Local Women North West Edition April 2021

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Menopause weight gain: Is the Let’s lose our lockdown weight! middle age spread a myth or weight reality As the lockdown continues, it’s time to lose with the



Emma explores the factors with from untimely weight gain and Clinic. National Weight Loss associated Programme Elite Aesthetic AESTHETIC TREATMENT CLINIC explains how elites National Medical Weightloss Clinic has proved Physical activity has many more benefits than just burning THE MEDICINE LASTS FOR immensely effective in minimising this weight gain excess calories – it improves your health on many levels A WEEK, SO WILL I FEEL • Breathing problems HUNGRIER TOWARDS THE • Heart and blood vessel disease END OF THE WEEK AS THE • Type 2 diabetes MEDICINE WEARS OFF?

We have observed amazing success with ourINP National Medical Weight RN RM PHNS Loss programme which launched earlier this year and we have received As you get older, you might notice that maintaining so many enquiries. Here I will answer as many of your frequently asked your usual weight becomes more difficult. In fact, many questions as possible. women gain weight around the menopause transition. Menopause weight gain isn’t inevitable, however. You ISthis THIS NATIONAL MEDICAL WEIGHT canWHAT reverse course by paying attention to healthyeating and leading an active lifestyle, but LOSShabits PROGRAMME (NMWLP)? unfortunately most it’s not quite as easy that!and It is a combinedfor programme of calorie-controlled diet,as exercise an added pharmacotherapy (medicine – aweight small injection pen) that What causes menopause gain?

you administer at home. This pen helps to suppress and manage The hormonal changes of menopause might make you your appetite as well as activating certain metabolic pathways. more likely to gain weight around your abdomen than The active ingredient is a prescription only medication . around your hips and thighs. But hormonal changes alone don’t necessarily cause menopause weight gain. HOW DOthe I START PROGRAM? Instead, weightTHIS gain is usually related to aging, as well as lifestyle and genetic factors. The NMWLP uses prescription medication. You must complete a medical assessment with muscle me, and Imass will carry out a comprehensive For example, typically diminishesconsultation with age, to ensurefat youincreases. are the rightLosing candidatemuscle and it is safe forslows you to use while mass theit. rate at which your body uses calories (metabolism). This can • Step 1 Complete the online consultation. make it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight. If • continue Step 2 Schedule a virtual consultation you to eat as you always have and don’t increase • Step 3 Commence weight losstojourney your physical activity,your you’re likely gain weight. Genetic factors might also play a role in WHO CAN TAKE THIS MEDICATION? menopause weight gain. If your parents or Adults aged 18 torelatives 75, who have a BMIextra of 30 orweight above. Adults BMI of 27 other close carry when there any other weight-related issues present such around theareabdomen, you’re likelyhealth to do as high blood pressure, abnormal levels of fats in the blood (lipids) or the same. breathing problems during sleep (obstructive sleep apnoea). Other factors, such as a lack of exercise, unhealthy and not enough HOW DOESeating IT WORK? sleep, might contribute to menopause The medication will work as an appetite Delivery is via a weight gain. When people don’t suppressant. get virtually painless taken daily or weekly. The messaging system enough sleep,injection they tend to snack is activated, it then makes more and and consume moreyou: calories.

including the release of ‘happy hormones’.

Before and after results HOW MUCH WEIGHT CAN I EXPECT weight loss programme TO LOSE?

Excess weight also increases your risk of various types of Everyone has different experiences, cancer, including breast, colon and endometrial cancers. but generally people say they “don’t feel hungry at all”best on the way medication. What’s the to prevent weight gain You may feel less effect as the week during and after menopause? goes on but it’s unlikely. If you do start The simply it’s saybest stick to weight-control basics: to getexperts hunger cravings to tell us as soon as possible, we can look at altering • Move more. so Physical activity, including aerobic exercise the or yourtraining, injection technique. anddose strength can help you shed excess pounds and maintain a healthy weight. As you gain muscle, your body ARE ? makes it easier to burnsTHERE calories ANY moreSIDE-EFFECTS efficiently — which control yourwill weight. Some patients experience short-term side effects including: • Eat less. To maintain your current weight — let alone lose •excessNausea pounds — you might need about 200 fewer calories a •day during Indigestion your 50s than you did during your 30s and 40s.

• Constipation • Check your sweet habit. Added sugars account for nearly • Diarrhoea 300 calories a day in the average person’s diet. • Abdominal discomfort alcohol. Alcoholic beverages add excess calories to •• LimitHeadache your diet and increase the risk of gaining weight.

WHAT AREtrying THE these BENEFITS ? I have been recommended guidelines, but I still can’t seem losemanaging weight -toWE HEAR Losing weighttoand keep it offYOU! has many health benefits which include: to be a reoccurring theme during our weight loss This appears management consultations, I can also empathise with these •amazing Improving well-being ladies mental who seem to have hit a brick wall when it •comesReducing theloss riskand of type to weight why2 diabetes our programme has been an •amazing Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease success.

• • •

Reducing the risk of 13 types of cancers Reducing the risk of muscular and skeletal disease Reducing the risk of premature death


This varies, but most people will lose around a stone (6.5kg) every 4-6 weeks. But you are expected to lose a minimum of 5 per cent of your body weight after completing 12 weeks of treatment. There are many factors that affect this. Elite’s patients on average are losing 14lbs per month.

WHAT DO I DO ONCE I REACH MY IDEAL WEIGHT? This is really down to you. Most people feel happy to maintain their lifestyle to manage weight regain. You do have the option of staying on a low maintenance dose to help with this. • Feel less hungry, DO YOU NEED TO FAST?

• Feel fuller quicker and fuller for longer. No, fasting is not a requirement of the programme. We encourage a • This should lead weight loss. calorie-controlled dietto andsignificant use the MyFitnessPal app to help you with this and your exercise goals.

How do I start this program? The YOU NMWLP uses RECOMMENDED prescription medication. DO PROVIDE DIETS ?You

must complete a medical assessment with myself I will carry out We do provide the Department of Health’s nutritional guidelines and a comprehensive consultation to ensure you are the right advice together with helpful tips and choices , but we do not provide candidate and it is safe for you to use it. individualised diets plans and nutritional advice . Step 1 Complete the online consultation.

IStep DON’T LIKE NEEDLES - WILL IT HURT? 2 Schedule a virtual consultation. The are superyour fine and painless. Stepneedles 3 Commence weight loss journey.

If you have been struggling with your weight loss please Before and after consultation results form and get in touch, complete our online weight let the team help you loss start programme your successful weight loss journey today.

The short answer is yes, it’s very safe. It has been fully trialled, tested and prescribed successfully on the NHS in the UK and fully FDA approved in the USA.

DO I NEED TO EXERCISE? Ideally yes! Exercise will be helpful in the long run to get you healthier, but it does not mean you need to spend countless hours in the gym.

Adam and Kathryn Bowen of AB Clinical

What is this National Medical Weight Loss Programme (NMWLP)? It is a combined programme of calorie-controlled diet, exercise and an added pharmacotherapy (medicine – a small injection pen) that you administer at home. This pen helps to suppress and manage your appetite as well as activating certain metabolic pathways. The medication does not work alone and is only successful as part of an overall programme.

How will this programme help you?

Menopause gainweight can have This should leadweight to significant loss. serious implications for your health. Excess weight, especially HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO START WORKING? around midsection, increases Most usersyour report it takes around a few hours to start to work once on your risk dose. of many issues, the treatment including:

The medication will work as an appetite suppressant. Delivery is via a virtually painless injection taken daily or weekly, meaning that the messaging system is activated. It then makes you;

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One syringe is £250 which is approximately one month’s supply. This includes not only the medication but other resources to give you the best possible opportunity to lose weight.

Patients WHO IS NOT Testimonials SUITABLE FOR THIS TREATMENT ? “I’mPregnant, five weeks into programme and I have trying to get the pregnant or breast feeding 16lbs off. Starting thedisease programme was one of the Inflammatory bowel best decisions I’vecancer made. I am finding it so easy. I History of thyroid amHistory walking daily but I am definitely not snacking or of pancreatitis craving likedisease I use to.” Severefood kidney Severe heart failurewith my weight loss, Emma. It’s “I am so delighted Taking week fourinsulin. of the programme and I’ve 13lbs off. I have struggled within my menopausal weight gain visit andour If you are interested this exciting weight loss programme, finally I am starting to see results, I am grateful website www.eliteaestheticclinic.co.uk. Please click the so National Weight Lossfor Programme link to fillsupport.” in our no-obligation consultation form. your ongoing • • • • • • •

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• Feel less hungry, How risky is weight • Feel fuller quicker and fuller for longer. gain after menopause?


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By Emma Heaney, Elite Aesthetic Clinic RN RM Elite PHNS Aesthetic INP By Emma Heaney, Clinic


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Local Women Magazine | 3


Student Nurse Leah Whitehouse is celebrating after losing over four stone with Slimming World. Being the best at losing wouldn’t normally help you scoop an award - yet one young woman has done just that.



Leah Whitehouse has lost a life changing 4st 1½lbs to take the title which was awarded to the member who has lost the most weight. Leah says: “I really enjoy being a member of Slimming World. I started after becoming worried about my health. I was so nervous before my first session and had no idea what to expect. I didn’t have to be worried though. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging. “Listening in group to people talk and share their experiences, I soon realised everyone was in the same boat - they understood what it felt like to struggle with your weight and were all working together and helping each other to achieve the very thing I wanted - to lose weight and keep it off for good. “I have to say I was relieved when I found out my weight would be confidential within the group! Now, I’ve made so many friends and I honestly don’t believe I could have done it without them - especially when our group went virtual. It helped me to achieve my Four Stone Award.” Leah says that during lockdown she was worried that it would hard, but with virtual group every week, she has kept motivated. She has even got back into eating more free foods as members have been supporting one another with new recipes and tips. “If anyone is ever struggling, we are always there and remind each other how far they we have come. There is nothing like being in group

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in person and I’m so excited for when we are able to get back into our real-life groups.” Leah, who is a student nurse, followed Slimming World’s Food Optimising plan. She says: “I completely changed my diet when I started. I swapped dairy products for plant-based products, white bread for low fat wholemeal bread and changed chocolate and sweets for Hifi bars and fruit. I now

try to eat as much free foods before eating anything that may have syns. “Since starting Slimming World I’ve really enjoyed free foods (especially eggs, potatoes and vegetables) which are things that I would not have eaten before. I still enjoy all my favourite meals and have found some new ones too. “I have just learned that making small changes like using lean meat or cooking with low calorie spray instead of oil or butter and they taste so much better.”



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positive impact on the individual member and on the community on a daily basis. Why do you think there is such a high level of female involvement in key positions within the movement?


In the embryotic stage of the credit union development the positions tended to be part-time






evolved and became a major player in the provision of financial services to

General Manager - Derry Credit Union Ltd

communities, women had acquired the skills and knowledge to play a major role.

How did you get involved with the credit union movement?

Working in the credit union requires you to be

I joined Derry Credit Union as a member

a multitasker, a person of vision and a problem

in 1986. My then future sister-in-law said

solver and to do all these with empathy. This

if you are going to live and work in Derry

skillset comes naturally to women.

you had better join the credit union! After

What is the most important message you

that I was an active member. When the

want to send out to women?

opportunity arose in 1998, I applied for, and

You can achieve what you want as long as

was appointed as the General Manager of

you apply yourself.

Derry Credit Union. What barriers have you faced, as a woman, in becoming successful in your field?

opportunities were in the evenings, nights or weekends which I could not participate in.

Read everything that

is relevant to your role and keep yourself well informed and up to date.

Take the

opportunities offered to you no matter

What makes working for the credit union

how small they may appear to be. Every

a mother of three children and working

so special?

experience has a value. Take all the support

full-time on occasions, trying to juggle all

I get to lead an organisation that is held in

you are given and be generous with your

your responsibilities fairly and ensuring you

high regard in the city. I work as part of a

time in return. Give as much support and

give your full attention to your job was a

dedicated team of people who believe in

encouragement to your colleagues as is

challenge. When I first joined the movement,

the credit union and its ethos. Collectively

possible so that they too can achieve their


we have the opportunity to make a real

full potential.

The biggest barrier was time pressure.


6 | Local Women Magazine




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‘We are all sisters… with split ends’ Did you ever imagine that in the midst of a worldwide health crisis, hair would take on such importance?

five minutes you are discussing childbirth and whether or not you had stitches?

Editor Kim Kelly

Soon, she knows about your relationship problems and you know that she is desperately worried about her elderly mother who may be showing signs of Alzheimer’s. You don’t exchange names, but you exchange stories and experiences.

I can honestly say I have never talked about my hair so much. Yes, I know it’s not life or death (it’s more important than that!) - but no matter where I am, if I meet another woman, we touch our heads, roll our eyes and exchange tales of whose hair looks the worst.

Go onto social media and you will see ladies sharing stories of breakdowns, prolapses and the menopause. Some call it oversharing – we call it bonding.

“Aw, sure mine’s like straw!”… “Och, I’m like Cher in her Sonny and Cher days!”…. “Don’t look at my roots, I’m like a badger!” we moan to each other.

Women often stand accused of being superficial because of our perceived love of makeup, hair, beauty, and fashion – but yet our conversations are far from superficial. While men banter about football, we as women find common ground – right now it’s our hair – and then we move swiftly on to more personal matters.

This initial openness of course leads on to much more personal topics. In no time we are discussing relationships, children, and health problems … yet we have only just met.

During lockdown we have missed this daily social interaction, this glorious oversharing, this woman bonding. And where’s the one place we can do a lot of our oversharing? The salon. Let’s face it, your hairdresser knows more about you than your GP does!

In 2021 with all the salons closed, hair has become the new way in which women bond. We stand in solidarity with each other with our frazzled ends and grey streaks. We are sisters … with split ends! The way in which women bond is something that men really don’t understand. I get the impression that men think women talk about recipes or what’s on television or makeup. News flash: We don’t! When women meet, they talk – I mean… they really talk.

So, let’s rejoice in the knowledge that salons will soon be open, and we can once again talk to strangers about the most intimate details of our lives – oh, and sort out those roots! Until next month,

How many times have you sat down beside a woman you don’t know in a waiting room or on a bus and within

Calling all lockdown wedding couples During these dark days, your beautiful lockdown weddings have been a beacon of hope. We love it when you send in your pictures and share the joy of your special day with Local Women readers.The pictures of your lockdown ceremonies that appear in this magazine are all so full of love – it’s heartwarming. So, if you have recently married, had a civil partnership, or had your civil partnership converted to a marriage, get in touch. We’d love to share in your celebrations by printing the pictures of your big day. Don’t worry if it was a lowkey event and you’re planning a bigger celebration in the future, we are happy to print both weddings – double the fun! All you have to do is email 10 of your wedding pictures to editor@localwomensnews. com with details of your bridal party. There is no charge for this.

MANAGING EDITOR: KIM KELLY editor@localwomensnews.com DESIGNER: AIDAN NELIS design@localwomensnews.com SALES: salesmid@localwomensnews.com ACCOUNTS: accounts@localwomensnews.com

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First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill come together to speak exclusively to Local Women Editor Kim Kelly about their lives behind the headlines, dealing with internet trolls and who they turn to when things get tough. Portraits by Alexandra Barfoot


It’s fair to say that Arlene Foster is not prone to tears.


When we meet at our appointed time at her office in Enniskillen, the First Even as a teenager Michelle O’Neill was prepared to stand up for herself Minister is as calm and collected as she appears on television. when she thought something was wrong. She is busy fielding Zoom meetings and phone calls, but she exudes When she was advised that she would probably have to stay back a year an air of a woman very much in control. In fact, she’s ready for us five in school because she fell pregnant at just 15 years old, she said nothing minutes early. – but she knew that was simply not going to happen. Today she is carrying out constituency work from her office. It’s far from Instead, she quietly threw herself into her studies and six days after the grandeur of Stormont but she is clearly relaxed in her hometown and giving birth to her daughter Saoirse she was sitting her first GCSE – just tells us about the kind of day-to-day work she does from here. for context she spent four of those days in intensive care. This isn’t the kind of work that will ever make the headlines, but is, she says, the reason why she became involved in politics.

“There was no way I was repeating the year,” says Michelle. “I worked extra hard all of fifth year because I knew I wanted to go into sixth form with my friends.”


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“By the time people contact us here, they are often desperate and have exhausted all other avenues,” she explains. “They need help, and we try our best to advocate for them.” She tells us about working with someone in need just before Christmas – a woman who was desperate for help. Arlene explains: “She had a child, and it was Christmas – she had no money, and she didn’t know what to do. We managed to get her sorted so that she could have a proper Christmas. “Not long after she came back to say thank you and she had a bunch of flowers with her. It was a little bunch from Tesco’s but I knew she could ill afford them. “Her gesture really touched me and after she had gone, I admit, I cried. The fact that she had gone to the trouble to thank me really touched me. “This is what my job is really about. Yes of course a part of it is what you see on television but much of it – and the part that I like best – is

“I think I’ll sneak off and call my hairdresser before I announce the reopening at the press conference so I can get the first appointment!” here in the constituency office advocating for people. Helping people who can’t speak for themselves for various reasons.” This is a softer side to Arlene that we don’t see on our television screens. In person, she is younger looking and isn’t as serious as you might expect. She’s witty and surprisingly sassy – but it’s not hard to imagine she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She admits that she isn’t one for procrastination and likes to see things through with as little fuss as possible. What is perhaps more surprising is that Arlene (and every other female politician in Northern Ireland) doesn’t cry more often, given the daily abuse she receives online. Imagine a life where someone else has to manage your Twitter account so that you don’t wake up each morning to a barrage of insults, threats and sexist comments. Of course, being in the public eye, you would expect a certain level of criticism – but if you type Arlene’s name into Twitter, you couldn’t fail to be shocked by the horrendous, violent language and personal insults in reply to even the most mundane of posts that she puts out. The rather unsatisfactory solution to this problem is for Arlene to remove Twitter from her phone and allow a staff member to monitor the account. That particularly unpleasant daily job falls to Deborah in Arlene’s constituency office. A mild mannered, friendly young woman, she is clearly uncomfortable with what she sees online. “It’s horrible,” she says simply. “It’s not the kind of thing you would want your children or parents to read. We delete most of it.” The more threatening comments, says Arlene, are sent to the PSNI to deal with, including one recent comment which was

posted after she did a joint press conference with Michelle O’Neill in Armagh in front of a row of trees, and someone commented that they would “like to see her hanging” from them. “Twitter in particular is a cesspit,” she says. “What people seem to forget at times is that I am a mother, a wife and a daughter. I have an 87-year-old mother who doesn’t need to see this kind of thing, I have to protect them. “Of course, this is upsetting for my children, they are at an age where they are able to see this kind of thing. There’s been tears of course and I don’t want them to have to worry about this. “And how do we encourage young women to get involved in politics if this is what they will have to face?” So, what’s the solution? As regular users of social media know, online trolling has never been worse. We are talking just days after the documentary about the suicide of TV personality Caroline Flack aired. Someone who, according to her family, was tormented by the disgusting comments written about her on social media and in particular Twitter. “Right now, anyone can set up a Twitter account and say anything to anyone. I’d like to see the social media companies regulating this,” she says. “I understand that some people want to remain anonymous online but at present not even the people who own Twitter know who owns certain accounts. That can’t be right. There’s no accountability.” Not that Arlene has completely given up on social media. She recently set up an Instagram account where she shares more candid pictures and in particular pictures of her new rescue cat India. “I could count on one hand the negative comments I have received on Instagram. It’s a totally different environment and probably more like the reception I get in real life. “When I am walking about Enniskillen the majority of people are perfectly nice. They like to come up to me and chat and often they tell me they are praying for me, which is lovely. “Outside of my area people tend not to recognise me as much but I can see them looking and asking each other – is that her? Overall people are extremely pleasant in real life.” But does the abuse ever make her feel like giving up? Are there days she feels like pulling the covers


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Those of you reading this who are over 40 will of course remember what it was like back in the 80s and 90s when a schoolgirl found herself pregnant. Generally, she was allowed to continue her education in a limited fashion, with little support from the school, while her boyfriend, even if he attended the same school, was usually allowed to carry on as normal. To our modern minds it seems grossly unfair and to 15-year-old Michelle it certainly seemed wrong. However, in her quiet way she beat the system. “I was home schooled for a year in case I ‘contaminated’ the other children,” she says with a wry laugh.

“The other day my mum told me to stop wearing the same coat all the time on television because she was sick looking at it!”

Obviously, that was the way it was then for Michelle’s face fills with emotion when she talks everyone. I didn’t like having to work with a about her parents who she describes as “just tutor at home, but it was better than nothing. lovely, kind people.” “One thing I did know though was that I was On our television screens Michelle can appear not going to drop out or repeat a year. I was serious and a sometimes a little stern - hardly determined that wasn’t going to happen.” surprising given the year we have been through! But in real life she is much softer and warmer. She’s a real people person and describes herself as a natural optimist. And she’s clearly at her most relaxed at her constituency office in Cookstown She made sure she had done enough work so that where people wave at her as she crosses the street. the short break she had to give birth didn’t affect her exams. By September she was back in school with her She says she enjoys her constituency work and loves the contrast between that and her work classmates, ready to start her A level course. in Stormont. Michelle says that by sharing her story of being a teenage mum, she hopes to reach out to other “I like that one minute I could be talking to the US Vice President Kamala Harris and the next I’m young women in the same position. talking to a woman from the local area who is “If even one young girl reading this is facing a maybe having a problem with her housing. teenage pregnancy and is feeling bad, please know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things “I enjoy meeting people from all backgrounds and being in politics allows you to meet such a diverse will work out. Just keep on going,” she says. range of people. It’s fascinating.” Thankfully, attitudes have changes to teenage mums over the years and these days Politics was never the big plan for a young women are supported through their young Michelle - but with her dad pregnancies by schools and various different Brendan being a local councillor, it was something that came to her government agencies. naturally as she enjoyed seeing And while Michelle had to stoically deal with him helping people in her area. the old-fashioned attitudes of people on the outside world, at her home in Clonoe, Co Tyrone She began attending rallies. she was supported completely by her partner “When I was young and full and by her mum and dad who wrapped their of energy,” she laughs. She herself became a local teenage daughter up in their love and care. councillor before becoming From the moment she told them her news, they the first female mayor of made sure she was safe and happy. her area – something of “Mum and dad were so lovely about it. They never which she remains very once shouted or were angry. They just wanted the proud. best for me. They made everything alright. “It was a great year being “With their support and the support of my partner, mayor and something I will I was able to be a mum and continue with school. treasure forever. I met people “They made sure I never missed out. When from every background and area. I went back to school, I was able to socialise It was an honour,” she says. And so, she found herself sitting her first GCSE six days postpartum – at home with an outside invigilator.

sometimes with my friends while mum looked after Saoirse. She gave up work to help me.”

transformed. It’s a hectic lifestyle, with long hours and relentless pressure. “I wake up in the morning thinking I know what the day has in store for me,” she says. “Everything is planned out. Then it all changes. No two days are the same. “Politics is tough, leadership is tough, but I am motivated by the goals I have yet to achieve. I have so much left that I want to do and so many people that I want to help.” But of course, with that comes the fact that she is now one of the best known and most recognisable women in the country. How does she cope living her life in the public eye, particularly in this world where social media plays such a huge role? “Social media really is an ugly world but it’s not real life,” she says. “I manage my own social media accounts and to be honest I don’t read the comments. Who has time for that? Haters gonna hate,” she says with a laugh.

