Fire Watch (Spring 2010)

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Remembering Brothers Gray and MacIntosh VOLUME 6


ISSUE 1 | Spring 2010

TFS Demographics A detailed look at some interesting statistics across the job

Publications Agreement No: 41203011

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IN THIS ISSUE 5 President’s Message


7 Secretary Treasurer’s Message 9 Vice President’s Message 11 Chaplain’s Corner 13 myOmers New Web Site



14 Letters to the Editor 17 Fire Fighter Survival & Rescue 18 Demographics & Statistics 29 How Does Bill 168 Affect Me? 30 Farewell Brother David Gray


33 Fire Fighter Toxic Exposures 35 In Memoriam James Bryan MacIntosh

FIRE WATCH (ISSN 1715-5134) is published quarterly by the TORONTO PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION 39 Commissioners Street, Toronto, ON Canada M5A 1A6 Tel: 416.466.1167 E-mail:

36 Member Profile on Peter Cohan

FIRE WATCH is published quarterly by Xentel DM Incorporated on behalf of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association

47 Executive Talk

Chief Editor Scott Marks

40 Firehall Showcase - Station 142 44 Thank You, Toronto FIREPAC Contributors

51 Behind the Mask 53 Never Shall We Forget

MANAGING Editors Frank Ramagnano & James Coones Tel.: 416.466.1167 Fax: 416.466.6632 E-mail:

54 3888 Recent Happenings

ASSISTANT EDITORS Marla Friebe, Rodney Johnston, Janos Csepreghi, Doug Erwin, Damien Walsh

58 Upcoming Events 58 Ad Index

ASSISTANT COPY EDITORS Alyssa Petrillo & Marcel Ramagnano

g Brothers


Gray and Mac Into VOLUME 6

Design and art direction Xentel DM Incorporated


A detailed loo k at some interesting statistics across the job

Printed in Canada Copyright © 2009 Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association


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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise without prior written permission from the publisher. FIRE WATCH is an official communication tool of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association. The Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association (TPFFA) does not assume responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by any contributor. Comments made by individuals may not reflect the official position of the TPFFA. Acceptance and publication of articles, advertisements, 3 products and services does not indicate endorsement of same by the TPFFA, and the TPFFA assumes no responsibility for their accuracy.

On The Cover

Publications Agreemen

t No: 41203011

In-depth annual statistics and demographics are detailed in this issue. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH


ISSUE 1 | Spring 2010

TFS Demogra

Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No: 41203011

Advertising Debra Cheeseman, Project Manager Tel: 1-800-366-3113 Ext. 102 Fax: 1-866-764-2452 Email:



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e as fire fighters have a unique place in the community. Like the police, we are not seen in the same light as other public sector workers. Last summer’s public sector strike saw a very confrontational situation erupt between taxpayers and workers, as the CUPE workers tried to maintain decent working benefits which they had held for many years. Benefits, fairly negotiated in the past, were now being held over their heads as a reason for many of the city’s financial difficulties. The media was particularly tough on the CUPE workers, making the arguments that these workers should get with the times and realise that these benefits were no longer financially affordable to the city. Yet, the true cost of these benefits does not justify the city’s reaction. This is about a larger issue, one that continues to be lobbied at city hall by the business community; to privatize large portions of the public sector. This is a political issue and one that will ultimately have an effect on all working class people including police and fire fighters. The importance of being active in the political realm is one that I have written about many times. While I realize that many of our members may not agree in principle with the need for this, it is a ‘head in the sand’ approach to deny this need. A recent article I read attacked the public sector as being too rich for the taxpayers to finance. It encouraged governments to privatize more services as the solution. The article spoke of how the public sector had outpaced the private sector in wage and benefits over the past ten years. Overlooked was the fact that the public sector, even with these gains, had still fallen behind in real salary growth compared to inflation. Also lacking, was the fact that upper level private management had outpaced all sectors with double digit, real wage

growth. When services are privatized they rarely cost less; it is how the cost of that service is distributed that changes. The portion of cost that went to the workers as decent wages and benefits is slashed and added to the profits that are distributed to the top wage earners and stock holders – making it even more difficult for people to pay taxes and putting more pressure on the tax base. This economic model has been named the “race to the bottom,” as it seems to accept that workers should be allowed to fall farther and farther behind in real wage growth in order to compete in a global economy. Fire fighters have been insulated to a degree. Our jobs are not likely to be privatized or face those types of pressure. But, as other areas of the public sector are privatized and the real wage for workers falls; as the middle class disappears even further, it will be more and more difficult to negotiate reasonable gains and maintain our position. Fire and Police have enjoyed a position at the top of the public sector wage scale, but if the public sector disappears, or those services are delivered by privatized workers competing in the “race to the bottom,” we will simply be riding high on a sinking ship. The larger issue in all of this is the global economy and the loss of so many good jobs overseas; that won’t be resolved with our political action. But, our political action can affect the small things that can stem the tide of these changes. Our political action can help elect politicians who are listening to the side opposing the business community who only want privatization and cuts. These politicians support a broad based public sector. They recognize that paying taxes and keeping services in the public realm will control costs more than when those services are privatized. Look at the 407-ETR; has privatizing that highway reduced costs? If that highway were still publicly owned, would the public accept the

Scott Marks

cost of using that highway? The media would be chastising the government for using it as a cash cow and the fact that the increases were nothing more than hidden taxes. So are these costs for public services more or less competitive when they are privatized? The 407-ETR is a prime example of the control we lose when we privatize these services. The 407-ETR highlights bias of the media when it comes to privatization issues. We need to continue to elect politicians at the local level who understand that the role of municipal governments is to provide these services, not simply act as a contractor to farm them out. As the service provider, they can make changes in service levels to meet the needs of the community. Private providers make changes to meet the needs of their stock holders. You, as voters, will weigh all of the concerns you have when you make decisions on who to support. We, as a union, have to work to support the people that will treat us fairly and support fire fighter issues, plus work for a strong public sector. You may decide to vote differently than where we put our support, but maintaining a strong middle class is our best protection against loss of real wage growth and benefits.

Scott Marks President, Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, I.A.F.F. Local 3888

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH


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here aren’t many advantages to being the Managing Editor of Fire Watch, other than the fact that I can go past my own deadline when submitting articles. I had an article prepared, but given the recent events, I felt compelled to comment.

I am referring of course to our President and my good friend, Scott Marks, retiring from the TFS and accepting the position of Assistant to the IAFF General President for Canadian Operations. I have mixed emotions regarding this: on the one hand, I am just thrilled for Scott and for all IAFF Canadian members, as I know what skills and work ethic he will bring to this position. On the other hand, I am a little sorry to see, in my opinion, one of the best Presidents at the Local level, leaving us. When I first ran for office back in 1993, it was also the first year that Scott ran for the same Executive Board of old Local 113. We were both successful and thus served on the same board. We quickly came to appreciate each other’s viewpoints and on the odd occasion that the board was not united on a particular issue or topic, it seemed that Scott and I carried the minority view. During these years, I gained a profound respect and appreciation for Scott’s views. While some would say that it appeared the worst arguments were between the two of us, I believe we still kept our minds open to the other’s perspective. I have heard many people say, including our IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger, that the most difficult job in the Union is that of Local President. I wholeheartedly agree with him and would add that it is also the job that is the most stressful and emotionally draining. With that said, it is for these reasons that usually a Local President does not have a very long shelf life. I know that when Scott first got elected and had the privilege to serve the membership, he thought 2 terms would be as much as he could handle. Yet, it is now almost Five terms to almost four terms later that he is moving on. This speaks volumes as to what we have been able to accomplish during his terms as Presi-

dent. Make no mistake about it, I consider it to be a team effort and I know Scott would be the first to say that it was the work of many. Still, at the end of the day, the buck ultimately stops at the President’s desk and it was his leadership that enabled others to implement and succeed with various programs and projects. A few highlights during his reign as President include: The first and second freely negotiated contracts for Local 3888; An award for the best website among North American Fire Locals; New work shifts including the 24-hour shift in operations, which lead the way for


Frank Ramagnano

job and to support our President. Sometimes you choose paths and sometimes paths are chosen for you, the latter example being the case for our new President, Ed Kennedy. As I said earlier, this is the most difficult job within the Local and I know that Ed has the necessary experience to do this job. I would encour-

While many members have asked me of my intentions and offered advice, I believe that my role as Secretary-Treasurer is to continue to do my job and to support our President.

many Locals in Ontario to adopt it; An award for the best Newsletter/Magazine among North American Fire Locals; The enhancement of our Government Relations image; An Award for Union/Management interaction; Revamping our various policies and procedures; Financial stability, and the list can go on and on. It is for these reasons, that I will put the motion forward to have Scott Marks be our first President Emeritus of Local 3888. I hope that you will come to our May General meeting and provide your support for this motion. I have also begun the process of planning a proper retirement/best wishes celebration for Scott; details will be circulated once finalized. I would be remiss if I did not comment on our current leadership on the Executive Board. While many members have asked me of my intentions and offered advice, I believe that my role as Secretary - Treasurer is to continue to do my


age all members to support Ed during this transition. We must be patient, as we were for Scott’s first few months. The position of President is not one that you can read or study for; it is one that you come to grow into. Let us support Ed and the new Vice President as we move forward and continue to make Local 3888 a positive example for all. On behalf of all members, I wish to thank Scott for moving the yardsticks and working so tirelessly on our behalf. I wish him all the best in his new capacity and I look forward to him continuing to move the yardsticks on behalf of all Canadian Fire Fighters.

Frank Ramagnano Secretary - Treasurer, Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association I.A.F.F. Local 3888 S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH





he December 2009 edition of Maclean’s Magazine contained an article entitled, “Saved by the Bell,” which I am sure many Local 3888 members have read with great interest.

The article makes the point that fire fighters have been involved in medical emergency calls for many years. In fact, in much of the United States and in some jurisdictions in Canada (Winnipeg is referenced), advanced life support is being implemented where paramedics are assigned to ride on Fire Service vehicles. The article also points out that the I.A.F.F. affiliates in Canada, through their respective Fire Service, constitutes a vast, yet untapped resource for emergency pre-hospital care in Canada. The author further identifies that the vast majority of Canadian fire fighters have some medical training, and that they provide very effective emergency care as first responders to emergency medical calls, prior to the arrival of the Emergency Medical Services. According to the Maclean’s article, the new system in the City of Winnipeg has cut paramedic response time from nine minutes to four - a remarkable and equally significant statistic where seconds may be the critical difference for patient recovery and/or survival. The Maclean’s essay, to say the least, evoked a large number of emotional responses, positive and negative. Many respondents agreed that fire fighters should continue to be actively involved with medical calls, while others were adamant that fire fighters need to stick to fire and other emergency situations. Many paramedics who responded were often highly critical and saw the article as unfairly biased in favour of fire based EMS. Their feedback seemed to indicate that they were more concerned that the fire service was somehow encroaching on their areas of work and expertise. I categorically disagree! My views on this issue have been consistent – both professions provide a service that is essential to the community and any talk of a “turf war” is ludicrous. Better service to the public, which fire fighters

have done since our inception, is what we will continue to strive for. There is no disputing the fact that, due to our prompt response times, fire fighters have been able to save countless lives. As I noted in an earlier Fire Watch article, it has been shown that, “A community can more than double its cardiac arrest survival rate, and inexpensively so, if a defibrillator unit can be on the scene within five minutes of receiving the call, 90% of the time. Full time fire departments typically meet this response target.” I have attended many forums that have dealt with the subject of this article and they all come to the same conclusion: an enhanced role by the Fire Service in emergency medical incidents provides enhanced emergency medical care for the


Ed Kennedy

concert with the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, are all of the opinion, that it not only makes complete sense to utilize the Fire Service in the delivery of emergency medical care for the Community, but that it is also the responsible thing to do. The first step to be taken in this regard is to have the Fire Service dispatched simultaneously with EMS to emergency medical incidents. The Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association believes that anything less is a disservice to the citizens of Toronto. This gets to the very

Many respondents agreed that fire fighters should continue to be actively involved with medical calls, while others were adamant that fire fighters need to stick to fire and other emergency situations.

community. In Winnipeg, where enhanced emergency care is now provided by the Fire Service (the model mentioned in the MacLean’s article), the citizens receive improved service while both the fire fighters and the paramedics see their profile elevated with the improved public relations. In addition, and of no less significance, Winnipeg now has both fire fighters and paramedics available at the scene with an enhanced capability to deal with a major incident. Our primary mandate as fire fighters is to save lives and property. This mandate is made possible through strategically located Fire Stations within the City; we are able to respond to emergency incidents in a timely fashion. The International Association of Fire Fighters, and the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association, in


heart of the matter and our members see it all the time – we are not getting these calls early enough and we believe that this is wrong! To recap what I stated earlier: we are not after the paramedics work and the talk by anyone to the contrary is delusional. Toronto EMS and Toronto Fire Services work well together and I have nothing but complete respect and admiration for Toronto Paramedics. However, WE ARE ALREADY RESPONDING, JUST SEND US EARLIER!! This is as true today as it was in my earlier article.

Ed Kennedy Vice-President, Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association I.A.F.F. Local 3888 S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH





ISSUE 3 | FALL 2007

Captain John A. Chappelle

1954 - 2007 VOLUME 4




Publications Agreement

No: 41203011

WCASE: Fire Station

TFS Demographics Where do you fit in?





Would You Escape a Fire in An d thHom e?ard e Aw Your

Goes To...

Publications Agreement No: 41203011

Local 388 Station 116 Fire 8 hos FIREHALL SHOWCASE: ts annual Media Awards

Due to popular demand, we will be offering a subscription service to all those who do not currently receive a copy of Toronto Fire Watch or would like more than one copy of each issue. The total cost of the subscription will be $20.00 per year to cover shipping and handling. You will receive, to the address specified on the card below, 4 issues of Toronto Fire Watch (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter). You MUST fill out the accompanying card and return it, along with a cheque no later than May 31, 2010. We will only be accepting subscription requests once per year before our Spring issue is mailed out.

Publications Agreement

No: 41203011

Who Helps Chi ldre Who Set Fires?n A look at the TAPP -C Program


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Mail to: 39 Commissioners Street, M5A 1A6, Toronto Make Cheques payable to the T.P.F.F.A.



By Barry Parker, Chaplain, TFS South Command


s I write this, Canada is recovering from an Olympic hangover particularly with the culmination of the men’s Gold Medal Hockey final where Sidney Crosby became the national hero for our age (with apologies to Paul Henderson).

