LobsterLand - Spring 2015

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Bisque-y business. Bisque-y business. business. Bisque-y

Atlantic Lobster Bisque AtlanticLobster LobsterBisque Bisque Atlantic

1 tbsp peppercorns 1 tbsp Compliments Butter tbsppeppercorns peppercorns tbspCompliments ComplimentsButter Butter 121tbsp 111tbsp bay leaves tbsp Compliments Canola Oil 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp Compliments Canola Oil 2 bay leaves 1Shells tbsp Compliments Canola Oil 2 oz brandy and bodies from Lobsters, ozbrandy brandy Shellsand andbodies bodiesfrom from333Lobsters, Lobsters, 212oz Shells cup dry white wine cut into 1"1"pieces with lobster shears 1 cup drywhite whitewine wine cut into pieces with lobster shears 1 cup dry cut into 1" pieces with lobster shears 5 tbsp flour 22onions, diced 5 tbsp flour onions, diced 51.5 tbsp flour 24 onions, diced litre vegetable stock celery ribs, diced 1.5litre litrevegetable vegetablestock stock celeryribs, ribs,diced diced 1.5 434celery 11 cup 35% cream carrots, diced cup 35% cream 3 carrots, diced 1 cup 35% cream 32carrots, diced sea tbsp sea salt salt and and white white pepper, pepper, tbsptomato tomatopaste paste sea salt and white pepper, 212tbsp tomato paste to to taste taste 1garlic garlicbulb, bulb,halved halved to taste 1 garlic bulb, halved Heat Heatoil oiland andbutter butterin inaalarge largestock stock pot pot over over medium medium high. high. Add Add diced diced vegetables, vegetables, Heat oil and butter in a large stock pot over medium high. Add diced vegetables, cooking cookinguntil untilcaramelized. caramelized.Stir Stirin intomato tomato paste paste and and cook cook 12 12 minutes. minutes. Add Add lobster shells, cooking until caramelized. Stir in tomato paste and cook 12 minutes. Add lobster shells, garlic,bay bayleaves, leaves,and andpeppercorns. peppercorns. Cook, Cook, stirring stirring constantly constantly for for 33 minutes. minutes. Add brandy garlic, garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Cook, stirring constantly for 3 minutes. Add brandy andwhite whitewine, wine,stirring stirringuntil untilalmost almost completely completely reduced. reduced. Sprinkle Sprinkle the the flour flour in the pot, and and white wine, stirring until almost completely reduced. Sprinkle the flour in the pot, andstir stirwell, well,22minutes. minutes.Slowly Slowly add add stock, stock, stirring stirring until until free free of of lumps. lumps. Simmer Simmer for and and stir well, 2 minutes. Slowly add stock, stirring until free of lumps. Simmer for 45minutes. minutes.Strain Strainthe thebisque, bisque, reserving reserving only only the the liquid. liquid. Return Return to to aa simmer. simmer. 45 45 minutes. Strain the bisque, reserving only the liquid. Return to a simmer. Addcream creamand andseason seasonwith withsea sea salt salt and and white white pepper. pepper. Serve Serve in in aa warm warm soup soup Add Add cream and season with sea salt and white pepper. Serve in a warm soup bowlgarnished garnishedwith withlobster lobstermeat, meat, fresh fresh chives chives and and sour sour cream. cream. Serves Serves 6. 6. bowl bowl garnished with lobster meat, fresh chives and sour cream. Serves 6.

Greetings Greetings

from Lobster.ca from Lobster.ca

We want to take this opportunity to thank you want for perusing LobsterLand We to take this opportunityMagazine to thank whether it be ourLobsterLand print or online version you for perusing Magazine (Mobile itApp Lobster.Ca comingversion soon whether be our print or online - guidingApp folksLobster.Ca to lobstercoming joints soon from (Mobile Labrador). This isjoints our second -Manhattan guiding to folks to lobster from publication,tonow recreated the Manhattan Labrador). Thistoisbecome our second tangible Lobster Guidebook for Atlantic publication, now recreated to become the Canada. Lobster It is our mediumfor to Atlantic inform, tangible Guidebook educate, and the catalyst Canada. It isbeour mediumthat to makes inform,a difference. This onecatalyst of the that pieces to the educate, and beisthe makes a puzzle that This will create offer difference. is oneawareness, of the pieces to vale the puzzle that willand create awareness, propositions, familiarize youoffer withvale the propositions, and Lobster familiarize you with Canadian Atlantic Industry andthe “All Canadian Atlantic Lobster Industry and “All Things Lobster”. Things Lobster”. It is a simple statement of fact that we It is a simple fact that we represent thestatement highest ofquality dining represent highest experience, the and yet we arequality literally dining selling experience, and yet are value literallyofselling ourselves short onwethe that ourselves on the value ofaround that enjoyment short to our customers enjoyment to our 35customers around the world. Imagine million Canadians the world. Imagine 35 million Canadians becoming informed, sharing our pride, and becoming informed, sharing our pride, and passing on this simple truth to families and passing on this simple truth to families and friends around the world. It is Canadians friends around the world. It is Canadians that own the resource, our fishers that that own the resource, our fishers that harvest it, and our prized Lobster that harvest it, and our prized Lobster that fulfills the promise of being the best tasting fulfills the promise of being the best tasting seafood in the world. “Lobster is like a wave, seafood in the world. “Lobster is like a wave, slapping you you in in your your tastebuds” tastebuds” and and 93% 93% of of slapping people love it! In addition, Atlantic Canada people love it! In addition, Atlantic Canada is paradise paradise to to those those from from away away and and we we aim aim is to invite invite those those people people to to come come visit. visit. to Our story story is is presented presented here here with with yarns yarns to to Our tell, characters characters to to profile, profile, recipes recipes to to enjoy, enjoy, tell, and more… more… facts, facts, history, history, current current events, events, and and future plans… plans… aa cornucopia cornucopia of of goodies goodies in and and around around this this our our that abound in cold-water lobster lobster bounty. bounty. premium cold-water

Stay tuned for the the

Fall 2015 edition! Cheers! Cheers! The The Lobster.ca Lobster.ca Crew Crew

A very sad fact is that currently, we of currently, our “King weof ACanadians very sad send fact 73% is that Seafood” tosend the 73% Unitedof States. In turn, Canadians our “King of they thentoship estimated 60% our Seafood” theanUnited States. In ofturn, premium hardshell catch, as60% “Maine” or they then ship an estimated of our “Boston Lobster” andcatch, “Product the USA”. premium hardshell as of “Maine” or Now, weLobster” realize and we have to work with our “Boston “Product of the USA”. brothers and sisters in the USA and Now, we realize we have to work with don’t our begrudge, while weinpassionately brothers and sisters the USA andbelieve don’t that therewhile is a we better businessbelieve model begrudge, passionately for our people createbusiness jobs and model unlock that there is atobetter millions of dollars to go back to our East for our people to create jobs and unlock millions of dollars Through to go back to our Coast economy. “push andEast pull Coast economy. “push andof pull marketing” along Through with the key factor East marketing” alongLobster.Ca with the keyisfactor of East Coast Tourism. a catalyst for Coast Tourism. Lobster.Ca is a catalyst for change and improvement and the system change andisimprovement and thewith system reset that being spearheaded this reset being spearheaded with this grass that rootsispublication. grass roots publication. So, we have plotted a course towards So, we have plotted a coursetechnology, towards a new horizon. Harnessing aincreasing new horizon. Harnessing technology, communication, creating increasing creating some unity, communication, enhancing the consumer some unity, enhancing the consumer experience, and “banding and branding” experience, and “banding and branding” our Canadian cold-water lobster with our Canadian cold-water lobster with ingenuity, more efficiently and effectively ingenuity, more efficiently and effectively through Lobsterpreneurship to will raise through Lobsterpreneurship to will raise the value, work towards a better business the value, work towards a better business model for Atlantic Canada. Please take model for Atlantic Canada. Please take note that that our our business business model model isis aa Crawl, Crawl, note Walk Run approach and “an eight year Walk Run approach and “an eight year plan”. Nothing Nothing happens happens overnight. overnight. While While plan”. this magazine magazine and and the the Mobile Mobile App App soon soon this to launch launch (LobsterTrail.Ca) (LobsterTrail.Ca)will willbe behere herefor for to futuregenerations. generations. future Please, make makeaapoint pointto toshake shakethe thehand handor or Please, even HUG HUG aa Lobster LobsterFisher. Fisher.Stay Staytuned tunedfor for even futureeditions editions(print (printand andonline) online)along alongwith with future ourBlogs, Blogs,Vlogs, Vlogs,social socialmedia mediaPosts. Posts. our We’d We’d greatly greatly appreciate appreciate ifif you you Like, Like, Share Share with with friends friendsand andfamily familyand andlet letthem themknow, know, ififthey theydo doso, so,they theycan canWIN! WIN! Cheers! Cheers! The TheLobster.ca Lobster.caCrew Crew

Table of Contents pg 6

Banding Together - Banding and Branding Premium Atlantic Fare Fisheries

pg 9

iMac Giveaway - Sets the Bar High

pg 15

Glossary - A Quick Reference of Lobster Terms

pg 18

Lobster Facts

pg 23

What Am I Doing? - How to Eat a Lobster

pg 26

The Film - Lobsterland Documentary

pg 34

Jimmy Flynn - Throwing the World’s Biggest Lobster Party

pg 38

LFA Map - Lobster Fishing Area Map

pg 40

Map of Lobster Serving Resturants

pg 44

Tank Dr. - Mike Caudle

pg 45

Lobster Dr. - Jean Lavallee DVM,MSC

pg 46

Rainbow Lobster

pg 50

Ryer Lobster - As Experienced by Valerie Lugonja of acananadianfoodie.com

pg 51

Heros of the Sea - Captains Colin & Dawn

pg 52

Capital Seafoods - Bringing Nova Soctian Lobster to the Asian Market

pg 57

Recipes - Lobster Poutine

pg 58

Recipes - Spicy Coconut & Red Pepper Lobster

pg 59

Recipes - Lobster Lentil Arugula Salad

pg 61

Recipes - Rock Lobster’s Famous Caesar

pg 63

The Lobster Trail App

pg 64

Stepping Down - Vernon d’Eon Stepped Down from the Helm

pg 66

How to Support

pg 67

Heros of the Sea - Captain Lucien LeBlanc

pg 69

Heros of the Sea - Captains Jamie & Alison

pg 72

The Lobster Plug Story - Dealing With Our Precious Resource

pg 76

Buying & Handling

pg 79

The Bearded Skipper - An Icon & An Ambassador

pg 80

Thank You

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Banding Together Lobster.ca: Banding and Branding Premium Atlantic Fare Fisheries By Ian Ross

tastes of these global consumers. Swim has been boosting the premium Canadian lobster brand through work with lobster boat captains and crew, processors and exporters, through a proposed specialty tagging campaign and via the website Lobster.ca. Swim has been involved in the lobster industry in various roles for 24 years and cites a family background of working with lobster for five generations. With Lobster.ca, he says his mandate is “to band and brand together.”

Frigid 5.a.m. mornings are when the winter waters of the Bay of Fundy are at their coldest, and it’s when lobster fishermen head out to ply the icy depths and bring in one of Canada’s premium catches, the Atlantic Lobster.

He seeks to bring together “the businesses and grass roots people that survive by the industry, which is said to be, according to statistics, in excess of 35,000 Canadian lobster industry participants – whether its captains, crewmen, truck drivers, packers, [or] graders.”

