Balance Magazine – Fall Issue 2024

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6DIYCloset Reno Katina Kauffman

Addingmoreclosetspacetoyourhome isabigjob. Isit worthdoingityourself?

16 Fashion Trends for Fall —SallyReynolds We takealookatmonochromaticand menswear-inspiredlooks,toptrendsforthis fall’sfashions.

22 Leaf Peeping —MikeAlbright Fallishere,andthatmeans gorgeousfoliage. Checkoutourtipsforautumnalhikes andleaf-peeping.

28 VibrationalSound Therapy KevinStairiker Whatis“vibrationalsoundtherapy”all about? We decidedtofindoutfirsthand.

365thAnniversary JedReinert

Thisissuemarksfive yearsofBalance magazine. We askedcontributorstoshare theirthoughtsandmemories.

Unlockingthepotentialof your401(k)

A401(k)presents a winning combinationofhigh contributionlimits, taxperks and potentialemployer contributions, makingit a powerhouse for retirement savings.

Butif you’re transitioning away from yourcurrent 401(k) employer, are you equipped to manage your retirement strategy effectively? Here are some avenues to consider for handling your401(k) savings postemployment:

Keep yourcurrent 401(k): Thisisthe simplest route logistically, but not always feasible post-departure. Consult yourHRdepartment to explore available options

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Roll over to a new 401(k): If yournew employer offers a 401(k),transferring your existingplanallows you to retainbenefitslike employer matchingandhigh contribution limits.However, investment choicesmaybeconstrained by thenew plan.

Roll over to anIRA: Inthe absence of a 401(k)with yourcurrent employer, consider moving your savingsintoanindividual retirement account (IRA).While IRAs offergreaterinvestment flexibility, their yearly contribution limitsare lower than those of a 401(k).

Roll over to anIRA (Still employed): In some cases, (i.e. overage 59½) you may be ableto rollover your 401(k) balancefrom yourcurrent employer toanIRA of your choice, subjecttothe rules of your current employer’s plan.

Withdraw funds: Should theneedarise for immediate cash flow, withdrawingfundsfrom your401(k)isan option. Be mindful of taximplications andearlywithdrawalpenalties, though, asthismay not bethe most financiallyprudent choice.

Carefully evaluate these options inalignment with your financial goals and seekguidancefrom professionals for tailoredadvice.

Navigating your401(k)isjustthe tipoftheiceberg in retirement planning.There’sa whole world ofstrategies waiting to empower yourfuture preparations

Keep yourcurrentaccount

Rollover to new401(k)

Rollover to IRA




Maintain yourtax-advantaged retirement account

Gainmorecontrol over yourinvestments Get cashinstantly

Notallowed by allemployers

Limited by yournewemployer’sinvestmentoptions

Noemployermatchingandlower contributionlimits Willlikelypaypenalties


The fall issueofBalance is a celebration! Thisis Balance magazine’s 5th birthday, and you can readmoreaboutthat onpage36. There is somuchaboutthis birthday that is special. It’s special because in those five years we published through a pandemic and througha cyber-attack– withoutany ofourusual systems andprocesses – all while also working remotely It’s special because attempting a new print product in 2019 wasn’t something most publishers wouldbeencouraged to do, but we have an encouraging,uplifting, hardworking teamand a supportive local communityof business owners and readersthat made it allpossible When we first discussed the idea ofBalance I was freshlybackfrommaternity leave; as I write this,I amfreshlyback from picking that baby upfromfirst grade Insimilar fashion to parenting, it has felt likea lifetime ofBalance, andalso like we are just beginning Here is to many more momentous birthdays! Thank you somuch for reading – and please share what you’d like to seemore of in the seasonsofBalance tocome


GeneralManager: ChrisFidler

Editor-in-Chief: LindseyMcCallum

ArtDirection: Andrew Albright

ContentEditor: Jed Reinert

Design: JennyAlthouse,KimBuckwalter, KrystalHummer,AllieMiller,Amy Rodriguez, Christine Vernon,Bailey Watro

Photography: Andrew Albright,Quinn Staley, Vinny Tennis

Writers: MikeAlbright,Margaret Gates, Katina Kauffman,Sally Reynolds, Kevin Stairiker, MaryEllen Wright

Production: Angie Faust,Erica Feltenberger, Tim Trinh

SubscriptionstoLNP|LancasterOnline: Call717.291.8611

Advertise: Contactadvertising@lnpnews.comor call717.291.8800

P.O. Box1328,Lancaster, PA 17608-1328

Copyright©2024LNP MediaGroupInc.AllRightsReserved.



LindseyMcCallumis excitedtocelebrateBalance magazine’sfifthbirthdayespeciallyifthatcelebration involvescupcakes.



TheHoustonDining Collection features classic,elegantdesigncharacterized by itscurvaceousandorganicvibe, onthisuniquepedestaldiningtable base. TheHoustonchairsaredesigned withanuber-comfortable radiusback that featuresdramaticallyslopedarms forultimatecomfort. Stop by Martin’s Furniture to reviewthe availablesizes, woodand coloroptions!

Photo by Andrew Albright
Photo by Andrew Albright
Silhouet te ® Window Shadings
NewS tyle ® Plantation Shut ters
Carole Fabrics Draperies
Vignet te ® ModernRoman Shades

ddingadditionalclosetspace to ourbedroomisanidea that we’ve tossedbackand forthsince we firstmovedinto our home.Theprimarybedroomofour 1953houseonlyhadasmall,narrow closet,which wasn’t evenlargeenough to fitallof my clothing. My husband’s wardrobealsoneededaplace to live andthe second-bestoption we had for him wasamoderately-sized walk-in closetinthehallway (yes,I gave him the walk-in!).Althoughhiscloset was anicesize,itslocation wasabitodd andnotidealwhen we hostedguests. Afterfive yearsoflivingwiththis

strangecloset setup, wedevelopedapretty goodideaofwhat we wantedoutofthe spaceanddetermined thatbuilt-insinthe bedroom wouldbea perfect solution.

Likemanyprojects, thisonedidn’tcome withouthesitation. OneconcernIhad wasthattheplacementofourbuiltins wouldmeancoveringawindow. Althoughthewindowstrangely lookedoutonour screened-inporch,

Ilikedhavingthatparticularone open at night togetacoolbreeze in the room.AnotherconcernIhad was related to visualspaceandwhether thebuilt-in wardrobes wouldmake




the room feel evensmallerthanit already was. Once we talkedthrough my apprehensionand weighedthe advantagesanddisadvantages, we decidedthat thebenefitsofadding built-inclosets would faroutweigh anyoftheseinitialconcerns.

Now, on to the realquestion;who’s gonnabuildit? Us,ofcourse! Obviously,ourdecision to dothis DIYproject cameonlyafter careful considerationofwhatit would entail.If you’re thinkingaboutdoing somethinglikethisin yourhome, here’salook at what we contemplated before gettingstarted,abroad overviewofhow we didit,and some tips fortackling your ownlarge DIY project.

To DIYor Not toDIY?

In my opinion,pre-project discussionaround expectations, ability, timeandmoneyisoneofthe mostimportantstepswithanylarge DIYproject. Understandingthe scope oftheprojectwillhelp youdetermine ifthisisachallenge that you’re willing to takeonas wellasensure that youand yourpartnerand /or familymembersareallonthe same page. Here are some factorsthat we considered goinginto thisproject:

Ability: Do we have the experience

andskill to completethisproject properlyand to ourstandards?

Tools: What toolsandequipment will we need?Do we have allthe tools, ordo we need to purchaseany?

Design: Can we achieve thelook we want,withinourbudget,andskill set?

Time: Do we have thetime to handleaprojectofthissize? How longdo we expectthisproject to take? Ifthetimelineneeds to be extended, isthatokay ?

Money: Last,butcertainlynot least,howmuchwillthiscost?It’s important to includeallmaterial and toolcostsinthis calculation. Howmuchwill we save doingthis onour ownasopposed to hiringa professional,andisthat savings worththetimeandeffort?

Once we decided to move forward withthisDIYproject, we had somedetails to figure out related to materials,sizeanddesign.After researchingonline, we feltlikethe bestoption forourstyleandbudget wouldbe to purchasethreeindividual IKEA wardrobesandconnectthem to create thebuilt-inlookthat we wanted. To create thatlook, wewould alsoneed to addtrimaroundthe bottom, topandsides to eliminate any gapsofspace.

Customize yourdesignonline withour3DShedDesignerand addpersonalizedstyleto your backyard storagesolution.


Sincethis wassuchalarge project,it wouldtakemore thana fewpages to document everysinglestepoftheprocess. Instead,hereisabroad overviewofhow we (mostly my husband)constructedourDIY wardrobe wallusingIKEAclosets.

Demo existing small closet

Secure the Wardrobes

Next,it wastime to stabilizeandsecureour wardrobes by securingthem to the base, ceiling, and walls, thenattaching them to each other.Although the wardrobesare onalevelplatform, thisstepistricky because even small adjustments have thepotential to throw theothers outofalignment.

