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Thursday, January 1, 2015

THE On January 16th, 2015 Who Makes The List Of The Right Candidates To Be Voted In 2015 General Elections



AbIA: ADAMAWA: AkWA-IboM: ANAMbrA: bAuCHI: bAYElSA: bENuE: borNo: CroSS rIVEr:



08051766388 08069727798 08036855800 07038460084 08035017848 08131834037 08068640944 08033205775 08083037770 08037058747 07039353422 08034048592 07037241850 08037913122 07032026833 07034246574 08130632281

DElTA: EboNYI: EDo: EkITI: ENugu: goMbE: IMo: jIgAWA: kADuNA:



07035399853 08038841998 08035425690 08134336544 08060356933 08037109108 08030501505 08035321020 08039321465 08059100393 08065461856 08087858009 08063480564 08035988858 08037014270 08037765686 08069625328

kATSINA: kEbbI: kogI: kWArA: lAgoS: NASArAWA: NIgEr: oguN: oNDo: oSuN: oYo: PlATEAu: rIVErS: SokoTo: TArAbA: ZAMFArA:



08091147703 08030652910 08069605069 08033706010 08023039387 08035897465 08033257681 08162117808 08035872613 08034329977 08035796424 08037719628 08078892259 08036206374 08035425021 07069685757 08038362515 08069275611


Thursday, January 1, 2015




Thursday, January 1, 2015

. . . C O N D U C I V E TO G O O D H E A LT H O F B O D Y O R M I N D

Laptops Vs Desktops Which Is Healthier?

Which one do you prefer using – a laptop or a desktop? Well, it doesn’t matter because both of them have been linked to health risks. VICTOR OKEKE examines an expert’s opinion. ‘Laptops are convenient to use and can be easily carried from one place to another, that’s why they are preferred over desktops. Being small in size and light in weight, users can move the machine easily, also place it in a position comfortable for use,’ says Dr Garima Anandani, Chief Spine Specialist, Qi Spine Clinic. However, she warns us about a few health risks related with the usage of laptops. “The biggest disadvantage of laptops is that they have keyboards attached to the screens, which destroys comfort while typing,” she said. The ideal way of working in front of the screen is keeping it at eye level or the top of the machine at 17 degrees above the eye level. This is not possible while using a laptop because of the small size of the machine and small screen height. When you’re using a laptop, you tend to lean forward, which increases the pressure on lumbar spine or lower back. Since the screen of a laptop is always below the eye level, it promotes a protruded posture or a rounded back posture. This posture is dangerous for the neck and spine. Pressure on the neck can cause cervical spondolysis while strain on the spinal discs can cause disc herniation or slipped disc. More so, laptops have smaller screens. This naturally forces you

to stare at the screen and blink lesser number of times, causing eye strain and headache. If you don’t use an anti-glare screen and adjust the brightness while working, you could develop dry eyes. It could also affect your eye power. When you’re typing on the laptop, you don’t have any other option but to rest your wrists on the keyboard while typing. This can increase the pressure on the nerves in the wrist. Also, being smaller in size, the attached keyboard forces you to twist the wrist in uncomfortable positions while typing and using the mouse pad. It can cause tingling sensation in the fingers and pain along the arms, culminating in carpal tunnel syndrome. While using a laptop, you repeatedly increase stress on different parts of the body including arms, neck, wrists and shoulders. This increases the risk of repetitive stress disorder. Many a times, people tend to work in a posture that is extremely unsuited to the body. Conversely, ‘desktops are larger machines with a separate keyboard and a mouse. This setting allows the user to type comfortably. A separate mouse allows the wrist to rest in a comfortable position, preventing strain on the nerves in the wrist. A larger, wider screen prevents excessive straining of the eyes. Desktops also have adjustable stands that allow you to adjust the screen to your eye level,’ says Dr Garima. She highlights a few health risks related with the usage of desktops.

Prolonged use can cause muscle soreness: While the design and setting of a desktop computer minimises risk, prolonged use can lead to muscle soreness and pain in the neck, spine, back, shoulders and arms. Headache is a common complaint among those who use a desktop computer for a long time. Increased muscle tension or pain in the neck, at the base of the skull, is the main reason for headache with computer use. Bright light, glaring screen and flickering images can strain your eyes. Also, you tend to blink lesser number of times, increasing the risk of dry eyes and computer vision syndrome. Here are some tips to prevent eye strain. Irrespective of the work-friendly adjustments you make to the machine, back pain, numbness in arms, shoulder and feet are bound to occur if you don’t maintain a good posture. Here are 5 postures you must avoid for good spine health. So, which one is better? ‘A desktop computer is any day better than using a laptop computer,’ says Dr Garima. ‘Although laptops are convenient to use, they have a lot of limitations, as far as musculoskeletal health is concerned. According to Dr Garima, using a laptop for a few hours in a day is still tolerable but if the work is going to exceed 3-4 hours, it is advisable to use a desktop rather than a laptop computer, to minimise health risks. In the worst case scenario, if you have no other option but to use a laptop, you must make the following changes to minimise its impact. Use external keyboard and mouse: It will minimise the strain on the arms and make typing more comfortable. ‘Our lives have become so dependent on technology, that it’s difficult to imagine a day without a computer. And it’s not only laptops that are causing the trouble. With the advent of iPads and smartphones, the condition is becoming even worse without people realising their severe health impact. Although it would be difficult to avoid technology completely, one thing all must do is restrict its use. So, let’s pledge to be gadgetfree once in a week or at least an hour a day,’ concludes Dr Garima.

Lowering Blood Sugar

Beef: Fear Not....