The Canadian catch outranks that of any other country and represents a Quebec and Maritime export industry valued at over a billion dollars annually. But it has room to grow. With recent trade deals and logistics expansions, new markets are opening up in Asia and the opportunity to sell to Europe is increasing. According to Patrick (PJ) Swim, now is the time to better situate the Canadian Atlantic Lobster brand to the refined

In Canada, lobster seasons are staggered across 45 separate lobster fisheries, which collectively represent the most valuable fishery in Canada. With the exception of one fishery closed for conservation and one offshore fishery, these Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA) are the domain of lobstermen who set out to fish in small inshore boats. Unlike nearby Maine which fishes lobster year round, in Canada only the offshore fishery (92-km or further beyond shore) is conducted year-round. It is also one of


the longest regulated, with some of the first conservation efforts dating back well over a century. Canada has over 10,000 licensed harvesters in the lobster fishery, and each of those captains then has an investment in his ship approaching a million dollars, further demonstrating its significance to the economy. Swim points to three key areas that affect the success of commercial lobster exports and sales. These include

“The industry keeps looking inward and we need to start stepping outside and look in – that is what Lobster.ca and the team is doing.”

logistics of transporting lobster products but especially live lobster, to market. Handling, cooking and eating the lobster itself requires a bit of a learning curve and not everyone is familiar with how to open or best prepare it. Lastly, there is the consumer’s perception of the product and that’s a crucial focus for Swim’s Lobster.ca branding to address. Logistics While there processed and tinned product available, Lobster is generally a live product when it is sold. The challenge of getting live lobsters to foreign markets is therefore

fundamental to growing trade. Recent trade deals with Europe, China and Korea — among others — are opening up vast potential but transportation and logistics must still be enhanced. Much of the region’s lobster flies out of Halifax’s Stanfield International Airport but the overflow goes stateside. “Because we can’t get them out at the airport, we have to ship them down to the States in crates and they go out from there — and we lose a [percentage] of the margin,” Swim explains. “It’s changing piece by piece, but Boston has 101 airlines to negotiate with and we’ve got one. Now we’ve got Korean Airlines coming in and we’ve got a bigger tarmac. Things are changing.” With the recently added Korean Airlines flight, lobster can be shipped directly to Incheon, South Korea with one stopover in Alaska. From Incheon, they can take advantage of connections to Beijing and across Asia. Halifax also offers a weekly flight to Hamburg, Germany and flights to London’s Heathrow Airport whereby lobster can be shuttled to buyers across Europe via connecting flights. The growing global reach doesn’t come problem-free, however. Swim points out that there is enourmous potential to do a much better job with not only branding and marketing but logistics, packaging, the carbon footprint and recievables. “There’s a problem in getting paid whether it’s Italy or Korea or China. At the end of the day, we aim to keep more of the profit margin here at home”.

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A solute to this Skipper…

A note from from Nova Scotia’s former Minister of Fisheries who’s been Fisherman since a he was a young boy in Woods Harbour, Shelburne.

We are ever so grateful for this letter herein. It represents his understanding, appreciation and encouragement which was motivation to push us forward. 
 The lobster industry was at an all time low with protests and nothing but frustration and negative press. LobsterLand has certainly come a long way and together we are charting the course.

iMac Giveaway

In February 2013, the folks here at Lobster.ca offered a giveaway of an iMac computer in a draw exclusive to lobster boat captains. From over 1,100 entries, the iMac went to Captain Andy Saulnier and his family from Pinkney’s Point in Yarmouth County. That sweet prize was a “top of the line”, 27-inch, $1600 iMac computer. We’d like to set this as a standard for our future endeavours at Lobster.ca! The internet is the way of the future for the Canadian Atlantic Lobster Industry, and we admire Apple products... their design, efficiency, and “Think Different” mantra. When you think of Apple products, you think of the best quality computing product on the market. Not unlike the prime quality of a certain crustacean found off of our Canadian coast. Putting quality ahead of quantity is the business model we believe in. By establishing and promoting the unique brand we put on our product, Atlantic Canada will again become known for having the world’s most sought after seafood product.

Sets the Bar High By Michael Carr

At Lobster.ca we are using a wide array of internet and social media tools to support our industry, to get everyone on the same page, and all pulling in one direction. Our plan is to provide a forum where fishing families to come together. Apple has already agreed to provide guest speakers for Lobster.ca seminars on using social media with tutorials on the new digital tools available to help all Fishers. Captain Andy and his family are integrating their new iMac into their everyday life and using it as a tool for their boat and business. Captain Andy ended up becoming a member/owner in Lobster.ca and we created a “must see video” on YouTube for future generations to enjoy. Search YouTube for Andy Saulnier - Tate’s Tide and check it out! Phase #2 is to give away an iPhone 6 and Phase #3 is an Apple Watch. Like Share Win! Facebook.com/CanadianLobster *photo: Captain Any Saulnier pictured with his with is Apple iMac and his enterprise - Tate’s Tide.

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Blair Martell, Owner, Lobsters ‘r’ Us Seafood

Efficiency gives new competitive edge to Lobsters ‘R’ Us Seafood

SitUAtiON | As a wholesaler, Lobsters ‘r’ Us sells into

Overview | Lobsters ‘r’ Us Seafood in

SOLUtiON | with the help of efficiency Nova Scotia’s incentives and rebates, Lobsters ‘r’ Us was able to build an energy-efficient live storage system.

Lower L’Ardoise, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, provides nine full-time and 45 seasonal jobs in an area of the province where there is little industry. it grades and stores lobster and snow crab, bought from local fishermen from Port Hawkesbury to Louisbourg.

the Atlantic Canada, Upper Canada and U.S. markets where margins are low. in order to enter into the higher margin markets in india, China and europe, Lobsters ‘r’ Us required a new long term seafood holding facility.

BeNefit | A new long-term live storage system has

allowed Lobsters ‘r’ Us to enter higher margin markets overseas and to be more profitable. the new energyefficient system is projected to save over 1 Gwh or $90,000 in electrical costs compared to a standard trickle system. Lower operating costs will allow future reinvestment in the plant, higher prices for local catches and a better economic outlook for surrounding communities.

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Glossary BANDED: a strong elastic is placed

around the claws of the live lobster for safe handling and to preserve quality.

A Quick Reference of Lobster Terms HARD SHELL: a lobster whose shell has fully hardened after moulting. Hard shelled lobsters yield 50 to 60% more meat than soft shell or shedders.

CANNERS: a small lobster, weighing 175 to 450 g (approximately 1/2 to 1 lb).

CARAPACE: body shell, measured from

the back of the eye sockets to the end of the body shell (not tail) to determine legal size.

CHIX: (Chickens): lobster weighing approximately 450 g (1 lb).

COLD PACK: frozen lobster meat, packed in cans, not retorted. Frozen storage required. CRUSHER: the larger of the two claws. CULL: a lobster with one or no claws. Normally sold at a lower price.

HALVES: lobster weighing 681 to 790 g (1.5 to 1.74 lbs). HOT PACK: canned lobster, retorted and shelf stable.

JUMBOS: whole lobster weighing more than 1.4 kg (3 lbs).

LFA (Lobster Fishing Areas): the coastline of Atlantic Canada is divided into regions or zones with applicable fishing seasons. The areas facilitate conservation management and allows control of the harvest, insuring the highest quality. BERRIED LOBSTER: a female with eggs under her tail. Under Canadian law, these must be returned to the sea. BLUES: a lobster, which is blue in colour, a rare occurrence. Lobsters can have a mottled appearance (or uneven colour, varying in shades) or also rare, white or yellow shells. This is a pigmentation only, and does not affect the flavour or texture. All lobster turns red when cooked. BRINE: salt water used to cook or to store frozen whole cooked lobster.

MARKETS: a size category for lobster’s

weighing 450 g to 1.5 k grams (1 to 3 lbs).

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Lobster Facts 88 Lobster Lobster Facts Facts That Will Leave That Will Leave You You “Shell Shocked” “Shell Shocked” By By Olivia Olivia B. B. Waxman Waxman

1. 1. They They keep keep growing growing forever. forever.

Or so research suggests. But scientists won’t Or so research suggests. But scientists won’t be able to tell how long lobsters really live be able to tell how long lobsters really live because traps aren’t designed to catch the because traps aren’t designed to catch the largest lobsters. “When we catch one that is largest lobsters. “When we catch one that is 20-30 pounds, it’s because a claw got caught 20-30 pounds, it’s because a claw got caught in the entrance of the trap, not inside,” says in the entrance of the trap, not inside,” says Robert C. Bayer, executive director of The Robert C. Bayer, executive director of The Lobster Institute at the University of Maine. Lobster Institute at the University of Maine.

2. 2. Females Females are are players—and players—and they they make the first move. make the first move.

Not much courtship precedes lobster loveNot much courtship precedes lobster lovemaking. Females that have just shed their making. Females that have just shed their shells send out a pheromone to let the shells send out a pheromone to let the males know they’re in the mood. Usually, males know they’re in the mood. Usually, lobsters that shed their shells are vulnerable lobsters that shed their shells are vulnerable and could be eaten by other lobsters, but and could be eaten by other lobsters, but when a female says she’s ready to get it on, when a female says she’s ready to get it on, the male lobster will usually opt to have sex the male lobster will usually opt to have sex

with her over killing her. How do they do with her over killing her. How do they do it? “I would describe it as the missionary it? “I would describe it as the missionary position,” Bayer says. Six to nine months position,” Bayer says. Six to nine months later, eggs appear on her tail, and after later, eggs appear on her tail, and after another six to 9 months, they hatch. A oneanother six to 9 months, they hatch. A onepound-and-a-half female lobster can have pound-and-a-half female lobster can have between 8,000 to 12,000 eggs, each about between 8,000 to 12,000 eggs, each about the size of a raspberry segment. And they the size of a raspberry segment. And they could be from multiple fathers. Females are could be from multiple fathers. Females are not monogamous. not monogamous.

3. 3. They They taste taste with with their their legs. legs.

Chemosensory leg and feet hairs identify Chemosensory leg and feet hairs identify food. Small antennae in front of their eyes food. Small antennae in front of their eyes are used for tracking down food that’s are used for tracking down food that’s farther away. “If you watch a lobster in a farther away. “If you watch a lobster in a tank in a market, you’ll see they’re flipping, tank in a market, you’ll see they’re flipping, looking for food, dissolved substances in looking for food, dissolved substances in the water,” says Bayer. the water,” says Bayer.

5. 5. One One of of their their claws claws can can exert exert pressure of up to 100 pressure of up to 100 pounds pounds per per square inch. square inch.

So they may not feel pain, but they can So they may not feel pain, but they can cause some serious pain. Researchers cause some serious pain. Researchers discovered that after having the lobster’s discovered that after having the lobster’s larger claw, the crusher claw, clamp down larger claw, the crusher claw, clamp down on a load cell, a pressure-measuring device. on a load cell, a pressure-measuring device. This claw looks like it has molars because This claw looks like it has molars because it’s used to break up anything hard like it’s used to break up anything hard like crabs, clams, and mussels. The other, called crabs, clams, and mussels. The other, called the ripper claw or the quick claw, tears the ripper claw or the quick claw, tears softer food like fish or worms. softer food like fish or worms.

6. 6. They They can can regenerate regenerate limbs. limbs.

“It’s going to take probably a good five “It’s going to take probably a good five years for a one-pound lobster to regenerate years for a one-pound lobster to regenerate a claw that’s about the same size of one that a claw that’s about the same size of one that

was lost,” says Bayer. But they can do it.

4. They don’t scream in pain when you cook them. The noise you hear is simply “air that has been trapped in the stomach and forced through the mouth after being out of water for short periods of time,” says Bayer. Lobsters don’t have vocal chords, and they can’t process pain.

