interview I
Sunday, August 17, 2014
IBB @ 73: Why It Is Difficult To Negotiate With Boko Haram
Former military president General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida held an incisive interview with newsmen in Minna, Niger State, as part of activities to mark his 73rd birthday. The elder stateman says the military should not be used on election days and need not be seen in the streets. He spoke on other national issues. ABU NMODU was there Your Excellency, many Nigerians are saying that past leaders have not been doing much or advising the present administration on issues concerning the problem of insecurity and the impeachment processes of state governors, among others. This is an opportunity for you to say a word and advise the government.
About what we, the old generation race, are doing about the multifaceted problems confronting the country, and our advice to the leaders, I can sincerely tell you that we are doing a lot and if there are any set of Nigerians who understand the problems of this country, we are. Those of us who were opportune to be at the helm of affairs at various times in the life of this country, we know what the problem is. We appreciate what the President is doing, and the best we can do and we are always doing is to be of help or of assistance to him in forms of advice, meetings, interactions and so on. I think this is one of the luckiest countries which has got seven living heads of state including interim head of government, and we have always availed ourselves to the President. And we also appreciate the problems the President is facing. So, the best we could do is to always sit with him in an environment that is really conducive and then give him an advice. And I am glad to say that we are doing the best we can to assist him, while we urge Nigerians to be patient with Mr President. For how long should we, as citizens, continue to be patient, and is Mr President making use of your advice? And are you satisfied with the situation in the power sector?
Well, I have always said that there would be Nigeria in 1,000 years time, and therefore, everybody who has followed the history of this country would have observed that every administration from the late Tafawa Balewa period to the current situation, every administration had faced one challenge or the other during the course of their time. And this one cannot be the end, because the last administration had its own challenge too. The important thing is that we the people should strive hard to overcome the problems and then move forward. I think what is happen-
ing to us is not new in any developing country. With regards to what the government is doing about the power sector, I must say they are not doing badly; they are doing well. Again, it is a matter of patience on the part of the citizenry. We have all the machinery or the framework, and once it takes off, again the challenges we are facing now would be history. It is now over 100 days since the incident of the kidnap of over 200 schoolgirls took place, and despite assurances by the federal and state governments, including the international community, the girls are still languishing in Boko Haram dungeon. What is your take on this problem?
I am aware about what the government is doing now and I know that there are a lot of complications. It is no longer an issue that you could ask the military to move inside Sambisa forest and release these young girls. I think what Nigerians want is that they want them released and come home alive, but not dead and not through anything, but they want them alive. And this is a very genuine thinking. From my experience as a professional soldier, we need a lot of planning, a lot of cooperation, a lot of studies has to be done to achieve this objective. Either 217 or 219 or whatever the number is, is a lot of population to lose just like that. But I think the government is trying from what we got during our last briefing, and I’m quite satisfied that efforts are being made to get them released. You see, the objective is to get them out of that place alive, because the operative word is alive. If we enforce any military operation, we can get them all killed; so, the objective could be defeated. We are now witnessing a level of impunity in our body polity – the impeachment saga all over the country, the militarisation of the electoral process – as someone who was there before, what do you think of these problems?
It is still part of the learning process; you may call it impunity or any name you want, but for those of you who are observant, I think I would like to see a situation where a chief executive of a state is being accused and he is given an opportu-
nity to come forward and say; look, it is not true. He has his team of lawyers, the state house of assembly would also have their lawyers, and they should make it public so that the public gets to know what is happening, and at the end of the day, the two parties would iron out their differences.
To me, it is no longer an issue. There is a process and we have not gone through the process yet. So, why do you kill yourself arguing over the thing that has not happened. So, if you make the noise, well the government may think that the people don’t want it and as such they would not take it and find another way of doing it; that is how government operates.
In a situation whereby some state governors hide under the immunity clause to flagrantly abuse the oath of office, and yet nobody can probe or prosecute them for gross misconduct or abuse of office, what can the electorate do to correct the situation?
In the last National Council of States meeting, Niger State alone had about four representatives, because you, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the state governor, and former chief justice of the federation, Justice Idris Legbo Kutigi were there. How do you feel?
Your observation was right, because somebody very highly-placed and an elder statesman also asked the same question. But I think it is just by accident of history that we were there. Maybe in the next 20 to 50 years, we may have another state to take over from us. Are you satisfied with the situation in the West African sub-re-
We started it; it is true, and it has been quite a long time. They are 16 independent countries with different languages and different economic policies. It takes time, because that doesn’t happen by mere conception of the idea. I believe it is an idea, the time of which is fast coming. European Union has the same problem of mass treaties, but there are still other countries who are not members of the union. Though we looked at it that way, wherever we stopped, the younger generations would take off from there. Recently, the President came up with a proposal for $1billion loan for procurement of military hardware for both the Nigerian Armed Forces and other paramilitary agencies to fight the insurgency problems plaguing the country, but Nigerians have been opposed to the idea. What is your take on it?
Well, I pray that we would reach a time when the immunity clause is no longer an issue, although every chief executive has something in him that needs protection; he has his name, his reputation, his family and so many other things. Those are the things he should protect, not immunity that is there for one thing or the other. They supposed to remove this issue of immunity clause.
gion, especially in terms of development, security, and the idea of a single currency; and as a past chairman of the subregional organisation, what do you have to say about this?
Nigerians made same noise over a policy under your government and you retracted the policy. Now, don’t you think that in a democratic dispensation, it behooves on our leaders to once in a while respect the yearning and aspirations of the people on sensitive national issues?
It is no longer an issue that you could ask the military to move inside Sambisa forest and release these young girls. I think what Nigerians want is that they want them released and come home alive
I am sure this proposal would come to the National Assembly, and because the National Assembly has listened to you and agreed with you, maybe it would not get through. The nation is moving towards another election year and the President is determined at seeking re-election, what is your take on this?
Well, if you were in his shoes, won’t you want to come back? But if you believe in what you are doing and you are doing well, why shouldn’t you? I think we once got it right, and we can still get it right. And you guys have to get it right. I think what is lacking is what I have always referred to as the voters education; the level of understanding. So, we have not reached the stage where the ordinary voters would say no as a matter of fact their leaders have not done well, let us vote them out.
II interview I
Sunday, August 17, 2014
IBB @ 73: Why It Is Difficult To Negotiate With Boko Haram Nigerian political space has been so militarised by the ruling party. What do you think about the military being used to carry out some functions that are not clearly set for them by the constitution? And what do you think we should look forward to in next year’s elections?
The militarisation of the polity is your fault, simply because somehow there is this element in you; you seemed to accept that whether consciously or unconsciously, you have compromised your police force. So, the last one that has not been compromised but that would soon be compromised is the military. But I don’t believe that the military should supervise the elections, because I don’t believe it should participate. A peep into the Nigerian police which is the closest to the people is if the government is able to train them, they would be able to handle any situation. I was already an officer in the Nigerian Army in the ‘60s and there were no military presence in those days, except the Nigerian police, and I think it is high time we restore the past glory of the force. But I think it is again what developing countries face. It cannot continue like this. You guys would shout your heads out, the public would shout and the administration would listen. To be categorical, do you think the military should be used in the conduct of 2015 elections?
I tell you that up till date, there are places that you need logistical support by the political leaders. If you take for example, there are boats in the creeks of the Niger Delta region. The boats have the access to the remote villages and townships in that region, not the road during the elections or whatever it is. So, I can see a government that would say okay, if you go to villages in the creeks and we have boats that can get in there, you can ask those people operating the boats to use their boats in ferrying ballot boxes to such places that cannot be easily accessed through the roads, and that is perfectly okay. But pertinently, I don’t believe the military guys should be seen on the streets. What do you think the federal government in conjunction with the National Assembly should do about the clamour for creation of more states, especially by the delegates to the National Conference which has just rounded up its activities?
I think the clamour for the creation of more states has something to do not with the economics but sentiments. Look at
Do you buy the idea of America coming to help Nigerian government to rescue the Chibok schoolgirls?
All these agencies or all these helps they do, they are not going to rescue the girls or anything there. It is the Nigerian military or the Nigerian authority that will eventually do that job. But to do that job well, they need information, exact location where they are. Perhaps, we don’t have the facilities to do this, the America said we will help you. We will try and find out where they are. We will give you the information and you will use that information to carry out your operation.
the example during the last conference, the people of the South East argued that the region is one state less than the South West, so they see themselves as equals in population and even land mass. To me, all those feelings are unnecessary. I don’t think that creation of states would solve any problem. So, we need to sensitize the people for a long-term course. The blame game has always been there, but we have to do something about it. People have been accusing Nigerian leaders, especially those from the north, that you are the architects of the problems facing the present Nigeria. What will you say about that sir?
That is natural. I can understand it. People with a little bit of common sense, who are interested in Nigeria’s development and so on should be able to compare the Nigeria of 1914 and the Nigeria of today. And they must accept the bearing of those 100 years; we have gone through various transformations, various development, all in the name of building a strong nation. What is happening now is all the problem of a developing nation. We are not hopeless with what is happening, so the leaders will be bashed for a long time to come. Today, all the industries in Kaduna are dead, the structures are no longer there again. Why it is so?
When you talk about structures, I will take you back to 1986 when we did the dreaded Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). To be honest, we told you that it was not going to be easy because there was a perception then that the government had to do everything; government had to even sweep your home, and we said those things were not going to be there anymore. You just have to work, use your brain, use your hands. We opened up opportunities for you to develop. You didn’t have to rely on
government. It didn’t go well. I remember in 1989, again we did that, but it was not going to be easy. But thank God, people are realising now. It pleases me everyday to sit down here and find out you talk about privatisation, about commercial migration. So, it takes time, a lot of education needs to be done. We carried out propaganda when we wanted to increase the price of fuel, we talked about it, we told Nigerians that our oil per litre was cheaper. So, we try to get something into your heads. By the time we moved from 20 to 70 kobo, people understood because we were buying a litre of water at N1:00, and we are asking you to just pay 70 kobo for PMS. So, you need a lot of patient to educate the people.
With the challenges in the north with Boko Haram and militants in the South South; as a past leader, what do you see as the future of this country?
On Boko Haram, I said the insurgency is the problem of this country, not the problem of any particular country. It is a Nigerian problem and there have to be Nigerian solutions to Nigerian problems. What is your opinion on the war drums by some Nigerians ahead 2015, especially people like Asari Dokubo?
I did not see it as a treat, because those who are ranting only do it in Sheraton Hotel in Abuja. You don’t see them with the people. I challenged everyone of them to go to their people and say, I am the leader.
Concerning the issues of insurgency and insecurity, there has been a divergent view as to whether or not the government should open up negotiations with Boko Haram sect members. Do you support the idea?
You go into negotiations with people you know and people whom you can identify. But in the case of the Boko Haram sect, whom do you negotiate with? That is the problem. I do not believe that the federal government or Mr President should throw open his doors to continue to negotiate with people who have gone into hiding and have not identify themselves. So, whom do you talk with? You can only negotiate with identified persons, who for one reason or the other, everybody knows them, and that they are fighting for a particular course by saying this is what they are doing, and I think that is fair enough. But we don’t know these guys. So, we have to be fair to the federal government about this conflict. Let them come out and say this is the leadership, this is the structure, this is our grievances, this is what we want; and then, they can sit down and talk. But so far, it has not happened.
The insurgents are now bombing bridges and hoisting their flags in some places, is this not a concern for some of you who fought for the unity of Nigeria?
You have compromised your police force. So, the last one that has not been compromised but that would soon be compromised is the military
Let’s get one thing correct, the insurgents know they don’t have the strength to confront a regular army. That is why they involved themselves in bombing and suicide bombing; the whole purpose is to strike fear in the minds of the public, to such an extent that if it continued the people would begin to doubt the capability of the government to protect their lives and properties. That is the whole objective of the insurgents. What we need is to support the military and the government in what they are doing. They don’t have 100 per cent support. Some people are suggesting parliamentary system of government for Nigeria, what is your view?
I think what we should do is to remind them that they are analogue, and whether they like it or not, we can never turn back to analogue situation.
cover story 2 Sunday, August 17, 2014
With the killings of dozens of Nigerian soldiers by the outlawed Boko Haram sect, the wives of men and officers of Giwa Barracks decided to stage a protest rejecting an order that their husbands should not be drafted to Gwoza town, presently under the terrorists capture. Kareem Haruna, Maiduguri, writes
The women are right. We have no better weapons, most of our rifles are obsolete, most of our vehicles are not serviceable, yet they want us to go and face the Boko Haram who are armed with modern equipment
Wives of soldiers at the Giwa Barracks of the 21 Armoured Brigade, Maiduguri, Borno State had last week staged yet another subtle mutiny that prevented authorities of the 7 Division of the Nigerian Army from deploying troops to rescue the seized town of Gwoza. Gwoza had been under the occupation of the Boko Haram sect since August 6, when the insurgents managed to dislodge the deployment of soldiers there, killed hundreds of residents and hoisting their flags thereafter. The military top ranks in Borno State were under intense pressure from the Presidency to ensure that the seized town of Gwoza was reclaimed and the Boko Haram terrorists dislodged. To that effect, the authorities at the Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri had to respond to orders from the headquarters of the 7 Division, Maiduguri, asking to mobilise troops for the rescue of Gwoza town. Incidentally, the Gwoza reclaim order came at a time the occupants of Maimalari Barracks, a sister barracks in Maiduguri under the same division, were about to bury scores of soldiers said to have been killed during the invasion of Boko Haram in Gwoza, some days back. While the corpses of the soldiers were being prepared for mass funeral at Maimalari Barracks, the women in Giwa Barracks became agitated with the fear that they too would soon be mourning in some few hours should they fold their hands and watch their men and husbands obey the Gwoza order. The women mobilised themselves alongside their children to barricade the barracks gates, preventing trucks and other vehicles from moving in or out
Some of the protesters at the gates of Giwa barracks.
Boko Haram: Dangerous Trend Of Military Wives’ Protest In Maiduguri of the barracks. They argued that they were not against the deployment of their husbands and fathers to carry out any operation as long as they would be equipped with the right ammunition to execute the order. They said hundreds of soldiers, mostly the rank and file, were being killed in such operations because they lacked the adequate weapons to face the Boko Haram terrorists, who normally used modern and sophisticated rifles and related warheads. The women who managed to stand their grounds for days frustrated all efforts to get the soldiers out of the barracks, even as they had allegedly physically assaulted some of the rank-and-file soldiers who tried to prevent their protest. Though the barracks was made inaccessible to civilians at the time of the protest, which dragged up to late evening hours, some of the angry soldiers who shared the sentiments of the women were able to brief some journalists on the development. LEADERSHIP Sunday had gathered from impeccable insiders at the 7 Division that the action of the women was not without the backing of most of the junior soldiers, who ordinarily might not be able to execute any kind of mutiny. Showing the video clips and photographs of what was going on in the barracks, as captured in their phone cameras, some
non-commissioned ranked soldiers said, “The women are right. We have no better weapons, most of our rifles are obsolete, most of our vehicles are not serviceable, yet they want us to go and face the Boko Haram who are armed with modern equipment.” One of the soldiers, whose name and rank cannot be mentioned for safety reasons, said, “Look at my rifle, even if you are not a professional, you will notice that it has long seen better days. At times when we fire, they don’t respond. When we complain, no one listens. Our superiors would only tell you ‘gentlemen, let’s go’ without caring if we are well-armed. That is why we always record massive casualty most of the times we go on operation. “We want to go and face the Boko Haram; our superiors know where they are, and we know that the Boko Haram now operate in one large group, attacking from one point to the other. But each time we tell them to give us better arms and ammunition, they would not. Rather, they would force us to go out there and get killed. We want to end this once and for all, but we cannot go into Sambisa or Gwoza town to die just because of lack of better arms and ammunition.” Another soldier also alleged that “Our Ogas (superior officers) are just enjoying themselves, while we the small ones
are sent to die. No one forced us to become soldiers, we chose to defend our country with our lives, but that does not mean we don’t have the right to life. If the government and our Ogas want us to end this Boko Haram, I swear, we could finish them in one week. But how could we face them when we are getting N30,000 as allowance when we are supposed to be paid N150,000 monthly as our ‘RCA’? How can we pursue the Boko Haram when our vehicles are not well fuelled? Can you imagine that our superiors would provide 50 litres of fuel for our Main Battle Tanks or Eagle Tank that consumes 1,000 litres of fuel and expect us, the soldiers, operating it to perform magic? “Our superiors should stop sending us to early graves, when they know that we can tackle Boko Haram if armed with better equipment. Even when our colleagues die, nothing is given except a wrap of the Nigerian Flag and sometimes N20,000, with a watery explanation or promise that ‘the federal government would package something for you, which the family will never get’. Continuing, he said, “The recent attack on Gwoza alone recorded the deaths of over 50 soldiers, who were given mass burial today (Saturday), and if we are to go back there, many ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 56
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Boko Haram: Dangerous Trend Of Military Wives’ Protest In Maiduguri ➔ FROM PAGE 55 of us would be killed. We need better weapons so that we can all get this job done once and for all, and everyone would go back to his base and rest.” The protesting women who locked up the barracks had insisted that they would not open until the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 7 Division arrived and heard their protest. LEADERSHIP Sunday later gathered that at about 5pm, when the Garrison Commander tried to harass the women, they allegedly pounced on him and beat him to stupor until he managed to escape and ran into his office where he immediately locked himself up. All pleas by even some of the soldiers that the women were protesting on their behalf fell on deaf ears, even as the people of Gwoza have protested the non-rescue of their relatives presently on the mountain tops and dying of hunger, and starvation since Wednesday. One of the protesting women in the barracks was heard speaking in one of the video clips, saying that, “We will not allow our husbands and fathers to go on wrong deployment. Give them better weapons, or they go nowhere”. That was not the first time the barracks women would be protesting in Borno State. It would be recalled that on May 23, 2014, women of the Maimalari Barracks had rose against the superiors of their husbands for banning commercial tricycles and taxis from entering the barracks. The authorities at the barracks took that decision to check the possible influx of suicide bombers into the barracks. But the women and other military personnels felt the order was too harsh as the gate of the barracks was far away from the quarters, and may cause serious difficulty for them and the children, especially during the school days, to trek. The women took over the barracks in protest until such directive was rested, as soldiers at the quarter guard were instead instructed to carry out thorough checks before any vehicle both military and private entered the barracks. Though the women in Giwa Barracks have suspended their barricade protest on the assurances that no soldier would be deployed until better arms and ammunition are provided, the authorities have not been able to deploy soldiers for the Gwoza rescue operation as at yes-
A blocked road leading into the barracks.
Some children in the barracks joining in the protest.
terday (Friday). A non-commissioned junior soldier, who spoke to LEADERSHIP Sunday in Maiduguri yesterday but pleaded anonymity, was worried that the women’s subtle mutiny may be a tip off the iceberg for worse case scenarios to come “if something urgent is not done”. The soldier said, “Things have calmed down in the barracks for now, but no one is moving out for the operation yet. The morale of the soldiers is low. Everyone is reluctant about any operation as long as there is no better weapons to tackle the Boko Haram. We cannot continue to go on like this. Our superior officers should wake up to the reality and stop pretending all is well, while innocent poor soldiers’ lives are being wasted. We need new weapons and better motivation and nothing more to tackle Boko Haram. There is no way Boko Haram can be more gallant than the Nigerian soldiers, never! Our successes in foreign missions are not only because of the allowances we get, but sophistication of weapons we
used there too.” The soldier said something urgent and drastic has to be done to correct the lapses, even as he feared that the worst could happen if soldiers continued to get frustrated. He added that, “Presently, even some of our senior officers who understand our plight are reluctant to confront junior soldiers, because the tension is high.” It would be recalled that on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, soldiers, vexed by the deaths of 12 of their colleagues killed in an ambush by Boko Haram sect, had angrily opened fire on the vehicle of the sacked General Officer Commanding (GOC) 7 Division, Nigerian Army, Major-General Ahmadu Mohammed, upon whom they blamed the deaths of their colleagues on. The angry soldiers said the lives of their colleagues would have been saved if the right orders and adequate weapons were provided to them. They had ran into an ambush while returning from an operation in the remote area of central Bor-
no State and about a dozen of them were killed. The troop which had run out of ammunition after the operation said they could not afford to travel back to Maiduguri during the night, but opted to pass the night at a safe zone, and to continue the trip the next day. But a superior order allegedly from the top hierarchy of the 7 Division forced them to continue their trip in the night, which resulted in their running into an ambush by Boko Haram terrorists that left 12 of them dead. Upon their return, angry soldiers allegedly got vexed by the presence of the ex-GOC who arrived the barrack to inspect the returned troops, shot at him. Some soldiers who survived the ambush almost sniffed life out of the ex-GOC, but for his quick escape in his bulletproof vehicle which was sprayed by bullets. Though the ex-GOC was immediately removed, the soldiers that mutinied were said to have been tried in accordance with the military laws on such action.
Our superior officers should wake up to the reality and stop pretending all is well, while innocent poor soldiers’ lives are being wasted
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Mentor @
As you add another year, my family and I send our congratulations and best wishes. Sir, by popular acclaim, you remain the main issue in Nigerian politics and society, and your much sought-after approval is the yardstick for political correctness today. What an accomplished and fulfilled life! You are the tree that gives the nation shade; the commander who continues to lead the nation in its many battles and the conflict-resolver who helps to keep it at peace. It is therefore with satisfaction and pride, and with gratitude to Allah SWT that my family and I join the millions celebrating to congratulate you, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, GCFR, our mentor and the grandmaster of modern Nigeria on this special occasion as he turns 73 today. Happy Birthday To You, Sir! and wishing you many happy returns.
general ibrahim badamasi babangida (rtd), gCFr Former president, Federal republiC oF nigeria
His Excellency
EnGR. ABdulkAdIR kuRE Former Governor, Niger State
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Bauchi State Government
73 Cheers to a statesman On behalf of the government and the people of Bauchi State, I join millions of your friends, followers, admirers and well-wishers in heartily congratulating His Excellency, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, GCFR, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the auspicious occasion of his 73rd birthday anniversary celebration. Even at 73, Sir, you remain the main issue—the motivator, the pacesetter, the stabilizer and the unifying force in our nation building efforts, and especially during these turbulent times. As we celebrate the birthday today, we pray to God Almighty to grant you good health, wisdom and more years of service to your fatherland.
Happy Birthday to you, our DEAR GENERAl
general ibrahim badamasi babangida (rtd), gCFr
Former president, Federal republiC oF nigeria
HIs ExCEllEnCy
AlHAjI DR. IsA yuGuDA Matawallen Bauchi ExECutIvE GovERnoR, BAuCHI stAtE
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Federal Capital territory
Felicitations @
general ibrahim badamasi babangida (rtd), gCFr Former president, Federal republiC oF nigeria
On behalf of the good people of the Federal Capital Territory, I heartily felicitate with you on this special occasion of your 73nd birthday. As the nation rejoices with you on this occasion, it acknowledges and pays tribute to your commitment and contributions to peaceful coexistence in this nation. While wishing you many happy returns, we pray that the years ahead bring you even greater fulfilment in your service to humanity, and may Allah (SWT) continue to be with you in all you do in the years ahead.
Senator abdulkadir bala MohaMMed Kauran Bauchi honourable Minister, Federal Capital territory
73 Sunday, August 17, 2014
To a
CharismaTiC Leader @
On a day like this, my family and I join millions of your friends, associates, supporters, followers, well-wishers and admirers in rejoicing with you and thanking Allah SWT for the gift of another year. Over the years, you have distinguished yourself as a hardworking, visionary and intelligent military man, who has positively impacted on politics more than the politicians. Your economic blueprint, your social engineering and your accomplishments for this nation and your legacy in governance will remain unrivalled for a long time to come. As you add another year today, we pray that Allah the Almighty blesses you with many more years of good health and prosperity as you continue your selfless service to Nigeria.
happy birThday To you!
general ibrahim badamasi babangida (rtd), gCFr
Former president, Federal republiC oF nigeria
Dr Musa BaBayo Talban Katagum Board Chairman, TETFUND
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
On behalf of the government and the good people of taraba state, i join millions of your friends, admirers and well-wishers in heartily congratulating His Excellency, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, GCFR, former President of the Federal republic of nigeria on the auspicious occasion of his 73rd birthday anniversary celebration. We are all grateful to Almighty Allah who has preserved your life till now. Our prayer is for Almighty Allah to keep you in good health and sound mind to continue to contribute positively to the growth and development of our great country, nigeria.
general ibrahim badamasi babangida (rtd), gCFr Signed: AlhAji GARBA UmAR (UTC) Ag Governor, Taraba State
Former president, Federal republiC oF nigeria
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Birthday to a Patriot
73 Y
our commitment towards the enthronement of democracy as well as your contribution to the peaceful co-existence of all citizens, irrespective of creed or tribe has become a source of inspiration to many of us. As you turn 73, may the years ahead bring you more fulfillment, blessings, wisdom, contentment and happiness. May Allah (SWT) continue to strengthen, protect and guide you. Signed:
BABANGIDA Former President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
cover story
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Gwoza residents in Maiduguri protesting government’s poor response to their situation.
How Boko Haram Conquered, Destroyed Ancient Damboa And Gwoza Towns Damboa and Gwoza towns are two ancient settlements that are important to Borno State, especially in the area of agro-economy. But when Boko Haram sect decided to lay siege and conquered these towns, they went a little further in their assault by hoisting their flags. Although the military has taken back Damboa, the town of Gwoza remains in the stranglehold of the intruders. Kareem Haruna, Maiduguri, writes
On Tuesday, we thought it was just one of those hit-and-run attacks ... But their shooting continued to get louder and louder as they came nearer. Then, we began to see soldiers fleeing into the town
About two weeks ago, precisely on August 5, 2014, the historic town of Gwoza in Borno State came under the attack and conquest of the Boko Haram sect members, who did not only massacre soldiers and civilian residents, but also had the effrontery of hoisting their flags in the town, just as residents fled for their lives as the terrorists decided to takeover the ancient town. The conquest of Gwoza came three weeks after the insurgents had hoisted their flags in Damboa town, which they had earlier conquered from the legitimate government of the state; a town where over 15,000 people were forced to flee for their dear lives. Even before Boko Haram assumed territorial control of Gwoza and Damboa towns, the insurgents had literally sacked hundreds of villages and hamlets scattered around Konduga, Bama, Damboa, Kala-Balge and Gwoza local government areas of Borno State. The sacking and hoisting of flags in Damboa and Gwoza towns however have been adjudged as
the biggest assaults by the Boko Haram terrorists on the government of Nigeria in recent times. Though the military had, after two weeks of aborted attempts, been able to reclaim Damboa, though at a costly effort that saw the deaths of many soldiers, Gwoza has however continued to remain under the control of the Boko Haram sect till date. Several attempts were made by soldiers of the 7 Division of the Nigerian Army, Maiduguri, as well as those in Adamawa State commands to recapture the seized town, the emboldened insurgents had continued to resist the invasion of soldiers into the conquered territory. LEADERSHIP Sunday learnt from reliable sources that the Boko Haram terrorists, during their attack on August 5 were able to dislodge the soldiers stationed in Gwoza, and took over most of their ammunition, including major combat tanks. Hundreds of hapless residents were either slaughtered or shot dead as the insurgents went ber-
serk in the town, while thousands of other displaced residents who managed to escape alive made their way to the top of the Gwoza hills where they took refuge, allegedly eating wild plants and drinking from clothes soaked with rain water for several days now. From the mountain top, the displaced residents, including their newly installed first-class emir, Alhaji Muhammadu Idrissa Timta, watched how their years of toil to build the present day Gwoza town were being reduced to rubbles by the rampaging Boko Haram gunmen, who visited every house, including the palace of the emir. Some of the displaced residents who spoke from the rocky hilltops gave chilling narratives of how their relatives, friends and neighbours were systematically selected, dragged out of their homes, and slaughtered outside before their houses were set on fire. The Chief Imam of Gwoza, Alhaji Abdullahi, was also attacked in his house and slaughtered before his family members who later took to their heels. A serving local government ward councillor, Honourable Saleh of Kuranabasa Ward, was said to have been slaughtered outside his home alongside nine members of his family. Liman Adamu Sawab, a displaced resident, gave a chilling narration of how the attack on Gwoza was carried out and how they were surviving atop the Gwoza hills. “When they came
on Tuesday, we thought it was just one of those hit-and-run attacks they usually carried out at the outskirts. But their shooting continued to get louder and louder as they came nearer. Then, we began to see soldiers fleeing into the town,” he said. “Initially, we all ran into our houses. But when we began to hear people screaming and thick smokes bellowing into the skies, we had to start running towards the hills. On the way, I saw several corpses littering the streets. It was then I knew I did not take the decision to flee on time. The corpses were many and the shooting was deafening. We had to run up the hills. Some who had sustained injuries collapsed on the way; we helped some by dragging them up the hills, but others had to give up on the way up,” he said. Continuing, Sawab stated that, “We were on the hilltop for about seven days. On the first day, we fed on some wild fruits and drank from the pools of water we collected by the rocky pits on the hills, which also got finished because we were in our thousands on top of the hills. At a point, some of our people, especially the women, would have to spread their clothes to soak rain water so that they could squeeze them into the mouths of their children when they begin to cry of thirst.” However, Sawab said many people could not survive the hunger ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
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sunday politics
Politics Editor Weeklies: UCHENNA AWOM
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Aregbesola And The Burden Of Second Coming The people of Osun state penultimate Saturday renewed the tenure of Rauf Aregbesola by granting him another term of four years to lead them as governor of the state. OLAOLU OLADIPO in this piece, looks at the outcome of the poll and the huge burdens on the governor to reward the loyalty of his people. The people of Osun state trooped out in droves last week to, again, renew the mandate they gave to Rauf Aregbesola of the All Progressives Congress, APC to lead them four years ago in, another election that saw him coming out top of the of 20 contestants that presented themselves to the electorates. His journey back to Oke Fia government house was fiercely contested between him and his main challenger, Iyiola Omisore of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who alongside chieftains of the party had vowed to wrestle the control of the state from the APC. The build-up to the poll gave a glimpse into the fact that the gladiators were not willing to let anything to chance. For the APC, the outcome of a similar poll in neighbouring Ekiti state was shocking. The leadership of the party had been jolted by the outcome of that election that produced Ayodele Fayose as the governor-elect for the state. Therefore, the party saw the Osun election as an opportunity for it to re-establish its hold on the south west region. Indications to that effect became very noticeable during the poll as all machineries were deployed by the chieftains of the party to carry the day in battle no one could initially predict its outcome. In the end, the chief returning officer and the incumbent Vice Chancellor of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Professor Bamitale Omole read out the outcome of the election pronouncing Aregbesola as the winner having satisfied all the stated criteria. In his declaration, Omole said the incumbent polled a total vote of 394,684 to beat Omisore who polled 292,947 to come second. With this pronouncement, Areg-
besola became duly elected to lead the state for another term of four years in office. Although the outcome seems to have restored the pride of the APC as a dominant force in the region but a careful analysis suggests that the PDP is still a veritable platform that cannot be said to be a push over in the contest for the soul of the region ahead of the forthcoming general elections next year. With the election won and lost, attention is now fixed on the winner with the question of how to ensure that the people who gave him a little over 50 per cent of their votes and those who voted for his opponents alike benefit from the dividends of democracy. The outcome itself is an evidence of the fact that the holds of the ruling party on the electorates seems somewhat tenuous. Apart from the need to compen-
2015: As PDP Govs, Mu’azu Endorse Jonathan > 20
sate the teeming horde of supporters who threw their lots with him, efforts must also be made to woo others who voted for the opponents as a way of moving the state forward and to bring it to the destination where it ought to be for the good of all. A lot of issues were thrown up in the build-up and that the major action of government now is to sieve through the numerous issues made as a way of fine-tuning his much enunciated six point developmental agenda for the state which he unfolded four years ago when he came to power. Smarting from a judicial pronouncement that brought him to power as the duly elected governor of the state in 2010, Aregbesola as the new governor then had while taking the oath of office amidst celebration by his supporters had ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
18 politics
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Aregbesola And The Burden Of Second Coming ➔ FROM PAGE 17
Attention is now fixed on the winner with the question of how to ensure that the people who gave him a little over 50 per cent of their votes and those who voted for his opponents alike benefit from the dividends of democracy
announced a six-point agenda that would form the focus of his administration. He didn’t mince words when he listed items such as free and qualitative education, restoration of basic health system, war against poverty and hunger, unemployment, modern town planning and urban development. He also told the cream of personalities and the people that witnessed the occasion at the Osogbo Township Stadium that the development of the cradle of Yoruba land would be vigorously pursued by his then new administration. Standing before the former chief judge of the state, Justice Gabriel Olaniyi Ojo who administered the oath of office on him and his deputy, Chief (Mrs) Grace Titilayo Tomori, he said, “I thank God that the long night of vote robbery and resultant oppression of innocent citizens is over. “Now is the time to repair our land and empower our people. Our programme for the redemption of our state is the same popular programmes that won your hearts during the campaigns, as a result of which you gave us a resounding victory,” he said. While intermittently acknowledging cheers from the elated crowd as he gave his acceptance speech, he said his government was fully prepared to cleanse every sphere of the system polluted by the old government of Olagunsoye Oyinlola in the state. Aregbesola who lamented the power failure in the state for the last seven and half years the previous administration held sway in the state therefore vowed to ensure that light was restored. He said the task of creating a new Osun state was not the responsibility of the government alone but a collective one and urged the people to be prepared to work with his administration. Of all the six items that the governor highlighted in his initial inaugural speech, the educational sector and urban renewal strides received much of his attention in the last four years. These are areas that have become very visible. Observers are, however, urging him to look at the controversies generated in the course of carrying out his programmes in those sectors. Of very importance is the need to address the controversies generated by the schools reclassification exercise which many said were not too well communicated to the stakeholders, particularly the Christian community in the state who rightly or wrongly believed that the exercise was targeted at them as they believed it was aimed at taking the schools permanently away from them. “Sincerely, the idea of reclassifying the schools was not originally that of the governor but as a result of a summit on the sector conducted by the state government. To me,
the exercise is not in any way a bad idea as it was aimed at streamlining activities of the schools and to make the running of the schools cheaper but the long and short of it is that it was not too well communicated and the opposition lashed onto it,” said Sunday Aluko, an indigene of the state. Aluko, however urged the governor to urgently convene a summit on the exercise by inviting all the relevant stakeholders to dialogue with government on the issue, “Since the governor secured overwhelming votes from both Christians and Muslims in the state”, he said. The Aregbesola-led government has performed creditably in the area of urban renewal as both new and existing roads are either being made over or are being constructed outrightly but the numerous issues relating to adequate compensation to those whose property gave way for such projects for the common good of all need to be well addressed. Though the state government had sometimes last year disclosed that it had paid over N600 million as compensation to those whose houses and shops were affected in the separation of buildings from the roads on its on-going urban renewal programme, there is the need for government to, as a matter of urgency, put the problem away once and for all. Commissioner for Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Mr. Wale Bolorunduro, had assured that the present administration will pay compensation to all the affected people with genuine documents, adding that the government will not in any way unjustifiably inflict pains on the people. Owing to the meager resources accruing to the state from the federation account as well as the inability of the government to aggressively expand its tax generating ability considerably, another indigene, Mr. Aderemi Tadese who spoke to LEADERSHIP Sunday on phone urged the governor to consider the possibility of expanding his employment generating capacity by seeking assistance from within and outside the state. “I appreciate the efforts of the state government to directly provide jobs for the teeming youths of the state and I am also aware of the fact that the resources to expand such initiatives are limited but what I am saying is that there are several intervention agencies both local and international that the state can draw resources from,” Tadese said. According to him, the state government needs to harness the potentials of the state being a ready pool of willing labour force for attaining economic growth. Tadese said the call was very necessary to help reduce poverty in the state as he stated that the people are hardworking if empowered to work. He listed sports as another ver-
itable avenue for youths employment generation, saying, efforts must be made to complete the five stadia projects that was initiated by the previous administration. “Sports is one area that past governments and even the current one have not really considered as an avenue to combat poverty in the state. I am calling on the government to speed up the completion of the stadia projects in the state.” According to Aluko, health care delivery system might not really be the immediate priority of the state but added that primary health care delivery be scaled up by adequately empowering the various local governments to establish functional health centres in their areas of jurisdictions. For Ayodele Obele, there is the need for the government to return Osogbo, the state capital to the old pristine centre of culture and creative activities as was the case in the 1960s when the town rivaled others across the country as the base of cultural intellectuals. To Obele who claimed to have mobilized creative artistes to vote for the governor at the polls, the state government should consider the possibility of establishing a cultural centre in Osogbo as a way of bringing back the lost glory of the town. “Thank God, some of the leading lights of that era are still alive and they are readily available to assist him.” He listed such personalities to
include the Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Comedian, Moses Adejumo (aka Baba Sala), Alhaji Kareem Adepoju (Baba Wande) as some of those left in the era, which the governor can tap from their wealths of experience. Added to this, Obele urged the government to take more than passing interest on the issue of promoting tourism as a source of employment generating avenue as well as cash cow to the state purse. He also listed the numerous festivals in the major towns the state as potentials for driving huge flow of tourists to the state. “The state is a huge reservoir of tourist opportunity waiting to be tapped by the government. In virtually all parts of the state, there is one tourist site or the other that the state government can tap into. Osun is so rich in culture and history that the government can make huge fortunes from these sectors alone, if well harnessed.” For this to succeed, Obele canvassed the need to urgently convey a summit on culture and tourism for government to articulate a way forward in this regard. Now that the people of Osun state have entrusted their lots in the hands of Aregbesola for another four years, expectations are high on him to deliver. Aluko however stated that the governor is racing against time as too much is expected of him by the electorates whom he described as enlightened and discerning.