Top 7 Ways To Reduce Computer Hazards

Keep looking away from the screen intermittently

Don’t forget

to blink

Get up from the seat after every half an hour

Stretch your arms and legs well

Keep your spine straight

Break the posture intermittently

Avoid leaning ahead and maintain a good posture

For some time meat has had a bad reputation. Of course no health writers or “experts” were going to stop most of us from eating meat, but they have succeeded in making many folks feel guilty about it. The big issue? Meat is bad because it has fat in it, and surely we all know that fat is bad. Fat in foods makes fat men and women, and fat boys and girls. Fat is evil, fat is nasty, fat is disgusting. We must all drink low-fat milk and eat lowfat meals, and any meat we dare place on our plate must have the least amount of fat possible. A dried-out slice from the skinniest, scrawniest, toughest old turkey on the farm might be okay, if you have to eat meat at all! Those who have led the way into low-fat nirvana have to have something to replace the fat with, and their answer has almost always been high-carb foods. Of course they don’t describe them as pancreas-abusing, turn-into-sugar-inyour-bloodstream-in-a-heartbeat foods. They prefer to tell us that they are from “the bread group” or the “bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group.” They insist that the majority of all the food that we eat must come from this group. This is the base of the famous food pyramid. So rolls, and cornflakes, and bagels, and doughnuts are healthy for you, but meat is a nasty food we should avoid as much as we possibly can. Eating whole-grain bread in moderation is okay, but for people with diabetes or prediabetes, you cannot make “the bread group” the heart of your diet. It will flat kill you. Your blood sugar will be constantly elevated, your fasting blood sugar will rise higher and higher, your blood circulation will grow more and more sluggish, and your organs will start to fail. The low-fat diet sounded like a great idea when it was introduced, but time and research have shown it is in fact the worst possible diet for diabetics. We have assumed that since meat contains cholesterol and grains do not, the less meat we eat the lower our cholesterol will become. But if we eat lots of meat, our cholesterol levels and heart problems will go off the chart. The only problem with this idea is that it just isn’t borne out in the studies and research that have been done. Over and over again studies have shown that low-carb diets lower bad cholesterol, improve triglyceride levels, and reduce heart disease. Culled from 60 ways to Lower Your BLOOD SUGAR


Thursday, January 1, 2015


42,000 The number of internally displaced persons of Borno state evacuated from Adamawa back to Borno


The Number of Nigerians estimated to be living with disabilities

Playing Music Can Improve A Child’s Brain Children who play the violin or study piano could be learning more than just Mozart. A University of Vermont College of Medicine child psychiatry team has found that musical training might also help kids focus their attention, control their emotions and diminish their anxiety. The research continues Hudziak’s work with the National Institutes of Health Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Study of Normal Brain Development. Using its database, the team analyzed the brain scans of 232 children ages 6 to 18. As children age, the cortex -- the outer layer of the

High-Fat Diet Causes Obesity During Pregnancy Harms Stem Cells In Developing Fetus Physician-scientists reveal a high-fat diet and obesity during pregnancy compromise the bloodforming, or hematopoietic, stem cell system in the fetal liver responsible for creating and sustaining lifelong blood and immune system function. The life-long burdens of a western-style diet on the heart and circulatory system have long been appreciated. However, prior to this study, no one had considered

Probiotic Supplements May Ease Anxiety And Depression Supplements to boost probiotics -- the helpful micro-organisms that reside in our bodies -- can alter the way people process emotional information and ease anxiety and depression, new research suggests. Gut bacteria may also affect the immune system, which could in turn, influence the brain, Philip Burnet, researcher at the University of Oxford was quoted as saying. They completed several computer tests to assess how they processed emotional information such as negative and positive words. During one test, people who took the supplement paid less attention to negative information and more attention to positive information, compared with people who took a placebo, the findings showed. Culled from LiveScience

whether the developing blood stem cells might be similarly vulnerable to prenatal high-fat diet and/or maternal obesity. The findings are published in the journal Molecular Metabolism. “Our results offer a model for testing whether the effects of a high-fat diet and obesity can be repaired through dietary intervention, a key question when extrapolating this data to human populations,” said Daniel L. Marks.

brain -- changes in thickness. In previous analysis of MRI data, Hudziak and his team discovered that cortical thickening or thinning in specific areas of the brain reflected the occurrence of anxiety and depression, attention problems, aggression and behavior control issues even in healthy kids -- those without a diagnosis of a disorder or mental illness. With this study, Hudziak wanted to see whether a positive activity, such as music training, would influence those indicators in the cortex. Culled from Science DAILY

‘Headache May Be Only Symptom Of Brain Tumour’ Headache could be the only symptom of brain tumour in many cases, say researchers, suggesting that CT scans and other neuro-imaging tests for people with headache could prove to be helpful tools in spotting the deadly disease. The suggestions come in view of recent proposed guidelines in the US seeking to reduce the use of neuroimaging tests for patients with headaches, as part of initiatives to limit the use of unnecessary and costly medical tests. “Although the intentions are laudable, these guidelines are inconsistent with the neurosurgeon’s experience with patients with brain tumour,” said Ammar H. Hawasli from Washington University’ School of Medicine in the US. “Specifically, patients with brain tumours may present with isolated headaches in the absence of other neurological symptoms and signs,” added Hawasli.

Culled from ZeeNews

Culled from Zeenews

Weight Training Appears Key To Controlling Belly Fat

healthful Q &A I stubbed my toe and it’s still really sore. How can I tell if it’s broken?

Healthy men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training had less of an increase in age-related abdominal fat compared with men who spent the same amount of time doing aerobic activities, according to a new study. Combining weight training and aerobic activity led to the most optimal results. Aerobic exercise by itself was associated with less weight gain compared with weight training. “Because aging is associated with sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle mass, relying on body weight alone is insufficient for the study of healthy aging,” said lead author Rania Mekary, a researcher in HSPH’s Department of Nutrition. “Measuring waist circumference is a better indicator of healthy body composition among older adults. Engaging in resistance training or, ideally, combining it with aerobic exercise could help older adults lessen abdominal fat while increasing or preserving muscle mass.” Culled from ScienceDaily

The only sure way to tell is if the toe is angulated (crooked). If that’s the case, a visit to a doctor is warranted to straighten the toe and put a splint on it. Otherwise, if the swelling is significant and the pain is long-lasting, the more likely it is that the toe is fractured as opposed to just bruised. Whether it’s worth getting an Xray for confirmation depends on which toe you hurt and how bad the symptoms are. Most broken toes can heal on their own with measures such as rest, applying ice, elevating the foot, and “buddy taping” the toe to an adjacent one. But see a doctor if you hurt the first (“big”) toe, since it’s so important for movement. And get immediate help if you have numbness and tingling, an open wound or bleeding, or persistent pain or swelling, which could signal a fracture complication such as an infection or impaired circulation. Culled from Guide to Better Health


Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Resolutions: FCT Residents Speak

The commencement of a New Year always comes with people making various kinds of resolutions. Most of these resolutions border on changing negative trends and taking steps to improve the lives and well being of such people. As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to herald the arrival of a New Year, 2015, Igho oyoyo and chika mefor went to town to seek out resolution of some Federal Capital Territory (FCT) residents. Excerpts below. is to develop a better and deeper relationship with God. There were some things I did not do very well last year, like serving God very well, but, this 2015, I want to get closer to my God and serve Him in truth and in spirit. I also want to put more effort in making my actualising some goals I could not accomplish last year so that I Eunice Emmanuel, can contribute in journalist building my home My New Year resolution in the future. Alloy Okafor, civil servant The year 2014 has been a beautiful year for me and my family and I pray it will continue the same way this year. God has been faithful. I wish to be more committed to the things of God this year. I also want my family and I to be more prayerful because it is only with God that things will work out for good. I will also try to amend my old ways because I strive to be a better person.