7. Their shells were once used to make golf balls. Shells left over after lobster processing are usually tossed into landfills. So in an effort to make them worth something and keep the money in the lobster industry, a University of Maine professor created golf balls with a core made out of lobster shells. They’re also biodegradable, designed for golfing on cruise ships or courses near oceans and lakes.

The problem is they only go about 70 percent of the distance of a regular golf ball, so you won’t see them at the U.S. Open anytime soon.

8 Once upon a time, they were the goto prison food. In the colonial era, only the poor, indentured servants, and prisoners ate lobsters because they were cheap, too plentiful, and considered “tasteless.” After prisoners in one Massachusetts town got sick of eating them all the time, a new rule said they only had to eat them three times a week.

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What Am I Doing? Here is an Easy “How to Eat a Lobster”

Step 5:

Insert fork where the flippers broke off & push

Step 1:

Twist off the claws

Step 6:

Unhinge the back discard the “tomalley” or liver which will turn green when boiled.

Step 2:

Crack claw with nutcracker

Step 7:

Open the body crack it sideways there is


Separate the tail piece from body by arching the back until it cracks

always good meat in this section too

Step 4:

Bend back and break flippers off tailpiece

Step 8:

The small claws are excellent eating suck the meat out!

The Film Film LobsterLand LobsterLand The Documentary Documentary By Andrew Andrew Giles Giles Lobster.ca Lobster.ca has has created createdaavariety varietyofofvideos videos over over the the past past few fewyears; years;videos videosthat thathave have been been viewed viewed online online more more than than 350,000 350,000 times. times.In In2012 2012we wealigned alignedwith withsome someyoung young film film school school graduates graduates –Myles –Myles Cloutier, Cloutier, Bradley Bradley Rivers, Rivers,Mike MikeZakrzewski, Zakrzewski,and andMatt Matt Brisby– Brisby–who whoat atthe thetime timewere wereworking workingon onaa documentary documentaryabout aboutthe theindustry industrythat thatthey they were were calling callingLobster LobsterInc. Inc. From From this this initial initial tour tour and and their their first first glimpses glimpses of of the the industry industry they they created createdaa trailer trailer exploring exploring some some of ofthe theplaces placesthat that their their full-length full-length film film will will take takeaudiences. audiences. The Thetrailer trailerisisan aneye eyeopener. opener.ItItisisfascinating fascinating to to see see how how these these young young men men observed observed and and captured captured our our industry industry as as outsiders outsiders filming filming what whatwas washappening happeninginin2012. 2012. Watch Watch the theLobster LobsterInc. Inc.Trailer Trailerby bysearching searching YouTube YouTubefor for“Virtus “VirtusMedia MediaLobster LobsterInc.” Inc.” The The quality quality of of the the video video footage footage and and editing editing is is fantastic, fantastic, while while the the tone tone and and feel feel of of itit is is both both eye eyeopening openingand andglum glum– – even even depressing depressing –– and and to to us us was wasVERY VERY darn darn frustrating frustrating to tosee seewhere whereour ourlobster lobster industry industry had had fallen fallento. to.This Thisvideo videowas wasone one of of the the triggers triggers that thatbrought broughtCAL, CAL,Inc. Inc.and and Lobster.ca Lobster.ca into into action. action. Since Since 2012, 2012,Brad Brad Rivers Rivers moved moved to to the the East East Coast Coast from from Ontario Ontario and and set set up up shop shop here here as as Flow Flow Productions Productions Inc. Inc.He Hehas hascontinued continuedfilming filming the the progress progress of of the the maritime maritime lobster lobster industry industry while while trying trying to to keep keep the the lights lights on on and and the the tank tank fuelled fuelledby byworking workingon onaa variety variety of ofprojects. projects. Watch Watchthe theLobsterLand LobsterLandTrailer Trailerby bysearching searching YouTube YouTubefor forLobsterLand LobsterLandOfficial OfficialTrailer. Trailer. With With his his unique unique style style of of video video and and his his socially sociallyconscious consciousoutlook outlookwe weare areproud proudtoto

have with Brad and hishis camera. HisHis haveworked worked with Brad and camera. vision captured the inner workings, unseen vision captured the inner workings, unseen depths, depths,and andthe themany manyperspectives perspectivesof of our been interviews ourindustry. industry.There Therehave have been interviews with with fishers, fishers,dealers, dealers,government, government,and and numerous numerousother otherparticipants participantswere wereshot shot aboard aboardboats, boats,ininplants, plants,and andin inoffices. offices. LobsterLand LobsterLandis isanananthem anthemforforCAL, CAL,Inc. Inc. and roots andLobster.ca Lobster.ca– –fostering fosteringa agrass grass roots initiative initiative spawned spawned bybypassion passionand anda a heartfelt change things forfor heartfeltdesire desiretotohelp help change things the thebetter. better. Now, Now, inin 2015 2015 Lobster.ca Lobster.ca continues continues toto create create videos videos that thatare areessentially essentially documenting documentingour ourprogress progressand andpieces pieces together togetherthe thehistory historyand andtraditions traditionsof of the of of usus thepast pastwith withthe thefuture futuredirection direction asasan and this anorganization, organization,our ourindustry industry and this collaborative course collaborativeattempt attempttotoshift shiftthe the course and and positively positivelychange changethe theforecast forecastof of Coastal Canada. CoastalAtlantic Atlantic Canada. Lobster.ca has been joined byby Lobster.caasasofoftoday today has been joined founder the initial Lobster founderand andcreator creatorofof the initial Lobster Inc. Inc. Documentary Documentaryand andcrowd crowdfunding funding campaign, campaign, Myles Myles Cloutier. Cloutier. Returning Returning home hometotohis hisnative nativeNova NovaScotia, Scotia,Myles Myles has with hishis passion, listlist of of hascome comeonboard onboard with passion, credentials and full dedication toto the cause credentials and full dedication the cause asasMultimedia MultimediaManager ManagerforforLobster.ca. Lobster.ca. He series ofof videos Heenvisions envisionsananongoing ongoing series videos aligned online and alignedwith withthe theLobsterLand LobsterLand online and print print magazine. magazine.“The “Thesubject subjectand andthethe content unlimited”, hehe contentpotential potentialis issimply simply unlimited”, says, toto shoot allall says,and and“we “wehave havebig bigplans plans shoot things both locally and abroad.” thingslobster, lobster, both locally and abroad.”

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Special Costco Membership Offer for the members Lobster.ca Offer Special Costco Special CostcoofMembership Membership Offerfor for Simply bring this offer to any Canadian Costco location along the members of Lobster.ca members Lobster.ca Offer Special CostcoofMembership Membership Offerfor for with your membership fee and receive a Special Costco $10 Costco Cash Card when you sign up for a new Costco Gold Star or Executive Membership.* Simply bring this any Canadian with your membership feefee andand receive a a the members of Lobster.ca of Lobster.ca Simplymembers bringCostco thisoffer offerto to any CanadianCostco Costcolocation locationalong along with your membership receive Special Membership Offer for You can also sign up online at Costco.ca using the promotion code “EXEC39” for Executive Membership $10 Star or Executive Membership.* $10 Costco Costco Cash CashCard Cardwhen whenyou yousign signup upfor fora anew newCostco CostcoGold Gold Star or Executive Membership.* the members of Lobster.ca Simply bringthis thisoffer offer toany any Canadian Costco location along with your membership receive or “GSWEB65” for Gold Star Membership at location the checkout. Simply bring to Canadian Costco along with your membership feefee andand receive a a

You can sign up atatyou Costco.ca the code “EXEC39” forfor Executive Membership $10 Costco Cash Card when signupupusing fora anew new Costco Gold Star or Executive Membership.* YouCostco can also also signCard uponline online Costco.ca using thepromotion promotion code “EXEC39” Executive Membership $10 Cash when you sign for Costco Gold Star or Executive Membership.* Simply bring thisfor offer to any Costco location along with your membership fee and receive a or “GSWEB65” Gold StarCanadian Membership at the checkout. or “GSWEB65” for Gold Star Membership at the checkout. ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF BEING A COSTCO MEMBER $10 Costco Cash Card when you sign up for a new Costco Gold Star or Executive Membership.* You can can also alsosign signup uponline onlineatatCostco.ca Costco.causing usingthe thepromotion promotion code “EXEC39” Executive Membership You code “EXEC39” forfor Executive Membership or “GSWEB65” for Gold atatthe or “GSWEB65” for GoldStar StarMembership Membership the checkout. 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Jimmy Flynn: Throwing the World’s Biggest Lobster Party By Ania Swiatoniowski

If Jimmy Flynn knows something about something, it’s how to have a good laugh and a good time. In fact, it’s his specialty. The Atlantic Canadian musical comedy legend has been helping audiences far and wide have a good laugh and a good time for almost 40 years. Now after countless concerts, performances, and festivals world-wide, including a performance at the North Pole, Jimmy has his eye set on a party of an entirely other scale: The World’s Biggest Lobster Party. Lobster is also his specialty. Jimmy Flynn’s love for lobster is life-long. “My father was a lobster fisherman, his father was a lobster fisherman, my people go back in Newfoundland to 1824…. So my passion has always been Atlantic Canada,” says Jimmy. “People have written songs about me eating lobster,” he laughs. So when Jimmy first saw the Rogers Centre (SkyDome) in Toronto, Ontario, two decades ago, he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

“I thought to myself: Wow. Wouldn’t it be something to have the biggest lobster party in the world right here? And it’s been 20 years in my head.” The WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com remains a vision and monumental undertaking, but something achievable as just the right mix of people are coming together that are open to the possibilities for bringing this shared vision to life. In fall 2014, Jimmy and Patrick (PJ) Swim (Lobster. ca) were introduced via the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Keith Colwell. Their first meeting would result in the perfect storm of lobsterloving Maritimers. Jimmy and Swim both describe it as the initial catalyst to “getting the party started” and as the opening to finding all the right people that will come together to make Jimmy’s dream a reality. The vision is for the WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com to be a two to three-day event at the Rogers Centre, a world class stadium in the downtown core that can

accommodate events with 50,000 people. At each of three seatings, accommodate events with thousands of people will 50,000 enjoy people. At each of three entertainment while being seatings, served thousands of people will enjoy lobster in the stands and Sky Boxes. entertainment while being served Jimmy says, “We could be talking lobster in the stands and Sky Boxes. numbers of over 100,000 people over Jimmy says, “We could be talking the weekend and an opportunity numbers of over 100,000 people over to serve in excess of 150,000 lbs of the weekend and an opportunity lobster in three days.” His voice is to serve in excess of 150,000 lbs of full of enthusiasm. “Use your lobster in three days.” His wildest voice is imagination and convert 150,000 lbs full of enthusiasm. “Use your wildest ofimagination lobster into 150,000 tourists and convert 150,000 to lbs Atlantic Canada.” idea istourists not onlyto of lobster into The 150,000 toAtlantic let the Canada.” world know The about idea isAtlantic not only lobster, but also about what the East to let the world know about Atlantic Coast hasbut to also offerabout vacationers lobster, what theand East tourists. Coast has to offer vacationers and tourists. “In Lobster.ca’s Banding Together “In Lobster.ca’s Banding Together initiative,” says Swim, “the traceability initiative,” says Swim, “the traceability bands on each lobster essentially act on each lobster essentially act asbands business cards for the Fishers.” as business cards for the Fishers.” The bands are branded with the The bands are branded the names of individual Fisher’swith boats, names of individual Fisher’s boats, which people can then enter on the which people can then enter on the Lobster.ca website to see a profile / Lobster.ca website to see a profile / microsite of the Fisher that actually microsite of the Fisher that actually caught their lobster dinner and caught their lobster dinner and even add him or her to Facebook even add him or her to Facebook or Twitter etc. They will even be or Twitter etc. They will even be able to purchase products (for able to purchase products (for example, a T-shirt with example, a T-shirt withthe thename nameand and picture of that Fisher’s boat!). picture of that Fisher’s boat!).AtAtthe the WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com, WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com,the the branded, nono smell, nonotaste, branded, smell, taste,traceable traceable bands will double up as bands will double up aslottery lotterytickets tickets totoWIN WINananadventure adventuretotomeet meetthat that Fisher and visit their Fisher and visit theircommunity! community!