We heard all of the media commentary the problems with venues and weather, the tragic death of a young luger, the weather, the cost, the medal successes and disappointments, the weather…the list is endless. In spite of all the press good and bad - something shifted in February 2010 in our Canadian psyche. Whether it was the fervent nationalism that seemed to erupt out of nowhere or simply that Vancouver did an amazing job in presenting Canada to the world - it was a marvel to observe. What has me thinking however, is the story behind the story. Yes, the athletes and medal winners are wonderful to behold - but what did it take to get them there? Think about how many ‘non-athletes’ it took to stage the Games. The numbers are staggering: • Approximately 2,600 athletes from 82 nations participated in 86 events in fifteen disciplines. Add to that athletic number; thousands of coaches, trainers and ancillary staff that surrounded each country’s team. • 25,000 volunteers served and supported the various venues and athletes. • Reportedly, $6 billion was spent to host the Games - construction, security, operations, medals…. • Security was provided by 17,000 private security contractors, police officers from 118 agencies across Canada, and Canadian Forces personnel. • The torch traveled approximately 45,000 kilometers over 106 days. It was carried by approximately 12,000 Canadians and reached over 1,000 communities. • A nd finally, 14 gold, 7 silver, and 5 bronze medals!!!

The point here is to remind ourselves that there was so much more going on behind the drama on the ice when Sidney Crosby scored the game-winning goal at 7:40 of overtime. Besides the millions of us who watched online or on television, tens of thousands were behind the scenes all working for the same goal and most of us didn’t realize it or know anything about it. I think of Toronto Fire Services in a similar manner. As a Chaplain, TFS is a marvel to observe. We see the inner workings of a department across divisions, commands, platoons, and roles. We are allowed into places - peoples lives - that most folks don’t see. Perhaps Toronto Fire is not of the scale of the Win-


Dr. Barry Parker

SOUTH COMMAND Dr. Barry Parker 416.961.8116 (church) and then so much more. Take a moment and realize that you are a part of a complex organization much larger and more intricate than can be viewed on a news update. Perhaps no one realizes the importance of your particular role in Toronto Fire - regardless of what you personally contribute. Yet, think of the TFS as something more than you and your immediate function or position. We are stronger because this large and challeng-

Besides the millions of us who watched online or on television, tens of thousands were behind the scenes all working for the same goal and most of us didn’t realize it or know anything about it.

ter Olympics, yet, like the Olympics, there are many working behind the scenes that contribute to the operation, functioning and well-being of the TFS. Whether Operations, Fire Prevention, Education, Training, Professional Development, Mechanical, Staff Services, Communications, our TPFF Association, spouses, significant others, kids, parents…the list expands to an incredible array of folks who make the TFS the vital service that our citizens never fully realize. I know that the trucks and fire suppression (aka Operations) make for good video on the evening news, but I also know that the TFS is that public face,


ing organization - with all of its functional and dysfunctional inter-related parts works. The Winter Olympics were an amazing spectacle, come and gone. We in the Toronto Fire Services belong to an amazing organization that might not regularly look amazing or spectacular. Yet, we are here for the long haul, with a vision to serve, a function unparalleled and a purpose second to none. In the everyday real world of the mundane, courage, compassion and service mean something. It means you. All of you are critical to this organization and to this City. No medal perhaps, but at least we will finish the race.

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 11

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New myOMERS site is the key to your pension By Ian Kinross, Manager, OMERS Pension Communications and Education


t OMERS, we heard our members loud and clear when they asked for secure access to their pension information. With the introduction of myOMERS online access, OMERS has answered that call -- delivering a secure online tool for members to access their pension information, obtain electronic copies of their annual statements, and estimate retirement income and buybacks. And our members are already sharing their comments and opinions about the new site: “I found the Retirement Income Estimator to be quick and accurate, with the information available immediately.” “I had my Pension Report in about 10 seconds.” “myOMERS is easy to navigate and has a lot of information.” “I like the electronic reports.” “This is one of the friendliest sites I have used.”

Spring sign-up This spring, all OMERS members are receiving sign-up instructions for myOMERS with their Pension Report statements. Inside the front cover of your statement package, you’ll find instructions on three easy steps to register, plus your OMERS membership number, which you will need to sign in.

myOMERS special features and advantages Take a cruise around the new site and you’ll quickly find a variety of information and features. Through MYINFO and MYREPORTS, you will be able to quickly and easily access your OMERS service and earnings information. You will also be able to view your current Pension Report and other personal documents, including any buy-back or pension estimates you’ve requested recently. With the e-subscription feature, you can sign up to receive an electronic-only copy of your annual Pension Report – helping OMERS to reduce our use of paper. And myOMERS will notify you when your Pension Report is ready to view online. The new RETIREMENT INCOME ESTIMATOR and BUYBACK ESTIMATOR pull data directly from your OMERS record, so you no longer have to enter this yourself. This enables you to get estimates even faster.

Steps and tips for registration You can register now for myOMERS by following three easy steps: 1) Get your information – you will need your OMERS membership number, the last three digits of your social insurance number, and your date of birth. Your OMERS membership number is printed on your annual Pension Report or other personalized documents from OMERS. 2) Sign up for myOMERS – go to www., click on the myOMERS link and follow the online registration process. 3) Complete your registration – an e-mail with a sign-in link will be sent to you immediately. This is a security precaution required to complete the registration process. Enjoy! -- test out the site features, check out your pension information, try the RETIREMENT INCOME ESTIMATOR. To make your sign-up go smoothly be sure to follow the username and password instructions.

Using the RETIREMENT INCOME ESTIMATOR Estimate your OMERS pension as well as government income including CPP and OAS, using the new RETIREMENT INCOME ESTIMATOR. You can select several different potential “milestone” dates for your retirement. These include your first eligibility for pension (age 50 for most firefighters and police officers; age 55 for civilian members), your earliest unreduced pension date, your normal retirement date, and the date you reach 35 years of service. Or any date in between. Many OMERS members want to compare several potential retirement dates, and the new estimator makes it easy. The estimator will also project your net income in retirement after taxes, and show this as a percentage of your pre-retirement income.

The evolution of myOMERS Earlier this year, more than 60 to 70 OMERS members were signing up each day for the new online application – almost 4,000 in total by mid-February. At that time, the new application had already processed more than 5,500 pension estimates, and hundreds of members had requested the “e-only” Pension Report option. Catch the wave and check out this convenient new e-tool. OMERS will continue to refine the online access features for members through myOMERS. As OMERS builds new pension features for members, such as additional voluntary contributions to the fund in 2011, myOMERS will be an important tool. And when you retire, you will retain access to your myOMERS account to continue to access your annual statements, and update your information. We want your feedback! OMERS continues to listen to its members, and we want to make sure that the new application is working well for you – take a few minutes to complete the online survey for myOMERS. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 13

rs e tt e L to the E d itor

Presents from Santa in the New Year!

ments on behalf of all of you, but wish for you to know that it would not have been possible without all of you. I am grateful to have the passion and dedication of a great team of people. I am quite sure that Wendy would have been very pleased and proud with the success of “her� party. Liz

Thank you TMFRC and Toronto Firefighters for yet again making another child happy!!!! Mommy, Daddy and I were unable to make the TMFRC Christmas party by a day, but to our surprise, Santa had left a present for Katelyn upon her arrival in the new year. She was so excited for yet another gift, but most impressed with the shiney, crinkley paper used for wrapping. She loves Pooh and stacking/destroying at the moment, so thankyou for a perfect age-appropriate thought. The Godsells

A Successful Paediatric Christmas Party Hi Everyone I want to express my heartfelt thanks for all of your hard work in making the Wendy Yarranton Paediatric Christmas Party a huge success for yet another year. I received numerous compliments from many of the families who attended the party. Including, the amount of kindness, caring and family atmosphere. I accepted these compli-


Camp BUCKO Donation Greatly Appreciated Dear Fire Fighters: Thank you so very much for supporting Camp BUCKO and on behalf of our campers; we would like to thank you for your generous donation. Your recent gift of $1,000, matching the donation from the Toronto Argonauts, will assist us in continuing to meet the needs of our young burn survivors. The recovery from a burn injury is both emotionally and physically painful and our

goal is to continue to support our young burn survivors. We are proud to announce the introduction of our Teen Retreat, a weekend event for 16 and 17 year old campers. It is our belief that this retreat will provide a platform for these teens to discuss their challenges as teen aged burn survivors. Our spring and fall Family Camp Weekends are thriving and continue to be in demand. The co-operation and support network that has resulted from these weekends is truly amazing. Our Volunteer In-training program continues to flourish as we had eight teenagers participate this year. Currently we provide these teens with a two year training program; focusing on the leadership skills required for future BUCKO volunteers. We are thrilled to offer the Camp BUCKO experience to the burn community and without your support we would not be able to consider the needs of our young burn survivors. Please accept our thanks for your help in making Camp BUCKO a success.

Warmest regards, Dan McMurray President, Camp BUCKO

Thanks from I.B.E.W. Local 353 The members of I.B.E.W. Local Union 353 would like to thank Al Watterson and John Cousins of Fire Hall 223 “D” shift for all their help and participation in our Children’s Christmas Party that was on December 5, 2009. This special day continues to be one of most successful events with over 3,000 in attendance! Thanks to all our volunteers and participants; the kids enjoyed a great day with face painting, air brush tattoos, clowns, music, entertainment and especially the antique fire truck. This memorable day would not be possible without your support, dedication and hard work. Thank you! Yours truly, Joe Fashion Business Manager/ Financial Secretary

FIRE WATCH accepts Letters to the Editor, articles, essays, and photographs from Local 3888 Members, active and retired. We will also accept fire related submissions from outside authors or photographers. Letters to the Editor may be forwarded to: Letter to the Editor FIRE WATCH 39 Commissioners Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M5A 1A6 Letters Policy You may email your letter to: FIRE WATCH welcomes letters to the editor to give you – Local 3888 members – an opportunity to express your views, concerns, ideas, or gripes. We can’t print every letter and in some instances letters will have to be edited due to space limitations.


We do not accept attachments. Please paste your letter into the body of your email and use the subject line “Letter to the Editor.”


articles Before sending a full article submission, we suggest that you forward an outline or suggestion for an article to the Editor. FIRE WATCH is your magazine, and as such, we will accept articles on any subject related to Local 3888 and the fire community. Subjects could include but are not limited to: health issues, history, sporting events, equipment, training issues, personal essays, etc. Article submissions/queries may be forwarded to: Articles FIRE WATCH 39 Commissioners Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M5A 1A6



You may email your submission/query to We do not accept attachments. Forward your suggestion in the body of an email and use the subject line “Article submission or query”. Photography Please contact the Editors before forwarding your photographic work for consideration. FIRE WATCH does not offer payment for submissions.

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 15

ChooseRosehavenforahome that’sdistinctivelydifferent Thorold • Stoney Creek • Waterdown • Ancaster • Brampton • Nobleton • Bradford (1-888 / 416) 410-0175


It’s different in here





By Geoff Boisseau and John McGill, Toronto Fire Fighters



larm goes off, Aerosmith’s “Dream On” is playing on the radio, classic rock again. You are getting dressed in your station wear thinking this is pretty easy, you can get dressed in the dark and everything matches. Your wife always laughs that it seems everything you own is navy blue. Pants seem to be getting tighter though, maybe only one donut on the way in, then you chuckle, probably not. Sitting in the fire hall and almost 8 am, 23 hours more to go. You are watching your second hour of Sports Desk - funny, same scores from an hour ago…right after breakfast you will take the other shifts gear off and put yours on the truck…a dispatch sounds for a working fire…“Crap!”…better find your gear…. You arrive at the fire, first in…it is a working house fire…time to get to work… You are assigned search and rescue and are going to follow the first line going in, you put on your face piece, and go on air, your cylinder pressure is only reading 362, good enough. Your partner signals they are ready and here comes the water, ready for the interior attack. You and your partner slide inline behind the hose team and advance into the house. It’s bad, worse than you have ever seen before. High heat, smoke has banked down, just off the floor, but you continue on. There has been the report of a child trapped in a bedroom and you have been asked to go and find them. Your heart is

pounding and turning back now is not an option. You’re crawling….one hand on the hose line, its noisy, you’re getting tired and regretting the two donuts, but the adrenaline keeps you moving forward. You realize that you have forgotten to bring a tool in with you. Oh well, probably won’t need it. Finally, you reach the stairs. As the group climbs, it’s hotter than before, you wished you had your hood on, you still cannot see any flame, hell you cannot see the hand in front of your face but you keep going. You still have contact with that line, but it’s slowing you up now. After what seems an eternity, you reach the upper hallway. It’s not as hot up here but still heavy smoke. You and your partner decide to split up to make the search faster, you wish you had your radio. As long as you keep verbal communication, you are not ‘freelancing’. You know that you would be hung for this. But there is a child’s life at stake. This is what you do. You are a fire fighter. Your partner tells the hose team that you are each searching a separate room, on opposite sides of the hall. You leave the hose and follow the wall on your left until you reach a door. The door is closed so you reach up and turn the knob. The door swings into the room with a right hand swing. You feel to your left and start crawling, keeping your left hand on the wall. There are a lot of things in your way, and you start moving it

with both hands, but that’s ok you know the wall is off to your left. You reach for your flashlight, damn, its still in the charger, but you determine you are in a bedroom, but is it the right one? There is crap everywhere. Could be a kids room, might not be. Finally you reach a bed. As you start to feel on top of the bed with your arm, the floor starts to get soft under you. You grab onto the bed to steady yourself and turn to try and crawl back to the door. You reach up and try to feel for your radio to call for help - that’s right, it is in the truck. You yell to your partner to radio that you are in trouble on the second floor, and get no response. You hear a child cry out just before your low air alarm activates… Now what? You cannot save the child, can someone save you? Things are in slow motion - is this it? Are you going to die in a house? You see a light ahead, what a cliché! You figure this is it as your face piece sucks up against your face, if only you were more prepared before you entered, maybe you would be going home after the shift to the family. You start hearing “Dream On” again, great, this is not the time for classic rock, then there is a strong push on your back. Dazed you sit up, heart pounding in your chest, and are met with another push and words that will echo in your head forever… “PLEASE DO NOT WAKE UP THE KIDS AND TURN OFF YOUR ALARM. BE SAFE TODAY.” to be continued……. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 17


