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GraceMurphysays helping to sealthedeal whensheandherhusbandselected The Farm at EaglesRidge wastheability to take photos there withtheirminiBernedoodles Coco (aka Coco Puff, Coco Nugget,Mama Coco and Coconut)andCallie(akaCal Gal, Cal PalandCallieRudder Roo Corndog Farrow Murphy.)
Fromrusticcountrybarns to city spaceswith exposedbrick walls, Lancaster County ispractically overflowingwith wedding venues. Andtherearecountlessthings to consider whendecidingwhichone to pick. Finding therightvibeisjustthebeginning. Here arefive questions to includeonanylist used to whittledownoptions.
What’s upwithpups?
If you want to involvepets,plenty of placeswilllet youdothat. Buteachhas their ownrules forpreciselywhere your furbabies can go,andwhenthey canbe there.So,investigate specifics. At The Farm at EaglesRidge, for example,dogs areallowed at theceremonyandphoto sessions. Couplesare “highlyencouraged” tosendthemelsewherebeforethe reception.
“I feellikealotofcoupleswhenthey comethrough for tours say, ‘Oh, we want to have ourdogshere,’” says Michelle Horst, amanager at that venueoff Route 324outsideLancaster. “But we getalotof couplesfromPhillyand New York.Andif they’re comingin forthe weekendit canbe alot.They’re stayinginhotels.Intheend, theymightnotendupbringingthem.”
at ceremoniesthataremovedinside. Sometimesthat’sahardand fastrule, Mockapetris says.Sometimesthere’s some wiggle roomon rainydays,especiallyifa venueknows thecouplehashiredafullybondedprofessionalhandler,sheadds.
Graceand Jake Murphyhired Lancaster-basedGoingMutts PetServices LLC forthe Havertowncouple’s November 2023 wedding. Twohandlerspickedup thedogsfromthecouple’sAirbnb, brought them to the venue forphotos, tookthem back to theAirbnband fedthemdinner.
“Thelayoutandspaceofa venue was mostimportant to us,” Grace says.“But when we sawthatThe Farm at Eagles Ridgeallowedus to have ourpups,it helped sealthedeal.”
Co-founder Tehya Mockapetris says Lancaster County keepsher team membersbusy, gettingdogs to the venuesand keeping themontaskwhilethere. Rain canthrow awrench inthe worksbecause some venuesprohibitdogs
“We’re alittlebituniquehere,”she says. “(Payingpeople to ironlinens)isoneof the ways I canprovide work tosomeofthe ladiesinthecommunity.”
How ‘country’istheair likely to be?
“I gotinvolvedinlinensbecause I realized it’sthefirstandlastthing youneed,” says Jessica Meyer, proprietorofWhite Chimneys in Gap.
WhiteChimneys rentslinens fora fee. Bringingoutsidelinensisallowed,but Meyerestimatesonlyaboutonecoupleper yearactuallytakesheruponthatoption. Even caterers tend to outsourcelinens becausetheydon’thave infrastructure to handlethem,she says.Andmany families don’thave memberswiththetime to do thatmuchironing, Meyeradds.
Rural settings canbestunning. Just remember, farmersdohave to fertilize their scenicfields.
Whenthe ownersofBritainHill Venue and Vineyard asked forpermissionfrom LittleBritain Township to buildan event barn,oneoftheconditions to approval involvedincludinga weddingcontract clausethatstatesthe township can’t beheldliableshouldany scentfrom neighboring farmsbeparticularlypungent.
“It’snever reallybeenaproblem,” says Debbie Helm,whowithherhusband owns BritainHill. “Whentheydo fertilize,the smellusuallyonlylastsaday. You’re just rollingthediceonwhetherthatday’s going to beaSaturday. I typicallyonlydo Saturday weddings. OccasionallyI’lldo micro-weddingsonaSunday.”
TamiBurdette-Hoerl saysHelmdid mentionthepossibilitybeforesheand herhusband,Gil Hoerl, were married at BritainHillin May. Buttheirceremony wasonaSunday. So–becausethe fieldspartiallyframedintheir wedding photographs by fragrant hydrangeas, gerberadaisiesand rosesbelong to Amish farmers–it wasa fairly safe betthat fertilizer-flinging wagons wouldn’tbeinthepicture thatday.
