6 Petproblems Katina Kauffman
We askedour readerstotellusaboutthe mostoutrageousthings theirpetshave eatenordestroyed.Theanswersdid notdisappoint.
12 Tasteofsummer —SallyReynolds Hot weathercallsfor colddishes. Tr ythesethree recipesfor cool summerflavors.
22 Winged wonders —MaryEllen Wright Birdingismorepopularthan everin Lancaster County,and we talkedto several avidbirdersaboutwhatthe hobbymeanstothem.
34Gettingaround —MikeAlbright Personalelectric vehicles-from scooterstounicycles-have become commononcity streets. We gottothe bottomofthistransportationtrend.
Introducingtheincredibly stylish and comfortableBlakesectional! Withits experttailoring,sleektrack arms,andtaperedsquarelegs,it’s theperfectblendofmodernand cozy. Stop by Martin’sFurniture tocomfort test in stylewiththis beauty by NorwalkFurniture.
Unlockingthepotentialof your401(k)
A401(k)presents a winning combinationofhigh contributionlimits, taxperks and potentialemployer contributions, makingit a powerhouse for retirement savings.
Butif you’re transitioning away from yourcurrent 401(k) employer, are you equipped to manage your retirement strategy effectively? Here are some avenues to consider for handling your401(k) savings postemployment:
Keep yourcurrent 401(k): Thisisthe simplest route logistically, but not always feasible post-departure. Consult yourHRdepartment to explore available options
Roll over to anIRA: Inthe absence of a 401(k)with yourcurrent employer, consider moving your savingsintoanindividual retirement account (IRA).While IRAs offergreaterinvestment flexibility, their yearly contribution limitsare lower than those of a 401(k).
1 2 3 4 5
Roll over to a new 401(k): If yournew employer offers a 401(k),transferring your existingplanallows you to retainbenefitslike employer matchingandhigh contribution limits.However, investment choicesmaybeconstrained by thenew plan.
Roll over to anIRA (Still employed): In some cases, (i.e. overage 59½) you may be ableto rollover your 401(k) balancefrom yourcurrent employer toanIRA of your choice, subjecttothe rules of your current employer’s plan.
Withdraw funds: Should theneedarise for immediate cash flow, withdrawingfundsfrom your401(k)isan option. Be mindful of taximplications andearlywithdrawalpenalties, though, asthismay not bethe most financiallyprudent choice.
Carefully evaluate these options inalignment with your financial goals and seekguidancefrom professionals for tailoredadvice.
Navigating your401(k)isjustthe tipoftheiceberg in retirement planning.There’sa whole world ofstrategies waiting to empower yourfuture preparations
Keep yourcurrentaccount
Rollover to new401(k)
Rollover to IRA
Withdraw Notallowed by allemployers Limited by yournewemployer’sinvestmentoptions Noemployermatchingandlower contributionlimits Willlikelypaypenalties
M.Sc.IAR Presiden t& Fo underBALANCEMAGAZINE
Happy summer,Balance readers! Thisissue covers topicsthat have been deeplyingrainedin my everyday life. I amall about gazpacho, which connects to our cool recipes for hot days onpage 12.Ournew puppy, Harry, could fillthisentire magazinewithlists ofthingsheiseatingthat heshouldn’t. Dandelions,mulch,ourliving room chair, everyone’s socks,sandals,all the slippers,anentire loaf ofbreadoffthe kitchen counter, etc. To hear evenwilder pup stories, you will want to head to page6. We alsotake you through the popularityofelectric scooters,and the growinginterest fromallagesinbirding. Bird nestshit a little too close to home, quite literally, since they nested inour bathroomair ventthisspring – whichis a topic for anotherissue. For now, I am happy to readaboutthem rather than have themas roommates! As always, thank you for reading,have a wonderful summerandpleaseemailwithany questionsor storyideas!
LindseyMcCallum | Editor-in-Chief | LMcCallum@lnpnews.comPublishedby
GeneralManager: ChrisFidler
Editor-in-Chief: LindseyMcCallum
ArtDirection: Andrew Albright
ContentEditor: Jed Reinert
Design: JennyAlthouse,KrystalHummer,AllieMiller, Amy Rodriguez,Christine Vernon,Bailey Watro
Photography: Andrew Albright,JennyAlthouse, Vinny Tennis
Writers: Mike Albright,Margaret Gates, Katina Kauffman,Sally Reynolds, MaryEllen Wright
Production: RachelBrown,Erica Feltenberger, Joelle Pacheco
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Photo by Andrew Albright
Birdsareeverywhere, but you’llonly realize how remarkabletheyareif you lookclosely.Grab your binocularsandcheckoutour articleaboutbirding onpage22.
We Asked Readers: What ’s thecraziestthing yourpethas evereaten?
KATINA KAUFFMANTheinspiration to gather reader storiesthismonthall startedwithsomecasual conversationduringour quarterlyBalance contentmeeting.“Haveyouheardaboutthedogthat atea$5,000 wadofcash?”someone asked.Anotherperson responded“No,but my dogjust atehalfof my daughter’sshoe.” Fromthere, the conversationflowedasmembersofourgroup exchanged storiesofthe weirdandwildthingsourpetshave either destroyedoreaten. Aftermanylaughs, we thoughtit wouldbefun to askour readers fortheircraziestpet stories to sharewithallof you.Herearesomeofour favorites.(Responseshave beenedited forgrammarandclarity.)
share with all of you. Here are some of our favorites. (Responses have been edited for grammar and clarity.)
Thisis my GermanShepherd, Keanu,who ate my entireliving room and stoleaknife fromthekitchendrawer--and wascaughtoncamera
Owner:BobBucksForty yearsago we hadahuskynamed Tundra.IboughtthreeboxesofHershey’s GoldenAlmondbars for Christmasgifts. That’s when you couldbuy 24-countboxesofthem.Icamehomefrom workoneday, andone box waschewedon,oneuntouchedandone completelygone. Iscolded Tundra forit. That evening,asIsatonthe couch,hehoppedupbesideme.A coupleminuteslaterhe starteddiggingbehindacushion.Ipulledthecushion backandhehad overadozenGoldenAlmondbars stashedbehindthecushion,alllinedupneatlyina row. Iknow chocolate isnotgood fordogs,buthehadnoilleffectsfromeatingthem.
Aprevious fosterdogofmine,anEnglishbulldog rescuedfromapuppymill, wentintoourlazySusanand ateabagof rawalmonds.Ididn’thave to wonder longwhethershe’dchewedthem.Becauseshehadaminorcaseofspinabifida, shedidn’talwayshave control overherbowelsanditbecameapparent very quicklythat shehad,in fact,notchewedthem.She walkedaroundlikeadoggie Pezdispenser foragood 24-48hours,leavingatrailofalmondsbehindher. It’s probably forthebest thatIdon’thave aphotoofthatincident.
A pr ious foster dog of mine, an English bulldog rescued from a puppy mill, went into our lazy Susan and ate a bag of raw almonds. I didn’t have to long whether she’d chewed them. Because she had a minor case of spina bifida, she didn’t always have over her bowels and it became apparent very quickly that she had, in fact, not chewed them. She walked around like a doggie Pez dispenser for a good 24-48 hours, leaving a trail of almonds behind her. for the best that I don’t have a photo of that incident.
Boomer wasa corgi.He ate many things.He ate CDsand DVDs,he ate my driver ’s license, he atea pairof Birkenstocksandals, he atea full bag oftrash,he atea pairof my glasses. Onetimehe atea glass bowlthat had fallenandbroken,and we had to feed himanentire loafofbread to pass it
The list goeson. I didn’talways take photos,buthere area few photosof someofhisgreatest work.
A- Green fishhat. This wasa gag gift for my birthday. Itlastedabout 2 hoursuntilhe went afterit.
Appreciated Boomerleavingthe eye.
B- Maybeit was histimeofthe month?
C- Did you know what theinsideof a baseballlookslike?
D- Anactual corgi magazine He ate anactual corgi magazine.
E- The full leatherbottomof a Jansportbackpack. The vet who removed it fromhis stomachsaid he wouldhaveexpected to seethis amountofleather comeoutofthe stomachof a Great Dane.
