Medway/MIllis News Oct 2010

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Medway & Millis localtownpages

Vol. 1 No. 7

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BY JUDITH DORATO O’GARA The British are coming! And, for that matter, so are the French and the American Revolutionists. In fact, from October 15-17, history itself will come alive at Millis’ Oak Grove Farm, as the town prepares for the largest scale war reenactment it has ever seen. Over 700 re-enactors, from as far south as Pennsylvania and New Jersey and as far north as Vermont, will make their camp on the 109-acre parcel of land to participate in the “Fight at Richardson’s Tavern.” “We’ve been planning this event for two years,” says Nathan Maltinsky, of the Millis Historical Commission, which sponsors the event with the Lexington Training Band ( About 20 people worked together on a committee for the event, and 45 individual regiments have signed up to participate. The event has been sanctioned by Northern Department of the Continental Line and is cosponsored by His Majesty’s 10th Regiment of Foot ( and the 2nd Massachusetts Regiment ( The public is invited to attend, starting Saturday, at no charge, although the Historic Commission does suggest a $10 donation in order to recoup the $5,000 it has spent to make the event happen. Spectators are advised to wear comfortable shoes and are cau-

You Say You Want a Revolution Revolutionary War Re-Enactment Coming to Millis, Oct. 15-17

tury clothing, and soldiers won’t necessarily have uniforms. According to the Historic Commission’s Mark Slayton, “A lot of Americans were basically farmers and tailors and cobblers, and they didn’t have military uniforms. They basically came in what they were wearing,” he says. “So, when you see the Lexington Minutemen, you’ll see the British decked out in their uniforms, but you’ll see the Americans in civilian garb.” Soldiers won’t be the only ones dressed in “kit.” Sutlers, or traveling merchants, will also set up at the event. These vendors will be dressed in period clothing, selling everything from Revolutionary-era clothing to 18th century military accoutrements. There will also be fife and drum as part of the encampment.

Shown here at Oak Grove Farm in Millis, Lexington Minutemen Eric Chetwynd (left), Bill Poole and Brad Chetwynd came dressed in “kit” to a planning meeting for the Revolutionary War Reenactment to take place here on October 15-17.

tioned not to bring pets. (Past Civil War re-enactments have frightened dogs and caused safety issues.) In addition, the Commission is selling electric “Millis Liberty Candles,” for $5 apiece to raise money for the event.

and an artillery drill, which demonstrates how cannons are filled.” In addition to military exercises, two battles are planned on the large field, one on Saturday at 3 p.m., and the second on Sunday at 2 p.m.

“It will be kind of like Plymouth Plantation, where they’ll be in character all the time,” says Maltinsky. “They will be portraying camp life with cooking over the fire. There will be drilling exercises, including musket drilling

According to Maltinsky, the event will present a “What If?” scenario. This is not meant to portray a particular battle, although many of the re-enactors will portray particular individuals. Rather, the scene evokes what might have

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happened had the two armies, the Americans, having lost the Battle of Rhode Island, and the British, advancing on a supply depot in Wrentham, encountered one another in October of 1778. Lexington Minutemen and the British re-enactors worked together to develop a battle story to present a realistic skirmish that might have occurred between cavalry, artillery and infantry. The battle re-enactors will be dressed in all manners of 18th cen-

Gary Berset Realtor RE/MAX Executive (508)-820-6622 My Community Commitment Program For allowing intodetails your neighborhoods, since 2008, View allme the at have donated $8,600 to the People of Medway and Millis, through the Public Libraries, Food Pantry, MHS Scholarships, the Senior Center, and the Home & School PTOyour Organizations. Tell /all friends… you. I appreciate your business. Help Thank me help our town. (details at

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Medway Lions Give Town Great Return

Law Enforcement Exploring Program for Area Teens

Women and children will be seen dressed in character as well, says Maltinsky. These are known as the “camp followers,” and according to Maltinsky, “It was not uncommon for officers to bring the family along with them (to battle). The women would do the laundry and cook for them,” he says. The civilians of the camps, in fact, will conduct their own events. A sewing circle and ladies tea will be held on Saturday, and a fashion show and children’s games take place on Sunday. Millis historians will be resur-

WAR RE-ENACTMENT continued on page 2

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WAR RE-ENACTMENT continued from page 1

recting pieces of local history to mix with the event. According to Maltinsky, the event will include honoring those from East Medway (later, Millis) who had served in the Revolutionary War. There are quite a few. Over 100 from this area fought in the Revolution, and from 1775 to 1783, 98 sons fell in battle, with such familiar names such as Adams, Bullard, Clark, Daniels, Ellis, Fairbanks, Jones, Lovell and Metcalf. In addition, the local Church of Christ has old sermons dating back to this era. One of these sermons will be used as the basis for a church service to be held at the camp at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Local civic groups will be involved in the event as well. In fact, the Millis Lions will be onhand to provide period-appropriate food and scout groups have been enlisted to help with traffic. Maltinsky also notes that the local

American Legion Post 208 is always very supportive of Oak Grove re-enactments. Local businesses, also, have gotten into the

every $5 donation, make a check payable to “The Lexington Minutemen,” and mail it to Jim Roberts, 825 Townsend Road,

Staying in Character Millis Cable Show Spends 30 Minutes with Lexington Training Band’s Jim Roberts BY PAUL ROWLEY From October 15 to 17, Oak Grove Farm in Millis will be the site of a scenario collision between British and American forces, as the Revolutionary War comes alive again. The weekend will include such activities as public battles, a look inside American and British Encampments, and a unique Evening Tavern, all sponsored by the Lexington Training Band, in part with the Millis Historical Commission.

mix. The Postal Center printed a number of posters, and Milford Bank, Roche Bros., and Middlesex Bank, among other vendors have provided some sponsorship . For more information on the Revolutionary War Re-enactment at Oak Grove, visit To receive a “Millis Liberty Candle” in exchange for

Groton, MA 01450. The “Battle at Richardson’s Tavern,” to be held rain or shine, will be an event not to be missed. “We’re very excited,” says Maltinsky. “because to date this is our biggest event. Millis is part of Revolution history, and so hosting this event brings its history to life.”

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October 1, 2010

The popular Millis Community Media program, “30 Minutes With...” sat down with Jim Roberts, a member of the Lexington Training Band, to talk about his involvement with the upcoming event and in regularly reliving history. Jim Roberts, a senior band member, recalls his passion for history, “Well, I guess it came from my growing up in Lexington, and being around all this history. You know, the taverns in town, the Lexington reenactment, of course Lexington has a very large Patriots Day parade at Patriots Day, so I think almost by default, if you’re a young man or woman, you got interested in history in some manner or fashion.” The Lexington Training Band consists of over a dozen members of the town’s Lexington Minute Men group, in an effort to accurately depict the men of the Lexington Militia as they appeared on the Battle of Lexing-

ton, April 18 and 19, 1775. Jim had come to be interviewed by host Len Foreman in a complete authentic uniform of what was worn by American militiamen; much of his outfit consisted of items that soldiers would have had in their own homes, such as using a pillowcase as a backpack of sorts, as the American Army was not yet greatly established to have had dedicated uniforms, unlike the British forces. When asked if there was ever a time when he or other members of the Training Band or Minute Men have slipped out of character, Jim responded, “No, never during the weekends. Soon as the fifer drum sounds on Saturday morning, we all step out, and we’re in our clothing for the next few days. If I’m wearing a wristwatch, that takes away from my whole persona. You know, if I’m smoking a cigarette- that takes away from my persona. But if I’m smoking a clay pipe, it adds to my persona. Now does everyone stay in character the whole 48 hours? No, of course not. That’s impossible. But I think when we try to have contact with the spectators, we try to make it a living history for them, so they really try to experience what life was like.” “I’ve been doing it for twentyfive years…” says Jim, as he muses on his future with the Lexington Training Band, “I see myself doing this as long as I can do it, physically.”

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October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Medway Father Goes Home Greg Fingar (March 15, 1956-September 1, 2010) BY J.D. O’GARA

Children Education Fund c/o Middlesex Savings Bank, 81 Main St., Medway, MA 02053.

“Never, never give up,” was Greg Fingar’s motto, and he didn’t. Back in April, Localtownpages reported on marathoner Dale Fingar’s quest to raise money PanCAN and spread awareness of pancreatic cancer, a disease her husband, Gregory Fingar, had been battling for what Dale refers to as “five-and-a-half years of hope.” Surviving well past his initial diagnosis of two years, Greg passed away on September first. “From the beginning,” says Fingar, “(Greg) wasn’t about to let the disease take him down.” Fingar says that her husband quietly fought pancreatic cancer, enduring multiple surgeries and treatments as well as the unavoidable diabetes from the disease.

Dale Fingar vows to continue Greg’s fight against pancreatic cancer. “I’m going to continue to marathon, and my kids and I are going to start volunteering more for PanCAN.” The family’s volunteer efforts include collaborating with Framingham police to organize a yearly road race in Framingham’s Cushing Park, which takes place in May or June. The only thing Greg wanted was for his boys to have a good education, so they could be what they wanted,” says Fingar. A trust for Greg’s children, Steven, 16, and Michael, 11, has been set up. Contributions can be made to Fingar Children’s Trust Fund Fingar

Greg, at age 54, spent his last days under hospice care in Needham, where he grew up. The funeral procession for the proud father, husband, son, brother and friend stopped by his Medway house, says his wife Dale, “so he could come home one last time.”

Member of Medway Crew 748 Attains Eagle Scout Rank Sean Nelson, of Millis, becomes Ninth Eagle Scout of Group On June 24, Sean Nelson, 17 of Millis earned his rank of Eagle Scout with Medway Crew 748. The Eagle is the highest recognition that Scouting offers. Only a small percentage of boys complete this rank. Sean began his scouting career in 1999 as a Tiger Cub with Pack 115 in Millis. Sean joined Boy Scout Troop 748 in Medway to be with his cousin in 2004. In 2006, Medway Venture Crew 748 was formed. Venturing is a program established by the Boy Scouts of America to challenge older scouts, both boys and girls ages 14 through 20. The Venturing program has its own advancement and award program, and young men who earned the First Class rank in the traditional Boy Scout program may complete their Eagle requirements in Venturing. Sean

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is the ninth member of Medway Crew 748 to earn the Eagle rank in this manner. To earn this rank, Scouts have to earn a minimum of 21 Merit Badges as well as hold a leadership position within the Crew for 6 months. By his 18th birthday, the Eagle candidate must also develop, plan and oversee a service project that benefits a community organization, school or religious institution. Once completed, national and local board members review the project. Sean completed the Venturing Leadership Skills Course in 2008 and is currently the President of Crew 748. He has also served in the role of Quartermaster. Sean earned a total of 26 merit badges in his scouting career. He earned these through summer camps and Merit Badge University

Sean wanted to do a project that would help out St. Joseph Parish in some way, since they sponsor Crew 748. He chose to refurbish an old storage shed that was on the property of the Oakland St. Cemetery. Early this spring, with the help of 15 volunteers, he delegated and had scouts cut down overgrown branches around the shed, rake and clean the inside and outside and repaint the shed white. He installed shelving units to help organize the contents. This process took 95 man-hours to complete.