There’sno foolproof methodofpredictingwhen manure spreaderswillbe onthemove.They were rolling someback roads inearly July, for example. Butmostcommercial
Jake Murphy wore surprisecufflinksfromhisnow-wifeasa way to have the couple’sminiBernedoodles represented at their ceremony. TheMurphys hiredhandlers to bringtheirpups to The Farm at EaglesRidge forphotos.
fertilizers(whichdon’t typicallyproduce anoticeableodor)areappliedinApriland May, says PennState Extensionagronomy educator JeffGraybill. Natural fertilizer —i.e.manure—is sometimesappliedonly onceand sometimesinboththespringand fall,he says.Ifthere’sanodor,itlastsaday or twountilitdriesand you can getawhiff againifit rains,Graybilladds.
“Mostmanureisappliedinthespring, inAprilandearly May, justprior to planting ofcornand soybeansandthenagainafter harvestinOctober,” Graybill says.“Ithink it wouldbeappropriateto askthe venueif theyhave anyarrangementswithadjoining farms to notapplymanureon weekends,etc.”
What wouldthe wedding daytimelinelooklike?
It’simportant to knowhowearly your vendors can getinto aplaceandhow quickly youand yourguests wouldhave to leave
“Andpeople tendnot to ask, ‘Are there areotheractivitiesaroundmine?Is my
TamiBurdette-HoerlandGilHoerl,ofAberdeen,Maryland,enjoyedtheviews from BritainHill Venueand Vineyard inLittleBritain Township,where they were married inMay. Burdette-Hoerlsays the venuedidgiveheraheadsupbeforebookingthat farmersdo fertilizeinthespring.Nobodynearby wasdoingsoontheirbigday, sotheirplacidphotobackdropcame complete withfreshair.
Sometimescouplesbooka venue without realizinganother weddingwill also beontheproperty, she says. “We don’thave the capacity to dothat, buta lotofplacesdo,” she says.
Helmalsourgescouples to askwhat exactlywillbeincluded.
“It seemslikeabasicquestion.But some venueswillnickelanddime you for everything,” Helm says.“If you want twinklelightsontheporch.They’ll charge extra fortablesandchairs. There’salaundrylist. Peoplewilllook at that (base rental)numberwithout consideringalltheadd-ons.”
CanI/mustIhire someoneoutsidethe venue to handle food?
Some venues requirecouples to hire their own caterer. Others, including
“A lotofcouplesliketheideaofa one-stopshop,” says KeriFland, Cork Factory ’s directorof wedding sales. Coupleswhobooktheredon’thave to worryaboutjugglingmultiple vendors, she says.
Ofcourse,“just to keepthings consistent,”nooutside fooddoes meannocookietables,she says.That tradition,whichhaslongbeenapart ofcountlessPittsburgh weddings, has beenpoppingupin recent years at Lancaster County receptions.
So,if yourguestlistincludesastrong Yinzercontingentand youopt foran no-outside-foodoption, remember to alertthePittsburghgrandmothers beforetheystartcrankingoutcookies.
Couples findcreative ways to remember wedding-goers andtheir wellwishes
ouplesare adding theirpersonal, creativeflair to detailsoftheir wedding,includingtheguestbook. No longerjustalinedbookwitha fat, fancypen forguests to signtheirnames— andpossibly wellwishes—these days many couplesarelooking to PinterestandEtsy as wellastheir ownlove story forinspiration. The romanticpanache can reflectacouple’s
Becky Kozlowski’sson,DamianOrtiz,signsher handmadeartpiece at adestination weddingin Negril,Jamaica.
“Wehave hada fewmemorableguestbook options,suchasguestssigning footballor baseballjerseys,guestssigningaslabof wood to bemadeinto atable,orguestssigning coffeetablebookswherethecouplemetor went to college,” says Diana Everhart-Hanna, ownerandlead weddingplanner at Planned PerfectioninLancaster.
