NOTICES 060 Personals Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Denise Greenup, please contact Rosalyn Duley, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 10, LaPlace, 70069 or call 985-224-2520 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of CRYSTAL LANDI, immediately contact Geoffrey M. Michel, Attorney at Law 985-653-2630.
PLATTENVILLE - Beautiful garden home within walking distance to schools and shopping. This 3 bedroom 2 bath spacious home has an elegant master suite with an extra-large master bath. The kitchen area is well-designed with good storage. This lovely home also offers a large garage and fenced in yard for privacy. A must see to appreciate all of the extra amenities. $154,900. Call Eastbank Realty 225-647-5337 RESERVE - Spacious 4BD/2BA home with 2,000 living area. Located in an older neighborhood where the houses are well-maintained. Good investment property. Licensed in the State of Louisiana. $34,900. Call Eastbank Realty 225-647-5337
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of WESLEY AND LESLEY ONCALE, immediately contact Geoffrey M. Michel, Attorney at Law 985-653-2630. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of RICHARD SCHEXNAYDER, immediately contact Geoffrey M. Michel, Attorney at Law 985-653-2630. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the owners of SHEE BOUTIQUE, L.L.C., immediately contact Geoffrey M. Michel, Attorney at Law 985-653-2630.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CHILD ADVOCACY SERVICES is seeking a FT Family Services Coordinator in our LaPlace and Luling Offices. This position provides program support and advocacy in services to children and families. For more information about CAS, please visit www.childadv.net. To inquire about the position, please email your resume and a cover letter to drichardson@ childadv.net Deadline to apply is Friday, December 25, 2015. EOE
290 Trades/Skills Carpenter/Helper needed for trim work, cutting and/or nailing baseboard and hanging doors. Most work in River Parishes area. Please call 504-415-8962. Pay based on experience.
MERCHANDISE 345 Garage Sales
Exp. Personal Care Asst. available 30 hrs week. (985)210-0349
140 Home Repair & Remodeling Chip’s Handyman Service, home repairs, painting, roofing, trash removal, bushhogging, lawn maintenance & more. 504-610-7861.
130 West 7th St. Reserve, Dec 4th & 5th Friday & Saturday 8am-2pm. Baby stroller, twin mattress, boxspring, Christmas items, etc.
640 Homes For Rent 3BR/2BA Good neighborhood in LaPlace $925 mo. 504-495-7287
265 Prof/Technical
SERVICES 105 Adult & Home Health Care
345 Garage Sales
418 HISTORIC MAIN ST. Garyville, La Saturday Dec 5 8am-3pm
664 Homes For Rent LaPlace
For Rent-LaPlace:
2BR/1BA COTTAGE Washer & Dryer, Refrigerator, Stove, Front Porch Swing & wifi.
985-287-1499 766 Garyville Northern, Garyville, La. Saturday, Dec 5, 8-12. Furniture, children & adult clothes, toys
3BR/2BA, attached 2 car garage, fenced yard, 1100 sqft, new floors, $1100 mo/ $1100 deposit. (985)652-2956 LaPlace - several 3 & 4 BR homes. Exc. Cond. $1,000 mo & up. Don
705 Commercial For Rent
618 Apts For Rent LaPlace
1 & 2 BR FURN OR UNFURN Washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, water, lights & cable paid, super clean. Large flat screen TV. Weekly or monthly. Free Wi Fi Now accepting debit & credit cards.
985-287-1499 640 Homes For Rent 3BR unfurnished house in Reserve. Nice neighborhood. $975 month/ $975 deposit. No pets. 504-559-0541
Have you found a dog or cat? Run your ad FREE in the Classifieds.
1000 sqft.on Belle Terre Blvd. LaPlace.
504-236-7138 For Lease: Prime retail office space. Belle Terre Blvd. 1000 sqft & 2000 sqft Call 985-652-5282. PRIME OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 700 sqft or less. 1400 W. Airline, LaPlace, 985-651-9763 RESTAURANT/ SPORTS BAR 2,500 sq. ft. Prime location on Airline Hwy. LaPlace, Louisiana
985-651-9763 716 Duplex For Rent/Sale 1BR fully furnished, move-in ready with linens, dishes, etc. All utilities paid. $1025 mo. Corporate rental. 504-343-8149
770 Mobile Homes For Rent
1& 2 BR Very clean, all utilities paid. wi-fi. TV included. Weekly or monthly. Now accepting credit & debit cards. 985-287-1499 1, 2, or 3 Bdrm Monthly or weekly, low rent, very clean, furn, W/D & TV. All utilities paid. Camper/ RV lots avail. Call 985-651-9987 2 & 3 BR mobile. All appl’s, W/D, fenced yard. 504-388-5083. 3BR/2BA, $700 mo, $700/dep. LaPlace 985-703-2546 For Rent: 2BR Trailer in Gramercy, $850 Fully furnished. $800 unfurnished. Central A/H. 225-623-9396.
MOVE IN SPECIAL No Deposit All Bills Paid Furnished or Unfurnished 985-817-0700 985-652-3916
SELL IT! To sell those unwanted items in the garage or attic, advertise them in the CLASSIFIEDS Miscellaneous For Sale Category. Call today! 1-877-737-8577