Jimmy and Swim both believe that with uniting industry participants Jimmyharnessing and Swim both believe and that and technology with uniting industry participants social media there is unlimited and harnessing technology and potential. They are working towards social media there is unlimited assembling sponsors, partnerships, potential. They are working towards and alliances (the start being with assembling sponsors, partnerships, this LobsterLand Magazine) for the and alliances (the start being with WorldsBig gestLobsterPar t y.com this LobsterLand Magazine) for the and for the world class (stick in your WorldsBig gestLobsterPar t y.com head) Lobster.ca brand marketing and for the world classfor (stick in your Canadian Atlantic Lobster. The goal, head) Lobster.ca brand for marketing says Jimmy,Atlantic is “to take AtlanticThe Canada Canadian Lobster. goal, tosays theJimmy, world stage and cordially invite is “to take Atlantic Canada one and all with some Maritimeinvite flair to the world stage and cordially and hospitality”. one and all with some Maritime flair and hospitality”. Swim and Jimmy see the Swim and of the Jimmy seeBiggest the incorporation World’s incorporation theJimmy World’s Biggest Kitchen Party... of with hosting at Kitchen Party... Jimmy hosting at the centre openwith stage -making sure the centre open stage -making sure everyone is laughing and having a everyone is an laughing andyet having timeduring exclusive casuala timeduring an exclusive yet casual “jam session” style show featuring “jam session” style show featuring the best of East Coast musical talent. the bestand of East Coast musical talent. Fishers industry participants Fishers and industry participants will meet, network, shake hands, will meet, network, shake hands, and laugh while all attendees enjoy and laugh while all attendees enjoy a variety of East Coast seafoods and a variety of East Coast seafoods and delights: mussels, oysters, smoked delights: mussels, oysters, smoked salmon, Solomon Gundy, and many salmon, Solomon Gundy, and many others including our “lobster potato others including our “lobster potato chips” made chips” madeby by Cover Cover Bridge Bridge Potato Potato Chip Company in New Brunswick. Chip Company in New Brunswick. The Theevent eventwill willalso alsoinclude includeaaweekendweekendlong trade show for long trade show forthose those involved involved in in the the fishery fishery and and tourism tourism industries. industries. “This “This isis the the king king of of seafood seafood –– our our

Coming Summer 2015

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ambassador and calling card and every lobster could be converted into a family vacationing in Atlantic Canada”. “The sky’s the limit!” Jimmy and Swim both exclaim. Jimmy says that “with today’s amazing technology we have the tools we need to be efficient, effective, and to create a swell that lifts all boats, the same as a rising tide”. The future spin-offs from the WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com would be record breaking in themselves. “We have plenty of time but it’s in the doin’s and we need to get the businesses, organizations, event planners, entertainers, government, and most important of all the Fishers to be contacting us and getting in on the planning,” adds Jimmy. Lastly, a Jimmy Flynn show wouldn’t be the real deal without a fundraising goal towards a good cause. Jimmy has raised millions of dollars for charitable and community organizations over the past four decades, giving back is something very near to his heart. Both Jimmy and Swim are excited about the WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com contributing to a good cause. “Just imagine what we could do and how we could help,” says Swim sharing in Jimmy’s excitement. The

charitable groups will be announced closer to the time of the party.

“The World’s Biggest Lobster Party will be in the Guiness Book of World Records. There’s never been anything this big before.” Putting on the World’sBiggestLobsterParty.com will indeed be a monumental undertaking, but that’s not deterring Jimmy and Swim. Planning and organizing has begun, but the timeline will depend on all the right pieces and people coming together to make Jimmy’s dream a reality. The plan is to hold the party during the Canada Day Weekend 2017, Canada’s 150th birthday. Jimmy will be promoting the WorldsBiggestLobsterParty.com while on tour for which there are big plans. Get tickets or book Jimmy at jimmyflynn.com Jimmy has let slide that they are planning to give away a number of tickets and Grand Prizes in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for this opportunity to be part of a party fit for the Guinness Book of World Records.

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Tank Dr. Mike Caudle is Mike the Tank Doctor the

as the builder of the actual live lobster aquarium holding systems that CAL and Lobster.Ca aims to promote more of.

By Dave Dave Brown Brown By

Anyone who who has has ever ever had had an an aquarium aquarium in in Anyone their home home knows knows that that their their time, time, effort, effort, their and TLC TLC involved involved in in keeping keeping them them alive alive and and healthy. healthy. So So imagine imagine this… this… keeping keeping and about $2 $2 million million dollars dollars worth worth of of lobsters lobsters about happy and and healthy healthy for for export export to to lobster lobster happy lovers around around the the world. world. lovers At any any given given time time of of the the year, year, industry industry At legend Mike Mike Caudle Caudle has has in in excess excess of of legend 10 million million pounds pounds of of live live lobsters lobsters in in 10 aquarium holding holding tank tank systems systems that that he he aquarium has built built and and installed installed around around the the world world has over the the last last 30 30 years. years. The The tanks tanks run run from from over 150-gallon systems systems to to 600,000-gallon 600,000-gallon 150-gallon tank houses houses along along the the eastern eastern seaboard. seaboard. tank Mike has has been been immersed immersed in in the the lobster lobster Mike industry throughout throughout his his career career and and has has industry an obvious obvious passion passion for for the the industry industry and and an its people. people. its He sees sees Lobster.ca Lobster.ca as as the the only only positive positive He initiative in in the the industry industry that that has has initiative gotten traction traction in in aa long long time. time. Mike Mike has has gotten come along along side side as as an an advisor advisor and and aa come key element element because because of of his his industry industry key knowledge, network network relationships, relationships, and and knowledge,

Mike identifies the future of tank systems as “Lego style” -initially the brain child of Mac Swim and known as the “Swim Pound”, Shower or Trickle Down system - to be manufactured at his facility in Enfield, Nova Scotia (formerly at the Stanfield Airport Business Park). From there the systems will be shipped by sea container to the “away markets”. Lobster. ca has been developing a network around the the world world to to open open doors doors and and around bridge relationships relationships for for the the Canadian Canadian live live bridge handlers to to develop develop these these international international handlers business relationships. relationships. The The 10,000lb. 10,000lb. business and up up live live lobster lobster holding holding systems systems will will and require chillers, chillers, heat heat pumps, pumps, filtration, filtration, require aeration, sea sea salt, salt, and and maintenance. maintenance. Mike Mike aeration, and his his team team will will provide provide this this like like no no and other candidate. candidate. The The Tank Tank Doctor Doctor and and his his other medical degree degree is is aa key key ingredient ingredient to to the the medical future of of lobster lobster industry industry both both here here and and future for the the USA USA live live exporters. exporters. for Mike Caudle Caudle Mike tankdoctor@lobster.ca tankdoctor@lobster.ca pictured below: below: pictured Simply Fresh Fresh Seafoods, Seafoods, Cape Cape Sable Sable Island Island Simply



Lobster Dr. Lobster Dr. Jean Lavallee DVM, MSC Jean Lavallee DVM, MSC Dr. Jean Lavallée is the founder and principal

consultant at Aquatic Science & Health Dr. Jean Lavallée is the founderexpertise and principal Services. He has unsurpassed and consultant atthe Aquatic & Health experience in field ofScience lobster health and Services. Heishas unsurpassed and quality. He one of only two expertise veterinarians experience in the field ofdegree lobster health and with a post-graduate in lobster quality. HeCanada. is one ofDr. onlyLavallée two veterinarians health in holds his with a post-graduate degree in lobster doctoral degree in veterinary medicine from health in Canada. Dr. Lavallée holds the University of Montreal(1995) and his doctoral degree in veterinary from Master of Science degree inmedicine epidemiology the University Montreal(1995) and his applied to the of Canadian lobster industry Master ofAtlantic ScienceVeterinary degree in College epidemiology from the (AVC), applied to of thePrince Canadian lobster industry University Edward Island(1999). from thecompleted Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC), He also a veterinary residency University of Prince Island(1999). in aquaculture healthEdward management at the He also Veterinary completedCollege(1998). a veterinary residency Atlantic in aquaculture health management at the Atlantic Veterinary After working asCollege(1998). the Lobster Health Coordinator for AVC Inc., the corporate After as theof Lobster Health arm ofworking the University Prince Edward Coordinator for AVC Island(UPEI) back in Inc., 1999,the he corporate founded arm of the University of Prince Edward Aquatic Science & Health Services, a Island(UPEI) in 1999, he founded consulting back company specializing in Aquatic & and Health Services, a veterinaryScience medicine research applied consulting company specializing in to aquatic species. Dr. Lavallée moved back veterinary andtoresearch applied to the UPEImedicine in late 2000 join the Atlantic to aquatic species. Dr. Lavallée moved back Veterinary College Lobster Science Centre as to theClinical UPEI inScientist late 2000 to join Atlantic their where he the researched Veterinary College Lobster Scienceto Centre as some of the factors contributing lobster their Clinical where he in researched diseases andScientist decreased quality both wild some of the populations. factors contributing and captive He was to in lobster charge diseases and decreased quality in both wild and captive populations. He was in charge

of all field activities of the Lobster Science Centre. From November 2011 until April of all field activities the Lobster Science 2012, he acted as theofExecutive Director for Centre. November 2011 the untilCentre April the AVC From Lobster Science, before 2012, acted as thedecrease Executiveits Director for had tohesignificantly activities. the AVC Lobster Science, before Centre Dr. Lavallée has now returned to the consulting had tofocusing significantly decrease its activities. and is on best practices, outreach Dr. has now returned to consulting andLavallée project management related to aquatic and is focusing species health. on best practices, outreach and project management related to aquatic species health. Jean Lavallee lobsterdoctor@lobster.ca Jean Lavallee (902)628-7981 lobsterdoctor@lobster.ca (902)628-7981

Rainbow Lobster Lobster Rainbow The normal coloration of Homarus The normal coloration isof“dark Homarus americanus/canadianus bluish americanus/canadianus is redder “dark bluish green to greenish brown”, on the green to greenish brown”, redder on legs. the body and claws, and greener on the body and claws, and greener on the legs. This coloration is produced by mixing This coloration is produced by mixing yellow, blue, and red pigments. yellow, blue, and red pigments. Despite the rarity of strangely colored Despite the rarity of strangely colored lobsters, many more of them are reported lobsters, many more of them are reported being caught. It is unclear as to whether being caught. It is unclear as to whether this is an artifact of social media (i.e. it this is an artifact of social media (i.e. it is easier to report catching a strangely is easier to report catching a strangely colored lobster), lobster),or orififititisisdue dueto toaadrop dropinin colored predator population. population. predator Color variants. variants.Blue Blue--Yellow YellowAn Anestimated estimated Color one in 2 million lobsters are blue. AA one in 2 million lobsters are blue. genetic mutation mutation causes causes aa blue blue lobster lobster genetic to produce produce an an excessive excessive amount amount ofof to particular protein. protein. The The protein protein and and aa particular red carotenoid carotenoid molecule molecule known known asas aa red astaxanthin combine combine to to form form aa blue blue astaxanthin complex known known as as crustacyanin, crustacyanin, giving giving complex the lobster lobster its itsblue bluecolor. color. the