Demographics STATISTICS

Toronto Fire Services Staff Complement By Rank (As of March 2010)

Division Firefighters Captains District Chiefs Management/ Total Excluded Staff/ Local 79 Fire Prevention and Public Education Communications Staff Services

98 60 7

26 9 7

5 4 2

3 3 40.5

132 76 56.5

Information and Communication Systems






Mechanical Maintenance






Professional Development and Training





Emergency Planning and Research



Health and Safety 3 1 Operations 2,172 529 65 24 Senior Management Offices 14* TOTAL 2,376 621 87 60

5 3 2,790 14 3,180.5

Note: Based on approved positions as reflected in the approved organizational chart. Reflects the 2009 transfer of Local 79 and management/excluded staff (in Payroll, Finance and Budgets) from corporate Policy, Planning, Finance and Administration to Fire Services. * Includes Administrative Assistant at Dr. Forman’s Office


4,741 4,405 3,527 3,504 3,268 3,169 3,051 3,035 2,906 2,905 2,801 2,786 2,778 2,771 2,753 2,722 2,713 2,695 2,682 2,590 2,454 2,435 2,433 2,414 2,388 2,375 2,371 2,367 2,327 2,297 2,274 2,244 2,243 2,239 2,225 2,206 2,164 2,154 2,145 2,116 2,110 2,102 2,085 2,083

45 R133 46 R441 47 P245 48 P145 49 R413 50 R411 51 R115 52 R435 53 P233 54 P121 55 P334 56 P343 57 R224 58 P244 59 P111 60 P213 61 R122 62 P113 63 P431 64 R241 65 R321 66 P116 67 P131 68 P342 69 R444 70 P212 71 P125 72 P123 73 R326 74 P227 75 P422 76 P432 77 P424 78 P224 79 R434 80 R412 81 R214 82 R425 83 P211 84 P215 85 P335 86 V335 87 P346

2,064 2,043 2,041 2,031 1,968 1,908 1,901 1,890 1,870 1,839 1,796 1,789 1,782 1,751 1,744 1,735 1,734 1,669 1,661 1,660 1,644 1,637 1,623 1,617 1,579 1,526 1,499 1,486 1,461 1,459 1,377 1,342 1,335 1,304 1,253 1,247 1,246 1,153 1,095 990 95 49 33

2,292 2,297 1,977 2,049 2,485 2,047 2,158 1,968 1,791 1,907 1,835 1,903 2,131 1,896 1,797 1,480 1,768 1,680 1,641 1,571 1,583 1,643 1,454 1,687 1,624 1,548 1,464 1,497 1,485 1,470 1,455 1,487 1,331 1,100 1,370 1,338 1,390 2,181 1,161 1,033 95 57 32

% Change

2008 Runs

2009 Runs


2009 Rank

% Change

2008 Runs

4,725 0.34% 4,578 -3.78% 3,919 -10.00% 3,572 -1.90% 3,368 -2.97% 2,899 9.31% 2,972 2.66% 3,188 -4.80% 3,052 -4.78% 3,081 -5.71% 2,956 -5.24% 3,087 -9.75% 2,893 -3.98% 2,668 3.86% 2,864 -3.88% 2,884 -5.62% 2,739 -0.95% 2,702 -0.26% 2,975 -9.85% 2,727 -5.02% 2,454 0.00% 2,548 -4.43% 2,575 -5.51% 2,661 -9.28% 2,440 -2.13% 2,370 0.21% 2,374 -0.13% 2,500 -5.32% 2,166 7.43% 2,274 1.01% 2,239 1.56% 1,963 14.31% 2,332 -3.82% 2,409 -7.06% 2,235 -0.45% 2,341 -5.77% 2,317 -6.60% 2,241 -3.88% 1,603 33.81% 2,021 4.70% 2,215 -4.74% 2,060 2.04% 2,117 -1.51% 2,110 -1.28%

Note: Based on Information provided by TFS

1 P332 2 P314 3 R325 4 P313 5 P312 6 P325 7 P223 8 P132 9 P142 10 P333 11 P442 12 R426 13 P315 14 P232 15 R231 16 P344 17 R134 18 P114 19 P331 20 R112 21 P443 22 P222 23 R345 24 P433 25 P146 26 P234 27 P141 28 R421 29 R243 30 R225 31 P143 32 P426 33 P322 34 P226 35 P311 36 R341 37 P415 38 P445 39 P413 40 R235 41 P135 42 P324 43 P323 44 R423

2009 Runs


2009 Rank

Pumpers/Rescue Pumpers

-9.95% -11.06% 3.24% -0.88% -20.80% -6.79% -11.91% -3.96% 4.41% -3.57% -2.13% -5.99% -16.38% -7.65% -2.95% 17.23% -1.92% -0.65% 1.22% 5.67% 3.85% -0.37% 11.62% -4.15% -2.77% -1.42% 2.39% -0.73% -1.62% -0.75% -5.36% -9.75% 0.30% 18.55% -8.54% -6.80% -10.36% -47.13% -5.68% -4.16% 0.00% -14.04% 3.13%

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 19


2008 Runs


S143 1,639 1,846 -11.21%


S331 1,543 2,065 -25.28%


S232 1,492 1,795 -16.88%


S445 1,352 1,659 -18.51%

% Change

S313 2,278 2,649 -14.01%

2009 Runs



2009 Rank

3.08% -6.68% -9.26% -1.26% -3.27% 11.38% 4.47% -0.17% -9.19% -15.19% -10.11% -3.61% -9.93% 4.64% -2.67% 9.37% 2.91% 5.89% -15.01% -8.44% -1.18% -1.33% -8.55% -14.14% -8.20% 2.73% 10.22% 3.57% -16.77% 5.51%

% Change

2008 Runs

2009 Runs


Specialty and Support 2009 Rank

2008 Runs 2,594 2,816 2,538 2,141 2,111 1,748 1,788 1,782 1,817 1,942 1,820 1,663 1,682 1,421 1,500 1,238 1,304 1,206 1,486 1,362 1,188 1,126 1,205 1,259 1,158 1,027 832 813 996 653

Note: Based on Information provided by TFS

2,674 2,628 2,303 2,114 2,042 1,947 1,868 1,779 1,650 1,647 1,636 1,603 1,515 1,487 1,460 1,354 1,342 1,277 1,263 1,247 1,174 1,111 1,102 1,081 1,063 1,055 917 842 829 689

Heavy Squads

% Change

1 A325 2 A312 3 A142 4 T114 5 A231 6 A222 7 A244 8 T331 9 A113 10 A315 11 A131 12 T333 13 A133 14 A226 15 A322 16 A421 17 A426 18 PL415 19 A213 20 A441 21 A135 22 A341 23 PL432 24 A433 25 A345 26 A423 27 A321 28 A411 29 A324 30 A215

2009 Runs


2009 Rank



HR332 3,856 3,949 -2.36%


HZ332 888




HZ145 828














CMD10 204




FB334 168











188 -15.96%

10 CMD30 131



11 TRS235 17



12 DE145 8



13 HS145 4


14 HS332 3


15 HS234

12 -100.00%

16 HS442



# of members

Start Date

Age of District Chiefs

Left TFS

# Of District Chief per each service year

District Chief years of Service

# of District Chiefs each age

# of Captains per each service year

Captain years of Service

# of Captains each age

# of members each age

1 41 1 20 3 51 1 27 1 2009 98 4 44 3 21 13 52 3 28 1 2008 79 3 45 8 22 11 53 6 30 2 2007 50 12 46 7 23 4 54 8 31 18 2006 51 13 47 15 24 35 55 7 32 13 2005 53 18 48 18 25 64 56 5 33 4 2004 40 14 49 38 26 62 57 11 34 4 2003 64 18 50 49 27 40 58 4 35 11 2002 161 22 51 65 28 70 59 5 36 3 2001 85 25 52 45 29 80 60 2 37 2 2000 94 28 53 51 30 43 61 5 39 2 1999 105 51 54 47 31 32 62 3 40 3 1998 0 40 55 43 32 19 63 4 1997 136 51 56 38 33 14 1996 74 65 57 29 34 9 1995 132 83 58 21 35 9 1994 70 81 59 15 36 1 1993 71 81 60 10 37 1 1992 70 82 61 4 39 1 1991 129 110 62 2 41 1 1990 188 100 63 2 1989 186 112 64 1 1988 133 116 1987 116 133 1986 70 152 1985 112 153 1984 94 153 2007 2008 2009 1983 86 152 L-3888 Average Age 45.46 45.9 46 1982 56 157 L-3888 Average Years of Service 17.13 17.41 17.46 1981 85 146 Average Age when starting 28.16 31.69 30.69 1980 98 148 1979 61 113 Average age when retiring since 1998 55.75 56.06 56.31 1978 64 128 Average years of sevice when retiring 30.01 30.42 30.54 1977 38 103 1976 27 89 Operations 1975 18 78 1974 24 76 Captain Average Age 52.61 52.91 53.34 1973 6 40 Captain Average Years of Service 27.66 27.98 28.27 1972 4 35 DC Average Age 58.94 58.15 57.41 1971 0 21 DC Average Years of Service 34.16 33.78 33.66 1970 4 19 1969 3 9 1968 1 9 3 2 3

Age of Captains

Age of 3888 members 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

113 87 60 49 60 50 91 65 98 124 70 65

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 21

2009 Year End Call Total

2009 Total Apparatus Runs









































































$28.2 $25.3 $3.1 $361.4

Fire Services 2009 Net Operating Budget – Actuals by Service Communications and Operational Support 8%

Professional Development and Mechanical Support 7% Headquarters 1% Operations 79%

Fire Prevention and Public Safety 4%

Operations 80%

Gross Salaries and Benefits Materials and Supplies Equipment Services and Rents Contribution to Reserves Interdepartmental Charges Other

$339,545.8 $8,439.5 $845.0 $5,976.9 $8,803.5 $5,813.8 $6.8 $369,431.30

Fire Services 2009 Gross Operating Budget – Actuals by Expenditure Type Services and Rents 1.6%

Contribution to Reserves 2.4%

Equipment 0.2%

Inter-Departmental Charges 1.8%

Materials and Supplies 2.3% As in previous years - Uniform Cleaning Allowance of $1,037.7 thousand is shown in Services & Rent not in Salaries & Benefits.


Salaries and Benefits 91.9%



4,702 4,755 -1.11%



3,975 4,256 -6.60%



2,944 3,052 -3.54%



2,361 2,524 -6.46%



2,297 2,392 -3.97%



2,203 2,397 -8.09%



2,098 2,210 -5.07%



2,032 2,042 -0.49%



2,004 2,170 -7.65%

10 C12

1,869 2,037 -8.25%

11 C22

1,839 1,835 0.22%

12 C42

1,805 1,956 -7.72%

13 C24

1,617 1,639 -1.34%

14 C44

1,475 1,630 -9.51%

15 C43

1,212 1,407 -13.86%

16 C21


1,020 -13.53%

17 C20




18 C30




19 C10




20 C40




% Change


2008 Runs

Fire Prevention and Public Safety Communications and Operational Support Professional Development and Mechanical Support Headquarters

District Chief Cars & Platoon Chiefs 2009 Runs




2009 Rank



Net Operating Budget % Increase























































Net Operating Budget (thousands)

Toronto Fire Services Net Operating Budget – Actual Spending (1999-2009) (thousands)

$0.0 1999












65% overall increase since 1998

2005 –2009 TFS Response Statistics (at time of dispatch – CAD Data) Call Type Check Call Carbon Monoxide Fire Alarm Ringing Fire Gas Leak Hazardous Materials Island Lake Mutual Aid Medical Call Police Assist Rescue Suspicious Substance Vehicle Incident incl. Fire Water Problem Wires Down

2009 6,958 3,850 25,564 8,947 610 1,620 76 5 0 79,747 23 2,156 50 10,571 682 1,155

2008 7,033 3,511 27,635 8,281 590 1,823 70 10 1 78,251 18 2,322 39 10,692 664 1,004

2007 7,181 3,596 27,978 9,543 622 1,949 73 6 1 75,177 31 2,381 41 11,628 670 1,465

2006 7,003 3,652 28,196 8,719 496 1,877 97 14 1 73,140 31 2,199 21 12,198 573 1,042

2005 7,509 3,828 29,063 9,362 531 1,738 76 6 2 72,645 28 2,311 31 11,436 917 970


142,014 142,087 0.05% -0.3%

142,515 2.3%

139,368 -0.8%

140,516 7.7%


276,764 289,460 -4.39% -2.6%

297,287 0.9%

294,660 -2.9%

303,606 3.6%

Notes: *Total numbers have been restated for previous year to remove the “Test Event” category, as this code does not result in any vehicle movements. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 23

How many injuries resulted from residential fires? Factors that can influence the rate of injuries and fatalities occurring in fires in a community can be influenced by: • Urban form/densification (rural/ urban/high-rise apartments or office towers/commercial/ industrial/ forests) and the degree of risk (such as fire spread, age and type of building stock, type of occupancy, etc.) associated with these varying forms • The extent of fire prevention and education programs.

How many fatalities resulted from residential fires?

• The daily inflow and outflow of commuters, tourists, seasonal residents and attendees at cultural, entertainment or sporting events, is not factored into this populationbased measure. • Municipal efforts to reduce the incidence of false alarms.

How many fires result in property loss? Factors that can influence the rate of fires in a community include: • The age and densification of the housing stock • The extent of fire prevention and education efforts • Socio-demographics Enforcement of the Fire Code


How many hours are fire vehicles available to respond to emergencies? The number of in-service vehicle hours that are available in a municipality can be influenced by: • Service levels as determined by municipal council. • Varying population densities and nature/extent of risks within urban areas. • Geography/topography, transportation routes, traffic congestion, travel distances (station location, etc.) which can affect the number of vehicle required.

What is the cost of fire services for each hour the vehicles are in-service? Municipal results for fire cost per inservice vehicle hour can be influenced by: • The severity or nature of risk associated with each incident impacts the number and type of vehicles responding (responses) as well as deployment strategies (number and type of apparatus by response type). • Different salary structures • The type and staffing levels on fire apparatus/vehicles

How long does it take to respond to an emergency call?

Note: London’s data is unavailable for 2007 and 2008.

