimination and retaliation. They’re seeking unspecified monetary damages. Texas A&M spokesman Lane Stephenson said he can’t discuss pending litigation specifically but that he could “categorically state it’s the university’s policy

not to discriminate against anyone.”,Texas woman fatally shot in Clovis CLOVIS, N.M. — Clovis police said Friday they “have no indication” that the fatal shootings of a Texas woman and a New Mexico man traveling together in a van are linked to the escape of eight inmates from the Curry County jail last month. Asked if police are looking into whether the fugitives are involved, Deputy Police Chief Mike Ingram replied: “That’s the question on everything.” Four of the inmates, including a convicted killer and a man charged with an open count of murder, are still on the run. —Compiled from AP reports

FIRST BLACK SENATOR mar, killing at least nine people. President Bush promised to take steps to reduce air traffic congestion and long delays that were leaving travelers grounded. Today’s Birthdays: Former Illinois Sen. Charles Percy is 89. Actress Jayne Meadows is 88. Movie director Arthur Penn is 86. Actress Sada Thompson is 79. Actress Kathleen Nolan is 75. Actor Wilford Brimley is 74. Actor Claude Jarman Jr. is 74. Author Barbara Howar is 74. Producer Don Cornelius (“Soul Train”) is 72. Singer-musician Randy Bachman (BachmanTurner Overdrive) is 65. Actress Liz Torres is 61. Actor A Martinez is 60. Rock singer Meat Loaf is 57. Rock musician Greg Ham (Men At Work) is 55. Singer Shaun Cassidy is 50. Rock singer Stephan Jenkins (Third Eye Blind) is 44. Actor Patrick Muldoon is 40. Singer Mark Calderon is 38. Actress Amanda Detmer is 37. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is 36. Singer Avril Lavigne is 24. Thought for Today: “Sanity is a madness put to good uses.” — George Santayana, SpanishAmerican philosopher (18631952).

Photo by Library of Congress | AP

This undated black-and-white photo, provided by the Library of Congress, shows Hiram Revels of Mississippi. He was the first black senator in U.S. history, who served one year from Feb. 1870 to March 1871, filling out the remaining year of an unexpired term.





Can spirituality be instant? T


Courtesy photo

Villarreal Elementary School celebrated Grandparents Day by playing Loteria, singing “Las Mañanitas,” reading books and giving each grandparent a tea bag with a special poem. Pictured are, from left, Samantha Molina, Marlen Salazar, Jaime Molina, Mayra Salazar, Javier Molina, Jorge Flores and grandmother Ramona Molina.


here was a report in Time magazine recently that some churches in America are now installing and using ATMs (automated teller machines) in their lobbies in an effort to stimulate tithing and donations. The use of the ATMs is aimed at what is described as Generation P — as in plastic. I was shocked to learn this. However, this story reminded me that there is a whole new generation that is growing up without knowing what vinyl records are, what black and white TV is and without using cash and checks. This reminded me of the times we live in. We want fast relief, quick action, prompt service and instant gratification. We have cameras that give us instant pictures, we buy instant coffee and we have high speed Internet delivering instantaneous information. In the name of progress and efficiency, all of this is good, but sometimes it does make us an impatient people. However, in our Christian life, there can be no such thing as instant spirituality. We don’t learn everything about the faith instantly. Nor do

BISHOPJAMES TAMAYO we gain appreciation for all of God’s creations instantly. And our path to eternal life is not an instant one. As believers, our path to the Kingdom of Heaven is a long and winding road. There are no shortcuts. Instead, we need to think in terms of persistent and patient faith. The life of our Messiah, Jesus Christ, is a perfect example. As God’s son, Jesus understands our Father, yet the road to our salvation was still complex and filled with trials and tribulations. Yet despite the obstacles and temptations placed in his path, Jesus taught us to persevere with faith, to respect ourselves and love our neighbors with all our heart in seeking the Kingdom of God. Therefore, perseverance in prayer and perseverance in faith are traits of a true follower of Christ.

In every vocation, the reality of life dictates that there will be bumps and bruises along the way. Regardless, we are all called to be faithful to prayer. We should never consider our lives to be so busy that we have no time for prayer. The problem is not time management but our priorities. We should make it our first priority to unite with God in prayer. Just as advancing in a career requires constant training and continuing education, so too, does reaching Heaven require an investment on our part and prayer is part of that equation. And a great way to start is by participating in the highest form of prayer by simply attending Mass. It is here that the Catholic community is fed spiritually. Our souls are fed every time we receive the Holy Eucharist as it is the source and summit of our Christian life. It is from here that we go out into the world as the body of Christ ready to witness Todo Con Amor. (Bishop James A. Tamayo heads the Roman Catholic Diocese of Laredo. The diocese covers Webb, Zapata and five surrounding counties.)

THE BLOTTER CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Friday, Sept. 19 at 11:04 a.m., there was a report of criminal mischief at 383 Gonzalez St. n Friday, Sept. 19 at 7:49 p.m., there was a report of criminal mischief at Siesta Shores.


Courtesy photo

Conference to discuss fever ticks SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

The USDA-ARS KniplingBushland U.S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory in Kerrville is dedicated to developing new technologies and strategies that will aid the APHIS-VS Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program and the Texas Animal Health Commission in re-eradicating incursions of fever ticks on the Texas side of the border. To discuss this issue, the Fever Tick Conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 9, at the Zapata Community Center, 607 U.S. 83 South. Speakers will include Congressman Henry Cuellar and statewide officials, researchers and advocates. The conference is open to the public, and lunch will be provided. An RSVP is requested by Monday, Oct. 6, to Celia Balderas, (956) 765-4871 or , or Susan Durham, (361) 5394573 or This historically has formed a buffer that has prevented reinfestation of cattle herds back into the historical range of the ticks which included the 14 southeastern states from Texas and Oklahoma to Virginia and Florida. During the original eradication effort from 1907 through 1943 and even later in Texas, the program was successful to a great extent because populations of white-tailed deer were extremely low and almost nonexistent. However, deer populations now have drastically increased, and the presence of buffel grass has provided an environment that favors tick survival. In addition, ticks in Mexico have been found with varying degrees of resistance to almost all of the major classes of pesticides. Scientists in Kerrville are working diligently to develop methods to deal with pesticideresistant ticks that come across the border from Mexico.

08/09 Season Concert Series

Ordinary Heroes Who Answered the Call CONCERT 1

Sunday, September 28, 2008 Texas A&M International University Underwritten by the LPO Board of Directors Soloist: Dr. David Eaton (Organ) Overture "The Mastersingers of Nuremburg” Richard Wagner Lux Perpetua Samuel Adler Reading the Names Jessica Locke Variations on an Original Theme (Enigma Variations) Sir Edward Elgar

SEASON TICKET Adults: $100 Seniors: (62+) $85 INDIVIDUAL TICKET Adults: $25 Seniors: (62+) $17

For tickets and more information, call the Laredo Center for the Arts 956-725-1715.

EVADING ARREST Sunday, Sept. 21 at 3:35 a.m., a citizen evaded arrest with a vehicle at 16th and Laredo.


tion at the office of JP Munoz. Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 5:11 p.m., there was a report of a burglary of habitation at Carla St.

CREDIT CARD ABUSE Monday, Sept. 22 at 1:58 p.m., there was a report of credit card abuse in the S.O. Lobby.

Saturday, Sept. 20 at 12:10 a.m., there was a report of public intoxication at the border patrol station. Sunday,Sept.21 at 12:08 a.m.,a citizen was arrested for driving while intoxicated at 1st St. and Highway 83.

Monday, Sept. 22 at 10:25 a.m., there was a report of theft at the Super S. Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 6:07 a.m., there was a report of theft at Seven Days Express.




Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 10:25 a.m., there was a report of a burglary of habita-

Tuesday,Sept.23 at 10:21 a.m.,there was a report of harassment at 1503 4th St.

Sunday, Sept. 21, there was a report PTO officers at Villarreal Elementary have received special recognition for their hard work and dediction to the students at Villarreal. Pictured are, top row, Cynthia Morales, Beverly Ruiz, Connie Winkler and Lea Cruz. Bottom row, Miriam Chapa, Monica West, Leonor Guzman and Olga Elizondo.

of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon at 2nd St. by Stripes. A juvenile was involved.

STOLEN VEHICLE Tuesday,Sept.23 at 7:00 a.m.,there was a report of a stolen vehicle at Medina Addition.







Fixing financial system is a priority SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER

ongress needs to move at light-speed and in a hundred hours or so reinvent the nation’s entire financial system. Talk about a tall order. And to add to the pressure, as President Bush put it Monday, “The whole world is watching.” No one debates the why of such a gamble. There is urgency because the consequences of failure are too catastrophic for words. However hasty, Congress and the Bush administration should preserve a few critical principles. First, any deal must be included in the budget. We don’t need to know right now, this second, what the bailout will cost. In that respect $700 billion is as good as number as any. But as soon as possible all the additional costs must be added to the Treasury Department’s budget. The Congressional Budget Office recently forecast a record U.S. budget deficit of about $438 billion in the next fiscal year — a number that we now know will grow. Second, the legislation must restore transparency as the cornerstone of our financial system. Consider that one reason for this crisis was the proliferation of credit instruments that few really understood; hedge funds, credit derivatives or mortgages where the link to the asset has been


repackaged and sold in a complex bundle. That must be replaced by a clean accounting for loans and bonds. Third, we like the idea of doing what can be done to keep people in their homes (but that doesn’t necessarily mean ownership). Chris Dodd — the Senate’s banking chairman — is on the right track with his proposal to let judges modify mortgages during bankruptcy. We still like the idea of creating a fund to let some people in foreclosure rent their homes. Fourth, and this is, perhaps, the most important framework idea, taxpayers are emergency investors here, not a source of unlimited capital. If and when there’s a payoff, taxpayers need to be first in line. That means current stockholders will see a dilution of their investments. We’d like to think that this week’s legislation would fix everything. But it won’t. This is a risky intervention — and it will be followed by calls to restore order for every other industry in trouble, such as airlines, retailers and automakers. Sorry. This can’t be done. But what can be done is to restore the American culture of thrift. The best protection against lean times is a reservoir of personal, corporate and government savings.

Inner city children can succeed in the sciences THE BOSTON GLOBE

rban Science Academy physics teacher Ann Chang girded for a bad day in school last year when a disruptive student shouted, “No one cares about this class! They’re just afraid to tell you!” Chang recalled: “He was a big kid that no one challenges.” But another boy declared, “I care about this class.” Yet another boy added, “I care about this class, too.” The students indeed did care. Of 81 ninth graders in this West Roxbury school who took the introductory physics portion of the new MCAS science tests, 74 passed. That 91 percent passing rate was far above the 59 percent for the city and above the state



Senator striving for more health care top legislative priority of mine since I began public service has been to increase the health care and education infrastructure of South Texas. That is why I authored Senate Bill 606 in the mid 1990s to establish our Regional Academic Health Center (RAHC) in the Rio Grande Valley. Additionally, that is why for the last 10 years I have fought tirelessly to continue increasing our state’s support and resources to strengthen our RAHC. Working together with our Valley delegation, local officials, and medical community and education leaders has proven invaluable toward this endeavor. During this coming 2009 Legislative Session, as Chairman of the International Relations and Trade Committee, I will fight to implement the recommendations in our forthcoming interim report of converting our RAHC into a medical school. Complementing our effort, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) in their upcoming study, “Projecting the Need for Medical Education in Texas,” is reporting that although more Hispanics are graduating from medical school, those increases have not kept pace with the Hispanic population growth in the state. The Texas Comptroller reported earlier this year that South Texas is 81 percent Hispanic and relatively young compared to the state, which implies a greater demand for educational services. Because of the high Hispanic concentration in our area, the THECB’s findings and recommendations should not be taken lightly, especially the following compelling recommendation: “If the Legislature is able to fully support the existing commitments in the state and decides to establish an additional medical school in Texas, the South Texas region remains a feasible location.” The THECB study further reveals that while 35.7 percent of the 2007 general population in Texas was Hispanic, only 11.6 percent of the first-year medical school students and 10.8 percent of active primary care physicians were Hispanic, far below their non-Hispanic counterparts We cannot encourage our youth along the border to pursue careers in the health fields if we deny them access to medical education. The time is right and we have the studies and experts to



EDDIE LUCIO justify such an endeavor. While the need for both medical and law schools in our area is great, the need for more physicians and other health practitioners is greater and continues to grow. To worsen matters, physicians are aging and their retirement will leave a greater void in our area’s health care system that is already so troubled. And it isn’t just doctors who are aging. In South Texas, our population age 65 or older is expected to increase by 68.9 percent from 2000 to 2020, creating more and different health care demands. Additional strains on our health care system originate from doctor-to-patient ratios, especially in South Texas where the number of physicians per 100,000 residents is 57, compared to the state’s average of 70 or above in urban areas. We are making inroads into expanding health care services in our region. The RAHC now provides the academic medical infrastructure needed to help recruit and retain physicians. New residency programs in pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology and surgery are under full consideration. We are building the foundation that can produce a full medical program. As the Coordinating Board reported that with a medical program in the Valley “students from the local and surrounding communities would have greater opportunities to attend medical school and would likely remain or return to the area to practice.” We could achieve our twofold goal: offer medical education opportunities to South Texans and increase the number of physicians/medical professionals in one of the poorest and most underserved regions of the country. We’re on the right pathway to a full-fledged medical school, and our regional collaboration will ensure that we finalize this endeavor. (Texas Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, represents the 27th Senatorial District.)

passing rate of 85 percent. That is a promising, replicable dent in the achievement gap from the 325-student school, which is 84 percent African-American and Latino, 72 percent low income and 21 percent special ed. Junior Tracy Thibodeaux smiled about dissecting sheep brains in Tim DiMario’s and Darcel Hunt’s biology class. Junior Rolando Reyes showed off a photo of sheep brains on his cell phone. Junior Ranner Faugas hopes his advanced placement courses help him become a cardiothoracic surgeon. Junior Hakeem Yaya talked about using the football field to demarcate the history of life on earth. “The work is hard, but noth-

ing’s boring,” said Yaya, who wants to go into neurobiology. Headmaster Rasheed Meadows credits an all-students-canlearn philosophy, a co-teaching system and an 8-to-1 student-toteacher ratio. The school tries to match course-certified teachers with those certified in special ed. After-school programs engage a third of students. The physics class of Chang and Michael Conway recently had a fast-moving exchange on the best ratio of windows-to-walls to insulate a model home. “When someone’s eyes glaze over, I call on them,” Chang said. “I try to make them understand that the 60 minutes we have each day is urgent.” Algebra teacher Bill Baga

(along with co-teacher Carmen Davis) tells boys to study because the chance of achieving the dream alternative — making the NBA — is “like calling heads on a coin 16 consecutive times.” Humanities teacher Julie Wright tells students: “You can either exist to take up space or live and grab life.” The school knows more must be done. Despite the high passing rate, most students were still in the “needs improvement” category, short of the goal of “advanced” or “proficient.” But it is important to see a regular Boston public high school inspire students to grab life in a global economy dependent on science — before it glazes over them.


It never hurts to be ready when it’s time to die By JOHN KELSO COX NEWS SERVICE

USTIN — I’m an advocate of planning ahead when it comes to dropping dead. That’s why I’ve often said that when I go, I want to be left in a Hefty bag in front of the publisher’s office. What a money saver. Have you priced coffins lately? And think of the laughs in the executive lounge when they open the bag. But I may change those plans now because of an amazing free offer I just received at home in the mail from a national cremation business called the Neptune Society. “WIN A PRE-PAID CREMATION,” it says at the top of the flier. “Complete all of the reply slip information and you will be eligible for a drawing each month.”