F- Hissecond stomachopening surgery. He atea corn cob.Corn cobsare notdigestible The card on hiscagein recovery: Corn cob, dog aggressive, deaf. Heshouldbeso embarrassed,and yet heseemsso pleasedaboutitall.
Ilove collectingoldChristmastree ornamentsanddecoratingthetree withallofthemeach year.One year, Ihadacquiredavintage Victorianstyleornament.It wasabutterflywith ablownglassbody, withcrinkled wirewrappedaroundtheglass,and wiredwings.It wasprobablythemost valuableornamentI owned.Noneofour pets everbotheredwiththeChristmas tree,not evenourcat.Sooutofallthe ornamentsonthetree,Cinderchose themost valuableone to tryandeat. Her teethcrushedtheglass,butthe antiquewiringaroundtheornament containedtheshards.Ilooked at her andshook my head.It wasasifshe was testing my loyalty to her—“Howdo youlikemenow?”I wasdisappointedin my materialloss,butlove trumpsall.As Icleanedupthebrokenornamentand checkedCinder ’s mouth,I toldher,“It’s agoodthingIloveyou.”
valuable ornament I owned. None of our
well as the contents of her
Want to your pets from
Want to keep yourpetsfrom eatingthingsthey shouldn’t? Herearesometipsthatmight help.
1.Beginthedaywith exercise. Whetherit’s going fora walk, playing fetch,orpullingouttheir favorite toy, gettingsomeenergy outinthemorning couldhelp prevent yourpetfromdestroying yourhomeoutofboredom.
Camry ateanentire32-gallontrashbagout ofthebox.HerearephotosshowingCamry inthe coneofshameafterhersurgery–as wellasthe contentsofher stomach.
2.Provideappropriate chew toys and redirect yourpet to those toys iftheybeginchewingon somethingelse.
3.Experimentwithspray deterrents. Thesecanbe especiallyhelpfulif youcan identifyaspecificobjectthat yourpetalways seems to chew when youleave thehouse.
freedom may be something that your pet needs to work up to. Close doors, utilize playpens, or a pet-proofed room.
4.Setupbarriers.Unlimited freedommaybesomethingthat yourpetneeds to workup to. Closedoors,utilizeplaypens,or create apet-proofed room.
5.Introducedistractions.Before youleave thehouse,setupa foodpuzzle to help keep your pet focusedon toys. Andifnoneoftheseideas work, considerpetdaycare!
5. Introduce distractions. Before you leave the house, setup a food puzzle to help keep your pet focused on toys. And if none of these ideas work, consider pet daycare!
ElmerStoltzfushas workedinthe flooring business for over30 years, butheopenedHeritage Floorsin Ronks 14 yearsago foronesimple reason:
“Beingable to givecustomerstheservicethat theydeser ved wasoneofthe key reasons to starting myown business,” hesays
Teddy, to thefreein-homemeasuringandestimate, to thefriendlycrew ofprofessionalinstallers.
“Wetry to make itpersonal to theirneeds,”
Stoltzfussays,“makingsuretheygeta floorthat ser vesthembest.”
Itallstarts by askingthe rightquestions: Whatkindoflookdoesthecustomer want?
How much foottrafficwilltheareaget?
HeritageFloorsoffers afullspectrumofproducts to beautifythehome,includingluxuryvinyl, hardwood,ceramictile,laminateandmore. Butit’s thecustomerservicethatsetsthemapart-from the firstencounterwithStoltzfusandhisunofficial officemanager,aminiaturegolden retrievernamed
HeritageFloorshasaproduct to suit every lifestyleand budget.
Hardwood: Hardwoodoffers aclassiclookthat’simpossible to duplicatewithaprintedproduct, Stoltzfussays.Butinsomesituations,itmaynotbethebestchoice. “A 100-pounddogandhardwood floorsarenotagoodmix,”hesays
Luxuryvinylplank: Luxuryvinyl remainsaleadingsellerbecauseofitsdurabilit y, affordabilityand goodlooks.HeritageFloorsalsooffers customizableluxuryvinylstairtreads to coordinatewith your new floor.“It’sjusta great way to dressup yourstairs,”Stoltzfussays
Laminate: Onceoutof favorbecauseofpoor water-resistance,laminateoptionshave greatly improved.Theyarenowmore waterproofalongwithpet-andscratch-resistant,andoffer realistic looks.
Sheetvinyl: Thismoreeconomicaloptionhasalsocomealong wayinthepastdecade,with improveddesignsas wellasdurabilityandstain resistance.
Carpet: HeritageFloorsoffers everythingfromplushandcozy to practicalanddurable,including Pet Premier,aneasy-cleanMohawklinegeared towardspetsinahostofpatternssuchasClaws&Effect and Purrsonalit y. It’snotonlystain resistant butalsosustainably madefrom recycledbottles.
Ceramictile: Whether yourstyleistraditionalormodern,thereare texturesandpatterns to help youcreatealookthat’suniquely your own.
HeritageFloorscanhelp youbeautifyotherpartsofthehomeas
Kitchenandbath: Thoseceramictilesaren’t just forunderfoot. HeritageFloorsalsodesignsandinstallscustomceramictilesho andbacksplashes.
Windows: HeritageFloorscarriesCreativeHolmescustomwindow shadesina varietyofcolors, patterns, fabricsandstyles,including motorizedandautomatedoptions.Theyoffercustominstallation,
Nomatter yournexthomeimprovementproject,HeritageFloorswill offerpersonalizedservice,andthey’llnever oversell. Says Stoltzfus: “Ourbiggestgoalisjust to makesurethecustomergetssomething they love intheend.”
Evenif youdon’t need professionalinstallation, you won’ t have to rely onabigboxstore for your next flooringproject.Heritage Floors stocksafullselectionofsheetvinyl andluxuryvinylplank.“Wedoquite abitofcashandcarry business,” Stoltzfussays.“Youcancome here forthesamepricesand betterquality.”
HeritageFloorsislocatedat60N. Ronks Road,SuiteH, Ronks. To requestafreeestimate, contactheritagefloorsinc@gmail.comorcall 717-687-7906.
Lancastersummers can bebrutallyhotand humid.On especiallymuggy evenings, Idon’t even want to grill outdoors. I want to stay inside andeat simple foodsuntil coolbreezes reappear. These recipesinvolve minimal use ofthestove andemphasize freshlocalproduce. Tomatoes,Ifind,are anespeciallycooling ingredient insummer recipes, so they are featuredin two ofthe recipes Noodles,a pantry staple,are easilyadaptable to warmweathereating.
The first recipeis for late summerwhenheirloom tomatoesare burstingwith flavor Find extra ripeones, or seconds, and cutoff any badlybruisedparts The tomatoesneed to beperfectlyripe andjuicy for this recipe to work.
Serves 4
•1 poundpasta – Any kind,but I gravitateto capellini
•1 tsp kosher salt for thepastacooking water
•2 poundsfreshest, ripest,mixedheirloom tomatoesand / orcherry tomatoes, coarselychopped
•1 clove garlic,minced(optional if you don’t like raw garlic).
No jarred garlic.
•1T red winevinegar
• 1/2 cupbestquality extra virgin olive oil
• 1/4 cupdrained capers orsliced Kalamataolives orboth. No cannedolives
• 1/3 cup red onion, minced
•1 cupblanchedfresh localcorn kernels(optional)
•1 cupsmall mozzarellaballsinbrine,drained, orlarge mozzarellaballsinbrine drainedandcutinto 1/2”pieces
• 1/2 cupbasilleavesormore to taste, gentlyslicedor roughly torn.Don’t smushthem.
• 1/4 cupmint leaves ormore to taste, gentlyslicedor roughly torn.Also don’t smush.
• 1/4 cupfreshchivesormore to taste, sliced
• Saltandfresh groundblackpepper to taste
In a large bowl,combinethe tomatoes, garlic, red onion, capers, olives, corn(if using), red winevinegarand olive oil. Add saltand pepper to taste.Letsit. Bring a large potof water to a boil,add1 tsp kosher salt, andcookpastaaccording to directionsonpackage.Drain pastaandadd to bowlwiththe tomatoes, stir gently to combine.Letitcooluntilit’s at room temperature,about30minutes. Or you can chillit for 30minutesormore.