POLITICS feature 19
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Appraising 30-day-old Adamawa Transitional Government
On assumption of office, the acting governor indicatively made it categorically clear that he was set to revive the state from the social and economic baggage his administration inherited from the previous government
Adamawa State has once again set another record in the annals of Nigeria’s checkered political history as the only state where one man Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri led the state in acting capacity in two rapid successions within the spate of four years. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri became the acting governor of the state following the impeachment of Governor Murtala Nyako and the resignation of his deputy, Bala James Ngillari on July 15, 2014. The development has, similarly, made the state to set two other political records in one fell swoop as it marks the first time in Nigeria when both the governor of a state and his deputy would be removed from their plum positions; it also sets the record of being the first state to have all the three arms of government led by acting leaderships. The first time Fintiri led the state was when the tenure of Governor Murtala Nyako and four others governors were annulled by the Supreme Court following contentions about the tenure of the five governors which led to a prolonged legal tussle that was finally settled by the Court in 2011. The termination of Governor Nyako’s tenure necessitated the conduct of another election and also prompted Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri who was the then speaker of the state House of Assembly to superintend the conduct of another round of election and to govern the state in acting capacity from January 28, 2012 to February 2012. It would be worth to recalling that before Governor Nyako’s tenure was cut short, the Adamawa State House of Assembly had been shut down for almost three months as a result of internal friction among the lawmakers which led to the ouster of the then Speaker of the House, Hon Sadik Dasin who was an unalloyed loyalist of former Governor Nyako. The House of Assembly was, during the period, completely taken by thugs allegedly on the orders of the former governor as a payback to the removal of the then speaker who was believed to be an unrepentant supporter of Nyako. But in the wake of the termination of Nyako’s tenure, the lot of superintending the transitional government fell on the shoulders of Fintiri again who served as the acting governor of the state for only two weeks where he conducted election that saw Nyako winning for the second term. Unlike his first tenure when he served for only two weeks, his recent sojourn as the state helmsman did not encounter such time constraints as he marked his one month in office on August 15,
2014. On assumption of office, the acting governor indicatively made it categorically clear that he was set to revive the state from the social and economic baggage his administration inherited from the previous government saying that he will draw a line from where he will start his administration from where his predecessor stopped. His major action in office was the payment of the salary arrears of the state civil servants which the previous administration owed the civil servants following their involvement in two months industrial strike in 2011. In so doing, the transition regime co-ordinated the payment of the June/July 2014 salaries concurrently while their September 2011 salaries including the deducted N142million allowances by former administration under Gov. Nyako was paid to them. Similarly, the regime has commenced the disbursement of running costs to various ministries and agencies which were hitherto not being given out as well as the disbursement of full allocation to the local governments who allegedly suffered massive and arbitrary cuts by the previous administration. The payment of the salary arrears was very crucial for the fact that the civil servants had not been paid a month’s salary then following the freezing of all the accounts being operated by the state government at the behest of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the fact that the Eid el- fitr celebration was fast approaching. Another action taken by the interim administration was the scrapping of the Special Projects and Programmes Unit (SPPU) which is the agency used by the previous administration for its empowerment programmes. Although the action came un-
der criticism, the Transition Government says one of the major reasons for the scrapping of the unit was that its setting did not enjoy the backing of law as such, it has to go as the acting governor said he will not condone any action that did not receive the backing of the law. Fintiri then went to dissolve the cabinet he inherited from Governor Nyako and replaced them with the appointment of 50 special advisers and 9 commissioners respectively. The acting governor has also set up a probe panel to investigate the past administration for its alleged financial sleaze. According to the acting governor, the setting up of the panel was sequel to official briefings from the permanent secretaries of all the ministries, boards, and parastatal and major stakeholders in the state. The probe panel headed by Justice Umar Bobboi was mandated to investigate the activities of the government from June 2007 to June 2014 with the aim to exposing and recommending measures on how to recover the misappropriated funds belonging to the state by Nyako’s administration as records has shown N82 billion was allegedly stolen. Political analysts like Mr. Joshua Abu said the development is one of the best things that has happened to the state where the atrocities being committed by past governments are be checked for sanity and betterment of all because governance must be done right at all times. Mr. Abu observed that, without doing the right thing, even our children, grand children and posterity will certainly not forgive but the correctional measure taken, he said, will serve as a lesson to others to do right to all manner of people if they get there in the future. “As a matter of fact, the devel-
opment is a welcome one so that, it serves as a lesson on the need to do the right thing as expected of leaders”. While relieving the Emirs and chiefs of Adamawa State during the last Sallah celebration, the acting governor promised to make all the Emirs and chiefs his first line advisers saying that his administration will leave its doors open for criticism and advice as he said the state had been left far behind in many spheres of life. His royal Highness the Lamido Adamawa, Alhaji Barkindo Aliyu Mustapha, the Emir of Mubi, Alhaji Abubakar Isah Ahmadu, Gangwari Ganye HRH Alhaji Umar Adamu Sanda, HRM, Hama Bachama, Honest Steven Irimiya, HRM, Hama Batta, Alhamdu Teneke and HRM Murum Nbula J.J. Fwa among others pledged to work with the new administration so as to catch up with the rest of the neighboring states in development strides. Lamido who is the president of the Adamawa state Traditional Council advised the acting governor to work with the fear of God and be just in his assignment. Another action taken by Fintiri’s administration was the ongoing rejuvenation of street lights and the rehabilitation of major road networks in the state capital, an action that attracted the attention of many residents which, they say, was a good omen. A resident of Jimeta Mr. Aku Abraham who expressed happiness with the new strides being recorded in the state says, “It is clear for even a blind man to touch and feel what is happening in the state capital as different companies are seen on daily basis repairing damaged street lights on the major road in Jimeta-Yola. “The state is wearing a new look because we can see companies repairing our non-functional street lights while PW Construction Company is repairing our road. It is a good omen to the state and I commend the Acting Governor Fintiri for that”. Luka Stressed. People of Jada and Numan local government areas of the state are also delighted by the resolve of the administration to renovate their cottage and general hospitals which they said were in a sorry state before the advent of the Fintiri’s administration as residents expressed their appreciation for the concerns shown to them by the acting governor. During his visits to the two hospitals, Hon. Fintiri has assured the people of his administration’s readiness to uplift the living standards of the electorates considering the untold hardship being experience by the people following the prolonged neglect they suffered from the previous administration whom he accused of neglecting the rural people.
20 POLITICS feature
Sunday, August 17, 2014
2015: As PDP Govs, Mu’azu Endorse Jonathan At the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)’s summit in Calabar recently, major stakeholders of the party endorsed the perceived ambition of President Goodluck Jonathan for 2015. Chibuzo Ukaibe, gives insight into the intrigues. It wasn’t just a zonal tour/summit by the national leadership of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) including incumbent governors of Akwa Ibom, Delta, Cross Rivers and Bayelsa States. It was a gathering that reflected the political trajectory of not just the party but the country. While President Goodluck Jonathan was far away in the United States attending the US- African summit, back home, precisely in Calabar, Cross River State, heavyweights of the party in the South South, led by its Board of Trustees Chairman, Tony Anenih, declared that Jonathan will run for 2015. Before then, the stand of the governors of the party and some other party stalwarts with regards to Jonathan in 2015 was clear. But Anenih, had hitherto adopted the laid back approach to endorsing the president’s perceived 2015 ambition, even though it was doubtless he backed Jonathan for the top job. But like a birthday gift, Anenih at the gathering, brazenly and boldly declared his endorsement for Jonathan ahead of 2015. Chief Anenih emphatically said, “South South is the home of PDP, I want the national chairman of our party to go home with a word from the father of President Jonathan that come 2015, Dr Jonathan will run for the Presidency.” He added that the zonal tour of the national chairman of the party, “Will strengthen the party and all of us should talk to our people at our communities because if we continue like this, the load will be much lighter in 2015 than it was in 2011.” For PDP watchers, Anenih’s daring endorsement sends a clear signal to all other contenders to back off, considering the influential role he plays in the party. And just like the South East zonal rally earlier this year, governors at the South South stakeholders meeting/tour, echoed their support for Jonathan ahead of 2015. They took turns to assure the national leadership of the PDP led by its National Chairman, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu, that the South South zone will vote overwhelmingly for President Jonathan to re-emerge as the country’s President in 2015. The governor of Akwa Ibom state, Chief Akpabio stated, “In
our state, there is no shaking when it comes to victory for the PDP. Akwa Ibom is safe for the president and our state will be among the first states to give the PDP more than one million vote in the 2015 presidential election”, he declared. Bayelsa state governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson said, “We in Bayelsa are very happy with the support you re giving Mr President who is building a new Nigeria. Bayelsa is safe and steady for the PDP.” Senator Liyel Imoke noted, “The cry of endorsement shows that President Jonatan is performing. We thank the president for bridging every gap that has existed and we will work with you to deliver our successors to the PDP”. For Governor Uduaghan, the PDP led government has ensured that South South zone is the sporting base of the nation while observing that athletes from the state made Nigeria proud in the recently held Commonwealth games and on the 2015 general elections, the governor asserted, “The PDP is doing it, PDP will do it again and again.” The national chairman of the PDP, Alhaji Muazu commended the people for their confidence in President Jonathan’s administration and called for caution to check destabilizing moves of the opposition political parties. “You must not allow opposition to put us on collision course; we must be very careful as we move ahead, if you have facts and figures, challenge me or those who matter but don’t spread rumors”, he said adding, “Our leader, President Jonathan has performed creditably well and we must work and have respect for one another; we must work together for the purpose of today and the future generation.” Others who spoke at the occasion include, Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, Hon. Ndudi Elumelu, Deaconess Elizabeth Essien, Senator Ita Enang, Chief Dan Orbih, among others. They listed the reasons why President Jonathan should re -contest in 2015. However, with these endorsements, it seems it is a fait accompli for Jonathan who is expected to declare his intention before the party’s convention in October. At the height of the friction within the PDP and before the de-
fections of the G5 governors and others, there were moves by top shots in the party to subtly give Jonathan the right of first refusal to the party’s ticket in 2015. The move was resisted by some party leaders and governors, especially the Jigawa state governor, Sule Lamido, who, having always insisted on transparent primaries, enjoys the backing of Jonathan’s estranged benefactor and former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. So far, it does appears that Lamido remains the leading contender against Jonathan as far as the presidential ticket of the party is concerned. With the exit of the G5, former vice president, Atiku Abubakar and other former PDP bigwigs, there is little or no resistance to Jonathan’s emergence as the party’s flag bearer. Still, it would appear that with the stance of the south east and
south south governors of the party, the chances of other contenders are as good as sealed. With the exception of Jigawa state, however, of which in the event Governor Lamido eventually contests the primaries, other PDP governors in the north including Kebbi, Gombe, Niger, Taraba, Kogi, Benue, Bauchi, Plateau, Adamawa, Katsina, Kaduna are likely to support the candidature of Jonathan. That is what it seems. This much has been conveyed by the governors when they took turns to visit the national secretariat of the PDP early this year to pledge loyalty to Mu’azu when he emerged national chairman of the party. But, it is not yet uhuru for Jonathan as the party must, in compliance with its constitution, conduct primaries for the top job.
With the exit of the G5, former vice president, Atiku Abubakar and other former PDP bigwigs, there is little or no resistance to Jonathan’s emergence as the party’s flag bearer
A-Z all that’s trending
Abuja’s Nightlife is Amazing Ada Nnaji Entrepreneur
Garki Ultra Modern Market;
Most Centralised in the Capital City WHAT’S UP? Nigerian Teens Choice Awards 2014 P30
Where’s BUZZING? Tucano Lounge And Grills P31
What to buy • Cardigans • Umbrella • Wallet • Galaxy S5 P49
Listings • Automobiles s
• Event Planner • Bridal Shops • Dental Clinics P52
SPOTLIGHT • Transcorp Hilton
• Tutti Frutti • Sinoni Resturant • Sigma apartments P51
22 ABUJA A-Z/ What’s Up?
Sunday, August 17, 2014
What’s Up?
upcoming events Nigerian Teens Choice Awards 2014
Hip Hop Star
Teens Voice Platform presents another edition of their annual event, Nigeria Teens Choice Awards 2014. The event will feature music performances, dance and fashion events. Ladi Kwali Hall, Sheraton Hotel, 9:00PM. Sunday August 17
Nigerian hip hop artiste Panshak Zamani popularly known as Ice Prince was spotted at a picnic held at Jabi Lake. He was dressed in a White T shirt, a pair of blue jeans and sneakers he was seen talking with some of friends.
Walk for Charity
Enjoy a day out in the city by taking part in a fitness walk for charity in support of widows in Abuja. 7:00AM, Kidsfunville, River Plate Garden, Wuse 2. There will be free health checks and smoothies. Saturday August 23
On Air Personality
Rhythm 94.7 presenter, Matilda Duncan was spotted at Silvered Galleria. She was dressed in a beautiful black T-shirt, a pair of jeans, black flat sandals and a white and black scarf. She was hanging out with
The Fusion Lifestyle Family Fair!
Here is shopping event and Kids fair rolled into one, for the ultimate fun family experience! The event will feature exciting activities such as indoor games with prizes, bouncy castles, competition for the family, baby play area, rides and more. There will also be exclusive discounts from vendors. BMO Event Arena River plate park, Wuse 2. 12:PM. Sunday August 23
Animation Summer Camp
Iyin creative brings you the first ever creative animation summer camp. The camp will give the kids the opportunity to create their own cartoon characters and get familiar with animation soft wares. 9:00 AM. At 10, Bishop David Oyedepo Street, off 2nd Avenue Gwarimpa Estate. Monday August 4 – Friday 22 August.
Here is an opening for beautiful girls between the ages of 18 – 26yrs old to contest in the 14th edition of Most Beautiful Girl in Abuja (MBGA). Screening or Abuja contestants will be held at Ibeto Hotels Poolside. Friday August 29- Saturday August 30.
Popular comedian turned singer, Mohammed Jammal popularly known as White Nigerian was spotted at a picnic held at Jabi Lake. He was wore a stylish black shirt, a pair of jeans and sneakers. He was in the company of some of his friends.
Pops Concepts, the organizers of the MakeUp and Beauty Fair are back with the 4th Abuja MakeUp Fair (AMUF4) proudly sponsored by Maybelline New York, and it promises to be thrilling as the buzz is already on. The Pearl Arena, Emerald Park Area 3. 10:00 PM-7:00 PM. Saturday August 23.
The Most Beautiful Girl in Abuja 2014 Screening
Abuja Makeup Fair
For Every Stroke
Redbox presents For Every Stroke a charity run and event. The event will feature runner’s fitness certificate and prizes, awards, games, face painting, food shopping and much more. 8:00 AM. Jabi Lake, Saturday August 30.
Declare His Praise
Redeemed Christian Church of God, Throne Room presents a monthly thanksgiving tagged Declare his Praise. The event will feature song ministrations from gospel artistes Erele Umoh and Ogecha Dumimaja. Transcorp Hilton, Sunday August 30
Amina Alhassan Ahman Uche Uduma,Chalya Dul IgweNgerem Michael
ACTING EDITOR Auwal Sa'id Mu'azu
FOUNDER Sam Nda-Isaiah CHAIRMAN Hajiya Ireti Kingibe GRP MANAGING DIRECTOR Azubuike Ishiekwene GRP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Michael Okpere, Dr. Kazeem Durodoye
Abuja A-Z is published as an insert in LEADERSHIP Sunday. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of these listiings. However please contact venues to confirm details
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Where’s buzzing?
Automobiles, Event Planners
TUCANO MEMBERS LOUNGE AND GRILLS Tucano Member Lounge and Grill is set in the serene neighborhood of Maitama. The lounge offers an exquisite ambience and outdoor setting that gives dinning and clubbing a new definition. Tucano Bar and grills is luxuriously furnished with beautiful white tables and deep seated couches which welcomes guest to the exotic lounge. Its impressive bar situated upstairs offers a great place to relax and enjoy premium cocktails, an extensive wine list and a mouthwatering bar menu in an elegant atmosphere. At Tucano Lounge you can club and still enjoy the panoramic view of the city. The club is open every day however it has special days such as Girls Night Out every Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday and a delightful Thank God It is Friday (TGIF) on Fridays. 26 Maitama Sule Street, Asokoro
Automobiles Toyota (Nigeria) Limited
Toyota Limited is one of the leading automobile brands in Nigeria, which aspires to provide the ultimate auto-brand experience through a strong dealership network, driven by excellent relationship with their stakeholders. Toyota offers Nigerian public high quality products tailor-made to suit the Nigerian climatic and road conditions. Some of the products models offered by Toyota are passenger vehicle models: including the Corolla, Avensis, Camry etc, and commercial vehicle models, including the Hilux pick up, Hiace, Coaster, Land cruiser etc. Some of these models are modified to meet specific fleet’s special requirements and challenges without compromising set standards. A great deal of premium is placed on after sales service support as the company is not only sales oriented but market driven to ensure that we make our customers partners for life. One element of trust that Toyota (Nigeria) Limited has
been able to build into the mindset of its customers is the availability of genuine spare parts. This has helped it bond with its customers, giving the brand a competitive edge over other automobile products in the market. Plot 1259 Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 11, Abuja.
Kia Motors
Kia Motors is one of the successful automobile companies in Nigeria being led by an ambitious and industry-focused management team who play a vital role in the day-today activities of growing the brand in Nigeria. Founded in 1944 as part of the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the automobile company aims to become one of the world’s premier automotive brands. Nearly 1.5 million vehicles a year are produced in its 13 manufacturing and assembly operations in eight countries, which are then sold and serviced through a network of distributors and dealers covering 172 countries including Nigeria. Kia Motors Corporation’s brand slogan -“The Power to Surprise” represents the company’s global commitment to surpassing customer expectations through continuous automotive innovation. 18 A.E Ekukinam Street, Off Obafemi
Awolowo Road, Jabi Express Road
Kojo Motors Limited
Kojo Motors Limited is a diversified group of highly competent sales and services professionals, with extensive knowledge and expertise in providing leading edge sales and services to consumers. Kojo motors started business as an automobile marketing company, by 1988 it was incorporated as Kojo Motor Limited and evolved to a dealer of only Toyota and Nissan vehicles and spare parts in Nigeria. Over the years, they have consistently been marketing, selling and servicing Toyota and Nissan vehicles in Nigeria. And today, they are clearly ranked as one of the major Toyota dealers in Nigeria. Their superior performance in sales and service has served as a guarantee of value to their present customers. Some of their models are modified to meet specific fleet’s special requirements and challenges without compromising set standards. Plot 1209 Shehu Yar’Adua Way Mabushi, Abuja
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Carrot Small Chops Looking for a place to indulge your taste buds? Look no further it is all at Carrot. Carrot is reputed for making fresh and crispy small chops. They provide the best finger foods such as sweet barbecue wings, prawn in batter, samosa, spring
rolls, and peppered gizzards. They beautifully combine the tiny foods either as a snack or a meal for any occasion imaginable.
8 Lake Valencia Crescent FHA Maitama
Event Planners BMO Events
BMO Events
Marbota Party Services
MO Event Arena is one of the leading names in event management in Abuja. Located in the heart of Federal Capital Territory, the company offers an unparalleled service in the event management industry. Their “Shasta” sits 1,200 people banquet style and up-to 4,000 people conference style. When choosing a venue for your event, it is important to make sure that the property allows you to incorporate same on site promotion for your event. BMO Events Center allows you the ability to display banners, signage and signs with limited restrictions. Their on hand facility manager is available to help make your event a success from inception to completion. Tailored to the needs of our client, our facilities are perfect for any Weddings, Conferences, Banquet, Balls, Meetings, Exhibitions, Kiddies Parties, Beauty Pageant, Award parties and lots more. Plot 174, Durban Street,River Plate Park, Wuse II, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria
Marbota Party Services
Alfa Showers
Mabota party services specializes in event planning and coordination of weddings in Abuja. Mabota party services helps the couple to plan and execute their wedding without stress. Some of their services include rentals – chair, tables,
formal events to daily meetings, they are the one-stop-shop for all your corporate catering needs. The company offers flexible menu options to fit your tastes, dietary restrictions, and budgetary requirements. More interestingly, they can create custom catering menus for those events that call for a little culinary and financial creativity. Odak Foods offers an exclusive service Alfa Showers to event planners, they Alfa Showers is an events help event plan, organize planning company that and deliver efficiently. mainly specializes in the We also render outdoor planning of bridal showers catering services and and hen nights. They do special training. everything from planning Julius Berger Camp, After of classy bridal showers Berger Clinic Gate Lifecamp. to raunchy hen nights and provide venue, food and Alveena Events drinks, tasteful decor, entertainment, party Alveena Events is recognized favors and costumes. Their as one of Nigeria’s top costumes and accessories wedding and events include customized planners. The company t-shirts, tiaras, sashes, specializes in event cowboy hats, bunny ears, planning and coordination masks and whatever their for luxury weddings in clients’ imagination can Nigerian cities. It is no conjure. They also provide secret that a wedding day catering services for stands among the most different occasions and important occasions a events. Alfa Showers offers couple can experience a wide range of flexibility in their lifetime, and in services in order to Alveena Events cherishs satisfy customer needs. the great honour and Their services include responsibility that comes Bridal showers, Catering along with this. Alveena services, General events Events, therefore work planning etc. directly with prospective No 34 Lake Chad Crescent, couples and their families Off IBB Way, Maitama. to orchestrate this Abuja. momentous event to the finest detail, ultimately Odak Caterers expressing the personal Odak foods specializes in style and signature of the catering hors d’oeuvres, dinners, company couple. Their vision is to be picnics, holiday parties, the first choice for event and all other special planning in Nigeria corporate events. From Gwarimpa, Abuja
canopies and chaffing dishes. They also offer decorative services such as balloons, fabrics and floral decorations. They also offer indoor and outdoor catering services. Mabota party services work directly with prospective couples and their families to plan special occasions that suits the personal style of the celebrants. Utako Market w/h 65 Abuja
ceoConfidential #125, August 17, 2014
Forte Oil H1 profit riseS 125.3 per cent >46 TIPOFFS
• Dr Mike Omotosho
Founder/COO, Mike Omotosho Foundation
Omotosho’s drive to inspire the youths
26 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
10 Questions for...
Declan Agi Agu CEO, C.I. Marketing Network Services Ltd
Learn to adapt and think creatively
“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries” A. A. Milne, 1882-1956 British author, creator of stories and poems about Christopher Robin and Winnie-thePooh.
If a particular course of action isn’t giving you the results you want, stop and try a new approach. The trick to successful creative thinking is to be original, ranging widely to light on ideas that are appropriate to the situation you are attempting to solve. A useful technique to nurture creative thinking is to clear your head of all the ideas you’ve had before and start afresh with a free mind. This takes practice. And if creative thinking isn’t coming easily to you, don’t panic. Panic clouds your judgement and leads to further frustration. Change your surroundings and environment - get away from your normal day.
If things get tough, that’s good
“An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it” Ray Ash, 1918-
Co-founder and president of Defence company Litton Industries, director of the Office of Management and Budget under US Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford The harder the start-up process, the more likely your idea is to be a true innovation and the harder you should push the opportunity to ensure its success. Why should a supplier take you on when you might not be able to pay for its service? Why should a client purchase your product when the majority of start-ups go out of business in the first year? Why should the bank give you a loan when your idea is unproven in the marketplace? Ask yourself the difficult questions before your stakeholders do and come up with answers based on sound business reasoning.
Sir Mobolaji Anthony
founder, the nigerian marble industries
Never depend on one income alone. Seek ways to ‘balance up’ While working for the postal agency, sir Mobolaji did part time business with his father which included cash crops. This was the business that took him out of the country to learn new methods of oil palm production, though unsuccessful. He took it upon himself to map out his life. Don’t wallow in failure. Pick yourself up His business journey to Germany was unsuccessful but it didn’t deter him from trying his hands in another business. He went into trading in various goods such as fountain pens, patented medicine, watches and clocks. During the World War 2, he divested his interests into real estate as his retail business was adversely affected by the war. He didn’t allow the war to destroy his entrepreneurial spirit. During the course of his successful life, he was primarily involved in lots of other businesses, chairing several boards. Give... Always give The Holy Book says ‘Givers never lack’. Sir Mobolaji never lacked. He gave willingly and was a philanthropist in the truest meaning of the word. – By Olujide Olusola
TIMELESS TRUTHS Design isn’t an abstraction
“Design isn’t an abstraction – it’s a direct manifestation of your philosophy and your attitude. That’s why people want to see the Web page and look around the office when they are thinking about joining a company. They think, ‘I fit here,’ or they think, ‘I don’t fit here.’ Design speaks volume about a company’s culture. It tells you if a company is egalitarian or if it’s hierarchical, if it’s easy going or if it’s uptight. ‘How a company chooses to translate its values into design is enormously important.” Rolf Fehlbaum, CEO, Vitra
2. Which TV or movie character would you like to go into business with? Pete Edochie. He is a true professional who is always at his best while performing his duties. 3. If you were to start your own political party, what would be the platform? My platform will be directed towards the development of our agricultural sectors and industrialisation. 4. Whom would you trade places with? Think of the best investors; these are the people I would trade places with. 5. It’s 8 p.m. and you are travelling alone on business. What do you do all night? Ask God for more revelations concerning the business. 6. If you could time-travel, where would you be? I will be in Nigeria in the 1940s. 7. What have you learnt about yourself as you serve in that organisation? I have learnt that I don’t need anyone’s permission to be good or appreciated for what I do. 8. What have you sacrificed for success? Selflessness. 9. What do you consider your favourite achievement? Finding and making friends with the youths and younger generation of this nation. 10. What is your motto? What you have refused to do remains neglected. Interview by Daniel Udechukwu
ceoConfidential ASST. EDITOR Daniel Udechukwu CORRESPONDENT Salome Anyasodo REPORTER Olusola Olujide GRAPHICS Michael Igwe-Ngerem
1. What business do you not want to start but wish someone else would? A waste removal and environmental cleaning outfit. It’s a very lucrative business but with much risks.
