6Home Katina Kauffman
Are youterrifiedwhen youopen your closet door? Here are sometipsto getthat messorganized.
14 Wellness KevinStairiker
We takealookat“salt rooms”-anewtrend witha varietyofpurportedhealthbenefits.
22Art —MikeAndrelczyk
Meet alocal couplewhohave combinedtwo typesof Pennsylvaniafolkarttocreatea newform.
30 Food —MaryEllen Wright
We talk cookieswitha womanwho started a bakingblogafter retiring fromacareer in computers.
36 Travel —MaryEllen Wright
Lookingfortheperfectspooky season road trip? Tr ySleepy Hollow, New York,homeof theheadlesshorseman.
2 | BALANCE | October 2022 Visitouronlinegallery to findgreatsavingsonqualityfurniture worth ravingabout! 230S FAIRMOUNTRD,EPHRATA | MARTINSFURNITURE.US | 717.354.5657 CUSTOM HANDCRAFTED th at la st lastssa a Lifetime CONTENTS
14 6 30 36 Photocredit:Jim Logan 22 Photocredit:BarbaraHall
Selling yourbusinessisoneoflife’s mostimportant events. It can meanthe differencebetweenlivingthe retirement you’ve alwaysdreamedaboutorsettlingfor a lifestylethatislessfulfilling.
At Regal WealthAdvisors, exitplanning forsmallbusiness owners is a crucial partofour financialplanningand wealth management services Ourprimary goal istomake sure thatsmallbusiness owners are personally,financially, andemotionally preparedtomove ontotheirnext stage of life, even iftheirplanned exitisstill years away.
We usetheskillsandknowledge oftwo CertifiedExitPlanningAdvisors (CEPA), Mike Zimmerman,President and Founder, and John Packer, SmallBusinessDirector, tohelp you grow the valueof yourmost important investment.Mike and John share decadesofcombined experiencein wealthmanagement andsmallbusiness consultingandhave beentrainedand certified by theExitPlanningInstitute (EPI).
Theapproach we usetohelpbusiness owners maximizetheirbusiness’s value isbasedonEPI’s ValueAcceleration methodology. Thisis a proven process
thatenablessmallbusiness owners totake controloftheirdestiny. Below area few key featuresofthisapproach.
• ValueAccelerationis a continuouspursuit ofstrategic valuebaseduponprioritized actionplansthatserve as a roadmapto increasebusiness value.
• ValueAccelerationisalso a continuous pursuitofnarrowingthe ValueGap The ValueGapisthedifferencebetween your business’s actual valueanditspotential
valuethat can beachieved under Value Acceleration.Thatis, ValueGap = (Potential Value Current Value). Value Acceleration’s mainpurposeistoclosethe valuegapand,intheprocess, move business owners toward a fulfillingpost-exitlife.
• Ourprogramfocusesonincreasingthe valueof a company’s intellectual capital, because80%of a company’svalueisderived fromitsintangibleassets.
• Finally, researchshowsthatan owner’s personaland financial readinessto exitimpactsthebusiness value. Value Accelerationis a holisticapproachthat, yes, focusesonenhancingbusiness performance,butitalsousespersonaland financial readinessscoringtoolstocompute overallbusiness value. To the extent that owners are not yet personallyand /or financially readyto exit, we developaction plansdesignedtoimprove thesescores— andtherefore business value.
We invite you tocontactouroffice at 717-838-3178 andschedulean appointment tolearnmore about how our exitplanningprocess can become both a crucialbusiness strategy and integralpartof yourlifeplanning.
190 COCALICOCREEKRD| STEVENS, PA 8| 750| SARASOTA,FL34236|941-263-2503 REGAL -W EALTH. CO M MichaelZimmerman, M.Sc IAR Presiden t& Fo unde r —ADVERTISINGFEATURE— 90 COCALICO CREEK RD | STEVENS, PA 17578 | 717-838-3178 • 1990 MAIN ST. SUITE 750 | SARASOTA, FL 34236 | 941-263-2503 Securitiesofferedthrough J.W. ColeFinancial,Inc. (JWC),MemberFINRA/SIPC. AdvisoryServicesofferedthrough J. W. Cole Advisors,Inc. (JWCA). Regal Wealth AdvisorsandJWC/JWCAare unaffiliated entities. Regal Wealth Advisors’ ExitPlanning Servicesfor SmallBusiness Owners: ExcellentBusiness Strategy for TODAY October 2022 | BALANCE | 3
Thecoolairinthemorningshasalready startedas I write thisinlate September.I usuallydon’tlook forward to thistimeof year, butasidefromdreadingturningtheclocks back, I amlooking forward to chilidinnersand weekend cookie experimentswith my daughter
We always make sure to have a jaroffresh baked cookiesinthehousethroughthe cooler months,andoneofourmost favorite is“My Favorite CreamCheeseChocolate Cookies,” andit comesfromBarbara,the cookielady, who you willmeetonpages30-31.Inaddition to thedeliciousness inthisissue, we also touch onsalttherapy for wellness, a perfectlyspooky falltrip to Sleepy Hollow, a freshspinonclassic FrakturandScherenschnitte, and my personal challengeof a lifetime closetorganization! Maybe by next fall I willhave somekindof method tomy closetchaos. We hope you learn ortrysomethingnew after readingour fall issue Thank you somuch for takingthetime to lookthroughBalance. I wouldlove to hear your thoughtsonthisissueorideas for articles! Feelfree to emailme at lmccallum@lnpnews.com.
President: CarolineMuraro
Editor-in-Chief: LindseyMcCallum
ArtDirection: Andrew Albright
ContentEditor: Jed Reinert
Design: JennyAlthouse,KrystalHummer,AllieMiller, Amy Rodriguez,Bailey Watro
Photography: Andrew Albright, Vinny Tennis, Quinn Staley
Writers: Mike Andrelczyk, Margaret Gates, Katina Kauffman, Kevin Stairiker, Mary Ellen Wright
AdvertisingDirector: Chris Stahl
Production: Stacey Anderson,KimBuckwalter, Erica Feltenberger,Sally Reynolds
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Copyright©2022LNP MediaGroupInc.AllRightsReserved.
Theuniqueartworkof Pamand JohnHults combines Frakturand Scherenschnitte,two forms of Pennsylvania folkart.
4 | BALANCE | October 2022 2100 TO WN SQUARE , MANHEIM, PA 1754 5| 71 7- 664 -6 314 SUN:10am-2pmMON:CLOSED TU E- WE D:8am-2pmTHU-SA T: 10am- 7p m Mak e Hearthan d Har ro w yo ur ne w outdoordinin g spot!Enjo y ourbric k ove n pizzas, va ri et y ofburger s an d sandwic he s,our fa mo us home made ch ips,an d mo re ! Chec k outour we eklyspecialsan d orderonline: hearthandharrowbistro.com EVENTSPAC E PR IVAT E DININGROOM CATERING TA KEOUT
Portrait by Andrew Albright
Photo by Andrew Albright
LindseyMcCallum | Editor-in-Chief | LMcCallum@lnpnews.com
Fa mil y Ownedan d Operated Sin ce 1994 • steveg ro ff ma sonry.com • sg miexc avat ion.co m• 71 7-330 -2042• steve groff m asonry.com • sgmiexc m • 717-3 30-204 2 28 YearsofQuality MasonryConstruction NowOffering ResidentialExcavation Services mily Owned and Since BRICKBLOCK STONE EXCAVATION Transforming yourhouseintoa home... onebrick at a time
Fallisfinallyhere,whichmeansit’stime to swapout yoursummerclothesandmake room for your favorite seasonalstyles,includingessentialcold weatheraccessorieslikehats, scarvesandgloves. Iknowfrom experiencethatcleaningand reorganizingacloset canpresentitschallenges,bothfroma practicalandanemotionalstandpoint. Whether we’d like to admititornot,closetorganizationiskindoflike sortingthroughapileofmementosanddecidingwhichmemories to keepandwhichones to purge Maybe you’llcomeacrossthedressthat you wore on yourfirstdate with yourhusbandanddecide to keepit, evenif itdoesn’tfitormatch yourstyleanymore. Perhaps, you’lluncovermemoriesthat you’llgladlypartwith,like olduniformsfromapreviousjobthat youdespised.Whatever yoursituationmaybe,makingthesedecisions canbedifficult, butit canalsobe veryliberating.If you’re finally ready to face your closetdemonsand getorganized,hereare sometipsthathelpedme transform my spacefromadisorganizeddisasterinto aclosetthat’s bothbeautifulandfunctional.
Take itallout! Yes, Imean everything. Fromthetallestshelf to the deepestcorner,makesure to empty everynookandcrannyof your wardrobe.IknewIhadalotofstuffjammedinto my closet,but removing eachitemmademe feellikeamagicianpulling rabbitsoutofahat. Howdid I manageto fit severalcomforters, rollsofwrappingpaper(whicharenowbentand torn), andasuitcase into my tinyspace?AllI can sayisthatif yourjunk-jammingskillsareas impressiveasmineare, you’llhave thetimeof yourlifewiththis.After you’ve completely emptied yourcloset,wipedownthe walls,dusttheshelvesand vacuumthefloor. At this pointintheproject, my husbandandI typically go into evaluationmode.Thisiswhere we essentiallystare at anemptyspace forawhileandponderwhatchanges we couldmake to helpourspace reachitsfullestpotential.Silentstaringhasactuallyled tosomeofour besthomeprojectideas, so giveitatryand seewhat youcomeupwith! Withnothingbut emptyspace,ideas fororganizational systems,likeshelves,shoe racks, or evenasmall dresser, couldemerge Youmightstumbleuponanewlayoutthatsimultaneouslycreates morespaceandismorefunctional for yourneeds.Andif yourcreativejuicesare really flowing,perhaps you’llenvisionaddingasplashofcolor to yourinteriorcloset wallsora chic wallpaperpattern.