Before serving, gentlystirinthebasil,mint and chives, taste tosee ifithas enough salt, pepperandvinegar, andadjustasneeded Top withthemozzarellaand serve.
Luxurysingle family homes for sale at RiverRidgeHills by Horst andSonbuilders in Wrightsville.
Cherriesandfresh goat cheese area match madeinheavenand area great choice for adultpopsicles (butkidslike these too). For the goat cheese, I like Lindendale Farmsfreshchèvre,orLaBonne Vie isan excellent grocerystore brand. Make this recipeduringthe briefsummer season for LancasterBingcherries, or you can use the frozendark sweet cherriesin grocerystores.
Serves 4
•1 -1/2 cupslocalBingcherries, pitted,orfrozenpitteddark sweetcherries You can also substitute localblueberries
•3T granulatedsugar,divided, ormore if you like yourpopsicles sweeter
•1 cupwhole (full fat)plainGreek yogurt
•2T half-and-half
•3 oz freshplainchèvre
•1 tsp vanilla extractor 1 tsp lemon zest
Simmercherriesand 1T ofthesugar for about 5 minutes. Pourinto a bowlandput infridge to cool.
Combine yogurt, half-and-half, chèvre, vanillaorlemon zest, andthe remaining 2 T sugarandwhiskuntilsmooth. Taste for sweetness andadd a littlemore sugar if you prefer.
Usea blender to puréethecooledcherries.
Alternate cherrypuréeand yogurt mixture in yourpopsiclemolds, then swirlwith a stick.
Cover and freeze
The single familyhomes range insize from 1850 to 2806sq.ft We canalsocustomizea plan. Pricing startsinthelow 500’s. Lot sizesare from.20acres to over .33acres.
Standard features: 9’1stfloor ceilings • 6” baseboard trim •5 panel woodinterior door • 4” flat casingarounddoorsandwindows • White kitchenwithslow closepullall woodcabinetry • Quartz countertop • Tilebacksplash • Stainless undermountsink • Electric range •Garbage disposal • Luxuryvinylplank onthe1stfloorper theplan • Stainedoaktreads tocomplimentthe flooring • Carpetinallbedroomsandupstairs hallway • Insulated andpaintedgaragewith custom builtbenchandpegboard• Smartapp beltdrivengaragedooropener • Singlehung windows • 12 x 12 concrete patio
KellyJ Corbin, Realtor, ABR,CSP Iron Valley RealEstate ofLancaster 717-201-4868
Thisentrée saladishighlycustomizablebased onwhat you can findin farmstandsandmarkets, orin yourfridge. Almost everythingisoptional, so feelfree to improvise. Even thetunaisoptional,sincethe recipealso hashard-boiledegg for protein.
Serves 4
•1 or 2 canstuna(7 oz. size)packedinolive oil, drained, or 1 seared sushi-gradetunasteak, very rare, sliced
•4 hard-boiled eggs
•4 ormore anchovies, preferably salt-packed, rinsed
•4 ripelocal heirloom tomatoes, sliced,oranequivalent amount of cherry tomatoeslike sun golds, halved
•A smallcucumberpeeledandcutinto half-moonslices
• 1/4 of a small red onion,thinlyslicedagainstthe grain
• 1/2 cup pittedNiçoise or Kalamataolives
• 1/4 cupbestquality extra virgin olive oil
•8 smallishnew potatoes, cutinto 1”cubesor wedges
•A bighandfuloffreshlocal greenbeansorharicot vert, stems removed
•A few basil leaves, tornorslicedthinly
• Salt(preferably Maldon)
• Freshlygroundblackpepper
Puttheeggs in a potofcold water, bring to aboil,thenturnoffthe heat. Put a lidonthepotand letsit for about 7 minutes for almostjammy eggs, orlonger if you like the yolks harder. Drain and cover inice water, for about 10 minutes, then peelandcutinquarter wedges. Bring a potof salted water to a boil, toss inthebeans, leave in for no
more than1 minute, usea smallstrainer to fishthemoutand spread on a pan to cool.
Add the cut-up potatoes to thepot, drain whenjustcooked,also spreadout to cool.
Setout fourlarge plates. Portionouttheingredientsequallyonthe plates, withtheeggs, tunaandanchovieson top. Sprinkle saltand pepper overthe top, anddrizzle wellwitholive oil.
I love to makeafreshaioli toserve ontheside.It’sa bitof a hasslebut totally worthit – aioliisluxurious andindulgent andtransformsthe salad niçoise,butit too isoptional:
•1 freshclove garlic
• Salt to taste
•1 freshlocalegg yolk
• 3/4 cupbestquality extra virginolive oil
Mashthe garlic with a mortarandpestlewith a goodpinchof Maldon salt
Add theegg yolkinto themortar and whisk together. If yourmortar is too small,usea smallbowl.Slowlyaddtheolive oilwhilewhisking. At first, theoil needs to beaddeddrop by drop froma spoon, then a very thinstream.Once you’ve got about 1/4 cupoftheolive oilsuccessfully emulsifiedwiththeegg yolkand garlic, you can streamintheoil a little faster.
Put a big dolloponthesideofeachplate.
ummerisfinallyhereand, formostofus,that meansmoretimeinthesun—whetherit’s relaxing at thepool, vacationing at thebeach, hikinga favoritetrailordigginginthe garden.
Allthatoutdooractivityisa goodthing.Our bodiesneedsunlight. Ithelpsusproducethe vitaminDthat keepsourboneshealthy, prevents disease,lowers bloodpressureandimprovesour overallmental well-being.Butthere’s onepartof ourbodiesthatneeds some extralove and attention whenitcomes to thesummersun:ourskin.
We’re exposingmoreskin, so we want it to lookitsbest.Buttheopposite canhappenwith overexposure.AllthoseUV rays that promote healthyvitaminD canalso causesunburn,skindamage andskin cancer.
So,what’sthe solution? Enjoyahealthyoutsidelifestyle whileprotecting yourselffrom harmfulUV rays, saythe experts at DermatologyPhysiciansInc. Mostimportantly, schedule avisitwithDermatology Physicians,where you’llfind afullsuiteofmedicaland cosmetic services to keep your skinhealthyandlookingitsbest.
Suburban Pavilionandin WillowStreet,near Willow Valley Communities.Italsooperatesa MohsSurgery Centeron HarrisburgPike forskin cancertreatment.
DermatologyPhysiciansoffersafull range ofmedical services,includingdermatologic surgery,in-office excisionofskingrowthsand skin cancers, andtreatmentofacne,psoriasis, eczema, warts, rashes,hairloss, andmany other conditionsofthehair,skinandnails.
Thepracticealso providescosmetic dermatology services at theLaser&Skin Care Center at itsOregonPikelocation.They can keepskinlookingitssummerbestwithlaserhair removal,andcounterthe effectsofsundamageand agingwithchemicalpeels, intensepulselightand fractionallasertreatments. Other servicesinclude Botox,injectablefillers, laserskin resurfacing, Thermitreatments for smoothingskin,SculpSure fat removal,DermaSweep microdermabrasion, microneedlingandother medicalgradeskincare facials.
Dr. Robert Roschel establishedDermatology PhysiciansInc.in1970on LimeStreetindowntownLancaster.Soonafter, he wasjoined by Dr.Richard HerschaftandDr. George Groleau.Dr. PatriciaGroleaujoinedthe groupin2016. Thepracticenowalsoincludesone additionalboard-certifieddermatologist,aboardcertified Mohssurgeonandaboard-certified dermatopathologist, fourphysicianassistants and twocertifiednurse practitioners specializing indermatology.
Thepracticeopeneditsfirst satelliteoffice onState StreetinEphratain1980.Ithassince expanded to conveniently servetheneedsof patientsthroughoutLancaster County with locationsintheStoneMill Corporate Center, onOregonPike,theLancasterGeneral Health
However, thebest way to ensure yourskinstays healthyandlookingitsbestis to protectitand stayvigilant —notjustinsummer,butall yearround.Checkskin regularly at home forsignsof anythingunusualsuchasneworchangingmoles. And scheduleanannualvisitwithadermatologist —moreoftenifmonitoringareasofconcern.
DermatologyPhysiciansInc.hasbeena stapleinLancaster County formedicaland cosmeticskin care for over50 years, offering comprehensive care at anaffordableprice for patientsofallages,beginning at birth.
