Women Empowered

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Women Empowered R.A.D Systems of self-defense teaches vital skills


APLACE — For weeks leading up to May, the women in our L’OBSERVATEUR office asked female friends and family members whether they were interested in a free self-defense class offered through the St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff’s Office. Nods of affirmation turned to “I’m sorry, but I can’t� when we said the class was from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a Saturday. It was a tough ask among weekend graduation parties, plans with children and other commitments. There were only three of us by the time the class rolled around — myself, our former advertising representative, Candace Hemelt, and her 9-year-old daughter, Mallory — snacking on complimentary doughnuts as we anxiously waited to see if anyone else would show. No one did, but we have no regrets. We left that evening with situational awareness, an arsenal of self-defense tactics and the realization that the Rape Aggression Defense course was so much more than a time commitment on a Saturday.

Since 1989, the R.A.D. Systems of Basic Physical Defense has presented, developed and enhanced self-defense options so they may become viable considerations to a woman under attack. As Susan B. Anthony said in 1871, â€œâ€ŚWoman must not depend on the protection of man but must be taught to defend herself.â€? Every participant, whether she is as young as Mallory or well past retirement age, has the right to choose non-participation at any time, for any reason. Course instructors never push a woman beyond her physical capabilities. However, the beauty of the program is that the techniques shown are applicable to anyone, and they have been proven capable of taking down a perpetrator of any size. Even the elderly ladies at Place du Bourg in LaPlace were able to learn valuable defense during a recent class. The course starts with a PowerPoint discussion that leads into physical training. The physical maneuvers you learn are a well-kept secret among women worldwide. The time, location and details of the R.A.D. class are kept confiden-

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