Wellesley October 2011

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Vol. 1 No. 6

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Wild West Rides Into Town


needed dollars.

The Fiske Wild West Party, an annual Wellesley tradition some 20 years in the making, once again rode into town in midSeptember with amusement park rides, carnival games like dunk tanks and bean bag tosses, and an injection of school spirit and excitement that should last through the year.

"It's the major fundraiser every year, but it's also a community spirit day at the beginning of the year, so its sets the tone for the year," said school Principal Elaine Harold, who was enjoying her 17th Wild West. "It raises everyone's spirits and you can see all the kids getting excited and looking forward to it."

Moreover, Wild West helps the Fiske Elementary School's PTO raise some much-

continued on page 3




October 1, 2011

How to Build a Football Program

BY DAVE HALPERIN Note to anyone looking to start a football program: you may want to visit the home of the Raiders for some tips.

After traditionally fielding teams as part of Needham Youth Football, Wellesley football organizers decided to strike out on

FOOTBALL PROGRAM continued on page 3

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Page 2

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Wellesley resident discusses her book, making a difference BY RENEE REYNOLDS October 1 kicks off the first round of the “Wellesley Reads Together” program. The program, which is part of the Wellesley Celebrates Education initiative to celebrate next year’s opening of the new Wellesley High School, will run through November 13 and consists of residents of all ages coming together to read the same books and attend events relating to the books.

There are two books being featured in the first round of the program. The adult selection is Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver, Steven Hopp and Camille Kingsolver. The children’s selection will be The Good Garden: How One Family Went from Hunger to Having Enough, written by Wellesley resident Katie Smith Milway. The Good Garden is based on the

true story of a Honduran girl named Maria Luz. Maria, with her family, learns and practices techniques that will revive their farm. On October 19, as part of the “Wellesley Reads Together” program, a program called “Chutes and Ladders The Good Garden Edition” will take place at the Wellesley Free Library. The program will begin at 3:30 p.m. and is designed for school children to teach them the principles of sustainable agriculture. The Web site also offers schools free, downloadable lesson plans that relate the topic of food security to social studies, science, community service and other subjects, Milway said. The site can be found at www.thegoodgarden.org.

book. What inspired you to become a writer? KSM: Reading wonderful stories written by others, which led me to imagine my own stories around subjects I was passionate about. I was a horse nut as a kid and read everything C.W. Anderson (Billy & Blaze), Marguerite Henry

October 1. 2011 fight for food security, Maria Luz, who is based on the real life story of Maria Cecilia Vasquez, a campesino girl from Honduras. What was your reaction to your book being used in this program? KSM: I was thrilled that Wellesley found the topic relevant to our own town’s learning and growth.

Katie Smith Milway (right), with her children Mary Kate and Brendan, tend-

Here, Milway discusses what in- ing their own good garden. spires her, and what inspiration she hopes readers can draw from her (Misty), and Walter Farley (Black Stallion) penned. My grandmother knew Walter Farley and took me to meet him when I was about 7. And my first published work, also at age 7, was a story called “The Dusty Box,” about a forgotten chest full of riding relics and the stories they held. How do you take a serious topic, like hunger, and write it in a style that will resonate with children? KSM: I draw inspiration from true, youth heroes tackling a global challenge, like, in the case of the

What are you hoping the town will get out of a program like "Wellesley Reads Together?" KSM: I hope we see a lot of kids thinking about how to use their innate gifts – their heads, hands and hearts – to change their situations, their families and communities for the better, just as Maria Luz does in the story. I also hope to encourage kids to think about the food they eat, where it comes from and learn the joy and hard work of growing their own food – and sharing food – or time or treasure – to help those without enough.

Focus on Handcrafted Accessories for your Home BY PETER ZIEGELMAN A Z Fine Arts Incorporating quality handcrafted accessories into your home design can truly make a room special. Whether it be a lovely hand blown vase, bowl or a sculpture that speaks to you, these items can add that needed pop of color or texture that can be sorely missed otherwise. The best way to start this process is to decide whether you wish to collect a particular type of accessory such as hand blown vases, pottery, small antique collections of some sort, or just about anything else that strikes your fancy. If you are going to do small collections, handcrafted items like candle-

sticks, small bowls or ornaments as well as small antique collections can be grouped together and make a great color and textural statement. They can also be changed out with the seasons. If you choose to make a statement with larger pieces, find ones that will excite you and your family for years to come and represent your particular lifestyle. Pieces like this can become future family heirlooms. Placed on a central table, bookcase, fireplace mantel or even on a special pedestal, they become as important to the room as your hanging artwork, but add an additional layer of texture and color to a room. Obtaining beautiful handcrafted

accessories made by local craftspeople can be much more rewarding than items purchased that are mass produced and have no major value. Just like artists who create original artwork, artisans spend many years honing their craft and creating amazing pieces that come from their imagination. The trick is to find that artisan and piece that truly speaks to you. That way, when you place it in your home, the piece will be something that you will identify with and truly enjoy for years to come. If you have any questions about this or any other art, craft or picture framing subjects, feel free to contact me at info@azfineartgallery.com

October 1. 2011

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Wellesley Sports


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continued from page 1

their own two years ago. At that point, there were only enough young people to field two teams. Today, during the 2011 season, Wellesley Youth Football (WYF) of the Bay State Conference and American Youth Football, includes five teams with more than 150 players in grades 3 through 7, all of whom were at Hunnewell Field on a recent Wednesday evening preparing for a slate of games against Framingham.

cation needed to build a football program means more than what is seen on the field on game day. Parents pitch in behind the scenes and of course, coach the players. League rules require seven coaches to be on site during practices, but WYF often exceeds that

Is there something different about football? Coaches note the discipline and toughness it requires, and they say it brings the kids closer together. The result? More teamwork, more wins. "It's such an opportunity for these

"We just all like to be around each other," says 7th grader Rider Tuff. "And it helps us work well together in school and here."

How did they do it? Let us list the ways.

"There's a team of parents who worked really hard. They're really committed people who are just crazy dedicated," explains WYF Board Member Cynthia Westerman. "Once you get involved with these guys and feel their excitement, you can't do enough." Indeed, the teamwork and dedi-

WILD WEST continued from page 1

PTO and Wild West Co-Chair Julie Beyer said all the money raised at Wild West goes back into the school, including for opportu-

Talent Never Hurts

mark, with 7-10 coaches usually rushing to the field from wherever they worked that day for 6 p.m. practices.

boys to grow," Maiona says. "The discipline it instills in them is incredible."

Maiona, a lawyer, moved his practice from downtown Boston to Wellesley just so he could be sure to make practices every day.

More than one parent has noticed that, during football season, their boys are more focused about school work, more likely to get their homework done on time.

Discipline in School, Discipline in Football Just halfway through the fourhour event on that beautiful and sunny Saturday, with the games and rides arranged across the school's field and blacktop, CoChair Aimee Munro estimated

"We actually find that these kids perform better in the fall because School and Wellesley High School. High school students, including Amelia LaPoint, a junior, came as part of WHS's Key Club. She was busy running a cow racing game, where, in the spirit of the wild west, kids shot water guns at miniature toy cows in a shallow pool of water in an attempt to push them forward more quickly than the competition. "I always came here when I was at Fiske and looked forward to it," LaPoint said. "It's fun to come back and see how it's changed and how it's different."

nities like field trips that can supplement learning and for what the PTO calls the Teachers' Wish List: each year the school's teachers are asked what supplies are needed for their classrooms, and the PTO does what they can to provide for them. "Anyway that we can help, we try to," Beyer said.

they can't delay and procrastinate," says League President Ted Chrsyssicas, noting that, in order to stay on the team, players have to meet the league's academic standards. "Ninety percent of the time the parents can't believe it. They'll say to me, 'They're focused, they get their work done, and when it's time for practice, they're dressed and ready to go.'" Moreover, the focus achieved in school and in football is something they do together.

"It's miraculous to see all these kids out here, when four years ago there was no one," said 7th Grade Team Head Coach Justin Maiona.


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about 400 people had already attended, with game tickets selling like wildfire. It was all the result of a planning and set-up effort that began in June and continued through the day; to supplement their own efforts the PTO was glad to welcome a number of volunteers to the event itself, including several former Fiske students now at Wellesley Middle

Across the field, in the corner of the festivities, 7th grade middle school student Sunny Lu was helping three Fiske fathers work the grills, carrying hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs to a table for revelers' nourishment. "This is the guy to talk to," one father said. "He's been working his tail off." "I like it because I can help people and make a lot of new friends," Lu said. Nearby at the dunk tanks, eighth graders Valeria Rodriguez and

Having knowledgeable and talented coaches such as the three former Division I college athletes and several long-time youth coaches who volunteer for the program, can only help the players' development - people like Third Grade Coach James Fadule, who Maiona called a "legend" in youth football, are a consistent presence. Joanna Wu were the victims of the dunk tank, taking turns getting dunked by the bean bag throws of younger kids. The two were at the beginning of a two-hour stint. "It's pretty fun, but it's cold," Rodriguez said of the water. Not everybody at the Fiske Wild West Party was a school alumnus or the parent of a current student. Joanne Whitmore was there with her granddaughter, Rosa, whose family lives in the neighborhood. "This is a happy way to support the school," Whitmore explained, "and it's perfectly age appropriate." Attendance of people like Whitmore and her granddaughter was

"He hasn't lost a game in at least six years," Maiona explains. And for the team of seventh grade boys, a team that has made it to the Super Bowl in each of the last two years only to lose to rival Walpole, there is also the benefit of raw talent. "We're blessed with a talented class," says Assistant Coach Rob Cerulle. "A lot of them are very talented athletically... so as coaches it's enjoyable." Keep Looking to Improve WYF is always looking to improve the football skills and fundamentals in their players, as well as the program as a whole. As the Mission Statement makes clear, the league's goals are: to have fun; to learn the fundamentals of football; and to be competitive within the Bay State Youth Football Conference. Judging from the attitude of players and coaches at Hunnewell Field, it seems those goals are well within their reach, if not already in their grasp.

evidence that the Wild West extravaganza is a community-wide event. "It's for the whole community," PTO Co-Chair Beyer said. "It's for everyone at Fiske, as well as the town of Wellesley."