To scheduleanappointment, call 717-392-6267 formedical care or 717-824-3007 fortheLaser&Skin Care Center. To scheduleonline,visit
Limit exposure duringhours ofpeak sun intensity, between 10 a.m. and2 p.m.
Wearprotective clothing,including hats, sunglasses, longsleevesand pants,when possible.
Applya sunscreen withan SPFof30or highertoall exposedskin.
Reapply sunscreen every two hoursormore frequentlyif swimmingor sweating.
Whenitcomes to providingcosteffectiveanesthesia solutions, NicholasLambrosand Jonathan Weaverhave showntheyareaheadofthe curve.
Bothare Certified Registered Nurse
Anesthetistsand foundersof Pennsylvania Anesthesia Coalition,aprivateindependent CRNApracticebasedin Wyomissing. PACprovidesfullanesthesia servicesand staff forambulatorysurgerycenters and care centers throughoutSoutheastern Pennsylvaniaandinto Delaware.When hospitalsand facilitiesareshortstaffed, PACfulfillsthose schedulingneedsand providesunmatchedquality care fortheir patients.
Traditionally, anesthesia was administered inthe U.S. by ananesthesiologist, a medical doctorspecializinginanesthesia care There wasa federal requirement for CRNAs to practiceonly underphysiciansupervision.
In Pennsylvania,a CRNAis required to practicewith a doctor – butthatdoctor does notneed to specialize inanesthesiology. A CRNAthat practicesunder a surgeonthat ownsorruns a surgerycenter can provide the samesupervisionasananesthesiologist. For
a center looking to reduceanesthesia costs andimprove thebottom line,theCRNA-only model is a greatfit.
Far from a foreignmodelintheindustry, theshift wasfirst introducedinthemilitary whenitbecamedifficult to findenough anesthesiologistswilling toserve onthefront lines.
Jon andNickaskedthequestion:IfCRNAs couldadministeranesthesia withthe same patient safety outcomesincombat, why not at home?
Thelongtimecolleagues founded PAC in2019because they saw the valuable knowledge and experiencethat CRNAs couldindependentlyprovide.Soonafter, thepandemicprovedtheirpoint When demand for anesthesia care was high and anesthesiologistsbecame scarce,CRNAs steppedup to thefront linesandshowed they couldprovidethe samequality of service.
PACmaintainsaCRNA-onlymodel,withup to 40providers.
“Ourmodel worksbecause we canoffer multiple solutionsandstepin at full capacity to immediately serviceany
customerneed. We arenotacookiecutter anesthesiagroup,” Jon explains. “Weshow centers how we can save themmoneyand offermorecost-effective solutionsthana physician-ledmodel.”
While PAC canoffersignificant cost savings, theychoosestaffwith extreme care Many arethebestofthebest,with15-20 yearsof experience.“Healthcareislikeanyother industry,” Nick says “You getwhat you pay for. With PAC you get top-of-the-line, reliable servicewithasterling reputation. Yourpatientsareinthebesthands,and we’ll take care ofthemtheright way. We aren’ta large nationalagencythat overpromisesand underdelivers. With PACin your facility, you getwhat youneedwhen you want it at a fair price.”
BecauseNickand Jonarebothanesthesia providersthemselves,theyunderstand exactlywhattheirstaff experiences, andtheystrive to providethemwiththe appreciationand respectthey maynothave receivedinalargerhealth system.Their providersenjoy working for PAC, andthe centers they workwithappreciate that positivity.
“We’re so grateful to beintheposition we are,and we’reinthatpositionbecauseof
Unmatched Patient Experienceand Physician Satisfaction
thepeople weworkwith,” Jon says.“It’sthe quiet secret to oursuccess.”
Collaborationandpositivecultureare nottheonlyingredients forsuccess. PAC providesunparalleledpatient experience andphysician satisfactionintheoperating room.Asproviders, Nickand Jonoffer auniqueperspectiveonenhancing performancestandardsandoptimizingthe revenuecyclesofmedicalcenters
PACprioritizespatient experiencefrom start to finish.They have a teamoftrained experts to providea safe andcomfortable environment fortheirpatients,enabling surgeons to performcomplex operations withprecisionand care
PAC workswithBerksPlasticSurgery in Wyomissing,oneofthefirstclients willing to trytheCRNA-onlymodel.Others includeBerksOralSurgeryandBerks Center forDigestive Health.They ’realso hoping to expandtheirlocal reachand grow inLancaster County. “Wearelooking forcenters seekingalong-term,mutually beneficialpartnershipthat canhelpgrow theirpractice,”Nick says Asamulti-specialtypractice, Pennsylvania Anesthesia Coalition workswithcenters thatprovide everythingfrom general case specialties to orthopedics,plasticsurgery andoralsurgery.They canadministerany typeofanesthesia yourpatientsneed.If you
arelooking foratrustedpartner to provide cost-effective anesthesia solutions, skilled professionalstaff,and excellent service,find outmore at,or callor text 610-988-6060.
41 Pacific Ave, SinkingSpring, PA
EdFostermaybetheman inchargeat Lancaster Airport,butheplans to bejusta regularpassengerwhenBreeze Airwaysmakesitsinauguralnonstop Lancaster-to-Orlandoflightin October. He’s alreadybookedhis roundtripfirst-class“Nicest”ticket for$442, so he can seethe experience localtravelerswillhave firsthand.
“ThatislessthanIjustpaid fora coachticket to Nashville,” says Foster, executivedirectorofLancaster Airport,whichannouncedearlierin thespringthatit wouldstartoffering nonstopflights to Orlandobeginning this fallthroughBreeze,alow-cost airlinebasedin Utah.
Introducingflights to Orlando wasn’t necessarily somethingLancaster Airport wanted to do,he says.It’s generatingmore workbutnotalotof revenue foranairportthat’salready thethirdbusiestinthestate based
ontakeoffsandlandings. “Wehave a veryleanstaff,and we doagreatjob,” Foster says.“The reason we’redoingit isbecausethepublic wantsit.”
Airlinetravelisbooming nationwide,withagrowth rate of 10%-14%per year,he says.Where 60%-70%ofthattravel was for businessbeforethepandemic,those numbershave droppedconsiderably. Thegrowthisinleisuretravel-and LancasterAirport’s serviceareaisno exception.
In2023, LancasterAirport commissionedconsultant Mead& Hunt foranair servicestudythat includedLancaster County and partofBerks County. Forthe over 800,000peopleinthatstudyareawho saidtheytravel every year,Orlando wasthe topdestination.Over 3,000 reportedhaving secondhomesin Florida.Demand fornonstop service closer to home wassignificant.
On average,427peopleperdayin LancasterAirport’s catchmentarea travel to Orlando,andthattravelis not seasonalbut fairly regular year-
round, Foster says.Ofthatfigure, 102 aretraveling by air,andtheyareusing otherairports.
“Youshouldn’thave to spendtime, tollsand gas togosomewhereelse,”he says,notingtheairportfrequently gets callsaskingaboutdirectflights. “We’re trying to take care ofpublicdemand.”
Currently,travelerswho want to get to OrlandofromLancaster can takeanine-seatturbopropplanevia SouthernAirwaysExpressand catcha connectingflight at eitherPittsburgh or WashingtonDullesairports. ThatwillallchangeinOctoberwith nonstopjet servicefromBreeze.
Here’s all youneed to knowabout flyingoutofLancasteronBreeze: Theconvenience: Departing from yourhometownairportwill save time,moneyandheadaches. You’llbe gettingprocessedwith125-135other travelers,ratherthanthousands.Plus, theparkingisfree.
Theflights: Except forthefirst flighton Tuesday, Oct. 8, regular flightswillrunThursdays and
The newest, nicest waytofly nonstop
Sundays.Theplanewillarrivein LancasterfromOrlando at 7:30 p.m. anddepartagain forOrlandoaboutan hourlater.
Theplanes: Breeze Airways, whichbegan servicein2021,flies theAirbus220-300,a137-passenger jet.Breeze hasafive-yearpurchase orderwithAirbusthat willgiveita newplaneofftheassemblylineeach month, Foster says.Breeze currently has90planesandwilladd 37 more.