Summer Koehler,ofLititz, gotmarriedin 2021.She says herguestssigneda New York Yankeesjersey, herhusband’s favorite team. Ithangsprominentlyinhis“man cave.”
Genie Hostetter, ofLititz,sharesthata relativeofhers recentlyhadtheir favorite baseball team’sbatsigned by theirguests.
If gamenightismorethecouple’sjam,a Jenga wedding “guestbook”isatrending choice. Jengaisapopulartabletopstacking gamewhereplayers builda towerwith three woodpiecesperlayer, thentake turns removingapiecewithout topplingthe tower. Weddingguestssignblank Jenga wooden pieceswithaSharpie,andcouples canenjoy theirmessagesandmemoriesoftheday every timetheyplaythe game.There aremany personalized Jenga weddingkits available onEtsy.
High school sweetheartsAlyssa andNick Potkovac,of Manheim Township, gothitched in2019.They gave acolorfulnod to their hometownofEaston,whereCrayolacrayons are made.
“WecreatedaP(forourlastname)outof Crayolacrayons—anode to ourhometown —andhad everyonesignthemataroundit and we putitinashadowbox,”Alyssasays Karen McCarter,ofLititz,describes anartisticsigning at hergreat-niece’s weddinginApril2024,where twomaps were overlaidonelegant paper.It wasa mapof Pennsylvania,thebride’shome,and theDominican Republic,thegroom’s home, she says, andpeoplesignedaroundit Tory Frey,ofLititz, says shehada Christmas weddingin2018,and everyone signedaChristmasornamentandhungit onthetree.
“Itis my favoritething ever,decorating my Christmastree every yearand reading them!”she says
Beckyand Jeff Kozlowskilove to travel, so arrangingadestination weddingmade sense.Theychose Negril, Jamaica, fortheir December2022nuptials formany reasons includingthatitislessthana four-hour flightfrom Pennsylvaniaand weddings therearelegalinthe U.S.
Becky wanted to includealotof“personal touches” to thebeachside wedding, so she drew andpaintedapalmtreeona canvas forthe20destinationguests to sign. Five monthslater, at their Happily EverAfter party stateside,guestswhodidnotmake the weddingtrip were able to signabeach paintingBeckymade fortheoccasion.
ANew York Yankeejerseysigned by guests at SummerandJustin Koehler ’s wedding reception
Since everyoneknows what to doafterthebeep, whynotintegrate that into a wedding?In March 2023, Toryand Ian Williams,ofLititz, renteda vintagephone to collect voicemailmessagesfrom theirguests—anaudioguestbook.
“It’sacoolidea,especiallyiftherearepeopleno longerwithus—it’saspecialmemory to beable to stillheartheir voice,” Tory says.
Tory says theyused FêteFone,acompanyshe foundonline thatoffersa rangeofvintage telephonesthat are sent out aheadofthe eventwitheasy setupinstructions.Guestspick upthe receiver,hearagreetingfromthebrideandgroom,then leave theirthoughtfulmessage forthecouple.A recordingof everyone’smessagesislater sent to thecouple. Toryand Ian also renteda redBritishphonebox,givingguestsamodicumof privacy—andacoolvisual— fortheirmessages to thebride andgroom.
AnothervintageaudioguestbookisthroughAfterthe Tone, wherea rotaryphoneisshipped to you,guests recordtheir voicemails, and youshipitbackwithin 72 hours. The voicemails areedited,andadigital versionisuploaded to youronlineportal. This serviceis$375 —andpricelessinthelongrun.
With everyonedressed to thenines,itmakes sense to implementphotoops.Onepopulartrendis rentingaphoto booth,whichhasapersonalizedbackgroundandfunprops for people to add to theirphoto shoot.
MeganandMikeSham,of Manheim Township,usedaphoto booth at their weddingin2017,whichprinted twocopiesofthe photos.Guestsgluedoneinthe wedding scrapbookandwrotea messageto thecouplenext to itand got to keeptheotherphoto asamemento.
“It was wonderfulbecauseacoupleof yearslater we lost two older relatives,” Megan says, “but we hadafunphotoofthem together.”