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Medway Begins Water Meter Replacement Program In a continuing effort to improve water/sewer services, the Town of Medway will soon be installing a new water meter in all town homes/businesses. Participation in this program is NOT optional, but rather a requirement of every Medway home and business as part of a town-wide service improvement A private contractor, USI Services, is accomplishing this work. To ensure the least amount of inconvenience to residents, an appointment system is being utilized. Medway residents can schedule an appointment by calling USI at 1888-709-9944 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday - Friday or log on to to setup an appointment online. Residents should receive a letter about this program and will need the Work Order Number and Service Code Number at the top of this letter to setup appointments online. Appointments are scheduled Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please do not contact the Town to make this appointment.

It will be necessary to enter your residence during installation of your new meter. Please make sure the area around your meter is accessible to the installer. Installation time is approximately 45 minutes. In addition to the meter, a transmitting device will be installed. This will allow us to read your meter without accessing your home. All installers will have photo identification badges and will be driving clearly marked vehicles. Installers will not enter your home if there are no adults present. The installation of the metering devices and limited plumbing work will cause no direct charge to the customer. However, the cost of any extensive plumbing alterations necessary for the installation will be discussed with the property owner prior to work commencing. We are confident that you will be pleased with the new water meter reading system.


Sean is currently a senior at Millis High School and a member of the National Honor Society. Sean is interested in attending Mass Maritime Academy after graduation and pursuing a degree in Emergency Management.

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Local Town Pages

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October 1, 2010

Medway Lions Put Your Five Cents to Work for the Town Monthly Bottle and Can Drive Funds Stay within Medway BY J.D. O’GARA

cans on designated Saturday mornings of the month from the curbside by 9 a.m., although residents can make donations at a box in front of West Medway Liquors, on Main Street, and right at Medway Oil, on Broad Street. The next scheduled Saturdays include October 16 and November 20.

It’s a slow day. This beautiful Saturday morning, fewer than the average 40,000 bottles and cans moved through the assembly line of 19 Medway Lions and seven student volunteers who work like a well-oiled machine. “We got 55,000 the last two drives,” says Dennis Crowley, “and any money that’s raised stays within the town of Medway.” The Medway Lions have been hosting their bottle and can drives for about 15 years. “We’ve worked very hard to build this,” says Lion Peter Ciolek. “Fifteen years ago, we were working out of the fire station in Medway. We were sorting by company,” he says. Now, the operation has grown. “What we do need is help,” says Ciolek, who directs potential volunteers to contact him at According to Dawn Rice-Norton, Vice President of the Medway Lions, the whole operation follows a specific system. Drivers come and drop off at a certain door and the sorting begins, with cans directly bagged. All of the plastic is then taken

localtownpages Medway & Millis

Published Monthly Mailed FREE to the Communities of Medway & Millis Circulation: 10,000 households PUBLISHER Chuck Tashjian EDITOR J.D. O’Gara SALES Judith Needell, Sales Manager

“We get people all the way from Bellingham that drop off, and some corporations,” says Crowley, who would like to see more corporations and small businesses save their bottles and cans for the drive. The Lions work with the Wrentham Industrial Workshop, which employs people with intellectual disabilities, to recycle the containers. Laurie Lafave, who has been a Lion since 2007, encourages the community to come along and participate, noting an upcoming event, the annual 5K Pumpkin Run, at Medway High School on October 30 at 10 a.m. Lafave oversees the Medway Lions website,

Medway Lions Bottle & Can Drive has grown into a large operation. Funds raised stay in the town. Photos supplied and used with permission.

and sorted and bagged by size. All of the glass is sorted into boxes, which are then further sorted by size for stacking ease. Any non-returnable items are separated for recycling.

“There are so many different ways you can contribute,” says Lafave. “If they want to donate to a fundraiser, if they want to come to a bottle and can drive, we’re always looking for volunteers. You don’t have to be a Lion, but we would love people to join and come to our fundraisers and meetings.”

Typically, says Rice-Norton, the recycle center truck is fully loaded twice, and when the event is properly staffed, the drive takes about four hours to complete. Donations have been made to the Peer Counselors at the local school, for defibrillators for the town’s ambulance, for the Senior Center patio and flag, library computer equipment and for playground equipment at Choate Park.

One event the Medway Lions are particularly looking forward to is Medway’s upcoming 310th Anniversary. Crowley notes that the organization is in the process of developing a fundraising policy for the event.

The Lions collect bottles and

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Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

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Church of Christ Offers Free Fall Dinner and Movie Nights The Church of Christ Congregational, 142 Exchange St. Millis, will offer a free monthly community Dinner and Movie Night on Fridays, October 15 and November 19. The 8-month-long DARE program, beginning its seventh year at the Millis Middle School in October, suffered some cutbacks this year, which will result in DARE Officer Chris Soffayer’s working with students about half as often last year, Shown here are 2010 DARE graduates. From left: Sarah Wenzel, Kayla McCurley, Curran Pelletiere, Officer Chris Soffayer, Stephanie O’Reilly, Abby Pyenson, Amelia Alger and Nick Finn.

The event is sponsored by the Missions Committee and Men’s Fellowship Group and is held in Fellowship Hall.

Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. followed by a family-friendly movie. The Dinner and Movie Night is open to the public and all are invited to attend. For more information, call (508) 376-5034 or visit the Church

Area Young Adults Invited to Explore Law Enforcement New Millis Police Department Program Welcomes 14-20 Year-Olds BY J.D. O’GARA The Millis Police Department is reaching out to local 14-20 yearolds as it launches “Law Enforcement Exploring,� a new program aimed at familiarizing teens with careers in police work. Officer Chris Soffayer and New Millis Dispatcher Paul Lesbirel have worked together to bring the Explorer program to the town. “(The program) is going to expose kids who have a real interest in policing to all the different branches of law enforcement,� says Officer Soffayer. “Being part of this program is the closest thing you can come without being a trained police officer.�

Soffayer, who works with Millis students through the DARE program, saw an opportunity to work with older children. “I thought it would be great to have something for the high school kids, where they’re actually thinking about what they want to do with the rest of their lives,â€? he says. Soffayer points out that students who stick with the program will have increased opportunities for contacts that could lead to job opportunities as well as the opportunity to apply for scholarships. Five areas emphasized in the Exploring program include: • Career opportunities: focused on developing contacts and boosting

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self-confidence • Leadership Experience: aimed at growing leadership skills to fulfill societal responsibility • Character Education: helping students make ethical choices and fulfill responsibilities • Citizenship: encouraging skill and desire to help others and fosters respect for others’ rights • Life Skills: developing physical and mental fitness as well as positive social interactions. “You get out what you put into it,â€? says Dispatcher Lesbirel, who was a member of the Exploring program himself in Milford from 2005 to 2009. Lesbirel participated

in local and national competitions for the program. “These included scenario stuff – hostage negotiation, first responder, first aid, motor vehicle investigation,� says Lesbirel. As an Explorer, Lesbirel says he did a lot of ride-alongs with police officers, and as his rank within the program grew, so did his responsibility. Soffayer says he has a lot planned for his Explorers, but hopes to keep details something of a surprise for students. “It’s going to be structured,� he says, smiling, “They’re not going to be sitting in a classroom. There are going to be a lot of hands-on activities and exposure to all branches of law en-

forcement.� Any local young adults who are interested must come down to the station and fill out an application by October 22. Students will then go through an interview process, and if accepted into the program will undergo an orientation with their parents. Annual dues for the program will be $50, which covers the cost of materials and a polo xshirt, a uniform students are required to wear. Questions about the Millis program may be directed to (508) 376-5112. To learn more about the Exploring program in general, visit

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Local Town Pages

Page 6

October 1, 2010

Rising Star Equestrian Center Helps Riders Find Direction BY JUDITH DORATO O’GARA Kathy Haas Ogonowski has been riding horses since she was 10. The owner and head trainer at the Rising Star Equestrian Center knew this was what she wanted to do, even when she went to business school. She can tell you the exact amount of time she spent in the career of financial analyst, one that didn’t suit her. “Three years, two months and fifteen days later, I quit my career to come back to horses,” she laughs. Although her father had reservations about her making a living in the sport she loved, “I gave myself five years.” Haas Ogonowski says, to either succeed or go back to banking. The owner of Rising Star says her goal is one of balance. When she learned to ride, Haas Ogonowski also learned to take care of horses, but she says, “When I competed heavily, I lost sight of the love of horses and lost myself. When you’re competing at that level, you have to give so much of yourself up.” When she came back to horses, then, the equestrian vowed not to lose herself again. “I wanted a place where kids could be kids, where people could love the whole horsemanship aspect of riding. There’s more to it than just hopping on and riding around. It’s

what you learn about yourself as you take care of an animal, Horses ground you. When you’re with them, you have to let the outside world go.” she says. “It’s a sport where you get physically and emotionally fit.” Rising Star Equestrian Center, then, aims to be a place where all aspects of horsemanship are nourished. It welcomes adults as well as children for riding lessons, hoping to promote the bond between these animals and their riders/caretakers. The barn manager, Suzanne Donovan, has had experience working with adults who have such physical challenges as M.S. or cancer, who find working with the animals very therapeutic. The lesson program includes five instructors in all, including Haas Ogonowski, with some students working at the barn to help pay for their lessons. Haas Ogonowski owns 15 horses that she teaches on, for whom half leases are available. Rising Star also boards and trains horses for riding and showing. Many of the students have the opportunity to work with more than one instructor, a practice Haas Ogonowski encourages. “Everyone does things a little differently,” she says. The Rising Star Equestrian Center might promote that basic love and care for horses, but it’s no

slouch when it comes to competition. Many of Rising Star riders have qualified for and placed in local and national finals. Its Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) team, comprised of high school and junior high school age riders, welcomes riders from both public and private schools into a sport that was once the bastion of only private academies. This past year, Rising Star’s IEA team was the highest placing team in New England, pinning fourth place overall in the country. Two years ago, the team was reserve champion. In addition to the high school level teams, Alli Mitchell also coaches Wellesley College’s IHSA team at Rising Star. All students are required to have at least one lesson and one team practice a week during the school year. Rising Star Equestrian Center boasts a 50-stall, heated barn with a 75’ x 280’ indoor ring. The furnace, according to Haas Ogonowski, makes a big difference in the winter, keeping the observation and grooming stall areas and offices comfortable. Before they installed the heaters, she says, “There were winters where, in a two-month period, I had to shut down for four weeks. Now, having the heat, people want to keep going. It’s still a pleasant experience.” The barn also has built-in lockers for boarders’ use. The farm is one of the oldest operating horse farms in the country, according to Haas Ogonowski. The farmhouse is known as the Adams-Leland house. It once be-

