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Local Money
Three types of complementary currencies are needed to solve the world's financial problems: global (e.g. Terra), B2B (e.g. WIR), social-community purpose (e.g. C3 in Uruguay, Torekes in Belgium) complementary currencies. See Bernard Lietaer's books for experiences with these currencies. ------ - Torekes: openadviser.com/projects/torekes-website - C3: c3uruguay.com.uy - WIR: wirbank.ch - Terra: terratrc.org ------ All the documents here are related to WIR Bank, Switzerland.: The example for complementary currencies. C3 in Uruguay is even more developed. ------ This is an unofficial account. ------------------- Free Money. Free Energy. Free Exopolitics. Free Consciousness. ---- -- -- See free energy at scribd.com/zerofieldenergy, free consciousness at scribd.com/ramanamaharsi and free exopolitics at exopolitics.com ------ Videos: vimeo.com/ComplementaryCurrency