Therearenumerous variationsonthemore casualtakeon photos. Taking Polaroidphotos—withthatold school technique of wavingthemaround to dryanddevelop—isanotherfun way to documentguests.Theyareplacedina scrapbookduringthe reception,andguestssign by theirphoto
Couplescreatingmemorable weddingceremonies thanks to someunconventionalguests
evenhavinga wedding?
OK,probably.But youaren’thaving onelikeEdenandHunter Tollinger did.TheSalisbury Townshipcouple areamongthosewhoincorporated somewhatunconventionalanimals into theirbigday.
gottenthemacouple monthsbefore mywedding.AndI dcows all my life,”Eden itjustkindofmade sense.” re howorwhythe micro-minispickeduponthe ’s pucker-upprompt. reason,Cinnamon featureprominentlyin picturesfromthe June2022 Tollinger wedding.
Iftheirshaggy faces seem familiar, youmayhave metthem at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm.Cinnamonis therethis year,entertainingguests at the Ronksagritourismdestination,
whichhappens to have agiantHighland cowcutinto its2024cornmaze.Sterling ishangingoutonEden’sparents’land, keepingabullcompany. Thediminutive duoisn’t available to rent for weddings. Theirappearance at thisone wasaperk ofEdenbeing related to CherryCrest’s owners.
“Wehadalittlepen setupright next to whereourcocktailhour was so people could go andpetthem,”she says.“That
wouldhave beentheirfirsttimearounda lotofpeople,andthey were good.”
“It’sdefinitelycute.But youdohave to be preparedbecause animalshave amind of their own,”Eden says.“Things can get raw.”
The romance...thering...andnow,preparations forthewedding. Fromsimpletoelaborate,traditionaltocontemporar y, our accomplishedcakedecoratorswillhelpyoupick adesignthat reflect syourtastes.Ourmoist,homemadeweddingcakesarethe perfectdesser ts foryourspecialday.Letushelpyoucreate memoriesthatyouandyourguest swilltreasureforever.
Waiting in the wings
Imagine, say, an owl flying off into the woods with wedding rings and guests fanning out to hunt those down.
The New York Timesdescribed suchanoccasion in a Junearticle abouthow owlstrained to deliver rings have becomecommon at marriages in England overthe past 15 years. The timing coincides with Harry Pottermovies.
ZoeBurke,an editor at the planning website Hitched, toldthe Timesabout owls:“They’re quite a mainstay of British weddings. Millennials justlove a trend.”
Susan Weber-Burgesssaid her now-husband,David, thought that having a bird ofprey deliver rings sounded like funafterlearning— while touring potential venues that having a hawk was anoption So, whenthey got married in September2023 at the Inn at Leola Village,she was glad tooblige, even
Ahawkservedasringbearer forthe weddingofSusan Weber-Burgessand DavidBurgess at theInn at Leola Village inSeptember2023.
EastlandAlpacas inMountJoyprovided twospecialguests for the weddingofJessica GregoryandAndrew Michaelianin October2022.
though animals that flyand have feathers aren’t exactly herthing.
“Ididn’t actually touch the bird,” she says “We went to the guy ’s house andpracticed beforehand. And then they did thiswhole stunt thing afterward where the bird was flying between the two ofus. It was crazy.”
The rings were delivered without a hitch,she says. But after the airborneringbearer got his treat?
“Iguess David was just so in awe of holdingthis ginormous bird that he didn’t let go right away,” she says “Andwhen he did, he flew upinto the tree.”
The hawkis owned by Dan VitilioofKingsville, Maryland. Hiscompany, WeddingDoves for Love, offers other options
“You want a couple swanson the pond for ambience? We’ve
“Ihave apitbullandI wasnot going to havemy dogrunning downtheaisle,” Jessie says. “Eventhoughsheistrained,I didn’t want to figureoutwhat to dowithherafterwards.”
Butasaloverofanimals,she wanted to takefulladvantage ofthe factthatDrumoreEstate in Pequeaallows them.She considered goatsbutopted for somethingwith softernoses andfur.