Bola Adebayo, youth corps member God has seen us through last year, even though I lost my mother. But I thank God for everything. My resolution is to be the best man I can be. I tried my best last year, I intend to improve on that this year. I want to be more responsible. I also want to settle down and get married this year, so I will work towards getting one by God’s grace.

Ugwu Johnson, businessman New Year resolution is good because the beginning of the year, most times, determine how the year will end. If someone starts the year doing negative things he may end the year like that. So, for me, my New Year resolution is to get closer to God because I know that I did not serve Him the way I was supposed to do last year.

Joseph Shimakuma, artisan My New Year resolution is to strive to be a better man than I was last year. I have been told that I don’t know how to talk to people. I have decided I will be more courteous to people this year. I will learn to be friendly and try as much as I can to minimise exchanging words with people. I am learning to be an electrician; I will work very hard to achieve that dream.

Pray For Peaceful Election, Minister Advises Residents By Catherine Agbo

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala Mohammed, has advised residents of the territory to pray for a peaceful conduct of the general elections scheduled to begin this February. The minister in a New Year message to FCT residents enjoined them to remain steadfast and resolute in joining hands with other well-meaning Nigerians to build a new Nigeria under President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,

which generations yet unborn would be proud of. The minister appreciated God for sparing the lives of residents to witness this New Year celebration in spite of the daunting security challenges facing some parts of the nation and also enjoined residents to remain unwavering; continue to believe in the capability of Nigeria’s leadership whilst being their brothers’ keepers, just as he expressed the commitment of his administration to providing a serene and clean

environment in consonance with the Road Map of his administration and Transformation Agenda of President Jonathan. According to him, this year is very special to the nation as it is an election year for the country where citizens would have yet another opportunity to elect their leaders, saying this underscored the need for Nigerians, irrespective of religious beliefs or political inclinations, to pray for Nigeria to experience peaceful 2015 General Elections and abhor violence.

Thomas Nebeolisa, businessman A good way to start a New Year is to reflect on the previous year; take stock of activities, goals and achievements. This will help the individual know when he is making progress and what areas more effort should be channeled into. In every day of a man’s life, especially the New Year, one has to change some negative attitudes, the things you did in the past year and you do not want to continue doing it, when you enter the New Year, you have to take a decision to change them, which is why I believe in New Year resolution. Agatha George, a nurse I thank God for last year, because inspite of the ups and downs, God saw us through till the New Year. It has been a good journey with God by my side. I got married last year and I am planning on become a mother this year, God willing. Another thing I want to do this year as my New Year resolution is to draw closer to God. They say one with God is majority. Miss Glory Igado, a student I believe in New Year resolution because it has helped to shape my character. My resolution for 2015 is to better myself as a person and secure my future by concentrating on gaining admission into a higher institution.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Shift supervisor Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392429 Or send your CV to: 3b2fd@jbng.me An Upscale sports facility seeks to recruit a female shift supervisor for immediate recruitment. The successful candidate will be expected to: • Perform administrative roles while on shift • Ensure that the sports arena is fully functional • Manage bookings and payments per available slots • Promote the business to interested users • Other roles as may be determined by management. Qualifications: • The successful candidate must be resident in Abuja. • Women with a passion for sports or recreational activities are encouraged to apply.

Sales Executive Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392424 Or send your CV to: 3b2f8@jbng.me An upscale sports facility in Abuja seeks to recruit the services of an experienced sales executive to drive the performance of the company. Duties include: • Represent the company at important stake holder events • Source for new corporate, group and individual clients • Manage existing clients • Directly promote the company services on relevant platforms • Other roles as May be determined by management. Requirements: • Applicants must be resident in Abuja. • Women with a passion for sports and recreational activities are encouraged to apply.

Systems Engineer Satnetlink Services Ltd., Kaduna 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392430 Or send your CV to: 3b2fe@jbng.me Satnetlink Services Ltd is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • Complete configuration, installation and support of equipment in a Microsoft Windows environment to the specifications of client proposals • Troubleshoot and resolve computer and telephony related issues when contacted by clients by providing both on-site and remote support • Maintaining software applications, operating systems and regular maintenance. • Managing assigned projects and program components to deliver services in accordance with established objectives. Qualifications: IT Support for Customers - Good knowledge of wireless networking, local area networking, Cisco Certification, Microsoft Certification.

Human Resource Officer Synapse Services, Niger 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392576 Synapse Services, a centre for psychological medicine seeks qualified and experienced human resource officer Key elements of the role: • Report to the Human Resources Manager • Support the Human resources Manager in achieving the following: • Recruitment – assist in developing job descriptions, preparing job adverts, checking application forms, short listing, interviewing and selecting candidates • Employee relations and conflict management • Administering payroll and maintaining employee records; • Interpreting and advising on employment law • Dealing with grievances and implementing disciplinary procedures • Assist in inductions for new staff • Fostering a productive work environment amongst members of staff • Management of staff meetings and other internal communications • Ensure all staff and Doctors are kept informed of policy changes • Assist in developing business strategies and proposals in line with expansion objectives • Assist in developing Practice protocols and procedures • Evaluate suggestions and feedback of Patients/ Clients • Lead the implementation of best practice Human Resources policies and procedures in the organisation. • Track corporate, departmental and employee competency levels against requirements. Work with functional managers to determine gaps and ensure adequate and effective learning and development. • Oversee the career development, capacity development and progression of all employees. • Support management to develop and implement effective succession planning strategies • Manage overall culture of the organisation, initiate programs to ensure alignment of culture to company vision, mission and values • Support executive management to manage all change initiatives impacting staff within the company • Ensure the use of the Human Resources Information System Qualifications and Requirements: • Proven experience of people management and/ or working within a medical environment. • Good understanding of the HR policies and processes • HND/BSc degree in Human Resource Mgt, Business Admin, Social Sciences, Humanities or a related field with minimum of 2 years’ experience in a structured organization. • Negotiation and persuasion skills • Excellent interpersonal and people skills • Ability to manage and prioritize time • Good problem solving and decision making skills • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • High standard of attention to detail • High level of computer literacy.

Does Not Matter Visit: http://jbng.me/392585 Or send your CV to: 3b399@jbng.me Skyrocket Multimedia Ltd is a Mass media communication, marketing and promotion company. we provide conducive working , training/retraining and learning conditions for our esteemed team of workers across the country. The management has recently resolved to increase the staff strength of company. Hence,job opportunities for reporters, editors and marketers is open to interested qualified applicants.

Visit: http://jbng.me/392431 Or send your CV to: 3b2ff@jbng.me Satnetlink Services Ltd. is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Job Duties: Installation, maintenance and repairs of Electronic and Electrical Industrial Equipment Requirements: • Minimum of a degree • 3-5 years of experience

Job Details The employee’s major responsibility is corresponding for our medium within the zone. We do not make experience a barrier. However applicants must possess a minimum qualification of OND.