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Page 4

October 1. 2011

Mystery Writer Returns to his Roots Airport," he explains. "I could look out my window and see the Pan Am complex. The question in the neighborhood wasn't whether your family was in an airline, it was which one. My father worked for Pan American.... Pan Am's jet overhaul complex was right outside my window and Pan Am's

BY DAVE HALPERIN Neil Sanders is busy killing himself. The local mystery writer and Massachusetts Horticultural Society volunteer, whose earlier novel, A Murder Imperfect, took place in Wellesley, is penning a novel about the murder of the director of a flower show.

stewardess training center was three blocks away." While Sanders hasn't lived in Miami since high school, the reason for returning to that time period - he graduated from high school in 1967 - was the interesting historical backdrop of the time period, including the various man-

"I was turning the story around in my head and I'd started writing it, when I realized, that guy is me I'm killing myself off," he said. Sanders, it should be said, began his involvement at Mass Hort's Elm Bank location during a time when the organization was in disrepair; the director at the time wasn't exactly beloved, he says. "I was sitting around one evening with some of the employees, talking about all the ways we could kill off the executive director," he said. "Shortly after that, Mass Hort imploded (it is since back on solid ground) and I started hanging around more and more." Sanders notes that all of his nine novels grow directly from his life experiences. "You listen carefully.

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You listen whenever someone speaks... for the odd spark of dialogue," he says. "It's like you're carrying around a gym bag...and all the interesting things you see, you put in there, and then when you get ready to write, you turn the gym bag upside down." Sanders recently self-published The Accidental Spy, which he wrote years ago and put the manuscript on the shelf, having been told that interest in the lives of stewardesses (as they were once

called) in 1967 would be slim. Then, watching TV a few months ago, the author saw an advertisement for the new ABC show Pan Am. The time for publishing The Accidental Spy, it seemed, was just right. The Accidental Spy is best described as a historical mystery fiction. For Sanders, the background and setting of the novel can best be described as his childhood reality. "I grew up in Miami, at the edge of the city by the Miami National



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The Accidental Spy follows 27year-old stewardess Susan Delaney's delivery of a lost suitcase from New York to Miami Beach. The suitcase, it turns out, contains detailed plans for a "computer on a chip", an invention of historical significance that would have been well ahead of its time; the owner of that suitcase, it turns out, meets his death just after Susan arrives at a Miami Beach hotel to deliver it. While the plot gives Sanders the opportunity to recount a time when being a stewardess, and especially being a stewardess at Pan Am, was considered a glamorous lifestyle, the author says that all of his novels, including The Accidental Spy, are love stories; in this case the passion falls between Delaney and Israeli agent Joe Klein, working undercover in Miami as a cabbie.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Page 5

Do-Si-Do, Around They Go BY RENEE REYNOLDS


On September 13, the WellesleyNatick Square Riggers hosted their Free Fun Night at the Natick Baptist Church on the Common.

The group, which holds about one dance per month, is presided over by Marianne Laffitte and her husband, David. The two began square dancing as a hobby in 1990 and danced for four years before dropping out. They started again in 2008 and are now co-presidents of

The group, which is dedicated to preserving both round and square dancing, hosted the night as a means of getting members to-

(l-r) Co-presidents David and Marianne Laffitte along with the group's caller Bob Butler.

The Wellesley-Natick Square Riggers practice their moves at the club's Free Fun Night on September 13.

gether and introducing non-members to the group.

the Square Riggers.

Marianne Laffitte, co-president of the group, says the Free Fun Night allows members to come dance and lets prospective members come in to see what the group is all about.

To become a member of the group, there are approximately 30 classes to attend, as well as a written and dancing test. Still, Laffitte insists, it is not entirely difficult to become a member and the group is mostly a social experience.

“Square dancing is a mental, physical and social exercise,” said Laffitte. “If you can walk, you can

“We have our own dances, as well as tri-club dances, which are

held with the Fairs ‘n Squares of Framingham and the Great Plain Squares of Newton,” she said.

a long time,” said Taylor. “It is about what I expected it to be. I am taking it slow and having fun.”

Classes are held on Tuesdays and dances are generally held on Fridays. The lessons are broken up by skill level and each dance has a different skill level. Laffitte says it is not how long one has been dancing, but rather how fast they pick it up that determines their skill level.

While the Square Riggers certainly have fun, there is a certain level of focus they must maintain.

fitte said. “You can’t be thinking about what you have to do at work the next day while you are dancing. You really have to be focused and in the moment.” For more information on the group, check out their monthly activities calendar at tinyurl.com/srtest1112.

“People who are mathematically inclined tend to enjoy square dancing because of the patterns,” Laf-

“People move along at different speeds,” she said. “There are some members who even refer to online sources where you can learn steps.” The Free Fun Night brought in some new members, including Betsy Taylor, who was given a flyer by Laffitte at their church. “I have danced before, but not for

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Page 6

October 1. 2011

9-11 Brings Community Together BY DAVE HALPERIN

fied 10 years ago.

Public safety officials, local and state politicians, and Wellesley residents gathered September 11 for a mid-morning ceremony to commemorate the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001. They met at Wellesley Fire Department Headquarters, where speakers reiterated what was discovered and ampli-

If there is anything to be learned from the tragedy of 9/11, speakers suggested, it is the importance of communities - including towns, cities, and the entire nation - coming together to support one another, to defend each other, and to respond when people are in need.

One such speaker was State Representative Alice Peisch, who has been joining members of the Wellesley community on 9/11 every year since the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

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"I've seen the importance these events have had on those whose loved ones' lives were lost," she said, noting the need to gather and remember, adding that we also need to acknowledge the work of men in women in uniform, including locally and in the armed forces. "We appreciate and recognize the danger our public safety officers endure every day. Our own firefighters and police officers get up

every day, not knowing what they might confront... it's important to acknowledge their service. "Another group is those who are serving in our military," she continued. "Before 9/11 there was a period of time after the fall of the Soviet Union where we thought we were all safe... 9/11 woke us up... But I think as we go through our daily lives, we're not always aware of the members of our community who are deployed overseas, including Wellesley High School grads who have served multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, some who have returned... and some who have not."

Religious leaders at the ceremony prayed for those whose lives were lost and for the loved ones of those who passed in the attack and in military service since then. They also asked for strength and peace in this post-9/11 world. "We pray for all whose lives were lost on 9/11, and for those who lost loved ones... and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. We also pray for those fighting terrorism," said Reverend Mark J. Riley of St. Paul’s Church. "We open our hearts to hope... May God bless us with peace, bless us all... and God bless America. Amen."

College Bound Part I BY JUDITH A. SWACK, PH.D. I wake up too early feeling sad. My only child is going to college next week. As I process the loss I realize that I’m losing the center of my life. Knowing that she’s leaving, I’ve been trying to prepare by thinking about all the things I’ve been wanting to do but didn’t because I had to be home for her. I could go back to evening yoga and aerobics classes. I could finish writing my books. My husband and I could get theater subscriptions. We could have friends again! While getting excited about getting my own life back, I realized I was carefully avoiding picturing her empty room. I pictured coping by leaving her door closed the entire time she’s away. But, I have no other choice. I have to launch her properly. So I

treated myself with the HBLU protocol for clearing trauma. In addition, whenever I felt triggered by environmental cues, i.e. the road to the high school we’d never be driving to again, or the store in the mall where we used to shop, but she’s now outgrown, I did the Natural Bio-Destressing (meridian tapping) technique to clear the traumatic reaction. Meanwhile, my husband talks about how happy and relieved he is that she’s leaving soon, that the labor intensive process of getting her into and out to college will soon be over, and of how I can have my car back. My daughter talks about how excited she is to go to college, and how she can’t wait to get away from us. “Am I the only one who feels sad?” I wondered. I realized I was carrying their sadness for them. Isn’t that just typical that the

wife/mother carries all the emotion for the whole family! Three minutes of boundary tapping took care of that. “Process your own damn sadness,” I thought. I’m grateful that I have HBLU tools to help me through the process. Reaching out to other parents who are going through or have gone through the same thing also gives me some comfort. So, I still can’t quite believe she’s going to be gone, and I feel sad and lonely when I think about it. But now I’m sleeping through the night.

HBLU, Inc. 56 Pickering St., Needham, MA 02492 781-444-6940 www.hblu.org info@hblu.org Copyright 2010 Judith A. Swack, Ph.D.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Our Town & Around

by dAve HALPeRIN

colleen connors and Alexa crowe

melissa Hawkins and Janice Hayhoe

Page 7

Natasha and Julian

Who: Natasha, 5 years old and in Kindergarten, and Julian, 8 years old and in 3rd grade. Where spotted: Leaving the Hunnewell School after a half day at school.

Who: Wellesley College Director of Service and Stipend Programs Melissa Hawkins (left), and Janice Hayhoe, Davis Scholar and Student Volunteer.

How's school going so far?