“I wasdetermined to finda placethatdoesalpacasandI justGoogled ‘alpacasnearme,’” Jessie says.“I went downthe listandEastlandAlpacas(in Mount Joy) wastheplacethat saidthey woulddoit.”
Eastland’sstafftransportedan alpacapair to Pequea,dressed themupinflowers andabowtie and setthemup to greetguests. Thealpacasalso tookpictures withthebrideandgroom.
“Theyknewhow to pose,” Jessie says.
Heradvice to coupleswhoare onthe fenceaboutanimalsis to go forit.
“Absolutelydoit.It’sthe greatesttimeandpeopleare going to love it,” Jessie says.“It definitelystandsout.”
While some weddingdetails easilyblurwithtime,memories ofcocktail-hour camelids seem to stick.
“That’sallanybodytalksabout now,”she says.“Ifthey goto a weddingit’salways, ‘Well,they didn’thave alpacas.’ ”
Itwasimportant to me that our wedding would beatmyparents’ house; itholdssomanymemories andprayers,it just seemed right. They live… on thisbeautiful property that’s just tucked back from whatit feels like,life itself.Our ceremonywasdownby the creek that runs in the front yard andour receptionwasin a tent, pitched on top of a hilloverlooking the property. It couldn’t get anybetter than that. We hadbeen prayingover the property thatit would encapsulate peace for everyone there and they would beinvaded by the Lord’s presence, and I truly believe thatis whathappened thatday.”
Howdid youmeet?
“JeriahandImet at asmallprivateschool calledLinvilleHill ChristianSchoolin seventhgrade.There were about21people inourentire grade, so itdidn’ttakeuslong to become acquainted.Italsohelpedthathiscousinbecameoneof my bestfriendsandmayhave pushedusalittlecloser,knowing there were feelings involved.”
Did youhave atheme for your wedding?
“There was somekindofthemebut Idon’t evenknow ifithasaname!I wantedit to bedifferent, ataddramatic in ways butalsostill captureourhearts ina way. My coordinatoroncedescribed itasa‘Boho Hollywood’ wedding. We mayhave justmadeitup, butit seemed likeahit!”
What was your colorscheme?
“It wassuperimportant to methat my bridesmaids wouldstandout, so Iput themina kaleidoscopeofcolors. The mixendedupbeing reds,oranges, greens andblues— softerandbolder tonesof eachother. Thecolorsfromthere were carriedinto theirflorals,but everything else stayed verystandard.I wasn’t sure howit wouldlook at first, butIthinkit came togetherbeautifully.”
Were thereany personal elements youincorporated intothe ceremony, reception ordécorthatmadetheday extrameaningful?
“Yes!Somethingthat feltdear to (our) hearts was to create a‘familytree,’ina sense. We putpicturesupofourparents andgrandparentsontheir weddingday
asa way to honorwhere fromandknowing wewo withoutthem.Ialsohadthehonorof wearing my mother ’s Ihadboughtadressalreadyandone night, my momandIpulledouther dressjust to jokinglytryiton,anditfit likeaglove.It feltlikesuchaspecial way to honorherandourfriendship; shetrulyisoneof my My dadandIhave beendancing togethersinceI waslittleandhad foundavideoofusdancingwhenI was four.Duringthe dance, we decided to as we danced to the sa veryfullcircleashe away to my newdancepartner
Howdid yougettheidea forguests to signaBible?
“When JeriahandI we aboutaguestbook, we remember everyonethat to betherebutthoughtthatifthey allsignedabook,itmightendup justsittingonashelf never getlooked at We to bemorepracticalbutalsosucha fun wayof getting to Lordhadlaidonourguests’hearts to sharewithus.Ithasbecomeone ofourmostprizedpos way becauseofthat.”
What was yourbiggest challengeinplanning your wedding?
“Time. JeriahandIdecided to tryandtakeonathree-and-ahalf-monthengagement, which forusactually workedgreat. The onlystruggle we had wasfinding time toget everythingdone. Jeriah wasbuildingatinyhouse forus to livein so mentallyhe wastherethemajorityofthe timeandI waspreparingtheproperty forthe wedding… We have suchan amazingcommunity thatjustcircled aroundusthrough that seasonand, really, wewouldn’t have beenable to do itwithoutthem.”