Response times in the urban areas of municipalities can be influenced by many variables, including: • Differences in population densities • The nature and extent of fire risks, such as the type of building construction or occupancy (apartment dwellings versus single family homes) • Geography and topography • Transportation routes, traffic congestion and travel distances • Service levels as determined by municipal council

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 25

Age of Current Fleet YEAR APPARATUS #


Aerial Apparatus A113 Spartan / Smeal 2007 2002 A131 Spartan / Smeal 1997 A133 Spartan / Smeal 1999 A135 Spartan / Smeal 2001 A142 Spartan / Smeal 2007 A213 Spartan / Smeal 2001 A215 Spartan / Smeal 2001 A222 Spartan / Smeal 2002 A226 Spartan / Smeal 2007 A231 Spartan / Smeal 2007 A244 Spartan / Smeal 2004 A312 Spartan / Smeal 2001 A315 Spartan / Smeal 1999 A321 Spartan / Smeal 2001 A322 Spartan / Smeal 2004 A324 Spartan / Smeal 2006 A325 Spartan / Smeal 1995 A341 E-One / Superior 2002 A345 Spartan / Smeal 2007 A411 Spartan / Smeal 2002 A421 Spartan / Smeal 2006 A423 Spartan / Smeal 2004 A426 Spartan / Smeal 1999 A433 Spartan / Smeal 2002 A441 Spartan / Smeal 1997 PL415 E-One / Superior 2007 PL432 Spartan / Smeal 2006 T114 E-One 2006 T331 E-One 2006 T333 E-One PUMPERS P123 Spartan / Smeal 2002 1997 P141 Am. La France / Almonte 1995 P211 Spartan 1998 P215 E-One 2002 P227 Spartan / Smeal 2004 P233 Spartan / Smeal 1998 P312 Am. La France / Fort Garry 1998 P314 Am. La France / Fort Garry 2002 P315 Spartan / Smeal 1995 P322 Spartan / Nova Quintech 1995 P323 Spartan / Nova Quintech 1997 P325 Am. La France / Fort Garry 1998 P331 Am. La France / Fort Garry 26


2002 P332 1998 P333 1997 P335B 2002 P413 2002 P445 PUMPERS 2005 P111 2007 P113 2004 P114 2007 P116 2004 P121 2007 P125 2004 P131 2005 P132 2005 P135 2005 P142 2007 P143 2005 P145 2005 P146 2007 P212 2004 P213 2005 P222 2007 P223 2007 P224 2005 P226 2007 P232 2007 P234 2007 P242 2007 P244 2007 P245 2004 P311 2007 P313 2007 P324 2007 P334 2006 P335 2007 P342 2005 P343 2007 P344 2007 P415 2007 P422 2007 P424 2007 P426 2007 P431 2007 P432 2005 P433


Spartan / Smeal Am. La France / Fort Garry E-One Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Smeal Ford / Dependable Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave Spartan / Smeal Spartan / Seagrave



2007 P442 Spartan / Smeal 2007 P443 Spartan / Seagrave RESCUE PUMPERS 2008 R112 Spartan / Smeal 2008 R115 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R122 Spartan / Smeal 2008 R133 Spartan / Smeal 2000 R134 Spartan / Almonte 2000 R214 Spartan / Almonte 2008 R224 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R225 Spartan / Smeal 2000 R231 Spartan / Almonte 2008 R235 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R241 Spartan / Smeal 2000 R243 Spartan / Almonte 2002 R321 Spartan / Smeal 2000 R325 Spartan / Almonte 2000 R326 Spartan / Almonte 2008 R341 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R345 Spartan / Smeal 2008 R411 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R412 Spartan / Smeal 2002 R413 Spartan / Smeal 2001 R421 Spartan / Almonte 2000 R423 Spartan / Almonte 2002 R425 Spartan / Smeal 1997 R426 Am LaFrance / Fort Garry 1998 R434 Am. LaFrance / General 2000 R435 Spartan / Almonte 2001 R441 Spartan / Almonte 1998 R444 Am. LaFrance / General SQUADS 2004 S143 Spartan / Seagrave 2004 S232 Spartan / Seagrave 2009 S313 Spartan / Seagrave 1997 S331 Spartan / Almonte 2004 S445 Spartan / Seagrave SUPPORT 2007 A/L 114 Freightliner / Dependable 1999 A/L 231 GMC / Almonte 2004 A/L 333 Freightliner / Dependable 1999 A/L 421 GMC / Almonte 1992 COM 30 International / Dependable 2008 Comm Freightliner / PK Vans 10

Age of Current Fleet YEAR

1998 2005 1989


Decon 234 HAZ 332 Spartan / Seagrave HAZ145 Mack / Dependable

# of






High Rise 332 HMS 145




Spartan / Dependable



1988 2005



HMS Ford 332 TRS-235 Ford / Dependable WT-212 Freightliner / Dependable


Budget Year

New Truck(s)

Builder Chassis/ Body




Dependable Emergency

The cab and chassis will be ready for inspection in April, with the body already in the construction stage. Delivery of the finished truck is expected late Summer.



Service Truck

Dependable Emergency

The cab and chassis is on order with delivery expected in May. The body is already in the construction stage. Delivery of the finished truck is expected mid to late Summer.

Quartermaster Delivery


A replacement panel van is to be delivered this week after an existing unit was modified and painted following an issue with the original order placed with the Dealer. A Dodge Sprinter van was selected for it’s fuel efficiency and size for downtown streets, in lieu of a cube van.

HAZ Support Truck

Ford / DEL

This truck has been delivered and is in the process of being outfitted to carry the current HAZ Support equipment, and a selection of the CBRN equipment currently stored in trailers.

Dependable Emergency

Two Air/Light trucks have been specified and ordered to replace the East and West units. The pre-construction meeting will take place before the end of March. These Trucks will be built without ASME storage cylinders, the boost-fill pump, and fill containment unit, opting for additional cylinder storage space instead.


An order for a minimum of 10 units is about to go to bid. These trucks will be of the same body design as the most recent order of Rescues, but can be used as either Rescues or Pumpers. The body design has conventional depth compartments on one side, with Rescue depth compartments on the other. The bodies will be manufactured from satin finish stainless steel, laser cut prior to forming. These trucks will conform to NFPA 1901-2009 safety standards and include side air-bag protection.


A replacement Command Vehicle is being designed and specified this year to replace the South unit. This will provide two new units in the fleet with Command-10 now in service, and leave the current Command-30 as a good spare for use when either are out of service, or on-scene for extended periods. The design is being finalized while realizing any improvements that can be made on the design of Command-10.











Air/Light Trucks

Rescues / Pumpers

Command Vehicle




DC Vans


TFS had two Dodge Sprinters ordered to test as DC vehicles. A problem with the Dealership caused the deal to be cancelled, forcing TFS to abandon the trial and place a new order for DC vehicles. A specification for conventional extended vans will be going to bid midMarch. These vans will be gasoline powered to avoid the issues with 2010 emission compliant diesel engines, reduce noise, and warm up quicker as requested by a number of DC’s.



Air/Light Trucks


The specification is currently being revised to go to bid for a minimum of two rear-mount Aerial trucks. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 27

Toronto Fire Services Response Statistics - 1998-2009 1998 Total Number of Incidents



Change from previous year

Total Number of Unit Responses


Change from previous year


























































The total percentage of change in the number of incidents run between 1998 and 2009 was +26.48% The total percentage of change in the number of unit responses between 1998 and 2009 was +31.42%

90th percentile Response Time Dispatch to Arrival

6:33 6:31 6:36 6:31 Toronto Fire Services Response Statistics - 1998-2009

mber of Incidents om previous year

90th percentile

mber of Unit Responses Response om previous Timeyear -

1998 112,282

1999 114,314 1.81%

2000 114,086 -0.20%

2001 116,649 2.25%

2002 127,055 8.92%

2003 133,267 4.89%

2004 130,500 -2.08%

2005 140,453 7.68%

2006 139,259 -0.82%

2007 142,342 2.21%

2008 141,944 -0.28%

20 142,0 0.05


255,605 21.37%

260,576 1.94%

263,388 1.08%

253,868 5:46 -3.61%

306,560 5:45 20.76%

293,023 5:52 -4.42%

303,606 5:48 3.61%

294,660 4:49 -2.95%

4:49 0.89% 4:51 -2.63%



276,7 -4.39

Enroute to

Arrival ange - Incidents ange - Unit Responses Note: 2005-2008 Total Number of Incidents has been restated from previous years to remove the “Test Event� category, as this category does not result in any vehicle movements.

centile Response Time to Arrival centile Response Time o Arrival

26.48 31.42















05-2008 Total Number of Incidents has been restated from previous years to remove the "Test Event" category, as this category does not result in any vehic

TFS Response Statistics: 1998 - 2009 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1998





Total Number of Incidents







Total Number of Unit Responses



How Does Bill


Affect Me?? By Hugh Doherty, Chair, Local 3888 Health and Safety Committee


s of June 15, 2010, legislation will come into effect to address workplace violence and harassment. Presently, seven other Provinces have some type of legislation to address these concerns in the workplace.

mestic violence, the employer is mandated to be aware (or ought reasonably to be aware) that domestic violence may occur. The definitions of workplace violence and workplace harassment as defined in the OHSA are as follows: “Workplace Harassment” - means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought to be reasonably known to be unwelcome. This definition is similar to that found in human rights legislation. Many legal opinions have indicated that the interpretation on “Workplace Harassment” will be interpreted at tribunals, arbitrations and the courts for existing case law in addressing human rights issues. Cases, as they proceed, will indicate if this indeed is the case.

Why these changes?? How prevalent is workplace violence? A number of high profile cases have outlined the need for change, such as the Hotel Dieu murder in Windsor, Ontario. The present limits on harassment protection are found in human rights legislation and are limited to the prohibited grounds (race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, marital status or handicap). The legislation had no method of addressing violence and harassment within health and safety legislation. This is seen where workplace harassment and/or bullying currently do not fall within the current “Workplace Violence” means, legislative scope of the OHSA. The only argument unions had was if the worker is physically injured or has reasonable grounds to believe • The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the he or she is at risk of physical injury. worker; The high risk areas that have been identified are those where • An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workworkers: place that could cause physical injury to the worker; • Handle cash; • A statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to inter• Mobile workplaces (vehicles, vehicles with laptops); pret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a • Employees with public contact; workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker. • Working with or assisting unstable or volatile people; • Protecting and securing valuables and/or buildings; The City of Toronto has covered many of these types of workplace • Working alone or with few people harassment and violence in their definition of non-code harassment We, as fire fighters, meet most of these categories; whether it in their policies. The City of Toronto’s polices exceeded the previbe suppression or fire prevention or even our mechanical staff. Sta- ous legal requirements as directed in legislation. As this legislation is implemented and enforced, and as we see tistics indicate that almost one in five violent incidents occur at the regulations published, one wonders how the following issues work! 1 This leads to many key responsibilities which the employer must will be addressed: • Work refusals - in the workplace and at emergency scenes; meet in order to comply with the requirements of the legislation: • Conduct an assessment of the risk of violence in the workplace; • Sharing of information between agencies as it related to volatile people; • Develop and maintain a written policy addressing workplace vio• Release of personal information regarding the protection of the lence; worker; • Develop and maintain a written policy addressing workplace ha• The analysis of risk in the workplace from domestic violence and rassment; violence from the public. • Post the policies in the work locations; • Develop implementation programs, conduct annual reviews and a Local 3888’s Health and Safety Committee will continue to work re-assessment of workplace violence risk, as required; closely with our Grievance, WSIB and Human Relations Committees • Train employees to the policies and programs in the workplace; • Inform those employees who are at risk of workplace violence to ensure we are able to provide timely and accurate information to from an individual with a history of violent behaviour; you, our members, on this legislation. • Take every reasonable precaution to protect a worker from doS P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 29

Farewell Brot December 16,


“It is with a fierce pain in my heart that I stand here today to honour my husband, David Charles Gray. He was the most honest and gentle man I have ever known

would like to give you all a glimpse into the kind of man David was.

The second date I had with David, as we were driving to a restaurant in Toronto, we could see an elderly lady struggling to cross the road. David pulled his Jeep over into the first available parking space and went running over to her. I saw him say something to her and then he offered his arm. That lady took his arm like it was the most natural thing in the world to do and off they went across the road. From that moment, I knew that I had found a Gentleman in the truest sense of the word. I must have had a stunned look on my face when he returned to the car because he looked at me and said, “What?”…I just looked at him and asked, “Where did you come from?” With a mischievous little twinkle in his eye, he answered, “Sarnia.” David was proud of his sons, Cameron and Michael and he loved them more than anything in this world. He always said that his most important accomplishment in life was to bring two great sons into this world. He instilled his honesty and integrity into them and the Grays Honour Creed was born. He would always tell the boys, “You are Gray boys and Gray boys are honest and trustworthy.” Grays Honour became our family creed. When the boys were little and they were telling huge tales, all we would have to do was ask, “Grays Honour?” They could only answer with “Grays Honour” if they were telling the truth. We haven’t had to use that phrase very often as the years go by but when we do, we always get an honest answer. One of the last times I used Grays Honour, it was to ask David and the boys if I looked fat in what I was wearing. They all looked at each other and said, “No,” all at the same time. Michael shook his head and said, “Mom, you can’t Grays Honour that. That is just a misuse of the Grays Honour.” David was proud to be a Fire Fighter. When he told people he worked at Jane and Finch, he usually got the same reaction about what a rough area it was but he truly loved his job and the people he worked with. He always said that we never know where people are in their lives and why they are there, so a little respect and a little caring goes a long way. His heart was kind and true and people responded to that. Even near the end of his life when his body was weak, he still wanted to help people. One evening at Sunnybrook, an elderly lady had been brought in on a stretcher and left in the hallway before they could find a bed for her. She was crying over and over for someone to come and help her. David, even in his confused and exhausted state was still trying to get up saying, “Someone needs my help.”


ther David Gray 1961 to March 9, 2010 I have many, many stories like these to tell about the kind of man David was and hopefully I have given you a small glimpse from my perspective. We packed a lot of living into the last few years of our life together, more I think than a lot of people do in a lifetime. Our time together as a family was a gift and we are all better people for knowing David.

My name is Kiana and my dad was Dave’s good friend. Dave was a nice and sweet person. He was Santa for me when we see him and he was funny. When my dad said Dave ha s brain cancer, I was sad. When I met him, I knew my dad found his friend from a long time ago. Dave was just so awesome. I miss and love Dave.

