New Trends in Online Advertising Brisbane Companies Should Learn For 2015 The world of online advertising is changing at an ever increasing pace, as companies try to keep up with an increasingly advanced and sophisticated audience who no longer view adverts in the same way as TV audiences in the 1980s and 1990s. As the demands of viewers have made online advertising more demanding, so the need for a constant replacement of ideas and brands means that companies often have to rapidly change from one advertisement to the next. In 2015, new trends in advertising may force businesses into even more changes and innovations, and if you want be stay front of mind for the online viewer, you will need to be able to follow a few of those trends. Advertising moves into media The essential element of social media in any 2015 marketing strategy means that advertising agencies will start to actively seek out media specialists, and may even try to take over some social media channels, such as YouTube and Twitter, creating an advertising platform out of social media. These changing methods will particularly impact social media transactions, and there will be less emphasis upon traditional forms of advertising (message, branding, etc), and more focus on media conversations. When it comes to online advertising Brisbane companies that can keep ahead of `trends in social media, including buying through Facebook pages may also focus their efforts on social media advertising. Multi-touch tracking For over a decade, companies have been using single attribution or tracking methods to pinpoint where customers have come from in order to work out which online marketing programs have worked best for their brand. Experts are predicting that 2015 will see more companies moving towards the multi-touch or multi-attribution form of tracking, which allows the marketing company to track the customers’ movements through different media formats, and take note of how and where they move after visiting your business website and what their preferences are. This will provide a more holistic connection between online marketing and sales attribution which could change the focus of some online marketing campaigns. Mobile marketing Mobile marketing is the next step from online advertising Brisbane companies will have to pay more attention to in 2015.It is estimated that more than a billion people online have mobile access through their mobile devices (smartphones or tablets). This means that marketers will have to start putting mobile communication forms at the front of any online campaign. Apps in particular will be the source of major advertising and branding targeting in the year to come,
and most businesses should be prepared to invest in apps that promote their business as well as providevaluable services to the customer.