Whatdid youhave inthere,anyway? Nowthat you’ve broughtallthosetuckedaway clothesoutinto thelightduringthe “deepclean”phase, you canmoreeasily siftthrough youroutfits to determinewhichare yourmust-havesandwhich you feel ready to partwith.One by one,tryoneachitemanddecidewhether to keepit, donate it,orstoreitelsewhere.Thispartoftheprocessisabsolutelythemost difficult forme, yet very cathartic at the sametime. Finallydonatingashirtthat Ilookedhorribleinduringagroupphotosix yearsagotruly felt good.Butdeciding whether to keep formalofficeclothesthatarenolongeressentialasInow workfrom home wasmoredifficult. IfI’monthe fenceaboutwhether to keepordonate something, I’llask myselfifitstillfits well.Ifitdoes,I’llstoreitelsewhere. Toobaggyor tootight?I send it to thedonate pile.As youparedown your own wardrobe, rememberthatdoing so willleave youwith room to addnewlooksandstyles.Likewise, you can readilyshift your focus to theclothing, shoes,andaccessories you’llneed to survivethecold weatherinthe season to come.
GETORGANIZEDWITHTHESESIMPLETIPS ORGANIZED WITH THESE SIMPLE TIPS Before Consolerepurposed frommybasement Jewelry&accessorystorage Hat& glovestorage 6 | BALANCE | October 2022
Contrary to what youmay readelsewhere,thereisnotaone-size-fits-all solution to your closetclutter woes.Ultimately,thebestorganizational systemtrulywillbewhatever system worksbest for youand,ofcourse, yourbudget. Forme,I wasn’twilling to invest inaneworganizational systembecauseIknowthatthey canbequite expensive.Instead, I went treasurehuntingin myownbasement to find somethingthatcouldstore my favoritepiecesofjewelryandaccessories.Iendedup repurposinganoldconsoletable thathadbeensittinginstoragesince we movedthree yearsago. Bonus—thebottomshelf isperfect forstoring my heavysweaters andthemustardcoloraddsanicepop to my otherwiseboringspace. Maybe youhave somethingin yourbasementthatisn’tintended foracloset,buthaspotential to be repurposed?Once you’ve got yourorganizational structuresinplace,it’stime to fill yourclosetbackup.Basedon your work,lifestyle,and social calendar, youmayhave awide varietyofoutfitsandaccessoriesthatneed to coexist in yourclosetecosystem. Here isoneofthemostadaptableclosetorganizationmethods that you cantryin your ownspace:
Tiredoffinding your favorite workblousehidden among yourpajamas? Groupcategoriesofclothing togetherandneverlose another top.
Constantlydodgingshirts on yourmission to findthat go-topairofpants? Within eachcategory,assemble clothingtypes together.
Sickofsortingthrough aclosetthatlookslike adisorganizedcrayon box? Easilyfindthe shade you’reseeking by clumping colors together.
October 2022 | BALANCE | 7 Degreedinteriordesignerwith15 yearsof experience RESIDENTIALAND COMMERCIALDESIGN DESIGNSERVICESINCLUDE: Spaceplanning Interior renovations Furnitureselection Lighting Wallpaper Color/paint Windowtreatments’ Rugs Fabricselections Accessories “Kellyhasbeenajoy to workwith.She quicklypickedupon my likesanddislikes. Iappreciate hercandidhonestyandsense of humorwhensheseessomethingthatI pickoutwhich really won’t work!She’sbeen right everytime.Five stars for Kelly.” TracyG. York, PA KMINTERIORS KMINTERIORS.INFO 717.495.7411
8 | BALANCE | October 2022
Tw ic e the Be auty HALFTHETIME
Whenit comes to boringand tedious, watchingpaint dryisoftenthe example ofchoice. Butanyonewhohashad to stainor refinishtheirhardwood floorsknows there’ssomething worse.
TomDux certainlydoes.
“When youdoa standardhardwood floor,whetherit’s the stainorthe finish, youhave to waitthree to five hours forit to drybefore you canputonanother coat,” says Dux, the ownerofHardwoodFloorsof Lancaster.
Itcanthentakeup to five days forthefloor to properlycureand harden.
Duxknows ofoneclientwhouseda ladder to get to hisbedroomwhile thefloorsinhis foyer were drying. Inhis ownhome,Dux wentthrough thelengthyprocessof refinishinghis staircase every other step at atime sohe couldskip overthemashe carriedhisdogupstairseachnight.
“Ifit’s your foyeror yourkitchen, itmeans youcan’tusethatpartof yourhouse forthree to five days,” hesays Peoplewith wall-to-wallhardwood flooringtypicallymove outoftheir houseduringtheprocessandmay evenendupboardingtheirpets. They’d need to beoutofthehouse anyway due to the strongodorfrom the volatileorganic compounds (VOCs)usedinmost stainsand finishes.
It’s no wondermanyhomeowners dreadthethoughtof refinishing theirfloors.
Now, however,HardwoodFloorsof Lancasterisofferinganewmethod ofhardwoodfloor refinishingthat
promises to beagamechanger.
VestingLED-HardWaxOilisa uniquemixofoils, waxes, resinsand additiveswithNO VOCs. Whenit comesin contactwithahand-held LEDlight,thefinish completely hardensinasplit-second,leaving the woodsurfaceinstantly resilient, protectedagainstdirtandmoisture, and ready for thefurniture, kidsandpets.
“With Vesting LED,insteadof curing by air, it’s cured by LEDlight,”Dux explains.LEDis bothsaferand less expensive thanultraviolet light.
Floors refinished with Vesting LEDarenotonly beautiful,but highly resistant to wearand easier to maintain. Theproduct alsomakesitpossible totouchup localizeddamage to thefinished layer, unlikepolyurethanefinishes, wherefixingascratchofteninvolves refinishingthewholefloor.
Bestofall, VestingLED’squickacting formulameansless inconvenience forhomeowners, whotraditionallyneed to stay off theirflooruntilitproperlycuresand hardens–aprocessthatusually takesaminimumoftwo to five days
With VestingLED,theprocesscan be completedinhours. Actually, 500 to 600square feetcanbe completelysandedand refinishedin oneday, notthreedays The faster dryingtimealsomeans
youdon’thave to move allthe furnitureoutofa room.
“Youcandohalfthe room,move the furnitureanddotheotherhalf,” Dux says.“It’s immediatelydry.”
HardwoodFloorsofLancaster recentlyusedthe VestingLED technology to restoretheold hardwood flooringand staircase at the historic White Chimneys estate in Gap. Curing the stairswitha hand-heldlight allowed residents to usethem within15minutes.
“Youcancure oneortwoor three stairsand hititwithLED lightandsay, ‘Now youcango upthe stairs,’” Duxsays “That’swhy theylabelitagamechanger. Withoutanyadditional cost to the homeowner,it’s going to speedup installation. We cancurethefinish andwhen we leave itdoesn’tmatter ifthekids comeandrunacrossit. It’s alreadycured.”
Personally,I have experiencedlossofloved onestoaddiction which, veryunfortunately, isnot rare. I’ve lost my sisterto an overdose,I’ve lost a colleagueandfriendtoan overdose shortlyafter, I’ve lostmore friends, andas a doctor, I’ve lost patients Sometimes I wonderhowI will get throughtheday andfocuson myworkas a doctorspecializinginthetreatment ofaddictionas I alsomourntheselosses Eachtimethis happens,I am gently remindedofthejoy andhopeof recovery Everyday I get tomeetnew people,authenticallysharingtheir journey. I have theprivilege ofwitnessinglivesbechanged, andtomeetwithpeopleshowing examplesof finding recovery fordecades It remindsmethataddictionis a diseasebutthat we alsohave effective treatments!I’mblessed tobeabletodothis work,andit’s an honorto walkalongsidethe recoverycommunity.
—Mitchell Crawford, DO Medical Director, Specialized TreatmentandRecovery Team Director, AddictionServices WellSpan Health
MypreciousdaughterandMitch’s sister, LizCrawford,died in2015atage 25, from a heroin overdose.Thefollowing year,I was encouragedtotellherstory, so I accepted a few publicspeakinginvitationsinordertospread awareness At thetime, I didn’tknow muchaboutaddictionorany associatedgrief /loss, otherthanwhat I learnedthrough Liz’s experiencesandfrom my Naranongroup Since then, I have beenconsistentlyinvolvedincomingbeside thosewhoare strugglingintheirgriefwhilealsohopingto continuetowiden awareness.I volunteerbecauseLiz’s life matteredand I always want tohonorher, especiallyif I can helptoeasesomeone’s pain. I want tobe a modelofhopeso thatothers whohave experiencedthisloss can know that they are notaloneandthey can begintheir life-long healing journey. As a retired Psychologist,itisimportant tomethat I continuetoserve andhopefullymake animpactinthe worldofSubstance Use Disorder. Mostof myvolunteeringisdonethroughHospice/PathwaysCenterforGrief & Loss, whereI facilitate a monthlysupportgroupGRASP (GriefRecoveryAfterSubstance Passing). We willalsobe offering a free6-weekseries, “CopingwithOverdoseLoss” startingOctober 5. Inaddition, I serve ontheboard ofGOALProject,whichprovidestrainings onprevention /awarenessand supporttothosein recovery Asidefromthose volunteer roles, whenMitchand I present togetheris my mostbeloved trainingtime. We sharea bond inthislossand we trytohelp others now.
Recovery Allies impactedfriends
InLancaster County, recoveryisavitalpartofourhealthy community.About1in every8peoplehasasubstanceusedisorder, butthisisatreatablemedical conditionwith strongchancesof recoverywiththepropersupportsand resources.Lancaster Joining Forcesandmany communitypartnersare working together to prevent overdosedeathsandpromote recovery. Visit lancasterjoiningforces.org formoreinformationaboutour communityinitiatives to prevent overdosedeaths.
10 | BALANCE | October 2022
Our familystruggledwith my son’s addictionforten years. We didn’ttalkaboutitoutsideofthehouseor share what was happening even withour extended family. We went throughitalone.After my sondiedin 2014, I was determinedtohelpother familieslike ours, familiesthathadnoideahow todealwith a loved one’s addiction. We now know thatit’s notjusttheindividual that recovers; it’s the familytoo. When familymembers understandaddictionandlearnhow besttosupporttheir loved one’s recovery, thatindividual’s recoverybecomes more stable.Many timesI’ve seen familiesthat were torn apart by addictiondothehard workof repairing relationships, rebuildingtrust,andbecoming a healthy family unitagain. I amhonoredtobeabletoplay a roleinthat. When I startedthis work, I wantedtohelpotherpeople. I didn’tknow thatit wouldbecomevitalto myrecovery fromthelossof my son. To me recoverymeansliving my lifeinservicetoothers.