Where spotted: Wellesley College, outside Green Hall What are they up to: Melissa: Waiting for our groups to come back from their Wish Project assignments. What's The Wish Project? Over 350 students, faculty, and staff go out on 13 different volunteer projects. Is this a new thing? We've always done it, but it's bigger than ever this year because of the anniversary of September 11, and because President Obama asked people to volunteer. Jere munro

Who: Colleen Connors (left) and Alexa Crowe, Gift Department employees, Wellesley Books What are you up to? Colleen: We're moving this table to make space for holiday gifts.

Julian: Good, I like seeing my friends. Natasha: We get to do a lot of activities, like when we used the SMARTBoard today to describe things.

What kind of gifts? Alexa: Lots of fun, innovative gifts under $25, like this iphone plunger (a mini "plunger" that attaches to an IPhone to prop it up) and these Handerpants ("underpants" for your gloves).

Kathleen Hartnett and elias mechaber

Where do you find this stuff? Alexa: I'm always on the search, always on the prowl. I go to gift trade shows... the New York Gift Show is the big one. michael, James, and christian

Who: Kathleeen Hartnett and Elias Mechaber

Who: Third graders Michael Ahonen (left), James Dolan, and Christian McGreal Where spotted: Outside the Hunnewell School on a recent Wednesday. Who: Jere Munro, Wellesley Parking Enforcement Where spotted: At a Washington Street meter in front of Blue Ginger restaurant What are you up to? We're getting ready for the winter by changing the batteries in the meters. How often do you change the batteries? We do it every year in the fall because they draw a lot of juice in the winter... So we're staying ahead of the maintenance.

What's good about being back in school: We have recess every day and that's a lot of fun. What are you guys learning so far: About bugs, Russia, and the history of Boston. What do you do during recess? James: We play basketball and we play football against the fourth graders. Who wins? We do!

Where spotted: On foot going west on Washington Street. What are you up to? elias: We're going out to lunch. Kathleen: At Upper Crust. And after that? Kathleen: I'm a student at Wellesley College (freshman, undecided, but maybe psychology), so I have to get back to work there. elias: I'm also going back to work (at the Sherborn Public Library, where he's a Library Aide).

Page 8

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Where to Halloween in Wellesley BY DAVE HALPERIN As any kid will tell you, it's never too early to start planning for Halloween. Trick or treat partners need to be chosen and trick or treat routes need to be mapped out. And everyone should have a ready answer for the question, "What are you gonna be for Halloween?" - which means that costumes need to be decided upon, created, and modeled and photographed for distant relatives.

30, 4-6 p.m., to hear the musical stylings and creative scariness of the Wellesley Guild of Carillonneurs. According to Guild of Carillon-

the ball rolling with their PJ Halloween Party. Starting at 6:30 p.m., families with children of all ages will share some not so spooky scary stories, activities and Halloween treats. Stuffed animals and

While these rituals are repeated in homes across the American landscape, there are several events and traditions that are uniquely Wellesley. They're action-packed or scary or just plain fun and amusing. Most importantly, they're in the spirit of Halloween, so we provide them here for your enjoyment and your monthly planner. The only thing left to ask is, "What are you gonna be for Halloween?" The bates school Pumpkin Fair An annual Wellesley tradition, the Bates Pumpkin Fair is a Bates Elementary School event that means a bevy of pumpkins for sale and includes surefire winners like a haunted house, moon bounces, and an inflatable obstacle course, not to mention a decorating area where you'll meet Frankenstein (and can have your picture taken with him), and a raffle that could yield an IPad or an ITouch. The Fair is also a chance to bring the school community together. "It's a big year; we have a new principal, new students, and a lot of new staff," PTO Co-Chair Tiffany Zides said. Additional highlights of the event are the oversized pumpkins that children try to guess the weight of, a diversity area, and a Halloweenthemed game area. Also, musical group The Impaired Visionaries will perform. Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 116 Elmwood Road. The Haunted Tower What's it like to climb the darkened staircase of an old stone tower at night while listening to the eerie sounds of a carillonneur? There's only one way to find out: visit Wellesley College's Galen Stone Tower, a 182-foot tall structure at Green Hall accessible via the Academic Quad, on October

The perfect place for a haunting: Wellesley College's Galen Stone Tower.

neurs Co-President Carla Staffaroni, members of the Guild will be dressed in costume (Staffaroni was a witch in 2010), and will play Halloween favorites on the carillon, a musical instrument composed of at least 23 carillon bells that broadcasts musical notes across campus. Potential numbers include the Addams Family theme, music from the Phantom of the Opera, and a piece that Staffaroni herself arranged for the carillon based on a tune from the movie Young Frankenstein. The inside of the tower will be decorated with Halloween lights, pumpkins, fake cobwebs, and assorted other scary stuff. (Watch out for the "dead body".) Note: the tower is 182 feet tall, but an elevator takes you most of the way. Park in Founders Lot and walk to the Academic Quad. PJ Halloween Party The Wellesley Free Library is also joining in on the Halloween fun, providing special events for young ones' enjoyment. On Thursday evening, October 27, the children's department gets

blankets are welcome! Thursday, October 27, 6:30, Wellesley Free Library Howl-o-ween Party This Howling Good Time on Sunday, October 30 is a two-part event: 1.) "not so spooky story" time and 2.) Costume Party with stories, a craft, and a snack. The festivities begin at 2, when kids in grades K-4 will have the chance to read stories with one of the Library's Certified Pet Therapy Dogs! Note - 15-minute sessions with one of the dogs requires preregistration, so call 781-235-1610, extension 1108, or stop by the Children's Department to sign up beginning October 23 for the October 30 event. The second part of the day is the Party itself, which starts at 3 and DOES NOT require sign-up. Sunday, October 30, 2-2:45 and 3:00, Wellesley Free Library For more information on all children’s programs visit our website at www.WellesleyFreeLibrary.org.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Page 9

Questions & Answers By Doug Masters The paint on the walls of our bathroom is streaked. We just painted them a couple of years ago. When we take a shower, we always run the exhaust fan but the steam still condenses on the walls and seems to leave marks. How do I solve this problem? Joe, Westwood. Hey Joe, This is a very common problem. You may not be able to solve this problem entirely, but there are steps you can take to minimize it. Most water in the area has metals and other minerals dissolved in it. This is carried to your walls during a hot shower when the room becomes steamy and then condensation forms on the walls. Usually the streaks you see on the walls are residue left behind as the water that condensed evaporates. The residue is usually more noticeable on medium and dark paint colors. Here are some steps you can take to help minimize or even solve this problem:

Doug Masters, owner of Masters Touch

Hi Doug, My house sits in a wooded area and the back of the house gets little sun. The roof, which is 15 years old, has algae quite heavily in a few areas (according to a contractor working here). This growth looks a little like moss. Is this harmful for my roof, or can I just ignore it? Some of it has disappeared on its own, now that the sun is bright. Anna, Medfield Hello Anna, A roof that age will probably be OK for a while, but I would sug-

gest having a knowledgeable roofer inspect your home. We at Masters Touch are replacing a lot of roofs installed in the mid-1990s. Building codes have changed since then, and many roofs that age don't have felt paper under them, or adequate ice and water shields, which is a rubber membrane used along the edges and in valleys. In addition, the growth on the roof will probably worsen over time and can cause the shingles to delaminate and fail faster than normal. With a roof, you are always better safe than sorry! Dear Doug,

1. Have your water analyzed. A professional plumber will be able to take water samples and have them tested for you, so you’ll know just what metals and minerals are in the water. This is a good idea, even if you are not having this problem, because sometimes the water will contain contaminants that can corrode your pipes. In some cases, a water filtration and softening system is a good investment to protect your pipes and it will also remove the source of the deposits that are streaking your walls. 2. Make sure that the exhaust fan rolling basis. The deadline to submit an application is October 19, 2011. Apply now at www.teamintraining.org/ma or by contacting jillian.pereira@lls.org. Just starting your marathon journey and not quite ready for Boston?

On abquestt toble runoffer the Boston runs. The screaming TNT fans on AMarathon®? with great personal rewards! race day don’t hurt either. C Qualified or not, bring meaning Coaches will help you meet your to your miles and make some great friends while training with TNT this winter. We’ll keep you fueled up at water stops and provide a warm place to stretch out and cool down before and after your long

personal goals. Run for LLS with coaching, support and the TNT experience. Applications for this year’s team are available on the Team In Training website and will be accepted and reviewed on a

We will take you across any finish line! We are currently forming teams for the Rock ‘N’ Roll Madrid Marathon in April. Raising money to cure blood cancer and working hard across the 26.2 miles of a marathon certainly warrants a European getaway, so travel with us! Teams are forming now at www.teamintraining.org/ma. Don’t miss out!

in your bathroom is working properly. Many exhaust fans are not powerful enough to move enough cubic feet of air per minute. And even when they are on, bathrooms quickly fill with steam and condensation. Sometimes this will happen regardless, but minimizing this with a high quality and properly installed unit can make a significant difference. In addition, make sure you run the exhaust for at least 15 minutes each time you use the shower. 3. Use specially formulated bathroom paint and stick with lighter colors. Zinnser Corporation makes a great product called “Perma White” which, when applied properly, is highly moisture and mildew resistant. It is also more resistant to deposits from condensed water and the finish is much more washable than regular wall paint. Hello Doug, During the summer my basement is always damp, dank, and smelly. I keep the basement windows open for fresh air and run a dehumidifier, which pulls TONS of moisture out, but it doesn’t seem to improve. What can I do about this? Nancy, Needham Hi Nancy, If you have a really old basement, there might not be much you can do about this. But in most cases there are some easy steps you can take to help improve the moisture level in an old or even a new basement.

mistake. In the summer the exterior air is usually very humid, and by opening the basement windows you are encouraging the humidity to collect in your basement. This makes the dehumidifier work full time fighting against all the moisture you are letting in, and it will never catch up. Next, if you have air conditioning running on the main floor, it’s not a bad idea to open the basement door and allow some of the dry air from the main level of your home to settle into the basement. Remember, an air conditioner not only cools the air, it removes moisture. Leave the door open for a couple of nights when the air conditioner isn’t working as hard as it would during a hot day, and you should see a big improvement. Keep in mind – some basements are going to stay moist no matter what you do. Sometimes the foundation will simply absorb moisture from below, through the walls and the floor. If you have a severe problem contact a company that specializes in basement drainage systems. If there is anything else I can do just let me know!

doug masters masters Touch PO Box 171 Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-5900 ext. 201 Fax 508-359-4042

First, close the basement windows! Many people make this

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October 1. 2011

School News

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"Turn out the Lights" Attracting Luminaries The full bios can be found at http://www.wellesleycelebrateseducation.org/TurnOuttheLights.h tm.

