Thevillagerssept2014 lo res

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Price 50p

The The Voice of Balquhidder, Lochearnhead, Strathyre & St Fillans



Chieftans Maclaren, Macgregor, Stewart of Ardvorlich and MacNab lead the March of the Clans.

The Games field at Lochearnhead looked a picture on Saturday 26th July 2014 as the first spectators started to arrive, eager to set out the best picnic spots around the arena. The sun shone strongly all week while the field was dressed out and our weather didn’t let us down on the important day either. Flags from around the world flew from every post and brightly coloured trade stands and tents ringed the perimeter. By 12 noon spectators were streaming in and our gate ladies and our parking stewards were fully employed. Where do all these kind people come from to view our Games? Well, our informal poll says that a big majority are first timers at any Highland Games and were visiting from overseas, many North Americans and Antipodeans among them and naturally we heard Spanish, French and Italian languages too. So many people stopped by to say how friendly it all was. See page 12 for more!

Editor’s Bit So far we have heeded the advice of respected colleagues to “avoid going where angels fear to tread” but this month really cannot pass without some reference to The Question. At this point however I would like to endorse John Murray’s plea - that no matter side you are on, let’s all go out and cast our votes. Having been round to post leaflets through many of your doors it does seem apparent that the four villages are very mixed in their apparent sympathies - and it is to be hoped that whatever the outcome when we wake up on the 19th we will still all be able to work, support and play together... and probably still go on arguing about it over the odd dram here and there. The need for our communities to work together and the rewards that can flow from co-operation are shown in the articles which detail the meeting held in St Fillans, bringing together the various bodies concerned with the problems of ‘wild camping’ etc. on the lochsides. Improvements in one area are great but the obvious problem of simply passing it further up the country can only be avoided by concerted actions. On a more cheerful and less serious note we had the fun of seeing some events recently through the eyes of our four-year-old grandson. The Commonwealth Rugby Sevens highlight was the lady wearing a sheep hat; our mini Highland Safari had Grandma getting soaked (thanks to Alan Sneddon swooshing through the puddles); and the library van was “a whole bus with no people - just millions of books!” The simple pleasures in life. Hope we all enjoy an Indian summer. JJ



The following readings were taken at ‘Bramblings’, Auchtubh, Balquhidder for the month of JULY 2014. Average max temp Actual max temp Average min temp Actual min temp

21.6 ºC 27.9 9.08 4.0

70.9 ºF 82.2 48.0 39.2

Rainfall 11.4cms 4.5ins Strongest wind gust: 28mph on 19 July 2

The St Fillans Bit The ongoing problem of long term ‘wild camping’ beside Loch Earn is bubbling up nicely. A public meeting was held on 20th August in The Sandison Hall to discuss the matter and the turnout was impressive – about 90 folk. The meeting was chaired by Richard Graham and, apart from villagers from St Fillans and Lochearnhead, representatives of the National Park, Drummond Estate and Police were there as well as various interested councillors. The basic issues were outlined – litter, human waste disposal, anti-social behaviour, intimidating behaviour and the impression which genuine tourists were left with. Plus, of course, the fact that tourists find it difficult to park overnight when the lay byes are full of nose to tail semi-permanent caravans and campervans. The meeting lasted for two hours and was, at times, as they say in the national press “a full and frank exchange of views and opinions”. The point was made by the Police that they work with the NP to enforce such laws as exist at present regarding anti-social behaviour, public order, drug abuse etc. and that Operation Ironworks is now in its 7th year and does a lot to control weekend problems. The lay byes mostly affected by the problems are not controlled by the Roads Authority but are the property of land owners. The Police also made the point that they can’t arrest or ‘advise’ anyone unless they actually catch them in the act of an offense and that it is therefore vital that if residents witness unlawful behaviour they report it rapidly to the Police. There have only been 15 calls to the Police in the past 4 months which is probably about average for one night in Crieff. I can’t record all the points made but can summarise the meeting. The essential problem is that laws or byelaws simply don’t exist at present so cannot be enforced. There is no definition of ‘wild camping’ – common sense says that a massive tarpaulin stretched between trees with 10 folk under it is not the spirit of wild camping – but it’s not illegal either. The NP considers a stay of 2-3 nights on the lochside is reasonable – but again no law says that. There is no law limiting the size of camp fires or their number, so the Police are powerless unless there is a public safety issue. Unless laws or bye laws regarding use of lay byes can be introduced there is nothing to enforce so the Police and NP are effectively powerless to solve our problems. The problem of dangerous or inconsiderate use of power vessels on the loch was also raised and the problem is the same – there is no

by John Murray

byelaws we can’t expect enforcement. I was interested to hear that a set of minutes exists from a very similar meeting held in 2003 (yes 2003) which closely resemble the discussion held in 2014 – so obviously nothing happened after that meeting. Local pressure can get results from public bodies and from politicians and we now have planned dates for consultation, reporting and installing – let’s see what happens.

Public Meeting at the Sandison Hall

speed limit on the loch, boats/jet skis are not licensed, the only law which can be invoked by the Police is that of driving a vessel under the influence of alcohol. Fiona Logan from the NP made the point that they are trying to control some 720 square miles of park and operate ‘visitor management’. Not easy with limited resources and without the necessary byelaws in place. She pointed out the success that had been achieved at Loch Lomond and the NP’s intention to extend that to Loch Earn. The NP are starting a 3 month consultation period in October and welcome input, ideas and any suggestions from concerned residents. At the end of the period the NP will produce a report of their recommendations for the consideration of the Scottish Parliament and thence put the proposals into practice – hopefully in early summer 2015. So get emailing or writing. We all know the problems, but right now we have no solutions – it befalls us all to press our elected (or unelected) representatives to come up with solutions and enact them. It’s just as simple as if we don’t force the introduction of laws and

Police ‘Swoop’

Not unconnected was a morning ‘swoop’ by Police, Benefits Agency and Environmental Health Officers to one of the encampments on 8th August (pictured here) when details of the various happy campers were taken. Not sure what will transpire from that but the problem is certainly getting attention now. Moving on. On September 18th Scotland will make a decision which is bigger than any made before and will affect us all and our generations to come. Writing for a community magazine I am not allowed to express my political opinions – though I suspect they are well known locally. But what I can say is just how important it is to take the time to vote in the Independence Referendum. It is a sad fact that barely more than half of eligible voters actually vote in elections


The St Fillans Bit

(Continued from p3)

and governments and MPs can be elected by less than 30% of the population. The YES/NO question in September is not like a normal election where if we get it wrong we can reverse our decision in 4 years time. Once this decision is made it is not reversible – right or wrong. OK I’m preaching, but if you care about our country please go and vote. You might think that ‘your side’ are going to win anyway so why bother with your vote – many a surprise result has happened in the past because of voter apathy. And if you don’t vote you lose the right to be a part of democracy. Tub thumping over. Picking up on Gareth Kett’s Ranger’s View last month about the hazard which increasing number of deer present to road users, I mentioned a year or so back in this column a superb little device called a Deer Whistle which is only about a centimetre square and sticks to your car bumper or grill. It emits a high frequency whistle as you drive, inaudible to humans but not to deer who run away from it. Many years ago I hit a deer whilst on a motorcycle, not much fun. I saw the beast running towards the road and couldn’t believe that the sound of the bike wouldn’t scare it off. It didn’t and I T-boned the thing. I went off the road but stayed on the bike. The deer remained on the road in a sorry state. It cost me about £300 in repairs (not worth claiming on insurance due to excess). Ever since then every vehicle I’ve owned has had a deer whistle fitted and I’ve seen deer turn and run away rather than onto the road. The things cost about £8 – work out that against the cost of a new headlight or body repairs. Just Google ‘Deer Whistle’ to find them. The other item I’d like to reinforce is from Will Diamond’s column about online fraud. My own credit card was cloned 3 times after using it online – every time my bank has reimbursed me but what a hassle. I now use PayPal almost exclusively. The sellers have no access to my credit card details or bank details and I never have to pump in card numbers online with the associated risk. The service is free if you’re buying and, as far as I can see, risk free. Recommended. On 19th July Katy Steventon (offspring of Richard and Jo) was married to Grant Guy MC in Dundurn Church by The Reverend Graham. In true Steventon low key fashion the bride arrived with father in a 1930 Vintage Lagonda which had journeyed from Yorkshire for the event. It became apparent that open top vintage cars and the inevitable Scottish rain are not ideal partners. Richard tells me that the ceremony went ‘without a hitch’ (the inevitable Steventon pun) and thanks Cathy Moncrieff who created magnificent flower arrangements in the Church. 4