Now, as Deputy First Minister, Michelle’s life has been


Local Women Magazine | 13

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 back over her head and saying – not today! “Of course,” she laughs. “Anyone who says they don’t want to take a day off at times would be lying. But the good outweighs the bad and if I am one thing, I am someone who sees things through, so I continue!” Arlene says her support network helps her through citing her “long suffering husband” Brian as a great source of comfort – along with her three best friends with whom she shared a flat at Queen’s University and who have enjoyed a lifelong friendship. These are the people she turns to when she needs to unburden. I ask her if it’s true that there are no friends in politics, and she laughs. “That’s probably accurate, we are there to do a job. I have known Peter Weir (Education Minister) since my first day at Queen’s when he encouraged me to join the Young Unionists. In terms of work colleagues, I am probably closest to Peter, but my main network remains outside of politics.” It’s interesting that with so many hot debates raging right now about Covid-19 restrictions, Brexit, the Northern Ireland Protocol and so on, that much of our conversation revolves around mental health. It’s clearly something that is weighing on

Arlene’s mind and she admits that she is concerned about the impact of lockdown on the mental health of the nation. She says: “When I was younger there was certainly a stigma about admitting you had mental health problems, I’m glad that seems to have changed to a degree and there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes. “Everyone these days has their own story to tell about mental health. “On a personal level the sudden death of radio presenter Stephen Clements shocked me. I am still shocked - in fact, I can remember where I was when I heard the news. I couldn’t believe it. He was such a lovely man, so funny and full of life. If someone who appeared so happy was clearly suffering, that puts it into perspective. We must find ways of reaching out to people there is work to be done.” Before we end our conversation, Arlene tells me that she is well aware of the frustrations of many of you Local Women readers – business owners, beauticians, hairdressers, gym owners and others who have been forced to close for much of the last year. “There is light at the end of the tunnel. As soon as we can get you safely back open, we will. Things are moving in the right direction - don’t lose hope.”

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 “There should be more accountability on social media. I am only human so of course it is annoying when someone writes nasty comments. But it is worse for my mum and kids. It’s not fair on them. Social media needs properly regulated. We shouldn’t have to accept this. “As woman politicians we are somehow held to a higher standard than men. If I have a disagreement with another female politician, it’s reported like it’s a cat fight – this is so utterly sexist and it’s not true. People can have disagreements without it being personal.” In real life Michelle says that people are generally perfectly pleasant to her and like to come up for a chat, usually telling her they would hate to do her job! During these most trying of times, Michelle is very aware that it is not only she who has a hard job. She recognises that everyone has a daunting job – particularly women. “Women have been at the front line of the pandemic,” she says. “We more often than not take on a caring role, so women are the ones who have more than likely been looking after elderly relatives, homeschooling and then trying to do a day’s work. “It’s a worry that there is so much pressure on the shoulders of women right now. Some very

14 | Local Women Magazine

positive work in being done on mental health within the Executive. On a personal level I want women to know they are not forgotten. We are standing up and fighting for you. “We need to look at the long-term effects of lockdown and make sure resources are in place post pandemic to reach out to women.” And so, who does Michelle reach out to when times are tough, and she needs to get away from the stress of the job? “Within the party I have some good colleagues who I have known for years so I can always turn to them for advice,” she says. “My family are a terrific source of support. My two children Saoirse and Ryan are living back at home, so we have been in lockdown together. We get on so well, and I love having them home. “Outside of work I have a couple of great girlfriends who I have known since I was a teenager. We go back a long way and there’s a total trust there. “They aren’t in the political world, which is great, so we talk about ‘real’ things. With them I’m just Michelle. “I’m not a great sleeper – I wish I was better – so early in the morning at about 6am, I pull on my runners and meet one of those girls. We walk for miles and just talk and talk about everything. That’s priceless.”



HERE’S WHAT LOCAL WOMEN READERS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ARLENE AND MICHELLE WHAT IS THE GREATEST MISCONCEPTION ABOUT POLITICIANS? ARLENE: That people from all parties are just in politics for a salary. I was a solicitor before I was a politician, and when I look back at the steady job, standard office hours etc, the life of a politician is as far from a regular job as we can get. Whether someone is a councillor, MP or MLA they put their name on a ballot paper because they are trying to build a better community and they have a vision for their area. MICHELLE: I laugh when people say: “It’s well for you up there in your ivory tower!” Believe you me, I do not and have never lived in an ivory tower. I know what it’s like to struggle. Also, that anyone would do this job for the ‘fame.’ Seriously, if this is fame – no thanks!

ARE MICHELLE AND ARLENE FRIENDS? ARLENE: We have missed out on a lot of the social interaction and joint engagements that would normally happen. Due to Covid, we now work together on Zoom, WhatsApp etc. Whilst we are opponents, we have a job to do to represent the people who voted for us. We’re both daughters and mothers so there is that commonality. MICHELLE: Obviously, we have very different political views and ideologies, but we also have an awful lot in common as female leaders. Last summer we got to work more closely together in a ‘bubble’ and our worries and concerns about our elderly mothers and grown-up children are identical. The pandemic means we have missed out on a lot of day-to-day social interaction and hopefully we will make up for this soon.


Dungannon and here in Enniskillen have great boutiques. I love the personal service you get in independent boutiques. I’m not a talented shopper but my sister is great. She’s got skills that I don’t have!


MICHELLE: Retailers like Next Online are good for work clothes but being from Mid Ulster means that I have access to some great local boutiques. This area really is fantastic for locally owned independent retailers. I haven’t worked with a stylist before, but I think it’s an interesting idea. It’s an area of expertise and some people are just amazing at it.


WHAT IS A SURPRISING FACT ABOUT YOU? ARLENE: I sang at the weddings of my two best friends. I’m not sure I still have the same good clear voice I had in my 20s, but I really enjoy singing. MICHELLE: I am a good cook and I love cooking for friends. I love throwing together dinners for my family from whatever is in the fridge or making a special meal to share with friends. Cooking is the glue that holds the family together.

WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU ARE GOING TO DO WHEN LOCKDOWN IS OVER? ARLENE: Go to the hairdresser! My poor hairdresser has to see me on television with my hair like this. I think I’ll sneak off and call him before I announce the reopening at the press conference so I can get the first appointment! MICHELLE: I’m going to book a holiday... hopefully! I love Portugal, it’s my favourite holiday destination. I’ve missed holidays.


ARLENE: As a female politician LK Bennett and Hobbs ARLENE: have great wardrobe staples but I really like I miss being able to go to church and worship shopping locally. Towns like Fivemiletown, and just generally meeting friends and family.

I messaged my hairdresser the other day and told her I missed her! I used to like getting my hair done on a Saturday and having a good chat and meeting people, I miss that.

ARLENE: I was a tomboy. I had this great blue racing car with a number 7 on the front that you could pull along. I remember it so well. My birthday is in July, so I remember great sunny birthday parties in Dernawilt where we lived. I often wonder if that is right, and it was always sunny or if I have just imagined that. MICHELLE: I was really inquisitive. My mum says from no age I was always asking: “Why? Why? Why?” Growing up I was very close with my brother and my parents and we were a happy little group of four. I had a very happy childhood. I learned a lot from my mum and dad.

WHAT DO YOUR FAMILIES THINK OF YOUR JOBS? ARLENE: I think this is best summed up by a story my late mother-in-law used to tell. She was looking after my children one day when they were little and said to them, ‘Come and see mummy on the TV.’ They said no thanks they wanted to watch something else! They have pretty much always known me as a politician so it’s not a big thing for them to see me on television. All parents embarrass their kids and I’m no exception. MICHELLE: There’s nothing like your family to bring you down to earth. My mum is proud of me of course, but the other day she told me to stop wearing the same coat all the time on television because she was sick looking at it! My two children Saoirse and Ryan are back living at home at the minute, so I see a lot of them now which is great. We are so close, and I have a great relationship with them both. They are used to me being in the public eye by now, so it doesn’t bother them too much. When I walk in the door, I’m just mum. They are probably more interested in what’s for dinner.

Local Women Magazine | 15



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In Coleraine, a cute little cream teddy bear has set up his own YouTube channel to read to the pupils of Cuilrath Corner Nursery School – with just a little help from the class teacher. By Maibh Shiels Bann Bear is a good friend to the children at Cuilrath Corner Nursery School.

she has had Bann Bear in the nursery for a few years, and he is, as she puts it, “a well-loved member of the nursery family.”

During normal times Bann Bear helps to teach With his soft, creamy fur, cute brown nose and happy the children, tells them stories, and even smile, he is a firm favourite with the little ones at the takes them on trips outdoors - all with a little nursery school which is part of Harpur’s Hill Primary assistance from Kirsten. in Coleraine. But when lockdown came, and schools shut, Bann But since lockdown he’s been missing his little buddies Bear moved online like the rest of us – and local and so Bann Bear has started his own YouTube children love to listen as he reads stories in our very channel and Facebook page to help children with own accent. literacy while they can’t be at school. Kirsten explains: “I could have linked many stories The bear, who communicates through teacher Kirsten on YouTube for the children to watch, but so many of Houmann-Green, posts up video on his channel them were in accents or dialects which our children where he tells stories as he travels across the coast. are not familiar with.” Kirsten is the founding teacher of Culraith Corner and

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Bann Bear, however, shares stories in his native Northern Irish accent, filmed across the Northern Irish coast. “I thought we needed to show our beautiful landscape and make the stories relevant to us. It is about reading stories and showing the children their own country in their own dialect.” And Bann Bear’s channel is inclusive of all the children at the nursery, which is attended by a number of Polish speaking children who live in Coleraine. “For our Polish children I invited a friend Joanna Klimkowska to read stories in Polish, again in local and familiar settings.” Kirsten says the nursery children usually spend a lot of time outdoors, and she wanted to continue to show the children their local landscape even in lockdown. “It’s about reminding children that there’s a great big world out there, and it’s beautiful. I wanted them to say, ‘I’ve been there!’ I want to put across that we should be proud of our own dialect and our own beautiful scenery and countryside.” Kirsten also wanted to take the pressure off parents at this time. “A lot of parents find it stressful having different ages of children at home, but anyone can listen to these stories. On Bann Bear’s Facebook page, I’ve posted up activities for the whole family to get involved in, so parents are appreciative of that. Bann Bear involves everybody.” Kirsten says that she and Bann Bear experienced a few technical difficulties along the way. “I’d never done a video on YouTube before, so I had to teach myself. Luckily, I’ve got teenage children at home, so they were like, ‘Mum, press this, do that.’” Kirsten believes the Bann Bear channel is important for local children and stresses the importance of reading. “If parents can do just one thing with their children, reading is it. That is my top priority. Everything to do with language can be done through stories. “You’re always developing your children’s language skills, their imagination, their concentration, and finding out about the world around them and their feelings.” And she reminds parents that Bann Bear is there for those who are struggling with schools being closed. “If you’re feeling the pressure of home learning, pick up a book, snuggle up together and read. If you don’t have the books, go on Bann Bear and enjoy a beautiful story.” To watch Kirsten and Bann Bear reading – search Bann Bear on YouTube.


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“PURSUE YOUR DREAMS AND DON’T EVER GIVE UP” Margaret ‘Madge’ Masaba is a Kenyan woman who has made her home in Strabane. She is pioneering the way for women like herself to get involved in a career in photography and to help share the stories of women worldwide. By Maibh Shiels

She explains: “One week after that I got a phone call from the photographer saying, ‘Are hen Magaret Masaba started her you serious about this?’ So that’s how I started career as a photographer back in her my internship. native Kenya, she quickly discovered “At first, I was just carrying the equipment she was surrounded by men. and setting up the lighting and checking if the At photoshoots she would often be the only model was okay, but I would see what the main female present and sometimes felt unwelcome photographer was doing. in a largely male dominated industry. “I used to tell people I was a photographer, But through determination and talent, this and they would laugh. I used to find it hard Strabane woman has forged a successful to tell someone I was a photographer, but it career in photography, overcoming prejudices made me even more determined to change and never giving up. people’s views.


And now Madge, as she is known to her friends, wants to share her story to encourage other women to follow their dreams and to inspire more women to consider photography as a career.

“I would go to shoots and be surrounded by men. I had to push and go on my knees to get the shots that are Avant Garde.

“One year later the magazine was bought by the Government, so it meant that I didn’t have a job. But I had a love for photography. I couldn’t do anything else. So, I continued in a small studio One day when she was modelling for a local owned by the mum of one of magazine, she asked the photographer if my friends. I started taking family there were any vacancies. portraits and passport photographs. I ƒ Winner of Fashion Student worked there for a year.” Madge’s journey started back in Kenya with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Technology where she fell in love with photography.

Photographer 2017

Madge soon saw success, though. “Eventually my cousin bought me my camera. I got it on the Saturday and on the Monday, I quit my job. I started taking portraits back in my hometown. Eventually I got noticed and got a job with a politician to run his campaign. With the money I opened my own studio.” As Madge made her way in the photography world, she soon noticed it was

ƒ Winner of Fashion Student Photographer 2017 SUPPORTED BY

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a world without many women in it.

ƒ Margaret ‘Madge’ Masaba

As a portrait photographer she became passionate about having more women working in photography, so gave talks in schools about breaking into the industry. “I started doing talks about how this is a career that a woman can actually get in to. I also took that opportunity to inspire women to take up roles that are close to their hearts just as photography was close to mine.” Madge firmly believes that women can flourish in the photography world because of their creativity and their natural ability to see things beyond face value and capture it. Soon she began to make her mark in photography, winning prestigious awards. “Kenya Fashion Awards is the biggest awards show in Kenya, it’s like the Grammy’s. I won Student Fashion Photographer of the Year. That catapulted me to another level. I was the only woman who had won that award, so I was really proud of that,” she explains.

ƒ Garbage Feed by Madge Masaba

Madge left Kenya in 2018 and came to Northern Ireland. By the time she left she says there were many more women photographers than when she started. “Women became more confident and were able to do photography and do it well. I’m really proud that there are so many women in Kenya who are picking that up.” Madge relocated to Northern Ireland after working for Ray of Sunshine, a charity based in Co Clare, which was building schools for the less fortunate in Kenya. She documented the process through her photography and when she was invited to Ireland, she accepted: “I’ve been here ever since. I’m loving it here. I don’t think I want to go back. “Here, I have been able to see more female photographers, but I would like to encourage more. I’m involved in Strabane and District Camera Club. Most people who are there are men. Women should join, they shouldn’t be scared.

send them to my local newspapers. In 2018 I was able to put my photographs in the Alley Theatre Exhibition. That kind of thing has given me courage. I can take photos and save them for the world to see.”

“Since I’ve been here, I have been able to do a wedding, take portraits, take photographs and Madge says that sharing her photos can start conversations and make changes. She refers to one picture in particular, of a woman in Kenya who is breastfeeding her baby while working in a skip.

at and what women have to go through. I tell stories through my photographs to engage in conversation and create an awareness of what is happening. “I would like to encourage all women to pursue their unique talents and capabilities in order to see their dreams come true, regardless of what societal pressure there may be. Don’t ever give up on your dream. I am still on course seeing it through.”

“I exhibited it here at the Alley Theatre to show Madge’s influence on photography is people that women have it hard back home, incredible, but it is clear she intends to continue and to contrast how privileged we as women to inspire more women to get involved. She has are here. pioneered the way for women in the industry “I want to create conversations and influence and has had to push – even literally – past so the role of women and how women are looked many men to do so. There is no stopping her! SUPPORTED BY

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Advice on Breast Augmentation Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Chris Hill MB BCh BAO FRCS(Glasg) FRCS(Plast) from North West Independent Hospital on how to choose the correct surgeon and clinic for your breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the UK and Ireland and at North West Independent Hospital, skilled surgeons regularly carry out the procedure that many women describe as “life changing.” Any cosmetic procedure is a big step and Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Chris Hill MB BCh BAO FRCS(Glasg) FRCS(Plast) advises that anyone seeking surgery should do careful research before committing. Although breast augmentation has been around since the 1960s, procedures have changed, and it is important that you fully understand the process. Mr Hill also strongly advises against seeking surgery abroad due to the possibility of unregulated clinics or complications that can arise post-surgery when you have returned home. Here Mr Hill answers your questions on breast augmentation surgery. I’M THINKING OF BREAST AUGMENTATION WHAT IS THE FIRST STEP I SHOULD TAKE? Do some online research. Useful and impartial information can be found on the websites of BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons) , BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) or IAPS (Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons.) These websites provide impartial patient information and advice and can also allow you to search for a local and appropriately qualified surgeon. Book a consultation with a local surgeon and be wary of free consultations. WHAT DOES A CONSULTATION ENTAIL? The consultation should discuss your desired outcome from the surgery and also the risks and complications. You should in no way feel pressured to proceed with booking surgery. In fact, a ‘cooling off ‘ period should be in place, to allow you to process the information and make an informed choice.

Mr Chris Hill MB BCh BAO FRCS(Glasg) FRCS(Plast)

from silicone. This is an inert substance and has been used for breast augmentation since 1962. With regard to the specific implant type, size, and shape, this should be discussed as part of a consultation, and the options should be discussed and reasons for specific recommendations should be explained. WHAT ARE THE RISKS INVOLVED? As with all surgical procedures there are general risks associated with surgery in general and risks specific to having a breast implant. These should be explained in detail at the consultation, and it should be explained that further surgery may be needed in the future and that this will involve further cost. HOW LONG DOES THE SURGERY TAKE?


This depends on the patient; in most cases it would vary between approximately 60 and 120 minutes.

No. The consultation should outline the options available and the risks. The surgeon should outline any specific risks and contraindications based on the individual’s anatomy and medical history.


WHAT ARE IMPLANTS MADE FROM? Various types of implants are used in the UK and Ireland. In the UK, all implants have to be approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) The most common type of implant used is made

Generally, one to two weeks off work after surgery is recommended. You should be mobile immediately after the surgery and back to normal exercise after six weeks. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BREAST AUGMENTATION AND A BREAST LIFT? An augmentation involves increasing the breast size by insertion of an implant , whereas an uplift

(Mastopexy) corrects droopiness and does not increase the breast size. Where size and droopiness are an issue, an augmentation mastopexy can correct both. INCREASINGLY PEOPLE ARE TRAVELING ABROAD FOR SURGERY - WHAT ARE THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS? Traveling abroad for surgery is not recommended. There is good advice on this topic on the BAPRAS website. Consideration needs to be taken involving regulation of hospital safety abroad, training of the surgeon and what happens if a complication develops. I have dealt with many serious complications from cosmetic surgery abroad within my NHS practice which have been life threatening carried out in unregulated ‘clinics.’ One of which involved the patient being taken by taxi from the airport to a unit in an industrial estate in Europe. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY HAD SURGERY ABROAD AND ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS, CAN YOU GET HELP AT NWIH? It would depend on the nature of the problems you are experiencing. If you are unwell you should immediately attend an Emergency Department as this might suggest a serious complication such as infection.

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“PUT MORE KINDNESS INTO THE WORLD” Ballymoney sports star Karla McAllister has been raising money, raising spirits, and raising awareness of mental health during these trying times, through her business, Karla’s Physical Excellence. By Maibh Shiels An Olympian, businesswoman, mother, philanthropist, and a mental health advocate - Karla McAllister has been many things in her 32 years, including the founder and owner of Karla’s Physical Excellence in Ballymoney.

ƒ Karla helped to raise money for the food bank in Ballymoney

As a winner of three British ice-skating titles and over 30 sports awards, Karla, from Rasharkin, is well known in the area for her sporting prowess. Much of her childhood was dedicated to ice-skating and in the pursuit of being the best. She achieved great things during her career, but of course she lived a life that was very pressured. So, perhaps because of this, Karla is well placed to help others who may be struggling with mental health issues at this difficult time. Karla wants people to prioritise their mental health and at her gym she helps many women achieve their goals and feel better about themselves. During the pandemic she has moved her their jobs, people were furloughed, and fitness business online and runs daily fitness classes and wellbeing can sometimes be looked at as online, along with cooking demos, health tips a luxury instead of a priority. and dance workouts. “So, we lowered our price to £25 per month, She says: “When the pandemic hit last year, which includes two live workouts per day, we opened up our Facebook page to give cooking demos, nutrition plans, live dance seven weeks free training. When we realised classes, live yoga, and meal plans.” that we were going to have to keep this going, we decided that we would take our business Karla makes it clear how important it is for completely online. We tried to work out the people to prioritise their physical and mental lowest price possible, as people were losing health at the moment.

