Wellesley August 2011

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Vol. 1 No. 4

Free to Every Home and Business Every Month

July Jubilation Rocks the Square And like all the merchants taking part - a total of 45 - Footstock was chock full of deals in their makeshift street displays.

BY DAVE HALPERIN Featuring sidewalk sales on a closed-down Washington Street, two bounce houses, a DJ, and, for the first time ever, a petting zoo, the 2011 July Jubilation drew large crowds to Wellesley Square on July 16.

"We just put everything on sale," Keith said. "It's our last summer push." One store that drew a large crowd - in fact, it overflowed with teenagers and young women was LF Stores, where exhausted Manager Larissa Olson and her staff catered to a line that stretched out the door.

The celebration has stood the test of time since being dreamed up by former Wellesley Bank employee Frank Shea in the early 1990s. After a time period of lessening interest and involvement, the celebration was "brought back from the dead" four years ago by the Wellesley Merchants Association, according to Demian Wendrow, operations manager of London Harness and a member of the association.

"We never go on sale, so everyone comes when we do," Olson said. Lilly Ross of Needham was one such customer, seen holding up designer shirts from racks and boxes placed outside the store. "They have really cute clothes. They're usually really expensive, but today they're really cheap," she noted, pointing to a shirt that normally costs $180 but was marked down to just $18, while her friend, Carly Weinstein, held a shirt also priced at $18, down from $116.

"We didn't want it die out, because it's a chance to give back to the community and have fun while we're at it," Wendrow said. Tom Keith of Footstock, who, along with Wendrow did much of the behind the scenes work to make the celebration possible, agreed that July Jubilation is a chance to give back to the Wellesley community while also sparking interest in local shopping.

August 1, 2011

Youthful Fire Rescuers BY DAVE HALPERIN If the handling of fire extinguishers and fire hoses at Morses Pond recently is any indication, then the future of fire safety in Wellesley is in good hands. A group of Wellesley youth entering sixth, seventh, and eighth grades took part in the week-long Fire Rescuers Program, co-sponsored and run by the Fire Department and the Wellesley Youth Commission and state-funded by S.A.F.E., a Massachusetts' initiative to provide resources to local fire departments to conduct safety education programs in grades K-12. Thursday of that week found them in the far corner of the Morses Pond parking lot, learning the proper way to handle fire extinguishers. One by one, the Fire Rescuers in training donned the heavy suit of a firefighter before, under the guidance of firefighter Dana Gerrans, blowing an extinguisher at a con-

Andy Brown, owner of WellesJordan Marcou (left) and Demian Wendrow (right) of London Harness with July Jubilation stilt walker Jim Vosolo.

JULY JUBILATION continued on page 5

FIRE RESCUERS continued on page 3


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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

August 1. 2011

WHC Talks New High School, New Member BY RENEE REYNOLDS

serving as a study or seminar room for the school, should offer wellchosen and well-organized displays that tell the viewer something about the architectural quality and character of the 1938 building,” said Wright. “[The room] should tell about [the 1938 building’s] connections to the town, and about the lives of the people who taught and studied there.”

On Tuesday, July 12, the Wellesley Historical Commission met in the Arnold Conference Room of the Wellesley Free Library to discuss their current agenda. Among the issues on the bill were preserving the memory of the old high school and debating the candidacy of a resident, present at the meeting, who hopes to join the Commission. The main focus of the meeting was preserving the memory of the Wellesley High School, which will Wellesley Historical Commission members are all smiles after their be demolished as a result of the July 12 meeting. construction of a new high school, the Massachusetts Historical Com- of Agreement had not been fulscheduled to open in February of mission had ruled eligible for list- filled yet, and how they could get ing on the National Register of it done. 2012. Historic Places. “I can’t put a percentage on [how According to David Wright, the Wright said, “This [documenta- much we’ve collected],” said vice chairman of the Wellesley Historical Commission, an impor- tion] includes color photographs of Wright. “I’d just describe it as a tant issue the group is working on the exterior in all seasons, archival work in progress.” is documentation of the 1938 high black-and-white keyed plans of the Also stated in the 2009 Memoschool building. The Commission, building, a new set of as-built plans randum is that local signatories, along with four other state and using laser drafting technology, those being Wellesley’s Permanent town boards, signed a document and an audio/visual archival recor- Building Committee and School entitled the 2009 Memorandum of dation of the building’s interior Building Committee, were to work Agreement as a concurring party. and exterior.” with the Wellesley Historical This agreement states that the During the meeting, the Com- Commission and the School ComCommission must collect four mission discussed and identified mittee to develop a 1938 Room in types of documentation of the areas where the requirements man- the new high school. 1938 high school to mitigate the dated per the 2009 Memorandum “The 1938 Room, in addition to demolition of a public building that

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The Commission drafted up a statement to be sent to the local signatories, which intends to advance their collaboration with the other committees to determine and develop the content that will make up the 1938 Room. “The room will be viewed by generations of students and other Wellesley residents to come,” said Wright. “[The Historical Commission] believes it is more important to do this task well than to do it fast. It may be desirable to have the room ready when the building first opens in the spring of 2012, but if it takes a little longer to do the job right, we are prepared to accept that.” At the close of the evening, members interviewed Kathryn Venne, who had come as a candi-

The Board of Selectmen will vote on whether to approve prospective member Kathryn Venne at the end of the summer.

date to join the Commission as a permanent member. Venne discussed her life as a Wellesley resident, as well as her interest in history and architecture, as the current members looked over her résumé. After Venne stepped out of the room, the members of the Wellesley Historical Commission unanimously agreed she was a good fit, and voted to approve her as a member. Their decision will be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and, if appointed, Venne will serve a three-year term. The Board will make a decision later in the summer.

August 1. 2011

FIRE RESCUERS continued from page 1

trolled fire being fed with hay by firefighter Matt Corda. Gerrans led each Rescuer towards the flames, asked them when they felt the heat of the flames, and then advised them to engage the extinguisher while simultaneously backing away from the fire. "Remember," Gerrans told the Fire Rescuers, "a fire extinguisher is just to get away from where you are before calling 911."

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com fered, the program had been an opportunity to get to know other people who are interested in the same things. Caroline Marden, 11, agreed, noting that for a student entering middle school, being a Fire Rescuer meant the chance to meet kids who graduated from different elementary schools across town before they all come together in one building in the fall. And, Marden said, "We're seeing what firefighting is like as a job, and if we might want it to be a career."

Other days in the Fire Rescuers

a controlled area." After handling the extinguishers, the group moved on to a fire truck stationed nearby, where they took turns climbing atop the truck and using the fire hose to shoot water into the woods, employing a steering device to control the water's height and angle under the guidance of Delaney. Meanwhile, Gerrans held another hose on the ground nearby and showed Rescuers how to handle it, while also occasionally spraying other Rescuers running in and out

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Restoration and Preservation of Fine Art when it was painted.

BY PETER ZIEGELMAN A Z Fine Arts Art restoration is an art form in itself. Most people who do this have degrees in this process and are artists in their own right. Having just come back from viewing the Dutch exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum, one can truly appreciate the art of restoration. All the paintings in the collection were as bright and beautiful as they were when painted in the 1600s. This is no easy feat as the conservancy of the works has been impeccable over these many years. With the age of the pieces in mind, they are now all enclosed in glass and, I am sure, in a somewhat climate controlled environment within the home of the owner of the collection. This care keeps all the dust and other contaminants away from the pieces and allows the colors to shine through. In reality, these measures are not something the average homeowner or collector is willing to do, and rightfully so. This is why one has to consider the possibility that over a period of twenty to thirty years or more, your canvas artwork will start looking dingy. Restorers can take these pieces and, with special chemicals, clean them, which will brighten all the colors so that it looks as it did

The preservation and cleaning process is one where the original yellowed varnish is removed, the paint below cleaned and a new coat of varnish applied. In restoring a canvas, if the paint on the surface is cracked that can be repaired; if the canvas is in poor condition the art restorer can also re-line the piece, a process which involves adding a backing to the original canvas. This method can also be used to repair any rips or holes in the canvas. The art training portion comes in with the repair of holes and rips by the application of paints that match the original artist colors. The training also allows the artist to know which solvents work with which paints so the original piece survives the cleaning intact. All this may sound a little over the top and somewhat expensive, so you, the owner, has to decide if it is worth doing. Most quality galleries and framers offer this service and send out the piece to a professional that they trust. Retaining your artwork is important and will protect your initial investment as well as allow you many years of enjoyment! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at info@azfineartgallery.com.

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week included trips to Boston Med Flight at Hanscom Air Force Base and to the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in Stowe; a tour of one of Wellesley's fire houses; and more traditional camp activities like a barbecue and swimming. "It's always fun and the kids get a big kick out of it," Gerrans said later. "They get an opportunity to see what we do... and to find out what's real about fighting fires and what's on TV." Willie Meng, 13, said the program had been fun and educational. "It's pretty cool seeing what all the firefighters get to do, and all the equipment they use," he said, adding that his favorite part of the week had been seeing the "jaws of life" cut a car in half at a fire house the day before. Moreover, he of-

Of the social aspects of the program, Lt. Paul Delaney, Wellesley Fire Department Fire Prevention Coordinator marveled at the changes that had occurred in just a few days. "The first day no one's talking to each other, and now they're the best of friends," he said. "And they're a good group. They're real eager to learn and they're having fun." Delaney created the Fire Rescuers program 10 years ago through funding provided by S.A.F.E. Several years ago the Department began partnering with the Youth Commission and Youth Commission Director Maura Renzella. Delaney said it's "taken on a life of its own." "The kids get to do things that kids like to do," he said. "They learn about fire and they get to use the equipment and deal with fire in

of its path. Matthew Lucas, 11, was one such Rescuer. Soaked with water from the hose, Lucas paused to answer a reporter's question about the program. "It's just kind of exciting," he said. "It's not something you can do every day." The Fire Rescuers' program is just one summering offering of the Youth Commission. A program teaching kids about television production took place at Wellesley Cable Access Television at the end of July and, beginning August 1, youth taking part in the Wellesley Police Department Youth Academy Summer Program have had the opportunity to experience demonstrations with radar, motor vehicle stops, arrests, and crime scene searches, as well as take field trips to the Juvenile Court and the State Police Marine Unit.

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Page 4

August 1. 2011

On The Road from Wellesley BY ZACK LAMOTHE Looking for a quick getaway this summer? Are the children starting to get antsy at home? Luckily, Wellesley residents are able to escape the hustle and bustle of the Metro Boston area and venture out for incredible day trips, many within an hour’s time. Day trips designed for the sports enthusiast, the music-loving adult or teen, the outdoor type, or the nautical daytrekker can be had for the price of a tank of gas and the cost of the activity, no hotel room required! Sports The Brockton Rox are a baseball team located about a half hour south of Wellesley in the city of Brockton. The Rox are a professional baseball team, but instead of paying steep prices for a night out with the family at Fenway Park, fans can attend a Rox game for a fraction of the cost and the same amount of fun. The Brockton Rox have fun promotional-themed home games such as “Kids Eat Free Mondays,” “Facebook Fans Thursday,” free Friday movie nights, and appearances by local

celebrities such as former Patriots star Troy Brown, who was at a game in July. Die-hard Red Sox fans will be intrigued to know that this year the Rox are managed by former Sox star, Bill Buckner. While Buckner may seem like ancient history to the young ones, children will adore the lovable Rox mascot, a kangaroo named K-O. The Rox play at home from August 1-7, and then again from August 15-21 and 30-31. Campanelli Stadium is located at 1 Feinberg Way, in Brockton. Check out" www.brocktonrox.com for more information.

scenic Fort Adams State Park, which overlooks picturesque Newport harbor and is held over three days on August 5, 6, and 7. Among the artists performing are newer groups and musicians like Grammy Awards Best New Artist Esperanza Spalding and Trombone Shorty, to more established all-stars such as Wynton Marsalis, Angelique Kidjo, and Eddie Palmieri. For information, go to HYPERLINK "http://www.newportjazzfest.net" www.newportjazzfest.net. While some teenagers may be into jazz music, others may not be interested quite yet. For the younger set, the Honda Civic Tour is coming to the Comcast Center, located about 35 minutes south of Wellesley. This tour features two of the more well-known hard rock groups in popular music today, the pop-punk trio, Blink 182, and the alternative rock group, My Chemical Romance. The Honda Civic tour comes to Mansfield on Tuesday, August 9. From jazz to hard rock, the greater Wellesley area has concerts to appeal to almost anyone’s musical palette.