ACTING EDITOR Auwal Sa'id Mu'azu
FOUNDER Sam Nda-Isaiah CHAIRMAN Hajiya Ireti Kingibe GRP MANAGING DIRECTOR Azubuike Ishiekwene GRP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Michael Okpere, Dr. Kazeem Durodoye
A number of the articles here are sourced from diverse sources. Feedback & enquiries
Sunday, August 17, 2014
popular with CEOs Compiled by Salome Anyasodo
The Recommender What are the business quotes for this week that make sense or are just humourous?
A Brief Guide Don’t know what you want to see, hear, smell taste and feel? Don’t worry we did it for you.
SEE Guardians of the Galaxy
An AIDS patient
A patient with much improvement after consistently being on ART
Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Last year marked the thirtieth anniversary of struggle against AIDS. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNAIDS, statistics recorded 35 million people living with HIV globally at the end of 2013. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases is the 6th Millennium Developmental Goal set to be achieved before 2015. The focus to combat and gradually eradicate diseases of various gravity, weather terminal or not is premium and should be given the necessary attention due it as various organisations are donating towards this cause and such funds should be used judiciously. Government, health related agencies and parastatals
should all work together to prevent people becoming infected with HIV – helping to change behaviours to reduce HIV risks; increasing access to prevention commodities; supporting programmes for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV; promoting safe blood supplies and prevention of HIV transmission in health care settings; assessing new prevention technologies; to expand the availability of treatment; to provide the best care for people living with HIV/ AIDS and their families; to expand access and uptake of HIV testing and counselling so that people can learn their HIV status; to strengthen health care systems so that they can
Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary-General, “We need to mobilise new funds and make the most of all resources, it will help advance the goals of sustainable development and an AIDS-free generation.”
deliver quality and sustainable HIV/AIDS programmes and services; and to improve HIV/ AIDS information systems, including HIV surveillance, monitoring and evaluation and operational research. However, prevention being the best cure cannot be over stated. Antiretroviral drugs are also used in the treatment and prevention of HIV infection. They fight HIV by stopping or interfering with the reproduction of the virus in the body, reducing the amount of virus in the body. In addition to antiretroviral treatment, people with HIV often need counselling and psychosocial support. Access to good nutrition, safe water and basic hygiene can also help an HIV-infected person
Hajiya Amina Az-Zubair, Special Adviser to the President on MDGs, “Our country has undertaken urgent positive steps aimed at decreasing HIV/AIDS, as Nigeria recorded a fall in the prevalence rate from 5.8 per cent to 4.2 per cent.”
Not to decide is to decide. harvey coy,
When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary. william wrigley,
non-discriminatory approach to employment produces positive effects, for staff, working environment, society, etc., and is an extremely healthy and ethical principle. As such the term ‘diversity’ has become a strongly symbolic principle, rather like other big progressive movements in organisational and societal/economic thinking such as ‘green’, ‘sustainability’, ‘ethics’, ‘governance’, etc.
hear Chief technology officer, United Nations Development Programme, Shrin Hamid, at the Commonwealth Telecommunications organisation Forum The 2014 event is billed to take place in Dhaka on September 8 through 10, 2014 at radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel Dhaka. It promises to be a delight for participants.
taste The real discipline comes in saying “no” to the wrong opportunities. peter drucker,
Management writer
Raising of the dead
In Bolivia, fricasé, also known as levanta muertos (rising of the dead) is a thick stew with spicy yellow chillies, tons of garlic and cumin, hominy, bread, potato and pork. It is a popular lunchtime dish and very nutritious.
FEEL Hudson Valley Food & Wine Fest, Rhinebeck, New York The Hudson Valley is home to some of the country’s top wineries, and for New York City residents this is the perfect weekend getaway to bid farewell to summer. Celebrating all things wine, guests are encouraged to taste different varieties and purchase.
BIZ Lingo In the context of work/ organisations, diversity is a business/employment term originating in the late 1900s, referring to the quality of a workforce (and potentially a group of users/customers or audience) as defined by its mixture of people according to ethnicity, race, religion, disability, gender, sexuality, age, etc. The use of the term diversity assumes that an equal
The 2014 American superhero film is based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan. The film is directed by James Gunn and featuresChris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper amongst others.
The key to good decision-making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter. malolm gladwell,
SMELL Bleu de Chanel Chanel for men
Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a woody aromatic fragrance for men which will hit the shelves in 2010. The fragrance features labdanum, nutmeg, ginger, sandalwood, patchouli, mint, jasmine, grapefruit, citruses, vetiver, incense, cedar and pink pepper.
28 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The ceoConfidential interview
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Omotosho’s drive to inspire the youths Omotosho is very passionate about giving hope to the hopeless and liberating the youths from the fangs of poverty by empowering them in the best possible ways. INTERVIEW BY OLUJIDE OLUSOLA
OMOTOSHO IN SHORT Dr. Mike Omotosho is the chief oversight officer/convener of Mike Omotosho Foundation. He grew up and schooled in Zaria. He studied Pharmacy. Dr Omotosho is a Rotarian, where they provide selfless service. He will be the district governor next year for 2015/2016 for 23 states including the Federal Capital Territory. He is a Harvard University-trained Programme Manager who has also attended purpose-specific courses in the UK, USA and Europe to further hone his leadership skills in Business and Project Management, Logistics, Consulting and Better Business Practices. He has packed in “over 20 years of professional excellence, working with a leading, indigenous non-profit pharmaceutical logistics company. He has in the process leveraged expertise in the management of three blockbusters, multi-million dollar projects from needs analysis to impact assessment. He was resident envoy for Rotary International in the Nigerian Development Partners Group, June 2010 and has so well led the Abuja Charter of Toastmasters Club that in just about one year, its membership has gone up to 52 from inception in January 2010.
I read for 30 minutes… I attend to problems, proffer solutions and ensure it works. So on normal day like everyone else, I am up by 6am. I read for 30 minutes. I choose on what to read. I read on various subjects and I go on the treadmill for just 20 minutes. After I take my bath, dress up and am in the office. When I get to the office as chief oversight officer, we run eight other organisations from here most of them charity organisation. I attend meetings, taking decision. I oversee the effective running of the organisation, and hence why I am the chief oversight officer. It’s a lot easier to see all that is happening. We have to empower them today… My passion has always been to help people not only youths. When I went for my leadership programme in Harvard, it occurred to me that the phrase that ‘the youths are the leaders of tomorrow’ can never be over emphasised. So if you can’t do anything about the past generation, everybody is talking about the current generation, the best bet is to focus on the next generation which is the youths. We keep saying the youths are the leaders of tomorrow, it’s not true. We have to empower them today so that they can be the leaders of tomorrow. Otherwise these same youths will turn around tomorrow and haunt you. So if you don’t invest in them today, you will not make them leaders. I think the easiest thing to do is mindset change.
The foundation… The foundation has been on for four to five years but then, we started putting our thoughts significantly about a year ago. You will be amazed by how many lives we have been able to touch. Over 200 youths have benefited from our poverty alleviation programmes where we were able to link them up with microfinance banks which are encouraged to give them loans at subsidised rates using a special vehicle. We have also been able to train 108 youths in skill acquisitions. A network of youth leaders with a global mind-set that will act locally to develop their communities is grown. We do this by encouraging them to meddle for impact, by meddling for impact, I mean creating an enabling environment where they would go and get involved in issues that ordinarily don’t concern them and by the time they leave, and they leave the place a better place. Meaning they do not have to wait to be invited to solve a problem. When they see a situation that needs a solution, they go in and proffer a solution uninvited, that the meddling we are saying. It’s a positive kind of meddling and that’s why it has to be impactful. They can be the change they actually want to see by themselves If you don’t follow, you wouldn’t expect people to follow you… We are all volunteers. Leadership is an influence on people but at the end of the day as a leader, you have to serve. You to lead must be prepared to serve. In serving that others will follow you.
It’s very simple but people are interpreting it, it will make it appear complex. If you don’t follow, you wouldn’t expect people to follow you. Gone are the days when you tell people what to do, show them and let them see it. Don’t talk about it! Recently we were in Kwara state for a medical outreach, working with people with HIV, Rotary. People clamoured that I come to Kwara being from the state and let them benefit from my foundation. We had over 5000 but we could only attend to 2000 people in one week because we had a volunteer team of 30 people comprising of 12 doctors, 2 nurses, 2 pharmacists and others. At times, what people need is for you to listen… I come up with a beautiful plan and I say where will I get the finance to run this project. Until it dawned on me that what I really need is the change of mind set that this can be done. At times what people need is for you to listen to them and be there for them. When you have the right mind-set and attitude, what you are looking for will appear. When you rise and you take that bold step, people will join you. People will say all sorts of things but… If you want to lead an orchestra, what do you do? You back the crowd and face the orchestra. All the noise they are making is not what you listen. You remain focused. People will say all sorts of things but you stay focused. There are detractors, who will want to demotivate you. You stay on track. I remain steadfast and stick to my beliefs. This keeps me
going on. I don’t come up with things that I have to do… So everything will go together. I normally tell people, for me there is a little strategy that I use and has worked well with me. I don’t come up with things that I have to do and begin to schedule them based on priority I decide which ones are priorities and schedule them. How I spend my 24 hours is what matters. So it must be spent wisely. When I have to play golf I play golf, when I have to worship, I worship and there is time for family as well. Make people work together… Andrew Carnegie was the richest steel magnate. He knew nothing about steel, he wasn’t even an engineer. When Napoleon Hill spoke to him and asked him how he was making so much money, everybody’s respecting you and yet you know nothing about steel, what do you do exactly? His reply was ‘I make teams work’. I make people work together. I will tell business owners that it’s about recognising the inter relationships amongst every member of the team. Every member of the team must understand what their relevance is and how it ties into what the next person is and how all is tied into the overall vision of the team. It’s like a football match where the defender knows he is the last man and will ensure he is not beaten and at the same time knows that the midfielders collect the ball from him and move it forward. The objective is to win and it applies to business executives.
OMOTOSHO on LEADERSHIP Every member of the team must understand what their relevance is and how it is tied into the overall vision of the team
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Lere Baale,
Leadership Inspiration Series for Excellence (LIFE Series)
Arrogance of African leaders: A formula for leadership failure The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humour, but without folly – Jim Rohn
Arrogance has run amok lately. The news and business periodicals are peppered with stories of executives flying in private jets to ask for government hand-outs, taking large bonuses from employers who took billions in bailout money, and instigating organization-wide pay cuts and benefit rollbacks while keeping themselves immune from such changes. Indeed, it has been said that we are currently in an “age of arrogance”. In Africa, some of the political leaders are no longer interested in two terms of service in their elective positions but try to change the constitution in order to meet their inordinate ambitions of life-time presidency. Power
seems too sweet to leave and they become drunk with the same power that was handed over to them by the people. Many African Leaders make use of some of the instruments for security like the police and the armed forces to intimidate opponents and keep themselves in power forever. They misuse the very instrument that has been entrusted to them for protection of their people to instrument of oppression, manipulation and misrule. They forget history so soon that power can be intoxicating and it is very temporal. The Politician who visited you today to seek and plead for your vote, will call you a security risk tomorrow. The age of arrogance is clearly illustrated by one former leader at American International Group (AIG), Joe Cassano. Cassano was the president of AIG’s financial products unit and is credited by some as single-handedly bringing about the downfall of AIG. Many accounts describe
When they hold on to power at all costs against the wishes of majority, they are eventually removed through a disgraceful route. Cassano as a quintessential arrogant leader. Former coworkers report that in stark contrast to his predecessors, Cassano had penchants for yelling, cursing, badmouthing others, and belittling colleagues, as well as little tolerance for opposing viewpoints. He has also been described as having had an obsession with profits, particularly as they related to the lucrative credit-default swap contracts that eventually brought the entire company down. In the absence of Cassano’s persistent arrogant behaviour (and unwillingness to tolerate dissent regarding his management practices), it is possible that AIG’s crisis would have been considerably less severe or altogether avoided. However, despite the fact that it was the practices he sanctioned that led AIG to
be regarded as one of the most notable examples of excess associated with Wall Street, Cassano remains unapologetic about his role and blames others for the crisis. African Leaders are not much different from Cassano. Their arrogance when in power starts to generate the momentum that sweeps them out of power. When they hold on to power at all costs against the wishes of majority, they are eventually removed through a disgraceful route. Anecdotal evidence suggests that interactions with arrogant individuals can be uncomfortable and that this effect is amplified when the arrogant individuals occupy positions of authority in organisations. Many jobs require continuous interaction between employees and their supervisors, effectively
limiting the ability to avoid abuse by an arrogant boss. Managers typically have power over work assignments, promotion opportunities, and performance reviews. This can place subordinates of arrogant managers between a proverbial rock and hard place. The employee who says nothing is subjected to criticism and unrealistic demands, but the employee who does speak up is likely to experience backlash (and the manager’s behaviour still may not change or perhaps will worsen). Most current African Leaders in both public and private sectors are intolerant of opposition or contrary wise counsel and their addiction to power and arrogance of power will eventually lead to their failure. CONtinueS next week
Meet Steve Ballmer, the former Microsoft CEO who paid $2bn for the Clippers Anyone that has followed the technology industry knows Steve Ballmer pretty well. He was at Microsoft basically his entire professional life. He joined the company after Bill Gates recruited him. They were dorm buddies at Harvard. But now that Ballmer owns the Clippers, a whole new group of people are going to get to know him. For those people, here is a bit of primer on Ballmer. In short, Ballmer is a bit of a riddle. He is whip smart, and yet... also sort of misguided, and lacking in the grand
vision needed to excel in a dynamic competitive field like technology. Ballmer is a numbers guy. He aced the math portion of the SAT. He majored in mathematics — not business, not computer science. At Microsoft, he often knew the numbers of a business line better than the person responsible for that business line. While CEO at Microsoft, the company’s revenue grew 294%. Profits grew 181%. But that’s not what people think of when they think of his run as CEO. They think
of the stock, which was down ~40% while he was CEO. They think of the fact that Apple, which was barely getting by when Ballmer took over, blew past Microsoft in sales, profits, and market value while Ballmer was CEO. In fact, the iPhone business alone blew past all of Microsoft while Ballmer was in charge. And what did Ballmer think of the iPhone when it was first on the market? He laughed at it. He said, “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.”
30 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
situation reports Compiled by Olujide Olusola
Brand Beginnings Ericsson: A world of communication
ricsson is a Swedish multinational provider of communications technology and services. The offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for telecom operators and other industries, including telecommunications and IP networking equipment, mobile and fixed broadband, operations and business support solutions, cable TV, IPTV, video systems, and an extensive services operation. Ericsson is the world leader in the 2G/3G/4G mobile network infrastructure markets (35 per cent in 2012). Ericsson is one of the strongest holders of essential patents in the wireless industry and have approximately 35,000 granted patents in 2012. Ericsson complies with terms that are fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) for its patent licensing programs and is a net receiver of licensing royalties. Ericsson and 9/11 In the days after the attacks Ericsson helped with setting up extra mobile antennas around the ruins of the World Trade Center to increase coverage. Ericsson also contributed in rescue work by developing a special computer program that could be used to identify mobile phones found in the debris. The Ericsson spirit The recreation center of Ericsson, Midsommargården was a unique initiative that paved the way for cultural encounters between different people. The foundation was created to promote a sense of community and understanding among people with different backgrounds and opinions in addition to providing support for personal development. From crisis to war Diversification and focus on the domestic market was Ericsson’s way of surviving the crises of the 1930s. The same trends were to apply even more during the Second World War from 1939-1945. Initially, this involved the production of ammunition. In the spring of 1940, a quarter of the automatic lathes
were being used to turn grenades. The humble beginning The second major event of 1878 was the delivery of the first telephones of Ericsson’s manufacture. American-made instruments had been introduced in Sweden the previous year, and some of them had already been in Ericsson’s shop for repair. The experience gained from the repair work, and with studies Ericsson had undertaken after reading accounts of Bell’s patent, enabled him to design and produce serviceable instruments. Other orders followed in close succession, and although the telephone continued to be regarded as a luxury, Ericsson intensified his efforts to improve his instruments. The breakthrough of telephony in Sweden occurred in 1880 when the American Bell Company, using American equipment, constructed the first telephone networks. The situation was critical for Ericsson, as he stood to lose virtually all of his home market unless he and Andersson could demonstrate convincingly that their equipment was equal, if not superior, to Bell’s. The showdown came in 1881, when the city of Galve on the Baltic coast was to be equipped with a local telephone system. The Bell Company in Stockholm offered to install and operate a system for 200 krona per subscriber per year, which was to be based on a five-year contractual arrangement. Instruments from Bell and Ericsson telephones were set up for testing, it was agreed by the ‘testers’ that the Ericsson telephones were simpler, stronger and more attractive. There were also other contenders plying their interests in the project. The era of telecommunications Early in 1880 Ericsson had ten workmen on his payroll. By 1884, the number was closer to one hundred. The growth of the fledgling enterprise was to continue, albeit not without some setbacks, for more than one hundred years. One of Ericsson’s important contributions was to give telephone instruments and their necessary components a light, attractive appearance without any degradation of technical performance. In this respect, Ericsson instruments differed substantially from the early equipment offered by other manufacturers. Ericsson instruments produced during the last two decades of the nineteenth century, widely imitated by other companies, are today collectors’ items par excellence, throughout the world.
Management IDEAS
Customer relationship management
Some ideas continue to command respect among hardened management theorists years after they first appeared and some provoke snorts of derision. Customer relationship management or CRM – around which an entire industry has been erected – gets more than its fair share of snorts. We all experience CRM, the bad side of it, every time we get stuck in touchtone hell, with a recorded voice asking us to ‘please select one of the following options’ – for the fifth time. Yet the
underlying idea is perfectly logical – concentrate on your customers, learn about their needs and behaviour, use what you learn to improve the relationship and ultimately, sell them more of what it is you are selling them. CRM is more business philosophy than software, more passion than project. When CRM is done successfully, it is like a giant jackhammer that knocks down internal walls. It includes every aspect of how you conduct business from back office to front office to ‘e’ everything.
five lessons in economic leadership from ancient Egypt Lesson #1: Economic priests reverse the meaning of words The modern priests of global finance have redefined key words and given them a meaning that is “the opposite of, or at least very different from, their initial sense.” Thus: “Credit” has been “reversified”. Instead of the positive meaning of Giza Pyramids the trust in and reliance transformation. The on the truth or reality of economic priesthood in something, it now means the acquisition of a financial ancient Egypt played a key role in preserving that liability. stability—call it stagnation, “Inflation”: Instead of if you like. meaning something is However in times of growing and expanding, it rapid technological means that money is worth transformation like today, less. the role of the economic “Synergy” means sacking priesthood in protecting its people. own interests can become “Noncore assets” means a massively destabilizing. garbage. Thus we know from the Lesson #2: Personal Nilometers are not practical. history of the last couple of hundred years that in But is it really practical “to measure the level of the Nile times of rapid technological transformation, the financial for ourselves”? Just as the sector tends to become people of ancient Egypt had disconnected from the no access to the measuring devices that would have told real economy, as it seeks to get beyond the “boring” them was really happening returns of financing the in the Nile river, so today real economy and emulate individual citizens not the “exciting” returns of only lack access to the new technology in all its information as to what is activities. going on in the financial Lesson #5: The status quo is sector: it’s not easy to see hard to change how they could ever have it. Just as the ancient Egyptian Lesson #3: The economic economic priesthood clung priesthood is not all bad to power as the economy Just as the Egyptian stagnated, so today the priesthood served a economic priesthood shows useful social function in no signs of relinquishing accurately predicting the their gains or their power. size of the annual flooding The appetite and expectation of the Nile floodbasin, of extraordinary returns is so the financial sector, in still there. As bankers Kevin addition to its questionable Warsh and and Stanley activities, serves a useful Druckenmiller point out social function in funding in the Wall Street Journal, the real economy of goods “Corporate chieftains and services and providing citizens and businesses with rationally choose financial engineering—debtfinancial security. The issue financed share buybacks, is where does the “good for example—over capital stuff” end and the “bad investment in property, stuff” start? plants and equipment. Lesson #4: Understand the Financial markets reward big picture shareholder activism. One difference today Institutional investors from ancient Egypt is extend their risk parameters that Egyptian society to beat their benchmarks… was remarkably stable But real economic growth— over thousands of years, averaging just a bit above whereas our economy 2 percent for the fifth year today is going through in a row—remains sorely a massive technological lacking.”
Sunday, August 17, 2014
getting ahead
Duncan Bannatyne, Britain’s best-known entrepreneur
Mistakes Businesses Make MISTAKE 41
Refusing to admit you’re not up to the job
Family Heritage
‘Would you get an interview for your own job?’ continues from last week
The best and fairest way to do it is to create a board of directors for the new CEO to report to. You might be on that board, but if decisions are taken democratically, the new CEO can get on with the job without direct interference from you. It’s a very tough position to put yourself in, but if it’s that or losing the business, it could be a very smart decision. There are several examples of founders realising they weren’t the best CEO, and my favourite is eBay. It was started in 1995 by a computer engineer called Pierre Omidyar. Not only was he brilliant with code and computers, but he was smart enough to realise, when people started using his trading platform, that it had potential. In 1996, he met an experienced MBA graduate called Ieff Skoll and promptly hired him as the company’s first President. Skoll set about writing a business plan for
Business icons
eBay, and when he realised just how much potential Omidyar’s idea had, decided that even he didn’t have the experience to take it forward. And so he used his business plan to tempt one of the most high-profile executives in corporate America, Meg Whitman, who had previously worked at Disney, Hasbro and Procter & Gamble, to turn eBay into the global giant we know today. Pierre Omidyar’s most profitable day at work was writing the online auction software itself, but his second most profitable day was when he hired Skoll. And Ieff Skoll earned all his share options and salary the day he realised the business needed someone with Whitman’s skills. Needless to say, eBay is now a fantastically successful business. If you think you can’t hand over your business to someone else, just take a moment to think about whether that’s better than having no business at
all. And also spend some time wondering if someone else could help you turn your business into the next eBay. I find it interesting that when 1 meet entrepreneurs whose businesses have gone under, the reasons they give me for the failure usually relate to an external factor; perhaps a rival launched, or a new product came out, or they had problems with cashflow, or some other reason beyond their control. Hardly anyone ever says, ‘I wasn’t up to the job.’ What they don’t realise is that not anticipating a competitor coming to town, or a rival product launching, or taking action to combat cashflow issues, all actually add up to the same thing: the person in charge isn’t up to the job. It takes someone special to admit that they are the problem rather than looking for something else to blame. concluded
In a world that’s seeing the big get bigger; an effective way to separate yourself from the striving herd is to stay a family business. While taxes and ensuing generations don’t always make this easy, it can be a powerful concept if the family can be held together. People appear to feel more kindly toward a family-run business as opposed to a cold, impersonal public corporation that’s beholden to a bunch of greedy stockholders. Family members can be just as greedy. But, because what goes on is never reported, all that greed is kept behind closed doors. A family business is also believed to be more involved with their product than with their stock price. They also are given higher marks for community involvement because they tend to be natives of the town where the company was founded. We’ve also discovered that a family business tends to treat their employees more like family. There’s a feeling of having grown up together. No company exemplifies this more than a billion-dollar family company called Rich’s Frozen Foods. Their family ownership is a unique difference. That, coupled with size, makes them a counter-point to the large, impersonal corporations that make up their main competition.
Leadership lessons continues From last week
Jack Welch, former CEO, GE
One of GE’s greatest fix it stories is the one of Jack Welch NBC. The early 1990s were not going well for NBC until Welch hired the right people to come in and fix it. Today NBC is a leading network in many categories. Welch developed this philosophy after reading two of Peter Drucker’s questions: “If you weren’t already in the business, would you enter it today?” and “If no, what are you going to do about it?” This philosophy, even initially, had
some limits. It would not work with commodities, such as toasters, because even having a leadership positions would not give you competitive advantage or pricing power. It would not work with some businesses, like financial services, which have a strong niche, so they succeed even they’re not number one or number 2. Expand Market Definition. This philosophy was later modified because the business units within GE would
define themselves in terms of very narrow markets to ensure their number one or two position. This limited the growth and expansion the company could achieve. In 1995, GE had the business units expand the idea of their markets so that no division had more than 10 per cent of the market. This opened up an examination of the mission of each business, and a new mandate was issued to pursue a larger part of the newly defined market.
continues next week
32 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Compiled by Olujide Olusola
Most creative people in business
Mario Queiroz Jill Wilfert VP of product management, Google
Gur Kimchi and Daniel Buchmueller VP of Prime Air; Software Development Engineer of Prime Air, Amazon For proving that the sky is not the limit The first item that shipped via Prime Air, Amazon’s drone delivery system, was a Kindle. Team leaders Gur Kimchi and Daniel Buchmueller chose it for its compact size, but the symbolism in this test flight was clear: If the Kindle revolutionized Amazon’s business by enabling the company to deliver goods digitally, Prime Air could bring that same level of instant gratification to the physical world. In December, Amazon unveiled Prime Air on 60 Minutes, wowing viewers with its portrayal of a future where unmanned aerial vehicles zip around the sky ferrying parcels to your door in 30 minutes. Right now, the system isn’t ready for market, and some have called it a PR stunt, considering the questions left unanswered: How would drones deliver in big cities or bad weather? But Kimchi and Buchmueller say it demonstrates Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s appetite for bold bets. “The culture here allows you to be creative without being constrained by what’s possible,” Kimchi says. “For every project like Prime Air that you know about, we probably have 100 more that you don’t.” As with many ideas in Seattle, this one was hatched over coffee. On a rainy day last year (Amazon, oddly, wouldn’t confirm when), Kimchi and Buchmueller were at a coffeehouse in Seattle’s South Lake Union when they started discussing the potential for a drone delivery system. “Getting stuff into customers’ hands in 30 minutes or less is this mythical point that only pizza companies have achieved,” Kimchi says. The inevitable next step of delivery, according to Buchmueller, was to “look to the sky.” The pursuit would involve geospatial know-how, which, as it happened, both possessed. Buchmueller served in the Swiss army for six years, in electronic warfare and communications intelligence, while Kimchi served as a
board member at Waze, the social-mapping startup Google recently acquired. The pair have a passion for aviation and worked together for years at Microsoft, developing its nextgen Bing location services. At Amazon, in an R&D lab filled with 3-D printers, chalkboards, an espresso maker, and the ever-present smell of epoxy glue, the two engineers began cranking on the idea that would become Prime Air. Buchmueller had built drones as a hobby and was unimpressed with commercially available technology, such as Parrot’s popular AR.Drone Quadricopter. “I was on vacation in Switzerland when I used a Parrot outside, and the wind blew it into the side of a building,” he says. They aimed to develop a more robust drone with eight rotors for increased stability. The resulting craft can navigate autonomously via GPS and carry a payload of 5 pounds, a promising start considering that 86% of Amazon’s inventory fits into that weight class. During their months of experimentation, Kimchi swears the duo “never felt like we had to ask Jeff for permission.” But at some point, the idea caught the attention of Bezos, who made a big splash by unveiling Prime Air on national television. In the clip, which has been viewed more than 14 million times on YouTube, an Amazon drone picks up a package at a fulfillment center and flies off to a customer’s home. “I showed it to my kids and said, ‘Hey, this is what I do at work!’ They were like, ‘Cool! Can we [come] see it?’ “ Kimchi recalls. “I was like, ‘Nope!’ “ Prime Air, the pair say, will be ready for when the FAA issues regulation on commercial drone systems, expected as early as 2015. “The difference between science fiction and reality is not as distinct as it used to be,” Kimchi says. But then he stops short. “Well, there’s still time travel. I can announce that Amazon is not working on time travel.” Well, not yet.
For rattling the $200 billion smart-TV industry with a $35 solution Cord cutting has sparked a revolution in the living room, and Mario Queiroz is Google’s conquering hero. It took merely 18 months for him and his team to bring Chromecast from idea to market. At $35, it’s a cheap streaming player that forgoes the set-top box in favour of a dongle that plugs into an HDMI port. The elegant workaround has sold millions, even though many consumers are waiting for Apple or someone else to build the next-wave TV set we all want. In the meantime, Chromecast delivers Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Go--and lets users “cast” web content, such as YouTube videos, to their own big screen.
Vice president for global licensing and entertainment, Lego For making toy bricks a bigscreen hit Lego tinkered with movie ideas for years, but the pieces took a long time to lock together. Persistence paid off: The Lego Movie, released in February, earned more than $400 million and rapturous reviews. “The brand is all about creativity and imagination,” says Jill Wilfert. “It had to be a fantastic, entertaining movie experience above anything else. We know exactly how kids interact with the brand.” Not surprisingly, a sequel is in the works.
Raj Talluri SVP of product management, Qualcomm For teaching your devices to talk to each other Imagine opening your front door and having the lights blink on, the TV start up, and the thermostat kick on. It’s a wild idea, but one that may be imminent, says Raj Talluri. Last December, Qualcomm hinted at its power to make that happen with the release of Toq, an Android-powered smartwatch that syncs up with your smartphone and never turns off. It’s one piece of Talluri’s larger vision. Unlike the pioneering, recently
Google-acquired Nest, which owns the connected-thermostat and smoke-detector space, Talluri and co. are betting that Qualcomm, as the chipmaker that owns more than 50% of the smartphone market, will be able to craft a universal dialogue among household appliances. There’s a lot left to do, but Talluri is optimistic: “This technology isn’t magic anymore.” The next step, he says, is working with open-source communication platform AllJoyn.
How to Act Around a Guy You like
et cetera ...AND OTHER THINGS August 17, 2014
Wish List
Ivie Igberaese loves Mercedes C350 (2014) p34
The Twitterati
Zainab Balogun hates guilt trips p39
et cetera
How I feel about...
ART is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects. I was born in Lagos State, Nigeria where I still live and work as a full time professional, I hail from Orhionwon Local Area of Edo state, graduated from Yaba Art School, Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) Lagos with Higher National Diploma in Fine Art with a majored in Painting. I have been actively involved in artistic matters, my work is widely represented in private and public collections and I exhibit regularly each year. I have had 3 solo exhibitions and over 40 group exhibitions to my credit. I am a member of the Society Of Nigerian Artists (SNA). I have a strong passion for my art and photography; it’s a privilege to be an artist and able to create something. Creativity is one a gift each human possesses. I was born an artist because looking back in time art had always been part of me, my love, joy and everything. My career has been fun and my desire is to leave a legacy. One of the reasons I’ve chosen to spend my life making art is because art is made to last. Everyone has his or her story to tell, challenges keep me going and I will continue to challenge myself with tough questions and seek out the answers to those questions, and hopefully in doing so, I will add something to the rich tradition of art. In art, especially in painting profit rarely comes quickly, as you’ve probably noticed. Generally it’s achieved through building a large and strong body of work, getting good word of mouth, being appreciated and attracting the attention of buyers all of which tends to happen gradually and can take many years. Focus! This has been the watch-word in my field of life and therefore is my advice for upcoming talented artist to be focused irrespective of what may come their way. My projects are to tour Nigeria, project documentation on art and photography for the past years. The project has 3 solo exhibitions “SCAPES FROM NIGERIA” and “ARGUNGU SERIES 1&2”, more coming soon. If you love art cover your walls with paintings that speak to your soul and bring you peace. Think about what Fine Art means to you and consider it an investment in the future. I want to always get better; one of my main goals is to travel all over the world and paint my impressions. In my own words, “I want to show God’s glory in all that I create.”
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Ivie Igberaese
Holiday at Ibiza and the Hamptons. Lifestyle of the rich and famous.
The business development manager reveals some of her wishes to Zanswat Bowsan
Own my make up line. I love the art. I enjoy working on the face like a fresh canvas.
Own a Mercedes C350 (2014). The car is way too sleek to ignore A huge Chris Aire diamond ring. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
A room full of clothes and shoes; can’t have enough..