She says: “If you’re mentally strong and you’re physically strong, your immune system is strong, and your body is able to fight anything. In a time like now we appreciate our health more so than ever.” Karla’s Physical Excellence has a huge focus on mental health, with its clients able to contact Karla for a ‘Crisis Call’ any time they feel like they need some support. Like most of us, Karla herself has struggled SUPPORTED BY

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“I skated for Great Britain on the Olympic team and moved away from home when I was 14 to be on the team. I competed nationally and internationally. I battled with injury quite a lot and eventually I just had to give in.

ƒ Karla was a champion skater in her teens

with mental health issues, and says: “I like to be very open and honest about it and let people know that they can talk whenever they need to.” Alongside the support for clients, Karla’s Physical Excellence considers children’s mental health too, offering free dance classes and PE sessions for children on their Facebook page. Karla says: “I have a six-year-old daughter who I’ve had to home school during the pandemic, and I’ve realised even children’s mental health is suffering. It’s very easy for them to be sitting on an iPad, not getting out and playing in the same way they would have at school.” Karla started her gym 11 years ago when her skating career came to an end.

“Everyone has to move on in time, and that was my time. The success that I have now, I might not have had if I had not left at that time. They say you learn more from failure than you do from success, and I carry that with me and my business.” “I think with all the training I did, it would have been a waste to not take my knowledge into the fitness industry.” Karla believes that physical and mental health go hand in hand and believes it is not talked about enough. Through the community she has built up, she gives people a safe space to talk about issues that may be affecting them. “Mental health is something that you don’t have to have a trigger for. It doesn’t have to come from a life experience. It doesn’t have to come from a tragedy. It can just happen in the blink of an eye, and I think that is something that is not talked about. “People are scared to go to the doctors. People are scared to reach out, because they feel like unless it’s Covid symptoms or Covid related they are wasting the doctor’s time, because we do appreciate how busy the NHS and the doctors are.” “Social interaction is what people are missing. There’s a massive difference looking at a camera screen and looking into someone’s eyes and getting that actual interaction that people need. It’s just not the same.” And when Karla is allowed to reopen her gym, she says she will continue to focus on both physical and mental wellbeing.

ƒ Karla McAllister

She says: “Clients can just have an appointment with me where we can have a chat, have a coffee, and talk about it face to face, or they can just walk up to me at any point in the gym and say, ‘Karla, I’m struggling.’”

ƒ At the gym they collected toys for local families

Karla will also be continuing her charity work. At Christmas, Karla’s Physical Excellence collected over £5,000 worth of toys for St Vincent de Paul, which went to local families. Ballycastle climbing frames also donated a large climbing frame during this collection which Karla’s company raffled off on Facebook. “We got £1,250 which we donated to Ballymoney Food Bank just before Christmas to help families in need. The food bank was completely overwhelmed by the amount of money that we had given them as they were having up to 66 families per week coming to the local food bank. They were mind blown.” “We will definitely keep raising money for the food banks. We also will continue to support local mental health charities. Marie Curie is a charity that we do something for every year. We are very much into our charity work and we will continue to do as much as we can.” “My whole theory in life is - the more kindness you put into the world, the more kindness you get back.” In a time when we all need more kindness, Karla’s motto is important to keep in mind. Visit Karla’s business page, ‘Karla’s Physical Excellence’ on Facebook. SUPPORTED BY

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Pure Dental Hygiene Smile Better! Pure Assessment

Pure Detox

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If your new to the surgery this is a great way to start. Full soft tissue ,oral cancer screen, teeth and periodontal assessment. This is the best way we can establish the treatment you need , and them we will tailor your experience to suit you and your smile

This a a treatment for patients who require extensive cleaning above and below the gum margin..this is also know as non surgical periodontal thearpy and this is the treatment use to treat gum disease . Very often local aneasthetic is used to keep everything comfy

Kids introduction to dental hygiene , a fun introduction to the dental surgery enviroment, teeth can be disclosed to allow them to see the plaque on their teeth! And gentle clean and polish, a custom oral health regime tailored to your Childs needs , dexterity and level of interest.

Free with every treatment

Pure Clean A gentle clean to remove plaque and mild staining using hand scaling or an ultra sonic and a rotary polisher with a high gleam polish.

Pure Sparkly A gentle but extensive clean to remove more stubborn stain such as tea coffee and tobacco etc this restores your natural white sparkly smile.. we do this with a Jet polisher which uses air , water and sodium bicarbonate crystals leaving you feeling super clean, fresh and sparkly.

Pure Braces This is a custom clean purely for patients currently undergoing orthodontic treatment. All stain , plaque and calculus will be eliminated. And bespoke oral hygiene and dietary advice will be offered to ensure when those braces come off. Everything will be Pure Perfect!


Pure Zoom Whitening Our in house whitening system , take 2 hrs of time out to relax in the surgery and allow us to do all the hard whitening work!! And leave with a bright whiter smile and custom take home bleach and stents to wear occasionally to top up the process if needed.

Pure Denture Perfection A detailed Clean of those dentures. Leaving then bright fresh and like new! Award Winning Dental Hygienist, Joanne Knox

Pure Armour – Sports Guard Protect that smile whilst playing sport with a custom fitted sports guard , guaranteeing the upmost protection. Prevention is cheaper than cure!

Pure Protection This is a fluoride treatment that encourage the Enamel to maintain its strength , prevents erosion and decay.



14 Sandel Village, Coleraine, BT52 1WW | 028 7087 8060 | info@puredentalhygieneni.com

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‘YOU DON’T HAVE TO PRETEND EVERYTHING IS PERFECT’ Strabane key worker Leah O’Hagan writes about her ‘rollercoaster’ experiences with mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown and how it led her to create a blog to help others who may be suffering alone.


ental health issues and your own well-being are something that I think everyone should gain a little more understanding of. It’s something not talked about enough. I want to play my part and say that how you feel does matter. This is why I decided to create a mental health blog on Instagram called @lessons_ofhappiness where I try my best to help people overcome anxiety and depression and give tips on how to stay positive. I named the blog ‘Lessons Of Happiness’ because the first letter of every word stands for my initials which makes it personal to me. The main reason I wanted to create a blog was to help people, as we are all human and everyone has ‘bad’ days. You don’t have to pretend everything is perfect all the time because the harsh reality is that nothing is perfect, and we need to accept that. I write daily posts on different topics such a s self-love, acceptance and growth and living in the present moment. I currently have over 500 followers on my blog and I look at this as a way of inspiring 500 people who may not have anyone else to talk to and who could be suffering in silence. It doesn’t matter what age you are, where you come from, or how happy you sometimes portray your life to be; everyone has a story. I think this current lockdown has been the hardest for everyone. It is overwhelming feeling like you are living the same day over and over again. It’s been a year since the first case of COVID-19 and it still shocks me that a year of our lives has been taken away from us. It really scares me how our minds can slip into an ‘episode’ of depression and the only person that can pull you out from the dark is yourself.


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This lockdown has felt like the longest period podcast which is very powerful and makes of my life. Working full time as a key worker you feel connected and understood. in retail has definitely been very challenging Self-care days are also important such as but also rewarding in some ways. having a relaxing bath, doing skincare, Creating my blog on a popular social changing your bed sheets, or enjoying media platform has definitely helped me a cup of tea and binge watching your stay focused and positive. It is a reminder favourite series on Netflix. These ‘pick me to take my own advice and stay motivated up’ days are like giving yourself a hug when in order to help those who are struggling you need it the most. during these times. I want to break the stigma around mental When I feel overwhelmed or lonely, my health and spread awareness and, by helping advice is to write down how you’re feeling other people on their bad days, it helps me. on paper. By writing your emotions down it So far throughout this journey I have had a feels like you’re getting everything out and great support system and I’ve received a lot it makes you calmer. of messages thanking me, which I really do The next thing you could do is write down appreciate, and it makes it easier to keep three things you are grateful for and three persistent with the page. It just shows that things you’re looking forward to. This way, even making a small difference to someone’s it creates hope and a positive mindset life by spreading positive motivation and which is something we all need during having the courage to speak up can make a this difficult time. Another tip I find myself great impact on the world.

ƒ Leah O’Hagan

doing is reaching for a book and trying to read at least 10 pages. When I do this, I feel accomplished; even though this might seem like an easy task.

In school we are taught how to get a job and prepare for the future, but no one teaches us how to live in a state of happiness. No one teaches us how important our I have also started writing down my goals conscious and unconscious thoughts really and researching travel plans. You could are, and I think our happiness is worth learn a new hobby or a language. Exercise more than that. We owe it to ourselves to and a daily walk are another great way to ensure our mental health and well-being release endorphins and reduce depression, are a priority. it doesn’t have to be anything long, but In life you will go through challenges where you will feel better for it. I always put in you feel like you want to back down or give my earphones and listen to a motivational up, but no matter how severe the setbacks ƒ Leah O’Hagan

or the failure that comes your way, you have to get back up. You will fail your way to success because the thing that’s causing you pain right now will make you stronger in the future. By working on ourselves physically and emotionally we will value self-love more, because our reaction will be different. Your reaction will be, ‘What can I do differently?’ rather than, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ Your strength can be someone else’s hope, so use your voice to speak up about mental health because it matters, and so do you. My lockdown has been a rollercoaster of emotions so far, but I know this is only temporary and won’t last forever. I consider myself lucky to still be alive and healthy surrounded by my family and friends. I am hopeful for the future and I know having patience will be rewarding in more ways I can imagine and for that, I am excited! And remember: “Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.” SUPPORTED BY

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in Coleraine SHOP LOCAL RETAILERS ONLINE Local Women Magazine | 33


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At Portstewart Family Dental the team are fully trained in the use of lasers which can be used for pain free treatment in all aspects of dentistry. The use of lasers in dentistry may sound a bit like science fiction, but it’s actually scientific fact! Laser technology was first applied to dentistry in the early 1960s and has been gaining popularity ever since. The best part of about dental lasers is that they don’t just have one application: lasers can be used in many aspects of dentistry, from diagnosis to treatment.

or to reshape a piece of gum around a front tooth to make it more aesthetically pleasing, the laser makes this easy for both the patient and the dentist.

BENEFITS OF LASER DENTISTRY You may now be able to have your dental procedure performed with a dental laser. Here are more reasons why you may want to consider this procedure before you visit your dentist:

LASERS CAN BE USED TO TREAT TONGUE TIE AND HIGH FRENAL ATTACHMENTS Removing muscle attachments that restrict tongue or lip movement. The surgery is less painful than when a scalpel is used, with less bleeding and faster healing. A high frenal attachment can lead to a gap in-between the two front teeth. When this is removed, the gap between these teeth can be closed using braces. Lasers Can Be Used to Accelerate Tooth Whitening Procedures Our laser enables us to perform tooth whitening procedures in under an hour.

• Less bleeding

Lasers Can be Used For Reducing The Discomfort From Cold Sores And Cankers.

• Reduced pain • Faster healing period • Less damage to the surrounding tissue • Reduced chance of infection

LASERS CAN HELP RE-SHAPE YOUR GUMS Gum reshaping or contouring (also called a gum lift) may be recommended for either medical or BEFORE cosmetic reasons. One of the biggest blessings of lasers in dentistry is that they can replace scalpels. Instead of making cuts in the AFTER gums, dentists can use highly precise lasers to dissolve gum tissue instead. Because it cauterizes instead of cuts, gum shaping and removal with lasers can be more comfortable, reduce bleeding and speed up recovery time. Whether the treatment is to help exposure a partially erupted wisdom tooth which keeps getting infected

LASERS CAN HELP TREAT GUM DISEASE One of the symptoms of gum disease (a.k.a. periodontitis) is the formation of deep pockets between your teeth and gums. One of the treatments for chronic gum disease is scaling and root planing, where these pockets are cleaned and the root is smoothed out so your gums can re-adhere to them. The addition of lasers to this process has been shown in studies to help gums re-attach to the tooth.

LASERS CAN HELP RELIEVE PAIN The Epic line of diode lasers from BIOLASE provide a therapeutic and non-invasive way to treat pain in as little as ten minutes. Using a special handpiece attachment, our laser transforms from an award-winning surgical and whitening device to a fully capable solution for reducing and managing oral and maxillofacial pain, such as from grinding (bruxism) and clenching.

Cold sores can sometimes be very painful and unsightly. Although it is not possible to completely remove the virus that causes cold sores as it hides in the nerve ganglion, it is possible to reduce the pain and indeed the life span of a cold sore using the healing properties of our laser. The lesion also often heals with less scarring.

ARE DENTAL LASERS SAFE? Before any dentist or hygienist can use a laser it is required that they undergo specific laser training. At Portstewart Family Dental both myself, Peter King and Tracey Watley our hygienist have completed all the necessary training, to ensure your treatment is completed to the highest safety standards and to obtain the optimal results. Lastly, wearing a pair of special glasses during the operation will give you that extra protection! Overall, dental lasers offer more comfort, quicker healing and added effectiveness to most dental procedures. Talk to your dentist to learn more about dental laser treatment.

6A Lever Road │ Portstewart │ BT55 7EF │ Tel 028 7083 2798


A treasure trove of jewellery and gifts At McCloys in Kilrea you can shop local online from the comfort of your own home and enjoy a UK-wide delivery service. Hello April! There’s a ‘quare aul stretch’ in the evenings and aren’t we all glad to see it? Even more so this year! Summertime is just around the corner and we’re certainly ready to make the move from indoors to outdoors in our gardens. Hopefully, the return to normality is edging ever closer to us all! We have some super exciting news to share with you all this month. We finally did it - we now have a UKwide delivery service option on www. mccloyskilrea.com. In the middle of March, months of planning and hard work came together, and we welcomed this new tracked service to our website. What’s available on www.mccloyskilrea.com you may ask? Well, there is all your favourite jewellery and gifting brands, such as Nomination Italy, Rebecca Italy, Pilgrim, Tipperary Crystal and so much more, With time the ranges that

are available online will continue to expand. Don’t forget, you can still avail of our complimentary gift-wrapping service with this new delivery option, where we can beautifully gift wrap any presents, completely free of charge. It goes without saying that now you can support and shop local with us from the comfort of your own home, without even having to put a foot out your front door. Delivery options starting from £2.99 or FREE delivery on all orders over £50. Free click & collect service also available. Day in and day out, we are adding new Spring/Summer 21 products to our amazing brands available online. Nomination Italy have just launched their new season collections, containing beautiful rainbow-coloured charms, sparkly designs such as robins and balloons as well as some new additions to the best-selling Milleluci bracelet collection. Another hit is the Rebecca My World Range, these necklaces and bracelets can be styled with a range of pendants, from initials to hearts and everything in between. This collection in particular has been flying off the shelves and it doesn’t show any sign of stopping soon. What we love most about these two brands, Nomination and Rebecca, is the personalised aspect of these ranges. This adds an extra special touch to a gift when you have essentially picked out

38 | Local Women Magazine

As always, if you ever need any advice or gift inspiration, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us and our dedicated staff will certainly try to lend a helping hand! Call us on 028 295 40247, send us a WhatsApp on 07554 927370, or message us via our Facebook or Instagram pages.

and designed it yourself. Here at the Diamond in Kilrea, we have a treasure trove of products to suit all price ranges, just waiting to be discovered. Perfume, accessories, cosmetics, and giftware, you name it, there’s something here for everyone. As an essential business, we are open six days of the week and have all the social distancing and hygiene measures in place to protect both our customers and our staff.

On a final note, head over to our website and sign up to our mailing list subscription via the pop-up (or alternatively via linktree in our Instagram bio) and you’ll receive a welcome treat delivered straight to your email inbox right away! We hope you have a safe and relaxing month ahead!

The Team at McCloys

In store, we’re stockists of some of the hottest beauty brands around, such as the Polished London teeth whitening products, including the Polished x LMD Ultra White Whitening Toothpaste, the Voduz hairstyling products and the latest beauty must-haves from popular cosmetic brands such as SOSU, L’Oreal, Oh My Glam and Maybelline.

Scan here to browse our website

www.mccloyskilrea.com Local Women Magazine | 39




KRD CREDIT UNION IS HERE FOR YOU! Whatever plans you have for the future, General Manager Claire Doherty says KRD Credit Union Ltd is delighted to help.

Hello to all you Local Women readers,

However, it’s not just the big events that

who have picked up a copy of this April

KRD Credit Union is on hand to help with.

edition of the magazine. I am thrilled to be

We love being able to offer help to those

back as your columnist this month to keep

who want those luxury items or purchases

you up to date with KRD Credit Union Ltd.

that we perhaps haven’t treated ourselves to in recent times.

It looks like Spring is finally here, with a few more spells of sunshine recently and

Take cosmetic dentistry, for example. This

the evenings really beginning to stretch.

is a huge, thriving industry these days but

It’s fantastic to see, and just what we all

can be a costly process. One that you

need, isn’t it?

perhaps would not necessarily associate with acquiring financial assistance, but

So, as restrictions slowly ease and we start

I say why not? As I’m sure you all can

to see the first signs of normality return to

imagine, unhappiness with something

our lives, we’re all beginning to look to the

as simple as our own smile can have a

year ahead with renewed optimism and

huge impact on our mental health. We

perhaps plan all those things that we’ve

should all have the right to feel confident

put on hold for the last twelve months. Certainly, here at KRD, we’re delighted to see our members continuing to turn to us for all their financial needs when it comes to these sorts of plans. Whether that

you can come to us and apply for a loan to cover wedding costs? This past year has seen so many postponed weddings and unfortunately, many people perhaps

and I’m proud to say that we’ve helped many in the past with this cost that can go on to have a life-changing impact for the better.

have lost money in the process as they’ve

Your application will be dealt with by our

had to cancel or delay wedding bookings

loans team with the strictest confidence, so

a campervan and have their own mini

or services.

whatever the purpose of your loan, please

adventure this summer, or someone who

Wedding planning can be stressful at

has been a couple who have decided that this is the year they would invest in

has decided to consolidate their debt and make post-pandemic life that little bit easier. We’re seeing it all and we’re delighted to help.

the best of times, never mind in current circumstances,






pressure off and treat yourself to that dream wedding and honeymoon? With

I’m glad to get the chance in this article

flexible monthly payments at a fair and

to remind you that whatever financial

reasonable rate of interest, we’re happy

assistance you require, KRD Credit Union

to help our members keep their big day as

is here for you. For example, did you know

financially stress-free as possible.

11 Main Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6AN

25/27 Church Street, Kilrea, BT51 5QU

get in touch via all our usual methods. Don’t forget our loan application process can be completed entirely online using your PIN: you can apply, sign for and have your loan issued to your account at the touch of a button. It’s that simple. Until next time, take care and stay safe.

Claire D 18 Main Street, Dunloy, BT44 9AA

www.krdcreditunion.com | P: 028 2954 1007 | E: info@krdcreditunion.com Find us on Facebook and Instagram KRD Credit Union Ltd is Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. KRD Credit Union Ltd is covered by the UK Government’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the Financial Ombudsman Service. PRA Reg. No. NI 574095: Companies Registration No. CU76 Northern Ireland

Celebrating the role of women Women’s Working Group officially launched by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

A new Women’s Working Group has been officially launched by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. The group was established earlier this year and aims to promote and encourage the role of women in public and community life. Welcoming the development, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Alderman Mark Fielding said: “As a Council we want women to take their place as decision makers and policy shapers in order to make a positive difference to our society. “This new group will give focus to our commitment and encourage females to build their skills and confidence as public representatives both now and in the future. “I look forward to working with its members throughout the remainder of my term.” The group’s inaugural Chairperson, Councillor Leanne Peacock, initiated its creation with a Notice of Motion presented to Council last year. At that time, she expressed the need to Councillor Leanne Peacock (left), Chairperson of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s develop a nuanced approach to tackle the new Women’s Working Group and Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan (right), Vice-Chair. underlying, interconnected barriers that women often face. Reflecting on the aims of the group, Councillor Peacock said: “Causeway Coast and Glens Council has the highest percentage of female elected representatives of all 11 councils- but yet a lot of work still needs to be done. I’m proud to have brought this group forward and I hope that we can foster a sense of purpose and motivation among women in order to make further progress. “We’re celebrating the role of women while also working to make political, civic and community arenas more accessible for them.” Working Group Vice-Chair Councillor Michelle Knight McQuillan added: “The creation of this group is a very positive step for Council, and I’m pleased to see that we are setting this example. We want to step up and show what women can achieve within society and ensure that their skills, knowledge and abilities are nurtured and developed. By doing this we are helping our communities to Councillor Leanne Peacock (right), Chairperson of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s new Women’s Working Group and Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan (left), Vice-Chair, pictured be the best they can.” with the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Alderman Mark Fielding. SUPPORTED BY

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Local Women Magazine | 43

Show the love at

Blossom & Birch The team at Blossom & Birch in Ballymoney are spreading joy with fresh spring flowers.

With love at Easter The Easter bunny isn’t the only one who will be bringing joy to people this month as we have had so many people sending flowers to each other this year. Everyone has really been showing their love and appreciation to each other this year, it has been a pleasure to safely delivery fresh bouquets to such amazing people. Seeing their smiles especially in these hard times makes our job the best job!

MAKE YOUR OWN EASTER TREE This is a super fun and easy project to do with the kids - or even just to pass some time. • Get yourself a nice container - this can be a small bucket or pot. Then add some twigs - dogwood or just any old twigs lying about. • You just arrange the twigs to resemble a tree in the container and then add your own handmade eggs using paper or card, reusable plastic, or go all out and make your own ceramic eggs or even knit some little eggs to hang on your tree. • Having a mixture of different eggs and textures will give your tree a nice dimension. • To finish decorating your tree, add some ribbons, flowers, feathers or whatever your heart desires. This is your Easter Tree so enjoy yourself decorating it. • Then finish off the day with an egg hunt


should be offered from April 12 – fingers crossed!

There’s lots of exciting things happening at Blossom

Until then we are still offering safe local deliveries.