Crane’s is also equipped with bathhouses and a snack bar. Make sure to save room for dinner though, with the fried clam mecca of Essex only ten minutes down the road! Essex is home to two of the most famous fried clam establishments in the world, Woodman’s, which is credited for inventing the fried clam, and their friendly rival, J.T. Farnham’s, which is just as tasty. Be prepared for long lines; these restaurants are well known, scrumptious, and well worth the wait! Both restaurants offer inside and outside dining areas, although Woodman’s sitting areas are more extensive. Either choice will not disappoint!

the Trustees of the Reservations. Starting in Caryl Park, which is off of Dedham Street, the traveler is let into a wonderland web of walking trails, trails that are suitable for the novice to moderate hiker. An easier hike goes from Caryl Park to an old mill site, equipped with a waterfall, foundation, and pond. A more difficult trail takes the hiker atop the Noanet Peak, which rewards the traveler with an outstretched view of the Boston skyscrapers, seemingly rising out of the vast vegetation below. Either end site is a perfect setting for a picnic. Try the Dover Cafe and Deli, located in the town center. The cafe serves uniquely named, and incredibly tasty creations like

Beach Trips

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Noanet Woods

Music New England is playing host to some of the biggest names in music at festivals and concerts this summer. A bit far down the road, but definitely worth the trip is the Newport Jazz Festival, in Newport, Rhode Island, which has an incredible line-up featuring veteran musicians and relative newcomers. The event is located primarily at

Two summer traditions that most New Englanders treasure are eating fried clams out-of-doors and spending quality time at the beach. Although the greater Boston area is home to beautiful beaches dotting both the north and south shores, one of the prettiest, as well as one that features nearby seafood stands, is Crane’s Beach in Ipswich, which is just 50 miles north of Wellesley. Crane’s is crowded during the day, but large enough that the family can find a corner they can call their own for the afternoon. On this location is the Crane Estate, a mansion whose grounds are worth a walk around.


Noanet Woods

Just up the Street Sometimes hidden gems are located right in one’s own backyard. This last trip is certainly the quickest: a picnic and a hike in Dover, Wellesley’s wooded southern neighbor. Dover is home to much conservation land that offers wonderful hikes through various terrain (as well being close and free). One of the most well known is Noanet Woodlands. Just like Crane’s Beach, it is owned and operated by

the Frances Ford Capicola, the Bavarian Rhapsody, and the Fun Guy, all sandwiches whose names are a play on their ingredients. In only an hour’s drive from Wellesley, the day-tripper is rewarded with a range of opportunities and activities that should remedy any case of the mid-summer boredom blues or satisfy the traveler’s itch. Hit the road and enjoy what New England has to offer.

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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

August 1. 2011

Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club Awards $240,105 In 2011


$108,000 Given As Scholarships To Local Students

"Outside we do up to 75 percent off," Brown said.

The Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club announced it has awarded $108,000 in scholarships and awards to Wellesley students for the upcoming 2011-2012 academic year. Scholarship amounts ranged from $1,200-$5,000, with an average award of approximately $2,300.

Brown also managed to bring along a special guest to July Jubilation: none other than Sesame Street's Elmo. Noting that he often sells items autographed by sports celebrities, Brown explained, "People said, 'Why don't you get a sports star to come in for the day,' but I said, 'I'm going to do it one better - I'm bringing in Elmo.'"

The WHJWC is also pleased to recognize the winners of its three named awards: • The Patricia C. Doiron Memorial Scholarship recognizes a graduating senior who has shown a commitment to early childhood education through participation in the Child Lab at the Wellesley High School. This year’s winner is Sarah Feiner, who will attend Syracuse University in the fall. • The Suzanne Stevens Scholarship recognizes a graduating senior (or current college student) who has demonstrated strength when faced with adversity, while maintaining a strong academic record and involvement in community service. This year’s winner is Anthony Iannicelli, who attends Zion Bible College. • The WHJWC and Principal’s Community Service Book Award recognizes a graduating senior who has performed exceptional community service. This year there were two winners of this award: Victoria Blalock who plans to attend Boston College and Zachary Herbert-Burns who plans to attend the University of Colorado Boulder. The WHJWC Junior Community Service Book Awards recognize two Wellesley High School Juniors who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to community service both inside and outside of WHS. These individuals possess a complete and mature understanding of, and passion for, community service, regardless of

their academic and financial background. The winners of this year’s WHJWC Junior Community Service Book Awards are Benjamin Xie and Liana Huber. “The Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club was delighted to receive scholarship applications from so many talented students this year,” said Daphne Gutz, 2010-2011 Scholarship Chair. “We are truly impressed by these students’ dedication to community service, even while working so hard in their academic and extracurricular lives. We hope that our scholarships continue to lessen their financial burden as they continue their success in college.” The WHJWC is a Chapter of Dollars for Scholars®, a Division of Scholarship America®. Dollars for Scholars matches students’ scholarship awards at nearly 500 participating colleges and universities, thereby doubling students’ award money. For more information about Dollars for Scholars and Scholarship America, please visit www.scholarshipamerica.org. The Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club was established in 1944 as a service organization under the Massachusetts Federation of Women's Clubs. Through its four fundraisers – the Wellesley Phone Book, the Marketplace craft festival, Luminary Night, and the Kitchen Tour – WHJWC raises money that is donated to local charities in addition to Wellesley scholarship recipients. In 20102011, WHJWC donated $240,105 the community. If you are interested in learning more about the WHJWC, please contact the WHJWC President Stephanie Sheps ssheps@whjwc. org, or visit www.WHJWC.org. For more information, please contact the incoming scholarships chair, Catherine Ward, at scholarships@whjwc.org.

continued from page 1

ley Toy Shop and Wellesley Gift Shop, had an array of items for sale on tables outside, as well as the usual two stores full of goodies inside.

Elmo, who is normally speechless at times like this, reluctantly

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granted Wellesley Local Town Pages an exclusive interview. Asked about being chosen over a sports star, he said he felt "very special," before adding, "It's great to see the kids and make them happy."

Starter Kits for pets; and members of the Fire Department led kids on tours of a fire truck while, in a separate trailer, Firefighter Ron Wilson demonstrated, with the aid of fake smoke, how to act in case of a fire.

And kids at the event were happy, enjoying the bounce houses and a petting zoo complete with llamas and rabbits, and snacking on treats.

"Get low and go as fast as possible," Wilson told them.

"I bounced super-high," 4-yearold Drew Young said of the bounce house while taking a break on the Washington Street curb to savor lollypops with his sister, 2-year-old Lauren. A couple of town departments were also on hand: Animal Control Officer Sue Webb of the Health Department handed out Disaster

All in all, organizers called the day a great success, aided in no small part by Mother Nature. "It's perfect weather," said Wellesley Bank Vice President Henry Connors, who emphasized the community-relations aspect of the event. "It's not a push for money or dollars. It's a give-back to the community, and that was at the core of it when it started."

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Page 6

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Doug Masters of Masters Touch Takes on Customer Questions Hi Doug,

Our house was built in the mid 1990’s. We’ve had to paint it twice since then, so it was painted in 1997, 2004, and we’re having it done again this year. There are areas of siding that have peeling, and the trim is peeling in looking terrible everywhere. Our painter is recommending complete paint removal with a mechanical grinder and then a coat of primer and paint. We were not expecting these types of issues with a newer home. Why is this happening, and is grinding the paint off our home the best long term solution? Joe and Colleen, Walpole Hi Joe and Colleen, This has been a common problem on a lot of newer homes built since 1990. The siding could be

peeling for a couple of different reasons. The first would be mill glaze, a common problem found on cedar siding that wasn’t primed prior to installation. Mill glaze is worthy of it’s own article, but for now, suffice it to say that if you have peeling on the claps due to mill glaze, then scraping and sanding those areas, followed by an oil primer and the finish of your choice will suffice. The areas do not need to be power grinded, however, and usually thorough hand sanding or careful sanding with a random orbital sander will work best without scarring or damaging the wood.

clap boards and the trim. This can happen for years without any obvious signs other than the peeling. In severe cases, blisters will form on the siding that which will leak water when they are popped. It is not always this obvious, however, so if there are problem areas of siding that peel year after year, it would be a good idea to have an experienced carpenter remove some of the siding and inspect for possible water damage behind the claps. This is usually caused by poorly installed or NO flashing at windows, doors, and porticos, or roofing with no drip edge and water leaking behind rake boards.

A bigger concern with the siding, however, is moisture. I’ve seen an alarming number of newer homes that are not flashed properly, which allows water to leak in behind the

Peeling and rotting trim can be directly related to flashing and moisture issues too, but is not always caused be faulty installation. More often than not, the trim in-

stalled on homes since 1990 was not pre-primed, was not top quality, and the cut ends were not primed so the trim readily wicks moisture. This is a recipe for disaster, and the result is hundreds of man-hours in trim repairs for each home that needs a paint job. In the last few years, builders have been doing a better job using primed materials or composite, but there are still many homes around that have rotting trim that needs to be addressed. Grinding and painting trim full of moisture is not going to prevent it from peeling and rotting. So to answer your question: An over zealous group of painters with fancy mechanical grinders is not going to solve your peeling and rotting problems if you have flashing issues or interior wood trim on your home. There are certainly enough painting companies around that will promise you the world, and tell you that the extra prep is a panacea that will make your paint job last for a decade or

U.S. News Ranks Newton-Wellesley Hospital #16 IN THE BoSToN METRo AREA Newton-Wellesley Hospital has been ranked #16 in the Regional Hospital rankings in U.S. News Media & World Report’s 2011-12 Best Hospitals rankings, available online at www.usnews.com/ besthospitals. The rankings, annu-

ally published by U.S. News for the past 22 years, will also be featured in the U.S. News Best Hospitals guidebook, which will go on sale August 30. In addition, NewtonWellesley was recognized as highperforming in Urology. The latest rankings showcase 720 hospitals out of about 5,000 hospi-

tals nationwide. Each is ranked among the country’s top hospitals in at least one medical specialty and/or ranked among the best hospitals in its metro area. “Our physicians, nurses and staff make enormous contributions to Newton-Wellesley Hospital each and every day and continuously

work hard to ensure high quality care is given to every patient who walks through our doors,” said Michael Jellinek, MD, President of Newton-Wellesley Hospital. “It is always an honor to be recognized for clinical excellence.” Newton-Wellesley Hospital is no stranger to the awards arena. The Hospital has received widespread recognition for clinical excellence over the years, including: Best Doctors in America, Boston Magazine Top Docs, Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Distinction, HealthGrades, Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare Honor Roll, MHQP (MA Health Quality Partners), and AHA Get with the Guidelines, to name a few. Covering 94 metro areas in the U.S., the regional hospital rankings complement the national rankings by including hospitals with solid performance nearly at the level of nationally ranked institutions. The regional rankings are aimed primarily at consumers whose care may not demand the special expertise found only at a nationally ranked Best Hospital or who may not be






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August 1. 2011

Doug Masters, owner of Masters Touch

more, but it would be wise to call a general contractor or builder, or a company that offers both construction (not just rot repairs) and painting to investigate further and find the underlying cause of your problems. Solve these problems, and you’ll prevent costly damage down the road including rotting sheathing, damaged insulation, peeling clap boards, rotting trim, and even potential mold or carpenter ant problems.

willing or able to travel long distances for medical care. The U.S. News metro rankings give many such patients and their families more options of hospitals within their community and in their health insurance network. Hard numbers stand behind the rankings in most specialties—death rates, patient safety, procedure volume, and other objective data. Responses to a national survey, in which physicians were asked to name hospitals they consider best in their specialty for the toughest cases, also were factored in. For more information about Newton-Wellesley Hospital, call CareFinder at (866) NWH-DOCS (694-3627) or visit www.nwh.org. Newton-Wellesley Hospital (NWH) has been serving its community for over 130 years. NWH is a full system member of Partners HealthCare System, Inc. (PHCS), a nonprofit organization that includes acute care hospitals Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's/ Faulkner Hospitals, The North Shore Medical Center, and specialty hospitals McLean Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, as well as DanaFarber/Partners CancerCare, and the community-based doctors and hospitals of Partners Community HealthCare, Inc.