Own a yacht. Sometimes I just want to get away
Should I Marry Her?
In a light-hearted weekly column, we take a wry look at the problems of modern life
the plates, took them to the kitchen and put the rest of the food on the cooker in the fridge. When she woke up and sae the dirty plates she started I’ve been dating this lady for 3 years and complaining “You couldn’t even wasn’t was preparing to ask her to be the plates, ordinary plate you my wife. She is 28, educated, lives alone couldn’t wash”. She dint apologise and and has a decent job. However, this is not the first time. Am she doesn’t clean and hardly cooks. changing my mind about marrying her. Last Saturday I went to visit her What do you think? expecting to spend the night, on the Dipo from Lagos. way. I got some food which I ate at hers. Shortly after my arrival she cooked, Dear Dipo, ate and fell asleep in the living room. Am sure u already know the answer While she was sleeping I cleared so an going to hang this one on you.
et cetera group
The choice is yours Mister. Can u put up with this for the rest of your life? Now you have seen the signs, it’s still early for you to back out or stay right in to do the dishes.u choose. And don’t bother sending a wedding card if you chose to stay with her. I would rather watch a movie.
Do you have a dilemma that you want help with? Write to blessing.
CONTENT Zanswat Bowsan, Blessing Ukemena DESIGN Igwe-Ngerem Michael ACTING EDITOR Auwal Sa'id Mu'azu FOUNDER Sam Nda-Isaiah CHAIRMAN Hajiya Ireti Kingibe GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR Azubuike Ishiekwene GROUP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Michael Okpere, Dr Kazeem Durodoye Feedback and mails Etcetera is published as an insert in LEADERSHIP Sunday. Please do send your pictures, stories, mails and enquiries to
et cetera
Sunday August 17, 2014
Nene khama’s gorgeous look is breathtaking.
Omowunmi Masha indeed knows how to pull out a sophisticated look.
Fatima Muhammad Ahmad is totally fabulous.
SIMPLE Lilian in a simple designed black kaftan
Chidera Didigu’s slim nature rocks in a suede wrapper.
You can send your pictures to
Bukola Enaboifo; looking all glamourous.
et cetera
Sunday, August 17, 2014
DAINTY Kemi Oyekola’s petite silhouette makes her look delicated
You can send your pictures to
SPRUCE Doofan Takur’s yellow lace buba and blue wrapper are a neat collection
WELL-DRESSED Ahmed Bello is looking dapper with his sunshades
et cetera
Sunday, August 17, 2014
FASHIONABLE Odunola makes wearing animal prints so easy
GORGEOUS Chisom Ezeoke’s red headtie makes her ebony skin sparkle
FANCY Chat B rocks a knotted wrapper on a white satin blouse
GORGEOUS Nwanne Otum’s braids sit beautifully on her head
GLAMOUROUS Ifeoma Mbonu’s green outfit creates a plush appearance
SERIOUS! Nafisa Muntaka: little smile will make you even prettier
TRIM Preye Orok is looking elegant in a slender figure
REGAL Blessing Maxwell gives a royal touch to her style
TASTEFUL Adebisi Aileru looks vibrant and colourful
STYLISH Theodora Okonko loves the South African tastes
SWANKY Osade Oladimeji loving her beautiful self
FRIENDSfor-LIFE Amoge, Judith and Chidinma believe in live and let’s live together
CHARMING Ebere’s Smile Is Contagious
HAPPYGIRL Enitan Fatuga says you are never fully dressed until you wear a smile
et cetera
Sunday, August 17, 2014
iNSIDE story
rom childhood, we hear a familiar song or rhythm and we move our bodies. Dance has been in existence since forever. They are, cultural, festive, ritualistic or for leisure. Dance is also a wonderful form of exercise. It not only releases and frees our bones, muscles and joints, but also raises spirits. A very large population of people like to hit the club on the weekends to unwind after a stressful day at work and school. High-energy dancing also gives your body a great workout. But be sure to drink plenty of water and not to overdo it, as even just going out dancing can cause physical injuries, particularly in the ankles, knees and hip joints, when pounding the floor repeatedly (aren’t you glad the “running man” is gone?). There are so many dance forms to choose from. Here in Nigeria we have the traditional dances from different parts of the country. For example: the Eastern part of Nigeria has the “Atilogwu” which involves a lot of vigour and acrobatics. The North-central has the Tiv dance known as “Swange”, just to mention a couple. There is also Hip-hop, Salsa, Zumba, Rumba, Ballroom, belly dance and Masala Bhangra…the list is endless. The world of dance has legends and icons like James Brown, Michael Jackson, Fred Astaire, Jeffrey Daniels, Laurie Ann Gibson, Paula Abdul and Debbie Allen. And in recent times, various artistes like Usher, Chris Brown, Jabawokeez and Nigeria’s P-Square. Nigeria was put on the map when dancer, choreographer Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shafau a.k.a Kaffy broke the Guinness Book of World Record for the longest dance routine. In an interview she said “It was more or less like when something in life tells you
What they said... Dance, As A Form Of Exercise nd Leisure
to be focused and decide quickly. I was going and keeping up with different jobs to stay afloat, the pressure became so heavy I had to drop out of school at a point, because I was the one funding my academics and it got to a point where I couldn’t meet up anymore. I was working in Lagos state, schooling in Ogun State, four-five days a week, I shuttled between both states, and it wasn’t easy. Things were tough because of the countless expenses I had to bear, include mine and my siblings school fees. Then I told myself; if we are going to school to help us adapt knowledge to apply in our life, I have adapted knowledge to entertainment and dance, let me push further and use that as a medium to make money right. Then, I decided to be serious with it, so all my knowledge in Physics, Biology, Mathematics and everything, I just applied it in dance and that’s where I am today. It’s not very easy, because the dance is still on the popularity commercial side. We need to be structured to make it work. With young people] some of them don’t even bother to train, they are just there for shows, so what we do in my company is that we try to instil
“ Dance is a vital part of my daily life. It has kept me fit without even doing the actual exercising. I do my stretches before any dance routine and I feel great."
Frank Ande, Dance Instructor
work ethic, professionalism, and the ability to be very disciplined. I create an avenue, a place for them to work, and I train them so I can expose them to the ethics of the place.” Over the years, dance has been known to produce very healthy people and even in their old ages, they look better than their contemporaries. Dance is not only a form of recreation and relaxation, but it is also a form of exercise. It is a great way of keeping fit without going through the strains of the actual workouts. Frank Wayo Ande, a dance instructor spoke with Et Cetera and said, “I am an extreme lover of the performing arts and all its elements. So amidst directing events, designing, developing and analysing concepts, overseeing a yoga/Pilates class, instructing a high-cardio fitness class, performing a contemporary or jazz dance piece, showing a little kid a proper ballet position, adjusting the hand of a kid’s karate punch, I’d love to call myself a “Creativity Contractor”. Dance is a vital part of my daily life. It has kept me fit without even doing the actual exercising. I do my stretches before any dance
“I did hip hop dance for a while and dropped one size down. I hate the gym and love music; It is all so structured and those equipments can be daunting, especially the treadmill. Feels like I’m running on the spot. There are different genres of dance for individuals of different ages ." Esther Sule-Okuego, Businesswoman
routine and I feel great. Look at any professional dancer; they are always fit. Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Usher, Laurie Ann Gibson. They are absolutely fit and that’s my goal, to produce a very healthy and fit Nigeria.” Esther Sule-Okuego, a businesswoman said “I did hip hop dance for a while and dropped one size down. I hate the gym and love music; It is all so structured and those equipments can be daunting, especially the treadmill. Feels like I’m running on the spot. I had fun while sweating. The good thing about dancing is, you can do it in the confinements of your house or room, but it is even better when you can do it with a bunch of people. You burn fat without even noticing it. There are different genres of dance for individuals of different ages.” Victor Oyoyo, a Medical Doctor spoke about dancing from the medical angle, “When deciding which dance from is right for you, however, be realistic about your state of fitness, your age and your ability. Start at the beginning, learning steps and form gradually, as your build up stamina and confidence. Dancing is a “wonderful form of exercise” because the entire body gets a workout, improving the body’s major muscle groups. Dancing is also low-impact, and makes exercise fun. It is also believed that dancers have the most beautiful bodies and they don’t train at the gym. Dance can battle ailments such as childhood obesity (and also in adults), high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and arthritis. Dance also improves the activity of the heart and blood flow throughout the body”, he said. Aisha Suleiman, a Pharmacist said “I have two left feet, but I love to dance. I don’t know how to. So I enrolled in a gym where I am learning to dance the zumba, salsa and rhumba. It is
“Dance can battle ailments such as childhood obesity (and also in adults), high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and arthritis. Dance also improves the activity of the heart and blood flow throughout the body. Dancing is a wonderful form of exercise.”
Victor Oyoyo, Medical Doctor
We want to know what you think about our inside story above. You can have your say by emailing
fun because my fitness instructor takes me through the basics and as time goes on, I move to harder moves. I don’t like working out; waking up to go to the gym or to jog is a chore for me. At my dance class, I get to sweat and burn calories. I have been here for only a month and I have lost 5kg. I am excited and I am sure I will soon fit into that little black dress in my wardrobe. Dancing is fun, especially when my favourite songs are on. There are also special classes for women; it is for body shaping, we learn belly dancing. Believe it or not, it works. The results may not be immediate, but its amazing.” There is now a dance form which is proving highly popular with people in general and is proving to be a great hit with children. The video game Dance Dance Revolution (D.D.R) is made by Konami of Japan where it was located in arcades in that country. It is now more usually played on Sony’s Playstation 2 and Microsoft’s box game consoles. There are a number of other games such as Red Octane’s In the Groove, Pump It Up, Exceed, Dance Along and Para Para Paradise. The video game Dance Dance Revolution and other such games may be a means of helping individuals lose weight. As a song plays (and all sorts of music is suitable) arrows pointing forward, back, left and right, appear on the screen in various sequences and combinations. The players must step on the matching arrows on a mat on the floor. Players can dance by themselves, with a partner or in competition. There is also the Michael Jackson game known as “The Experience” by Nintendo Wii. It contains all his hit singles and players can enjoy singing and dancing as one player or as a team. By doing so, the players are keeping fit and having fun at the same time.
“I have two left feet, but I love to dance. I don’t know how to. So I enrolled in a gym where I am learning to dance the zumba, salsa and rhumba. It is fun because my fitness instructor takes me through the basics and as time goes on, I move to harder moves."
Aisha Suleiman, Pharmacist
et cetera
Sunday, August 17, 2014
And Robin Williams. Sometimes the happiest ones outside are the saddest ones inside-in memorian August 12
Such sad news
This is only too predictable. Congratulations Ogbeni. August 10 Really?
Even the fear of Ebola?
I always feel guilty when I crop people out of a picture for an Instagram post. August 12 It’s just heart wrenching
@deejttb Rest in perfect peace @robinwilliams. You cane, you saw, you stayed, you gave us joy and then you left #Hero #Boss August 12 Enlighten us on the hero part, please @AndyMadaki . In other news, the U.S has agreed to send the Zmapp serum to countries affected by Ebola Virus Disease. August 12 What’s the catch? There’s always one or more @Ashionye There are truly angels on earth. You know who you are. Thank you for always being there. July 21 A heart of gratitude is beautiful @MichelleDede Monday isn’t anyone’s favourite day, or is it? August 11 Except if it is pay day
@faithielicious Limits like fears are often just an illusion. August 11
@olajideokerayi Outer beauty pleases the eye. Inner beauty captivates the heart. August 9 And your wisdom is impressive @TheAlcheMystic Good morning. Your assassins failed. August 12 Arrrgh! How did that happen? @soundsultan Talents need to work very, very hard in this industry. Please don’t rely on your talent alone. August 11 Please they need to know this. @Stanleybentu . How do you think we can combat the Ebola scourge if the doctors are still on strike? August 11 Salt baths and bitter kola, perhaps? @sodakas . Missionaries in Africa getting infected with Ebola, African churches pastors buying jets and junketing, the same God? August 12
@NateMamman So this guy, in Portsmouth, goes drinking, gets to the cemetery and decides to throw his hands in the air and says “whooo”. August 8 Oh my! Nothing as scary as a drunk ghost @tokstarr Just a month ago we still talked of #Ebola in Ivory Coast. Why didn’t the government take safety measures? Why did we have to have one case? August 8 Sloppiness is the problem
@eLDeeTheDon . At what point do we admit our inadequacies and seek help from whoever we believe capable of bringing these girls home? August 11 People don’t seem to care enough @obyezeks What would you do if you realized that your silence leads to inertia on the rescue of our 219 daughters? Would you remain silent? Would you? August 11 Definitely not!
I’m afraid not!
@ElJefe . LOL! Let’s not act like MOST Nigerian students didn’t pick their subject combos so as to ensure they got the easiest 5 creds possible. August 8 The system has fallen apart
@GordonComedian You are 18yrs old, dating a 62 year old man and your update says “I can’t wait to see my baby” Is he your baby or your ANCESTOR? July 19 LOL!
et cetera
Sunday, August 17, 2014
How to Act Around a Guy You Like
LIFE101 Brotherhood Ram received an automobile from his brother as Birthday present. One day when Ram came out of his office, he saw a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is this your car?” – He asked. Ram nodded, “My brother presented me on my birthday.” The boy was astounded. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish…” – He hesitated. Of course Ram knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like his brother but what the lad said jarred Ram all the way down to his heels.
You may find it impossible to be yourself or to keep your cool around the guy you like. As soon as you see him, you start sweating, your knees feel like silly putty, and you start babbling on like a five year old or worse, you find yourself talking about Pooh-Bear, your favourite stuffed animal, because you can’t stand the awkward silence. Don’t worry! Feeling out of your element around your crush is perfectly natural. Once you calm down, regroup, and remind yourself that the guy is just as nervous as you are, you’ll be able to act natural and impress the guy in no time.
When he catches your eye, smile sweetly and turn back to what you were doing. If you sit and stare at him all day, he’ll think you’re a little obsessive. When you do talk to him, though, be confident enough to look him right in the eye instead of staring at the ground, and he’ll be impressed by how you handle yourself. If you’re talking to him, it’s okay to avert your gaze every once in a while. Staring into his eyes during the entire conversation may be a little intense.
him to come up to you. Instead, enjoy the people you’re hanging out with, laugh, tell funny stories, be engaged instead of looking around you, and just be a person who other people want to hang out with. Make him want to come up to you and make conversation because other people enjoy your presence. If you look like you’re in high demand and surrounded by people, he won’t be scared off; instead, he’ll just want to get to know you even more Last of all, Keep your cool. Try to stay calm as much as you can, even if you feel butterflies in your stomach. You can still be upbeat and fun without getting nervous
Make eye contact. Keep it to casual glances, or he might get freaked out.
Let him see you having a great time. If the guy is in your orbit but not talking to you, don’t spend your time looking sad or bored and waiting for
Couch Potato
Billy Graham. 5:30AM on TBN
Kaakaki The African Voice. 6AM on AIT
The Spot. 7:30PM on Ebony Life TV
Snapped:Women Who ill. 8PM on Crime & Investigation
or talking too much or too loudly just because you’re around the guy. If you find yourself getting too excited, take a deep breath and calm down. Look away from his face if you have to. You don’t have to be completely chill if that’s not really your personality, but try not to look too eager or excited around him or he may get a little overwhelmed. There’s a difference between keeping your cool and acting like you don’t care. He should still be able to tell that you favour him a little bit, without thinking you have a shrine devoted to him in your closet. Culled from The Girl’s Guide to Almost Everything
Kona. 2PM on Africa Magic
“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Ram looked at the boy in astonishment, and then impulsively he added, “Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?”. “Oh yes, I’d love that.” After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, “Would you mind driving in front of my house?”. Ram smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Ram was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” The boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Ram heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car. “There he is, brother. Like I told you upstairs, his brother gave it to him and it didn’t cost him a penny. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the shop windows that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”. Ram got out and lifted the crippled boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable ride. SOURCE -
Something borrowed, Something New. 12:05PM on TLC
E! News 6PM on E!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
bottom lines 9.3% $938,000,000 Percentage drop in profit of PZ Cussons Nigeria in the year ended May 31, 2014.
IN SHORT Zenith bank reports 4.5 per cent rise in half year profit Zenith Bank Plc recently reported its half-year profit after tax (PAT) rose 4.5 per cent to N47.445 billion from N45.419bn in the same period of 2013. Similarly, profit before tax (PBT) grew 7.0 per cent to N57.859bn in the review period from N54.083bn in the second half of 2013. Gross earnings of the Nigerian lender also increased 7.8 per cent to N184.434bn from N171.024bn in the corresponding period of 2013. However, at the end of trading on the floor of the Nigerian bourse, share price of the bank dropped 0.20 per cent from N25.00 to N24.95 losing 0.5 kobo. Peter Amangbo, group managing director/chief executive officer (GMD/ CEO) of the bank while commenting on the result said the lenders strong results for the first half of 2014 further confirm its continued leadership in consistently delivering superior performance and returns. ‘’Driven by our innovative processes, cutting edge technology and committed staff, the group recorded total revenue of N184.8bn for the second quarter, which represents an 8.0 per cent increase over the 2013 half year. The group also recorded profit before tax (PBT) of N 57.9bn compared with PBT of N 54.1bn recorded in the same period in 2013, an increase of 7.0 per cent YoY,’’ he said.
Felix Rosenberg, CEO, Swiss Telecom
Amount the African Bank Investments Limited will receive as capital injection to stave off collapse and creditor protection after the South African Reserve Bank stepped in to help save the business.
Forte Oil H1 profit rises to 125.3 per cent Petroleum marketing firm, Forte Oil Plc recently said its half-year (H1) 2014 post tax profit climbed up 125.3 per cent to N3.134bn from N1.391bn reported in the same period of 2013. Similarly, pre-tax profit grew 152 per cent to NN4.191bn in the H1 period of 2014 from N1.663bn recorded in the corresponding period of 2013. Revenue also increased 32.8 per cent to N79.606bn in the first half of 2014 from N59.960bn declared in the same quarter of 2013. In a statement by Odion Aleobua, head, brand and corporate communications, Julius Omodayo-Owotuga, group chief financial officer (GCFO) of Forte Oil said achieving 152 per cent growth in profitability in the company’s third year of transformation is a clear indication that the milestones set in its restructure programme are being met earlier than envisaged. According to Omodayo-Owotuga , the 33 per cent increase in revenue is from a growing number of retail outlets and improved commercial customer base, while keeping the firm’s costs; distribution, administrative, and finance low. ‘’The result is an indication that Group chief executive officer, Forte Oil, Akin we are operating efficiently and are focused Akinfemiwa on our vision of being the foremost energy solutions provider,” he said. to strengthen its market dominance in “We are very pleased with our audited H1 company’s quest to be the foremost energy results for 2014, which exhibits consistent solutions provider. ‘’As we enter the final and sustainable growth for both revenue and phase of our business transformation we are profits. This performance is an affirmation confident of building a long term successful of the resilience of our businesses and a true company and making Forte Oil PLC the test of our business transformation strategy investment of choice through positive despite the adverse impact of petroleum actions that boost investor confidence at all product scarcity experienced in the first times,” Forte GCEO said. quarter of the year,’’ Akin Akinfemiwa, group At the close of transactions on the Nigerian chief executive officer of the oil marketing bourse, Forte share price gained N1.50 from firm said. N385.50 to N240.00 increasing 0.63 per Akinfemiwa affirmed that superior cent. Also, Forte achieved a 111.05 per cent contributions from Forte Oil’s power and YTD share price appreciation in H1 from upstream services divisions continued N92.87 to N206.30.
BoostiNG Sales Chocolate on your pillow
A nice hotel turns down your bed at night and if you are really lucky, places a chocolate treat on your pillow. The really good ones also know if you have special dietary needs and you may get something sugarfree. They are showing their customers how happy they are to have them as guests and that they care about their comfort. An IT consulting company may be all about network security and performance. Routine e-mails to groups of registered users at customer locations to remind them to perform some routine check could be highlighted by some tid-bit about healthy living, where to get cheap food, or tips for keeping the peace at home. Or it could include a great tip on computer use. These activities routinely get your company in front of an important customer audience and remind them of the services you are providing. And it positions you for further work later. If comfort and care is the bottom line at a hotel, what is your bottom line? Establish an approach that further supports the kind of partner you want to be with your customers.
Exploit core competencies in growth markets As one of the world’s highest international telephone traffic carriers per capita, one of Swisscom’s core competencies is its ability to negotiate bilateral communication agreements and pricing arrangements with other countries. This know-how has enabled the company to branch out aggressively into the mobile communication market. We have more roaming agreements in place than any other telecom operator, and our customers can use their digital cellular phones in more than fifty
countries worldwide. Swisscom has also developed considerable skill in designing and engineering mobile networks over difficult terrain. We lead the world in radio propagation in tunnels and mountainous regions. And we have leveraged this expertise to our own advantage in Malaysia, as well as in Delhi and three surrounding states in India, via partnerships with local telecom operators there. One of Swisscom’s core competencies is the efficient design, procurement,
installation, and operation of modern digital networks. We are actively exploiting these rapid-response capabilities in emerging countries, most recently in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Establishing a foothold in an emerging market has other benefits as well. For example, in Malaysia, in addition to assisting the local operator in building and operating its mobile network, Swisscom is lending a hand in developing of long-distance and international network licenses.
42 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Compiled by Olujide Olusola
Number of towers Etisalat Nigeria will sell to Nigeria’s telecom service providers HIS Plc.
N100, 500,000,000 Amount the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria has disbursed for building projects under the National Housing Fund, according to a document obtained from the bank.
L-R: Deputy managing director, Arik Air, Captain Ado Sanusi and minister of aviation, Osita Chidoka, during stakeholders meeting held at Sheraton Hotel in Lagos recently. PHOTO: BENEDICT UWALAKA
L-R: General manager, Listing, Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE); Taba Peterside; group managing director, Diamond Bank Plc, Alex Otti; executive director/chief financial officer, Abdulrahman Yinusa, and executive director, regional business, Oladele Akinyemi, at the bank’s facts behind the figures, held on the floor of NSE in Lagos recently.
L-R: Publisher, Sun Newspaper, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu; Ogun State former governor, Aremo Olusegun Osoba; group executive director, Leadership Newspaper, Dr Kazeem Durodoye; chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof Attahiru Jega; president, Newspaper Proprietors’ Association of Nigeria (NPAN), Mr Nduka Obaigbena, and general secretary of the association, Mrs Comfort Obi, during NPAN Annual General Meeting, held at Eko Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos recently. PHOTO: BENEDICT UWALAKA
L-R: General manager, Development, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Mr Bayo Ojulari; chief operating officer, GE Oil and Gas, West Africa, Mr Uzochi Uwagwu, and managing director, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company, Mr Tony Attah, at the 2014 annual conference of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Nigeria Council in Lagos recently. PHOTO: GBENGA OLAJOBI
Lolly Daskal @LollyDaskal We can wait our whole life for fortune to come our way, but if we don’t initiate action, the opportunities will pass.
Tony O. Elumelu, CON @TonyOElumelu I do what I do because I realised that God might not forgive me if I didn’t play my part to help create more entrepreneurs.
Tony Jimenez @MicroTechCEO Gates tweets Bill It’s a perfect day when @BillGates I can go to Church, In Africa, starvation is spend time with Lord declining. So why 40% Jesus Christ my Saviour & of kids there are stunted— then enjoy the rest or day with not developing fully b/c of family & friends! malnutrition?
Williams Club, New York Williams Club is a private alumni club operating out of The Princeton Club of New York. Nestled between Grand Central Station and Times Square, The Williams Club provides its members with access to affordable hotel rooms, meeting space, private dining, athletic facilities including two squash courts, invitations to exclusive events, and the opportunity to visit over 200 additional clubs included in our reciprocal network. The Club is constantly working on new social activities, as well as networking opportunities, lectures, and other special
events for our members’ enjoyment. The Club affords you the opportunity to eat, drink, socialise, and network with fellow members and alumni. Membership offers a broad range of privileges and benefits including reasonably priced and renovated hotel rooms, full-service squash and fitness facilities, a complimentary business center, casual and fine dining venues, lively cultural, social, educational, and networking events, and access to more than 200 reciprocal clubs around the world.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
N821,000,000 Worth of insurance claims paid to no fewer than 106 relatives of the passengers who lost their lives in the ill-fated Dana aircraft that crashed on June 3, 2012.
Percentage Nigeria will get out of the $7bn that the United States earmarked last year to boost energy in Africa.
Percentage of workers of the defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria that had received their severance and gratuity entitlements according to the Bureau of Public Enterprises.
L-R: Chairman, 2014 conference planning committee, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPM), Mr Akpos Adonkie; president/chairman of council, CIPM, Mr Victor Famuyibo, and registrar/ CEO, CIPM, Mr Sunday Adeyemi, during a press briefing on the 46th CIPM 2014 annual national conference, held in Lagos recently. PHOTO: GBENGA OLAJOBI
Emotional Like many African people, the Warunmungu Aboriginals of northeast Australia believe in expressing their grief. At their funerals they scream, gash their thighs to the muscle, and bloody their heads with knives. For the Sikhs of India and elsewhere, by contrast, a big blow of emotion at the funeral – or Antam Sanskar – is discouraged. Death is, after all, only the progression of the soul on its journey from God, through the created universe, and back to God. Sikhs usually cremate their loved ones and do not erect monuments.
Visiting time The Chinese respect for their elderly extends to the deceased, too. At the Qingming Festival, on the fourth or fifth day of April, families visit the tombs of their ancestors to clean them and make offerings of cooked meat, fish, fruit, and wine. They then picnic on this food themselves, sitting near the tombs in convivial fashion.
DoING Business L-R: Nigerian Ambassador to Canada, Chief Ojo Madueke; president, Dangote Group of Companies, Aliko Dangote; CNN co-anchor, World One, Ms. Zain Verjee; CEO, Phase3 Telecomm, Mr Stanley Jegede and chairman, Heirs Holdings, Mr Tony Elumelu, during President Obama’s US-African Leaders’ Summit 2014, at InterContinental The Willard, Washington DC, United States recently.
Zhou Zhengyi
Power Politics In 2002, Forbes magazine listed 41year-old Chinese property developer Zhou Zhengyi as the 11th richest man in China. In a population of 1.4 billion, that made him richer than 1, 2999,999,989 other Chinese people. That was pretty good going for the Shanghai-born Zhou, whose start in business came in 1978 as the teenage owner of a wonton noodle restaurant in the Yangpu district of the city. To put it in perspective, the purchasing power of his millions is worth around 10 times the amount in China itself, making the
sheer scale of Zhou’s achievement much more remarkable than most Western rags-to-riches story. And when you add into the mix that it was created under the all-powerful glare of the omnipotent Communist party, it is all the more incredible still – especially in a society that promotes community spirit and acting for the good of all. His entrepreneurial tendencies would normally have been crushed at birth. CONtinues NEXT WEEK
Leadership and status with Romanian
Romania is situated in the part of Europe that was inhabited by peasant masses, ruled for centuries by sovereign lords, clan leaders and autocrats. In the post-Ceausescu period, modern leadership styles are hampered in their development, since the government is still run by former communist leaders, who function under other labels. Business leaders are also affected by the continuing influence of the political apparatus. Romanian managers are gradually developing a style of their own that resembles that of Italian managers: autocratic but paternalistic and using emotion as a manipulative tool.
44 CEOConfidential
entrepreneur 28 Age of South Africa’s Nick Kaoma, creative director of Head Honcho clothing, a prominent South African lifestyle brand that designs, manufactures and markets streetwear clothing that is hugely popular among South Africa’s young urban dwellers.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Year 26-year-old Asian-Kenyan, Ronak Shah, founded Kronex Chemicals Ltd, that manufactures dishwashing liquid and a multi-purpose detergent, both of which are gaining market share amongst Kenya’s lower middle-class.
Bidemi Olugbemi
7 tips for starting your own business
Touching lives the positive way
Despite the economic turbulence, new data from Manta -- the world’s largest online community for promoting and connecting small business -- finds 500,075 new businesses were created in the second quarter of the year. That’s a 27 per cent increase from the first quarter 2011 and nearly 2,000 more new businesses than were formed in the same period last year.
Grazee Stitches, a fashion house and academy located in Abuja has over the years established itself as a major force in the industry. Starting as a means to fulfil the dreams of its founder, Grace Ibironke Ojo, who desires to meet the needs of the less-privileged through trainings and cash donations, the company’s impact has been on the rise. Speaking further on what inspired the founder into that line of business, managing director of the company, Bidemi Olugbemi, said, “Over the years, she has had the heart of giving and she thought if she would give to people the way she wants – either by creating a job or giving cash – she must start a business and not depend on anyone. “So she decided to look the way of something she has passion for which is designing of clothes. And that was how Grazee Stitches came to be.” The company has confronted various challenges in its quest of becoming a household name in the fashion industry. It has overcome some while others are being managed due to their peculiarity. According to Olugbemi, “One of the challenges we’ve been facing is manpower. You need good hands when it comes to fashion designing. So getting the right kind of people is quite challenging. “Some of the good ones you try to build over the years can walk away from you when somebody talks to them outside. “Aside that, electricity is a major challenge. Most of the time we run on generator.” Overcoming the challenges she said, “I don’t think all can be overcome. We just hope for a better future for the country. Having said that, God has been very faithful. Although we’ve not been making much profit as the people out there think, we’ve been running the business.” Projecting into the future she said, “We want our clothing line to be everywhere. We want the name to ring a bell in the ears of everybody not just as a designer, but as a humanitarian personnel. “We are not just looking at making clothes for those who can afford them alone, but we want to reach out to
1. Be clear on why you want to start a business
While the idea of starting a business may be daunting, the fatigue of looking for a job may be even greater. Taking control of your working life by venturing out on your own may be scary, but doing noting can be worse. That said, don’t start a business because you’ve run out of options. If you’re truly interested in doing your own thing and you’re ready to go for it with gusto, then small business ownership can be the most frustration and the most freeing avenue—with the possibility of the greatest financial security. 2. Determine Your Business Type You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The best idea for you may be tried and true with your personal twist. continues Next WEEK
orphanages with our ready-to-wear clothes. We are also looking at going to schools to make school uniforms for kids for free. “Presently, we try to encourage youth corps members to come and empower themselves.” The fashion designer who said her designs are simple but stylish revealed she draws inspiration from abstract and by enhancing other peoples’ work. Advising young and aspiring entrepreneurs she said, “My advice is that they should always follow their dreams. They should work on anything they think their passion lies on. There are a lot of discouraging factors out there, but when you believe in yourself and believe you can make it, you will surely get to your destination.” Contact Olugbemi on 08090998930.
Peniel Patrick, CEO, House of Peniel How did you get to where you are today? I started in 2009 as I was inspired by situation surrounding me. I took advantage of an uncommon opportunity when I had the chance. What have you learnt over the years? My business has made me more humble and matured; coupled with patience when dealing with customers. What were the challenges you faced?
Challenges don’t stop coming. They come every day but that is what makes one stronger. Every day comes with its own challenges. There are days I would leave home hoping to get customers and make money but nothing. How did you overcome the challenges? Greater things have been spoken about me, so I work with God’s report. I don’t bother myself about my circumstances. What are your future projections for your business? I want to create a better impression about
stylist and my name to be a household name, as well as learn more on saloon management. How do you intend to achieving these projections? I make use of my social media and will continue to. Any advice for younger entreptrneurs? If you are sure and convinced with what you have to showcase, then you should endure Contact Peniel on 08054603719
46 CEOConfidential
tipoffs Compiled by Salome Anyasodo
Pride goeth before a fallen-precaution prevents them
Having fallen from a three-story rooftop, I can tell you first-hand that I am lucky to be alive. But most injuries and death from falling come from dramatic incidents but from simply tripping over objects, slipping in the shower, or failing down stairs. You can take precautions to prevent falls: install devices such as motion detectors for lighting a dark hallway, use nonslip shower mats, put handrails in the bathroom and along stairs. Get rid of clutter, tack down rugs and rearrange furniture to create clear walking space throughout the house.
Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck
Anthony K. Tjan, Richard J. Harrington, Tsun-yan Hsieh, Publisher:Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2012
Many ingredients go into entrepreneurial success. But the most important is the combination of special traits that characterize the individuals who follow this path. In Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck, top executives and corporate advisors Anthony Tjan, Richard Harrington, and Tsun-Yan Hsieh identify these traits and explain their role in fuelling and guiding the achievements of some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and businessbuilders. Additionally, the authors strive to show entrepreneurs how to build self-awareness and begin a journey of continuous self-improvement. Ultimately, anyone can take their natural leadership strengths to the next level while seeking and developing the complementary talents they may need.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Estimated number of young people who live live with HIV according to United Nation Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon.
Estimated percentage international investments for AIDS dropped by from 2009 to 2010, according to the UN.
How to tackle self-sabotage Ever tried getting into shape and eating healthy? One starts out strong, eating well, exercising a lot, and start to see results. Then one slowly start to fade back to the old habits for no specific reason until one findhim/herself back where he/she started. That is self-sabotage. As one broke that barrier of what one believed he/she to be by getting in shape, the individual is good for a while. Then one’s unconscious mind slowly started to sabotage until one is back in that safe place where he/she started. Entrepreneurship is an emotional rollercoaster. One day one feels on top of the world, and the next everything comes crashing down and one wonders why we ever thought starting a business was a good idea. If you’ve ever run your own business, you will know what understand this better. In my role, I get to help support women through this transition and share what I learn with wonderful women like you. I see unique issues with each woman I work with. Some struggle with balancing work and life, many have an immense fear of pricing their services and asking for money, and pretty much everyone deals with the looming fear of not making enough money. Yet there is one emotional obstacle that each person I work with comes to over and over again: self-sabotage. What is self sabotage? It quite often takes an outside person looking in to identify, but once it is pointed out it is blatantly obvious. The exact manifestations vary from person to person, but they always fall along the lines of: Inaction, procrastination, missing, deadlines, not doing good work, an inability to focus. Self-sabotage starts
with thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. We as humans each have a picture in our head of who we are and that forms our beliefs about who we are allowed to become and how successful we can be. If one takes a moment to think about whoone believse they are and who they can become--and I mean truly believe, not faintly dream of--one may quickly realise that one is already limiting him/ herself. Battling the limits Now, take this limited picture of yourself, and try being someone else-someone who is more successful and has more responsibility. It may go fine at first, but give it a bit of time and the unconscious mind will start pushing the new, more successful version of yourself back into your old box. This happens because our unconscious mind’s default mode is to survive, not to thrive. When we take risks and threaten that picture in our heads, the unconscious mind literally sabotages us to bring us back to survival mode. It goes back to the place where it knows is safe by getting us to stop moving forward and possibly even reverse the progress we have already made.
Overcoming the traps There is no silver bullet for selfsabotage because it is different for every single person, but there is one thing that one must do and that is to be aware that it is happening. The quicker one can identify it, the quicker one can overcome it. Identifying how it manifests in ones life is where one will need help. Friends, family, co-workers, and coaches are all people who can help out. They will be able to see the patterns that one is not seeing and help one identify when the lack of progress is caused by external circumstances and when it is brought on by oneself. Once one figures out what to watch for in ones’s behaviour, one will likely be able to easily identify it him/herself in the future. Awareness is step one. Steps two and beyond are identifying what limiting belief or beliefs one is holding on to and then reversing them. There are countless ways to go about this, but their ultimate purpose is to get oneself back into action and bring that new version of oneself into ones unconscious mind’s safe zone. If one conquers self-sabotage, one will be successful. Simple as that.
RULES FOR BUSINESS Most people in rich countries are paid more than they should be What they do not tell you The wage gaps between rich and poor countries exist not mainly because of difference in individual productivity but mainly because of immigration control. If there were free migration, most workers in rich countries could be, and would be, replaced by workers from poor countries. In other
words, wages are largely politically determined. The other side of the coin is that poor countries are not poor because of their poor people, many of whom can outcompete their counterparts in rich countries, but because of their rich people, most of whom cannot do the same. This does not, however, mean that the rich in the rich
countries can pat their own backs for their individual brilliance. The high productivities are possible only because of the historically inherited collective institutions on which they stand. We should reject the myth that we all get paid according to our individual worth, if we are to build a truly just society.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
updates Compiled by Dan Udechukwu
Year all African leaders have agreed to cut poverty by half and end hunger, based on their commitment to the ‘Malabo Declaration’ at the 23rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government last month.
Hyundai opens first car assembly plant in South Africa
Value of money Sunflag’s subsidiary, Sol Mineração Mozambique is set to invest in its new coal mining projects in the nation’s mineral rich Tete province.
23,000,000 Number of Twitter users believed to be fed fed by robots, according to analysis by Twitter (TWTR, Tech30).
Airtel Sierra Leone joins fight against Ebola
Sierra Leone’s fight against the ravaging Ebola virus got an added boost when Airtel Sierra Leone, the subsidiary of Indian owned Bharti Airtel, announced it would dedicate One Leone of every phone call made by its 1.6 million customers across the country to the government’s effort in a programme called “Say Hello To Help”. With more than 1000 dead from the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and more than a quarter of that from Sierra Leone, the country, still trying to piece itself together after a decade civil war, has continually cried out for more financial aid from any and every quarters.
Samsung unveils first Solar Powered Internet School in Ghana
Ghana’s first Solar Powered Internet School (SPIS) has been launched in a junior high school in local Dago community. This will foster ICT integration in the country’s educational sector. The SPIS initiative is powered by the Samsung, the government of Ghana and the Korean Education and Research Information Service (KERIS). It offers teachers and students in rural areas Value of money Kenya’s – with little or no access to decent electricity – better access to Jamii Bora Bank sinks the internet, boosting opportunities for extensive research. The Solar-powered school is a 40ft shipping container equipped into student housing with desks, Samsung Laptops, a multi-purpose Samsung development. printer, internet access, Wi-Fi cameras, rubber fold-away solar panels that can last up to 9 hours and a 50-inch electronic board that permits cross-group collaboration between and among teachers and students across geographical boundaries.
$11.7m South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Co. has started production at its first assembly plant in South Africa, initially building medium-sized commercial trucks, a company spokesman said last Tuesday. The Benoni plant, situated in South Africa’s economic hub Gauteng, has been assembling trucks since July, ahead of a formal launch in September, Deon Sonnekus said. “This is the first time that Hyundai has set up an assembly plant in South Africa,” Sonnekus said, adding that the company expects to also assemble pick-up trucks from next year. South Africa is the continent’s leading automotive manufacturer and aims to build 1.2 million vehicles by 2020. However, labour strikes and slowing economic growth in recent months have curbed output at the local plants of some of the world’s main carmakers, including Ford, Toyota and BMW.
Japan’s economy suffered its worst contraction since 2011 in the second quarter as consumer spending on big items slumped in the wake of a sales tax rise. JSE-listed construction firm, Group Five, last Wednesday said it had posted a surge in profits in the year ended June on the back of improved trading conditions in areas where it has operations.
SYMBO-LOGICAL Work out the value of each shape using simple arithmetic functions: (+) Plus (-) Minus (---) Division (x) Multiplication.Each shape has a different value and is a whole number. No shape has a value less than 1.
Standard Bank and General Electric partners to boost Africa’s energy sector
South African-based Standard Bank and American multinational conglomerate corporation, General Electric who partnered to boost Africa’s energy sector, have reaffirmed their joint commitment in meeting the continent’s demand for power. The two organisations reassured on their support to Africa at a power financing round-table held in Washington DC today during the on-going US Africa Leaders’ Summit.
EU’s appetite for Africa’s growth pie sees fresh $550m investment Trading with Africa is in Europe’s self-interest, and that is why the European Commission (EC) has launched the first phase of its new programme to promote the process of African integration at the continental level – the first program of the European Union (EU) in the development and cooperation covering the whole the continent – with a budget of $554m. The so-called pan-African Programme will finance activities in a wide range of areas and provide new opportunities for the EU and Africa to work together, through the confined period between 2014 and 2017 projects, according to the press room of the EC.
How many words can you make from the letters in the wheel? Each word must contain the hub letter I. Can you find a 9-letter word and at least 20 other words of five letters or more avoiding proper nouns?
Last week’s solutions QUAD-WRANGLE 1. 2. 3. 4.
All the numbers are whole numbers (intro), so B3=21 and D2=7 (clues 7 and 14). A2=14 (2). C4=28 (12). No two numbers are the same (intro), so A4=35 (4). C1=56 (9). D4=42 (16). B2=77 (6). A3=63 (3). C2=9 (10). B1=6 (5). C3=34 (11). D1=27 (13). B4=2 (8). A1=40 (1). D3=74 (15). A3=50 (30).
US cities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
48 CEOConfidential
Sunday, August 17, 2014
updates Compiled by Dan Udechukwu
Percentage fall of PZ Cussons Nigeria’s full-year pretax profit in the year ended May 31 from the previous year.
Percentage growth recorded by Honeywell Flour Mills Plc for its fiscal year, April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014.
Respite as disbursement of N220bn MSMEDF kicks off on Monday
Respite is expected for Nigeria’s over 17 million micro small and medium scale businesses as President Goodluck Jonathan finally flags off the disbursement of the long-awaited N220bn Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund (MSMEDF) on Monday. The fund’s official flag off will be commemorated at the Central Bank of Nigeria’s 8th annual Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) finance conference which begins Monday, in Abuja. The CBN notes in a mail that the president will also at the two-day event, award prizes to MSMEs, deposit money banks and state governments who had distinguished themselves in entrepreneurship development in 2013. MSMEDF was launched since last year to primarily provide for the wholesale funding requirements of microfinance banks and microfinance institutions for on-lending to the MSMEs at not more than 9 per cent interest rate. The policy stipulates 80:20 prescription for on-lending to micro enterprises and SMEs, respectively, with up to 60 per cent (N132.00bn) of the fund set aside for women to help boost their access to financial services by at least 15 per cent annually. Finance
Banks move to boost capital as Basel principle threatens dividend
A transition to Basel requirements by Nigerian banks is expected to hit dividend payouts as lenders move to conserve and boost capital. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) published two circulars in December 2013 indicating that it expected banks to begin adopting
N300b Value of money required by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) to train two million manpower on various skills annually in the country, ITF said last Tuesday.
Value of money Oando Plc earmarks to train 50,000 mechanics nationwide.
elements of Basel II and III relating to market and operational risk (by June 2014) when computing capital adequacy ratios (CAR). After weighing the implications of the changes on banks’ capital and feedback, the CBN extended the adoption of the rules to September 2014.
FG to invest N7.4trn in developing inland water transport infrastructure
As part of its determination to bridge the infrastructure gap in Nigeria’s inland waterways sub-sector, the Federal Government last Tuesday said that it has perfected plans to invest about N7.405trn ($49.4bn) to develop new inland waterway infrastructure across the country. While declaring open the 3-day international conference and exhibition with the theme ‘Modernising Inland Waterways Infrastructure and Vessels for Safe and Sustainable Inland Water Transportation’, organised by Nigeria Inland Waterway Authority in Lagos, President Goodluck Jonathan, who was represented by Idris Umar, minister of transport, said that the investment will focus on developing new river ports in Baro, Niger State; Oguta in Imo State; Lokoja in Kogi State, including several other jetties before the end of 2020.
Power Stakeholders in the trade and industry sectors have raised concerns over government’s plan to privatise the Bank of Industry (BoI) and the Bank of Agriculture (BoA), stating that the move will erode the purposes for which they were first established. As parts of effort towards ramping up the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), also known as cooking gas, in Lagos State, Chimons Gas Limited, has reinforced its commitment to contribute more cylinders to the EKO Gas project.
NERC to impose corporate governance code on electricity sector
The Nigerian Electricity Regulation Commission (NERC) is set to impose a corporate governance code on the electricity sector as concerns over governance practices in the sector mount, sources at the regulatory agency tell BusinessDay. “The commission is working on corporate governance for all acquirers of privatised power assets,” says the NERC source. “Since the private owners took over operations of the Discos and Gencos 10 months ago, some have performed okay. In one or two, however, we have seen plain banditry,” he adds.
NSIA releases fund for $726m Niger Bridge
Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA), managers of the nation’s sovereign fund, told BusinessDay that it will release the fund for the construction of the second River Niger Bridge. This fund serves as part of NSIA equity stake in the construction of the bridge. “We are about to pay Julius Berger for the early works of the bridge,” managing director NSIA, Uche Orji said. NSIA has three funds that guide its investment activities; Nigeria Infrastructure Fund which it allocates 40 per cent of its assets, Stabilization Fund (20 per cent) and future generation fund (40 per cent).
EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Conference Africa Petroleum Storage and Transport Conference 2014 Cameroon; September 23-25, 2014
This event, organised by Cubic Globe Ltd UK in cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Republic of Cameroon, aims to highlight opportunities in hydrocarbons storage, transport and distribution sectors in Africa. APESTRANS is an opportunity to discuss the design, operation and quality control procedures of the inland network of African crude oil production and gas facilities, stabilisation plants, pipeline distribution storage and transfers to integrated terminals.
2nd Annual HR Transformation and Service Delivery Summit InterContinental Pudong Shanghai, China; August 26 - 28, 2014
Health Facilities Design and Development 2014 Victoria, Australia; August 19-21, 2014
The event features practical case studies and vibrant panel discussions with the most senior HR thought-leaders in China and across the region. Join your peers to meet the HR gurus and get inspired in the roundtable discussions and rapid fire sessions.
The event will feature case study examples of new-build and retrofit health facility developments specific to Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. This event will provide participants with the strategies required to ensure successful project development and completion.
Where to buy/ ABUJA A-Z 49
Sunday, August 17, 2014
What to buy Yes rainy season is still on! In this edition, we bring you some functional accessories that will make life easier for you this season.
Editor’s Picks 1
1. Cardigans- Cardigans are a must this season. They are comfortable and will keep you warm on a cold day. You can decide to wear something underneath like a shirt or a top when your look is casual.
2 5
2. Umbrella- Umbrella is a must- have accessory for this season, as it protects you from heavy downpour. You can pick a design that suits your taste at Next Cash and Carry, Jahi District along new Wuse- Gwarinpa Expressway, Abuja. 3. Wallet-For all who are concerned about keeping their money dry on a rainy day, a water proof wallet might be what you have been looking for. You can pick a water proof wallet of your choice at any of the shopping centers in Abuja. 4. Galaxy S5- If you are always concerned about the effect of rain on your phone, then you might need Samsung Galaxy S5. The new phone by Samsung is water resistant, so you don’t have to worry about your smartphone on a rainy day if you have Samsung Galaxy S5. Available at any of the Samsung galaxy showrooms in Abuja. 5. Water proof wristwatch- Beautiful wristwatch makes a man or woman complete. You can choose a water resistant wristwatch for a rainy day. Available at major shops in Abuja. 6. Scarfs- You can add scarf to your attire this season. They will keep you warm and give you sophisticated look. Scarves come in different designs and colours, you can pick the one that suits your personality at any of
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Garki Ultra Modern Market;
Most Centralised in the Capital City STORY: C h a lya D u l
Inside Garki Ultra Modern Market
Hallway Garki Ultra Modern Market
Garki 11Ultra Modern Market is the biggest and most centralized in the capital city. The Market is a collaboration of Abuja Investment and Property Development Company (AIPDC) a subsidiary of Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) and Urban Shelter Limited whereby Urban Shelter is to develop the market on a Build-Operate-and Transfer basis. The market which remains the biggest has about 2400 shops and stalls of various sizes in addition to other facilities such as Clininc, Banking Facility, Cold Room, Restaurant, Fire station, Police station etc. Garki II Ultra-Modern Market covers an area of 12.3 Hectares of land situated in Garki 11 District, Off Ahmadu Bello Way and right in the heart of the Federal Capital Territory, adjacent to the Standard Trust Bank Plc and adjoins old Garki Model market. The entire market is fully fenced and serviced with regular water and electricity. The access to the market is through two major roads and proposed Highway all of which are fitted with welldesigned gates and gate houses. There are ample parking spaces with over 1200 lots. The entire market premises are well drained and landscaped, with drainage and pedestrian walkways and adorned eith beautiful trees, flowers, shrubs and grasses to provide natural atmosphere. Adequate toilet facilities are provided to cater for both the shop owners and the visitors to the market while some shops and facilities have their own toilets. Garki II Market is
the place to be and guarantees the public of sanity, security and convenience. Abuja A-Z spoke to a few traders and Patrons of their view on the Garki market. Mather a constant patron says I totally love the structure of the market; The Duplex shop is a block of 8 shops on two floors. It makes the market look really organized, well-structured and generally clean and beautiful; and easy shopping there are also two well-located large ramps and stair ways giving easy access to the upper floor and the ground floor has various access ways. Madam Bukola who shops in the market says; “I like to shop in Garki Market because I get everything I want; “you can find almost anything from; food stuff, fresh vegetables, meat, clothes, jewelries, electronics, furniture, phones, rugs, carpets, saloons and loads more. I completely love shopping in the market. Alhaji Bala who sells at the market, ‘’I have had no regrets choosing Garki market as a preferred Market I am always marveled at the rate of Patrons I have in a day: to be honest it has always been a gain-gain for me. Lisa says unlike Lagos Market and other crowded markets; Garki Ultra-modern market has a perfect location and is really peaceful; “the location of the market is really good and I have no worries for packing space as they are ample car park spaces the location of the market is perfect for her and is totally in love with the structure of the market.
MY ABUJA Ada Nnaji
Not only is Abuja known as the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, it is also known for its vibrant nightlife whether that means an open bar, an evening of DJs spinning mixes on turn tables at a garden. In fact it is said that Abuja never sleeps, because bustles with activities day and night. There are several shops, restaurants and filling stations that operate 24hours every day in Abuja, so that you will have access to anything you want even at night. The city is a hub of fun and socializing, with several relaxation centers where fun seekers can go to for relaxation after a long day’s job. There is always something fun to do in the capital city, be it picnic, fashion show, art exhibition or entertainment show, every weekend. There is always one event going on at some of the beautiful gardens spread across the city every evening, so one can never have a dull moment in the city.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Listings Bridal Shops Brides and Babies
Brides and Babies is Abuja’s leading store for brides. The shop which is situated at Wuse II, Abuja was founded in 2010, by an American based pharmacist, out of the passion she has for bridal and kiddies fashion. The bridal shop is unique, it offers pharmaceutical services as well as bridal services. The bridal shop has a team of like minds to bring you exceptional products and services for brides-to-be, to bride, through pregnancy and baby, making it a one-stop shop for it all. Some of its services include custom made wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses etc. Also available in the shop are head piece, veils, ring cushions and more. Brides and Babies believes that life’s progression is as follows: single to dating, engaged, married, pregnancy and childbirth and for each of these stages, it has got your back. 130 Aminu Kano Crescent Wuse II
Bridal Room
Bridal Room is one of Abuja’s finest retailer of affordable and stylish wedding dresses. The company is based on the belief that their customers’ needs are of the utmost importance. Bridal Room has a team of experienced and committed experts committed to meeting the needs of their clients. The bridal shop insists on excellence, this has undeniably pave way for them, as a high percentage of their business is from referrals. At Bridal Room, the workers are friendly, courteous and professional. Their services include sale of wedding gowns and all accessories a bride needs to make her special day awesome, bridesmaid dresses, flower girls dresses, little bride dress, necklaces and more. The bridal shop also rent wedding gowns as well as place other for special items such as petals, confetti, sugar
Bridal Shops, Dental Clinics
Almonds etc. Suite B62 Second Floor, Area 11 Shopping Mall, Garki
Charvid Fashion ‘N’ Styles
Selecting your bridal gown is the most important choice you’ll make next to selecting your groom. At Charvid’s fashion and style the designers understand what makes a great gown the perfect gown for you. They will help you find and fit the dress that will make your most important day spectacular. The bridal services offers custom made wedding dresses, wedding gown renting, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses, little bride dresses and all accessories needed by the bride during her wedding. The bridal shop run from Monday to Saturday and is open to customers from 9: 00AM to 9:00PM Suite 11, Mazfalah Shopping Complex, Karu Site, Abuja, Karu
House of Farrah
The House of Farrah is a luxury fashion and lifestyle company which specialises in the production of ready to wear clothing, accessories and also bridal services. Their professional and friendly bridal service offers a custom-made service for bridal wear including bride’s maid dresses. They can help you put together the perfect ensemble for your wedding. Farrah epitomises luxury and exclusivity, with very limited quantities of their pieces being produced. Their pieces are exquisitely hand-crafted and finished, using a range of luxurious trimmings, Swarovski crystals, luxurious, opulent and beautiful fabrics sourced from all over the world. 21 Dakala Steet off Parakou Crescent off Aminu Kano Crestcent Wuse II
Wego Academy of Fashion and Arts
Wego Academy of Fashion and Arts (WAFA) is a multi-faceted fashion houses which specializes on custom made wears and also bridal service. The clothing line is one of the few fashion outfits in Abuja that has makes wedding gowns. Apart from making wedding gowns, wego also makes bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses and more. Since the fashion house was established
in 2012, it has stayed focused on serving the unique needs of the Abuja fashion scene. Today that commitment is stronger than before and the fashion outfit has stayed true to its principles, which is to offer upscale assortment of clothing, accessories, and jewelry to its customers. Suite C301 Bloomsbury plaza, Adetokumbo Ademola Crescent, Nigeria
Dental Clinics Bethel Dental Clinic,
Bethel Dental Clinic, was set up in 2006 by a group of young, dynamic dental surgeons and therapist who offer services in surgical, restorative and preventive and orthodontic dentistry to private and corporate patients. Their facilities is carefully structured to meet the growing dental awareness, while keeping track of the ever-changing medical technology and standards worldwide. Their services include oral surgery treatment, restorative treatment prosthetic treatment and orthodontic treatment are competitively priced. The clinic is registered with Private Health Establishment’s Registration and Monitoring Committee (PHERMC) of the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA). Nwaora Plaza, No 3, Dar Salaam Street, off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja
Transcorp Hilton Over the years, celebrities, travellers and tourists have enjoyed the timeless glamour of this dramatically beautiful setting, situated in the heart of Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory and 40-minute drive from the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. The magnificent 670–room, 5-star hotel provides luxury accommodation, exotic cuisine, fully equipped meeting rooms and leisure facilities to business travelers and tourists from all over the world. 1 Aguiyi Ironsi Street Abuja
Nigerian Turkish Nizamiye Hospital
Nigerian Turkish Nizamiye Hospital, is one of the most important constituents of Abuja health care system. The hospital provides a high quality health care service in all medical specialties including dental care. The hospital was established in 2013. Since then, it has dedicated itself to serve its patients with the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods. Its services include tartar cleaning, dental cleaning, root treatment, embedded teeth operations, filling, and porcelain and crowns treatment, filling of milk teeth, dental X-ray, Fissure cover application and post care application. Plot 113 Sector S. Cadastral Zone, Lifecamp Abuja
Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt was founded upon the ideas of providing high-quality, healthy frozen yogurt, and giving control back to our customers through a modern self-serve concept. They combined these two ideas in Southern California when they began their great adventure in 2008, and have since become the largest self-serve frozen yogurt brand in the world! People can find independently owned and operated Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt stores throughout the United States and in more than 25 additional countries including Australia, Canada and Malaysia, with many more to come. Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt has developed over 100 flavours and recipes for both naturally “tart” and traditional “creamy” flavors. With plenty of flavours and fresh toppings, the possibilities are both endless and yummy. 112 Aminu Kano Crescent Wuse II
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sinoni Resturant
Sinoni Restaurant is a superb restaurant located in the center of Abuja that provides exquisite Chinese and oriental cuisines to meet the taste of their customers. The restaurant is furnished with state of the art dining rooms that makes diners feel at home. The restaurant has private dining rooms for private and group dinners. At Sinoni restaurant, dishes are prepared by very experienced and professional Chinese chefs from Mainland China. They also offer out door catering serviced. Sinoni restaurant is opened from 12 Noon to 12 Midnight. Zeto Court, Oshogbo Close, Off Emeka Anyaoku Street, Area 11
FEDERAL MORTGAGE BANK Federal Mortgage Bank was established in 1956. The bank operates as an effective vehicle for increasing the mobilisation of long term funds, lending volume and expansion of mortgage lending services to all segments of the Nigerian population. 13, Ikeja Close off Oyo Street, Area 2 Gariki ASO SAVINGS AND LOANS ASO Savings and Loans PLC is a Primary Mortgage Institution (PMI), incorporated in Nigeria as a limited liability company in 1995. The bank is poised to be the Mortgage bank of choice in Nigeria in terms of client service, housing provision and being a platform for foreign participation in the Nigerian mortgage and real estate sectors. The Bank is also committed to remaining a pivot for transformation of the housing market and the actualization of the Government’s Vision 20:2020 Housing Goals. Plot 266, FMBN Building Cadastral Zone A0 Central Business District, Abuja SunTrust Savings and Loans SunTrust Savings and Loans is a mortgage bank licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria to offer mortgage banking services in Nigeria. The banks seeks to be a leading provider of retail and commercial mortgage finance in Nigeria by using their unique knowledge of the local real estate markets and their extensive banking experience to fulfil a simple objective; home ownership for low to middle income earners in Nigeria. 50, Kumasi Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja. rescent, Asokoro - Abuja.
Sigma apartments Sigma Apartments is an epitome of refined living featuring 48 fully service luxury apartments designed for those accustomed to the finer things in life. Conveniently located in the heart of Abuja metropolis midway between the northern and southern retail hub of vibrant Abuja downtown of Wuse ll, Sigma Apartment is a hospitality brand that provides extended stay accommodation for sojourners in Abuja. No 1 Embu Street, Off Aminu Kano Creascent, Wuse II, Abuja
BUS TERMINALS Good is Good Motors God is Good Motors aspires to be a leader in land transportation, and truly become the most preferred transport Company in Nigeria by the year 2015. The company is committed to technology advancements, safety, and exceptional customer satisfaction. The transport company believes
Mortgage bank,Bus Terminals
in surpassing its competitors not just in service but in safety too. Their dedicated safety department routinely runs motor vehicle reports on their drivers and performs criminal background checks prior to employment. Their job is to screen and train every driver, as well as to implement the procedures that keep you safe. Their dedication to training is rooted in the God Is Good vision for how a transportation company should operate. With the goal of exceeding their customers’ expectations, their Human Resources Department guides their entire workforce in customized skills programs. God is Good has parks in different parts on Nigeria including Abuja. Plot 133, Utako District, FCT Abuja Cross Country Limited Cross Country Limited is incorporated on May 2, 2001. The company commenced operations of intercity and intra-city transportations in December 2002 with fleet of 132 vehicles. Apart from its inter and intra city transportation services, Cross Country Limited also offers car rental services, haulage services, courier Services, hotel reservations, warehousing of the goods carried and accommodation for passengers on transit and persons intending to passengers. The transport company has terminals in different parts of the country including Abuja. Okotie Eboh street, Utako District
needed to deliver your shipment at your location of choice. No. 22 Ekukinam Street, Utako, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria ABC Terminals ABC Transport Plc commenced operation in road passenger transportation on February 13, 1993 as an off-shoot of Rapido Ventures with a view to running a modern road transportation system in Nigeria. ABC Transport operates luxury bus services according to accepted international standards of road transportation. Its services are specially designed for distinguishing travelers who would otherwise use air service. The operations within and outside Nigeria are carried out in ultra-modern terminals, with comfortable lounges in various cities like Abuja, Ghana and Lagos. ABC buses are dubbed with the company’s trademark, ‘the Reindeer’. For the company’s remarkable achievement in transportation, ABC Transport was adjudged the Best Transporter in Nigeria by the Chartered Institute of Transport, Nigeria and has since then consistently won the National Bus Operator of the Year Award along with other accolades by renowned bodies. No. 36, Ekukinam Street, Utako Abuja
Chisco Chisco Transport Company aims to be the best transport and logistics organization in the African continent, rendering the highest quality and Ifesinachi Motors innovative customer-focused Ifesinachi Motors is one of the services. The company was big transport companies in established in 1978 by Chief Nigeria, which is particular Dr. Chidi Anyaegbu (MFR). about their customers’ safety The company evolved from and comfort. Travelers enjoy a small firm selling auto comfort and experience the parts, through a micro pleasure of travelling by road transporter transporting with the transport company. passengers with one bus from Ifesinachi has numerous travel Lagos to Eastern Nigeria points across Nigeria, and into a Global Company and ensures that its bus parks are Brand diversified to deliver in every major city to provide excellence in end-to-end. their customers with the excellent service, which their Transportation/Integrated long term customers have Logistics and associated identified with since 1972. services. Their key focus is The buses are scheduled to transportation and Integrated leave the parks on time and logistics. This is all that they they ensure that passenger get do, and they strive to do it to your destination without right. It is this commitment delay. Ifesinachi Transport that sets them apart as the Company is equipped with leading indigenous transport/ heavy duty equipment and integrated logistics firm in vehicles to handle your Nigeria. With over 500 fleet, shipment across the country. they are visible in all the No matter the size or logistics states of Nigeria and the West involved. Its haulage Service is Coast of Africa. outfitted to satisfy your need Ekukinam Street, Utako Abuja and offer you the confidence
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Telecommunication mast. photo by
Dwindling Margins Push Telcos To Sell Telecoms Towers
African operators such as MTN, Bharti Airtel... are working on selling mobile tower networks in Africa, the latest examples of telecoms operators looking to reduce exposure to costly infrastructure in the region
As the average revenue per user (ARPU) from voice subscription dwindles, Nigerian and African mobile operators are resorting to cost efficiencies to justify shareholder value by offloading thousands of base transceiver stations (BTS) tower assets to independent tower management companies. CHIMA AKWAJA looks at this new business model and what it portends for the future of telecoms business.
n the beginning of Africa’s mobile telecommunications revolution a decade and half ago, mobile network operators (MNOs) built their own infrastructure from scratch. Operators spent millions of dollars establishing passive mobile infrastructure which includes tower sites and all infrastructure on them, such as towers, shelters and power and cooling facilities (excluding radio equipment). In those early years of telecoms growth, analysts were of the view that mobile networks could share their infrastructure in order to reduce capital expenditure (Capex) and focus their investments in other more pressing areas. The argument of the mobile operators was that it was not possible to share network as it could affect the se-
curity and quality of service (QoS) on the network. Today, that view has changed. Mobile network operators who were afraid that their competitors could eavesdrop on their communication lines if they share infrastructure are now doing co-location of facilities and infrastructure sharing on the same site. Carriers in Africa are offloading the assets, which cost more to run on the continent than in other parts of the world because of the need for backup generators and batteries to guard against power failures. In the words of Messrs James Cotter and George Morris of Simmons & Simmons LLP, such sharing is recognised by most governments and regulators as an important facilitator of competition at operator level, improve-
ments to national network coverage (with resulting social and economic benefits) and reducing environmental impact. “For instance, passive infrastructure sharing in Africa offers the prospect of opening up many markets to operators who would not otherwise contemplate building out their own infrastructure; extending existing operators’ services and stimulating network build in locations without coverage. Sale and ‘leaseback’ of passive infrastructure can make a great deal of sense financially, generating a cash windfall and replacing burdensome capital expenditure (capex) with regular and lower operating expenditure (opex). African operators selling off towers African operators such as MTN, Bharti Airtel, Orange, Vodacom, Egypt’s MobiNil are working on selling mobile tower networks in Africa, the latest examples of telecoms operators looking to reduce exposure to costly infrastructure in the region. In Africa, towers and the infrastructure can account for more than 60 per cent of the expense to build a mobile network, according to data from tower company IHS Holding Ltd. MTN Group is on the verge of
selling towers valued at $1 billion in Nigeria, and Bharti Airtel Africa is selling about 15,000 of its towers across 17 countries for $2 billion- $2.5 billion. Orange, France’s largest phone company is looking at disposing of towers in sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt. According to TMT Finance, a shortlist of three bidders has reportedly been drawn up for MobiNil’s 2,500-3,000 Egyptian towers. Meanwhile, another operator in which Orange owns a stake, Sonatel, is progressing with the sale of 3,000 towers across Senegal, Mali, Guinea Bissau and Guinea Conakry. South Africa’s Vodacom has to date, sold 1,149 mobile network towers to Helios Towers Africa in Tanzania. Bharti’s sale is likely to result in a split of the towers between multiple buyers. IHS, American Tower Corp. (AMT), units of Helios Towers and Eaton Towers Ltd are bidding for the acquisitions of the MTN and Bharti assets. These companies, backed by cash from wealthy investors including billionaire George Soros and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., have bought thousands of towers from carriers in the region in the past two years. In December 2013, MTN an➔ CONTINUEd ON PAGE
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Dwindling Margins Push Telcos To Sell Telecoms Towers ➔ CONTINUEd from PAGE
nounced it has sold its tower portfolios in Rwanda and Zambia to IHS Holding Limited. MTN sold a total of 1,228 mobile network towers to IHS’s subsidiaries in Rwanda and Zambia, comprised of 524 and 704 towers respectively, for undisclosed amounts. The deal was in line with MTN’s asset optimisation strategy and builds on two previous deals with IHS in Cameroon and Côté d’Ivoire, for a total of 1,758 towers. Under the agreements, IHS will acquire and operate the towers and related passive infrastructure and will invest in a build-to-suit programme to support MTN’s future requirements in both countries. MTN Rwanda and MTN Zambia will become the respective anchor tenants on the towers for an initial term of ten years. The two transactions brought the total number of towers in IHS’s portfolio to 10,500 extending its leadership in the African market as at then.