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Let me tell you…notas easy asitseems! Lots ofdustandlotsofeffort. Duringthedemo,wewere extremelycareful not to hit the ceilingor knockoutsectionsofthe wallthat we wanted to retain.

Building a level platform

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Thenumberoneruleof homeprojectsisbeginning withalevelandstraightsurface We have anolder home,which meansthat nothing is everlevelor straight. Ourfloor wasn’t levelside-to-sideor frontto-back, whichmade fora challenge. To getaround thisissue, we had to buildalevelplatform forthe wardrobes to siton.

AssembleIKEA Wardrobes

One by one, we builtthe wardrobesand addedthem totheplatform.This was fairly time-consumingbecause oftheirsizeand because we ranintoanissuewith the material.The wardrobe backing wasabout1/8” too tall,and asa result, ithung overthepre-fabricated bottomlipinsteadof nestling inlikeit wasdesigned to do.It wasimpossible to know ifthis wasgoing to beanissuewithallthree wardrobes withouthavingthe backingmostlyattached. As we workedthrough each one, we discoveredthat we’d need to painstakinglyusebothaplunger toolandDremel tool tocutthe1/8” overhang offsothat we’d have aflushfinish.

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Gettingthedoorsperfectlyspacedandlevelwith each other wasmuchharderthanIthoughtit wouldbe. Luckily,IKEAdoorhingesarebuiltwith many adjustmentsthatallow you to move themup anddown,inandout,andside to side.

Install Handles

Makingsurethat everyhandleislevel and evenlyspacedis very difficult across suchalongspanof doors.It’s even more difficultwhen you chooseahandlewith twoattachmentpoints ratherthana knob.It tookabout two hours to completethisstep.Handlesare completely customizablesince IKEAdoorsdon’t come withanypredrilled holes. We foundoursonAmazon

InstallDrawers & Shelves:

It’ssomuchfun to getallthe accessoriesin!The most important considerationduringthisstepisleaving enoughspacearound each drawerandshelfwhen installingthehardware.

Add Trim Molding

Stillinprocess!Aftera monthof workingonthis project, we started to fadeand neededalittlebreak, but we’re hoping to have the topfinishedsoon.


OnethingthatI reallylove aboutour newbuilt-in wardrobe wallisthatIcan painttheentire face ofitif I want to changethelook.I thinkthat addingabold color wouldmakethese wardrobes feel even more customthanthey alreadydo.Intheshort term, my planis to match thetrim coloras bestIcan to thewhiteoftheIKEA doors.Itonly took me a fewminutesofsearching to learnthatBenjamin MooreSimplyWhiteinpearlfinishisagoodmatch.Inthefuture,Imight paintthe wardrobesadeepgreen color foranedgierlook.

As we neartheendwithonlya fewfinishing touchesleft, we’reboth extremely happywithhowthisprojectturnedout.It wasalotof work,but totally worth it to gain so muchmore closetspaceinourbedroom, getmoreorganized,and freeupanentireclosetinourhallway forotherstorageneeds. We faced some challengesand setbacksalongthe way, whichmeantthisendeavor tooklonger thananticipated.It wasalsoalotmessierthan we thoughtit wouldbeduringthe demolitionphase.But, at theendoftheday, we’velearned to enjoythewildride thattheseprojects seem to takeuson.Did we thinkthat we’d besleepinginthe family room foramonth?Definitelynot. But, forus,that’s justpartofthefun.

Anticipatesetbacks: Largerprojectsusuallyinvolve moresteps,whichmeansmore opportunity for setbacksalongthe way. Forgot something atHome Depot? Addanhour.

Demolitionismessy: Anytimedemois required, makesure to remove everything from your room,especially beds,curtains,andanything upholstered.Demoing walls createsamassiveamount ofdust andit goes everywhere.I’d even recommendpushinga towel acrossthebottomof yourdoor to containthedust to one roomas muchaspossible.

Carry-outisyourfriend: Dedicating yourentireday to a physicallychallengingprojectis exhaustingandthelastthing you willprobably want to doiscook. Plan yourmealsahead to avoid postprojecthangries.


many new parents feel overwhelmed whenthey learn theirchildhas acleft palate orother craniofacialcondition. For Bradand Natalie Martin,however, quite the opposite was true.

WhentheLebanoncoupledecided to adoptfromIndia, they expressed specific interestin welcoming a childwith a cleft liporcleft palate because they alreadyknew they had allthesupportthey wouldneed at the LancasterCleft Palate Clinic

The Martinsare thethird generationof Natalie’s family to adopt internationally Natalie’s sister was adoptedfromIndiawhenshe was 1. Her uncle,who was also adopted,had a cleftpalate and receivedtreatment at theLancasterCleft Palate Clinicas a littleboy.

“My grandparents toldus we’d be welltaken care of (by theClinic),” Natalie says “We knew there was someone ready to jumponitwhen we got home.”

Thecouple’s son,Landon,now 8, joinedthe familywhenhe was 2.Three years later, they welcomeddaughter Addison,now 5. Both had a cleftlipandpalate

Prior to bothadoptions, the MartinsconsultedwiththeClinic In Addison’s case, thestaff reviewed her files and hadher first surgery scheduledbefore shearrivedfromIndia

Landonand Addisonare amongthe2,500patientswith craniofacialdifferencesthat theClinictreatseach yearfrom a serviceareathat covers 45 Pennsylvaniacountiesand 10 states.

TheLancasterCleft Palate Clinichasbeenaninstitution inLancastercity for over86 years, sincelocalorthodontist Dr Herbert Cooperput togethera multidisciplinary team ofspecialists to treat childrenwith cleftpalates andother craniofacialconditions.

TheClinicisconsidered the first facility ofits kind anywhere,andits teamapproachhasbecome a worldwide standard of care inthe field.TheClinichasa teamofhealth


specialistsin13areas, includingdentistry, plasticsurgery, orthodontics, audiology, speechandlanguage pathology, social work, pediatricmedicine,oralsurgery, andear, nose andthroat specialists. AnENT surgeon, a pediatricsurgeonandanoralsurgeonall volunteertheirtime,alongwith two plastic surgeonsandanENTsurgeonsupported by PennStateHershey Medical Center Landonhascompletedhismajorsurgeries and Addisonhasonemore remaining,the Martins say. Butbothalso visittheClinic for ongoingtreatment, suchasorthodontic work andeartubes Addisonwillalso work weekly with a speechtherapist.

“I’m therea lot,” Natalie says Those visits may soonincrease asthey are intheprocess ofadopting a third childwithhearingloss whowillalso receive treatment at theClinic.

The Martins say they appreciate that the servicestheirchildren require are all availableunderone roofandthat theirsixmonthappointmentsare coordinated so they can see allmembers ofthemedical team at the samevisit.

Inaddition to itscraniofacialpatients, the LancasterCleft Palate Clinicalso supports another 4,000specialneedspatientswith servicesincludingpediatricdentistry, speechpathology andaudiology, says Deanna Meyler, Ph.D.,theClinic’s Director ofDevelopment. Those childrenoften have challenges, suchas severe autismor behavioralissues, that other practicesmay nothave the capacity to treat.

Asitcontinues toserve thousandsof patientswith extra challenges, theLancaster Cleft Palate Clinicisnotwithoutchallenges ofits own.

“On average,only50%ofourpatient-care

costsare reimbursed throughinsurance, andthat’s because 75% ofourpatients utilize MedicalAssistanceor Medicaid for insurance,” Meyler says “They reimburseat someofthe verylowest rates.”

Whileinflationhasdramaticallyimpacted thecostof care, Medicaid reimbursement rates have remainedstatic for decades, she says

Like mostnonprofits, theLancasterCleft Palate Clinicdependsonthesupportof thecommunity, especiallyeffortslike the ExtraordinaryGive, to continue providing care

Researchshows that care can belife changing.

“It’s aboutgivingthese children opportunitiesthat they wouldnothave access to otherwise,” Meyler says “They can struggle to learnin schoolandparticipate fullyinlife,and we can give that back to them. Theabsolute,end-of-the-day moment ismakingsure ourpatients get the care they deserve.”

For the Martins, that means far more than justthephysical care ofcorrective surgeries, dental workandspeechtherapy.

“Allofthemare so kind,” Natalie says “They treat you like you’re partoftheir family.”

Bothchildren,particularlyLandon,had traumaticmedical experiencesinIndia and were afraidofdoctors. Butthat hasall changed,thanks to thestaff at theClinic, they say.

“They engage withthechildren, get them laughing.They want to heartheirconcerns,” Brad says “We’ve justnever had a bad experience. …I hands-down wouldnottravel anywhere else. We’re getting top-notch serviceinLancaster.”

“We’vejustnever hada bad experience... I hands-downwould not travelanywhereelse. We’re getting top-notch service inLancaster ” -BradMartin

LANCA ST ER, PA 1760 2


Since1924,theLancasterCounty Community Foundationhasbeen harnessingthepowerof communitybasedphilanthropytostrengthen Lancaster County.