Wow. Sounds to me like I’ve been preapproved. The flier goes on to say that July’s winner was Ms. Faye Simmons from Washington state. What a lucky stiff. Perhaps in this article I shouldn’t use the word “stiff.” I wonder if, upon winning the free cremation, Ms. Simmons got all excited like a Texas Lottery winner and started jumping up and down. Probably not. The prize doesn’t exactly rank up there with a free weeklong vacation in Cancun. But at least when you finally cash in your prize, you don’t have to get a passport before you take off. Or go through security at the airport. Although you may have to take off your shoes. Seriously, the Neptune Society does have a drawing each month to pick the winner of a

free cremation. And you don’t have to be dead to win. If you win and you’ve already paid for your upcoming cremation, the company will refund your money, said Juan Gonzalez, marketing vice president at the Neptune Society. “I’ll tell you what, every month we get a new winner, and every time we call them, they’re very happy,” Gonzalez said. “Not only have we taken care of their loved ones, we’ve saved them a lot of money. A traditional funeral goes anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 in cost, and a cremation goes from $1,800 to $2,400. So it’s really quite a winning.” I told my teenage daughter, Rachel, about the prize, and she wanted to know if cremations were expensive. I told her that the cost depended largely on the urn you pick to have your-

self put in. “What if you, like, get ’em to sweep yah up?” Rachel asked. The unfortunate news here is that your odds of winning the free cremation may not be a lot better than your chances with a Pick Six ticket. Gonzalez said the company gets more than 12,000 entries a month. The actual drawing probably isn’t as festive as the lottery, either. Gonzalez said they don’t use a pingpong ball machine to pick the winner, like many state lotteries do. But in this economy, getting a price break on the way out may be your best deal. So I might as well fill this form out and send it in. Heck, if I win, I could always sell a hot item like this on eBay. (John Kelso, who writes for the Austin American-Statesman, can be reached at

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY Laredo Morning Times does not publish anonymous letters. To be published, letters must include the writer’s first and last names as well as a phone number to verify identity. The phone

number IS NOT published; it is used solely to verify identity and to clarify content, if necessary. The identity of the letter writer must be verified before publication.

Letters are edited for style, grammar, length and civility. No name-calling or gratuitous abuse is allowed. Via e-mail, send letters to or send


to: Letters to the Editor; 111 Esperanza Drive; Laredo, TX 78041. Letters also may be dropped off at the office during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.



Bill urges passport fairness

Foundation aids Zapata County area By PATI GUAJARDO SPECIAL TO THE TIMES


WASHINGTON — Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz announced Friday he is sponsoring legislation to ensure the State Department is following an objective set of criteria in issuing passports. The proposal is aimed to help residents who are denied passports because documents they use to prove their identity, such as midwife certificates and post-natal documents, have not always been accepted as sufficient evidence by the State Department, Ortiz’s office said in a statement. Ortiz, D-Corpus Christi, says the legislation will provide an individualized assessment of passport applications; prohibit the consideration of the applicant’s race, ethnicity or ancestry; allow an authorized birth certificate to constitute as sufficient evidence for the passport application; and place in writing any reasons for denial of a passport. Ortiz said many of the residents who have been denied passports are taxpayers who have served in the military and regularly cross the border for work, business and family purposes.

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The Zapata County Retired Teachers’Association has begun its new year.Pictured are those who presented a program at the September 9 meeting, from left, Rebecca Flores,Yvonne Flores and Ofelia Vela, all of whom area at Zapata South Elementary School.

Retired teachers begin year SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

The Zapata County Retired Teachers’ Association met September 9 to begin a new year of programs and community service.

The Zapata South Elementary School staff presented a program at that meeting. Rebecca Flores, assistant principal, Yvonne Flores, counselor and Ofelia Vela, reading coach, explained the methods

used to help the campus achieve the rank of Exemplary Campus. The staff gave credit to the students, parents, teaching staff and all others who work at the campus for the rank.

Spain began settling South Texas area in 1740s By DORA MARTINEZ


By the late 1600s, the vast region between Sierra Madre Oriental and the Gulf Coast in northern Mexico, Seno Mexicano, was an open pathway for the British and French to the silver mines in Durango. It was important for Spain to colonize the area to prevent the French and British from establishing settlements in the region. Spanish colonial settlements in presentday South Texas began in 1749. Migration across the Rio Grande came seven years earlier by residents from Cerralvo and Monterrey, which were settled as early as the 1580s. The province of Nuevo Santander became the final enterprise of the Spanish Crown in

settling the vast Seno Mexicano. In 1747, the venture led to the occupation of the lands along the lower Rio Grande. Nuevo Santander covered the area that now includes the Mexican state of Tamaulipas and most of South Texas (from Laredo to Corpus Christi and south to Brownsville). Escandon took the project with care and consideration. He surveyed the area from mountains to the Gulf and from the Panuco River at Tampico to the Nueces River, the boundary of the Tejas jurisdiction. In 1749, he began to reduce the area by bringing more than 3,000 colonists to establish the new province: Provincia del Nuevo Santander has

Ride fundraiser to aid Mercy Ministries LAREDO MORNING TIMES

The Brush Country Trailraiders will be having a fundraising trail ride Saturday, Oct. 11. “We’re raising funds for Mercy Ministries and to bring awareness to breast cancer,” said Fernandina Peña Garcia, president of the nonprofit organization. “We’re a trail riding club, so we invite all other riders to participate.” Garcia said riders from Zapata, Freer and San Antonio, in addition to Laredo, have already committed to joining the trail ride, which will start a day-long series of events benefiting Mercy Ministries’ cancer programs.

“We have a lot of good door prizes, and we will be auctioning a minature pony,” Garcia said. In addition, there will be a giveway of a painted horse donated by Dr. Sandra Leyendecker, herself a cancer survivor. Tickets are $10 each. Donation for riders is $20 for those 13 and older; $10 for those who are 12 and younger. Donation for non-riders is $2. Breast cancer survivors Arturo Muñoz Jr. and Gracie Peña will be honorary trail bosses. The ride begins at 8:30 a.m. at Las Lomas and ends at LIFE Downs between 2:30 pm. and 4 p.m.

as its natural boundaries Tampico to the south, the Bay of Espiritu Santo to the North, the Gulf of Mexico to the east and the Sierra Madre to the west. He also founded various settlements along the river, including Mier, Camargo, Revilla (Old Guerrero), Laredo and Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Reynosa. The jurisdiction of Mier on the Alamo River embraced 80 porciones extending 30 or 40 miles north of the river. Guerrero Viejo, founded as Revilla in 1750, is a historical jewel reminding us of our Valley heritage. The city was submerged by the waters of the Falcon Reservoir in 1953. (Dora Martinez is a native of Zapata who was publisher of Hispanic News in San Antonio for 21 years.)

Community philanthropy: The philosophy behind philanthropy can been summarized in four words: “Helping people help themselves.” The nature of philanthropy is that you will have a great deal of control over how your money is used to help others. In order to exercise that control, you must make a series of decisions, whether you are an individual, a family, a business or a corporation. The first and most obvious choice is whether or not to give. After that, you must decide whom you want to help or what cause you would like to support. Once you have identified an area of interest you would like to address or found an opportunity that interests you, you need to ask yourself the following questions: Which problem (within the area of interest) would I like to work on? What related issues, forces, or problems are there? What resources could I provide to work on this problem? Who else is working on some part of this problem? How can I learn more about what others are doing? These questions can seem overwhelming at first, and often philanthropists can use a sounding board to assist in the process. Fortunately, you are not alone in your quest to fulfill your philanthropic goals. Your community foundation is here to help. At the Laredo Area Community Foundation, which also serves Zapata, we are investing time and resources to compile information about area nonprofits and the needs they are addressing. We also have resources that can provide insights into projects under way in other communities served by community foundations. The Laredo Area Community Foundation is currently cele-

brating its third anniversary of service to donors and nonprofit organizations alike. Originally established as part of the U.S. Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, the foundation has been growing and helping in the five areas of charitable interest identified as priorities. These include the environment, arts and culture, education, health and social service. A fund may be established to benefit any of these areas or it can be designated for a particular organization. It is also possible to establish a community outreach fund or maintain a donor advised fund. In a donor-advised fund, the charitable tax deduction is taken at the time the gift is accepted by the foundation. However, grants to nonprofit organizations may be recommended at any time in the future, and the grants are given in the name of the fund. The flexibility of this type of fund makes it the most popular around the country. Any of the funds named above may be endowed so that only the income is distributed, or they may remain nonendowed. Another advantage to working with a community foundation is the ability to discuss options that best suit the charitable goals of a donor. If you would like to learn more about the community foundation, call the foundation office at 796-1700. In addition, you may contact any of the following board members to learn more about the foundation. The officers of the board are Irving Greenblum, president; Richard P. Perez, vice president; Nancy de Anda, treasurer; and Elizabeth Sames, secretary. Board members include Ray M. Keck, Barbara A. Kazen, Melissa Peters, James B. Harrell, William B. Green, Robert H. Summers, Nancy N. de Anda, Diane D. Gates, Mercurio Martinez, Jr., Priya Vaswani, Fernando Zuñiga III, Adriana McKendrick, Adrienne Treviño and Rosie Glassford.





Rosh Hashana a day of Jewish confession By ZACH LINDSEY LAREDO MORNING TIMES

osh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish New Year, is marked with the sharp blasts of the Shofar, a traditional Jewish instrument. “We have to hear the sound of the Shofar to awaken our souls, like an alarm clock,” said Rabbi Elliot Rosenbaum, of Laredo’s Congregation Agudas Achim. “It’s loud, it’s piercing — it’s thrilling.” Unlike the secular New Year celebrated Jan. 1, the Jewish New Year is a period of introspection and spiritual evaluation. That’s why it’s known as the 10 days of awe. The new Jewish day begins at sunset, so this year’s Rosh Hashana will begin Monday, Sept. 29, at sunset. “The holiday period begins with the wonderful idea that it is the day that the world was created,” said Rabbi Ezra Spicehandler, who will be traveling from Cincinnati to celebrate the High Holidays with the Temple B’nai Israel. “At that period annually, one must think about what they’ve done


that year.” For thousands of years, the Jewish holidays have been followed as described in the Torah scrolls, which contain the same books as the Old Testament of the Bible. But no holiday described in those scrolls is more important than Yom Kippur, which falls 10 days after the celebration of Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement. “The Torah doesn’t say a whole lot about it, but that we have to afflict our souls,” Rosenbaum said. In modern times, this is taken to mean strict fasting: no food, no water, no fancy clothes, no sex, no perfumes or makeup. One important thing about these holidays is that they are what Rosenbaum described as “synagogue holidays.” “There are Jews that the rabbis of old knew would not come to synagogue all the time. One of the purposes of Rosh Hashana is to reacquaint people with God,” Rosenbaum said. At the Rosh Hashana celebrations, Jews declare that God is king.

“Why declare God is king?” Rosenbaum said. “If we don’t believe something is greater than we are, then we believe we are the greatest thing.” As the sun sets on the evening of Oct. 8, Yom Kippur, Laredo’s Jewish community will gather on the 10th floor of LNB, 700 San Bernardo Ave., and at the Agudas Achim synagogue in South Laredo, 1301 N. Malinche Ave., to say the Kol Nidei, special Yom Kippur prayers. A number of prominent local families and their friends and relatives from around the country will attend the two services. All of them will have spent the day fasting, and be asked to stand and ask forgiveness from God. “According to legend, it’s the day when you have your last chance to be forgiven by God — there’s a confession. There’s no intervening agent; it’s directly to God. Each individual is directly responsible to God,” Spicehandler said. “The atmosphere of worship becomes charged with foreboding in one sense, and in another sense, you’re united with your community.”

Photo by Ricardo Segovia | Laredo Morning Times

The start of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, is commemorated with the symbolic sounds of the Shofar. Rosh Hashana begins this year Monday, Sept. 29, at sunset. This confession is a large, firstperson-plural, public confession. The congregation uses the word “we.”

“By the time you’re done, you feel like someone has put you through a spiritual ringer,” Rosenbaum said, as he made a hand

gesture like he was squeezing out a sponge. (Zach Lindsey may be reached at 728-2538 or


Cash out of cash bar rudeness EAR MISS MANNERS — What’s your beef with a cash bar at wedding receptions? Weddings are incredibly expensive, and a couple starting out shouldn’t have to go in the hole for thousands of dollars just to throw a reception where Miss Manners and a bunch of other deadbeats can have unlimited liquor. I thought you were a classy broad! If we should encounter one another at a wedding reception, then your first drink will be on me, and you can hustle the rest yourself! I DARE YOU TO PRINT THIS! GENTLE READER — Suppose you go first and explain why anyone would want to stage a thousands-of-dollars event for people whom they think of as deadbeats, and why other people would want to attend the wedding of those who thought that of them. This will give Miss Manners a moment to think of a tactful way of saying that she does not care to drink with you. DEAR MISS MANNERS — Unbeknownst to me, someone new to our area, whom I had invited to accompany my husband and me on a day hike in a beautiful natural area, took video with his cell phone of some scenery, and then posted the video to YouTube. It did not have any footage of me, but it did have a caption, “In


the Mountains with the Smiths.” I prefer not to have photos, videos or any other evidence of my private life to appear MARTIN on other peoples’ Facebook pages, on YouTube, or anywhere else without my permission. I accept that this might happen in a big group activity, such as a family wedding, but I do not want my every weekend trip or potluck with friends recorded for strangers to look at. What is the most polite way to request that this not be done, and when should I ask? When I issue or accept invitations, or when I see the cell phone or other recording equipment come out? What can I politely do if someone does not wish to accede to my wishes for privacy? GENTLE READER — Photographic harassment has gotten to be a serious etiquette problem, what with everyone photographing everyone else and posting it for the world to see. But perhaps you will forgive Miss Manners for saying that the one you suffered has got to be the mildest case of it on record. Your guests did not photograph you. They did not go against

your wishes, because you had not stated your wishes, not having known they were taking pictures, which also means that they did not disrupt the hike. You will now be surprised to hear that Miss Manners has enormous sympathy with your annoyance. Now that the cellular telephone means that nearly everyone carries a camera all the time, and the Internet has become a giant scrapbook for everyone’s pictures, visual privacy is becoming a lost concept. The dangers are not trivial, as more and more people are discovering when their superiors at work (not to mention their parents, children and other attachments) have a clear view of what they looked like partying the night before. But keeping that possibility in mind may be even worse. The strain of knowing that one is never just among friends, but always before the vast public, subject to the harsh judgment of strangers, is enough to rob even the most blameless life of pleasure. Nevertheless, general opinion now is that taking pictures is harmless and to be expected. Miss Manners suggests that you — indeed, all of us who value privacy — will have to get into the habit of saying, “If you’re planning to take pictures, please leave me out.”

Courtesy photo

The acclaimed Broadway show “Cats” will perform at the Laredo Entertainment Center on Feb. 9, 2009.

Bringing down Broadway SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

The Laredo Entertainment Center and the Theatre Council, a Chicago-based Broadway presentation company responsible for bringing Broadway shows to cities across North America, have announced a new multiyear venture that will bring Broadway to Laredo. Beginning this November, the partnership will be presenting an annual series of direct-from-New York Broadway shows. At 10 a.m. Monday, season tickets will go on sale to the general public. To order seasons tickets at

that time, patrons may visit or call the toll-free Broadway Series Hotline, (888) 512-BWAY (2929). The inaugural season of Broadway in Laredo will feature four of the best productions ever set on a Broadway stage. This season will begin Nov. 21 with “Cirque Dreams’ Jungle Fantasy,” a production by Neil Goldberg and Cirque Productions, who have once again reinvented the circus with a European flair, imaginative theatrics and world-class acrobatics. Other shows include “Cats,” on Feb. 9, 2009; “Hairspray,” on Feb. 27, 2009; and Michael Flatley’s “Lord of the Dance,” on April 19, 2009.