The move by telecoms operators to transfer their tower assets to tower management companies would lead to the creation of more employment opportunities for experts in the field of tower management as well as telecoms engineers
MTN Nigeria’s $1bn Tower Assets There are about 25,000 base transceiver station (BTS) sites or towers in Nigeria owned by GSM and CDMA mobile operators. The sale of telecoms towers and leaseback transactions could fetch operators in Nigeria about billions of naira. The move is coming as mobile operators move to reduce over head costs and focus on their core competency which is selling airtime and attending to customer service complaints while the back-end network is managed by independent infrastructure providers. Tower sale and leaseback agreement involves the sale of the assets by telecoms companies to, and leasing them back from independent tower companies. The cost of building one mobile phone tower in Nigeria is about $150,000-$200,000. Independent tower companies, such as Helios Towers, IHS Nigeria, Swap Technologies and others, currently own about 7,000 out of the 25,000 towers in the country. In August 2011, Nigeria’s surviving CDMA operator, Visafone signed a tower asset sale and leaseback deal with IHS Nigeria. The long-term agreement was aimed at optimising operational efficiencies and enabling Visafone to focus on its core business of providing mobile services. Last week, MTN Nigeria, Nigeria’s leading mobile operators said itintends to sell 9,183 telecom sites/towers. MTN Nigeria has the largest sites/towers as well as fibre optic backbone and terrestrial backboneamong Nigeria’s existing mobile operators. MTN Nigeria may establish a telecom infrastructure operator or own in equity in one to manage the BTS sites/towers that will be disposed. MTN Group President and CEO, Mr Sifiso Dabengwa said the “Group has advanced negotiations to sell its tower business in its operation in Nigeria, which includes
8,640 existing and 543 towers under development, to an entity that will be managed by a large mobile telecommunications infrastructure provider.” Dabengwa added that “The Group intends to retain a noncontrolling interest of 51 per cent with protective rights in the new entity and will enter into a lease agreement for the use of the tower infrastructure. The contractual agreements are expected to be finalised in due course and the transaction is expected to close in various tranches under customary closing conditions.” Etisalat Nigeria’s $400m Tower Deal Matthew Willsher, chief executive officer of Etisalat Nigeria, said last week that Etisalat Nigeria is selling 2,136 of its towers to IHS Holding Limited as part of a broader strategy to drive improvements in the quality of its network performance and to accelerate roll out of 2G & 3G coverage and new services to its customers. The transaction, believed to be in the region of $400 million is expected to close later this year. Willsher said “The decision to sell our passive infrastructure to an experienced commercial partner, such as IHS, is part of our strategy to increase network coverage and capacity which is already rated number one for quality of service by the NCC.” Etisalat currently has the highest quality network in Nigeria and the partnership with IHS is designed to promote network sharing, ensure higher quality, sustain reliable mobile services, lower overall costs and also promote a cleaner environment through reduced diesel usage and increased investments in alternative energy solutions. Over the past 18 months, IHS has installed a large number of alternative energy sites in Nigeria. These investments in addition to further investments in its stateof-the-art Network Operations Centre (NOC) mean that uptimes of over 99 per cent are achieved on its owned sites. Under the terms of this transaction IHS has committed to investing a further $100 million in the towers acquired, on advanced generators, efficient batteries and alternative energy solutions to reduce diesel consumption and improve efficiency of grid use. Issam Darwish, CEO of IHS, said “We are delighted to have been trusted by Etisalat Nigeria with their passive network infrastructure. Our market leading operations team, managed through a state-of-the-art network operations centre and our continual investment in better, more efficient systems and technologies will ensure that that trust is well placed. This partnership will provide significant long-term benefits to Etisalat Nigeria, allowing them to focus entirely on marketing new customer propositions to a wider market.” On the conclusion of this trans-
action, IHS will own and manage over 6,540 towers in Nigeria all of which will be managed by the most advanced Network Operating Centre (NOC) in the country, providing customers with market and industry leading levels of passive network uptime. IHS will market services on the towers promoting tower sharing and co-location to help drive network improvements, better service to subscribers and economic growth. Airtel To Sell 3,100 Telecom Sites Bharti Airtel is in talks to sell around 3,100 telecom towers in four African countries to Helios Towers Africa (HTA), the leading tower operator in the continent. Helios Towers will acquire the telecom towers from Bharti Airtel and lease them back to the telecoms company to use for its mobile services. The deal, which is expected to be valued at about $500m, will help Airtel reduce debt and ongoing capital expenditure. Airtel, which has been looking to sell towers in its African portfolio for a while did not list the names of the countries. The proceeds of the sale will be used to repay debt incurred when Bharti Airtel acquired the operations of Zain Africa. The deal will expand Helios Towers’ tower coverage in Africa to over 7,800 owned towers. The agreement also envisages that tower operations-related personnel will be transferred from Airtel to Helios Towers. Manoj Kohli, chairman of Bharti Airtel International Netherland, says,“It is an important step towards the consolidation of tower assets across Africa that will drive industry-wide cost efficiencies through infrastructure sharing. The agreement will further help in accelerating the growth of telecom services in the continent and at the same time benefit the environment by avoiding duplication of infrastructure.” Effects on Job Creation, Economy According to a new research from Information Services Group (ISG), Momentum Market Trends & Insights Vertical Report, which analysed 2,000 largest public companies in 27 vertical industries, telecoms industry remains a global leader in outsourcing, accounting for average contract value (ACV) of $21.6 billion. Telecommunications services remains one of the most sophisticated and mature markets, and most of the outsourcing involves network sharing and support agreements amongst telecommunications providers. Chief executive officer and managing director of Airtel Nigeria, Segun Ogunsanya, says the move by telecoms operators to transfer their tower assets to tower management companies would lead to the creation of more employment opportunities for experts in the field of tower management as well as tele-
coms engineers. “Indeed, there are plans by operators to sell off, not necessarily outsource, the towers.” It is the trend globally, and as the ALTON chairman, Engineer Gbenga Adebayo states, recently that it is meant to allow operators concentrate on their core competences and allow those who are better equipped professionally to manage the towers to do so. The operators have already outsourced their network operations to experts like Ericsson and Huawei, who in turn outsourced maintenance services like fueling, cleaning and security to local companies.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
L-R: Director, Television Enterprises, StarTimes Company, Maxwell Loko and the managing director/ CEO Startimes, Mr Joshua Wang, at the official launching of StarTimes new DTH satellite decoder and smart phones, held in Abuja recently. PHOTO BY OYEDELE OMOKAGBO
Digital Migration: GOtv Expands Footprints To 24 Cities In Nigeria By Chima Akwaja, Lagos
GOtv, a digital pay television offering on the digital terrestrial television (DTT) platform provided by MultiChoice has expanded its footprints to 24 cities with the addition of signals to three cities in Osun State, Ilesa, Ede and Iseyin, as part of its rapid roll-out across Nigeria in readiness for the digital migration. During its recent launch in Abeokuta, it announced that it would further deepen its penetration of Osun and Oyo states. This takes the number of cities covered by GOtv to 24 with others namely: Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Enugu, Benin, Aba, Owerri, Kano, Kaduna, Onitsha, Asaba, Uyo, Abuja, Calabar, Osogbo, Ife, Ogbomoso, Akure, Oyo, Jos and Abeokuta.
“With GOtv now live in Ilesa, Ede and Iseyin, TV lovers in 24 major cities across Nigeria now have a trusted partner in GOtv to enable them join in the digital TV revolution,” said the general manager GOtv, Elizabeth Amkpa. Using the latest DVB-T2 technology, GOtv delivers digital quality sound and a crystal clear picture, enhancing viewing. For N6,900, new subscribers get a GOtv decoder including one month subscription to GOtv Plus and an outdoor GOtenna. GOtv offers two bouquets with world-class local and international channels. On the GOtv Plus bouquet, subscribers are given 41 quality channels while GOtv gives a total of 28. Monthly subscriptions to both bouquets are priced at N1,500 and for N1,000 respectively.
GOtv subscribers in Ilesa, Ede and Iseyin will have access to an exciting selection of channels containing news, children programmes, documentaries, series and movies which are carefully selected to cater for a variety of different tastes and family viewing needs at an affordable price. Subscribers are spoiled for choice with a channel lineup that includes AfricaMagic Family, AfricaMagic Epic Movies, AfricaMagic World, AfricaMagic Yoruba, AfricaMagic Hausa; Entertainment, Telemundo, Discovery World, eTV Africa, Vox Africa, Select Sports, Al Jazeera and CNN, Channel O, MTV Base, Disney Junior, Nickelodeon, JimJam, Islam Channel, One Gospel, Sound City and Black Belt TV which gives families a great selection.
NSE To Support Investors’ Right To Dividends By OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos In line with protecting investors, the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has said it shall not hesitate to administer and enforce a five per cent sanction on any issuer that fails to pay dividends to its shareholders within the time-line specified in the resolution passed by the shareholders at the annual general meeting at which such dividends were declared. According to the head of legal and regulation division at the NSE, Ms. Tinuade Awe, before securities are approved for listing on the exchange, every issuer has to execute a document known as the general undertaking, which sets out the obligations imposed on an issuer. These commitments include the obligation to notify the exchange prior to taking certain corporate actions, the obligation to seek the exchange’s approval before publishing certain information, the obligation
to comply with the exchange’s listings rules and the obligation to comply with the directives of its shareholders in the event of declaration of dividends. Commenting on the issue, the head of listings regulation at the exchange, Mrs Josephine Igbinosun noted that NSE imposing the five per cent sanction is in section 14(e) in the event of a breach regarding the payment of dividends as directed by shareholders. “The exchange wishes to draw the attention of the investing public to the Security and Exchange Commission’s rule on payment of dividends which also imposes an obligation on issuers to ensure payment of dividends declared to shareholders not later than seven working days after the AGM at which the dividend was declared,” she said. The NSE recently upgraded its website so as to make information about issuers, the exchange and the Nigerian Capital Market (NCM) more accessible.
Foundation Blames Corruption For Economic Stagnation By Chika Okeke, Abuja
The national coordinator of Dynamic Professionals for Good Leadership Foundation (DPGL), Ejiofor Onwuaso (Esq), has identified corruption and bad leadership as the major causes of political and socioeconomic stagnation. He stated this when he led a delegation of the foundation on a courtesy visit to LEADERSHIP Group headquarters in Abuja. Onwuaso suggested that in order to reverse the ugly trend, there should be a paradigm shift in approach that would usher in credible leaders. He said that such was capable of initiating acts of good and selfless governance for the benefits of Nigerians and enthronement of rule of law. “As an organisation, we have closely monitored the revolutionary developmental strides of LEADERSHIP Newspapers with an experience spanning over 10 years of fearless, astute and truth-
ful reporting of facts in the most professional manner which has endeared it as the preferred newspaper among its teeming readers in FCT and beyond, it came as no surprise when LEADERSHIP was named unanimously and awarded the ‘Newspaper of the Year’ and most ‘Improved Newspaper’ by the Abuja Newspapers Vendors Association. While appealing for reduced negotiated concessionary charges or cost-free waiver in the coverage of their activities as part of LEADERSHIP’s corporate social responsibility, he listed their proposed activities as seminars, mass media advocacy campaigns, award ceremonies, good governance verification and courtesy tours. Responding, the deputy chairman of the Editorial Board, Mr Christian Ochiama commended the team for their goals and assured that LEADERSHIP Group was committed to the peace and development of Nigeria.
IGP Presents Police Mortgage Share Certificate To Officers By CHIKA OTUCHIKERE, Abuja
The acting Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba, yesterday presented Police Mortgage Bank Plc shares to beneficiary officers and men of the force. The presentation dispelled allegations that the Police Mortgage Bank Plc was a fraud used to short-change personnel who have been making deductions into the police co-operative society.
Speaking during the distribution of the shares, the acting IG disclosed that the mortgage bank has already exceeded the N25 billion Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) stipulated fund for banking in the country. While promising his administration’s resolved to ensure that both serving and retired officers across the country get their personal houses in their city of choice, Abba gave assurance that personnel would benefit in other areas.
He said, “When former Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar, appointed me as the chairman, Board of Director of Police Corporative Bank Plc, I was saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that we translate Fokas Savings and Loan Limited (Mortgage Bankers) to Nigeria Police Mortgage Bank Plc with all legislation and regulatory obligations. “We successfully did this as evidenced in Corporate Affairs Commis-
sion (CAC) certificate of Incorporation dated January 28, 2014 with registration No. RC207032”. The Police boss stated further that with the distribution of the share certificate, police personnel would have access to loan and other benefits. Earlier in his address, the chairman Board of Directors, Nigeria Police Motgage Bank Plc, Commissioner of Police, CP Usman Yisa Baba, said at the moment, the bank has an authorised
share capital of N5.5 Billion out of which N3.95 billion is fully subscribed by members. “The Nigeria Police Force being the most significant contributor to the fund till date and having satisfied all the requirements was granted license to operate as a State Primary Mortgage Institution by Central Bank of Nigeria via letter with reference No. OFI/DIR/ GEN/PMB/01/004 dated February 14, 2014”, he said.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
zonal watch
His decision to contest the election in the state was borne out of his desire to not only consolidate on Governor Jonah Jang’s achievements
The Kwara state government has in the last three years spent N6billion on the electrification of over 60 communities in the state. The state governor, Alhaji AbdulFatah Ahmed disclosed at the Consumers Forum organised by the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) in Ilorin, the state capital. Represented by the Permanent Secretary in the state Ministry of Energy. Mr Gabriel jimoh, Ahmed said government’s huge investment on power supply was geared towards the development of the grassroots. He said government would create platform with the Stakeholders in the energy sector to ensure stable and improved electricity supply to
the people of the state. He however urged the company to improve on its services, assuring that the state government would always create enabling environment for the company to operate. The Managing Director of Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, Mr Fortunato Leynes, solicited the support of all the stakeholders in capturing scrupulous individuals who bypass their meters by installing electric wires direct from the poles and run it through the ceilings to the electrical loads inside their houses. Leynes, who also appealed to the people to protect the company’s facilities, said until the menace of vandalism and electricity pilferage are nipped in the bud, the plan to improve the distribution facilities and service delivery will be very difficult.
Don Charges Media On Conservation Of Environment
By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin
A university lecturer, Yinka Oyewo, has cautioned Nigerians against corruption of the natural environment to promote healthy life among themselves and foster development of the country. Oyewo, an associate professor in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Ibadan gave the advice when he delivered a lecture on “The Media and Nigeria’s environment: An agenda” at the press week of the Correspondents’ Chapel of the Kwara State chapter of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ). Oyewo said, owing to poor maintenance of the environment, people had been deprived of a lot of fa-
vourable values that nature holds for them. He said corruption of the natural environment has contributed to the spread of some of the diseases and other calamities that pose great danger to our health and safety. The don charged the media to give a priority attention to informing the society on how the environment could be conserved and be saved from contamination to make people live a healthy life. He advised that the media should focus on discouragement of such activities as air pollution, water pollution and underground water population and should also direct people’s attention to the effects of chemical weapon global warming and climate change.
1, 957 Kwarans To Perform This Year’s Hajj By Abdullah Olesin, Ilorin
Heads FROM the ZONE
The wife of Kwara State governor Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, distributing pamphlets to women in Oke-Oyi, headquarters of Ilorin East local government during the LEAH foundation’s awareness campaign on breast and cervical cancer to the area. PHOto by Abdullahi Olesin
Kogi East Senatorial Race: Youths Warn PDP Not To Discriminate Against Female Contender BY SAM EGWU, Lokoja
➔ The Kwara State government said it has spent N6bn on electrification projects in the state in the last three years
➔ At the end of its first security summit, the IEDPU has called on the Kwara State government to mob-up small arms and light weapons in Ilorin and its environs ahead of the 2015 general elections.
Some concerned youths under the aegis of Kogi East Youth Forum (KEYF) have warned the Peoples Democratic Party in Kogi State against any attempt to screen out the only female senatorial aspirant for Kogi East, Hajia Halima Alfa. They also appealed to the state governor, Capt Idris Wada, to ensure that there was no scheming of any type to edge her out from the senatorial race.
The youths described Hajia Alfa as a symbol of unity, change and qualitative leadership, adding that “Halima values the unity, stability and development of youths in Kogi East senatorial district”. The youths spokesman, Dr Omata Dunia, explained that Hajia Alfa’s ambition to contest the Kogi East senatorial election was borne out of her desire to promote and sustain the democratic institution and also use her vast experiences to attract democracy dividends to Kogi
East. “Halima is an embodiment of hard work and knowledge. She is the face of integrity and resourcefulness. She is also the best choice for the Igala people to attain its rightful position and the most suitable person to deliver her people. “We need a senator with exceptional qualities and proven records of service. Halima is a touch-bearer and is very determined to work for the general well-being of Igalas,”they said.
Kwara First Lady Establishes Cancer Centres In Edu, Ifelodun Councils BY Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin
Kwara State first lady and founder of the LEAH Charity Foundation, Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, has set up three cancer centres in Share, Ifelodun local government, Lafiagi and Tsaragi in Edu local government areas of the state. She said the establishment of cancer screening centres in different parts of the state
was aimed at bringing the centres closer to people. She expressed the need for people to monitor their health status in order to avoid becoming victims of killer diseases such as breast and cervical cancers. She enjoined them to make best use of the LEAH cancer facilities to know the state of their wellbeing and be better positioned to take care of their families
while making quality contributions to the society. In their separate remarks, the Emir of Lafiagi, Alh Saadu Kawu Haliru; the Etsu of Tsaraji, Alh Aliyu Abdullahi Ndapkoto, the Olupako of Share, Alh Abubakar Garuba Akande and the chairman of Edu LGA, Alh Abubakar Alfa Shonga, lauded the efforts of Mrs Ahmed through her foundation.
A total of 1,957 persons from Kwara State will perform this year’s hajj in Saudi Arabia, the executive secretary of the state Muslim Pilgrims Board, Hajia Fatimah Abolore Jimoh, has disclosed. Hajia Jimoh made this known during an enlightenment exercise organised for intending pilgrims and special prayer organised to ensure a hitch-free hajj operation. She said the agency had met with the management of the state ministry of health and the state primary health care agency with a resolution to be more thorough in the medical screening of would-be pilgrims given the outbreak of Ebola virus in some states of the federation. According to her, major health facilities in the state had been penciled down for the screening, adding that pilgrims would also be screened for hepatitis and other deadly diseases. On the level of the board’s preparedness for the Hajj operation, she said, “We are about 85 per cent prepared now. In terms of Makkah and Medinah accommodation, we are ready. We have made the choice of carrier; all payment had been effected and all pilgrims are being enlightened. The only thing we are awaiting is for our plane to arrive and take us to the holy land. For this year, we have the total number of 1,957 pilgrims and 10 officials. “Our hands are on deck on the outbreak of Ebola virus. As you know, throughout the country; the federal, state and local governments are putting all necessary machinery in motion and our state government is not excluded from this. “We have met the state commissioner for health who directed us to the executive chairman of the state primary health care board in conjunction with the permanent secretary of the ministry and they have assured us that we are going to be more thorough than we used to be especially with the suspicious Ebola virus. “In fact, all the medical screening, even those we don’t do before like Hepatitis B and Ebola, we are going to do them with involvement of the newly remodelled general hospitals, cottage hospitals and Sobi Specialist Hospital”. The executive secretary urged the prospective pilgrims to conduct themselves properly before, during and after the pilgrimage.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
zonal watch (North-Central) 57
news behind the news
Ilorin Community Unites Against Violence, Organises Security Summit
News Behind The News
Failure In Mathematics: NGO Recommends Counselling For Students
Governor Ahmed (2nd left) and other dignitaries at the security summit in Ilorin. PHOTO BY ABDULLAHI OLESIN. By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin
Worried by the activities of miscreants and political thugs, the Ilorin Emirate Descendants Progressives Union (IEDPU) lat weekend organised the first ever security summit where modalities for stamping out insecurity from the emirate and Kwara State in general were mapped out. The worry of IEDPU is justifiable given the spate of violence that had occurred in Ilorin, a town reputed for its peacefulness in recent times. The influx of miscreants into the city from Lagos and other states and the struggle for power by various interest groups in the community worsened the situation. While political thugs from various political camps routinely clashed, the miscreants also routinely perpetrate crisis in the metropolis, which occasionally resulted in maiming, killing of innocent citizens and destruction of property. It was in an attempt to put a check on the nefarious activities of the miscreants and political thugs that the IEDPU’s leadership thought it wise to organise the novel security summit. And to underscore the importance of the summit, the state governor, Alh Abdulfatah Ahmed, created time to personally declare the all-important summit open. Speaking at the summit, Governor Ahmed called on the political class to refrain from inciting youths into violence in pursuing political ambitions. He opined that the youths in the state need jobs and secured future and not guns and matchetes that could abridge their future. He blamed the spate of insecurity in the country to the breakdown of family, social and religious values. He therefore charged parents to inculcate good values in their children for sustainable peace in the state. The governor also called on security agencies to form a greater synergy and avoid the needless rivalry to enable them surmount hidden and obvious security challenges in the state. He advised the people to join hands with security agencies in
keeping the society safe at all times by providing timely information to nip security threats in the bud. Ahmed expressed hope that the summit would come up with actionladen prescriptions for the security of the state as a whole. In his address, the chairman of the occasion and vice chancellor, University of Ilorin, Professor AbdulGaniyu Ambali, attributed the current security challenges in Ilorin to lack of parental guidance on the youths. Professor Ambali advocated research into the causes of youths being readily used as tools for political thuggery and violence with a view to addressing socio-cultural challenges confronting the Ilorin emirate. The national president of IEDPU, Alh Abdulhamid Adi, disclosed that the union had embarked on consultations and security advocacy visits to stakeholders in addressing the worrisome phenomenon before it slips into worse possibilities. Adi said the summit was timely as the country is preparing for the 2015 general elections, noting that the growing trend of security challenges in Ilorin and by extension, Kwara State, is worrisome. He stated that the ugly act which had crept into the society is becoming the order of the day, thereby causing serious discomfort, agony, destruction of property such as buildings, vehicles and looting in broad daylight by hoodlums. He decried the rate of usage of hard drugs by youths that are supposed to be future leaders of the country. The IEDPU president said that incessant street fighting recorded lately in the state capital is an indication that many parents and guardians have shirked their responsibilities. In his key note address, Brigadier General Ibrahim Agbabiaka (rtd), posited that the present security challenges have created fear in the minds of people nationwide, thereby affecting economic activities in the affected states. He said that a survey has shown bad parenting, ethno-religious conflicts, weak security system and
loss of socio-cultural and communal values as sources of violence in the state and particularly the Ilorin emirate. In his contribution, the national chief orientation officer for Youth Focus Initiative Against Drug Abuse, Mallam Nasir AbdulQuadri, said his group was established to campaign against drug abuse, consumption, cultivation, trafficking and violence among youths. He added that the group is also saddled with counseling, rehabilitating and reintegrating drug dependent persons back into the society. He described drug abuse as a predetermined factor responsible for all sorts of criminalities in the society such as rape, kidnapping, abduction, armed robbery, murder, pipeline vandalisation and terrorism. Also speaking, the director of the State Security Services in the state, said security agents alone could not ensure a crime-free society, saying that combating crime requires the support of all and sundry. He added that members of the public should endeavour to volunteer information that could lead to the arrest of criminal elements in the society. “If I make any arrest, I urge members of the public not to intervene by asking for their release. It is because members of the public intervene that crime persists in the society. It is better to allow alleged criminals charged to court and if convicted, the society can be peaceful,” he stated. The former minister of sports, Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi, praised the leadership and members of IEDPU for the successful hosting of the summit. Abdullahi described the summit as a well-thought-out idea and exhibition of wisdom by the union, noting that the summit would not have come at a better time than now that the country is going through serious security challenges. The former minister contended that IEDPU has on behalf of all sons and daughters of Ilorin emirate shown leadership and readiness to offer helping hands in the fight against insecurity.
By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin
He blamed the spate of insecurity in the country to the breakdown of family, social and religious values
Against the backdrop of mass failure in Mathematics in the just released results of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Women in Technical Education and Development (WITED) has recommended counseling to address the phobia for the subject. WITED also suggested public enlightenment campaigns in allaying the phobia for Mathematics and the sciences. The national president of WITED, Mrs Osiki Francis, made the recommendation during a chat with LEADERSHIP Sunday in Ilorin at the sideline of the association’s national coordinating committee (NCC) meeting held at the academic hall of the Kwara State Polytechnic. Mrs Francis, a civil engineer and lecturer at the Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State added that, “There is no place whatever for fear of the subject. Fear already defeats the individual even before he confronts the problem. So, that self-defeatist attitude should be addressed through counseling. We need public enlightenment campaigns. So, information is key to allaying fear of Mathematics and the sciences.” She said that WITED was borne out of the desire to encourage girl children who have the Godgiven flair to appreciate Mathematics, science and technical courses for the nation to march forward technologically. Said she, “For meaningful national development, the female folks that constitute about half of the population of Nigeria should not be left behind. Government can encourage the girlchild to take up Mathematics and technical courses by giving scholarships and awards to those excelling well in these subjects. Besides, science laboratories should be well equipped; science and Mathematics teachers should also be encouraged because when they are happy, they will be at their best in their works and the students will do well. “Parents’ roles cannot be overemphasised. They are the starting point of the life of the child. Parents should be enlightened as they have the right attitude to the girlchild in pursuing these subject areas. “Women who have the ability are being encouraged to come on board. There should be no force, no coercion. It is those that are able to fit into the programme that are encouraged to come on board; engineers, doctors and technologists. “Our approach is to go to the primary and secondary schools to sensitise the girlchild that she should have no phobia for courses like Mathematics, sciences and engineering.”
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Nollywood: Why Same Faces?
For some time now, Nigerians have continued to complain about the lack of innovation in the movie industry. While some are seen as the eyes of the industry, others are seen as back benchers. Like in the past people are given the opportunity to compete for a particular role in a movie. But these days, there are too many ‘hungry actors’ who want to be on screen and accorded the celebrity acronyms. What are the factors necessitating the continued crave for same faces in the movie industry? Is it that they don’t have any talent that could compete favourably with their entrenched counterparts? Papa aka ‘Miss P’ is an Abuja based artiste and a Nollywood upcoming actress. In an interview with our reporter, the scintillating actress stated that it all depends on the personality. “Intimidation from the bigger artistes is one of the factors necessitating the continued showing of known faces while the upcoming ones are hardly given the opportunities. If you are not a known face, sometimes, most producers feel you can’t sell. But it depends on who you are working with, some believe in talent and polish it when they see it weather you are popular or not, their major interest is how good the artist is. It’s the desperate ones that do whatsoever to make it. If you are focused and know what you want and especially if you are good at what you do, it will only be a matter of time,” she explained. She added “yes by the grace of God the young shall grow like it’s being said, all these popular faces you see today where once upcomers.
In Hollywood, chances of every good actor becoming famous are 90 per cent while in Nollywood, it’s 20 per cent
The Movies In a random sampling conducted by our reporter, in a 100 movies produced by different filmmakers, checks have it that there are same faces starring as the lead actors. Though the movie producers would say profit must be their watchwords. Presently, this peculiar name, Lupita N’yongo is a known face in the movie industry. Before staring in 12 years a slave that won her accolades for her role and becoming the biggest thing that has happened to Africa, she wasn’t known at all. The question here is, why
As widely acknowledged, whatever has a beginning must have an end, but that is not the case with Nollywood and from the evolution of the sector, certain faces have been seen on our TV screens so often that one almost expects to see them in every film produced. The Nigerian movie industry has grown enormously over the past few years, but are upcoming actors given the opportunity to excel? ANTHONY ADA ABRAHAM writes.
are upcoming actors not given opportunity like the selfacclaimed ‘big boys or girls’ of the industry to compete favourably? Any movie you see an upcoming actor featuring is always said to be wacky! Unlike the music industry that one cannot predict who would win a certain award; the movie industry is a sham and not meeting its high grade expectation. Awards Like most movie awards that go on around the country, the people that have been acting since Nigeria was amalgamated are still the ones sweeping the awards. When would the younger generation be given the opportunity to compete without fear or favour? According to Emmanu-
el Nwanosike, a movie critic, “people who produce movies have the bigger portion of the blame because they don’t care about the name at stake, what they are after is the money they can make from the movie. An investigation by our reporter has it that 80 per cent of upcoming actresses have been sexually harassed either by their producers or directors. Though some of them have debunked that fact majority of them who don’t care to givein just to star in a role have either become overnight ‘celebrity’ or ‘passenger actor’. They are hardly taken serious as professionals because they don’t have what it takes. Those who have made it with their talent have excelled even with the continued molestation by some unscrupu-
lous movie makers who can’t do without bedding their female crew members. According to a Nollywood lover, Dorcas Ojo, she said that why same faces continue to sweep awards in Nigeria is because the upcoming ones are not giving that same opportunity to compete with their counterparts. “I believe that as a movie lover, if I continue to watch same movie stars Aki and Pawpaw, Genevieve Nnaji, Rita Dominic, Ramsey Noah, Jim Iyke, Nonso Diobi, Clarion Chukwura, Nkem Owoh, Patience Ozokwor, John Okafor, Desmond Elliot and others. I believe it will become so boring one day. The younger generation must be given an opportunity to excel. That is why many Nigerians find it difficult to watch our movies,” she said. “If the upcoming ones are giving good role to play and the charter is serious; I think we can break that jinx that has been keeping us from favourably competing with our European counterparts.” She explained. In a related development, some upcoming actors and actresses have continued to react on this issue. One of them is Skutch, an upcoming actor, musician who has starred in numerous movies; he stresses that the pain of a known face in the movie industry doing almost all the movies has hindered some imminent actors from breaking into the limelight but believes that consistency will always help the younger ones. “Well, it’s quite challenging because in Nollywood a known actor does almost all the movies but there is still little chance for the younger ones especially when you are a good actor. Consistency and patience is also the key. “In Hollywood, chances of every good actor becoming famous are 90 per cent while in Nollywood,it’s 20 per cent,” he said. Way Forward Everyone should be given same opportunity to achieve in life. Just like in the music industry, movie makers should shun sentiment or lust and help the younger generation who are inspired by passion to nurture their talent to fruition so that more awards and accolades can come to Nigeria.
e-train Sunday, August 17, 2014
By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH and Aderibigbe Tolulope
The new hot sensation in the Nigerian industry, Godwin Ozotu Attah, popularly known as Ozee launched his first album, ‘The Rebirth’ over the weekend at Merit House. The artiste is a Customs officer. The event was graced and supported by several notable personnel, including the Comptroller General of Customs, Dikko Inde Abdullah, who was the father of the day. He was ably represented by the service spokesman, Deputy Comptroller Wale Adeniyi. The Customs boss, in his opening speech, described music as a powerful tool of communication, saying "the modern Customs believes in carrying all stakeholders along by educating them about the activities of the National Customs Service." He promised the service would continue to support talents of officers who add value to the customs and the nation at large. The national coordinator and founder of Parents Against Drugs Abuse OF Nigeria (PADAN), Hajiya Aisha Abubakar, who was also present on the occasion,
Ozee, The Officer With Swag Launches The Rebirth commended the customs officer (Ozee) for using his musical talent to promote NCS and also support those of them that fight drug abuse. She said Ozee had proved that a targeted use of talent could bring success and
integrity for the artiste. "It is good to see a young customs officer singing against drug abuse and smuggling at a time many are taking to drugs," she said. The artiste, Godwin Ozotu Attah was adequately
supported by officers, family members, top business personalities, family friends and well-wishers, including Okey Ibeke, publisher of Business Maritime Magazine, the chief launcher, Chief Donatus Obelle, Hon. Henry
Encomiums For Kunle Afolayan’s October 1 By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH
As the end credits rolled for Kunle Afolayan’s new flick, October 1, an outburst of cheers engulfed the theatre, at the Filmhouse Cinemas, Surulere, Lagos, venue of the press screening, last Tuesday. For more than two hours, guests were engrossed in the muchanticipated movie, which provides a measure of comic relief within a serious theme that portrays the colonial masters as evil-genius. From reactionary murmur to occasional giggles and roaring outbursts from the viewers, the film appeared to be meeting the expectations of the filmmaker, as an educative and entertaining work. The event was the fourth in a series of private screenings which the filmmaker intends to use to drum support for the film, before it is released to the public in October. “We are certain that from these private screenings, we will be able to make some money also. This goes to subsidise our budget before we go public. Because once the film is out, it’s out,” said Afolayan, apparently referring to the menace of piracy.