Theexperience: Breeze hasbeen rankedamongthe topfive domestic airlinesinthe U.S forthelast two years by Travel+Leisuremagazine. Theairlineoffersthreeclasses-Nice, NicerandNicest. Ticketsmaystart aslowas$79,butprices canchange basedondemand.Theairlineoffers flight attendants,as wellasbeverage and food serviceandinflight Wi-Fi.
Howtobook: Breeze doesnot offerphoneassistancebuthasagreat onlinepresence, Foster says To book aflight, visit You’ll have to create aBreezy Rewards Accountbeforepurchasingaticket.
ro so i onne ions o spiri i o birders e n re sons o o e eir obby
na recent Saturday afternoon in some fields northof Brickerville,30or so people fromlittlekids toseniors— hike along a rustictrail,occasionallystanding still to listen for the songof a bird.
Somelook at theircellphones to consult Merlin, a bird-callidentificationapp
Others heave large pairs ofbinoculars up to their eyes, searching for thethrushor warblerororioletheapphas suggestedis nearby.
Suddenly,a sandhillcrane flies overhead The sight ismet by appreciative “oohs” fromthecrowd onthe ground.
Even at a distance, you can tellit’sa sandhillcrane,thebirdingleader, Vince Panatellaof Manheim Township, tellsthe group, because it extendsitsneckasit flies Whenherons fly, headds, they scrunch theirnecks up
Thisisthe86-year-oldLancaster County Bird Club, andthebirdingcommunity it represents, in a nutshell.It’s passionate, knowledgeable, experiencedbirders, who know allaboutbird necks andbird calls, teachingneophyte birders how totell a cedar waxwingfrom a tuftedtitmouse.
Here at theMiddleCreek Wildlife Management Area, thebird clubled two birding walks during a recent Migratory Bird Day event on a May Saturday.
Before theday was out,a whiteboard in thevisitors center wasfilledwiththenames ofspeciesthat bird clubmembers helped novicebirders spotandidentify inthe trees, fromthe telltale“witchity, witchity, witchity” songof a common yellowthroat to the “sweet, sweet, I’m so sweet” callofthe yellow warbler
“Birding reallyis a hobby that has a low barrier to entry,” says Ted NicholsII, ofAnnville,thepresident oftheclub foundedin1937 and thought to betheoldest continuouslyoperatingindependent bird clubinthecountry
“Mostanyonewhocomes to oneofour events, ifthey want toseea bird, I ca take you outsideandwithin 10 minutes, you’ll seea bird.
“Thekindness andhelpfulness ofthe peopleinthisclub you come to a meeting and,justlikea motherbird,there are birders whowillput you undertheirwingandhelp developaninterest,” Nichols says “Thisis a wonderfulcommunity,” board memberKim Morelockof Mount Joy says “Ihave made so many lifelongfriends...and travelpartners”through birding. Mike EplerofMiddletown isoneofthose helpfulbirders. Epler, whoisskilled at “birding by ear,” accompaniestheclub’s fieldtrips, listening for birds, using Merlin (hosted by Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab) to record andidentify soundsofbirds notvisible,and explainingbirds’coloring and songs for new birders inthe group Birdingis “something you can doon your own, you can doitin a group It’s whatever you want it to be,” Epler says He enjoys the “citizen science”of logging allspecies he seeson Cornell’s eBird app, through whichmany birders keeptheir “life lists” ofspeciesthey’ve seen – andwhere the university collectsdataonwhere andwhen bird speciesare spotted.
o e forn re
Many LancasterBird Clubmembers say they fellinlove withbirds, andnature in general,through Scoutingor a naturelovingparent or grandparent whenthey were kids
Barbara Hunsberger, ofEast Hempfield Township, was the formerbird club president for 12 years, andisstillonthe board.
Afterlearningaboutbirdsfromher grandmother, Hunsberger later fellinlove withthehobby whensheandherhusband took a naturalist’s noncreditclass in birding.
“I’ve seen a realincrease ininterestin birding,” she says, “andit seemslike there area lotof youngerpeople gettinginto it, startingwith school-age kids.” Shebelieves a lotmore peopleembracedthehobby duringtheearlymonthsoftheCOVID-19 pandemicas a way to get outside.
Did you know there are annuals, perennials,& shrubs that you can plant to provideshelter or food for birds?
• Sunflowers
• Coneflowers
• Winterberr y
• Vibur num
• Ser viceberr y andmore!
Yourlocalsource forbird feed, birdhouses,and feeders! visit forhours andlocations
PHOTOS“Theoutdoors is really my therapy— my stress reliever” Hunsberger says
BarryGrimecy,a retired retailproject managerwholiveson 7 acresinQuarryville that he’s turnedinto a preserve, says birding changed hislife when he put a bird feederin hisbackyard at age 9, in1959 He joinedthe bird clubin1967,
“I’ve traveled to allthecontinents,” he says, andhas seenthousandsofbird species aroundthe world.
“Threeof my grown childrenare now birders,” Grimecy says, alongwithhis grandchildren.
Morelocktakesher grandkidsbirding,as well.
“It’s sogood for yourmentalhealth,” she says. “There’s nothing I love more than going outinto the woods, evenifI’m by myself, it’s themost’s justtheimmersion innature.”
Nichols, whoisinthemilitaryandalso works inpublic relations for the federal government, got into birdingwhenhe was assigned to write about agroupofbirders visiting FortIndiantown Gapa decadeago. Bythetimehefinishedtheassignment, he was hooked. He bought binoculars, and soon accompanied a birder friend to the Conoy WetlandsPreserve.
“Thefirstbird I saw wasa pronthonotary warblerdownthere,” he says. “Birders love warblers,”
Sandra Christian,wholivesin Mount Joy, right neartheentrance to LittleChiques Park,is a new memberofthebird club, thoughnotnew to birding.
“I’ve beendocumentingthebirds[inthe park] for thepast 10 years or so, andI’m up to 118different species,” she says “It’sa healthy addiction,because it gets you outinnature andmakes yourbody feel better,” she says.
Christiandocumentswildlife on a YouTube channel called“BirdsandCritters ofLittle Chiques Park.”
“Istartedbirdingbecause ofthegreat horned owl that nestshere,” she says. And shehasjoinedthebird club to find resources for protectingthebirds oftheparkas a new housingdevelopment isplannednearby.
partnershipswithotherconservationmindedorganizationsinthe region.
Nicholsnotestheclubhasmany members fromthePlaincommunity, whoare often thefirst to spot rare birds intheareabecause they spend so muchtimeoutinnature.
piri onne ion
On a damp, muddySunday onthetrails and wet grass oftheMillport Conservancy, DougAnderson,anartistand retired teacher fromnearby Lititz, leads a smallbirding group, ranginginage from 9 to 66
Anderson got interestedinbirdsthrough hikingwithhis familyas a child,andthrough Audubonbooks fromthelibrary sincehe was interestedin bothartandbirds
A red-wingedblackbird flies by, trailing nestingmaterialinitsbeak.The soundof a Baltimore oriolerings alongthetrail,but sightings ofitsorange feathers are elusive.
Onthetrailare CooperLindeofLancaster andhis son Henry, 9, who saythey love looking for waterfowl like woodducks, kingfishers, ospreys andgreenherons
Linde says hislove for birdingis a kindof spiritualconnection.
“A clear way that God is speaking to usis through thebirds,” Linde says “I feellike it’sa way to understandGodand Hisinteractionwithhumanity. You see that many timesintheBible.Godspeaks to humanity through birds, whetheritbe Noah andthearkwiththedoves andthe raven,or ...where Jesusisbaptized,thepresenceof a dove.”
Nichols sayssomespeciesofbirdsare in trouble fromenvironmentaldangers. And thebird clubstands ready to helpprotectthem.
“It reallyis a warning to our future,”
Nichols says “Birds reallyare the canaryin thecoalmineas far aslife here onEarth.”