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Nicholas Burns, WHS '74, is Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School. He was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from 2005 to 2008, the State Department’s third-ranking official when he led negotiations on the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement.


Jeffrey Fager, WHS '73, became the first chairman of CBS News in February 2011, after re-shaping its flagship broadcast, "60 Minutes." Fager was also the senior broadcast producer for the CBS Evening News (1994-96) and covered many major international. BY DAVE HALPERIN As distinguished alumni continue to line up to contribute to the festivities, momentum continues to build for the Turn Out the Lights Celebration that will honor the Gamiel Bradford Senior High School before it is razed and replaced next year.

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A complete description of Turn Out the Lights and a calendar of events is available at WellesleyCelebratesEducation.org. During the final two hours of school hours on November 22, students at the high school will have the opportunity to attend two seminars chosen from an impressive list of options.

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Wellesley Celebrates Education, the umbrella organization overseeing several events taking place during the transition from the old school to the new one, recently announced a new and expanded list of guests - all WHS alumni - for the Tuesday, November 22nd Seminar Day as well as the topic and guests for that evening's Panel Discussion.

Medfield Studio 193 West Street Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-5192

New among those options are seminars led by: Jeff Seginsky, one of the founders of Tri-Star films, a former manager at NBC,

CBS, and Sony, and recent cofounder of the film financing group Hemisphere Tentpole CoFinancing Fund; Shaun Kelly, publisher of the Red Sox fan site Sons of Sam Horn and the book "Win it for...", and a history teacher in Connecticut; Susu Aylward of Susu's Bakery, who will offer a baking seminar; Katie Redford, activist lawyer with Earthrights International; Beth Hinchcliffe, author and former editor of the Townsman; Andrew Budson, author of the book Understanding Your Money; and J.J. Delaney, long-time distance runner, whose seminar is called "So you think you can run the Boston Marathon." The evening's Panel Discussion is titled "U.S. Foreign Policy: Making It, Executing It, Analyzing It and Covering It," moderated by Alan Henrikson, a Wellesley resident and Director of Diplomatic Studies at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Joining the Wellesley community for the discussion, which is free and open to the public, will be several WHS alumni, and portions of their bios are given below, along with Henrikson's.

Aneesh Raman, WHS '97, currently works as a speechwriter at the Department of Defense. Raman was previously Speechwriter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Before joining the government, Raman was an award-winning CNN reporter and the network's first ever correspondent based in the Middle East responsible for region-wide coverage. Raman had worked earlier on the presidential campaign of Barack Obama as part of the communications team set up for vice presidential nominee Joe Biden. Alan Henrikson is the Director of Diplomatic Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where he teaches US diplomatic history, contemporary US-European relations, global political geography, and the history, theory, and practice of diplomacy. His current research focus is the diplomacy of the US-EU relationship, in the larger context of relations between the United States and Europe in the world. For more information visit wellesleycelebrateseducation.org or email info@wellesleycelebrateseducation.org.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Page 11

School News

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Paving History BY DAVE HALPERIN Wellesley residents now have the opportunity to engrave history. Thanks to a fundraising program being run by the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF), current and former members of the Wellesley High School community have the chance to personalize one of the bricks that will form the plaza outside the new school in exchange for a $125 donation. The money raised will help finance programming at the new school, while the engraved bricks might just inspire students for years to come. "It will be fun for people to have a tie to the new high school," said WEF member Anna Sereiko, who noted that one group of alumni had already purchased a brick to represent their entire graduating class, while others have chosen to

honor a teacher, a friend, a coach, or an entire team. Sereiko also expects that parents of incoming and current students will purchase bricks in honor of their sons and daughters. "It's a way to honor the community," she explained. A similar exhibit exists at the current school, and those bricks are being saved and will be incorporated into the design at the new school, a design that has not been finalized by project architects. According to the WEF, the bricks will be for sale until December 31, or until they run out (it won't be known until the design is complete exactly how many bricks can be engraved). Bricks can be purchased at http://supportwef.org/pavetheplaza.php.

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West Suburban Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth METROWEST WAGLY ORGANIZATION PROVIDES SAFE HAVEN FOR GLBTQ YOUTH Six-Month-Old WAGLY Serves Youth from 20 MetroWest Towns West Suburban Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth, WAGLY, was founded in March 2011 to provide a safe haven for high school Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (GLBTQ) youth. Thanks to WAGLY these youth have a place to meet, share common experiences, and support each other. The group meets weekly on non-holiday Mondays at 7 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills (UUSWH) located at 309 Washington Street in Wellesley Hills, MA. “Students who identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual… are over four times more likely to have attempted suicide” than their heterosexual peers according to the Massachusetts 2009 Youth Risk

Survey. Statistics show that unresolved issues of gender identity and sexual orientation for teens can result in emotional and psychological challenges including poor school performance, depression, and difficulty developing strong interpersonal relationships. “WAGLY addresses a critical need for support among GLBTQ youth,” said Rev. Jack Lewis of UUSWH who serves as WAGLY’s Coordinator. “The fact that over 35 youth from 20 towns attend meetings weekly underscores the value WAGLY provides to MetroWest Boston youth.” “At WAGLY I can hang out with other GLBTQ kids and know they will understand me,” said one high school junior. “I always feel safe being myself at WAGLY meetings,” said another. As a program that includes GLBTQ high school youth and their straight allies from all MetroWest communities, WAGLY provides a more diverse base to

supplement local high school Gay/Straight Alliances. WAGLY offers social and educational programs that support the emotional and physical well-being of young GLBTQ community members. Peer Youth Leaders conduct most meetings and provide a comfortable conduit through which youth participants can access adult support and guidance. Adult volunteers are available as facilitators and mentors for participating youth. For more information about WAGLY see www.WAGLY.org or www.facebook.com/WAGLY or contact Rev. Jack Lewis at info@wagly.org or 781-235-7423 x112. Contact: Jack Lewis Phone: 781 235-7423 x112 Address: WAGLY, 309 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 www.WAGLY.org Email: info@WAGLY.org



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October 1. 2011

Calling All Artists The Wellesley Phone Book Cover Contest Wants You! The Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC) announces its annual open call for artists who have captured the beauty of Wellesley through his or her artwork. The local contest has been a 44-year tradition in Wellesley with hundreds of artist submissions throughout the years. It has become the celebratory kick-off to the annual Wellesley Phone Book project, a major W H J W C fundraiser that supports many local Wellesley charities. Every year, the winning artwork of this contest is showcased on the cover of the Wellesley Phone Book. Winning is quite an honor as the selected artwork graces the cover of each of the Wellesley Phone Books distributed annually to over 12,000 Wellesley households and businesses. This valu-

able reference guide for Wellesley residents is published every year in June. All artwork to be entered into the Wellesley Phone Book Cover Contest must be submitted to Phone Book Committee c/o Femina Ali at 5 Seaward Road, Wellesley MA 02481 or electronically to femina@wellesleydentalgroup.co

es riti cha cal ips lo h to go lars fits cho pro and s All

m. Deadline for consideration is December 31, 2011. Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club is a non-profit organization

dedicated to giving back to the Wellesley community and its M e t r o We s t neighbors. All proceeds from the Wellesley Phone Book and from other W H J W C fundraising efforts provide support through scholarships, charitable giving to community services, educational enrichments, elderly assistance and municipal health initiatives as well as other projects dedicated to continuing the excellence of our community.

44th Annual Wellesley Phone book cover contest deadline: december 31, 2011 submissions to: Phone book committee 5 seaward Road, Wellesley mA 02481 For more Info: femina@wellesleydentalgroup.com www.WHJWc.org


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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Page 13

Windy Lo Nurseries Celebrates Its 50 Year Anniversary! Fifty years ago this past September, Phil Flagg began Windy Lo Nursery as a small landscape company. For the next five decades, the business blossomed into a comprehensive yet relaxed garden, landscaping and gift destination under the experienced hands of Philip Flagg, his wife

Sally and their daughters Heidi and Kati. Some may describe the nursery as a tropical landscape that will sooth your mind, body and soul, and many would pledge it has the capability to transform your home into a nurturing retreat.

Windy Lo Nursery is not simply a place to buy plants. Its serene 16 acres offer tranquil surroundings where you can let your imagination wander and your creativity soar. The colors and textures of Windy Lo's greenhouse is a welcoming invitation to relieve a busy schedule and capture the

some neglected reading. When you are ready to get back to shopping, the variety of landscape and house plants is phenomenal. Windy Lo is the ideal source for the novice gardener in the beginning stages of design, with perennial plants easily arranged alphabetically and positioned in their ideal environment in full sun or part shade to ease your selection process. Unsure of your design? No problem. The owners and loyal employees of Windy Lo hold over 160 years of combined landscaping and decorating experience and are always available and eager to share their knowledge.