Afolayan, who revealed that Terra Kulture is chief supporter of the exclusive screenings, said the movie had gulped more than N200 million so far, and that there was need for him to recoup his investment, if he must continue to make quality films locally. Giving the breakdown, he said: “We shot on RED cameras. All those forest scenes were shot using two pieces of 12K HMI light; to rent one 12k costs between N80,000 to N100,000 per day, and we shot for about 60 days. We had more than 30 lights on that shoot altogether. We had about 100 cast and crew, living and feeding on the production. Post-production cost more than N20 million, which is why the film looks good. We tried to maximise the potentials that we have in-house. By this, the only thing we did outside the country was colour correction and grading. “We used two RED cameras, each one costing over N100,000 a day. Also, look at the costumes for that period, look at the cars. We had to refurbish some of those cars so as to create that period and put them to use. The CDI, the PFX (production effects) etc. in that town are electric poles, electric wires, transformers and
billboards, MTN, Airtel and Globacom masts all over the place. Did you see anything like that in the film? They were all removed at post-production, and PFX costs fortunes. If I start breaking it down, we will be here all day,” he said, smiling. The budget for Afolayan’s film is the biggest so far in the country, only next to Half of a Yellow Sun, which got more corporate funding in Nigeria and support from the British Film Institute (BFI). The filmmaker, who has been described in some quarters as the posterboy of Nigerian cinema said he believed that the nation’s movie industry is evolving. “The reason why we have spent so much is that we believe strongly that there is so much potential for this kind of film. How many viewers do we really need to be able to recoup that money? It’s not a lot, and the good thing is that now, you have Filmhouse, whose cinema chain seems to be expanding every day. And they already said to me that by the time we are releasing it in October, they will be having like 20 screens, compared to the six that we had when we released The Figurine and Phone Swap.” Afolayan revealed that
Filmhouse’s projection for the film is $1 million. “But all that $1 million is not coming to me o,” he pointed out with an air, sarcastically. “Because by the time Filmhouse takes their percentage and all the taxes are deducted, what will come to us will be small. But at least people will start believing in indigenous film projects,” he explained. He said although he was yet to get the Project Act-Nollywood grant, it would subsidise his budget if he became a beneficiary. “But we will continue to work. I believe strongly in film, I believe strongly in good production value, I believe in Nigerian talents and that is why we have put everything into this film.” A psychological thriller,
Omaku, Alhaji Hamisu Abba and a host of others. Prominent artistes like Mad Melon and Mountain Black, popularly known as Danfo Drivers performed as a way of encouraging the 23-year old musician. The duo used the occasion to assure their fans that they are still very much into music. "We went back to school, that is why we have been out of the entertainment industry scene for this long," the Ragga beats duo said, hinting that their come-back singles should be expected by November. Ozee’s 'Stop the smuggling and Customs communication theme song' are regarded as the official theme songs of Nigeria’s Customs. Most of the songs in the album are inspirational and moralembedded like Double Double, Nigeria Unite, Designer Girl and Zaman Tare. Ozee aims at influencing the youth to have an education and also pursue their heart desires. He is the first in a family of five children. He entered the university at the age of 15, graduated after four years and joined Nigerian Custom Service. October 1 pictures September 1960, with Nigeria on the verge of independence from British colonial rule. It tells the story of a northern Nigeria Police detective, Dan Waziri (Sadiq Daba), who is urgently dispatched by the colonial government to the trading post town of Akote in the Western Region of Nigeria, to solve a series of female murders that have struck horror in the hearts and minds of the local community. On getting to Akote, more murders are committed, and with local tension high and volatile, Waziri has a race on his hands to solve the case before even more local women are killed. Matters take a turn for the worse, however, when Waziri discovers that his prime suspect is none other than the highly influential, university-educated son of the King of Akote, Prince Aderopo (Ademola Adedoyin). Intelligent, good-looking, charismatic, witty and daring, the prince proves to be a most complicated adversary for Waziri. Set against the backdrop of the national celebration mood of the impending independence, Waziri and Prince Aderopo indulge in a game of cat and mouse as they try to outwit each other… leading to the climatic end in which the life of a popular local female teacher and village belle, Tawa (Kehinde Bankole), is held in the balance.
60 kiddies
Sunday, August 17, 2014
kiddies kingdom
SPOT the difference
By Chika mefor
08156719304 (SMS only)
The Elephant And The Ant
here lived an elephant in a forest. It was big and powerful. The elephant was so strong that it could fell trees. It could also kill lions, tigers and other wild animals. In course of time, due to its big size and great strength, its pride grew bigger and bigger. One day, the elephant met an ant. Looking at the ant, the elephant laughed, “What a puny creature you are! You look so weak and tiny! I pity you. Look at me. I am the mightiest animal in the forest. I can do anything in this world.” The ant listened to the elephant and smiled, without saying a word.
Very soon, dark clouds gathered in the sky. It began to drizzle. The elephant and the ant moved into a nearby cave to take shelter there. The elephant, looking at the tiny ant, laughed again and said, “Look at my size. I can crush you under my foot. You won’t even know how to save yourself.” Feeling proud of its size and strength, the elephant started dancing in the cave. Due to the thumping of its heavy feet, a big stone lying atop the cave fell in front of the cave, covering its mouth fully. The elephant walked proudly towards the stone and tried to move it but could not. It tried with all its might, but all in vain.
The elephant could not come out of the cave. However, the ant, due to its tiny size, easily came out of the cave through a small opening. Now it was the ant’s turn to speak?”Look, you elephant! What I could do, you can’t! On account of your mighty size, you will have to remain in this cave for the rest of your life. What you considered to be your strength has proved to be your greatest problem. The elephant remained locked up inside the cave and died a painful death. No wonder, there is a saying that, “Pride goes before a fall.” One’s strength could also be his biggest challenge and weakness.
Nana Asma’u Auwal Sa’id clocks two weeks today. Kiddies kingdom wishes her long life and God’s blessings
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
BIRTHDAY WISHES Your Excellency, Today marks another great milestone in your life as a statesman and father. You have continued to use your position of privilege to strengthen bonds across divides and to create a legacy worthy of emulation. On behalf of the people of Nasarawa State I rejoice with you and your family as you celebrate your 73rd birthday today and wish you many more years of health and global applause. Happy Birthday Sir!
General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Signed:
Umaru Tanko Al-makura Executive Governor
news across the states 63
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Ibadan Market Fire Claims 600 Shops About 600 shops and stalls were burnt while goods worth over N1 billion were destroyed in a fire that ravaged parts of popular Aleshinloye market in Ibadan, Oyo state capital. LEADERSHIP Sunday gathered that the fire which started on Friday night was finally put off early yesterday morning. Most of the burnt items were mainly jewelry, fabrics, shoes, handbags, travelling bags and wrist watches, among others. One of the affected traders, Mr Adeoye Soyemi, who deals in jewelry told newsmen that no fewer than 600 shops were affected in the inferno, and put own loss at about a million naira. He revealed that the fire started as a result of power surge which affected one refrigerator inside one of the affected shops. It was gathered that the fire initially started with five shops when the private night guards on duty alerted men of the Oyo State Fire Service . However, due to inadequate power supply, the fire fighters could not get enough water to contain the fire, the development which worsened the situation. It was a sad tale for many of the traders who got to know of the incident as late as midnight as hoodlums had already vandalised and stolen most of their goods before they got to the market. By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan
COREN Admits Difficulty In Tracking Quack Engineers The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has admitted that it has been very difficult to track down and prosecute quacks who parade themselves as professional engineers in Nigeria as some of them go to the extent of forging COREN certificates and present them for jobs. COREN president, Engr Kashim Ali, made this known in a press briefing in Abuja to disclose the 23rd Engineering Assembly which would be hosted in Abuja from August 19 to 20, 2014, with the theme, “Commercialising engineering: An imperative for national development,” which is aimed at updating the knowledge of members of the engineering family and sharing ideas on emerging issues in the practice of the engineering profession and network. According to Ali, engagement of quack engineers has always led to colossal loss of lives and property in the area of collapsed building and failure of other engineering infrastructure. He said that was why COREN had to sign an MoU with the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) to prosecute people who commit infraction to COREN Act and are not on the register. By Igho Oyoyo, Abuja
Nigeria’s first lady, Dame Patience Goodluck Jonathan, minister of agriculture and rural development, Dr, Akinwunmi Adesina and the vice chairman of Remontawa Holdings, Roman Kinda during the chistening of the vessel in Poland.
Emir Sanusi Turbans 2 Kano Emirs’ Sons As Danmaje, Dokaji BY Abubakar Salihi, Kano
The Emir of Kano, His Eminence, Muhammad Sanusi II, has turbaned his uncle, Munir Sanusi as Danmaje and Yahaya Inuwa Abbas as Dokaji of Kano emirate respectively. The ceremony took place at Soron Nadi, the emir’s palace. Munir Sanusi is among the sons of the grandfather of the present Kano emir, the 54th emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi and was turbaned Danmaje of Kano emirate; the traditional title held by Emir
Sanusi before he became Emir of Kano. While Yahaya Inuwa Abbas who is the son of the 56th emir of Kano, the late Muhammad Inuwa was turbaned Dokaji of Kano emirate. In his remarks shortly after turbaning, Sanusi prayed that they would work diligently for the sake of the uplifting of the Kano emirate. He urged the newly turbaned Danmaje and Dokaji to continue to be good brothers’ keepers as they were known to be to the
Kano emir. Meanwhile, the newly turbaned Dokaji pledged to give his best services to the Kano emir and the entire emirate. The new Danmaje, Munir Sanusi, is the councilor works of the emirate, while the new Dokaji, Yahaya Inuwa Abbas, will hold the title for the mean time because he is still the senior special assistant to Governor Kwankwaso on local government affairs. Both the newly turbaned Danmaje and Dokaji are heirs to the throne of Kano emir.
Gulak, Lawyers, Berate Adamawa Acting Governor Over Guber Ambition BY MOHAMMED ISMAIL, Yola
The decision of the Adamawa State acting governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, to pick the Peoples Democratic Party’s ticket to contest the October 11 governorship by-election in the state has elicited indignation from political and legal circles across the state. Speculations were rife in the state that with the new development, the party may lose some of its members to other opposition political platforms as some aspirants are jittery that the party primaries may be tailored towards producing the acting governor as the
next candidate of the party. Former adviser on political affairs to President Goodluck Jonathan, Ahmed Gulak, in a telephone interview said it was morally wrong for the acting governor to contest the election saying that his role is that of an overseer of the conduct of a free and fair election in the state. “The acting governor has no moral justification to contest the polls, he ought to act as an impartial umpire to monitor and conduct a free and fair election. “It’s on that note that I call on all the aspirants to make it known that all we need is a level playing ground
and equal opportunity,’’ he said. Gulak said the aspiration of the acting governor was a clear move to use his advantaged position over other candidates, adding that “Fintiri is desperate; many thought that he will justify the confidence reposed in him by being neutral and imperial, only to turn and show his interest.” Also reacting, a Yola-based lawyer, Barr Sunday Joshua Wugira, said it is morally wrong for the acting governor to join the race because it would amount to holding two positions of being the speaker and the acting governor at the same time.
Group Partners NHIS On Healthcare For Rural Women By Michael Oche, Abuja
The FEDUP association has partnered the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) to bring healthcare to rural women across the country. Speaking during a launch in Abuja, NHIS FCT coordinator, Obaro Olugbo said the NHIS decided to partner the association in order to take healthcare to women who are in the informal sector. Being a group that deals with women at the rural level, FED-
UP has the capacity to ensure that women at the grassroots also enjoy healthcare services at affordable rate. He said, “From our experience, we discovered that reaching out to the grassroots, you need platforms, such as NGOs and CSOs.” Also speaking on the level as acceptability by the rural women, he said there is need for more sensitisation of the relevance of the scheme. “They are responding; its new to them, but with enough education,
they are buying it,” he said. Also speaking, FEDUP president, James Ugah said, women at the rural level suffer from inadequate healthcare delivery. He said, “Basically we are looking at the informal sector. It’s a community based healthcare scheme. We are partnering with the NHIS to take healthcare to rural women who are in the informal sector. Women who are not salary earners, basically market women at the grassroots so they can have access to healthcare.”
Doctors’ Sack: Reconsider Your Action, TUC Tells FG The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has appealed to the federal government to reconsider its decision on the sack of about 16,000 resident doctors in the country over their involvement in the on-going nation-wide strike by the Nigeria Medical Association. The federal government had last Thursday announced the suspension of residency training programme in all federal hospitals across the country, pending when all challenges in the health sector are addressed. The government had, in a statement by the deputy director (press) at the ministry of health, Alhaji Isiaka Yusuf, alleged that every effort by the government to contain the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), are being frustrated by the continued industrial strike action of the NMA. But the TUC in a statement issued yesterday in Port Harcourt, urged the government to recall the sacked doctors in the interest of the country, adding that two wrongs cannot make a right. The statement, which was signed by the chairman of TUC in the state, Comrade Hyginus Chika Onuegbu, however faulted the NMA for embarking on an indefinite strike even in the face of the dreaded Ebola disease, and appealed to the association to call of its strike. It reads in part, “The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) Rivers State, appeals to the federal government to reconsider its decision on the resident doctors in the national interest, more so as two wrongs cannot make a right. “We note that though the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) as a professional association has not acted professionally by continuing with its strike even in the face of the Ebola virus disease outbreak, suspending the residency programme will not solve the problem.” By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt
64 news across the states
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Lagos Debunks Fresh Death Of Ebola Patient NDRO Lauds Ebola BY GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos
Lagos State government yesterday dispelled the rumour making the rounds that a person infected with Ebola virus disease died at a state-owned hospital in the state. In a statement by the state commissioner for information and strategy, Mr Lateef Ibirogba, the government said the rumour is false. He said, it is a ploy by certain individuals to label the hospitals in
the state unsafe, adding that the government had before now assured residents of the state that the hospitals are safe and medically sound for them to patronise. Ibirogba cautioned residents against sending panicky, unsubstantiated messages through the social media. He added that the Ebola virus disease is being properly managed by the state government in collaboration with the federal government and other international partners.
According to him, the state has opened an isolation ward for the treatment of EVD-infected persons where they would be adequately managed by experts in line with World Health Organisation standards. He explained that only four deaths, including the index case, have been recorded in the country since the deadly disease was imported by the Liberian, the late Patrick Sawyer, adding that all hands are on deck to get rid of the disease.
Ebola: Lagos Trains 800 On Preventive Measures BY GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos
As parts of measures to contain the spread of the deadly Ebola virus disease in the state, the Lagos State government said it has trained about 800 health workers and volunteers on preventive measures. The state commissioner for environment, Mr Tunji Bello who said this at a sensitisation campaign tagged, “Train the trainers’ educative programme,” also said the new trainees have been deployed to the 57 local governments and local council development areas in the state. Bello added that, the government would not hesitate to invoke any relevant section of the laws on anyone who flouts the en-
vironmental laws. To avert spread, the commissioner warned residents to desist from unsafe and unhealthy practices capable of spreading the deadly EVD, urging them not to hide persons with suspected symptoms of Ebola virus as government has the right to quarantine or isolate such persons so as to prevent the disease from spreading. Harping on the theme of the training, “Creating an army of advocacy to curb the spread of Ebola virus through effective enlightenment at the grassroots,” Bello said government would henceforth, sanction anyone who engages in open defecation or urination. He emphasised that such prac-
tices could further lead to the spread of the disease. According to him, government would take public enlightenment campaign to the markets and other public places in the state, admonishing residents in the state to maintain proper hygiene and refrain from improper waste disposal. He said, “Some of the preventive steps we need to take as individuals and residents of the state include: imbibing the culture of good hand washing with soap and water, using hand sanitizer; ensuring strict personal hygiene, strict personal hygiene, proper sanitation and cleaning of sanitary facilities. Don’t urinate or defecate in open places, dispose your solid waste rightly.”
Sensitisation Campaign By Chika Okeke, Abuja
The Niger Delta Renaissance Organisation (NDRO) has lauded Chief Dumo Lulu Briggs Support Group on its activities over the weekend aimed at sensitising Nigerians on the dreaded Ebola virus in Rivers State. The group in a press statement made available to newsmen and signed by its national coordinator, Comrade Nwokoma Messiah said, such sensitisation effort is imperative considering the threat the disease poses to citizens. The group while commending Chief Briggs on the sensitisation campaign which targeted over 200 women drawn from the 23 LGAs in the state, challenged wellmeaning Nigerians to emulate such patriotic efforts of the Kalabari-born businessman. “It is imperative that well-meaning Nigerians emulate such efforts of the likes of Chief Dumo Lulu Briggs in sensitising our people on the dangers of this disease which is becoming a big threat to
our people,” the statement added. The group also commended the efforts of the federal government in ensuring that the disease does not spread to other parts of the country. It called on Nigerians to be vigilant always and condemned the attitude of people under quarantine to escape, thereby spreading the disease to other parts of the country. The organisation said it would join hands with the Dumo Lulu Briggs Support Group which organised the sensitisation to preach the message to other parts of the state and the Niger Delta region. It is good to note that the Dumo Lulu Briggs Support Group invited over 200 women from across the state to sensitise them on the dangers of the Ebola virus and to give out breast cancer kits to the women. The event which witnessed a huge crowd at his Ndoni Street GRA office was chaired by Prof Bedford Fubara.
Happy Birthday to a GreaT leader
On behalf of myself and family, I join millions of Nigerians to rejoice and congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you long life, good health and Allah’s continuous guidance and blessings as you continue your selfless service to the nation and humanity. Once more, my boss, happy birthday and congratulations. Signed:
General IbrahIm badamasI babanGIda, GCFr Former Military President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
Hassan MoHaMMed Jallo and FaMily
news across the states 65
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Group Calls For Abolition Of Indigene Status In Nigeria
Nigerians have been called upon to shun the idea of indigene status and embrace residence status in dealing with one another in all parts of the country. The call was made yesterday in Abuja by a non-governmental and non-political organisation, the National Association of Non-indigenes Welfare (NANWE) at the public presentation of its magazine and award-giving to some Nigerians for their contribution to national development and human capacity building. In his opening speech, the national president of the association, Comrade Sam Osarumwense Omoruyi, stated that the acknowledgement of indigeneship in preference to citizenship has brought about the indiscriminate discrimination and the crises being suffered by many Nigerians dwelling or doing business in states other than their own, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). “We hear of people being relieved of their duties and appointments so that indigenes of the states where they reside will take over their jobs. We know of instances where people could not enjoy their fundamental human right of standing for elections in the state where they reside because they have been labelled non-indigenes. We decided to take the challenge and intervene hence this organisation was berthed.” By Abah Adah
Complaints Trail PVC Distribution In Oyo As distribution of permanent voters’ cards (PVC) entered its second day in Oyo State, more complaints have continued to trail the exercise, just as the former governor, Adebayo Alao-Akala, has faulted its cancellation in four local government areas. In most of the areas visited by our correspondent, officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) did not arrive as scheduled as eligible voters have to wait for hours before they could be attended to. Akala bemoaned the cancellation by Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC) of permanent voters’ cards distribution in four council areas in the state, alleging foul play. He told newsmen in Ibadan that INEC had no reason for suspending the PVC distribution in four councils of the state based on negligence on its part. The resident electoral commissioner (REC), Mr Nasir Ayilara, had on Wednesday at a stakeholders meeting in Ibadan announced that there would be no distribution of PVC in four council areas in the state namely, Ogbomoso North, Ibadan South-West, Ibadan NorthEast and Afijio due to data loss. He said that fresh registration of voters would take place in the four councils. By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan
Mammoth crowd at transformation ambassadors support rally for President Goodluck Jonathan in Awka, Anambra State, yesterday. Photo by NAN
2015: Only Peaceful Revolution Will Guarantee Credible Election – Balarabe Musa BY ISAIAH BENJAMIN, Kaduna
Ahead of the 2015 general elections, former governor of Kaduna State, Alh Balarabe Musa has said that peaceful democratic revolution in the political system would be required to guarantee free, fair and credible elections in the country. He said unless the electorates decide to tow the path of such peaceful revolution, the tendency of having
their desired leaders voted into power might be far from reality. The elder statesman who is the national chairman of the deregistered Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) said, PRP would continue to fight for the cause of the downtrodden in the society. Alh Musa while fielding questions from newsmen yesterday shortly after meeting with members of the national executive committee of
the party to find alternative political strategies for the party following its deregistration by INEC, lamented that the country’s political system has been hijacked by money bags, stressing that the hope of the people getting credible leaders through their voting power is almost an impossible task. He listed social, moral, coup staging, and constitutional types of revolutions Nigerians should choose
Ebola Scare: Cameroun Shuts Its Sea Border Against Nigeria By Lanre Arotimi, Calabar
Due to apprehension over a possible spread of Ebola virus, government of the Republic of Cameroun has shut its sea border against Nigeria. A visit to Nigeria Inland Waterways yesterday in Calabar confirmed this incident, as stranded passengers were sighted in clusters lamenting their predicament. One of the residents, Mr Anthony Obi, appealed to the federal government to urgently intervene, noting that the development is bound to affect Nigerian traders doing business in Cameroun negatively.
According to Obi, “What I am suggesting is for the government of Nigeria to take serious measure about it, otherwise Nigerian traders doing business in that country would suffer”. Obi suggested that the federal government should mount an equipped health post in the Waterways, noting that such measure would go a long way to assuring the government of Cameroun about the health status of intending Nigerian passengers to her country. He said, “What I am suggesting is for government to take serious measure for screening so that the people with good health can go about their businesses.”
The Anambra State-born trader expressed displeasure over the closure as he boarded a cab thereafter indicating his preparedness of returning to his village due to the sudden disappointment. Also reacting, Austin Chukwu, another Nigerian-Cameroun based businessman, called on the federal government to wade into the matter as most Nigerian traders doing business in Cameroun are so worried about it. Chukwu said, “I don’t know what the federal government is doing about it. We are using this medium to call on the Nigerian government to intervene in this matter to alleviate the sufferings on the masses.”
Displaced Emir Of Gwoza Meets Jonathan By Abdulkareem Haruna, Maiduguri
After a week in hiding from the Boko Haram terrorists atop the rocky hills of his domain, the Emir of Gwoza, His Royal Highness Muhammadu Idrisa Timta, yesterday met with the Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan. The president was said to have assured him that the Nigerian forces would soonest reclaim his domain for him. The embattled Emir, who was helped to descend the mountains alongside other displaced subjects in their hundreds, was received at
Madagali by the Nigerian security forces, from where he was whisked to Abuja on Tuesday. Throughout his stay on the hills of Gwoza, his displaced subjects had all the while shielded him from the general public. The media as well as some security operatives were told that he had long escaped to some unknown destination. Some of his subjects later explained that they did that to protect him from the Boko Haram gunmen who were out to kill him. While in Abuja, the duo of Borno State governor Kashim Shet-
tima and the senator representing southern Borno and native of Gwoza, Muhammed Ali Ndume, were able to arrange the displaced Emir’s meeting with President Jonathan at the Presidential Villa. The Emir, accompanied by Governor Shettima, Senator Ndume and some top officials of the Department of State Services in Borno State, was received by President Jonathan about 11:05am. The president sympathized with him and other displaced people of Gwoza.
from to ensure an enthronement of credible leadership in the country in2015. According to him, “I know in Nigeria’s situation, it is impossible to have free, fair, credible and transparent election leading to a democratic mandate. We need a revolution; peaceful democratic revolution or otherwise to bring about the condition that will bring about free, fair, credible and transparent election.”
Delta Guber: Group Denies Rejecting Monye The Agbarho Political Forum, an Urhobo political organisation, has denied media reports that the Urhobo nation has rejected the candidature of Prof Sylvester Monye ahead of the 2015 gubernatorial election in Delta State. The chairman of the group, Chief Joseph Inone who spoke in Abuja said, the release was to put records straight, condemning the report which carried the story under the headline ‘Urhobo rejects Monye,’ for misleading the public and trying to cause disaffection between the group and Prof Monye. The group said, “The APF is not competent to speak on behalf of the entire Urhobo nation. The umbrella body that speaks for the Urhobo nation is the Urhobo Progress Union. It is therefore very mischievous and wicked for the Midwest Weekly or any other newspaper to have concocted that report from the bridge-building visit of Prof Sylvester Monye to the APF.” According to Inone, the APF fully supports the gubernatorial ambition of Prof Monye and any other politician who has the interest of the Urhobo nation at heart. “Our major concern is the overall interest of the Urhobo nation. In that regard, we find in Prof Monye the qualities needed to advance the cause of the Urhobo nation in the next political dispensation,” they added. By Ejike Ejike, Abuja
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Confab: A Melting Pot Of Ideas
The 2014 national conference has come and gone but not everybody remembers some of the strange events that took place at the confab. In this piece, BODE GBADEBO highlights some of the issues at the conference Before the just-concluded national conference came to a close last week Thursday, there were feelings that it was heading for controversial end like it started in March this year. Just like the second week of the confab when it started, the last few weeks were its worst as mutual suspicion, accusations and counter accusations took centre stage among the delegates who were supposed to be representing various organisations but strangely pitched their camps on regional basis. It was evidently clear that majority of the delegates abandoned their primary interests for regional chauvinism while the few that represented the regional or ethnic blocs did not, however, disappoint their people. Therefore, it is no gainsaying that the crises witnessed at the confab were due to the interests of the numerous group delegates nominated by the federal government. For instance, it is inexplicable why the umbrella organisation for youths in the country, the National Youth Council of Nigeria, was represented at the confab while another group of young persons called “Other Youth Organisation” came to the conference. Also, it is worth interesting to ask what interest were groups like the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) representing different groups from the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) were doing. The confab can even be mistaken for a “come and chop” gathering if also the number of civil society organisations (CSOs) is anything to go by. Perhaps because there is no regulatory agency for CSOs in Nigeria, by their large numbers, they almost turned the conference into a jamboree. Despite the opportunities given to the groups invited to confer and proffer solutions to the myriads of Nigeria’s problems, many of the delegates’ inputs were less than expected of them as their contributions, at times, turned the auditorium into something else. First, it was the brouhaha over voting formula which was later settled through a 50-man committee often referred to as the ‘50 wise men’ of the conference. The group resolved the matter in favour of consensus and if it failed, recommends 70% majority votes formula. The disagreement over the ac-
ceptable voting formula apparently arose from the imbalanced composition of the conference by the government. After some weeks of serenity, a Pandora box was opened sometimes in June when an Abujabased newspaper alleged that a set of ‘terms of agreement’ initiated by group led by a delegate representing the broadcast media, Chief Raymond Dokpesi, was to be considered by the leadership of the conference alleged to be adopted as the final report of the conference and as precursor to a purported “new Constitution”, among many other allegations. The said ‘terms of agreement’ was said to have contained a purported new constitution and 50 per cent derivation as demanded by the South-South delegates, among others. Interestingly, the name of the deputy chairman of the conference, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi, in the alleged underhand dealings raised some eyebrows. But both Akinyemi and Dokpesi denied any wrong doing while explaining their separate roles in negotiating some ‘deals’ on behalf of the conference. The accusation was not the first manifestation of mutual suspicion among delegates as Muslim delegates had from the beginning complained of skewed selection in favour of Christian delegates. Recall that the matter of equal representation was taken up by the umbrella organization of Nigerian Muslims, the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) under the leadership of the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar (III) who led a team to President Goodluck Jonathan to lay their complaints. There was also the issue of 300 delegates from the South and only 192 from the North and the president was reported to have explained the reasons as not his making but the organisations who nominated the larger portion of the delegates. There were also cases of procedural defects in the administration of the conference by its leadership. For instance, a delegate from the south-south, Ms Ankio Briggs, who was a member of the Committee on Devolution of Power, disagreed with the conclusions of the committee particularly on the recommendation that the 13% derivation status for the oil producing states of the Niger Delta be maintained. Briggs refused to append her
Justice Kutigi
signature on the final report of the committee but instead produced her own minority report but her attempt to present same at plenary was rejected by the presiding officers who said the rule book of the confab did not recognise such report. Beside the voting formula war, all other issues that became controversial either assumed the north-south dichotomy or took religious connation. At some points, the leadership of the confab had to step down some controversial issues when their debates became heated in order to save the day. When the standing committee on Agriculture’s report came up for debate, two issues became controversial. The issues are grazing rights of the nomadic Fulanis and the Land Use Act. While the first matter pitched northern delegates against their southern counterparts, the second one was different as it was discussed on what delegates personally felt irrespective of their regions. From the committee on Religion came the recommendation to stop sponsorship of pilgrims to holy lands with public funds. The recommendation sailed through but inadvertently threw up the issue of the necessity of Pilgrims Welfare Boards. Alas! It took a religious dimension as there was mutual suspicion over the real intention of the motion which sought to scrap the boards for Muslim and Christian pilgrimages. Then another controversy over proper voting procedure came up again when Northern Delegates Forum (NDF) raised the alarm that its interests were being shortchanged with the voicevote system adopted for major decisions.
