Fire Watch: Volume 14, Issue 3

Page 42

The EMS Survey Results are in!

It has been roughly a year since the EMS Survey was released to our members and we have heard from almost 300 of you. We, as your EMS committee, would like to thank you for your participation. This information is of extreme value as your union representatives can bring it to the table when in discussions with management. We would like to remind you that the EMS Survey is still live and you can find the link in Union Notice #19053. We have collected and analyzed the data from your responses and have noticed some very positive trends and some areas where we can request more training from management. The results show that the vast majority of EMS survey participants are comfortable with their role when responding to medical emergencies. This response is

very reassuring as it illustrates the effectiveness of our training and the retention of medical skills. The results also show that the patient care skills members are most comfortable providing are; patient assessments, CPR, AED, Naloxone, cervical collar, and BVM. Although the overall comfort level is high, the numbers suggest that members would like more training in; Multiple Casualty Incidents, Patient Care Reporting, choking from a foreign body airway obstruction, childbirth, neonatal resuscitation, hemorrhage control, anaphylaxis and epinephrine administration. (We recognize that the Module 29 - Hemorrhage Control module training was delivered as a result of your feedback in late 2018-early 2019.) As mentioned earlier, this is information that we will be passing on to management in order to prioritize our medical training.

Q1 I am comfortable with my role responding to medical emergencies Answered 286

Skipped 0

Strongly Agree Agree NeitherAgree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree










Strongly Agree


NeitherAgree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

31.12% 89

52.80% 151

10.49% 30

3.85% 11

1.75% 5

80% 90% 100%


Weighted Average



Vo l u m e 1 4 | I s s u e 3 | F I R E WAT CH 42

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