From its inception,the community ’s endowmen t hasdistribu te d mo re than$6 0 mill io n to suppor t loca l caus es andspar ke d th e Ex traG iv e, wh ic h hasgene ra te d $100mill io n in donations for local organizations. This year, the Community Foundation is celebrating its milestone 100th anni ve rs ar y by inviting ev er yo newh o cares about our community toshare thei r id ea s fo r th e fu tu re and to be part of investingin Lancaster County for the next 100 years.

“We’re here because in 1924,a group ofvisionar ie s cametogetherto shap ea be tte r fu tu re fo r Lancaste r County,” says Sam Bres si, President andCE O. “Thanks to thei r fo re sigh t andgene ro si ty, we’v e be enpa rt of creating a re silient, inclusive,and vibrant community.”

Fo r th e last ce nt ur y, Lancas tr ia ns ha ve madechar it ablelegacygift s in to ou r co mm un it y’s endowm en t to suppor t caus es th ey ca re about. Th es e do lla rs are inve st ed fo r l o ngte rmgrow th , yielding re tu rn s th at co nt in ue to suppor t Lancas te r ye ar after year.

OneMillionDollars to Inspire theFuture

To he lp ce le brat e 10 0 ye ars ofsupporting Lancaster County, the Community Foundation is investing more thanon e mi lli ondo lla rs in to fo ur


Shap in g To morr ow fu tu re -f oc us ed areas:Creative Expres sion, Well-Being& Vibrancy, NextGeneration, and OurPlanet.

Th ro ug h on ce -in-a- ce nt ur y grant awards , sp ec ia l sc hola rs hi ps , pa rtne rs hi ps with re gionalbusine ss cham be rs , andengagingpubl ic even ts , th e Co mmuni ty Fo un dation in vi te s re sident s to im ag in e id ea s th at will un leas h op po rt un itie s to create a more vibrant future for Lancaster County


“We kn ow th at if we co me to geth er as a co mmuni ty and fo cu s ou r efforts in these four areas now, we can se t po siti ve chang e in motionth at will co nt in ue to bu il d momen tu m overtime,” saysBressi.

Be partoftheconversation

Overth e past seve ra l months , Lancastrianshave be en invi te d to free Shaping Tomorrow Together events, each ce lebrat in g on e of th e fu tu refo cuse d areas.From community-led

artprojects atRockLititz, to mindful bo dymove men t in Buchanan Pa rk , th e publ ic hasjo in ed in activiti es , ch ee re d onth e Shap in g To mo rrow Awar d winne rs , andshar ed thei r dreams fora brighter future.

The final free event, celebratin g Our Plan et , will be heldon October17 at Th e Fa rm at Eagl es Ridge. Jo in us in an even in g ofnu rt ur in g natu re as we suppor t th e fu tu re ofou r loca l andglobalenvi ro nmen t withar t proj ec ts , li ve music, in sp ir at io nal spea ke rs , andth e anno un ce men t ofthe final round ofShaping Tomorrow Award winners.

It’s our turn to make history Thank s to 10 0 ye ar s ofvisionar y funders, innovators,and changemakers th at came be fo re us , Lancaste r County is a community brimmingwith possibility andpromise.Those philanthropists dreamt beyondwhat they could accomplish in a singlelifetime and imagined a thriving community for the generations they’d never meet They showed usthat philanthropy is for everyone.

“Thest ra te gi es we crea te andth e co ntribution s we ma ke toda y will be nefi t gene ration s to co me,” says Br es si . “We’ re in viting ev eryb od y wh o ca re s abou t th e fu tu re ofLancaster County to be part ofit.”

Adda feminine touch to softenthe inherent strengthof yourmenswear outfit– For styling menswear, accessoriesare crucial. A few well-chosenaccessorieswill establishan eye-catching contrast to the overall chunky feelof a menswearlook:

• Usea boldbelt to create shape between a loose-fitting sweater andwide-leg trousers.

• Boldearrings! Could be a chunky hoop, colored gemstones,or classicpearls.

• Add anantiquebrooch to an oversized blazer

• Carry a contrastinghandbagin a bright metallic finish, or even a bold print Just oneortwo strategically deployed accessorieswillmake yourmenswearoutfit funky and eye-catching!

Thesummerof2024 wasstiflinghot,leavinguslonging for crisp fall weather,brightblueskies,andcolorfulleaves.

Pumpkins, you can’tarrive soonenough.

Withcooler weathercomesa welcomechangein wardrobe:As mperatures getchillier,clothing getscozier.Oneofthis year ’s fall fashiontrends for womenismenswear,withrunways showingmodelsinbaggyprofilesandmonochromatichues.

Runway fashion canbeinspiring,butitoftenisn’twhat you’d actually wearonthestreet.Sohowdo youtakethistrendand make itmore wearable— to theoffice,onadate,orout to dinner?Like thenameofthismagazine,the keyisbalance. You want to balancetheboldlines, fabricsandcolorsof yourmenswearensemblewithotherelementsthatadd femininityandcontrast.

Ourthreestylingtipswillhelpmake thislookastaplein yourclosetthis fall.

Use your footwear to accent themonochrome color palate. Chunky ‘90s stylebootsand platformsare still in style, andso is a skinny sneakerwith trousers but a simpleloaferisalsogreat with a menswearlook.Insteadofthe classic black, brown orbeigeloafers,try a pop of color like pink,a boldprint,or a different fabric. A pair ofbright pink velvetloafersmay sound tacky, but you’d besurprised how often pink shoes match perfectly orbrightenupan all-blackoutfit. Choosing bright loaferswill give youroutfita fun lift inanunexpected spot without sacrificing comfort.

Create a shape –If both your top and your pants are bulky, theoutfit can feel a bit overwhelming Quickandeasy ways to create more of a shape include:

• Tuckin!Fullorpartial tuck, evenifit’s a sweater, canaddshapeand reduce thebulky feel. Thiswillbalance the proportionsof youroutfit,add polish, andshow offthat stylishbelthiding underthere.

• Add layers,put a softcamiunder a roomy V-neck sweater or a morefitted blouseunder the oversizedblazer The layerscanaddmore dimensionand shape

• Goeasy onbuttoning. For men’s shirts, onlyuseoneortwo buttons. For the rest oftheshirt, you have options:

• Buttonthe first orsecondbutton andlet the rest oftheshirtdrape.

• Buttonthe first orsecondbuttonand knottheshirt at your waist.

• For pants,dependingonthecut and fabric, you may beable to roll thecuffs to break upthelineoftheleg. Butifthepantsare verylongandflowy, letthem dotheirthing!

“Idinedherewithagroupinaprivatediningroomandthefood isexceptional.I wasservedagardensaladtostart,followed by roastedporktenderloinwithmushroomdemi-glaze.My entrée wasaccompanied by amedleyoffall vegetablesand smashedredblisspotatoes. Thepork wasperfectlydoneandthe demi-glaze verytasty.Chocolatemoussefordessert.Mydining experience wasexceptionalfromstarttofinish.”

TripAdvisor Review

As co-ownersand principalagentsofMcGowan Insurance Agency inQuarryville, DanMcGowan Jr andhiswife, Candi, are following a familytradition.

Dan’s mother, Sandy, startedtheindependent insurance agency in1991,and his father, Dan, eventuallyjoinedas well. The younger McGowans purchasedthebusiness fromhis parents,whoare now retired,in 2019.

“It’s kindoffunny,” McGowansays.“I never thought I’d be workingwith my wife like my parentsdid.It’s sosimilar.”

Soon, however, the McGowanswillbe working side by sidein a new location. McGowan Insurance Agency willbemoving fromitsSouthLime Street officeto the Town’s Edge Shopping Centerlater this fall.

Like allsmallbusinessesthat adapt to changing times,McGowan Insurance Agencyis makingthe move – along withsomeotherupgrades – both outof necessityand to betterserve itsclients.

The businesshas grown considerablyinthelast fiveyears,McGowan says, estimatingthey’ve

of Servingthe Community

addedabout 750 customersand1,500new policies.Asanindependentinsurance agency, McGowan Insurance has relationshipswith a numberofnationaland regional carriers,hesays, butthe mainoneisErie

“They’ve done a lotofplanning to make sure their rates are competitive,” McGowan says ofErie “They reallyare thebest service for customersand agents andthebest claimservice. They’ve grown a lotthesepast coupleof years and we’ve grown with them.”

That growthmeansmore staff - thebusiness now has five agentsandanofficecoordinatorandthe need for more space. Butthemove isalso designed to betterserve customers,especially thosewith wheelchairsor walkers,whocanonly enterthe currentoffice through a backdoor, he says

McGowan says the averageage ofhiscustomers is54,and someofthem struggle to get upthe stepsoftheold office “We wanted to makea place that was ADA compliant, a place ourcustomers

Fromleft:MichaelaHrischuk, CandiMcGowan,DanMcGowan,Kimberly Powers, andMike Dodson


The new locationwillalsohave private offices for each agent, ratherthanthecubicleswithhalf walls inthecurrent office

“We seethebenefit ofprivacy for ourclients cominginandtalkingaboutsensitive topics, McGowan says, notingthat peopleoftenneed to share informationsuchasdriving records, family healthhistoryandpast bankruptcy issues for insurance purposes.“Thoseare things we canhelp you with,butnot a lot ofpeoplelike to say themoutloud.”