& Birch. We are hard at work behind the scenes until we can open the doors to you. And we are excited about the possibility of ‘click and collect’ which

Blossom & Birch Flowers by Shannon Ormandy 4 Church Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6DL

Blossom & Birch The Flower Shack 36a Broughshane Street, Ballymena BT43 6EB

Until next month,

Shannon xo

Wedding Boutique Blossom&Birch Wedding Centre Randalstown

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Christmas Gi�t READY TO WELCOME YOU Christmas Gi�tGuide Guide Christmas Gi�t Guide for Art Lovers for Art Lovers for Art Lovers BACK AT GALLERY 1608 Give a loved one the gift of stunning local art this year Givea aloved lovedone onethe thegift giftofofstunning stunninglocal local art art this year Give this year With restrictions looking set to be lifted soon, with Gallery 1608’s Christmas Gift Guide. with Gallery 1608’s Christmas Gift Guide. with Gallery 1608’s Christmas Gift Guide. Gallery 1608 is ready to welcome you back with Northern Local Art… Local Art… With Christmas Local Art… just around the corner, this month Ireland’s largest selection of artwork on display. With Christmas just around the corner, this month have picked favourite Christmas gifts from Withwe Christmas justour around the corner, this month some of our top Irish artists.Christmas This year, gifts whygifts not we have picked our favourite Christmas we have picked our favourite fromfrom

We hope everyone safe andstreet managed the homogenous high presents some of top our topisIrish artists. notbuy someavoid of our Irish artists. ThisThis year,year, whywhy notand to stay something sanethe during latest lockdown. whichthe is both unique and presents collectable forbuy avoid homogenous high street and

avoid the homogenous high street presents and buy

your loved ones. A bit of extra thought will provide a

something which is both unique and collectable It has been a long but we have something which is winter, both unique and collectable for for gift which keeps on giving. your loved ones. A bit of extra thought will provide been hard the scenes yourworking loved ones. A bitbehind of extra thought will provide a a gift that which keeps on giving. Top of our list this year are limited edition prints by to ensure when we finally get open gift which keeps on giving. of Ireland’s most well-known artists. Belfast again, two your Gallery 1608 experience will Top of our list this year are limited edition prints by Top of our list this year are limited of edition prints byand artist, Bradley’s dock workers be as enjoyable as possible. two ofTerry Ireland’s mostdepiction well-known artists. Belfast

two of Ireland’stype most well-known artists. Belfast burlesque women are always popular and we

Maguire, Robert Spotten, NUA, JG, NI Silver, Ghost,

artist, Terry Bradley’s of dock workers and With no certainty asdepiction todepiction when will artist, Terry of dock workers and Bonesetter and Spirit Jewellery. have all Bradley’s of his most recent prints inwe stock. burlesque type women are always popular and we Maguire, Robert Spotten, NUA, JG, NI Silver, Ghost, open fully, type we are continuing to offer burlesque women are always popular and we Maguire, Robert Spotten, NUA, JG, NI Silver, Ghost, Keith Drury’s limited edition work is also very have all of his most recent prints in stock. Bonesetter and Spirit Jewellery. freehave shipping all purchases £100 all of hison most recent prints over in stock. Bonesetter and Spirit Jewellery. collectable and popular with our clients. His work is from our website. This will ensure you Ceramics are also a very popular gift and again we Keith Drury’s limited edition work is also very both quirky and contemporary, depicting Drury’s limited edition work isthe alsosafety verydifferent canKeith continue to buy art from can accommodate all budgets. Pieces range from collectable and popularbrought with ourtogether clients. in Hisone work is local scenes seamlessly Ceramics are also a very popular giftpieces. and again we collectable and popular with our itclients. His work ispiece. functional pottery to bespoke sculptural of your ownquirky home and have delivered both and contemporary, depicting diff erent Ceramics are also a very popular gift and again we The artwork has appeared ondepicting television’sdiff The Fall and can accommodate all budgets. Pieces range from both quirky and contemporary, erent Represented are household names such as Sharon straightlocal to your scenesdoor. seamlessly brought together in one piece.can accommodate all budgets. Pieces range from

Local Ceramics… LocalCeramics… Ceramics… Local

even inseamlessly the collection of Princess Anne.inPrints from localisscenes brought together one piece.

functional pottery to Shearer, bespokeLeona sculptural pieces. Reagan, Ian Carty, Rory Devine and

The artwork haseases on television’s The Fall and functional pottery to bespoke sculptural pieces. both artists can beappeared bought framed or unframed. As The theartwork lockdown and click and Represented on The Fall and Patrick Colhoun. are household names such as Sharon isbecomes even inhas theappeared collection of television’s Princess Anne. Prints from Represented areCarty, household names such Sharon collect available we will be Reagan, Ian Rory Shearer, LeonaasDevine and is even in the collection of Princess Anne. Prints from both artists can be bought framed or unframed. Reagan, Ian Carty, Rory Shearer, Leona Devine and able to show you artwork from our Patrick Colhoun. both artists can be bought framed or unframed. Patrick gallery door, if like many, you prefer to The giftColhoun. of a book never fails and at Gallery 1608 we see art in the flesh before committing to have perhaps the largest selection of Irish Art Books under the never whole fails of Northern Ireland. 1608 we buy. All works can be preselected from Theone gift roof of a in book and at Gallery Thehave gift of a bookthe never fails selection and at Gallery we the website and a quick email will allow perhaps largest of Irish1608 Art Books have perhaps the largest selection of Irish Art Books us to have it ready for viewing. under one roof in the whole of Northern Ireland.

Local Books…

Local Books… Local Books… Irish Paintings…

When we finally get open, be assured that we will continue to put safety at the forefront. Social distancing will be in place and everyone If jewellery is more yourwill ideabe of required a giftfacemasks why not support our entry. local to wear on Hand makers? We available have a wide range of gloves sanitisers will be as will If jewellery is more your idea of jewellery availabletouch at many different for clients wishing If jewellery is moretoyour ideagoods. of

Local Jewellery…

Local Jewellery… Local Jewellery…

a gift why not support our local price points, ranging from costume

whyreally notWe support local makers? have aour wide range of Wea gift are looking forward to jewellery to more bespoke pieces. makers? We have a wide range of jewellery available at many diff erent welcoming everyone back and seeing We have sourced many of Ireland’s price available points, ranging from jewellery atour many diffcostume erent gallery new customers inand friendly finest jewellers have work available jewellery tolargest morenames bespoke pieces. pricehas points, from costume which theranging selection of work from well-known such as Louise We have sourced manypieces. ofIreland. Ireland’s Our to more bespoke on jewellery display across Northern finestsourced jewellers and have have work available We stable have many of Ireland’s large of artists been using well-known names such Louise nestfrom jewellers and the have work available this fitime wisely and gallery isasstocked well-known namesto such as Louise withfrom many new pieces view.

Finally,one ourroof painters been tirelessly under in thehave whole ofworking Northern Ireland.

to ensure have new works available for the IrishwePaintings… Christmas season and the range and qualitytirelessly of our Irish Paintings… Finally, our painters have been working

current show is amazing. Finally, our painters tirelessly to ensure we havehave newbeen worksworking available for the toRemember, ensure wewehave new works available for the of our Christmas season and the range and quality can offer 10 months interest free Christmas season theover range andand quality of our current show amazing. credit on is alland pieces £100 you can current showtake is amazing. the work away immediately. Remember, we can offer 10 months interest free A great way to spread the cost of Remember,credit we can 10 months interest onoff aller pieces over £100 and free you can Christmas. credit ontake all pieces over £100immediately. and you can the work away WeAwould like totowish all our take the work immediately. great wayaway spread the cost of customers a very happythe Christmas Christmas. A great way to spread cost of andChristmas. a peaceful New Year! We would like to wish all our happy Christmas Wecustomers would likeatovery wish all our and a peaceful Newhappy Year! Christmas customers a very and a peaceful New Year!



83-85 Main Street, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, T: 028 2073 1324 E:info@gallery1608.co.uk W:www.gallery1608.co.uk 83-85 Main Street, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, BT57 8QD See you all soon and stay safe. 83-85 MainE:info@gallery1608.co.uk Street, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, BT57 8QD T:team. 028 2073 1324 W:www.gallery1608.co.uk The Gallery 1608

T: 028 2073 1324 E:info@gallery1608.co.uk W:www.gallery1608.co.uk

83-85 Main Street, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, BT57 8QD T: 028 2073 1324 | E: info@gallery1608.co.uk | W: www.gallery1608.co.uk 48 | Local Women Magazine



Jin Yong

Ken Hamilton

Sally Ann Bierne

Brian Ballard

Nicola Nemec

Emma Spence

Brian Smyth

Jonathon Aiken

Martin Mooney

Clement McAleer

Colin Gibson

Lucy Doyle

Cupar Pilson

William Mullan

Kenny McKendry


SPREAD THE COST OF CONTEMPORARY ART WITH AN INTEREST-FREE LOAN! 83-85 Main Street, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, BT57 8QD T: 028 2073 1324 | E: info@gallery1608.co.uk | W: www.gallery1608.co.uk

LET’S GO OUTSIDE Outdoor living spaces have been growing in popularity and amenities for years, but the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus are spurring even greater demand


he orders to stay at home and shelter have made homeowners keenly aware of both their indoor and outdoor space. The spell of good weather and nowere else to go has forced us to see the potential within our own spaces. Our gardens are an extension of our home with outdoor living potential, we can eat, entertain, work, relax and spend a large part of the day and evening outside. Year after year we throw good money after bad buying disposable outdoor accessories instead of investing in long term key pieces. Last year I bit the bullit and bought good outdoor furniture after the teak dining set rotted and the plastic one blew over and broke, so iv changd my attitude to outdoor spaces and treat it the same as indoors.

antibacterial protection, and resist mould and mildew build-up. They will look like new, even after years of use – coated fabrics can be cleaned easily with just soap and water, and you dont have to run out and put them away with threat of a shower. Osborne and Littles unique collection of outdoor fabrics have a diserable mix of intriguing geometircs and statement designs. This playful collection brings invigorating colour combinations and exciting textures to outdoor settings.

After spouts of hot weather we often see sudden downpours of heavy rain showers which makes us all retreat back indoors until it passes. There are various solutions to create outdoor living spaces that can be used no matter the weather. To get the best of our outdoors we can make the space more usable with screened porches, gazebos, canopies, garden rooms etc.. To add Luxury and comfort we are seeing an increasing amount of outdoor fabrics available on the market. This means we can add the softness, texture and comfort associated with living spaces.

There are some waterproof premade cushions on the highstreet, The technical spec of romo fabrics is much more advanced to include:

Osborne and Little along with several other fabric houses are now specialising in coated fabrics so we can style our outdoor living spaces as we would our indoor living spaces.

• Breathable

Coated Fabrics can to provide a barrier

be manufactured to stains, provide

• High colour fastness to light (grade 7-8) • Mould & Mildew resistant • stain resistant • High colour fastness to chlorine & sea water • Dermatologically friendly substances used in production • washable at 40 degrees

Not to mention the wide range of colours and patterns and ability to cover chairs, loungers and make up in whatever you wish! Time to get creative with that extra living room on your door step!

Consultancy by Appointment Only Tel: 077 3441 9535 | Email: interiors@elledesignsni.co.uk Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Elle-Designs Follow us on Instagram: Elledesigns_louise

50 | Local Women Magazine

Contact now to arrange your online Aesthetic Consultation Email: patriciamullanviso@btconnect.com | T: 02871 308762 | M: 079 2222 6203

DISCOVER NEW DEPTHS Morpheus8 is a new and revolutionary , sub-dermal adipose remodeling device (SARD). It is the first and only full-body fractional technology to morph the aging face and contour the body. The triple action of fat coagulation, connective tissue contraction and bulk heating provides practices with a “-minimal-downtime-maximum -results” oriented procedure. UPPER FACE





Dr Patricia Mullan BDS


MORPHEUS 8 Smooth, radiant skin with a youthful glow. Everyone wants it, and a surgical facelift used to be the only way to get it. But not anymore. Morpheus8 is the scientific solution to flawless skin that’s completely non-invasive. • Highly advanced microneedling device uses high radio frequency to transmit electric current that supercharges collagen production. • Creates firmer, tighter, younger-looking skin without scars, lines or discolorations. • Repairs wrinkles and fine lines • Smooths scarring • Corrects stretch marks • Tightens loose and sagging skin

Judy Murray after a series of Morpheous 8 treatments and medical grade skincare.

• Removes discolorations • Can be used on all skin types and skin tones.

5 Pump Street | City of Derry | BT48 6JG visodental_patricia_mullan

Visodental Local Women Magazine | 51

“WE ARE ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY” A single parent from North Down who thought she was too old to foster has not only finally found her vocation but a new lease of life too. Foster mum Julie with her own daughters, Carly Lee and Hollie

By Mandi Millar

also has five grandchildren.

Bangor gran Julie Anderson was 50 before “My family was everything to me but when she even thought about fostering. they started to leave home I wondered what on earth I was going to do. Around that time In the decade since, the single mum has opened her home – and her heart I became a Christian and I really started to – to some of Northern Ireland’s most think about what I was doing with my life. vulnerable children.

“When my husband at the time – we’ve Indeed, only since then, she says, has her life since divorced - first suggested fostering I automatically thought I was too old but he felt fulfilled. already worked with children in the care “Until I started fostering I never really felt system so he knew it wasn’t an issue at all. fulfilled by any job. Married with three children by the time I was 24, I went from “Many of these children have really quite one job to the next, everything from shop horrific backgrounds and are extremely work to support work with people with damaged as a result of totally dysfunctional learning difficulties,” says Julie, who now family situations. 52 | Local Women Magazine

“When I saw all this I just thought, oh I’d love to give some of these wee ones a home...” The couple got in touch with Action for Children, a charity which supports young people and organises foster placements, and began a six month training programme. “There was initial training in things like foetal alcohol syndrome, which affects children whose birth mums have struggled with alcoholism during pregnancy,” explains Julie. “Then we looked at issues including ADHD, challenging behaviours, autistic spectrum disorders and trauma awareness training; then things like how to move and handle young people if that’s required.

“You need to be alert to boundaries and what’s appropriate behaviour and what’s not. For instance, the social worker noticed that one of the wee girls in our care was becoming over-familiar with my husband so we had to keep an eye on that. “Such inappropriate behaviour can be indicative of what’s happened in the child’s past so you have to be aware of that even though all you want to do is love them like a parent. We were just trying to be loving but we had to ensure there was enough space. “You have to handle situations like this very carefully because they are often so damaged to start with. I’d have said to my own kids to ‘go away and give my head peace’ if they were annoying me but you can’t force these young people to do anything - in a sense you can feel quite powerless. “But that’s why the support of Action for Children and social workers is there 24/7,” says Julie who’s had some particularly challenging times to deal with. “One little girl we fostered had especially challenging behaviour, the result of foetal alcohol syndrome and ADHD, among other things. She was around 10 but a big girl for her age and could become violent. She wrecked and destroyed things around the house on a number of occasions. “I’ve had kids come here who couldn’t even clean themselves properly after the toilet, who didn’t shower. But when you build their confidence and they start showering, even asking for hair gel, that’s the difference! “I remember one little girl found it really hard to make eye contact and we did a lot of work on that. One day I happened to say something without looking at her and she replied, ‘Julie... eye contact!’. We both had a good laugh,” says Julie who’s also keen to point out that that not every placement is as challenging. “I’ve had other children too who have been an absolute blessing in every sense. As my own grandchildren have got older, for instance, often the foster children are around the same age and they’ve formed really close friendships with them so we really are like one big happy family! “My own children and my parents, who are the backbone of our family, are very supportive as well.” But for all that Julie knows she needs to be aware of her limitations too.

Julie with her grandchildren baby Jordan and sister Georgia “No matter how steep the challenges it still breaks my heart when a child moves on. One wee girl needed more help than I could give her. It just broke my heart. I adored her,” admits Julie for whom saying goodbye to her foster children is the hardest part of the job. “Sometimes, for instance, the children still have contact with parents but that can be challenging – for me and them – for you’d maybe see that child’s behaviour deteriorate around the time of those visits as parental contact has always meant dysfunction. “And yet for all that the children would often go back to their parents if they could and that’s hard too as a foster mum because you get so attached. You end up loving these kids so much and yet they just want to go ‘home’,” continues Julie who’s been a single parent for most of the time she’s fostered. “After my marriage broke down the child we were fostering at the time stayed on with me. Being on my own though made

no difference because of the support that’s always there and foster parents are paid so you’re not out financially, but I am a bit of a softie too on that score!” For all that though Julie believes her calling as a foster mum has been her life’s vocation. “I might’ve been 50 before I found it but this is the first job I’ve ever done that fulfilled me personally and has enriched my life above anything I could’ve imagined,” she says. “The first wee girl I fostered is now living independently with her own little boy. She still sends me Mother’s Day cards and I’ve become something of a granny to the wee one as well! “Over the last 10 years I’ve just felt that this is what I was meant to be doing. To see the difference you can make in the kids’ lives is transformative in your own. “And sure, what would I be doing if I didn’t have these children - only rattling around the house. The kids give you a new lease of life. They keep you going!”

Contact our friendly fostering team today on 028 9046 0500 or email fostercareni@actionforchildren.org.uk


@AFCNIFostercare Local Women Magazine | 53


With spring in the air, some amazing new changes are on the way for Blades & Beauty – and if you want to become part of the team, now’s the time to apply. Happy Easter Local Women readers and welcome to our April Column. It’s nice to be able to finally come back on and talk positively about opening the salon soon after a stagnant year of the unknown. With this month comes hopes, aspirations, sun, dreams to be fulfilled and hard work behind the scenes being implemented. I am blessed to have an amazing team working for me and, as you well know, I am extremely proud of them. My beauty department has been totally revamped and I’d like to welcome Brenna and Zoie. We are going to extend and add extra opening hours and days especially for all those customers who work unsociable hours and flexibility to accommodate the backlog which has accumulated over the lockdown period. This is a niche I feel is lacking in the current market. We aim to always do our utmost to provide the best and most up to date service for the public. We are looking forward to welcoming back our existing clientele and excited to WINNER welcome new customers too.






We will be running an aesthetic clinic and branching out in the world of cosmetics, fashion and beauty branded products. This has BE AU T H years ST been in the ST T Ypipeline forOseveral I S AL O N F H AI R S T Y L now and was part of the original business plan. It’s great to see it all finally coming together. The one thing about this year that I can be grateful for is that it gave me the opportunity to slow down enough to go back over my original plan and finally complete it.


With new hours comes new jobs, so applications are welcome for the hair, beauty, makeup, nails and front desk area. For further


information on these positions email bladesnbeauty@gmail.com noting vacancies in the header.

I have been working on a new piece of art that will let you see versatility to my skillset. Its currently still a work in progress. I am looking forward to being able to share this with you too. See you all soon. Lots of love,

Catriona and the team at Blades and Beauty

25 Antrim Business Park, Randalstown Road, Antrim, BT41 4LD T: 028 9446 4434 | E: blades&beauty@gmail.com bladesandbeauty

54 | Local Women Magazine



TAKE A SECOND LOOK Do you have any old pairs of glasses that you no longer wear or need? Then give them a second chance and donate them to the John Laverty Opticians Spectacle Appeal.

Rather than throwing away your old glasses or leaving them to gather dust in the back of a drawer you can do something good and be rewarded at the same time. Give them a second chance! This month we are having a Spectacles Appeal for distribution to optical missions around the world. Simply bring any of your old glasses that you would like to donate, and we’ll package them up and send them to Lions International Club who sort and distribute glasses to optical missions in third world counties, so your glasses can be put towards a good cause. They also help minimise landfill waste by processing and recycling any broken glasses that are unusable.


We’ll give you a £20 John Laverty Opticians Gift Certificate towards new frames or lenses for donating any of your old glasses this month.

it’s a teacher in Ghana, a seamstress in Zambia, or a school pupil in Ethiopia, poor eyesight can have a devastating impact on your life and livelihood.

A LITTLE THANK YOU As a thank you for your support with this appeal we’ll give you a £20 John Laverty HELPING THOSE IN NEED • 1.1 billion people worldwide can’t Opticians Gift Certificate towards new see properly simply because they need frames or lenses for donating any of your glasses. Two-thirds of those affected are old glasses this month. women. Just bring your old glasses in this month • 80% of all visual impairment can be and we’ll send them off for you and give you your £20 eyewear voucher. prevented or cured. • 13 million children around the world Thanks in anticipation! need glasses. The John Laverty Opticians team. • Since 1967 Lions Club International have been helping some of the poorest people in the world to see clearly. Whether



Call us today on 028 7034 2624 Ballymoney | Coleraine | Garvagh www.JohnLaverty.co.uk Local Women Magazine | 55


Daisy Mae Boutique in Coleraine is an official stockist of Irregular Choice shoes - a brand that is fabulously fashion forward. Our social lives have definitely taken a hit this year, thanks to Covid-19. We’re slap bang in the middle of another lockdown and after months of social distancing and following the stay-at-home message, pyjamas and tracksuits have become the outfit of choice for many. But just because you’re stuck in the house and beauticians and stylists have been forced to close again, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on fashion completely. If you’re looking for the perfect piece to brighten up your day in the living room, or something to help you really stand out when the pubs and restaurants reopen, Daisy Mae Boutique could have the answer. The Coleraine fashion retailer is an official stockist of Irregular Choice, a fashion forward brand that is anything but dull. With its eye-catching prints and vivid colours, Irregular Choice is perfect for anyone wanting to stand out from the crowd.

Marianne Blaney (34), proprietor of Daisy Mae Boutique, explained: “The brand is something quirky, the pieces are unique so they’re perfect if you want to be different.

Like most businesspeople, Marianne has seen a significant decline in footfall since March, but she has been able to continue selling her range of clothing and accessories online.

“They’re definitely not run of the mill.”

Daisy Mae Boutique opened its doors for the first time five years ago and the Irregular Choice brand certainly seems to reflect Marianne’s unique and determined personality.

While we think Irregular Choice is fabulous dahling(!), Marianne acknowledges it might not appeal to everyone. “They are real statement pieces but it’s not for all of our customers,” she continued. “We also stock Ruby Shoo and it can really complement the Irregular Choice brand.” Both brands are available on the boutique’s website, which has been crucial to the business during the pandemic.

56 | Local Women Magazine

Originally from Derby, she moved to Northern Ireland for university where she studied psychology. She originally planned to study to become a forensic psychologist but her time at university made her realised she was more suited to the world of work.