Kathy Haas Ogonowski, owner and head trainer of the Rising Star Equestrian Center in Medway, is shown here with her horse, Damariscotta.

longed to John Adams’ sister, boasting, at that time, 60 acres and 300 horses. Although Haas Ogonowski purchased 15 acres at age 32, she eventually sold off a bit more land. The 13-acre farm includes the aforementioned spacious and heated barn, two sizable outdoor rings and a one-acre pond with a bridle path around it. Haas Ogonowski credits her father, an entrepreneur in the steel distribution industry, with giving her the moral support, confidence and encouragement to go into business for herself. Although the large farm was more than she had planned for at such a young age,

“instead of panicking, my father taught me it’s a matter of trying to be creative and rely on skills and qualities that you’re good at,” she says. Rising Star Equestrian Center will host an open house on November 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., inviting the public to “see that we are here,” says Haas Ogonowski, “and that there’s a great value to what we offer.” You can visit the Center’s website at Rising Star is open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. on weekends.

Rising Star Equestrian Center 149 Summer Street, Medway, Ma 02053 508 533-8551 •

71 71 Main Main Street, Medway, MA 02053

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Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

Page 7

October Calendar October 1, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Medway Community Blood Drive, Walgreens, 68 Main St. For an appointment, call 1-800RED-CROSS or visit October 1 & 2 Final days of Susan Kelley exhibition, Norfolk Public Library, 139 Main St., Norfolk Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 10:30 – 11 a.m. Storytime! Ages 2-4, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, Join us for storytime for ages 2-4! No registration required, so just come on over to sing some songs, listen to stories and make a craft! Laura Grant,, (508) 3768282 October 2, 10 a.m. –1 p.m., Computer Recycling Day, LANConnect Systems, 969 Main Street, Suite 7, in rear parking lot Millis, Local company offering PC and monitor recycling in exchange for donation of a non-perishable food item for the Millis Food Pantry. (508) 376-4800 October 2 Friends of the Library Book Sale, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, (508) 3768282 October 5, 10:15 a.m. Storytime with special guest Bobo Bean, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, Laura Grant, (508) 376-8282 October 5, 6:45-715 p.m. Pajama Storytime, Medway Public Library, 26 High Street, Medway.Wear your jammies and bring a stuffed pal as Medway G.S. Troop 4983 hosts storytime, (508) 533-3217

October 6, 13, 20, 27 Ages 0-2, Mother Goose on the Loose, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, Stories, music, puppets and fingerplay, Laura Grant,, (508) 376-8282 October 10 Ben Speaks Louder Than Words - 10K Road Race at 10AM, and A Concert To Remeber, 4-6pm October 12, 5-6:30 p.m. All Ages, Pied Potter Hamlin’s Magical Potter’s Wheel, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis Demonstration by Redware potter and “Keeper of the Tradition” Rick Hamelin will include stories about old Massachusetts potters. (508) 376-8282 October 14, 7-8 p.m. An Evening with Local Author, Michael King, sports enthusiast and author of PATRIOTS PASSION from Day One, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, (508) 3768282 October 15 Free Dinner & Movie Night, dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by a family-friendly movie, Church of Christ Congregational, 142 Exchange St, Millis, (508) 3765034 October 16-17 American Revolutionary War Reenactment, Oak Grove Farm, Rte. 115, Millis, Over 700 Revolutionary War reenactors. Will include two public battles, merchants, ladies tea and sewing circle, candlelight camp tours, children’s games and more. Visit October 16 Medway Lions Bottle & Can

Drive, Place redeemables curbside by 9 a.m. or bring to Medway Oil on Broad Street by 11 a.m. or to shed at West Medway Liquors at your convenience. October 16, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friends of the Library Book Sale, Medway Public Library, 125 High Street, Medway, $2 adult hardcover; $1 Trade Paperback, DVD, CD, audiobooks, children hardcover; computer/ business $5; everything else $.50 October 23, 8 a.m. -9:30 a.m. “Meet & Greet” for Medway Business Council members and invited guests to meet the candidates. Medway V.F.W., 123 Holliston St, Medway. Members are encouraged to bring a guest. Please join us in learning more about the candidates’ views prior to the crucial mid-term elections coming up in November. (508) 533-3859 October 29, 6-8 p.m. Friends of Choate Park Pumpkin Walk, Choate Park, raindate Oct. 30, www.focpmedway. October 30 Haunted Hayride, Tangerini’s Farm, Spring Street, Millis, times 5-10pm October 30 Annual Fall Rummage Sale, Church of Christ, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Looking for volunteers for setup at 9 a.m., October 29. (508)376-5034. October 29. (508) 376-5034. October 30 Medway Lions 5K Pumpkin Race, 10 a.m., Open to runners and walkers aged 8+, $20 for those 14 and older, $10 for children under 14. Register at or on race day at 9 a.m.

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Local Town Pages

Page 8

Haunted Happenings BY DAVID PASQUANTONIO Fall is jumping into piles of newly-raked leaves. Fall is apple picking and football and cool days and cold nights. And fall is Halloween, when Millis and Medway ghoulies and ghastlies parade down streets and climb on trucks, carved pumpkins compete for ribbons, and screams of terror echo across the dark fields of a local farm. Tangerini’s Spring Street Farm will hold its annual Haunted Hayride on Saturday, October 30, at the farm on 139 Spring Street in Millis, from 5-10pm The first hour of each day is less spooky than the next few hours, when the fright level ramps up. Tickets will be sold at the farm and at Roche

Bros. supermarket in Millis. More information on the hayride will be posted on the farm’s website, For the squeamish, The Friends of Choate Park in Medway are planning two events that are no less fun but are less scary. The Pumpkin Walk will be held on Friday, October 29 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the park, with a rain date of Saturday, October 30. Carved pumpkins will compete for ribbons; bring a flashlight to check out the masterpieces. This is a free event. And on Saturday, October 30, the Friends will hold their annual Touch-A-Truck and Halloween Parade at the park. Children can wear their costumes, climb on

trucks, and participate in the costume parade. This is a fundraiser, so there will be a nominal fee per child to participate. Additional information on both events can be found at the Friends of Choate Park website, It may seem like trick-or-treating has been around forever, but it’s relatively new in the United States, and like many customs, there is no one defining origin. It is accepted that giving candy as treats spread east from the western U.S. and Canada in the 1940s, although World War II sugar rationing throughout much of the decade slowed the process. Children’s magazines and radio programs brought the practice to national attention in the late 1940’s, and when UNICEF began its national campaign to have children raise funds for the charity in 1953, trick or treating was ingrained as a national custom. And Halloween can be all about the costumes. Some costumes never fade in popularity — think princesses, firefighters, super heroes, and ballerinas. This year’s hot costumes might include characters from the movies Toy Story and Despicable Me, singers Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, and characters from the children’s television show “Yo Gabba Gabba” — Brad Pitt dressed up as the show’s DJ Lance last year.

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October 1, 2010

Whatever the costume, safety is always a concern, especially when kids will be out on streets and sidewalks at night — and this year, the moon won’t rise until well after midnight, so the sky will be

dark. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created the following list of Halloween safety tips.

Ssoft, and flexible. words, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you. Ethem. Limit the amount of treats you eat. xamine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating Hsee you. old a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others Ato prevent skin and eye irritation. lways test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible. Lcontact lenses. ower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative Oto stay safe. nly walk on sidewalks or on the far edge of the road facing traffic Wvision, trips, and falls. ear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked Eunless you know the cook well. at only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats Eoutside. nter homes only if you're with a trusted adult. Otherwise, stay Nresistant costumes. ever walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flameSource: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

RATES Adult: $6.00 Child: $5.00

“RIVERSIDE SPORTING GOODS” Skate rentals: $4.00 ** Crates: $2.00 Helmets: $2.00 ** Skate Sharpening: $6.00

“PUBLIC HOCKEY” Monday through Friday: 11:00 AM to 12:50 PM Rates: $6:00 ** Everyone!


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October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Page 9

Free Program for Two-Year-Olds Starting Up at Clyde Brown Parent-child Playgroup open to Millis, Medway, Medfield, Dover and Sherborn BY J.D. O’GARA Nearly everyone has heard some form of the expression, “A baby doesn’t come with an instruction booklet.� Parents often have a lot of questions as their children grow to be toddlers. In Millis, Jeffrey Wolff, Principal of the Clyde F. Brown Elementary School, is looking to answer a few of those questions with a new free playgroup aimed at connecting parents of two-year-olds with trained early childhood professionals. Parent-Child Play and Learn ran early this year in February. With a volunteer, Janine Schultz, and Ellen Fortin, a professional from the Thom Neponset Valley Early Intervention program, it will start back up again in the Clyde Brown School’s Room 29 on Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., from October 13 through December 15, and then from January 12 through May 25. Wolff hopes to spread the word to local parents. Wolff was inspired by a conference he attended a year ago in Columbus, Ohio, sponsored by Cambridge group, CAYL (Community Advocates for Young

Learners). Wolff explains that this organization reaches out to elementary principals in an effort to familiarize them with early childhood issues. “When I went a year ago to their conference, a lot of Boston pubic schools had started this playgroup for two-year-olds to get the parents into the schools. I think it’s good to reach out to the people in the community who have young children,� says Wolff, who explains that oftentimes parents of young children are unaware of early childhood services the school provides.