Yellow lobsters are the result of a rare Yellow lobsters areand thethe result ofofa finding rare genetic mutation odds genetic mutation andto the one are estimated beodds 1 inof30finding million. one are are estimated to be 1 in 30 amillion. There calico lobsters with mottled There are calico lobsters with a mottled orange and black shell, orange lobsters orange and black shell, orange lobsters are a 1 in 30 million catch and an are a 1 in 30 million catch and an estimated only one in 100 million lobsters estimated only one in 100 million lobsters is albino - lacking in colored pigments. is albino - lacking in colored pigments. The chance of finding one is estimated at The chance of finding one is estimated at 1 in 50 million. Many split colored lobsters 1 in 50 million. Many split colored lobsters observed have been hermaphroditic observed have been hermaphroditic chimeras,but butnot not all. chimeras, all. Allofofthese theselobsters lobsterswill will turn the normal All turn the normal redwhen whencooked. cooked. red Picture taken taken byby Valerie Valerie Lugonja Lugonja Picture (acanadianfoodie.com) Ryer Lobster, Indian (acanadianfoodie.com) at at Ryer Lobster, Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia Harbour, Nova Scotia

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Ryer Lobsters

Ryer Lobsters Ltd. Dave Hoskin – Retail Sales 8494 Peggy’s Cove Rd., Indian Harbour, NS e. ryerretail@eastlink.ca p. 902.823.1070

“Ryer Lobsters is a bare bones place. A picnic table, a bib, and really great lobster, and that’s it. Fifteen dollars a person for a 1.5 pound meal.” Forget the tour. Forget the history, architecture, art, literature or anything else. Get me to the lobster guy”.

such a culinary treat. And, Ryer Lobsters boils each lobster in salty ocean water. Something I hadn’t realized that every East Coast person knows: lobsters and any shell fish that needs to be boiled or steamed is always tastiest when cooked in ocean water.

Certainly, I had planned our entire trip around culinary experiences, but hadn’t thought this little jaunt would include something this special. When in Boston a few years back , I actively sought out a place just like this one… the kind you read about – a little shack on the side of the road where the fishermen stock the store with fresh lobster and the person in the shop just boils them up as people stop by. Believe me. There was nothing to be found like this in the Boston area, and I hadn’t even thought to search

Dave Hoskin, the retail manager, deftly prepared the lobster for use to eat with ease, cleverly using the lobster scissors he sells in the shop. (Bought a pair). Two were placed in a rubber bin with paper towels. Only then, did I turn and see the picnic table to the left of me, set up for our rustic dining experience. Napkins, bibs, plates, picks, and drawn butter: what else does one need? Absolutely nothing!

for such a place in our Atlantic provinces – yet, without any idea of what a thrill this would be for me. Exactly what I had hoped for. A fishy smelling, somewhat stinky little spot with live lobster splashing rigorously in their tanks… Prices were better than one would ever find in any restaurant, mind you, this wasn’t even close to what one would call a restaurant. However, where lobster is concerned, I don’t need ambiance. Who does? Let’s face it. Diving into a lobster feast is messy business and this environment is the perfect one for

This lobster was the most delicious lobster I have ever eaten. The experience was a 10 out of 10. I can, even now, vividly recall cracking the claw, and pulling out the steamy claw flesh, dipping it into the butter and sinking my teeth into the most luxurious of textures… perfectly cooked; the sweetness coupled with the rich unctuous butter added to the toothsome pull of the claw flesh coming off of the thin translucent flat bone was transcendent. I think you get the idea. If you are anywhere nearby, Ryer’s Lobster, Indian Harbour, is a must stop shop. It was all I could think about on our last two days in Halifax. I wanted to go back to have just that one more lobster. But, that was my little secret and was such a selfish wish. A great fun couple with energy and information in abundance and I am just so thankful for the experience. Editorialplements of Valerie Lugonja: acananadianfoodie.com May 28, 2014

Captains Colin & Dawn

Fishing lobster on Prince Edward Island, married couple Colin and Dawn, give new meaning to the word teamwork. Annandale is an island village they call home that hosts classic rows of weathered fishing shacks and wide green fields for livestock. With a family history of lobster fishing, this duo’s parents both fished, including Dawn’s mother. The first woman in Annandale to operate a lobster fleet, she hauled her own traps alongside her husband (who also had his own boat). Colin recalls his grandfather as a lobster fisherman. With lobstering his blood, Coin states simply “I just love it,” adding “I can’t imagine doing anything else”. It’s no wonder that in a year or so, their 8-year-old son will be lobstering alongside them.

In their quiet seaside location, a field is filled with partially built wood framed traps that they build in the off-season and hundreds are piled up in big stacks. No loud machinery, no computers, just the sound of hands working. Whether on land or at sea, peaceful is a perfect word to describe this area of the world. To learn more about Colin and Dawn including information on different kinds of lobster traps visit www.heroesofthesea.com FYI: Colin was one of the first Members/Owners in Lobster.ca and you can contact him via email colin@lobster.ca

Photographed in Annandale, Prince Edward Island Photo © joegreenphoto.com Sept 2014

Capital Seafoods Seafoods Capital Bringing Canadian Atlantic Bringing Atlantic Lobster toCanadian the Asian Market Lobster to the Asian Market By Ania Swiatoniowski By Ania Swiatoniowski

One of the world’s largest seafood One of thehas world’s largest seafood companies recently turned its eye companies has recentlyquality turnedofits eye to the unquestionable Atlantic to the unquestionable qualityInternational of Atlantic Lobster. Capital Seafood Lobster. Capital Inc. is the newlySeafood formed International subsidiary of Inc. is the newly formed subsidiary of Zhangzidao (Zoneco) Group Co. Ltd., Zhangzidao (Zoneco) Group Ltd., based in Dalian, China. TheCo. company based in Dalian, The from company purchases lobsterChina. directly Nova purchases lobster for directly Novato Scotian fishermen exportfrom primarily Scotian China. fishermen for export primarily to China. Zhangzidao Group’s Canadian arm, ZF Zhangzidao Group’s Canadian arm, ZF Max International Inc., began purchasing Max International Inc., began purchasing and exporting Nova Scotia lobster in 2013 and exporting Nova Scotia lobster in 2013 as part of an initiative to incorporate as part of an initiative to incorporate overseas resources into their Chinese overseas resources into their Chinese operations. In 2014, Capital Seafood was operations. In 2014, Capital Seafood was formed with with the the acquisition acquisitionofofa aNova Nova formed Scotian company (The Fish Basket Ltd.) Scotian company (The Fish Basket Ltd.) and its its facilities facilitiesininEastern EasternPassage. Passage.They They and expect to to export export 2.3-4.5 2.3-4.5 million millionkgkgofof expect lobsterin in2015 2015and and4.5 4.5million millionkgkgannually annually lobster once planned plannedexpansions expansionsare arecompleted. completed. once After the the past past two twodecades decadesofofeconomic economic After growth, the the Chinese Chinese market market now nowhas has growth, enough demand demand and andpurchasing purchasingpower power enough to support support imported importedseafood seafoodresources resources to

on top of China’s own harvest. The entry Atlantic Lobster thatThe market onoftop of China’s own into harvest. entrywill a smooth one, taking advantage ofbe Atlantic Lobster into that market will of established network beZhangzidao a smooth Group’s one, taking advantage of of seafood storesestablished throughout most of Zhangzidao Group’s network ofmainland seafood China. stores throughout most The company will ofalso mainland China. The company will also export some lobster to the United States, export some lobster the United Europe, and otherto parts of AsiaStates, and has Europe, other parts of Asia and export has plans and for further growing these plans for further growing these export markets. markets. Zhangzidao Group’s primary business Zhangzidao primary business in China Group’s is bottom cultured marine inaquaculture. China is bottom cultured wild, marine They maintain freeaquaculture. They operations maintain wild, range farming of freevarious range farming operations of various species in 2000 km2 of seawater area species in 2000 km2 of seawater area off the Chinese coast. The company off the Chinese coast. The company prides itself for being entirely vertically prides itself for being entirely vertically integrated, owning and operating every integrated, owning and operating every step –from hatchery to storefront. Capital step –from hatchery to storefront. Capital Seafood will also become fully vertically Seafood will also become fully vertically integrated within Atlantic Canada in integrated within Atlantic Canada in keeping with the company’s “ocean to keeping with the company’s “ocean to plate” philosophy. plate” philosophy. Capital Seafood’s newly acquired Eastern Capital Seafood’s newly acquired Eastern Passage facility facilitywillwillbebeundergoing undergoing Passage upgradesover overthethecoming coming months upgrades months to to increase holding capacity and processing increase holding capacity and processing area.The Thecompany companyhopes hopesto tobegin begin area. production cooked lobster there production of of cooked lobster there thisthis year.Expansions Expansions expected create year. areare expected to to create 50-80jobs jobsand andthetheworkforce workforce 50-80 willwill be be

preferentiallyhired hiredlocally. locally.Reg RegHartlan Hartlan preferentially (formerowner ownerofofThe TheFish FishBasket) Basket)isis (former General Managerand andoverseeing overseeingthese these General Manager operations. ZFZF Max Max International’s International’s operations. Yarmouthoffice office works works closely closely with with Yarmouth Capital Seafood and planningtotoeither either Capital Seafood and is is planning buy build a Yarmouth holding facility. buy or or build a Yarmouth holding facility.

Commitment Fishermen& & Commitment toto Fishermen Environment Environment

Zhangzidao Group, nowananinternational international Zhangzidao Group, now seafoodpowerhouse, powerhouse,has hasitsitshumble humble seafood beginnings a fishermen’sco-operative co-operative beginnings asas a fishermen’s in 1958 the Zhangzi Islands –four small, in 1958 onon the Zhangzi Islands –four small, remote islands deep the YellowSea Seaoff off remote islands deep inin the Yellow coast mainlandChina. China.While Whilethe the thethe coast of of mainland company has seentremendous tremendousgrowth, growth, company has seen Zhangzidao Group remainsfaithful faithfultotoitsits Zhangzidao Group remains founding principles as a co-operative. founding principles as a co-operative. Jack Liu is Director of Capital Seafood Jack Liu is Director of Capital Seafood and President of ZF Max International, and President of ZF Max International, based in Toronto. “The small fishing based in Toronto. “The small fishing communities all along the coast of Nova communities all along the coast of Nova Scotia always remind us of our own Scotia always remind us of our own origins.... Even today 70% of shares origins.... Even today 70% of shares are still directly or indirectly owned by are still directly or indirectly owned by fishermen and the residents of [the fishermen and the residents of [the Zhangzi Islands]... We understand Zhangzi Islands]... understand fishermen. We areWe fishermen,” said fishermen. We are fishermen,” said Liu in an interview with Resources LiuQuarterly in an in interview with [http://www. Resources January 2015. Quarterly in January 2015. [http://www.

resourcesquarterly.com/capital-seafoodresourcesquarterly.com/capital-seafoodinternational-inc/#more-808] international-inc/#more-808] When Zhangzidao Zhangzidao Group Group decided decided to to When start sourcing sourcing lobster lobster overseas, overseas, they they start establishedaapolicy policyto to only only source source from from established sustainably managed managed fisheries. fisheries. Capital Capital sustainably Seafood will will reflect reflect this this commitment. commitment. Seafood Thefishery fishery must must be be beneficial beneficial to to local local The fishermen and and communities communities as as well well as as fishermen be sustainable sustainable inin the the long long term term as as aa be standardfor forthe thecompany’s company’sinvolvement. involvement. standard Thatcommitment commitment includes includes offering offering fair fair That prices toto fishermen fishermen for for their their catches catches prices andbecoming becomingpositive positive and and contributing contributing and membersofofthe thecommunities. communities. members Capital Seafood’s Seafood’s Eastern Eastern Passage Passage Capital facilities are already in full operation and facilities are already in full operation and at full (current) capacity. The company at full (current) capacity. The company plans to eventually extend their list of plans to eventually extend their list of Atlantic Canadian seafood species for Atlantic Canadian seafood species for export –both shellfish and finfish–as export –both shellfish and finfish–as their operations expand in Nova Scotia their operations expand in Nova Scotia and potentially other Atlantic Canadian and potentially other Atlantic Canadian provinces. provinces.