“I foundtheLancaster County Bird Club to be a great place to meetcivilizedand caringpeople,” Grimecy says “And I findin a world today ofchaosanddysfunction, that has a calmingeffectanditgivesme faithin humanity.”
b e bers
Nichols says theclub, whichhasabout400 members, meetsthe secondThursday of eachmonth,either at MiddleCreekorthe NorthMuseuminLancaster, to swap stories ofbird sightings andhearan experttalk about a topicaffectingthe birds
Theclubalso runsbirdingfieldtripson weekendsinbetween,Nichols says. Annual dues range from$10 to $40; you don’t have to be a member toattendmeetings ormostof the weekendfieldtrips
Nichols says hisprioritiesasclubpresident are to diversify theclubmembership, attract youngerboard members and form
Tips for beginning birders
If you’dlike to take yourappreciationof birds to thenext levelandstartbirding, Sarah Gotwols,wholeadsbeginnerbird walks for boththe Lancaster Bird Clubandthe Lancaster Conser vanc y, and Lancaster Bird Club President TedNicholsIIoffersometips.
Gotwols recommendsbuyingafieldguide to birds,specificallyeither for Pennsylvaniaor for theeasternUnited States.
Nicholssaysthe twomostpopular ornithologist-writtenbirdguidesareprobably the“Peterson Field Guide to Birds,” by Roger Tory Peterson,andthe“Sibley Guide to Birds,”written andillustrated by David Allen Sibley.
“You canalsodownload[birdguides]on your phone,” Gotswolssays,addingthe Audubon Bird Guideappisfree,while you’llpaya fee to downloadthe Sibleyapp.
“Thesecondstep wouldbe to open youreyes andopen yourears,nomatterif youhave binocularsornot,” Gotswolssays. “Justbeingable to gooutinto natureandtakingamoment to breatheinthespaceandlisten. Fiftypercent of birdingisdone by ear,” by listening to the birds’songs.
“Once you’re comfortablewith knowingwhere thebirdsare, you canstartobservingthemmore closely,andthisiswhereagoodsetofbinoculars comesin,” Gotswolssays.“Ido recommendgoing out to astorethathasbinoculars, andbeingable to holdthem, feelthemandmakesure theyfit yourface, yourhandsand youreyes.” Binoculars with8xor10xmagnificationshouldbeadequate forbeginningbirders,shesays.
“Firstlook at borrowingapair,” Nicholssays.If youbuybinoculars,“I wouldsay, forunder$200, people canbuyadecent pairofbinocularsthat they ’regoing to behappywith.”
The Bird Clubis “getting ready to kickoffa program at somelibrariesin Lancaster County,
wherepeople can [checkout]abirding kitthat hasadecentpairofbinoculars,” Nicholssays. Goodlocations forbirdingaround Lancaster County, Gotswolssays,include Lancaster County Park,anyofthepreser vesofthe Lancaster Conser vancy(listed atat lancasterconser vanc y. org/preser ves)andanyofthe Pennsylvania Department of Conser vationandNatural Resourcestrails(
“Birdingisoneofthemostaccessible ways that we can experiencenature,” Gotswolssays, “because you reallydon’t needanyothergear otherthan youreyesand yourears.... You cango out to aparkbenchandenjoybirding.”
AnotherfreeappNichols recommendsisthe Merlinapp,oneof two connec ted to Cornell University’s Labof Ornithology. Theapp records birdsongsandidentifieswhichbirdsarenearby.
Birdersuseanother Cornellapp,eBird, to record whatbirdsthey’veseenandwhere, and to maintaintheir “lifelists”ofspeciesthey’veseen.
Gotswols cautionsbeginningbirdersnot to put ex trapressureonthemselves by startingalife listright away
“Idon’t like to pushnewbirdersinto listing untilthey ’re comfortablewithidentification,”she says.“If you’re outand youseea Baltimore oriole forthefirsttime,cherishthat experience. Don’t worryaboutmakingalist.”
Gotwolssaysit’s agoodidea to signup forthe emailnewsletters forboththe Lancaster Bird Clubandthe Lancaster Conser vanc y, so you’llget thelatestinformationonbird walksandfield trips run byexperiencedbirders.Information canbe found at and lancasterconser vanc
Finally,joiningthe Lancaster Bird Clubor coming to someofitsmeetingsandevents,will helpnewbirderslearnskillsand connectwith otherbirders,shesays.
Nearly1,200 vehiclestakethewildlifedrivethrough MiddleCreekWildlifeManagementArea every weektoviewthediversespeciesandhabitatsand lingeratthenumberededucationalstopsinthis 6,000-acre natural gemstraddlingLancasterandLebanoncounties.
Amongthose regularvisitorsisa retiredcouplewhose vanitylicenseplatedesignatesoneofthoseeducational stops.It’swhere they firstmetmany yearsago.
“Ilike tosayMiddleCreekisnotonlyanecosystemfor wildlifeandplants,butit’s likeahumanecosystem,”says environmentaleducationspecialistBrant Portner.“Forso many people,it’s apartoftheirlife.”
Established over50 yearsagoandmanaged by the PennsylvaniaGameCommission,MiddleCreekisoneofthe mostuniquegamelandsinthestate, Portnersays.
“ We have alotoffields,grasslandsandopenareasthat providehabitatsforalotofuniquespecies,” hesays.
Diversity—notonlyinwildlifebutalsoin experiences —isoneofthethingsthatmakesMiddleCreeksospecial. TheinteractiveVisitorsCenterhosts regularmonthly programsfrom FebruarythroughDecemberona variety oftopics,fromtroutfishingtoArctic raptors. Outdoor explorerprogramsheldonSaturdaysofferfamily-friendly experiences. Wednesday eveningtalksintheauditorium
PHOTO BY JENNYALTHOUSEtendtobemoreintellectualinnature.
MiddleCreekalsohasnumerous recreational opportunities,includinghuntingandfishing.Andthosewho lacka keeninterestinbirdsormammals canstillenjoy20 milesofhikingtrails.
Whilethereare waystoenjoythenaturalbeautyofMiddle Creek everyday,therearealsoseveralspecial events worth checkingout:
Friday-Sunday, Aug.2-4
Startedinmemoryofartistandnaturalist NedSmith, theWildlifeArtShowfeatures workfromartistsacross Pennsylvania,bothforshow andsale.Thereisalsoan artwork raffle.In recent years, theselectionhasgrown toinclude wood carvingandotherformsofart.Andwith theadditionoftheConservationHeritageMuseumatthe VisitorsCenter,theshowhas expandedinsizeas well. Whiletheartshow isheldindoors, the eventalsohasan outdoorcomponentthatincludesfoodtrucks, educational stationsandotheractivities.
Saturday, Aug.31
This5Krun /walkalongMiddleCreek’swildlifedriving tour routeistheperfect wayto getsome exerciseand benefitconservationefforts.There’s ahalf-milefun raceforkidsandprizes, too. Proceedsbenefitthegame commission’shabitat work.
Sunday, Sept. 22
Gearedtoward huntingandfishingenthusiasts, this family-friendlyannual eventisagreat wayforkidsto get somehands-on experiences. Seefishupcloseinatrout trailerorvisit over35 vendors offeringeducationandlive demonstrations,includingflytying, falconryanddecoy carving.Otheropportunitiesincludearcheryshootingand simulatedtargetshooting. Admissionisfree.
Theseannual eventsareanother waytointroducethe communitytothemagicofMiddleCreek.Betweenthe recreationalactivities, educational experiencesandspecial events, Portnerestimatesthatsome150,000peoplevisit each year,includingthethrongsthatcomeinlatewinter andearlyspringto catchthepopularsnow geeseasthey maketheirmigrationnorth.
“You gettokindofchoose your ownadventurehere,” Portnersays.
PartofMiddleCreek’sappealistheelementofsurprise. It’swhysomepeoplevisitdailytotourthewildlifedrive.
You’relikelytospot red-tailedhawks, pheasantsand bluebirds,but everyonceinawhile, you’llseesomething unexpectedsuchasanAmerican woodcockorasandhill crane.Visitaroundsunsetinearlyspringand youmight have the goodfortuneofspyinga rare short-eared owl.
“Youseesomethingthat you’ve neverseenbeforeor you’ve neverheardofand you’relike, ‘Wow,thatissoneat,’and that’sthehook,” Portnersays. “You keepcomingback.”
To learnmoreaboutupcomingprogramsand eventsat MiddleCreekWildlifeManagementArea,visitthemon Facebook.
We have monthlyprogramsopen to thepublic, too! 100 Museum Road Stevens, PA 17578• 717-733-1512 •
hef John Moeller ’s culinary careerhas broughthimfullcircle.