Stacy Emminger
Itis really wonderfulhow much resiliencethere isin humannature.Throughout my 23 years atSACA I have learnedtocultivatethetrustwithchildren,teens, and adultswhenit relatestodrug & alcohol(D&A)prevention, treatment,andthenecessarysupportthattakestheentire communitytopersevere Thenumberofpeoplesuffering fromaddictioninAmerica isastounding.Many individuals donotunderstandthataddictionis a disease.SACArecognizeditintheearly 1970’s andopenitsdoors tosupport peoplewithsubstanceusedisorders andmentalhealth. Myhopeisfor everyoneto recognizethatwithoutsupport itsdifficultforpeoplewithsubstanceusedisorders to maintainsobriety They are ourbrothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, andfriends Byjoiningforces, we can shifttheneedleto recoveryandhelpthemseethelight attheendofthe tunnel.Stoplooking over them andbecomeanally!
Sandra Valdez
andfamiliessupporting recovery
County RecoveryAlliance
Madepossible by:
In partnershipwith:
findtreatmentand recoverysupportservices,visit CompassMark at compassmark.org/find-help.CheckouttheLancaster
at lancastercountyrecovery.com for community eventsand recovery resources.
October 2022 | BALANCE | 11
Before joining Everence, Elyse Kauffmanspent 15 years infundraising roles fora variety ofnonprofits, ineach case working to support a single organization.
As a charitableconsultant for Everence Foundation, Kauff mannow gets tosee thefruits ofhertimeandtalentsmultiply, muchlikea goodinvestment. She currentlypartners with45central Pennsylvanianonprofitsand their donors, helpingindividuals maximize their generosity and helpingorganizationsmaximize theircommunity impact
“It’s reallyaninspirational position I have at Everence,” Kauffman says. “It’s joyful everyday.”
Asthecharitable servicesarm of Everence Financial,the donor-advised Everence Foundation servesas a vehicle throughwhichindividuals, businesses andorganizations can give to the causesthey care aboutmost Allmoney donated to the foundationisgiven to other 501(c)3charitiesinthefuture,as directed by individualclients
Kauffmanpartners withboth nonprofitsandtheirpotentialdonors, helpingdonors give in a way that alignswiththeir valuesand helpingnonprofitseducate their donors aboutsmarter waysto give beyondsimplywriting a check.
“We offeropportunities for donors to give giftsthat give back now, giftsthat give backlater and
GIVE WITH MEANING “We offeropportunities for donors to give giftsthat give backnow, giftsthat give backlater andgiftsthat provideincome.” ELYSE KAUFFMAN Everence Charitable Consultant Elyse Kauffman,MBA, partners withCrossNet Ministries to support their donorsinmaking plannedgifts for their variousministries. She’s pictured(left) withCrossNet’s Carl Edwards, Director of Development, andMeredith Dahl, Executive Director. 12 | BALANCE | October 2022
giftsthat provideincome,” she says.
One way to give iswith a donor-advisedfund that functionslikea charitablechecking account into whichanindividual can gift money andothernon-cashassets for animmediate taxdeduction.They can thenuse thefund to make charitablegiftsnow orinthefuture.
Anothergiving toolisthecharitablegift annuity, whichoffersa regular sourceof incomeandtaxadvantages, withthedesignated nonprofit receivingthefundswhenthedonor passes away
Inthe fiscal year2021alone, Everence Foundationclientsdonated over$158million, nationally, into charitable vehiclessuchas donor-advisedfunds, trustsandcharitablegift annuities, Kauffman says That included $25 millionfromclientsincentral Pennsylvania Inthat same year, foundationclients distributedmore than$69millionfromtheir accounts to over 3,000 U.S.-basedcharities
“Often,giftsthat comeinto the Everence Foundationare immediatelydonor-designated backinto thecommuni-
givinghave become even sincetheCOVID -19 pandemic,whenlife came to a haltand alizedthey couldnot lelyon golfoutings, galas andotherspecial events to fund theirmissions
“They had sometime to stepbackand say, ‘Why do we dothese three events every year?
Are there other things we couldbe doingthat are more vision-focusedor mission-focused that would really helpwith sustainability?’”
That’s where Kauffmancomes in, workingwith nonprofitsboth individuallyand through Everence Development Gatherings to educate themon thebenefitsof plannedgivingand theimportance ofendowments for sustainability.
Everence can also helpnonprofitswiththe complexitiesofacceptingnon-cashdonations, suchas realestate
“We comeinas a partner,” she says “We engage withdonors to helpthemmaximize theirgiftsthrough carefulplanning regarding timing,strategy and typeofasset.
Such was the case withCrossNetMinistries, a faith-basednonprofit servingtheeastern Lancaster County community with services that include a foodpantry, youthcenter, case management, mentoring,tutoring, financial education,housingprogramsandmore.
CrossNetbeganpartneringwith Everence a yearago to grow someoftheirdevelopment and advancement fundraisingpieces, says director ofdevelopment CarlEdwards. Workingwith Everencehasgiventhemtheconfidence to have conversationswithdonors aboutlegacy planningoptionslike charitablegiftannuities anddonor-advisedfunds, he says “Ourorganizationhasprimarilyjustused fundraising eventsandmajorgiftasks to fund theprogramming,” Edwards says. “As we think long term, we thinkofpotentialinour community.”
Edwards says he valuesthe sense that Everenceis walkingbesideCrossNetinits journey to helpthecommunity.
“They’ve beenhuge advocates and cheerleaders for ourorganization,” he says “We’ve beengrateful to workalongsidepeople whodon’t see usas a meansbutasan organizationthey’ve supported,backedand encouraged.”
Inaddition to helping faith-basedorganizations, Everencehelpsnonprofitsthat want to integrate their valueswith finances, recently partneringwithLancasterScience Factory to grow itsendowment fund.
“We chose Everence for many reasons their low fees, ability to sub-divideaccounts for variouspurposes, and reliable rates of return,” says EmilyLandis, executive directorof LancasterScience Factory “Butmore thananything, we decided to workwiththembecause oftheirwillingness to meetwithourboard members anddonors, at nocost to themor theScience Factory, to discuss plannedgiving arrangements to benefit ourorganization.”
Justas rewardingassupportingnonprofitsin thecommunity, Kauffman says, is helping individualsgive more generouslyand intentionallyintheprocess.
“It’s amazing to hearwhat these people want to doandwhat legaciesthey wantto leave,” she says. “We take onthat complexity for them so they can enjoy thejoy ofgiving.”
Waystogive smarter Advisoryservicesandsecuritiesmaybe offeredthroughathird-partyregisteredinvestmentadvisororregistered broker-dealerthatisnotaffiliatedwith Everence TrustCompany. Investments andotherinvestment-relatedand/or securitiesproductsarenotNCUAor otherwisefederallyinsured,mayinvolve lossofprincipalandhavenocredit unionguarantee. Everence® canhelp you reachyour charitablegoals Here tohelpyou: •Identifycharitabletoolsthat generateincome •Maximizeyourgenerosityand taxbenefits •Extendyourgenerositywith appreciatedassets Contactustoday 717-653-6662 centralpenn@everence.com oreverence.com/centralpenn. October 2022 | BALANCE | 13
Thesedays,there’satypeof therapyfor everyone.
halotherapyhasits rootsin Poland,
Andif youhappentobea
asit’sknown officially–couldbehelpful.According totheSaltTherapyAssociation,
whenDr. FelixBoczkowskidiscovered that workersinsaltmineshad farless healthproblemsthanthosemining forcoalorothermaterials.In1839, Boczkowskiopenedahealth resort outsideoftheWieliczkaSaltMine. 14 | BALANCE | October 2022
Fast forwarda scant183 yearslater, and thereare salttherapycenters allaroundthe world.Onenearest to Lancaster County isin nearby Wyomissing–TheSaltLounge,which openedin2018.
Personally,Idon’thave any respiratory issuesthatIamcurrently awareof,but some oftheothersupposedbenefits–betterskin, relaxation– were enough to makethehalf hourdrive.
Uponarrival,I wasusheredin to oneofthe SaltLounge’s twotherapy rooms.Shoescome offbeforeentry,becausetheentiretyofthe flooriscoveredinnearlya tonof rock salt. Ialsodeposited my phoneand watchinto alocker,becauseIamthe typeofperson to incessantlycheckthetime,andthatdoesnot equateto a relaxing experience.Theonetrue therapeuticaspectofthe roomisthehalo generator, whichisthemachinethatpumps out saltyairinto the room. Perhapsnaively,I assumedthatI would somehowbeable tosee tiny saltparticlesintheair,butthat wasnot the case
The saltyfloor,pairedwitha recliningchair, lightsontheceilingmeant to appearlike sparkingstarsinanightskyandambient synthandpianomusicallcombined to create aheightened senseof relaxationwithinminutes.I yawnedmanytimes,thoughnever fell asleep(ownerRachelEskin wouldlater say thatshe’shad to wake upa few overly relaxed patronsfromtheirslumberinthepast). Beyondthesupposedhealthbenefits,it struckmeasIlayinthechairhow fewopportunitiesthe averagepersonhas to simplysit inadark, relaxingspacethatisn’tintheir own home.Ipassedthetime by staring at theceiling,occasionallypickingup someofthe salt fromthefloor to letitrunthrough my hands. Muchlikeitsnon-solublecousin sand, salt can becoarse and get everywhere,butinthis case, havingitallaroundmecreatedanincredibly peaceful feeling.
“It’s all to create anenvironment for relax ation,” saidEskinduring a post-salt chat. “We tend to have more of a spavibe we have the massage here, reflexology, butthey’re putting (salt rooms)in gymsbecause it can help with
October 2022 | BALANCE | 15 LAWYER S WH O LEAD PyferReese.com A generalpracticelaw firm, more than a legal firm, a legalteam. Lancaster WillowStreet Ephrata Lancaster ’s leading comprehensivelawfirm, providessoundcounseland expertlegaladviceandsupport forclientswithmanydifferent typesoflegalneeds. 2022
athleticperformance. I know the benefits, allergy seasoniswhat brought mehere,but I try not to overpromise,because you dohave to keep comingand that’s not feasible for everyone.”
“ Itis feasible to comeif you just need to relax, you need a space to meditate, we have people that comethreetimes a week and make this theirmeditationspace.”