Whether you are a new or seasoned gardener, Windy Lo Nursery is the first and only stop for all your landscaping needs. Their extensive inventory addresses every phase of indoor and outdoor planting and accessories to convert your home into a lush oasis throughout every season. The center also supplies everything you need to care for your lawn, exceptional varieties of indoor and outdoor annual and perennial plants, container plantings, trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, vegetables and herbs, mulches, bulbs, insect and disease control products, gardening tools, decorative fences, soils and so much more.

Windy Lo is also well known for its unique gift and specialty department. Browsing through this country store will inspire homeowners to add just the right touches to their homes with candles and decorative accessories and, if kids are in tow, the penny candy section is always a popular stop! Windy Lo Nursery continually offers special events throughout the year and this fall a sampling includes a hayride and pumpkin painting on October 15 and a friends tea party on October 16. In November, check their website for dates on their Open House with 25% off all holiday items, and take a first look at their legendary holiday wreaths...always the talk of the town! Take your first step into revitalizing your hectic day with a visit to Windy Lo Nursery on picturesque Rte. 16 (309 Eliot St.) in South Natick. They are open every day 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more about this local gem, visit their website at www.windylo.com.

true harmony of nature. Small bistro tables are even offered throughout the newly built greenhouse that feels more like a conservatory. Visitors are encouraged to sit and soak in the surroundings and some shoppers have used the opportunity to visit up with a friend or even catch up on

For the Love of Singing Wellesley Choral Society Gears Up for 65th Season BY DAVE HALPERIN

singing together.

For many, autumn means the start of school and for others it's a return from vacation; for members of the Wellesley Choral Society, it's a time to regroup and get ready for a new season of concerts.

"We do this because we like to sing," said Choral Society member Elisabeth Dambolena.

To that end, Choral Society members gathered at the Wellesley Public Library's Wakelin Room recently for one of their Open Rehearsals, which serve as equal parts rehearsal, reunion and opportunity to recruit new members for their 65th season. But mostly it's a time for returning members to get back to what they love doing best:

"This is me time, something for myself," added former Choral Society President and current Alto Section Leader Jettero Lundquist. "And there's a social piece to it. Some of these people I only see on Monday nights, but they're good friends on Monday nights." "It's fun because you learn something beautiful," Dambolena adds. "When you come here you leave the day behind... and you're refreshed." Led by long-time Musical Director Ted Whalen, who spends his days as a music teacher and Director of the Upper School Chorus at Milton Academy, the chorus, says Dambolena, bring audiences "the world's great choral music both sacred and secular."

Currently, the chorus gearing up for its Fall Concert, "A Celebration of Musical Anniversaries" with music by Gabrielli, Liszt, Ravel, Ireland, Whalen and others, on Sunday, November 13 at St. Andrews Church, 79 Denton Road. Founded in 1947, the Wellesley Choral Society was created after several choruses in town joined together for a holiday festival, and the group maintains a strong community focus. For example, for every concert ten complimentary tickets are donated to the Wellesley Council on Aging, and the group nearly always performs within Wellesley, making it a more convenient and more affordable concert going experience. "People can expect beautiful music, and they don't have to travel for it. And our prices are reasonable," Dambolena notes. "We contribute to the cultural life of the town."

Jettero Lundquist during a recent Open Rehearsal for the Wellesley Choral Society.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

Page 14

october 1, 3, 6, 9, 16, 17 Wellesley Reads Together, Wellesley Reads Together kicks off on October 1 at the Library with a reading by Katie Smith Milway, author of The Good Garden. She will read from the book, and discuss the true story behind the story, then visit the children's room for activities. For other Wellesley Reads together events, www.wellesleyreadstovisit gether.org. october 4 Keep Well clinic, Keep Well clinics are a service of the Wellesley Health Department. Have your blood pressure monitored and health questions answered. 315 Weston Road, 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. Keep Well Clinics also take place at various other locations in town and on numerous other days and times. For more information call 781.235.0135 or visit www.wellesleyma.gov/health. october 7-9 and 14-16 Little Women, the musical, The Louisa May Alcott classic story comes to life at the Arsenal Center for the Arts in Watertown, as the Wellesley Players perform Little Women. This coming-of-

October Calendar of Events

age story is set not far from Wellesley, as Louisa May Alcott’s family home in Concord is the basis for the March estate depicted in the familiar novel and m u s i c a l . www.wellesleyplayers.org. october 11

I-95 Noise barrier Project meeting 7:00 p.m., Wellesley Town Hall. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is holding a Type II Noise Barrier Project public meeting to discuss noise barriers in Wellesley along I-95 southbound. MassDOT will be presenting information on a Type II noise barrier proposed adjacent to I 95 in Wellesley. october 14 cape Fear at the council on Aging, Get in the Halloween spirit... See Cape Fear (1962) at the Council on Aging. A lawyer's family is stalked by a man he once helped put in jail. Starring Robert Mitchem and Gregory Peck in the original version of this thriller. 106 mins. 12:45 p.m. at the Council on Aging, Wellesley Community Center.

october 15

The bates Pumpkin Fair, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Bates Elementary School, 116 Elmwood Road. This community-wide event for children and adults features games, prizes, moon bounces, raffles, haunted house, craft activities, lots of goodies, auction and pumpkins for sale. www.batespto.org. october 15 Hayride & Pumpkin Painting, Windy Lo Nursery, 309 Eliot St. (Rt. 16), Natick october 16 Friends sunday Tea celebration, Windy Lo Nursery, 309 Eliot St. (Rt. 16), 12 noon-2 p.m. Bring your mom, sister, grandmother, child, aunt or favorite teddy bear! Fancy attire encouraged. Ages 4 and up. To reserve a space, call 508-655-0910 october 17 All Aboard for the Turkey Train, The Council on Aging goes to the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad. We depart the Commu-

nity Center at 8:30am for our first stop: some pre-Christmas shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop. Our 2 hour train ride through the scenic New Hampshire Countryside includes a tasty turkey dinner with all the fixings from Hart’s Turkey Farm. We stop at Apple Farm before returning to Wellesley at approximately 7pm. The cost of this trip is $69. All registration and payment is due October 3. Call 781-235-3961 for more information. october 22 essentia boutique: celebrating Fashion, Food, and Fun. Come to Essentia in Wellesley Square and create a new look for yourself - let your inner beauty shine through! 3-5 p.m., Essentia, 91 Central Street. Fall Fashions, healthy food, henna tattoos and more. To celebrate the launch of the Eating For Life Alliance, which provides educational resources to colleges on eating disorder prevention and treatment. Open to women of all ages. For more information visit www.eatingforlife.org or call 339-2221947.

October 1. 2011

october 22 America's champs saturday Instructional basketball for boys, Skills, drills, and fun! Instruction includes basic skills like shooting, passing, dribbling, defense and rules of the game. There will be a game each week so skills can be put into action. Get ready for some basketball fun! Several groups for ages 3-13. Wellesley Recreation Department, 781 235-2370. october 23 World of Wellesley multicultural Festival, 2-5:00 p.m., Knight Auditorium, Babson College. A festival of food, music, dance, dress, and crafts. World-ofWellesley.org. october 27 The Reach for the stars Auction, Gala benefiting survivors of domestic violence will be held from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the WGBH Studios, One Guest Street, Boston. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, contact Courtney Opalka, Development and Special Events Coordinator, at courtney@reachma.org or 781891-0724 x104.

Speech and the City Kids & communication: Paving the Way for the Future: So we survived the transition from the lazy dog days of summer to the hectic schedule of fall. We New Englanders are resilient folks! Have you ever heard the saying, “If you don’t like the weather just wait a minute, it will change?” We could also say, “If you don’t like the communication, just wait a minute and it will change!” But are we as proficient at adapting as communicators to the climate of our situations as we are to the changes outside our door? Are we role modeling not just effective communication practices but how to shift and transition with the winds and tides of change in our environment?

Having taught Public Speaking, Oral Interpretation, and Building Interpersonal Skills classes at some of the nations’ top colleges and universities over the past twelve years, it has been stunning for me to note just how many students are entering these high level business and liberal arts programs with little to no speaking or communications classes under their belts. My students, both national and international, have described their programs as not having enough classes offered in these subject areas or not being able to get into crowded classes that do exist. And many of them said these classes were not required curriculum, so they decided to pass on them due to the fear of getting up in front of groups or because they didn't realize the importance of these skills at that time in their lives. Many end up “winging” their presentations and, later on in life, doing the same in a business setting. As parents, we look to the fall as

a time of new beginnings and we hope our kids find success in the new school year. Our children have coaches for sports and music, and tutors in core academics, but why not include a communication coach into the mix to help them build their “soft skills” and learn how to connect to others in the most effective ways possible? Having someone to remind them (and us) on a daily basis that our relationships now and in the future will greatly rely on how they are perceived is crucial, and it's also important to have someone who shows them how to flow with the tides of particular situations to meet communication challenges head on with grace and ease. As a coach, I often use the analogy of a very tall building that is firmly anchored to the ground as a way to represent our communications training: the higher you go, the more flexible you need to become in order to not only withstand and survive, but to thrive during the winds of change.