Ecommerce Admin DOOL-X, Kwara

Marketer Skyrocket Multimedia Limited, Abuja

DOOL-X is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

Entry Level Visit: http://jbng.me/392588 Or send your CV to: 3b39c@jbng.me Skyrocket Multimedia Ltd is a Mass media communication, marketing and promotion company. we provide conducive working , training/retraining and learning conditions for our esteemed team of workers across the country. The management has recently resolved to increase the staff strength of company. Hence,job opportunities for reporters, editors and marketers is open to interested qualified applicants. Job Details The employee’s major responsibility is marketing for our medium within the zone. We do not make experience a barrier. However applicants must possess a minimum qualification of OND.

Accountant Promplus Investment Limited, Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392415 Or send your CV to: 3b2ef@jbng.me Promoplus Investment Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • Ensure that key financial processes are properly documented and updated and reviewed regularly with a view to achieving improvements and efficiencies. • In conjunction with the Senior Financial Accountant, shall be responsible for managing and controlling the Chart of Accounts. • Produce, as required, any adhoc reports required by the Senior Financial Accountant and/or Executive Management. • Other duties as may be assigned by the Senior Financial Accountant and Executive Management. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification- Degree • Years of Experience- 1-2 years

Reporter Skyrocket Multimedia Limited, Kaduna

Electronic Engineer Satnetlink Services Ltd., Kaduna

Preferred Years of Experience

3 - 5 years

Preferred Years of Experience Does Not Matter Visit: http://jbng.me/392461 Or send your CV to: 3b31d@jbng.me

Job Summary: Administer Online Store with good understanding of Eccommerce Platforms (OpenCart, Magento and any other CMS) and Graphical Designer with very vast design understanding in CorelDraw and Adobe Photoshop. Requirements: • Must have a minimum of OND in relevant discipline • Experience does not matter

Quantity Surveyor Techno Murph Ventures, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392480 Or send your CV to: 3b330@jbng.me Techno Murph Venture is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • Consistently look to source tenders through various avenues open to the industry • When tenders arrive, assess the type of tender, client and closing date of tender to determine prioritization of all tenders. • Review and assess tenders ensuring all tender documents are received and are correct • Review tender documents assessing scope, risks involved, tender complexity etc and provide feedback to the Tendering Manager • In- conjunction with Quantity Surveyor, conduct site inspections for tender understanding, analysis of conditions, assessment of risk and identification of activities that may or may not be shown in the tender documents. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: HND • Required Experience: 1-3 years

Quantity Surveyor Vicage Resources Limited, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392481 Or send your CV to: 3b331@jbng.me Vicage Resource Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • Consistently look to source tenders through


various avenues open to the industry • When tenders arrive, assess the type of tender, client and closing date of tender to determine prioritization of all tenders. • Review and assess tenders ensuring all tender documents are received and are correct • Review tender documents assessing scope, risks involved, tender complexity etc and provide feedback to the Tendering Manager • In- conjunction with Quantity Surveyor, conduct site inspections for tender understanding, analysis of conditions, assessment of risk and identification of activities that may or may not be shown in the tender documents.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND/BSC • Required Experience: Entry Level/1-3 years

Marketer Vicage Resources Limited, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392484 Or send your CV to: 3b334@jbng.me Vicage Resource Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

An e-commerce/internet firm is in need of a suitable candidatefor this position

Responsibilities • The marketer is responsible for meeting the sales targets of the organization. • As a marketer, you must understand who can perform a particular task in the most effective way. • As a marketer you should devise strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the sales targets. • As a marketer you should map out potential customers and generate leads for the organization. • Be able to look forward to generating new opportunities for the organization

Job Summary: The successful candidate shall be involved in sales, buying and inventory control.

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND/BSC • Required Experience: Entry Level/1-3 years

Requirements: • Minimum of OND in relevant discipline • Experience does not matter

Project Supervisor Grills Global Services Nigeria Limited, Plateau

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND/BSC • Required Experience: Entry Level/1-3 years

Merchandiser Kwara Preferred Years of Experience Does Not Matter Visit: http://jbng.me/392462 Or send your CV to: 3b31e@jbng.me

Architect Vicage Resources Limited, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392482 Or send your CV to: 3b332@jbng.me Vicage Resource Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities This individual will be responsible for the design and development of structures using alternative materials of construction. The individual will be expected to work independently on small projects, or lead a team of contract architects on larger projects. It is important to point out that the focus of our development projects is on the use of alternative materials. This provides an opportunity for an innovative architect to lead a revolution in affordable housing development. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND/BSC • Required Experience: Entry Level/1-3 years

Civil Engineer Vicage Resources Limited, Plateau

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND • Required Experience: 4-5 years

Architect Cp-Tex Draw And Build (Nig) Enterprise, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392487 Or sendyour CV to: 3b337@jbng.me CP-Tex Draw & Build Enterprise is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities This individual will be responsible for the design and development of structures using alternative materials of construction. The individual will be expected to work independently on small projects, or lead a team of contract architects on larger projects. It is important to point out that the focus of our development projects is on the use of alternative materials. This provides an opportunity for an innovative architect to lead a revolution in affordable housing development.

3 - 5 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392485 Or send your CV to: 3b335@jbng.me

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND-BSC • Required Experience: 1-2 years

Grill Global Services Nig Ltd is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

Secretary Cp-Tex Draw And Build (Nig) Enterprise, Plateau

Responsibilities • Consistently look to source tenders through various avenues open to the industry • When tenders arrive, assess the type of tender, client and closing date of tender to determine prioritization of all tenders. • Review and assess tenders ensuring all tender documents are received and are correct • Review tender documents assessing scope, risks involved, tender complexity etc and provide feedback to the Tendering Manager • In- conjunction with Quantity Surveyor, conduct site inspections for tender understanding, analysis of conditions, assessment of risk and identification of activities that may or may not be shown in the tender documents.

1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392488 Or send your CV to: 3b338@jbng.me

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND/HND • Required Experience: 4-5 years

1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392483 Or send your CV to: 3b333@jbng.me

Site Manager Grills Global Services Nigeria Limited, Plateau

Vicage Resource Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

3 - 5 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392486 Or send your CV to: 3b336@jbng.me

Responsibilities • Assess both challenges and potential risks of the planned project • Undertake initiatives for risk management and take appropriate steps for it • A civil engineer’s job also includes putting across construction proposal and site to the specified officials and supervising the tendering process. • Ensure that the said rules, regulations and guidelines are followed without any exception • While the project is undergoing, a civil engineer is also responsible for safety measures on site

implementing corrective actions. • Accomplishes construction project results by defining project purpose and scope; calculating resources required; establishing standards and protocols; allocating resources; scheduling and coordinating staff and subcontractors; evaluating milestone assumptions and conclusions; resolving design problems; evaluating and implementing change orders.