Would you change anything?
“We’vebothtalkedaboutit andhonestly feellikeourday couldn’thave beenmoreperfect forus.Theonlything we might addisinvitingmorepeople. You cannever go wrongwithmore friends to celebrate!”
What advicedo you have forengaged couples?
“Don’t get caughtupinthe stressofit!Ithonestlydoes nothave to beastressfultime if youtake yourtime to enjoythe season and rememberwhy you’re doingit.Also, don’tbe scared to ask forhelpfrompeople around you;they want yourvision for your wedding to happenasmuchas youdo.”
Jeriahand Zionhad a water balloon send-off.
3| KoserJewelers
Dress Alterations
2|Gowns by KarenChow
Engagement & WeddingRings
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2| Ross Productions
3|Bill CoderEntertainment
Groomsmen Gifts
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Two-storyloft-stylespacewitha state-of-the-artsound system,lighting, andabararea forcatering. Ourspacecanholdup to 150guests.
Whenyouworkwith EnvyStudio,wehopeyou feelthatloveasmuchaswe feelyours. We lookforwardto sharinginallyour specialmoments!
Vaseline on yourwrist before spritzing on perfume. The fragrance willlast longer.
Planningandpullingoffa wedding can seem overwhelming at times.So, we asked someLancaster County experts to sharetheir favoritetips, tricksandhacks tosave sanity—andmoney—and to help theday go assmoothlyaspossible. Here’s whatthey had tosay:
1. Newaddress: Create anemail addressdedicated solely to wedding planning, says Alyssa KurtzPrice, ownerofMiss Lyss Planning. Thiswill keepimportant emails regarding vendordetailssuch ascontractsandpayment remindersoutofthejunkmail clutterof your everydayemail. “Remember to checkit!” she says.
2. Familyplanning: Plan extended-familyphotogroupings inadvanceandletthose family membersknowbeforethe wedding that you’dlikethem to appearinphotos andtheapproximatepointinthedaywhen thosephotoswillbetaken,whetherit’s rightaftertheceremonyorduringthe reception, KurtzPrice says You’ll avoid potentially awkwardsituationsand waste lesstimetrackingpeopledownduringthe festivities.
5. Lipservice: Ask yourmakeup artist forthespecificlipcolorsheuses during yourtrial so you canbuyit for yourselfand reapplyitthroughout your weddingday, says Hannah Umberger, a weddingplannerand ownerof Hannah Elizabeth Events.
6. Watchthe watch: If you’re going to beasummerbride, remove smart watchesorfitness trackersif youplan to be outdoors for extendedperiodsinthedays and weeksbeforethe wedding, Umberger says.They cancreate tanlinesthatare hard to hideinphotos.
4. Multipurposedecor: Save resourcesandmoney by havingaplan to repurpose yourdécorthroughouttheday. For example,the weddingarborwhere you exchange your vows canbecomethe backdrop forthe sweethearttableorphoto boothduringthe reception, says Gillian McSherry, ownerof
7. Setthe table: If you’re providing thedécor,create abox foreachtablethat includes everything forthatspecifictable, includingtablenumber,décor,place cards, favors,menu,etc.“It’sagreat way to stay organized,” McSherry says.
8. Wrinkle-ready: Askifthe venuehasasteamer. Ifnot,bringa portableoneof your own forlast-minute touches to thebride’sdressand veiland thebridalparty’s attire,Ruppert says
9. Scentsmarts: Put Vaselineon yourwristbeforespritzingonperfume. Thefragrancewilllastlonger, Umberger says
10. Keepan eyeonjewelry: Eyelashglueisn’tjust for eyelashes, Umberger says.Applyalittle to theback ofjewelry,suchasanecklace, to ensureit doesn’tmoveinphotos.
12. Chalkitup: Speakingofstains, include somechalkin your weddingday survivalkit, Umberger says.It’sgreat for coveringstainson wedding gowns.