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Up! Eat Up! Health Health

Lobstermeat meatisis90% 90%protein protein •• Lobster Enjoyititwith withgrass-fed grass-fedbutter butter •• Enjoy • Try dipping it in vinegar foraa • Try dipping it in vinegar for low fat meal low fat meal

Disease Disease

EAT FAT: FAT: Dietary Dietary cholesterol cholesteroldoes doesNOT NOT EAT raise blood blood cholesterol. cholesterol.Refined Refinedprocessed processed raise foods DO! DO! foods StephanieMcWilliams, McWilliams,RD RDnutrition nutritionand andwellness wellness coach. –– Stephanie coach.

Lobster Lobster is is a Heath Heath Food.

CHEF CHUCK HUGES WINS IRON CHEF WITH CHEF CHUCK HUGES WINS IRON CHEF WITH LOBSTER POUTINE! LOBSTER POUTINE! Quebec Chef, Chuck Hughes, won the Iron ChefChef, competition with hiswon lobster Quebec Chuck Hughes, the poutine recipe. You may recognize him Iron Chef competition with his lobster poutine You him from hisrecipe. hit show onmay the recognize food network: from hisDay hit Off. show on the food network: Chuck’s Chuck’s Day Off.

Step 1: In a large pot of boiling salted Step 1:cook In a large pot of boiling salted water, the lobsters for water, cookCool the lobsters for Remove 2 minutes. in ice water. 2 minutes. in ice water. Remove meat from Cool the shell and set the meat from the shell(If and set lobster meat aside. you dothe this lobster meat aside. (If you do this ahead of time, chill the lobster meat ahead ofthe time, chillfor themaking lobsterthe meat and use shells and usestock.) the shells for making the lobster lobster stock.)

Step 2: For the gravy, reduce the Step 2: For the gravy, reduce the lobster stock by half until it is thick lobster stock by half until it is thick enough to coat a spoon. Whisk in the enough to coat a spoon. Whisk in the butter, a spoonful at a time. Season butter, a spoonful at a time. Season with salt and pepper. Add the lobster with salt and pepper. Add the lobster meat and gently reheat it while you meat and gently reheat it while you make the frites. make the frites. Step3: Step3: For For the the frites, frites, heat heat the the oil oil in in a a deep deep fryer fryer or or large, large, deep deep pot pot to to 300°F 300°F (150°C). (150°C). Step Step 4: 4: Dunk Dunk the the potatoes potatoes in in the the hot hot oil oil for for 2 2 to to 3 3 minutes minutes to to blanch blanch them. them. Drain Drain and and let let sit sit for for a a few few minutes. minutes. Heat the same oil to 350°F (180°C). Cook the frites 2 to 3 minutes more, until golden and crispy. Drain on paper towels and season with salt and pepper.

Prep: Prep: 15 15 min min Cook: Cook: 30 30 min min Serves: Serves: 44 INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS:

4 4 lobsters, lobsters, Each Each 1 1 to to 1 1 1/2 1/2 lb lb (500 (500 to to 675g) 675g) 4 cups 4 cups (1 (1 L) L) Lobster Lobster stock stock 2 2 Tbsp Tbsp (30 (30 mL) mL) Butter Butter 6 Yukon Yukon Gold Gold Potatoes Potatoes (unpeeled), (unpeeled), 6 julienned julienned 1 1 lb lb (450 (450 g) g) Cheese Cheese curds curds Salt and freshly ground pepper Canola or peanut oil for deep-frying Finely chopped chives, for garnish

Step 5: Top the frites with the cheese curds and lobster gravy. Garnish with chives. You can can find find Chef Chef Chuck Chuck Hughes Hughes at; at; You Garde Garde Manger Manger 408 St St François François Xavier Xavier 408 Old Old Montreal Montreal Le Le Bremner Bremner 361 St Paul E. 361 St Paul E. Old Montreal Old Montreal

www.huckhughes.ca www.huckhughes.ca

Spicy Coconut & Red Pepper Lobster

Chef Roger Mooking (formerly of Kultura and Nyood) the lobsters and bring to a boil. Season the water with sea salt until it tastes like seawater.

Step 2: Turn down to a simmer and add the lobsters. Cook, uncovered, for 4 minutes, then remove the pot from the heat and allow the lobsters to rest in the hot water for another minute. Remove the lobsters from the pot and place them on a baking sheet in a single layer to cool completely. Discard the remaining contents of the pot.


1 Tbsp coconut or grapeseed oil 1 cup chopped leek, white parts only 3 cloves garlic 2 Tbsp coriander seeds 1 tsp fennel seeds Sea salt 4 whole lobsters (1 ½ lb each) 1 cup roasted red pepper puree (storebought) ¾ cup coconut milk 1 Tbsp soy sauce ½ Tbsp red wine vinegar 2 bird’s eye (Thai) chilis, thinly sliced ½ tsp dark coconut or brown sugar ½ tsp ground cumin 1 Tbsp lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper To Finish 2 Tbsp coconut or vegetable oil 1⁄3 cup finely diced shallots (about 4 shallots) ½ cup finely chopped cilantro or chives

Step 1: Place the coconut oil, then the leek, garlic, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds in a large pot. Sweat over medium heat, without browning, then add enough water to fully submerge

Step 4: For the sauce, place the red pepper puree, coconut milk, soy sauce, red wine vinegar, chilis, sugar, and cumin in a separate saucepan. Bring to a simmer and cook, uncovered, for 25 minutes over medium-low heat. Finish by drizzling with the lemon juice and seasoning to taste with pepper. Step 5: Once the lobsters are cool, remove the tails and legs (including claws) from the body of the lobster by twisting them. Using a sharp chef’s knife, slit each tail in half lengthwise. Hold the claws firmly at one end and crack them so they will be easy to eat. Discard the body of the lobster or use for lobster stock. Step 6: To finish, heat a large frying pan over high heat and add the coconut oil, then the lobster tails and claws. Cook for another 2 minutes or until just heated through. Add the shallots and sauté for about 30 seconds or until the shallots begin to color. Add the sauce and gently mix everything together in the pan until heated through and fully cooked. Step 7: Transfer to a serving plate and garnish with cilantro or chives. Serve hot with chunks of oiled and grilled sourdough baguette.

Lobster Lentil Arugula Salad Š Chef Michael Lobster LentilSmith Arugula Salad Š Chef Michael Smith

This salad perfectly combines the flavours of the land and sea! The earthy This salad ofperfectly heartiness the lentilscombines anchors the the flavours land and The earthy dish, theof the brininess of sea! lobster adds heartiness of the sweetness lentils anchors lots of luxurious and the the dish, brininess of ties lobster adds sharp, the peppery arugula everything lots of luxurious sweetness and the together. sharp, peppery arugula ties everything together. Step 1: Begin with the lentils. In a medium saucepan over medium high Step 1: Begin with the lentils. In a heat bring the water, lentils and salt medium saucepan over medium high to a boil. the heat toand maintain heat bringReduce the water, lentils salt a simmer and continue cooking to a boil. Reduce the heat to maintain and tasting justcontinue until thecooking lentils are a simmer and tender, about 15-20 and tasting just untilminutes. the lentilsStrain are off any excess water,minutes. cool to room tender, about 15-20 Strain temperature the cool lentils ready off any excessand water, toare room to add to anyand salad. temperature the lentils are ready to add to any salad.

Step 2: Meanwhile cook the lobster. Step 2: Meanwhile cook thethe lobster. In a second large pot bring water In a second pot bring the water and salt to alarge vigorous boil. Remove and salt to abands vigorous the rubber fromboil. theRemove claws by the rubber bands from the claws by firmly grasping and crossing the claws firmly grasping and crossing the claws over the body. Plunge the lobsters overthe thewater body. and Plunge the into cook forlobsters 15 into the water andlobsters cook foruntil 15 you minutes. Cool the minutes. Cool the lobsters until you can handle them. Protect your hands can handle them. Protect your hands with a pair of gloves and remove all with a pair of gloves and remove all the meat from the tail, knuckles and the meat from the tail, knuckles and claws. Grasp the lobster firmly by claws. Grasp the lobster firmly by the tail and head and twist off the the tail and head and twist off the tail. tail. Crush Crush in in your your hand hand to to break break the the shell then pry apart the tail. shell then pry apart the tail. Break Break the the claw claw open open with with the the back back of of a a knife knife or or nut cracker. cracker. Cut Cut open open the the knuckles. knuckles. nut Reserve Reserve the the lobster lobster meat. meat. Step 3: To serve, in a large festive salad bowl whisk together the oil, vinegar, honey, mustard and salt. Toss in the vegetables and cooked lentils. Just before serving, throw in the arugula and toss everything, including the lobster, lobster, together together thoroughly, thoroughly, the evenly evenly distributing distributing the the vinaigrette. vinaigrette. Serve and and share! share! Serve


For theor lentils 4 cups so water 4 cup cupsoforgreen so water 1 or du Puy lentils 1 cup of greenoforsalt du Puy lentils 1/2 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon of salt

For the Lobster For Lobster 2 tothe 4 lobsters 2 to 4 lobsters 1 gallon of local water 1 gallon of local water 1/2 cup of salt 1/2 cup of salt For the Salad For the Salad 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon of of local local cider cider 1 tablespoon of 1 tablespoon of honey honey 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon of of Dijon Dijon mustard mustard 1/2 teaspoon of 1/2 teaspoon of salt salt 4 4 thinly thinly sliced sliced green green onions onions 2 2 ribs ribs of of celery, celery, chopped chopped 1 large carrot, shredded 5 ounces (about 6 cups) of arugula

Rock Lobster’s Famous Caesar “In cottage country, Caesars are a way of life. Being a huge fan and new restaurateur, I knew I had to create a showstopper—and what better way to do this than by topping this cocktail off with a fresh Nova Scotia lobster tail?”

Step 1: Using a large knife, cut the cooked lobster tail in half to split it. Do not cut all the way through the shell. Step 2: Rim an 18-ounce beer mug with a lemon wedge, then with steak spice. Fill the mug with ice. Step 3: Add the hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, and Mott’s Clamato. Step 4: Add the celery stalk and top

with the split lobster tail. Garnish with lemon and lime wedges.