Grill Global Services Nig Ltd is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • Meets operational standards by contributing construction information to strategic plans and reviews; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; identifying construction management system improvements. • Meets construction budget by monitoring project expenditures; identifying variances;

CP-Tex Draw & Build Enterprise is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • A secretary will have to take notes and dictation from the boss for drafting the correspondence or executing the work. She can either record the dictation and transcribe it later or write it down. • Will have to keep a record of appointments and ensure that each one is conducted smoothly and on time. Follow up for attendance, venue booking, arranging notepads, pencils, water bottles, glasses, etc. are also the duties of a secretary. • Handling difficult situations without any assistance is one of the prime duties of a secretary. • A secretary might face managerial or administration problems; she has to sort them out on her own without the interference of the senior management. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: OND-BSC • Required Experience: 1-2 years

Builder Lowpond Nigeria Limited, Plateau 5 - 7 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392490 Or send your CV to: 3b33a@jbng.me Lowpond Nigeria Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities

• To participate in the keeping of records and logs as instructed/requested by site management • To manage, monitor and interpret the contract design documents supplied by the client/designer and by working with the site construction team and assist in the construction of the proposed development • To take an interest in and assist in all aspects of the project including but not limited to Health, Safety and Environmental issues • To play a lead role in the maintenance of clients’ structures Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: BSC • Required Experience: 5 years

Architect Lowpond Nigeria Limited, Plateau 5 - 7 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392489 Or send your CV to: 3b339@jbng.me Lowpond Nigeria Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities This individual will be responsible for the design and development of structures using alternative materials of construction. The individual will be expected to work independently on small projects, or lead a team of contract architects on larger projects. It is important to point out that the focus of our development projects is on the use of alternative materials. This provides an opportunity for an innovative architect to lead a revolution in affordable housing development. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: BSC • Required Experience: 5 years

Civil Engineer Lowpond Nigeria Limited, Plateau 5 - 7 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392491 Or send your CV to: 3b33b@jbng.me Lowpond Nigeria Limited is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • Assess both challenges and potential risks of the planned project • Undertake initiatives for risk management and take appropriate steps for it • A civil engineer’s job also includes putting across construction proposal and site to the specified officials and supervising the tendering process. • Ensure that the said rules, regulations and guidelines are followed without any exception • While the project is undergoing, a civil engineer is also responsible for safety measures on site Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: BSC • Required Experience: 5 years

Secretary Felix ‘I’ Electrical Engineering Company, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392492 Or send your CV to: 3b33c@jbng.me Felix ‘I‘ Electrical Engineering Company is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • A secretary will have to take notes and dictation from the boss for drafting the correspondence or executing the work. She can either record the dictation and transcribe it later or write it down.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

• Will have to keep a record of appointments and ensure that each one is conducted smoothly and on time. Follow up for attendance, venue booking, arranging notepads, pencils, water bottles, glasses, etc. are also the duties of a secretary. • Handling difficult situations without any assistance is one of the prime duties of a secretary. • A secretary might face managerial or administration problems; she has to sort them out on her own without the interference of the senior management. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: SSCE • Required Experience: 1-3 years

Architect Visual Space Consults, Plateau 5 - 7 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392494 Or send your CV to: 3b33e@jbng.me Visual Space Consult is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities This individual will be responsible for the design and development of structures using alternative materials of construction. The individual will be expected to work independently on small projects, or lead a team of contract architects on larger projects. It is important to point out that the focus of our development projects is on the use of alternative materials. This provides an opportunity for an innovative architect to lead a revolution in affordable housing development. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: BSc • Required Experience: 5 years

Technician Gifted World Structural Construction, Plateau 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392497 Or send your CV to: 3b341@jbng.me Gifted World Structural Construction is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities • The Technician will be responsible for operation and maintenance for the buildings and grounds which includes all Electrical systems, Plumbing systems, generator maintenance etc • Reports directly to the Head of Department. • Work with little or no supervision to carry out the responsibility for preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance as assigned by supervisor.

As a staff with Structural Solution, you will enjoy: • Local Skills Training (usually after 3 months) • Financial Loan (usually after 6 months) • International Conference (usually after 6 months) • 3 Weeks Annual Leave • Car Loan (usually after 1 year) • Travel Grant-worth £2,000 (usually after 1 year) • Salary Increment Review (usually every four months) • Plus your Basic Salary

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-OND • Years of Experience- Entry level

Marketing Executive 1st Pathfinder, Abuja

Job Details & Requirements • To recruit and manage 20 course card supervisors (supervisors must be students at higher institutions only). • To ensure that each supervisor recruit the minimum number of representatives (15) and manage them effectively. • To collect reports from supervisors. • To process the payment/commission of supervisors and representatives. • To give reports to an assigned Manager.

Entry Level Visit: http://jbng.me/392525 Or send your CV to: 3b35d@jbng.me

Requirements & Skills • BSc/HND/ • Good communication skills • Leadership skills • Self-confidence • Ability to work with less or no supervision • Must be computer and internet literate • Available and ready to travel • Bold & smart

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-SSCE • Years of Experience- Entry level

Marketing Executive D Car Tracking Systems, Abuja

Brandvista Ventures is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392522 Or send your CV to: 3b35a@jbng.me D Car Tracking Systems is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • As marketing executive, you would manage and control the relationship between products and your target audience. • Promote whatever products or services are on offer. • Developing new marketing strategies is an important part of the role. • As a marketing executive you will report to the head of marketing and cover various day to day activities. • Generate and follow up on leads and prospect. • Manage customer relationship. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-OND • Years of Experience- 1-2 years

Secretary 1st Pathfinder, Abuja

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: SSCE/OND • Required Experience: 1 year

Entry Level Visit: http://jbng.me/392524 Or send your CV to: 3b35c@jbng.me

Admin Officer Structural Solution Training School UK & Nigeria, Abuja

1st Pathfinder is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

Entry Level Visit: http://jbng.me/392503

Responsibilities: • A secretary will have to take notes and dictation from the boss for drafting the correspondence or executing the work. She can either record the dictation and transcribe it later or write it down. • Will have to keep a record of appointments and ensure that each one is conducted smoothly and on time. Follow up for attendance, venue booking, arranging notepads, pencils, water bottles, glasses, etc. are also the duties of a secretary. • Handling difficult situations without any

Build an International Career with A UK Company in Nigeria As An Admin Officer Are you dynamic and can work independently or with less supervision? If yes, we are looking for you. Build your career with a leading international firm registered in the United Kingdom and Nigeria. Motivation and team work is our driving force, the bedrock of our achievements for the past four years…

assistance is one of the prime duties of a secretary. A secretary might face managerial or administration problems; she has to sort them out on her own without the interference of the senior management.

candidate for this position Responsibilities: • As a marketer, you must understand who can perform a particular task in the most effective way. • As a marketer you should devise strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the sales targets. • As a marketer you should map out potential customers and generate leads for the organization. • Be able to look forward to generating new opportunities for the organization.