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August 1. 2011

Our Town & Around Charles Sabatier and Will Loughlin

Where Spotted: Morses Pond What is he up to? Helping out with the Youth Commission Fire Will: We're helping a local family move.

Where spotted: The Wellesley Recycling and Disposal Facility

Charles: They close on their house in a week, and this is the last couple of loads (going to the dump).

What are they up to? On the job for their company, Wellesley Weston Help (wellesleywestonhelp.com)


Matt Vickers

Who: Matt Vickers, Intern with the Police Department

Who: Charles Sabatier (left) and Will Loughlin

Page 7

Steve Eisenman

Rescuers Program. Why work with the police department: Public service interests me - it's something I've always wanted to do... You get to interact with a wide range of society. Nina Williams

Who: Steve Eisenman Where Spotted: Morses Pond parking lot

Who: Nina Williams

What is he up to? I just came Where Spotted: The Wellesley back from fishing the pond... Recycling and Disposal Facility What'd he catch? Two smallmouth bass and a chain pickerel. What is she up to? Making her regular stop to recycle. What now? On my way home

Will: And then we're helping the family that bought the house move in.

Why? I can't bring myself to for lunch - without the fish - they're throw anything away, especially back in the pond. plastic, so if I have the opportunity The Fish to do it, I will.

Helen Colandris and Emmanuel Houlis

Paul Cabral

Who: One of the fish caught by Steve Eisenman. What's "he" up to? Waiting hoping - to be thrown back in the pond? Who: Paul Cabral, Associate Producer with Wellesley Cable Access Television Where Spotted: Morses Pond What is he up to? Filming the Youth Fire Rescuers Program for a spot on "Wellesley This Week."

Who: Helen Colandris (left) and Emmanuel Houlis Where Spotted: Deluxe Pizza on Forest Street at 11 a.m. What are they up to? Helen: Waiting for the customers to come

in at around 11:30. What's the secret to good pizza? He uses olive oil, not vegetable oil, in the crust, and that makes all the difference.

When does the program air? Check WellesleyChannel.TV for listings... And the show can also be viewed online.

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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

Page 8

Fishing in Wellesley BY DAVE HALPERIN Looked at from high above or secondhand on a map, Wellesley and surrounding areas would appear rife with rivers, ponds, and lakes, but a newcomer to the area or a novice fisherman might not know where to drop a line. Luckily, current and former resident-experts and perhaps the region's best-known expert in tracking down choice fishing locations - author David Kaplan - spoke recently with Wellesley Local Town Pages. Kaplan is the author of four books about fishing and, while the writings are focused on Middlesex County, he is widely recognized as one of the go-to guys for information on where to fish in eastern Massachusetts. On the topic of fishing in the greater Wellesley area, Kaplan mentioned several places, including Lake Waban on the campus of Wellesley College and Morses Pond. "Largemouth bass are the most popular sport fish, and all the lakes in Wellesley [have bass]," he said. "Lake Waban is a good one - it's accessible, fishable and has good big bass in it. And Morses Pond, that's a really good bass pond with lots of fish, including some big ones." Kaplan also said Sabrina Lake, near Ridge Hill Reservation, is

good fishing but said it's not easily accessible. "If you know somebody that lives there, you can fish there," he explained. Close to Wellesley are several options in Natick, though Kaplan said that Lake Cochituate, part of Co-

chituate State Park and accessible via the State Park entrance at Park Entrance at 43 Commonwealth Rd. in Natick, is possibly the best option. And Lake Cochituate, he noted, is just south of Doug Pond, another solid choice for fishing. Further north, Kaplan spoke of Dudley Pond in Wayland - "a terrific bass pond" - located between routes 126 and 127 (see Dudleypond.org). Meanwhile, many local fishermen choose to angle for trout, a cold water fish and therefore a fish that seeks a different habitat than bass. "The primary one for trout is the sleeper, which is the Charles River," Kaplan said. "That's a real sleeper, but below the South Natick dam, which is a waterfall, is a good place to start... What trout need to survive is cool, oxygenated water, which the waterfall provides."

Kaplan said he likes that section of the Charles River in particular because of the boat route it provides: "The river goes through a Uturn ... so can start a canoe just below the dam, fish the whole loop, and easily carry the canoe to your parked car." Kaplan also mentioned the website onthecharles.com as a resource for

planning boat launches and trips along Charles, where the numerous dams can frustrate boaters. David Kaplan is the author of Fishing Guide to Middlesex Rivers, Fishing Guide to Middlesex Stocked Trout Streams, Fishing Guide to North Middlesex Ponds, and Fishing Guide to South Middlesex Ponds. His books are available in tackle shops and independent bookstores. Like Kaplan, Wellesley resident Ray Capobianco has spent a lifetime fishing area waters. Growing

BY RENEE REYNOLDS The new Wellesley High School, originally scheduled to be completed in 2014, is set to open its doors to students and faculty in February of 2012.

“The kids are extremely excited,” Littlefield said. The new school, which boasts more square footage and more modern amenities, is said to have a far more sensible design than the 1938 building.

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"My uncles hunted and fished and they kind of got me into it at a very young age," he explained. "I spent a lot of times in the woods and rivers and streams." In pursuit of trout, Capobianco still hits the Charles, while also frequenting Lake Waban and Doug Pond. Furthermore, he has travelled the world on fishing trips, including the Northern Maritime Islands in Canada, Alaska, the Bahamas, Virginia, and the Midwestern United States. "My kids like to say I was born with a shotgun in one hand and fly rod in the other," he said. Such interest in fly fishing ensures Capobianco has crossed paths with another local, former Wellesley resident Andy Banzani, who is now the owner of Concord

Outfitters in Concord, Mass., a provider of outdoor clothing and fly fishing gear. Banzani, since his shop is further west, and because of his expertise in cold water fishing, spoke of rivers and lakes in central Massachusetts. "It's more of a drive, but some great trout fishing is in the Quabbin Reservoir and Swift River, which is clear and cold all summer long," he said. But having grown up in Wellesley, Banzani also made sure to mention waterways the kids and families can bike to in Wellesley, including the aforementioned warm water spots, Lake Waban, Morses Pond, and the Charles River. "Those are fantastic places for warm water fishing." And with the warm weather itself continuing and perhaps some free time this summer, fishing in Wellesley might just be a hobby to pick up - as Capobianco did on the Charles River 60 years ago. "It's a hobby - not something that you can make a living at, but it's something that I love to do," he said.

New High School Scheduled to Open February 2012

According to School Committee Chair Suzy Littlefield, the scheduled opening date will be February 28, 2012.

The Captain’s Table and TakeAway

up in Newton Upper Falls on the Charles River, his uncle introduced him to the hobby when he was eight years old. He later started a fishing and hunting club in high school; now a member of the Needham Sports Club, he is an avid fly fisherman.

August 1. 2011

“We are most excited about the new space,” Littlefield said. “The way the school is designed now, everyone is sort of wedged in. The new building will have [classrooms of the same size] and will be better organized.” According to Littlefield, an issue with the current building is

that the departments are scattered, a result of additions made to the school over the years. Therefore, although there has been some concern about students being confused over moving into a new building in the middle of the school year, Littlefield says this should not be an issue. “We will make sure the new school is easy for everyone to navigate,” she said. Teachers will begin moving their items into the new building over February vacation. Thus, students will have the Friday before and the Monday after vacation off, which will allow teachers adequate time to set up their classrooms. Kathy Mullaney, project administrator for the Town of Wellesley, said the project cost the town a total of $115 million. This final cost fell “far below” the projected budget of $130, Mullaney said. “It was a well-managed project

with a good contractor and good planning,” she said. In order to commemorate the 1938 building, the group Wellesley Celebrates Education will be presenting “Turn Out the Lights,” which will take place from November 20 to 26. This event will be a farewell to the school and will feature a gala, yard sale, football game and visits with retired faculty. Former Wellesley High School English teacher Jeanie Goddard is the organizer-in-chief of the event. There will be an open house of the new building on the final day of the celebration. This event, Littlefield says, will be a great end to the festivities. “Everyone will be allowed to come in and walk around the new school,” she said. “I have had the opportunity to see the inside already and it looks great. I hope everyone is as excited about it as we are.”

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

August 1. 2011

Page 9

Speech and the City The Voiceover Artist in You Ever stop and think about what you sound like to others? Ever wanted to sound like your favorite Hollywood actor or even the movie trailer guy? Why do people listen to you or not listen to you… It’s a funny thing, the reality is that only 25 percent of your communication with others is vocal (the sound quality of your voice) and verbal (the speech qualities of your voice) and yet you do have the ability to create instant impact within three to five seconds with your audience just with your voice. In this fast paced technological and global era, we have fewer and fewer opportunities to meet and engage with our friends, family, clients and colleagues face to face.

We rely more and more on the sound of a voice, much like a professional voiceover talent who reach out to us every day with only the power of sound. Whether we hear their voice on a television commercial, on a radio show, in a training video at work, or listening to an audio book in the car, we are almost always exposed to the sound of someone’s voice selling, persuading, educating, or entertaining us without a visual image. It is quite surprising that in a world heavily saturated with visual media images we still respond to sound bites in the way we do. We buy, we follow the story, our ear listens very carefully to what is coming next. So what we do every day as speakers is not so far from what a voiceover artist does. That is to speak, to be heard and understood by our audience, and to impart a story in order to create a

rapport and a relationship. The voiceover talent is the invisible almost ethereal mythical sirens that an audience instantly connects to and creates a rapport with and follows sometimes daily on television and radio. We coach, train, and record them every day at our studio and send their sound around the world. We have a lot to learn from professional voiceover talent who spend most of their days recording and editing their voices for products, services or entertainment that we care about and are a part of our lives and help define us. We can admire these ageless, faceless voices that can make a six figure salary just on the way they sound. Though we may never see them we can appreciate their hard work in mastering the techniques of the trade that help make them a success, and I am going to share with

open radio sound.

you one technique right now. Tip of the Month: Take a second look, or rather listen, to your voicemail message on your cellular phone, at home, or most importantly at work. Does the message (content) reveal a concise message delivered with the tone (mood/feeling) you would want your specific audience to hear? Does the voicemail really reflect who you are in business and in life? Rerecord a message keeping these very important vocal/verbal items in mind as your checklist: • Minimize interference from background noise by recording in a very quiet space. • Drink loads of water to wash the vocal cords. • Yawn before you speak to relax articulators and create a round

Once upon a time, walking through Wellesley Square, it was commonplace to find a sea of shoppers, but the once bustling area of Washington Street and Central Street has cooled down as of late. “Space Available” signs plague the windows of shops that were once successful. In the past year alone, Wellesley Square has lost a number of oncepopular stores, including Ann Taylor, Clarks, and The Body Shop. So, what has caused this change, and what can be done to save Wellesley Square? Kate Holmes, who was out shopping in the Square one July afternoon, stopped to talk about her ideas on why the once booming area has seen a downfall in business.