I am not really sure how to say goodbye or if I really have to. David will live on in our boys, live on in the memories of our life together, live on in our hearts and in the many lives he has touched during his short stay with us. I am honoured to be his wife and the mother of his boys. I will always love you David Charles Gray. Grays Honour.

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Fire Fighter Toxic Exposures By David Ross, TFS District Chief, PD&T H&S Section


ire fighters often perform physically demanding work in atmospheres that are, “immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH)”, while wearing over 10 kg of personal protective equipment. Our protective equipment - SCBA, bunker gear, flash hood, helmet, boots and gloves - are designed to help protect us from the atmospheres that we are required to work in. Unfortunately, our equipment can not provide 100% protection! This is particularly disturbing given the known hazards that fire fighters are exposed to: carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, acrolein, asbestos, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), asbestos and particulates are just a few examples of known, toxic exposures that have been documented in fires. Every one of us knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Recently, the provincial government has recognized, through presumptive legislation, an increasing array of cancers that are deemed to be related to fire fighting. These include: brain, kidney, colon, esophoageal, bladder, ureter, leukemia, non-hodgkins lymphoma and testicular cancers. A study of 32 U.S. and European studies, covering 110,000 fire fighters, suggests that rates of testicular cancer were 100% higher, prostate cancer 28% higher, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma were 50% higher than normal populations (Jour-

nal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine). These sobering facts have led to increased interest in attempting to gain a better understanding of the toxins which fire fighters may be exposed to, how they enter our bloodstreams and strategies that can be employed to potentially diminish their long term health affects. Joint Health and Safety Committee members from fire departments across Ontario had the benefit of learning about some current research into, “Fire Fighter Toxic Exposures,” during presentations offered at the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association (OPFFA) Health and Safety Seminar, held in Toronto earlier this year. Jim Dalton from Chicago Fire Services reviewed, “routes of entry” and questioned the extent of exposures we encounter through our skin (either exposed

or through PPE ). He discussed the components of smoke and how the temperature and stage of the fire can affect particulate size and potential route of entry. Dr. Brien McCarry from McMaster University in Hamilton went on to graphically show us the gas chromograph signature from many of these toxic gases confirmed at fires and later found to be present in fire fighters’ blood and urine. When we consider new construction materials (engineered wood) and an increased use of synthetics, which result in fires burning hotter and faster than they used to and releasing more potent and potentially harmful toxins, the need to protect ourselves is more important than ever before. I am confident that science will continue to confirm what we already know – we work in dangerous conditions. Equipment manufacturers will continue to make improvements to help increase our margin of safety. However, the question is what can we do right now to limit our chances of getting cancer in the future? The immediate answer is to wear our PPE correctly, keep it on, and well maintained. We already know that offgassing continues after the fire is extinguished and the smoke has dissipated. We need to protect ourselves by continuing to wear our SCBA throughout overhaul and whenever in the hot zone – and this includes being outside. We also need to keep our gear clean and limit our skin contact with equipment that has been exposed to smoke.

Be diligent and stay safe.

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Local 3888 Picnic Thursday July 8, 2010 - B Platoon Working Toronto Centre Island


In Memoriam JAMES BRYAN MacINTOSH (July 12, 1949 - December 18, 2009) Captain R122 “C” Platoon


ith his family by his side, Jim’s three year journey with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) ended in the evening of December 18, 2009. Our hearts are heavy with immense sadness but Jim’s memory will live on within us forever. Beloved husband, best friend and soul mate to his high school sweetheart Nancy. Devoted Father to Shaun and his wife Jenny, Andrew and Adam whose accomplishments in life made him extremely proud. Jim was so happy and excited to have a granddaughter, Rylee, but his big disappointment in life was that this disease robbed him of the ability to hold her on his own. Cherished only son of Ruth MacIntosh. Lovingly remembered by his mother-in-law Thelma Duff and Susan, his sister-in-law and her husband Dan Mocherniak, uncle to Stephanie and Michael Mocherniak. Jim will be fondly remembered by many friends and extended family. He proudly served the citizens of Toronto since August 1978 when he joined the North York Fire Department, later known as Toronto Fire Services. He worked his entire career in North Command. The disease, ALS, hit Jim at a time in his career when he had been a fire fighter for over 28 years, the last 15 years as a Captain. He had just been transferred to Station 122 and was looking forward to his remaining active years before his retirement -- his golden years -- but that didn’t happen. Having worked so closely with the men and women of the fire service, Jim felt that they were part of his family and

it was hard for Jim to accept when he couldn’t work with his fire fighting family again. His devotion to the job and the ones he loved will always be remembered. In keeping with Jim’s wishes, his body has been donated to Medical Research at the U of T. A Service to celebrate Jim’s life was held on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 11:30 a.m at the Toronto Police Association, 180 Yorkland Blvd, North York (404 and Sheppard) with visitation one hour prior to the service. Rev Ron Nickle was officiating, followed by a reception. Donations, in Jim’s Memory, to the ALS Society of Ontario, 402 - 3100 Steeles Avenue East, Markham, ON L3R 8T3 ( would be appreciated by the family. Words of comfort may be left for the family at Scott Marks and 3888 Members I would like to sincerely thank you and the executive and members of the TPFFA for all the support we received in dealing with the loss of Jim. He always felt he had two families – one being his fire fighting family. Your heart felt words at Jim’s service were so appreciated. Jim was very proud to be a member of the Toronto Fire Service and the outpouring of support we have received has been wonderful. Sincerely, Nancy MacIntosh

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Member Profile on P

eter Cohan grew up in Scarborough in the Danforth Road and Kennedy Road area. He attended Lord Roberts Public School, and then Birch Cliff Heights Public School. In many ways, he seemed like most Canadian boys in that he played hockey, football, baseball, and he had a paper route, delivering the Toronto Daily Star for six years. What might be a little unusual, is the fact that Peter also acted, entertained, and sang during those public school years. When he was eight years old, he received his first stereo and his Aunt gave him some old albums to play on it. He really enjoyed singing along to Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and the other British invasion bands of the sixties. The first album Peter bought was “Bat Out Of Hell” by Meatloaf, in 1976. His grandfather bought him his first guitar and taught him the basic strumming chords. He remembers falling asleep many nights with his earphones on, listening to 1050 CHUM, which continued his “brainwashing” in rock & roll. Peter’s family moved to the Markham Road and Lawrence Avenue area when he was 14 and he attended Cedarbrae Collegiate for his high school years. When he turned 15, he got a job at Pro Hardware, which he held until he was 19. He was still playing competitive hock36

ey, football, and baseball, but the musical influence was growing stronger. Like most teenagers in the late 70’s and early 80’s, Peter found that heavy rock ruled the airwaves, and he was listening to Led Zeppelin, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, and early AC/DC. When he was 16, he started jamming with basement bands and they played in a few “Battle of the Bands”. The first live concert he attended was at Maple Leaf Gardens, in the front row on the floors, to experience Black Sabbath. The best moment from his high school days was when Peter met a girl named Sharron. They went out together for six years before they were married. They are still together today and will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this year. Peter attended Centennial College for two years, taking Marketing and Management courses. After College, he began working for Dupont Canada as a shipper/receiver. Before long, he became a supervisor and then was soon promoted to the position of Safety and Training Coordinator. Peter was responsible for training and re-certifying Dupont staff in subjects such as WHMIS, Dangerous goods, SCBA and chemical clean-up. He also conducted safety meetings, safety audits and fire inspections. During those years, he was still playing competitive sports. He was a defensive back in the Northern Football Conference and on a

Central Ontario Senior Football League team named The Crimson Tide, that won three championships in a row! Peter played baseball in the Metro Major Baseball League for the East York Bull Dogs and the Scarborough Majors. He also had the pleasure of playing seven years of slow pitch ball with his father. This was a great way to spend time with his Dad throughout Peter’s 20’s. He says that he still plays golf once a week with his Dad in the summertime. When he was 25, Peter was hired by the Toronto Fire Department. He began as a recruit at Station 323 with Captain Barry Graley, and District Chief Ralph Hadfield. He also had an uncle on Toronto Fire named Bob Cooksey who retired as a District Chief. He says, “They were straight shooters, and led by example. They taught me to take pride in our job, and most important, to be safe and professional while responding to emergencies.”

PETER COHEN When he was 27, their daughter Sarah was born and Peter’s responsibilities as a Dad took over. He loved every minute of it and two years later, their second daughter, Jessica, came along. With two young girls to take care of and Sharron working full time at the University Of Toronto, Peter was able to take advantage of his fire fighting work schedule. It allowed Peter to take care of their children on most weekdays, when many couples would need to send the kids to daycare. It was, as Peter says, “A great opportunity to be there for our kids growing up and I took full advantage of it.” He says the quality time he enjoyed back then is still paying off. They still have a close, loving relationship with their daughters, and he is grateful that things are going so well. In 1993, Peter moved to Station 226. In 1995, he received a Letter of Commendation and in 1996 he and Steve Sneyd received the Ontario Medal for Bravery for a rescue they performed at a house fire. In his thirties, Peter found that his musical influences were, “calming down a bit.” He was listening to more blues and classic rock by Colin James, Jeff Healey, Lenny Kravitz, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robert Cray, Bruce Springsteen, John Mellancamp, and INXS. He was starting to feel the desire to get back into music. In 2000, Peter and fellow fire fighter Dave Albright joined a Rhythm and Blues party band, playing the bar scene. They joined eight other bands in 2001 to record a CD to raise money for the FDNY Fund after September 11th. In 2003, Peter auditioned for lead singer in the

band, “The Jukes.” Peter says, “The guys in the band were well schooled players and I knew from the feedback we received that we were good, but I also knew we could still improve.” He attended a two-day seminar called the Maple Blues Summit, to learn about other aspects of the music business, like recording and marketing. He submitted a roughly recorded demo of six songs and it was selected as one of five demo tapes that would receive a live review by Bruce Iglauer of Alligator Records. Bruce sent his suggestions back from Chicago and armed with this input, as well as knowledge gained at the Blues Summit, The Jukes went back into the studio to record a six song EP. They had intended to use this EP as a promotional tool for gaining better bookings but a strange thing happened. After listening to The Jukes other work, the producer wanted them to add seven more songs to record a full album. The band said no, but when the producer said he would produce the rest of the album for free, they couldn’t refuse. As it turned out, there were members of the Downchild Blues Band on the management

board at Iridescent Music, which was the studio recording their CD in 2005. These people assisted with networking the band into some larger venues and festivals, allowing them the opportunity to play with some JUNO, ECMA, INDIE and Maple Blues Award winners and nominees. Peter’s most memorable music moment happened when he was golfing with some buddies in Myrtle Beach in May of 2006. He received a phone call from his wife and both daughters. They were in the car in Toronto listening to THE ROCK 94.9 FM when they heard one of The Jukes original songs, “What a Night,” playing on commercial radio for the first time. “They were screaming and so excited. It was a wonderful moment for me to share with my

family, even though we were many miles apart.” In 2005, Chris Burrell from Toronto Fire posted a flyer in the stations asking for help from fire fighters who were musicians. His plan was to put together an album of cover tunes relating to “fire.” The band was formed with more than 30 original members and they called themselves, “Firesound”. Chris and Firesound recorded and produced an album entitled, “Burning Love” which, along with live performances, has raised more than $20,000 for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. The band has played in bars, festivals, and corporate events, and has received rave reviews. Fire fighters donated their time and their unique spirit, which shines through in the music they play. Burning Love has 15 tracks with a different combina-

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Member Profile ... Continued from page 37

PETER COHEN tion of performers on each track. Songs such as Hot Stuff, Ring of Fire, and Burning Down the House are included. Over time, Firesound has been streamlined down to a seven man Toronto Fire Fighter band and they play a gig about once a month. In 2010, all funds that they raise will go to Camp Bucko, the burn camp for kids. The present Firesound members include Chris Burrell on keyboards, Pete Cohan, Gene Draper, and Zee Zanardo on vocals, Norm Jones on Drums, Mike Hasson on guitar, and Patrick McPhail on Bass. All of these members play in other bands but they still find the time to devote to getting together to rehearse and play gigs in the name of charity. Each gig is a win-win situation for the audience and the charity, as well as a lot of fun for the guys in the band. For more information visit In 2008, The Jukes changed their name to The Blazers and decided to cut another CD; this time they recorded a Rockin’ Rhythm & Blues album. Juno award winners Jack de Keyzer, Al Lerman and Alec Fraser offered their services on the new project. The Blazers released their new CD in August when they opened for David Wilcox at Summerfest 2009. Check out their new songs and information at Peter’s bands have donated their time and music to raise money for charity events, helping Sick Kids Hospital, Youthlink, and Princess Margaret Hospital. The Blazers cut a live track for the double album supporting the Sick Kids’ event at Rock and Roll Heaven in March of 2009. They were asked back to open for the CD release party in May of 2009. They also played live for the 4th annual 9-1-1 Chocolate Relay Race in support of Prostate & Breast Cancer research. This is a 12 event chocolate relay

race between Toronto EMS, Fire, and Police. The Toronto Fire team needed one more member, so Peter was drafted.The TFS team won the 2009 Chocolate Relay Cup and they can’t wait to defend their title in 2010. Since amalgamation, Peter has worked at Station 211 from 2000 until 2008. In 2006, he and Bill Stevens received a Letter of Commendation from Toronto Police and Toronto Fire for an ice water rescue. Peter then moved to Station 112 when he became an Acting Captain. He presently works on Rescue 235. Peter says, “I have learned over the years,

from being on winning sports teams, and in successful bands, that teamwork and chemistry are the two most important factors in getting a team to work well. If you can find a fire hall and a district that have those two factors, everything works smoothly and creates a great work atmosphere. I am grateful and honoured to be part of Toronto Fire Services and thankful for all of the opportunities and the lifestyle it provides.” “I have a collection of memorable moments with the fire service. Many of them involve offduty time at events with fellow fire fighters including breakouts, golf trips, hockey teams, baseball leagues, fishing trips up at the cottage and playing with the Firesound band, helping to raise money for great causes. Toronto Fire is a great opportunity to meet new people and has created wonderful relationships over the years.” What does Peter listen to now? The three CD’s in his car right now are: The Black Keys – Attack & Release; Kill Bill – Sound Track and; INXS – Greatest Hits. S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 39

Station 142 By Acting Captain Jon Lasiuk


he Jane/Finch community in the city’s North-West has long been known as one of the most densely populated areas of Toronto. With its numerous high-rises and housing blocks, the community provides the Toronto Fire Services with one of the highest call volumes of anywhere in the city. Intense development began in the area around Jane Street and Finch Avenue West in the 1960’s. By the mid-1970’s the original North York fire halls in the area - #3 Hall at Finch Avenue and Weston Road as well as #4 Hall on Jane Street at Wilson Avenue - were having difficulty reaching many addresses in a timely manner. Response times in the area had risen to 7 minutes in many cases due to traffic congestion and lengthy road distances. .A 1975 report by the Bureau of Municipal Research called for at least three additional fire halls to be built in North York, with a hall in the Jane/Finch community being a priority for construction no later than 1978. It was noted at the time that North York and Etobicoke had the same number of fire halls, even 40

though North York was twelve square miles larger. By 1980, a developer had donated a large plot of land to North York, at no cost to the Borough, for the construction of a new fire hall. Located at 2753 Jane Street, just south of Grandravine Drive, the site would fit the needs of the Borough for what would be their fourteenth fire hall.