‘At Close Range’: Mencia takes aim at the LEC By KIRSTEN CROW LAREDO MORNING TIMES

Carlos Mencia is shy. Really. Or rather, Ned is. “Carlos Mencia is the guy on stage,” he said during a telephone interview Wednesday. “Ned is Ned.” And Ned — Mencia’s birth name — is hardly that in-your-face persona behind closed doors. “I understand that I can have an overbearing personality,” he said. “(Mencia) invades people’s space. I’m very cognizant of that. “(I try) to be kind of chill and let other people be more engaging than I am (offstage).” On stage, though, is an entirely other matter. Mencia has built a career on violating social mores, trumping political correctness and pushing buttons with a gleeful smirk, both on his stand-up tours and his hit television show, “Mind of Mencia.” Anyone who’s checked out the show or his stage comedy before knows that it comes with an implicit disclaimer: Nothing is off-limits. Except, apparently, vice presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. — referred to by Mencia as “this old white guy.” “You can’t make fun of (Sarah Palin) or you’re a sexist. You can’t make fun of (Barack Obama) or you’re a racist. You can’t make fun of (John McCain) or you’re against the troops. But you can say anything about Joe Biden,” he said. “So okay, I’m not going to. But these other three — game on.” With the political season in full effect and emotions running high, sometimes what it comes down to is allowing the audience to laugh, Mencia said. “What people need is permission,” he said. “It’s just permission — more like, ‘Is it okay for us to laugh at this?’ ” What he doesn’t do is endorse candidates or sell a campaign, Mencia continued. “Like Bill Maher, he has a specific agenda, so that turns people that oppose their views off,” he said. “I don’t want to be that. I’ve never wanted to be that. I’ve always wanted to be the guy that makes fun of Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals.” Since his last show at the Laredo Entertainment Center two years ago, this star catapulted from Comedy Central has seen his fame only grow exponentially. He doesn’t know the meaning of “free time,” he said.

“I don’t know what that is,” he said. “You’ll have to ask me when I’m 65, 70, maybe. … It never ends. The brain never stops.” It’s certainly true while Mencia travels from city to city on his “Out of Range” tour, taking his biting comedy and wicked impressions on the road. Although greatly anticipated, Thursday will hardly his first visit to the Gateway City, a place he refers to with affection. “Laredo’s one of those towns where I’m so familiar with the audience, it feels like I’m performing backyard at a barbecue,” he said. But Laredo, like most cities, is the same in many ways. The most common thread, he said? Hope. “Everybody wants the same thing at the end of the day,” he said. “When you break everything down to its simplest form, everybody wants one thing, and that’s hope … nobody wakes up and says, ‘God, I wish there wasn’t any hope.’ ”

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The Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra will open its 29th season, titled “Heroes,” at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Texas A&M International University Center for Fine and Performing Arts. The concert,“Ordinary Heroes Who Answered the Call,” will include “Flying Dutchman,” by Richard Wagner; “Lux Perpetua,” by Samuel Adler; “Reading of the Names 9/11: The Firefighters,” by Jessica Locke; and Variations on an Original Theme (Enigma Variations), by Sir Edward Elgar. Individual tickets are free for students with identification, $25 for adults and $17 for seniors.

LPO’s ‘Heroes’ take center stage By KIRSTEN CROW LAREDO MORNING TIMES

Like Athena from Zeus’ forehead, “Heroes” sprang from “Myths and Legends.” Brendan Townsend, Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra music director, said the 29th season of the award-winning programming was inspired by the previous season’s allusions to the larger-thanlife figures, prodding a broad “heroes” theme when it came to designing the new season. While researching the “Myths and Legends” programming, Townsend said he continued to stumble upon unshakable themes of heroes. And even though it started with a traditional concept of heroes, it “evolved to a different take on what con-

stitutes a hero,” he explained. Now at a new time — 3 p.m. — the season is ready to unfold on Sunday, revealing a wide breadth of heroic visages.

The makings of a hero Among the heroes included in the concerts throughout the season are “Ordinary Heroes,” “Heroes of Stage and Screen,” “Heroes Who Changed Music Forever,” “American Musical Heroes” and “Maestro’s Heroes.” Set to open with “Ordinary Heroes Who Answered the Call” at 3 p.m. Sunday at Texas A&M



Conjunto craze

Courtesy photo

The Casa Blanca Ballroom and grounds will be alive with the tunes of nearly one dozen bands Sunday, including headliners Gilberto Perez and Bernardo y Sus Compadres, for Laredo’s First Annual Conjunto/Hispanic Festival. To be held from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, the festival will also include tons of food, arts and crafts, face painting and musical performances by La Experencia, Los Medina Boyzz, Tony Rubio y

Su Conjunto, Da Krazy Pimpz, Edgar Vasquez, Boni Mauricio y Sus Maximos and Flavio Longoria y Sus Conjunto Kingz. Admission is $10, and children 10 and younger get in free. Proceeds will benefit a fund to raise money for a motorized wheelchair for Border Region Mental Health and Mental Retardation client Maria Basurto. The goal is $5,000.

do Ave., is holding an opening reception for its latest exhibit, “Fotoseptiembre,” on Wednesday from 6 to 10 p.m. This exhibit features unique photography by Mary M. Bausman, Carlos Y. Benavides III and Carlos Y. Benavides IV, Rosamaria Gomez, George O. Jackson, Dulce Lozano Pepi and Penny Warren. For more information, call 2370627 or Gallery 201 at 725-4278.

Gallery focuses lens on the ‘Foto’

‘Time’ is up

Gallery 201, 513 San Bernar-

The Webb County Heritage



LPO Continued from Page 7A International University Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, and continuing through May, the new season incorporates wellknown, popular music, as well as smatterings of newer compositions, Townsend said. As a winner of the 2007 ASCAAP award for innovative programming, a recognition of a dedication to music written in the last 25 years, the LPO has focused on more modern music in previous seasons, Townsend said, but “pulled back a bit this year.” “We’ve done a little less of the modern music and a little more of the — shall we say — stalwarts of the music repertoire,” Townsend said. “But we’re still sticking to the idea of new music.”

Music for all More than anything, however, Townsend stressed that the LPO concerts are not “the last bastion of elitism.” “People should not be inhibited from coming because they do not own a tuxedo,” he said. “That’s a bit of a joke — but it’s also very serious.” Some music-lovers are deterred from attending the symphony for fear of the unknown, he said — either about the music or about how to behave. “There are a lot of people who don’t go because they don’t know what to do when they get there, there’s a lot of people that don’t go because they don’t think it is for them, there’s a lot of people who don’t go because they don’t understand,” he said. “It’s sound. Let it wash over you. Decide whether you like it or not.” In a bid to further drum up a steady audience, the LPO was careful not to hold concerts opposite other big events, Townsend said. The board also moved up the concerts to 3 p.m. instead of 4 p.m., based on the audience’s wishes. There is still time to pick up season tickets. Season passes are $100 for adults and $85 for senior citizens 65 or older. Individual tickets are free for students with identification, $25 for adults and $17 for seniors. (Kirsten Crow may be reached at 728-2543 or by e-mail at


LPO SCHEDULE Concert: “ORDINARY HEROES WHO ANSWERED THE CALL” When: 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28 Where: Texas A&M International University Center for the Fine and Performing Arts’ Recital Hall at 3 p.m. Highlights: Overture “Flying Dutchman,” by Richard Wagner; “Lux Perpetua,” by Samuel Adler; “Reading of the Names 9/11: The Firefighters,” by Jessica Locke; and Variations on an Original Theme (Enigma Variations), by Sir Edward Elgar. Featured soloist David Eaton will perform on the Sharkey-Corrigan Organ.

Concert: “HEROES OF STAGE AND SCREEN” When: 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 Where: Laredo Community College’s Martinez Fine Arts Center Highlights: Overture “Die Zauberflöte,” by Wolfgang A. Mozart; “Paddywak: A Tap Dance Concerto,” by Robert Kapilow; “Peter Grimes: Four Sea Interludes,” by Benjamin Britten; “Celeste Aida” and “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves,” by Giuseppe Verdi; and “Un Bel Di” and “Nessun Dorma,” by Giacomo Puccini. Featured soloists are Ayodele Casal performing a tap dance, soprano Adrienne Danrich and tenor Martin Canavati.

Concert: “HEROES WHO CHANGED MUSIC FOREVER” When: 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 25 Where: TAMIU CFPA Recital Hall Highlights: This concert will feature renowned pianist Ilya Itin, the winner of the Leeds International Piano Competition and the Cleveland International Piano Competition. Highlights will include “Heroic Overture” by Heather Schmidt; Piano Concert No. 2 in C Minor by Sergei Rachmaninov; and Symphony No. 3 “Eroica” by Ludwig van Beethoven.

Concert: “AMERICAN MUSICAL HEROES” When: 3 p.m. Sunday, March 1 Where: TAMIU CFPA Recital Hall Highlights: The program includes “West Side Story Suite,” by Leonard Bernstein; a selection from “Schindler’s List,” by John Williams; Prelude and Allegro for Organ and Strings, by Walter Piston; and “Appalachian Spring,” by Aaron Copland.

Concert: “MAESTRO’S HEROES” When: 3 p.m. Sunday, May 3 Where: LCC’s Martinez Fine Arts Center Highlights: The program will include the performance of “Aisling,” by Declan Townsend; Concerto for Violin and Piano, by Felix Mendelssohn; and “The Rite of Spring,” by Igor Stravinsky. Featured soloists include Steven McMillan on the violin and Meryl Ettelson on piano. The program will also feature a dance performance choreographed by Courtney Mulcahy, visiting assistant professor for the TAMIU College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of the Fine and Performing Arts, and David Arevelo.

SOURCE: Texas A&M International University





WEIR | Continued from Page 1A

BRIEFS Continued from Page 7A Foundation, the Mexican Consulate of Laredo, the Fernando Salinas Charitable Trust, the Instituto Cultural MexicoLaredo and La Posada Hotel will sponsor an exhibit of sculptures by noted Mexican artist Esther Guinzberg throughout October and November at the Villa Antigua Border Heritage Museum in an exhibit titled “Chronicles of Time.” The public is invited to an opening reception for this exhibit Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Villa Antigua Border Heritage Museum, 810 Zaragoza St. For more information, contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at 727-0977 or or call the Mexican Consulate of Laredo at 723-0990.

Add some color to your life The works of several notable artists will be put on the auction block to raise scholarship funds for the benefit of Laredo Community College art majors during the first-ever Art Auction for Scholarships on Saturday, Oct. 4, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Fine Arts Center theater on the Fort McIntosh Campus. Admission is $10 per person and free with a student ID. A preview party and art sale will be hosted by the art league during its semiannual Jardin de Arte on Friday, Oct. 3, from noon to 6 p.m. at Vega’s, 4002 San Bernardo Ave. Art lovers are invited to view and purchase other works by many of the participating artists. To purchase tickets for the auction, call Ginger Richter at 722-7917 or Cynthia Fuentes at the Martinez Fine Arts Center at 721-5334.

LAKEVIEW Continued from Page 1A their jacales as well as hunting tools — spears, bows and arrows. Their numbers had become part of the record, having been counted for the first time in a census of Villa de San Agustin de Laredo in 1789. In the book, “Life in Laredo (A Documentary of the Laredo Archives),” Brother Robert D. Wood, observed, “The census of 1789 distinguished three classes of people: Spaniards, Matzos and Mulattos.” The 1789 census totaled 700 populations in the three groups. Wood also wrote, “Like something of an afterthought, there is a mention of 110 Carrizo Indians ‘attached to the town Laredo’. In 44 years, the population had grown almost ten times. The census archived cited 85 dwellings, “not counting those in which the troops lived.” In the regions some historians referred to the natives as an Indian Nation because they represented a mixture of different Indian tribes. In his book, Jose M. Peña (“Inherit the Dust from the Four Winds of Revilla”) detailed the makeup of 58 different tribes that once populated the different sectors of the Seno Mexicano of Nuevo Santander. These were the natives that Spanish soldiers and clergy discovered when they moved into the region, having been mandated by Jose de Scanlon to settle 23 villages. The Peña book listed the 23 villages by name, the officiating in charge (captain), the date of the Tienda de Cuervo inspection and each population of each village. Upriver from Revilla at Villa de San Agustin de Laredo, the issue of Indians generally was confined to troublemakers like the Lipan Apache and Comanche. Pena’s inventory of the Indian Nations in Revilla listed Alapagueme, Apaches, Aracates, Bobles, Bocas Prietas, Borrados, Cacalotes, Cantunes, Carrizos, Carvios, Cherokee, Chichimecas, Palaguenques, Chiguillones, Choahuilas, Comecrudos, Comanches Cotonames, Cueros Quemados, Garzas, Guyquechales, Huastecos, Iñapanan, Inocolos, Jamauve, Janabres, Lipans, Lobos Negros, Mal Hombre, Malaguecos, Malincheño, Malincheros, Matupacan, Mayhuams, Mecos, Mesquites, Morales, Navajo, Naza, Narizes, Olivos, Pajaritos, Pame, Pasitas, Pescados, Pintos, Pisones, Pistispiagueles, Querejenos, Quinicaunes, Tamaulipan, Tareguanos, Tejones, Tepemacas, Tiltiquis, Venados, Villegas, Zalayas. Peña said his research on the travels of Jose Tienda de Cuervo identified some 60 different tribes among the Indian Nations in the Seno Mexicano as well as the northern sectors of the Mexican border with the U. S. (Reach Odie Arambula at

Courtesy photo

The oil painting “Daydreaming,” by Laredo Community College adjunct art instructor Mary Bausman, is among the works that will be showcased in the Art Auction for Scholarships on Saturday,Oct.4,from 7 to 9 the Martinez Fine Arts Center theater at the Laredo Community College Fort McIntosh Campus.

water supply and the Falcon Reservoir, which is so important to livelihood of the community,” Guillen said. “It’s essential that we ask the experts to see what affect this project will have on them. “I’m concerned with the water situation in all of South Texas,” he added. City of Laredo Utilities Director Tomas Rodriguez said these concerns are unwarranted. He said the plans for the weir would not affect the flow of the river in any way. He also said Nuevo Laredo now has more wastewater treatment capacity than Laredo. Rodriguez said Nuevo Laredo has a facility that can treat up to 30 million gallons a day and catches about 85 percent of its sewer. “(The Nuevo Laredo plant) is greater in capacity than all of the City of Laredo plants,” he said. In addition, Rodriguez said, there are no concrete plans for the weir — the project is still in the concept stage. Cuellar announced an allocation of $250,000 for feasibility study for the project on Sept. 8. Laredo officials are going out for bids for an engineer to start looking at plans for the weir. The basic concept is to create a 1,300 square-acre body of water over a nine-mile stretch of the Rio Grande, starting around the World Trade Bridge and ending around El Cenizo. The project would take about

“The people of Zapata suffered for a long time after that dam was built and just now is the community starting to see the fruits of the Falcon Lake.” WATER DISTRICT PRESIDENT HILDEGARDO FLORES

20,000 acre-feet of water, which would be purchased, from one or a combination of the 28 water districts in the Rio Grande Valley, Rodriguez said. “The only thing that’s going to happen is: we’re going to have more water discharged, which we are going to pay for,” Rodriguez said. By comparison, Falcon Lake is more than 83,600 square acres and contains more than 1.5 million acre-feet of water. The purpose of the weir is to secure a future water supply for Laredo, to generate hydroelectricity and, by widening the river around Laredo, to avoid a border wall from being erected, Rodriguez said. Recreation and city beautification also are listed as potential benefits of the weir. Flores said he would like to have Laredo officials hold a town forum in Zapata to explain the project and address the concerns of Zapata residents first-hand. The issue of the weir in Laredo runs deeper than the issue itself. Flores said that in 1940, the agricultural “oligarchs” in the

Valley had the Falcon dam built without regard for the people in Zapata. The dam washed away the “ancestral homeland” of the county that was first settled along the banks of the Rio Grande in 1750, he said. “The people of Zapata suffered for a long time after that dam was built and just now is the community starting to see the fruits of the Falcon Lake,” said Flores, a retired school administrator and college professor. “And now Laredo is going to build a dam. “It seems Zapata has always been by-passed and dismissed,” Flores added. “(The people of Zapata) didn’t just get here. We’ve been here more than 250 years and what happened in 1944 can never happen again.” Rodriguez, who has roots in Zapata and is Flores’ cousin, said he and the people of Laredo would never act in a way to hurt Zapata. “There is so much history and so much exchange between Laredo and Zapata,” Rodriguez said. “Zapata is in our hearts.”