“I do like the fact that it is less cluttered than the mall and has sort of a boutique feel,” she said. “But, I am here shopping for my mother today, and I feel like a lot of the stores cater to an older crowd.”

ley Square Initiative,” which is focusing on the major problems in the Square, and what can be done to rectify them. Parking is outlined in the plan, which suggests employees need separate areas to park, and consumers need better signage to show them where

Michelle Ramos, who works at the salon Richard’s of Wellesley, says the prices are also driving people away. “It is Wellesley, so people think prices aren’t affecting [residents], but times are hard for everyone right now,” she said. “A lot of people can’t afford to keep up with prices in some of these stores.” Among those who can’t keep up with the prices could be the stores themselves. In a blog written by real estate expert Bill FitzPatrick, the rent for business in Wellesley is at least $50 per square foot,

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• Set a clear tone in your very first word. Like confident, upbeat, or energized! So the next time you pick up the phone, record your voicemail message, or join in a phone conference or webinar remember that even though they may not be looking at you they are observing very closely the vocal and verbal qualities that you bring to the table. Treat your sound and your message as if you are being paid on every single word you deliver to your audience. Take care of your voice and value words the way voiceover talent would: with great pride and care. Whether you are receiving monetary compensation or a great lead, every time you speak it is an opportunity to connect. problem for her business.

What is the future of Wellesley Square? BY RENEE REYNOLDS

• Repeat a tongue twister such as, “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers,” “She Sells Sea Shells down by the Sea Shore” or even “Donna Dunkin Dunked a Dozen Dunkin Donuts.”

making it difficult for smaller companies to make it in the Square.

to go.

Another issue is the parking. The Board of Selectmen has proposed what is being called “The Welles-

Ramos, whose place of employment is located on Washington Street, says parking has become a

“Most of my customers complain about the parking,” she said. “They aren’t allowed to go over the two-hour mark, which makes it hard for us if their hair appointment takes longer than that. We are at a point where we go out and pay their meter for them, otherwise we might lose business.” So what is a sensible next step for Wellesley Square? According to the general consensus among customers and employees, it seems as though lower prices for owners and consumers and better parking options are necessary to save the once popular area, or residents may soon see more “Space Available” signs than clothing when looking through store windows.


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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

Page 10

Not Your Father's Health Clinics

an ear for those struggling with any mental health concerns.

The Health Department's Keep Well Clinics Serve Residents of All Ages

"Whether it's depression or another kind of mental illness, some people who come to the clinics just want to touch base, maybe learn about resources or talk about a problem that's happening here and there," Stark notes. "I'm always, and the Health Department is always, trying to meet the mental health needs of the community."


out there."

Helping Wellesleyites stay healthy is a year-round effort for the Health Department, and summer is no different, as staff continues to run its Keep Well Clinics. In fact, the focus is on growing the clinics and making more people of all ages aware of their potential to educate and assist residents' wellbeing.

Taking place every Tuesday in August and September, the Keep Well Clinics run from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at one of four locations, depending on the week, and residents do not need an appointment. The sites include: 315 Weston Road; Morton Circle; 41 River Street; and 60 Grove Street. For more specific information, see the calendar section of this newspaper, call the Health Department at 781-2350135, or visit them on the web at http://www.ci.wellesley.ma.us/ Pages/FOV1-0001FDB6/index.

Formerly known as Blood Pressure Clinics, the Keep Well Clinics are the picture of evolution. Run by Wellesley's Public Health Nurse Elizabeth Stark, they are an opportunity for residents to ask questions of any kind and receive assessments, referrals, advice, and more. "I'm trying to let people know that it's not just about getting your blood pressure checked," says Stark. "There's so much you can do to keep healthy." Stark is a Registered Nurse with her bachelor's degree in nursing, complete with a background in school nursing. "My goal is to reach out more to kids in the community, because of my background in school nursing," she explains. "I know there's a need

Stark stresses that residents are also welcome to schedule an appointment to meet with her at the Health Department and, moreover, if anyone is unable to get out of the house due to illness or disability, Stark is available for scheduled home visits. No matter where the meeting takes place, Stark is ready to assist people with a variety of health issues. "I do lots of things, depending on what presents itself," she says. "We take a short history with people who

want to share that history with me. We'll go over their medications with them and teach them about those medications. And we may also set up a time for them to have a one on one appointment in my office." Stark added that she is available to perform monthly injections for residents under doctor's orders to do so, and she also educates people of all ages about asthma inhalers, nutrition, controlling blood pressure, diabetes - "whatever your problem is." Residents who visit a Keep Well Clinic can expect to see Stark in a one-on-one setting, where she will provide "a lot of counseling and referrals." While Stark has training in mental health counseling, she stresses she is not a psychologist or psychiatrist; still, she does provide

BY RENEE REYNOLDS Want to heat up your look this summer? From nautical designs to retro-inspired trends, these tips will help you learn how to look hot this season – and you’ll never have to leave Central Street!

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In addition to the one-on-one visits with residents during the clinics, Stark also often does a short teaching session with a group of visitors, usually on subjects of a seasonal nature.

with me that tend to be seasonally appropriate, usually about four things a month... like sun protection, ticks, and heat stroke during the summer," she says, adding that another seasonal offering at the clinics is the giving of flu shots. As part of her ongoing effort to reach more members of the community, Wellesley's Public Health Nurse is also increasing her visibility with area doctors, letting them know that the Keep Well Clinics and the Health Department in general is available for people of all ages, not just seniors. "My dream is to have the time to get out to all the doctors' offices," she says, explaining that doctors often "don't think about the clinics as being for middle aged people and young people... but I would love to help a forty year old with hypertension, or a child learning how to use an asthma inhaler."

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The focus on mental health is one reason why Stark tries to be present at every Keep Well Clinic. Such continuity, she says, helps when residents are there just to check in and perhaps find reassurance.

August 1. 2011

In: Maxi Skirts Meant to start running before summer arrived, but instead ran out of time? Fear not! This season is all about stashing away those micro-minis and buying into the maxi skirt trend. These ankle length skirts are flattering on virtually every woman (yes, even if you’re short)! Remember to pair the longer style with tucked in, tailored tops to avoid looking frumpy. Looking for a great maxi? Try LF Stores, 25 Central Street, 781-239-8970. In: Wedge Sandals Last summer women were

fighting their way into gladiator sandals, but this summer it’s all about the wedge. These classic heels give women the flexibility they want. Whether it is a skyhigh heel that looks great on a night out, or a lower wedge for walking around town, this style flatters women by emphasizing muscle definition in your legs. Just remember, no matter how cute the shoe is, comfort is most important! No shoes are worth damage to your feet, so pick a style that you look and FEEL great in. Need that perfect wedge? Walk on over to FootStock, 33 Central Street, 781-431-1655.

feminine. Eyeing those perfect shades? Look no further than Thunder Sports, 19 Central Street, 781-237-0400. In: Nautical Patterns All aboard! This fun trend goes beyond the season’s other hot look – stripes. Nautical fashion can be worn in any number of creative ways. Pairing classic navy with red and white accessories, gold necklaces with anchor charms and even metal buttons help make this look a hit. Be mindful not to go too far; this could make the look seem like a costume. Also, stripe placement is important. Higher stripes can be flattering, whereas those around the hip area can make women appear wider than they actually are. Ready to climb aboard? Sail on over to The Gap, 74 Central Street, 781-237-7767.

In: Bright Colors Summertime is no time to look Make yourself stand out this summer with a pop of neon. The Lon- drab. Brighten up your look with don Harness Company on Central some of this season’s hottest colStreet offers a ton of bright bags ors. Remember the neon shades that will let you shine. that gained popularity in the '80s? Work those bright colors In: Cat Eye Sunglasses into your wardrobe with accesLast summer, aviators were sories like jewelry and handbags. doing the flying – off the shelves, Shine in your hot pinks, greens, that is. This season, feast your and yellows and stash away that eyes on cat eye sunglasses. This black for hiding those inevitable season’s hottest trend, once extra pounds after the holidays! donned by Marilyn Monroe, has Ready to shine? Grab that perbeen gaining popularity fast with fect neon purse at The London runway models and celebrities Harness Company, 49 Central rocking the look. The cat eye silStreet, 781-237-5950. houette is effortlessly chic and

August 1. 2011

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

Page 11

Vermont Author Brings "Shadow" to Ten Acre Country Day School BY DAVE HALPERIN In an event sponsored by Wellesley Books, a local connection brought Vermont author Katherine Britton to Wellesley's Ten Acre Country Day School for an evening book reading recently. The gathering of nearly 75 people was treated to three excerpts from Britton's debut novel, "Her Sister's Shadow"; stories from the author's life that formed the novel's genesis; and clues about her work style and routine. Speaking of how the novel came to be, Britton remarked that two simple questions led her to the storyline for "Shadow." "I was asking myself, 'What would it take to drive sisters apart and what would it take to bring them back together,'" she said. With those questions in mind, Britton repeatedly wrote character sketches, staying away for the time being from any attempts at a full length novel; later, she brought the characters into a screenplay she was creating for assignment during her Masters of Fine Arts in Cre-

ative Writing studies at Dartmouth College. While Britton's screenplay, "Goodbye Don't Mean Gone," was a Moondance Film Festival winner and a finalist in the New England Women in Film and Television contest, novel readers now have the opportunity to see these characters in their full depth. Centered primarily in the fictional town of White Head, Massachusetts, which Britton said is loosely based on Cohasset, the action begins when Lilli Niles, the youngest of the sisters and the farthest afield now that she's living in London, receives a phone call from her sister, Bea. Bea, as it turns out, has just lost her husband, and wants Lilli to fly home for the funeral. Lilli, a painter, is preparing for her latest gallery opening. And, more to the point, there are reasons she moved all the way to England to escape her older sister, reasons that have kept them estranged for decades. Following the phone conversation between the sisters, readers

get a sense of the heaviness of the silence that has played a role in keeping the family apart, along with the hope that outside forces might solve their problems: "(Bea) stood a while, gazing out the salt-filmed window toward the greenhouse, picturing Lilli running up the driveway in tears all those years earlier. Poor child. Bea had thought so often of saying something. But how could she? What was there to say? She turned and considered the dirty dishes stacked beside the sink. “They won’t get any dirtier,” she muttered. “Maybe my fairy godmother will stop by and wash them for me.” Before and after reading each of the three excerpts from "Shadow," Britton took time to engage in conversation with audience members. Speaking of writing a novel, the former Wayland resident called it "a very solitary job," commenting

that "when you're writing your first novel, absolutely no one cares. You're in it for weeks, months, years... and then you're at a point when you get an agent, and that's like having joint custody of a child." Now, she said, "It's so good to finally be face to face with readers and potential readers." Britton also took time to comment on the role of independent bookstores like Wellesley Books. "Authors really rely on independent bookstores. It's the one venue we have to get face to face with readers," she said, reflecting on another "book tour" arranged by her publishers, which was actually termed a "blog tour," and found her sitting alone at her computer in Vermont. "[The blog tour] was fun because I like to write... but getting face to face with readers - this is it."

Audience members were grateful for Britton's presence, enthusiastically asking questions about the writing process and her inspirations for "Shadow." The questions often led to laughs, including when Britton related a story of how the publisher asked her to make Bea's character "nicer," which the author found interesting because, she said, Bea is "based on my mother." Britton said a second novel is a possibility, and that it could in fact be a follow-up to "Shadow" by digging more deeply into the life of one the debut novel's minor characters. Wellesley Books regularly hosts author readings, including an upcoming visit by Michelle Ray, author of the young adult novel "Falling for Hamlet," a contemporary retelling of Shakespeare’s "Hamlet" from Ophelia’s point of view.