Eskin was firstintroduced tosalttherapy
during a vacation to Floridasix years ago. An aunt tookher to one,knowing that shedeals with respiratoryissuesherself Eskin says that her formerjob was travel-dependent, so shevisitedhalotherapy centers whenever she could along the waybefore deciding to openup her own in2018 Muchlike any other sortof therapy, there is no “one size fitsall” treatment for people, so there are peoplethat go once a month, and somethat go more than threetimes a week.
Perhapsthisfirstvisitisthestartof a saltfilledfuture for me,thoughthat remains to be seen. Inthe weekthat followed, I didn’t necessarily feelany improved lung power, but the feeling of relaxationthatI achieved there definitelystuckwithme. Justenvisioning the salt and ambient music was enough to mentally transport meright backinto the reclining chair
So, if you see mein a darkspacewith a few salt shakers, pay me no mind I’lljust be trying to replicate the feeling until next time.
TheSalt Lounge islocated at 4 Wellington Drive Suite 110, Wyomissing.
16 | BALANCE | October 2022 24 W KINGST, LA NCASTER 7 17.435.9343 |BNVIED.NET Wo men’s& Men’s Cuts,Color, Style HairExtensions BridalService, PrivateEventSuite DriftSpaatthe MarriottComingSoon! GiftCards AvailableNow! Beautyforoneandall!
BUILDING on St re ng th
Left to rightMarshall W. Snively, President andJeremy Young, Directorof Communityand Economic Development, LancasterCity Alliance.
18 | BALANCE | October 2022
In 1998, LancasterCit y& busines s leaders embarkedonanambitious plan to bringeconomicde ve lopmen t down town at a timewheninve stmen t in te re stinthecit y wa s wa ning.
Tha t planhelped re vi ta li ze Lancaster, fromstreets ca peimprove ments to $1. 5 billionininve stmentstha t includedthe Lancaster Co un ty Co nvention Ce nt er andClipper Ma ga zineStadium.
No t willing to re stonitslaurels, the cit y taskedtheLancasterCit y Alliance in2014 withde ve loping a ne w strate gy fo r economicde ve lopmen t tha t wo uld buildontha t grow th.
“W hen we embarkedoncreatingthis plan,the fo cushad to tallychanged,” says Ma rs hallSnively, presiden t ofLancaster Cit y Alliance.“It wa sn’t about‘H ow do yo u ge t people to inve stinthecit y? ’ It wa s, ‘H ow do yo u domor e thanmaintain thegrow thbut ex pandontha t gr ow th, notonlydown townbuttha t we se e economicde ve lopmen t andgrow thin theneighborhoods? ’”
LancasterCit y Allianceunve iled BuildingOnStrength, a 15-ye arstrate gic plan to dojusttha t, in2015 Now at its half way poin t, theplanissucceeding inmakingLancastercit y strongerthan ever, withanemphasison fo ur fo cus areas:
Strat eg y 1: Trad itionaleconomic deve lopment
Snively ca llsthisthe “b rick s and stick s,” orcreatinganenvironmen t where theprivatese ctor wa nt s to inve st . Amongthe go als was $1billionin private ly-ledinve stmen t, 300ne w hotel ro omsand2,500additional re sidential units
Theplanhasalready e xceeded its ca pital go al,with$1.4 billionin inve stments.
“W hat’s als o importan t abouttha t is theinve stmen t tha t we are se eingis notjust fo cusedondown town,buton areasofthecit y tha t have not se en a lot ofinve stmen t, ifany, ove r thedecades,” Snively says.
One ex ampleisPlaza Centro onSouth Duke Street ,a projectwiththeSpanish AmericanCivicAs so ciationtha t allowe d fo r busines se s alreadyintha t corridor to ex pandand fo r ne w busines se s, especiallythos e ow ned by pe opleof color, to openupshop
Strat eg y 2:Embracingthe collaborat ive economy by cultivatingentrepreneurs
Oneoutgrow thofBuildingOn
Strengthisthe Cu ltivate Lancaster Entrepreneurship Co alition, a collaborat ionof 25 re so urce pr ov iders tha t includes a we bsite, cultivate lancaster.c om,where entrepreneurs ca n acces s the to olsthe y need to gr ow andthrive– everything fromlegalandmarketing se rvices to human re so urcesandaccounting assistance.
Pre-COVID, thecoalitionheld several fo rumseach ye ar, bringing toge ther so me200-300prov iders and entrepreneurs to share ideas Se ve ra l smaller eventsare plannedthis fa ll, includingone fo r Hispanicbusines s ow ners andanother fo r wo menbusines s leaders.
Anotherdirect re sultofthestrate gic plan:the de ve lopmen t ofSouthern M a rketas a fo odhub, co- wo rkingspace andheadquarters fo r As se ts,a nonprofit tha t offers support se rvices to aspiring entrepreneurs.
Strat eg y 3:Marke tingthecity
If yo u’re wo nderingifthe wo rd is ge tt ingouttha t Lancastercit y is a grea t place to live, wo rkandinve st , looknofurtherthanthepositive pres s thecit y has go tt enin re cen t ye ars, including Ne w Yo rk Ti messtories praisingLancaster ’s fo od sc eneandthe collaborat ive effortstha t have save d the cit y fromdecline.
“W ha t smallcit y like us ca n say we ’ve beencove re d by the Ne w Yo rk Ti mes tw ice,in a positive way? ” ask s LancasterCit y Alliancedirectorof communicat ionsAnne Wi lliams Snively says themarketingsucces s speak s to thesucces s oftheother BuildingOnStrengthstrate gies And tha t, inturn,breedsmor e succes s.
“Theamoun t ofpres s we ’ve go tt en has absolutelyled to anincreas e indemand fo r re sidentialspace,increasedthe amoun t ofbusines se s looking to locate inthecit y andpeoplevisitingthecit y,” he says
Strat eg y 4:Quality ofLife
If yo u’ve admiredtheillumina te d stainedglas s andbrickwo rk at Christ Eva ngelical Lu theranChurchandthe
upda te d ext eriorof Ga ns e Apothecary at We stKingand Ma norstreets, yo u ca n thankthe faca deimprove men t program, anothercomponen t ofBuildingOn Strength.
The programhasmade 10 7 fa ca de improve mentssince2019, mainlyinthe cit y’s SoWe neighborhood.
“That’s givenustheabilit y to transform entire cit y block s and ge t them re ady fo r inve stmen t and a placewhere people ca n take prideintheircommunit y,” Wi lliams says
WhileLancasterCit y Alliance
de ve lopedBuildingOnStrengthand managesitsimplementation,itis a communit y-ow nedandcommunit ydrivenplan. Mo re than30partner or g a nizationsandcountles s vo lun te ers playa ke y ro leinmakingtha t plan a succes s, Je re my Yo ung,Directorof Co mmunit y andEconomic
De ve lopmen t says
“U ltima te ly,” Yo ung says, “t he go alis tose e per ca pitaincomeincreas e and pove rt y decreas e fo r cit y re sidents. Ac cording to the U. S. Ce nsusBureau’s American C ommunit y Survey, from 2015 to 2020theper ca pitaincomeof cit y re sidentsclimbedfrom$1 7,000 to mor e than$24,000, andthepove rt y ra te declinedfrom29percen t to 20.6 percen t.”
Now at thehalf way poin t, Lancaster Cit y Alliance,alongwithitspartner or ga nizations, istaking a closerlook at themetricsoftha t succes s, looking at it throughanequit y lens, andensuringtha t BuildingOnStrengthisempowe ringall cit y neighborhoods to be a partoftheir ow n grow th.
Wi ththa t inmind,LancasterCit y Alliancehopes to unve il a reca librat ed planne xt Ju newithanupda te d se t of go als fo r theplan’s fi nal 6. 5 ye ars
“I’d say we ’re pleasantlysurprisedtha t we ’ve metmany ofthos e go als fa r before we anticipa te d,” Snively says. “We re ally wa nt to take so metimeandlook at how thelast 7. 5 ye ars have impactedthecit y.”
Fo r more infoonBuildingOn StrengthandLancasterCit y Alliance visitlancastercit ya lliance.o rg
20 | BALANCE | October 2022
October 2022 | BALANCE | 21
I taketraditionaldesigns,but I makethem into my ownthing.I can’t copy, and I have a very short attentionspan . So I had to think of new things to dobecause that’s whatinterests me.
-PamHults 22 | BALANCE | October 2022
PamHultsandherhusband Johnare Lititz-based artists keeping two traditional Pennsylvania German folkart forms alive. They’ve combined Fraktur, an illuminated calligraphic drawing style popular in the18thand19thcenturies, with theonomatopoeic paper-cutting craftofScherenschnitte.
Theduo Pam creates the pieces and John builds and finishes theframes are breathing new life into these oldart formsnotjust by practicing and teaching them,but by puttingtheir own unique twists onthestyles insteadof letting them go stale.
“Itake traditionaldesigns, but I make them into my own thing,” Pam says “I can’t copy, and I have a veryshort attention span.So I had to think ofnew things to dobecause that’s what interestsme.”
Her innovative process ofcombining Fraktur andScherenschnitte andthen adding watercolorhas kepther interested in making her hybrid works for more than40 years. TheHultseshave been recognized for their work in publications suchas“Early American Life”andthe “Directoryof TraditionalAmerican Crafts.” They sell their work online as wellas at theOld CountryStore in Intercourse, in Virginia’s Colonial Williamsburg and in otherplaces
Pam and JohnHultsputtheir own spinon FrakturandScherenschnitte
old forms October 2022 | BALANCE | 23 WE’RE ADDING A NEW NEST! OPENOCTOBE R1 INMANHEI M 118DOERUNROAD (717) 879- 66 40 Paradise Intercourse Bi rd -in-Hand Ephrata BIHBANK.COM 717-768-8811
Pam,65and John,66, metwhilestudying at Kutztown University. Pam was studying arteducationand John was focusingon secondaryeducationandpolitical science.After graduating, Pam’s parentsgiftedherwith a Frakturclass at Landis Valley Museum.
“I was amazedandintrigued by thestyle,” Pam says
Pam says she’s beendrawing ever seen she wasa childandhadlongbeen aware ofthetraditional PennsylvaniaDutchart form,havinggrown upinLancaster County Her mothercollectedantiques, her father restoredoldhousesandhergrandparents were weavers.