She continued: “I didn’t enjoy the academic side of things, it just wasn’t for me and I also realised that time wasn’t on my side either by the time I would have done a masters and a PHD. “So, I started to think about what else I could do and I had always had an interest in fashion. “I didn’t have any work experience in fashion, I had no retail experience, but I thought about what I could do that I would really enjoy. “We opened in 2015 and I remember signing the five-year lease for the premises and wondering what I was doing. “Five years on, I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, I have imposter syndrome but I love what I do and I have no regrets.”

CAUSEWAY COAST & GLENS GIFT CARD Even in lockdown, there is still a way to lend your support to local businesses.

The Causeway Coast & Glens Gift Card can be spent in over 200 shops and businesses across the borough. It offers so much choice and can be redeemed in multiple outlets from jewellers, to hotels, to clothes shops, to cafes, to food stores, to activity attractions and so much more.

10 Kingsgate Street, Coleraine, BT52 1LB Tel: 028 7055 6020



Check out our website for more information on how to buy a Gift Card and to see all the places where you can use the Gift Card. You can get your Gift Card personalised and delivered to you or to the door of the recipient.

www.causewaycoastandglensgiftcard.co.uk For any business not currently involved in the Causeway Coast & Glens Gift Card scheme and you would like more information contact: catrina.mcneill@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Local Women Magazine | 57

EU Citizens must act NOW! Advice NI is calling on all EU, EEA or Swiss Citizens living in Northern Ireland to make an application to the EU Settlement Scheme before the deadline of the 30th June 2021 and to contact us for free assistance if they need it. The EU Settlement Scheme gives immigration status to EU, EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members, allowing them the right to continue living and working in the UK. Successful applicants will receive either settled or pre-settled status, which means they will be able to: ● Work in the UK.


For further information contact Fiona Magee, Deputy Chief Executive, Advice NI on 028 9064 5919

Advice NI is the umbrella body for the Independent Advice Network in Northern Ireland and its members dealt with 540,983 enquiries in 2019/2020, the majority being social security benefits related.

To date 81,000 EU Citizens have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme from Northern Ireland

If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss Citizen living in Northern Ireland, please contact Advice NI FREE multi-lingual service to check if out are eligible for the EU Settlement Scheme.. Advice NI can provide free assistance with proof of identity, eligibility and suitability as well as completing the online application. Call 0800 915 4604 or email advice@adviceni.net

*People with disabilities, people with mental health capacity issues, victims of crime [domestic violence, trafficked, hate], people that lack language/digital skills, people with no internet or devices compatible to the Home Office EU Exit app, children in care/left care, homeless

To find out more about the work of the Independent Advice Network or to obtain copies of the various publications produced by Advice NI, please contact us on 028 90 645919, email comms@adviceni.net or visit our website www.adviceni.net

● Continue using the NHS for free. ● Enrol in education or continue studying. ● Access public funds such as benefits and pensions, if eligible for them. ● Travel in and out of the UK. There have been five million applications to the scheme to date, with 83,000 applications coming from Northern Ireland. Currently, there is an under-representation of applications from older people and those deemed as vulnerable* and people who may be digitally excluded applying to the scheme in Northern Ireland. Fiona Magee, Deputy CEO, Advice NI, said: “We are urging any EU Citizen living in Northern Ireland who hasn’t already applied to the scheme to contact us immediately. It is vital that no EU Citizens loses out on the ability to continue to work, access health services, and sending their children to school as a result of not completing the EUSS application prior to the deadline. We have a dedicated FREEPHONE number 0800 915 4604 with trained advisers who have supported lots of people from different nationalities to make the application and secure their status. Some of these people needed language support, had criminal records and had difficulty proving their identity or residence in NI. There is no fee for completing the application and all Advice NI services are free to the public. We aim to assist anyone who needs to apply to the scheme to gain either settled or pre-settled status and are calling on anyone who knows, works with or lives beside an EU national to let them know of our service and the need to apply before the 30th June 2021.

adviceni the independent advice network

She added, With less than four months left to apply for the scheme, those living in NI must seek advice on what they need to do and act now to allow time to obtain the relevant documents required.

Need help with gaining Settlement status in the UK? Are you an EU, EEA, Swiss citizen living in Northern Ireland who needs to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme before June 30th 2021? The Independent Advice Network provides free advice & information on the following:

• Immigration advice • Practical assistance and support to complete EUSS application/s • Language support & interpreting services • Digital support & equipment/digital provision • Information sessions for EU nationals, NGOs, service providers, employers, trade unions, embassies/consulates Contact our FREEPHONE helpline to speak to an adviser

0800 915 4604 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Text action to 81025 Email:


For further information or to find your local advice centre visit www.adviceni.net Regulated by the OISC. Ref No. N201900041

58 | Local Women Magazine



If you are interested in a more natural approach to pet grooming, Pet and Country have a wide selection of brands inspired by nature. We are now more conscious than ever of the ingredients in products we use on our bodies, to clean our homes, and of course the products we use on our children and furbabies. Many people are exploring products with a more natural ingredient list as they feel these contain fewer allergens and irritants.

high concentrations so be wary of using them on very sensitive skin.

The important thing when choosing products for grooming your pet at home is that they are safe and effective, so if you are interested in products that have excellent functionality but use ingredients sourced from nature, we have some fantastic brands and products at Pet and Country. Firstly, we should be clear, all of the products available in Pet & Country are safe for you and your pets unless your dog has an allergy to a specific ingredient. (If this is the case chat to a member of a team about products suitable for your pet.) None of the products have been tested on animals and all the ingredients are safe for use – they are either functional (deep cleaning, moisturising, deodorising, conditioning, etc), preservative (so the product doesn’t lose functionality over time), or add fragrance (we know you love our scents). While natural grooming products may cause less irritation even natural ingredients can be allergens. Ingredients such as Limonene, found naturally in citrus fruits and used for scent, is flagged as a potential allergen. This shows that just because something is natural does not mean it will not cause irritation. On the other hand, natural ingredients may also have additional advantages, for example Lavender is useful for more than just adding scent, it also doubles as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. INGREDIENTS AND ACRONYMS Many natural shampoos are SLS free and instead contain different cleansers which are less likely to cause drying and irritation. SLS, along with SELS, is also an effective foaming agent. Some people think a good lather works deeper into the coat to help break down dirt more easily but SLS and SLES free shampoos will do as good a job at cleaning the coat - just make sure to fully soak before you add the product and add more water, not more product to get a truly deep clean.

GROOM PROFESSIONAL FRESH This new range of shampoos incorporates everything you love about Groom Professional - value for money, fantastic scents, and great cleaning, but with a more natural ingredient list. These products are created with 100% natural fragrance. They are free from SLS and SLES so will be less drying, and they are infused with antioxidant-rich ingredients to revitalise the coat and soothe the skin. These shampoos are scentsational – the combination of essential oils creates a range of exotic and earthy scents you will love! TROPICLEAN Tropiclean products are made from 100% natural ingredients (70% of which are organic). These products are gentle on pets as well as being great for the environment. Tropiclean uses superfoods such as coconut, papaya, pomegranate, mango, and aloe vera, which are natural deep cleaners, cleansing the skin and leaving a wonderful shine. All Tropiclean products contain Neem Oil so will have an element of prevention from fleas and ticks. They have a broad range of products, from targeted shampoos and conditioners to coat care products, and oral care products and wipes. They have just released a new range called PerfectFur which is simple and easy to use at home as each shampoo targets a specific coat type.

EARTHBATH Earthbath has been producing gentle and effective formulas for pet grooming since 1995. Their cruelty-free products are top quality, non-toxic, paraben & sulphate free. They never use soap in their shampoos, which can be drying and may remove natural skin oils. Earthbath’s comprehensive line of products includes shampoos, grooming wipes, and spritzes. These products not only have a heavenly scent but provide targeted solutions for the unique needs of pets such as cleansing and coat conditioning, relief from itching or hot spots, combating fleas and ticks, sensitive skin or allergies, odour relief, and more.

ESPREE Espree launched in 1989 with a passion to develop gentle and effective grooming products. Their expansive range is created with soothing organically grown aloe vera as a key ingredient. Espree proudly formulates products with human-grade ingredients from renewable and sustainable sources. Their natural grooming products contain 95% natural ingredients and more than 50% of these are organic.

Often fragrance is where synthetic chemicals are added. Many of your favourite human perfumes and aftershaves will contain these. If you are keen to avoid these, or you find that they are drying on your dog’s coat, look at products with natural fragrances created using essential oils. These can be harsh on skin in

38 - 44 Main Street | Ballymoney | T: 028 2766 3513 | Monday – Saturday 9.00am - 5:30pm



It’s the little things that make a difference to the overall look of your home – and, now that spring has arrived, it’s time to make some changes with a little help from Paula Sweeney at Fabric World. By Paula Sweeney at Fabric World, Maydown

Fabulous fabrics and bold botanicals With spring in the air it’s that time of year when we freshen up our homes. It’s also the time of year when we receive all our exciting new spring and summer ranges. This year we’ve had some fabulous new fabrics from bold botanical prints to classic toning designs. To complement these we’ve taken delivery of some fab new accessories’ ranges. They’ll inspire you to add design detailing that will add a touch of luxury to your interior projects.

Framing your windows Choose from simple detailing with curtain poles or add layers of interest with tassels and trims. The choices are endless. When choosing a pole or track, make sure it functions well for the window in question. Think about scale and make sure the size suits the window. Choose colours carefully make sure it coordinates with your curtains and accessories.

If you need help, we can guide your choice. Call us for some virtual advice.

Trim it! We’re loving all the new season’s trim at the minute. Classic trim has been relaunched in new season colour combinations. So you’ll see lots of toning pinks, minks and neutral shades. Also, a sea of blues across the ranges to accent the hot colour trend of the season. With so much choice we had fun putting together new displays for the store, getting ready to greet you when we reopen. In the meantime you can avail of our click and collect service or virtual appointments Some of our interior projects...


Local Women Magazine | 61

GOODBYE OIL TANK, HELLO SPRING! Gardening can seem like a never-ending chore, so start the season with a good Spring Clean to guarantee a full bloom summer!

After months of working, living, and cooking in the house you’ll soon be caught up outdoors in a frenzy of seed sowing, growing, and nurturing as spring reawakens your garden. Do you dream of more space to enjoy your garden, space to relax, cook or entertain on those long summer evenings? If so, did you know that natural gas will offer you a solution? If you haven’t already got natural gas you can get more space at your place by installing it. That’s because when you switch to natural gas from oil as well as removing indoor tanks you can also get rid of the oil tank and oil boiler in the garden – allowing you to reclaim a whopping c. 75sq feet of space from your home which opens up lots more space for all of your family. That’s enough room for a greenhouse, an outdoor dining area, or even a fancy floral display! Say Goodbye to your oil tank and Hello to your

So what are you waiting for? Find out if you can

green fingers with fantastic florals, herb havens,

say Goodbye to your oil tank and gain more space

and luscious lawns, with firmus energy you can!

at your place by heading to firmusenergy.co.uk/

firmus energy natural gas is the ultimate home

gas or calling the team on 0330 024 9000.

to get more from your outside space this season.


Sort your soil: Soil is the backbone of the garden. Without great soil, you can’t grow

great plants. Dig in plenty of organic matter when

improvement. Not only do you get more space at

To date, over 100,000 customers now use natural

you prepare new beds. Add loose, bulky material

your place but you’ll get all the normal benefits too

gas supplied by firmus energy and are enjoying

like leaf mould for clay soils and rich compost for

including instant heat, smart controls, endless hot

the benefits that natural gas brings - from constant

other types.

water, and the peace of mind of never running out.

hot water to more space in the garden, more

You’ll also be doing your bit for the environment

efficient boilers to simply being a better choice

by reducing carbon emissions by up to 48%*.

for the environment. Homes and businesses

Right now firmus energy has a number of brilliant

interested in making the switch to firmus energy

cut back the old dead growth of deciduous

natural gas can find out more by calling 0330 024

grasses and perennials.

offers making it even easier to switch. Choose from 0% finance which means you can spread

9000 or visiting www.firmusenergy.co.uk

the cost of installing natural gas over two years

Getting your garden ready for spring should be a

or £200 cashback.

pleasure, so follow these Spring cleaning pointers


Tidy the trenches: Have a general tidy-up, removing leaves and other

debris from flower beds and borders. You can


Sow your seeds: Sow summer-flowering bulbs and seeds now - it’s the perfect

task for a breezy spring day. Flowers such as Pansies, Lilies and Gladioli are perfect for earlyspring planting.


Manicure your Lawn: Spring is a good time to feed and rake your lawn and

scarify the ground. You can also use this time to level off any uneven areas and add new grass seed, to maintain any damages.


Trim and prim: Many plants could do with a little TLC to get them ready for spring.

This might involve re-potting, moving to a more protected area of the garden, or trimming to encourage new growth.


Care for chairs: Whether made of plastic, wood, or rattan, your garden furniture will

need some TLC. Start with a simple clean with some warm soapy water and a sponge to revive, if you use cleaning products, make sure you protect your plants.

62 | Local Women Magazine



An Iconic Se ing



Chemist Connect on the importance of Omega 3 on the health and wellbeing of children.

Fats historically have received poor press. Everywhere we go, food brands are pushing their newest ‘reduced fat’ or ‘fat free’ varieties. It’s on everything, from dairy products like yogurt, cheese and milk, to meat products like sausages and mince. While there is justifiable reasoning for reducing our fat intake as adults, how does this thinking apply to babies and growing children? With such negative messages surrounding fats, it would be easy for parents and guardians to assume the same rules apply – not necessarily! Fats are considered one of three macro nutrients alongside proteins and carbohydrates. It is in essence a general term for essential fatty acids, which have many uses. Not least, they are a major source of energy, help build cell structures and are essential for blood clotting. As such, not all fats are ‘bad’. As a group, ‘fats’ can be divided into two sub types; saturated and unsaturated. Without going into the chemistry, they are characterised by the bonds that hold them together. Saturated fats tend be more solid at room temperate, for example animal fats, while unsaturated fats tend be liquid at room temperature, for instance olive oil. Unsaturated fats are further characterised as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated long chain fatty acid and forms a crucial part of a healthy diet. Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are fatty acids that cannot be manufactured in the body and must be consumed through diet or supplementation. The two particularly vital Omega 3 essential fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are clinically proven to deliver certain key health benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids are therefore key to the growth and development of babies and children. They are essential in the normal development and functioning of the brain. Proper brain development influences many aspects of the central nervous system, including cognitive function. This in turn influences tasks like learning, thinking, problem solving skills and concentration. Additionally, they provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that enables the production and preservation of healthier brain cells. Aside from the benefits associated with cellular development, studies have shown that consuming Omega 3s can provide other health benefits to support existing health conditions such as asthma and inflammatory

Foods high in Omega 3 include oily fish like salmon and mackerel. Other food sources include walnuts and pumpkin and flaxseed oils which are great alternatives for children who may not have a preference for fish. There are also a wide variety of Omega 3 food supplements that are easily accessible from community pharmacies. High quality supplements are key. Fatty acids are deliciated molecules that break down easily and many cheaper products use harsh extraction methods, often involving heat. This results in a cheaper product but one which is normally of a much lesser quality and nutritional value.

skin conditions. According to a 10-month study reported by Healthline from the European Respiratory Journal by Nagakur et al, asthmatic symptoms such as cough, wheeze and breathlessness were shown to be reduced in children who consumed fish oil capsules. Of concern is the widespread number of children who are deemed to be deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. In one study at the University of Oxford by Montgomery et al, almost nine out of ten children were shown to eat fish less than twice a week, and nearly one in ten never ate fish at all. The daily requirement for Omega 3 for a healthy diet is at least two portions of fish per week, as stated by UK government guidelines. The results further highlighted that Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency correlated with reduced reading skills and capacity to focus, among the children studied. Blood samples were further taken from 493 school children aged between seven and nine years, which showed that on average a total of 2.45 per cent of fatty acids found in the blood were comprised of Omega-3 DHA (acid) and Omega-3 EPA. This is below the minimum 4% recommended by leading scientists to maintain optimal health and wellbeing. Further research at Oxford considered the correlation between low levels of DHA and poor sleeping patterns in young children. Studies have shown that taking Omega 3 supplements can help increase the length and quality of sleep by increasing the concentration of DHA present in the blood, thereby reducing tiredness and improving mental performance. In the UK and Ireland, the recommended intake of Omega-3 fatty acids is around 400mg-600mg daily of DHA and EPA combined, for adults and children over 12 years old, while children aged four to six years should consume half of this amount and those between the ages of seven and eleven should consume two thirds. Corresponding studies however have shown that the average fish intake is well below the national recommendation.

Paradox Oil is one such supplement that is of high quality. Paradox Omega School Chewable Capsules provides a pure and natural source of Omega 3 as well as Vitamin D3, providing help with brain function and concentration, as well as maintaining general wellbeing and helping to protect a child from common conditions such as asthma and obesity. Paradox Omega Liquid is another excellent alternative, consisting of a sustainable source of pure and natural fish oils, within a formula containing no additives or concentrates. Both products contain fish oils that leave no fish after taste or repeat and utilise citrus flavouring to mask the fish taste. HealthAid Kidz Omega is another great alternative, available as an oral solution in a range of flavours. It also contains vitamins A,C,D and E, in addition to Folic acid, all of which help contribute to brain development and functioning, while boosting the immune system and optimising overall well-being.

Visit our website chemistconnect.com or chemistconnect.ie for a wide range of these products for children and adults.

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Make working from home work for you

With working from home on the rise, it’s time to look at creating an office space in your house, with a little design know-how from Houstons Homewares. After a year of working from home, or in and out of the workplace, there’s a definite sense that remote working will become more common for many in the future. Whilst a makeshift setup in the spare bedroom or at the kitchen table may have done as a quick fix, we are now seeing more and more requests for office decor. Whether it’s adding in some decorative accessories or a full office design. A comfortable working environment is key to productivity and motivation, so a home office that’s stylish, comfortable, and practical is a step towards a happy work life balance. If you have the luxury of a spare room or have commissioned a bespoke garden office pod to work from, there’s a lot more to consider than simply a desk and chair. To maximise your comfort and convenience during work hours investing in office design may just pay off in the long term. Offices don’t need to be huge spaces to be luxurious. Compact workstations that are carefully thought out can be stylish and convenient too.


As with all room designs the first step is deciding on a layout, make a list of the things you need first before thinking about the decorative side. Furniture layout is extremely important in an

office. Think about how you will use the space, where are the power sockets? What lighting will be best for the type of work you’ll be doing? Do you want the desk facing towards a window or is that going to be another distraction? When you have a layout that works for you and the practical issues considered then have some fun with the decorative elements.


If you’ve been conservative with decor in other parts of your home and have always wanted to make bolder choices, then a home office is a great place to get creative. We usually don’t get to choose our working conditions or environment so embrace the chance to create a space that is very personal to your needs and a space that you actually like spending time in.


When choosing a colour scheme, consider the type of mood you want to create. Pastel and neutral tones will have a calming effect while deeper tones will be more intense but cosy. Following on from home interior trends navy/blues and greens tend to be a popular choice for office decor. These colours are ideal for offices given their reputed calming properties. In Feng Shui, green is the colour of renewal, fresh energy, and new beginnings, it calms your nerves and balances your body and mind, and blue is considered to be calming and peaceful, as well as creating a sense of relaxation and healing.


Accessories are the finishing touches to any room and are a chance to display items that inspire you or simply add a softness to an office. Adding in some potted plants and greenery is an absolute must for an office space.

I’m always a huge fan of quality faux plants however the real ones may be the best option for an office as real plants have been found to make us feel comfortable and soothed and having an organic life form that requires some attention and maintenance may be a welcome task in a solitary workplace. If you would like to avail of our office design services or any other room design, contact us via our Facebook or Instagram pages @ houstonhomewares or via our website at


Local Women Magazine | 67



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Group Marketing Director of Staffline Naomh McElhatton shows how to take a positive and proactive approach to your job search to maximise your chances of landing that dream job. Have you already lost your job or are you facing redundancy? Maybe you had entrepreneurial plans to start your own business, but those dreams had to take a back seat due to the pandemic? Maybe you are a stay-at-home mum, who now more than ever would like to get back into the world of work. I know firsthand that home-schooling brought a host of challenges unknown to humankind until 2020! The problem with losing your job is that aside from the financial set back, it also knocks your confidence. Over the last nine months we have witnessed people who have lost their jobs, one that perhaps they have been in for over a decade. Most people in long term employment do not have an up-to-date CV, let alone know who to contact when looking for their next career move. A friend recently shared with me how her husband has fallen into depression after he was laid off from his job during the pandemic last year. He’d worked hard all his life, thrived on the pressures and challenges of his work, and enjoyed the money he earned. Becoming unemployed for the first time in his mid-forties was a huge kick in the gut, and one he didn’t cope with very well. This situation unfortunately is becoming a reality for more and more people on a daily basis.

SO HOW DO WE COPE? There is no magic potion that will take the pain away from losing your job. However, like any setback you need to take a step back and get some perspective. Failure is merely temporary. Success in life is measured far less by our opportunities than by how we respond to life’s setbacks and challenges, and let’s face it, we all have hurdles to overcome.


read up on your potential new employer will allow you to find out if the culture, benefits Focus on the future: there is no point in and salary range work for you. Maybe there dwelling on the past. Put your efforts and are jobs available that you could do based attention on moving forward. on your skill set but you never thought to Be kind to yourself: Looking for a new apply until now. job, the right job can take time, so be Expand your network: Let people know kind to yourself. There is no time for wallowing you are available for work, talk to in self-pity. Keep active and allow yourself colleagues, family and friends. Be confident some breathing space, mental and emotional in your ability, if you can’t sell yourself, no one resilience requires physical resilience. So else will do it for you. Take time and update be intentional about taking care of YOU and your LinkedIn profile. Be confident and tell doing whatever it takes to feel strong and fit. people your key skills and the type of work Register with an agency: Let the experts you are after – let your profile shine. Never identify the latest roles available for you. underestimate the power of your network to Working with an agency means you will also open up opportunities. receive the additional support you need when it comes to updating your CV and if required some pointers on how to interview confidently, they are onside to support you through the process from start to finish!





