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Thank Y ou TPFFA

Thank Y ou TPFFA


Deciding what to write in these articles is no easy task. I try to think of what people would like to hear about; a peek behind the curtain perhaps. I think about conversations I have had with members, things that may have surprised them. I consider current issues. Those are often long forgotten when the magazine is published. Lately, it has been one critical issue after another. Luckily, I can bring you all of these things in one article.

It was a Saturday in the middle of October last year. A “Special Executive Board Meeting” to deal with issues surrounding both the Captain’s and District Chief’s promotional processes had been called. The Captain’s process was discussed first. Executive Members that had competed were not allowed into the room. That group stayed in an office at the other end of the building. Everyone remaining in the board room was fully aware that the decisions that we would make that day could have far-reaching consequences to individuals within the process. The Promotional Review Committee had several recommendations to consider. As well, there were several other options brought forward in the meeting. A lively debate took place. Each of us taking turns having our say, arguing the merits of the proposal we supported. It was clear that nothing could fix the problem. What we were looking for at this point was a solution that had the least negative impact. It took a long time to hash out all of the options, but in the end, we agreed on what we would bring forward to management. It was then time to deal with the District Chief’s Process. Again, several Board Members had to leave the room, and those who had competed in the Captain’s process came back in. They presented and debated ideas. The pros and cons were evaluated. That group knew that the task at hand could have significant pension implications for those involved. They reached an agreement after a lengthy discussion. These would be the proposals that we took to management for consideration. As the next few weeks went on, we saw the implications of our decisions play out. Other issues arose based on the earlier decisions we had made. People were re-writing exams; others placed into temporary acting positions. Each change to the process created its own issues.

In March of this year, a by-election took place in South Command. Five members stepped up to run for the vacant position. That was more than ran in the entire 2019 Executive Board Election. I assumed that people recognized the significance of the decisions that the Executive Board had been making. Then we received the results, less than a 30% return rate. I have to admit to being very surprised. After what we had just been through, and are still dealing with in the promotional situation, only 30% voted. I spoke to many of the candidates afterwards. Of course, no one wants to lose, but the most important thing for each of them was the low turn-out.

Today we find ourselves amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, likely the most challenging time many of us have experienced. The Association has been involved since the beginning. We have tried to ensure the highest level of communication, and even created a COVID19 Committee, making adjustments to our other committees. We regularly have break-out groups that work on specific items to bring to management, to better the working conditions of our members. The Board currently has a conference call every weekday and, if necessary, on the weekend. We are regularly making difficult and important decisions on your behalf.

Throughout the Promotional Review Process and the COVID-19 Pandemic, members have both praised and criticized our response. Generally, when people on both sides are unhappy, you know you have reached a fair compromise. There were no right answers to the promotional issues, but we did the best we could. The same is true with COVID-19. We don’t yet know if our decisions were the best or not. What I can assure you is that the group makes the decisions; everyone gets an opportunity to make an argument.

Perhaps I have given you that peek behind the curtain. A look at the types of issues we deal with, and how, I hope for several things a year from now as we approach our next Executive Board Election. I hope those of you who have been active in this Association consider running. Stewards and Committee members from the floor, take every opportunity to learn and prepare yourself to seek election. Don’t be afraid to lose. Get your name out there and get experience running in an election. Campaign and listen to the membership. But the most important thing that I can ask is that you vote when the time comes. Remember what the Executive deals with, problems that can affect your rank, pay, pension and benefits. You get to decide who is in the room, making those decisions. We have been through some trying times, and I am proud to have been a part of the current Executive Board that has performed exceptionally. It is never too soon to start planning for the future.

James Reed, Secretary-Treasurer Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association I.A.F.F. Local 3888

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