1st Pathfinder is in need of a suitable candidate for this position

Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-OND/BSc • Years of Experience- 1-5 years • Must be female

Responsibilities: Employ search marketing tactics to increase visibility and engagement with content, products, or services in Internet-enabled devices or interfaces

Further Maths Teacher Fatron Legacy Tutors, Abuja

Media Marketing Executive Brandvista Magnetics, Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392526 Or send your CV to: 3b35e@jbng.me

Responsibilities: Employ search marketing tactics to increase visibility and engagement with content, products, or services in Internet-enabled devices or interfaces Qualifications: Minimum Qualification-SSCE

Supervisor Blooming Dames Clothing, Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392527 Or send your CV to: 3b35f@jbng.me Blooming Dames Clothing is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • Supporting customer, employee and facility safety initiatives • Supervision of warehouse receiving, storing and shipping of customer products • Analyzing data and prioritizing work assignments to direct the daily plan of action for the shift or functional area • Managing employee productivity to standardized goals • Coaching, motivating, developing, and managing warehouse associates • Maintaining the security of the product and facility by ensuring that security policies and procedures are followed. Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-OND/BSc

• Years of Experience- 1-5 years • Must be female Marketer Blooming Dames Clothing, Abuja 1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392528 Or send your CV to: 3b360@jbng.me Blooming Dames Clothing is in need of a suitable

1 - 3 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392561 Or send your CV to: 3b381@jbng.me Fatron Legacy Tutors is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • May share lead responsibilities with Assistant Teachers • Engages with current and prospective parents and family members and is responsive to their needs • Complies with KLC and all governmental regulations regarding the care of children • Understands responsibilities as a mandated reporter • Keeps the Director informed of any necessary information regarding the care and safety of children • Completes timely and accurate documentation according to KLC and other licensing or regulation requirements • Assists and accepts responsibility in other daily center duties that might be temporary in the event other personnel are not available • Attends and participates in staff meetings, center events, and parent/customer meetings as requested Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification-OND • Years of Experience- 1-3 years

Waiter/Waitress Eetsumore Restaurant And Bakery, Abuja 5 - 7 years Visit: http://jbng.me/392347 Or send your CV to: 3b2ab@jbng.me Eetsumore Restaurant And Bakery is in need of a suitable candidate for this position Responsibilities: • Deliver excellent customer service, at all times • Serve and present beverages quickly and efficiently, meeting our standards • Assist in keeping in-house and toilets clean and tidy, at all times • Keep up to date with current promotions and new products • Make customers aware of offers on our great food and drink range • Speak to customers to ensure that they are satisfied with their meals Qualifications: • Minimum Qualification: SSCE • Required Experience: 5 years.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

analysis 37

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014: A Year In Review Whether charging lorries at the channel port of Calais or attempting to scale the border fences that separate Morocco from the Spanish enclave of Melilla, illegal immigrants, desperate for a better life, have made headlines throughout the year. Particularly harrowing accounts emerged in September of an incident in which up to 500 people are feared to have drowned in the Mediterranean as people smugglers rammed a migrant boat. May 31: US prisoner exchange with Taliban After five years being held captive by the Taliban, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is swapped for five highranking Taliban prisoners in the US-brokered deal. June 19: King Felipe VI crowned king of Spain After 39 years on the throne, King Juan Carlos I of Spain abdicates on June 2nd, so his son Prince Felipe can reign in his place.

By Ugochukwu Iroka

As the dawn breaks on 2015, a year pregnant with so many possibilities, LEADERSHIP takes a cursory look back at the events that shaped the just concluded year. From sad breaking news to heart-warming developing stories; from the most anticipated occasions to the downright bizarre, these are some of the events that grabbed headlines and attention throughout the world in the year 2014. January 2014: Ebola outbreak in West Africa Beginning in Guinea at the end of 2013, the West African Ebola epidemic quickly spread to neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone. The worst outbreak of the disease in history, by November the World Health Organisation estimated that there had been over 20,000 cases, with 7,000 deaths. Pictured, a woman throws a handful of soil towards the body of her sister as an Ebola burial team take her for cremation in Monrovia, Liberia. February 24th: EuroMaiden protests and Ukrainian

revolution Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to backtrack on planned EU integration in favour of closer ties with Moscow sparked violent protest centred around Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (“Independence Square”). Beginning in November 2013, the protests reached feverpitch on February 21 when Yanukovych finally caved to vast public pressure and fled the capital. March 8: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappears Traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, Malaysia Airline flight 370 vanished on Saturday March 8 with 239 people on board. Relatives of the missing passengers were left in angry and distraught as the largest search in aviation history slowly spread from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean. As weeks stretched to months and the numerous reports of floating debris led nowhere, baffled aviation experts have admitted the MH370’s final resting-place could take years to discover. April 2 to May 12: India holds its largest ever General Election

Running across nine phases, India went to the polls in 2014 in the largest General Election in the country’s history. With around 815 million Indians registered to vote, the mammoth democratic process concluded on May 12. Four days later Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi was declared the winner.

July 8:Gaza Crisis: Operation Protective Edge At the start of July, following a military crackdown on Hamas prompted by the abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers, Hamas initiates a sustained rocket bombardment of Israel from Gaza. The Israeli defence force responds by initiating Operation Protective Edge, an aerial and ground campaign against Hamas that lasted seven weeks and killed more than 2,200. July 13: Germany Win the 2014 FIFA World Cup Germany emerged winner of the 2014 FIFA World Cup hosted by Brazil, after substitute Mario Gotze scored in extra-time to give the Germans victory over Argentina in the finals.

April 16: Korean ferry MV Sewol capsizes Carrying 476 people and travelling from Incheon on mainland Korea to the island of Jeju, the MV Sewol sank on the morning of April 16, killing 304 onboard.The majority who perished were secondary school children who were ordered to remain in their cabins while captain Lee Joon-seok and his crew scrambled to safety. On November 11, Captain Joon-seok was sentenced to 36 years in prison for gross negligence.

July 24: Air Algerie Flight 5017 crashes In a year bereft with air disasters, Air Algerie Flight 5017 crashed in Mali’s Gossi region, killing all 118 passengers. The exact cause of the crash has yet to be determined, although bad weather has suggested as likely cause.