During this period, the late 1970’s-early 1980’s was a busy era for the North York Fire Department, with several high-profile multiple fatality fires. More than 10,900 calls would be run in 1980 - a record for the department. Regardless, North York Council had taken issue with the 1975 study that had urged the construction of more fire halls in the municipality.

An American firm was commissioned by Council in 1980 to look for economies within the fire department. The move was controversial as the firm had previously been accused of biasing a similar study in the United States towards the desires of the politicians that had hired them. In January, 1981, the Alderman for Jane/ Finch, Pat O’Neill, expressed her frustration at the endless delays in the construction of the new fire station. No progress seemed to be made on the issue. All this changed relatively quickly, though, when, early in the morning of January 17th, a major fire broke out at the Inn on the Park Hotel on Eglinton Avenue East. Despite the valiant efforts of North York firefighters, six persons would die in the fire. By the end of that month, North York Council had awarded the M.A. Butt Construction Company the contract for the construction of the new #14 Fire Hall. At a cost of $553,127.00, the station was to be a two-storey, two-bay design. The building was designed close to the same specifications as North York’s #13 Hall on Bayview Avenue (now T.F.S. Station #111). Arrangements were made with Metropolitan Toronto to include a two-bay ambulance station in the design. What would later become E.M.S. Station #15 was constructed attached to the north side of the fire hall. An initial fifteen year lease was arranged with the Department of Ambulance Services for the use of the new station at a rate of $30,000 per year. .A lthough often reported to have opened in 1982, the new #14 Hall opened for service on Thursday, November 26th, 1981. It was Metropolitan Toronto’s 75th fire hall. Additional staffing was not initially provided for the new hall, though. The second-call pumper from #11 Hall on Sheppard Av W. - 11-Pump-2 - was relocated to Jane Street using an International pumper with Shop #42. A reserve aerial (#3) was also placed at the hall, but would not be staffed until additional hirings were budgeted for. The new station proved its worth immediately. Not only were response times reduced in the area of Jane and Finch, but #14 Hall provided much closer back-up for #3 Fire Hall in the far North-West area of North York - known as Humber Summit. With the establishment of a fourth District Chief in North York, #14 Fire Hall soon became the home for Chief #31, responsible for the North-West Corner of the city. .Even though built as an in-fill station, #14

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Aird & Berlis LLP Barristers and Solicitors Daniel N. Bloch T 416.865.4739 C 416.525.4418 E

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WE NEED YOUR STORY!!!!!! Do you have a great story to tell? This is a wonderful opportunity to get it published. I am looking for police officers, firefighters, paramedics, military, military police and dispatchers, correctional officers, doctors and nurses who have inspirational, true stories that will open the minds and hearts of the readers and rekindle the spirit. The most powerful stories are about people extending themselves, or performing an act of love, service or courage for another person and that is you!!! Tell me your story, whether it be with emotion, drama, or humour! If you are interested please e-mail and leave your full name and phone number and I will contact you if your idea or story has been chosen. Vali Stone, Author/Cops Don't Cry


Station 142 ... Continued from page 41 Fire Hall quickly became the busiest station in North York. Its construction occurred just in time for its crews to bear witness to the multiplication of fire calls and violent incidents that befell the community in the 1980’s and throughout the 1990’s. .T he amalgamation of Metropolitan Toronto’s fire departments in 1998 saw the renumbering of #14 Hall to T.F.S. Station 142, with Chief 31 becoming Car 14. Station 142 has consistently remained one of the busiest in the City of Toronto since amalgamation, with its crews well situated to run calls in both North and West Commands.

e Apparatus Assigned to Fir Station 142 Pumper 142 - 2006 e Spartan/Seagrave tripl Shop combination pumper. #24130. tan/ Aerial 142 - 2001 Spar Smeal 32m quint. Shop #27017. 50 Car 14 - 2006 Ford E3 op District Chief’s van. Sh #20320

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Thank you, Toronto FIREPAC contributors I am writing to thank you for making 2009 another very successful year for Toronto FirePac. Success in political action can be measured in the relationships that we develop, the contracts that we negotiate, legislation that we get passed, officials that we help elect to office. We will continue to strive toward these successes in the upcoming year with your help and continued financial contributions. The Provincial contributions that we are allowed are still in effect, but new rules are now in place on the Municipal level. The Municipal changes that came into effect this year will present some challenges for us in the future as it affects the way that we can contribute to the level of government that affects us most on a daily basis. We can still make a difference in Municipal Politics with the new rule changes. You can make a contribution to a Municipal candidate on your own, but before you do I ask that you educate yourself on who you support. All candidates requesting support are interviewed by your Association prior to any assistance being given. Please check with myself or a member of the Government Relations or Firepac Committee for these candidates. Again, on behalf of myself and the other members of the FirePac Committee, we would like to thank you for your financial contribution and for your support. We are heading into a very busy year with the Municipal election just around the corner and your FirePac Committee will continue to work on behalf of all fire fighters. We support those who support us. Thank you, Paul Beames. TPFFA FIREPAC, Chair


2009 Donor listing PLATINUM Tim Algar Kevin Ashfield Paul Beames Don Beer Rick Berenz Keith Black Geoff Boisseau Mitch Brown Steve Buckingham Chris Bull Adrian Burtenshaw Brian Cartwright Peter Chow Gary Christensen James Coones Jack Cooper Janos Csepreghi John Dancy Candice Davis John Dion Hugh Doherty Mike Domenegato Mike Draper Mike Edgerton Doug Erwin Scott Eyers Ryan Fairlie Jim Fletcher Kirk Fudge Colin Giffin Dennis Graba Jim Green Paul Halls Dan Hals Keith Hamilton Ian Hamilton Gary Hastings Peter Hayes Kiron Hickey Duane Hickson Karl Hoefel Dave Holwell Tom Imray Karrie Johnson Kevin Judge Ed Kennedy Alex Kreposter Morris Lakeman

Tracey Lamb Mike Langford Mike Latour Fred Leblanc Ian Leslie Ed Lukachko Paul Macina John Maclachlan Keith Maidment Kevin Mair Patrick MaMannus Paul E Manning Murray Manson Milda Marjama Scott Marks Travis Mathews Kevin McCarthy Bryce McDonald Daniel McDougall Doug McEachern Tom McIllmoyle William McIntyre Bill McKee Mark McKinnnon Neil McKinnon Andrew Mclean Paul Mogavero Michael Nearing Jeff Nester Michael Ogle Adrian Olley Tom Osadca David Payne Gerlando Peritore Andrew Pett Dennis Piperidis Frank Ramagnano Neil Reynolds Jonathon Robinson Al Sabino Brian Sherwood Randy Smith Gord Snellings Brian St. Thomas Cary Stather Dave Strauss Ernie Thorne Ryan Wagg Alexander Walker

Alf Walker Damien Walsh Bruce Welch Mathais Werginz Jeff Whisken Mark Wilson John Woodbury John Wright Timothy Young Ian Yuill GOLD Pekka Ahola Bruce Alexander Greg Anderson Paul Atkinson Kevin Aucion Peter Banwell Jim Barr Don Barrett Mike Barrington Dan Baxter Mark Bills John Blake Royal Bradley Joe Brandstetter Norman Clark Liam Cullen James Danks John Dooreleyers Matthew Downes Leo Downey Maurice Doyle Vince Durbin John Dyer Richard Eldon Darrell Ellement Dave Falconer Mark Fitzsimmons Tim Gayman Tim Geekie Joe Glivar Carlos Gonzales Greg Haley Larry Hamill Tony Hickey Kevin Hughes Craig Jansen

Paul Kennedy Chris Knaggs Jim Krigos Nick Laffey Eric Landman Chuck Langill John D Lasiuk Ron Loibl Charles Maitland Ross McCannell James McCracken Philip Meredith Joseph Mitchell Rick Morgan Bill Norlock Glenn Norris John Orrett Herc Pace Robert R Patterson Wayne Patterson Dave Pineau Don Platt Igor Ptasiuk Curtis Puckrin Bryan Ratushniak Robert Rivard Ron Romard Dave Roynon Dan Salvitori Robin Sanders Kevin Shaw Joseph Sheppard Micjael Sinclair Robert Stroud Ed Swiderski Les Trempe Trevor Trotter Mike Turnbull Jack Turner Dave Walsh Alan R Watson Greg Weeks Mark Zaorski

SILVER Dan Alston Roger Altieri Bill Baker Jon Barnes Paul Bentham Chris Bertram Bill Boyd Matt Brierley Gerald Brinston Paul Brunton Bertram Buckley Mary Carpenter John Carson Dennis Carter

Steve Case Michael Cassidy Scott Cavanagh James Coleman Shane Coles David Collett Mark Compton Paul Cunningham Rob Delo Craig Dennison Traci Dixon Dale Dowswell John Drimmie Devon Duff Paul Duhamel Drew Ellery Jason Eyers Tom Flockhart Brian Fogarty Richard Gaboury Jim Gale Steve Gambier Paul Gaudet Michael Glenn Andrew Gliosa Doug Goobie Peter Gutenburg Colin Harrison Jake Herring Bill Hicks Steve Hilton Brian Irvine Darren Ivins Goran Jakopcevic Glenn Johansen Rodney Johnston Tom Karnas Adina Kaufman Ilmar Lepik Bernard Leufkens Mike Lewandowski Chris Lokstein Tim Luty Rick MacDonald Murray Macken Mike Madden Antonio Mandarano Mark Manley Dale Markham Ryan McAdam Brian McAlinden Cam McEachern Peter McFarlane Gary McMonagle Rodney McNamara Paul McShane Ian McTavish

Jim Mechano Doug Menard Jeff Miles Steve Mogford Stephen Morris Terrance Morris David Mullin Silvio Nardi Sam Nastamagos Michael Neu Michael Nishihama Mark Orrett Frank Pagnello Frank Pahike Joe Panzini Greg Perry Ian Peters Jason Plugowsky Vincent Pratchett Craig Price James Price Mike Quibell James Reilly Hugh Ross Mike Russell Daryl Savoie William Sheppard Kevin Smalley Michael Smith James So Chris Sornberger Grant Spear Ian Speiran Graham Stark Greg Steffler Jonathon Steffler Terry Stewart Kevin Street Joe Sullivan Guillermo Taboada Gordon Tewnion Neil Tullett Russ Veron Vic Vescio Tom Vincovic Sabina Von Der Heide Stephen Walton David Whitehead Brian Wilgan Glen Willliams Craig Wilson Glen Wilson Chris Wilvert Michael Wood Sonny Wright

BRONZE Dave Albright Ken Allaby Alan Anderson Stephen Applebee John Arabia Doug Babcock Anthony Baggio Scott Bailey Andrew Baldwin Jeff Bigham Ian Billich Gord Bissett Eric Bizzell Lana Bond Les Booth Kevin Bradley Paul Breese Geoff Burton Bill Bygrave Graham Carter Tony Casarin Greg Catton Bill Chambers Gord Chambers Ken Close Peter Cohan Terry Coleman Steve Coles Daniele Comilli Cliff Condran Robert T Connor Rick Cooper Mark Craig Brian Crews Rick Crowder Rick Cudnik Peter Czulinski Dan D'Aloisio Elik De Vries Gino DeAmicis Mike DeBruyn Chris Delahunt Gary Dennison Andre Denton Shane Diaz Matt Donnelly Dave Dorman Al Dosant Andrew Dowdell Eugene Draper Peter Duhamel Bruce Dunbar Mike Ellis Brad Evaschuk Alan Falkner Alvaro Luis Felipe

Taylor Fisher Mike Fitzgerald Mark Foster Lee Gagnon Rick Gallo Andrew Ganguly Glenn Gibson Brian Goldsworthy Gerry Goorts John Gransaull Jennifer Greenlaw Richard Gunns Don Hanson Bruce Harrison Scott Harrison Peter Harvey Mike Hasson Mike Heinemann Brad Hoy David Inglis Dan Jaciw William Jacklin Keneth Jackson Tim Janes Al Janusas Craig Jeffries Perry Jesel Justin Juneau John Kalliokoski Tom Kassen Michael Kastely Brian Kelly Ryan Kelly Gary Keough Adam Kirk Jim Knott Ed Krolow Arron Krushelnicki Dave Kurmey Kar-Wing Lai Jean L'Archeveque Greg Law Larry Leeson William Libbus William Loukides Jeff Lunau James MacAskill Don Macdonald Tom MacLachlan Ron Malcolm John Malcolmson Gus Maple Dominic Marchese Marcus Martyn-Jones Scott Masters Robert McArdle Joe McCarron

Kevin McDonald Scott McDonald Mark McGee Rod McKee John Morgan Gary Muir Robert Noakes Tim O'Dacre John Pangotta Gordon Pearson Bernie Pelayo Josh Pittarelli-Bucks Gary Poole Paul Pucciarelli David Quinn Jeff Richardson Catherine Robertson Doug Rogers Wendy Rome Chris Rowland Richard Ruth George Safian Nunzio Salvatore Marilena Sansosti Joe Sarta Neil Sherwood Glen Sherwwood James Silverthorn Steve Smith Mario Soares Aldo Sorrenit Aaron St. Pierre Glen Storey Rick Straub Earl Strong Stephen Sykes Warren Temple Dennis Thompson Paul Trayes Ted Trzaskalski Rick Turner Richard Ulbikas Frank Underwood Tom Verhaeghe Paul Versace Andrew Walczak Steve Walsh Bruce Warden David Watt Stewart West Gary Wharton Denise Whitehead Jurgen Wittemeier Bob k Wong Rick Woods Glen Young Carl Zikovitz

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 45

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EXECUTIVE TALK DAMIEN WALSH Office Ext.# 316 (416) 948-3887 (cell)

It has been a whirlwind year for your Government Relations Committee and a huge, yet rewarding learning curve for me, personally. Despite the continued threat of a federal election, we successfully took our lobby effort to Ottawa to have our federal issues heard at the annual Legislative Conference. Once again, we were repeatedly advised that our lobby is one of the strongest and most successful on Parliament Hill. I am confident we will achieve our main goal of a Public Safety Officer Compensation benefit in the near future. On the Provincial front, we continued to show a strong and visible presence at Queens Park, while attending numerous events and fundraisers for MPPs from both sides of the legislature floor. The diligent work of the FIREPAC and GR Committees was clearly recognized through two hastily called bi-elections in the city and another successful Provincial Legislative Conference. At City Hall, we continued our dialogue with Council, ensuring that issues affecting Toronto’s fire service and our Association are kept at the forefront of Council’s agenda. As we head into this fall’s municipal election, we will continue to show that your Association will be an active and influential force in the final results. This will be the most dynamic election since amalgamation, seeing a new mayor and a large number of new councillors. This is our opportunity to have our voices heard and we hope that we can count on the membership to get as involved in this important process as we have in past elections. Mark the date of October 25th on your calendar; it will be a significant date in our future. I am continually grateful to you, the membership, our Stewards, as well as my fellow Executive Board members, for the support you have given me throughout this year. I consider it a huge honour and a responsibility, anytime I represent you, whether in the public eye or with our elected leaders. Our positive standing in the community must never be taken for granted and I consider it a duty to further cultivate that reputation and continue to work for you.