A new meeting room withwhiteboardswill accommodate larger familiesorbusinesses.

Alongwiththenew location,McGowan

“Peopleare coming to usandsaying, ‘Idon’t eventrust anything I look at online I’d ratherhave somebodylocally tellmewhatI need,’”hesays “Wefindthat trend a lotoffun.”

Most oftheirbusiness comesfrompersonal linesinsurance, suchashome, auto andlife, as wellasbusiness insurance, both for established companiesandthosejust startingout. They’ve also been reviewingthepoliciesofestablishedclients to ensure they have themost up-to-datecoverage andeconomical rates, hesays

Insurance Agency hasalsomadesome recent technical upgrades,includingtheability to communicate with agents via web chat or text message Inan age where peopleofall ages are inundated withemails,havingtheoption to receive files,photosand evenIDcardsvia textmakes sense, McGowan says, andit’s somethingclients now appreciate “We try to do things here that wewould want for ourselves,” hesays

Despite the technological advancesandthe propensity to take care ofbusiness online, McGowan says the agency averages seven to ten visitors to theoffice everyday, many ofthem younger clients.Andhe expectsthat number to grow at thenew location.

“We don’tthinkthat insurance is getting any easier,” hesays “Young peopleseethat,and I thinkthat they want to make sure they are properlytakencare of, andthey want to hearitfromthehorse’s mouth.”

It’s important to McGowan that they remain an educational resource andanadvocate for the agency’s 3,500customers.

Healso wants tocontinuehismother ’s tradition ofbeingnotjusta business but a partofthe greater community

He recallsSandyMcGowan always encouraging the family to attendasmany Quarryvillefunctions aspossible growingup

“She was reallyinvolvedlocallywith a lotof differentcharities,especiallythe foodbank,” McGowan says “I feellike we’ve tried to take that a littlefurtheras well. We’ve tried to put more time into volunteeringwithSolanco Neighborhood Ministries.It’s funbeingin a small community.”

Soakintheoak; baskinthebeech

Fallmeanslotsofleaf-peepingopportunities,in Lancaster Countyandbeyond

A short hike can be an ac ible way in fall’s splendor. To be fully prepared, the right colors the only intense thing about the trip.

Leafpeeping,branchglancing, boughbrowsing,limbleering, maplemania,desperately seeking sylvan–nomatterthe term, fall’sarrival isheralded by a kaleidoscopeofcoloras greensgive way togolds,andlocalshave

Ashorthikecanbeanaccessible way to bask fall’ssplendor. To befullyprepared,theright shoeson your feetcanhelp youmake the colorstheonlyintensethingaboutthetrip. Herearesometipsandsuggestionsfrom PeggyEppig,Environmental Educator for theLancaster Conservancy. Leaveopen-toedshoesandflip-flops behind.Itmightbe tempting to wear these,especiallyifthe weather stillsays summer,butthey won’t offertheprotectionneededon forestedtrails. If youareinthemarket forapair ofboots, considerbuyingfrom amerchantwhere youcantryon differentbootsbefore youbuy. There aremanybrandsmakinggoodoutdoor footwearandfindingtheonethatfits youbestis key. Leatherbootsandthose with Vibrambrandedsolesmayneed time to breakin. Vibramsolesareharder andgood forgrip,butwillalsoadd to the expense. Apairoftrailrunnerscanbeagoodoption for keepingthingslightweight,butbearinmind thatthese tend to wearoutmuch fasterthana more traditionalboot. Anklesupportisgood,especially foruneven trails,and youcan extendtheutilityofthe bootswithmodificationssuchasadding gaiters to preventdebrisfrom gettinginside.

To waterproofornot:Bootsthatoffer protective waterproofingcanbehandy in wet terrain,butwillalsobeequally effective at retaining waterifanygets inside. They also won’tbreatheas easilyasnon-waterproofboots.And regardlessof yourchoice, if you’re puttinginthe extramiles,take abreak by removing yourboots every10milesorso to let your feetbreatheabit. Socksshouldn’tbean afterthought. Avoidthosemade with cotton,andlook forsocks withribbingaroundtheankle, whichwillhelpwick away moisture fromtheboot.

Resources:https://www.dcnr. FallFoliageReports/Pages/default.aspx

plenty ofopportunity to witnessit. Seasonalchangeisa sensorydelight throughout Pennsylvania,whichboasts alongerandmore varieddisplay of fall foliagethananyotherstate,according to thestate Departmentof Conservation and Natural Resources.Thiscolorful transformationhappensin relatively fewpartsofthe Northern Hemisphere, so grab yourflannelandbootsandmake themostofit.

Gaugingtherighttime for feastingon

fallcolor,especially at itspeak, canbeabitofachallenge. Nature tends to abide by no hard timetable. To getthemost outofpeepingopportunities, Pennsylvania’sDCNRBureau of Forestryoffers weekly foliage reportsbeginning at theendof September.Each reportwill tell youwheretheleavesareinthe colorchangespectrum at the county level,from “starting to change” to “pastpeak.”Last year ’s reports extendedthroughthe first weekof November,meaning Octoberisprimepeepingtime throughoutmuchofthestate

Othersuggestions fortakingin the fallcolorsincludestrolling aroundMuddyRun Park,which offersalakeshoretrailthat circumnavigatesthe reservoir. Thetree-linedtrekismostly flat,withtheaddedbonusof viewingtheleavesinthe water’s reflection,doubling yourpeeping pleasure.

Leaf-peepingopportunities aboundinthecounty. Inablog postduringlast year ’s peeping season, Keith Williams, Vice PresidentofEngagement& Education fortheLancaster Conservancy,offeredup several conservancypropertiesas particularlyprimeviewingareas. TheseincludeClark Nature Preserve,MillCreek Falls Nature Preserve,and Welsh Mountain NaturePreserve.Checkthe Conservancy website foran overviewofthetreespecies ineachpreserve to forecast thecolors you can expect.The speciesoftreedetermineswhich ofnature’spalette theirleaves paintwith,from scarlet to russet, golden yellow to bronze.

Ifthe weatherholdslaterinto the fall,abikerideona railtrailis a serene way toseetheleaves. The Lebanon ValleyRail Trailruns throughthe forestssurrounding Mt.Gretnaandoffersmultiple parkingareas foranaccessible experience.

Forthoseinclined togo further afield,KinzuaBridgeState Park offersuniqueaerialviews of fall color. Visitorsnotsufferingfrom acrophobia cantrekout to the endofthe remnantoftheKinzua Viaduct,which extendsabove atree-lined valley. Ifa scenic driving tour soundslikemore yourspeed,checkouttheDCNR website formapsthroughthe westernLaurelHighlands.

Whether youtraveldownthe blockoracrossthestate,justtake theopportunity to peruse some poplarand gawk atsomeginkgo. Therichnessof fallcolorisaperk fromnaturethat canbeenjoyed at your ownpace.

Availablenow, thistimely workpromises to bea thought-provoking read for bothscienceenthusiastsand spiritualseekers alike.

Av ailabl e on Am azon

SavingtheLancaster we love.


Tovisitors,LancasterCounty is a place toseelifeasit used tobe.Apicturesque landwheretraditionsarestrong—and nothingmucheverchanges.

Butifyoulivehere,youknowthere’s moretothestory:

· Youknowwe’renotasold-fashioned asth e goodpeopleofNewYork wouldliketobelieve.Infact,our quaintlittlefarmscanbedeceptively cutting-edge. When it comes totopics likeorganicmethods,silvopastur e, andstreamrestoratio n, researchersandconservationistsaroundthe worldlookhereforinspiration.

Youknowgood f ood.Re allyg ood food.Youknowfree-range, p asture-raised,andregenerativel y g rown.Youknowwheretofindthe biggestrhubarb,thetiniestpatty p ans,thecoldestrootbeer,andthe sweetestsweetcorn.

· Andyo u knowthatbehin d allthat incrediblefood,there’s a farm . And a familywhohasmadeittheirlife’s worktokeepitallgrowing.

Unfortunately,youalsoknowth atf or e verypostcard-perfectview,there’ s anotherthat’snolonger t here.That a crossthecounty , farmlandisbein gr eplaced bywarehouses, parkinglots,and urbansprawl.

B utwhatyoumightno t realiz e isho w quicklyit’shappening . 3,000acre s of Lancaster’sfarmlandarelosteachyear— anarea twicethesizeofLititzBorough. We’rerunningoutoftimetoprotect whatmakesthisplacesospecial:our openspaces,fresh food, family businesses,andcherishedtraditions.

SavingFarmland Helps Local Businesses

Lancasteris a diningde stination,withrestaurantsoffering everythingfromsimplehome cookingto upscalefarm-to-tableexperiences.