Puente colgante será atendido

AGENDAEN BREVE ENTRETENIMIENTO Pase la tarde del sábado en el Plantetario Lamar Bruni Vergara de Texas A&M International University y explore “Black Holes” a las 6 p.m. y “Seven Wonders” a las 7 p.m. También podrá disfrutar las estrellas directamente a partir de las 8 p.m. y un vistazo con telescopio será a las 9 p.m. si el clima lo permite. La entrada general es de 5 dólares y de 4 dólares para niños, estudiantes, personal y exalumnos de TAMIU. Más información llamando al 326-2444. El sábado es la fecha límite para la compra en pre venta de boletos y preventa de mesas para el primero “Baile del Recuerdo de la época de oro. Los boletos cuestan 15 dólares por persona en preventa y 25 dólares en la puerta. Llame a Carlota en el 723-1680, Chayo en el 220-5196, Esperanza en el 723-9297, Rosa en el 337-7178, Benita en el 717-8216 ó Enrique en el 319-6604 para boletos.


DEPORTES El sábado salen a la venta los boletos para el evento WWE Smackdown & ECW que se ofrecerá en el Laredo Entertainment Center el martes 21 de octubre a las 6:30 p.m. Puede adquirir su boleto a partir de las 10 a.m. en la taquilla de LEC y en los expendios de Ticketmaster. Los precios varían de 20, 25, 30 y 40 dólares. El equipo de soccer femenil de Texas A&M International University jugará contra Dallas Baptist University el sábado a las 2 p.m. La entrada general es de 5 dólares y de 3 dólares para estudiantes. Gratis para cualquiera con identificación de TAMIU. Más información llamando al 326-2891.

CULTURA Estudiantes de la EDEC 4362, clase Lenguaje y Literatura Infantil en Texas A&M International University, participarán el sábado en la Jump Star Campaign a nivel nacional en la Biblioteca Pública de Laredo. Los estudiantes leerán “Corduroy” por Don Freeman, alternando inglés y español cada 20 minutos y también participando en varias actividades tales como arte, música, juegos con niños de 3 a 12 años. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público. Más información llamando al 326-3156. Grupo de Teatro Expresión del Instituto Tecnológico de Nuevo Laredo presenta el domingo la comedia “Convención de mucamos” de Ramón Sarmentero a las 7:30 p.m. en el Teatro Lucio Blanco de la Casa de la Cultura. La cuota de admisión es de 30 pesos. La Orquesta Filarmónica de Laredo debuta el domingo en su 29va temporada con la serie de conciertos “Heroes” a las 3 p.m. con “Ordinary Heroes Who Answered the Call” en el Center for the Fine and Performing Arts’ Recital Hall de Texas A&M International University. El boleto invididual al concierto es de 25 dólares y 17 dólares para adultos mayores (62+). Más información llamando al 326-3039.

SERVICIO SOCIAL El sábado se realizará la Cínica de Inmunizaciones para Adultos en el Departamento de la Ciudad de Laredo (2600 Cedar Av.) de 8 a.m. a 12 p.m. Habrá vacunas contra el FLU para personas mayores de 65 años, pacientes en albergues, personas con problemas de salud de más de 6 meses, niños y adolescentes que consumen aspirina regularmente, personas que suelen estar rodeadas por adultos mayores ó de personas con problemas de salud. El costo de la vacuna del FLU es de 18 dólares. La Feria de Atención a la Lectura celebra el sábado su 12vo año y el octavo de su concurso de ensayo en la Sala de Usos Múltiples H-E-B- en la Biblioteca Pública de Laredo, 1120 E. Calton Road. El evento empezará a las 10 a.m. El lunes inician las clases para entrenamiento de Salvavidas e Instructor de Salvavidas, organizado por la División Acuática del Departamento de Parques y Servicios de Entretenimiento de la Ciudad de Laredo. El curso será de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. en la Inner City Pool (202 W. Plum). El total del curso es de 31 horas. Más información llamando al 794-1765. La Gala anual y ceremonia de premios de la Cámara de Comercio es el martes de 11:30 a.m. a 1 p.m. en el Laredo Country Club. Los lugares son limitados. La mesa para 8 personas es de 350 dólares, el lugar individual es de 35 dólares. Llame a la oficina de la Cámara en el (956) 722-9895.

Para informar acerca de eventos y actividades envíe el nombre, fecha, hora y dirección, y un número de contacto a


Foto de cortesía | Gobierno de Nuevo Laredo

El Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernández Flores, durante la ceremonia de cierre de la Tercera Sesión Plenaria de Ciudades Fronterizas del Norte de México, en el Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo, miércoles. Durante la sesión, alcaldes de 38 municipalidades llegaron a acuerdos e hicieron propuestas.

Sesionan alcaldes fronterizos Por MIGUEL TIMOSHENKOV TIEMPO DE LAREDO

NUEVO LAREDO — Alcaldes de la frontera norte mexicana se reunieron en esta ciudad del 22 al 24 de septiembre, a fin de encontrar propuestas para fortalecer la región. La Tercera Sesión Plenaria de Ciudades Fronterizas del Norte de México reunió a 38 presidentes municipales cuyos habitantes suman unos 20 millones. Los temas tratados fueron desarrollo económico, migración, relaciones internacionales, seguridad pública, municipalismo, medio ambiente y salud, infraestructura y desarrollo urbano. Pero destacó el mensaje del Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernández Flores relacionado a que la capacidad de respuestas de gobiernos municipales está rebasada por el crecimiento que reportan en la frontera. Hernández Flores se solidarizó con los gobiernos de la región para gestionar ante las autoridades federales recursos que permitan impulsar su infraestructura y desarrollo en beneficio de los casi 20 millones de habitantes en ciudades fronterizas. “Debemos seguir destrabando obstáculos, consideramos que no es congruente que nuestra infraestructura y logística no haya crecido, explicó el gobernador en su discurso oficial. “Debemos crecer en la proporción de los tiempos modernos”. Teniendo como sede las instalaciones del Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo, el alcalde anfitrión, Ramón Garza Barrios dijo que la región aporta al país oportunidades para la competitividad y para el desarrollo humano y sustentable.

“Juntos generamos grandes indicadores, como el 25% del Producto Interno Bruto nacional y el 29% de la inversión extranjera directa. Además de ello, el 83% del empleo de las maquiladoras están aquí en la frontera”, dijo Garza Barrios. ¨Tenemos estrecha relación con autoridades de la vecina ciudad de Laredo para hacer de esta frontera la Aduana más importante de Latinoamérica”. Algunos de los alcaldes participantes opinaron que podrán establecer acuerdos que les permitirán resolver problemas comunes. “Las preocupaciones que tenemos como zona fronteriza son comunes para todos los municipios”, comentó José Reyes Ferriz, presidente municipal de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Reyes destacó los esfuerzos que se hacen para atraer nuevas inversiones a la franja fronteriza. El alcalde de Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Raúl Vela, destacó que su interés, además de la necesidad de desarrollo urbano y económico, es incluir el aspecto ambiental y la protección del Río Bravo. El presidente municipal de Reynosa, Oscar Luebbert Gutiérrez calificó este tipo de reuniones como “una plataforma de expresión para todos los municipios de la frontera. “Nos sirve para tener más apoyos y más programas a la dinámica de las ciudades fronterizas, ya que es más lo que hacemos que el resto del país”, dijo Luebbert. Especialistas del Colegio de la Frontera Norte y expertos de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas apoyaron en el desarrollo de la temática del evento, lo que permitió llegar a mejores conclusiones. (Puede localizar a Miguel Timoshenkov llamando al (956) 728-2583 o escribiendo a

Resúmen de propuestas Nuevo Laredo fue sede de la Tercera Sesión Plenaria de Ciudades Fronterizas del Norte de México. Fueron 38 presidentes municipales quienes se reunieron en el Centro Cultural y en 8 diferentes mesas de trabajo concluyeron propuestas y llamados a atención. SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA Atraer más recursos federales para la prevención del delito en los municipios, incrementar el equipamiento en armamento y comunicaciones para estandarizar los datos e interconexión y aumentar el número de elementos. RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Crear una comisión intersecretarial para la atención de los municipios fronterizos, reimplantar el esquema de participaciones obteniendo hasta el 50 por ciento del peaje en los puentes internacionales e implementar el proyecto de Turismo de Salud, así como la integración al Fondo Metropolitano. DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO Impulsar el turismo de especialidad, constituir una comisión especial para el fomento y promoción económica, incorporar a la iniciativa privada y organismos en acciones de cabildeo ante la federación y que las ciudades más grandes apoyen a las más pequeñas en cuanto a la recepción de inversionistas. MIGRACIÓN Se solicitará a la federación una intervención más enérgica en el manejo de recursos y apoyos, gestionar más recursos para el Instituto Nacional de Migración para que cumpla con mayor efectividad sus funciones y que estados expulsores de migrantes reciban más recursos para generar empleos locales. MUNICIPALISMO Institucionalizar el grupo de Municipios Fronterizos, formar un grupo de trabajo intermunicipal integrado por los municipios de Guadalupe, Chihuahua, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Reynosa, Tamaulipas y Nogales, Sonora para trabajar en la creación del fondo de desarrollo fronterizo y simplificar el acceso a los recursos federales. DESARROLLO URBANO Crear una comisión para lograr una reforma en el Artículo 115 Constitucional que brinde más facultades y recursos a los municipios, promover un acercamiento con la CNA para que delegue a los municipios la operación y mantenimiento de cauces y arroyos, así como la obtención de recursos para obras de drenaje pluvial. MEDIO AMBIENTE Crear una mesa de trabajo para atender la temática de Salud, que sea independiente a la del Medio Ambiente y garantizar las medidas preventivas respecto a la emisión de gases y la disposición de llantas usadas.

MIGUEL ALEMÁN — El viejo puente colgante en esta frontera será sometido a rehabilitación para darle vida a la afluencia turística peatonal, dijo Román Kanil González Guerra, secretario de de Desarrollo Económico, del gobierno local. Se trata el único puente entre México y Estados Unidos en suspensión que une a Miguel Alemán-Roma a lo largo de la GONZÁLEZ frontera. Ya existe un acuerdo internacional para empatar la forma técnica entre la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de México (SCT) con TxDOT, del estado de Texas. “Estamos en el proceso de aplicación de técnicas, además se trabaja con el Fideicomiso para la rehabilitación del Puente RomaMiguel Alemán”, dijo González, para lo cual el Gobierno del Estado ya aportó 25 millones de pesos. El puente colgante fue construido en marzo de 1928, cuenta con longitud de 210 metros y ancho de siete metros, de un solo carril. El deterioro se identifica en los tirantes, en anclaje y otros detalles que se revisan cuidadosamente. En la actualidad el cruce solamente se usa peatonalmente ya que se tiene prohibido el uso vehicular, dijo González. La rehabilitación tendría un costo de 5 millones de dólares, con inversión bipartita, y se espera finiquitar el esquema que se aplicaría el mes de octubre.

Nuevo cruce Miguel Alemán además tiene planes de iniciar gestiones para un nuevo puente internacional el próximo año. La carga vehicular actual por la Aduana y Puente internacional de esta ciudad es de 120 operaciones diarias, y de 6,000 mil vehículos domésticos y turísticos. Miguel Alemán cuenta con 35 mil habitantes, “aunque la cifra no es oficial”, dijo González, ya que en censo del 2,000 reflejaron como 25 mil habitantes. Esta frontera con Roma, Texas, se le considera un centro regional de negocios, porque confluyen cinco municipios. “Estamos identificados como la séptima región económica de Tamaulipas”, dijo González. “Los municipios que confluyen son Guerrero, Mier, Camargo y Díaz Ordaz”.

Ciudad Guerrero prepara aniversario

Refuerzan cultura del agua en Camargo


CAMARGO, México — El alcalde José Correa Guerrero y la presidenta del Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, Diana Haro de Correa inauguraron el 22 de septiembre, con el tradicional corte de listón, el nuevo espacio de cultura del agua en las instalaciones de la escuela primaria Antonia López Ochoa. El objetivo del espacio es crear conciencia sobre el uso racional del vital líquido, dijo la responsable del programa, Ludivina Gámez Montalvo. “Si no cuidamos el agua va a escacear y las guerras mundiales del mañana ya no serán por petróleo ni por el oro sino por guerras por conseguir agua, dijo Gámez. “Por eso debemos comenzar a cuidarlo desde ahora”. Por su parte el Gerente general de la Comision Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado, Mario Alberto García Franco reconoció que en el trabajo de concientizar a la población sobre la cultura del agua están inmersos los tres órdenes de gobierno a través de las comisiones nacional y estatal y municipal del agua. Por su parte Correa Guerrero felicitó a quienes participaron en la creación del espacio de cultura del agua y nombró a los niños vigilantes del líquido. Alcalde, invitados y alumnos disfrutaron la proyección de dos cortometrajes en los que se dieron recomendaciones para el buen uso del agua.