Youmayalreadyknow thathe servedas Head ChefintheWhite House,buthisjourney to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.actuallystarted inhishometownof Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,where hedevelopedadeep
passion forcooking. Aftergraduatingwith honorsfrom Johnson and Wales College, helivedin France, wherehestudied thefundamentalsof Frenchcuisineunder someofthefinest Frenchchefs,including 2-starMichelinChef BernardLoiseau.
That experience in Franceopened unimaginabledoors, including thoseoftheWhite House.
Chef John served PresidentGeorge H.W. Bush,PresidentBill French chefs, including
Histor y.
TheGreenfield Restaurant &Bar residesinthe former homeoftheClymer family, which farmedtheland that eventuallybecame Greenfield Corporate Center.Ourbeautiful restaurantsitsrightoff of William Penn Way. Thishistorycreatesan unparalleled atmosphere for yourdining experience.
Live Music.
Stop by eachFriday &Saturdayandenjoy entertainmentfromalive pianistwhile youdine. We alsohave alivejazzband everyother Wednesdayin the Lounge.
Extend yourfine-dining experiencewithour event services!Fromoff-site catering to in-house events, wewouldlove to help you celebrate—whateverthe occasion.
Private Wine Cell ar.
Oneofthemost distinguished featuresof The Greenfield Restaurant&Bar isourhistoric Wine Cellar. Thisspacecanhostup to 12guestsandisfrequently requested forspecial occasionssuchasbirthdays, anniversaries,privateparties, etc. We wouldbehonored to serve youinourbeautiful Wine Cellar!
Former White House
Chef John Moeller createsa dining experience li kenoother.
ClintonandPresident George W. Bush,from 1992 to 2005. You can readaboutthose years andtry someofthe same recipes served to the First Familiesandtheir guestsinChef John’s book,“Dining at the White House.”
Or,justlikethose famous First Families, you canletChef John cook for yourightherein Lancaster County
AfterleavingtheWhite House,the Moellers returned to John’s hometown,wherehe wrotehisbook,started a cateringbusinessand traveledthe U.S. serving charitydinners seasoned withanecdotesofhis timein Washington, D.C.
In2018,hebegana newculinaryjourney withthepurchase ofTheGreenfield Restaurant&Bar, housedinabeautifully restored18thcentury stone farmhouseinthe Greenfield Corporate Center.Chef Johnnow managesthe restaurant alongsidehiswife, Yati Moeller,offering anupscale yet relaxed dining experience featuringlocally sourced ingredientsfroma varietyofLancaster County vendors.
TheGreenfield Restaurant&Barhas amaindining room that seats200,as well asbar seating. Now thatsummer weather hasfinallyarrived,the Greenfield’s outdoor
patiowillalsobein full swing foralfresco dining.
Forprivate events,the restaurantoffersthree smallerdining rooms. Theoutdoorpatioand adjoiningloungeare also available to rent for largerparties.
Foroff-site events,Chef Johnalso ownshis own cateringbusiness:State ofAffairs Catering.
Although Johnisabusy man, you canalmost always findhiminthe kitchen,doingwhathe lovesmost.
Thereare careers, andthenthereare careersthatmakeadifference. Justaskthe Powers,Black,Cain,andMason familieswhomadeHershey, Pennsylvania,theirhome—all fordifferent reasonsbutendedupatMiltonHershey School,wherethey workashouseparents. MHShiresmarried couplesashouseparentswhoare caregivers to the elementary, middle,orhigh school-age studentswholiveandlearnon campus.
Meet ValerieandGrant Powers
When ValerieandGrant were newlyweds,theylivedinChicago, workingfulltimeandtrying to figureouthow tobalancetheirlife andafuture family. Valerie,previouslya teacher, stepped back fromtheclassroomafterhavingtheirfirst daughter,whileGrant was workingin serviceindustrieswithunpredictablehours. It was time to focusontheirgrowing family,andtheydiscoveredajob descriptionthatincluded familytime.Jumpaheadeightandahalf years, the Powers are rolemodels fortheboys intheir student homeandtheirdaughtershave morethan12olderbrothersthey lookup to
Houseparentingwith youngkidsisappealingbecause you get to bewith yourkidsandbe available to them. Forthem,theyget to liveandlearnfrom a variety of peoplefromdifferent backgrounds,cultures, and faiths.
Meet AshleyandJonathanCain
AshleyandJonathan felt called to grow their familyand raisetheir kidswitha sense of purpose.However, theydidn’t quiteknowhow this was going to happen. After exploring fosteringandadoption, houseparentingatMHS seemed to bethebest of both worlds.They couldliveouttheir valueswhileinvestinginthelivesof students whoneedlove, care,andsupportduringtheirtimeatthe school. With youngchildren of their own,theCainsmovedfromFloridaand have beenliving by exampleandplantingthe seeds of whathealthy relationships, familydynamics, andalife of service canlooklike.
As believers, we try to lead by example. We workwith studentswhohave allkinds of differentbeliefs,andintheend,theyknowthat we arehere for themand care forthemnomatterwhat.
Meet DeepaandBrianBlack
Retirement wasjustaroundthe corner for DeepaandBrianwhen they discoveredthey weren’t ready to kickuptheir feet yet! After learningaboutanopportunity to impactthelivesof childrenfrom disadvantaged backgrounds, DeepaandBrianmovedfrom Texas, leavingtheirjobsasaneducationadministratorand corporate executive. MHS wasthenext chapter of theirjourney. Today, they usetheskillsthey gainedfromtheirprevious careers to create a fun,supportivelivingenvironment forthegirlsintheir student home.They overseethelogistics of transporting students to and from schoolandtheiractivitiesafter schoolwhilehelpingthem set goalsand work to achieve them.
We useour past experiencestoteach studentslifeskillsthatthey can take withtheminto thefuture, suchastimemanagement, cooperative relationships, andintegrity.
MeetEliseand RogerMason
Strikingthe balancebetween structureand compassionhasbeen vitalinEliseand Roger’shouseparentjourney Drawingfromtheir previous work experiences,including Rogerinmilitaryandpolice roles, they teachtheirgirlsaccountability, integrity, and teamwork. Like inmost jobs, everydayisdifferentandbringsunique challenges. However, theyhave builttheir familyand careerina like-minded community by leaningon each otherand reachingout to otherhouseparent couples forsupport.
Thisjobhasmoresupportthanany otherjob we have had. We knowthatif we pickupthephoneandpressanybutton, someonewillbequick to offer help.It’s reallya‘Hershey family’ of houseparents.
Pavingthe Wa y foraBeautifulProperty
LancasterAsphalt SystemsInc. currently servesaneight-county areawith servicesthatinclude sealcoatingdrivewaysandparking lots,power sweeping roadways, constructionsites,andcommercial businessproperties,andbuildingand resurfacing everythingfrom tennis courts to outdoortracks.
LancasterAsphalt Systemshas comealong waysince1974,when McCaskey HighSchool teacher
his sons rentedatanktruckandbegan workingprimarilyonhomedriveways.
Donald Powers startedaline-striping businessoutofthebackofthe family station wagon–with somehelp fromhis teenage sons- to earn extra summerincome.
Althoughmuchhaschangedin thepastdecade,LancasterAsphalt Systemsisstill family-ownedand verymuchdedicated to itscustomers andloyalemployees.
Inthe1980s, Wesgraduated fromcollegeandcontinued to workwiththecompanyasDon’s partner.Theychangedthename to LancasterAsphalt Systems,added severalmoreemployees,including familymembersLois Powers Class (bookkeeper)andArthur Jacobus (soon-to-be-retiredVPafter36 years)andbegan workingonsports surfaces.Later, withtheadditionof aBillyGoatpush vacuumandone Lancasterclient, a sweepingdivision wasborn.
Overthe years, thecompany expandeditsoperations,adding sweepertrucks, andadditional equipmentand vehicles.
athleticcourtsandsurfaces,and power sweeping.Whilethe sweeping divisionoperates year-round,the sportssurfacesand sealingcrews generally workspringthrough fall.
Thepower sweepingdivisionnow includes18trucksand13full-and part-timeemployees.Threesports surfacecrewsand two sealingcrews workwithina2.5-hour radius.The sportssurfacecrew willoccasionally travelfurtherand remainonlocation forthedurationofajob.