Rick Berenz Office Ext.# 302 (416) 986-4130 (cell)

My commitment to the membership, when I was appointed the Chair of the Association’s Human Relations Committee at the start of the 2009 term, was to try and incorporate a more workplace-oriented training program that would assist our members in dealing with the increasing inter-personnel complexities that exist in today’s work environment. Focus groups were conducted with on duty crews, in Operations as well as Support Divisions, to try and determine what type of information the Human Relations Committee could incorporate into this training. As of March 9, 2010, the Human Relations Committee of the Association along with TFS will begin presenting a two-hour training session that addresses the concerns which our members raised during the focus group discussions. The purpose of the course is to quickly review both Provincial and City Human Rights laws/policies and incorporate this into a meaningful presentation that is oriented to our unique workplace. In addition, actual fire-based, arbitrated cases are reviewed – these actual cases, in their entirety are posted on the Association’s web site under the Human Relations link. While at work, many of us face challenges that can be frustrating and stressful. How we deal with these challenges can have a major impact on the outcome. It is our hope that after this training, we will all be better equipped to cope with today’s workplace challenges. The main role of your Human Relations Committee is to mediate a resolve between members within the workplace. It can best be described as an informal, low level involvement in which Committee Members arrive in your workplace and attempt a resolve. At any time, the member(s) have the ability to formally initiate a complaint through the Department, the City or even the Ontario Human Rights Commission. In most cases, we are able to mediate successfully if given the ability to start our involvement sooner rather than later.

JOHN MACLACHLAN Office Ext.# 312 (416) 951-3887 (cell)

As I face the challenges and the rewards during my second year on your Executive Board, I feel it necessary to acknowledge and thank the individuals who have worked with me along the way, allowing me to improve and grow as an Executive Officer. Acknowledgement and a sincere thank you is directed toward the Stewards and to all those on the Executive Board. I have been very fortunate to be on four committees: Chair of the Stewards Committee; member of the Health and Safety Committee; member of the Charity Committee; and member of the Government Relations Committee. All of these committees are different in various ways, yet all of them challenging and rewarding at the same time. I look forward to my second year and the challenges that come with being your Executive Officer.

Ian Hamilton Office Ext.# 306 (416) 708-3887 (cell)

As the Executive Board enters the last months of this term, I feel that we can look back and see one of our most productive Boards. After years of legal work and meetings of committees, we are very close to wrapping up the sale of 39 Commissioners Street from the Non-Profit Corporation of Local 113 to the Non-Profit Corporation of 3888. This should be done before the summer months. The Health & Safety Committee has been dealing with the Purchasing Department and their legal counsel for the purpose of purchasing the next round of bunker gear. This process should be starting the testing phase in late spring. The Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the City representatives and are making progress at the bargaining table. Hopefully, this round of bargaining will result in a fair, negotiated contract prior to the summer months. Remember to “stay low – stay safe” and always to wear your PPE.

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EXECUTIVE TALK DOUG ERWIN Office Ext.# 311 (647) 220-8787 (cell)

Sixteen months have passed since I was first elected to the Executive Board as a North Command Representative - time sure does fly! It is an honour and a privilege to serve this membership and I take great pride in the position. I am the Chair of the Entertainment, Recreation, Social/Sports Committee as well as a member of the Constitutional & Policy, Finance/Building, and Member Communications Committees. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the other Entertainment Committee Members (Janos Csepreghi, Frank Ramagnano and Damien Walsh), the rest of the Executive, Office Staff, Stewards and members who helped make our 2009 events such enjoyable successes. We had 180 people attend our Annual Retirement Dinner and Dance at the end of May. In July, almost 1000 members, retirees, and their families came out for our Annual Picnic, held at Wild Water Kingdom. The Christmas party again had a strong turnout of over 1000 children plus family and friends. One of my goals as Chair of the Committee is to help organize more Social/Recreational functions for the membership. This year, we are re-establishing the Annual 3888 Gold Tournament in co-operation with the Charity Committee. The Tournament will be held at Royal Woodbine Golf Club on Monday May 17th. Anyone with ideas or suggestions for other events is encouraged to contact myself or one of the other committee members. Planning is well under way for this year. Following the Golf Tournament on May 17th we have the Retirement Dinner/Dance at Q-SS1S Banquet Hall on Friday May 28th. All members are welcome to attend. The Annual Picnic will be held on Centre Island, Thursday July 8th and the Christmas Party will be at Variety Village on Saturday December 4th. I welcome this opportunity to address the membership and look forward to seeing many of you at our events throughout the year.

Kevin McCarthy Office Ext.# 320 (416) 708-6817 (cell)

As the city tightens its belt, so does the benefits provider. So, we need to continue to evaluate our coverage to ensure we are getting everything we are entitled to. The City of Toronto pays for our benefits and has a benefits provider (Manulife) administer them. So, unlike many small Locals, who deal entirely with the terms and conditions set out by insurance companies, we have a voice in what is reasonable. This does not mean however that we set our own terms. Obviously we have coverage for what is negotiated in our collective agreements. What we do have, that many other Locals do not, is the Disputes Resolution Committee. The Disputes Resolution Committee is made up of representation from both the city and the union. Any concerns regarding benefits are brought forward in this forum to try and get a resolve. Issues such as late filing, alternative coverage and experimental treatments, to name a few, have been paid in full just because our members decided to get a second opinion. Various trends have been identified through this process, which has been instrumental in rectifying improper adjudication of claims and highlighting what direction we may take to improve our benefits in future bargaining.

Neil McKinnon Office Ext.# 310 (416) 659-2624 (cell)

Here we are again, another year older and hopefully another year wiser. I say that because I believe we are all constantly learning from our experiences and this has certainly been the case for my last two terms on the Executive. Over three year’s ago, I was assigned to the Grievance Committee and it quickly became apparent that things were going to get interesting - and so far, I haven’t been let down. The Grievance Committee continues to be busy and the actions of some of our members continues to be interesting, to say the least. Another huge learning curve was being assigned to the Health & Safety Committee. For years, I’ve known of the committee’s existence but never really knew what they did. Beside taking the necessary courses to become certified, the everyday operation of the committee has been a real eye opener. One thing I have learned from my short time on the committee is that you can’t please everyone; whatever action you take, there will always be someone who disagrees. Hopefully, in the end, everybody agrees that it’s the Health & Safety of the membership that counts the most. Also, I have been assigned as Chair of the Constitution & Policy committee where I imagine there will be many challenges and plenty of things to be learned. Once again, I’m a member of the Ceremonial & Bereavement Committee, where I hope that my years of experience will make me a valuable asset to the committee. If all this seems like I’m complaining, I’m not! I was the one who asked for the job and I have thoroughly enjoyed representing the membership for over 15 years. So much so, that I will put my name forward again in September. Meanwhile, all I can do is promise to do my best to ensure that the membership gets the proper representation that they deserve.

Kevin Ashfield Office Ext.# 308 (416) 605-3889 (cell)

Your Ceremony and Bereavement Committee has been working hard this past year to update a few items. Since the passing of Bill 221 Presumptive Legislation, on May 4, 2007, there have been over 70 names added to the Honour Roll. The Honor Rolls in the stations have not been updated since they were all brought together in 2001, and with the large number of names missing, it was time for an update. Our Committee, along with the Toronto Fire Services Public Information Office, spent countless hours checking and rechecking names and dates of death for these new Honour Rolls. The new version is complete and is being printed at this time. As soon as they are complete, we will be around to all work locations to replace the existing ones. Our Fallen are also honored on four separate memorials: City of Toronto Fire Services Memorial at Station 334, IAFF Memorial in Colorado Springs, Ontario Memorial at Queens Park and the Canadian Memorial soon to be erected in Ottawa. By the Fall of 2010, all 217 names of our fallen will appear on all of these walls. During 2010, set some time aside to attend one or more of the memorials and remember these 217 brave fire fighters who gave their all.


EXECUTIVE TALK Janos Csepreghi Office Ext.# 304 (416) 806-6286 (cell)

I am totally convinced that I have the best job on the executive. It’s not just phone calls, scrutiny, and accusations. As chair of the Charity Committee I oversee the distribution of funds, and the allocation of member resources to charities and events throughout Toronto, the GTA, and beyond. In a year wrought with cutbacks, we have been able to lend support, both personal and financial, to some of the most vulnerable segments of our community. Together, as a membership, we have supported TPFFA members working in Haiti with earthquake relief, and in Guyana providing medical assistance. We have been integral in the establishment of a pre-fire college bursary in memory of a fallen Canadian soldier. We have supported wounded veterans and aided in their transition back into society. We have sent numerous children, from many different circumstances, to camps and other facilities, where they can forget the trials and tribulations of their everyday life and focus on being a kid. We have fed the homeless, provided public access defibrillators, assisted in the care of premature babies, and even provided adoption services for unwanted or abused cats. The positive influence that we generate and the people that we empower should be a source of pride for every TPFFA member. The Charity Committee is a direct function of our membership. If there is an event or charity that has meaning to you, please contact a member of the committee and we will do our best to get involved.

Scott Eyers Office Ext.# 305 (416) 948-9598 (cell)

This is my fourth term serving the membership of our local. Currently, I am in my fourth year as Chair of the Grievance Committee. It is our duty to monitor the department and ensure the rights and privileges contained in our Collective Agreement (CA) are adhered to by all. It is the right of Management to discipline employees, and it is the sole right of the Association to represent our members and grieve the discipline. The grievance process is there to ensure that the Association and the member are ultimately satisfied that any potential discipline is warranted and falls within the legal landscape of the day. Sometimes, we agree to a resolve, and sometimes we let the process run its course. In our Local, the member is made aware of the potential ramifications, receives legal advice and makes the ultimate decision with respect to the future path taken on the issue at hand. When in doubt, please contact a member of your Executive. Always remember, ‘Rule number one – obey now – grieve later’. The committee continues to educate the membership through articles in this magazine and Union notices when warranted. Please contact me if there are areas of interest for discussion or review and I will attempt to disseminate the information via the appropriate medium. Other committees that I sit on are the Charities Committee and the Bargaining Committee. Collective bargaining deals with issues such as safety conditions on the job, salary and benefits, job qualifications and general working conditions and procedures. I look forward to the process of negotiating these issues in an attempt to fulfill the mandate given to the committee by the membership. In grievance work, we often deal with members when the stress and potential ramifications are very high. Serving the membership is something I take very seriously and endeavour to do my best in all aspects of Association matters. It is a privilege and an honour to represent the membership on a daily basis.

Hugh Doherty Office Ext.# 303 (416) 433-0446 (cell)

The winter of 2009 and 2010 has brought changes that will affect how we perform our duties. From a Health and Safety context, we have new legislation becoming law on June 15, 2010. These changes to the WSIB legislation are known as Bill 168. Many meetings have been attended to ensure we are all aware of our rights under these changes and that corporate policies are updated to reflect the changes. The bunker suit tender has been finalized and the Committee believes we have enhanced the level of protection for suppression fire fighters. Still to be addressed is the contract for the cleaning, inspection and maintenance of the bunker suits. We have been working on both of these projects with purchasing in conjunction with administration. The goal has been to indicate the needs of our members in being provided the best level of protection. Our SCBA contract is up for renewal in 2014. The association will be confronted with many issues leading to the preparation of a RFP. We must address cross-contamination concerns, individual face pieces and the need for the latest technology to increase fire fighter safety on the fire ground. The clothing which we wear during inspections, while dispatching and fire fighting is another area where we will be conducting tests. Our objective is to provide the best clothing to our members. Comfort, fit, quality and durability are the major areas where we believe improvement is required. We have begun an aggressive air monitoring of our work locations and have seen improvement in air quality in offices as a result of the testing. We are working with administration to review and educate all on the benefits of ergonomically correct placement of computer monitors, keyboards and the effect of improper equipment. This project will take time to complete but we are moving forward. In closing, thanks for your support and we look forward to the Spring and Summer of 2010 to achieve our objectives on your behalf.

Dave Holwell Office Ext.# 309 (416) 807-7753 (cell)

Wow how time flies!! It seems like only yesterday Frank was hounding me for a Fire Watch Executive Talk article. The move to the Grievance Committee and Chair of the Public Relations Committee has forced some large changes in my schedule and my need for sanity preservation techniques. There are some amazing imaginations out there when it comes to ways to meet the Chief Officers of our department. When it comes to Public Relations, the Fire Chief is always front and center and willing to support our cause. The Christmas parties, parades and in-service truck participation is always supported. Unfortunately, the need still arises for our membership to step up to the plate and make the effort to contribute time and energy. Be aware of your station community. We all benefit from a small amount of our time, city-wide, to give something back for the people who support us. Please ask to help, have some fun and feel good knowing you make a difference.