Cecil Smylie’s 80th Birthday

Katy Steventon and Grant Guy

After the ceremony a Guard of Honour was performed by Military colleagues of the groom (that’s me now worked out what MC stands for – I thought he was a compere). The reception was held in a marquee on the village recreation ground with excellent catering by Andrew Scott from Auchingarrich. Mary at The Four Seasons reports an excellent summer business wise. As they move into September the Tarken will not be open all day all day on Saturday and Sunday but food will be served all day in the Wee Bar, along with Cream Teas which have proved to be extremely popular. Chocolate Week is from 13th to 19th October with chocolate in some form served with every course. Then in November there are 2 wine tasting Dinners – Spanish on 14th and New World on the 28th. Cost is £55 for a five course meal with wine chosen and served with each course. That should brighten the gloom of November evenings. August 16th & 17th saw the now two day Festive Weekend held in the recreation field behind The Drummond. I missed the Saturday but am told that it went well with the daft games, BBQ and entertainment by magician Gary James. I was there for the Jazz Sunday which attracted a good turnout and a superb buffet prepared by Tullybannocher was enjoyed by all. The Rhythm Kings (pictured right) returned for another year and added to a very happy and sociable afternoon. Final figures are not available yet but the indication is that a surplus of somewhere over £1000 will be donated to village funds.

I don’t normally mention birthdays in this column but as Fraz has passed me a lovely picture of Cecil Smylie on his 80th I make an exception. When I met Cecil at a recent coffee morning in The Sandison we sat for fifteen minutes comparing our ailments. I remarked on the fact that ten years ago we would have been comparing the attributes of the local ladies – now it’s whose arthritic finger joints are the most prominent and which bits hurt most when we get out of bed in the morning. Seems no time since Cecil and I were arm wrestling and I was carrying his wife Elspeth across my shoulder in the Achray bar – fond memories. Keep going Cec. Sadly I have to record the passing of Blanche Forty, wife of John, a few days ago. It is not appropriate to intrude on the family at this point but I hope to submit an obituary next month after discussing it with John. JM Late News - After submitting this month’s column I am informed on 22nd August from reliable sources that as the result of the ‘swoop’ by Police and DWP officers on the lochside encampment, reported above, the DWP have submitted 5 Reports of possible benefit fraud. Drummond Estates have also seemingly issued notices to quit to at least 3 caravanners. Progress indeed!

Jazz Sunday with The Rythm Kings


Hi, all you Lunch Clubbers – this is just a wee note to let you all know that unfortunately we will not be starting the Club (at the Scout Station, Lochearnhead) until the 6th October! The station building is having maintenance work on the roof and canopy - and there might be a little work to the chimney as well. Maurice Baker informs me that we might not even have the roaring fire which we find so delightful... But don’t worry - there will be central heating at least! So the team and I look forward to seeing you there. Should you know anyone new to the area who might like to join us, please invite them. We are open to everyone! Providing a choice of 2 soups and puddings - plus coffee, biscuits and chocolates – not bad for £2.00! Also on two or three occasions we provide a roast dinner, including the full works for Christmas. These meals are jollied along by an usually large raffle. So come on - give it a go and come and slurp with us! Pauline Perkins


Welcome to Callander & West Perthshire U3A at the start of our third year. Courses begin in early September and the full timetable will then be available on our website together with details of the committee for 2014-15. Anyone can email the committee with queries and a membership form is also available online. For anyone new to U3A we offer two taster sessions with any of the groups before a commitment to membership. Phone numbers of group leaders are on the timetable. The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a nationwide movement of self-help, self-managed co-operatives for older people no longer in full time work, providing opportunities for their members to share learning experiences in a wide range of interest groups. All the group leaders give their services for free and the accent is on ‘Learning for Fun’. We are sure that we offer a wide variety of interest groups so have a look at our website which can be accessed in Google Search by typing in ‘Callander and West Perthshire U3A’.

Falls of Dochart Retirement Home is a community run care home in Killin. We require part time bank staff to support our regular team of carers to cover occasional shifts and for sleepovers to assist residents at night • No experience necessary as training will be given • Please contact Eunice Frame 01567 820237 or

Realistic Pilates

Want to improve your core strength and posture? Wednesdays at 9.45am and Thursdays at 6pm in Balquhidder Hall. All new comers very welcome! No experience, fitness/strength/ flexibility necessary. For details please contact me at or call me on 0776 6407578


In last month’s issue of The Villagers on pages 12 and 13 we misrepresented John Lauder in the photographs by referring to him as Bruce Crawford. Definitely a senior moment by the Production Manager who wrote the captions! Apologies to both John and Bruce. Cringeingly, GA 5

First Anniversary of The Broch Café The Party in Full Swing

The Broch Cafe

Where on earth did that year go?

Sue and Arthur

I was quite taken aback when an open invitation was sent out to the village to come along and celebrate The Broch`s first year of trading. I just could not believe that a full year had passed since Sue and Arthur had opened their doors to the public. The official opening was 1st August 2013. So along we went and had a wonderful evening of food, wine and music which, as the photos show, was enjoyed by all including the very hard working Sue and Arthur who looked after us all for the duration of the evening. Music was provided by Jock the Box accompanied by guitarist and fellow singer Stevie Gillies.It was wonderful to see such a local turnout and nice to catch up with

everyone. The Broch is fast becoming a very popular eating-place both for villagers and tourists alike due to the warm atmosphere, good food and beautiful location. The transformation of this building was summed up when Jock commented that it was the first time he had played “in a toilet” but this place is as far removed from a “toilet” as it could be with its beautiful decor and comfortable seating. If you have not experienced a meal here then I would recommend a visit. However a word of warning, every place has a down side and in the case of the Broch, you will undoubtedly be subjected to some of Arthur’s “jokes” Awe naw! Wullie D

Real Ale - Real Music

Music Night

Strathyre Village Hall 12 September • 8pm Just a wee reminder of the forthcoming fundraising night on Friday 12th September in the hall. All funds raised will go towards the hall toilets, which are VERY much in need of refurbishment! It would be appreciated if this event could be supported by as many as possible, so come along and enjoy a wonderful night of music and food and a few laughs along the way. Tickets are available from Strathyre Village Shop or call 01877384384 Looking forward to seeing you on the night!

TICKETS £7.50p including BUFFET SUPPER Bring Your Own Booze (Tea and Coffee available) WHISKY CURLING and RAFFLE during interval Supported by BALVAIG


Pin-Feathers* by

Old Nyati

*Once in demand by Victorian miniaturists, the tiny pin-feather comes from the leading edge of a woodcock’s wing and only two such feathers occur on each bird (one on each wing). This month, Old Nyati has two tales of shooting, and a misunderstanding...