When it comes to a successful job hunt, attitude is everything. A proactive and positive mindset will differentiate you from the Research: It might not feel like it masses, identifying your transferable skills is initially but looking for a new job fundamental to showing just how adaptable present lots of new opportunities. As you find and amazing you are! job listings that interest you, research the HERE ARE MY 5 TIPS WHEN IT COMES company before applying. Taking time to


In the words of Albert Einstein “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”

If you need advice on how to prepare for your next job search or maybe you would like guidance on getting your LinkedIn profile setup, please email: Naomh.mcelhatton@staffline.co.uk

Naomh McElhatton - Group Marketing Director of Staffline E: Naomh.mcelhatton@staffline.co.uk


72 | Local Women Magazine

Joanna Denton

Mind the gap! Business Mentor Joanna Denton has the expertise to tackle your work-related problems head on. This month she shows how stay at home mums can combine soft skills with technical skills to plug that CV gap and get back into the workplace.

Dear Joanna, I have been a stay-at-home mum for the last fifteen years, and now is the time to get back into the work force. I am looking for a full time administrative or IT admin kind of job, but I’m worried about how to talk about my time as a stay-at-home mum, and what skills to put on my CV. Can you help?


Dear Michaela,

I am really glad that you asked this question because I know it can be tricky for many women to know what to put in that “gap”. After a career break it can be easy to underestimate what we have to offer and that employers are crying out for our skills. If I may, I want to focus here on how to identify your skills.

The perspective of a recruiter Firstly, I wanted to get the perspective of a recruiter, and so I reached out to Gillian Baxter, Branch Manager for Lisburn and Newry at Staffline, for her thoughts.

Here is what she had to say: •

First of all, it’s always better to explain the “gap” than leave a blank, so don’t be afraid to let an employer know that you have been bringing up the family.

Focus on the transferable skills, like flexibility/ time management, resilience, multi-tasking , prioritising.

Take up some classes – in person or online – to update skills or qualifications as necessary.

Include any voluntary work that you might have done over the last years, particularly positions of trust – for example in an office environment or for clubs, sports groups or relating to the school.

Brainstorming on the skills I think what is key to Gillian’s advice is to focus on the transferable soft skills, knowing that technical skills can be learned. But how do you know what skills the employer is looking for, and what you can bring to the table?

you might not think about. Add those to your list too. Email a small handful of trusted friends and ask them to tell you what strengths and talents they think you have. Notice the themes that come up, and if not already on there, add them in. 3. Match these skills and talents to what the employer is looking for.

Here are some things to think about 1. Do your research into the skills needed.

For each of the soft skills and talents that you have now soft identified, match them skills are k to what the employer ey; the t is looking for and echni brainstorm examples cal on es can b where you have had e tau to demonstrate those ght” skills, e.g., the project management skills from the Where needed, look into any relevant kitchen renovation last summer; courses to update skills. the budgeting and excursion 2. Think outside the box for examples of the soft skills. planning for the annual family holidays; the IT skills from home schooling this year. Think about all the skills that you need to bring up a family– negotiation, budgeting, organisation, Finally, formulate and practice a story around prioritising, multi-tasking, and the rest. These each example using the STAR acronym: might seem “normal” to you – it’s just what you Situation, Task, Action you took, the Result and do as a mum. But many administrative or IT use these in an interview or your cover letter. admin jobs will be looking for these kinds of soft Get comfortable talking about them. Research adverts for jobs you would be interested in and take a look at the skills and qualifications that they are looking for. Speak to friends doing similar roles and ask them what they do on a daily basis. Compile a list of the skills and qualifications needed, as well as the likely responsibilities.

skills. List them all down. Check out the VIA Institute Character Strengths tool and the Gallup CliftonStrengths finder tool to identify inherent personality and character strengths (like creativity, ideation, learning) that


I hope these thoughts are helpful. For guidance on writing your CV, with a little research online, you will find many great articles to help you. Remember you have a lot to offer the workplace, and do not underestimate what you are capable of. Good luck with your job hunt and keep us posted.

JD Speaking and Strategy Ltd River House | 48-60 High Street | Belfast | BT1 2BE T: +44 (0)7795085297 |E: joanna@joannadenton.com For further information check out

www.joannadenton.com Local Women Magazine | 73

Something And Nothing

Local Women columnist Myra Dryden wonders what her hairdresser will make of her post lockdown locks while she ponders what happened to the characters trapped inside her unfinished novels.


By Myra Dryden

wish I wasn’t off drink for Lent. I could just do with a good slurp of red wine or two fingers of whiskey to get me started. Started at what I hear you cry (If there’s anybody out there). Well this column, because once again I find myself in the unenviable position of hardly one syllable written and only a matter of hours till deadline. A measly 69 words so far. If I was in a Pollyanna mood I would probably declare, “Sure isn’t it better than nothing!” (Except that she is Canadian not Irish) But it’s not. Better than nothing. So I’ll just plough on and hope it becomes something soon. Meanwhile, I am going to resort yet again to my book of humorous quotations, The Funniest Thing You Never Said,

on the subject of writing, and maybe give us a bit of a laugh while we’re waiting for a Booker prize to rear it’s unlikely head:

disappointed characters make as they rail against my inability to complete the stories each of them started off in:

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.

The most bitter is the university lecturer who was destined to gain a professorship and achieve tenure after years of uncertainty. Now he is left hanging, unable also to get together with Elaine of the Philosophy department, whose recent friendship promised so much. Then there’s Father Eliot, seriously doubting his faith and trying to fight against his feelings for Miss Spelman whose class he is preparing for First Communion. And just when he has got up the courage to approach the bishop, he too is left dangling, going nowhere.

Gene Fowler American Director Everywhere I go, I am asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that it doesn’t stifle enough of them.

Flannery O’Connor The dubious privilege of a freelance writer is that he’s given the freedom to starve anywhere.

S. J. Perelman A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation for the editor.

Ring Lardner An editor should have a pimp for a brother, so he’d have someone to look up to.

Gene Fowler American Director Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing.

Sylvia Plath I think I have something in common with Plath, except my unpublished, unfinished stuff doesn’t so much stink as make an awful lot of noise in the attic above me where most of it is stored. And some nights I can’t sleep for the racket those

And many, many more: A young woman about to enter the Convent, unsure if it is really what she wants; two British soldiers out on their last patrol before going back to England the next day, if they make it, because a sniper has his gun trained on them; an old lady, living alone, waiting for a visit from a woman who claims to be her long lost daughter; four men in a poker game, one of whom is going to end up dead before it finishes; and so and so on. The one I came closest to completing was the two British soldiers on patrol, but just as I had decided on which to return home in a coffin peace broke out and the market for Troubles literature fell through.

Of course I have some finished work, mostly During this long lockdown, those of us who short pieces, I wouldn’t have the stamina for find pleasure in reading should be having a field day; but I’m not so a novel. A fair amount of them began in Sam sure about that with the Burnside’s writing class at Magee, which I libraries being closed loved and gave me the confidence and along with all those encouragement to continue writing. other outlets such A number of very good writers came as charity shops out of that group, the most prolific which we all love of which is Jack Scoltock, who has to browse for our been working steadily ever material. I recently since, and who has been discovered that Tesco’ s widely published. carry a selection of secondMy favourite from Jack’s hand books for a small donation, and oeuvre is his collection of among them I found quite a good novel: Modern Irish Stories, many The Missing Pieces of Sophy Mc of which I have shed a tear Carthy, by B. M. Carroll which over, particularly the title I will probably return to their one, First Communion. If I shelves in the future. may I would like to give you a little bit of the opening: Kevin turned on his hard mattress when he heard his young sister, Siobhan, whisper to him from the far side of the bedroom. He could hardly see her in the darkness, but she was sitting up and listening to their parents quarrelling.

“Go tay sleep, Siobhan,” he hissed. “They’ll hear ye.” He sighed for he knew it was no use, she wouldn’t listen and would stay awake. It was just after 1: in the morning, and he knew his mother had been waiting up for his father.

“Ach, leave us alone, woman. I’m tired.”

From this collection we get a very insightful glimpse of the lives of ordinary people going about their business in our own community, and our sympathy is constantly engaged no matter what that business is. Jack reads his own work very well, as I can certainly attest to from attending his various public engagements over the years; and this aspect has added to the enjoyment for me.

I see from the list I have just retrieved from under my chair that I failed to mention quite a few things which I had in mind: Easter, Clocks going forward, 1st Communions cancelled, holidays, hopping round Knock Shrine in the Falling Rain, and (how could I forget?) hair. Mine to be precise. It’s awful at present, and I can’t resist cutting chunks off it. All I can say is, thank God for me hat.

Keep safe,

“Well!” he heard his mother shout. “What’s yer excuse this time, eh?”

Repeatedly banging his head back against the pillow, Kevin tried to drown out the sound of his mother crying. It always ended like this.

I keep returning to Alan Bennett’s Talking heads, his excellent collection of monologues, taking the greatest delight in re-reading my favourite three: A Chip in the Sugar, A Lady of Letters, and the best of all, A Cream Cracker Under the Settee. I think Bennett has to be the master of the monologue. No one does it better.

Heaven knows what Fiona will make of it when she is allowed to open up again. Look out for her reaction on Newsline: Elderly woman flung out of Rathmor Salon by distraught hairdresser. Joke alert: Man goes into the barber and asks to have his hair cut Kirk Douglas style. He dozes off and wakes to find himself totally bald. In shock he shouts: “What the hell! This isn’t Kirk Douglas!” to which, in despair, the poor stylist replies, “Sure wasn’t he in The King and I?”

“Kevin, me da’s drunk again, Kevin.”

“Tired! Tired! Hah!.” Remembering her children, Kathleen lowered her voice. “Tired,” She repeated. “What doin’? Not workin’ anyway. Ye’ve lost all the jobs ye’ve had through drinkin’. God, when I think what ye were like before…before…

it to her the next morning, having read the whole story in one overnight sitting.

Also, my book club continues to send me a novel every month, and last month’s was an excellent choice: The Hunting Party, by Lucey Foley. My own bookshelves are also proving a good source of material, filled as they are with volumes I have squirrelled away over the years and haven’t read yet. I am even thinking of revisiting the classics. Perhaps starting with David Copperfield which I loved at primary school when we were introduced to Dickens. I remember asking the teacher if I could take it home with me that night, but I was refused because it was only to be read out in class. Our room was very large and we shared it with another class whose teacher, overhearing my exchange about the novel, actually slipped me a copy at the school gate; and she was astonished when I returned



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New Local Women hair columnist and industry expert Charlene Hawthorne from Haus of Hair HQ reveals hair loss can be one of the worrying side effects of Covid. Welcome to my first advice column where I am excited to share everything I have learned during my career as a stylist. But first a brief introduction, my name is Charlene Hawthorne, owner of Haus Of Hair HQ. I have been a stylist for longer than I care to admit. I hold my advanced teaching qualifications, Alfaparf Colour Master’s degree, I am an Easilocks Ambassador and hair extensions expert. My job is to advise, recommend and educate - so let’s get stuck in! With salons closed and clients desperately seeking advice on a range of issues I see it only fitting to base my first column on an issue that has been raising its ugly head. Everyone is talking about the symptoms and side effects of COVID but I’m going to address one of the long-term side effects – hair loss. According to a study conducted this year and then later published in The Lancet medical journal, 1 in 5 people suffer hair loss within 6 months of contracting COVID with women at higher risk. With the added stress of isolating, working from home and juggling homeschooling it’s no wonder some of us are experiencing hair loss.


The CDC reported that hair loss as a result of COVID is a temporary form of alopecia known as Telogen Effluvium (TE) brought on by hormonal stress. Severe systematic infection shedding normally accounts for 5-10% of hair loss however TE can drastically increase this to 30% leaving a notable difference. It is advised that your hair should return to normal within 6-12 months but in the meantime what can we do? Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fits all’ magic treatment (the person who invents that will be a millionaire) but if you attack from all angles you will likely see an improvement.


Feed your hair from within, a nutritional diet high in protein and vitamin C (to help absorb iron.) I also recommend a supplement for hair, Hair Gain supplements come in capsule or gummy form which offer a clinically driven formula that is proven to improve hair growth, strength and thickness from within. The edible range contains powerful organic pea shoot, which reduces hair loss and promotes strong, shiny hair.


Adopting a mindfulness practice to support your mental health (I personally use the Headspace app, available on Apple and Android.) Reducing cortisol (the stress hormone) through exercise. Not all exercise has to be vigorous, yoga is great for destressing and loosening your mind and body and of course, a healthy sleep routine is always beneficial.


There are many different brands available for hair loss, I personally recommend the Alfaparf Energiser shampoo, which is designed to strengthen, re-densify and stimulate growth, giving renewed vitality to weak hair that is prone to falling out. Use in conjunction with a course of their energising lotions, 4 vials a week for 3 weeks then 2 vials a week for 5 weeks. These will stimulate growth, slow down the shedding process strengthen the hair shaft and scalp and contains a macrobiotic complex for a healthy scalp. I recommend using a scalp massager to apply lotions as this stimulates blood flow to the root of your hair feeding the hair with the nutrients needed.

A TEMPORARY FIX Using a tinted root spray is a quick and effective temporary solution to fill out finer areas of hair and disguise the appearance of your scalp. I recommend the Joico Tint Shot, available in four custom coloursblack, dark brown, light brown and blonde it does more than just cover greys. It has a fast-drying formula that is resistant against humidity while filling in thinning areas to create the illusion of thicker, fuller hair. You can also send me a message on Facebook at hausofhairhq or Instagram @hausofhairhq if you have any questions. Until next month

Charlene x DISCOUNT All of the products mentioned in this article are available at www.hausofhairhq.com with a unique discount for my readers. Use code localwomen10 to receive 10% off your order and if I’m feeling generous, I may throw in a freebie!

Once you have completed the course of lotions, I suggest using Alfaparf Scalp Renewal Energising Tonic, this treatment is to help maintain the optimal state of the scalp.

Find us at www.hausofhairhq.com Haus of hair HQ




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Getting a loan with a credit union is a sound financial decision – General Manager of KRD Credit Union Ltd, Claire Doherty explains why. Hello to all you Local Women readers,

However, it is important to remember that all

Thank you for picking up this March edition of

members who borrow must keep their promise

the magazine and I hope you are all keeping

to pay it back. In refusing to pay, these members

well. I’m delighted to be back as your columnist

are impacting the health of the credit union

this month to give the lowdown on all things KRD

and are an expense to their fellow members.

Credit Union Ltd.

If you feel that your repayments would be

It’s been a very busy few months here at KRD,

unmanageable, then do not borrow, however we do have loans and repayment options to

as I’m sure it has been for many. With the effects

suit all pockets. Here at KRD, we never want to

of lockdown still being felt, you may be looking

see any of our members struggle financially and

at your income and outgoings more closely

our dedicated loans teams are committed to

than ever – and even considering borrowing for the first time. We’ve had so many questions

practicing responsible lending at all times.

lately from first-time borrowers, such as, ‘What’s

If you feel like you can afford those repayments,



or if you want to discuss your options when it

union?” So, let me fill you in on how loans are

comes to borrowing, please get in touch via

instrumental to KRD.

the means below. Why not have a look at your





Credit unions are owned by their members and your savings contribute to our loans fund. So, when you borrow from us, you are borrowing from funds belonging to yourself and to other members. By joining KRD, isn’t it amazing that your savings are helping those in the wider community? This co-operative of saving and borrowing together is at the heart of the credit union ethos. In order to keep our credit union as healthy as possible, it’s so important that our members take advantage of the wide range of services we have available to them – and most importantly, loans. A credit union that doesn’t lend money is like a sweet shop that doesn’t sell sweets! They

As we enter a full year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s understandable that many have been wary of borrowing. So, you’ve perhaps been putting off that much needed new car, or those home improvements you’ve been longing for. That’s where we come in. Our interest is charged at a fair and reasonable

outstanding other debts, including the interest rates you’re being charged and compare it to what we can offer you at KRD? Consolidation could be just the thing you need in these times. Whatever the purpose of your loan, we want to hear from you. Already this financial year, KRD provided loans to the community for over £2 million for a range of purposes. Our most

rate, and only on your decreasing loan balance.

popular have been for car purchases, which

In addition to this, you get a whole host of other

totalled over £905,000, over £611,000 for home

benefits that you won’t find at any other financial

improvements and over £224,000 for helping

organisation. No set up fees, no hidden charges

out with those niggling personal and household

of any kind including no early repayment fees,

bills. We’re delighted to be able to help our

all online transaction possibilities keeping you safe at home, life cover on savings and loans at

members out, and in choosing KRD for their borrowing needs, you are keeping your credit

are the bread and butter of our organisation

no additional cost (terms and conditions apply),

union healthy too.

and by borrowing from us, and making your

multiple options to repay your loan and flexible

Until next time.

repayments on time, you are helping keep your

repayment plans and an annual loan interest

credit union healthy and thriving.

rebate depending on the year we have.

11 Main Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6AN

25/27 Church Street, Kilrea, BT51 5QU

Claire D 18 Main Street, Dunloy, BT44 9AA

www.krdcreditunion.com | P: 028 2954 1007 | E: info@krdcreditunion.com Find us on Facebook and Instagram KRD Credit Union Ltd is Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. KRD Credit Union Ltd is covered by the UK Government’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the Financial Ombudsman Service. PRA Reg. No. NI 574095: Companies Registration No. CU76 Northern Ireland

80 | Local Women Magazine

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Supporting and inspiring women

A new personal development initiative for women in Northern Ireland launches with free membership. A new female empowerment initiative has been launched to help encourage, support and inspire ladies across Northern Ireland in their personal development - and membership is FREE until Friday 31st December 2021. Fempower, has been founded by Karina Todd, a mother of four from Moira in Co Down who is a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach and a Chartered Accountant, and offers local women access to coaching and training in all areas of personal development; online courses, seminars and workshops; weekly webinars; a community forum; exciting live events; personal coaching sessions and bespoke corporate training programmes. Karina Todd, Founder of Fempower said: “I truly believe that it’s time for women throughout Northern Ireland to take a break from being all things to all people. Time to stop feeling like you’re constantly running around in circles and time to think about being the best version of you. “Fempower will offer lots of information, inspiration and motivation to help women start their own journey of personal development. And with recent reports finding that that inequality problems have been made worse for many women during the pandemic, there has never been a more important time for women to realise their own strength, value and true potential.” Fempower will also host online Power Hour events on the last Thursday of every month covering a range of female related topics to motivate and inspire. Karina will be joined in conversation each month by a different female mentor who will share her story and experience starting with personal development coach Annette Kelly of Little Penny Thoughts on 29th April; one of Northern Ireland’s leading lifestyle bloggers and digital consultants, Anna Corry of Blossomingbirds on 27th May; Aimee Oliver of Bodyfit Mums on Thursday 24th June; Lorraine Boyce of Down Below Physio on 29th

July and Registered General Nurse and founder of Vermilion Cosmetic Clinic, Donnamarie McGrillien, on 26th August. Karina Todd continued: “It is my vision that Fempower will help support and inspire women of all ages and stages of life and will be a place we can come together to learn, connect and grow. Whether you’re busy balancing work and life; juggling a career and family life; a stay-athome mum or you just want to connect with other like-minded women – I promise that Fempower offers something to help every female across Northern Ireland. And remember, you won’t be alone, I will be here to guide you every step of the way and you’ll be supported by my experienced team and the other amazing women in this powerful community.”

To find out more, or to avail of the FREE membership, go to


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Dr Mark McComiskey MD MRCOG is a specialist gynaecologist and gynaecological surgeon. Dr Mark McComiskey is a specialist gynaecologist and gynaecological surgeon who trained at the world-famous Christie Cancer Hospital in Manchester. His work has been published widely in peer reviewed journals in obstetrics and gynaecology and his work has been presented at international meetings throughout Europe and North America Dr McComiskey takes a holistic and caring approach to managing all general gynaecology conditions with the aim of maximising women’s quality of life. Each month Dr McComiskey provides Local Women readers with healthcare advice, dispelling some of the many myths surrounding women’s health.


Each month Dr Mark McComiskey MD MRCOG discusses gynaecological conditions and women’s health issues. Dr Mark McComiskey is a specialist gynaecologist and gynaecological surgeon who trained at the world-famous Christie Cancer Hospital in Manchester. His work has been published widely in peer reviewed journals in obstetrics and gynaecology and his work has been presented at international meetings throughout Europe and North America. Dr McComiskey takes a holistic and caring approach to managing all general gynaecology conditions with the aim of maximising women’s quality of life. This month Dr McComiskey looks at Adenomyosis, a non-cancerous condition of the womb.

WHAT IS ADENOMYOSIS? Adenomyosis is a non-cancerous condition where the cells normally found lining the womb are found deep in the womb muscle. It is common, affecting one in 10 women of reproductive age and often affects women aged 40 to 49 years old who have had children. Adenomyosis is likely a condition caused by genetic and immune system factors. Hormonal factors are suspected to be involved also. The womb can become enlarged and adenomyosis tissue swells up and causes bleeding and pain with menstruation. Endometriosis can co-exist with adenomyosis and adenomyosis is sometimes referred to as ‘internal endometriosis.’

WHAT ARE THE MAIN SYMPTOMS OF ADENOMYOSIS? Some women have very few symptoms however others may experience: ● Heavy periods

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● Painful and irregular periods ● Pelvic pain

desire for children and preserving fertility. Treatments include:

● Feelings of heaviness in the pelvis

Taking no action is a possibility, especially if symptoms are mild.

Non hormonal medications including painkillers and tranexamic acid are designed to relieve pain and bleeding.

Hormones such as the oral conceptive pill or progestogen treatment (for example contraceptive injection, implant, or coil) or injections to induce temporary menopause.

Hysterectomy for women not wishing to preserve fertility and who have failed with non-surgical treatment.