NUEVA CIUDAD GUERRERO, México — Con algarabía gobierno y sociedad civil trabajan para darle lucimiento a la celebración del 55 aniversario de inauguración de la presa Falcón y la cuarta reubicación como ciudad, del 17 al 26 de octubre. “Invocamos a nuestros antepasados con la Revilla de 1,750, dijo la alcaldesa Olga Juliana Elizondo. “Alcanzáremos 258 años desde aquella fecha de la fundación y los descendientes aun habitan esta región”. El 19 de octubre de 1953 fue inaugurada oficialmente la Presa Internacional Falcón, por los Presidentes de México, D. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines y de Estados Unidos, Gral. Dwith D. Eisenhower, quienes sostuvieron una histórica entrevista en el Salón del Palacio Municipal, por ese motivo llamado de los “Presidentes”. Las ruinas de la Antigua Ciudad inundada se conocen ahora como “Guerrero Viejo” y son motivo de admiración de sus numerosos visitantes. El programa cultural del 55 Aniver-

Foto por Melva Lavín-Castillo | Tiempo de Zapata

La placa conmemorando la inauguración de la Presa Internacional Falcón el 19 de octubre de 1953, se encuentra en el Salón “Los Presidentes” del Palacio Municipal de Nueva Ciudad Guerrero. Las fiestas anuales inician el 17 de octubre. sario se basa en elegir a la soberana de la celebración cuya coronación se realiza frente al palacio de gobierno. Con una verbena popular también se enmarcará el encendido de la lámpara votiva. “El significado de esta luz, es que la armonía, el progreso, el crecimiento económico y la tranquilidad lleven a las familias por una ruta de felicidad”, dijo Elizondo. La alcaldesa xtendió invitación a la comunidad de Texas y Tamaulipas a sumarse a la celebración de su renacimiento. “Nuestro puente internacional permanecerá abierto hasta las 2 a.m. (en los días de fiesta)”, dijo la alcaldesa. Oficialmente el cierre del puente es a las 8:45 p,m. pero existe una coordi-

nación con autoridades estadounidenses para la extensión de tiempo durante el Aniversario. Cuenta la historia que esta población tuvo su mayor auge a mediados del siglo XIX, en que contó con su población mas elevada; diferentes causas contribuyeron a la detención de su crecimiento, entre ellas la suspensión de las obras del proyecto del ferrocarril, el movimiento social de la revolución de 1910, en que Ciudad Guerrero fue escenario de cruentas batallas entre las fuerzas gobiernistas y las constitucionalistas o revolucionarias que disputaban el control de la frontera que obligo a casi la totalidad de sus habitantes a huir a otras ciudades inclusive del extranjero y que después no regresaron a su terreno.





Oil prices down a buck as bailout talks continue By STEVENSON JACOBS ASSOCIATED PRESS

NEW YORK — Oil prices fell just over $1 a barrel Friday as a U.S. financial bailout plan remained stuck in legislative limbo, raising investor worries that the economic crisis could deepen and further erode domestic energy demand. Crude’s fall erased some of the previous day’s gains, though prices have largely been in a holding pattern as oil traders await resolution on the stalled the $700 billion rescue package. “There’s really no impetus to push things higher or lower. The market is simply waiting for guidance from the bailout plan,” said Jim Ritterbusch, president of energy consultancy Ritterbusch and Associates in Galena, Ill. Negotiations continued Friday to revive the White House-backed initiative, a day after talks broke down in heated disagreement

over the scope and cost of the unprecedented government intervention. The measure would remove billions of dollars in bad mortgages and other risky assets from banks’ balance sheets in a bid to calm frenetic financial markets and soothe a jittery public. Some conservative GOP lawmakers Thursday denounced the plan as an unnecessary federal intrusion into the private sector and proposed a dramatically different scheme under which financial firms with bad assets would pay the Treasury to insure them, rather than sell them outright to the government. It was unclear what form the final proposal would take, though lawmakers from both parties reported making progress on a plan late Friday. Still, the prospect of a deal being scuttled or delayed rattled investors who were counting on the capital infusion to steady the tee-

“Refiners would demand less crude because their customers are demanding less gasoline and diesel.” PRESIDENT OF ENERGY CONSULTANCY RITTERBUSCH AND ASSOCIATES JIM RITTERBUSCH

tering financial system. Any further softening in the economy could lead to widespread layoffs, in turn forcing Americans to drive less and eating into already flagging fuel use in the world’s largest consumer. “Refiners would demand less crude because their customers are demanding less gasoline and diesel, and that would work its way through the system,” Ritterbusch said. Light, sweet crude for November delivery fell $1.13 to settle at $106.89 on the New York Mercan-

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tile Exchange, after earlier dipping as low as $104.25. Crude rose $2.29 to settle at $108.02 on Wednesday. Weak U.S. demand for fuel has

helped send crude down 27 percent since price surged to a record $147.27 on July 11. In other commodities, gold and silver prices jumped as unease over the bailout prospects prompted another round of safe-haven buying. Friday’s losses were limited by tight global supply, especially in the U.S., where the impact of Hurricane Ike and Gustav is still being felt on Gulf of Mexico oil operations. Oil companies are redeploying workers to Gulf platforms and rigs after the storms tore through

the region, but most production remains offline. About 57 percent of crude output and about 53 percent of natural gas production was still shut-in as of Friday, the U.S. Minerals Management Service said. The Gulf area is home to quarter of U.S. crude production and 15 percent of its natural gas. U.S. refining capacity continues to ramp up after the storms, sending pump prices lower. A gallon of regular fell 1.7 cents overnight to a new national average of $3.686, according to auto club AAA, the Oil Prices Information Service and Wright Express.



Bolivar residents in salvage mode By JUAN A. LOZANO ASSOCIATED PRESS

CRYSTAL BEACH, Texas — Terrie Robbins expected to find storm damage when she returned to her Bolivar Peninsula home Friday for the first time since fleeing Hurricane Ike. She just didn’t expect to find her home more than 500 feet from its concrete foundation, dumped next to a bar across the main highway that runs through the peninsula. Yet, she said she was lucky because her parents, who live two streets away, weren’t able to locate their home. “We survived (Hurricanes) Carla and Alicia. Just not Ike. Ike was more powerful,” said Robbins’ sister, Kellie Collins, 34. “We’re still rich in other things — our health, life, children, memo-

ries. That’s something Ike could not take away.” Robbins, 49, and other Bolivar residents crowded onto the only roadway into the peninsula on Friday. They were allowed to check out the massive wreckage left behind after Hurricane Ike roared through this thin strip of land along the Gulf of Mexico. While most residents fled before Ike arrived, a small group stayed. The peninsula’s 4,000 or so residents are being allowed back on a “look and leave” policy. Officials say the area is not safe to live in because of a lack of water and utilities as well as dangers from snakes and alligators. A bridge on the island near Rollover Pass has been damaged and only one lane can be used by traffic. The peninsula just northeast of Galveston was among the hardest-hit areas when Ike blasted

ashore Sept. 13, with 110 mph winds and a storm surge that swept away homes and businesses. It was slow going at times Friday on the only road leading onto Bolivar, as traffic backed up at least 5 miles and didn’t move for long stretches. Just before reaching a checkpoint just off the peninsula, Federal Emergency Management Agency officials stood by the road, handing out flyers on how to apply for aid. Further down the road, tents were set up where people could get ice, water, mosquito repellent or tetanus shots. The return to Bolivar by Robbins and other residents became more of a scavenger hunt as many found their homes had been wiped away and they were forced to scour nearby fields, dig through sandy beaches and rummage through rubble to rescue what personal belongings they had left.

BIG 250 | Continued from Page 1A The celebration officially starts on Friday, Nov. 7 with a ceremony at the new park. From the festivities will move to the Zapata County fairgrounds in the evening with a jamiaca. On Saturday, there will be a parade in the morning. Montes said there are already more than 50 entries for the parade. The entries include floats from Zapata, Webb, Starr and Jim Hog Counties. After lunch, the celebration will move back to the county fairgrounds for more Jamaica and a cook-off. There will be music throughout the entire festival, Saturday evening Zapata’s favorite sons, Intocable, will headline the show. There also will be a fireworks display Saturday night. On Sunday, the celebration will to the outlying

communities. Breakfast will be in Lopeño and then lunch in Falcon. “And in Falcon, it’ll be very unique,” Montes said. “They recovered an old metal bridge from the 1930s, and it was moved in to the park in the community.” The bridge, which at one time connected ranches to Old Falcon, will be preserved. “We need to preserve the past so the people coming after so can have something to look at and study,” Montes said. After Falcon, the celebration will move San Ygnacio for the evening. The centerpiece of that celebration will be the dedication to San Ygnacio sailor Alberto Salinas who lost life in the Pacific during World War II. “Nothing was ever done for him,” Montes said. “Until now.”

COFC | Continued from Page 1A He said the chamber was “like a ship without a captain” before the transfer in power in June when every member of the previous board was replaced. “It was like a ship’s captain seeing the ship sinking and beating the passengers to the life boats,” he said. The previous board president, Boyd Carter, has declined to comment since his tenure ended June 1. The Zapata County Commis-

sioners Court approved a payment of $60,000 to the chamber in July to help settle outstanding debts. The commissioner’s court also approved a $123,000 budget for the chamber for fiscal year 2008 – 2009. The chamber’s county budget comes from the hotel occupancy tax in Zapata County. The chamber also collects membership dues. “Our main mission is to pro-

mote Zapata County, foment business and bring visitors to the town,” Flores said. Flores said he want to run a “very aggressive campaign” to bring in membership and continue to promote the county. Two nationally televised fishing tournaments last year have help bring in tourists from as far a Europe and Africa. Zapata County also is known as one of the best bird-watching destinations in the country.



The Zapata Times SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 27,2008


Sports&Outdoors Raymondville falls in 4 Hawks edge By KEITH MARTIN THE ZAPATA TIMES

The road for the Zapata Lady Hawks’ volleyball team, which will hopefully lead it to another playoff run, has been rough and sometimes bumpy. But the team’s latest win, over Raymondville on Tuesday, may be the spark it needed to get back on track.

Zapata won in four games, 3-1 (25-22, 24-26, 25-22 and 25-19). Sophomore Brandi King had a superb match against Raymondville, with 16 kills, two service aces, 20 digs and two blocks. Team co-captains Tessa Moss and Lynda Leyva had 14 kills and 18 digs and eight kills, 17 digs and

one block, respectively. Kat Garcia had four kills and one service ace, while Adriana Pena had five kills. Alexis Garza and Loraly Rivera added 25 and 19 assists, respectively. “It’s been rough,” coach Rosie Villarreal said. “These new schools in the district aren’t the type of teams that we

can easily win against. We knew coming into the season that the success we had last year (might) be hard to duplicate, but we’re giving it all that we have.” Only time will tell, as the Lady Hawks now look to their twomatch road trip to Rio Hondo and Port Isabel. Game times for the Rio Hondo game are 3, 4 and 5 p.m. Port Isabel game times are 5, 6 and 7 p.m.


Joseph Vela broke a 72-yard run, the ensuing PAT was good for the 7-7 RIO HONDO tie. The senior Trejo who also doubles as the team’s quarterback gave the Hawks back the lead with 2:39 left in the second quarter. Zapata took the 14-7 lead into halftime. Rio Hondo provided the lone score of the third quarter with a Jacob Martinez touchdown run with 8:20 remaining. Trejo broke the 14-14 stalemate with his second score this time a five-yard run with 4:42 left in the fourth quarter. Zapata hosts Lyford for the district home opener.


The Zapata Hawks opened their District 32-3A campaign on Friday night with a 21-14 road win over the Rio Hondo Bobcats. The game went back-andforth with the Bobcats matching the Hawks score for score, until Meliton Trejo’s interception late in the fourth quarter sealed the deal. Trejo’s interception came with 1:14 left in the contest from the 10-yard line. Zapata’s junior halfback Sergio Quintanilla opened the scoring with a two-yard run with 6:13 left in the first quarter. Nati Vasquez kicked the ensuing extra-point for the 7-0 lead. Rio Hondo answered with 6:31 left in the second when

21 14

Petrino gets taste of rivalry By JIM VERTUNO ASSOCIATED PRESS

Hawk runners lead the way at UTSA cross country meet By KEITH MARTIN THE ZAPATA TIMES

s the Zapata High School cross country teams inch closer to their district meet, the long road that will hopefully lead them to the state meet is looking pretty good. Last weekend, that road led them to San Antonio, where they were in action at the University of Texas–San Antonio Invitational High School Cross Country Meet. The boys’ team competed in the 3A Division, placing fourth out of 13 3A schools, while the girls’ team competed in the Elite “Gold” Group and placed third out of 25


elite 4A and 5A schools. Leading the way for the girls’ team was Michelle Garcia (12:38, 25th place), followed by Maritza Garcia (12:44, 27th), Amber Guzman (12:59, 48th), Marlyna Garcia (13:04, 54th), Kristina Garcia (13:14, 69th), Alba Jasso (13:23, 78th) and Adriana Ramirez (14:00, 125th). Senior Raul Serna (17:29, eighth place) led the boys’ team, followed by Juan Alvarado (18:20, 18th), Jerry Chapa (18:40, 20th), Luis Olvera (18:59, 23rd) and Edgar Hernandez (19:20, 40th). “I feel that at this point into the season, the guys are running pretty well,” coach Luis Escamilla said. “As each week goes by,

the times for each of the boys are getting a little faster. “If this weekend were to be our district meet, I truly believe that this team would be in the top three. Both Progresso and La Feria have also been running pretty well, but I feel that we are right on their heels. “I’m just more than ready for the postseason. If we can make it out of district, I believe we have every opportunity to qualify for regional and state.” Escamilla also pointed out that junior Alvarado has been his most versatile runner this year. For this to be his first year


Courtesy Photo

The Lady Hawks’ cross country team was in full force at last weekend’s University of Texas–San Antonio meet, placing third out of 13 teams. Shown here running are, from left, Kristina Garcia, Amber Guzman, Adriana Ramirez and Alba Jasso.

AUSTIN — When Bobby Petrino was introduced as the new Arkansas coach, Razorbacks fans packed a late night news conference and greeted him with frenzied calls of “Wooo, Pig! Sooie!” On Saturday, he’ll stand in the middle of an unfriendly crowd of about 98,000 chanting “Texas Fight!” The Longhorns fans will be conjuring up generations of hatred for Petrino’s Razorbacks going back to the 1890s. Petrino isn’t from around these parts and he’s about to get his first taste of one nasty rivalry in a game that was postponed two weeks ago when Hurricane Ike slammed the Texas coast. The No. 7 Longhorns (3-0) and Razorbacks (2-1) meet in the regular season for just the third time since 1991. And there


at stake. The cross-border rivals used to play in the old Southwest Conference, and several national championships hinged on the outcome. From 1961-1970, one or both teams were ranked in the top 10 eight times. Texas won two undisputed national titles that decade and the Razorbacks won the Football Writers Association crown in 1964 with an 11-0 season that included a 14-10 win over Texas. No game was more famous than the 1969 matchup



IRVING — Jim Zorn hadn’t even been hired as coach of the Washington Redskins when he first got the message: Beat Dallas. Last Sunday in Washington, the Redskins were running out the clock in a victory over Arizona when fans provided a reminder, chanting, “We want Dallas!” At Wednesday’s practice, Zorn noticed a more lively tempo and sharper concentration, what he called, “a mind-set that was un-

derstanding” who they were about to face. So, yes, Zorn knows it’s more than just another game when his club plays at Texas Stadium on Sunday. There’s only one problem. “I just don’t have the animosity yet,” said Zorn, who actually has fond memories of breaking into the NFL with Dallas in 1975 as a backup to Roger Staubach. He didn’t last long on a team that carried 12 other rookies on its way to the Super Bowl, but he still can’t hold a grudge. “I’m the head football coach here and we’re supposed to (hate

Dallas Cowboys running back Marion Barber is tackled by Green Bay Packers cornerback Al Harris after a 2yard gain during the first quarter of an NFL football game Sunday at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wis. The Cowboys look for more of the same this weekend against their rival, the Washington Redskins.