A recent study by one of our nations’ top financial advisory firms on self-made millionaires in the United States shows that these people share communication styles and habits that set them apart. Most of them are the first to shake hands and introduce themselves in an unknown group. They are more than just networkers: their social skills are impeccable, which makes them compelling and attractive to their audience. So let’s work and practice daily to create the anchor of a solid speaking vocabulary at home, in order to create a foundation of skills for the future for yourself and your family: 1) Practice greetings and salutations with family members: Say “Good morning, how are you?“ instead of “Hey!”, and “Goodnight, sleep well” rather than “See ya.” Practice polished etiquette and clean up your language. This really counts in school, real life, and at

work! 2) Allow your children to politely order their own food at restaurants or carry out a payment transaction at a store or coffee shop. Help them execute their requests with clarity, articulation, and a positive attitude. This will serve them well down the road in handling communication conflicts and misunderstandings. 3 Use a computer to video or audio record them socializing with a friend. After a short time they will forget that they are being taped and just become themselves. Play the recording back together and critique their interactions, including their use of verbal and non-verbal behaviors. Work on these skills daily and enjoy the process. The foundation of communication skills and practices you create today may open some important doors for tomorrow...

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Page 15

Multicultural Festival is Revived for 2011 BY PETER SHANLEY Get out your dancing shoes and fancy outfits because a tradition not seen in four years is returning to Wellesley this October. The World of Wellesley (WOW), a group dedicated to celebrating diversity, had annually held its Multicultural Festival since WOW's inception in 1991. In 2007, the event went on a brief hiatus, but now, with the group celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, members arranged to bring the event out of retirement. So on October 23, people are in-

vited from to Babson College’s Knight Auditorium 2-5 p.m. to partake in the festivities. “We have one great time,” said WOW chairman Richard S. McGhee. “People eat, dance, and listen to entertainment.” He added that the auditorium will be draped with 70 national flags, representing some of the 31 nationalities residing in Wellesley. “We demonstrate the multiculturalism of the town,” noted McGhee. The festival, which is free, will feature displays from the Wellesley

Historical Society, the police and fire departments, and the Wellesley Public Library, according to Marie Gassenheimer, committee chair of the event. Alongside those displays will be student artwork from all of Wellesley’s public schools.

Read the paper online: www.Wellesley TownNews.com

“This means a lot to the people,” said Gassenheimer. “Unfortunately, we haven’t done it the past couple of years.” There will be a vast array of entertainment at the festival, including Bollywood dancing and Irish step-dancing. The Black Sea Salsa band, a 15-piece jazz group well known in the Boston music scene, will also perform. “We try to make people aware of different cultures, especially with the entertainment,” said Gassenheimer. Anyone suffering hunger pains will find a variety of food donated from local establishments: Chinese, Indian, Thai, clam chowder, and pizza for the kids. Gassenheimer commented that despite maybe not being the most ethnically diversified dish, the clam chowder is the most popular. The multicultural event is not the lone offering of WOW. The organization also has a 11-year running Dr. Martin Luther King breakfast every January, a Thanksgiving Day breakfast with the Interfaith Community for Action group, and some 15 other diversifying programs. With WOW first organizing as a group in order to focus on diversity and the idea of coming together as a community, the group will continue to promote its ideals through events like the upcoming Multicultural Festival.

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October 1. 2011

Newton-Wellesley Hospital Women’s Imaging Center Asking Patients To “Pay It Forward” Pink Card Program to Generate Awareness Around, Importance of Early Detection in Breast Cancer. While breast cancer can take years to develop, women rarely have any symptoms in the early stages. However, if breast cancer is found early with a mammogram, the five-year survival rate is 98%. Mammograms, along with clinical breast exams and general breast awareness, are vital for early detection and successful treatment. During the month of October, after a patient has her routine mammogram at the Manton

Women’s Imaging Center at Newton-Wellesley Hospital or other locations in Natick and Walpole, she will be asked to pay it forward in an effort to potentially save a life. In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, NewtonWellesley Hospital is asking patients coming in for a mammogram to pass along a pink reminder card to their mother, sister, daughter, or friend as a way to encourage a loved one to schedule her annual mammogram. “Our goal is to increase awareness about the importance of early

detection as the first step in the fight against breast cancer,” said Alan Semine, MD, Chief of Breast Imaging, Newton-Wellesley Hospital. Screening mammograms are used to identify breast changes that may represent cancer in women who have no breast complaints or symptoms. Finding breast cancer early greatly improves a woman’s chance for successful treatment. The Women’s Imaging Center at Newton-Wellesley Hospital offers sensitive, compassionate care of the highest quality provided by expert radiologists and mammogra-

phers using the most advanced equipment available. The Center focuses on convenience and assurance, offering screening appointments five days a week, including Saturdays, and also evening and lunchtime appointments to accommodate the busiest of schedules. The Newton-Wellesley Mammography Program is licensed and inspected by the State of Massachusetts yearly, certified by the FDA and accredited by the American College of Radiology. In addition, Newton-Wellesley Hospital has been awarded as a Breast Center of Excellence by the

American College of Radiology. Screening mammograms are offered at Newton-Wellesley Hospital and at two off-site Ambulatory Care Centers at 307 West Central Street, Natick and 111 Norfolk Street, Walpole. To participate in the Pink Card Program and schedule a mammogram appointment at any of these locations, call 617.243.6829. For information, visit more www.nwh.org/breastimaging.

License approved for Asian Wellesley, denied for Justine’s BY RENEE REYNOLDS The Board of Selectmen met on September 6 and voted to approve the common victualler’s license for the owners of Asian Wellesley, a proposed restaurant at 11-13 Washington Street. The restaurant owners filed an application on July 19 requesting an all alcohol serving license and 53 parking spaces. The restaurant will take the place of Bobby’s in Wellesley Lower Falls. An attorney explained to the board that the owners’ family cur-

rently operates a number of Asianstyle restaurants in the area and that they are not new to the restaurant business. The restaurant to be opened in Wellesley will have approximately 100 seats. The board also moved to finalize their decision to deny a common victualler license for the proposed Justine’s restaurant at 987 Worcester Street. The idea for a 135-seat restaurant on the Natick line has been opposed by the board primarily due to parking and traffic complications around Route 9.

Traffic engineers in Wellesley had been concerned about parking functionality at the site and, that if no spaces were available when someone pulled in, the driver would have no place to turn around. An application was originally filed for the restaurant in the summer of 2010, but it was later withdrawn. In March, Maryellen Behrend filed a new application, which was considered twice before it was unanimously denied. The board also moved to decline

the gift of the landlocked plot called “27R Kenilworth Road.” The 6,900 square foot, landlocked property is located directly behind the house at 27 Kenilworth Road. Board members suggested that they did not find owning the plot would serve a purpose to the town. Since it is landlocked, stepping onto the property would be considered trespassing. Further, board members considered selling the plot to an abutter, but felt the current owner should be the one to offer the piece of land instead.

Wellesley Abc “House mom:” mbaira maorongarti Motherhood, like music, is a universal language. Blended voices and instruments produce melodies cherished throughout the world. Compassion and caring are the hallmark characteristics primary to mothers the world over.

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Mbaira Maorongarti, Resident Director of the Wellesley A Better Chance (ABC) House, encourages the five young women living in the House to be intelligent, self-sufficient women. She, like mothers everywhere, desire their “children” to succeed. “Mbaira enables the house to be a real family,” said Rebecca Georgenes, Co-President of Wellesley ABC. “For her, that is important, for the girls to feel like they are one big family.” “I call myself House Mom,” Mbaira said, a huge smile filling

While members did decide to decline the gift, they were still grateful it had been offered to the town. “We will decline the gift,” said Barbara Searle, chairman of the Board of Selectmen. “Thank you to the owners for offering. We appreciate the offer of a gift to the town.” Additional updates were given on other projects. In the upcoming weeks, the board will address options for a site for a potential senior center, as well as provide updates on the Wellesley Square Initiative.

her face. “It is important for me to have this chance to help the girls succeed. I treat them as my own children.” The Wellesley ABC program, which this year includes five girls, is part of the national A Better Chance organization that provides academic opportunities for students from underserved communities throughout the United States. (Governor Deval Patrick attended Milton Academy as a member of the ABC program). Members of the Wellesley ABC board, host families, tutors, as well as the teachers at the Wellesley High School, all contribute to the success of the girls. “We have tutors from Wellesley College who come to the House for study hours five times a week. We have two students that split their time twice a week,” Mbaira said. “The girls also have academic advisors who are parents from the Town (of

October 1. 2011 Wellesley) who follow the academic progress of the students. Some take them to visit colleges and help them with college applications,” she said. The program also has retired local high school and college teachers who tutor in math, English and Spanish whenever needed. One such volunteer is James Barr, a retired Wellesley High School math teacher who was one of the founding members of the Wellesley ABC program. While teaching

in Ohio back in the mid-1960s a friend told him about a program started at Dartmouth College that took academically gifted boys from inner city environments, brought them to Dartmouth where they studied English and math and then placed them in private schools across the country. This same friend told Barr about a job at Wellesley High School, which he took and, subsequently remained at for 33 years. By this time the ABC program wanted to extend to public schools. Barr, along with people from the Wellesley community, presented the program to the superintendent and school committee who accepted the plan and the Wellesley ABC program was started in town in 1972. “I am very happy the program got started and has flourished,” Barr said. “The girls are accepted at top ranked colleges and universities and become leaders.” Shirley Quinn, a retired academic administrator from Wellesley College and Harvard University, is another volunteer who has served as an English and history tutor for many years. “The level is high. We don’t ex-

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com pect the girls to get “C” grades. We push them to get “B’s” and above,” Mbaira said. “They are scholars, so we remind them that they are scholars. ABC provides all that is needed to achieve," she said.

old when they come to the house,” Mbaira said. “When they are ready to leave, they go to college... There has been a 100% college enrollment since I’ve been here,” she said of her six year stint.