13. Smalldetails: Doingafirstlook? Remember to puton your weddingbands afterwardif youaretakingadditional coupleand weddingpartyphotosprior to themarriageceremony, McSherry says
14. Keep familyclose: Assign people to sitinthe second rowduringthe ceremony, KurtzPrice says “Somany times, we see familymembers(aunts, uncles,cousins)shy away fromthis row,” she says.“Theninphotos,parentslooklike they’re allalone. Wouldn’t you want all your familyorchosenfriendscloser?”
16. Mind yourguests: Don’tput too many songson your “donotplay” list.Guests maylikethose songs, and yourguestswill helpmake your receptionasuccess.
17. Noise control: Seatolderguests away fromthe DJ so themusic canbeas loudasthe venueallows
18. Passtheplate: Choosea family-styledinner for your reception, McSherry says.That way, you can avoid trackingmealchoicesonRSVPs,whilestill offeringoptions at asit-downmeal.
19. Letthem eatsheetcake: Unless you want theopticsofalarge, multi-tiered wedding cake,askthebaker to makeasmallerlayer cake fortheceremonial cuttingandpreparesheet cakes toserve to yourguests, Umbergersuggests.Sheet cakes areless expensiveandtastethe same,plus they canbecutinadvance, so yourguests won’tbe waiting fortheirdessert.
20. Lessisbest: If you’re serving otherdesserts, Umberger says there’s noneed to orderanamountequal to the numberofguests. Forcupcakes,sheadvises orderingonly 75 if youhave 150guests. “Abouthalf yourguests won’teatone,” she says.
21. Waxon, wax off: Cylinder vases with candlesmakebeautiful weddingdécor, butthemelted wax at theendofthenight canbedifficult to remove.Placethe vasesin thefreezer fora fewhoursanditwillcome right off, Umberger says
Guests andBryan Burnham’sApril wedding away withbottlesofhomemade meadandperso horns sourcedfromEts Considerthose appreciationfroma Viking-themed reception your reminderthat wedding favors don’thave to beboring.
“MyhusbandandIlike tosay we’repretty nerdypeople,” Tara says.“Oneofthethings we bonded overearlyon waslooking at mythologyandhistoricalthings.”
Tara enjoyed watchingtheHistory Channel’s “Vikings”withBryan,who traces someofhisancestry to thepartof the worldfromwhence Vikingshailed. AndshortlybeforetheScrantoncouple got engaged,they attendedthe Pennsylvania Renaissance Faireandmeta Viking reenactorwhodoes weddings. Thetheme just fellinto place fortheir“ForBetter or Norse”nuptials at DrumoreMill,a southernend venuewithrustic woodanda rocky waterfall.
“We really wanted to do somethingunique for favors.Itstartedbecause wewere talkingaboutthe toast forthe reception,” Tara says.“Idon’tlikechampagne,and we were bothinlove withtheideaofhaving mead(ahoneywine.) We decided to make
our own.…Andthen we thoughtthat maybe everyonemightlike to takehome a sample.”
Personalityisimportantwhenpicking what to give,planners say.
“Favorsaresuchacute way forcouples to shareinsidejokesandshowtheirguestsa littleofwhotheyareasacouple,” says Kate Thomas, ownerofthe weddingand event planningbusiness Celebrate by Kate LLC.
“No matterwheretheyare,shewhips outherflossandhernow-husbandalways jokedaboutit,” Thomas says Sothat womansurprisedguests—and herspouse—withcontainersoffloss, each emblazonedwithapictureofthesmiling couple.
“Wedding showappreciation in yourspecialdayandsharingtheir time,ener Cullman, expert at matchbookoranelegant a touchofcharm.”
Thetraditionactuallylandedinthe columninZola withabout62%of sayingthey at their2024
Many couplesa enhancethe nightsnacksandsignatu “highlightingalar memorablemoments,” says Favors did getalessemphatic“IDon’t” thanthe68%ofZola-surveyedcouples skippingabouquet toss, 74%doing withoutdoughnut walls,87%steering clearofa garter toss and 92% avoidinglong ceremonies.Zola’ssurvey resultssuggest that weddingguestsstillhave abouta1in3 chanceof goinghomewitha favorthis year.