There have been two recent and memorable occasions, the Commonwealth Games and the opening of the grouse shooting season, “The 12th”. It seemed a good time to relate two wee stories about both occasions. Perhaps they could both be described as misunderstanding and mistaken information with regard to shooting. Firstly the Commonwealth Games. One of the competing ladies in the Clay Pigeon Shooting was taken ill the day before competing and a reserve team member was called in to take her place. She had to quickly travel up from England to Dundee near to the clay shooting venue where she was to be accommodated at very short notice in the only remaining vacancy at a rather expensive Hotel. Upon check-in at reception she was carrying a gun case containing her shotgun. She explained to the receptionist that she was competing in the games shooting team the next day and showed the appropriate papers and certificate and asked if it was in order to have the shotgun with her as she was to leave very early the next morning. This was allowed by reception. To her great surprise and shock in the middle of the night she was awakened by the police who had been informed that “there was an armed person” in one of the hotel rooms. Not very conducive to a good performance the next day. An overzealous and misguided hotel manager obviously thought there was a terrorist in his hotel. It is interesting to note that Scotland’s shooters took four medals for the country. The UK and visiting countries spend £2.5 billion each year on shooting goods and services and a large percentage of this comes to Scotland. It is sad to relate of a commonly held belief amongst shooting people at the games and in other areas that certain MSP`s at Holyrood have an hidden agenda which indicates that shooting will not be stopped but things will be made so difficult that most newcomers to the sport will give up trying. Now about the 12th of August. It was a glorious August morning in Yorkshire many years ago at the time of

the miners’ strike and a small party of friends were gathering in the farmyard of the Lady owner of a very modest Grouse Moor. The guests were all renewing acquaintances, the beaters were waiting and all were about to move off, when a helicopter was heard close by, it came overhead and a loudspeaker announced “This is the Police! Put your guns on the ground and do not move!” This was followed by car loads of armed police officers who promptly surrounded everybody.

After a long discussion and a strong demand by the Lady host for an explanation it transpired that it was her tradition to invite her friends each year to shoot with her on the 12th of August. She always sent out her invitations on a postcard with a brief message. Some rather keen postman had informed the police of the message:


SCISSOR SISTER HAIR & BEAUTY SALON Full range of hair and beauty services

T. 07595 356 369 9am to 6pm Mon-Sat 86 Main Street, Callander L’oreal & Paul Mitchell stockist

Wedding packages available 7

From the Churches in Strathearn: an invitation


Wednesday 17 September 4pm – 8pm We are so much aware of the momentous changes ahead for us in Scotland, whatever the outcome of the referendum that we plan to have churches open in Crieff, Comrie, Lochearnhead and Killin, for people to drop in to pray for Scotland before we cast our votes. The democratic process means that we all gather with different views, seeking the truth as far as we can see it, trusting in the promise of Christ: ‘I have come that you might have life and have it in abundance’, trusting that in the final outcome fullness of life will be found for us at this time. In each village one of the churches will be open from 4pm till 8pm, with prayers said each hour, and otherwise simply a space for silence and our own thoughts. There will be leaflets with prayer suggestions for those who want them, and someone present in each church, but nothing prescribed. This is an opportunity for all who wish it to support each other in our longing for all that is best for our wonderful country.


Church News BalquhiĐĐer Reg. Charity No. SC012316

We seem to have been very busy in August with St Angus Day and a baptism to add to the usual services. Our Interim Moderator, Revd Stuart Fulton, took the St Angus Day service. It was a pleasure to welcome his wife and daughter to this special commemoration of the coming of Christianity to the glen. It was nice to realise that Mrs Sally Foster-Fulton is an associate minister at Dunblane Cathedral and that St Angus was sent to us from Dunblane! She was back the following Sunday for the baptism of Isla Grace McGrandles, baby daughter of Barry and Mhairi McGrandles. So, you see that the Church is still functioning here despite the vacancy. Our student, Bob Johnston, has been a great help and we shall be sorry to see him go when he leaves on 7th September to resume his studies. By then, we may have news of the appointment of a locum minister but all will become clear in due course! (I must have said more than a few times in the past few months). With all the bad news from the Middle East and around the world, you may be glad to read the following Thanksgiving Prayer written by Bob for the service on 17th August. “Loving God, we give you thanks for the many joys in our lives, for the fellowship of our congregation, for the delight we have in nature, the refreshment we find in good company, the renewal we gain from music and art: for the patience and courage of those who in the past fought for our rights, and for the continuing service of those who have a vision of the world made fair, loving and beautiful. All that you give is your free gift to us. Accept what we give today, tokens of our gratitude which we offer along with our whole life. Receive them and our worship. May they be used for the furthering of Christ`s kingdom throughout the world. To you be glory and honour in this world and the next. Amen.” Jean Edwards

Strathyre Primary welcomes new faces! Strathyre Primary School welcomed 34 pupils in on Tuesday 19th August after seven weeks of lovely holidays, and the picture above shows our new P1s (from left to right): Jenna Sneddon, Donald MacLennan, Ava Tindall, Eve Harley, Billy Scrivenor and Linda Campbell. Mrs Bernie McDonald is our Acting Head Teacher and also teaches P4-P5 two and half days a week; Mrs Smith takes the same class for two and a half days; and Mrs Mochan teaches P1-P3. Everyone is looking forward to a busy, exciting term - with a trip to the Edinburgh Book Festival, studying topics like castles, Bannockburn and much more.

Callander Photo Club Season 2014 - 2015

Do you need a new home in Lochearnhead, Strathyre, Killin or Callander? If so, Rural Stirling Housing Association may be able to help The Association’s aim is to support rural communities by providing affordable good quality homes for people in housing need. We currently have 450 rented homes and around 30 of these become available for re-let each year. We also build some new homes each year. For more details and a housing application form contact us at:

Rural Stirling Housing Association Stirling Road, Doune FK16 6AA Telephone 01786 841101 Email Registered as a Scottish Charity No. SCO37849 Please note that we encourage all applicants to also apply to Stirling Council’s housing list (Tel 0845 277 7000) Being on both lists is the best way to maximise your chances of being re-housed.

We are back for a new season with meetings being held on the second Wednesday of the month from September to December 2014 and February to June 2015. Meetings start at 7:30pm and are held at the Waverley Hotel. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, 10th September at 7:30 pm in the back room of the Waverley Hotel on Callander Main Street. Our speaker will be Alan Murray, a freelance photographer with over 20 years experience in the field. He will be sharing his photographs and techniques with the club. Our October meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th. New members and guests are always welcome. Membership is £25 for the year, £15 for students and children. Guest fee is £3 payable on the night. Please call Susan O’Boyle, Club President on 01877 339 323 or email info@ for more information. 9

Scottish Wildlife Trust

Scottish Wildlife Trust Callander Members’ Diary AUTUMN 2014 16 September The Tayside Beaver Group 14 October Black Grouse in Central Scotland 11 November Native Plants That Catch Insects