The playgroup, says Wolff, will provide opportunities for those little ones to have social interactions with children their age. Parents, who participate, will also have the opportunity to network with other parents and to ask questions of early childhood professionals. “This is really a program run by some pretty experienced people in 5 early intervention,� he says.


The Bellingham Bulletin





ax) • E-mail:

Interested in the idea, Wolff apThe free playgroup is open to all proached the Charles River Part- area two-year-olds and their care$WWQ Since it will be held in a )D[ (PDLO nership for Children’s director, givers. Kelty Kelley, toSince ask for 1994her help. regular classroom, Wolff estimates According to Wolff, Kelley had the capacity to be about 15 chilH UHVSsuch RQGa pro FRQ dren and UHFHtheirW Rcaregivers. I S For R more &D I O HZ H DG VKR EHORZ DQG VSRQG $6$3 ZLWK DQ\ FKDQJHV F also wanted HtoDVlaunch D V D G G U H V V W H O H S K R Q H Q X P E H U H W F : H P D N H H Y H U\ H RUW WR LQVXUH WKH DFFXUDF\ RI \RXU DG KRZHYHU WKH %XOOHWLQ ZLOO QRW EH KHOG gram for a number of years, but information, or to register, please H U U R U V L Q D Q \ D G W K D W K D V E H H Q U H Y L H Z H G E \ W K H F X V WRPHU &KDQJHV LQ DG FRQFHSW QRW FRUUHFWLRQV D HU SURRI ZLOO EH VXEMHFW WR DGG had had trouble finding the right contact the Charles River Partlocation. nership at charlesrivercpc@ or (508) 918-0053! “A lot of parents will ask, ‘Is it normal for my two-year-old to do this?’ and it’s important for the parents to have that connection to other parents, and to be able to talk to a professional and say is this

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okay,� says Wolff. The principal touts the importance of social interaction for these toddlers, who, at two, may have not ever been exposed to the concept of sharing toys.


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Page 10

Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

Around Town with the Candidates

Republican candidates for office met with Millis residents on September 10 at Primavera Restaurant in Millis.

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Call 508-634-2440 for a brochure. WHITCOMB HOUSE 245 West St./Rte. 140, Milford, MA 01757

Sometimes a little help makes a large difference.

Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

Page 11

Town of Medway Town Wide Hydrant Flushing Notice Beginning October 4, 2010 and continuing for 4-6 weeks

Cub Scouts Head to Beacon Hill Millis Cub Scouts got a good look at state government with a trip to the State House on September 15. From left to right- bottom row: Rachael Murphy, Matthew Gavigan, Max Leussler, Paul Bolton, Liam Murphy, Kaare Juhl, Michael Gavigan, Aiden Juhl. top row-: Beth Murphy, Andy Bolton, Alaaeddine Ferrimy, Senator Ross, Nate Solomon, Deb Juhl, Lauren Gavigan, Dave Leussler

Next Medway Lions Bottle & Can Drive 10/16 The Medway Lions will conduct its monthly bottles and cans collection on Saturday, October 16, starting at 9 a.m.; a fundraiser with proceeds used to support community services. Redeemables should be placed at curbside by 9 a.m. Redeemables may also be brought directly to Medway Oil

on Broad Street by 11 a.m. the morning of the drive. Residents are reminded that they may also, at their convenience, place redeemables in the Lions Bottles and Cans shed in front of West Medway Liquors on Main Street. The Lions thank residents for their continued support.

In our continuing efforts to improve & maintain water quality, town-wide hydrant flushing will begin Monday, October 4, 2010 between the hours of 7 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. and will continue Monday – Friday for approx. 4-6 weeks. Specific areas affected by flushing will be determined on a weekly basis. During and for sometime after flushing, the increased visibility of non-health threatening minerals could result in sediment and water discoloration. Your water may appear yellow to dark brown or milky-white at times. These minerals are known to cause staining. To avoid drawing this sediment into your system, avoid water usage when flushing is occurring in your neighborhood. After flushing: • If water is clear, then proceed to

Value Convenience Safety


may remain for a few hours.

• If water is discolored, using a non strained fixture such as tub or outside spigot, run for a few minutes until clear. If still discolored, wait and run again until clear. A slight discoloration

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Local Town Pages

Page 12

October 1, 2010

T H E P E T PA G E The Area’s Only Self-Service Dog Wash! 3 Levels of Service: • Self Service Wash • Drop Off Wash • Full Service Grooming

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Pet of the Month Donut Needs A Home Donut is a young adult, all white male who was part of a colony of cats, most of whom were white, that were trapped in a neighboring community. Many of the cats were part of the shelter's trap/neuter/release program but Donut had a lot of potential and was sent to a foster home for additional socializing. He is now at thte shelter and has become a real favorite among the volunteers. Donut is very sweet,

non-aggressive and ready for a home. He enjoys the company of other cats and wouldn't mind a feline companion to play with. This handsome boy totally enjoys the indoor life and is looking for a family to give him the love and affection he deserves. The Purr-fect Cat Shelter currently has many kittens of various sizes, colors, and with unique markings available for adoption. Adoption applications are avail-

able online at or by calling the message center at (508) 533-5855. All cats and kittens are examined by a veterinarian, tested for feline leukemia and FIV, dewormed, spayed or neutered, given all age appropriate vaccinations and microchipped prior to adoption. Visit our website for more information on adopting, volunteering or how to support your local animal shelter.

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Pictured: Pictured: Pine Siskin




Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

Page 13

Living Healthy New Director Welcomes Community to Yoga at the Ashram BY JUDITH DORATO O’GARA

open to the public, says Haffer, “but it hasn’t been so marketed.” Visitors can drop in for a variety of Yoga classes, including Hatha, Vinyasa flow, Kundalini yoga, meditation, dance and even Tai Chi. The first class is always free, and subsequent classes are offered for $15 each, a 10-pack for $120 or at monthly rates for an unlimited number of classes per month.

“This space is like a serene haven in your own backyard,” says Victoria Haffer, who became full-time Director of The Baba Siri Chand Yoga Center a.k.a. “Yoga at the Ashram,” in December. “The Yoga Center is non-denominational,” says Haffer, who notes that members of the Ashram hope to share the benefits of their location with members of the community.

Haffer points out that the center even offers a guest space. “You could come and sleep here and be a guest for a weekend retreat,” she says. In addition to the wooded, peaceful atmosphere, the location invites the community to join in for drum circles, kirtans (singing, devotional chanting), live concerts and gong meditation.

“They just really wanted to go more mainstream,” says Haffer. “If you wanted, you could come and walk here, you could meditate in the Yoga studio. It’s a safe haven to retreat, to explore, to rebalance.” The new director explains that the Ashram is “a spiritual community, where people come to study, learn, grow, transform and explore their own spiritual growth and development.” The center has always been

Victoria Haffer, new director of The Baba Siri Chand Yoga Center a.k.a. “Yoga at the Ashram,” heads up the effort to publicize the variety of Yoga classes offered at the center.

“My opinion is there’s a yoga for everyone…restorative yoga, yoga dance, we’ve added a variety of classes to our fall schedule,” says

Haffer. Haffer has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years, with a Masters degree in Exercise Science. About 10 years ago, she entered the “Mind/Body” world, becoming a Reiki Master, a certified yoga teacher through Kripalu and a hypnotherapist as well as a holistic nutritionist. One of the ways the Yoga Center is reaching out to the community is through its annual Kundalini Yoga Fall Festival, to take place on October 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Members of the community can join in and peruse the food and shopping bazaar for a $10 donation, or they can take part in the full day of Yoga, Kirtan, gong meditation, healing treatments and live performances for $89 if they regis-

ASHRAM continued on page 15

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Local Town Pages

Page 14

October 1, 2010

Ask Medway / Ask Millis Medway and Milis residents are invited to pose a question to the selectmen. Localtownpages will seek the answer. MEDWAY Q: At the last election on 9/14/10 I went to vote around 6PM at night. I had a problem finding a parking space. Could you find out why so many cars were at the Middle School, which restricted the availability of parking? A: Unfortunately Election Night seemed to be the "perfect storm." In addition to election night, Pop Warner football practice was being held on the Middle School fields as well as a Parent/Teachers Night scheduled by the Middle School. This has been brought to the attention of the School Department and co-ordination of events will be addressed in the future. –Dennis Crowley, Selectman

If you would like to submit a question, email, or send your question to Medway & Millis Localtownpages, Our Town Publishing, 163 Main Street, Ste. 1, Medway, MA 02053

MILLIS Q: What is Millis doing in terms of being “green” or conserving energy? A: In mid-September, the town met with an Nstar subcontractor to talk about doing an energy efficiency study of town buildings. We’ve also began investigating the possibility of building a solar array for the town in the fields above a landfill on Island Road, We are awaiting a proposal on that project. We also received a beneficial use determination permit from the DEP to re-use street sweepings rather than bring them to a landfill. We are mixing these with soil for use in planting roadside trees. This also substantially lowered our street sweeping costs. We test the sweepings to make sure they don’t have polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In addition, we have a water conservation program, and we’ll soon be giving out a small number of water-conserving toilets. Residents who have a three-and-a-half or seven-gallon toilet can apply to receive one of these 1.8 gallon models to Jim McKay at the water department. If demand exceeds supply, we’ll keep a waiting list for when these models once again become available. - Charles Aspinwall, Town Administrator

Yoga and Stress, A pause that refreshes SUBMITTED BY CATHY MANN Ever wonder, is yoga right for you? A good yoga class will help you build flexibility, strength, and endurance in your body. The surprising side benefit is the evenness it brings to your mind and emotions. The focus on conscious

breath and spreading your awareness throughout your body calls your mind to the present moment. This provides a pause in our thinking. The constant, incessant thoughts we have cause stress in our system. When the mind pauses, it is like having a mini vacation for

the whole being. Stress is the leading cause of most diseases. In today’s world, we are all driven to move faster, accomplish more, and this has lead to a society under tremendous stress. Yoga can help reduce the effects of stress by targeting the body with

physical movement and with relaxation techniques, and it can soothe the emotions with breathing exercises. The body’s natural relaxation response is a powerful antidote to stress. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization,

progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga postures can help you activate this relaxation response. When practiced regularly, these activities lead to a reduction in your everyday stress levels and boost your feelings of joy and serenity. What’s more, they also protect you, by teaching you how to stay calm and collected in the face of life’s ups and downs.