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Page 12

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

August 1. 2011

New President Keeps Rotary Moving Forward BY DAVE HALPERIN As the new president of the Wellesley Rotary Club, Michael Cave, who served as the club's president once before, is hoping to follow up on the success of the club's recent initiative to improve medical access for Peruvians. Recognizing a need for rural residents of Peru to see a board-certified physician, Wellesley's Rotary post took on the challenge of raising funds to purchase a specially outfitted vehicle that could travel through Peru with medical supplies and a doctor. "We're looking to begin another international project, since we have hopefully brought this to a conclusion," Cave said. "The kinds of things we do worldwide are literacy... and anything involving health in the broadest sense - and that usually takes the form of clean water where people don't have it." You try to find a real need, and then get in there with resources to make a difference. You can't solve everything at once. And you kind of have to know the dynamics of a country before you attempt to find a solution. My approach is, let's find out the most urgent situation and try to find some answers." While Rotary International and its local affiliates often live up to the "international" in their name, the Wellesley Rotary Club makes its presence felt locally as well, including with a recently-started after-school tutoring program for Schofield Elementary School students. Additionally, the club has

been sponsoring a business entrepreneurship program within the middle school, and at the high school, the club assists the foreign language department with its French exchange program.

local high school during the coming school year. He also is gratified for the work he is able to do for the Rotary Club, including a letter he wrote to a Peruvian official that helped the club make headway in its travelling doctor program. That kind of work, he said, "lets me use my language skills in a different way."

Finally, graduates of Wellesley High School may be aware of the Rotary-sponsored annual scholarship, which is given to a graduating senior "who everyone feels has gone out of their way to help others," Cave said. "It's called the Len Seipel/Phil Turner Service Above Self Award." "We recently restructured the scholarship program to make it more Michael Cave, second from left, at the Rotary Club Pancake Breakfast in the spring. meaningful," he added. change, it's an island of stability," Today, he continues to teach, "We merged the many scholar- he offered. having come out of retirement last ships [that we used to award] into year to work at Waltham High Part of what makes Cave a valuone." School, and he is leaving the opable asset to the club is his familCave said the club faces chal- iarity with a wide range of tion open for teaching at another lenges in the era of social media: languages. After receiving his current club membership is aging bachelor's degree in 1968, he went and the group is having difficulty for his master's in Spanish at the recruiting younger people. But University of Connecticut before Cave is hoping to change that dur- staying on for his doctorate in laning his term as president, and may guages, which he completed in propose the introduction of an on- 1972. Shortly thereafter he reline component to the club. Still, ceived his certification to teach he stressed that part of what at- high school English; he taught at tracts new members to the Rotary Wellesley High School for seven Club is a foundation in face-to-face years, moved into administration, Every day, Monday through Frimeetings and networking that has and finally retired from teaching as day, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., coffee historically achieved results. the head of the foreign language hours are an informal time for Keeping certain traditions of the department at Needham High people of all ages to come to the Senior Center to socialize and Rotary Club alive are important to School. catch up with friends without havCave. "In an age of constant ing to register in advance for a specific activity.

And those skills apparently helped Rotary as well: "My theory is that the letter worked because we showed that we were respectful of their language." The Wellesley Rotary Club meets Tuesday evenings at the Wellesley Community Center. For more information or for a complimentary invitation, call Bill Devasher at 781-2374400.

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August 1. 2011

Wellesley Animal Control officer, Sue Webb One day, over thirty-five years ago, George Webb, Jr., then a member of the Wellesley Police Department, told his daughter that the Town was looking for a “dog licenser.” He knew of his daughter’s immense love for animals and thought she would be perfect for the job. It wasn't a rare thing to see her helping animals well before it became her occupation.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

“The strangest call I’ve received is of a 5-foot iguana walking around the St. James Church parking lot,” Officer Webb said. “We eventually found a home for it.” However, there are also occa-

now 87 years old and retired from the Wellesley Police Department, knew she had all the qualities to evolve into a dedicated, competent animal officer. Officer Webb’s compassion for animals fuels her ability to excel in her

“The weather is nice right now, so there is more interaction by animals with people,” Officer Webb said. “In winter, animals are trying to stay warm and hunker down.”

“If people see an injured dog, for example, they want to help,” Officer Webb said. “People will go up to a domestic animal. They want to approach and help. But,” she continued, “If you see an injured raccoon, do not approach it. Call Animal Control.”

And, as the line goes, ‘the rest is history.’

Office Webb stresses that Wellesley residents should view the Town of Wellesley’s website, www.ci.wellesley.ma.us, and the Animal Control page which contains answers to common questions and provides important updates on “animal happenings” and information.

Sue Webb, a Wellesley native, has been the Animal Control Officer for the Town of Wellesley since 1976, and she is far more than a “dog licenser.”

Officer Webb is an expert on all animals indigenous to Wellesley and surrounding communities and has been known to go to any length to rescue or save an animal, whether a stranded, domesticated cat or a lost, exotic animal. Some may recall the recent cat and kittens trapped underneath the porch of Rita Kountz, a resident on Ingleside Road, rescued by Officer Webb with the aid of the Wellesley Fire Department.

trained as a veterinary technician, makes education a part of her mission. She spends time talking to the community about everything involving animals, from animal behavior to being safe around animals to the humane treatment of animals. She periodically provides “humane education” to Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops.

Officer Webb has observed over the years that Wellesley residents generally love animals; they cherish their pets and tend to want to interact with animals, particularly if they see an animal in distress or injured. She warns, however, that any animal can be dangerous.

“Before, if I saw something involving an animal, I would stop and talk to the person so they wouldn’t hurt the animal," Sue Webb said. "Back then, 'dog licenser' was all they had and that was the extent of what they did,” Webb said with a chuckle. “My father told me that the Town had passed new dog regulations and wanted someone. So, I applied.”

“I went to Wellesley schools,” Officer Webb said, “and the high school that’s about to be torn down.”

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sions when the ending is not so happy. “The saddest calls I receive are calls when I have to put down an animal, particularly baby animals,” Officer Webb said. “I may get a call that an animal has been hit by a car, and it can’t be saved and has to be put down. Or, when we have to test animals for rabies." To say that Animal Control Officer Webb loves her job is an understatement. Her father, George,

job. Her mantra is simple: Save and protect all animals and educate the public on their furry neighbors.

“Look at the Current Wildlife & Pet Concerns section on the Animal Control page,” said Officer Webb. “It is always updated."

“A big part of the job is working with people to educate them about animals, even pets,” said Officer Webb, who is herself the owner of two pet dogs and a cat. “If a dog is barking, for example, you need to talk to the owner and find out what’s happening with the dog. It’s all about education.”

Recently the website was updated to inform residents that Turtles Are Laying Eggs in June, so that residents could take caution when driving. Many turtles cross roadways.

Animal Officer Webb, who was

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The following are additional tips and comments from Animal Control Officer Webb regarding animals commonly found in


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Wellesley: Skunks – “The skunk population has been very quiet this summer, perhaps because the winter was so harsh. Skunks are not quick to spray. They will actually give a warning before they spray. As a warning, they will stomp their feet. An observer should freeze, let the skunk calm down. I’ve actually had them walk across my shoes. Fast motion and loud noises are what sets them off, frightens them." Foxes and Coyotes – "As with any wild animal, there are ‘red flags.’ If they approach you like they are looking for food, get away. If you observe that they are attacking an object, get away. Or, if you see a discharge from their nose, get away. Usually, if you yell they will run. You can also throw ice cubes at them. Most wild animals want to get away from you." Raccoons – "The same applies; be mindful of all wild animals. Female raccoons usually come out at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, to search for food to feed their babies. Males come out at night." Bats – "There are little brown and big brown bats in the area, but many are victim to the white nose syndrome, which affected about 90 percent of bats in caves last winter. There are so few of them around.” Animal Control Officer Sue Webb is a Wellesley ‘gem!’ Thanks to the wisdom and foresight of her father, George, all those years ago - Wellesley residents with animal concerns, and the animals themselves, are in competent, compassionate hands. If you have animal questions, contact Officer Webb at 781-2358460, or in case of an animal emergency, call 781-235-1212. Officer Webb is both approachable and amenable to assisting any resident with questions.

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Page 14

August 1 Aussie Funk Jam Workshop. 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM, Wakelin Room, Wellesley Free Library. Learn to play the didgeridoo or didg for short. Students ages 11 and up can pre-register for this workshop beginning July 18. Sponsored by the Friends of the Wellesley Free Libraries August 2 Michelle Ray – Falling for Hamlet 7:00 PM, at Wellesley Books, 82 Central Street, Wellesley, MA. Join author Michelle Ray in celebrating the launch of her first young adult novel, Falling for Hamlet. A contemporary retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet from Ophelia’s point of view, it’s a story filled with drama, romance, tragedy, and humor. And this time, Ophelia doesn’t die. Michelle Ray will be reading excerpts from her work as well as discussing her writing process, inspiration, and the Bard himself! August 2 & 16 Scrabble at the Council on Aging. A new Scrabble group is now meeting twice a month on Tuesday mornings from 1011:30. Call 781-235-3961 for more information. Young Scientist - Robotics Program August 3 Children: Stories, Snacks And Crafts At The Branch Libraries Come to the Wellesley Free Library Branch Libraries to enjoy a fun activity for children ages 4-8. Drop in every Wednesday from 3-4 PM. This program alternates between the Hills Branch Library, Jack Ramsden Children’s Room, and the Fells Branch Library. Join us at the Hills. Join us at the Fells on August 10 and August 24. Each program will include a storytime followed by a craft and a snack. We hope to see you there! Gen-

August Calendar of Events erously sponsored by the Friends of the Wellesley Free Libraries. August 4 Brit B's Family Day 3-7 pm at Warren Park. Join the Recreation Department for a day of fun, including a Moon Bounce, an Obstacle Course, Knucklebones Games, and more! August 9 Wellesley Hills Branch Library: Artist Trading Cards, 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Hills Branch. A workshop for young adults ages 11-18 at the Hills Branch Library. Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are miniature (3.5' x 2.5') works of art. Collage, paint, pencil, fabric - anything goes! The only limitation is the size. Try your hand at this popular new art form. Create your own ATC, then trade it or display it on our wall. No sign-up necessary. Questions? Call 781-2351610 x 1107. Morton Circle, 1:30 P.M. To 2:30 P.M. Workshop for young adults ages 11-18, 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Hills Branch. No signup necessary. Questions? Call 781-235-1610 x 1107. Keep Well Clinic at Morton Circle, 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. A service of the Health Department, Keep Well Clinics are a chance to have your blood pressure monitored and health questions answered. For mor information call 781-235-0135 or visit www. welleselyma.gov/health. August 11 Morses Pond Beach at 7:50 pm: "Finding Nemo". A World of Crafts, 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., Children's Room August 16 Council on Aging Ice Cream

State Finalists!!! BY DAVE HALPERIN With a 5-0 win over Medfield on July 23, Wellesley Little League earned the right to compete for the State Championship, making them one of just four teams with the chance to head to the Regionals in Connecticut. The Wellesley Little League program is relatively young and after years of limited Williamsport Tournament success, having two teams (including South and Wellesley North) reach the District Semifinals, with South moving on to Taunton, is an incredible achievement.

