President: Stephen Dunn • Chief: Derek Miller
Celebrating 150 years of servicethis year,Adamstown FireCompany No.1was organized April 29,1874. Thefirsthand drawnand motorized pieces of firefighting equipment arerestoredand
Ticket Fundraisers, ChristmasEve Santa VisitEvent
1229 Main St., Akron, PA 19501 717.859.1351 • Thefirstmeeting of TheVolunteer FireCompanyofAkron, washeldatthe west Akron schoolhouse on February 7, 1893.The department’s firstdue coverage area is about twosquaremiles encompassing allofAkron Boroughand
President: R. MatthewReifsnyder Chief: Scott K. Ryno
communities.Theyoperate 1Engine,1Rescue,1Ladder Truck, 2Boats and Squads, 1UTV anda FirePoliceUnit. Annual Events: Bingo every Sundayafternoon and Chicken BBQsinthe Springand Fall
3290 Main Street, P.O. Box53 Conestoga, PA 17516 •717.584.5649•
President: Troy Bresch Chief: Larry Frankford, Jr
TheConestoga Volunteer FireCompany, established in 1944, is locatedin Conestoga Township.Their serviceareaspans about 13 squaremiles, serving roughly 4,000 residents. They have approximately20volunteers who arehighly trained professionals from the communitywho volunteer their time to respond to emergencies. They have severalEMTs, and mostmembers aretrained to the levels of FF Iand FF 11, which arecomprehensive firefightingtrainingprograms. Their team is on call 24/7,year-round, answering about 250 service calls annually. Committed to excellenceand serving with pride.Pride,Tradition, Spirit since1944. AnnualEvents: Spring Dance, Turkey Dinner,Car Show, Ham Supper,Bus Trips, and HolidayDash forCash
President: Jon Latsha •Chief: Jamie Rohrer Jr
Thehistory of the EastPetersburgVolunteer FireCompany #1 datesback to 1909.The town wasthreatened by afire which had started in aresidencenear the center of town and had it not been forthe heroic efforts of the citizens, much of it mighthavebeen in ashes and alifeoflost. This promptedthe idea of organizing aFireCompany. Meetings were held in the public school house and an organization wasaffected called the East PetersburgFireCompany#1. On January 22, 1910,the Companywas granted acharter by the stateand from thatdatethe businessofthe companywas operated according to the charter.The firecompanyisstill operating as 100% volunteer Annual Events: Food Truck twicea year and annual open house
Hand-in-HandFireCompanychoseits unique nameover100 years ago as a description of howits team
5Hershey Ave.,P.O. Box98 Paradise,PA17562 •717.687.7171 •
President: Barry Yunkin, Jr.• Chief: Neal Hershey
Paradise Leaman PlaceFireCo. was charteredin1907after Paradise FireCo. and Leaman PlaceFireCo. consolodatedand broughtthe first motorized firetruck intoParadise Township.Expanding severaltimesinthe last117 years we now house an Engine,Rescue,2 Rescue Boats, aBrush unit, and 2squads. Annual Events: Beef Dinner,Amish WeddingDinner,Sports Tournament, Pig Roast, Bingo,and HolidayBazaar
3204 Vigilant Street Gordonville,PA17529 •717.768.3869•
President: Alvin King • Chief: Tony Kauffman
Pequea ValleyFireDepartment wasformed in September 2023 from the consolidation of GordonvilleFireand EMS and theKinzerFireCompany. We provide first due fireservices forparts of Paradise,Leacock,and Salisbury Township,and first due EMSservicestoall of Paradise,Leacock Township, andpartsofEastLampeter and Upper Leacock Township. AnnualEvents: KinzerPork and Sauerkraut Dinner,GordonvilleSpring MudSale, Kinzer MudSale, Gordonville Fall Sale,KinzerBreakfast Buffets, andKinzer Chicken BBQ
President: JimBlack Chief: Jason Oberholtzer
PA 17578•717.336.4200 • Established 1914. AnnualEvents: Bingo, Garden tractor pulls, Antique/Classic tractor pulls, trunk-or-treat/hayride, Christmas Program, craftshow,dinners, and more