Dallas). But I’m sure I’ll get there at some point down the road here. ... There are certain things that create that. I’m just waiting for it.” Rivalry aside, the mere fact it’s an NFC East game ups the ante. The NFC East is again the beast of the NFL. It’s the only division where every team has a winning record, plus it boasts the only two unbeatens in the NFC. Clubs are a combined 10-2, with both losses coming in head-tohead games. That means nobody outside the NFC East has beaten anyone in the division.


have been plenty of oldtime Arkansas players and fans telling Petrino about the rivalry’s glory days and the pride

Photo by Benny Sieu | AP


All Times EDT East Division W L Pct GB y-Tampa Bay y-Boston New York Toronto Baltimore

96 94 87 84 67

63 65 72 75 91

.604 — .591 2 .547 9 .528 12 .424 28½

Central Division W L Pct GB Minnesota Chicago Cleveland Kansas City Detroit

87 86 79 73 72

72 72 80 86 86

.547 — .544 ½ .497 8 .459 14 .456 14½

West Division W L Pct GB x-Los Angeles Texas Oakland Seattle

99 60 77 82 75 83 58 101

.623 — .484 22 .475 23½ .365 41

x-clinched division y-clinched playoff spot Thursday’s Games Detroit 7, Tampa Bay 5 Boston 6, Cleveland 1 Toronto 8, N.Y. Yankees 2 Minnesota 7, Chicago White Sox 6, 10 innings

L.A. Angels 6, Seattle 4 Friday’s Games N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 7:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. Toronto at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Kansas City at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 8:11 p.m.

Texas at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. Oakland at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Saturday’s Games N.Y. Yankees (Ponson 8-5) at Boston (Beckett 12-10), 3:55 p.m. Kansas City (Meche 13-11) at Minnesota (Perkins 12-4), 3:55 p.m. Oakland (Smith 7-15) at Seattle (Rowland-Smith 4-3), 4:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Garza 11-9) at Detroit (Willis 0-2), 7:05 p.m. Cleveland (Jackson 1-3) at Chicago White Sox (Vazquez 12-15), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Parrish 1-0) at Baltimore (Burres 7-10 or Bass 3-4), 7:05 p.m. Texas (Feldman 5-8) at L.A. Angels (E.Santana 16-6), 9:05 p.m. Sunday’s Games Tampa Bay at Detroit, 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 1:35 p.m. Toronto at Baltimore, 1:35 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 2:05 p.m.

Kansas City at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. Texas at L.A. Angels, 3:35 p.m. Oakland at Seattle, 4:10 p.m. Monday’s Game Detroit at Chicago White Sox, if necessary, 2:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE

All Times EDT East Division W L Pct GB Philadelphia New York Florida Atlanta Washington

89 88 82 71 59

70 71 76 88 99

.560 — .553 1 .519 6½ .447 18 .373 29½

Central Division W L Pct GB x-Chicago Milwaukee Houston St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh

96 88 84 83 74 65

62 71 74 76 85 94

.608 .553 .532 .522 .465 .409

— 8½ 12 13½ 22½ 31½

West Division W L Pct GB x-Los Angeles Arizona Colorado San Francisco San Diego

83 79 74 70 62

76 80 85 89 97

.522 .497 .465 .440 .390

— 4 9 13 21

x-clinched division Thursday’s Games St. Louis 12, Arizona 3 N.Y. Mets 7, Chicago Cubs 6 Florida 0, Washington 0, tie, 0 innings, susp.

Houston 8, Cincinnati 6 Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 1, 10 innings San Diego 7, L.A. Dodgers 5 Colorado 3, San Francisco 1 Friday’s Games Washington at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Florida at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Atlanta at Houston, 8:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 8:05 p.m. Cincinnati at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. Colorado at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 10:35 p.m. Saturday’s Games Florida (Nolasco 15-7) at N.Y. Mets (Knight 1-0 or Niese 1-1), 1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Lilly 16-9) at Milwaukee (Bush 9-10 or Sheets 13-8), 3:55 p.m. Washington (Lannan 9-14) at Philadelphia (Moyer 15-7), 3:55 p.m. Atlanta (Parr 1-0 or Jurrjens 13-10) at Houston (Backe 9-13), 7:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Harang 6-16) at St. Louis (Wellemeyer 12-9), 7:15 p.m. Colorado (Rusch 5-5) at Arizona (Webb 22-7), 8:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Maddux 7-13) at San Francisco (Cain 8-13), 9:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Barthmaier 0-1) at San Diego (Young 6-6), 10:05 p.m. Sunday’s Games Florida at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 1:35 p.m. Atlanta at Houston, 2:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 2:05 p.m. Cincinnati at St. Louis, 2:15 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Diego, 4:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m. Colorado at Arizona, 4:10 p.m.


East W L T Pct PF PA Buffalo 3 0 01.000 78 49 New England 2 1 0.667 49 58 N.Y. Jets 1 2 0.333 59 81 Miami 1 2 0.333 62 64 South W L T Pct PF PA Tennessee 3 0 01.000 72 29 Jacksonville 1 2 0.333 49 58 Indianapolis 1 2 0.333 52 67 Houston 0 2 0.000 29 69 North W L T Pct PFPA Baltimore 2 0 01.000 45 20 Pittsburgh 2 1 0.667 54 38 Cincinnati 0 3 0.000 40 67 Cleveland 0 3 0.000 26 66 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 3 0 01.000114 84 Oakland 1 2 0.333 60 73 San Diego 1 2 0.333 110 94 Kansas City 0 3 0.000 32 78 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Dallas 3 0 01.000 96 63 N.Y. Giants 3 0 01.000 83 43 Washington 2 1 0.667 60 57 Philadelphia 2 1 0.667 90 50 South W L T Pct PF PA Tampa Bay 2 1 0.667 71 57 Atlanta 2 1 0.667 81 59 Carolina 2 1 0.667 56 61 New Orleans 1 2 0.333 80 83 North W L T Pct PF PA Green Bay 2 1 0.667 88 71 Minnesota 1 2 0.333 54 52 Chicago 1 2 0.333 70 60 Detroit 0 3 0.000 59113 West W L T Pct PF PA Arizona 2 1 0.667 71 47 San Francisco 2 1 0.667 77 66 Seattle 1 2 0.333 77 80 St. Louis 0 3 0.000 29116 Sunday’s Games Arizona at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Denver at Kansas City, 1 p.m. San Francisco at New Orleans, 1 p.m. Atlanta at Carolina, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Green Bay at Tampa Bay, 1 p.m. Houston at Jacksonville, 1 p.m. Buffalo at St. Louis, 4:05 p.m. San Diego at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Washington at Dallas, 4:15 p.m. Philadelphia at Chicago, 8:15 p.m. Open: Indianapolis, Miami, New England, Seattle, N.Y. Giants, Detroit Monday’s Game Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 5 Chicago at Detroit, 1 p.m. San Diego at Miami, 1 p.m. Atlanta at Green Bay, 1 p.m. Seattle at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Tennessee at Baltimore, 1 p.m. Indianapolis at Houston, 1 p.m. Kansas City at Carolina, 1 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Denver, 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati at Dallas, 4:15 p.m. Buffalo at Arizona, 4:15 p.m. New England at San Francisco, 4:15 p.m. Pittsburgh at Jacksonville, 8:15 p.m. Open: N.Y. Jets, Oakland, St. Louis, Cleveland Monday, Oct. 6 Minnesota at New Orleans, 8:30 p.m. Injury Report NEW YORK — The updated National Football League injury report, as provided by the league: SUNDAY ARIZONA CARDINALS at NEW YORK JETS — CARDINALS: OUT: DE Bert Berry (groin). DOUBTFUL: TE Jerame Tuman (hamstring) . QUESTIONABLE: WR Sean Morey (Achilles), DT Gabe Watson (knee), S Adrian Wilson (hamstring). PROBABLE: WR Anquan Boldin (hamstring), DT Darnell Dockett (hamstring). JETS: OUT: WR David Clowney (shoulder), P Reggie Hodges (left thigh), K Mike Nugent (right thigh). QUESTIONABLE: WR Laveranues Coles (thigh), QB Brett Favre (ankle), DT Kris Jenkins (back), CB Justin Miller (foot). PROBABLE: WR Brad Smith (knee). ATLANTA FALCONS at CAROLINA PANTHERS — FALCONS: OUT: WR Laurent Robinson (knee). QUESTIONABLE: DE Jamaal Anderson (elbow), T Sam Baker (illness), DT Grady Jackson (knee). PROBABLE: DT Jonathan Babineaux (chest), C Alex Stepanovich (back), RB Michael Turner (shoulder), T Todd Weiner (knee). PANTHERS: OUT: QB Matt Moore (fibula). QUESTIONABLE: WR Ryne Robinson (knee). PROBABLE: DE Tyler Brayton (ankle), LB Thomas Davis (ankle), LB Na’il Diggs (shoulder), T Jordan Gross (ankle), S Chris Harris (knee), DE Charles Johnson (thigh), DE Julius Peppers (illness), RB Jonathan Stewart (foot), G Travelle Wharton (knee). BUFFALO BILLS at ST. LOUIS RAMS — BILLS: OUT: TE Derek Fine (hand), WR Roscoe Parrish (thumb). PROBABLE: RB Darian Barnes (ankle) RAMS: OUT: WR Drew Bennett (foot), WR Keenan Burton (knee), RB Antonio Pittman (lower leg). PROBABLE: G Jacob Bell (hamstring), DE James Hall (thigh), RB Steven Jackson (groin), TE Joe Klopfenstein (illness), DE Leonard

Little (hamstring), T Orlando Pace (groin). CLEVELAND BROWNS at CINCINNATI BENGALS — BROWNS: OUT: S Sean Jones (knee), TE Martin Rucker (knee). DOUBTFUL: LB Willie McGinest (hamstring), WR Donte’ Stallworth (quadricep). QUESTIONABLE: LB Kris Griffin (calf), G Eric Steinbach (shoulder), G Ryan Tucker (hip), LB Kamerion Wimbley (groin). PROBABLE: WR Braylon Edwards (shoulder), DT Shaun Rogers (shoulder), T Kevin Shaffer (hand), DT Shaun Smith (hand). BENGALS: OUT: S Dexter Jackson (thumb). DOUBTFUL: S Herana-Daze Jones (hamstring), CB Johnathan Joseph (ankle). QUESTIONABLE: CB David Jones (knee), QB Carson Palmer (right elbow), TE Ben Utecht (chest), RB Kenny Watson (hamstring). PROBABLE: CB Jamar Fletcher (illness), T Levi Jones (knee), S Nedu Ndukwe (groin), DT John Thornton (knee). DENVER BRONCOS at KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — BRONCOS: OUT: WR Darrell Jackson (calf), DT Josh Shaw (groin), RB Ryan Torain (elbow). QUESTIONABLE: DT Dewayne Robertson (knee). PROBABLE: LB Boss Bailey (ankle), DE Elvis Dumervil (finger), LB Louis Green (hamstring), S Marquand Manuel (thumb), QB Patrick Ramsey (right elbow), WR Eddie Royal (ankle). CHIEFS : OUT: QB Brodie Croyle (right shoulder), LB Donnie Edwards (shoulder), CB Patrick Surtain (shoulder). QUESTIONABLE: PR B.J. Sams (hamstring). PROBABLE: DE Tamba Hali (knee). GREEN BAY PACKERS at TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — PACKERS: OUT: CB Al Harris (spleen). DOUBTFUL: S Atari Bigby (hamstring), RB Korey Hall (knee), WR James Jones (knee), RB Kregg Lumpkin (hamstring). PROBABLE: T Chad Clifton (knees), S Nick Collins (back), DE Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila (knee), S Aaron Rouse (knee), G Josh Sitton (knee), CB Charles Woodson (toe). BUCCANEERS: OUT: WR Joey Galloway (foot). DOUBTFUL: RB B.J. Askew (hamstring), G Davin Joseph (foot). QUESTIONABLE: LB Derrick Brooks (hamstring), K Matt Bryant (not injury related), DT Ryan Sims (groin), CB Aqib Talib (hamstring). HOUSTON TEXANS at JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — TEXANS: OUT: TE Mark Bruener (hamstring), S Brandon Harrison (shoulder). QUESTIONABLE: RB Ahman Green (foot). PROBABLE: CB Fred Bennett (shoulder), LB Zach Diles (shoulder), DT Travis Johnson (knee), DT Deljuan Robinson (knee), T Ephraim Salaam (knee), WR Kevin Walter (toe), T Eric Winston (knee). JAGUARS: OUT: C Brad Meester (biceps), G Chris Naeole (knee), S Reggie Nelson (knee). DOUBTFUL: LB Justin Durant (groin). PROBABLE: RB Maurice Jones-Drew (ankle), DT Tony McDaniel (biceps), WR Jerry Porter (hamstring), RB Fred Taylor (hand), LB Thomas Williams (shoulder), WR Troy Williamson (thigh). MINNESOTA VIKINGS at TENNESSEE TITANS — VIKINGS: OUT: S Madieu Williams (neck). QUESTIONABLE: LB Vinny Ciurciu (knee), DE Ray Edwards (shoulder), RB Adrian Peterson (hamstring), WR Sidney Rice (knee), RB Chester Taylor (foot). PROBABLE: T Artis Hicks (elbow). TITANS: OUT: QB Vince Young (knee, hamstring). PROBABLE: CB Nicholas Harper (thigh), WR Justin McCareins (groin), RB LenDale White (shoulder). SAN DIEGO CHARGERS at OAKLAND RAIDERS — CHARGERS: QUESTIONABLE: C Nick Hardwick (foot). PROBABLE: G Kris Dielman (thigh), TE Antonio Gates (hip), C Jeremy Newberry (knee), RB LaDainian Tomlinson (toe), DT Jamal Williams (knee). RAIDERS: OUT: RB Justin Fargas (groin), TE Ben Troupe (foot), T Seth Wand (knee). DOUBTFUL: G Cooper Carlisle (ankle), DT Gerard Warren (pectoral). QUESTIONABLE: CB Nnamdi Asomugha (elbow), DE Derrick Burgess (tricep), RB Darren McFadden (toe), CB Stanford Routt (ankle). SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS at NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — 49ERS: OUT: T Jonas Jennings (shoulder), CB Shawntae Spencer (knee). QUESTIONABLE: S Dashon Goldson (shoulder), WR Bryant Johnson (hamstring), S Keith Lewis (knee), S Michael Lewis (elbow), CB Donald Strickland (knee). SAINTS : OUT: WR Marques Colston (thumb), RB Mike Karney (ankle), TE Jeremy Shockey (hernia). QUESTIONABLE: TE Mark Campbell (hamstring), WR Terrance Copper (hamstring), LB Troy Evans (ankle), CB Aaron Glenn (hamstring), C Jonathan Goodwin (hamstring), DT Antwan Lake (groin), WR David Patten (groin), RB Aaron Stecker (hamstring). PROBABLE: T Jammal Brown (hip), LB Scott Fujita (knee). WASHINGTON REDSKINS at DALLAS COWBOYS — REDSKINS: OUT: DE Jason Taylor (calf). DOUBTFUL: WR Malcolm Kelly (ankle). QUESTIONABLE: T Stephon Heyer (shoulder), LB Marcus Washington (hamstring). PROBABLE: DT Anthony Montgomery (not injury related), RB Mike Sellers (thigh), WR Fred Smoot (hip). COWBOYS: OUT:

RB Deon Anderson (knee), G Kyle Kosier (foot), S Roy Williams (forearm). QUESTIONABLE: DT Tank Johnson (ankle). PROBABLE: WR Sam Hurd (ankle), LB Anthony Spencer (knee), S Pat Watkins (neck), TE Jason Witten (shoulder). PHILADELPHIA EAGLES at CHICAGO BEARS — EAGLES: OUT: DE Victor Abiamiri (wrist). DOUBTFUL: G Shawn Andrews (back), WR Kevin Curtis (hernia), TE L.J. Smith (back). QUESTIONABLE: QB Donovan McNabb (chest), RB Brian Westbrook (ankle). PROBABLE: RB Tony Hunt (concussion), C Jamaal Jackson (quadricep), DT Dan Klecko (hand). BEARS: DOUBTFUL: T Chris Williams (back). QUESTIONABLE: DT Tommie Harris (knee), KR Devin Hester (ribs), WR Brandon Lloyd (hip). PROBABLE: DE Alex Brown (ankle), CB Nathan Vasher (shoulder). MONDAY BALTIMORE RAVENS at PITTSBURGH STEELERS — RAVENS: OUT: DT Kelly Gregg (knee), S Dawan Landry (neck), CB Samari Rolle (shoulder, Neck), QB Troy Smith (illness). QUESTIONABLE: WR Yamon Figurs (hamstring), LB Nick Greisen (thigh), T Adam Terry (ankle). PROBABLE: LB Tavares Gooden (hip), LB Ray Lewis (foot), RB Le’Ron McClain (migrane, Ankle), RB Willis McGahee (eye), CB Fabian Washington (neck), TE Daniel Wilcox (shoulder, Ankle). STEELERS: OUT: DT Casey Hampton (groin), DE Brett Keisel (calf), RB Willie Parker (knee). DOUBTFUL: LB Donovan Woods (hamstring). PROBABLE: CB William Gay (ankle), S Troy Polamalu (quadricep), CB Deshea Townsend (heel).