How many of you have said over the last week that ‘it feels like autumn’? I certainly have, so decided to look for definitions of when autumn starts. In meteorological terms it’s fairly simple; each season is a three-month period so autumn is September, October and November. Astronomical definitions use the Earth’s position relative to the Sun; summer ends around the Equinox, when day and night are of equal length, this year 22 September. A third method is based on phenology, the process of noting the signs of change in plant and animal behaviour. Autumn may be deemed to have arrived at the first tinting of oak or beech trees, the appearance of ripe sloes or elderberries. Alternatively, it is when the new season of SWT talks starts, 16 September 2014! We have a monthly talk from September to April, usually on the second Tuesday, starting at 7:30pm in the Waverley Hotel. Everyone is invited and welcome. 16 September kicks-off with The Tayside Beaver Group. These beavers originated as escapees or illegal releases from private collections, and may now number as many as 200 living in the wild; one even spent time in Callander. 14 October is Black Grouse in Central Scotland. In 2005 this was one of the UK’s fastest declining bird species. However, habitat management in the Trossachs has resulted in an encouraging increase in the number of leks where the males display their iconic white tail feathers. 11 November is Native Plants that Catch Insects, a fascinating insight into Britain’s carnivorous plants and


undoubtedly entertaining presentation by Roy Sexton. 16 December is Antarctica the Easy Way (aka my holiday photos!). The route may have followed that of Shackleton but in a little more comfort. The wildlife really is as close and amazing as you would expect. 13 January starts 2015 with Tawny Owls: the most common owl in Scotland, with surely the most frequently mimicked call, but rarely seen. Get an insight into its life and how well it is doing in our area. 10 February is SSPCA’s role in Wildlife Crime Prevention. Probably best known for its rescue and investigation of cruelty to domestic pets SSPCA’s inspectors also have a role in wildlife crime investigations. 10 March is a talk on Scotland’s Butterflies. Only a tenth of the UK’s population in a third of the land area but such a positive image of summer. 14 April is the finale with a series of short talks and a very brief AGM – open to all. Surely there must be something there to whet your appetite. At £2 for members, £2.50 for non-members and free to fulltime students what better value way can there be to spend the cooler evenings! During September there are also many related topics in the Callander Summerfest at St Kessog’s; Fisheries Management in the Teith, Argaty Red Kites, Bats and local Forest District Conservation Projects. Pick up a brochure, check on-line at or find it on Facebook and Twitter. Lesley Hawkins

Talks start at 7.30pm Waverley Hotel, Main Street, Callander. Admission £2 members, £2.50 non-members, free to full-time students. Includes tea/coffee & biscuits. Please book with Lesley Hawkins 01877 339080 or

DOCTORS Drs Strang & Scott and Drs Mathewson & Gibson Community Nurses The surgeries and community nurses take part in various training programmes throughout the year. This is to meet the educational and training needs of all members of the practice and nursing team. The next training afternoons will be on: Tuesday 23rd September 2014 Thursday 23rd October 2014 On those afternoons, please do not contact the surgeries for repeat prescriptions or for appointments. Both practices and community nurse clinic will close at 12.30pm. Emergency cover will be provided by NHS24 for nursing and GPs. In the event of an emergency, please telephone 111.

CALLANDER MEDICAL CENTRE ANNUAL FLU VACCINE OPEN DAY – 10th OCTOBER Bracklinn AND Leny Practice OPEN DAY for flu vaccinations is on Friday 10th October. Flu vaccines will be available from 9.00am – 5.30pm. We would encourage everyone eligible for the vaccination to attend the open day as we will have limited clinics following this to offer the vaccine. Please note that we will be operating emergency appointments only on that day and Leny Practice will provide a limited afternoon clinic. Repeat prescription requests will not be processed. The flu vaccine is available to everyone aged 65 years and over as at 31 March 2015 or under 65 if you have one of the following conditions: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Chronic Heart Disease, Hypertension with Cardiac complications, Renal Disease, Liver Disease, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetic, stent inserted, No spleen, receiving Chemotherapy or Steroids or if you are an unpaid Carer. Immunosuppressed patients and children under the age of 5 years with health problems. Pregnant ladies. If you are under 65 years and do not have any of the above conditions but would like the flu vaccination we would advise you to contact providers such as Boots; Sainsbury’s who offer this service. Due to resource and financial constraints we are no longer able to provide this service free of charge but will consider any requests for a nominal fee if you would prefer the vaccination at the Practice. If you are unsure whether you are entitled to the vaccination, or cannot attend the surgery on 10th October, please contact us on the following numbers: Bracklinn Practice 01877 331001 Leny Practice 01877 331000

CHARITY FUNDRAISING at CALLANDER MEDICAL CENTRE We will be showing our support and fundraising on our Open day for Bowel Cancer UK. Full details of the charity can be found on


Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre Highland Games 2014

Continued from front page

Badenoch and Strathspey Pipe Band leading the March of the Clans

Our overall Senior piping winner Darach Urquhart was chatting after his competition. This venue rivals Glenfinnan for the beauty of the setting he said. That’s quite a compliment! We had a great day of competition and everyone enjoyed the feats of strength of our Heavies and were able to join in the fun of the Sheaf tossing and the tug o war. Stuart Anderson was the pick of our locals and had a great competition with ‘Hairy’ Giermunds an Icelandic giant but prizes were well spread among all the competitors in a very good humoured programme. In dancing we had a big entry and the Fisher Bowl was won by Catriona Gammons from Crianlarich, the Watson Cup by Elisha Scobie from Kinglassie and the Robert Cuthbertson cup was presented to Lucy Rice from Stirling. Every event should open with a bang and once again we pleased the crowds with the March of the Clans behind their Chieftains, MacGregor, MacLaren, Stewart of Ardvorlich and MacNab played tunefully onto the field by our good friends the Badenoch and

The 220 Race


Strathspey Pipe Band. We welcomed too our popular Games Chieftain Robert Gibbons who as always mingled with the crowds and made everyone feel at home. Another spectacular show of stunt flying by Jim MacTaggart was a real talking point among our spectators. Junior piping was won by Harry MacLachlan from Aberfeldy and the men’s athletics was dominated by Angus Sinclair of Edinburgh Athletic. The Hill Race traditionally closes our day and John Rocke from Aberdeen won in a time of 28mins 10 seconds from Craig Harvey of Callander. Our local heroine Lottie Cameron came home first among the women in a fast time of 33mins 20 seconds, closely followed by Sally Gallagher from Callander. Just as we reached the close of the programme the rains came and in true highland fashion we adjourned to the beer tent to be joined for a real ceilidh atmosphere by our folk band Pure Malt and by the Pipe Band who played and sang their hearts out too. What a stirring sound we made!

Thank you, villagers, for making all our visitors feel so welcome and my special congratulations go to our squad of volunteers who worked their socks off to present such a beautiful and seamless event. It is a pleasure to work with each and every one of you and you do us proud. Thanks to our judges who give their time generously to allow competition to take place. Enjoy our photographs.

Bruce Aitken with the shot put

Alex & Shuggie - High Jump Stewards Stuart Anderson - Caber

Gus Cameron, Bob Gibbons and runner Jamie Simpson

Harry McLachlan - Junior Piper

Lottie Cameron

Darach Urquhart

Bob Gibbons Chieftain

Highland Dancers

David Coultart - Hammer

Ladies Race

The Beer Tent

Start of the Hill Race

Jim McTaggart - Stunt Flying Display


Rusty McD is back with another 5-minute interview about animal pals in the community - furry, feathered or scaly...

5 minutes with... Grace, Eve, Doggie and Moggie!