Social. Don't miss the annual "Ice Cream Social" at 1 p.m. To keep the afternoon cool, David Polansky will bring his "Music Through the Decades," playing selections from the Great American Popular Song Book on keyboard and trumpet.Audience participation is encouraged with requests and sing-alongs. Please call to register by Friday, August 12 at 781-235-3961. Keep Well Clinics are a service of the Wellesley Health Department. Have your blood pressure monitored and health questions answered. For more information call 781.235.0135 or www.wellesleyma.gov/health. 41 River Street, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. August 17 Children: Stories, Snacks And Crafts At The Branch Libraries Come to the Wellesley Free Library Branch Libraries to enjoy a fun activity for children ages 4-8. Drop in every Wednesday from 3-4 PM. This program alternates between the Hills Branch Library, Jack Ramsden Children’s Room, and the Fells Branch Library. Join us at the Hills. Join us at the Fells on August 10 and August 24. Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Wellesley Free Libraries. August 18 offers Free Educational Workshops. The Estate Planning & Asset Protection Law Center of Dennis Sullivan & Associates Offers Free Educational Workshops. Dennis B. Sullivan is an Estate Planning & Elder Law attorney with a CPA with Master’s degrees in Taxation and Business Administration. He provides free monthly educational workshops for seniors and their families at

The Estate Planning & Asset Protection Law Center in Wellesley. For more information, call 800964-4295 (24/7) or visit www. DSullivan.com. These workshops are offered at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. The upcoming dates are as follows: Thursday, August 18 Thursday, September 15 Thursday, September 29 Katy Dallas Community Education Coordinator Tel. 781-237-2815 Education@DSullivan.com August 23 Keep Well Clinic at 60 grove Street, 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. A service of the Health Department, Keep Well Clinics are a chance to have your blood pressure monitored and health questions answered. For more information call 781-235-0135 or visit www.welleselyma.gov/health. How do robots see the world? 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Hills Branch Library. Did you ever wonder how robots sense the world around them. In this workshop you'll get to play with - and also make your own - 'sensors'. These can be used by robots to detect things like when they've bumped into a wall or when someone shines a light on them. Refreshments will be served at 6 pm before the program. This program is recommended for children ages 8-12, please sign up beginning one week ahead, August 16. Sign up on line at http://www.libraryinsight.com/ca lendarep.asp?sm=&jx=jip&nMo nth=8&nYear=2011 or call 781235-1610, ext. 1108.

August 1. 2011

August 25 Are you interested in games of strategy rather than luck? 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Hills Branch Library. Tired of enduring boredom when you lose a game early and are forced to sit there, watching everyone else have fun? Want to try a new flavor of gaming? Then stop by the Hills Branch after work for a fun night of cards, games, and new friends this Thursday! Feel welcome to bring along a game of your own that you want to share, as well as whatever food and/or drink (non-alcoholic, of course) you'll need to get through the intense gameplay. Intended audience: teens and adults. Investing 101: Saving, Investing & Planning August 31 Join us for the third presentation in our Summer Investor's Series as Chris Gaffney and Jeff Smith of the Wellesley Investment Partners help you understand the fundamentals of investing. All good investment plans have three main components: saving, investing, and planning. A good savings plan provides fuel for investing; constructing a portfolio allows you to decide what investments are best for you; and last, but not least, you need a proper plan to achieve the goal which is driving your need for investing. Jeff and Chris will not only provide you with the information to help understand the fundamentals of investing, such as the difference between mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, but will also provide you with the motivation to take charge of your financial future. 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Arnold Room, Wellesley Free Library

Wellesley Sports tional group of boys." Making it as far as they have in the Williamsport tourney is also a sign of friendships among players.

This recent resurgence is also a reflection of the hard work of many coaches and administrators going back several years. "A big part of our success is the result of the hard work and dedication of the people who laid the Wellesley Little League foundation three or 4 years ago," said South Coach Rob Cerulle. "Bob Cronin, Bill Ebben, and Eric Winer - these are the guys who laid the foundation for building the league. One reason [Wellesley South is] successful is that it's the fruit of the work they did." But the play of Wellesley South in reaching the States is also the re-

"They're very close - it's almost like 11 brothers, arguing and then hugging, and it's really like one big family," Cerulle said, adding that this collection of 11 is a "team in the true sense of the word. You never know from one game to the next who's going to contribute." sult of their own hard work, as a team and as individuals. "This group of kids loves and lives the game of baseball," Cerulle said. "They show up for practice early and they play late. They're always playing home run derby - I can't get them to go home."

Cerulle noted that his players do more than just wait for direction from himself and assistants Matt Stein and David Rosenblatt: "They come up with ideas for pickoffs, for signs. They're involved - it's not so much me leading it. They're part of the process... It's a real excep-

The Wellesley South Little League roster includes Taylor Beckett, Kaeden Bentley, Robby Cerulle, Geoffrey Fox, Ethan Murphy, Bo Picking, Jack Roberts, Billy Seidl, Matthew Simon, Jack Waisel, and Isaac Weycker.

August 1. 2011

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Page 15

Wellesley Sports South Beats North in Battle of Baseball Brothers BY DAVE HALPERIN After going 4-0 and 3-1 in the first four games of their respective Williamsport Little League District 10 tournament games, Wellesley South and Wellesley North squared off in a much-anticipated District 10 Semifinal that players and coaches had been eyeing for days. What resulted was an intense and well-played battle of wits, fundamentals, and clutch plays that led to a 7-4 victory for Wellesley South, who went on to beat Parkway South to claim the District 10 Championship. In a game of back-and-forth, it was a series of two-out rallies, the pitching of Robby Cerulle and Taylor Beckett, and impressive defense that was the difference for the South squad. "These kids have all played against each other for a long time, and [North] knows the scouting reports on our pitchers, so for Robby to do this when they know him so well, it's impressive," said South Assistant Coach Matt Stein after seeing Cerulle strike out four and spread six hits across five innings.

Wellesley North and South together after their District semifinal.

Chryssicas drove the ball 225 feet over the fence in right-center. Later the same inning Psyhogeos whose catching behind the plate for North proved crucial in keeping the game close - singled up the middle, scoring Brendan Dolan, who had led off the frame with a single.

But South's pitching depth was too much for their baseball brothers from the North. Up against the pitch count limit, Cerulle was relieved of his duties and replaced by Beckett, who came in with a Papelbon-like save to shut the door in the sixth. Beckett struck out the first two

South got things going in the bottom of the first. After Cerulle reached on a single and Billy Seidl followed with a shot to center that hit the fence, Ethan Murphy drew a two-out walk to load the bases and Geoffrey Fox drove in two with a double to left. North came right back though, courtesy of a Grant Chryssicas leadoff double to the fence in center. After reaching third on a fielder's choice, Chryssicas scored on a wild pitch. Still, South fended off any momentum shift by coming up with another four runs in the bottom half of the second. Once again it started with a Cerulle single; after a Seidl walk, Beckett's double to left made it 6-1.

Stein said that while the victory was gratifying, having to do it against North tempered the team's joy. "We have the utmost respect for the other Wellesley team," he said. "These kids have been playing together since they were eight years old. It's bittersweet in that we won the game, but we had to beat our brothers."

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Coach Rob Cerulle credited a noheroes hitting style: "We have four or five kids who can hit it to the street, but we don't tell them to do that," he said. "We just tell them to swing through the box." North, staying true to an attitude of never giving up - which had led to numerous comebacks during the tourney - made things interesting later. In the top of the fourth, after a Johnny Copeland walk, Grant

North hitters of the inning, but it was perhaps the final out of the game that truly defined the play of these two Wellesley teams, as South shortstop Jack Waisel dove to his left for a would-be single, jumped to his feet, and threw out the game's final batter, putting an exclamation point on a game, and tournament, with few errors and mistakes.

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Taylor Becket and Robby Cerulle played key roles in early tournament games.

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August 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports Wellesley Nine Year Old SummerTeam Crowned Mansfield Tourney Champions in 5-4 Thriller over Foxboro BY ED NELSON

batter went down swinging with the second out. Two down and the tying runner again still at third. The next batter, who also singled earlier in the game, came up with a determined look in his eye. After a foul ball, Driver unleashed what seemed like the hardest pitch of his three year little league career. "Awwwwwwww, strike three," screamed the umpire. The Raiders rushed the mound in jubilant celebration.

Ed Nelson is the Team's Head Coach

Mansfield, MA - The roar you heard just past 7 o'clock this past Sunday night came from the kids and parents of the Wellesley U9A Summer Baseball Team as they slipped past Foxboro 5-4 in dramatic fashion to win the 2011 Mansfield Tournament. The Raiders opened their day over brunch with a 23-3 victory over Franklin in the final game of pool play at 10:45, thanks to 2 fine innings of pitching from Grady Cook and 4 strong innings from Joe Todd. James Markis went 3 for 3, including a double and Joe Todd also went 3-3 for with 3 singles. The Raiders hit the ball early and often en route to the runaway win. With the victory, the Raiders found themselves as the Tourney's Number 2 seed with a 3:15 pm match up versus Attleboro in the

The Raiders completed a 5 and 0 tournament record to win the tournament finale in spectacular fashion 5-4. Trying to seek out Raiders for comments was not easy as they ran to hug their teammates, coaches and parents. But, I finally found a few. semi-final round. In an efficient pitching performance by Matthew Maiona, the

Raiders made the most of 6 hits, including a double by Will Torrence, and played flawless defense en route to a 4 run blanking of Attleboro to earn a trip to the finals of a tournament for the second time in three weeks. Following the win and entrance to the finals, the Raiders awaited the completion of the LakevilleFoxboro tilt. In a close game Foxboro sent the LakeVille team packing 10-8. After spending most of their time in a shaded area after their semifinal win, the Raiders began to prepare for Foxboro. It was less than 12months ago that Foxboro eliminated the U8 North Summer Team in the Semi-Finals of the Braintree Cup. Jay Driver delivered the first pitch at 5:40 pm to open the finals. The Raiders came out with a fierce look in their eyes, starting a speedy outfield and a tough infield to support Driver. The Raiders threatened in the first, but could not get a run across. The game moved at an unusually quick pace through 4 and 1/2 innings as Foxboro held to a 2-0lead. The Raiders huddled before the home half of the fifth and as the coaches asked the kids to dig just a little deeper, the crowd could sense this would be the time to make things happen.

John Nelson quickly worked himself a walk, but was forced at second ona grounder by Max Zajec. Two consecutive singles by Casey Rocket and Matthew Maiona loaded the bases as Will Torrence came to the plate. With the pressure mounting, Torrence ripped a double to score2 runs and tie the game at 2. The Raiders then added 3 more runs on a combination of walks and errors by the Foxboro team. With a 5-2 lead, the Raiders ran onto the field for the top of the 6thwith just three outs separating them from their first outright tourney victory in 4 straight weeks. Unfortunately, Foxboro quickly loaded the bases on a walk and 2 hits as the Raider parents edged to their seats. With no outs, Driver yielded a single up the middle plating 2 runs to cut the lead to 5-4. So, after four full weeks and 20 games of baseball, the Raiders stared at runners on the corners with no outs and a slim one run lead. The next batter came to the plate and on the pitch, the runner from first broke for second; catcher Donald Sivolella tossed a strong throw to second to catch the running stealing. There was one out but still the tying run was on third. Driver looked toward home and began a series of some of his strongest pitches of his career. The

Always quotable Grady Cook had this to say: "It just feels good to win. You know so many people talk about the thrill of victory. What does it all mean? I really don't know at age 9, but I think it's a reward to all of us for the effort we put in. Sometimes, you put in that effort and the things don't go your way and you know what, that's okay - you just view it as a learning experience. But when it goes your way, boy, does it feel good for everyone - parents, coaches and kids alike. Talk to the coaches; I am sure they tell you we have grown as a team since our first tournament." So, I did just that, and members of the coaching staff had this to say, "If you look at the progression of this team: we lost in the finals of the Braintree tournament in a game where we got down early. We talked about it as a team and got the kids to agree there is no time in a game to get upset with themselves. Concentration is a word we talked about a lot this week. We tell the kids, look at the professionals, a player can make an error and a great play all in one sequence." The coaches continued, "So, if you move from the Braintree tourney to the Sandwich tournament, we never got down; we might have run out of steam on the Cape, but we never got down. Finally, I think it all came together today.