Noon SE Mo. (1-3) at Indiana St. (0-3), 12:05 p.m. Northwestern (4-0) at Iowa (3-1), 12:05 p.m.

San Diego (3-0) at Drake (2-1), 2 p.m. Butler (1-1) at Missouri S&T (2-1), 2 p.m. VMI (2-1) at Ohio (0-4), 2 p.m.

Thursday’s Scores SOUTH Alabama St. 47, MVSU 7 North Alabama 52, Harding 0 Tennessee Tech 47, Cent. Methodist 19 Tulane 34, SMU 27 FAR WEST Oregon St. 27, Southern Cal 21 Saturday’s Schedule EAST New Hamp. (3-0) at Dartmouth (0-1), Noon UC Davis (1-3) at Northeastern (0-3), Noon

Pittsburgh (2-1) at Syracuse (1-3), Noon Harvard (1-0) at Brown (1-0), 12:30 p.m. Rhode Island (1-3) at Boston Coll. (2-1), 1 p.m.

Yale (1-0) at Cornell (1-0), 1 p.m. Dayton (3-0) at Duquesne (1-1), 1 p.m. Holy Cross (0-2) at Georgetown (1-2), 1 p.m.

Pace (3-0) at Iona (1-2), 1 p.m. Sacred Heart (3-0) at Marist (1-3), 1 p.m. Monmouth (1-3) at Robert Morris (1-2), 1 p.m.

Bryant (2-2) at Wagner (2-1), 1 p.m. W. Michigan (3-1) at Temple (1-3), 2 p.m. Columbia (0-1) at Towson (1-3), 3 p.m. Morgan St. (2-1) at Rutgers (0-3), 3:30 p.m. Richmond (3-1) at Villanova (2-1), 3:30 p.m.

Marshall (3-1) at WVU (1-2), 3:30 p.m. Albany, N.Y. (1-2) at Delaware (1-2), 6 p.m.

Colgate (2-2) at Fordham (2-1), 6 p.m. Penn (0-1) at Lafayette (2-0), 6 p.m. James Madison (3-1) at Maine (2-2), 6 p.m. Lehigh (1-1) at Princeton (0-1), 6 p.m. Illinois (2-1) at Penn St. (4-0), 8 p.m. SOUTH Maryland (3-1) at Clemson (3-1), Noon Virginia (1-2) at Duke (2-1), Noon North Carolina (2-1) at Miami (2-1), Noon Mississippi (2-2) at Florida (3-0), 12:30 p.m. Jacksonville (2-2) at Davidson (1-1), 1 p.m. St. Francis (0-3) at Morehead St. (0-2), 1 p.m. W. Carolina (2-2) at The Citadel (2-1), 1 p.m.

North Greenville (1-3) at Charleston Southern (0-3), 1:30 p.m. Samford (2-1) at Elon (3-1), 1:30 p.m. Southern U. (1-2) at Alcorn St. (1-3), 2 p.m. Arkansas St. (3-1) at Memphis (1-3), 2 p.m. Austin Peay (0-4) at E. Kentucky (1-3), 3 p.m. Fla. A&M (2-1) vs. Tennessee St. (4-0), 3 p.m.

Tennessee (1-2) at Auburn (3-1), 3:30 p.m. Houston (1-3) at East Carolina (3-1), 3:30 p.m. Colorado (3-0) vs. Florida St. (2-1), 3:30 p.m. Chattanooga (1-3) at Furman (3-1), 3:35 p.m.

Navy (2-2) at Wake Forest (3-0), 3:45 p.m. Norf. St. (2-2) at Bethune-Cookman (2-1), 4 p.m. Langston (3-1) at Grambling St. (2-2), 4 p.m. S.H. St. (1-1) at Gardner-Webb (2-1), 6 p.m. Coastal Car. (2-2) at N. Car. A&T (2-2), 6 p.m. Howard (0-3) vs. Savannah St. (2-2), 6 p.m. S. Car. St. (2-2) at Winston-Salem (0-3), 6 p.m.

Presbyterian (1-3) at App. St. (1-2), 7 p.m. Cent. Conn. St. (2-1) at Del. St. (1-1), 7 p.m. Wofford (2-1) at Georgia Southern (2-2), 7 p.m. W. Kentucky (2-2) at Kentucky (3-0), 7 p.m. Tenn.-Martin (3-1) at Murray St. (1-3), 7 p.m.

SE Oklahoma (1-3) at NW St. (2-2), 7 p.m. North Dakota (4-0) at SE La. (2-2), 7 p.m. UAB (1-3) at South Carolina (2-2), 7 p.m. Mississippi St. (1-3) at LSU (3-0), 7:30 p.m. South Fla. (4-0) at N.C. State (2-2), 7:30 p.m.

Alabama (4-0) at Georgia (4-0), 7:45 p.m. S. Virginia (1-3) at McNeese St. (1-1), 8 p.m.

MIDWEST Kent St. (1-3) at Ball St. (4-0), Noon N. Illinois (1-2) at E. Michigan (1-3), Noon Michigan St. (3-1) at Indiana (2-1), Noon Minnesota (4-0) at Ohio St. (3-1),

“Each and every time you play each other, you know it’s going to be a hard-fought game ...” REDSKINS QUARTERBACK JASON CAMPBELL game,” quarterback Jason Campbell said. “You also know that everyone is fighting for the same thing; you’re trying to reach that same common goal. You’ve just got to have a focus and a mentality to continue to compete. But it’s good to be a part of a good division.” The Cowboys (3-0) agree. After folding in the playoffs the last two years, they need all the high-intensity games they can get. They’re coming off two in a row, beating the Eagles 41-37 in a wild Monday night home game, then winning 27-16 at Green Bay in a Sunday night homecoming of sorts for quarterback Tony Romo. Romo dismisses any notion of being prime for an emotional dip. As evidence, he described the feeling in the Lambeau Field locker room after the victory. “You’re glad you won, but you’re like ‘Ooh, we didn’t execute as well as we’re capable.’ That’s a

good sign — you’re winning games, but you know you have to pick up your execution,” he said. The Cowboys sure seem to be rolling on offense, with the most yards and second-most points in the NFL. Terrell Owens has only two catches for 17 yards over the last six quarters, but that’s mostly because teams have decided not to let him beat them. That’s helped open up things for Jason Witten, Marion Barber, Felix Jones and even Miles Austin. Washington’s defense, meanwhile, will be without Jason Taylor, the defensive end who arrived following a standout career in Miami. Taylor’s streak of 133 straight games ends this week because he had an emergency operation Monday morning to release blood that was pooling in his calf. His absence means no family reunion with new Dallas linebacker Zach Thomas. The two played together

77-69 75-72 73-74 76-72 75-73 74-74 74-75 76-75 78-74

— — — — — — — — —

146 147 147 148 148 148 149 151 152

+6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +9 +11 +12

Jacksonville St. (2-1) at E. Ill.(2-2), 2:30 p.m.

Cincinnati (2-1) at Akron (2-2), 3:30 p.m. Wisconsin (3-0) at Michigan (1-2), 3:30 p.m. Purdue (2-1) at Notre Dame (2-1), 3:30 p.m. La.Lafayette (1-2) at Kan. St. (2-1), 3:35 p.m. Buffalo (2-2) at Cent. Michigan (2-2), 4 p.m. Liberty (3-0) at Youngstown St. (2-2), 6 p.m.

N. Iowa (2-1) at S. Illinois (1-1), 7 p.m. Fla. International (0-3) at Toledo (1-2), 7 p.m.

Campbell (0-4) at Carthage (2-0), 8 p.m. Virginia Tech (3-1) at Nebraska (3-0), 8 p.m.

SOUTHWEST Army (0-3) at Texas A&M (1-2), 12:30 p.m. Concordia-Selma (4-1) at TX South. (0-2), 3 p.m.

Arkansas (2-1) at Texas (3-0), 3:30 p.m. North Texas (0-3) at Rice (2-2), 5 p.m. Ala. A&M (1-3) at Ark.-Pine Bluff (0-4), 7 p.m.

TCU (4-0) at Oklahoma (3-0), 7 p.m. S.D. St. (2-2) at Stephen F.Austin (1-2), 7 p.m.

S. Utah (1-3) at Texas St. (2-1), 7 p.m. Cent. Arkansas (4-0) at Tulsa (3-0), 7 p.m. Troy (2-1) at Oklahoma St. (3-0), 7:05 p.m. UCF (1-2) at UTEP (0-3), 8 p.m. FAR WEST Cent. Wash. (4-0) at Montana (3-0), 3:05 p.m.

S.D. (2-2) at Montana St. (1-2), 3:05 p.m. Idaho St. (0-3) at E. Wash. (1-2), 3:35 p.m. Fresno St. (2-1) at UCLA (1-2), 3:30 p.m. N. Arizona (2-1) at N. Colo. (0-2), 3:35 p.m.

NCAA Football

Ken Duke Ryuji Imada Vijay Singh Carl Pettersson Stewart Cink Steve Stricker Hunter Mahan Kenny Perry Tim Clark

Bowling Green (1-2) at Wyoming (2-2), 4 p.m. Morehouse (3-1) vs. Prairie View (3-0), 5 p.m. Portland St. (1-2) at Sac. St. (2-2), 5:05 p.m. Colorado St. (2-1) at California (2-1), 6 p.m. Oregon (3-1) at Washington St. (1-3), 6:15 p.m. New Mexico (1-3) at NM St. (1-1), 8 p.m.

Idaho (1-3) at San Diego St. (0-3), 8 p.m. Weber St. (3-1) at Utah (4-0), 8 p.m. Nevada (1-2) at UNLV (3-1), 10 p.m. Stanford (2-2) at Washington (0-3), 10 p.m. San Jose St. (2-2) at Hawaii (1-2), 12:05 a.m.

WNBA Playoff Glance All Times EDT FIRST ROUND (Best-of-3) EASTERN CONFERENCE Detroit 2, Indiana 1 Friday, Sept. 19: Detroit 81, Indiana 72 Sunday, Sept. 21: Indiana 89, Detroit 82, OT

Tuesday, Sept. 23: Detroit 80, Indiana 61 New York 2, Connecticut 1 Thursday, Sept. 18: New York 72, Connecticut 63 Saturday, Sept. 20: Connecticut 73, New York 70 Monday, Sept. 22: New York 66, Connecticut 62, New York wins series 2-1 WESTERN CONFERENCE San Antonio 2, Sacramento 1 Thursday, Sept. 18: San Antonio 85, Sacramento 78 Saturday, Sept. 20: Sacramento 84, San Antonio 67 Monday, Sept. 22: San Antonio 86, Sacramento 81, OT Los Angeles 2, Seattle 1 Friday, Sept. 19: Los Angeles 77, Seattle 67 Sunday, Sept. 21: Seattle 64, Los Angeles 50 Tuesday, Sept. 23: Los Angeles 71, Seattle 64

CONFERENCE FINALS (Best-of-3) EASTERN CONFERENCE Detroit vs. New York Friday, Sept. 26: Detroit at New York, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28: New York vs. Detroit at Ypsilanti, Mich., 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 29: New York vs. Detroit at Ypsilanti, Mich., 7 p.m., if necessary WESTERN CONFERENCE San Antonio vs. Los Angeles Thursday, Sept. 25: Los Angeles 85, San Antonio 70, Los Angeles leads series 1-0 Saturday, Sept. 27: Los Angeles at San Antonio, 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28: Los Angeles at San Antonio, 5 p.m., if necessary FINALS (Best-of-5) TBD

Golf PGA Tour Championship Par Scores Friday At East Lake Golf Club Atlanta Purse: $7 million Yardage: 7,304 Par: 70 Second Round Anthony Kim 64-69 Sergio Garcia 70-65 Phil Mickelson 68-68 Camilo Villegas 72-66 K.J. Choi 69-70 Mike Weir 70-69 Ben Curtis 71-69 Robert Allenby 75-66 Andres Romero 73-68 Trevor Immelman68-73 Ernie Els 68-73 Justin Leonard 73-69 Dudley Hart 73-69 Jim Furyk 72-70 Kevin Sutherland 71-71 Billy Mayfair 72-71 Stuart Appleby 72-71 D.J. Trahan 71-72 Briny Baird 74-71 Chad Campbell 72-73 Bubba Watson 71-74

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

133 135 136 138 139 139 140 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 145 145 145

-7 -5 -4 -2 -1 -1 E +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +5 +5 +5

Champions-SAS Championship Par Scores Friday At Prestonwood Country Club Course Cary, N.C. Purse: $2.1 million Yardage: 7,197 Par: 72 (35-37) First Round Bruce Fleisher 36-32 Dana Quigley 33-35 Eduardo Romero 35-33 Andy Bean 34-34 Don Pooley 33-35 Chip Beck 36-32 Tom Kite 34-35 Loren Roberts 35-34 Kirk Hanefeld 36-33 Vicente Fernandez35-35 Tom McKnight 34-36 Tim Simpson 33-37 Jim Thorpe 33-37 Gil Morgan 37-33 John Cook 34-36 Larry Mize 34-36 Mitch Adcock 36-35 Danny Edwards 35-36 David Eger 36-35 Tom Purtzer 35-36 Mike Reid 35-36 Jeff Sluman 36-35 Bruce Lietzke 35-36 Scott Hoch 35-36 Joe Ozaki 35-36 Phil Blackmar 35-36 Dave Rummells 33-39 John Ross 33-39 Dan Forsman 35-37 Leonard Thompson36-36 Brad Bryant 35-37 Lonnie Nielsen 35-37 Bobby Wadkins 35-37 Mark Wiebe 35-37 Bernhard Langer 35-37 Nick Price 37-35 Wayne Levi 33-39 Joey Sindelar 36-36 Mitch Adams 36-36 Pat Laverty 36-37 James Mason 36-37 R.W. Eaks 36-37 Bruce Vaughan 37-36 Mark McNulty 34-39 Bob Gilder 36-37 Allen Doyle 35-38 Hale Irwin 37-36 Mike Donald 36-37 Jack Ferenz 37-36 Gene Jones 39-34 Dave Eichelberger38-36 Jim Dent 37-37 David Edwards 37-37 Larry Nelson 37-37 Mark James 37-37 John Harris 37-37 Fred Funk 37-37 Keith Fergus 38-36 Fulton Allem 36-38 Massy Kuramoto 38-37 Gary Hallberg 39-36 Walter Hall 36-39 Ron Streck 36-39 Tom Jenkins 37-38 D.A. Weibring 39-36 Jay Haas 36-39 Morris Hatalsky 35-40 Jim Albus 35-40 Sandy Lyle 39-36 Mike Goodes 36-39 Vance Heafner 38-37 Denis Watson 35-41 Ed Dougherty 41-36 Ken Green 38-39 Rod Spittle 39-39 Mike Hulbert 38-40 Clarence Rose 39-41 Kenny Knox 39-41