This month I had the pleasure of talking to Grace and Eve from Strathyre about their dog, Mabel, and cat, Neo. It had been a long day at school and they were very patient with my questions. Thank you, girls! Tell me how old your pets are? Grace: Mabel is 3... Eve: ...and Neo is 2. Is Neo a new pet? Eve: We have had him for 2 months. He came from the Cats Protection. What is that? Eve: It’s a vet place. They look after cats. Why did he need to come to a new home? Grace: Because he is a lost cat and he would be lonely. Where did he live before your house? The girls’ mum, Julia, explains: “Neo came from a small flat and he grew too big to live there! His hair was all matted and he had to be shaved.” What are his favourite things to do? The girls: Nothing! (Typical cat - and honest children!) Julia: Neo loves cuddles and is very affectionate – he is usually found on a knee and Eve loves to carry him. Neo is very good about being hauled around the house! What do you do for Mabel to look after her? Does Neo go outside? Eve: Give her treats and cuddle her! She Julia: No – he was given to us by the comes to meet us at school every day. Cats Protection League as an indoor cat. (Julia explains that Eve started P1 last But once he escaped and got lost! We week and Mabel is missing the girls soon found him under a bush. whilst they are at school every day.) Does Daddy like the animals? Eve – how’s school? The girls: Mmm – not sure! Eve: Good. Are the dog and cat friends? What have you been doing? Grace: Yes – they like to play and chase Eve: Nothing! each other. Grace – how’s P2 going? What is Mabel’s favourite thing to do? Grace: Good! Eve: Playing outside with other dogs What have you been doing? and she likes her belly being tickled (the Grace: Words, stuff on computer, gym – girls demonstrate and Mabel willingly running and throwing balls. rolls onto her side to show us her long, low Eve: Mabel loves balls and sticks. Beagle belly.) What about her favourite food? What sort of dog is Mabel? Grace: Treats – she like her marrow Eve: A puppy. bones. Grace: A Beagle.


Grace and Eve pose with their pals

If you could have any other pet what would you have? Grace: A bunny, a rabbit, a goldfish and a horse... Eve: ...a hamster….and a horse. We rode on a horse on holiday called Tiny Tim. Where do Neo and Mable sleep at night? Julia: On the first night she arrived, Mabel hid in the corner. The next day she ventured on to the sofa and the following day up the stairs - so all the rules were broken in the first two days! Grace: Why do cats have sharp claws and dogs don’t? Eve: Because dogs are bigger and cats are little and they like scraping and climbing. Neo likes to scrape the chair at the back. What do you think they dream about? Grace: Neo dreams about going outside and Mabel dreams about cuddling me. Julia: Neo is obsessed with ‘Dreamies’ – the new advert on TV is so accurate. The cat shoots through the wall when the packet rustles – it’s so true! Do you think Mabel & Neo are in favour of Scottish independence? Everyone: YES!

Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre Community Council Minutes of Meeting held at Strathyre Village Hall on 13th August 2014

Please note that these minutes have not yet received formal approval and should be considered as a draft version only. Present: Malcolm McNaughton (MM), Paul Hicks (PH), Ruth McLusky (RMC), David Johnston (DJ), Karen Methven (KM) and Richard Eastland (RE). Apologies: Alistair Barclay, Loraine Telfer, Susie Crammon, Adrian Squires, Angus Cameron, Roseanne McWilliams, Owen McKee (National Park). In attendance: Cllr Martin Earl (ME), Stirling Council. PC Will Diamond (WD), Police Scotland. 1) Approval of Minutes It was proposed by RMC and seconded by DJ, that the minutes of the meeting on 2nd July 2014 should be accepted, and this was approved unanimously. 2) Declarations of Interest No declarations were made. 3) Police Report Between 1 July and 12 August 2014, there were fifty-six (56) offence reports raised. These included five crimes of dishonesty: a theft of milk from Strathyre Village shop, theft of a garden parasol from Strathyre, the theft of a generator and an outboard engine from Lochearnhead, plus one fraud that was committed in Lochearnhead. During this period, fifty (50) traffic offences were detected. Most of them related to speeding but there were also offences of drink driving, no insurance, no tax, and driving whilst disqualified. A fatal road collision occurred at about 1:50 p.m. on Saturday 9th August at ‘Doctor’s Corner’ on the A84.There was one reported offence of anti-social behaviour, with the offender being issued with a fixed penalty ticket. Owing to duties at the Commonwealth Games, WD’s time within the community was limited. He did, however, attend at the Highland Games, patrolled on the National Park boat on Loch Earn, and carried out mobile, cycle and foot patrols to engage with people. He also spent time with various parties, discussing ongoing complaints with regards to anti-social behaviour on Loch Earn. 4) Matters Arising 4a) Stroneslaney Road. PH reported that he had received a reply from Donna Lawson, Environment Services, Stirling Council, to say that their planned schedule of works did not include upkeep of passing places on local roads, and neither would their budget allow them to take on such work. However, they would be prepared to look at the existing signs with a view to providing clearer directions about the nature of the road and the likelihood of meeting large vehicles. ME suggested that it might be helpful for a local CC member to meet a council representative at the road itself to advise on where problems are occurring. It was agreed to request a joint site visit. MM added that all the local roads in our area need to be reviewed in the same way. Action: PH to request a site visit. 4b) Alcohol Bye-law Boundaries. The completed maps for Balquhidder and Lochearnhead were examined and approved. (Nobody who had worked on the Strathyre map was present.) WD commented that it would be important to ìfuture-proofî the boundaries to take account of such developments as the new cycle path between Strathyre and Kingshouse. KM queried whether the proposals should be publicized more widely before being submitted, but PH stated that there would be a full consultation process once a formal proposal was submitted, and MM added that minutes of our meetings were already published openly so that people could be aware of what was being discussed. It was decided that the existing arrangements would be sufficient. MM then reminded members that we would be inviting a law officer from Stirling Council to our next meeting so that the bye-law proposals could be assessed. This would be a good opportunity for any interested parties to attend and see more details of the bye-law proposal. 5) Cycle Path (Strathyre) RMC stated that it was dangerous to have the new cycle path running so close to the main road at the North end of Strathyre. PH pointed out that it wasn’t significantly different from footpaths in most towns. There was a 30 mph speed restriction in place, and a protected crossing place. After some discussion, members agreed that the risks were no greater than those that existed on any footpath in a built-up area. However, RMC went on to draw attention to the point where the new cycle path crossed the road leading up to the school, between the bridge and the junction with the A84 opposite the Munro Inn. She pointed out that the level of street lighting here was very low and expressed misgivings about the dangers of the cycle path crossing the road at this point. Members agreed that this presented a more dangerous situation and agreed that contact should be made with Stirling Council, Environment Services, to see what could be done. Action: PH to contact Environment Services regarding the dangers of the crossing point opposite the Munro. 6) Anti-social Behaviour and Caravans WD stated that he had received several complaints regarding caravans parked along the A85 between St Fillans and Lochearnhead. A wide range of nuisance and anti-social behaviour had been reported so, in response, a multi-agency approach was adopted. Other organizations (such as the Drummond Estate that owns some of the land involved and the National Park) had also received numerous complaints. Police officers had visited the area, in conjunction with National Park wardens, local authority officers, and staff from the Department of Work and Pensions. A number of offences were disclosed and have been dealt with. Notices to quit have been served on vehicles and their owners, and most have now left. The Drummond Estate has agreed that no caravans will be allowed on its land henceforth. Members expressed their appreciation of the action taken, but agreed that it was important to continue with the proposals for clear-ways and an alcohol bye-law, in order to prevent further such problems in future. A query had also been raised regarding two caravans parked off the A84, a short distance North of the village boundary at Strathyre. PH had made some enquiries locally, but nobody was aware of any problem. The caravans are parked on private land with permission of the owner and are almost hidden from view by trees and bushes. It was decided that no further investigations were needed. 7) Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill PH drew members’ attention to the recent circulations from the Scottish Government regarding this Bill. Much of the documentation is couched in complex terminology and language, but a simpler guide had been produced recently, and PH recommended that members should seek to become familiar with the main proposals that promised to extend significantly the power and influence of local communities. 8)Correspondence Nothing, other than general circulations, had been received since the previous meeting. 9) Planning Matters No new items had been received. 10) Matters From Local Councillors ME stated that the Council was still in its summer recess but commented that the new Chief Executive, Stuart Carruth, was in the process of making sweeping changes to the structure of senior management in the Council. The existing seven heads of department will be reconfigured as four directorates, resulting in far fewer senior posts within the authority. He suggested that most residents will see little change in the operational work of the Council, but there will be significant economies in the senior management structure. 11) Any Other Competent Business 11a) BLS Trust. MM reported that a tender had been issued for a feasibility study of possible routes by which to extend the cycle track path at the South end of Strathyre. This would be funded jointly by SusTrans and the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. 11b) Boat Hiring Licensing Scheme. ME reported that, in the wake of a serious accident on Loch Lomond last season, proposals had been submitted for a new licensing scheme for boat hirers. It was not yet clear whether this would apply only on Loch Lomond, or to all bodies of water in the Stirling Council area, as the plans were still at an early stage.
 There was no other business and, at 8:30 p.m., MM declared the meeting closed The next meeting is due to take place at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday 24th September 2014 at Balquhidder Village Hall.