In addition to academic success, the Wellesley ABC program encourages social development. Volunteer drivers provide transportation for the young women so that they can go to shopping malls, the movies, and engage in other social activities. “It

Mbaira Maorongarti, originally from Chad, Central Africa, left Chad because of civil war. She went to Burkina Faso, West Africa, as a refugee and finished high school there. “There were so many refugees in Rwanda due to the genocide. The United States allowed some people to settle in the US,” Mbaira said. “I was among the names chosen, the only one from my family. My father wanted me taken care of because I was shot during the civil war. I came to the United States and lived with Catholic Charities in Maryland before moving to Baltimore. Then, I discovered that a teacher of mine from Chad was in Arlington. That is how I ended up in Massachu-

is mandatory that they do after school activities like track, dance, photography, art, or other activities that are of interest. When they become juniors or seniors, we ask that they have jobs,” Mbaira said. Local merchants like Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery and Thunder have been instrumental in hiring ABC program participants. “The girls must keep their grades up first though,” Mbaira interjected. Roger Pelissier of Roger Pelissier Photography has been a longtime supporter of the program and supplies free photographs for the girls. “We also do fun things like going to the beach or taking the girls out to dinner. Everyone goes out to dinner for their birthdays,” Mbaira said. The Wellesley ABC Board includes host families, some drivers, academic advisors, and fundraisers who actively solicit people to donate. Major fundraisers are held twice a year for the program. In addition to the resident director, the ABC House has a cook, bookkeeper, and a cleaning crew. “ABC helps the girls to develop in academic ways, but it also helps them to mature. They are 14 years

setts,” she said. Mbaira attended Bunker Hill Community College, where she also tutored in math and taught math for a year. She entered Wellesley College as a Davis Scholar her junior year and majored in biological science. She graduated from Wellesley College in 2005. She works at the college as a Laboratory Specialist in the biology lab. Mbaira and her husband, Maxime, have two children, a four-year-old boy, Noubara, and a daughter, Anelly, who turned six years old on September 17. “Mbaira is the lifeblood of the house,” said Becky Georgenes. “With Mbaira, we get four people. We get the whole family! Her dedication; the dedication of six years, you don’t find people like Mbaira and Maxime every day. They are wonderful members of

Page 17 the Wellesley community,” she said. Mbaira Maorongarti’s personal challenges and accomplishments inform her compassion and commitment and enable her to serve as a competent role model for the girls. Her extraordinary mothering skills not only serve her own family, but allow her to serve as a symphony of hope for the young women of the Wellesley ABC House. She is a Bright Light, and someone you should know. "Bright Lights: Wellesleyites You Should Know" appears in each edition of Wellesley Local Town Pages. Readers are invited to email suggestions of a local person who is doing something interesting, striving to make life better for Wellesley residents, or is simply a community ‘gem’ our readers should know about. Email Je’Lesia Jones at arie8@comcast.net.

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

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October 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports WHS Football Focused on Today BY LIZZY SNELL One game at a time. It’s the simple, straightforward motto of a young Wellesley Raiders football team that has the drive and desire to unite as a team and aim for the postseason. “Every year is different,” said Wellesley head coach Bill Tracey. “We have a different group of kids, a new group of seniors. Making comparisons is not always easy to

do; we’re a different team and want to try and be consistent in what we do.” The Raiders graduated 18 seniors last season and only have ten seniors on this year’s roster. However, Tracey said he has the utmost faith in every player to come together as a team.

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Senior Cole Bouley added that a small personal goal is to beat Walpole, as it’s a feat yet to be accomplished in his high school career. But a more important goal to him as a captain is to help out the underclassmen.

“We’re a young team,” Tracey said. “Our kids are learning how to play the game. I like the effort. We

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the lights against Norwood on September 23, which took place after Local Town Pages went to press, is highly anticipated for everyone, along with conference rivalry games against Natick, Needham and Walpole.

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Quarterback Matt Pini runs for yardage during the Raiders game against Weymouth. Photos by Connie Main

“Since we only have 10 seniors

just have to do it on a more consistent basis.” On September 9, the Raiders traveled to Framingham for their season opener but came up short in a 41-10 loss to the Flyers and that loss was followed by a defeat at the hands of Weymouth High School. But Tracey and his players are not deterred and were quick to reiterate the importance of taking the season one game at a time, one week at a time. “A lot of people ask if our sights are on the playoffs,” said senior captain Callen Raveret. “They are but we like to take it week by week. We treat each game as if it’s our last, take every play as our last

play.” Fellow senior captain, and team quarterback, Matt Pini agreed, adding that they’re “looking to become as crisp on offense as possible” and be the best Raider team they can. “I think we want to become more of a ‘team-focused’ team, you could say,” Pini said. “We have

young talent playing in starting roles and instead of focusing on a few stars; we’re trying to play more as a team.” According to Dan Elfman, senior captain and running back, no one on the team wants to play with regrets or put too much emphasis on any one single game. Even so, all four senior captains agreed that the night game under

it’s important that our young guys feel as though they’re important, because they are,” Bouley said. “They have to step up so we can play as one big unit.” Raveret also wants the Raider underclassmen to understand their worth and that they are needed in order for the team to function as a whole.

“Every day everyone is expected to give 110 percent,” he said. “Even if their role is not that big on the team, all 44 of us need to give in as much effort as possible if we’re going to win. We need to make sure everyone feels valued on the team and has a role. If one person drops down, we need to ensure they’re not off and alone by themselves.”

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

October 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports Raider’s Scoring Attack Coming Alive BY TIM DAVIS The Wellesley Raiders boy’s soccer team is headed in a new direction under first-year coach Tim Mason. Utilizing a stingy defense, the Raiders have surprisingly outshot their opponents recently by relying on an opportunistic offense. “Momentum,” said Mason after a 2-1 victory over the Medway Mustangs. “We have the momentum going right now, and we got to keep it going.” After dropping a tough 1-0 decision to the Framingham Flyers to open the season, the Raiders bounced back to score three goals against the Dedham Marauders in a 3-1 victory.

In the win over Medway, the Raiders held the Mustangs to six shots on net by keeping the field narrow against a Mustang team that liked to move the ball across the field. “We defended narrow as a unit,” said Mason on the 2-1 win. “We were very physical winning the headers and tackles.” That physical play for the Raiders can be seen on both ends of the field as when Auris Kveraga took an inbound throw-in and raced down the pitch, beating two defenders and laying a lofty touch ball that sailed over the Medway’s goalie head for the winning goal in the win; and when sophomore Adam Chernew took a bouncing loose ball from Drew Buzzell and nailed a fifteen-yard strike in the corner for the Raiders first goal against the ‘Stangs. “We rely on getting the first goal,” said midfielder Horelick. "We are playing really confident on the offensive end.” By playing opportunistic on the offensive end, Chernew does a wonderful job of controlling the midfield, often making beautiful passes to the wings in hope of finding the towering Kveraga for a shot at the net.

Watching the Raiders, the strongest aspect of their game is playing a balanced defense with sweeping backs Dan O’Neil and Ryan Stuntz, who control the back line and have limited the scoring opportunities against Raiders goalie Mack Jones. “Our defense is our strength,” said senior Adam Horelick, “and countering with our defenders back.”

“The boys have a lot of confidence right now,” said Mason. "We are out-shooting our opponents and we are very positive as a squad.” The Raiders are hoping to win half of their non-league matches to qualify for post-season play, according to the ‘Sullivan Rule,’ and so their win over Medway goes a long way in reaching that goal. “We were not expected to be a offensive team at the beginning of the year, but we are playing with a lot of confidence,” said Horelick.


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Page 19

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Page 20

October 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports Where There's a Will There's a Way William Fahey Keeps the Cup Half Full BY DAVE HALPERIN In a perfect world, the Wellesley High School Raiders would win every game and reach the Massachusetts High School Super Bowl each year, there would be a rock concert worth seeing every night, and people confined to wheelchairs would have greater accessibility to all the things us able-bodied people enjoy. Moreover, the Raiders would enjoy the benefits of playing on an artificial turf field with lights and, before his high school career is over, 16 year

old William Fahey would play quarterback in a Raiders game, in spite of the cerebral palsy that limits his mobility. While he recognizes the proverbial "Rome wasn't built in a day," Fahey is sure these goals are attainable. In fact, that's just the point: no matter how difficult things are, or how hard he has to work for it, Fahey's optimism remains as apparent as his trademark smile and the Boston sports' gear he wears with the fanaticism of a diehard Red Sox fan, circa 2003.


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Wellesley Raider Super Fan William Fahey warms up on the sideline before the Weymouth game. Photo by Caroline Fahey.

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"I think of what I want to do, and I just do it," William says. "And I'm not just sitting around the house, I get out there and show people who I am."

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Fahey, who was a student in

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Wellesley Public Schools through the fifth grade, now attends the Cotting School in Lexington, where the right services and programs exist for a young man with his challenges. There, he tests and pushes his physical abilities daily through weightlifting, swimming, basketball (he's on the team), sled

hockey (he's won championships and individual trophies), and other sports and activities, including physical therapy, and sharpens his business acumen by selling used books online through Amazon and pitching in to make and serve breakfast every day. And this year he may add another job to his ré-


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October 1. 2011

Wellesley Sports

Page 21

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Photo by Caroline Fahey.

sumé: helping out with Cotting's athletics program. This is a young man with a business mind and a heart big enough to hold the town of Wellesley and the disabled community.