Advertisement. from “A“A Fish Doesn’t Know He’sHe’s Wet’.Wet’. NEAFNEAF Online Press.Press. September 2007. Vol. 5, Issue 2.Issue Reprinted with permission. The New England Alphabiotic Advertisement.Abridged Abridged from Fish Doesn’t Know Online September 2007. Vol. 5, 2. Reprinted with permission. The New England Foundation. Alphabiotic Foundation.

People PeopleInInOur OurNeighborhood. Neighborhood. Dr. Passionate Advocate for his Dr.Neal NealRobert RobertSmookler: Smookler: Passionate Advocate forProfession. his Profession. the above. ioned. the dichotomy Alphabiotics presents is theThis Alphabiotics presentspresents upon Today,in theToday, scientific method behind the behind brain ‘refresh’ ithithaa apair fluid, choreographed gestures This isdichotomy theis dichotomy Alphabiotics uponupon the scientific method the brain ‘refresh’ pairof fluid, choreographed gestures This ith pair ofof fluid, choreographed gestures even the most casual of observation. Today, the scientific method behind the brain ‘refresh’ even the most casual of observation. is based upon the same fundamental principle, a at the base of the head; all taking less than even the most casual of observation. is based upon the same fundamentalalbeit principle, albeit a thebase baseofofthe thehead; head;allall taking less than atatthe taking less than a is based upon the same fundamental principle, albeit a The premise that happiness is situationally dependent The premise that happiness is situationally dependent more organic one. aminute minute — the process is complete,” says The premise that happiness is situationally dependent more organic one. a minute — the process is complete,” — the process is complete,” sayssays has long been abandoned. With the client lying face up on a specially designed more organic one. has long been abandoned. Hopkinton alphabioticist Neal Smookler. has long been abandoned. With the client lying face up on a specially designed Hopkinton alphabioticist alphabioticist Neal Neal Smookler. Smookler. Hopkinton ® pharmaceutical epochepoch wherewhere ProzacProzac trained (alphabioticist) “It’s one ofofthose those ‘A-ha!’ moments.” , Xanax , ®table , Xanax , , — atable With client lying face up(alphabioticist) on aperforms speciallya designed Thepharmaceutical pharmaceutical epoch where Prozac —the afacilitator trained facilitator performs a “It’sone oneof thosequintessential quintessential ‘A-ha!’ moments.” TheThe , Xanax “It’s quintessential ‘A-ha!’ moments.” ® Paxil were ® prematurely anointed as the unique movement of the head. This gesture, which feels What Smookler isissosopassionate about is the concept Zoloft , and , and Paxil were prematurely anointed as the Zoloft table — a trained facilitator (alphabioticist) performs a unique movement of the head. This gesture, which feels What Smookler passionate about is the concept Zoloft , and Paxil were prematurely anointed as the What Smookler is so passionate about is the concept like a ‘hiccup’ to the nervous system, gently introduces that just about anyone inin a busy world cancan achieve a a key to life’s cheercheer was inwas hind-sight, a band-aid. key to life’s in hind-sight, a band-aid. unique movement of the head. like a ‘hiccup’ to the nervous system, gently introduces that just about anyone a busy world achieve life’s cheer was in hind-sight, a band-aid. that just about anyone in a busy world can achieve a to thewhich brain. Think metaphorically respite, from thethe drivel, blather athletes to pop Tiger Tiger Woods and theand pattern interrupt tofeels the brain. Think metaphorically respite,aaawelcome welcomesuspension suspension from drivel, blather From From athletes popculture, culture, TigerWoods Woods andthe thea patternainterrupt From athletes totoculture, pop This gesture, like a ‘hiccup’ to the nervous respite, welcome suspension from the drivel, blather along the lines of hitting a re-set button. and ennui ofofmodern life. members of Green Day have all experienced it. along the lines of hitting a re-set button. and ennui modern life. members of Green Day have all experienced it. Green Day have all experienced it. system, gently introduces a pattern interrupt to the brain. and ennui of modern life. Using Think sophisticated equipment, the preliminary “A happiness-quotient-booster of of sorts.” So, So, just what is this Using sophisticated equipment, theofpreliminary “Ahappiness-quotient-booster happiness-quotient-booster sorts.” So,just justwhat what thisadvancement? advancement? metaphorically along the lines hitting a re-set isisadvancement? this “A of sorts.” research of Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest suggests thissuggests this “Inside mechanism thatthat en- en- In aIn sense, ‘water-wings’ for happiness. research of Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest “Insideyour yourhead headis isa physical a physical mechanism Inaasense, sense, ‘water-wings’ for happiness. button. ‘water-wings’ for happiness. “Insidebrain your head is a physical thatway enables (the ‘reset’) first appears as aappears piezo- suggests ables itself in mechanism much the the same the exact mechanics of thisofof discovery pattern-interrupt (the ‘reset’) first as a piezoablesthe the braintoto‘refresh’ ‘refresh’ itself in much same way Explaining Explaining theexact exact mechanics thisdiscovery discoverypattern-interrupt The research of Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest the Explaining the mechanics this the brain to ‘refresh’ itself in much the same way as one electric potential (a conceptual spark) which originates as a page in in your webweb browser.” unchartered waters.waters. A feature entitledentitled Melan- Melanelectric potential (a conceptual spark) which originates as one onewould would‘refresh’ ‘refresh’ a page your browser.” remain remain unchartered A feature alphabiotic method transmits enough energy to compress remain unchartered waters. A feature entitled Melancholy would ‘refresh’ a page in your browser.” in the pineal gland. “I“Iwant it’sit’s notweb there by accident — — cholycholy Nation, which can becan found in the March in the pineal gland. wanttotobebevery veryclear; clear; not there by accident Nation, be in found in the 1999 March 1999 (i.e. temporarily deform) the crystalline pineal gland which which can be found the March 1999 U.S. “I want to be very clear; it’s not there by accident — asU.S.Nation, a piezo-electric potential ispotential an electrical as way. I was trained eighteen NewsNews & World ReportReport may atmay leastatgetleast us inget theus in theIn physics, In physics, a piezo-electric is ansimilar electrical as we’re we’reall allhard-wired hard-wiredthis this way. I was trained eighteen U.S. & World creating a *piezo-electric potential (a spark to the News & World Report may at least get us in the ballpark. we’re all thisthe way. I was trained potentialone or current which flows as the result of an years totoknow mechanism is located, and andballpark. potential or current which flows as the result of an yearsago agohard-wired knowwhere where the mechanism is eighteen located, ballpark. created by hitting two crystals together.) article noted that depression, panic, anxiety - even years ago totoknow where applied physical pressure (alphabiotic method) onismethod) aa voltage exactly how it.”it.”the mechanism is located, and TheThe article notednoted that depression is on the deapplied physical pressure (alphabiotic onora exactly how toactivate activate The article that is rise, on the deIn physics, a *piezo-electric potential constant worry are all ondepression the rise, despite the rise, increased exactly how to activate it.” crystalline-like structure (conjectured to be the pineal There hear in Smookler’s voice for forspitespite the increased use ofuse medications. crystalline-like structure (conjectured to be the Thereisisananbuoyancy buoyancyyou you hear in Smookler’s voice the increased of medications. current which flows as the result of an applied pineal use of medications. There is an buoyancy you hear in Smookler’s voice for Scientists or pituitary gland). gland). his profession ——Alphabiotics, thatthat onomatopoetically researching a procedure known known as rapid-as rapidor pituitary his profession Alphabiotics, onomatopoetically Scientists researching a procedure compression on a crystalline structure. Scientists researching a procedure known as rapid- In theory, his profession - Alphabiotics, onomatopoetically thetheory, pressure the causes crystalline-like constructed word that thethat actual process. transcranial-magnetic-stimulation (rtms) use a powerful In thecauses pressure the the crystalline-like constructed word thatreflects reflects the actual process. transcranial-magnetic-stimulation (rtms) use a powerful In theory, the compression causes crystalline transcranial-magnetic-stimulation (rtms) use a powerful constructed word thatthereflects the actual process. structurestructure to deform,toresulting inresulting an electrical potential or potential or Smookler better partpart of the lastlast twotwo magnet to’wake up’ theup’ brain. deform, in an electrical Smooklerhas hasspent spent the better of the magnet to’wake the brain. structure to deform and then reform resulting magnet to 'Wake-Up' the fire at once and voltage (the conceptual spark!) which by way of a web in the Smookler has spent the Chrane better part offorth theforth last two decades helping Dr. bring a remarkfield causes neurons voltage or (thecurrent conceptual spark!) which by way ofway a web decades helping Dr.Virgil Virgil Chrane bring a remark- The magnetic The magnetic field causes neurons to fire at once and voltage (the spark) which spreads by of The magnetic toreset fire atthe once and decades Dr. Virgil Chrane bring forth a remark-something of neurons spreads throughout both brain hemispheres able profession. aboutabout thisfield action seemsneurons to resettothe manner of neurons spreads throughout both brain hemispheres ablenew newhelping profession. something thiscauses action seems manner the corpus callosum (the wiring that connects the left and something about this action seems to reset the manner in facilitating able new profession. facilitating the famousthe‘brain reset’. (508)reset’. 625-1170. Smookler’s work cutting edge andand old old fash-fash- in which the brain releases the various chemicals famous ‘brain (508) 625-1170. Smookler’s workisisboth both cutting edge in which the brain releases the various chemicals right hemispheres of the brain) facilitating the famous which thedepression. brain releases the various chemicals implicated ioned. in Smookler’s work is both cutting edge and old fash- implicated ioned. implicated in depression. 'brain reset'. (508) 625-1170


® ®

® ®




October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Page 15

Letter to Parents from the John D. McGovern School Dear Parents and Guardians; Again I'd like to welcome all of you back to school! I hope everyone enjoyed your summer vacation. The teachers and staff at the McGovern School are excited and energized as they begin the new year with the children. I hope this summer offered opportunities for your family to rest, vacation and prepare for the school year. The children seemed to transition back to school almost effortlessly. They settled into their classroom routines and school schedule as expected. However, it's important for all of us to remember that transition back to school after summer can be difficult for many students. Most children don't show outward signs of stress or anxiety but they may be feeling it inside. I encourage parents to communicate often with your children about their school day but always keep it positive. There's usually much more to smile about fortunately. The staff and I are committed to making this year a wonderful year for the children and their families. In order for us to achieve this goal, we seek parent support to ensure that your child attend school daily. • Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best education and best possi-

ASHRAM continued from page 13

ter by October 8, or $99 on the day of the event. Featured teachers and artists include recording artist Sat Kartar, and Yoga experts Daniel Orlansky, EkOngKar Singh and Reinette Fournier (Suraj Kaur).