May 13: Soma mine disaster The worst mining accident in Turkey’s history, a total of 301 men lost their lives following an explosion and an underground fire.

June 29 The rise of Islamic State A radical Sunni Islamist group and an offshoot of al-Qaeda, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) rose to global prominence in June when it captured vast swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria,

May: The year of the illegal immigrant

June 14: Presidential elections in Afghanistan Afghanistan gears up for its presidential election to elect a successor to President Hamid Karzai.

38 analysis

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014: A Year In Review effectively dissolving the border within the captured lands. On June 29 the group renamed itself “Islamic State” and proclaimed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadias “Caliph” - the head of the state. July 15 onwards: The Ice Bucket Challenge goes viral Despite the concept being around since 2012, in June 2014 the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ went viral. Helping to raise awareness of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), the charity challenge saw celebrities, former US presidents (such as George W. Bush pictured here) and the general public dousing themselves in freezing water and nominating friends to do likewise. August 9 onwards: Shooting of Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots The shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by a white police officer ignites racial tensions in the United States, leading to civil unrest, looting and riots. Following an investigation into the events surrounding the shooting by officer Darren Wilson, a Grand Jury announces on November 24 they will not be pursuing a criminal investigation against the police officer, triggering more protests across 170 US cities. September 26 onwards: Umbrella Revolution Beginning in September 2014, demonstrator take to the streets of Hong Kong in their thousands demanding democratic reform and advocating peaceful civil Dubbed the disobedience. Umbrella Revolution, the demonstrators brought the centre of the city to a standstill and, despite some clashes between protesters and police, the protests have been relatively peaceful. September 9: Apple unveils the new iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Apple unveiled the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as the highly-anticipated Apple Watch. September 12: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide After a highly-publicised trial, Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide and a firearms charge on September 12. He was sentenced to five years in prison for Steenkamp’s killing. September 18: Scotland votes to remain part of the United Kingdon Despite heated-televised debates and hard-fought campaign by both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ camps, on September 18

Scots voted to reject independence and remain part of the United Kingdom. Pictured, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, front centre, who spearheaded the ‘Yes’ independence campaign poses with supporters in Edinburgh before the vote. September 20: Actress Emma Watson addresses the UN UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson wins worldwide admiration as she delivered an impassioned speech to launch the HeForShe campaign at the United Nations on September 20. October 10: Malala Yousafzai, Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize Pakistani teenager Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 for advocating girls’ right to education, and Indian campaigner against child trafficking and labour Kailash Satyarthi were named the joint winners of 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. October 26: US, British troops withdraw from Afghanistan After 13 years on the ground

October 26 marks the official end of combat operations in Afghanistan for British and US forces. Drawing down and dismantling the infrastructure of war, the collation forces handed over their last two operation bases in Helmand province to local Afghan forces. Pictured, British troops give the thumbs-up as they leave Afghanistan from Kandahar airfield on November 13. November 3: One World Trade Center opens A little over 13 years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, destroyed the original World Trade Center buildings, the newly created 104 story One World Trade Center officially opened on November 3. Costing US $3.9 billion to construct, the new building is currently at 60 percent occupancy, with Conde Nast as one of the first major tenants to move in. November 12: First landing on a comet After a 10-year mission across the cosmos on November 12, the Rosetta space probe makes history by deploying and landing its Philae mini-lab on the surface of a comet. Travelling at a speed of 135,000

km/h, the European Space Agency likened the landing on comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko to, ‘landing a washing machine on a speeding bullet’. December 17: US/Cuba Relations on the mend US contractor Alan Gross, held by the Cuban government since 2009, was freed as part of a landmark deal with Cuba that paves the way for a major overhaul in US policy toward the island, senior administration officials tell journalists. President Barack Obama spoke with Cuban President Raul Castro in a phone call that lasted about an hour and reflected the first communication at the presidential level with Cuba since the Cuban revolution. 28 December: AirAsia Disaster Another disaster in the skies as Flight QZ8501 went missing after air traffic controllers lost contact with the aircraft while travelling to Singapore from Surabaya in East Java. On December 30, Rescue operatives confirmed that the plane crashed in the Java sea and started pulling bodies from the depths

Thursday, January 1, 2015

THE STRENGTH AND NONE POROUS OF THE NORTHWEST BOARDERS Boarder is a territorial demarcation between neighbouring countries where goods and services gain through legitimately or legitimately. As such security operatives were mounted so as to have a reliable surveillance and this surveillance is maintaining the integrity of the nation as well as it security image. Among the security operatives that were mounted on such boarders none is as important as the Nigeria custom services personnel for the fact that it’s the revenue generating pillar of the nation as well as a shield mechanism for illegal importation into the nation. The activities of the northwest anti smuggling team of the nation custom services must be commended for the number of reasons among which is them ability to counter drug traffickers and impound dangerous drugs meant to be smuggled in to the country for human consumption another reason is that of interception and the seizure of bush meat which wouldn’t mean well to the human life at a time when there is a challenge in our health sector. Similarly, the smugglers that brought in contra banned items such as rice, cooking oil, textile materials and sort of them. All these materials were cantered by the anti smuggling team of the Northwest Nigeria custom and as such it has testified that the porous of the regions boarders was controlled maintained and remain intact against the activities of the smugglers. My reasons could be adopted to complement the effort of these boarder security personnel as follows. The interception of recently trailer full of illicit drugs counterfeited the seizure of trailers full of illegally imported rice, the interception of bush meat as well as the constant blockage of illegally imported fairly use cars that were not paid duty. If this trend wouldn’t have been tackled by these gallant personnel then our revenue generation wouldn’t have been buoyant as it’s. Moreover, constant surveillance being mounted and executed by the men of anti smuggling team in the Northwest boarders such as in Jibia, Katsina State, Dankama and Kwamgwalan must keep on for the fact that if these boarders were mishandled or are handled with soft hand, the country wouldn’t find it easy security wise, health wise and economic wise. Until recently, a publication was placed in one of the national dailies by the Northern Rice traders association up roaring their cry for the stiff resistance they faced in importing rice, textile materials and cooking oil. This effort could be highly commended especially at a time when the challenges that relates to the boarders are enormous, similarly when duties are legally paid then it’s by so the government will be able to provide the economic activities and the provision of infrastructure being required by the citizenry. In view of the anti smuggling squad’s effort pass my vote of confidence in them. What should be required of them is maintaining their stand in discharging their duty to save the face of the nation against the activities of smugglers who always perpetrate their way in denting the image of their country, and making the country to loose almost thirty percent of its revenue. Simultaneously the illicit drugs peddlers or importers always use the northwest region boarders especially in Sokoto, Jigawa and Katsina state to import counterfeited drugs mate their waterloo as were countered the gallant anti smuggling squad and were those drugs gain entry into the nation only God knows how many people could be affected at a time when drugs were abused by our teaming youth. The impact of the tireless effort of our anti smuggling team in sensitizing the illegal importation of contra banned items as well as revenue generation of the agency must ne felt by every good looking Nigerian, and that is why its of utmost importance for the comptroller general of custom to look into their welfare package by providing them with all that could help in enhancing their duty which ranges from adequate service equipment, efficient logistics and modern gadgets so as to meet with the modern customs standard. All these if done I strongly believe that more revenue could be generated, and the tightening of our boarders which has been fully maintained will always be the order of the day. If the trend goes by the way it is, then we must commend the effort of the head of Anti Smuggling squad of these boarders in the person of AC Gambo Azare of the Federal operation zone B Kaduna with his team of gallant officers in the command.