"I would like to start a foundation for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities who want to play sports," he explains, "and I would also like to fundraise for Wellesley High School to get a new field." An avid music fan, William, has seen Kiss, U2, Bruce Springsteen (three times), and the J Geils Band, among others. His room is plastered with enough Boston-area sports memorabilia to make the

New England Sports Museum jealous (including a football autographed by "my friend" Tom Brady, who he's met several times), and is home to his treasured PlayStation set-up.

really make the team happy, so I try to get the crowd into it," he says. "I do it for myself and for those people who want to do it, but can't, people who can't get out of their wheelchairs."

But readers should not be mistaken. While rock bands, PlayStation, and the New England Patriots and Boston Celtics occupy moments in his life, William Fahey's true interest is in seeing Raiders football to the next level: Bay State Conference success and a future of Super Bowls.

"He's the biggest fan I know, just very committed, very dedicated, and willing to do whatever it takes to be a part of the team," says William's friend and the Raiders' team manager, Chris Robinson. "The energy he brings is unachievable by anyone else I know."

Holding a spot on the sideline during games and alongside the team during practices, his philosophy is that if he can inspire fans to cheer more loudly and urge the players to work harder, excitement will be generated. That excitement will yield success, which in turn will bring more excitement, and more success.

His mother says that being around the Raiders provides her son with a connection to the town and to the peers he grew up with, students he doesn't see during his school days at Cotting. "He would love getting the chance to play football, but he can't because of the CP... But there are other things he can do," she says. "Being on the team gets him pumped up and feeling like he's part of something, and that means the world to him."

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Says William: "My thing is, football is my passion, where I get to hang around my teammates and keep the cup half full, and not half empty, because the more I do that, the better things are."

"The people in the stands, they

We publish the 1st of every month. Advertisement and editorial deadline is the 15th of each month. editor@wellesleytownnews.com

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Page 22

6 Mistakes Your Trustee Can Make That Can Spoil Your Trust One may feel honored to be appointed as a trustee, but there are several legal duties and responsibilities the job carries with it. There are several ways a trustee can ruin a trust and destroy a beneficiary’s inheritance. This article will discuss some of the most common errors we see. error #1: Not Properly Accounting for Trust Records Most states, including Massachusetts, require trustees to provide regular accountings to the trust beneficiaries; current, future, and potential future beneficiaries. These accountings must contain detailed records of all income received by the trust as well as all distributions the trust makes. While this task may seem simple, if the trustee mucks this up, even once, they leave themselves open to a potential lawsuit by beneficiaries, which they will be forced to pay for out of their own pockets. To avoid this potential pitfall the trustee should consider hiring a professional CPA and/or attorney with experience in the field of trust administration. The trust records will likely be sufficient and the trustee, by hiring a professional, limits their personal liability

for errors. error # 2: Failing to diversify Investments Many trustees decide not to reinvest trust assets, such as stock, that have served the trust well and performed well over the years. In cases where the trust holds stock in a company owned or run by the dearly departed, the decision to reinvest assets can be even more difficult. It is the duty of the trustee, however, to make sure that the trust’s assets are diversified and invested in such a way as to create income for the trustee while also preserving principal. Investment management is the most litigated area of trust administration. The process can be long and difficult and lead to a significant amount of trust assets being spent on legal fees rather than being paid to beneficiaries. Following the Prudent Investor Standards set forth by the Center for Fiduciary Studies will help aid trustees in meeting their fiduciary investing responsibilities. Along with this there is always the question of what is sound investing as you approach retirement

age or once retired. As an elder law attorney, we have focused our practice on helping seniors and their families. In addition to helping people protect their home, spouse, life-savings & legacy, we have also helped people locate financial professionals who have appropriate investment vehicles tailored to seniors and their needs. An appropriate choice for investors who may need to access their funds within the next 6 to 24 months and/or anyone whose primary goal is preservation of capital or an alternative to the volatile stock market. The objective of this approach is to maximize total return while minimizing volatility and emphasizing the preservation of capital. This particular approach is of interest to many, many clients, especially with the recent volatility of the stock market. error #3: making biased distributions Trustees owe a fiduciary duty to current beneficiaries as well as remaindermen (future beneficiaries). Many times, the interests of the current and future beneficiaries are not the same. Current beneficiaries may want to see the trustee invest in high yield securities while

the future beneficiaries would like to see a safer investment with a lower yield. How does the trustee balance the interests of both parties? A trustee, especially if they are a family member, may, knowingly or unknowingly make distributions in favor one beneficiary over the others. It can be especially difficult for a family member trustee to set aside their biases, but the trustee owes the same duty to all beneficiaries. error #4: expecting a Pay day Some trustees believe that their role as trustee will lead to a quick payday. This is generally not the case. It can take a lot of time and effort for the trustee to be paid because the process gives all beneficiaries the opportunity to voice their complaints about the job the trustee has done. To avoid long arduous litigation, it is advisable that the trustee set up a schedule of fees, signed off on by all the beneficiaries. error 5: Having a False sense of security The role of trustee carries with it unlimited liability. Anything that the trustee does improperly, whether it be on purpose or by accident or by simply not knowing their responsibilities, can lead to the trustee being sued and forced to pay damages out of their own pocket. The trustee can be liable

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Barking Gardens

October 1. 2011 not only for money lost due to their actions but also money that could have been earned had they acted correctly. Many assume that because the beneficiaries are family members they will be insulated from being sued. The reality is however, that, many family member trustees end up in court. A trustee should never assume they will not be held liable for their actions simply because the beneficiaries are family. error 6: Not Knowing When to go to court Trusts are often used to avoid the necessity of having to go to court to distribute an estate. There are situations when a trip to court can save the trustee a lot of trouble. If the trust documents are ambiguous and one course of action will benefit one group of people and another course of action will benefit another group of people, the trustee should not make a decision, because they are likely to end up in court explaining their decision. The trustee should file appropriate documents with the court and let a judge decide how to proceed. In summary Selecting a trustee who is experienced with financial and tax matters is important when considering who you should appoint. For more information on choosing the right trustee and assuring your legacy is carried on by your trustee, call 800-964-4295 or visit us online at www.DSullivan.com to register to attend an educational Trust, Estate, and Asset Protection Workshop hosted by the estate planning and asset protection professionals of Dennis Sullivan & Associates or call (781) 237 2815 our office to discuss your situation. You can also download our free “Successor Trustee Report" at www.DSullivan.com and learn more about what you can do to protect your family. Upcoming Trust, Estate & Asset Protection Workshops are as follows: Thursday, october 13 @ 10Am & 2Pm Tuesday, october 25 @ 10Am & 2Pm

Wellesley estate Planning Attorney dennis b. sullivan, esq, cPA, LLm Barking Gardens (781) 453-PETS (7387) 323 oakland Street, Wellesley MA www.BarkingGardens.com

Highly Recommended: Absolutly Pawsitive Pet Services (781) 235-PAWS (7297) www.AbsolutlyPawsitive.com

Open 7 Days a Week (Tues.-Sat. 10-8pm) Sun. & Mon. hours will vary depending on programs offered.

The estate Planning & Asset Protection Law center of dennis sullivan & Associates

October 1. 2011

Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com

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home M A R K E T P L A C E Get the best price when selling a home * Price it competitively: Some sellers think the higher they price their home the more money they'll get for it. The fact is, the longer an overpriced home sits on the market, the less appealing it will appear to buyers. Individuals looking for a home may repeatedly see the listing and wonder what's wrong with the home. Even if it's the best home in the neighborhood, it may be seen as a red flag that's best avoided.

The housing market has not yet rebounded to pre-recession prices, when buyers seemed to be stepping over one another to bid up the price of homes. Today's sellers may be lucky to get asking price, with the reality being a certain percentage below. However, that doesn't mean sellers should accept bottom-of-the-barrel offers. There are still ways to get the best price possible on an offered home. With sellers hoping to get the most possible for a home and buyers interested in spending the least, it's sometimes a battle of wills when it comes to hashing out a confirmed price in the world of real estate. Sellers who wonder whether they'll struggle to get a good offer can hedge their bets in the right direction by employing a few strategies. * What you see is what you get: It's difficult to change first impressions. If a potential buyer pulls up to a home that doesn't give them "warm and fuzzy" feelings immediately, it may be hard to eventually sway opinion of the home -even if it's pristine on the inside. Individuals do judge a book by its cover, which means that effort should be put into making a home's exterior as appealing as possible. Landscaping should be neat and lush. There shouldn't be any obstacles leading to the front of the home. Items that look in dis-

repair should be mended. Curb appeal does matter. * Use a real estate agent: Many people forgo this step, thinking they can sell their home just as well without an agent and not have to pay commission in the process. A real estate agent is schooled in the process of negotiating the price

of an offered home. In fact, the more a home's selling price, the higher the agent's profit. That's incentive right there. Furthermore, agents know the average prices of similar homes and can help a seller price and market a property correctly. That may add up to a faster sale (and a better offer).

* Give people what they want: Buyers often prefer updated kitchens and bathrooms. Most buyers out there are not looking for "handyman specials." They want a relatively turn-key property. A kitchen or bathroom that is an eyesore can repel potential buyers. Home shoppers may be more inclined to go closer to asking price if some of the bigger-ticket items

are already completed. * Don't be an open book: If a buyer knows that time is of the essence or the home is "priced to sell," he or she may sense that desperation, almost guaranteeing a low-ball offer. Sellers shouldn't let on too much about their reasons for selling or make it seem like they'll be in dire straights if the home doesn't sell quickly. Selling a home under duress is not likely to cause prospective buyers to pony up. * Don't be afraid to counter-offer: A buyer who is excited to get an offer on a home in a slow market, but feels the offer is below value, should definitely counter-offer. While the buyer may not accept the counter, he or she may make another offer that is more to the seller's liking. TF116926

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October 1. 2011

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