New Friends of the Medway Public Library Tri-County Medical Associates Tote Bags Now Available! 2010 Physicians Accepting Patients

ble start in life. Here are some tips · Discuss any problems they may that may help you and your child have at school - inform their with school attendance: teacher about anything serious. Publication CNC Great news! You can now buy • Make sure they are well rested. · Arrange appointments forand after Size 4 column x 9 (7.708” x 9”) Black Whiteour new and fabulous Friends of school hours; weekends, or school • Make sure they understand the 9/14/10 Created the Medway Public Library Tote importance of good attendance holidays. bags! They are large-sized, longand punctuality. We are all looking forward to a handled, sturdy totes -- perfect for carrying books or other less im• Take an interest in their educa- successful year. portant stuff like groceries or toys. tion - ask about school work and Sincerely, The tote bags are $2 each and encourage them to talk about their Wendy Rocha 100% of the proceeds go to supschool day.

port the library. At this price, buy a bunch so you'll have one handy whenever you need one. Next time you are in the library, check them out. You'll love 'em. Friends logo designed by Medway High School student Sophie Hendry.

Quality Care for Everyone, Right Here in Our Community Tri-County Medical offers a broad range of exceptional healthcare providers to satisfy individual preferences and needs. Whether you choose a Tri-County Medical primary care physician for yourself, a pediatrician for your children, or a family medicine physician for your loved ones, you can feel certain that high quality standards are demanded and met across the board.

Several of our physicians are now accepting new patients. Adult Medicine


Fouad Aoude, MD

Linda Ciu, MD

Tri-County Internal Medicine Mendon, MA U 508-634-6620

Community Pediatrics of Medway Medway, MA U 508-533-6020

Faheem Farooq, MD Jay Prosnitz, MD Milford Internal Medicine Milford, MA U 508-473-6288

Hasina Hamid, MD Primary Care Physicians Milford, MA U 508-473-7599

Linda Gifford DeGues, MD Imad Khan, MD Franklin Pediatrics Franklin, MA U 508-541-8000

Margaret Hunt, MD Kristen Perras, MD Community Pediatrics of Milford Milford, MA U 508-634-7333

Family Medicine

Adolescent Health

Richard Daly, MD Elena Smagina, MD

Nupur Gupta, MD Karen Sadler, MD

Franklin Family Practice Franklin, MA U 508-541-2436

Center for Adolescent Health Milford, MA U 508-482-5444

Yoga at the Ashram, Baba Siri Chand Yoga Center is located at 368 Village Street in Millis, and their website is For more information and questions please contact the Yoga Center directly at (508) 376-4525. “Everyone who comes to the Yoga Center says ‘Wow, what a beautiful space.’ Our mission is really to create this space, so first of all people are motivated to come down that driveway,” says Haffer.

For a complete guide to all of our fine primary care physicians and specialists, contact us at 508-528-5392 or visit Tri-County Medical Associates, Inc. is affiliated with Milford Regional Medical Center

Page 16

Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

Recapturing the Art of Barbering Medway Lions Looking for Runners for 5K Pumpkin Race BY LEANNE OLSEN

Barbering is an ancient art, and the barbershop has long been a hub of society. In Ancient Greece and Rome they were places of debate, where barbers held an elevated status as purveyors of style and rhetoric.

Everyone ages 8 and up are invited to sign up now for the Medway Lions 5K Pumpkin Race on Saturday, October 30th to be held at Medway High School.

Steeped in tradition, camaraderie and culture, the barbershop retains its status as a place designed for comfortable conversation and friendly service.

Runners or Walkers may either register online at www./ or on the day of the race at 9 a.m. The course starts at the High School, through the streets of Medway and back again to the High School. Costs are $20 for ages 14 and over and $10 for children under 14. The race is un-

The cultural institution of barbershops took a downward spiral through the 1980s, when the unisex craze swept across America. Barbershops almost disappeared, and men's choices were limited to beauty salons that were devoid of everything they enjoyed about getting a haircut. Letting bygones be bygones is tough when it comes to personal style and quality service. Shear Magic and Co. found a unique way to glance backward while also taking a step forward. Located at the intersection of Routes 126 and 109 in Medway, the barbershop offers something most do not: a feeling of nostalgia. The 1950s-style shop has everything a guy’s retreat should have; a cold drink for every customer, a flat screen TV, a stockpile of men’s magazines, sports memorabilia, wireless internet, and even a cigar on the way out. Services include men and boys’ cuts, facial massage, and hot lather facial shaves and neck shaves.

luxury to quality, inspiration to experience, she has proven her capa-

Speech-Language & Hearing Associates of Greater Boston, PC A group practice of speech-language pathologists, audiologists and educational therapists, offering: • Complete audiological diagnostic and hearing aid services • Individualized intensive speech, language, literacy evaluations, and therapies • Auditory processing evaluations and treatments

Owner Jodi Kairit, who opened Shear Magic in 1989, has assembled a talented team of barbers to uphold the high standard of the art of barbering. Kenny Murphy graduated from the Massachusetts School of Barbering in Quincy, and recently accepted a position at Shear Magic and Co. “At the last salon I worked at, the stylists were out for themselves; it was a very competitive business. Here, everyone treats you like family,” he said. Adam Gross, another barber, said “I have never had a first-time customer not make another appointment to come back, it’s a good feeling.” Kairit is a master barber, licensed in Massachusetts since 1981. From

bility in recapturing the essence of the art of barbering.

Serving the children, adolescents and adults of greater Boston for ten years &HUWL¿HG E\ $6+$ /LFHQVHG LQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV 6RPH VHUYLFHV FRYHUHG E\ LQVXUDQFH

• Private ABA-based home therapy • Tinnitus Management/FDA Approved Neuromonics Oasis • Individual or group Accent Modification • Strategies Training for Reading Comprehension & Writing • Wilson Reading Program Visit our website: Dr. Maura G. Marks Ph.D., AuD., CCC-A/SLP, FAAA Director MEDFIELD 5 North Meadow Rd 508-359-4532

FOXBORO 132 Central Street 508-543-6848

certified, but Bay State Racing will provide timing/results. Race begins at 10 a.m. Free T-shirts and goodie bags will be handed out to the first 100 registered runners/walkers. Medals will be awarded to the top three females and males in the following age groups: 8 & under, 9-12, 13-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and everyone over 70. A DJ will be on hand to entertain all.

Psychic Readings Need insight and clarity? Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation? Lisa will speak directly to your guides for deep insight into your life. Learn the wisdom of the cards, intro to the tarot. Private Sessions call 508-473-0609

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Chakra Workshop Bring deep peace to your system through the soothing tones of the crystal bowls with Rhys Thomas. Rhys and the bowls help you come into deep resonance with your life. 508-740-3038

massage | acupuncture | yoga | reiki

Bringing you the best in holistic care and education. 163 Main St. (Route 109) Suite 6, Medway, MA 508-533-0669

October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Important Information from Millis DPW Regarding Drinking Water Tests Show Coliform Bacteria in the Millis Department of Public Works Water System Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. This is NOT an emergency. During routine testing for drinking water contaminants, more than one sample, or greater than 5% of our samples collected for coliform bacteria during the month of July, 2010 came back positive, exceeding acceptable standards. Residents are advised that they do not need to boil water or take other corrective actions. People with severely compromised immune systems, infants and some elderly may be at increased risk. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791.

What happened? What is being done? It is believed that during the testing, either the testing area or tester introduced the Coliform Bacteria

to the sample. Corrective action was quickly taken by retesting within a 48-hour time frame. All sites came back negative for total Coliform and E Coli. Please be ad-

vised that at NO TIME WAS THE PUBLIC AT RISK due to these positive results. Situation Resolved: We did not find any of these bacteria in our

Page 17 subsequent testing, and further testing shows that this problem has been resolved. Millis is in contact with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) who is evaluating the effectiveness of the steps taken to see if any further action is required. For more information, please contact James. F. McKay at (508) 376-5424 or

Sunday November 7th, 2010

Don’t Miss Our

Open House

What does this mean? This is not an emergency. If it had been, Millis residents would have been notified immediately. Total coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed, and this was a warning of potential problems. Usually, coliforms are a sign that there could be a problem with the systems source water, treatment process or distribution system (pipes or storage tanks). Whenever we detect coliform bacteria in any sample, we do follow-up testing to see if other bacteria of greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E coli are present. We DID NOT find any of these bacteria in our subsequent testing.

Woodside Montessori Academy Open House Sunday, November 7, 2010 from 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Primary (PreK and K) & Middle School Campus 350 Village Street Millis, MA 02054

Elementary (Grades 1-6) Campus 64 Exchange Street Millis, MA 02054

Call Today! 508.376.5320 or visit us online at Woodside Montessori Academy 350 Village Street Millis, MA 02054

Page 18

Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

home M A R K E T P L A C E Old House Secrets – Chaining a Deed, Part 2 BY MARIAN PIERRE-LOUIS Last month I described the process of chaining a deed at the Registry office. To quickly recap, chaining involves searching deeds for the current grantee to discover the grantor, then using that name as grantee to find the previous grantor. This month I’ll describe

how easy it is to conduct research online at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds website. This means you can start your deed research anytime, in your home, even in your jammies. To get started with your online search head over to Click on the ‘Re-

search’ button at the very top of the screen and then select ‘Free Access’ in the upper left corner. Click through once more to reach the Main Menu. To locate your current deed click on the link for ‘Recorded Land by Name’. Fill in the fields for your last name and your first name.

A Mortgage You Can Count On From The Bank You Can Bank On.

Then select Medway or Millis from the town field. There are 28 towns in Norfolk County so if you have a common last name and you don’t select your town you can end up with many search results. Click the ‘Search’ button to see the results. The search results page will provide information about your current property, more if you have owned other properties in town. The various documents listed will include your deed, declaration of homestead and any mortgages you have taken out on the property. For chaining your deed, you will want to view the deed document. Click on the link on the right side of the page where you see a box with the word ‘doc’. In order to view the deed you will need to download the Browntech Image Plugin. You should be prompted to do this when you click on the ‘doc’ box. As you view your deed make a note on your chart (mentioned last month) of the grantee, grantor and date. Towards the end of the document should be a reference to the

previous deed. If it is included make a note of the previous book and page number. With this information you can search directly by book and page number instead of last name. Repeat this process, either by using the name index or the book and page index. As you locate the previous deeds add the information to your chart. You should be able to continue this process using the name index back to 1900. If you are lucky enough to find book and page references you can continue your online search back to the early 1800s. Prior to these dates you will have to do your research in the Registry of Deeds building in Dedham. Good luck in your deed search! To download a copy of the deed chart visit my blog at If you would like house historian Marian Pierre-Louis to feature the history of your home contact her through her website,

Advertise Your Listings! Call Judith Needell 508-494-5868 Direct Come my pretties...