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Message from the Editor… C

old turkey, the patch, new year’s resolution, emphysema, cancers, lung and heart disease...I’m sure you’ve heard them all, especially if you’ve ever tried or been encouraged to quit that ever increasing bad habit....smoking ! Everyone who smokes has their reasons for doing so and we know it doesn’t take long to become addicted to nicotine; however, it can take a very long time to quit smoking. Even though fewer people today are smoking by comparison to previous decades (over 60% of adults), the age old habit still strongly exists. It may no longer be the “in thing” to do as it has become socially unacceptable and with poignant health warning labels and a healthier lifestyle continuously encouraged, it’s shunned upon, so much so, cigarette packages are concealed for


the sake of the 18 and under population. Even though the signs are marked “smoking not permitted within 5 feet of this building”, we continue to find the “die hard” smokers standing in front or near their work buildings or homes, lighting up. Second hand smoking has been a front page issue in recent years, it too causes the same serious health issues as those I listed in the first line of my editorial and more. This is not only a concern for adults, but children (even the unborn) more so because of the long term effects of exposure to them, often without being able to make decisions for themselves but having the decision imposed upon them. There are several methods, including natural remedies, to help one quit smoking though not every method works for everyone. There’s a book for which it’s front cover boasts “Everybody who reads this book stops and I stopped”, quoted by the ever popular Ellen DeGeneres. Not only did she stop, two members of our Peer Support Team read the book and quit as well. As a result, the book has become a hot item and has a long loan list. As I browsed through the book, one thought that I was reminded of, because of its repeated mention, was that people continue to smoke to remove the feelings which surface after putting out continued on page 2

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E-MAIL ADDRESS 

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 Last Updated: March 2010



continued from page 1 the last cigarette. Those feelings are positive ones, such as: relaxation, concentration and energy. Most importantly, regardless of which method works for you, you have to be ready to quit before it becomes a forcible decision. Sometimes it is merely through trial and error that one can determine which is the best way to quit smoking . I suggest one method may be reading Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. So before it’s too late or you are forced to decide, I encourage you to look on and read the excerpt I’ve included, from Allen Carr’s book, perhaps it too will work for you! Good luck and be well! –Lynn Pezzelato

Encouragement from others: Get support from others. Talk to: * Your family * Friends * Coworkers * Doctors * Phone quit line * Support group Research shows that getting help boosts your odds of success.


Anticipate the next steps: Be prepared! Figure out what will give you the urge to smoke and what you’ll do to overcome it * Call a friend * Go for a walk * Use a stop-smoking medication * Carry hard candy to suck on What will you do if you “slip up” and have a cigarette? If someone else at home smokes and does not quit with you, can you make a smoke-free zone in the house?

Preparing To Quit

Doctor support is important. Be sure to talk to your doctor about what may help you quit.

Tools You Can Use

* Research shows stop-smoking medicines can double or If you’ve tried quitting before, you know how hard it can be. That’s betriple your chances of quitting cause the nicotine in tobacco is an addictive drug. Medical guidelines suggest treatment that includes both medication and behavioral coun- * Only 3% to 5% of smokers are able to quit on their own, without treatseling. You should talk to your doctor to see which medication is right for ment. A smoker is more likely to quit by knowing his or her “lung age.” You can ask your doctor to do a lung-function test. It will compare how you. well your lungs work with those of an average healthy person Most smokers who quit have tried more than once. So don’t feel discouraged if you’ve tried before. In fact, past attempts make your chance of * Again, find out how a stop-smoking medication can help you success better this time. After a previous attempt, you know what works You set the time: You have to decide that quitting is what you want and and what doesn’t. commit to it. Then, set a date to quit. Prepare for success

Make a quit plan

Even if you’ve never tried to quit before, there are ways you can raise your chances of success. First you have to get ready:

* W rite a quit plan that has the above information. If you've tried quitting before, include what helped and what didn't.

Reasons to quit: Think about what’s good about not smoking * Better health * Save money, etc



* Once you're READY, set a date when you will quit - in 2 weeks or less. And then do it! On your quit day, do not smoke even 1 puff. * If you cannot stop smoking on your quit date, pick another day and try again.


James Dixon

d. Monday, July 23, 1934 The summer of 1934 quickly became one of the darkest in the history of the Toronto Fire Department. On the afternoon of Monday, July 23, less than one month after suffering the loss of Fire Fighter Fred Cameron to a heart attack, disaster struck at the east end of the Toronto Harbour. Responding crews were faced with the task of extinguishing a fire on the oil tanker barge Enarco. The rapid and steady application of foam and water quickly contained the fire. With the fire seemingly extinguished, District Chief James Dixon led a group of fire fighters to the barge to verify that this had been accomplished. Minutes after they entered the hold, the worst became a reality as the barge violently exploded, propelling the fire fighters in every direction. As the second-alarm response arrived and the fire was extinguished, the aftermath of the explosion became clear. With the apparent absence of District Chief Dixon and other fire fighters following the blast, a search was conducted, both in the waters and on the barge. Hours later, the bodies of James Dixon, Lieutenant James Henry and Fire Fighter William Swire were found within the hold of the barge. With his face severely injured, Dixon appeared to have died instantly from a blow to the head. At the time of the explosion, Fire Chief George Sinclair was at his summer home on Lake Simcoe. By the time the bodies were recovered, he stood at the scene with Deputy Chief Duncan McLean, having left for Toronto upon hearing the news. During a conference with Mayor Stewart after the incident, Sinclair was visibly distraught, unable to speak for several minutes. In an investigation of the incident, Chief Sinclair noted that Dixon was an able officer and would have certainly concluded that the fire was out prior to boarding the barge. The Chief Coroner, Dr. M. M. Crawford added that he knew Dixon well, stating, “He would not ask any man to go anywhere he would not go himself.” The deaths of District Chief Dixon, Lieutenant Henry and Fire Fighter Swire made 1934 the second deadliest year on record for the Toronto Fire Department. It was also the first time in nearly four decades that a chief officer died in service; the last being Chief Richard Ardagh in 1895. District Chief James Dixon was approaching 32 years of service at the time of his death. He had been a District Chief for over four years and was also a veteran of the Boer War. Private services were held at his home on Bolton Avenue before the public service for Dixon, Henry and Swire on Thursday, July 26. Dixon was fifty-seven and survived by his wife and son.

James Henry

d. Monday, July 23, 1934 The Ashbridge’s Bay area had always been considered one of the most volatile under the watch of Toronto’s Fire Department, but up until 1934, fire fighters remained relatively unscathed in the district. As Lieutenant Mel Manning received a call reporting fire on the Enarco barge on the morning of July 23, it did not take long for that to change. Pumpers 4, 12 and 30, along with Aerial 7 quickly arrived at the scene, and crews doused the fire with a combination of foam and water. Lieutenant James Henry was among several fire fighters to follow the lead of District Chief James Dixon in boarding the barge to verify the extinguishment of the fire. The cause of the explosion that followed could not definitively be determined, but the results were unmistakable. As the barge erupted, fueled by large amounts of oil, fire fighters were blown dozens of feet into the air, some landing on the deck and others in the water. Three of these fire fighters, including James Henry, were less fortunate, having become trapped within the hold of the barge during the outburst. A second alarm and the use of the fire tug Rouille were needed to fill the barge with water and complete what the fire fighters had started. During the attempt to fill the barge with water and foam, the absence of District Chief James Dixon, Lieutenant James Henry, and fire fighters David Kennedy and Kenneth Barrett became evident. While it was later confirmed that Kennedy and Barrett were at the hospital, Dixon and Henry were yet to be located. A third fire fighter, William Swire, was also unaccounted for later, only to be found dead in the hold of the barge near the bodies of District Chief Dixon and Lieutenant Henry. Fire Chief George Sinclair stated that had fire fighters not used Foamite powder mixed with their hose streams, the rate of fatalities would have been drastically higher. Despite this knowledge, Sinclair was devastated that three fire fighters had lost their lives. The life of Lieutenant James Henry was celebrated in a private service at his home on West Avenue before a joint public service for all three fire fighters who perished in the explosion. The tragedy was felt throughout the department, as many of the fire fighters on duty that day had switched shifts with another platoon to allow for their attendance at the annual fire fighters’ picnic. Fire fighters from across Ontario and Quebec attended the service for the fallen fire fighters who were buried at St. John’s Cemetery. A veteran of the First World War, Lieutenant James Henry, aged forty-eight, was married with four children. As Toronto reflected on Monday’s tragedy, a trust fund was set up to ensure that the sacrifices made and the families affected were not forgotten.

William Swire

d. Monday, July 23, 1934 As the alarm came in on the morning of July 23, for a fire at the waterfront, William Swire was one of the many fire fighters dispatched. From nearby Commissioner Street, Swire and his fellow fire fighters from Pumper 30 were some of the first to arrive on the scene. As the initial attack appeared to stifle the fire, fire fighters from Pumper 12 began their journey back to the station, while others, including Swire and the rest of Pumper 30 stayed behind. Not afforded the luxury of good fortune on this day, Swire was one of many fire fighters that proceeded to the Enarco barge to confirm the fire was suppressed. In the explosion that followed, the rate of casualties among fire fighters was astronomical, as only two of the fire fighters from the initial response escaped unharmed. Fire fighters worked for hours to ensure the fire was out and scoured the barge and surrounding area for injured fire fighters and civilians. By 8:15pm, Toronto Fire Fighters were retrieving the body of the last fire fighter unaccounted for, William Swire. Extricated with extreme difficulty, his legs trapped among broken timber, Swire had died within the hold of the barge with Lieutenant James Henry and District Chief James Dixon. Along with the three fire fighters who lost their lives during the call, an additional 10 fire fighters and two civilians were injured, some in critical condition. While the SS Noronic Fire of 1949 is often recalled for the substantial loss of civilian lives, July 23, 1934, will always remain one of the worst days on the waterfront for the Toronto Fire Department. As Swire, Henry and Dixon were honored in a public ceremony, others who were injured at the scene remained in hospital. Some would eventually succumb to their injuries and were also remembered as having died in the line of duty. A private service for William Swire was held at his home by Reverend F.E. Powell. At the public service, each fire fighter’s casket was carried by one district chief, one captain, one lieutenant, and three firefighters, and draped in black and purple before being led by the Toronto Fire Fighters’ Band to St. John’s Cemetery. William Swire was an 8 year veteran of the Toronto Fire Department, married and had three children. A decade after the Enarco barge fire, William’s son Lloyd joined the Toronto Fire Department.

Researched by Matt Dunn

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 53

3888 Recent happenings

2nd Annual Anchors Aweigh competition at the Ricoh Centre. This event kicks off the Boat Show and highlights water safety in Ontario. Scott Eyers – Coach, Janos Csepreghi, Drew Foote, Jason Eyers, Dave West

Toronto Local 3888 won the SOFFHL Tournament, “H” Division, on February 26, 2010. Toronto-Centre provincial Liberal candidate Glen Murray addressing the stewards meeting on Jan 19. MPP Murray was successful in his election bid.

On February 1, 2010, President Scott Marks and Fire Chief Bill Stewart presented a donation of $3,805 in Tim Horton’s certificates to Brigadier General Collin from the Denison Armoury Base. 54

Former TPFFA member Jeff Mueller along with members of his Sweden Fire Department visit the union office.

Toronto Local 3888’s “Old Timers” team advanced to the finals of the SOFFHL Tournament, “E” Division, on February 26, 2010. Also, congratulations to the Toronto TAC-2 team who won the SOFFHL Tournament, “G” Division!”


Gerald Brinston from Station 431-C and his wife travelled to Haiti following the earthquake on January 12, 2010 to assist with relief efforts. Gerald would like to sincerely thank everyone who made the journey possible.

Note: We will be profiling Gerald in the “Member Profile” section of a future issue of Fire Watch. This profile will contain much more information on Gerald and will also detail his humanitarian efforts in Haiti and other countries abroad over the past many years.

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 55

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 57

2010 UPCOMING EVENTS April 6, Tuesday

Stewards Meeting

Union Office, Toronto

April 12 - 15

OPFFA “Dr. Eric G. Taylor” Spring Seminar

Niagara Falls, Ontario

April 22, Thursday, Evening

The Fire Department Credit Union Annual Meeting

Riviera Parque Banquet Hall, Vaughan

April 26-28

IAFF Legislative Conference

Ottawa, Ontario

April 29, Thursday Night meeting only (1900 Hrs)

3888 General Union Meeting

RCL Br. 527 948 Sheppard Ave. W.

May 10, Monday

TPFFA Media Awards

Palais Royale, Toronto

May, 17

Local 3888 Golf Tournament

Royal Woodbine G.C.

May 26, Wednesday Night meeting only (1900 Hrs)

3888 General Union Meeting

RCL Br. 527 948 Sheppard Ave. W.

May 25, Tuesday

Ross Forfar Golf Tournament

Sleepy Hollow Golf & Country Club

May 28, Friday

Local 3888 Retirement Dinner and Dance

Q’Ssis, Toronto

June 1-2

OPFFA Business Session

Collingwood, Ontario

June 10, 2010

TO Fire Prevention Golf Tournament

Remington Parkview Golf and Country Club

June 13, Sunday

TFS/TPFFA Memorial

Station #334

June 28, Monday

Stewards Meeting

Union Office, Toronto

July 8, 2010 Thursday

TPFFA Picnic

Toronto Centre Island

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The danGer dOesn’T end when The fIre’s OuT.

This photo was taken in 1980 in Canada. A lot has changed since then, but job hazards – especially during investigations – are sometimes still not treated with the caution they deserve. Photo: Carlo Hindian/Masterfile



Toxic fumes from smouldering debris are just as harmful as those from an active fire. So until you’re sure the danger’s really over, wear your SCBA. Originally developed by: Office of the Fire Marshal, Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association, International Association of Fire Fighters, The Fire Fighters’ Association of Ontario, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Municipal Health and Safety Association, Ontario Section 21 Committee, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). © 2006, WSIB – all rights reserved. Printed in Canada. #5065C (07/06). To order posters, contact WSIB: 1-800-663-6639, or WSIB Marketing: 1-800-387-0750 / 5540 (Outside Ontario / Canada).

S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 | F I R E WATCH 59



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