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August 1. 2011

Page 17

Wellesley Sports We got down by two and missed a couple outs, but no one ever got down. Every head stayed up and every kid stuck with it. You want a quote, print this: The kids win and lose together as a team; they have learned to take care of each other and to pick each other up. You saw that today." And the coaches finally concluded, "We couldn't be prouder of these kids. Every single one of them found something inside themselves they weren't aware of yesterday. If these 9 year-old kids can do that with baseball, think about what they can do later in life. We're just happy their parents, who have developed such wonderful kids, are sharing them with us. It is such a privilege to coach them. The always affable bat boy Connor Nelson summed it up by saying, "You figure it out; I either strike out, get hit by a pitch or walk during our tournament last weekend and don't get a trophy; and then this weekend, I am batboy and I get a trophy. Even at 8 years old, that seems strange, but you know what, I'll take it and I have every intention of sleeping with it tonight. What a great team and I can only hope and pray I am as good as these guys when I am their age. While my brother can be a pain at times, I feel really lucky to be with these guys and they all make me feel part of the team. By the way, we all miss our team manager Harry and we have a trophy waiting for him. Okay, I mean it, we really miss him.

Joining Forces: Wellesley Players on Weston Junior Legion Baseball BY LIZZY SNELL The Weston Junior Legion baseball team got off to a rocky 1-10 start, but this collection of Weston and Wellesley area players managed to turn the season around and, as of July 20, was boasting a 4-1 record in its last five games, including a decisive 18-8 victory on July 18 over Foxboro. “Well, we’re a young team,” said head coach Eric Archambault. “So we knew coming in that it may be a difficult season from a win standpoint, but our goal was just to get better from every game and by the end of the season be a much better team than we were at the beginning of the season.” Archambault, a 2006 Weston High School graduate, is in his sixth year of coaching Legion baseball and said that there have been no issues integrating the team. “I think it’s awesome,” he said when asked of the ability of kids from different areas to work together as teammates.

“When they come together, as long as they can put their little egos to the side, they feed off each other. They have this little internal competition, where [a Weston kid] doesn’t want to really be out performed by a Wellesley kid and a Wellesley kid doesn’t want to be out performed by a Weston kid. From a coach’s standpoint that’s awesome because they’re all working as hard as they can. They know their ultimate goal is the same, which is awesome.” Brian McMahon, 16, a Wellesley Raider during the school year, said that there is “no bad blood” between the two towns because they are in a different conference during the school year. "I think it’s good here,” McMahon said. “This is really the only experience I’ve had with something like that, but Weston kids and Wellesley kids, it’s not like we’re really enemies.” In addition to pitching and playing shortstop, McMahon has stepped into a leadership role on the team, according to his coach.

McMahon and Charlie Saylor of Weston High School have taken it upon themselves to be vocal leaders on the team, always able to find something encouraging to say to the team, Archambault said. “[McMahon and Saylor] are talkative and they get people excited to play, excited for the games and excited to make good plays. It brings out the best in everybody,” he said. McMahon, staying modest, said he tries to keep the mindset of one play at a time for himself and his teammates. In spite of the Wildcats an 18-8 victory over Foxboro, for example, they quickly found themselves down 3-0 after a home run in the top of the first inning that day. McMahon said many were openly “shell-shocked.” “They have to realize we have 21 outs, we have metal bats, and if we just put the ball in play good things will happen,” he said. Cam Alden, 16, is no stranger to playing with kids from different towns; during the school year

Alden suits up for BC High in Dorchester while he resides in Wellesley. “I get a lot of kids from the South Shore, North Shore, and in Boston,” Alden said. “I’m used to playing with kids from all over.” Alden agreed that kids from Weston and Wellesley have no reason to not get along with one another and Legion baseball is a nice way to “have a marriage through baseball.” Andrew Mele and Jack McManus, 15, are the final two Wellesley Raiders who don Wildcat jerseys in the summer. Both said their time in Legion baseball has been a good way to meet new people and become teammates with kids from different towns. Overall, Archambault wants his players to not only take it one play at a time, but to also learn from every single play. “I’ve been trying to preach to the team to learn from every experience, learn from every pitch, every fielding play, how you can get better,” he said. “Seeing how it's all starting to come together now, they can really push that forward to their own individual high school seasons.”

Last Chance for Baseball Wellesley and Weston Senior Legion Players Enjoy Baseball into College BY LIZZY SNELL Last summer, Chris Conlon of Weston and Dean Petzing of Wellesley were teammates on the

Weston Senior Legion baseball team. This summer though, Conlon is an assistant coach and Petzing is the player. But neither

Conlon nor Petzing said this season was awkward or uncomfortable in any way.

thing we would laugh at now and then,” Conlon said. “It’s weird

“It was more of a type of funny

continued on page18


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Page 18

August 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports LAST CHANCE continued from page17

saying I’m his coach even though we’re in the same graduating class in college.” Conlon and Petzing will be entering their sophomore year at St. Lawrence University in New York in the fall.

stands how to hit. He was a valuable asset as a coach and was kind of fun.” Chris Mele, also from Wellesley and a rising sophomore at St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia, said it was “definitely different but in a good way” seeing Conlon make the move to assistant coach.

Petzing agreed, saying that it didn’t feel unusual at all to have somebody he played with now as a coach.

Regardless of the team not having a winning record (they were 612 as of July 15), Conlon said he knows they are better than their record shows.

“Conlon’s demeanor is not condescending in any way,” Petzing said. “He clearly knows the game of baseball. He was a great catcher and center fielder for us. He under-

“We have a small team but pretty much every single guy was a returning player for us,” he said. “We had multiple year returning players. We were really excited as

coaches, especially with the chemistry we had going into the team. With Legion it can be difficult because you have guys from different towns but everyone seemed to mesh well.” Petzing and Mele were two of the returning players and from that, were natural leaders on the team, Conlon said. “They bring a lot of experience along with a lot of talent,” Conlon said. “[Petzing] is more a vocal type of guy, where Mele is lead by example. It’s a good contrast for each other.” According to Petzing, he was aware that this season made him more of a mentor to the younger

players but the different role on the team was one that he enjoyed.

coaches he knew and with players he knew.

“It’s my last time playing baseball probably for the rest of my life,” Petzing said. “It’s nice to get one more season in.”

“It’s been a great experience for me,” Mele said. “Just knowing we have an older team with guys returning, I couldn’t pass it up.”

Specifically, Petzing said he wanted the younger players to gain more confidence in themselves.

The final goal for the senior Legion team though is to finish on a high note. While they didn’t qualify for sectionals, they were set to play in the Chairman’s Cup Tournament at the end of July.

“The best players fail at least 6065 percent of the time," he noted. "Dealing with that failure is inevitable. It’s tough for a young player.” Mele also enjoyed working with the younger players and said he knew he wanted another chance to play baseball, especially under

“This Legion season for most of the guys is the last time they’re going to be able to play baseball due to age limits and all that,” Conlon said. “I hope Dean, Chris and Weston graduates just had fun this summer.”

Four Wellesley Players Become ‘Boys of Summer’ BY TIM DAVIS In the summer there are a few staples for high school students. For some it’s going to the beach or working a summer job, but for four Wellesley high school students, summer means only one thing. And that one thing is baseball. This summer Dan Dymecki, Tim Superko, Max Tishman, and Eric Oberg, all from Wellesley, are playing on a select regional base-

ball team called the New England Ruffnecks. The Ruffnecks play tournaments across the eastern seaboard against some of the best high school players in the country. The stands are littered with college coaches scouting players and pointing their radar guns, looking for that diamond in the rough that will make their program complete and successful. NE Ruffnecks director Steve Au-

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gust is the former traveling secretary and Asst. GM for the Red Sox and his teams range from 13 and under to 18 and under. They often travel first class around the east coast - an experience that resembles the major league lifestyle for these young men, an experience they will always cherish. “Everything we do, we do as a team,” said U18 head coach Dan Brooks. "This is more than just baseball. We are trying to get these kids to the next level in all aspects of their life.”

and it’s a pleasure to watch.” Dymecki credited the Ruffnecks coaching staff and pitching coach Matt Blake as being the keys to his success this summer and his progression as a pitcher. “They just know so much about the game,” said Dymecki, "so many little things: pitching in different counts, holding runners on, pick offs. I get a chance to sit on the bench a lot and listen to what they say about hitting, fielding, and certain situations.”

For Dymecki, a pitcher, summer ball is a stepping stone before he enters his postgrad year at Phillips Andover. “It’s a lot of fun playing baseball in the summer, and its good exposure. We get to go to other states - it’s a lot of fun.”

For Superko, the lanky lefty from Wellesley High who is known for his devastating curve ball on righthanded hitters, the experience has been beneficial for not only the college exposure but also for his maturation as a young man with one year of high school remaining.

“Dan is one of the best kids on the team, no doubt about it, both on and off the field,” said Brooks, “and he is well beyond his years on the mound. He has a game plan for everybody he faces on the mound

“It's been a good summer,” said Superko. "I have gotten my curveball to be more consistent and my fastball is better. Traveling, I have to be more mature on the road

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August 1. 2011

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Wellesley Sports Wellesley’s U11 Soccer Team Prospers in State Cup BY TIM DAVIS Wellesley’s youth athletics continue to grow and prosper as indicated by the area’s U11 soccer team, which reached the semifinals of the Massachusetts’s Tournament of Champions (MTOC) last month. without my parents. This summer has certainly been a learning experience.” Coach Brooks also praised Tishman for being one of the more talented players on the team. Tishman, who made the East Coast Pro Showcase and the Area Codes, a prestigious showcase of the best players across the country that is funded by Major League Baseball, was also invited to the Tournament of Stars this year, which is a tryout for the Team USA squad. He made it through the first round of cuts before returning to the Ruffnecks. With the help of Coach Blake, Tishman has recently developed a slider that offsets his 87-89 mph fastball and handcuffs righthanded hitters. “He is a character and a tough competitor on the mound,” said Brooks. Oberg, a Belmont Hill School student, has pitched on some big stages this summer, including at Clemson University and the University of Virginia. He is a hard throwing righty who is figuring out three pitches. “Currently he has three pitches,” said Brooks, “but when he is on he is tough to beat. Developing a little more poise will help him develop some of his pitches.” As the team has been a beacon of exposure for these kids, the competition will make them better and give them an experience of playing baseball the way the Major Leaguers do. “I think we slept in our beds one night in the last couple of weeks,” said Brooks. ”We have seen a lot of competition which is good for the kids.” Check out their website for games and times at www.neruffnecks.org.

Based on their performance, the U11 team moved up a division to play with the U12 teams and they promptly shined, compiling an (81-1) record in league play. Coached by Stephen Kogen, Carl Bell and Tom Roberts, with manager Judy Kehoe assisting, the Wellesley boys showed tremendous heart and skill in reaching the (MTOC).

“The type of possession soccer that they play is uncommon for kids their age,” said Kogen of his team. "It's beautiful to watch, and they universally got praises for their style of play from almost every team we played.”

“This truly was an excellent group of boys who showed tremendous heart, and played great soccer with complete respect for the game,” Kogen said following their season. After completing their schedule at the top of their division in the Boston Area Youth Soccer League (BAYS), Wellesley took on a formidable opponent in Arlington in the BAYS semifinals. Finding themselves down 2-1 at halftime, Wellesley battled back to score three goals in the second half. Hayden Cheek’s stunning free-kick goal from thirty yards out sealed the victory and advanced Wellesley to the Finals against rival Lexington. Lexington, known for their potent offense, was held in check by Wellesley defenders Chris Burke, Jamie Mazzola, and Brendan

O’Neil. Despite falling behind 1-0 in the first half, the local boys, led by Henry Thomas, Paul Hawkins, and Brennan Conroy, pulled off three unanswered goals in the second half for the 3-1 victory. The BAYS Finals win advanced Wellesley into the MTOC tourney where only 12 teams from across the state qualified. Just as in a World Cup setting, the teams were broken down into group play and Wellesley prevailed by winning all three of their group games.

With wins over Wilbraham (3-1), North Andover (4-1) and Scituate (1-0), Wellesley relied on solid midfield play with Jack Bell, Mathias Kogen, and Burke controlling the midfield. Colin Kehoe added a beautiful header in the North Andover win to help Wellesley advance.