Uterine artery embolisation, a procedure whereby uterine blood supply is reduced using a specialist x-ray procedure. This causes adenomyosis to shrink.

● Pain during sexual intercourse ● Pain with bowel movements and passing urine frequently Symptoms will cease after the menopause however they can cause wide-ranging negative impacts on a woman’s life.

HOW IS ADENOMYOSIS DIAGNOSED? Diagnosis can be difficult as symptoms are variable and common among many women. A consultation with a specialist, including an examination is an important first step. An ultrasound scan, often performed vaginally, and possibly an MRI scan can be useful in diagnosing adenomyosis.

WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT OPTIONS? There are a number of options and treatment should be tailored to each individual and depends on symptoms, age,

Dr McComiskey can be contacted at

www.drmarkmccomiskey.com E: info@drmarkmccomiskey.com

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Local Women columnist, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Anne-Marie Campbell from Health Hub Professionals NI, is an expert on women’s health problems. This month she explains why women should have a complete postnatal health check following the birth of their baby. Every woman’s journey through pregnancy and childbirth is different. There can be an expectation for women to ‘bounce back’ after having a baby and this can be hugely influenced by social media. Some people think ‘9 months in, 9 months out’ and recovery is complete after these 9 months, whereas some literature would say it can take up to 2 years for a woman’s body to completely recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

REASONS TO SEE A PELVIC PT AFTER BIRTH Get back to exercise safely

In the weeks and months after having a baby some women resume normal life and activities without any great difficulty, but others struggle to get back to anywhere near where they were pre-pregnancy.

Improve pooping problems

Reduce scar tissue sensitivity and pain


and often ineffective in the later stages of pregnancy.

• 1 in 3 women experience stress incontinence

LOW BACK – the muscles must adapt as pregnancy progresses and posture is often affected.

• 1 in 10 experience anal incontinence (gas or stool) • 1 in 12 experience pelvic organ prolapse • 91% experience sexual dysfunction (that big taboo subject!) In an ideal world all women should have access to a full and comprehensive postnatal check by a Pelvic Health specialist so that they can make as complete a recovery as possible. In the postnatal period a lot of the emphasis is on the baby’s health and how they are thriving, and on the mum’s mental health, but not on her physical health. SO, WHAT DOES THE ‘MUMMY MATTERS’ POSTNATAL CHECK INVOLVE?

Prevent future problems

Improve painful sex

Stop leaking pee!

Once issues have been identified, a treatment programme is agreed, and a personalised home exercise programme is provided. Advice is also given to support return to work and return to sport or running. This check doesn’t have to be in the immediate postnatal period although the earlier it’s done the more beneficial it will be. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you’re 12 weeks, 12 months, or 12 years postnatal, but it DOES MATTER if you: •

Leak when you cough/laugh/sneeze

Run to the toilet a lot

Feel that ‘things’ are down a bit

Have difficulty with wind and bowel control

• At Health Hub Professionals NI, I offer the ‘Mummy Matters’ postnatal check which is a full • • comprehensive assessment of your:

Experience pain or discomfort during sex Have very weak abdominals Have a separation of your abdominals.

PELVIC FLOOR - it is overstretched during These symptoms are quite common but should delivery and can sometimes be affected by an never be considered normal! episiotomy or tear. Mums very often put themselves to the bottom of ABDOMINALS - they become overstretched the queue and get caught up with a new baby, a

young family, or a busy home, but sometimes it’s ok to take a bit of time out for self-care. It’s quite easy to ignore these symptoms when life is busy, but they won’t go away and have the potential to get worse. So, come on ladies speak up, reach out and book your ‘Mummy Matters’ postnatal check – your future self will thank you for it. Or why not gift it to a family member, friend or loved one? Contact the clinic for a gift certificate.

1 Hyde Business Park, Pennyburn Industrial Estate, Derry, BT48 0LU T: 075 9324 0194

www.healthhubprofessionalsni.com Follow us on Facebook/@healthhubprofessionalsni

Back to school at Ballykelly

Since they returned to school, the pupils of Ballykelly Primary have enjoyed a little fun and celebrations on the timetable.


Pictures by Gerard Gormley allykelly Primary School is delighted to have all the boys and girls back for face-to-face teaching.

It has been fantastic to see all the lovely smiling faces and to hear the playground full of laughter and fun. To celebrate having everyone back the PTA worked incredibly hard to organise an Easter Egg Hunt for the entire school in the beautiful Woodland Trail.

The forest was decorated with ribbon and bunting, and a few Easter bunnies could be spotted along the way. Each class bubble had to find a picture of an Easter egg hidden in the forest. They then gave the picture to the Easter Bunny and everyone got a real Easter egg in exchange. Everyone had great fun being outdoors. We would like to wish you all a very happy Easter.


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Introducing HydraFacial Keravive At SKiN Private Aesthetic Clinic in Draperstown, there’s an amazing new treatment to give you fuller, healthier-looking hair. Created by The HydraFacial Company, a leading aesthetic skin health technology manufacturer, HydraFacial Keravive is a unique, relaxing treatment designed to cleanse, stimulate, nourish and hydrate the scalp for fuller and healthier− looking hair. The NEW HydraFacial Keravive treatment uses vortex technology and Keravive Peptide Complex Solution to cleanse, exfoliate, stimulate, and deliver a proprietary blend of growth factors and skin proteins to hydrate, nourish and stimulate the scalp. The result? Thicker, fuller, healthier−looking hair! 3-STEP PROGRAM HydraFacial Keravive, like the original HydraFacial treatment, is a 3−step program:

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT IS HYDRAFACIAL KERAVIVE? HydraFacial Keravive is a unique, relaxing treatment designed to cleanse, stimulate, nourish, and hydrate the scalp for fuller and healthier–looking hair.


HydraFacial Keravive is indicated for people who are suffering from scalp flaking, itchiness, dryness, or irritation. It also benefits people who are experiencing hair thinning or loss due to hormonal, environmental, or physiological factors such as stress or preparing for a hair transplant or undergoing hair loss treatments such as Rogaine, Propecia, PRP, or Laser Therapy.

CAN I BLOW DRY MY HAIR AFTER APPLYING THE SOLUTION OR SPRAY? For best results, allow the scalp/hair to fully absorb the solution and spray before applying heat. It is recommended that clients do not use a hair dryer within an hour of receiving the treatment or applying the spray.

HOW LONG AFTER THE TREATMENT WILL MY SCALP/HAIR DRY? Your scalp/hair should be dry 15–20 minutes after the end of the treatment.

HOW LONG AFTER THE TREATMENT CAN I APPLY HAIR STYLING PRODUCTS? You can use hair styling products as soon as product is absorbed, and your hair/scalp has dried.



dirt, oil and impurities from the scalp and hair follicles while stimulating circulation.

For best results, it is recommended that you wait at least 6–12 hours before washing your hair.

STEP 2: STIMULATE + NOURISH (In− Office) HydraFacial Keravive Peptide Complex Solution nourishes and stimulates the scalp and hair follicles with growth factors and skin proteins to promote thicker, healthier−looking hair. STEP 3: EXTEND + ENHANCE (At−Home) Daily use of the HydraFacial Keravive Peptide Complex Spray enhances the in−office treatment and delivers daily stimulation and nourishment to the scalp and hair follicles. The combination of in−office cleansing, exfoliation and hydration, and daily use of the take−home spray improves circulation and nourishes the hair follicles for thicker, shinier, healthier−looking hair. 94 | Local Women Magazine

HydraFacial Keravive cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the scalp and hair follicles. The treatment removes dirt, oil, flakes, dead skin cells and impurities from the surface of the scalp and from hair follicles and stimulates scalp circulation. Keravive infuses the scalp with growth factors and skin proteins designed to nourish and stimulate the scalp and hair follicles.


For best results it is recommended you come to the treatment with clean, dry hair without styling products.



Following the in–office treatment, you will apply the HydraFacial Keravive take–home spray daily beginning the day following your in–office treatment. Apply 1–2 sprays per area of concern once a day by placing nozzle directly on the scalp while spraying. After spraying, massage solution into scalp for 30–60 seconds. For best results, apply in the evening and allow solution to remain on the scalp overnight.

The treatment is pain–free, gentle and relaxing. You will feel some suction on your scalp and a cooling sensation from the solutions that are administered during the treatment.

HOW LONG WILL THE IN–OFFICE TREATMENT TAKE? The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.



For best results, it is not recommended to administer HydraFacial Keravive and PRP treatments in the same visit. The recommended regimen is to alternate HydraFacial Keravive and PRP treatments and to allow 2–4 weeks in between treatments.



There are no shampoos or conditioners that need to be avoided with HydraFacial Keravive. For optimal results, shampoos and conditioners that contain AHA/ BHA, or exfoliating properties are recommended.

CAN I HAVE THIS IF I’M PLANNING TO HAVE A HAIR TRANSPLANT? This treatment can be beneficial in improving scalp circulation. People considering a transplant can do a series of treatments in the 3–6 months preceding hair transplant surgery to optimise scalp health.

WILL THE TREATMENT DAMAGE OR PULL OUT HAIR? Some clients may experience minimal hair shedding as the vellus (non–growing hairs) are uprooted and fall out. These hairs would have fallen out on their own, regardless of having the treatment. Vellus hair shedding is a sign that the scalp is entering a healthier state.



WILL THE TAKE–HOME SPRAY STAIN CLOTHES/PILLOWCASES? The spray is colourless and odourless and will not stain clothes or bedsheets.



Due to the sensitive nature of transplanted hairs, it is not recommended to have a HydraFacial Keravive treatment until 6 months after the hair transplant. The HydraFacial Keravive take–home spray can be used 4 weeks after a hair transplant.



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Building on her success Criona O’Hara is the trainee site manager at Braidwater’s Birch Hill development in Derry. Local Women took the opportunity to find out how her career progressed from a trainee health and safety advisor on a construction site in London to playing a lead role on an award-winning private development in the north west.

It was back in 2013 when Criona O’Hara jumped into the world of construction with a new health and safety trainee advisor role for a major London civil engineering company called Crossrail. In 2014 she completed her qualifications and was quickly rewarded with a promotion and from there worked her way through various health and safety jobs on multiple sites including the Thames Tideway Tunnel. This experience was invaluable as in 2018 it positioned her well for a move back home to join the Braidwater Group as the new SHEQ advisor for a range of private developments. Criona’s hidden passion for the house building industry took hold of her during the first few years with Braidwater which ultimately spurred her on, laying the foundations for her promotion to the trainee site manager role. As with many in the construction industry, each day is never the same with Criona’s tasks ranging from organising work schedules for all site staff to ordering materials. Additional tasks include carrying out daily quality checks on works; ensuring all works are completed as per the approved drawings; day-to-day problems that present themselves. communication with all staff; briefing on safety With over three years’ experience at the documentation and finding solutions to any Braidwater Group, Criona has found it to be a real learning curve but incredibly rewarding and very enjoyable:

massive opportunities for women in construction when you apply yourself.

“The construction industry is still quite a male dominated workplace and I think better advertisement of the opportunities available to women in site-based positions should be both “When I began my career with Braidwater in 2018, promoted and encouraged more effectively I was quite new to house building projects. Thanks to throughout all the sectors. the opportunities that Braidwater has given me, I have developed my knowledge in the build process and “Working in a predominantly male workplace definitely has its challenges of course but with gained both management and technical experience. the correct managers and a positive work ethic, “I’m always really proud to hand over the keys for progression in site-based roles is certainly available a family’s new home as you see first-hand the house for women who enjoy construction work. progress from foundation stage to completion and the elation that goes with that. It all comes together “Over the past year, the industry has had to when you work under great managers and as part of adapt to the Covid regulations, and this is a new a team ensuring there are a lot of aspects to the job and testing challenge but something I’ve actually that I enjoy.” enjoyed overcoming and playing my part for the Braidwater team.” Criona’s journey has been a successful one from the trainee role in London to assisting in site Criona’s ambition for the future is to become a management with Braidwater, in what is generally Contracts Manager but for now she is happy to regarded as a male dominated industry. To this be firming up her experience and enjoying the end, it reaffirms Criona’s assertions that there are time onsite.”

Find out more at braidwater.com

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Bertha Ashfield has set up an exciting new ladies’ boutique and coffee house in Aughnacloy where you will get a warm welcome, stylish fashion and amazing customer service. They say timing is everything and for Bertha Ashfield from Daisy Lane, it was the perfect time to follow her dreams and set up a new boutique and coffee house in Aughnacloy. The stylish lady has used lockdown to get ready for her new career as a boutique owner and she can’t wait until restrictions are lifted and customers can visit her gorgeous new store. Life has always been busy for Bertha, 51, but with her three children now aged 25, 18 and 13, she felt the time was right to embark on a new chapter. And so, with the support of her husband and family, Bertha has thrown herself into her new project, decorating her new premises, sourcing amazing fashion lines, as well as setting up a gorgeous coffee shop. Bertha is now the proud co-owner of the independent family run ladies’ boutique and coffee shop which incorporates a giftware section and a footwear department all under one roof. She went into business with her husband’s cousin Paul Coote and the pair are looking forward to getting the boutique open to the public. She is currently trading online using social media channels to showcase the clothes. Her 18-year-old daughter Jasmine is her main model for the boutique

Bertha and daughter Jasmine

and shows off the clothes beautifully online. Jasmine had been due to travel to New Zealand on a scholarship but sadly Covid ruled that out. On the bright side, she has been able to help her mum with the boutique and has selected lots of the younger designer brands for the store.

How would you describe a Daisy Lane customer?

I would hope that our Daisy Lane customers will enjoy every minute browsing and purchasing when we are allowed to open up again. Fashion in my opinion should not be put into Local Women talks to Bertha about boxes of who can wear what. For me I her new business venture and how she would love if each person through our used lockdown as the perfect time to door would come away with perfect make her dreams a reality. outfits to enhance their beauty on the outside in their own unique and individual way.

Why did you decide to start your business?

Daisy Lane came about during the third lockdown. We started after Christmas, so we had lots of time to fully renovate and refurbish the previous business premises into something much more stylish and contemporary. Probably one of the main reasons that I agreed to go into a business partnership was that the time felt right. My three children are now 25, 18 and 13 so their demands for my time are much less than before. I also received great encouragement from my husband and family to take this step out into a new challenge in the fashion industry as my previous career had lasted 23 years. Now seems the perfect time to make a move into something different.

What clothing ranges are your most popular?

Are you trading online right now?

Two of the most popular brands so far online have been Ichi and B.Young. Both are very much on trend with Our new website is currently under current fashion and very affordable construction but hopefully it will be up which helps in this current climate. and running in a few weeks. This makes it more difficult to sell the clothes, but we are using our social media platforms to advertise our clothes. Our coffee house seats approximately 40 to 45 people and boasts a wide and varied menu, from breakfasts to full lunches, sandwiches and wraps. The most delicious homemade traybakes, Lockdown I hope will have changed scones and desserts adorn the counter people’s shopping habits in that they every day and are a firm favourite will show more loyalty and support among the Daisy Lane customers. Our to local retailers. Supporting local is speciality is afternoon tea which is so vital because it keeps money within popular and some weeks we have the community and locally owned three or four lots of family and friends businesses often purchase from other enjoying the special treat. local businesses therefore creating What do you miss most more jobs in the area.

Tell us about your cafe at Daisy Lane?

How important do you think is it to shop local?

about your job now that we What plans do you have are closed for lockdown? The everyday contact is something my staff and I miss with the lockdown rules. The coffee shop has such a loyal and regular customer base and there are people we would see three or four times a week who have become more like friends than customers. It’s those folk who we miss, and we can’t wait to welcome them back.

for the future?

Once we get opened, we want to see Daisy Lane becoming a central focus for many in the local area as well as people passing by. Somewhere that everyone who enters can be assured of a friendly welcome, amazing fashion with a nice cuppa in the coffee house, among family and friends.

122/124 Moore Street | Aughnacloy | BT69 6AA | T: 028 8555 7598 WEBSITE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION




Fashionista Ann Doyle from Gasp Boutique talks us through our summer capsule wardrobe - guaranteed to bring those positive vibes. Hello ladies, I hope you’re all keeping well and managing to get through lockdown. Hopefully soon there will be light at the end of the tunnel – but in the meantime there is one thing that keeps us ladies right retail therapy! This month I thought we needed to see some bright colours that will give us positive vibes. There is nothing better than a new summer wardrobe to help cheer us up. Here are some fabulous bright casuals that will bring you right through the summer whatever the occasion. I will show you how to create the ultimate capsule wardrobe with essential basics. These are key pieces that provide the unshakable foundations of any capsule wardrobe. SHIRT



Basics are the glue that bind our ensembles together. They are the pieces that offer personality and elevate the most basic of buys. Amilia is one of those key pieces - it can



be worn casually with runners or dressed up with high heels or wedges. This dress looks fabulous with a belt as well.




Jackets are a huge weakness of mine, but I think it is a necessity to have a few in your wardrobe, especially a denim one. A good denim jacket is fabulous over your white shirt or summer floral dress.


This year more than ever we have all been in runners more than normal. I wonder will us ladies ever be able to wear heels again? White runners match all your basic key pieces in your summer wardrobe, and we have a great selection online.


Leisure wear has been the most worn items of clothing during lockdown. Here at Gasp, we have a fabulous new range of leisure wear online. Although it is very comfortable and cute, I am sure we will all look forward to dressing up again for special occasions.




Ann Doyle

Proprietor of Gasp Boutique Armagh











Local Women Magazine | 109


Local Women meets some of the team behind the Dalradian gold-silver-copper mine plan in Co Tyrone which aims to provide 1,000 new jobs. PETER MCKENNA IS THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER AT DALRADIAN


WHO ARE DALRADIAN? Dalradian is a mineral and exploration development company which has been working on the Curraghinalt site since late 2009 in in the parishes of Gortin and Greencastle in Co Tyrone. In late 2017 we submitted a planning application to the Department of Infrastructure to build an underground gold-silvercopper mine in Tyrone. The project is in its final stages of planning, we are hoping for a decision to be made later this year.

IF PLANNING IS APPROVED, HOW LONG WOULD CONSTRUCTION TAKE? Construction of the mine and related infrastructure will take up to 24 months to complete and cost approximately £160 million. The peak headcount on site during this period will be over 250 people which will be a major boost for the construction sector. Tyrone has a rich heritage of designing and manufacturing mining and quarrying equipment some of the equipment needed will be sourced locally.

made changes to the project, such as removing the use of cyanide and smelting, and the project is better as a result. We will operate a carbon neutral facility, meaning that all carbon produced on site every year will be offset by our support of an internationally recognised carbon offsetting programme. The steps we have taken to minimize environmental impacts are detailed in our planning application.

WILL THE MINE PROVIDE JOBS FOR LOCAL PEOPLE? Our operational mine will need at least 350 full-time employees. We recently announced a three-year, £15m skills development package to help support local hiring. Based on the experience of other mines, we anticipate that up to 90 per cent of those roles could be recruited from the local area. Already the company employs extensively from the locality.

WHAT ARE THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED MINE? We expect the mine to bring a host of social and economic benefits to Tyrone and the west of Northern Ireland.

HOW LONG WOULD THE MINE BE IN OPERATION? Similar deposits in other countries have been mined for generations. The mines’ operations are extended as more minerals are discovered, we have yet to find the full extent of the deposit. However, our planning application is for a specific amount of mining, carried out over approximately 25 years. Any additional mining would require new planning permission.

WHAT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WOULD THE MINE HAVE ON THE LOCAL AREA? Our operation has been planned with great care and acknowledges that we are proposing to operate in 110 | Local Women Magazine

a highly regulated, first world environment. For that reason, we have designed out many of those parts of the process that are the more high-risk aspects of mining across the world. We will not use tailings ponds, we will not have any dams, we will restore the dry waste pile as we build it, and we will use a stateof-the-art reverse osmosis water treatment facility which will enable us to discharge water back into the environment consistent with the existent water quality. We have also listened to stakeholders, and

Total employment boost of 1,000 jobs. 350 direct and 650 indirect and induced jobs. The careers we offer will stem the flow of young talent from the west of Northern Ireland. We will offer an average salary of £40,000 – nearly twice the average salary in Northern Ireland. £15 million training programme to support local hiring. We’re investing in excess of £750 million to build and operate the mine, creating supplier opportunities in West Tyrone and Northern Ireland more broadly. This is a Brexit-proof project – you can’t move a mine.

Our exports will reduce Northern Ireland’s trade deficit by 2.4%


A minimum of £4 million committed to future community funding.


WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR CAREER PATH SO FAR? I came from a background in cross border business development promoting cross border business opportunities which later developed to become an all-Island programme. After spending 11 years based at the Enterprise Centre in Omagh I started to look for a change and an opportunity arose within Dalradian Gold. I was very nervous at first, not knowing anything about the mining industry and I certainly had no knowledge about exploration activities, but it was just too exciting not to take the chance. I started with Dalradian in 2011 where we had a small team of 4 working from the Gortin office. I now look after a team of 40 employees. At its peak we had 120 people employed.

all our staff to upskill and update their training portfolios and to be the best that they can be. I get great satisfaction from helping others achieve their career development and the company provides full assistance to make this happen.

DESCRIBE A TYPICAL WORKING DAY. Lockdown has somewhat changed my typical working day and we have all had to adapt to online working instead of being able to have face-to-face conversations and meetings all whilst managing home schooling. It has brought challenges to my role, but I work with a great team of people. On a dayto-day basis I support all the departments, whether this is with wellbeing programmes, arranging training or developing policies and procedures around best practice and people management. HR has moved away from the more traditional style of management to encompass a more flexible and holistic view to working with people and how they would like their workplace to be. Wellbeing is becoming more and more relevant as businesses begin to understand the links between wellness, productivity, attraction, and retention. I enjoy organising staff initiatives although during lockdown we like other companies had to move all our staff initiatives/work online which was certainly a learning experience.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST CAREER ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? Acquiring my chartered institute of personnel

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? This is an exciting prospect for our current team to work on a project of this scale. For our youth who have emigrated abroad and would like to return home with their families and for local people who currently travel the length and breadth of Ireland and England to work. To think that we could have a World Class Gold-Silver-Copper Mine operating on our doorstep, built by local hands and employing local people for generations to come is a very exciting project to be part of. and development qualifications. I started in administration and as the company began to expand its team, I got the opportunity to grow with the company too. Through day release and night classes I have acquired my CIPD qualifications. Work, study, and family life were a challenge at that time which made it more rewarding when I achieved the qualification. I work now as the HR manager within the company and continuous learning is something that I believe in. I like to encourage

HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE A HEALTHY WORK LIFE BALANCE? Flexible working and comfortable working conditions promote a positive working environment. The company participates in many schemes available such as the childcare vouchers, cycle to work scheme, eye care vouchers, private healthcare, cash plan and life insurance for staff. Providing good working conditions and benefits along with a flexible attitude all help when trying to achieve that elusive work-life balance. As a working mother with young children this has a hugely positive impact on my outlook towards my work and family life.