Tara andBryanBurnhammadetheir own mead forthe toast at their Viking-themed April wedding at DrumoreMill. They alsodesignedthelabels fortheir “WanderingNorse”brand,whichis writteninrunesonthe top. Drinking hornssourcedfromEtsy were placed at tables forguests to use duringthe toastandthroughout the evening.Guests couldthen takehometheirhorn,as well asabottleofthemeadfrom a towerdisplaynear the exit.
Recentonlinephoto galleriesfromLancas Coun exampleslike luggagetagsand “Tyingtheknot”ima pretzelsgreat says family BakeryInc.inLancaster.
funandthemostassortmentof ,whoseAlexandria, Virginia-based n rangeanywherefrom lry(to)custom candles.” rthSharmahiredCG& Co.astheir mony at DrumoreEstate in enonPinterestand was So,shehired Mercersburg-based buildone.
ovein FullBloom”notonly served ovidedaphotoopportunity forguests ne got to takehomea vase and
shavingallourfriendsand familyfromall overthe .“MyhusbandandIarebothinmedicine, so it was eryonetherewhohaslovedandsupportedusthrough
Peachy Keen owner MandyStahl says the companyoftendoes custom-built wallsthat hold everythingfrom favors to shots.
“A pieceofadvice? Even ifit’snotus,find someone whoknows whatthey’re doingand canbuilditthe right way, andanchorit,” she says.“I seethings for leallthetimeon FacebookandIthink,‘They’re allyluckythatdidn’thurt someone.’” ysgettingspecial requests. so muchfun,”Stahl says.“Thebest eing everyone’spersonalitiesand creativeideascome to life.”
Let’sstartplanning the weddingof yourdreams today!
Weddingdateandlocation: Oct 12, 2023
Ceremonyand reception: The Booking House
Howdid youmeet?
“Wemet working at Footlockerinthe summerof2015andhadaclass at Millersville Universitythat fall.”
Did youhave athemefor your wedding?
“IfI would say we hadathemeit wouldbe rusticchic.Iamnota ‘girlygirl,’ so I wanted to makesureour weddingfitwhoIam.”
What was yourcolorscheme?
Gemgreenand gold.
Were thereanypersonalelements youincorporatedintotheceremony, receptionor décorthatmadetheday extrameaningful?
“Ourceremonyand reception were basedon Blacklove withinour families.The songthat playedasI walkeddowntheaisle was my sister andbrother-in-law’sfirstdance song at their weddingand my firstdance song was my parents’firstdance song(KennyLattimore’s‘For You’).Ourtableplacementshonoredmarried couplesfrombothofour familiesandthe year they were married. For example,atable was ‘TheAndersonsEst.1998.’ We also included picturesfromourengagement photoshoot throughoutthe venue.”
What was yourbiggestchallenge in planning your wedding?
“My seamstress caughttheshinglesthe week beforeour wedding,andshe wasstill working on my gown,theflowergirl gown, my mother ’s and godmother’s gown, so that wasa littlestressful.Butthankfully wewere able to pickallthe gownsup48hours before the wedding.”
Would youchange anything?
“Ihonestly wouldnotchangeanything.Our wedding wasperfection to us,and everything came together.”
Whatadvice do youhave for engagedcouples?
“Totake yourtime.Thereareno setruleson howlong to beengagedandthere isnoneed to rushthe wedding.I wouldalso say to betrue to yourselvesbecausetherearealotofpeoplewho givetheirinputbut at theendofthedayitis onlyabout youand yourfiancé.”
Weddings by JDK
LOV E STORY Retellyour
AtTh e JD K Gr oup, we ador e lovestorie s an d wa nttoknowallaboutyoursandhowthat translatesintoyou r mo stspecialday!
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Ourinternational , award-winnin g FloralandEven t Designteamispreparedto brin g yourvisiontolife!Formoreinformation , emailourteamat info@the j
Photographers : AshleeZimmerman,CourtneyDueppengiesser,Alyssa Bu nton,an d Laure n Bliss