Lisa M. NyrenNewcomb P.O. Box 1343 Driggs, Idaho 83422 ~ (435) 6591238 ~
Work Experience
Managing Editor Teton Valley News, Driggs Idaho
Feb. 2007 – present
I complete a range of duties as editor including managing a newsroom of two fulltime reporters, parttime interns and freelance contributors. I delegate responsibilities for stories, photos and other newsroom tasks and edit all submitted content for publication. In addition, I write stories of all kinds, attend government meetings and take photos for print and the Web. I have a solid grasp of grammar and AP Style. I work in Adobe InDesign and with Photoshop to lay out the paper each week. I update and review content on our company website, and I interview and hire staff for the editorial department. I also manage content and assignments for special sections and magazine publications.
Freelance Contributor/Stringer
2008 – present
I have contributed freelance writing and photography to Teton Valley Magazine, Teton Valley Home and Living Magazine, Idaho Magazine and others. In addition, I am a writer and copy editor for Demand Media and have worked as a contributor for Suite 101. I am also a stringer for the Associated Press during primary and general elections.
Teton Valley News, Driggs, Idaho
Sept. 2006 – Feb. 2007
For this job I covered two city governments and the county planning and zoning board. I also worked in Adobe InDesign to lay out and edit the calendar and community news sections of the paper weekly.
Contributor/Intern Park Record, Park City Utah
May 2006 – Aug. 2006
I began my work with the Park Record as an unpaid intern and later became a contributing writer.
Westgate Grill, Park City, Utah
2003 – 2006
I practiced good customer service skills while waiting tables at a busy restaurant. I learned about fine dining and wine service. I became a certified field trainer in my third year of employment and was then responsible for training new hires.
In 2006 I earned Bachelor of Arts degree in communication with a minor in political science from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. I attended the University of Southern California in Los Angeles for the first two years of my undergraduate career. While finishing my degree I held a fulltime job waiting tables in Park City, Utah.
• Strong writer and communicator • Comfortable with Microsoft Office software • Proficient in Adobe InDesign/Photoshop
Volunteer work Volunteer
• Proficient in basic website management
• Knowledgeable in local government operations and procedures
Make a Wish Foundation
2008 present
I work with a regional Make a Wish coordinator to set up wishes for children in Teton Valley, Idaho.
Lisa M. NyrenNewcomb P.O. Box 1343 Driggs, Idaho 83422 ~ (435) 6591238 ~
Honors/Awards/Conferences attended • First place – Idaho Press Club’s Best of 2010 awards – Outdoor reporting • Honorable Mention in Idaho Press Club’s Best of 2010 awards – Magazine feature • Third place – Idaho Press Club’s Best of 2009 awards – General news story
• Third place Idaho Press Club’s Best of 2008 awards Crime and court reporting • • • • • •
Tim Harrower training – Boise, 2010 Pioneer Newspapers editor’s conference — Seattle, Wash. — June 2008 National Seminars Group – Management skills — Idaho Falls, Idaho — March 2008 Employee of the month – Teton Valley News – January 2008 Idaho Press Club fall conference – Moscow, Idaho 2007 Swift/Pioneer/Midlands new editor training – Reno, Nev., 2007
• Outstanding graduating senior in communication – Westminster College, 2006