The time has arrived.... your new home awaits you. 70 Main Street t Medway t 508.533.8661 2 South Maple Street t Bellingham t 508.966.2857 1 Hastings Street t Mendon t 508.422.9792 Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC Member SIF

LYNN GREEN 508-965-8799 82 Holliston Street, Medway, MA 02053

October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Page 19

Own A Piece of History... 1686 This elegant antique colonial, which at one time was the home of John Adams, was built in 1686. That is nearly 100 years before the declaration of Independence was signed. One of the oldest homes in the country this antique is a wonderful blend of historic features and many modern amenities. There is ample room for both in this 18 room home. The first floor features a dining room with handcrafted Delft tiles surrounding the working fireplace. In the center of the dining room floor is a trap door with stairs that lead down to a small, basement tavern. There is also a fire-placed parlor and adjoining study (originally the birthing room) both of which open up to a large formal fire-placed living room. The spacious and modern kitchen includes cherry cabinets, Corian counters and a large picture window which overlooks the new granite patio area There is also a separate au pair kitchen. Take a step down and you enter a large, fire-placed family-room with builtin book cases. At the far end of the family-room French doors open to a sunroom complete with a small

in-ground pool. Completing the first floor are three bedrooms, two full baths and an enclosed porch that overlooks a beautiful private patio area.


A PIECE OF HISTORY continued to page 20

The fall real estate market is in full swing… Mortgage interest rates are at historic lows… It’s still a great time to buy or sell real estate!

Wonderfully renovated Antique Colonial – with all the the updates for today’s lifestyle – Electric, furnace, and plumbing has been updated – This 9 room home has 4 good sized bedrooms, large closets, master bedroom with walk—in closet, and full bath. Second floor laundry is a plus as well as the 3rd floor finished play room! This home is located on over 1.3 acres and includes a 10 stall barn – all with newer roofs, and an in-ground pool! Offered at $409,000 – Call Alison Brown at 508-380-7280 for more details or a private showing.

Call me for help with your real estate needs. Sue McGrath Nasca Full-time, licensed Realtor since 1995 Medway Resident

Alison Brown, CRS, CBR Commonwealth

The second floor includes five additional bedrooms, two full

Your Full Time Real Estate Professional See all homes on MLS with


MEDWAY - Absolutely charming antique colonial. Wonderful 1/2 acre lot in a terrific neighborhood near Choate Park. Large eat-in kitchen with walk-in pantry. Lovely dining room with wide plank floors, 1st floor office, walk-up attic, town water/sewer, all appliances included. Nicely updated and maintained! Call 508-359-2331 $229,900 9 Mechanic Street

MILLIS - Privacy, yet in a neighborhood! Lovely, Well kept Contemp Split features sky lit cathedral ceiling LR, formal dining rm, large eat-in kitchen. New Gleaming HW in formal rooms, hall and stairs! Spacious MBR, full Hollywood bath. Treed lot in desirable Southwood Estates! Quiet dead-end. Walk to Oak Grove Park. Call 508-359-2331 $338,950

0 -1:3 2 1 n . Su O.H

MILLIS- Perfect location, beautiful piece of property! 200+ feet of waterfront on the Charles River perfect for enjoying fishing, kayaking, bird watching and campfires by the stars. 2+ acres of manicured lawn, mature fruit trees, perennials and more. one owner, well maintained home, freshly painted inside and out, updated baths and roof. Call 508-359-2331 $489,000 32 Turner Rd

1-3 un S . O.H

3 n 1u S . O.H

MEDWAY - Spacious 4 br. Colonial, many lovely upgrades; crown moldings, wainscoting & hardwood floors throughout. New fireside den just off kitchen has been wired for audio/video surround. A large front to back fireplaced Living room 2 new baths, newer roof, furnace, walls, windows, doors & siding. Large 2 car garage has space over with potential to finish. Level acre. Call 508-533-5122 $399,999 149 Holliston Street

MILLIS - Beautiful Colonial with many wonderful features. Newly expanded backyard abutting wooded privacy. Sparkling hardwood throughout 1st floor. Expansive kitchen with center island. Fireplaced living room. Pocket French sliding doors. Finished basement 2 and 2 half baths. Central A/C. Close to town for all conveniences! Call 508-359-2331 $439,000

3 n 1u S . O.H

4 n 2u S . O.H

MILLIS - Stunning 5 BR, 3.5 ba home w/ 5040sf living area, manicured stone-walled 1.44 acres. 2-story Italian tiled foyer, form LR w/ bay window, large DR, cherry cab kitchen, light filled media rm. Step down FP'd FR, lge enclsd scrnd prch. Fp'd MBR w/ cath ceiling, gorg luxury bath, lvly bck yrd, Fab fin bsmnt w/ super in-law apt, great patio. Call 508-533-5122 $659,900

MEDWAY - Gorgeous 8 room Colonial on beautiful lot in nice area. Lovely, yard with Koi pond, many rare perennials and exotic trees. Fabulous fenced yard, screen porch, farmer's porch, Master bedroom with private sitting area, walk-in closet, priv luxury bath, 2nd floor laundry, 36x36 detached heated gar with 3 overhead doors, heated loft above, fin bsmnt, separate well for outdoor use, more! Call 508-533-5122 $449,900 9 Coffee Street

MEDWAY- Magnificent young Custom Colonial on 1 1/2 acres of wooded privacy in sought after neighborhood. Exceptional design & quality thru-out. Hardwood floors, custom moldings, & millwork. Expansive kitchen w/ granite, double ovens, island, opens to living room w/ frpl & built-ins. Formal dining room overlooks terrific deck with private views. 1st floor office/library. Fabulous MBR suite, more! Call 508-359-2331 $689,000 11 Goldenrod Dr

82 Holliston Street Medway, MA 02053

MILLIS - Tuckerdale Condominium. Attractive 3br, 2.5 bath Townhomes on quiet private, cul-de-sac, Just minutes to major routes, town water and sewer, spacious open floor plans, gas utilities, large family room. Buy now and save. Special financing available through Norwood Bank. Call for details. Similar to home shown. Call 508-533-5122 $302,900 14 Tuckdale Way off Daniels Street


MEDWAY - Stately Mansard Roof Colonial zoned as 2 Family. Spacious rooms, much quality updating done. Large 3-car garage with loft. Upstairs unit updated with hardwood floors, lovely tiled bath, terrific kitchen, formal dining room, lots of room, walk-up attic, private patio, and much more. Lots of space, antique charm, convenient location. Call 508-533-5122 $394,500

489 Main Street Medfield, MA 02052


Independently Owned and Operated

Local Town Pages

Page 20

Realtors with Results A PIECE OF HISTORY continued from page 19

baths, laundry, and cedar closets through- out. Also located on the second floor is a master suite that includes a bedroom, walk-in closet, sitting area, and full bath. The third floor has an expansive fireplace, built-ins and makes a great recreation room. The nearly 1 ½ acre, estate like setting, has many wonderful plantings, mature trees and a private, fenced, tennis court. A brick

Koi pond and fountain could easily be refurbished to their original grandeur. Located at 241 Main Street, Millis, this home has a list price of $525,000. This special property, complete with its 18 rooms, 6 bedrooms, 5 bath rooms and 6 fireplaces. Listed by Carl & Adam Rice of Re/Max Team Rice Re/max Executive Realty. Contact either Carl or Adam for more information or a personal tour.

October 1, 2010


Antique and Historic Property for Sale $929,000 MILLIS – This home became one of the showplaces of the town when it was built in 1874 by Michael Henry Collins, a wealthy inventor. The Hardens have owned this home for 40 years. Two generations have served the town of Mil-

lis as Selectman. The home was in the town of Medway until Millis was incorporated. The property was once owned by Joseph Daniel. It boasts detailed molding, ten-ft. ceilings and large rooms for entertaining. Set back fro the road offering a private peaceful setting to

enjoy. The 5-acre property with a two story barn welcome equestrian lovers. Possible buildable lot as well. Historically significant in a beautiful location on the Sherborn and Holliston town lines.. Debbie Lane Lesbirel Prudential Page Realty

FOR LEASE, MILLIS 109,Office-Wellness, Rt.Rt. 109, Office-Wellness,Medical-Retail Medical-Retail 170SF toto1100SF, Utilities Parking, 170SF 1100SF, Utilitiesincluded,Ample included, Ample Parking. be leasedfurnished.Asking furnished. Asking $9.00 p.s.f. CanCan be leased $12.00 p.s.f.

BAY STATE REALTY 707 Main Street, Millis, MA 02054 1-800-696-8200 Jeffrey Germagian 508-395-0778

Medway Homes For Sale Custom Designs ~ On-Site repairs MEDWAY: A 5 bedroom Col. and approx 2 Ac lot with 2 stall barn. Historic Fisher St, lovely neighborhoods. Home is approx 2200 sq ft. & has finished basemt. See virtual tour @ $424,900

MEDWAY: Quality homes on scenic historic road, yet minutes to Rte 495 or train to Boston ! A 4 bedrm Col on 1 Ac, wooded lush grounds. See virtual tour @ for 32 Granite St. $424,900.

Classic Proper ty REALTORS Carolyn Chodat 74 Main Street, Medway, MA 02053 Phone: 508-533-6060 • Fax: 508-533-6161 Cell: 508-341-7652

Advertise Your Listings!