“Oldpiecesof Fraktur artturn up in family biblesandchestsofdrawers,” says Pam,who ownedandoperated the MapleCroftInteriors folkartstore in Willow Streetwithhermother for nearly30 years.
TheHultses selltheir workandofferclasses ontheir website, hultsfolkart.com.Theclasses they teachare another way ofsustainingand spreadingthese traditionally regionalart forms Studentswho attendtheirart-making classes leave with a fullyfinished,hand-made andframedpieceofart
“Ithinkit’s veryimportant to keepour PennsylvaniaGermanheritage alive,” Pam says “And I love (the forms)asmuchasthe historyofit.”
Frakturart typically featuresstylizedbirds knownasdistelfinks, flowers, vinesand ferns, amongother things. The form was traditionallyused for documentssuchas weddingorbirth certificates orthings like illuminated family treediagrams Sincepaper was expensive and rare, Frakturartists tooktheopportunity to decorate withtheirelaborate designs, Pam says “Lotsofthe Frakturartists were itinerant teachers andthey would go from town to town anddothese for familieswhilethey were there astheirsidehustle,” Pam says “It wasa pretty specialtalent.”
Though Frakturismostlyassociated with the PennsylvaniaDutch,the formdidspread to otherareassuchasOhioand New Jersey, Pam says, addingthat each regionputtheir own spinonthe form.ArtistsfromtheEphrata Cloisterhad a particularlyuniquestyle, Pam notes.
TheScherenschnitte form was oftenused to capture people’s silhouettes before thedays of inexpensive cameras
“They wererecordinghistory,” Pam says.
Pam’s combinationofthese formshasits own whimsical flair. Sheusesher own stylized scriptinsteadofthestandard Pennsylvania German scriptandincorporates other symbols like hearts, beehivesor seasonalimagesinto her work.She’s evenhelpedspread folkart to younger generations by incorporatingher workinto anillustrated children’s book called “WildAnimalABC,” which was published in2021.
And Johnnotonlybuildstheframes for Pam’s work,butalso creates his own handturned wooden folkartpiecesonhislathe.
“Peoplelike that it’s madeinthe USA,” John says “That’s becoming a rare thingthese days.”
TheHultsesdocument theirprocesses on their website. Johnhas a demonstrationof cutting,buildingandfinishingtheframes. And a seriesofhand-coloredandcut-paperdesigns illuminate how eachof Pam’s piecesare made.
“Itstartswith a white pieceofpaperand thenit’s drawn andcut, thenpen-andinked,dyed,then watercolored,” Pam says, thoughsheaddsshedoesn’t reallyknow how longeachonetakes to create sinceshe often works onup to100 pieces at a time.
“Ittakes a tollon Pam’s hands,” John says. “There’s stress onhands, wrists, neck andshoulders and over the years sheuses more lights. She wears, like,threepairs of glasses whenshe’s working.”
“Only two,” Pam says.
24 | BALANCE | October 2022 LANCASTER-BASED CONTEMPORARY DANCE COMPANY. We inviteyoutoattendas Founder&ArtisticDirector, EmmanuelWilliamscreates danceinthemoment, inspiredbytheaudience alongwith6other performances! LUNADANCE.CO/EVENTS LUNA IS A WHEN: October14thand15that MariettaCommunityHouse, 7:30pm PRICE: Pay-what-you-will
PEARLODYSSEY handcraftedin a studioon Virginia’s Eastern Shore, exclusively
sharedherlove forpearlswith
202N.DUKE ST.,LANCASTER| 717-299-2232|SHOPFESTOON.COM|OPEN7 DAYS AWEEK forethicaland su stainable fashion,accessories, home décor, andlocallymade goods. Introducing
for Festoon. Kathy
the ownerand designerof Moonrise Jewelry, Meredith Lusk,andtogetherthey createdan exclusive setof sterlingsilverearrings, and necklacewithclusters offreshwaterpearls. “Pearlsarea
best friend.” KATHY, OWNEROFFESTOON October 2022 | BALANCE | 25
26 | BALANCE | October 2022
Maybe you’ve seenthestatistics: nearly 70% ofcountiesinthe UnitedStates donothave a dailynewspaper Since2004,one-fourth (2,100)ofthedailyand weeklynewspapers inthe UnitedStates have permanently closed.Andmaybe you’ve readthat when communitieslose theirnewspaper, they lose anessentialcomponent ofdemocracy, aninstitutiondedicated to thepublic good throughthedisseminationof factual, verifiedinformation.
But you might notknow that, unlike many communities, Lancaster County has a nonprofit organization,theLancaster County Local Journalism Fund,that is activelyengagedinsupportingthe workof localjournalists.
Since November2021,thefundhasbeen financingthe workofanunassumingClark Kent of a journalist, Carter Walker
Quietandthoughtful, Carteris a regular Lancaster County guy Inhisfreetime, you mayfindhimtakingdownan 8-point buck withhisPrimeRize compoundbow or usingtheauto mechanicskillshelearned on YouTube to decarbonize theintake valvesonhis VW
But Carter’s day job is to reporton extremismandmisinformationin Lancaster County
From Carter’s perspective,theimportance ofthis topiccrosses party lines “I’ve talked to a lotof Republicans, and you know, these are things that don’t represent them,” Carter says. “They’re notChristian nationalists, andthey’re notmembers of a militia, andthey don’t believe theelection was stolen.So,I hope my reportingis for that sectoroftheparty, which I think is a silent majority that doesn’t view themselvesasbeing represented by these movements.”
Byprovidinginformationaboutlocaland regional extremistandhate groups, Carter’s rolewillenhancethepublic’s awareness of these groupsandthereby enablecitizens to act whether by joining forceswithpolice, theirchurches, schoolsandcivicgroups in opposition to hate and,potentially, prevent violence.Thesunlight this workbrings to these groupswillbethebestdisinfectant for thecommunity.
Inhis role, Carteris careful to not sensationalize the topic.“I see calls to violencequite frequentlyontheleftand right and I choose not to reportonthose things, becauseI don’t thinkthat that’s rhetoricthat’s very responsible to be amplifying,” he says
Carteriscommitted to accuracyin reporting.In fact, whiledraftingone recent storyon a controversial topic,heused superscript to note the sourceofeach fact, for his own reference,in casesomeone challengedhis reporting. “Youknow, of course,I get complaintsabout my work,but nobody everactuallycomplainsaboutthe factsin my story,” he says
You can read Carter’s workhere: lancjournalismfund.org/our-impact
TheLancaster County Local Journalism Fundisjustbeginningits workinthe county, withnew topicsplanned for funding.
Theimportanceofthis work cannotbe overstated. “Youhave thebigguys, the networks, theCNNs, butlocaljournalism iswhat buildsthat localcommunity,” says EnellyBetancourt,a staffwriterwith LNP|LancasterOnline for 27 years and editorofLaVoz Lancaster, which focuses ontheHispaniccommunity. “How else wouldpeoplehave conversationsabout affordablehousing,orthe rate ofcrimein theLancaster County community orwhat’s goingoninour schools? A community that
doesn’t have that is a community that does notgrow.”
Inaddition to fundinglocaljournalism, theLancaster County Local Journalism Fundboard plans to create opportunities for citizens to share what they feelare important issues facingtheircommunities, thusallowingallofus to have a voicein drivingpositive localchange.
Members ofthepublic can donate to theLancaster County Local Journalism Fundduringthis year’s Extraordinary Give on Nov. 18th or byvisiting Lancjournalismfund.org.
To inquire about grant opportunities, emailLauren Frick at lfrick@ steinmancommunications.com.Grants fromthe Fundwill generally support one ormore ofthefollowing:
• Investigative andpublic interest journalism
• Efforts, programsor events that support, protector expand local journalism in,andfor, LancasterCounty
• Medialiteracyto ensure that thepeopleofLancasterCounty continue tobe informed, engagedand empowered by independent local journalism
Lancjournalismfund.or g October 2022 | BALANCE | 27
Neighbors helpingneighbors.
ACommunityAidthriftstoremay notbethefirstplacethatcomes to mindif you’re shopping fora grandpiano,butmaybeitshouldbe.
CommunityAidoperatessixthriftstores incentral Pennsylvania,andthey’re all fullofsurprises,includingitemssuch asthatgrandpiano,which was recently auctioned,andproceedsdonated to a Central PA nonprofit.
Onanygivenday, a CommunityAid shoppingtrip canyieldjustabout anything,includingbrand-nameclothing fromthelikesof NordstromRack, Under Armourand Hollister,originalartwork, collectibles,china cabinets,instruments and yes, evenakitchensink.
“Wehave itall at CommunityAid,” says MarketingDirector Matt Healy.“It reallyisadiverse meltingpotofbeautiful itemsthathave beendonated by the community.”
Justasbeautifulisthe good youdo by shopping at a CommunityAidthrift store,becausethe revenuefromall thosepurchases goesrightbackinto the communityinthe formofgrantsand othercharitabledonations.
“When youshop at CommunityAid,it’s anunexpected value you can feel good about,” Healy says CommunityAidisa501(c)3nonprofit organizationthatcreatesqualityjobs across Central Pennsylvania,offersan affordableshopping experience at six thriftstoreanddonationcenterlocations, andhelpshundredsofnonprofitpartners furthertheir workinthecommunity.
CommunityAidgivesbackthousandsof dollars everymonth to localnonprofits andcharitableorganizations,providing thecriticalfinancial resourcestheyneed toservetheircommunities.Since2009, CommunityAidhasgiven over$17million
back to thecommunitythroughits supportofitsnonprofitpartners.
“Themoney youspend goesrightback into yourcommunity,” Healy says.“It’s reallyauniqueopportunity to buyitems youmightfind elsewhere at agreatprice… allwhilesupportingandfurthering your localcommunity.”
Shopping at CommunityAidisnotonly anaffordable experience,buta welcoming andpleasantoneas well.
To helpshoppersmakethemostofthat experience, CommunityAidnotonlyhas greatprices everyday, butitalsooffers rotatingdollarclearancetags, lowering thepriceofhundredsofdifferentitems to just$1eachday.
Therearealsospecialdiscount days each week:
MondayisHero Day: 50% for firefighters,EMS,police,active-duty military, veterans,health care workers andclergy.
TuesdayisSenior Day: 50%off for everyone55andolder.
Wednesdayis Family Day: 50%off for EVERYONE.