Leean M ason,co-proprieto r ofLUCA, recallshowsheand he r husband , TaylorMason, c hos e Lancasterasthespot fo r theirrestaurant : “W e alw ayssaidifweeverwanted to dosomethinginthefood w orld,ithadtobeinanarea thathadfarmsandthatreally valuedtheland.”


LUCAis a gemoftheLancasterdining scene,highlightingtheproduceofeach seasondirectfromlocalfarms.

“While a lot ofpeople havethisheritage ofgrowingupwiththeseingredients, I don’tthinkenoughknowthemintimately,”saysTaylor,LUCA’schefandco-proprietor.“Soit’sreallyamazingtobeable tojustshareontheplatewhat a snapshotoflateJulyshouldtastelike.”

Th e successofLUCA—andmanyotherlocalrestaurants—isdeeplyrootedin Lancaster’sfarmland.

Farmersare OnBoard

LancasterFarmlandTrustexiststoprotectLancaster’sfarmland.Foundedin 1988,thenonprofi t help s farmerstake legalstepstoensurethei r farmstays farmlandforever—regardlessofwh o holdsthedeed.

Atfirst , manyfarmerswereuncertain aboutth e program.Thes e days , there’s a waitlistoffarmerswhowouldliketo preservetheirland,butneedmorefundingtofinalizetheirpreservationdreams.

“Thisfar m isactually a par t ofWilliam Penn’sorigina l persona l estate,”says

Roman Stoltzfoos, farmer and owner of SpringWoodFarm.“M y fatherfarmed itfo r 38years,an d we’vebeenonit fo r 35.Wehadsomereallygoodyears , and wedecidedweshouldpreserve this farmland.Preservationnotonlypreservesland.Itpreservesculture,and itpreservesfamilies,anditpreserves a wayoflife thatyoureallycan’tputa valueon.”

SavingFarmlandSavesEveryone’s QualityofLife

Todate , Lancaste r Farmlan d Trusthas preservedmorethan35,000acresof LancasterCounty’sfarmland.That’ s 35,000acresoffields,woodlands,and pasturesthatwillkeepfeedingthis community,generatio n aftergeneration.Nomatterwh o own s thatlan d in thefuture.

Now,Lancaster Farm landTrus t is workingwithcommunitymembers,localbusinesses,an d otherli ke-minded group s topermanentlyprotec t anothe r 25,000acresby2030.

Becausewhenourcommunitycome s togethertosavefarmland,wesavemore th anfarm land. Wesa veth e Lanc as te r welove.

Ifleadingabusinessororganization isajugglingact,thenthe Everence OrganizationalServicesteamis ready withan extrasetofhands.

Kyle Keen,thedirectoroforganizational servicesfor Everence FinancialCentral Penn,offersaone-stop-shopforemployers who want toaligntheirmissionand values withhowtheycare fortheiremployees andtheirbusinesses.

Runningabusinessis aboutmorethan simplytaking care ofbusiness.It’s about taking care ofemployeeswithahostof criticalservices,includinggrouphealth benefits, retirementplans,financial wellness,assetmanagement, Medicare


That responsibility canseem overwhelming,especiallyif youmust deal withmultiplebenefitandfinancialservice providers, noneofwhomofferalocal connectionorapersonaltouch.

Everenceisdifferent. Everence can provideconsolidatedand streamlined solutionsforallthoseimportantservices throughoneunifiedteamofprofessionals. That’swherethe Everenceteamcomesin to supporttheneedsoffor-andnonprofit organizations.

The Everenceteamoffersmorethan convenience. Theyofferthe weightof anationalorganizationcombinedwith

thepersonaltouchofmemberswholive and work inthecommunity. Theybuild relationshipswithlocalbusinessesand organizations, walkingbesidethemas advocates,educatorsandcheerleaders committedtotheir successand well-being. Considerhow Everencecouldserve your businessornonprofitorganization: Grouphealth:Atireless advocate

Youremployee’s familymemberneedsa life-savingmedication,buttheinsurance carrieris denyingcoverage.

An Everenceteammemberknowshow tonavigatethehealth care system.They

The Everence OrganizationalServices team is ready to serve yourbusiness, organization orchurch:Michael Whiteman,Financial Consultant; Elyse Kauffman,Charitable Consultant;Natalie Jenkins, Financial Consultant;and Kyle Keen,DirectorofOrganizationalServices.

canadvocate onbehalfof youremployee’s family to ensurethey gettheappropriate treatment.

Everencehasaccess to allthemajor insurance carriersand variousfunding models.Theywillhelp youstayon topof annualbenefitplanchanges,enrollment, compliance, formsand resources.They alsohelp youunderstandandnavigate regulations,managecostsandoffera wellnessprogram.

Retirementplans: Facingthe

futurewith confidence

Anemployee’sspouseisturning65and plans to continue working.Dotheyhave to enrollin Medicare,or canthey remainon thecompanyhealthinsurance?Whatare theiroptions?

Asabusiness ownerorhuman resources manager, youdon’thave to bea Medicare expert, too. An Everence teammember can help youremployeeandtheirspousemake adecisionthatismostinlinewiththeir currentneeds.

Everenceoffersasuiteof services to help youremployees retirewithconfidence.In addition toMedicareeducation,including guidancewithopenenrollment for your entire workforce, Everenceprovides groupandone-on-onefinancial wellness consulting to helpemployeesachieve their savings goals.And Everence FederalCredit Unionoffersbanking solutionsthatallow youand youremployees to integrate your faithand valueswith yourfinances.

Everence canalsodesignandadminister a robust retirementplan for yourbusiness ororganizationthatincludes socially responsibleinvestingoptionsthat reflect youremployees’ values.

Charitablegiving:Fulfilling amission

Asasmallnonprofitorganization, you arestruggling to achieve yourvisionwith limited resources.

Whilemanyfinancialinstitutionsdonot prioritizecharitablegiving,itis at theheart of Everence’smission.

“A bigpartofwhat we doisempowerment,” Keen says.

Thatmeanshelpingindividualsmaximize their generosityandhelpingorganizations maximizetheircommunityimpact.

Everencepartnerswithbothnonprofits andtheirpotentialdonors, helpingdonors giveina waythatalignswiththeir values andhelpingnonprofitseducate theirdonors aboutsmarter waysto givebeyondsimply writingacheck.Thatincludescreating giving tools,suchasdonor-advisedfunds andcharitablegiftannuities,thatallow benefactors to have anincomewhilestill giving to causestheyarepassionate about.

Everence canalsohelpnonprofitswith thecomplexitiesofacceptingnon-cash donations, suchas realestate,stocks, commoditiesandotherassets.

“Thereare so manydifferent, meaningful ways that we can resourceanorganization, they can resourceaconstituency,andthe community canbemademore awareofhow they canbecharitableandsupportthose organizationstheybelieve in,” Keen says. It’sjustanother way Everenceshows up differently foritsclients.

“Fromsupportingleadershiporthe employeesthemselves,” Keen says,“we want to improvetheirdailylivesandthe organization’s well-being.”

Empowering businessesand organizations

Everenceofferssolutionsfor yourlargeorsmallbusiness, organizationorchurch.


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•Charitable giving


•Healthsavings accounts

•Medicare education



717-394-0769, centralpenn@everence.comor

SecuritiesofferedthroughConcourseFinancial GroupSecurities,aregisteredbroker-dealer andmemberofFINRAandSIPC.Investments andotherproductsarenotNCUAorotherwise federallyinsured,mayinvolvelossofprincipal andhavenocreditunionguarantee. ProductsandservicesofferedthroughEverence TrustCompanyandotherEverenceentities.

Good Vibrations


Oneof my favoritethings to do asamusicianis to plug my electricguitarin to anamp,turn the reverbupandthenplaysinglenotesor chords,with my faceupclose.

IfI’mtunedupperfectly,the sound feels justright. However, it’sthe extravibration fromtheampthatmakesme feelthemusic morethanjusthearingit.

WhenI wasfirstable to go to concertsagain, afterthebruntoftheCOVID -19pandemic, oneofthefirstthingsIdid was getasclose asIcould to thebigamplifiersandletthe vibrationcourse through my entirebody.

Recently,I tookthat sensation to thenext level by takingpartinapairof sound vibration sessionswiththehelpofLori Stahl,avibrational soundtherapistbasedin Lancaster County.

Stahlis well versedintheconceptof vibrational soundtherapy, asshestudied under JohnBeaulieu,amajorinnovator inthefield,andiscertified by thenational VibrationalSoundAssociation.Whileclose inspirit,thispracticeisslightlydifferent thantheconceptofa “soundbath.”

“I callita ‘soundimmersionmeditation,’ becauseabathmeans youcomeandlay thereand getbathedinit,” Stahl says “And I want people to feellikethey’re activeinit, likethey’re immersedinit.”