Yusuf Hassan From Kano



politics today Thursday, January 1, 2015


Kebbi 2015: How Party Flag Bearers Emerged YAHYA SARKI writes that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has challenges ahead of its bid to win Kebbi State in 2015


The governor was called to vote when other aspirants, with the exception of General Sarkin Yaki Bello, unanimously protested against what they described as abnormal in the list of delegates

he two major political parties in Kebbi State, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have conducted their separate governorship congresses on 6th and 8th of November, as scheduled by INEC for the upcoming 2015 general election . The events leading to the emergence of governorship candidates as flag bearers of the APC and PDP unfolded but that of PDP was most noticeable as being characterised by protest and rejection from all the aggrieved aspirants except Abubakar Malan, who withdrew from the race to opt for Senate seat. The aggrieved aspirants have alleged malpractice and fraudulent arrangement to favour one candidate; Rtd.General Bello Sarkin Yaki, who is believed to have strong support from the presidency and the national leadership of the party in Abuja. The emergence of Rtd General Yaki during the PDP congress raised a lot of dust and controversies in the party and had been subject of attention in the media and by people of the state. Midway into the primary for the governorship at Haliru Abdu stadium, the PDP announced the cancellation and postponement of the gubernatorial election. The primaries earlier started with a mild drama when Race Course, the venue for the accreditation of delegates, was speculated to have been turned to the voting centre, which sent a lot of confusion around town as celebration started in favour of General Sarkin Yaki who at the time was in the Haliru Abdu stadium, venue for the voting, along with the contestants and other stakeholders of the party .Voting started around 5:00pm with concentration of Kebbi South having came from a far distance. After about ten minutes of the voting, Alhaji Saidu Sambawa walked out of the venue, noticeably angry and refused to answer Governor Dakingari who wanted to have a word with him. Despite Sambawa’s walk out

,voting continued in the presence of other contestants, including the deputy governor, Ibrahim Aliyu, General Muhammadu Magoro, Mansur Shehu, Dr Zagi Argungu, Gen SY Bello , General Danhanne, Abdullahi Zubairu Turaki and Professor Gulma. Trouble started when Suru local government delegates were voting; the ninth local government to vote. The governor was called to vote when other aspirants, with the exception of General Sarkin Yaki Bello, unanimously protested against what they described as abnormal in the list of delegates or substitution of genuine delegates list with a ghost list. There and then, the aspirants rejected the continuation of voting. Their stand made the electoral committee head , Col. Omeha, who after some consultation, to announce the postponement of the election till PDP headquarters at Abuja resolved the issue and sets a new date. Chairman of the committee said, “I hereby announce the cancellation and postponement of this election till a new date is decided and announced”. Even before the aspirants and delegates left the venue, AIT and Channels Satellite stations were said to have aired news flash that Gen. S.Yaki had won the PDP primary election in Kebbi and same was announced on NTA. This incident angered the other aspirants, including the deputy Governor, Ibrahim Aliyu, who was one of the aspirants that immediately rejected the outcome of the primaries and called for a fresh congress and the punishment of all who have masterminded the parallel primaries at the race course where Gen.S. Yaki was declared as winner. As it is today,Gen. S.Yaki remains the Kebbi PDP guber aspirant and the party has since embarked on a reconciliation meeting with all the aspirants. The vice President , Namadi Sambo, was said to have brokered peace in Abuja between the aspirants for the candidature of the Gen. Sarkin Yaki.


Unlike the PDP, the APC‘s governorship primary demonstrated some level of internal party democracy and was peacefully conducted but not without some dissenting voices among the aspirants who saw the emergence of Senator Atiku Bagudu as the APC flag bearer in Kebbi less than a week after decamping from PDP as not being fair to them. The APC guber aspirants who contested and lost see Senator Atiku as a new comer into the party who used his financial base to clinch the ticket from them by inducing the delegates with cash. One of the aspirants who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “He came overnight simply because he has money and won the hearts of our delegates. We have tailored the party for a long time and he just came from the PDP and emerged as the flag bearer”. The APC guber primary election which was conducted at Makerar Gandu Model Primary School in Birnin Kebbi gave Senator Atiku overwhelming victory ahead of his rivals.

Senator Atiku Bagudu, who dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to join the All Progressives Congress (APC), clinched the party’s ticket with a wide margin of 2,625 delegates who voted for him ahead of four other candidates. The accreditation of delegates started on Sunday night at Race Course in Birnin Kebbi, while the actual voting took place at Makerar Gandu Model Primary school in Birnin Kebbi . The chairman of the electoral committee , Alh.Umar Danbo, shortly after the election, declared Senator Atiku Bagudu as winner with 2,625 votes, followed by Dr. Yahya Abdullahi, 363, Buhari Bello 62 , Abubakar Chika Malami 57, and Nasir Salla Koko with 18 votes respectively. According to the chairman, of the 3125 total votes cast, only one was invalid. He then congratulated the winner for the victory and thanked party supporters for their patience and general conduct throughout the election period.

42 photo news

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Butchers cutting chicken at Orange Market in Mararaba, Nasarawa State, yesterday.

Butchers selling goat meat at Utako Market in Abuja, yesterday.

A wheelbarrow pusher conveying goods to warehouse in Wuse market yesterday.

A young boy taking goats to Orange Market in Mararaba, Nasarawa State, yesterday.

Commercial activities at Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO BY GBENGA OLAJOBI, DELE DAMISA and nan

photo news 41

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Traffic lock down at Idumota, Lagos Island, yesterday.

Okada riders conveying passengers from Orange market in Mararaba, Abuja, yesterday.

Children playing with at Soka, Airport road in Abuja, yesterday.

Commercial activities at Balogun Market in Lagos, yesterday.

An accident scene on Airport Road, Abuja, yesterday. PHOTOs BY MICHAEL OBASA, DELE DAMISA, JANE OKEKE and nan

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