Note: Feel free to add fresh grated

horse- radish for some extra kick. Remember to give the Mott’s Clamato a good shake before you add it to the other ingredients.

locations: 110 Ossington Ave. Toronto (416) 533-1800 538 Queen Street West (416) 203-6623 1192 Queen East, Toronto 416-850-3650


1 fresh frozen lobster tail, boiled (see page 21) 1 lemon wedge, plus 1 for garnish Steak spice 1 cup ice cubes 3 dashes of hot sauce 3 dashes of Worcestershire Sauce 1 ½ oz vodka 6 oz Mott’s Clamato 1 large stalk celery 1 lime wedge



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Shore Club, Hubbards lobster@ShoreClub.ca Reservations 857-9555 OPEN - May 10 - Oct. 11 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Sun. Hours: 4:00 - 8:00


Hubbards Exit 6

Rte. 103


3 km Chester

Hubbards Cove

Rte. 3 Shore Club

Peggy’s Cove

The LobsterTrail App Imagine a website and mobile app that could guide you to lobster inspired activities while you travel and explore the beautiful Atlantic Canadian provinces. The Lobster Trail® is currently being developed and we would love for you to help us build a better Trail. Very soon, the Lobster Trail will feature trail maps that can point you to hundreds of lobster restaurants and lobster roll shacks - and much more- as you make your way along the East Coast and wherever your travelling heart desires. Newly launched, the Lobster Trail website at www.lobstertrail.com and www.lobstertrail. ca, with the mobile app coming soon, offers consumer-rated businesses an opportunity to post a free profile that locals and travellers can view when making their Eat, Play and Stay lobster plans. Locals and visitors alike are also invited to share their own trail tips by visiting the website and clicking “Connect”. Find fine dining for your epicurious mood and quaint family-run nooks for your rustic mood all along the Atlantic coast with views of ocean, wharves, and the boats heading out every morning and returning every night with the Lobster Trail website and mobile app.

Stay: Experience the East Coast hospitality and stay at one of the inns, bed and breakfasts and hotels. While here take a lobster cooking class or stay with a lobster chef. And don’t forget to use the Lobster Trail website and app to share your travel tips and photos of your adventures and help keep improving the Lobster Trail! Future sites are set on building a broader network of the Lobster Boat Tours through The Trail. Currently tours@lobster.ca and 902.329.CLAW is where you can charter a SeaLect few and growing CaptainsClub.ca Members for “tours of our shores”. This is where families and friends will more and more, be able to really experience our coastal communities. To venture out to sea for an hour or two - no glamour, but no limitations to the value propositions for locals and tourists alike. Folks will get to see how it all works, have a yarn, bring along some “ libations” and picnic basket and get to bait a hook, catch a mackerel or “jig a cod”, haul a trap and actually DO IT - not just dream about it…

The future is to guide folks from Manhattan to Newfoundland, the Lobster Trail will point you to lobster experiences of every kind. If your Notification Settings are turned on your iPhone or Mobile Devise you will get a Ping/Notification that there is a Lobster Trail Highlight nearby. It’s going to be amazing! Eat: Find authentic lobster dining experiences from lobster rolls to fine dining. Play: Explore scenic towns and village and learn about local lobster Fishers and about the history, modern life, and upcoming events in the many fishing communities along your way.

Download the Free App Summer 2015 Fishers & Industry be apart of this!
 LobsterTrail@Lobster.Ca 902.329.CLAW

Stepping Down Veron d’Eon Stepped Down from the Helm By Patrick J. Swim

That jingle “If it’s fishin’ that you do – VERNON’S got it all for you”; played for years on the south shore and rural radio stations. CJLS Radio did an interview with him about his fisherman-to-entrepreneur journey, which for me was so exciting that I pulled over on the side of the road to assure that I wouldn’t lose radio reception. He told of how, as a kid, he whittled lobster plugs (pegs) with a jack knife to trade for cigarettes and candy. Then about how in 1975 he and a friend partnered with the inventor of a lobster plug making machine and then began to grow a modest empire. Vernon has imported products from around the world and has distributed supplies throughout the fishing industry in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Newfoundland, and the Magdalene Islands with his fleet of delivery trucks and over 50 employees. He’s built a network of eight fishing supply stores between Yarmouth, Barrington, Shelburne,

Cape Island, North Sydney, Souris, and Pictou; all headquartered in West Pubnico. Vernon has been a visionary, an accomplished business man, and a true force in the Atlantic fishing industry for decades. But now he has reached that time in his life when he would like to slow down the race. He wants to pass the wheel to “the right people”, people with the same business philosophy as his own, who would continue to operate his stores and make sure his customers will be looked after and continue to receive the service they have come to expect. Vernon d’Eon Lobster Plugs Ltd was sold to a father and son team, Gilles and Marc André Robichaud, owners of Enterprises Shippagan Ltd. Having worked with them for many years, Vernon said he “respects their way of doing business and recognized the similarities between their companies, so it was a natural fit”. The Robichauds’ dynamic familyowned business has established itself as a major wholesale distributor to the commercial fishing, aquaculture, and marine industries in Canada and the United States. Marc André says, “We are pleased to welcome

the employees and customers into our group of companies” and that the Robichauds “are honoured to be entrusted with Vernon d’Eon’s legacy and the opportunity to extend his company’s longevity”. Today, at 73, Vernon still has his hands full. Between his successful Dennis Point Restaurant, his acres of blueberry fields, plus a few other businesses that he has a finger in (including being a stakeholder in Lobster.ca). And of course he always makes time for his five grandchildren’s hockey games! So let’s take our hats off to Vernon and appreciate his accomplishments. They’ve written songs about the man! The hysterical duo Owen & Jerry make several mentions of Vernon in their (must buy) albums. “If I had a

million lobsters”. A classic! Vernon and his crew have built a proud company, secured its Acadian tradition and values, and assured that it carries on for future generations. This is a tribute to him and we at Lobster.ca are looking forward to making Vernon very proud… “A rising tide lifts all boats” The Lobster.ca Crew 1-877-930-DEON (3366) www.vernondeon.com

How to Support? Here’s How To Support Lobster.ca By James Bland

1. First and foremost, please stay

positive and stand proud. Do your part to support the people, the way of life, the tradition, and the prized resource; a resource that is owned by Canadians, harvested by the fisher people, and handled by our hardworking lobster industry participants.

5. Make sure you join us on all of our

social media platforms and be sure to invite all of your friends; Facebook.com/ CanadianLobster, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube etc. Please interact with our constituents and us, make comments and share our posts.

6. Please comment on and share our YouTube videos.

7. If you are lobster industry participant,

and family across Canada enjoy lobster at least three times a year. Especially and most importantly on Canada Day. We hereby deem that the official food of Canada Day as of 2015 is Canadian Atlantic Lobster.

be it a Fisher, plant worker, truck driver, Chef, or Server of lobster in a restaurant, or retail vendor. If you survive in any way shape or form by The Canadian Atlantic Lobster Industry, please join “The Lobster Club”. Be a part of our marketing movement, a business model based on the cooperative principles, and save thousands every year.

3. Show as many people as possible,

8. Attend annual lobster events in

2. Make sure that you, your friends

how to handle and prepare Canadian Atlantic Lobster.

4. Visit lobster.ca site often as it will be

forever changing and evolving. Keep your eyes on The Blog and Vlog etc. Share the links and send us any input, ideas, suggestions to help us do the best job that we possibly can.

Atlantic Canada, from Pictou to Shediac, St Andrews to Summerside, Cornerbrook to Digby. Celebrate our lobster heritage and make sure you bring some friends and family.

9. Join us in our mandate to be a catalyst for smarter business practices, to increase value and prices, to improve lives and livelihoods, to have some fun, and to assure that “all boats rise”.

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Captain Lucien LeBlanc

Photographed in Wedgeport, Nova Scotia Photo © joegreenphoto.com April 2014

Home to some 3,800 coastal islands, the province of Nova Scotia hosts the fishing grounds of our Wedgeport her. Lucien is a fourth generation lobster fisherman and his great grandfather began fishing on Big Tusket Island, NS (LFA 34) where Lucien still maintains the family bait shack. In addition to lobstering, Lucien’s family has been shipbuilders in Wedgeport for over 30 years, building boats for many lobster fishermen throughout Canada. His own boat is named after his late grandfather (the “John Harold”) and sports deep live wells. The John Harold was built in the LeBanc Brothers Boat Shop by the brothers’ father and uncles in 2003. These special boat wells allow him to fish in 600-foot waters on fishing trips that keep him out at sea for days at a time. As a young man with a long life of lobstering

ahead of him, Lucien is committed to sustainable fishing practices and wants to help ensure plentiful lobsters for generations to come. Lucien owns and run Tusket Island Tours with his brother Simon out of Wedgeport, Nova Scotia. The brothers grew up on the ocean and have been out to the Tusket Islands many times throughout their lives. When you take the Tusket Islands tour with Lucien and Simon you not only get to see and experience the beautiful Tusket Islands and the sea about them, but also the rich historical culture and LeBlanc family legacy that continues on strong and proud. Find out more at www.tusketislandtours. com or call Lucien at (902) 740-2295 Tusket Island Tours, PO Box 250, Wedgeport NS B0W 3P0

Captains Jamie & Alison

Captain Jamie Spears with his wife and Sternman Alison Spears catch lobsters in the Bay of Fundy and also charter educational tours. Located in the scenic town of St. Andrews by the Sea, these business partners offer an up close and personal view of catching lobster. As with many lobster fishermen, they say lobster has brought many good things into their lives. The two were actually married on their lobster boat, in a unique wedding ceremony. Jamie and Alison’s passion for the industry is evident. In additional to fishing lobster for a living, their boat tours pass on important knowledge to the end consumer. Hauling lobster traps, learning about catch requirements and hearing about the industry’s sustainability efforts, makes for a priceless adventure, a must for the to do list! To learn more about Jamie and Alison and

sustainability of the lobster industry, visit www.herosofthesea.com Spear’s Fishing & Charter is located in St. Andrews, NB. They offer deepsea fishing, a marine life tour, lobster dinner at sunset, dive experience, educational fishery experience or a private personalized customized trip. To find out more write Jamie and Alison at spearsfishingcharters@gmail.com or call (506) 467-7537 Spears’ Fishing & Charters’ main office is located at 12 King Street, St. Andrews, NB

Photographed in St. Andrews, New Brunswick Photo © joegreenphoto.com June 2014

The Lobster Plug Story West Pubnico, Nova Scotia

Pombcoup (Indian name) name) is is aa small small Acadian community community of of aa mere mere 2000 2000 people, that supplied supplied millions millions of of lobster lobster plugs for nearly 100 years. This years. This tiny tiny village village of which 95% of its’ its’ ancestors ancestors arrived arrived from France in the 1650’s, 1650’s, only only to to find find hardship and deportation, deportation, became became the the “lobster plug capital of of the the world”. world”. The Acadians came back back and and are are still still here here today. These groups groups of of hardy, hardy, ambitious ambitious people were always finding finding something something to to do when they could find find spare spare time. time. The descendants of these these early early Acadians Acadians settlers were and still still are are today, today, mostly mostly fishermen and farmers farmers with with the the entire entire family pitching in to help help with with the the chores chores and activities around around the the household. household. In the late 1800’s, these these Acadians Acadians started started on a very small scale scale to to fish fish lobsters lobsters mostly for their own food. food. At At this this point point in in time, a lobster was classified classified as as aa poorpoorman’s food, and was was part part of of their their diet, diet, during most of the year. year. As As the the lobster lobster market developed in in the the 1900’s, 1900’s, the the fisherman started to to ship ship lobsters lobsters live live to to the U.S. Markets (Boston (Boston and and Maine) Maine) on on small freighters (on ice ice which which they they had had saved from the ponds ponds during during the the winter) winter) for a mere 5 cents to to 10 10 cents cents per per pound, pound, if they made it to the the USA USA alive. alive. At this time the very very unique unique industry industry of of “wooden lobster plugs” plugs” (pegs) (pegs) started started to to take shape. Lobsters Lobsters normally normally have have two two claws and bite each each other other to to destroy destroy or or kill the other lobster. lobster. The The wooden wooden lobster lobster