Despite the opportunities given to the groups invited to confer and proffer solutions to the myriads of Nigeria’s problems, many of the delegates’ inputs were less than expected of them
The northern delegates were particularly not comfortable with what they referred to as scrapping of local government system during the debate of the report of the standing Committee on Restructuring and Forms of Governments. The story was that the north was afraid of losing its local governments which are in the majority in the entire country because of the financial benefits it holds for them. Controversial issue of resource control handled by the Committee on Devolution of Power came up during the initial last lap of the conference before its duration was extended and the delegates were at dagger drawn again. At that time, a columnist with one of the dailies had likened the scenario playing out then to “A plane which takes off on a stormy and turbulent note and stabilizes when it is fully airborne; fear and uncertainty however returns when that same plane is about making its descent and landing.’’ South-south delegates had insisted on a 50% derivation principle as against the current 13% principle while their northern counterparts were against the increment insisting that there was no reason for it. The argument for 50% derivation by the south-south was a fallback measure when their initial demand for total resource control was not popular among delegates. A consensus group emerged when the issue became divisive and it eventually settled for a 5% increase in the derivation while it also provided for another 5% fund from the federation account to be used for reconstruction of the north-east ravaged by insurgency and any other part of the North. But the whole arrangement worked out by the consensus group crumbed like a pack of cards when delegates further disagreed over whether the whole northern part of the country be allowed to enjoy the 5% intervention fund or not. The ’50 Wise men’ were, again, called upon to intervene and it recommended a reversion to the status quo ante while the government will determine what to do over the derivation issue. And the last but not the least, the “New Constitution” which reverberated like a raging storm when delegates resumed last Monday to receive the final draft report of the conference. This last controversy before the eventual end of the confab saw another “Third Term Agenda” resurrecting after it died with 2005 National Political Reform Conference convened by ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo.
Christian perspective 67
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Pastor W.F. Kumuyi The Study Of God’s Word
The Call To A Soul-Winning Lifestyle ➔ FROM LAST WEEK
CHRISTIAN SOUL-WINNERS Matthew 9:35,36; 1 John 3:16; John 4:28,29,35,36. Love, compassion and mercy compel believers to win perishing souls to the Lord. The heart is always filled with either love or hatred, joy or sorrow, strength or weakness, happiness or sadness, mercy or wickedness. As believers, we must allow the compassion of Christ to fill our hearts and drive us to meet sinners who need the gospel where they are. “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom...” Christ does not want us to become stationary or refrain from going to preach the gospel because of resistance and opposition by few people. In spite of opposition from Pharisees and Sadducees in the synagogues, Christ went there to declare the saving gospel. With compassion in heart, there will be corresponding action,
motion and motivation to rescue the perishing. Compassion is not passive. “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” Compassion activates believers into the action of soul-winning. Lack of Christlike compassion makes professing believers withhold the saving of truth from neighbours, colleagues, friends, classmates and customers with whom they interact. Rather than give excuse that sinners will not receive the gospel, let us obey the Lord by preaching to them. To maintain a soul-winning lifestyle, we must do away with worthless things that replace soul-winning in our lives. Though the Samaritan woman did not know Scripture references to use, compassion drove her to invite other Samaritans to Christ. Like her, we must make the little efforts we can for others to know the Lord. We will rejoice as we see the fruits of our soul-winning efforts and receive our rewards
from the Lord. 3. THE COURAGE OF CHRISTIAN SOUL-WINNERS Acts 4:31; Ephesians 6:18-20. Believers must preach the word of God with boldness and courage. Courage comes through the impartation of the Holy Ghost and prayer. Some believers have courage but it is inactive because of their negligence to get involved in rescuing the perishing. Courage gets activated in the compassionates who decide and determine to rescue entrapped souls in precarious, life-threatening situations. The courageous, Christlike soul-winners’ need for fruitfulness is spelt out: confidence in God, obedience to God, unity with the Godhead, righteousness of God, anointing by God, grace of God and empowerment by God. UNDIVIDED LOYALTY IN SERVING GOD Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters.” Our blessed Lord here shows the utter impossibility of serving two incompatible, opposing and different
masters. As light and darkness are different, so is God and Satan; God and dead idols, God and the world, God and mammon, God and self are different. Satan, the god of this world, with mammon, will want to be our master. We have a choice to make if we truly desire to serve God for no man can serve two masters. To serve God is to give our hearts to Him, to love Him supremely, to allow Him to reign over us and rule all our decisions and actions. We cannot serve God and at the same time give our heart, interest and devotion to an object that is incompatible with Him. Serving God as Master demands that we reject the lordship of Satan and other gods; loving God implies that we hate every competitor that will take our hearts away from Him; holding on to Him makes us despise the world and the flesh. Knowing the utter impossibility of serving God and mammon, we make an irreversible covenant with God to serve Him, only, always and ever. ➔ TO BE CONTINUED
Rev. Dr. M. Udochi Odikanwa Bold Before Christ
Decision In Relation To Destination
Whatever decision you make today would go a long way in affecting your tomorrow either positively or negatively
Decision, a choice or judgment made about something is a drive towards a person’s final destination in life. Whatever decision you make today would go a long way in affecting your tomorrow either positively or negatively. This act can make or mar a person as many have lost their future opportunities, birthrights, and God-giving destinies as a result of wrong decision. The sons of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel (He was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn) were given to the sons of Joseph, son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright (1Chronicles 5:1-2). Making the right decision attracts fulfilment and a desired life. Some of those who made right decisions in the past are seen today as role models. Acts 7:9-10 talked about Joseph who took a decision to be faithful amidst trials, temptations and tribulations. How
many people today will be able to overcome what Joseph encountered and yet are steadfast? But he decided to, and his destination was successful. “And the patriarchs, became envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him, and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh King of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and his entire house.” In the book of Joshua 24:15, Joshua addressed the people of Israel saying. “Now therefore, fear the lord, serve him sincerity and in truth and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the river and in Egypt. Serve the lord. And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. And the people answered and said, far be it from us that we should forsake the
lord to serve other goods” Joshua found favour before God and lived a fulfilled life because he had earlier taken a decision to follow God in spite of the giants. “Except for Caleb, the son of Jephun’neh and Joshua the son of Nun, you shall by no means enter the land which I swore I would make you dwell in. Numbers 14 :30. But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive, of the men who went to spy out the land”. Numbers 14:38, WE MUST BE CAREFUL IN MAKING DECISION 1. It is capable of destabilizing a good future. 2. It is capable of making a person to miss a mark. 3. It is capable of bringing ancestral reproach to a person or a family. When you also keep it, it brings ancestral blessings on a person and a family. 4. It could plunge us into confusion and destiny crash. Decision is always: 1. Beneficial when taken by Gods leading. 2. Its breakage makes
one a fool before God and man(Ananias and Sapphirah) 3. God’s decisions are used in knowing sound minds. 4. Decisions taken before the man of God and God are forever bonded. 1 Chronicles 28:9-10 says, “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your fathers, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.” Acts 5 v: 1 – end, 1 Samuel 2 : 1 – end, Judges 16 : 1- end (Samson) Judges 11 : 1- end (Japhtah). 1 chronicle 28: 9 – 10, 1 Kings 2 : 1 – 3, Genesis 35 : 22, 1 chronicle 5 : 1 – 2, II Chronicle 14 : 1 – 6.
Like Christ, we must make soul-winning our lifestyle and become a model for other believers
Sunday, August 17, 2014
for the record
The Secrets Of Those Behind Ebola by femi fani-kayode
They prey on all of humanity and they feed on the flesh and drink the blood of us all regardless of where we come from
I disagree with those who have described Patrick Sawyer as a madman. He was not mad at all, but just evil. He was a man that was on a mission. That mission was to spread the ebola virus to Nigeria and to infect and kill as many people as possible with it. He was an evil man with an evil intention and purpose. Worst still, he was not working alone. Some people, and I mean rich, powerful and well-connected people, were working with him. As a matter of fact, they sent him on the mission. They cultivated him, took care of him, paid him, brainwashed him, gave him all that he wanted in life and finally asked him to go on a suicide mission to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease. This was a clear case of bio-terrorism and Sawyer was simply a pawn in a bigger game and a wider picture. The motive of those who sent him was to spread fear and panic, to kill as many people as possible, to create a need for a solution to the problem, to prepare the ground for a new wonder drug that could cure ebola, to create a massive market for that drug and to ensure that there would be massive profits from it’s sale. As usual, it is the unbelieving, unprepared, undiscerning and naive Africans that have been used as the prime guinea pigs in this satanic venture. When will they stop destroying us and treating us with such contempt? When will they begin to see and treat us as human beings? I guess the answer to that is when we cultivate the courage to stand up and say ‘’No more’’ and when we have the good fortune of being blessed with a ruling elite and a political leadership that truly cares and that is incisive, insightful, properly educated, enlightened and historically literate. As much as many of us may harbour deep suspicion and may view the United States of America and indeed the entire western world as being the sole culprits and co-conspirators behind this deep-seated and well-orchestrated conspiracy, this is certainly not the case. Though the majority of the leading players in this small and exclusive club from hell that are involved in this strange narrative are undoubtedly from America and Western Europe, it is by no means an exclusive club of only Americans and Western Europeans. As a matter of fact, some leading and well-known Third World and African leaders and business people are also
deeply involved even though they may not rank too high up on the ladder or in the pecking order. Before anyone gets carried away with the idea that this is all about the evils of America, we must make it clear that the American people themselves, as opposed to their leaders, are as much of a victim of this secret cabal of wickedness as is anyone else. They are also wallowing in the throes of abysmal ignorance about what is really going on behind the scenes almost as much as the average African. In order to get a clearer picture, it is important to take note of the following observations. The forces that are behind this evil are well beyond America and they are inflicting as much evil on America, and indeed, the entire western world, as they are on the rest of humanity. Africa and the African people are not their only victims and they are not their only prey. They prey on all of humanity and they feed on the flesh and drink the blood of us all regardless of where we come from. The roots of these forces are ancient and they are very real. They predate America and they were initially established by a tiny group of deep-thinkers, spiritualists, intellectuals and lucifereans from old Europe. They are known as the Illuminati and their activities are buried in absolute secrecy. Their symbol is the pyramid and they are strengthened and fuelled by numerous ancient cults, fraternities, secret societies, false religions, pagan rituals, the control of the world money supply and the total domination and control of world politics and the world system itself. They are controlled and empowered directly, through a very complex and strict hierarchical system, by satan and his demons. Their ultimate goal and objective is to establish a New World Order with a One World Government and Army that will be headed and led by the evil soul that is described in the Holy Bible as the ‘’Anti-Christ’’. Everything that is going on in the world today, including the carnage of today’s numerous conflicts, wars and carnage (including both the First and Second world wars) were orchestrated by them. They are presently preparing the grounds for the Third and final World War as we speak. They are purposeful, ruthless, demonic, sociopathic, inhuman, focused and very clear-thinking and their ultimate goal is to enslave humanity, to enthrone the rulership of satan and his agents here on earth, to deny God His rightful place in the hearts and minds
of His children and to destroy all His people and all men and women of faith that refuse to bow to their perverse values and to their ‘’humanist’’ and ungodly philosophies and ways. These are the facts and anyone that does not believe that such an agenda or such a group exists needs to do a lot of reading, praying and far more research. The fact is that their greatest power, defence and delight is the absurd notion and suggestion that there is no such force or hidden agenda and that they do not exist. Yet sadly, they do exist and, as a matter of fact, they are the ones that, not only control the world’s money supply but they also actually install the most powerful governments and presidents, control them and tell them what to do behind the scenes. The inner circle of the Illuminati comprises a few powerful families that are all related one way or the other through their bloodlines even though they come from different parts of the world. The fact is that they are not entirely humans and they are utterly cold-blooded. One of those families is the Rothchild’s (which literally means the ‘Red Shield’) and others include the Bush’s, the Windsor’s and the Battenburgs. I leave readers to do the rest of the research themselves and may I suggest that they start by reading all the works of a man that has been described as “The world’s leading conspiracy theorist’’, David Icke. Even though he is very controversial, much misunderstood and utterly loathed by the world’s ruling elite, as far as I am concerned, David is a modern-day genius. I say this even though I do not subscribe to all his views and assertions and even though I find some of his conclusions and findings, particularly when it comes to matters of faith, religion, God and the State of Israel, downright
repugnant, offensive, unacceptable and disagreeable. Yet even though I hate to admit it, much of the time, particularly when it comes to his understanding, analysis and research about world history and where the world is heading today, David is absolutely right. His findings also happen to be on all fours with the ‘’end-time teachings’’ of the Holy Bible even though he hates to admit it and even though he does not believe in God. He, really, is a very interesting and learned man and we all have much to learn from him. Permit me to end this contribution with an assertion of my own and that assertion is as follows. In my view, the most devastating, crippling and deadly disease that confronts humanity today is not ebola, aids, cancer, depression, malaria, sickle cell anemia or heart disease but rather it is good old-fashioned ignorance. This is a terrible and debilitating affliction that results in more hardship, more suffering, more pain, more poverty of the body, spirit and soul, more loss of life, more wars, more carnage and more destruction than any other. We must free our minds and see beyond the ordinary if we really wish to be liberated. We must question everything that we have ever been told or taught and subject those things to deep analysis and rational reasoning. As the Bible says, we must strive to know the truth and once we ascertain that truth and that hidden knowledge, it shall surely ‘Set us free’. May God deliver our nation from ignorant minds and from the scourge that is known as ebola. More importantly, may He save us from those that created it and who wished to keep us in the dark about their evil purpose and its sinister origins. Shalom. – Fani-Kayode is a former aviation minister.
Christian perspective 69
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Brother Gbile Akanni Living Seed +234 806 126 1907
Fresh Fire For Life And Effective Ministry
I find out that it is possible for a man to serve God continuously and every time you meet him, you are touching fresh fire
Every man of God wants to remain relevant to his congregation and generation. Unfortunately, many have not been able for a sustained period of time. For some, it has been sporadic; for others, it has been frustrating. Could God grant wisdom on how to remain fresh and have fresh fire for continual ministry? I have found that God is very meticulous. He gave instructions about everything. There is no particular area where God remains silent. Even in this matter God is not silent. In this particular edition, we will be dealing with maintaining the fire fresh for effective continual ministry. I want you to, please, note the few words I will be putting across. The ministry must be effective; it must not be sporadic. It must not be occasional. I know that several preachers have known some occasional manifestations of an anointing. There are times that you find out that God just suddenly moved. That may occur once in six months or so. But you would desire it happens
every day. You desire to preach every day and have something fresh happening. God says, “It is possible for you and with you as well. “And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Command Aaron and his sons saying, This is the law of the burnt offering: it is the burnt offering, because of the burning upon the altar all night unto the morning and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it. And the Priest shall put on his linen garment and his linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh, and take up the ashes, which the fire has consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar. And he shall put off his garments and put on other garments and carry forth the ashes without the camp unto a clean place. And the fire upon the altar shall be burning on it. It shall not be put out, and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in order upon it and it shalt burn thereof the fat of the peace offerings. The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out”. Leviticus 6:8-13
The conclusion of verse 13 gives me great joy. God has committed Himself saying if I simply obey some little instructions He is bringing, the fire will never go out. That means for the next thirty, or fifty years, if the Lord Jesus tarries, the fire will not go out! I find out that it is possible for a man to serve God continuously and every time you meet him, you are touching fresh fire. And every time you hear him, you are hearing something fresh from the throne of grace and it is possible for the fire that keeps him sanctified never to go out. There will be no time that he will become history in his life time neither will men say that such a man used to be this, but now… No! It will be an ever-increasing anointing and ever-increasing revelation of the grace of God. WITH GOD, IT IS POSSIBLE! Now, there are few words from the above scripture that we need to study line by line. The first word that I want to draw your attention to is in verse 8, “And the Lord spoke to Mo-
ses”. This instruction is from God, the Lord Himself, who does not want your fire to go out. This is the God who understands how to maintain fire. Let me ask you, “Is God qualified to speak to us about this matter?” Yes, because He Himself, the Bible says, dwells in a Shekinah glory, in the midst of a fire that ever burns without going out. How was God able to maintain His own fire? Just imagine that for all the ancient of days, He has never lost His power. He has never been tired. He has never been weary. In fact, the Bible says, there is no weariness with Him, everlasting, ever fresh, ever living, ever powerful. Every time you meet Him, He is new every morning. Every time God speaks, He speaks with freshness. We shall continue to explore this important subject in the next few weeks. Ensure you do not miss out on that which the Lord wants to reveal to us as the secret of remaining fresh in life and in ministry.
Bishop Matthew Daniels Insight For Living +234 811 189 6866
How To Be Effective In Life (2) Potential is: • Unused ability • Untapped talents • Reserved strength • Unexposed capabilities • Who you can be that you haven’t yet been • What you can see that you haven’t yet seen • What you can do that you haven’t yet done • Where you can go that you haven’t gone yet • Latent power • What you can imagine that you haven’t imagined yet Potentials released through creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place. The two virtues that produce creativity are: 1. Thinking 2. Producing In discussing on how we can access our inner creative potential, it needs to be noted that no external teacher or book can tell us exactly how best we can get it done. We, on our own,
must search within and explore our true nature. We can only gain access to creative ideas through the positive state of our minds by rearranging what we think and believe. Accessing creative potential begins with understanding what does or doesn’t allow us to become passionate or enthusiastic about engaging life. We can only gain access to our creative potential when we are doing things that we are excited about in confidence, faith and trust. In essence, it is about anything that allow us to get excited enough to step out to do something new and significantly different from the past. Sometimes, we do this consciously but more often than not, we do it subconsciously. To access our creative potential, we must be open to passion, enthusiasm and excitement. Creativity has three aspects: 1. Inner power- the natural in born talents or gifts 2. The passion and excitement about engaging life - motivation 3. The purpose or reason for
the creative idea The best way to live is for us to channel our creative energy in the part that will make life worth living. We can each channel our creative energy in a way that will benefit the world or in a way that will be destructive to ourselves and others. How do we choose to channel it? We must do something to receive creative ideas and then act externally for the idea to manifest to the world. Bill Gate has being a great blessing to the world. Read below what he said about himself: “I’ve always been an optimist and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved learning new things and solving problems. So, when I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked. It was a clunky old teletype machine and it could barely do anything compared to the computers we have today. But it changed my life.
When my friend Paul Allen and I started microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision of ‘a computer on every desk and in every home’ , which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But we believed that personal computers would change the world. And they have. And after 30 years, I’m still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh grade. I believe that computers are the most incredible tools we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness — to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn’t solve on their own”. Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge. They’re helping us build communities around the things we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matter where they are. ➔ T0 BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK
The best way to live is for us to channel our creative energy in the part that will make life worth living
Sunday, August 17, 2014
➎ Iraqi Sunnis Say
Could Join New Government, Fight Islamic State
Pope Francis as he arrived South Korea
➌ Pope Beatifies South Korea’s Catholic Martyrs ➊
➊ Man Dies As 35 Found In UK
Essex, England - Emergency officials say a man has died and other people have been taken to hospitals with “significant health problems” after 35 adults and children were found inside a shipping container at Tilbury Docks in Essex, east of London. Aljazeera reported that workers at the Tilbury docks, the main port for London east of the British capital, made the discovery yesterday
on board a P&O cargo vessel that had arrived from Zeebrugge port in Belgium. Officials reported hearing banging sounds. “One man has sadly died and the others have significant health problems. They are being treated by ambulance crews and are being taken to local hospitals,” an Essex Police spokesman told the AFP news agency.
SEOUL, South Korea - Pope Francis has beatified 124 Christian “martyrs” in the South Korean capital, and challenged Christians on the values they may be willing to die for in an increasingly materialistic and globalised world. Aljazeera reported that the pope performed the beatification on Saturday at a mass in front of hundreds of thousands of Catholics in Gwanghwamun plaza, Seoul’s main ceremonial thoroughfare. The Koreans were killed in the 18th and 19th centuries for refusing to renounce Christianity. Francis said their courage, charity and their rejection of the rigid social structures of their day were an inspiration for people today. “Their example has much to say to us who live in societies where, alongside
immense wealth, dire poverty is silently growing,” he said. The most prominent among those beatified was an 18th century nobleman, Paul Yun Ji-chung, who became Korea’s first Catholic martyr when he was executed in 1791 after clashing with Confucian officials. “They knew the cost of discipleship... and were willing to make great sacrifices,” Francis said in his sermon after the brief beatification ceremony, which gives the martyrs the title “blessed” and marks their first step towards sainthood. According to the Church, around 10,000 Koreans were martyred in the first 100 years after Catholicism was introduced to the peninsula in 1784.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Tribal leaders and clerics from Iraq’s Sunni heartland offered their conditional backing on Friday for a new government that hopes to contain sectarian bloodshed and an offensive by Islamic State militants that threatens to tear the country apart. Reuters reported that one of the most influential tribal leaders said he was willing to work with Shi’ite prime ministerdesignate Haider al-Abadi provided a new administration respected the rights of the Sunni Muslim minority that dominated Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Ali Hatem Suleiman left open a possibility that Sunnis would take up arms against the Islamic State fighters in the same way as he and others joined U.S. and Shi’ite-led government forces to thwart an al Qaeda insurgency in Iraq between 2006 and 2009. Yet amid the signs that political accords were possible in the fractious nation, some 80 members of Iraq’s Yazidi minority were “massacred” by Islamic State insurgents, a Yazidi lawmaker and two Kurdish officials said on Friday.
sports 71
Sunday, August 17, 2014
We’ll Produce World Beaters For Rio 2016 – Ndanusa By SAMUEL MALIK, Abuja
Nigeria Olympic Committee President, Sani Ndanusa, is confident Nigeria can produce world class athletes that will do the country proud at the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Speaking to LEADERSHIP Sunday Sports on the efforts put in place to forestall a repeat of the country’s woeful performance in London, where Nigeria failed to win a single medal, Ndanusa says President Jonathan’s directive
FIFA U-20 World Cup: Falconets, New Zealand Battle For Semi-final Ticket By Salifu Usman, Abuja
The Nigeria’s U-20 Women team, Falconets face New Zealand today in the quarterfinal of the on-going FIFA U-20 Women World Cup in Canada with the winner facing either the USA or North Korea in the semi finals. The Nigeria’s girls, who have been omnipresent at the championship since its inception, edged England in a thrilling 2-1 comeback win in the final group match to top their Group C and set quarterfinal meet with Group D runnersup, New Zealand. Falconets, after failing to advance to the knockout stages at their first two attempts, have reached the quarter-finals of every edition of the
tournament. The team further stepped up in the last two editions- making it to the semifinals of the event. In Germany 2010 they were beaten just once - in the final by the hosts. Two years later the Nigerian girls topped their group and beat Mexico in the last eight, before being beaten by USA in the semi-finals. While the Americans went on to win the tournament, Nigeria lost the play-off to Japan 2-1 to finish fourth. Speaking ahead of the match against New Zealand, acting president of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Chief Mike Umeh, urged the coach Peter Dedevo tutored girls not to look down on their opponents. “It is true that our girls have been improving steadily
with each match and I am happy about that. But they should not under –estimate the New Zealand girls, who defeated Paraguay and won handsomely against Costa Rica to reach this stage,” he said. Falconets drew 1-1 with Mexico in their first match but won 2-1 against Korea Republic and England respectively to reach the last eight. Today’s clash at the Moncton Stadium in Moncton is only the second –ever meeting between Nigeria and New Zealand at the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup. On November 19, 2008 in Coquimbo, Chile, goals by Sarah Michael, Ogonna Chukwudi and Rita Chikwelu steered the Falconets to a 3-2 win over the New Zealanders in a group phase match.
two years ago is being followed. “Following our dismal outing at the London Olympics, there was a marching order from the President, who held a retreat where he was present from 8am to 8pm, and it was agreed that we have the capacity to produce medallists and that is what we are following. “There is a project we call One Service One Medal, OSOM, which involves the military and paramilitary, and it is geared towards identifying exceptional talents that will do the country proud in
international tournaments,” he said. Ndanusa said he was also impressed with the level of acceptance and cooperation from the 16 uniformed bodies that form OSOM. “I can assure you One Service One Medal has got a lot of acceptance from the military and paramilitary and they have agreed to create what I call High Performance Departments in their directorates of sports and they will be guided to produce only world beaters,” he concluded.
Moses Joins Osaze At Stoke On Loan Stoke City have signed Super Eagles forward, Victor Moses on a season-long loan deal from Chelsea. The club announced a deal for the Nigerian international had been completed on their official Twitter account. The former Wigan striker would now partner compatriot, Osaze Odemwingie in Stoke attack. Moses has struggled to make an impact at Stamford Bridge since moving from Wigan in 2012 and spent last season on loan at Liverpool, but he started just six Premier League matches for the Merseysiders, scoring two goals. Moses Stoke have been trying to add some natural width to um. Manager Mark Hughes adtheir team and have spent mitted his interest in signing much of the summer pursuing Nathan Redmond from Nora deal for Liverpool’s Oussama wich City earlier this week but Assaidi, who spent last season seems now to have opted for a on loan at the Britannia Stadi- move for Moses.
EPL: Swansea Ruin Louis van Gaal’s First Game Swansea City ruined Louis van Gaal’s first English Premier League game as Manchester United manager after claiming a shock 2-1 victory at Old Trafford. Summer signing Gylfi Sigurdsson scored Swansea’s winner with just under 20 minutes remaining, having also teed up Ki Sung-yueng’s first-half opener before Wayne Rooney acrobatically levelled for United early in the second half. United suffered a blow midway through the first half when debutant Jesse Lingard was forced off due to injury and was replaced by Adnan Januzaj. Swansea took the lead with the first real chance of the game on 28 minutes when Sigurdsson rolled a pass across the edge of the area and Ki, who spent last season on loan at Sunderland, placed a low shot beyond David de Gea’s reach. Louis van Gaal brought Nani on for Javier Hernandez at halftime, ditching his 3-5-2 formation in the process, and saw United equalise within eight minutes of the restart. Juan Mata’s corner was helped on at the near post by Phil Jones and newly-appointed captain Rooney’s overhead kick from
close range flew into the net. Rooney struck the outside of the post with a 25-yard free-kick on 66 minutes before Swansea regained the lead on 72 minutes when Sigurdsson finished after Wayne Routledge’s mis-kicked shot dropped into his path. United substitute Marouane Fellaini’s only contribution was to escape censure for flicking out an arm at Ki as Swansea comfortably held out to claim a first league win at Old Trafford after beating the Red Devils in the FA Cup third round last season.
Premier League results Yesterday’s Matches Man Utd 1 Vs 2 Swansea Leicester 2 Vs 2 Everton QPR 0 Vs 1 Hull City Stoke 0 Vs 1 Aston Villa West Ham 0 Vs 1 Tottenham West Brom 2 Vs 2 Sunderland Arsenal 2 Vs Crystal Palace 1 Tomorrow’s Matches Newcastle Vs Man City Liverpool Vs Southampton Tuesday’s Match Burnley Vs Chelsea
nothing ages your car as much as the sight of your neighbour’s new one — evan esar
17.08.14 No. 445 N300
Aniebo Nwamu
The Sunday Column
Nigeria cannot move forward if we leave things as they are right now
ow that the National Conference has ended, after five months, should those of us that placed hope on it laugh or cry? I feel like crying, though the agreement the delegates reached on the last day brought some joy. The “draft new constitution” that many delegates from the north had kicked against because it would offer a “third term” to President Jonathan was renamed “draft amendments to the 1999 Constitution”. At least N10billion of taxpayers’ fund must have been spent on the confab. But if the resolutions adopted could be implemented, the money would not be a waste. The National Assembly has spent more than that since 2001 on constitution amendment, apart from over N200billion wasted on that unproductive arm each year since 1999. And lest we forget, a small number of public officeholders get paid a third of the nation’s incomes in the forms of outrageous salaries and allowances. Thieves steal another one-third while the remaining one-third is shared between capital projects and contractors. So, we are used to waste. Are there patriots still left in the National Assembly? Before our beloved lawmakers go for electioneering, they should kindly pass an enabling legislation to make implementation of the confab’s report possible. I had advised the president to declare a state of emergency throughout Nigeria and then rule by decree for six months during which the confab’s resolutions would be implemented. I know he won’t do it. But it’s not about the illegality as some of my readers suggested. Illegality? Where were we when one Yadudu and perhaps fewer than 10 others gave us the 1999 Constitution that begins with the insulting words “We the people…”? I know there was a time President Yeltsin of the defunct Soviet Union shut
After The Confab, What Next?
down the legislature and ruled by decree. Where were the custodians of the Nigerian constitution when some military adventurers overthrew the First and Second republics? The same people that danced in the streets on hearing martial music are now saying it’s impossible to pass over an ineffectual legislature and implement decisions reached by the people’s representatives. Well, we can’t invite military goons to implement the confab’s resolutions. That era has gone forever. President Jonathan stated early this year, during the “Presidential Media Chat”, that he was not using up to 40 per cent of his powers as president. If he must leave a legacy, he should now begin to use 100 per cent of his powers. It has been said that our constitution makes our president the most powerful president in the world – that’s the same constitution that should now be improved upon by the confab’s report. He has been elected to use all his powers; he should use them. I know the major obstacle to implementing the confab’s resolutions is the greed or selfishness of the incumbent officeholders who want a second or a third term. But they must keep to the oath they swore and to the words they utter daily while reciting the National Pledge: “I pledge to Nigeria my country/To be faithful, loyal and honest/To serve Nigeria with all my strength…” [And it was thoughtful of the confab to have prescribed a return to the old National Anthem!] Nigeria cannot move forward if we leave things as they are right now. Nigeria may cease to exist if nothing is done to stop the slide into the abyss. Conducting elections in February 2015 without first effecting genuine reforms in the polity would be like assembling IEDs. Therefore, let us extend the tenure of the current officeholders by four months so as to change the country. Let all of them be disqual-
ified from running for any office in the next dispensation that would commence on October 1, 2015. By then, political offices would have become unattractive: there would be a part-time legislature, no local governments, diversification of the economy away from oil, less corruption and less dependence on government. Good governance is not rocket science. It is easily achievable by anyone who is ready to do what is right. We have not been lucky with our leaders simply because they have refused to follow the dictates of their conscience. We must begin to understand that life itself is ephemeral. Let the politicians think: they will not live forever. In just a few years from now, the political gladiators of today will be replaced by other people. Or where are the heavyweights of the 1990s today? Abiola, Abacha, Wada Nas, Sam Ikoku, Chuba Okadigbo, Evan Enwerem, Waziri Ibrahim, Bola Ige, Abubakar Rimi, Gani Fawehinmi, Mike Otedola, Aikhomu, Solomon Lar, Pa Ajasin, Shehu Yar’Adua, the Ransome-Kutis, Umaru Dikko and scores of others – where are they? Only good deeds, not billions of dollars or political longevity, can outlive one. I have learned from sources in the Presidency that Jonathan is not keen on contesting election in 2015 but has been held hostage by interest groups. [As I predicted on July 27 – that he would declare in a fortnight or so – chairman of PDP BoT Tony Anenih did it for him on August 5 in Calabar.] He should free himself from their grip by following an escape route. A decision to extend his tenure even to October 2016 after which he would go into quiet retirement is likely to be popular. All those struggling to stop him from contesting know that an incumbent president of Nigeria can hardly lose an election he himself conducted. So, rather than working to vote him out, they are ask-
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ing him not to contest. But throw money and promises to the noisemakers and they would queue behind the incumbent! That’s what our country has become (cash and carry), thanks to mass poverty and the selfishness of the elite. Our obsession with waste has now brought us close to the precipice. Imagine all that we have lost to the several destructive military regimes, to the annulment of the June 12 election, to the mismanagement of the oil boom, to phantom subsidies, to unproductive civil and public servants, and to oil thieves. We have refused to learn from history and therefore keep repeating the mistakes of the past. Why waste more scarce resources every four years on “elections” that breed acrimony and fail to change non-performers in power? The confabs of 1995 and 2005 were not implemented because of the selfishness of our leaders then, and we had to waste N10billion on another confab this year. Now, the politicians plan to put the report under the carpet as usual. No, not again. We must walk back from the precipice immediately. Note: I invite the reader to like my facebook: Aniebo Nwamu
GHANA MUST GO Obi resigns as APGA’s BoT chairman — News
Is he still there?
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