View from the Park by Owen McKee Well done to the community at St Fillans.

A meeting was arranged at the Sandison Hall to let the relevant authorities know that there was a deep concern about the degradation of the amenity around Loch Earn. I was particularly pleased that the community made it clear that it was not just a gripe situation; they were more than a little anxious to contribute towards a solution. Beyond giving some information of what’s on the horizon from the Park Authority, I don’t intend saying anything more about the meeting as I understand that a report on the proceedings will be included elsewhere in this issue of The Villagers. The Park Authority’s plans for the area kicked off with ‘The Five Lochs Strategy’. Yes - the proposed works are running behind schedule - but in defence I must point out that the country has been suffering from a rather prolonged period of economic turmoil and consequently resources have not always been available. That said, we are now at the stage where the Park Board will be putting out for consultation the proposals we have for managing the situation. The final sign off should take place at our Board Meeting on 6th October. You will then have until January to let the Park Authority know what you think of the proposals. With a favourable wind the proposals could be given effect by next summer. Fingers are crossed. Over the last couple of months I have been involved in a number of situations where the application of basic common


courtesy could have resulted in quicker, more efficient and more effective development planning decisions, to avoid discord within communities. Ironically in two of the cases the development proposals were by community organisations, whom, you would have thought, would have been concerned to ensure that they had the full support of their communities. The reality was they didn’t see the need to consult those in their communities most affected by the proposed development. Under the current planning rules, an applicant for a major development is required to consult the community in which the development is proposed. The applicant is then obliged to let the Planning Authority know what concerns have been raised during the consultation and how they intend to deal with those concerns. That process is not required in minor developments, but if someone seeks pre-application advice from the Park Authority we encourage applicants to give consideration to those who may be affected by the proposed development - and have a discussion with them. Yes, there may be those who will still object, but experience tells us that if people are given the opportunity to make suggestions or comments before the formalities begin, they are more likely to support it. It is surely basic courtesy to give people the opportunity to comment on something that impacts on their life. The proposal to charge for single use carrier bags comes into force in October. What has that to do with the Park, you may ask? Well retailers are required to

Incentive to recycle!

use the proceeds for charitable purposes. Tesco have shortlisted ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ as a proposed recipient. Funds may then be available for clean-up and other schemes within the park. Owen McKee As always I can be contacted at: Taigh Na Bhuth, Lochearnhead FK19 8PR 01567 830214

Are you a sole trader... a partnership... a small limited company a or charity? I can offer help with your: a VAT returns • Tax returns Book keeping • Credit control a Payroll • General office/paperwork a Helen Clark a 07971 648743 01567 830459 a

Gardening If you care to carefully read the extremely small print on the back of any plant fertiliser box or bottle, you will notice a very detailed list of essential nutrients (eighteen in number) which exclude carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (derived from water). Plants required these in order to complete a normal life cycle. There are no decaffeinated or diet options to choose from. Plants are hedonists to a degree - they need the works, however, like us they can only eat and drink so much. The noted German chemist Justus Freiherr von Liebig made a discovery that to this day still holds a fascination and can account for strange goings on in the garden. Liebig’s law states that plant growth is controlled, not by the amount of available resources, but by the resources in least supply, or the ‘limiting supply’. He discovered that heaping on huge amounts of plentiful nutrients did not increase crop growth; put more simply, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. To visualise this, think of a whisky barrel with eighteen staves; each representing a nutrient needed for good plant growth. If the barrel is full to the brim and all nutrients are available then growth is at a maximum. If one stave was near the bottom while the others remained full to the brim, the barrel would soon empty down to that level and growth would be set at this new lower level. The large amount of other nutrients would be lost or not used. It is with this in mind that the chemists formulated Phostrogen and Miracle Grow - citing just two examples - to include all the essential nutrients needed. The primary nutrients, which I refer to as ‘the main course’ are required most of all by plants. You will often see these first on labels (NPK, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium). The ‘pudding’ or ‘dessert’ are the secondaries: calcium (Ca), sulphur (S), magnesium (Mg). The ‘after dinner mints’ are: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni). All these occur in our soils - and lighter sandy soils leach them out much quicker than heavy clays and silts, so understanding your soil texture helps getting the ‘menu’ set. Nutrients are deposited in the plant tissues, and on analysis, form a maximum of 4% to as small as 200 parts per million of the plant itself. The tomatoes and peppers we buy in the shops are likely to be


by Jonathan MacDonald

Justus Freiherr von Liebig

hydroponically grown using another brilliant chemist’s nutrient formula. Hoagland developed in 1933 what is known as the ‘Hoagland solution’ or a modern equivalent, which will not have varied too much since those days. It is simply a solution that contains all the nutrients above in the amounts that plants require usually administered into rockwool or perlite. At the end of each huge glasshouse will be housed a complex set of apparatus all chugging away to feed the massive tomato vines. One vine has measured 65 feet in length as they are trained along large cables and the world record vine has produced a staggering 1,151 pounds of fruit all done with nutrients added to water and drip fed. In garden soil the ability of the plant to utilise naturally available plant nutrients is a highly complex subject that still merits a massive world-wide

research program. Considerations are weather, temperature, plant cultivars and the amounts of each nutrient in each unique soil that can lock up or release some nutrients more than others. As a generally agreed rule of thumb adding humus to your soil in the form of organic matter e.g. garden compost, manure etc. greatly increases the availability of nutrient uptake. Deficiencies may occur and that is when organic or chemical fertilisers can be used to boost plant growth. Plants respond well to feeding. If you have a bay tree in your house give it a really good feed and regular watering to see new growth develop. Plants are after all just like us. One free nutrient which we have an abundance of locally is wood ash from our wood burning stoves. A light scattering of this in the garden in autumn and spring works wonders.

Autumn is Tree Time. Big new selection now in!