Ona recentSundaymorning,Ishowed up to Stahl’sofficeinLititz foraone-onone soundbalancing session.Ilayona rectangulardoctor ’s bed,andStahlfirst hitatuning forkagainstherkneeandthen waveditnear my face.Becausethe two notesthe forkcreated were CandGnotes, theycreatedaharmonious sensation to start.Thispartofthe sessionisalsoknown asbiofieldtuning,whichisanaspectof vibrational soundtherapythat seeks to find thedisharmoniousaspectsofourbodies andpsychesandalleviate thestresswithin.

Thetuning forkshelp setthe sceneand create calmbeforethedrumscomeout.I closed my eyesduringthetuning forkand no soonerhad my relaxationbegun tosetin thanStahlplaceda soundbowlontheupper partof my chest. Withamallet,Stahlhit thedrumfromdifferentangles,eachtime creatinga typeofpangthattraveledfrom thedrum to my chestandthenalldirections of my body. Unliketheharmonyfromthe tuning fork,I woulddescribethemetal

drum soundasechoinganddiscordant, thoughthe sound waslessimportant than thevibration sensationthatit was causing. Thepeakofthe session waswhen Stahlintroduceda secondbowlthat correspondedwiththeinitialchestbowl.By movingthefirstbowl to differentlevelsof my chestandthenusingthe secondbowlon my legsandarms,Stahl wasable to create what feltlikeacurrentshootingvividly betweenthebowls.It wasdeeply relaxing, especiallyonceI was told to flip overand repeatthebowlprocesson my back.Ididn’t fallasleep,butI wasprobablycloserthanI anticipated.

“Peoplecomeoffthetable,andtheir faces arebrighter,andthey’re like,‘I feel so light.’” Stahl says.“I feellikeit’s fascinating work, andit’salsointense work.Stahl says that duringtuning sessions, severalpeoplehave beenable to admit to themselvesthatthey hadbeenabusedearlierintheirlives. WhileIdidn’tleave having recalledpast traumas,Ididindeed feelstillandcentered, so much so thatit wasdifficult to jumpright into aninterviewwithStahl.

Thenext day, ImetwithStahlagain,this time foraSoundImmersion Meditation withagroup atHempfieldApothetique. With roughly15peoplepresent, Iknewit wouldn’tbeasintensiveastheprevious day’sbalancing session,butI walkedinwith someofthatenergy stillbuzzinginside.

At themeditation,visitorsare recommended to layona yoga matand bringapillowand /orblanketand eye covering for totalimmersion.Whilethere was somecrossover, I would saythat sound immersionmeditationistheequivalentof anambientconcertwithnoclapping,while the soundbalancing session wasalmostlike beingtheinstrumentitself,an extension ofthedrumthatStahlplayedon topofme. Usingacombinationoftuning forks, gongs andambientdrums,Stahlmostlyplayed calming tonesfromthefrontofthe room. Perhapsit’s my occasional selfconsciousness, butthegroup sessionhad me feelingmore awareof my surroundings thanthe solo session,thoughIstillleft feeling relaxed.Thebestpartofthegroup sessioncoincidentallyhadthemost crossoverwiththepreviousday– at the beginningandendingofthe session,Stahl walked over to eachparticipantandheld

modernamenities,whileourdedicated teamensurespersonalizedsupport for every resident.

Maxi mize Your Social Security:

4 Essent ial Tips fora Secure Retirement

For de cades, you’ve contribu te d to Social Se curi ty Now, as re tire me nt ap proaches , it ’s time to make the most of your be ne fits. He re are four key strate gies to ma ximize your Social Se curi ty :

1. Know Your Number s

Unde rs tandhow your be ne fit amount changes base d onwhen you star t claiming:

• Aged 62: Re du ce d be ne fits (about 30 % less)

• Full Re tire me nt Age (67 for those born in 1960 or late r): 10 0% of be ne fits

• Age 70: Ma ximu m be ne fits (132% of full re tire me nt age be ne fit)

ametaldrum over,butnoton,each person,hittingitonceandmovingit close to thebody so thatthevibration couldbe felt.

Now, everytimeI setup my electric guitaralittle tooclose to theamp,Iwill thinkofthese sessionsandthe feeling thatthosekindsofvibrations canhold within.

“Whenpeoplecome versuswhenthey leave, it’slikelooking at adifferent person,”Stahl explains.“Ioften say, ‘Justdomea favor, andon your wayout,lookinthemirror.’ Their eyesare so bright, the tensionisout ofthere.Like,itissuchanhonor to just holdspace forpeople to findtheir way to stillness.”

2. Evaluate Spousa l Benefit Options

Marrie d, divorc ed , or widowe d? Base d on your si tuation, you may be eligible for up to 10 0% of your spouse’s be ne fit . Don’ t overlook this pote ntial boos t to your re tire me nt income.

3. Implement Tax-Efficient St rategies

Work wi th a financialadvisor to create a ta xef ficie nt income stream in re tire me nt This can he lp re du ce ta xes on your Social Se curi ty be ne fits.

4. Understand How Your Benefit is Calculated


Social Se curi ty uses your 35 -year earnings re cord to calc ulate your payout Be sure to chec k your earnings re cord and confirmits ac curacy.

Read y to maximize your Social Se cu rity ? Scan the QR code fora complime nt ar y co nsultation of your be ne fit s and your overall re tire me nt st rate gy

Visitus at oneofournine locations:


It’snotsurprisingthatoneofthenation’sleadingindependent bookstores wouldhostoneofthelargestbook festivalsinthe country. Butthe goodnews forcentral Pennsylvaniabooklovers is thatit’sallright intheir ownbackyard.

MidtownScholarBookstore,locatedjusta fewblocksdown fromtheState Capitolin Harrisburg,willhostthe12thannual HarrisburgBook Festivalthis fallfromOct. 9-13. Featuring awardwinningauthors, adayofchildren’sactivities,abargainbook sale andmore,the festivalwillhave something for everyone.

“We’re trying to throw thebiggestpartypossible forbook lovers,” says AlexBrubaker,the festival’s executive director. “It’s important forus to have anauthorlineupthat reflectsand representsallthediversityinliterature. We want there to be something foranyonethatlovesbooks.”

Brubaker expectsthe festival toattract some15,000visitors fromacross Pennsylvaniaandsurroundingstates overitsfivedayrunthis year. Visitors willbetreated to astar-studdedlineup thatincludesPulitzerPrize-winningauthorsDavid W. Blightand ElizaGriswold, New York Timesbest-sellingauthorsEdwidge Danticat,OlivieBlake,Chuck Wendig,RichardChizmar,and Amanda Foody;and world-renownedauthor James McBride.

Allauthor eventsarefreeandwillbeheld at MidtownScholar.

For young readers, Children’s DaywillbeheldSaturday, Oct.12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.,with facepainting,storytime,booksignings, build-a-bookmarkcraft,abookstore scavengerhunt,andameet& greetwiththe HarrisburgSenator’smascot, Rascal.

‘Barks, Books, andBBQ’highlightstheactivitiesonthefinalday ofthe festival,withadoptabledogsandpuppiesfromNirvana Animal Rescue,alongwithhomemadedoggietreatsfromDoggie Delights. Harrisburg’s own Tex’sBarbecuewillhave apop-up standwithauthentic Texasbarbecue,brisket,sliders, andmore And youguessedit—morediscountbooks!

Despitethe availabilityofe-booksandaudiobooks, Brubaker says nothing can replacethe feelingof readingaphysicalbook.That’s oneofthemany reasonshe expectstheHarrisburgBook Festival willcontinue to grow biggerandbettereach year.

“ We love our readersandwritersherein Pennsylvania,” Brubaker says.“It’s a testament to thestrengthofourliterary communitythat we’reable to pullthisoff;hopefully we’llcontinue to bearound foralong,longtime.”

Formoreinformationandafull scheduleof events forthe festival,visit

Astheholiday seasonapproaches, itbeckons withthepromiseof warmth, joy, and cherishedtraditions Yet,amidthe familiar comfortsofclassic filmsandage-oldsongs, there’s something extraordinaryabout discovering a freshholiday experience This year, elevate yourfestive celebrations with Illumination,PrimaTheatre’s acclaimed immersive concertthatpromisesto rekindle yourholidayspirit.

Illuminationismore than a seasonal performance—itisanenveloping experience designedto refreshandinvigorate. Mitch Nugent, FoundingExecutive Producer of PrimaTheatre,envisionsIllumination as a sanctuaryfromtheclamor of everydaylife. “In a worldthatfeelsincreasinglynoisy,” Nugent reflects, “Illumination offersa rare opportunitytostepinto a serene, candlelit environment thatbathes you in a radiant ambiance.”

Fromthemoment you crossthe threshold into Prima, you are transported into a realmof tranquility The venue’s intimatelayout, with seatingforjustunder150 guests arranged around a centralstage,createsanunparalleled senseofclosenessbetweenaudienceand performers. Thestage,adornedwithhundreds of softlyglowing candles, casts a gentlelight thatenhancestheimmersive atmosphere.