ThursdayisEducation Appreciation Day: 50%off forstudents, teachers, and all schoolemployees.MustshowID.
Inaddition to thoseunexpectedfinds, eachstorealsooffersclothing forall agesandawide selectionofotheritems, includinghousehold goods, games, DVDs, books, craft itemsandmore.Someitems arebrand-new, andothersare gentlyused. Themerchandiseineachstore varies dependingoncommunitydonations, so youneverknowwherethatgrandpianoor kitchensinkmightturnup.
Supporting CommunityAid’smission ofhelpingothersisaseasyasfinding abargainoranunexpectedtreasure
us to a lot o f amazing things .”
at a CommunityAidthrift store.Shoppers canhelp even more by roundinguptheir purchases to thenearestdollar at the registerinsupportofthe CommunityAid Foundation, which awardsgrants to nonprofit partnerswhoaddressbarriers issues related to housing, foodand basicneeds.
to the nearest dollar the register in support of the
awards grants to nonprofi partners who address barriers to related to food and purchase would not be possible their new and gently used items to
Ofcourse,thepowerof every purchase wouldnotbepossible withoutallthosewhodonate theirnewand gentlyuseditems CommunityAid.
Whether you are donating items or shopping in a CommunityAid store, you’re an important part of the cycle of
Whether youaredonatingitemsor shoppingina CommunityAidstore, you’re animportantpartofthecycleof neighborshelpingneighbor
“It starts with you, and the value is full circle,” Healy says. “It allo us to do a lot of amazing thing located at Road. Store hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. donation center is open Monday thrift stores in Mechanicsburg,
“Itstartswith you,andthe isfullcircle,” Healy says.“Itallo us to doalotofamazingthing CommuntyAid’sLancaster storeanddonationcenteris located at 31 Rohrerstown Storehoursare9 a.m. to 9 p. MondaythroughSaturday. donationcenterisopen Mo throughSaturday, 9 a.m. to p.m. CommunityAidalsohas thriftstoresin Mechanicsburg, Hanover, York, Harrisburg andSelinsgrove
“It st artswith yo u, andthe va lue is fullcircle . Itallows us to do a lo t of amazingthings Matt Healy
helping neighbors.
28 | BALANCE | October 2022
October 2022 | BALANCE | 29
fromonetype of ckie from one type of c kie to another
B arbara Halldidn’tgrow upin ahouseholdwhereher family bakedcookies. Andwhenher two daughters were young,she wasn’toneof thosemomswho wouldwhipupabatch ofcookiesfrom scratch.
“Igrabbeda Toll Housecookie cylinder,crackedthatthingopen, slicedanddicedandbaked,andthat wasit,” Hall,68, recalledduringan interviewinher Manheim Township home.“I wasn’tabaker at all.”
Butabout four yearsago, not longbefore retiringfroma careerin information technology, Halldecided to startablogthroughwhichshecouldlearn methingnew. methingnew? How to bakecookiesand cipes to sharewithher readers. Herblog, filledwith180cookie recipesshehasdeveloped —alongwithdescriptions,backgroundonthe cookiesandstep-by-stepprocessshots—is lled“My Cookie Journey,”and canbe und at mycookiejourney.com. Hall’sskillwithcomputersandher lifelonglove ofphotographyhave supportedheronthatjourney. Hall came to information systemsthe wayshe came to cookiebaking—a bitlaterinlife.
“I was workingasa waitressmost of my years,” Hall said.“I workedin some factories....Ihitabout(age)38 andI said,I can'tdothiswhenI'm50.” Shestartedtakingcomputerclasses at HACC, “backwhenit wasstill Windows 3.1,” id.“Itjustintrigued me.” Sheearnedanassociate degree, followed by a bachelor ’s ininformation systemsfromAlbright llege.She eventually workedasadirectorof information technology forthe United Wayof Lancaster County,and,alongthe way, earned hermaster'sin workplacetrainingand developmentfrom PennState.
Hall,anativeoftheChristianaarea, ismarried to Michael Frailey, has twogrowndaughters andfive grandchildrenandis expecting herfirstgreat-grandchild.
Inherfinal yearsofher 17 with the United Way, Hall said,“Istarted thinkingaboutwhatI wanted to do for fun,andIthought, youknow, when my kids were little,Ineverhadtime(for baking),” Hall said.“Iwillhave time to learnhow to dothisrightnow.”
Shedidn’t wantto decorate cakes, andthoughtacupcakeblog wouldn’t provideenough variety.
“Butthere'sthousandsand thousandsandthousandsofcookies,” Hall said, “andmostpeoplelike to maketheir own....Ifiguredit gave me somethingthatIcoulddo every week ...andI wouldn'trunoutofmaterial.”
Forthefirstthreeor fourmonths, she found existing recipesandbaked them,“tillIknewwhatI wasdoing.” Shelearnedtheprocessquickly,and soonstartedcreatingher own recipes.
After settingupher websiteon WordPress, theearly going wasa little rocky, Hall recalled.Theinitial template shechose wasunwieldy, and wasn’tdrivingmuchtraffic to her site.Shestarted overafter21/2 years, withabout 100 recipes to bemigrated to anew version ofthe website.Shelostherblogpostsinthattransfer, so she’swritingnewcontent —introductions,process descriptionsandmore— togo witheach existing recipe. It’sbeenagradualprocess.
Baking weekly
Hallwritesnewblogentries foraboutthreeofthose existing recipeseach week,andshecreatesonenew recipeandbakesabatch to photograph.Shetakesher “processshots”—theingredientsandstep-by-step instructions—inthekitchenwithaniPhone.Sheuses hernewmirrorlessdigital cameraandaportablestudio setupinthecornerofherliving room to takephotos ofthefinalproduct—winnowingdownthe 70 to 100 photosshetakes foreach recipe.
“Ijustpickaflavor oraningredientthatI want to do that week,andIbuildacookiearoundit,” Hall said. Recently,shechosedriedapricots.
“Imadeanapricotpinwheelwithorangeglaze,”she said.“I rolloutthedoughinatriangleandrundried
apricotsthrougha foodprocessor to grind themup.”
Sheputapricotpreservesonthecookie dough,sprinkledthedriedapricotsand diced walnutson top, andthen rolledand refrigeratedthedough forslicingand bakingthenext day.
And,in workingona recentchocolate cookie recipe,shelearnedshecouldbalance outtheslightbitternessof walnuts by switching to Dutch-processcocoa. Oneofher favoritecookiesisherblack walnutmaplecookieswithbrownsugaricing.
“WhenI wasgrowingup, my cousin's grandmothermadeaspice-type cake with brownsugaricing.It was to die for. AndImade thatcookieinhonorofher cake,” Hall said.
Whileshe’sdisappointedshe’sstillnot gettingasmuchsitetrafficshe’dlike,she anticipatesincreasedinterestbecauseshe feelsautumnis reallythestartofcookie-
baking season,“whenthekidsare going back toschoolandthe weatherstarts gettingcrisp.”
Shestrives to makealittlebitofmoney throughthelimitedadsshehasonhersite. Hernext step,she said,islooking for companiesshe cancollaborate with by developingacookiearoundoneoftheir ingredients.Andshe’d eventuallylike to exploreother regionsandculturesand tastehowtheircookiesaremade so she can developadditional recipes.
But at heart,thisprojectisabout teaching. Justthe wayshetaughtcomputer systems to employees at United Way, Hall wants to teachher readershow to makecookies.
“Mostofitistrying to accommodate someonewholearns by reading,orlearns by pictures.Becausethereare so many different typesofpeoplewholearnin different ways.”
After retiring froma career in computers, Barbara Hall starteda bakingblog.
October 2022 | BALANCE | 31 8 STURGISLANE LITITZ, PA (717)627-1776 ATEAAFFAIRLITITZ.COM A TouchofElegance
ExAnceptional Fa ily
Asalittlegirlinthe1960s,Thelma Conklinhada tonguethrustthat caused aspeechimpediment. Shestill recalls visitingtheLancasterCleft Palate Clinic forspeechtherapy, whichinvolvedplacing asmallrubberbandonthetipofher tongue andpressingitagainstthe roofofher mouth.
At thetime,Thelmahadno wayof knowingthat some fourdecadeslatershe wouldbeginanew relationshipwiththe clinic,thistime forhergrowing familyof childrenwithspecialneeds.
Thelmaandherhusband,Michael,had two biologicalchildrenwhentheydecided to expandtheir familythrough foster care and adoption.By2003,their familyhadgrown by five childrenwhentheymet Jasmine,a 2-month-oldwithaheartconditionanda completebilateralcleftpalate AsMichaelheldthebabyinhisarms,he hesitatedasheconsideredthechallenges ofher care.But,he says, “Allchildrenneed to beloved.”
Sincethen,the Conklinshave continued to spreadtheirlove,takingina totalof 23 children.Somehave returned to their parents.Somehave passed away.
“We’ve takenchildrenthat were considered terminal,
simply so theyhada family, so theydidn’t diealone,”Thelma says
The Conklinsadopted12ofthose children,including Jasmine,now19, and twoothers, TeddyandPhoebe,who alsohave cleftpalates. Their familyof 14 childrennow rangesinagefrom7 to 26.
“Alloftheiradoptedchildrenhave profoundlife-alteringand sometimes life-threateningspecialneeds,andthey doanunbelievablejobofmanagingallof that,” says Dr.ElizabethPrada,apediatric dentistand executivedirectorofthe LancasterCleft Palate Clinic.“Theyareone ofthemost wonderful familiesIhave ever encounteredin my life.”
The Conklins saytheir family ’s journey wouldbe farmoredifficult withoutthe clinic.“They’re there to serve,”Thelma says.“They’re there to help.”
The Conklinchildrenareamongthe2,500 patientstheclinic serveseach yearfrom anareathatincludes45 Pennsylvania countiesand 10 states.
notonlycleftpalatesbut myriadother conditions,suchas genetic syndromes, facialtrauma,diseaseand evena formof juvenilearthritis,allofwhich canaffect growthanddevelopmentinthe face.
Today, theclinichasa teamofhealth specialistsin13areas,includingdentistry, plasticsurgery,orthodontics,audiology, speechandlanguagepathology, social work,pediatricmedicine,oralsurgery,and ear,noseandthroatspecialists. TwoENT surgeonsand oneoralsurgeon,alongwith threeplasticsurgeonsfrom PennState Hershey Medical Center,donate theirtime to theclinic.