Open 7 days a week: 9.30am - 4.30pm Huge selection of plants and stock

On the main road A85 going East just before Comrie Contact: Jonathan MacDonald and the Riverside Team

Tel: 01764 670800

Best wee garden centre we’ve ever been to!” Mabel MacKay, Perth


Scotland vs New Zealand Test Finalists

Open Finalists

LOCHEARNHEAD SHEARS 2014 Scots were triumphant in retaining many of the team test titles at the recent Lochearnhead Shears but it was shearing legend David Fagan who really made his presence felt as he clocked up his sixth win at the prestigious Blackface sheep shearing event. The open final was hotly contested as Scotsmen Calum Shaw and Hamish Mitchell went head to head against New Zealanders David Fagan and Johnny Kirkpatrick. The Scots set the pace from the start in the four man final as Calum and Hamish dragged their first hogg out on to the boards but Fagan was never far behind as they clipped their way through the 20 hoggs put before them. As the last few sheep were shorn, Fagan and Hamish ‘the flying Scotsman’ Mitchell were going blow for blow but Hamish kept his best until last and flew through his final two sheep, pulling the cord after his last went down the porthole in 13 minutes and 43 seconds. Fagan was just a few blows and nine seconds behind as Johnny and Calum went head to head and blow for blow for the third and fourth best times, stopping the clock on 14.54 and 14.56 minutes, respectively. As fast as he was, Fagan still had a tidy shear which edged him in to first place having scored 2.550 on the board and 11.600 in the pen to give him a total of 55.750. This notched up open win number 628 for the Te Kuiti native who was full of praise for the unique Blackie event. Johnny Kirkpatrick, who won the open at the Highland Show the week previous, kept to his usual standards to pick up 56.550 and second place with scores of 2.400 and 9.4500, the lowest two marks in the final. This put the two Scots into third and fourth position with Calum edging ahead having scored 2.650 and 10.400, which gave him a total of 57.850 and the green sash against Hamish’s 2.550, 15.150 and 58.850 total. Where the Scots really shone, however, was during the team shear offs. Here, Hamish Mitchell teamed up with last year’s open winner, Simon Bedwell, to take on Fagan and Kirkpatrick in the Scotland versus New Zealand test. The Scots were off to a flier to finish their 18 hoggs in the fastest time which, when teamed with a very low score on 18

the board of 1.778 from Hamish, pushed them into the top spot for the ninth consecutive year with a combined score of 107.895 against New Zealand’s 109.145. The international relay between Scotland, Wales, England and New Zealand saw another victory for Scotland as Calum Shaw, John Little and Grant Lundie romped home in the fastest time with a combined score of 50.233, which included the lowest scores on the board and in the pen for the 15 sheep shorn. Wales picked up second here with New Zealand in third and England fourth. Welshman Elfed Jackson celebrated his first win in the blade, or hands shearing, section at this year’s Lochearnhead as he maintained his position as the top qualifier in the heats to go on and lift the red sash. He clipped strongly throughout to finish his four hoggs in nine minutes 21 seconds to give him a total of 65.300 having scored 2.500 on the board and 34.750 in the pen. This placed him ahead of fellow Welshman Gareth and Cumbria’s Peter Bland in third while the Highland Show winner and only Scot to qualify for the final, Jimmy Wright, was fourth. It was a similar line-up for the Scotland versus Wales blade test which saw Wales’s Gareth Owen and Elfed Jackson pick up 152.700 points between them to take home the silverware while Scotland’s Willie Craig and Jimmy Wright finished second with 175.750 points on the score board. The senior final was another exciting match as the sole Scot qualified, Scott Wilson, went up against three New Zealanders – Ethan Pankhurst, Guy Fraser and Dean Herlihy. An improved score in the pen meant Ethan went home with the red ticket here on 46.400 while only 0.550 split those in second, third and fourth with the final results going to Guy Fraser, Scott

David Fagan

Simon Bedwell

Farm Forum: Beyond the Referendum As the referendum draws nearer, more and more debates are taking place on TV with the audience carefully balanced. The subject matter in most cases, at best could be described as “Caul kale het again”. Meanwhile the world moves on and things are occurring in distance places that could affect us far more than the referendum. The Russia/Ukraine situation shows no signs of abating and agriculture has been drawn into events over which it has no control, but could have far reaching consequences. Richard Wright, in his Euro notebook in the Scottish Farmer says “What is happening now was inevitable since the EU began imposing financial and other sanctions on Russia. It was never going to allow this to happen without Wilson and Dean Herlihy, respectively. Winner of the intermediate section at the Highland, Charles McCombie, kept his cool after to lift the same award at Lochearnhead. The fastest to finish his five hoggs, his high board score was compensated by the lowest pen score to give him a 31.350 total. Lewis Harkness finished second here with David Gibson in third and James Shennan in fourth. Local Crianlarich lass, Emily Te Kapa, had much to celebrate as she went home with a huge haul of prizes, including sashes for the top spot in the junior section, best of the wool handlers, first place in the Scotland versus Republic of Ireland development test and the coveted Colin MacGregor Salver for the best pen in any final. Following on from her second placed junior at the Highland, Emily led the way this time with a total score of 26.767, having picked up the fewest points on the board and in the pen. Chris Duncan, despite shearing his four hoggs in the slowest time, picked up second here with low board and pen scores while Owain James came in third and Stuart Grant picked up fourth. Emily and Stuart teamed up to take on Andrew Bonham and Rodney Bryan for the development test against the Republic of Ireland and brought the trophy home having finished with the two top scores which gave the Scottish team a combined score of 58.467, a full 10 points ahead of Ireland on 68.853. During the four fleece wool handling final, Emily picked up 22.000 points on the board and the lowest score of 34.000 on the table to total 65.200, while last year’s winner, Kirsty Donald, racked up the lowest board score of 12.000 to finish in second. Stacey Mundell finished in third while in fourth position was Clare Wilson.

responding. Its response has been to ban food products, not only from the EU, but surprise, surprise, from many other countries including the United States, Canada and Australia. This is a blanket ban, and the EU has been considering what its response should be, while the food industry is calculating how serious the loss of the Russian market will be. For countries close to its border, including Poland, Russia was a regular market for fruit and vegetables. For others, including the beef and pig meat industry, it was a relatively low value market, but one capable of absorbing large volumes when there were surpluses. On that basis it was a perfect market for restoring the supply / demand balance.” Our fishing industry could be hit hard.

I believe there are processing plants that are 50% dependent on the Russian market. It remains to be seen what the effect of all this tit for tat diplomacy will have but there are already reports of steep increases in the price of pork and chicken in different regions of Russia. In one region chicken thighs are reported to have increased by 60% and fish by 40%. Russia has imposed the blanket ban for a year but the Russian Prime Minister is reported as saying he hopes it will not last for too long.

Senior Finalists

Local Crianlarich lass Emily Te Kapa

New Zealander Ethan Pankhurst


As most of you will no doubt have noticed, there has been a drastic improvement on the number of caravans left within the laybys on Loch Earn. In response to the numerous complaints that had been received by numerous agencies, including the Police, the decision was made to visit the occupants one Friday morning, where each agency could use their respective powers. My colleague and I attended with staff from Department of Work and Pensions, Environmental Health and Stirling Council staff. All of the occupants were spoken to by each agency, which has led to ongoing enquiries with the other agencies. As a result of our visit, and the advice we gave to them, we are now down to single figures at the time of writing, which is a huge difference from what we had. I have also attended a meeting with Drummond Estate and the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, in order to make plans for the future in order that we don’t find a similar situation happening next summer. As a direct consequence of the meeting, Drummond Estate has given notice to the occupants of the remaining caravans for them to leave the land. As I said previously, PC Barr and I have been looking at various pieces of legislation that we have never made use of previously, and we are now in a position to use them if required. I think you will all agree that now that notices have been erected by the estate, and the numbers are

reducing, we are definitely making headway. This is not the time to be complacent however; as the problem could very easily reoccur next year, so discussions will now take place with the land owner and National Park in order to plan ahead for the future. With regards to the future plans, the alcohol byelaw application is progressing forward. The boundaries of where the byelaw will apply have now been selected and the next stage will rest with the legal team at the council. I am not sure what stage the St Fillans Community Council are at with their application, and I have been informed just this week that Callander Community Council is now keen to also apply for a similar byelaw in order to link in with the current application for this area. We have once again had a few thefts over the last month, which do appear to be opportunistic. A garden parasol and a crate of milk was stolen from Strathyre, and a generator and outboard engine stolen from Lochearnhead. Please remain vigilant and contact the Police regarding anything you think is suspicious. I am pleased to say that there has been an increase in the

number of calls and emails on the subject, and each one is followed up to bottom it out. There has been a vast number of drivers caught speeding and using mobile phones, and given the recent fatal collision on the A84 South of Strathyre, there is a big focus on the A84 and A85 at present to reduce the number of collisions and increase road safety. The speed checks will continue, so please don’t get caught out. There will be no warnings, it will be a £100 fine and 3 points, or a report to the Procurator Fiscal depending on your speed. Now that the school holidays are over, please be mindful of children on their way to and from school, and these will be times that I in particular will be focusing on. As always, I can be contacted on 101 or for those who prefer email, I can be contacted directly at: Regards, PC Will Diamond