plug plug became became the the tool tool used used to to keep keep the the claws claws of of the the lobsters lobsters shut shut after after they they had had been been caught caughtin inaatrap trapand andready readyto toship shipto to the the factories factories or orthe thelive livemarkets. markets. Normally Normally aa lobster, lobster, after after being being severely severely bitten bitten by by another, another, will will die die from from its’ its’ wounds. wounds. As As the the lobster lobster industry industry started started to to expand expand throughout throughout the the regions regions and and the the wooden wooden peg peg reduced reduced the the mortality mortality rate rate tremendously tremendouslytherefore, therefore,the thewooden wooden plug plug was was used used in in the the millions. millions. With With the the growing growing development development of of U.S. U.S. Markets, Markets, the the Canadian Canadian Maritimes Maritimes started started to to open open factories factories and and buying buying stations. stations. The The Acadians, Acadians, eager eager to to find find employment, employment, worked worked at at these these factories factories and and seeing seeing the the need need for for the the tremendous tremendous volumes volumes of of lobster lobster processed processed and and shipped shipped live live to to their their destinations, destinations, began began to to produce produce millions millions upon upon millions millions of of lobster lobster plugs plugs to to supply supply the the entire entire east east coast coast lobster lobster fishery fishery from from this this small small village village of of West West Pubnico. Pubnico. Acadians supplied the entire Acadians supplied the entire Canadian Canadian Maritimes, Maritimes, Quebec, Quebec, Maine, Maine, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, New New Hampshire, Hampshire, Rhode Rhode Island, Island, New New York... York... Simply Simply millions millions of of plugs... plugs... In In the the early early 1930’s 1930’s the the little little Acadian Acadian village village of of west west Pubnico, Pubnico, became became the the “lobster “lobster plug plug capital capital of of the the world”. world”. Work Work and and money money was was scarce scarce in in those those days days but but the the village village bustled bustled with with people people making making wooden wooden pegs. pegs. The The entire entire village, village,every everyhousehold, household,corner cornerstore storeand and

gathering spot became a center of activity pursued by young and old, male and female. They usually gathered around a lamp around the kitchen stove. Pegs are whittled by hand, using a small homemade knife and a thumb-leather, with seven precise cuts to give its’ shape and effectiveness. The wood used was local clear pine cut by the men while they were logging their firewood, usually in the fall and winter while the lake and Harbour were frozen. The villagers would make and package these pegs in bags of 1000 and after they had accumulated several 100 thousands they would sell them to local or outside lobster dealers or to other buyers dealing in pegs - the price, a mere 30 cents to 50 cents per 1000. In most cases these pegs would be taken to the general store and bartered for commodities they couldn’t raise or didn’t have, like flour, sugar, spices, molasses, cloth, tobacco, and thread for sewing, etc. A very important stage of the Acadian history and culture… There are still residents in the village today that used that extra money to install the electricity in their house, buy a bicycle, pay for their food, make payments on their house, buy paint for the house. Just about anything you could imagine was purchased from the sale of lobster pegs. In the 1950’s the lobster fishery continued to expand with better boats, gas engines, mechanized haulers, etc., and the demand

for these wooden pegs increased. At that time, a brilliant Acadian from the region successfully designed some machines to mass-produce these wooden pegs. What makes this so special and historical is that he got this idea from watching a woman make pegs as a pastime. This gentleman made three different sets of machines, improving quality and production each time as his inventions grew into a factory. The latest machine was made in the summer of 1972. This factory was able to produce up to 400,000 pegs in one day. In the year 1978 over 75,000,000 pegs were manufactured and sold, distributing to the Canadian and USA Markets, all from a small Acadian village in Nova Scotia - West Pubnico. In 1984 the industry made a change to elastic bands. With lobster markets beginning to develop all over the world, lobsters were being shipped over long distances via planes, and rubber bands proved to be more suitable toward this changing market for live lobsters. As you can see, Acadians have been the only people to share this part of history with the lobster industry. The village of west Pubnico can truly be called “the lobster plug capital of the world” for almost 100 years.

Attention Skippers, 902-329-CLAW

Buying & Handling Dealing Dealing with with our our precious precious resource resource BUYING: you are buying lobster BUYING: Whether Whether you are buying lobster

directly from a pound or store or are directly from a pound or store or are having it shipped, it is important that having it shipped, it is important that the lobster is alive before you cook the lobster is alive before you cook it. Shipped lobster should show signs it. Shipped lobster should show signs of movement when lifted. In prime of movement when lifted. In prime condition a live lobster will display condition a live lobster will display movement in its claws and will snap movement in its claws and will snap its tail if it is disturbed. Any lobster its tail if it is disturbed. Any lobster with sluggish movement should be with sluggish movement should be used immediately. Lobsters that are used immediately. Lobsters that are totally limp (dead) should be discarded. totally limp (dead) should be discarded. Lobsters come in various sizes from Lobsters come in various sizes from canners (1/2 pound to 1 pound) to canners (1/2 pound to 1 pound) to jumbos (over 2 1/2 pounds). A 1 1/2 jumbos (over 2 1/2 pounds). A 1 1/2 pound lobster (hard-shell) will yield pound lobster (hard-shell) will yield approximately 1 1/3 cups of cooked approximately 1 1/3 cups of cooked meat. In their natural state, Canadian meat. In their natural state, Canadian Atlantic Lobsters are generally greenish Atlantic Lobsters are generally greenish blue to brownish olive. Regardless of blue to brownish olive. Regardless of the shell color they will all cook up red the shell color they will all cook up red and have the same texture and excellent and have the same texture and excellent

flavor. The key to successful preparation flavor. The key to successful preparation is to begin with a high quality hard-shell is to begin with a high quality hard-shell lobster. lobster.

HANDLING: lobster will keep 36 to HANDLING: Live Live lobster will keep 36 to

40 hours out of water if they are kept in 40 hours out of water if they are kept in a cool damp environment (refrigerator) a cool damp environment (refrigerator) and their gills are kept moist. Since they and their gills are kept moist. Since they are a salt-water creature, care should be are a salt-water creature, care should be taken to ensure lobster are not exposed taken to ensure lobster are not exposed to freshwater ice or melt-water. Lobsters to freshwater ice or melt-water. Lobsters should be placed in open containers and should be placed in open containers and kept moist with dampened newspapers kept moist with dampened newspapers or towels. Live lobster come with bands or towels. Live lobster come with bands placed around their claws to protect placed around their claws to protect handlers. For protection these bands handlers. For protection these bands should be left in place until the lobster is should be left in place until the lobster is cooked. After the lobster is cooked they cooked. After the lobster is cooked they should be stored in airtight containers should be stored in airtight containers and can be kept in the refrigerator for up and can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days if they are not to be eaten to three days if they are not to be eaten right away. If the meat is removed from right away. If the meat is removed from the shell, it can be kept for up to four the shell, it can be kept for up to four days in the refrigerator. Cooked lobster days in the refrigerator. Cooked lobster meat can also be frozen for use at a later meat can also be frozen for use at a later time. time.

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The Bearded Skipper An An icon icon and and an an ambassador for for the the Atlantic Atlantic Lobster industry industry By ByColin ColinMason Mason

Captain Captain Norman Norman Peters, Peters, with with his trim white whitebeard beard and and captain’s captain’s hat, hat, is the icon of of the the PEI PEI fishery. fishery. The The Bearded Bearded Skipper has always always fished fished out out of of North North Rustico, has village of of 600 600 with with two two main main industries, aavillage fishingand andtourism. tourism. fishing CaptainPeters Petershas hasalmost almost 50 50 years years on the Captain water and and nobody nobody is is more more passionately passionately water invested or or more more knowledgeable knowledgeable invested about the the industry. industry. He He sits sits on on boards about and committees committees and and never never misses misses an and opportunity to to share share his his knowledge. knowledge. We opportunity atLobster.ca Lobster.ca salute salute him! him! at With salt salt water water in in his his veins veins and and enough With sea tales tales to to entertain entertain for for weeks, weeks, Captain sea Peters recently recently focused focused his his boundless boundless Peters energy on on founding founding the the Rustico Rustico Harbour Harbour energy Fisheries Museum. Museum. This This is is where where he he Fisheries shares his his passion passion for for the the ocean ocean with with shares visitors from from all all over over the the world world and and he he visitors takes great great pride pride in in seeing seeing them them smile smile takes andenjoy enjoytheir their time time there. there. and He has has long long been been aa part part of of the the PEI PEI He delegation at at international international seafood seafood delegation shows in in New New England England and and Asia Asia and and his his shows reputationattracts attracts long long lines lines of of people people all all reputation wanting to meet the famous skipper. wanting to meet the famous skipper. Visitors always always have have aa great great time time at at the the Visitors museum with with its its enjoyable enjoyable educational educational museum andinteractive interactive displays. displays. It’s It’s full full of of fishing fishing and memorabilia, stories, pictures, tools, and memorabilia, stories, pictures, tools, and history.There Thereare arealso also ‘touch ‘touch tanks’ tanks’ where where history. kids and and adults adults handle handle and and learn learn about about kids marine rarities and sea life. It’s simply marine rarities and sea life. It’s simply a great place to visit to take in the local a great place to visit to take in the local history of the sea. And if you’re lucky, the history of the sea. And if you’re lucky, the Bearded Skipper might be around to say Bearded Skipper might be around to say hello, shake your hand, and make sure hello, shake your hand, and make sure

guest book. book. He He loves lovesthat… that… you sign the guest you visit, visit, be be sure sure to to keep keep an an Next time you eye out for fishermen fishermen returning returning from from sea checking checking their their traps traps a day out at sea and landing their their catch. catch. You You will will quickly quickly everything you you saw saw in in the the realize that everything Harbour Museum Museum and and heard heard Rustico Harbour Peters is is aa continuing continuing way way from Captain Peters Island. of life on the Island.

Thank You

To Tofuture futureadvertisers, advertisers,sponsors sponsors and andsupporters supportersof ofLobster.ca Lobster.ca

We want to take this opportunity to thank the many advertisers in our brand new tourist guidebook and magazine. Last year’s publication was entitled “Banding Together” and the year before that was “All Boats Rise” that were both efforts to convey our vision to the Fishers and industry and a “value proposition” to everyone... We started out to gain support and it’s working!

that has been unlocked and going back into the local economy due to a “supply and demand shift”.

We never intended to get into the publication business, but it has become a great way to convey our message. “LobsterLand” is our pièce de résistance. Both the Magazine and Documentary (evolving into being a Video Blog with short video’s, interviews and escapades) of “All Things Lobster”. We are truly thankful for everyones support and their trust that we will move forward with our plans. Without them, having taken a leap of faith with our dream, our entire initiative would not have been possible to get to this stage “of our 8 year plan”. This Magazine has become our vehicle to building relationships with local businesses throughout Atlantic Canada. One handshake or phone call at a time… we’ve crawled before we walked, and are now running. Inevitably we will take flight and soar! To put things into perspective. Fishers were on strike in May 2013 with a $3.25/ lb. shore price and May 2015 there is some satisfaction with $4.50/lb. That equates to an estimated +$200,000,000

We have undoubtedly achieved some our goals to date since incorporating in April 2012 and it has not all been in vein. In fact, we were recently told by a very prominent Lobster Dealer that “the fisherman should throw a parade for us”. and honestly, that felt pretty darn good. A pat on the back is all that we needed and it’s empowered us to stay the course. We at Lobster.ca and CAL work and live to educate, connect, protect, and strengthen the ties between Atlantic Canadian Lobster Captains, Crews, Land Workers and the customers who enjoy the fruit of their hard work. So when we publish our next issue, we’d welcome you to be apart of it. We’re all in this together and when we support each other and the future of our industry and communities, all boats shall inevitably rise. Please do not hesitate contact us. We are here to answer your questions and welcome you aboard to take a tour! Canadian Atlantic Lobster Inc. 1160 Bedford Highway, Suite 104 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1C1 p. (902) 329-CLAW f. (902) 405-8577 info@Lobster.Ca



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