Somechildren,including severalofthe Conklins’, requireanesthesia fordental workdue to theirspecialneeds.Prada performsthoseprocedures at Lancaster General Hospitalor PennStateHealth Children’s Hospitalin Hershey.
The teamapproachmeanspatients experienceacoordinationof care that addressestheirdevelopmental,medical andpsychologicalneeds,withthe convenienceof seeingalltheirspecialists inonelocationonthe sameday.
palates and other craniofacial conditions.
TheLancasterCleft Palate Clinichasbeen amodel for care sinceits foundingin1938, whenorthodontistDr. Herbert Cooper put togethera teamofmultidisciplinary specialistsandcreatedafirst-of-its-kind approach fortreatingchildrenwithcleft palatesandothercraniofacialconditions.
Over the next eight decades, that mission
Overthenext eightdecades,thatmission would expand to include
Theclinicisinnetworkwithmostprivate insurancesandalllocal Medicaidand Children’s HealthInsuranceProgram (CHIP)plans,butitwill treatanycraniofacialor
pediatricdentalpatient regardlessof theirability to pay.
Theclinicalsotreatsanadditional 2,500patientsa year by offering pediatricdentistry, generaldentistry andaudiology services to thegreater community. Thathasbeenablessing forthe Conklins,who were able to get dental careforalltheirchildrenafter struggling to find providerswho would acceptpediatricpatientsonmedical assistance.
After welcoming Jasmineinto their familyin2003,the Conklins sayknowing theLancasterCleft Palate Clinicandits services exist gave themthe reassurance to acceptmorechildren withcleftpalates.
“Thereare so many babiesouttherethat needlove andachance, andthere’s so many peoplethatare so afraid to doitor saythey can’tdoit,” Thelma says.“Thisiswhat we were meant to do.The childrenare worthit.”
Patient, family, team,self: Relationship-BasedCare startsfrom groundup at new Penn State HealthLancaster Medical Center
By WilliamLandauer
It’s lunchtime on a Wednesday, and even though PennState Health Lancaster Medical Center won’t start acceptingpatients until Oct.3, tables in the cafeteria are full.
Men and women sit in pairs by the yawning windows that bracket the rolling central Pennsylvaniacountryside They face oneanother. “Knee to knee and eye to eye, ” instructs Ann Rollman, the nurse educator who is there to teach them.
When Rollmanscrapes a mallet over the keys of a toy xylophone,oneperson from each pair will describe to their partner who they are in a series of “I am ” statements. They’ll start withtheir name and what they do for a living. Then they’ll move onto other descriptors. “I am fun-loving” or “I am a world traveler.”
It’s uncomfortable. Brows furrow as speakers search for the right words. When Rollman again plays her xylophone indicating time is up,a few of the speakers look relieved. But the onus the entire timewasactually on the listeners, who must report back to the speaker what they heard. The exercise is all about active listening, Rollman says, one of the cornerstones of Relationship-Based Care,a system every employee at Lancaster Medical Center will learn, from environmental services staffto the chief executive officer. Relationship-BasedCare focuses on patients and their families,teamwork and health care workers themselves.
“We’re establishing the foundation for care,” says Barbara Zuppa, vice president and chief nursing officer at the hospital
Focusing on priorities
The programincorporates the principles of relationship-based care with other health care principles and includes sessions such as this one, led by Rollman,a nurse educator with four decades of experience Since the 341,000-square foot, 132-bed hospitalon State Road in Lancaster openedto staff for training in July, its employees are finding out how RelationshipBased Care works day by day, patient by patient A Relationship-Base Care council made up of representatives throughout the hospital is helping to coordinate their efforts.
In the hectic world of a hospital, keeping the focus on priorities can be a challenge. “It’s also really rewarding,” saidChristina Bowers,a float nurse at Lancaster Medical Center.Bowers’ job will require her to move from departmentto department, and she’ll work harderto achieve the three tenets of Relationship-BasedCare.
But at Lancaster Medical Center, the focus on patients and families, teamwork and employee self-care will take center stage andguide decisions. That’s why she came here “It’s so nurse-focused,” shesaid. “We have a lot of input.” And so do many others. CherylBealer,a certified wound ostomy continence nurse, said she’sbeen impressed at the all-inclusivenature of the training.
Storytelling among participants is an important component of Relationship BasedCare– and not just the eye-to-eye, knee-to-knee variety, which exemplifies the kind of laser-like focus youneed to be truly patient and family-centric. During their Relationship-Based Care training sessions, employees share stories of moments where relationship-based care worked.
Listening with intent
During her session, Bealer shared a story from another Penn State Health hospital PennState Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. She’d taken her 12 year-oldson there fora procedure around Thanksgiving. Before the hospital was scheduled to distributea special holidaymeal, her son asked fora grilled cheese sandwich. She told him it probably wouldn’t happen because the hospital had so muchto coordinate for the holiday.
Hismealarrived atlunchtime. When she removed the cover, she found not the standard turkey dinner, buta grilled cheese sandwich Her son was thrilled.
“There are many other organizations where that wouldn’t have occurred,” Bealer said. “It was very relationship-basedfor my child It wasn’t just listening. It was listeningwith intent.”
34 | BALANCE | October 2022
Experience the difference.
Penn State Health Lancas ter Medical Center
You’ll finda different type of hospital in East Hempfield Township, one that honors and celebrates the personal connec tion between patients and their care team Penn State Health Lancaster Medical Centerbrings together medical expertise, the latest diagnostic technologies and relationship -based care to create an ex traordinar y patient experience. With convenient access to comprehensive inpatient and outpatient emergenc y, medical, surgical and diagnostic care from trusted Penn State Healthproviders, it’s all right here nestled close to home in Lancaster County
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JonathanKruk,inperiodcostume,tellsthetaleofWashingtonIrving’s“TheLegendofSleepyHollow”atSunnyside,theearly 19th-centuryhomeoftheauthorinTarrytown,NewYork.
When19th-centuryauthor WashingtonIrvingsethisspooky tale“TheLegendofSleepyHollow” in Tarrytown, New York, hecouldn’thave imaginedhowhispopularstory would somedaydraw thousandsofvisitorstothetinyhamletwherethe fictionalIchabodCranefledfromthemenacingHeadlessHorseman.
Frommid-Septemberthroughmid-November,thevillageofSleepy Hollow, itsneighboring TarrytownandtheHudsonRiver Valley environscomealivewithspooky goings-onandseasonaltoursand activities.
Whentheleavesbegintochangecolor,thisareaabout30milesnorth ofManhattanbecomesanaturaldraw,withitshistorichomesand scenicviewsoftheHudsonRiver.
Andif you’rea fanoftheHalloweenseason, youabsolutelybelongin SleepyHollowinthe fall.
“We’retheperfectplacetobeforHalloween,”said KarenClark, directorofmarketingforHistoricHudson Valley, aneducationaland historicpreservationnonprofitthat overseesmanyofthesitesthat becomespookcentralinOctober.
Besuretobook yourticketsfortheseseasonalattractions immediately,orasearlyintheseasonaspossible;sometoursandmany ofthespookyattractionssellout.
TarrytownandSleepyHollowarealittle overthreehoursfrom Lancaster. Youmightcombine yourtripwithavisitto New YorkCity, orstay overnightinoneofthemanyhotelsandinnsdottingtownsalong bothsidesoftheHudsonRiver.
Thetwotownsarecloseenoughto New YorkCitythatBroadway— yes, thatBroadway—runsthroughthem, carryingvisitorsnorthward to Route9andareas fartherupstate.
36 | BALANCE | October 2022
Ifthisis yourfirstautumnalvisittothe region,thetopmust-seeattractionisthe Great Jack-o’-LanternBlaze,whichtakes placeonthegroundsofthehistoric Van CortlandtManorhouseabout 10 milesnorth of TarrytowninCroton-on-Hudson.
TheBlazeisamind-blowing walkthrough acresofglowingsculpturescreatedwith pumpkins—many carvedfreshfromthefield, someoftheartificial variety.Withcreepy musicplayingthroughouttheattraction, there’safreshsurprisearound everybend. AshiningStatueofLiberty. Train cars. A glowingtunnelofstarsto walkthrough.A turning carouselandspinningwindmill. Giantspidersclingingtogiant webs.Afield ofdinosaurs, aseamonsterandanarmyof skeletons—madefromanestimated 7,000 glowingpumpkins, carved by localartisans. I’ve foundthatbookingoneofthelasttours ofthenightallows youto wanderlonger,and tosharetheareawithsmallercrowds.
TheBlazerunsfrommid-Septemberto Nov. 20,andcosts$36perperson,and$28 forchildren3-17.Andit’s worth everypenny.
Each year,giftedstoryteller Jonathan Kruk,inperiodcostume, relatesIrving ’s storyofSleepyHollowafternightfallin“The Legend,”withmusicalambianceprovided by Jim Keys.Kruk’scompellingdeliveryof Irving ’s talehasaudiencesontheedgeof theirseats.
“TheLegend”($26-$32),formerly performed bycandlelightintheOldDutch
ChurchinSleepyHollow, “hasbeenmoved tobeoutdoorsatSunnyside,”Clarksaid, referringtoIrving ’s historichomeon 10 acresalongtheHudsoninnearbyIrvington.
“Itmakessensetobeonthegroundsof theauthor ’s estate,”Clarksaid.“It’saspecial experienceoutsideinthe evening,and we canmakefulluseofthegroundsthere.... Because we have morespaceonthegrounds, we have a castofcreepycharacterswhoare alsosupportingthestory.”
RegulartoursofSunnyside,where you canseeIrving ’s writingdeskandlibrary,and learnfromcostumedguideshowtheauthor designedthehomeandgroundswithamix ofEuropeandetails,runMaythroughmidSeptember.DuringtheHalloweenseason,the toursswitchto“HomeoftheLegend”($10$12),adaytime, family-friendlytourfocusing on“TheLegendofSleepyHollow.”
“W relateditemsfromourcollection,”Clark said.“Thosearediff yearbecause acquiringnewthings
related items from our collection,” Clark said. “Those are different every year because we’re always acquiring new things.”
The event includes games and crafts; a relatively new shadow puppet film of
The gamesandcrafts;a relativelynewshadow puppetfi theSleepy Hollow storywill beshown.