Callander Rambling Club Sponsored by Caledonian Country Wear

The Club consists of a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly

throughout the year to participate in a programme of strolls, rambles, hill walks and a Long Distance Path. Details are published on http://www. in the Ben Ledi View and on posters around Callander. New members and guests are always welcome. Here are some dates for your diary: SEPTEMBER 2014 • Sat 6th 8:30am Hill: Beinn Chabhair (933m) – contact 01877 331067 • Wed 10th 9:30am Ramble: Newport on Tay to Brunton (FCP) (9miles) – contact 01786 850209 • Sat 13th 8:30am Hill: Meall Bhuidhe & Sron a’Choire Chnapanich (910m) – contact 01877 339080 • Wed 17th 9:30am Stroll: Balquhidder to the viewpoint & beyond (4.5miles) contact 01877 384227 • Wed 24th 9:30am Ramble: Inverlochlarig Glen (6miles) – contact 01877 339080 OCTOBER 2014 • Wed 8th 9:30am Ramble: Strathyre to Callander (9miles) – contact 01786 850626

We meet in Ancaster Square, unless otherwise indicated. Please bring wet weather clothing, appropriate footwear and a packed lunch. And please let the walk leader know if you plan to join the walk via the contact number given! 20

• The Villagers’ Contacts • Jill Johnston Editor Gardeners Cottage Balquhidder FK19 8PB 01877 384227

Gill Allan Production Manager Stronvar Farm Balquhidder Lochearnhead FK19 8PB 01877 384203

David Johnston Advertising Coordinator Gardeners Cottage Balquhidder FK19 8PB 01877 384227

Other Contacts...

Helen Clark Business Manager 07971 648743

Copy Deadline Day is the 21st of the month. Send your contributions to:

contac t@the Please help us to get The Villagers to you as soon as possible!

• DIARY DATES • We e k l y A c t i v i t i e s Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Bowling - St Fillans Keep Fit - Lochearnhead Hall - 10.30 to11.30am Gaelic Playgroup - Balquhidder Hall - 10.30am to 12.30pm Badminton - Balquhidder Hall - 8.00pm Country Dancing - St Fillans LEGS - Lochearnhead Hall - 6.30pm Pilates - Balquhidder Hall - 9.45am to 10.45am (contact Abbey Arkotxa 0776 6407578) Yoga - Balquhidder Hall - 11.00am to 12noon (contact Ann Cobbett 01877 376291) Pilates - Balquhidder Hall - 6pm to 7pm (contact Abbey Arkotxa 0776 6407578) Youth Club - Lochearnhead Hall - 7.00 to 9.00pm Choir Occasional - (From 25th) - Balquhidder Hall - 7.30pm to 9pm (call Gill Allan 01877 384203) Metafit Classes - Strathyre Village Hall - 8.00pm Playgroup - Lochearnhead Hall - 10.00am-12 noon (Contact Mel Brydie 01877 384668) Ballroom Dancing - Lochearnhead Hall

Lochearnhead Contact: Ali Ferguson 01567 830 405 Strathyre Contact: Wullie Dalziel 01877 384 384 Mobile 07768 221661 St Fillans Contact: John Murray 01764 685 487 Mail Order Distribution: Hilda Astbury 01877 384 681

The Villagers’ Photographer Alistair Barclay is available to attend village functions and take photos if contacted in plenty of time. CDs of photos are also for sale. Please phone him on 01567 830453

SEPTEMBER 2014 6 12 16 17

Bike Festival, Balquhidder. All Day event. Music Night - Strathyre Village Hall - 8pm - see p. 6 SWT Talk ‘Tayside Beaver Group’ - 7.30pm Waverley Hotel, Callander - see p. 10 Open Churches for Pray for Scotland - Lochearnhead - 4pm to 8pm

OCTOBER 2014 6 14 25

Lunch Club - Scout Station, Lochearnhead SWT Talk - ‘Black Grouse in Central Sctland’ 7.30pm Waverley Hotel, Callander Games Night - Lochearnhead Village Hall - 7pm to midnight - see p.2

Councillor Martin Earl Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07881 310 922 Councillor Alycia Hayes Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07881 310 924 Councillor Fergus Wood Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07824 496 019

CHURCH SERVICES Balquhidder, Lochearnhead, Strathyre and St. Fillans CHURCH OF SCOTLAND

Balquhidder Parish Church Registered Charity No. SCO12316 Sunday 12 noon Minister: Vacancy Enquiries to Interim Moderator: Revd Stuart Fulton 01786 463060 Dundurn Church, St Fillans Sunday11.30am Minister: Rev Graham McWilliams Tel: 01764 671 045

ROMAN CATHOLIC Callander, St Joseph the Worker Sunday 11.30am Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm from May through to September Killin, in the Episcopal Church Sunday 2.30pm Father Jim McCruden 2 Ancaster Square, Callander Tel: 01877 330 702

SCOTTISH EPISCOPAL CHURCH St Angus’s Church, Lochearnhead Every Sunday: Holy Communion at 11.15am. Second and fifth Sundays in the month: Evensong at 6.00pm Vestry Secretary - Mary Barclay Tel: 01567 830453



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The Clachan has undergone a major transformation over recent years - and owner Alan Garnier is delighted to say it’s all paying off, with a very successful season in 2014. This boutique hotel is now a favourite destination for many regulars, who make the most of the hotel’s location on the shore of Loch Earn. Food has been a major attraction for all those loyal customers who come year after year! This year our head chef Mark has been instrumental in maintaining our slot as the best bar food in the area (as reviewed by the Daily Record and the Press & Journal, who gave us a glowing review in June this year. (Visit www.clachancottagehotel/reviews) More emphasis has been placed on Scotland’s ‘larder on our doorstep’ with many products supplied by the owners’ home farm in Auchterarder - and fresh west coast fish supplied from our dealers in Oban. Lobster has been in big demand - and not surprising - as the value for money is fantastic. We serve ours with homemade lobster mayonnaise and hand cut chips. Our mission is to be the best value boutique hotel in Perthshire. General Manager Neil Addison says the continued policy of offering astounding value for money ensures that customers return time after time. Due to demand we are in the processing of upgrading several rooms to premier level. Whilst all rooms are of a very high standard, there is a constant demand for those with money to spend for something even better - so we thought we would rise to the challenge and create several uniquely individual rooms with their own lounge areas to relax in. Never content to rest on its laurels, The Clachan will also be providing bike hire for next season and access to a variety of water sports. Also planned is a lochside beer garden where you can sit over the water and watch the sun go down. Come and visit us. We’ll be delighted to see you!

Surely one of Perthshire’s most beautiful spots for dining, The Clachan is open all day for bar meals, teas and coffees. Try our new menu and dine outside watching the waterskiing on Loch Earn. Telephone 01567 830247 See us on Facebook!

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