With a perfect record in Group play, Wellesley advanced to play Shrewsbury in the state semifinals. Shrewsbury, a very physical team, jumped out to an early 2-0 lead at the half, but true to form Wellesley battled back. In the final two minutes, with Wellesley trailing 2-1, Cheek was awarded a penalty kick - he promptly found the back of the net for the tying goal, which sent the game into overtime. After a scoreless OT, both teams would be forced to settle the score via penalty kicks. After each team was awarded five shots each, the score remained tied, forcing additional penalty kicks. After the ninth overall kick, Shrewsbury advanced on a controversial ruling, which broke the hearts of the Wellesley players. Yet their coach had nothing but high praise for how his team performed and handled the game. “It was a privilege for me to coach such a talented group of soccer players and fine young men,” said Kogen. “The experience of their run at the State Cup is surely one that they will always cherish.”

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August 1. 2011

The Adventures of Riley BY DAVE HALPERIN Those who know the tale of Riley the Dog may be wondering - how did he do it? But just as impressive is how a community came together to bring the wayward dog home. It all started when Riley, property of the Levanto family of Wellesley, met his dog-sitter a few hours after his family had left on vacation on a recent Sunday. Riley got spooked by the "intruder," bolted down the street, and took shelter in the woods, in spite of the pursuit of his sitter and a police officer who happened to witness the escape.

Meanwhile, calls were streaming in to the Animal Control office. Riley was spotted here, there, and everywhere. He was seen crossing Route 9, Route 16, and, yes, even Route 128. Well, almost Route 128. In truth, early the next morning, after being chased by police to a fence bordering the highway, he snuck through a hole and darted

rier and forced to re-cross the same three lanes of highway before disappearing once again into the woods. In short, he was keeping Webb busy. "For four days I was doing almost nothing else," says Webb. "I received a call that he had been seen running in the cloverleaf. The police almost had him six times, but

Then, persevering against all odds, he stayed alive in those woods for four days amid the coyotes, deer, foxes, and assorted other wildlife in the western end of town that borders Needham, Newton, and Route 128.

In addition, Webb placed two dog cages in the woods, complete with clothes owned by the Levanto children - Sierra, 13, Mia, 10, and Dean, 6. It was a trick designed to lure Riley with their scent and, true to the communal spirit of the search, one of the cages used to lure the dog was loaned to Webb by the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

Leading the search and rescue effort was Animal Control Officer Sue Webb, but Webb wasn't alone. Courtesy of the dog-sitter and dogsitter's sister, word spread quickly through a vast network of animal lovers, including staff from Absolutely Pawsitive pet care services. "[Absolutely Pawsitive owner Dean, Sierra, and Mia posing with their dog, Teddy (right) and Riley, who made it home safely after an extended outdoor adventure. Jerri Jarvis] had some of her help out there, walking their own dogs across the breakdown lane and he ducked off... Some people say, around and trying to find Riley," three lanes of highway, where he 'why are they spending so much Webb says. was stonewalled by the Jersey bar- time saving a dog,' but we also didn't want people getting into accidents." Webb, in turn, pulled out all the stops in her dogged pursuit of Riley. With the help of sightings being phoned in and through her own travels through the cloverleaf and surrounding neighborhoods, Webb began a process she calls "gridding," which involved triangulating the dog's whereabouts.

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The Levantos, on the other hand, were wishing they could help, and Joe Levanto nearly cut his vacation short and boarded a plane for Boston. "We were feeling so bad," says Kim Levanto. "We're on vacation and all these people are looking for our dog." Meanwhile, back in Wellesley, Webb says she was thinking most often of the Levanto children, who were being kept unaware of Riley's escape, although Sierra had figured it out by overhearing a conversation. But Webb was also becoming more optimistic as time went on. "We knew he'd be getting hungry," she said, and by Wednesday - a full

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Out on her daily search for the dog, Webb and others spotted him in various locations that showed he was making his way back home. Of course, he had to have one last foray into the woods: nearly caught Wednesday evening, this time by the dog-sitter's sister, Riley took off in the opposite direction, into the woods in Needham. Later that night, though, it was finally over. Following him from a distance in order not to spook him, Webb watched as the dog made his way through the Needham Country Club, through the woods, and finally back home to the Levantos, where he calmly walked into the garage and sat down as if nothing had happened - although his appearance said otherwise. "He was dirty - if you saw a picture of him at any other time, you'd see a lot of white, but there wasn't any white on him then," says Webb, "and there were so many brambles on his coat that he was having trouble bending one of his legs." So what leads a dog to take off for the woods and risk his life? It could be as simple as his personality. "I think he's a spaz," says Sierra Levanto.

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four days after Riley left home she was hopeful. "It was supposed to be my day off, but I couldn't do it."


In the end, the Levantos say they are floored by the way so many people came together to help find Riley. They're grateful, they say, but they wonder if they can ever let those who helped understand that. "How could I ever repay these people?" asks Joe Levanto.

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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

August 1. 2011

Don’t Say Yes When You Mean No BY JUDITH A. SWACK, PH.D.

Shirley didn’t want the puppy. It required too much attention and care to fit into her busy life. After a month Shirley returned the puppy, but couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt for abandoning and traumatizing the innocent puppy. She worried about disappointing and inconveniencing Jean. She regretted that she hadn’t said ‘no’ in the first place.

ness. Sometimes, however, people actually have phobias of saying no. Phobias are exaggerated, irrational reactions. In a fear phobia the unconscious mind goes instantly to the worst case scenario of death, eternal torment, or rejection. In a shame phobia the unconscious mind concludes that there is something horribly wrong with a person that he/she is ashamed to admit. Since phobias cause people to try to avoid what triggers them, people with phobias of saying ‘no’ try to avoid saying ‘no’ by saying ‘yes’. This can lead to such common problems as buying something you didn’t want, taking the wrong job, going too far on the first date, and even agreeing to marry the wrong person.

We’ve all said ‘yes’ when we meant ‘no’ out of simple polite-

Examples of phobias of saying ‘no’ include:

Shirley’s friend Jean convinced her that Shirley needed companionship in the form of a puppy from Jean’s dog’s new litter. Shirley resisted the idea until Jean promised to take the puppy back if things didn’t work out. Shirley agreed to try it.

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I’m afraid to say ‘no’ because someone will get angry and punish, kill, or reject me. I’m ashamed to say ‘no’ because I’ll hurt someone proving that I’m selfish, cruel, bad, cold-hearted, etc. In Healing from the Body Level UpTM (HBLUTM) we use a simple technique called Unwinding Frontal/ Occipital Holding to release phobias from mind and body. While thinking about and feeling the phobic reaction, place one hand lightly across your forehead and the other hand lightly across the back of your head. Allow your head to move however it wants to and it will stop automatically. In about 5 minutes the phobia is

gone! After we cleared Shirley’s phobias of saying no, she remarked that she wouldn’t have stayed with her last three boyfriends as long as she did had she been able to say ‘no’ sooner. Use this technique and notice for yourself what happens the next time you need to say ‘no’.

Page 21

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We publish the 1st of every month. Advertisement and editorial deadline is the 15th of each month. editor@wellesleytownnews.com

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August 1. 2011

home M A R K E T P L A C E Schools a Big Factor in Home Purchase There are many factors buyers consider when shopping for a home. From the number of bedrooms to the size of the backyard, prospective buyers have their priorities with what they're looking for in a home. Parents to young children or couples who are planning to start a family soon should also consider the school system. Although granite countertops and interior living area may be foremost on the minds of house shoppers, individuals also have to take school districts into consider-

ation when looking at homes, particularly if they're concerned about giving their children the best education possible. According to research by The Wall Street Journal, buyers are willing to pay more for a property if it is in a good school district. That's because even if they do not have children, buyers know that a good school district helps a home remain attractive.

to think about when looking at homes. Although real estate agents can offer some basic information about what schools are in the area, legally they may not be able to share opinions on how "good"the schools are or be able to break down the demographics of student populations. It is typically up to the buyer to do his or her own research.

Not all schools are created equal, and some rank better in test scores and teacher-to-student ratios than others. These are essential factors

Because the tax dollars that home owners pay largely go to fund schools and town improvements, it is important to look at the schools. Also, if the home will be a stepping stone to another home in a few years, buyers want to ensure their home has the best chance for resale. Oftentimes, a good school district is a factor future buyers will think about. There are some Web sites that can help prospective buyers look at the schools in the areas they are considering. GreatSchools.net and Education.com are two of the premier sites. They break down test School district and environment are important factors in buying a new home. scores, demographics, parent and student reviews and many other house. Some towns have rules in research being done is for the corthings that are vital to getting a pic- place regarding busing or walking rect school. ture of the school as a whole. The to school. Students who live within Some parents prefer their chilsites also use a ranking system a certain distance from the school dren go to private school, and from 1 to 10 (10 being the best) to may have to find their own transmany towns and cities have a show how the school stands in portation to and from school. This number of options. In addition to comparison to others in terms of is something to mull over. the public schools, agents should test scores. Families that are interested in a be able to point buyers toward the Buyers also may want to make a host of extracurricular activities private schools in the area. Some trip to visit the area they're consid- can also evaluate the town or may be able to list tuition costs and ering during school hours. This school district based on the sports acceptance requirements. way they can drive by the school or other opportunities offered to Having a picture of the school and see for themselves the type of students. district in the area buyers are constudents and parents entering or Be advised that the school closest sidering will help offer a better exiting the building. One also may to a home might not be the one a idea of the neighborhood and the want to set up a brief meeting with student will attend. Zoning laws, people around whom they'll be livthe principal to learn more about and not necessarily proximity, ing. School districts are important the ideals of the school and its often dictate where a student will to consider when buying a home, goals. attend school. Therefore, it is im- so much so that buyers are willing It's also necessary to look at the portant to check with the real es- to pay a little more if it means havproximity of the school to the tate agent or town to ensure the ing a good school in their area.


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August 1. 2011

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Page 23

home M A R K E T P L A C E Top Tips for the Best First Impression It's called "curb appeal," that good impression people get of your home when they pull up in a car, or when walking by. Real estate agents can be as pleased with exterior curb appeal as they are with a well-maintained house on the inside. When it comes to residential property value, this book is indeed judged by its cover. Exterior trouble areas include peeling paint; rotting wood on window frames; buckled roof shingles; overgrown shrubs; ignored lawns; and weeds growing through interlock paths, steps and the driveway. "The lawns and landscaping that frame our home are as important as the quality inside," says Reinie Drygala, lawncare products manager for Clear Choice, a leading name in innovative garden products. "And the good news is: when it comes to first impressions just a few little tips and tricks can make a big difference quickly.

"If you're frustrated about overgrown weeds, for example, the newest herbicide technology is tackling that," Drygala continued. "Now there are alternatives to traditional herbicides that effectively kill weeds, but also provide the homeowner with options if they are looking for ways to have less impact on the environment. The formulation for our Clear Choice selective herbicide, for example, contains up to 85 percent less active ingredients as compared to other products using the same ingredients. As importantly, microtechnology built into the formulation creates much smaller droplets that more efficiently deliver the herbicide to the plant. Clear Choice is effective on over 60 varieties of broadleaf weeds, killing them quickly while being friendly to your lawn." In addition to beautifying your lawn, try these quick tricks to give your home instant curb appeal:

areas. This might be a temporary fix, but even a touch up is better than peeling paint.

• Replace or paint rusty fixtures like the mailbox, railings, house number, and more.

• Add colour by planting some annuals in the front yard flowerbeds.

• Tackle pesky weeds on interlock paths and driveway. Use hand sprays for targeted jobs, or larger jugs for a big surface area. More

• Scrape and spot-paint problem

information at www.todaysclearchoice.com. • Install lighting along your walkways and steps, or to spotlight the shape and architecture.



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August 1. 2011

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