HOW CAN WE ENCOURAGE MORE WOMEN INTO TOP INDUSTRY ROLES? Inspiring women from a young age to pursue careers in the mining sector is one of the industry’s challenges. Diversity undoubtedly helps businesses to grow a greater and more varied talent pool. As a company, Dalradian has participated in a number of STEM initiatives where our female ambassadors actively promote STEM in schools and the community. Diversity is good for all workplaces and inclusivity is an ethos that we have instilled from the beginning. The industry has varied exposure to different cultures, nationalities, and work backgrounds which I think has encouraged diversity within the company. Many women occupy Head of Department roles which is supported by the company through its flexibility and practices to encourage, nurture and foster women in these leadership roles. Local Women Magazine | 111

Wedding Planner Kristal Olphert from Maiden Weddings gives you her step-by-step guide to planning your wedding. So, you’ve said YES… now what? It may seem overwhelming especially at the moment but planning a wedding is fun. Start with a timeline, give yourself enough time to plan your dream day and arrange the tasks in your personalised wedding checklist available via my consultations. Start as early as possible because the wedding boom is on the way and 2021, 2022 and 2023 will be the biggest wedding years for some time.

you the people whose opinion you value and appreciate.

Step Seven - Stationery Choose stationery that matches your colour scheme or links-in in some way to your theme. You will need, save the dates, invitations, RSVPs, order of service, table plans, table numbers, menus, signage and thank you cards (don’t forget the stamps). If you are having digital invites, set up your website and put all the necessary details on there. Ensure that you order a few more pieces of everything in case of damages or losses in the post. When you sign up with me, I create a detailed list of all guests attending, their requirements and any additional needs that they have requested.

Step One - Set the budget Determine your budget. It is vital to figure out who’s paying for what and how the break down will be allocated. Over the course of planning the numbers will change, so it’s essential to set-up your Excel budget spreadsheet so you can keep track of everything. (Sign up to my email service on the website www.maidenweddings.com to receive your free copy).

Step Eight – Book the honeymoon Booking your honeymoon is so exciting. Be adventurous, try new destinations, consider doing something you’ve never done before. Check out my blog on the website to see what’s available right here at home. My services include the planning and arranging of all your travels from drop offs at the airport to the perfect itinerary of where to go and what to see ensuring you won’t miss a thing.

Step Two - Hire your wedding planner Many couples think this is an expense that they can do without but it’s not as costly as you think. Consultations are £35 and will always be tailored to you. Contact me at Maiden Weddings to have a helping hand along the way. You will receive weekly advice and coaching. I will be on hand to answer all your questions, give you peace of mind and guide you to the right decisions for you and your partner. I can help at any stage of the planning so even if your wedding is just a few weeks away, don’t hesitate to reach out for some reassurance and a friendly chat.

Step Three – The guest list You will need the guest list in order to answer many of your overall questions - venue size, where to have the

pictures, travel and accommodation. With restrictions currently in place the guestlist can be tricky. Remember you have time to make the final decisions, so I’d suggest making a list of everyone you would like to invite and discuss as a couple how this will fit into the overall budget and compromise from there if necessary.

Decide on your wedding songs, readings, timings, speeches, thank you gifts etc. Get your hair and makeup trials done, speak with the dressmaker and get the pickup date for any alterations. Go back over the budget and see what’s left and if you want to add in anything you didn’t consider before.

Step Four - Theme and venue

Step Ten – Get married

Talk over your ideal day with your partner. What kind of ceremony do you want? If you want to get married in a modern city hotel or a grand country estate, explore your options and visit the top five contenders. Select a venue that really speaks to you both.

Its finally here - the day you’ve been planning and looking forward to for so long. Get up early, take a stroll in the garden or somewhere private and just clear your mind, then it’s time to get ready with your bridal party. I will be on hand throughout your day, calming your nerves, fixing your dress, helping the bridal party and solving any issues along the way.

Step Five - Suppliers Take the time to look at the work of photographers, videographers, florists, transport, jewellers, cake makers, room décor and stylists, make-up artists and hairdressers etc. Contact them to see if they have your date available, compare prices and see what fits well with your overall vision. Put together a saved list on your Instagram and Pinterest pages, which you can share with your suppliers, so they know exactly what you want. Ask other couples who they would recommend. When booking ensure that you have a copy of your contracts as soon as you pay your deposits.

Step Six – Dress shopping. Many girls have an idea of what style of wedding dress they want however when you start to try on dresses you can be surprised at the one you end up with. Be open to all styles, work with your dress shop and try on as many dresses as you can. When visiting the shops, take with 114 | Local Women Magazine

Step Nine – The finishing touches

www.maidenweddings.com E: maidenweddings@gmail.com



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Creating scents and making memories

Lockdown inspired Gail Lynas to follow her dream of 30 years and start her own luxury candle business. As proud owner of Buick House Candles, Gail is evoking memories and encouraging self-care with her beautiful range of candles hand poured in Co Down. Gail Lynas is preparing for Christmas…

love her candles.

It may only be April but already Gail’s plans are well underway for a festive range for her newly launched Buick House Candles.

Gail has big plans for her brand and wants to expand her business locally and further afield. She is passionate about supporting local traders and would like to see her range stocked in shops and boutiques provincewide.

And as owner of her own business Gail couldn’t be more excited about the future and relishes every moment of the hard work that goes into developing her brand and product range. Owning her own luxury candle business has been a life-long dream – in fact, it has been 30 years in the making. Just over a year ago Gail, 51, from Banbridge was working in the corporate world of banking, but she decided to put her career on hold to concentrate on a house move – but of course like all of us, she didn’t predict a global pandemic. But instead of waiting it out, Gail has used her time in lockdown productively and decided the time was right to follow her dreams. With months of time on her hands, she threw herself into research and development, finally launching a bespoke range of beautifully scented candles. She creates scents that evoke and create memories and, at a time when self-care has never been so important, her customers simply

Here, Gail talks to Local Women about following her dreams and creating a business that has become her passion.

TELL US HOW YOU CAME TO START YOUR BUSINESS? The global pandemic actually gave me the time I needed to follow a life-long dream. I’ve never been someone to just sit around, so, I decided to look at how I might use my time and start a luxury candle business. For as long as I can remember I have always been fascinated by fragrance, by the fact that a smell can evoke so many memories. I recall reading a quote: “Nothing is more memorable than a smell.” So, it became my aim to use fragrance to evoke and create memories. I picked the name as it was the maiden name of my great-great grandmother and also of our home. I did a lot of research and finally found a local chandler who agreed to work with me on developing the fragrances, and using his extensive knowledge, to pour the candles.

HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU FROM INITIAL IDEA TO ACTUALLY SELLING YOUR CANDLES? Would you believe I have had the idea for about 30 years? My career was always my focus and the candles were a dream that I thought would never materialise. When I did finally decide to pursue making this a reality it took nine months – that was research, fragrance development, brand development, packaging design, website design and months of testing. Starting a business in the middle of a pandemic has definitely not

been ideal as there has been a global shortage of wax, of wicks and delays in getting fragrance shipped, but the feeling of actually seeing your final product, of seeing your website go live and receiving that first order – well, it’s something I will always remember.

CAN YOU TALK US THROUGH THE PROCESS OF MAKING THE CANDLES? Buick House Candles are double poured in a Co Down workshop. Hand pouring the candles is an old-fashioned process, but this makes a difference to how the candles burn and throw their scent. The wicks are trimmed and straightened by hand once the candles have sufficiently cooled. Finally, they are cleaned, labels are applied, and each candle is then hand-wrapped in our branded paper before being boxed and ready for shipping.

WHAT INSPIRES THE SCENTS? The names of the candles themselves are inspired by our home and the beautiful Irish countryside that we are so lucky to have all around us. The fragrances are all personal to me and I describe them with my own memories. My father loved classic cars and the smell of leather just takes me back to driving with him as a child. Wednesday was laundry day at my granny’s, and I tried to create that lovely fresh yet comforting smell that reminded me of piles of bedlinen and towels.

SELF-CARE HAS NEVER BEEN SO IMPORTANT AS IT IS NOW, DO YOU HAVE PLANS TO EXPAND YOUR RANGE? I truly believe self-care is important at all times and it is something I have always aimed to incorporate into my life, no matter how busy I have been. There will soon be eight fragrances in the range, and I am at the final stages of testing to introduce both wax melts and reed diffusers.

HOW IMPORTANT DO YOU THINK IT IS TO SHOP LOCAL AND SUPPORT LOCAL TRADERS, PARTICULARLY AT THIS TIME? This was such an important premise for me in setting up the business. I worked with a local design company, Mooney Media to develop my branding, my packaging design, and my website; all of the packaging is produced locally, and the candles are poured locally. My aim is to have the candles stocked by independent retailers, to encourage everyone to support local shops and buy local products. Covid may have potentially changed the face of retail forever with more and more companies offering an online presence. I feel it is still important to support the local traders whether online or through traditional bricks and mortar once shops re-open. Shopping local helps regeneration of the local economy, supports local employment and ensures that our high

streets retain the independent stores that make our towns so great.

WHAT DO YOU MOST LOVE ABOUT YOUR JOB? I adore the creative side of the business - developing fragrances, coming up with new names. It’s all so different from the timecontrolled, meeting orientated world I have been used to. As cheesy as it sounds, I love hearing feedback from customers and seeing candles lit in their homes. I ask people to share their photos with me on social media and seeing one of my candles lit, hearing people’s feedback and what the scent reminds them of - that’s what it’s all about, creating memories and filling homes with fragrance.

WHAT PLANS DO YOU HAVE FOR THE FUTURE OF THE BUSINESS? My goal is to have Buick House Candles available in each major town in Ireland and to become a locally recognised brand that people enjoy. I’m already looking ahead to the festive season – the fragrance is in the last stages of development; I’m deciding on colours for the packaging and the plan is to have this as a limited edition. After that, who knows? But I’d love to take it from a local brand, to a recognised European or even global one.

WHERE CAN I BUY YOUR CANDLES? Trading is predominantly online at www.buickhousecandles.com. I have several stockists, mainly in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council area and am looking for additional stockists, so if anyone is reading this and is interested, do get in touch. When restrictions are lifted, the candles can be purchased from Alanna Interiors (Lurgan), Bella Rosa Cottage (Newry), Cafe Marmalade (Banbridge), Julie Elliott Design (Hillsborough) Milk & Honey (Belfast), Vera & Ernie’s (Rathfriland) and Wedding Hair NI (Belfast).

Local Women Magazine | 121

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LOGANAIR SAFEGUARDS CITY OF DERRY AIRPORT’S LIVERPOOL ROUTE Loganair has announced it will step in to safeguard the popular air link between City of Derry Airport and Liverpool following Ryanair’s recent decision to step back from the route. The new Loganair service, with flights starting at £44.99 one way, will commence from 24 May. The Glasgow-based company - now the UK’s largest regional airline - will initially offer flights on four days of the week: Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Weekday flights will leave City of Derry at 10.50 arriving Liverpool at 11.50, and return from Liverpool at 12.20 arriving City of Derry at 13.20. The frequency of flights will increase to daily from late June. The new flights will be operated by Loganair’s dedicated team of pilots, cabin crew and engineers already based at City of Derry Airport (CODA), at which Loganair was the very first operator when the airport opened for business in April 1980. The basing of the 49-seat Embraer 145 regional jet at CODA already supports 15 direct jobs for pilots, cabin crew and engineers in the area. In a further clear signal of its commitment to the airport, Loganair will also be increasing flights linking CODA with Glasgow from late June. Services will gear up from four days per week to daily as extra flights on Tuesday,

and a 6kg hand luggage bag on their journey. In addition, there is complimentary refreshments on board, discounts available on child and student fares and passengers can sign up to the Clan Loganair loyalty programme which rewards frequent flyers with points to be used towards a Steve Frazer, Managing Director of City of Derry flight of choice. Airport, said: “We are pleased that Loganair have again shown their commitment to regional To celebrate the launch of this Liverpool connectivity from the North West of NI. Increasing route, Loganair are giving away three pairs the frequency to seven days a week from the end of return flight tickets for their routes from of June will give maximum choice and flexibility City of Derry Airport – Liverpool, Glasgow & London Stansted. Enter and find more to both business and leisure travellers”. information here: www.cityofderryairport.com/ Loganair offer an all-inclusive fare system, so win-one-of-three-loganair-flight-giveaways/. passengers can bring a 15kg hold baggage Loganair are also offering 50% off kids fares until 5th April, find more information here: https://www.loganair.co.uk/campaign/ kids-fly-for-less/. Wednesday and Saturday are introduced to the timetable. The move will secure the long-standing airbridge between City of Derry and Scotland despite Ryanair’s decision to withdraw its flights from CODA to Edinburgh.

Find more details on Loganair here:

www.loganair.co.uk. For more details on City of Derry Airport visit:








































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128 | Local Women Magazine


Cathrine Richard BRIDE: Cathrine Spence from Newmills GROOM: Richard Gilmour from Castledawson BRIDE’S PARENTS: Nigel and Joanne Spence, Newmills GROOM’S PARENTS: Paul and Barbara Gilmour, Castledawson WEDDING DATE: Saturday, 25th July, 2020 CEREMONY AND RECEPTION: Groom’s Family Garden, Castledawson BRIDESMAIDS: Clare Spence, Rebecca Winter and Ruth Sloan BEST MAN: Craig McAuley GROOMSMEN: Steven Henry and Jonathan Brooks PHOTOGRAPHER: You Them Us VIDEOGRAPHER: Andrew Glendinning HAIR: Scissor Sisters, Eglish MAKE UP: Jennifer Allen - Blush Beauty, Castlecaufield DRESS: Serendipity Bridal, Fivemiletown FLOWERS: Steven Mallon - Flowers for All Occasions

Our lockdown story: We had our wedding in July 2020. We had so many hard choices to make because of the restrictions. We moved our wedding from our church and hotel, which was planned for 170 guests, to my inlaws back garden with 35 guests and a marquee and we showed it all live on Zoom. It was all replanned within four weeks of our original date being cancelled.

Local Women Magazine | 129

130 | Local Women Magazine

Our lockdown story: We got married at the height of a ‘circuit breaker’ with the restrictions consisting of 25 people and no reception. The restrictions came out 10 days before our wedding day. It was as though everything had been taken from our day, but we had decided from the start of the pandemic that we wanted to get married on that date, and that is what we did. We had to rework the wedding service, change the readings and the music, and work around what we were allowed. The church was fantastic, a close friend, Laura Kerr sang all the songs from the balcony, alongside solos from my daddy, Peter Law, and cousin, Ryan Calvert. We had readings from family and close friends. The service was beautiful, so intimate, so personal and so special - we streamed the service live online for all those who couldn’t be with us and asked them to send us their selfies of them watching the service for our guest book.


Joanne Mark BRIDE: Joanne Law from Moira GROOM: Mark Doody from Omagh BRIDE’S PARENTS: Peter and Gillian Law, Moira

We got our photographs taken on the grounds outside the Lough Erne in Enniskillen and we brought a speaker and had our first dance and father daughter dance on the terrace outside with all social distancing rules and regulations being followed, and it was honestly so special.

GROOM’S PARENTS: Brendan and Loretta Doody, Omagh

We are very blessed to have had the day we had, and the support we had from all our family and friends.

CEREMONY: St Mary’s, Killyclogher, Omagh

WEDDING DATE: 24.10.2020 RECEPTION: Unable to have reception due to tightened restrictions BRIDESMAIDS: Emma Harper, Caroline Kidd, Maeve Doody, Lucy Kerr, Rosie Calvert BEST MAN: James O’Brien GROOMSMEN: Brian Devlin, Stuart Law PHOTOGRAPHER: Darryn J Bradley Photography HAIR AND MAKEUP: Due to guidelines at the time, we had to do our own on the morning of the wedding DRESS: Divinity Bridal, Lisburn, Sew Handy, Banbridge FLOWERS: Wilnor Tennant

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Our lockdown story: We were due to get married on 3rd May, 2020 and it had been planned for almost three years. We had been together for eight years with two daughters. When lockdown hit in March our wedding was postponed and I was devastated. We rearranged our wedding at the Leighinmohr House Hotel for May 2021, but deep down I didn’t want to wait that long. At the beginning of September lockdown restrictions were eased, so we decided to cut our numbers from 130 to 55 and brought our wedding forward to 24th October, still at the Leighinmohr. Then on the 14th October, disaster struck again. I was working at the A&E in Antrim Hospital and new restrictions were announced that meant our venue was to shut. I was in tears, I couldn’t believe it was happening a week before our third wedding date, but I was so determined that I was still getting married. With great support from the nurse in charge, I made a lot of phone calls and I was able to book a civil ceremony at Carrickfergus Town Hall where we could have 25 guests on the 20th October. We quickly contacted our immediate families to let them know. The ceremony was amazing. Although there was only a few of us, it was perfect. I was so laid back and just wanted to be married. Compared to what we had planned, it was so completely different, but Neil and I both agree we had the best day ever and we have absolutely no regrets.

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BRIDE: Roisin McLarnon from Antrim GROOM: Neil Murdock from Antrim BRIDE’S PARENTS: Robert and Susan McLarnon from Antrim GROOM’S PARENTS: Derek and Joanne Murdock from Antrim WEDDING DATE: 20/10/2020 CEREMONY: Carrickfergus Town Hall RECEPTION: Neil’s parent’s house and our own house MAID OF HONOUR: Aine Woodman BRIDESMAIDS: Aoife McLarnon and Summer Murdock FLOWER GIRLS: Our daughters Tilly and Georgie BEST MAN: Glenn Steele GROOMSMAN: Marshall Murdock PHOTOGRAPHER: Katrina Coulter HAIR: Shauna O’Kane MAKEUP: Nicola Johnston DRESS: Ivory grace Bridal Ballymena FLOWERS: Let’s Face It Creations – Foam Flowers

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The grapes for this Merlot were picked and crushed during the cool of night, thus ensuring the retention of varietal character, while modern winemaking techniques were employed throughout. Much of Merlot’s popularity is derived from its juicy flavours, and mellow mouth feel. Therefore, this wine was fermented in rotary fermenters, which helped bring out the wonderful colour and flavours, but ensured that the tannins were soft and fine. Minimal oak handling was also an important feature inclusion of the winemaking allowing for the fruit to be the primary feature of this wine. The of some central Victorian fruit in the blend has further intensified both the colour and flavour, creating a wine of increased complexity and quality.


This wine is made from a blend of fruit grown in the Goulburn Valley and South East Australia from a combination of our own vineyards and our contract growers. Following crushing of the grapes during the cool of the night, the Pinot Grigio juice is cold settled and racked clean ready for fermentation. An aromatic yeast was used for inoculation and the juice is cold fermented in stainless steel tanks. The resulting wine is fresh and vibrant displaying applesand pears with floral spicy notes. The palate is clean, displaying green crunchy fruit with a crisp long finish.



The grapes for this Shiraz were picked and crushed during the cool of night, thus ensuring the retention of varietal character, while modern winemaking techniques were employed throughout, all of which help to create the signature McPherson style. Fermentation took place in sweeping arm red fermenters, giving the wine a denser, richer colour and allowing for gentle flavour extraction. Softer tannins are also a result of this process, an important feature of the McPherson Shiraz style. Careful attention was also paid to the oak selection for the Shiraz. This wine was aged on American oak for approximately 8 months, giving the wine a noticeable, but not an excessive oak influence. The inclusion of some central Victorian fruit into the blend has boosted both the colour.

The fruit for the Kelly’s Patch Chardonnay was sourced from the Goulburn Valley on the vineyards neighbouring the winery. This region has long, warm sunny days and mild evening temperatures which are perfect for the growing of good quality Chardonnay. The grapes were harvested during the cool of the night to maintain fruit freshness and gently pressed to minimise phenolic characters. The wine was fermented in various parcels, with a small portion receiving careful oak treatment, with extended lees contact to build structure yet retain good fruit balance.


Kelly’s Gang Shiraz is bold and full of flavour. The nose displays sweet plums, cassis, chocolate and spice. The exuberant palate delivers ripe berry fruit along with a touch of pepper and spice. Enjoy now or cellar for up to 3-4 years. Enjoy with pizza, pasta or your favourite BBQ dish.


Kelly’s Gang Sauvignon Blanc is vibrant and refreshing. The nose displays lifted passionfruit and citrus notes. The fruit forward palate delivers ripe fruit flavours balanced by some lovely crisp acidity on the finish. Enjoy now or cellar for up to 2-3 years. Enjoy with salads or your favourite seafood dish.


This wine is made from a blend of fruit grown in the Goulburn Valley Eastern Australia from our own vineyards. Following delivery and crushing of the grapes during the cool of the night, the Sauvignon Blanc juice was cold settled and racked. An aromatic yeast was used for inocculation and this parcel was cool fermented for 7 days. The resulting wine is fresh and vibrant showing lovely tropical fruit flavours with a hint of typical herbaceous Sauvignon Blanc characters.

KELLY’S GANG The Last Word

At Kelly’s Patch we are increasing the outlets where you can buy our wines daily. At present you can purchase at Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s and Chill off licence.

Check www.kellyspatch.com new outlets.

Wax Melt Warmers & Aroma Difusers Avialable Online


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