Themusicalselectionis a masterfulblendof timelessholidayclassics andcontemporary favorites, performed by a cadre ofnationally renowned vocalists. Accompanied by a versatileensembleofpiano, drums, guitar, and cello, theperformance offersa rich auditory experience thatcombinesnostalgia with a refreshingnew angle.Expect tobe enchanted by harmoniesthatechothestyleof thecelebrated Pentatonix,deliveringbeloved holidaytuneswith a contemporarytwist.

Now initsthird year, Illuminationhas evolved withnew featuresthatelevatethe experience further. Nugent andhisteamhave introduced new lanternshangingabove andadditional candles, alongwiththeoptionto reserve private cabarettableswhere guests can enjoy pre-show refreshmentspre-delivered.

Nugent’s goalissimple yet profound: “Illuminationoffers theopportunitytopause, reflect,embrace joy, andcherishthebeauty ofsharedmomentswiththosewhomatter most.”

PrimaTheatre’s locationonLancaster’s west sideisjust a short five-minutedrive from downtown, making itconvenient topair with a pre-show dinneratoneofthearea’sfine diningestablishments. Uponarrival,guests willappreciatetheeaseoffreeoff-street


parking andthe comfortofPrimaTheatre’s extra-wideseats, ensuring a pleasant and accessible experience forall.

Runningfrom November22through December22,withperformancesat 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.,Illuminationisdesignedto fit seamlesslyinto yourholidayplans The show’s durationofjust overanhour, with nointermission,makesit a perfectchoice forthose seeking a delightfulholidayouting withoutan extendedtimecommitment. TicketsforIlluminationare inhighdemand andsellout quickly. To secure yourseatsat this extraordinaryholidaycelebration,visit


941 Wheatland Ave.,SuiteA, Lancaster PA 17603 (717)327-5124

Asabankerwith Truist, Lynn Kuhnsneverhitsthe road to visit abusinessclientwithoutbringing theessentials:lollipopsanddogtreats.

When yourclientsareintheAmish community, it’sagiventhatbusinessand family go handinhand.Thatmeanskidsand dogs.Italsomeansthosemeetingsprobably aren’ttakingplaceinanoffice.

“I’ve hadappointmentsinbarns.I’ve had appointmentsin tobaccosheds.I’ve had appointmentsonporches, at kitchentables,” Kuhns says.“Ihadanappointmentinthe middleofa tobaccofieldacoupleof weeks ago.”

Kuhnsispartofasmall,localcommunity banking team at Truist focused solelyon servingAmishbusiness owners.

Truistmaybethe seventhlargestbankinthe U.S.,butitpridesitselfonofferingthe feelof asmallcommunitybank.

“Weunderstandtheneedsofourcommunity membersand want to meetthemwhere theyare,” says Senior VicePresidentSarah Lesser. “We want toserve youinthe way that you feelmostcomfortable.”

FortheAmishcommunity, that’sclearlyinperson,intheir ownbackyard

Truisthas serveditsAmishcustomers for years at itslocalbrick-and-mortarbranches, andbankerslike Kuhnshave always had theirshareofAmishbusinessclients for whomon-sitevisits were thenorm.Butthe accelerationofdigitalbankinginthe wake of theCOVID -19pandemicchangedthings.

Fromprocessingloans, tosending documents to basiccommunication, bankinghasbecomeadigital world,and mostcustomersenjoy-and evendemandthatconvenience.Butnotall.

“There wasabig voidthere,” Kuhns says

“There’ssuchalarge populationofnondigitalclientsinthisarea. Howare we going to workwiththosepeoplewhenthey’re not readilyaccessible to digitalmeansof communicationordoingbusiness?”

For Truist,theanswer wasadedicated teamofindividuals toserveitsnondigitalbanking communityin Lancaster, York andChester counties,Lesser says.

Currently,that teamincludes Kuhns,a26yearbanking veteran,and KimKinsey,who spent15 yearswith Truist’sbankbranch inIntercourse,whereshe workedclosely withtheAmishcommunity. Theyalsohave twofull-timeassistants, KarenKiblerand EricaBettleyon,alongwithunderwriters whounderstandthefinancialnuancesof theAmishcommunity. “It’s really exciting and something we’reproudofinour organization,”Lesser says KuhnsandKinsey handlefinancial services forbusinessesthatinclude everythingfrom furnituremanufacturingand sawmills to constructionandhomeimprovement. And, ofcourse,they serve farmersas well. Althoughtheyhandleprimarilybusiness banking fortheAmishcommunity, that can sometimes overlapintothepersonal bankingarena,especiallyinthe case of family farms.Inthose cases, Kinsey says, they canconnectclientswithoneof Truist’s localbankbranches.

thepersonalside.Sometimes we takethe paperworkthatneeds to besignedoutthere forloansoropeninganaccount. It’sa team effort.”

Kinsey believes Truistoffersthebestofboth worlds.

Thereareundeniableadvantages to being alargerbank,she says, includingtheflexibility forcustomers to bank outsidethelocalarea, somethingLancaster County ’s manysnowbirds appreciate.But forthe Amishcommunity, whomay have limitedtransportation, phoneaccessanddigital capabilities,knowingthey have adedicated Truiststaff whowill go above andbeyond to assistthem wheretheyaremakesallthedifference.

“Theseare good,hard-workingpeople thatmakegreatclients,” Kuhns says.“It is veryfulfillingandapleasure forus to beable to provide excellent service to the Plaincommunityinamannerthat theyare comfortablewith.…They want to dealwith somebodytheyknowinperson.They want to sitdownacross fromthemand get to knowthem.”

It’snotjusttheAmishcustomerswho appreciate thatpersonal wayofdoing business.

Kinsey and Kuhnsenjoyvisitingthe Amish,learningabouttheirbusinessesand developingthose relationships, too.

“Weallknowtheindividualswithinthe branchesintheareasthat we service,” she says “Wepartnerwithbrancheson

“Inakindofagewheredigital seems to bethe world,thisbringsthatpersonal touchbackwhere we stillhave that human connection,”Kinsey says “Wethrivewith thatpersonalconnection.”


Launching a newprint publicationin2019? Preposterous.

But five years later, here we are.Balance magazinehas been connectinglocal businesses and readers in a way that’s unique amongLNPproducts, and we’ve heard plenty ofpositive feedback fromsubscribers andbusiness owners alike

Thesefive years have seentheBalance teamtackle countless editorial stories, collaborative content piecesandphoto shoots – sometimeswhile navigatingdifficultiessuchas a pandemicand a cyberattack.

As we celebrate Balance’s fifthbirthday, we askedthepeoplewhohave contributed to thepublication overthe years to reflectontheir most memorableBalancemoments. Here are someofthe responses.

“BrewerforaDay” fromtheWinter2023issue.

“Beer?Thismaybecontroversial tosay, but–Ithinkitis good!

ButbeforeI tookadriveout to Reamstown’sRuralCityBrewing Co roughlya yearandahalfago, Ididn’t knowmuchofthe ‘how ’and‘why’ ofbeer. Thankfully,the twobrotherswhorunthe business, Benand JamesBurton, were niceenough to letme hangoutduringabrewingday togetabetterappreciationof theirart.A goodportionoftheday wasdedicated togenuine physicallabor,sure,butalso conversationsaboutbeerandhow it canbeconstantlyimprovedupon.

“Aboutsixmonthsafterthefirstissueof Balance waspublished,theentire worldchanged. TheCOVID -19pandemichitalmost immediatelyafterIjoinedtheBalance team,and my entiretime servingascontent editor forthe publicationhasbeenspent workingfromhome. Andwhilethathascome to be verynormal, at the beginningit wasn’t.

ThefirstBalanceissueI workedonincludeda pieceIwroteaboutadjusting to lifeinapandemic. It was terrifying–thisdisease waskillingpeople at analarming rate,and we didn’tentirelyknowhow to protectourselves. Andthe world wasjustWEIRD.Emptyhighwaysat rushhour. Trying to improvise facemasksbefore we couldeasilybuythem. Figuringouthow to publishanewspaper remotely.Andthat crazy toiletpapershortage. Buthumannaturebeingwhatitis– resilient–I foundbrightspots to write about.Thepeaceinordinarilybusyplaces.Extra time to takelong walkswith my wifeanddog.There wasaquiet to thosedays that was appealing,despitethehorrors goingoninthe world.

Sixmonthsand twoBalanceissueslater, wewere stilllivinglife at a distance,andIwrotea follow-uppieceabouthowZoom saved my social side,allowing forvirtualhappyhourswithcollegefriendsand remote Dungeons&Dragons gameswith my current socialcircle.

COVIDnever went away,ofcourse –itislikely somethingour society willjusthave to dealwith every year.Butthose earlydays were strange andmemorable,andI wasglad to beable to share my experienceofthem –the goodandthebad–withBalance readers.”

We createdabatchof RoundaboutIPAthatdayand, roughly a weeklater, I found myself at Southern Market’s Bar1888,and wouldn’t youknowit? Roundabout wasondraft.Idon’tknow ifIhadaliteralhandinmakingthatspecificbatch,butittasted thatmuch sweeterknowingthatthere wasapossibility. Howgreat woulditbe,Ithought, to nothave to driveout to Reamstown to enjoyRuralCity’sofferings? NotlongafterI hadthatthought, RuralCityopenedataproomonKingStreet inLancastercity, wherethey’re stillslingingbrews to thisday.”