Donstartedthebusinessas Colonial TrafficService,doingonlyline stripingwith twoemployees,his sons Wesand Rob.SonDwight came to worka few yearslaterandthe company gotitsfirst sealingjob at Neffsville VeterinaryClinic.Donand
Today, afterDon retiredandthen passed away,thebusinessisfully owned by son Wesandhiswife, Bonnie.Overthe years, manythirdgeneration sons,daughters,nieces andnephews have spenttheir summers working forthebusiness.
LancasterAsphalt Systemscurrently has33employeesinitsthree divisions:pavingand sealcoating,
In2023, LancasterAsphalt Systems completed over200 sealingjobsand 115courts.Theyare scheduled to exceedthosenumbersthis season. Publicand residentialpickleball courtsareapopular focus,butthey alsodomany multipurposecourts thatinclude tennis,pickleballand basketball.
LancasterAsphalt Systems recommends redoingthecolor systemonasportssurface every six to eight years, dependingonthe conditionoftheasphalt.Driveways andparkinglotsshouldbe recoated everythree to five years foroptimal performanceandlongevity.
Whenitcomes to businesslongevity, the ownersofLancasterAsphalt Systemscite several keysto their50 yearsofsuccess: Valueloyaland hardworkingemployees. They care aboutthebusiness, too. Sixhave beenwiththecompany for over 25 yearsandfive for over 10 years. Value repeatcustomers, ofwhichtherearemany, as wellas the generalcontractorsandsubcontractors thecompanyhas workedwith overthe years. Completejobsinatimely manner,dependingonthe weather. Have an experiencedteam of expertsand strivefor perfection.
Putqualityofservice above everything.
To learnmoreaboutLancasterAsphalt Systems,visit,email or call 717-626-8788.Estimatesarealways freeand includeanon-sitevisit.
One-personelectricvehicles–bikes, unicyclesandmore–aregettingmore popularinLancasterBY MIKEALBRIGHT PHOTOS BY VINNYTENNIS
AnincreasinglycommonsightonLancastercity streets—coexistingand sometimescompeting with two-lane formationsoftrucksandSUVs —isanew generationofone-and two-wheeled vehiclesandtheirriders.
Thesedevices,slightinstatureandsingleoccupancy, comeina varietyofsizesand forms.Somearealtogether familiarwhileothers feelborrowedfromanot-too-distant futurepromisedinfilmsfromthe‘80s.Theirunique commonality? Anelectricmotor.
Traditional carmakerscrowdheadlineswithnews oftheirprogress to electrifytheirfleets,butthere’s alsoaquieterindustry catering to thosewhoprefera slimmed-downmethodofmovement. Theseelectrified devicescomeintraditional formslikebike, scooter, unicycleandskateboard—butwhichever type you prefer, you can getaround townpowered by abattery that canbechargedfromdead to fullinaboutthe same timeasacellphone.
Matt Chapman,alocalartist, teacherandbusiness owner,primarilyusesa typeofelectricskateboard calledaonewheel to commutearound town.A skateboarderfrom youth,he wasinitiallydrawn to the natural overlapbetweenthe twoafter seeing webads.
Theonewheel,asimpliedinthename,tradesin the fourwheelsonthecornersofaskateboard for onelarge,air-filledtireinthemiddleofaboard —anditpacksinquite abitmore technology that connects to hisphoneviaanapp.Thatappallows him to measureand cataloghisrides,and even has some social featuresthat canenablehim to meetupwithotherriders.
Theactualactof gettingaround,however, stillcomesfromphysicalinput.Muchlikea skateboard, youridetheboardwith your feet placedperpendicularly at eitherend,withthe tire sandwichedinbetween. No pushpower needed;simplytilttheboard forward to start themovementandtiltback to slowdownand stop. Turns requireabitofheel-toefinesse dependingonwhichdirection you want togo
“ ”
Everynowandthen we getan uncomfortable feelingthat the robotsareafterus. That isoldfogyism,andsilly to boot. People have probablybeen complaining about over-mechanizationsincethe daywhensomespeed-madgenius inventedthewheeland startedthe wholething rolling.
- LancasterNewEra,Op-Ed,1949
“Ilove justbeingoutandabout,” Chapman says.“Ibought[the onewheel]initiallybecauseI waslooking forentertainment value.” Chapmanquickly foundthenimblenessofhisonewheel to have anotherbenefit. He andhiswife recentlydownsizedfrom two cars to one—whichismoreeasilysharedthanks to theflexibilityofthe onewheel.Indeed,he rodeit to ourinterviewand ratherthanparkit outsideorchainit to abike rack,itsimplyoccupieda second seatat thetable.
Witha topspeedof 16 mphandable to travel roughlythe same numberofmilesonasinglecharge,histraveltimesarecomparable to thatofa car. He hasn’t recordedanyaccidentsorincidentswithother vehicles— somethinghe experienced twiceduringbikerides. To assistwiththat clean record,hisonewheelcomeswithanabundance of safety features,includingfunctionalheadandtaillights.Chapman addeda redundantheadlamp attached to ahelmetanduseshand signals to indicate turns.
WhileLancasterhasmadestridesontheadditionofbikelanes— Chapman’spreferred way to navigate thecity—theirusability canbe impeded by vehiclesstoppedinthelane,or by constructionprojects thatblockthemoff.Thedesignof somelanes to includeaparked car barrierbetweentheriderandmovingtraffic canposevisibilityissues.
“It seemsniceintheory,”Chapman says, “butthat gets realdicey whenitcomes to intersectionswhenI want togo straightandthe car isturning.It canbeonemore thingIhave to keepan eyeout for. One restaurant regularlydumpstheir excessiceoutinto thebikelane, so everymorningIhave to navigate aroundthat.”
Thoseareallchallengesthatlocale-bikeriderGerry Reidelknows as well.“I’dlike toseemoreenforcement to keepthebikelanes clear,” he says Reidelisa recentconvert to apedal-assistede-bike, ridingtraditionalbicyclesinhis younger yearsbeforemovingon to motorcycles.
“Istartedout by buyinga50cc scooter,” he says.“That was very good forrunningaroundthecity.” Wanting togo longerdistances eventually led to a Harleymotorcycleupgrade,but Reidelacknowledgesthat
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themotorcyclemeanttrading away the flexibilityofshort-distancecitytravel.The e-bikehepurchasedfitsthatneed well, offering fourdifferentlevelsofassisted travelthat amplifytheability to pedal naturallyup to 20mph.
“Youdon’tthinkofLancasteras particularlyhilly,” Reidel says, “butthere are some verysteephills.HillsthatI thought,‘Thisis going to beachore’,Ijust kickedupthelevelofthepedalassistandit tookabsolutelynoeffort at all.”
Alsonoteasilynoticeable wasthe fact that Reidel’se-bike wasamongthe traditionalbikesparked at thebike rack outsidethe venue.Ihad walkedright by, not recognizingitasanythingoutofthe ordinary.
“shifting”aside fromthesmall LED readoutonthe handlebar.
Theassistance wasthere, butlessinthe feelonthe feet andmoreasif someone wasgiving youa lightboostfrombehind.
Innotime,I washooked. My shorttrip went longerthanintendedandIhad to makeaconsciousdecision togo back beforealarmed textscouldbe sent.Iparked at the rackandthanked Reidel forthe opportunity to takethee-bike fora testrun. I’dbe remiss tosaythatIhaven’t complainedaboutthe over-mechanization ofthings, butwhetherI care foritornot, thereare somemad geniuses ventingthewheel outthere.
At hisurging,I rodeitaroundthe block,enjoyingthepeaceofa beautifulspring evening.I expectedamoredramatic differenceinthe wayit rode,or to encounteranew methodofinput to control thepedal-assist.Butaside frombeingabitbeefier than my 21-speed at home, theride felt reassuringly familiar.
Thebikedoesneed to beturned oninorder to activatethefivelevelsof assistancewhich rangefromoff to “turbo,” whichisnowhereneartherubber-burning experiencethename wouldimply.Shifting betweenmodes feltlikeasmoothgradient, allowing you to pedalnormallywithno discernibleindicationthat you were
Andit would besilly to go onbeing uncomfortable aboutit.
Wh yI
love wh at I do
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