Appraisals By Appointment 74 Main St (Gould’s Colonial Plaza) Medway • 508-533-6240 hours: Tues-fri 10-6, Sat 10-4

25% Off ANy PurChASe of one Jewelry or Watch Item With This Coupon. Expires October 30, 2010

Call Judith 508-494-5868

October 1, 2010

Local Town Pages

Page 21

Millis School News Message From the Millis Superintendent Millis Announces AP® SCHOLAR AWARDS

Welcome to a new school year! Once again, The 2010-2011 school year promises to be busy and exciting in the Millis Public Schools, and I am honored to serve as the Superintendent in such a dynamic, caring community. Having served in Millis for the past four years, I know that the commitment of our staff is unsurpassed. Millis is a community that values its children and supports their education both financially and through individual actions. These strengths have led to many awards and recognitions: Most recently Millis was selected by the Center for American Progress, a public policy research organization, as a district that provides “a very strong return on investment. In other words, the amount of money spent per pupil in your district after adjusting for student needs yielded impressive results on state achievement measures.” For the third time in recent years, Newsweek magazine ranked Millis High School among the top 5% of high schools in the entire country in 2010 due to the high percentage of students who take the most rigorous Advanced Placement courses and exams while in high school. Due to the difficult financial times, the district had to reduce our budget by $530,818 even though we have over 40 more students than last year and 164 more students than in 2006. In spite of our enrollment growth, over the past two years the district has not received the full Chapter 70 revenue that we were scheduled to receive from the state in the current

formula. But due to federal stimulus funds and careful budgeting, we have only had to lay-off two full-time and two part-time teachers. Support staff hours were reduced, but we are still able to provide a high quality of education due to our staff working collaboratively and focusing on the most essential things: developing great relationships with students and engaging them in active, rigorous, relevant and personalized learning. Moreover, we have not raised any fees for this school year in light of the financial constraints facing many families and, instead, have cut deeply into other expense areas. Some exciting developments you will see in the 2010-2011 school year: We are realizing our goal of providing students with the skills needed for the 21st century workplace through our technology and engineering initiatives. Our one-to-one computing initiative is becoming a reality for the 2011-12 school year. We have provided high school teachers with foundational professional development in on-line and blended learning. Millis has been out in front of the Anti-Bullying legislation with our progressive approach to developing peer leaders. Additional training for staff will take place in Sept. and Oct. We have a strong program and procedures in place but welcome feedback to continue to improve our culture that fosters leadership and focuses on effort as a key to success. We have improved every facet of our ability to communicate with our

parents and the community via a newly designed webpage, improved Power School capability for staff and access for parents, and by moving all of our communications to electronic formats- all in low cost ways. Our Kindergarten students will benefit from a pilot program that will introduce Spanish to ALL students 1or 2 times per week. This, again, is at no cost and is possible through the collaborative efforts of our staff. We hope to expand this program each year to add an additional grade so that eventually all students in Millis will receive world language instruction starting in Kindergarten. The high school is developing an advisor/advisee program to ensure that all students are connected to adults in the building who will help guide and support them through their four years at MHS. We held a very successful Summer Camp for over 45 high school students. This “Gut Camp for the Brain” focused on executive functioning skills that will help students get organized and be productive. More information on these and other exciting initiatives will soon be posted on our website. Millis is a wonderful community with many assets, the most precious of which are our children. Join me in our efforts to ensure that they grow to their fullest potentials through the strong partnerships and educational programs we develop on their behalf. I welcome your input and ideas! Sincerely, Nancy L. Gustafson

Millis Begins the Analysis of 2010 MCAS JOAN LYNN, DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM 2010 MCAS data were released from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for distribution on September 14, 2010. While the analysis of the results is only in the initial stages, the Millis Public Schools is pleased with many of the results. For the 2010 English Language Arts tests students scoring in the Advanced and Proficient categories at all Millis grade levels, were above the state average ranging from 3 to 20 %. Writing in all areas of the curriculum has been a district initiative for the last three years and the MCAS scores have continued to improve in this area. More Millis students are scoring in the Advanced and Proficient categories and fewer in the Needs Improvement and Warning categories. Measuring student growth can be a

challenge, because comparisons are typically made looking for growth from year to year. However, when doing this with MCAS scores, the comparisons are actually of different groups of students. In analyzing how each group of students performs from year to year, we find encouraging growth across all grades in ELA and in some grades in Math. For example, 81 % of the eighth grade students scored in the top two categories, Advanced and Proficient on the 2010 test. When that same group of students took the ELA test in seventh grade the previous year, 78 % of the students fell in those two categories. Thus, Millis had a gain of 3% of student improvement in one year. Another example of growth was with seventh graders. In 2010, 87% scored in the top two categories. As sixth graders the previous year, only 80%

were in those categories. Millis had a gain of 7% improvement in ELA for those students. In looking at this data, all of our ELA tests groups improved over their previous ELA tests by having 3 to 9% more of our students move into the Advanced and Proficient categories. The Math scores in Millis do not reflect the same consistency for growth as our ELA scores, yet. Three years ago, Millis implemented a consistent math program, Everyday Math, in grades K-5.The Math scores in grades 3-5 have improved each year since then. While we are encouraged by these positive scores, the students in the Middle School who did not have this rigorous and consistent math program for those three years did not scores as well has we would like. For example, 16% more of our fifth grade students

Fifteen students at Millis High School have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. 11 are members of the graduating class of 2010, while four students are members of the class of 2011. The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams. About 18 percent of the 1.8 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award. The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on students’ performance on AP Exams. At Millis High School: Two students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are Molly Breen and Emma Matthies, both members of the graduating class of 2010. Two students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. These students are Khushbu Desai and Shane Dupuy, both members of the graduating class of 2010. Eleven students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP Exams with grades of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are, from the graduating class of 2010, Erin Haggerty, Julia Hindmarsh, Lauren Magley, Shannon Mulkerrin, Jacqueline Selter, Cole Tangney, and Marissa Volpicelli, and from the class of 2011, Steven Greco, Kelly Lane,

Allison Liotta, and Nicholas Pierson. Through more than 30 different college-level courses and exams, AP provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement and stand out in the college admissions process. Each exam is developed by a committee of college and university faculty and AP teachers, ensuring that AP exams are aligned with the same high standards expected by college faculty at some of the nation’s leading liberal arts and research institutions. More than 3,800 colleges and universities annually receive AP scores. Most fouryear colleges in the United States provide credit and/or advanced placement for qualifying exam scores. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a 3 or higher on AP Exams (based on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest) typically experience greater academic success in college and have higher graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP. The College Board is a not-forprofit membership organization whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,800 colleges through major programs and services in college readiness, college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, and enrollment. Among its widely recognized programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®), Spring Board® and ACCUPLACER®. The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.

scored in the Advanced and Proficient categories this year, compared to when they were in fourth grade. However, in the eighth grade in 2010, 41 % of the students were in those two top categories but for the seventh grade test, there were 42%. We had a net loss of 1%. As we continue to examine the data, we will be looking specifically at strengths and areas of concern. We need to look at our curriculum, our

instruction and the needs of our students. We will develop plans for enhancing our strengths and addressing the areas of need. MCAS presentations will be offered to the School Committee and are videotaped for the local cable station as well as posted on our website. Please be sure to watch for more specific information.

Local Town Pages

Page 22

October 1, 2010

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Local Town Pages

October 1, 2010

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Page 23

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Friends of the Millis Library Book Sale The Friends to the Millis Public Library will hold its fall book sale on October 2, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at the library, rain or shine. The library is located at the corner of

Main Street (Rte. 109) and Auburn Road. A large selection of fiction, non-fiction and children’s books in hardcover and paperback will be on sale, plus videos and DVDs.

Prices range from 25 cents to $5. The sale is open to all. Proceeds will purchase museum passes and programs for the library.

Local IT Company Recycles PCs for Charity A computer recycling event benefits local food pantries. Bring your old computer equipment to recycle and a canned good for donation. Please join LANConnect Systems on Saturday, October 2nd from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. for charitable donations, computer equipment

recycling, apple cider and meet the LANConnect Team. Disclaimer: Items to recycle include computers, laptops and PDA's, Monitors, both LCD and CRT, Cords, mice and keyboards, UPS Power Supplies. Hard-Drives

can be removed from your PC and destroyed for a $5 fee. Please bring at least one canned good per item to recycle. Only computer and related equipment will be accepted. No TV's, VCR's, DVD players, stereo's, etc.

Please send resume and any applicable information to:

ms. nancy l. gustafson superintendent of millis public schools 245 plain street millis, ma 02054 or via email to

Advertising Sales Reps. Wanted

Charles River Bank Supports Pop Warner Ninety-five-year-old financial institution Charles River Bank renewed its commitment to the community with a donation of $1,000 to the local youth organization, Medway Pop Warner. "The local Pop Warner program provides a great learning and athletic experience for so many children in our community," stated Jack Hamilton, President & CEO of Charles River Bank. “We are happy to support Pop Warner’s efforts to promote sportsmanship, teamwork, mental and physical fitness, and leadership.” Aligning with its philosophy of supporting local community, Charles River Bank, with assets of $185 million, has been the corporate sponsor of the Medway Pop Warner Colts for the last thirteen years. The financial support helps to keep the costs down to run the

Medway Pop Warner Treasurer Debbi Rossi (Back row, Right) along with players and cheerleaders accept a $1,000 donation check from Charles River Bank, presented by Senior Vice President Ann Sherry.

program, and more importantly, to keep the registration fees more affordable for both the cheerleading and football team participants.

Each year over 300 children participate in the Pop Warner program in either cheerleading or football.

Full/Part Time, Commission Only Send Resume to ZZZ 5REHUWV0LWFKHOO FRP

Local Town Pages

Page 24

October 1, 2010

Little Spooked By The Market... ...Who You Gonna Call?

Lot 2 Eden St. Millis $519,900 New Construction, Near Medfield Line

90 Milford St, Medway $369,900 Newly Renovated, Minutes to 495

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Call Team Rice! We can take the fright out of real estate!

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Ethics ... Experience... Commitment... Creative Marketing Joleen Rose

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#1 Top ranked agency in millis (Source MLS) Northeast Signature Properties LLC 800-930-0907 1352 Main Street, (rte. 109) MilliS, Ma 02054 ing lisT w e n

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$265,000 200 orchard street, millis

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Kathy gruttadauria & laina Kaplan

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$309,900 76 village st, millis

laina Kaplan

Joleen rose

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Joleen rose

Joleen rose

$329,900 1 main st, medway

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ing penD e l sa

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Joleen rose

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$324,900 164 ridge st, millis Joleen rose


$520,000 51 orchard st, millis Joyce verna

$747,900 67 front st, hopkinton Kathy gruttadauria

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g isTin l w ne

$599,900 7 heaton pl, wrentham

$474,900 19 longfellow Dr., franklin

$279,900 4 phillips st, medway

Jennifer mcmahon

Joyce verna

Kathy gruttadauria & laina Kaplan to see more homes & reAD CLieNt feeDbACk About our trusteD quALitY resuLts & serviCe.

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