“Two of my favorite experiencesin writing forBalance so farhave beenones inwhichI reportedstoriesthat were close to my heart.Ilove livetheater, and wasprivileged to talk to local professionalactors abouthowthey were copingwithstagesbeingshutdown duringthedarkestdays oftheCOVID -19 pandemic.Oneactordeliveredpackages forAmazon to makeendsmeet,and recordedaChristmasalbum.Anotherdelivered foodand produced TV commercials.Amarriedcouple were offered jobswiththeirchurchwhiletheirperformanceoptions were limited by thepandemic.

Morerecently,asanovice-but-engagedbirder,Ienjoyed goingoutonearly-morningsighting expeditionson wooded trailswiththeskilledguidesoftheLancaster County Bird Club. Watchingthemidentifybirds by their calls,and seeminglyknowjustwhere to aimtheirbinoculars fora sightinginthetrees, wasa realeducation.Seeinga sandhill cranefly overhead at MiddleCreek WildlifeManagement Area,andlearningthatsuchbirdsare identifiable by the extensionoftheirnecks whileflying, wasathrill.”

“TimeandaGoodPair ofShoes”fromthe Spring2023issue.

“Overthepastfive yearswriting forBalance,I’ve hadthe opportunity to meetandwriteaboutalotofdifferentpeopleand learnhowtheyspenttheirtime.Somepeoplespendtheirtime foraging formushrooms to helphealthebody, some care forbees to helphealtheenvironment, some explore National Parksandlive alife ofadventureonthe road.Othersdedicate theirtime to finding waysto help you get organized so you canspendmoretimeenjoying yourself.

Everystory,frommoonmappers to turtle owners, inspiresme–andhopefully readers– to embracethelimitedtime we have hereandmake themostofit forourselvesand forothers.”

A woman who recognizesthe value of feeling confidentabout her finances owns her power.”

I’ve learnedhowastronomersandcitizen scientists at theRyanObservatoryusetime andlight to measurethesizeofamoonlocatedbeyond Neptune,more thanfive billion miles away,andhow Mount Joy-based watchmaker RolandMurphycreatesintricate hand-mademovements to measuretime.(Georgene Aungstmeasureshertimeinturtle years. She’sspentmorethan 70 yearswithherpetturtleNikki.)

“A Turtle-yAmazing Time” fromthe Winter2023issue.

“Myall-time favorite verofBalanceistheone whereour teamspenthours slowlydressingamodelin owers,documentingeach stepintheprocessthrough photography. Theend result wasastunningportraitof spring–it waslikehaving alivingflower fairyonour cover.

“My all-time favorite cover of Balance is the one where our team spent hours slowly dressing a model in flowers, documenting each step in the process through The end was a stunning portrait of spring – it was like having a living flower fairy on our cover.

Four yearsago,Beth Vulopas establishedChestnutStreetInvestment Counsel,a100% women-owned RegisteredInvestmentAdvisory firminLancasterCounty.

94%ofwomenbelieve they’ll bepersonally responsiblefor their financesatsomepointin their lives,according to a BankofAmerica study.

stories I’ve written, was about tattoos for the over-50 crowd. I met the nicest people with the most touching stories

AmongtheBalance storiesI’ve written, my favorite wasabouttattoos forthe over-50crowd.I metthenicestpeoplewith themost touchingstories aboutwhythey gottheir tattoos.

These people

“It’suptousasfinancialexpertsto makecertainthatwomenareatthetable whenmoneyisintheconversation! It’sourjobtoeducateandhelpthem realize theirmoney goals.”


loved the beauty of their tattoos, but there was

dthebeautyoftheirta oos,butthere was so muchmorebehindeachimage. Tattoos represented family, love,mutualsupport,freedom,andgrieving. Writingthis articlehasinspiredme to plan my firsttattoo. My tattoowill beanupside-downacorn,whichisthe symbolofSouth West Coast PathintheUK,partofwhichIhikedthissummer withfive friends.I’llbe gettingthistattoowithoneof my companionsfromthetrip to commemoratethebondsof friendshipandadventurethat we allcreated.”

heLancaster SymphonyOrchestra was foundedin1947, andwhile some thingshave remainedthe same over thepast 78years, muchhaschanged.

Whathas remainedconsistentis thevirtuosityofthemusiciansinthe Symphony. Concertshave 45 to 70 musiciansonstage, somelocaland otherswhotravelherefromPhiladelphia, Baltimoreand Washington, D.C. The Lancaster SymphonyOrchestra ispartof theAmerican FederationofMusicians, whichmeansitsplayers areprofessional musicianswhoplay formanynationally renowned symphonies.

Thequalityofmusicthat isproduced by Lancaster SymphonyOrchestra issimply incredible fora townofoursize andisnot to bemissed.Inaddition to the extensive rosterofmusicians,the Symphonyalso hasits own90-member volunteerchoral group,lendingpowerandbeauty tosome ofitsperformances.

betweenOctoberand Maythatshowcase a rangeofstyles,fromtraditionalclassical to freshandinnovative.A fewofthe season’shighlightsinclude: TheChorus joinsthe Symphony to create this cherishedholidaymusic at the First PresbyterianChurchinearlyDecember. Thisshow, presentedin fourappearancesinlate December,drawsonthemagicofcinematic music,includingthrilling soundtracks from famous Hollywoodcomposers.

AbandoneonisatraditionalArgentinian instrumentsimilar to aconcertina,witha hauntingand expressive sound.

MostLancaster SymphonyOrchestra concertsareheld at the GardnerTheater, anewlyconstructedhall at Lancaster CountryDaySchool.Thisbeautifulspace isa5-minutedrivefromdowntown Lancaster,makingiteasytogetdinner downtownbefore theshow. Parkingisfree, andthehallhasall-newplush seating.The vibeis welcomingandfriendly,andthere’s notabad seat inthehouse Mostshows include Fridaynight, Saturdaymatinee andSaturday eveningperformances.

Butchangeisthe watchwordinany performingart,andMusicDirector MichaelButtermanhasapassion fordoingamazingmusicinanew way. Buttermanaims to create new connections foraudiences–likejoining withacomposerfromArgentinaor bringingacrobat performersonstagewith the Symphony.

The Symphonyisoffering sevenconcerts

Atroupeof world-renownedaerialflyers, acrobats, contortionists,dancers, jugglers, balancersandstrongmenperformabove andaroundtheorchestra, allperfectly choreographed to themusic.Onenightonly at theLancaster County Convention Center onApril 10.

Argentinian composerandmasterbandoneonist RichardScofanojoinsthe Symphony to performhisoriginalcomposition,“La TierraSin Mal,”ora worldwithout evil.

Likeitsbigcitycounterparts, the Lancaster SymphonyOrchestrais morethanaperformingartsgroup;it isanonprofitpartnerwithotherlocal nonprofits forthebettermentofLancaster County.The Symphonyoffersfree neighborhoodconcerts,musician-student mentorships, testdrivesofinstruments, freemusicalinstruments forstudents,and manyotheractsofmusicalcharity.

ForLancaster residents, seeingthe Symphonyinallitsgloryisa reminder ofhowlucky we are to liveinthisvibrant small townthathassuchtremendous resourcesinthearts.

Purchaseticketsandlearnmore at

Mozart’s Twin Titans

October11,12&13| Gardner Theatre

Experiencean extraordinary concert showcasingtwo of Mozart's most enduringand recognizable works:his dynamic Symphony No.40inGminor andprofoundlyemotional Requiem inD minor.

Handel’s Messiah

December 6&7| First Presbyterian Church

Thetradition continues!Don’t missthis uniqueopportunity to lift yourholiday spiritwiththegloriousmusic of Handel’s Messiah

ANight At The Oscars

December28&29| Gardner Theatre

Relive themagic of your favorite films throughtheir unforgettablescores in a performance guaranteed to entertain and inspire theentire family! This special event will showcase award-winning film soundtracks,highlighting the best Hollywoodhas to offer.

Strings of Passion

January17&18| Gardner Theatre

Take advantage of the opportunity to experience the virtuosity and passion of Juliette KangandtheLancaster Symphony Orchestra in anunforgettable concert of musicalbrilliance.

BaroqueLaments to Romantic Triumphs March21&22| Gardner Theatre

Experiencetheemotionaldepthpianist NormanKriegerbrings to Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 24. Then celebrate thepower of musicwithaperformance of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No.5.

Cirquedela Symphonie

April10 | Lancaster County Convention Center

Prepare to becaptivatedas we blend artistryandincredibleacrobatic feats withsome of themost fantasticmusic ever composed!


May9&10| Gardner Theatre

Glimpsea worldwithout evilthrough themusic ofcomposerandmaster bandoneonist Richard Scofano,then experience symphonicmusic at its finestwithBrahmsFirst Symphony.

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