TicketstotoursforalltheHistoric HudsonValley-runattractionscanbe boughtonlineathudsonvalley.org. Ifyou’replanningtotakeinseveral
Visithudsonvalley.org. ForinformationonLyndhurst,visit lyndhurst.org.ForotherSleepy HolloworTarrytownattractions,go tovisitsleepyhollow.com. NotethatvisitingHistoricHudson
tothecurrentCOVIDCourtesy Code;lanc.news/HHVCovid.
sitesandactivitiesinonetrip,it mightsaveyousomemoneyto buyaone-yearmembershiptothe organization,whichrangesfrom$50 foranindividualseniortoa“family plus”packagefor$220forthree adultsandthreechildren.
Glowingpumpkinsline oneofthewalkways oftheGreatJack O’LanternBlaze Aspookylightshow illuminateshistoricVan CortlandtManor
YOU GO THE HUDSON VALLEY October 2022 | BALANCE | 37 2531 Ironville Pike • Columbia 71 7.684.6949 For shophours anddetails go to skitunesPA.com Ski& Board Shop PERSONALIZED SALES& SERVICE SERVINGTHETRI-COUNTY AREA FOR �� YEARS CUSTOMBOOT FITTING OUR �� CONCERN� SATISFIEDCUSTOMERS— WEWILLNOT BEUNDERSOLD! Openfor �e Season! ��THANNUAL SKI & BOARD SWAP'N SALE Oct15th-16th Sale continues until Oct24th Allnew2021-22 Lease EquipmentonSale!
InthevillageofSleepyHollow, Historic Hudson ValleyoperatesPhilipsburgManor, ahistorichouseandmillcomplexthat showswhatlife waslikein 1750,bothfor the wealthyPhilips familythat ownedthe manor,andforthe23enslavedpeopleof Africandescentwho workedinthemilland thehousehold.
Tours($10-$15)includetheinside ofthemanorhousewithitsoriginal furnishingsand reproductions,alongwith demonstrationsofhowthegristmill worked andhowthebountyofthemanor ’s kitchen gardenbecamedinner.
PhilipsburgManor ’s visitorcenteris thedeparturepointforshuttlebusesto anotherspectacularHistoricHudson Valley attraction: Kykuit,theRockefellermansion. Theluxuriouslylandscapedgroundsstand highabove theHudson,offeringniceviews oftheriver.
Themansion washometofour generationsoftheRockefellers, starting withStandardOilfounder John D. Rockefeller.Thehouseincludes generations’ worthoffurnishingsandcollections, includingthelowerfloorthat’sessentially agalleryof work by modernartmasters. There’s even a galleryofgleamingclassic cars that wereowned by the family.
Fallisaperfecttimetostroll Kykuit’s groundswhileononeofthethreeoffered tours:thelongergrandtour($60),thenew selectedhighlightstour($18-$20)and theclassictour($38-$40),whichClark recommendsfornewvisitors.
What wouldHalloweenbewithouta good cemeterytohaunt?
Irving,Andrew Carnegie,Elizabeth Ardenandalotofothernotablesareburied inSleepyHollowCemetery,next tothe OldDutchChurchmentionedinIrving ’s “Legend.”Theone-hour walkingtoursare excellenthistorylessonsaboutthearea, presented by knowledgeableguides.Butit’s achallenging walk over hillyanduneven terrain,sobesureto wearcomfortable shoes.Visitsleepyhollowcemetery.org for
Andif you’dlikeasideofthespiritual with yourspooky, checkoutthe Union Churchof PocanticoHills.Stainedglass windows by modernartistsMarcChagall andHenriMatisseareafocalpointof thischapel.
Guidedtoursofthechapel($9)are available FridaythroughSundaythrough Nov. 13.
There’sanother Tarrytownattraction worthvisitinginthe fallthatisn’tpartofthe HistoricHudson Valley—the Lyndhurstmansion.
ThisGothicRevivalmansionhasitall— impressivearchitecture,high-ceiling rooms chock-a-blockwithpaintingsandother decorativearts,storiesofthethree wealthy familiesthat ownedit(includingthatof railroadtycoon JayGould)from 1770 to 1961,andlovelygroundsthatareapleasure to walkaroundinthe fall, even if youdon’t enterthemansion. You’llneeda$10grounds passtoentertheproperty,however, unless you’ve boughtatourticketthatruns$10 to$20.
Take yourpickofmansionandgrounds tours, includinga“LyndhurstAfterDark” tour overHalloween weekend.
ClosetoHalloween, you’llfindthe entrance roadlinedwithdozensof scarecrowsdesigned by localschool studentsandothercitizens.They’re worth thetimetoslow yourdriveandgawk.
A walkdownthelongdrivewayleads youtobencheswhere you cansitnearthe riverandenjoytheviewoftheHudson. Peekinthewindowsofthe1894bowling alleybuildingonthegrounds,andcheckout theruinsofthe67-acreproperty ’s former greenhouse—stillvibrantwith rosebushes.
Ienjoyed my lunchatEatarry,a reasonablypricedandrustic restaurantin quaintdowntown Tarrytownthatserves salads,grainbowls,eggdishesandpaninis.
Formorephotosandalonger version ofthisstory,seeLancasterOnlineat lanc.news /SleepyHollowTrip.
Thoughthereareplentyof hotelsandinnsinandaround TarrytownandSleepyHollowon theeasternbanksoftheHudson, whenIvisitthearea,Istayon thewesternside,inaQualityInn inSpringValley.Ipaythetoll todriveacrosstheimpressive MarioCuomoBridge,whichwas builtusingsteelprovidedby Lancaster’sownHighSteel. IliketovisitNyackonthewestern
sideoftheriver,withitscute downtownandthehistorichome that’sthebirthplaceofartist EdwardHopper.Onthewestern sideoftheriver,I’vedriven northtodineattheCulinary InstituteofAmerica,wherethe nextgenerationofchefsand restaurateursarebeingtrained, andvisitthecomprehensive FranklinD.RooseveltLibrary& Museum.
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10 60 Divi sio n Hw y| Ep hra ta , PA | 71 7- 73 3- 49 73 Sh opno w to ha ve a st ov e or fi re pl ac e in st al le d th is wi nt er . Al so , sho p ea rl y fo r pa ti o furn iture to re ce iv e in ti mefo r sprin g. ww w. bowm an ss to ve .com st ov es , fi re pl ac es ,& ou td oo r fu rn it ur e TH E AR EA ’S FI NE ST SELEC TI ONOF October 2022 | BALANCE | 39
NotonlydoesDr Perry J. Argires have 22yearsof experience in relieving patients’ pain,buthe’s experienced that pain,first-hand. “I’ve had twoneck surgeriesmyself,soI’vebeeninthepatient’s chair too,” saysDr.Argires.“Itgivesme a deeperunderstanding ofwhat mypatientsare goingthrough—I have more compassion fortheirpain,and itmakes memore appreciative ofqualityoflife.”
Dr.Argiresisthesenior partner at ArgiresMarotti Neurosurgical Associates ofLancaster. Today, there are fivehighly-skilleddoctors onstaff, addressing a wide range of spinal,neurological,and chronicpain disorders.“I’ve hada specialinterestinnecksurgery, specificallydisc replacement surgery,since2007—going back 15years,” says Dr.Argires,considered a leading expert in spinal disorders,includingcervicaldisc replacement surgery.He practices minimally-invasive approaches,andhis patientsincludethosewith spinal stenosis,discdisorder,and spinaltumors.
Dr.Argiresencourages anyone with chronicpain to call NeurosurgicalAssociatesofLancastertobegin their healing journey.Treatment plansare customizedfor eachpatientto alleviate painand restore quality of life.“Backpainand neck pain area leading causeofmissedworkdays,forthose overthe age of 40,” saysDr.Argires “Thedoctorsinourpracticeprovidethe highest levelofspinalsurgicalcare,neurologicalcare,and treatment of chronic paindisordersinsouth central Pennsylvania.” Argires MarottiNeurosurgicalAssociatesofLancasteralsotreat patientswith Parkinson’s disease,multiplesclerosis and migraine headaches,and offerscreeningsfor early-onset Alzheimer’s disease/dementia.
He UNDERSTANDS patients’ pain.
PerryJ. Argires, MD, FAANS, FACS Neurosurgeon
Specializing in Cervical Disc Replacement and Spine Care
VotedastheBestSurgeoninLancaster County LNP Readers’Choice Favorite Neurosurgeon
The practicealsoincludesDr LouisA.Marotti, a spine fellowship trained neurosurgeon;neurologistDr.JarodB.John who treats patientswith migraine headache disorders, Parkinson’s,and Alzheimer’s disease; Dr.JackSmith, a fellowship-trainedphysiatrist whospecializesininterventional treatmentsforspinalpain. Additionally, Dr StevenM. Falowski, a world renowned expert in neuromodulation therapies forchronic paindisorders, was recently recognizedas a leaderamonghis colleaguesand was chosen to serve on the board ofthe North American Neuromodulation Society(NANS).Dr. Falowski alsoprovides innovativesurgical treatmentsfor movementdisorderssuchas Parkinson’s disease andessentialtremor.
Communityties are extremelyimportant to the entire staff at ArgiresMarotti NeurosurgicalAssociatesofLancaster. “Ilivedin Lancaster County throughout mygrade school and highschool years,and I grewupintheGreek Orthodox Church,” says Dr Argires. “Lancaster County and south central Pennsylvania issuch a great placetoliveand raise a family, so I’m veryfortunateto feel like I’m alwayssurrounded by extended family.”
(by KarenHendricks)
Managed by
JackSmith,MD PainMedicine LouisA.Marotti,MD, PhD, FAANS, FACS Neurosurgeon SpecializinginSpine Care VotedastheBestSurgeoninLancaster County aders’Choice StevenM. Falowski,MD Neurosurgeon SpecializinginSpinal Cord Stimulators LNP Readers’Choice FavoriteNeurosurgeon Jarod B.John,MD Neurologist With a focusonelderlycare andmigraines LNP Readers’Choice FavoriteNeurologist LNP Readers’ Choice Favorite Neurosurgeon OUR OTHERDOCTORS: LNP Readers’Choice FavoriteNeurosurgeon • LNP Readers’Choice Favorite Neurologist October 2022 | BALANCE | 41
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