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 77 77 78 78 80 80

-4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 E E E E E E E E E E E E E +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +8 +8

Fight Schedule National TV in parentheses Sept. 26 At National Guard Armory, Philadelphia, Yusaf Mack, New York, vs. Omar Pittman, Philadelphia, 10, light heavyweights; Derrick Ennis, Philadelphia, vs. Troy Browning, Willingsboro, N.J., 10, junior middleweights. Sept. 27 At Color Line Arena, Hamburg, Germany, Firat Arslan, Germany, vs. Guillermo Jones, Panama, 12, for Arslan’s WBA cruiserweight title; Karoly Balzsay, Hungary, vs. Denis Inkin, Russia, 12, super middleweights; Vladimir Virchis, Ukraine, vs. Juan Carlos Gomez, Cuba, 12, heavyweights. At Home Depot Center, Carson, Calif., Shane Mosley, Lynwood, Calif., vs. Ricardo Mayorga, Nicaragua, 12, light middleweights; Andre Berto, Winter Haven, Fla., vs. Steve Forbes, Las Vegas, 12 for Berto’s WBC welterweight title. At Cebu City, Philippines, Donnie Nietes, Philippines, vs. Daniel Reyes, Colombia, 12, for Nietes’ WBO minimumweight title. At Arena Mexico, Mexico City, Edgar Sosa, Mexico, vs. Sonny Boy Jaro, Philippines, 12, for Sosa’s WBC junior flyweight title. Oct. 3 At Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, Salisbury, Md. (SHO), James De la Rosa, Harlingen, Texas, vs. Tim Coleman, Baltimore, 10, welterweights; Fernando Guerrero, Salisbury, Md., vs. Tyrone Watson, Pittsburgh, 10, middleweights. At The Blue Horizon, Philadelphia, Eddie Chambers, Philadelphia, vs. Livin Castillo, Atlantic City, N.J., 10, heavyweights. Oct. 4 At Pechanga Entertainment Center, Temecula, Calif. (HBO), Yuriorkis Gamboa, Cuba, vs. Marcos Ramirez, Kansas City, Mo., 10, featherweights; Alfredo Angulo, Mexico, vs. Andrey Tsurkan, Russia, 10, junior middleweights. At Jako-Arena, Bamberg, Ger-

NFC | Continued from Page 1B It’s also a continuation of what happened last year, when there wasn’t a losing record to be found. Three teams made the playoffs, with Dallas earning the NFC’s top seed and the New York Giants going on to win the Super Bowl. Although the Redskins were among those in the playoffs last season, Philadelphia was expected to pass them in the division hierarchy because of Donovan McNabb’s improved health and the Skins’ transition from Joe Gibbs to Zorn. Washington was easy to dismiss after looking discombobulated in the opener. Now, that judgment may have to be dismissed; after all, it was the first game for all those new people and systems, plus the Redskins were on the road against the reigning Super Bowl champs. They’ve won both games since, with the offense yet to turn over the ball in all three games. If they win Sunday, they’ll be a half-game behind the idle Giants, owning the same record as those hated Cowboys and the same as or better than the Eagles, depending on their game at Chicago. “Each and every time you play each other, you know it’s going to be a hard-fought game, and you know it’s going to be a physical




SPORT SHORTS Junior Bucks season ready to begin Skating class begin soon for those wanting to learn hockey. Registration begins today from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Laredo Entertainment Center Gate D. For more information, call Marilyn Campbell at 645-3899 or Liz Anguiano at 206-1884.

TAMIU Elementary Soccer League The TAMIU men’s soccer team will be starting an elementary soccer league for boys and girls in grades kindergarten through sixth. For all interested participants, coaches and volunteers, the league will kick off Monday, Oct. 6. All players must be from the same school. The entry fee is $150 per team. Check with your school for the entry forms. All players must have a waiver form signed. The deadline to register is Oct. 1. Make all checks payable to TAMIU Athletic Department men’s soccer team. All paperwork and information for the league is also posted on the TAMIU Web site, It is under men’s soccer. For more information, contact league directors Claudio Arias or Mario Gonzalez at (956) 206-0634 or many, Arthur Abraham, Germany, vs. Raul Marquez, Houston, 12, for Abraham’s IBF middleweight title. Oct. 10 At Maribor, Slovenia, Jackson Bonsu, Belgium, vs. Jan Zaveck, Slovenia, 12, welterweights. Oct. 11 At Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, (SHO), Antonio Tarver, Tampa, Fla., vs. Chad Dawson, New Haven, Conn., 12, for Tarver’s IBF light heavyweight title. At O2 World Arena, Berlin, Germany, Samuel Peter, Nigeria, vs. Vitali Klitschko, Ukraine, 12, for Peter’s WBC heavyweight title. Oct. 16 At Yoyogi First Gym, Tokyo, Hozumi Hasegawa, Japan, vs. Alejandro Valdez, Mexico, 12, for Hasegawa’s WBC bantamweight title; Oscar Larios, Mexico, vs. Tahahiro Aoh, Japan, 12, for Larios’ WBC featherweight title. Oct. 18 At Sachsen, Germany, Hugo Hernan Garay, Argentina, vs. Juergen Braehmer, Germany, for Garay’s WBA light heavyweight title. At Atlantic City Convention Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. (PPV), Kelly Pavlik, Youngstown, Ohio, vs. Bernard Hopkins, Philadelphia, 12, light heavyweights. Oct. 23 At Northern Quest Casino, Airway Heights, Wash., Orlando Salido, Mexico, vs. Cristobal Cruz, Mexico, 12, for the vacant IBF featherweight title. Oct. 24 At Tokyo, Chris John, Indonesia, vs. Kiroyuki Enoki, Japan, 12, for John’s WBA featherweight title. At Bell Centre, Montreal, Lucian Bute, Montreal, vs. Librado Andrade, La Habra, Calif., 12, for Bute’s IBF super middleweight title. Oct. 25 At Burg-Waechter Castello, Dusseldorf, Germany, Mikkel Kessler, Monaco, vs. Danilo Haussler, Germany, 12, for Kessler’s WBA super middleweight title. Nov. 8 At Bucharest, Romania, Adrian Diaconu, Canada, vs. Silvio Branco, Italy, 12, for Diaconu’s WBC light heavyweight title. At Madison Square Garden, New York (PPV), Joe Calzaghe, Wales, vs. Roy Jones Jr., Pensacola, Fla., 12, for Calzaghe’s Ring Magazine light heavyweight title; Andreas Kotelnik, Ukraine, vs. Dmitriy Salita, Brooklyn, N.Y., vs. 12, for Kotelnik’s WBA light welterweight title. Nov. 14 At Philadelphia, Raul Martinez, San Antonio, vs. Victor Proa, Mexico, 12, for Martinez’s IBA super flyweight title. Nov. 18 Table Mountain Casino, Friant, Calif., Roger Gonzalez, Chino, Calif., vs. Frankie Archuleta, Bernalillo, N.M., 12, for the vacant IBA junior lightweight title. Nov. 22 At The MGM Grand, Las Vegas (HBO), Ricky Hatton, Britain, vs. Paulie Malignaggi, Brooklyn, N.Y., 12, for Hatton’s IBO light welterweight title and Malignaggi’s IBF light welterweight title. Dec. 6 At MGM Grand, Las Vegas (PPV),

Oscar De La Hoya, Los Angeles, vs. Manny Pacquiao, Philippines, 12, welterweights. Dec. 13 At Macau, China, Ulises Solis Mexico, vs. Brian Viloria, Waipahu, Hawaii, 12, for Solis’ IBF lightweight title.

Transactions BASEBALL National League

CINCINNATI REDS—Announced a two-year player development contract with Carolina (SL). PITTSBURGH PIRATES—Named Lou DePaoli executive vice president and chief marketing officer. FOOTBALL National Football League

NFL—Fined Tampa Bay T Jeremy Trueblood and Chicago CB Charles Tillman $5,000 each for their roles in a skirmish during a game on Sept 21. HOCKEY National Hockey League

CAROLINA HURRICANES—Assigned F Mike Angelidis, F Nicolas Blanchard, F Stefan Chaput, F Nick Dodge, F Patrick Dwyer, F Bobby Hughes, F Harrison Reed, F Ryan Weston, D Ryan McGinnis, D Benn Olson, and G David Leggio to Albany (AHL). NASHVILLE PREDATORS—Assigned G Chet Pickard and G Jeremy Smith to their junior clubs. Released F Brandon Buck. NEW YORK RANGERS—Released F Petr Nedved. Assigned G Matt Zaba, D Mike Busto, D Vladimir Denisov, D Bobby Sanguinetti, D Mike Sauer; F Artem Anisimov, F Joe Barnes, F Dane Byers, F Brodie Dupont, F Ryan Hillier, F Andreas Jamtin, F Greg Moore, F Tom Pyatt, F Justin Soryal, F Dale Weise, and F Tomas Zaborsky to Hartford (AHL). PHILADELPHIA FLYERS—Assigned D Kevin Marshall to Quebec (QMJHL). PHOENIX COYOTES—Assigned D Michael Stone to Calgary (WHL). PITTSBURGH PENGUINS— Agreed to terms with F Tyler Kennedy on a two-year contract. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS—Assigned F Darryl Boyce, F Tim Stapleton to Toronto (AHL). VANCOUVER CANUCKS—Assigned RW Juraj Simek and G Karl Goehringto Manitoba (AHL) and D Yann Sauve and D Taylor Ellington to their junior teams. ECHL READING ROYALS—Signed F Justin Bourne. COLLEGE FLORIDA ATLANTIC—Named Brad assistant baseball coach. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL— Named Hassaan Stamps assistant track and field coach. NYU—Named Chris Kosiba interim women’s basketball coach and Stefano Trompeo interim associate head women’s baskeball coach. RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE— Named Jodie Bedard women’s assistant gymnastics coach. RICHMOND—Named Kevin McGeehan men’s associate head basketball coach, Rob Jones men’s assistant basketball coach and Peter Thomas director of basketball operations.

RUNNERS | Continued from Page 1B for years in Miami and became brothers-in-law when Taylor married Thomas’ sister. (Alas, there also can’t be a twirling, dipping showdown between Taylor and former Cowboys great Emmitt Smith, both having starred on “Dancing with the Stars.” Leave it to Jerry Jones to have tried partnering the players with a cheerleader for a halftime extravaganza.) Unless there’s a Dallas-Washington playoff game at Texas Stadium, this will be the Redskins’ final visit to the building with the hole in the roof. Their record so far is 13-33-2, with two straight losses. They also were on the losing end of some of the stadium’s most memorable games: Clint Longley’s Thanksgiving rally in 1974 and Staubach’s comeback in the 1979 season finale, which also turned out to be his final regularseason home game. Washington fans will prefer to remember the 2005 Monday night game when Santana Moss spoiled the Ring of Honor induction night for Smith, Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin by catching two touchdown passes in the final 3:46 for a 14-13 victory. That is, unless Campbell and Zorn can top it Sunday.

running cross country, and for him to be playing football as well, Escamilla is impressed with how Alvarado has done. Michelle and Maritza Garcia have lead the girls’ varsity team.

As they continue to improve every week, so does their team. Today, the boys will be in Corpus Christi, and the boys and girls will be in Round Rock on Saturday, Oct. 4.

PETRINO | Continued from Page 1A that Texas won 15-14 in front of a wild crowd in Fayetteville that included President Nixon. “I learned quite a bit when I first got here,” Petrino said. “They always felt like to win the national championship, to win the conference, they had to beat Texas. So they are fired up about it, and our fans are fired up about it.” Petrino’s polarizing predecessor, Houston Nutt, understood the emotions stirred by this game. When the Razorbacks beat Texas in the 2000 Cotton Bowl, Nutt rankled Longhorns coach Mack Brown and infuriated Texas fans by flashing an upside down “Hook’em Horns” sign. When Arkansas romped to a 38-28 win in Austin in 2003, Razorbacks players pranced all

over the field, waving their state flag in the end zone and digging up pieces of the turf. Nutt called it “the greatest game there is in the world.” It’s hard to imagine the more reserved Petrino celebrating with the same gusto. The home loss stunned the Longhorns, many of whom considered the rivalry ancient history. Brown had tried to warn them what was coming. It’s a warning he gave his players again this week. “This is a game people have been emotional about for generations,” Brown said. “They really got after us and whipped us physically.” Texas won the rematch in Fayetteville in 2004 and fans on both sides have been waiting for the next round ever since.



HINTS BY HELOISE Dear Readers: Here are some hints for ATTRACTING BIRDS to your yard: Hang a bird feeder at least 4 feet off the ground. Different birds like different foods, so consult with the experts at your local bird store and try out a variety to attract HELOISE the native birds. Remember to replace and replenish bird food often. Birds shouldn’t eat moldy or bug-infested food. Sliced fruit is a great addition to a wild-bird menu — they love it. A birdbath provides a source for drinking and bathing. A bath with an edge or rough surface around the rim gives birds a place to sit when they are not drinking or bathing. Birds will be more likely to use the bath if you place medium-size pebbles in the bottom of the bath so they can see that the water is shallow enough for them. — Heloise


HOROSCOPES | BY FRANCIS DRAKE ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Today is a bit challenging. Duties and obligations loom overhead, and you can’t ignore them. Bummer. Your best recourse is to take care of business. Later in the day, expect interruptions. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Romance is a bit rocky today. You might feel depressed about something. Children are an increasing obligation or responsibility today. Be careful, because it’s also an accident-prone day for children. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Relations with family members, especially parents, are serious and somber today. You’re more concerned with practical responsibilities than you are with fun and frivolity. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might feel worried today or even unfriendly. The irony is that it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. Be careful. This is an accident-prone day. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Concerns about money, cash flow and possessions are likely today. Also, you might break something or lose it. However, you might find money!

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) You could feel lonely, depressed or cut off from others today. Fortunately, this is a fleeting influence. Later in the day, an unexpected surprise will catch you off-guard. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You might prefer working alone today. Even though yours is a social sign, today you don’t feel that social. (It’s OK; we all have times like that.) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Someone older or more experienced might criticize you today. Don’t let this get you down. Don’t take it personally; it’s just what it is. A bit later today, something unusual and unexpected will occur. S A G I T T A R I U S (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Authority figures are stern and unyielding today; that’s why this is a poor day to ask for permission or approval about something. Nevertheless, it makes you feel rebellious. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Someone might try to discourage your travel plans or educational aspirations. Don’t let this get you down, because this is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) The help you were hoping to get from others might disappoint you. You feel cheated or let down. You certainly feel less like cooperating! (Oh dear.) PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Partnerships and close relationships are difficult today. People are withdrawn and cool. Furthermore, a strong feeling of independence promotes a rebellious restlessness. YOU BORN TODAY You enjoy thinking about things, and you’re an excellent problem-solver. You’re very private about your personal life, and outwardly, you appear calm and in control. Because you work hard and have high standards for yourself, most of you are quite successful. You appreciate others and like to be appreciated yourself. This year is full of exciting beginnings! Birthdate of: Jim Thompson, author; Avril Lavigne, singer; Shaun Cassidy, teen idol; Singer Shaun Cassidy; Rock singer Stephan Jenkins (Third Eye Blind); Actor Patrick Muldoon; Singer Mark Calderon; Actress Amanda Detmer; Actress Gwyneth Paltrow .

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